The Flop House - FH Mini #28 - McCoy Boy Talking Tubi to Tu-Boy and NYU-Boy Tonight All Right

Episode Date: May 1, 2021

Dan the game-master is back with another of his infernal quizzes -- this one focused on the delightful trash-heap that is Tubi. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Oh hey Dan McCoy, it's me, Stuart Wellington. And it's me, Elliot Kaylen. I considered mispronouncing my own name the way Stuart did his, but I think I'm just going to go with the accurate translation. Yeah, pronounciation. Yeah, the accurate translation from the ancient Greek of Elliot Kaylen. You don't want to risk the idea of there might be someone listening for the very first time How comes away from the show? You know loving you there a big Hollywood producer, but they think your name is Elliot Kalan and
Starting point is 00:00:39 They cannot track you down after that and I guess I mean spelled the same. Yeah they cannot track you down after that. And I guess somebody might spell the same. Yeah, somebody might go on to Wikipedia after listening to this and be like, I gotta look up this Wellingtown guy and then be very disappointed. Unless there is a really cool Stuart Wellingtown that I'm stealing the Valor of, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:59 We'll find out. So that was unrelated to this podcast. This was normally a podcast that is about watching a bad movie. And then this was normally a podcast. Did something happen? Is this what you're breaking up with this Dan? On most episodes, even though we're going back and forth, that's still technically true, because there
Starting point is 00:01:23 are more regular episodes these minis that we started recently. On a regular episode we talk about a bad movie that we have watched but in this episode the mini. This is an irregular irregular episode which means that it didn't come out quite right and you can get it from a lot less at the outlet store. Yeah it's the first pancake. Yeah this was inspected by number 13 and they said not not going to the main store and Yeah, it's the first pancake. Yeah, this was inspected by number 13 and they said, nah, not going to the main store. And they threw it off the conveyor belt into a big bin that said, irregulars.
Starting point is 00:01:53 The point is, this is an off-weat, we got. Starring Silvice Salone. Really? As Jedadiah Irregular, the leader of the irregulars. Does he do an accent? He does a heavy, heavy Irish accent, yes. Interesting, okay. Yeah, yeah, heavy.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Anyway, this is an off week episode, a flop has many where the only rule is there are no rules except also probably, moral laws are still in effect. Don't like murder anyone Treat everyone with you know I respect for the common humanity all that stuff, but otherwise no rules Yeah, you're covering all the bases so What if what if that was the 11th commandment though shalt have no rules?
Starting point is 00:02:39 And you're like this guy is cool There shall be no wrong, just right. The 11th Commandment, though, shall not. And it's like, wait, so you're saying, was that your way of saying not God? So I guess. Yeah. It was, I mean, that joke is kind of,
Starting point is 00:02:59 reference is old God, like it's done. Like it's really tired for you to say not at the end of something. So, with God's like, if I am I all time is the same to me I I don't experience it the same way you do for me Wayne's world just came out and I'm like really so God You're behind us when it comes to Mike Myers movies. Yeah, I cannot wait for the love guru. Oh God. Oh, no God You don't I don't want So
Starting point is 00:03:22 Listeners if you have a better way of introducing flop houseman, he's right into the flop house, because we still don't know how to do it. But, you know, oftentimes these off-week episodes still have something to do with movies. Sometimes Stewart just reads us a story he wrote about snakes. Who knows, but this time it is a movie-related one. I'm challenging you to, I'm saying, would you like to play a game? This game is titled, Toobie or Not Toobie. Now, of course, during the streaming, during that pandemic, streaming services have had
Starting point is 00:04:01 even greater importance in people's lives. I have explored all of these. Greater than the importance they've had for centuries. Yep. I may travel on the outer reaches of pain and pleasure, looking through all these streaming services, seeing what is available. What movie did we use 2B4 to do a movie on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:04:24 It was the legend of Matt. Did we use 2B4 to do a movie on the podcast? It was the legend of Matt. And it was the guy who was the one that... Deadly Lessons? It was Deadly Lessons. Yeah, I'm a one movie. Now that I've signed up for 2B and I picked Deadly Lessons as the only movie I will ever watch on 2B, it makes the multiple emails I get every day recommending things.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Like, it's crazy. Yeah, now to me is a great repository of not-sits. But in the past, I was just like, to be what is this off-brand, like, weird service? What is this? Like, no one uses it that I can tell. You know, like, it replaced crackle in my mind as like the go-to, like, who is watching. But then... But then you ran into an old man who said,
Starting point is 00:05:13 to be, to be burned down 40 years ago. And then I realized that the version I had on my Apple TV was magic. And so I had to go back and check it out. Now, one of the things is 2B is it actually has many fine films. You can watch for free, although as to us as you will see advertisements, and if there are more popular movies, you will see more advertisements. But it is also the greatest repository of just nonsense trash that you'll find as well because their strategy was, okay, we cannot be Netflix. We don't have Netflix
Starting point is 00:05:51 money. We're going to spend our money buying up crap and bulk and we're going to be swimming in content. So if there's anything weird you want to find this chance it's gonna be on to be so uh... this is the rest of the day when you your old stand-up routine you might just be on to be if you're a low-budget movie nobody's ever heard of but they're probably gonna watch
Starting point is 00:06:19 you might be on to be yeah go on that was when you read for. You were you were Jeff Fox to be. That's the name. You're standing on a character. Yeah. Yeah. So Jeff to be worthy. I feel like would be more appropriate. I mean, that doesn't really scam. Jeff to worthy. Maybe. Yeah. I think Jeff Fox to be really got it across. It's also Dan would sell a tube of foxes. That was the souvenir that he would have you sign. It was a tube with a real live fox in it. But it's all bit is whether or not you might be on to be. I feel like to be worthy is a name
Starting point is 00:06:54 that just it like it ties in with a bit, right? It's a thinker. It does it. It's not one that you get immediately. It's when you have to think about a little bit and Dan's audience is not a thinking audience. That's why you guys are the professionals and I'm just you know this amateur bartender podcast or non-comedy writer. That's why and also also that you're not too bad. You should know you're too man. I'm a professional also because the period where I was kind of like protecting slash assassin mentoring a young Natalie Bourbon. Okay., let's just give the rules of this game. Tubi or not, Tubi.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I, uh, they're 10 rounds, so let's not dawdle. Oh, boy. If I had known that, I would have stopped making the jokes a long time ago. The Jeff Fox, Tubi jokes would not have come out if I knew there were 10 rounds to get through. Now, they've been... You got to open with that, Dan. They should be short rounds. I'm going to read-
Starting point is 00:07:46 Now, once again, the name of the game is Chubi or not Chubi from the book of Saul, right? Yeah, exactly. So here's how it will go. I'm going to read out three titles. OK. You guys are each going to put in a vote for what you think is the movie that is on
Starting point is 00:08:07 Tubi. There's one movie that is a real movie on Tubi. There are two options that are things that I just made up. Tubi options. Adam Laila. So one is, so you have one tubi movie and two foe tubi movies. Foe tubis. That's the perfect way of saying it. And so I'll just have you each enter your votes in beforehand to be fair. You can vote for the same thing. It's fine, but we'll see who... Thank you, thanks professor. First time. Look, it's my game. You're here objecting to the IT of the... Thanks for telling me what I can and can't vote for.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You're appreciate it. Okay. I mean, do you want us to text us here? Should we text you our answers? What's going on? I think it just say we need to write it down on a piece of paper and then put the paper on our honor. So we can't see our answer. It's honor. It's honor. It's honor. It's honor. It's a okay. I believe I don't need to I don't need to tie it to the leg of this Raven and send it to you.
Starting point is 00:09:06 No. Yeah. I mean, look, if you want to change your God-day answer because the other person's answer, go right ahead. I don't care. It's a podcast game called Toobie or not Toobie. Well, we haven't even started playing it. Dan's already mad at me. I'm already abandoning my own premise. Okay. So first one. That's what they said at the end of there will be blood. He goes, I abandoned my premise. Give me the blood. I my own premise. Okay, so first one. That's what they said at the end of there, we'll be bloodied.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I abandoned my premise. Give me the blood. I abandoned my premise. I abandoned my premise. Now I'm a space man. Get me an astronaut costume. I ruin your podcast bit. That's what he says at the end.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Okay, round one. I'll give you three titles. Only one is correct. As a 2B movie you could watch tonight if you chose Will okay title one Stocking Strangler 3 the Panty-Hose pervert Title two Clifford's bottom Clifford's bottom and
Starting point is 00:10:05 Thirdly eating out to sloppy seconds So we've got stocking strength or three the pantyhose pervert Clifford's bottom and eating out to sloppy seconds, which is the to be movie Ellie I'll ask you first this time Now I feel like it I don't think it's the first one because it feels like that subtitle would come earlier than number three in the series Clifford's bottom That's a legal issue unless it literally is about a
Starting point is 00:10:36 Proctological exam for a big red dog I don't think they would try for that. So I'm gonna go with number three. What is it eating out two sloppy seconds, which I don't wanna know what it's about. Do not tell me. You get two sloppy seconds. A, Stuart. I also selected number three as I, as I, you know, I carefully hid my selection behind my hand.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I just know where I can fake that. No way. No slide of hand here. It's possible to us. If not, if this is a fake made up thing, it just makes me wonder why you'd be wasting such gold on our dumb podcast and are pitching a sequel to the hit film eating out one. Well, you are both tube, Slot. These seconds, is it? I'm sorry, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I will not be honoring your request to not know what the movie is. I will be explaining the winners in each category, or the real ones in each category, not winners. And real quick, because we're both tube spurts, tube squirts, tube spurts. Jordan, can you just throw in the
Starting point is 00:11:42 tube spurts, sound effect in there for us to celebrate? Yeah, yeah, the spurting tube soundts. Jordan, can you just throw in the tube spurts sound effect in there for us celebrating tube sound effect? Oh god. Okay. Well, eating out two sloppy seconds. That's from 2006. And in eating out, oh, it's 15th anniversary this year. Yeah. And eating out Kyle convinced his straight roommate to pretend to be gay to get the girl now with the help of Gwen and Tiffany, Kyle pretends to be heterosexual to land Troy, the new guy and new model in town. Kyle's ex-boyfriend Mark is horrified at the plan and just decides to pursue Troy with his own tactic being his outgay self. So I think there's a good lesson at the end of eating out two sloppy seconds. Uh-huh. It is there.
Starting point is 00:12:26 About being true to yourself. Now number, yeah, number, round two. I have three titles here. Sloppy seconds. We've got police woman's centerfold. We've got funky Frankenstein. And we have Professor Crispy. So, police woman, Super Setter Fold,
Starting point is 00:12:49 funky Frankenstein and Professor Crispy. I'm gonna go to Stuart first. What does he got? Reveal your number. I'm gonna say number one, because I feel like if Dan McCoy was scanning possible titles to put into the podcast, police woman, centerfold would immediately
Starting point is 00:13:08 lodge itself in your brain. And no matter how much time you would spend trying not to think of the phrase, police woman, centerfold, you would keep thinking about it. You would like catch yourself like scrolling it on a piece of paper or accidentally typing it and it would show your phone. Yeah, writing it out 23 times, the number 23.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah. It's a real slender man type thing. Elliot, what do you have? I'm going to go with two funky Frankenstein, partly because I don't remember what the third one was because as soon as I heard funky Frankenstein, I stopped listening. And also because I think policewoman Centerfold was actually reading your search history
Starting point is 00:13:42 and thinking it was a two-be title. So if funky Frankenstein, the movie I want to see. Well, I will say first to both of you, good job avoiding Professor Crispy, that is one of Ben's nicknames on the blank check podcast. Oh, okay. You know, we enjoyed their work. So, the deep cut for all the blankies. I would have noticed that if I had listened
Starting point is 00:14:06 past funky Frankenstein. Funky Frankenstein, unfortunately, not real. I, you know. Don't ruin, no, don't, don't tell me that. I'm not a world I wanna live in. This is the worst of all possible world. What are you writing, Elliott? I mean, I mean, you know what, it may be real, honestly.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It just isn't something that was on TV. Let me Google funky Frankenstein.stein I mean they should have called it funkinstein if they were actually gonna make that sure professor funkinstein or professor he's a doctor Dan he has a doctorate uh... the police will send a ring call funkinstein yeah is the correct one Stewart is a television movie actually from night so wait does that make me a tube expert your Play the sound effect Jordan throw that tube spurt sound effect in
Starting point is 00:14:51 Don't you're messing Make it glissie. No Gross this is from 1983 you took us here Dan. I did not take you remove this line for their place I made it all of the time. I'm asking ill choice of words because he had a not take a you remove this one for her place i made a passing ill-choice of words and then you know this is a real this is a real uh... samuel morse moment what have got rotten d
Starting point is 00:15:14 uh... police woman centerfolds from nineteen eighty three television movie a recently divorced police woman loses her job after she posed naked in the magazine centerfold based on a true story. Sad tale of, uh, you know, you know, prudishness. Uh, yeah, that's something something similar actually happened in my hometown. Now they think about it. Uh, let's see. What do we got here? Okay. So to recap, Stewart has two Elliott has one. We are. He's got two tubes and I got one two and Okay, so number three
Starting point is 00:15:51 Here are the titles we got Rumpel Stilts kill We've got the balloon murders and Cupid's guillotine Rumpel Stilts kill the murders, and cupid's guillotine. So, okay, I'll go back to Elliot for the first one. What do you got? I'm going to say Rumpel Stilts Kill. Okay, and Stuart. I think, I think Elliot's on to something here.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Rumpel Stilts Kill kill sounds not only does it sound terrifying You know It certainly sounds like something that I would see in the video store and I'd be like Fuck I haven't watched this one yet Well, I got it. I guess like I guess the curse that was put on me Wait, did I I saw I saw a still skin Is this no this is rumble still it's kill so this is a different movie He's and the tagline is he turns straw into death
Starting point is 00:16:55 Yeah, I mean that's not me, but I'll yeah, it's kind of labored But I do it. I'm afraid that I will see there about rumble still skin I'm afraid that I'm what else is there about Rumpel still skin? This is another case. I guess I'm giving away gold that I've spun from the straw of Rumpel still skin Rumpel still skill to my knowledge is not a thing Moon murders is not a thing the actual movie is cupid's guillotine Really look at that and tell us what that's about sounds like that sounds like my finisher if I was a wrestler yeah where you kiss someone so hard their head comes off exactly this you would be an amazing height man for my new wrestling career by the way let's let's work on it
Starting point is 00:17:37 obviously you see me and you're like obvious baby face but no I'm a heel no no no you're you're a heel that seems like a baby face that's the thing. Everyone thinks you're a baby face until you finish them. Yeah. Yeah. And then their head goes off after I kiss your head off. And yeah. And it's hard to do that live in the ring with that actually murdering your opponent, but we'll figure it out. Yeah, and there's weirdly enough, no contact. It's a blown kiss. I mean, that should be, your finishing move is that you blow their blow kiss and they just get knocked over.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And then the, yeah, that's Cuba's guillotine. Yeah. Cuba's guillotine, that's from 2017. So relatively recent, a couple's love is put to the ultimate test by a haunted house attraction that seems to have a mind of its own. I looked up the, the, wait, Wait, so the haunted house attraction is testing their loves, was it seducing one of them? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I have not seen Keba Skitin, I did cursory internet research. I'd have to know that this is from the director of Drown the Clown. So, keep it safe. Oh, I'm sure. So, we're just knowing, if you enjoyed Drown the Clown, but...
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah, like that you said, that is if I'd be like, oh! Yeah, right, right, right. This is earlier work, I suppose. Okay, so... Before Drown the Clown took the Grand Prix. Uh, the Commodore. So, time for round four.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Here's some titles for you. We got... Skeet Humping. Skeet Humping. The Skeet O-R-It documentary. Here's some titles for you. We got skit humping, skit humping. That's skit humping. Okay, skit humping. A skit humping. Yeah, not skit humping.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Skit, like skit shooting. Skit humping. Kenwa, the mother grain, and soren fleet foot and the dragons of Dragonia. Skeet-humping, Kenwa the Mothergrain and Soren Fleetfoot and the Dragons of Dragonia. This, the questions are, the rounds are getting harder as they go, Dan, my hat's off to you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Uh, let's say I tip my hat to you, but I haven't got a hat. Let's see, and you go to Stuart first, right? Well, let me choose my only thing mine. Sure. We'll go to Stewart, you can still. Wait, because I went first last time, I think, right, with Rumble Stealtz kill.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I believe that is true. I've just tried to impose order on the chaos of two. I'm going to say number two. I think it's Keenwaw, the mother grain. It sounds a little dry. Just like Keenwaw. Whoa! Oh!
Starting point is 00:20:03 Take that. Mother grain. I was thinking too, but now I'm going to say three, just for variety. I just like Keenwa. What? Take that. Another brain. I was thinking too, but now I'm going to say three just for variety. I mean, three is the one I want to see. But I think it's, I think if I recall, that movie's a little too big for Tupi. Yeah. Well, Stuart, they say, when they say it's not TV, it's HBO. They they say it's not TV, it's HBO. They all say it's not TV.
Starting point is 00:20:26 It's to be, but they mean in the other direction. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Stuart, you are correct. Uh, uh, uh, keen while the mother grain is on to be not everything on to be is a is a film. Toob expert, toob expert.
Starting point is 00:20:38 This one, Stuart, you're a, you're called you toob, toob expert, not Stuart. This one is not feature length. This is 34 minutes, it's from 2014. As the consumption of quinoa rises internationally, the mother grain looks at how this increasing demand is affecting quinoa farmers. We're enough hosted by mother brain from Detroit. We're really. Mother brain on mother grain.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And then you throw mama from the train. And then you get on the floor and walk the dinosaur. I was telling me what to do. All right. Round the fifth, this will be the halfway round. And now I'm losing ground to make up distance. The steward is up by two, I think. Yeah, steward has three, Ellie has one.
Starting point is 00:21:41 But it could all change. Oh, I won. Oh, thank you. The game's over. The next titles are things for everything, things for everything. I'm not falling for this one again. Revenge is a dish best served dead or mission kill fast. Thanks for everything. Revenge is a dish best served dead or mission killfast. Those all sound like different sequels in a vampire series.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. I can't remember who goes first. Whoever goes first just say, Elliot gets to go. Yeah, I'll say the first one. I wasn't gonna go for the monster one, but I'm gonna, at mission killfast and the second one, I wasn't gonna go for the monster one, but I'm gonna, at Mission Kill Fast and the second one,
Starting point is 00:22:26 one of them's probably real, but I do not want to live in a world where they're real. I agree with Elliot, I think I think you told us something. Fans for, fans for the memories? What's it called? Fans for everything. It's called, fans giving, it's actually a story about a vampire family coming together for the holiday.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Again, great stuff, Let me look at it. Let me Google it so we can Tiam it. Fangs giving. Now, Thanksgiving, there's a book called Thanksgiving for Children. I should have thought of that. Okay, so, so, if Fangs for everything, is that the right one?
Starting point is 00:23:02 No, the correct one is Mission, colon, colon kill fast and kill fast is all one word actually It's of course it is it makes no sense as two words 1991 The description I I found from Astro zombies Reactor 10 V anniversary From Astro zombies director Ted V. Michael's comes this adrenalized tale of a high-kicking CIA agent,
Starting point is 00:23:27 vengeful Las Vegas gangsters, unhinged arm dealers, terrorists with nuclear weapons, explosions, and bikini-clad beauties. Unhinged gangsters, so wait, they're all Russell Crowe driving trucks around? Oh, I'll believe it when I see it. Well, that's the midpoint of the game, which means it's time to thank our sponsor, Libby. The flop house is supported in part by Libby. Libby is a free reading app created by Overdrive that lets you borrow eBooks and audiobooks
Starting point is 00:24:01 from your library on your phone, tablets, Kindle or computers, all you need is a valid library card from your library. Even if you don't have a library card currently, you can read samples of any book you see and Libby works just like your physical library. You simply borrow available books, you want to read, and then they return themselves automatically after your loan expires. Download Libby in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to start borrowing and sampling ebooks and audiobooks today. What a great option instead of watching 2B all day. If you dare to listen to between 2B and Libby, I'd say go with Libby. I've talked on the podcast before about how my family uses Libby quite a bit. What you've been reading lately? A bunch of different things. The Os books they have on audiobooks and those novelizations based on the TV show. Yeah, yeah, it's all the adaptation
Starting point is 00:24:57 to the TV show Os. My two year old loves those. And then they've got picture books, they've got lots of stuff. What do you mean, Dan? In in general, I'm reading a book. It's got to sound like so on the nose to be self-parity. I've been reading a book about the history of vaudeville. That okay. Elliot, I cut you off. What's Daniel reading? No, no, I'm just saying she as being a librarian, she uses Libby a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:25 It's a great way to get books that you may not get a, be able to get a physical copy of right away. You can get them very quickly, ebook or audio book. Libby! I like the Stuart wouldn't even engage with that. Like even on the level of like, it'd be funny that I was reading that, he's like, okay, can't take it, it's breaking my heart.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Okay. And Stuart, and Stuart, what are you reading? I know you're, okay, can't take it. It's breaking my heart. Okay. And Stuart, and Stuart, what are you reading? I know you're just asking that, so we would ask you what you're reading. Yeah, I'm about halfway through crazy from the heat. The David Leroth autobiography. Okay, and for the record I'm now reading, I'm currently reading how much these heels is gold,
Starting point is 00:25:58 the novel about two kids in the Old West. Well, that sounds good. Yeah, it's a, it's a grim book. It's, it doesn't read like the ravings of a cocaine-fueled maniac, allegedly. Not in this case though. Mr. Ripper there, what are you doing? I'm just ticking. What last look? I'm a co-workers.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Every journey comes to an end. Remember, Black, the space will be with you always. Say, who are you again? A- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- Journey comes to an end remember black the space will be with you always Say who are you again? Friendships will be tested Destinies will be fulfilled. I've become a complete bird! What? Flying! I'm flying!
Starting point is 00:26:53 On April 28th, the saga starts concluding. Guys, we don't have a choice. We have to put on a show. We can do it in the little barn. We've got the costumes. We've got a stage. We have to put on a show. We can do it in the old barn. We've got the costumes. We've got a stage. We can do it, you guys. Mission to ZIX. The final season on Maximum Fun.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Max Fun drives almost here. It starts on Monday, May 3rd, ends on May 14th, and it's the best time to support the shows you love. Here are some folks like you, sharing what Max Fun and our shows mean to them. Most importantly, it's meant community. And, uh, yeah, just thanks for hanging out and making joke of them up and making my week a little bit brighter. So, thanks Max Fun for making me a better person and making sure that I'm surrounded
Starting point is 00:27:49 by better people. Thanks again for all you do, love the pretty Max fun and keep it up. Come back Monday May 3rd for more details from your favorite hosts. We'll have some of the best episodes of the year, special Max Fund ride thank you gifts, and maybe a few surprises. That's Monday May 3 3. Until then. Okay, so at the midway point, LA has one point, Stewardess 3. There are five points up for grabs still.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Still enough for me to win, but I have to get all of them. Cash on the table. So here we go. We got maybe just four of them. Bermuda tentacles, no pants presidents day and Huckleberry and Goober. Bermuda tentacles, no pants presidents day and Huckleberry and Goober, which one of these could you watch on Toobie tonight? Should you feel damn? Should you? Should you solve the puzzle box that has been handed to you?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Number one, I'm saying Bermuda tentacles. Yes. I'm gonna say Huckleberry and what was it, Gooby? Gooby. Gooby. Yeah. Might as well love Huckleberry and Gooby to be the one. It is Bermuda tentacles from 2014, also known as dark rising.
Starting point is 00:29:20 When Air Force One goes down over the Bermuda Triangle, the Navy sends its best rescue team. But in saving the president. If you had said dark rising, I definitely would have chosen the moon. The monster, which threatens America's entire Eastern Seaboard in ultimately the world. It's under Bermuda tentacles in 2B. It might have an A.K.A. but but in two we they go for the Zazz
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's not even a good way it's not even a good way to describe that Yeah, but I hear is it supposed to be a good a play on Bermuda triangle then make it be a mutatentical But tentacles but Elliot if you had a choice between seeing a movie called Bermuda tentacles and one called dark rising Which what would you pick? Well, no contest my friend know that's my plan. Probably, that's true, good point. I mean, I know that Dark Rising is not an adaptation of the Dark Is Rising, because that movie was called The Dark Is Rising.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah, and it's not the movie Deep Rising, because that's spelled differently. No, and it's not the movie. But that did have to be the Dark Is Rising Sun. Rising Sun, because it's called Rising Sun. The movie about movie about, uh, movie's got so many things right. It's not based on raising Kane, the, uh, De Palma John Luthgaugh movie. No.
Starting point is 00:30:35 No, and it's not based on, uh, raising brand. It's not based on raising Kane's, uh, chicken finger, uh, fast food restaurant chain that's not available in New York City for so long. No, and I assume it's not based on everybody loves Raymond. The hit television show which has been adapted all over the world. Uh-huh. Okay, well, we figured out what it isn't.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Let's move on to the next round. See what it might be. We've got three titles. The first one, Dr. Alien. Secondly, Earthworms with teeth. Thirdly, DTF DMV. Dr. Alien. Earthworms with teeth. DTF DMV.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Elliott, what do you got? Okay, I'm gonna be wrong, but I'm gonna say Dr. Alien. Okay Stuart, I also said Dr. Alien, on the ground so that I don't want the others to exist. No, I certainly don't want DTFD and V to fit to exist. Well, you can rest easy tonight. Dr. Alien is from 1989. It is from our old friend David Dicato who did a talking chat.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, who might have, but might have also done a movie called DTFD of E. I mean, that's the kind of stuff he also does. The plot, a sexy substitute teacher replaces a teacher who was killed by a UFO encounter, but her research on a nerdy student is now making him a lady magnet. Oh, so. So it's not what I thought it would be at all.
Starting point is 00:32:03 No, yeah. All right. So moving on. But I can't say I'm not intrigued by the purpose. I think I can go far enough to say that. I gotta say I'm doing pretty good in the back half over here. Yeah. You're picking up. Stewart. No, Stewart's the champion. Stewart has a not has a mind for a track. Well, that's the thing. I think that Elliott might have spent too much time watching good movies in his life. Why was I watching straight time? But I should have been watching other stuff. Uh, so next round, we got. Why did I watch Monari last weekend?
Starting point is 00:32:36 What a waste of my life when I should have been watching Bermuda Tentacles. Okay. Uh, the Keeney Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, the beard in his face, and Celery Knight Fever. Bikini BubbaGump Shrimp Company. No, Bikini BubbaGump Shrimp Company is someone's Jewish grandma. Who has a shrimp company and his ring of Bikini to juice business. The beard in his face, Celery night fever what what are you gonna go with? I guess it's back to Ellie and I think all right, I think it's still me. I'm I'm saying number three
Starting point is 00:33:13 I think it is celery night fever and I'm gonna say number two because that's the one I want to watch I would love to see the beard aid his face. Unfortunately, it is celery night fever. It is a Veggie Tales video, a 54 minute Veggie Tales from 2014. Veggie Pals Laura. Oh, seventh anniversary. Veggie Pals. Laura Carrot and Junior Asparagus have a big job to do. Save their beloved celery park from being destroyed.
Starting point is 00:33:42 All hope of saving the park seems lost to tell the group remembers that God forgives without question. So why can't they do the same? Well the band reunite to save celery park. Find out this groovy music field, Veggie Tails adventure. So God forgives them for having a topless car wash to save. Yeah. I thought one of the weirdest things about only God forgives starring, starring, uh, Ryan Gosling was that the Veggie Tales did show up halfway through the movie. Okay. So, uh, there's two rounds left. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:17 You're only playing for, um, you know, your, your own sense of just to lose less badly. Yeah, exactly. But what we got here, it's currently six to two, next round, cardigans of the galaxy, the brute dispute, and Boxster's gross science, fantastic farts, cardigans of the galaxy, the brute dispute, and Boxster's gross science, fantastic farts. OK, I'm going with three. Hard against of the galaxy the brute dispute and boxers growth science fantastic parts Okay, I'm going with three I'm gonna say the brute dispute
Starting point is 00:34:51 Ellie you picked up one oversteer on this one. Oh thank goodness boxers growth science fantastic parts that's from 2020 so very you sing are you saying one year? roosters boxsters growth science colon Fantastic parts is that like what? Blank from Bunk's adventures friends Yeah, the Bunkster and he's always farting. Yeah, it's a 52 minute educational video with puppets 52 minutes like a it's like a For kids. No, no, I I assumed it was aminute video. Join box and stalks to rude and crude bog monsters as they explain all about one of their favorite subjects in the world, Farts. Get ready for a blast of facts to make your head spin and your nose scrunch with the Bocsters. Fantastic Farts.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Oh, I need to show that to my children. If I show that to my children, I'll be there here all forever. Yeah, yeah. Watch out. They might laugh themselves at death, like some kind of weird medieval story where they, I don't know, kids. Was that where someone learns about farts and they laugh themselves at death? Yeah, I think that's the original Grims brother's tale. All right. So we got the final round, big finish.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Okay. Three titles. One of them is real. We got. Okay. Booty-booty-clang-clang. Hmm. Okay. We have Balushi's toilet. Sure. And we have everybody's a kitty cat nowadays. Booty-booty-clang-clang.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Balushi's toilet and everybody's a kitty cat nowadays. All right, Stewart says one, booty booty clang clang, Elliott, what do you got? I'm gonna say two, Belushi's toilet. Oh man, Elliott, right at the end, you come out blazing. Belushi's toilet is a Canadian movie from 2018 based on the web series of the same thing. Oh, third anniversary. And then not so distant future. The war in drugs is considered a failure.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Prohibition is ended at a group of friends risk their relationships to create the perfect new drug. They want a new drug, one that won't make them sick. There's something about a blue she's toilet. So. And yeah, and so that doesn't really explain what they asked to do with blue she's toilet. Oh no. Maybe that's the name of the drug
Starting point is 00:37:08 You know something really rolls off the tongue. Yeah, I didn't check that into my veins Balushi's toilet. Mm-hmm sure So final score, you know not as one sided as it looked to be originally we got six to four But Stewart did ultimately five or six to four Yep four, but Stuart did also 25 or 6 to 4. Yep. So once again, tube spurred sound effect, crown cheering, everybody's excited. Great. Yep. We know who the real tube spurt is tonight.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah. Yeah, that stew is a real tube dude. And I'm just a two poser. Just a guy posing with a tube. Dude, talking to two guys. All right. Two-poo-tuckin' That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Two dudes tonight. Two night, all right. Yeah. That's right. So, Dan, how are those results? They match up with what you expected. Do you expect, were you expecting us, were you riding these down there like there's no way
Starting point is 00:38:04 they're gonna get 10 for 10. You know what, I gotta say, this is, I don't think this is an insult to you so much as it is a testament to the weirdness of the stuff that is on 2B. When I was riding in, I'm like, oh, they'll see through this right away. They'll see through my garbage.
Starting point is 00:38:24 But it turns out that 2 bees, you know, crazy enough to make this, make this hard. There were a lot of, there were, and there were a lot where there were very bad puns. And I was like, that sounds like one of Dan's tweets. That's going to be a bad pun from Dan. And no, they would be a real thing. Yeah. I mean, the Dan's Twitter feed has been a lengthy audition for what to be buyer. Like, I don't know what the...
Starting point is 00:38:50 To be a toddler? You know, movie directors, writers, you know, when you're naming your movie, don't go for a bad pun if you want the all you get audience. Because all you will see that on a marketing, you'll think, oh, it's just don't want to dance tweets. Anyone else? They accidentally put one of dance tweets on here. Dance tweets.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I don't know anything about computers, because I'm an old man. Dan must have tweeted onto this marquee. Like, in how in the movie sex tape, they somehow uploaded like a sex video from an iPad. It's never going to be an Ellie. At least a cloud doesn't all. That's not how the cloud works, Dan. I love the idea.
Starting point is 00:39:24 They're making that. They're like, we've got to get this movie out. But people are people understand what the cloud works, Dan. I love the idea. They're making that, they're like, we gotta get this movie out, but people understand what the cloud is and what it does. Yeah. Okay. Well, someone right now is rushing a wacky comedy about algorithms onto the market before people understand how algorithms work. Well, I want to thank you guys for playing my dumb game with me.
Starting point is 00:39:42 No, thank you, Dan. Thank you for making us laugh at 2B again. Neil Simon. Um, Neil Simon's the 2Buy girl. So, uh, thank you to Jordan Caling for editing this nonsense into a usable form. Usual. Thank you to everyone at MaximumFund for their help at sport. Go to
Starting point is 00:40:09 Listen to other great MaximumFund podcasts. Happy birthday to Jesse Thorney, recently had a birthday. And before we go, we just want to say that the MaximumFund drive, MaximumFund drive 2021 starts next week. But I'll let you in a little secret if you decide to give some money now to keep the shows running you'll get in on all the max fund drive benefits we just want to let you know because this drops right before the drive starts and you And the money that comes from listeners to support the shows really helps.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I know in our case, not only does it help us keep going as we get older and tired, but it also helps us in times like this where I have been lucky enough to have steady employment, but everything is a little more unstable for people and, you know, I know that it has been a comfort during this time. And for Stuart, thank you. And for Stuart and me, more than a comfort, but a material necessity.
Starting point is 00:41:24 So we'll get, we'll hit you with the full entire Gilt U into pledging or raising your pledge on our next episode when we've got a very special movie we'll be talking about. And maybe we'll talk about it for a long time. Of course we'll, it's the flop house. But just get ready for that Max Fun Pledge Drive. Starting next week. And in addition to the special episode, we're going to be throwing stuff out there on social media. I'm going to be doing a couple of Instagram lives
Starting point is 00:41:54 on week night after evenings, hopefully with some very special guests. And various other cool things that we're doing just for the drive. That sounds really good. And next week, yeah, and next episode, maybe we'll're doing just for the drive. Yeah, and that sounds thrilling. And next week, yeah, and next episode, maybe we'll tell you about our bonus content. Spoiler alert, it's dumb. It is very dumb.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I actually have forgotten what we did. I just have a like memory of having fun. So wow, that's a great endorsement. Like a great bachelor party. Yep. That's so Dan, why don't you take us out, not on a date that, you know, it's, I mean, you can't, you know what,
Starting point is 00:42:32 maybe this is when friendship becomes more. Well, we'll explore that, but for now, I've been Dan McCoy. I'm still Stewart Wellington. And I'm Elliot K Kaylin, I think. Get out everyone. Bye. Maybe I'm to be.
Starting point is 00:42:49 MUSIC audience supported.

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