The Flop House - FH Mini #27 - Video Games Killed the Movie Star

Episode Date: April 17, 2021

Stuart tells us about the Hitman video games and the associated movies. At least, we think that's what this one is about. Honestly, it takes us a while to stay on topic. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ah, hey there! Welcome of the flop-house. And joining me are two great guys. Yep, they're my regular co-hosts and they'll introduce themselves in a second. They are... Jan McCoy. And Elliot Kaelin picking up his cues a little faster. Uh-huh. I'm just thinking about like, no, I was just spending some time thinking about how I think all of us have the capability of starting the show like, like really professionally for a while. And then that it just like, it veers off the road pretty quickly. Immediately. Usually as soon as the others are brought in.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Uh huh. Yeah. Well, that's a thing. It's like I'm driving on a Mario Kart level. And I'm constantly thinking, that's the shortcut. That's like I'm driving on a Mario Kart level and I'm constantly thinking that's the shortcut That's the thing that's gonna let me jump all over those idiots Always wrong. I'm always in like a sand trap or I hit some kind of piranha plant But yeah, suddenly a blue shell hits you're knocked off the course everyone passes you because the game itself cheats so Oh wow Take it down. This is not this is not a controversial or a new opinion.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Mario Kart 64 at least is a game where, if you're playing it just one player, if you get knocked off course, every other character will pass you. It's just the way the game do. Unlike real racing when that never happens, but in the real world doesn't cheat against you. Well, in real racing,
Starting point is 00:01:44 the cars that are close to you will pass you. There's physics that they have to follow. Yeah, the real world doesn't cheat against you. That's true. But life does. That's true. And it's also the distribution of the blue shell.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Well, life does cheat. It's not, come on. Well, no, the system cheats against you, Dan. But like physical reality does, it's not like a bear is suddenly going to pull it. I know. Gravity did some pretty shady stuff to me the other day. Have you seen my testicles because gravity is not laying there? I'm the subject of reality cheating against us.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I don't know about you guys but the last year has been pretty hard for me. Okay. I think it's been pretty hard for everybody too. I could do a bit where I argued that the last year was terrific, but I won't. So the last year has been pretty hard. Wait, a little thing called Queen's Gambit, maybe you forgot? Best year ever. My mistake, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:41 That was a thing. It made me realize that if I just took enough drugs and played enough chess on the ceiling, I would. I don't know. That's the secret is drug-induced upside-down ceiling chess. That's how you get through everything in life. The outfits and the set design was incredible on that program. But we're not talking about Queen's game, but we're going to be talking about other stuff today. And we're talking about how at least in my professional life, my non podcast professional life, I've been having a little bit of difficulty feeling like I've been control. I don't know about you guys. I'm assuming a lot of people are going through this where you feel like you're
Starting point is 00:03:18 at the whims of both the government, a, you know, a pandemic that is horrible and still ongoing. And your fellow humans, too, suddenly you realize there may be more selfish and dumb or the thing you thought. Dan, Mr. Policeman, they gave you all the clues that should not have come as a surprise, Dan. That's true. So I don't know. I've been in my, in what little free time I do have, I've been going to great lengths to find things that give me a sense of control
Starting point is 00:03:52 and satisfaction. And one of those things has been. Wait, is that why, is that why that helper monkey you have a psychic link with has been murdering your enemies? Yes. And my enemies, weirdly enough, the list keeps growing. Somehow it gets longer. That's a commentary on something. Yeah, I know. I mean, it's a commentary on how poorly discriminating monkeys are when it comes to varying levels of annoyance or obstacle irritation. That's true. Also, they don't have like great facial recognition for like one human versus another They all look the same to it. Yeah, we all have the same thing. It's also coupled with my poor drawing ability when I'm drawing my enemies on a piece of paper Or a woolly willy But so I've been playing I've been playing video games
Starting point is 00:04:40 That's one of the ways that I've been able to get a little bit of control and That's one of the ways that I've been able to get a little bit of control. And the video game lately, the thing that has given me the most satisfaction lately is a game called Hitman. Have you guys ever heard about Hitman? Have you played a Hitman game? I'm familiar with the trailers for the movies in which Timothy O'Levant is bald. Uh-huh, yes. Oh, well, we'll get to that. And I'm pretty sure I watched one of those movies. But perhaps for this podcast, I can't recall, but I remember nothing about
Starting point is 00:05:13 it. I can only assume that it's based on the Garth Ennis Joel McCray comic series from DC Vertigo Hitman. Is that the one where the Hitman can read people's minds? He has X-ray vision. I don't think he can be a person actually may not have been a vertigo title. Now they think about it because it was in the DCU proper in that he threw up on Batman shoes and did all sorts of stuff like that. Yeah, he's nice. I've confirmed that if I watch hitman it was not for the show just in case you guys were worried that you also Yeah, had lost some time. Oh, no, no, I've never seen any of these movies. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Flop House Live Show viewers may have seen one of my live performances where I really took down Hitman movies, not that series, but movies about paid assassins, which I don't think are cool now that I am a grown-up. Although I mean, I feel like that topic and this topic are both in the public consciousness again now with the release of the sequel to the Hitman's Bodyguard. That's right, the Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard. Trailer just dropped today. Are you riddled with guilt over your TBR pile?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Are you filled with shame about a book that you just can't seem to finish? Are you having regrets because grad school killed your love of reading? We're reading glasses and we're here to help. I'm Mallory and I'm Briette. Let us absolve you of all your reading guilt. Second on a book you don't like, we'll help you dump it. Can't figure out what to read next. We'll recommend something in your real house.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Can't decide where to buy your books from. We'll point you in the right direction. No matter what you read or how you read from. We'll point you in the right direction. No matter what you read or how you read it, we'll help you do it better. Being glasses every Thursday on next month. Mucho man to the top rope. The flying oboe, the cover.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We've got a new champion! We're here with Matt Choman Rundysavage after his big win to become the new World Champion. What are you going to do now, Matt? I'm going to go listen to the newest episode of the Tights and Fight's Podcasts, oh yeah. Tell us more about this podcast. It's the podcast to power, too sweet to be sour, funky like a monkey, whoop discussions, man. And jokes about wrestler's fashion choices,
Starting point is 00:07:31 myself excluded. Yeah. I can't wait to listen. Neither can I. You can find it Saturdays on Maximum Fun. Oh yeah, dick it. You know, I'm kind of, I feel like I'm the resident flop house gamer, right?
Starting point is 00:07:49 I don't know if I'm an expert. I would say as far as I'm concerned, yes, you're an expert. I mean, I could probably draw most of the maps of Bloodborne complete with enemy location and major key item drops, but does that make me an expert? Oh. major key item drops, but does that make me an expert? Uh, so you know, I was gonna make a joke about you wasting your time and then I thought about all the movies
Starting point is 00:08:13 I watched. I mean, not just the number, the type. So continue. That's true. So I had put off the Hitman franchise for a long time until recently they just came out with the third in the like current arc of Hitman games and a friend got it for me and then that got me to go back and play Hitman from 2016, but I guess the series has been around since like
Starting point is 00:08:40 2000 there's been a lot of time. Yep, the donut, hitman have existed forever. I feel like that sounds like a storyline from a hitman movie. Yeah, that's for the opening crawl. Is it Assassin's Creed? Is that the one where it's like a centuries-long Assassin's Guild? That's, I believe so. I started playing the first Assassin's Creed game, and I immediately began in the future entering a VR chamber
Starting point is 00:09:06 and I'm like, fuck this. I'm sure it's probably cool, but it was just at that point I was like, not for me. It was also my school paper on Hitman. Since the beginning of time, Hitman have killed for money. I don't know if since the beginning of time. Sure. Hit man have killed for money. Yeah, I'm just accurate. I don't know if the since the beginning of time. Yeah, since since the big bang, what was the big bang, but just the sound of the first gun shooting the first paid target. That gun sound, bazinga. That target of that target, of course, was nothingness. The void. So I had put off trying out these games, because I don't know about like, I'm assuming you
Starting point is 00:09:45 don't know very much about it other than the maybe the trailer for the movie or pictures. I know it seems like and they have they have barcodes on their next right. It seems like it seems like a serious game about bald bassooted hitmen with barcodes on the back of their heads and they're always carrying like twin nickel-plated 45s. Yeah, they're just BBW, bald, basuted. What's that barcode about? That's what it stands for. That's what it stands for. That's what it stands for.
Starting point is 00:10:10 That's wow. Where do my good stuff go? The weird thing, like there are two Bs for the barcode one. Yeah, it's a circle around. Just wondering about the fact, the bald and basuted speak for themselves. But what's that barcode about? BBW. But seeing the ads always gave me the impression because Baldwin pursued it, speak for themselves, but once they've gone about, maybe W. But so seeing the ads always gave me the impression
Starting point is 00:10:29 that they were gonna be in action games, and they're gonna be like grim, or maybe stealth based, but like definitely grim, and maybe with like weird religious bullshit mixed in, there's like crosses or cross- images and all the uh... posters but so i started playing the first hitman game and i gotta tell you it is not like that at all it is very silly there's almost no action anytime that i like pick up a fucking gun
Starting point is 00:10:56 it's a mistake if i have to start shooting dudes that is not the point of the game both because i'm bad at it also because almost immediately i get shot to death which doesn't happen in the movies as i'll talk about in a second no he net the hero rarely gets shot to death that's the the outlining client now is the i mean all
Starting point is 00:11:15 and i mean in the hitman movies stand but i guess it was a i think i said rarely i didn't say never and say yeah it's right and we don't live in a world where Bonnie and Clyde is the totality of movies because then what would I show my kids on movie night? I don't want to show them Bonnie and Clyde yet. It's a great movie, but they're not ready for it.
Starting point is 00:11:34 They don't need to know the truth about Melvin Purvis just yet. Yeah, you've got to end the video. You've got to end Jamon Cars movies until you want to give them the big Clyde and X-Bonnie. You gotta edge them on cars, movies, until you wanna give them the big client next on it, but. You wanna see another movie where people drive cars?
Starting point is 00:11:48 It's called Bonnie and Collide. Like not yet, Dad. Not ready for it. The, so they turn out to be much sillier than I expected. They're mainly like, you're basically plopped in a level that's like a big kind of like sandboxy world. For instance, in the first level, you're at a Paris fashion show that is in a museum and there's also an illegal like arms deal
Starting point is 00:12:12 thing going on upstairs, okay? And now when you say sandboxy, you mean like shovels, pales, kids pee. You can find shovels. There's probably kids pee, don't know about pales. I haven't gotten that far in the game yet. Now, I do have to say that I've only played the first of these games, although I bought the other two because I was very excited about it. So, and like, almost immediately, you run into a, like, a possible storyline where you can, you can take out and then impersonate a world famous male model who is also a spy.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And at that point, I'm like, this is not a serious, like dream face game. So much of the game is based on knocking dudes out and taking their clothes. Every male character's clothes definitely fit you, which is, I mean, that's great. That would a fantasy. Yeah. What a fantasy. We've just been able to knock out anyone and take their clothes. They take their clothes.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Just speaking of someone who has to return some jeans that I ordered by via the mail, because I can't go to stores and they did not fit me to know that the clothes will fit me ahead of time would be an exciting thing. I got to let you know, Elliot. The Genko brand, they don't, you can't return this one. But I have to use something I learned, something I learned about.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah, Elliott and Jiko, like the size of Elliott and Jiko, he would look like, you know, like one of those sorry board game bonds. That's true. Well, something I learned when I, when I shopping when I was shopping for pants, when I was a young man, was that apparently there are two kinds of short people. There are three skinny short guys, and I'm one of them. And then there are hundreds and hundreds of very fat short men, because I would find all
Starting point is 00:13:57 these pants where it was like a 29 leg and a 45 waist, and I'm like, I can't, how is this the only pant you have in the store? This is crazy. I guess I'll have to invest in what belts? What would you do? Do you do where belts do you stuff? I just stuff a belt in your pants? Yeah, I just strap on my Norbit suit, put the pants on over that.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Cool. I think this is a work. The place to start pitching your idea for your, what is it? A small and small store? I don't know. start pitching your idea for your, what is it? Small and small store? I don't know. I was trying to think of the opposite of a big and tall.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It's like a kid's store. Yeah, I see. Elliot is oddly quiet. I think he's looking up ways to burn us back for making fun of his love of Chico jeans. So I start playing this game. I love it. It's so much fun. Every love of Chico jeans. So I started playing this game, I love it. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It's every episode is like a puzzle. I think one of the McElroy's described them as like Tony Hawk, but for murder. And it's totally true. Like each level, you're trying to find new ways to murder your targets. Personal favorite was when, I think it really clicked for me when I found out I could push one target off a balcony
Starting point is 00:15:04 and have them land on another target. It's amazing. It was so great. So did that kill them? Yeah, because they felt like three stories. Oh, okay. That's fair. I thought maybe it was just like you pushed them over their back like shoving somebody
Starting point is 00:15:18 in a prank. Not to go too deep into spoiler territory, but of course, in order to accomplish that, I had to steal the fireworks display control so I could get them to go too deep into spoiler territory, but of course, in order to accomplish that, I had to steal the fireworks display control So I could get them to go outside to look at the fireworks display I love the idea of an assassin's plan that hinges on the victim being interested in fireworks And having a remote control to set them off and I haven't, we haven't even gotten into the exploding golf ball yet, guys. But so I love this game so much. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I'm taking like, it is, it is, you know, the one light in my life right now plus my wife. I love you, Charlene. But I... But very much, she's in a secondary position to the Hitman video game franchise. I mean, that's the thing. She rarely brings exploding golf balls into my life or lets me kill somebody with an antique cannon or tricks a trick a target into thinking on the ghost of his dead mother and let me kill him with a plague doctor's knife. So the love of these games led me down a dark path and the other day. You've started killing people for real because to see if the joy brings over into real life,
Starting point is 00:16:34 it does not. You've felt nothing but guilt and sorrow since then. Oh, you would think, Elliot, but that's not the case. I love it. I am. I'm only happier. I've started listening to a lot of Huey Lewis in the news. I watch myself in the mirror all the time. Yeah, you got a clear raincoat for some reason. Yeah, some reason. Wink. I said that because you know it's not a visual medium podcast. So, uh, no, the the dark path I went down is of course watching the 2007 feature film Hitman starring Timothy Olifant. Now, this movie is I'm assuming inspired by the an earlier arc of the games before I started playing them. Uh, and I got to tell you, not a very good movie. Dan,
Starting point is 00:17:20 well, I'm sure watched it due to his love of Timothy O'Lefon in action movies and you do not remember a lick of it, right? No, I mean it Don't lick your movies. Yeah, I mean all of a fawn to like cast so much charisma And I what I remember is that not being there in that movie you would be correct Yeah, he I believe in an interview he even said something like while he was making it the whole time. He's like, why did they cast me for this? Like, why didn't they cast Vin Diesel? He would have been great in this.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah. Got because yeah, in this case, it's basically like, it feels like a knockoff transporter movie. He's just running around St. Petersburg, Russia, getting into trouble. He's framed for murdering somebody. He very rarely knocks people out and changes their and steals their clothes. Does he?
Starting point is 00:18:11 At all. He, he, he, he, he steals clothes once and then immediately is spotted. Like, that's the opposite of how the game works at that point. Yeah, it's crazy. The, the, there was one moment where I at that point. Yeah, it's crazy. There was one moment where I'm like, oh man, he's actually going to do what happens in the game all the time. That's he makes a target, drink a poison that is in the game. It's rat poison, but it's something to make him sick. Target goes to the bathroom. Normally in the game, what happens is that Agent 47,
Starting point is 00:18:45 that's the hero's name, Agent 40, that's who you play. Agent 40 in the game, he would normally go up and drown him in the toilet. That's his signature move. I've done that shit a million times. This does sound like a fun goofy game. This does sound like a silly, fun family friendly game. So great.
Starting point is 00:19:01 You should run in your victim in the toilet game. Yeah, I mean, we should, we should like screen to screen that shit, right? Get the boys Watching it you could watch you give me tips on how I can kill people We should we'll talk about this after the show So I would love that. Well, one of them would so the one shit one time he does Poison a guy and follows him into the bathroom Instead of drowning him. He just pulls out some guns and starts to blast and dudes in the head
Starting point is 00:19:26 It's so boring. Like I can watch any movie and see that happen I don't always get to see somebody get drowned in a toilet unless of course And there's also like a little bit of a love story in there Which is weird because it's like this character doesn't love anything. The only thing he loves is changing clothes and, you know, coming up with inventive ways to kill people for money. Exactly. Like I don't want to see like who Cubert falls in love with. That's crazy. I guess. Wait, wait, why don't you want to see who Cubert falls in love with?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Well, because I mean, Cubert's not a love story. I mean, I was about to say Pac-Man, but Pac- there's a Mrs. Pac-Man, right? Yeah, but that's this mom. It's a MIS Pac-Man, so there Marital status is not made clear by the the prefix there. I assumed it was I was assumed it was his mom and she was like, you don't do it right. Let me show you how to do it. Yeah, and I'll send and I think you're working through some feelings I'm very much so and I wonder I if, I'm just surprised you're not interested
Starting point is 00:20:27 in who Cuba would fall in love with, because it's like, how would he do it with the nose? Yeah, with definitely nose. 100% with the nose. You know him and that coily spring snake have experimented a little bit. I mean, he is one of the few early arcade characters who talk sturdy, so I, you know, he's got a, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I mean, he's like one step away from a dirty, like Ralph Bakshi cartoon, right? Yeah. Yeah, probably, yeah. So after watching that movie, you know, it was kind of a bummer, but you know what? I was undeterred. So I decided to fire up Hitman Agent 47,
Starting point is 00:21:04 the second Hitman movie that is not a sequel, it is kind of a reboot, and it is also not really related to the video games. This case, they ditch Timothy Olyphant, they're like, we don't need America's cowboy, and they replace him with the actor Rupert Friend, who I remembered from Homeland, I think. I don't know. And this is again, like there's more of an action movie. In this case, they cast Agent 47, the titular character, is more of like a terminator type figure, where, for a while, you think he's the bad guy,
Starting point is 00:21:37 and that Zachary Quintos, the good guy, although I gotta tell you, as soon as I see Zachary Quintos show up, I'm like, he's probably the bad guy, you know? That's why I stopped watching those Star Trek movies tell you, as soon as I see Zachary Quinnow show up, I'm like, he's probably the bad guy, you know? That's why I stopped watching those Star Trek movies with you and then also didn't watch the boys in the band with you. Because I did not need you to just be yelling out. There's the bad guy, there's the villain. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And he's done, somebody's left him. Kirk walks out for a spot. Yeah, and he's done, they're left alone in a room with him like, watch out, you know, always doing you dirty. The, so Zachary Quintos in it, and early on, Jurgen Proknau shows up, and you're like, oh, great, he's, you know, Jurgen Proknau's getting a fuck, that's great. Later on, you know what, big surprise,
Starting point is 00:22:16 Kirin Hines shows up. So I was like, I was satisfied with Jurgen Proknau, but you're giving me Kirin Hines, I am fucking lucky today. I just wanted to, I just wanted to mention something earlier. You said they tried to set up agent 47 like he's the bad guy. He is the bad guy. He people pay him to kill other people. So he's okay. I you know, I guess you know, if you want to go by your conventional, you know, a religious morality. We're killing people is bad.
Starting point is 00:22:46 We're, I guess when I say bad guy, good guy, you know, we're talking traditional protagonist antagonist. I forget sometimes that you are a follower of the church of Thelma and that do what that will to the whole of the law. And so you know what, go with it. Yes. Now in this case, agent 47 swaps clothes a couple times thumbs up. He uses a couple of like, uh, he uses a couple of like gadgets. That's cool. I guess. Uh, he does. He's a little bit more
Starting point is 00:23:13 swap clothes. Does he ever swap clothes with someone who's just really inappropriate from to swap clothes with like in the video. The hamburger in the movie. In the movie, like the hamburger or like no two kids in a trench coat. We're trying to get into a movie or something haha I mean once again we're talking about a character that in the first game you can swap close to the male model and then walk the runway before completing your job he's like human target you know he becomes the person yeah he's great uh... he's not great when a movie flips around a lot, which I don't think, basically, I was reading a Reddit thread earlier on Hitman, where they paused the question,
Starting point is 00:23:48 can Agent 47 do a flip? And I don't know if he can. I mean, I guess if the role required him to, that would make sense, but I don't, I've been thinking about it for hours. Yeah, I hear something I want to get back to the clothes, because that's really what piqued my interest is. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:03 What if he needs to, he needs to sneak in somewhere. The only person who's nearby is Elton John dressed up as Donald Duck. He knocks out Elton John, doesn't take the whole costume, just the clothing part of the Donald Duck costume. Now he's walking around wearing a sailor cap, sailor jacket, no pants, just the penis hanging out. Is that going to get in the way of his finishing the mission or what? I mean, I think it depends.
Starting point is 00:24:26 You're going to have to double make sure that the that the centuries are don't have a little white circle but their head. That indicates that they if they had the white circle that would mean they're on to you or whatever. And then you'd have to be a little more stealthy. But I don't think so. I mean, I think that sounds like a pretty good disguise, right? I think especially when he does the Elton john accent is like hello govna just going over to pp any gonna play a new songs over there on the barbie he doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:53 know what that's from that's fucking incredible did you i did you just watch rocket man i just watch rocket man but not the elton john rocket man it was the uh... uh... the harland williams Rocketman. It was the, was it Harlem Williams Rocketman? Yes, it was the, it was indeed. Harlem to all of you. So, to be honest, I think Hitman Agent 47,
Starting point is 00:25:15 despite having no Tim the OliFont, turned out to be a better movie, but was it really the Hitman experience I was looking for? No, should I have spent my time just playing more Hitman? Probably. But then I wouldn't have had all these great stories to tell you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, you have the stories of the expanded Hitmaniverse. So you can check in later. I guess next week we'll be doing me doing the exact same thing, but for Mortal Kombat in honor of the Mortal Kombat movie coming out I Mean no promise of that we actually have a normal episode My sense it sounds better than normal so with this would be this would be you telling us about the game Mortal Kombat And then the old Mortal Kombat movie is that is that what you're offering here?
Starting point is 00:26:01 I mean most likely what what I would do is I would be telling you the entire story from the story mode of Mortal Kombat 9, which is the best of the Mortal Kombat series. Is that the one with Freddie in it? Freddie, he is a DLC character in Mortal Kombat 9, but he's not in the story mode. I mean, he doesn't fit into the universe. He's just there for battles. How can he fit into the universe full of cyborgs and forearmed monster men? How would Freddie fit into that?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Actually a pretty good argument Ed Boone is probably gonna come. I don't know finish me. Now I will say in the old Mortal Kombat movie I did I haven't seen it since I saw the theaters as a young person as in a teenager and I remember thinking that Goro who is a forearmed person as a teenager. And I remember thinking that Goro, who is a forearmed, giant monster man, was introduced with very little fanfare. He was kind of introduced as if it was nothing special. That's actually like, it was like Gilgain's Island. It was like, and the rest. Wait, that guys, for arms. But yeah, thanks so much for letting me talk about my new favorite passion, hitman. And I guess go to see the hitman wife's bodyguard trailer on YouTube. They're not sponsoring us this week, right? What? I don't even know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Is that a Peter Greenway movie? The hitman is wife his her body guard and some other people man I I guess I have the wrong audience you guys you guys aren't super into like cool Hollywood stuff, huh? You're not on not sure. I'm not and the cool All right, I think that you're saying that this is the end of the flop house though not the All right, I think that you're saying that this is the end of the flop house though. Not the flop house, yes. See you guys later. Not the entity.
Starting point is 00:27:47 The police are here to take me away. It's true. Only has room in his life for one thing and that's the Hitman video game. He doesn't have time for a podcast. Thanks so much to our network maximum fun. If you like our show. And this episode for some reason, there's probably other better shows on their network.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You thank you to Jordan Cowling, our producer for editing this garbage into something lessenable. Thank you to my co-host, Dan L.A., you've been with me through thick and thin, and you know what, it's only gonna get worse from here, you know. Are we getting married or did you win an award or are you dying? What's happening? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I said the police here, they're taking me away. I have 10 seconds left. Oh, that's right, that's right. To the funny farmer life is sweet. Yeah. Yeah. For the flop house, I've been Stewart Wellington. I've been Dan McCoy.

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