The Flop House - FH Mini 26 - Oscar Noms

Episode Date: March 20, 2021

Elliott gets us to talk about the Oscar nominations in the dumbest way possible. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody and welcome to the flop house. That's right. It's time for another flop house miniature or as we say flop house mini brought to you. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop throwing so much jargon at me, buddy. Sorry, but wait a minute. Let's introduce ourselves before I get into too much more biz terms because we will get into biz terms. My name is Elliot Kalen and tonight I'll be at the driver's wheel and with me are these two fellows. Say your name's guys. I'm Dan McCoy and I'm Stewart Wellington. Yep. Dan McCoy and Stewart, dwelling, Wellington. As there have been a superhero named Lehman or Lehman, I don't know what this power
Starting point is 00:00:49 be. The lays potato company. Maybe he's a big fan of the movies of Mike lay or Mike Lee. That's he does not pronounce it. That's his power. Yeah. You say it both ways. It's a movie podcast right?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah. Thanks for bringing us home. So, normally, this is a movie podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. We don't watch the bad movie during the podcast, but beforehand, and you're just there for the talking about, but it's a mini episode, which means we can do whatever the F we want. And that F stands for the weight that F stands for famous because that's right guys earlier this week.
Starting point is 00:01:32 The Oscar nominations came out. You know, okay. I'll allow that segway. It's Hollywood's biggest honor. And that's first before I get into our, our, let's call it a game, although it's really more of a concept that we will know you. Before we get into that, do you want to play a little concept? Oh, funny. You play a good concept, boy.
Starting point is 00:01:56 The only way to win is not to play. First, I want to give a little flop house shout out to two former co-workers of Dan and myself who were nominated for Academy Awards just this past week. That's right. One, Jenna Friedman was nominated as one of the writers for Best Adaptive Screenplay for Borat Subsequent Movie Film and another former co-worker of ours, Trayvon Free, was nominated for the live action short, two-distance strangers. So former Daily Show co-workers really making it happen. Dan, how many major industry?
Starting point is 00:02:30 One, two, three. You nominated for the show. Drop, drop, drop, drop. What, sorry. Sometimes, sometimes I drop names. Nobody's heard of, but our other co-workers had Dan. How many major industry awards were you nominated for this year? Because my answer is zero for me. I was nominated for an Emmy the past year.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I mean, not this. I mean, 2021, Dan, 2021. Oh, wow. What? I mean, like, whatever the past Emmy was, the last one. I was nominated this year. No, but that's not the answer. So the answer is zero.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So that's zero for both of us. That's zero. Yeah. So Stuart, and how many industry awards in your industry? Were you nominated for? I just got nominated for a Grammy. Oh, wow. For Best Gramm on.
Starting point is 00:03:09 For Best Gram on. That was a thing, nobody, everybody count me out. But you know what? I was still nominated. That's as long as I could shove it in the face of my haters. That's all I care about. I mean, I still. You'll hate it particularly. I still want to see evidence that you have, first of all,
Starting point is 00:03:29 a child and then secondly, a great child. But, wow, you're just naming things that you think would hold me back from taking the title. I know. But you know what, when I got my eyes on that bag, yep. Now, it turns out all you really need to be dominated for that Grammy is just the mug that says world's greatest grandma, just a picture of you holding it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah. Anyway, the Oscar nominations, the Oscars are going to be Hollywood's glamorousest night possibly. It's the, one of the few awards that people care about because, let me tell you, my writer's guild awards are not burning up. I can't get a table in a restaurant with them even before the pandemic, but here's the thing. In the entertainment biz, we don't have time to say whole words. That's why we say biz instead of business, and why we say TV instead of capitalist inequality distractor unit. So we also say
Starting point is 00:04:21 gnomes instead of nominations. So this week the Oscar gnomes came out. And that's why I'm starting a new annual tradition that I'm calling Flop has presents Oscar gnom gnomes. We were figuratively chew over the Oscar nominations while also talking about what we would literally chew over if the Oscar nominated movies were food. So Dan and Stu, let's talk about first, any general thoughts about this year's Oscar Noms,
Starting point is 00:04:45 and then what would you eat as Oscar Noms? And they have to be tied to the movie. I can give you some suggestions for examples. Okay. I see, like before we get too far, I was wondering whether you were going to suggest that we call this the Sylvester Stallone, far spectacular, just because last year year we faked people out with our
Starting point is 00:05:07 Oscar episode and a lot of people were very angry. They actually wanted us to talk about the Oscars instead. They wanted us to talk about these awards that everyone pretty much agrees are crazy in different ways. Whether you think that they're not accurate, whether you think it's a strange idea to pit creative expressions against each other in a form of competition or whether you're just And, obviously, you didn't get one and meanwhile
Starting point is 00:05:35 Inarotus got two back-to-back So, I mean whether it's so people wanted to hear us talk about that, but instead they got the Our conversation about the author, so let's just alone box office. Let's say disappointment Oscar, his attempt at a screwball comedy set in the 30s, wasn't. So this year, I mean, actually natural fit for sliced balloon.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I mean, he does have, he does a great line in it where he goes, yeah, reading is my passion. Yeah, I mean, it's just tough because people went and saw it and they were hoping for Johnny Dangerously too and they didn't get it now. Yeah, that's true. That's true. So guys, I'll start you off. LaWen and I start this.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I recently just finished watching one of the Oscar Best Picture nominees, The Trial of the Chicago Seven, which I found to be, to me, it's kind of the King's Speech of this year. It's kind of the movie where you're like, all right, okay, yeah. I guess that's like a textbook definition of like a movie that I guess my dad would watch and be like, really, it would make a big impression on him. And while I'm watching it,
Starting point is 00:06:38 I think maybe I'll dip into this trial of the Chicago Seven Layer Dip. The secret is, there's actually eight layers, but one of them disappears halfway through it while you're eating it. It just disappears because it's not really that important to the plot it turns out. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:52 So that's the trial of the Chicago Seven Layer Dip, or for instance, another surprise nominee for Best Picture, promising young woman, a very controversial movie, and while I'm watching it, I guess I'm snacking down on some promising young human. I don't know what it is, but it's full of human and it leaves kind of a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. So it's specifically, I mean, all right, specifically young human.
Starting point is 00:07:17 That's right. Dan, I'm not a human, Aegist, but for, if you want to be, for the title, it has to be promising human. It has to be human with potential You know can't just be your bottom feeder Cuban or Cuban not Cuban Actually, I should have made it promising him Cuban and it's a sandwich. I love Cuban sandwiches That would have been better, but it's too late. You already said the first one That's too late. Can we can I use Dr. Doom's time machine to go back and erase the first one? Dan?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Can I do that? Yeah, Dan? Yeah, Dan. Can he use Dr. Doom's time machine to go back and erase the first one? Dan, can I do that? Yeah, Dan, can he use Dr. Doom's time machine to erase the first one? Can he? I would say probably not. Oh, wow. Okay. Not even a definite answer. No, no, no, I mean, he may. He may use it.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I will allow it, but I don't think that he can, as a point of actual of actual like a thing that could happen in this reality Okay, so guys what let before I go back to some more of my best picture dishes What are did anyone have do you have any thoughts any positive surprises? I know Stuart you there was a particular Acting nomination that you were very excited about that you were texting me about I was very excited for Paul Raycy being nominated. I just that how you pronounce his last name? I don't know. Probably. He invented Raky massage.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So, you know, no kidding. You know, it's spelled differently than that, but that's okay. Yes, and predates him. Yeah. Yeah. He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Sound of Metal, which I think I recommended on the podcast, and I think is a good, it's a good fun old movie. And he has fun.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And he is quite like, he definitely is a star turn as this, I guess, counselor in a, for a home to help the lead character Ruben, not just come to terms with his deafness, but also kind of his other addictive personality, you know, his bad habits. And I think for that, I would say, I would wanna tuck into a mound of, oh man, fruity pebbles. I'm under fruity pebbles. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I was expecting you to say mound of Melva, because let me tell you, that guy's hearing is toast. Yeah. Insensitive, it's an insensitive joke. It's very such. It didn't really happen to him, Dan. It's a fictional character, it's okay. It's a fictional character, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I was, for me, there were a number of positive surprises this year. I think the people watching most of the movies are streaming, as people have mentioned, and not being able to be wind and dined by the studios in person helped some smaller movies come along. I was very disappointed to see that Delroy Lindo was not nominated for five bloods. So I thought he was spectacular in that.
Starting point is 00:10:06 But I was the strangest thing was that a Flapphouse movie was nominated, which was Hillbilly Elegy for a number of awards, when there's nominated for makeup and hairstyling, even though it's definitely going to lose to Mank for transforming Gary Oldman into a man in his 30s. So seamlessly that it couldn't be told. It's just going to be seen. Someone yanked his bank jacket. Hey guys, hey guys. Okay, this is a section. Now this is a section.
Starting point is 00:10:36 He yanked it. Now this is a section of Astronom nom's that I'm calling Mankeshavits, where this Jewish guy is going to talk about Mank for a couple minutes. Because Mank, so I'm calling Mankeshavitz, where this Jewish guy's gonna talk about Mank for a couple minutes, because Mank, so the thing with Mank is it got more Oster nominations than any other movie this year,
Starting point is 00:10:52 which you have to assume because it's a movie about Hollywood that it's gonna do, but it was still surprising to me because I found that movie just not what I expected it to be from whatever one was talking about it. Now I've talked a lot about Mank on this podcast, mainly my inability to get over the fact that Gary Oldman is playing a young man when he should be when he is very clearly an old man And I don't know what do you guys think as it has it made you think
Starting point is 00:11:15 I mean it's taken it you know Oscar Gold to the Mank Bank. It seems like I want to say You know what I here's the thing the one nomination that I do not argue with, I like to man to see freed quite a lot in bank. I thought she hit exactly the right sort of note of this woman who is like, like in ultimate sort of insider playing the game in that she is like an actress who is married This this wealthy man, but she's also like the other character along with Mank who like sort of sees himself a little bit outside of Everything like pulling a grift on Hollywood and can sort of see the system clearly and I thought she was pretty good So I guess my nom-nom for Mank is Mank Flank steak.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah, I, you know, I'm even trying Dan. Hold on, Stuart, I hate to interrupt Dan. That is not bad. I mean, it is. I mean, it's not Mankishavvits, to be honest. I don't know. To be honest, I did, well, it's Mankishavvits because it's a sweet tasting at first and goes down smooth, but it's not man. It's to be honest. I don't know. I did. Well, it's man.
Starting point is 00:12:26 It's because it's a sweet tasting at first and goes down smooth, but it's strangely unsatisfying. And honestly, you're only going to break it out on special occasions. Oh, boy. Yeah. Yeah. So to be fair, I also had time earlier today to think about this because I came up with this concept.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah. So it's fair. So it's actually all its revenge on me on me for forgetting to send him the letters questions Okay, and Stu, what were you gonna say about mank? Well, we're talking about mank. So guys, I haven't seen mank But from everything I've heard Nobody involved with the movie was You know pulling a prank. They weren't just having a wank And you know, I mean, the movie is kind of the ultimate
Starting point is 00:13:05 wink to be honest. It is kind of a wink, but what we gonna say is, do I, sorry, I interrupted you. You know, other than that, I'd say my mind is blank. Uh, look at Stu just freestyle. I'm making some smoke some dang it. Keeps doing it. Uh, but I mean, to me, if, uh, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if like, it'd be like, Mensch, or something like that, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Oh, okay. Again, or they would want to use MAKA Shavitz, I don't know. Now guys, there's still a bunch of movies that I haven't seen in the Rennamida this year. I did recently watch Nomad Land, and I really liked that a lot, and I was excited to see the director of that nominated, and also one of my favorite actresses,
Starting point is 00:14:07 Frankie McDormand. And I think for that one, I'd probably have a Nomad Lenni app, just a little extra piece of candy or pastry at the end of the movie that you can have and while you're spending the night in your van, just to keep your warm. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah, so this Oscar ceremony is going to be all virtual right? Yes, it's going to be hosted by Russell Crows character from virtual acidity and colorist is like made up of a bunch of serial killer profiles. Oh, that's not a good. That's a good boy. But so so if it's virtual, does Francis McDormons
Starting point is 00:14:47 still have to look super annoyed to have to be there? She's gonna be sitting at her house looking super annoyed. Yeah, yeah. It was exciting to see Maria Bakalova nominated for a Borat. I thought she was really good there. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, she's great in that. And of course, she's up against Olivia Coleman though. And I haven't seen the father,
Starting point is 00:15:09 but I will always vote for Olivia Coleman in anything. So I get sorry. Sorry. I need some Coleman's mustard with. Yeah, or what? It's going to call it Coleman's Law. Yeah, yeah. You take Olivia Coleman, shred her up, add some mayonnaise. No, don't, she's so far. Yeah, I remember when Hot Fuzz came out, you put up that billboard in Hollywood that said Olivia Coleman for Best Supporting Actress and camped out in front of it, right? I mean, to be fair, I put up a billboard
Starting point is 00:15:44 when she was in that number weighingwang sketch on Mitchell and Webb that said Olivia Coleman for best supporting actress and the Academy had to explain to me, it was not a movie. So. Oh, yeah. Not even a full show, just a segment. Just the sketch, just the sketch. But, Dan, does it make you guys feel good
Starting point is 00:16:00 that Glenn Close was nominated for a Hillbilly Elegy for her role of Terminator 11 grandma. I mean, I will. Is that gonna be the scene you think? Is that gonna be the scene that play for our character? It has to be. Or it's gonna be one of the half scenes. It's gonna be one of the half dozen scenes where she's yelling at somebody.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I mean, I maintain that that is a script and direction problem. I think that, you know, they're certainly a great actor who if you take, you know, if you take any one scene out, you'd be like, oh, yeah, it looks like she's pretty good in hillbilly, Ellen G, because you don't have to, you don't realize that she's been directed to do every scene at the same level. Yeah, and our nom nom for that will of course be a huckleberry allergy uh... that's a huckleberry pie that you serve on a coffin now do you think uh... window in close agreed to do that movie and she heard the characters name was mama she was like oh am i playing uh... is this like
Starting point is 00:16:57 the sequel to the carl urban dread movie uh... where leanah he played the character mama what do you think guys? I assumed actually, I think she thought it was the movie, it was the film adaptation of Mama's family, the sitcom, which she loves. She's always wanted to be in it. I mean, it was kind of, I mean, I remember seeing a lot, I don't remember very much about that show. See, I thought-
Starting point is 00:17:21 I know Mama had a family, but it might be thinking of the Hogan family. Were they called Hogan on mama's family? I assumed that she thought she was teaming up with Octavia Spencer and there were both different moms working together. I see. Oh, man. What?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah, yeah. She was playing Yo-Yo Maws mother in the movie. Oh, right. Yeah. But then it would be called Maws Maw. Can't argue with that logic, I suppose. in the movie. Oh, right. Yeah. But then it would be called Maz-Maw. Can't argue with that logic, I suppose. Now guys, I have-
Starting point is 00:17:51 Be aware of some time for both of us. Of course. Well, the whole episode is pretty much. Now, I haven't seen Judas in the Black Messiah yet. I'm really excited to watch it. But I'm going to try- I want to try to watch it all the way through in one sitting, which makes it difficult for me to get to it. And it also went off of HBO Max like a couple days
Starting point is 00:18:05 before the Oscars announced. Yeah, which was foolish. I mean, I have a screener from the writer's guild, but I'm, you know, this is, but of course for that, I am going to cut the chips. Alex flexing out here. I mean, my union membership. And but for that, I'm of course going to cook up
Starting point is 00:18:19 a classic Judas in the Black Shack Shuka. That's of course tomatoes, onions, pepper, spices, and eggs. It's a classic kind of Middle Eastern dish. I think it'll go great with Judas in the black shakshuka, that's of course tomatoes, onions, pepper, spices, and eggs. It's a classic, kind of middle eastern dish. I think it'll go great with Judas in the black messiah. Again, I don't know what it's about. I like shakshuka, by the way. I like it.
Starting point is 00:18:33 It's great. I mean, I watched about half of Judas in the black messiah, and it was a little dry for my taste, unlike the shakshuka I keep hearing about. Oh, which will be. It's just going to drip out of your mouth. It's poached in a nice tomato sauce. What could be less dry than that? But, but, did you lose incredible it?
Starting point is 00:18:56 I mean, like, I'll watch that DDo anything. Oh yeah, I mean, I'm really looking forward to seeing the acting in it. Now, of course, every now and then, you get a movie that nobody's heard of, that gets nominated for a ton of Oscars. What was the movie that was nominated this year where you were like, huh, I don't know that one, that's a movie. The father I think is the one because I was like, I thought, okay, I am at home, like surely most of these are available
Starting point is 00:19:27 I am at home, like surely most of these are available on streaming, knowing the year that we've had, like maybe I'll try and run through them all, which is, so I was extra disappointed to hear now that I missed Tuesdays in the back, like Mossado and HBO Max, but the father I looked up, I guess it's in theaters, it's not available for streaming. Maybe I'm wrong. Mike, it's a coronavirus release that's a trick old people in the leaving the house. I think just like the hit Al Pacino classic, Sim One, or Simone, in which he creates a fake actress,
Starting point is 00:19:55 I kind of think the father might not be a real movie. But instead, it was just created for awards. They were like, hey, look, we can win some awards without making a movie. Coronavirus time. No one's going to go out to be able to see this. I'm imagining, I'm just imagining someone like photoshopping Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Coleman together and like someone else walking by and be like, great, put it out for the Oscars. This is not actually, this is for my own use, sir.
Starting point is 00:20:21 No, no, this is my slash fiction. Well, it's not, you know, it's my Olivia Coleman, Anthony Hopkins Stan fiction, you know. Yeah. Oh, what is it really? It's a movie about a father. He's an Anthony Hopkins plays a father who's dealing with dementia. That's all I know about it. Well, I mean, I probably could have guessed that
Starting point is 00:20:40 from the fact that it was named the father and nominated for an Oscar, not to be glib about like horrible things. I mean, he could have been playing it. But it's that type of movie. I assume he was like a priest or something. Yeah, I assume that he was a priest. That's a good one. What if it was a called the father and it was about a father dealing with dementia, but
Starting point is 00:20:55 the father was Darth Vader and Anthony Hopkins is playing an elderly Darth Vader? Dan? What did he do? What did he do? What did he do? He put about Ellie. It's a bit, Dan. Sorry, do you want me to fund it? No, no, no thanks. Thanks for just leaving me.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Leave me with my tips. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got you. I appreciate it. No, it's Dicks just out. Okay, now guys, we all know the big one that everyone's going to be talking about. Documentary feature. So I know Dan, you're a big doc head. You've seen all the documentaries this year. Which one do you think is going to win? I'm going to say my octopus teacher because it's the only one I've heard of.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Ooh, I think it's going to be time. I think my actual speech is going to, I think people are not ready yet for a movie about a guy who has sex with an octopus. I have not seen it yet. So I think, I don't really know what it's about. So I think time is going to. I'm the one that is like a bunch of old sort of home movies. Some of it is. It's the one about the family where the husband is in prison. Yes. I saw that in like David Erlich's top 10 of the year video essay,
Starting point is 00:22:00 which I'm really beautifully edited. And I'm like, wow, this looks cool. Yeah, I would like to see it, actually, I haven't watched it yet. My octopus teacher, again, it's like, I was making a joke with the guy as sex with the octopus. It really doesn't. It's about, so this octopus gets hired as a teacher. They think it's a guy named Mr. Otto Puss. It turns out to be an octopus, but he teaches everyone a lesson about poetry and standing up for yourself Hey folks, it's me James Arthur M. Host of minority corner your home through these but wild times for weekly doses of pop culture history news
Starting point is 00:22:39 nerdy stuff and more through a BIPOC queer and allied lens stuff and more through a BIPOC queer and allied lens. Y'all, we have been in a panorama for a whole year. The Pond to Replay has been going for... We've been a Pond to Rosa for a year. Wonder Woman doesn't even get to fly her own invisible jet. That was another thing. I was like, this is your jet. Think about the war on drugs. We must think of it as a war on black and brown and poor people, to only uphold the
Starting point is 00:23:07 caste system of America. So join me in some of your new BFFs every Friday, you're on maximum fun to stay informed, empowered, and have some fun. Minority corner, because together we're the majority. Hi, I'm Jo Firestone. I'm Manolo Moreno. And we host after games show a podcast where listeners submit games and we play them regardless of quality with a dozen listeners from around the world.
Starting point is 00:23:30 We've had folks call in from as far as Sweden, South Africa, and the Philippines. Here's an example. A Yesterdog where players must sing a Beatles song but throw in the word dog and dog related terms. Like give an example Manolo? Yeah. Hey dog, dog, dog, dog, bone. Okay. Dr. Gemsho has new episodes every other Wednesday on Maximum Fund. Check us out. Check, check, check, check, check, check us out. Hey everybody, Dan McCoy, all alone jumping in to tell you about Hello Fresh.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Hello Fresh. Hello Fresh. America's number one meal kit, get fresh, pre-measured ingredients, and mouthwatering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door. That's right. In a box, all the ingredients you need delivered right to your door. A convenience at all times, but right now, amazing. Hey, hello, fresh. Hey, hello, listener. Hi, how are you?
Starting point is 00:24:43 Let me tell you about hello, fresh. Hello, fresh. Cuts out stressful meal planning and grocery store trips so you can enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in about 30 minutes or less. With 25 plus recipes to choose from each week, there is something for everyone to enjoy. All recipes are designed and tested by professional chefs and nutritional experts to ensure deliciousness and simplicity.
Starting point is 00:25:16 To ensure deliciousness and simplicity, simplicity? Guys, I'll stop trying to not say it words and tell you my personal experience with HelloFresh. Sometimes, the people who are kind enough to advertise with us are also kind enough to send us samples so that we know that what we are telling you is good is actually good and it is good guys. I Like cooking so sometimes in the past I like I don't need a meal thing To be sent to my door, but these recipes are all super tasty
Starting point is 00:25:59 They're like very, you know like interesting sophisticated choices. I had the calorie counter stuff. It tasted delicious. I like hello fresh. Uh, I'm not afraid to say it. What was that voice? Go to hello fresh.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Dot com slash flop 12 and use code flop 12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping. That's Slash flop 12 and use code flop 12 for 12 free meals. Now back to the flop house many already in progress. Let's see, what are the things? This is one of those years, I feel like I'm so cut off from the outside world that even like the songs and the song category, I don't know, most of it, I don't know that I've heard any of them, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:00 It doesn't, and Pixar has two movies, now I'm made for best animated feature. It has soul and on word, right? That's right. I have seen the first half of onward and I've seen the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes of soul. That's what watching movies with a two year old and a seven year old is like. The two year old is constantly running out of the room.
Starting point is 00:27:23 From what I saw though, I think the one that I liked the most was honestly Sean the sheep, Farming Edden, which I got to watch almost all of with my son. And it's hard to go wrong with those, but I know Jesse Thorne of Maximum Fund is a big pan of wolf walkers, which is nominated. And there's over the moon. That's an apple. That's an apple it is. That's apple plus.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah, it's apple plus, which is why I have to. I think apple plus, like the one streaming service I don't have. Yeah, it's Apple plus, which is why I think I think Apple plus like the one streaming service. I don't have. Yeah. You know, of course I have shutter. Has anything been nominated? It's on shutter. Not that I was I mean promising young woman. There's a world where that could have been on shutter. You know, you're gonna be Yeah, you guys got any snubs and flubs, you know, I mean, I mean, I keep hearing. There's, I mean, obviously, there's in best supporting actor, there's a pretty obvious one. I don't, I mean, everybody's talking about it. It's a small role, but it's pretty definitive.
Starting point is 00:28:19 It's Stuart Wellington is two man in the movie Psycho Gorgor. Yeah, I don't know how, I mean, it's every, it's rare that they nominate actors or in just one scene, just their voice. But you know, if you can win a supporting actress award for network for one scene, then maybe you could maybe, I don't think there's,
Starting point is 00:28:37 an official rule that says you have to say more than one word, but I think that it's true. Kind of an unwritten rule. But, uh, and I just for the record, I mean, they let a fucking, they let a fucking dog play basketball in movies. They get to let me win the war. I mean, it is a good point. There's nothing in the rule book.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And if a guy can win best actor for lip syncing, why can't you win best actor for just having a voice in no face? That's a thing. That nothing will make me laugh harder in an Oscars show. Then when they for Ramy Malik's performance, they just showed him lips. So fucking funny. Yeah. I know that in our households, there's a little disappointment. That the visible man got nothing, which I know in a normal
Starting point is 00:29:27 year might be kind of more of a long shot thing, but I thought it was a great... A long shot, isn't it, from the X-Men? Yeah, it's like, you know, it's another, like, you know, you've got promising young woman in there, which is also kind of a genre movie, well, movie wearing genre garble, the less than the invisible man, dealing with, it's like white. I would actually bet that the invisible man is wearing less clothes,
Starting point is 00:29:52 because he wouldn't be invisible. Yeah, he would be drawing clothes. You'd be surprised, Ali. You'd be surprised in this. Yeah, I mean, it's just, it's less scary when you just see a paratite whitey floating around, you know, where he is, and it's just gonna silly.
Starting point is 00:30:04 But, you know, like similar themes using sort of like genre trappings to talk about problems of violence against women and the visible man was terrific and Elizabeth Moss has been on a hot streak of good stuff. So that's one that jumped out maybe. I mean, for me, like I mentioned, the Delro Lindo and just DeFiB Bloods in general, not receiving too much. It got like score and a couple other ones, but that was a movie that I really liked a lot, even though it was kind of like many Spike Lee movies. It was, there were parts of it. There were aspects of it that I liked more than
Starting point is 00:30:45 other aspects of it, but I just thought that performance was really good. And of course, I'd probably serve for that at Del Roy Lenniap. Again, it's the same thing I did for Nomad Lans, but it would be a different Lenniap. Maybe that one would be like a Benier, and this one would be like a Likarish twist, or a peppermint. You know, something just to give you a little bit of a good tasting mouth on the way out of the theater because it's such a rough movie, you know. Yeah, that's, I mean, I like that. I feel one of the things I like about DeFi Bloods just how it feels like Spike Lee got to do as much as he wanted.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yes. And, you know, parts of it I don't like like or it's not that I didn't like it It was just it felt a little shaggy But no Yeah, it was great what now you guys have to listen for any you which which cast members from one night in Miami were nominated So from one night in Miami. They know I know Leslie Odom Jr. was nominated and he's great in that I think he's the only cast member Looks like yeah I know Leslie Odom Jr. was nominated and he's great in that. I think he's the only cast member nominated. Yeah, looks like he's the only one.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Just Leslie Odom Jr. He's got to read this original song for one night in Miami, speak now. And he's great and it's crazy how he actually like re-recorded Sam Cook's songs for that movie, which is awesome. I'm looking forward to when the sequel One Night in Bangkok comes out, which is about the making of the play chess. It all takes place at the world premiere performance of chess. And it's going to be dealing with totally different issues, probably chess issues.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And people are so into fucking Queen's Gambit right now. I mean, of course, chess is huge right now It's finally time for me to pitch my reboot of searching for Bobby Fisher This is this is now here's the thing They're searching for Bobby Fisher and the way they find him is because of an elaborate game hidden within a virtual world That's right. It's ready player one meets chess instead of video games and also instead of being stuffed with references to the 1980s Which is lame it's stuffed with references to 2018 that's right nostalgia is two years old two and a half You could say and people are gonna love it because they still remember all that stuff and you get the young people in because they're already
Starting point is 00:33:00 Restart nostalgic for life pre-COVID it's called I think I told you it's called already. It's called one-night mancock. But anyway. I'm gonna interrupt Elliot because that pitch was dog shit. I'm gonna pitch you something better. And my pitch is, my pitch is, we're gonna combine searching for Bobby Fisher and looking for Mr. Goodbar.
Starting point is 00:33:18 You find Bobby Fisher, you realize he's also Mr. Goodbar. Because I'm better. Okay, so if you finally find Bobby, you have to be pretty much too. Because he is a mentally unbalanced person and he does think you're part of the global Zionist conspiracy that is out to get him for chest playing. So yeah, sure, okay. Yeah, I'm not sure about either of these pages.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I, you are right though, chest is a very big right now. I remember recently, and like it was like in a park, I saw these chess pieces that were like huge. They were like big chess pieces. Like a people could be on this chess board. I wish that listeners that home could see Dan's face as he tries to sell this bit. I'm trying to break Elliot down through the intensity of my trying.
Starting point is 00:34:06 No, and you almost did it. But instead you made me think of another reboot. It's called searching for Bobby Fisher King. That's right. Bobby Fisher is a knight who's trying to find the Holy Grail and he's got to get past these big chess pieces that are in Central Park. It's sort of an urban Fantasia, if you will, in which I mean that it's the movie Fantasia, but it's set in a city. So like, alligators and hippos are dancing in a city. You got, yeah, I guess it's Cool World, now that I think about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Okay, so they made it already. It's called Cool World. Anyway. What if it's... Oh, we have this. Okay. The Cool World, the Cool World according to Garb. Is that something?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Dan, I think that's something. What do you think? Okay, what were you going to say dad? I was going to pitch my movie searching for Bobby Fisher Stevens where Fisher Stevens thinks that Bobby Kennedy is still alive and he's searching for him. Oh wow. Okay. That's pretty good. That's better than this animated wrestling movie that LA just pitched.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I guess so. I guess that's true. And it's also better than searching for Bobby Fisher Price. This is the toy that got lost. Yeah. Oh, boy, guys, that was a lot of laughin. So that's Oscar nom-nom's 2021. I think we learned a lot about food. We learned a lot about life love the awards season So now it's time for your predictions guys. What's gonna win the Oscar next year in 2022 now most of these movies have not been released Maybe they don't exist yet. What what's gonna win best picture in 2022? We have to have our predictions right now Does the Snyder cut sound does that count as 20, 22? I don't know that it's actually going to play in any theaters. It has to play in a theater before its television release.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So the Snyder cut may be disqualified. For loving it, for hours. For hours of just heroes hitting each other over the head with journals, I'll be there. I'll see it. I Think my guess is for 2022. It's gonna be there. So people are gonna be back on theaters It's gonna be and the Academy voters are gonna be winding dying again. So it's gonna be the return of the kind of Big dumb Hollywood movies that historically have won this year didn't have a chance So I think the one that's gonna be nominated is gonna be called, and Win the Oscar, I think is going to be called Millard. Millard, okay. Inspiring true story of Millard Film War,
Starting point is 00:36:35 except what they're gonna do is they're gonna update it. They said it now, and also instead of becoming a... And that's, that's, yeah. That's, I'm just, just to clarify, that is a world where mallard Fillmore is a human and not a duck, right? Yes. Oh, I should have made that clear.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yes. So it's an adaptation of Mallard Fillmore, but they make him a person instead of duck. He still lives in a tree. He's still a newspaper reporter with a... I know that's true. You're thinking of shoe. He's the one where there reports. Mallard Fillmore is, I think he, well, what, wait, hold on. Well, Mallard Fillmore also wears a press or is I think he what what wait hold on
Starting point is 00:37:05 Well, I feel more also. Where's the person also a reporter, but they don't They're both reporters like the shoe that anyway, whatever like it's just a strip that's like Republican talking points They're both prequels to the return of Howard the duck to the MCU. That's what it really comes down to so What is it about ducks and reporting? Where are they drawn to journalism? I don't. And Dan, any guesses on big Oscar winners of next year? I'm going to put it all on number 39. Oh wow. Okay, wow. Well I guess what we won't find out till next year if that was a smart better not Excuse me a fellows. I would like to make a prediction of my own place. I wonder what
Starting point is 00:37:54 What movie might you be interested in sir? I was hoping one of you would introduce me to the audience, but apparently I have to do it myself I'm sorry mr. Tom Brokaw. Thank you so much for coming out here. I saw you popped up on the Zoom because you're still following COVID protocols. And I see that you're named down there. It says Tom, Dune Expert Brokaw, that's interesting. I legally changed my middle name to Dune Expert. I know, I know go by T.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Dune expert broke off and you will think I have an idea what might win the Oscar next year. There's a big movie. Yes, it was released on HBO Max, but day and date with the theaters very heavily looked forward to about a certain mod deep who enters a strange world, a strange world in which they have to learn to survive and also learn to form alliances to deal with the larger problem of resource scarcity. And that movie is Tom and Jerry. Now mod div technically means desert mouse. So I'm referring to Jerry in this case. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I found that Tom and Jerry really was a star-studded film that I had always wanted to see. And unfortunately, there's nothing else coming out this year that I think would really compete with it for the Oscars next year. Oh, wow. And wait, Tom Brogog just left. He closed his browser.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Wow. Yeah. No. He just left the meeting room. What a great improv technique, Stewart, for waiting your tired and you want the episode to be over. Oh, it seems like all the characters have left the room. Well, it's an up-to-date zoom-in-prove equivalent of, what's that I'm going through a tunnel? I can't hear you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm losing the call. Well guys, thanks everybody for listening to our Oscar thoughts this year. Please remember, these predictions are only for recreational purposes. Please do not base bets on them. We are not responsible if you bet on number 39 and lose everything. But thanks for joining us. I hope this year we can all enjoy not just the Oscars, but the world of cinema, wherever we are, whenever we are.
Starting point is 00:40:20 That's right, people in the past and future. I'm saying it to you too. And guys, before we go what what is the flop house Food what if the flop house was a food to leave people with what would it be? Oh man Some sort of something gooey All right, that's That makes sense. It does
Starting point is 00:40:42 Gotta be involved somehow what What do you guys think? Some kind of like, it's like a big old plate of nachos. You got your beans, you got cheese, you got sliced jalapenos for when you want a little bit of heat. You got to tell it to sour cream in case, you know, you aren't lactose intolerant like me. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that all makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah, to be I was looking through some movies from this year and there is one movie that I was now that I think about it. Are you going to say first cow should have been nominated? No, because I still haven't gotten to see that, but I really want to. Oh, it's great. It should have been nominated. I really want to see it. But I think that the movie Beanpole was not nominated for best foreign
Starting point is 00:41:26 language film and I thought that was a really moving and and at times very painful movie. But you know I can't think of any foods that would go with it. So I guess I just won't talk that much but so Beanpole, no meal. I mean you won't want to eat a meal. It's a depressing movie. But anyway guys guys, thanks so much for joining me on this journey into Time Wasting. For the record, in case anyone wants to sue us for taking this time away from them, my name has been Elliot Kalin. I've been Dan McCoy, and I'm Stuart Wellingtown. Saying good offscrasing to ya.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Byeee! saying good offscrasing to you.

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