The Flop House - FH Mini #29 - Ask Us Anything

Episode Date: May 15, 2021

For our Max Fun Drive-ending mini, Stu collected some of your most burning questions, and we did our best to answer. Things get VERY silly.Go to to become a Max Fun member! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody. Oh boy, it's a hot one because this is a new episode of the flop house. A French champagne. That's right. You're listening to a podcast right now. I hope that's not surprised you. You're listening to an episode of the flop I says one of our mini episodes normally we watch bad movie and talk about it, but this week. Oh boy. We are not doing that at all. This week we are doing one of our mini episodes, which is gonna be shorter than our normal episodes, but not by that much or maybe by lot. We'll find out. The, uh,
Starting point is 00:00:43 Wow, getting bogged down right out of the game that's what they call it make fun of me for it that's what that's what they call them base cover Wellington gotta cover every base every base yeah yeah I want to be safe so uh this episode is I mean they just okay go all those base are belong to Stewart now anyway story continue so uh this episode going to fall right at the end of the Max Fund Drive. And that is the one time a year where our show and the other shows on the Max Fund Network come to you,
Starting point is 00:01:14 our listeners, and ask for your support. And the drive just wrapped up. But if you are interested in supporting our show by either doing a monthly membership or by upgrading your membership or by boosting your membership, you can go to slash join and still get in on all the good stuff, which is prizes, pins, tons of bonus content where we do even, well, probably more coherent stuff than what this episode is going to be if you're a fan of the messiest intros and podcasting then please give to
Starting point is 00:01:49 maximum fun uh... dot org slash join yeah uh... i guess yes now i feel bad uh... should we just do this whole thing over again uh... nope jordan just let it ride let's just roll it uh... so thanks again thank you for your support. And in honor of that support, I have recently gone onto Twitter and asked are the people that follow me, and I'm guessing anybody who retweeted me,
Starting point is 00:02:18 I think that's how Twitter works, to give us some ideas of topics and turn this into one of those big old letter bags, but this is not a letter bag where we get normal letters. No, no, no, these are short electronic letters. So, Elliot, when you sing this letter song that I know you've got prepped, make sure that it's like kind of a electronic-y sounding.
Starting point is 00:02:38 That's exactly what we were on the same future. Short electronic letters. Beep-o-hoo, they're short electronic letters. Beep-o-hoo, they're short electronic letters, they're not big letters, they're pretty pretty short, and they're electronic. I was going for kind of a Thomas Dolby craft work to kind of feel that. Yeah, and I think we found your genre because that was the most musical I think one of these songs has been. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:09 To be honest, I love electronic sounds, I love electronic sounding music. There's a reason that I'm a big fan of Sparks' Disco inspired album, number one song in heaven or just number one in heaven, I guess is the album. And it's because there's a lot of those electronic beats in it. So there you go. That song is just about as danceable and as kind of an off the wall choice as any of the songs that would play in the bottom being in an episode of The Suburban. I guess they're going to dance this song.
Starting point is 00:03:38 High praise indeed. You're welcome. So without further ado, letop boop boop boop boop. Let's get on to boop boop boop boop. Those electronic letters. Yep, they're short. So I was asking for topics and or questions for us to questions for the peaches.
Starting point is 00:03:56 That's us, three peaches, that's us. And this first question is from from at Ed Miller 18. If serial mascots enter an alternative of mortal combat, this is appropriate because we have in a couple of a couple of weeks we're gonna be talking about mortal combat the movie, with the prize of this mortal combat being the
Starting point is 00:04:19 continued freedom of their realm, I'm guess whatever realm the serial mascot comes from, which serial mascot would likely prevail? This is a very good question because there's a lot of, I mean, you've got a number of monsters that are fighting this, you've got a tiger. Total dark universe energy coming off of them, right? Yeah, and like, is this one-on-one combat? Because you have a captain, a seafaring man with a whole armada at his disposal.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Guys, I just realized I haven't looked, did somebody do a drawing of the monster serial mascots, like Count Chocula and all of them, standing serious like in those dark, dark universe publics and stuff? I mean, probably. I mean, I have to assume that's happened. I don't know why it would.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Is it's also like for Cookie Crisp, would it be the police officer, the dog or the cro to assume that's happened. I don't know why it would. Is it also like for cookie crisp, would it be the police officer, the dog or the crook? It's a team. That would be the, the, the, the thing it's a tag team or all at the same time team. Yeah, I think it's all, yeah. Yeah, I mean, you're getting, yeah, you're getting all of them.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I think when you pick cookie crisp, whereas when you have, what's the fruit loops guy? It's two cans Sam. Two cans Sam. I mean got uh... your sugar bear yeah good things come in the but can they uh... you got the lucky charm's leprechaun we know from the leprechaun movies that that is not to be sneezed at
Starting point is 00:05:36 and the tricks rather of course has been driven mad by years of having tricks denied him by children you know i think, I think that for that very reason though, we can discount the tricks regularly. At least I would discount the tricks rabbit because I don't think that he has a, let's call it a history of success.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Okay, that's very old. Like his track record is not. His tricks record, yeah, it's pretty poor. What about like the Kuku for Coco Puffs bird? He's got a big Harley Quinn energy going on. Yes, yeah, very true. Yeah. And the, and Mikey likes it from the life commercial. He's a human mask. He's a human being. So he already got blown up and Vietnam. No, no, no, Dan, that's an urban legend. He died when he drank Coke with pop rocks in his mouth. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Scientific fact, it's in his biography. I think to answer the question seriously, I think, and this is going to sound counterintuitive at first. I'm going to say the Quaker Oats Quaker. You think at first he's a Quaker, he's a man of peace, he's taken a vow of pacifism and nonviolence, but it's going to be one of those stories where when he sees the destruction
Starting point is 00:06:45 wrought on his village, where this mortal combat competition is taking place, he's gonna have to roll up his sleeves reveal those big, burly arms from all the plowing that he does, and he's just gonna have to, he's gonna have to break the most basic rule, that was shout-not kill in order to keep his family safe, and he's played by Mel Gibson.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Maybe Liam Neeson. What if they were together and they were called Liam Gibbs names? No, man, I don't know. I think I'm gonna go with the Leopardcon. He's got magical powers. A lot of them have magical powers, but you know, you got the snap crackle pop elves.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Their power just seems to be that they're very, very small which I think would make them easier to defeat. I mean, they have the sound they have the power to imitate sounds which you say a superhero wouldn't have but Kyloan of Excalibur that was his power just a mimic sounds. I mean black bolt uses sound as a weapon. You know Elliot I also have the power to imitate sounds. I can imitate sounds right now. Let me give you give us some sounds. Give us some sounds. Well here's one here's a Yeah, we can give us some sounds give us some sounds. Well, here's one. Here's a And then there's like a
Starting point is 00:07:53 Good that's good. Is that like a horse? Yeah, and I don't know what that's a sound that sounds like I'm just saying anyone can imitate No, I mean, if you were imitating sounds so much you're making sounds And guys, I'm gonna I'm gonna have to go with Captain Crunch because you don't know what horrors he committed to earn all the medals That's true. Oh very true. Oh, yeah, he's he's an old-time Navy man It's all about burning foreign villages and whipping his own man horrible. Yeah, sending them off to die and in in the Arctic, you know on ill-fated expeditions That's Captain Crunch. He's seen things and done things. He's so bad that they actually, they stripped him of
Starting point is 00:08:30 some of the letters in the name Captain, just Captain Grunge. Yeah. Yeah. Harsh discipline, Harsh discipline in the British Navy. I assume British head or ways from. Okay, so I think we've all decided the next step in this in this game that we're applying Is it a game who knows we'll find out is from at Rachi Ryan Rachi is suggested we do a little thing Where Dan I went over to a thing called a and I pulled up a lot of Buzzfeed quiz for you I went over to a thing called and I pulled up a lot of Buzzfeed quiz for you. This quiz for Dan Lone because the question is, how midwestern are you? All right.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So I'm going to need to, you're going to have to tell me whether or not any of these apply, okay? Okay. Wait, wait, wait, can I do the theme song for this too? Yes, please. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, how midwestern is Dan. That's great.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Nice. Okay, that's great. Nice. Okay, that gave the next poll shape, really, gentlemen. There is a cornfield within 10 miles of your house. Yes, there was one down the block, were I correct? Did they call it blocks? Football is a big deal to you. No, I mean, not to me.
Starting point is 00:09:45 No. Dan. No, that's what the question was. Yeah. You know what a Hoosier is. You're looking right at one mother, Mike. Fucker. Yeah, my mom was a Hoosier.
Starting point is 00:09:57 So well, he is a Hoosier. I don't know why that's a happy Mother's Day, mom. Oh, wow. This is going to be a lot of cover. And this is going to accidentally require more exposure. We're recording this. Also, we're recording this two days after Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:10:13 It's going to be released almost a week after Mother's Day. So you should have gotten her a card. Yeah. I called her on Mother's Day. No, she's waiting for the podcast delivery guy to show what the podcast is. But you didn't call her, but you didn't call her a Hoosier because you've revoked that.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Like the word T-A-I from Captain. Was a hosier in that she is from Indiana, but she does not, she's not currently a hosier. I did not mean to post date my mother. Yeah, I didn't. I'm looking back to the future. Okay, next post dating your mother. Next one.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, I guess technically correct, Elliot. You have a big yard. I duck currently, no. Okay. You have a bicycle. I mean, again, not currently. I grew up both of those two. Okay, we're talking about when you grew up.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Okay. Okay, when I grew up, yes, yes. You love steak, mmm, shake. I do love steak and shake. You've gone to Target or Walmart with your friends for fun. Indeed, several times. I don't think you understand modern people,
Starting point is 00:11:23 how things work before the internet? And Dan, you've seen a horse and buggy near or in your town. I have, and you've seen an Amish person? Separation. Well, I mean, the men and I, yes. Okay, we'll count it. You say, op on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I don't know what OPE means. I mean, they're okay. I'm not a guy. I guess I'm not very much. That was a trick question. It's OPP. If you had said yes, you would not have been surprised.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That's right. Yep. The weather changes every hour where you live. I don't even think that was true when I lived in Illinois. No, somewhere on Lake Michigan is your family's go-to vacation We did go to the upper peninsula of Michigan for vacations you go skiing at resorts with fake snow for fun I don't know I went skiing a couple times in Ohio growing up with fake snow for fun. I don't know. I I went skiing a couple times in Ohio growing up. I don't know if it was fake or not. Oh, we'll assume it. You say tennis shoes. Not I mean, I say sneakers, but tennis shoes definitely while growing up was a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Okay. High school basketball is slash was a big deal in your town. Yeah, I mean, in our division, we were second in state. I was just off more. So yes. So I just want to ask as an Eastern, are we a quarter of the way through this quiz? That's the way I am.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That's why. Okay. You know what? I mean, this is the most interesting interesting I've ever been in this podcast. You know what a tornado siren sounds like. Yes I do. The city is Chicago. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:18 For sure. You've been to the Indy 500. I've not been to the Indy 500. We would inc- my mom would some- some reason, insist on having it on all day on the day. Yeah, it's a, it's a holy day. You've had many snow days. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Oh, man, this is going to go larf. You've played Cornhole. I have played Cornhole. I have played Cornhole, yeah. But I think that was on the East Coast, so I don't think I did it in a long time. You've eaten Puppy Chow, and no, I'm not talking about dog food.
Starting point is 00:13:59 No, I'm familiar with the confectionery of that name, yes. Can you describe this for Elliot being an Easterner? It is, no, no, it's just. It is like a checks-based thing that you might have at like a church bake sale and it has a confectioner's sugar and I believe peanut butter. Yeah, when he says checks, he's talking about the breakfast cereal and not like checks that you would write money amounts on. No, no, I figured that it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I would Midwest, frugal Midwesterners, I would have soon would not be eating money, sure, like a, like a rich New York tycoon, you know. Dan, maybe you've heard, I want to talk to you about some of my, my culture then. Have you heard of pizza? So it's, it's like dough and they put sauce and cheese on it and sometimes other toppings and it has to be thrown up in the air by a man Who is not wearing gloves and you don't know where his hands have been and he is not allowed to wear a shirt He can only wear an undershirt and then he sticks it in an oven and then when you ask him it's ready That he sits the undershirt in the oven and when you ask him if the pizza is done he goes
Starting point is 00:15:01 Oh, wow now when I get this at a restaurant that has a picture of maybe like a similar-looking man giving me a thumb, oh, I got like a statue of him giving me a thumbs up outside of the- That's either upside. Sometimes it's in the form of a statue and it's always branded on the box. Because you also, if you get more than one slice,
Starting point is 00:15:21 it's served in slices or in full pies, then you get in a box that also has that picture. And he's a sort of idol god that's worshiped by the pizza makers, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm familiar with that. Yeah, and his name is Stromboli. On a similar topic, Dan, you like ranch dressing? I did growing up, yes, I'm recovering.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Short sweater is anything above 60 degrees. You know what? I've never been one of those guys. A long pants. Long pants. First ones I can. Cargo shorts. Fuck that shit. I don't need that many pockets says Dan. Mm-hmm. You've gone sledding many times. I have no sledding many times.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Let's get these results, baby. You're a true mid Westerner 19 out of 24. You were born and raised in the Midwest. You've seen many attractor hung out at stake and shake late at night with your friends and maybe even visited Wisconsin Dells a few times or a lot. Everything true except for the dough. I've seen a lot of commercials for them. That's for sure. Wow, that was fun, guys. I'm pretty worn out for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Let's pick a little, see, finally something for our demographics too. So guys, coastal elites. This is Crystal's elite is how we penalize it. So this next question is directed at all of us. It's not just Dan. This is a question about vampires, okay? I actually cut off the question submitters they're at, but this is from Molly in Taurus season.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Gotta love that shit, Taurus season baby. If you're going to be a vampire, what kind of vampire would you be? Each piece of vampire media has its own aesthetic and often its own rules. Foppy and rice vampire, artistic gym charmouche vampire, balls to the walls, Copa Love Vampire. That's very tempting. Copa Love Vampire is very cool with a big hair and can use a shadow to choke Kiana Reeves Yeah, I mean like The thing is though are you gonna like that if it's just like what kind of vampire lifestyle do you want to live Like it's different than like what the cool vampire is like Like, I mean, my favorite movie vampire is probably like Count Orlock and Nosferatu, but I don't want to be that guy.
Starting point is 00:17:48 No, that's who you're choosing. I want to be like just a little, a little gross. No, no, no, no, let me be like David Bowie and the hunger. That would be a fun vampire. Yeah, that's a good vampire. Prematurely aging, calling a part, okay. Ha, ha, ha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I think I would go with, hmm, it's a toss up for me between, um, let's see, kind's a toss up for me between, let's see, kind of like the vampires in near dark, because I like the idea of having a vampire family. Like cool, like driver. And they're like cool, like, I don't know, like motorcycle gang vampires. I mean, what Bill Paxton is,
Starting point is 00:18:21 but Lance Hendrixson is like a real dad, you know? They're a real family. Either that or I guess, um, or Nicholas Cage vampire, because he knows the alphabet and he shots it. That's true. Now see now, my first inclination is to say, like one of the vampires in blade who wear like Wilson's leather jackets and wrap-around sunglasses and generally just look like stuntman They're about to get turned into ashes by Blade real quick. Which when you think about you're like
Starting point is 00:18:49 man these guys could live forever and that's what they're just stuntmen whatever. Well, I got what about another option for me, count Ducula. Okay. Okay, vegetarian. Ducula. Yeah. Vegetarian, you know, I wouldn't feel bad just you know eight catch up or whatever and I'm a cartoon duck Which is one of my favorite thing. I think you could also be a really good funicular. You would be a great Benicula Dan Yeah, and I would say I feel like last low from what we do in the shadows the television program. I mean, that's the ideal right Jackie Daytona human bartender. Yeah, I think so. That's a good point. That's a very good point. Yeah. Okay. So I think we've put that that question
Starting point is 00:19:30 to bed in a coffin. So we get a couple of questions from listeners about if it bothers us that they nap or fall asleep while listening to our voices. How do you guys feel about that? or fall asleep while listening to our voices. How do you guys feel about that? I mean, only in so much as I don't want us to do anything unhealthy. I don't want to like, worm our way into people's brains in a way that's going to come. Oh, like a maturing candidate thing.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah, I just, I mean, I don't want to- Ready? Do you think we're actually going into people's dreams, Dan? Because I don't know, I've not been able to crack that. That would be fucking great. I've always wanted to be able to stretch my arms out super long And I feel like my only option is to get into somebody's dreams to do that I'm just saying that I don't think anyone's done. Well you can't do that in real life How thinking scientists have done any tests any doctors have done any tests on like
Starting point is 00:20:22 Prolonged sleep exposure to the flop house, that's my only concern. You know any ill effects. Luckily, luckily we have an enormous control group in the form of everyone else in the history of the world. Yeah, that's true. No, I, you know, like, I don't know, I I have a few podcasts that I fall asleep listening to is not an insult to those podcasts. that I fall asleep listening to is not an insult to those podcasts. Often, as you know, episodes I've heard before, but I find it comforting. And so it is very sweet that anyone might find us comforting. Yeah, I mean, sleep is a precious commodity, a precious resource in this world. In this modern world, it's right up there with food and water and air, frankly, is good
Starting point is 00:21:01 sleep. So if we can help you get to it, all the better. Like Dan's saying, if someone finds my voice soothing rather than grating, that's fantastic. Go ahead, I often read to my wife and she'll fall asleep and I always take it as a compliment because it means what my voice is not attacking her ears like an ice pick.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And I feel like my, so when my wife and I, I think it was before we got married. I was a big fan of the song, I'm by St. Fire books by George R. Martin. And I want it. I'm like, I feel like Charlene would like these, but I don't think she's going to actually sit down and read these fucking things because there's so many in there long.
Starting point is 00:21:42 So I came up with a decision to read them out loud to her. And so I started reading them out loud to her before bed. And then we would, depending on, depending on the day, we'd get a couple of pages in and then she would pass out. And I feel like after a while, it just the sound of me reading the book and doing my teary and voice and everything. That probably hear this teerea voice now.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Oh no, just like my bare feet, you're gonna have to pay for that premium content, baby. Yeah, fair, fair. And I was pretty, I was really proud of my Sander Klegane voice, the hound, but once again, you gotta pay for that. But I'm like, and then after doing that for eventually getting through all the books, she then realized that she just
Starting point is 00:22:29 really likes books on tape and is like super into books on tape and listens to those every night before bed and several listening to me doing my dumb bullshit. But what I'm trying to say is, that's probably the same thing, right? And it didn't bother me that. What I'm trying to say is, now every time I talk to my wife, she's just asleep. It's dangerous when she's driving. Okay. Now we have another game, guys.
Starting point is 00:22:53 This is a little game where you guys can earn points and prizes. And by guys, I mean you, you Dan and you Elliott. Oh wow. This is a game suggested by. Hey hey everybody. It's another visit from the game guys the game guys Dan and Ellie it play in games with game master stew work put and then through their paces. It's the game guys Yep, this is this is a promotional content paid for by Spiral from the book of saw Would you like to play a little game Chris rock? Find out Game stop a stock that should not be worth very much from the book of SAW. Would you like to play a little game, Chris Rock? Yeah, fine, that's right. I brought to you by GameStop, a stock that should not be worth very much.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Okay, so the way this game works is I'm going to list a fictional character and the first one of you to name and describe the fictional podcast that they would create in that world gets a point. So for instance, the first character I will name is Dr. Alan Grant. What is the name of his podcast and what is it about? Dr. Alan Grant from Jurassic Park. Yeah, yeah. So the name of his podcast is I used to hate kids too. And it's a parenting podcast for people who are always having to take care of their friends' kids. Because as you know, his arc in the movie is, he doesn't like kids.
Starting point is 00:24:05 He also doesn't really know how a seatbelt works. By the end of the movie, he likes kids and he knows how a seatbelt works. That's what it is. So maybe his podcast is about seatbelts. Okay, and once again, what's the name of that podcast? I used to hate kids too, hosted by Dr. Alan Grant. Okay. Okay, so early gets a point.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Next, uh, yeah, next character, if this is based on speed of coming up with nonsense, I can give you a spoiler alert. You're a disadvantage. But then you know, the Washington generals are a disadvantage. Now I feel like dance hustling me. Dance been hustling me all these years waiting for this moment. Yeah, that's a really long program too. Okay, the next character is Claire Colburn. That's right. Kirsten Dunst is a character from the movie, Elizabeth Town. What's her podcast and what's it? I know. Her podcast is called Am I in Garden State?
Starting point is 00:25:00 And every episode, she talks to a different celebrity about whether she's in the movie Garden State or if she's in the other movie, which is kind of a rip off of Garden State. Yeah. My name is Lauren. I live in LA and now and I've seriously enjoyed having the flop house as a podcast to listen to legitimately any time of the day. I listen to it on long-car drives. I listen following asleep. It is my comfort podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It is something that I know I can turn on anytime and feel good for at least an hour and a half while the peaches talk. And it's really awesome to have that in my life. So thank you guys, thank you Dan, thank you Stuart, and thank you Elliot for the Swap House. Okay, bye. Hi, my name is Paul and I'm calling from Denver, Colorado. I'm called about the flop house. I'm about 15 years older than Dan and I don't watch movies very much. Not bad, bad, not good, bad, or even those I kind of like. I did grow up on Mr. Science Theatre 3,000
Starting point is 00:26:18 though and you guys are the best things since not even close. This is what I really wanted to say, though. Beginning in early November 2016, you guys became the only thing I could even listen to. The camaraderie, the humor, it was just my warm, comfy chair. And I haven't stopped. I have listened to every single episode with your original peaches so many times I can't even tell you and I still cry laughing at their classic bits. So thank you for everything with the possible
Starting point is 00:26:58 exception of Elliot's letter songs. I love you guys so much I cannot even begin to tell you. This next or that's only a point for Elliot. You're you guys so much. I cannot even begin to tell you. This next, that's the only point for Elliott. You're about to win. Uh, but I think Dan, this one, this one's kind of a softball pitch for my boy, Danny McCoy. That's right. Danny, Danny baby boy McCoy. What is the podcast made by Lloyd Dobler? That's right. John Q. Sack from say anything. that's right, John Q.sack from say anything. I was called the Doppler effect. Okay. And it's him just sort of like telling tales of woe
Starting point is 00:27:35 from his romantic life. This is him much later on in him saying how he has learned not to wake people up in the middle of the night with uh... uh... boom boxes if i can i don't i don't want to take away dance plan just to jump in and he's also probably talking a lot about kickboxing oh yeah now he's he he is fascinated with kickboxing and he will describe it to you at great length
Starting point is 00:28:01 uh... okay yeah that's great uh What was the, the Doppler effect? Perfect. The Doppler effect. Okay, man, back in the scoreboard, Dan, I love this. That was a fast one. That was a fast one. Okay, guys, what is the fictional podcast of Luther Strickel? I didn't know his last name.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Luther from the Mission Impossible movies played by Vingraimes. What's his podcast? Oh. Oh, God. It's called, hey, I'm here. Oh, wow. Okay. All right. Okay. Interesting. And it's about how he's made it all those movies. You forget that he's an animal. Like he's in all of them. Yeah, he's the guy who just shows up and you're like, wait, wow, I didn't know that there's so much consistency in these movies.
Starting point is 00:28:45 But there's a different way. That is. Every time I watch a mission of Paul's movie, I am always surprised by that they're being continuity from the previous movie. Now, we said all of them is, I can't remember his e into. Oh, yeah. That's the little, I'm looking at the MbV right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, he's in all of them. That's kind of amazing. Like, I feel like there'd be a section in his podcast where he's just talking about what is buddy Ethan Hunt, like, like, little tips about Ethan Hunt or like, things Ethan Hunt likes to do or like, I bet he gets a lot of questions about Ethan Hunt and he's like, I'm gonna get him on as a guest
Starting point is 00:29:16 one of these days, but he's super busy. He's hanging off of something right now where else he'd be in the episode. Okay, and let's wrap this up. Cameron Poe from Conair. What is Cameron Poe from Conair's podcast? It's called poetry and motion. And it's about how to get gleaming, luxurious,
Starting point is 00:29:44 locks of hair that will blow in the wind. Okay, interesting. I mean, my wife watches a lot, I'm going to say a lot of YouTube channels about how to get like the perfect curly hair. We can go on about the curly girl method and all that shit and the various drama involved in those various groups. So I think there's actually a pretty big market for poetry and motion dance. So that's, groups. So I think there's actually a pretty big market for poetry and motion dance. So that's, I mean, I think he's gonna make some money
Starting point is 00:30:08 off of that. It's amazing that the thing I was gonna say was con hair. And it was, it's like, and it would be his hair podcast, yeah. Nice. Okay, so it looks like Dan wins. Elliot, can you tell Dan what a prize C1 this time? Dan, here are the prizes that you won.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Well, you do get the feeling of knowing that you bested your friend in a made up game that doesn't mean anything. And you win judging by your Zoom window, a selection of boxes, a selection of packing and moving boxes which have not been opened yet. Yeah. Elliot, I hate to burst your bubble,
Starting point is 00:30:44 but basically no games matter at all either. Oh wow. And this comes from a due to plays a lot of games. Yeah, it's very nihilistic coming from here. So this is actually pretty topical. Somebody asked us about the new Venom let there be carnage trailer. And that's something we were actually texting about.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Because you know what? Saw that trailer? Kind of liked it. It opened with a lot of silly stuff with that symbiote just slapping shit around and trying to make breakfast or whatever. I mean the idea of the symbiote covering Eddie with ketchup. He does not eat a ketchup ball, right? Hilarious. Yeah, it's a now it's an odd couple Sitka not a not a fan of Woody Harrelson's not having goofy clown hair like he had at the end of the first movie But what are you gonna do? Yeah, it's like when they,
Starting point is 00:31:26 it's like in the Marvel movies when they're like, okay, Wanda Maximoff doesn't need to have the craziest accent or Bennett Cumberbatch doesn't need to have the craziest New York accent. Like, fuck that, bring that ship back. That was exciting. I mean, I guess it like plays up the idea of like, the Marvel movies are generally so they're,
Starting point is 00:31:44 they're well put together but they are kind of they're kind of evened out in a little way so that like the the sillier shit kind of gets evened out over time. I don't know. So that like you get excited when you're like what the fuck is going on with this accent? Sorry sorry to hurt is to talk shit about Marvel. I know you know. I'm just no'm just, no, I mean, it's fine. I enjoy them a lot, but there was a certain corporate, corporate sameness gloss to them, you could say. Although, I mean, I love that they watch the first Vanna movie and obviously they felt the same way I did
Starting point is 00:32:16 that the best thing in it was Tom Hardy getting into a tank of lobsters and just taking a bite out of one of them. And they said, let's make that the spirit animal, that lobst really took a bite out of for the second movie. Double down on that. Okay, so in the past, I lit, we've got a lot of requests for collabs between me and you on a comic book property.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Obviously that makes sense. And this is from user at control underscore x, is the invisible maniac in the same universe as maniac of New York. No. Just for just for listeners out there that I mean just for just for if anyone's wondering not that I have anything against the invisible maniac. I mean he kills the guy with a separate sandwich you know and by doing a Mario brother snomp on a guy's head. Yeah, but just to point out that Maniac of New York is Elliott, it's comic book that's out right now. I think it's my comic book.
Starting point is 00:33:13 It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book.
Starting point is 00:33:21 It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. It's my comic book. in the first series. But in the maniac of New York, there's only one kind of like out of the ordinary supernatural-ish thing. And that's the maniac of New York, maniac Harry. There's kind of not room for the invisible maniac. I mean, maniac, New York.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Let me just point out that there's in the invisible maniac movie, there's only one supernatural thing in that too, and that's the invisible maniac. It's not like there's also magic and laser beams and stuff. I mean, where does it take that's the invisible maniac. It's not like there's also magic and like laser beams and stuff. I mean, where does it take place the invisible maniac? Science is not really that sort of a map. It's hard science. It's hard science fiction. It's all it's all replicable.
Starting point is 00:33:57 It's the experience. I'm intrigued by the idea of a maniac averse. by the idea of a maniac averse. I just like the idea of this idea that the invisible maniac is based on science. It's based on a Stephen Baxter novel or something. I'm simply saying he does not become invisible through a spell that is placed on. No, it's through a magic explosion that he creates. There doesn't grab the eye of Agamada or something.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I mean, you're saying it's magical, but I refer you to Arthur C. Clark and that you just the you know, it's tech technology That has advanced so far that it appears to be magic to you now. So where does it be untrained? I'm not a scientist and I am any under the hall according to 23 and me I am like 0.2% the end of the world. It's great. The part of me that is not Ashkenazi Jewish is is neanderthal But so splines the body here I mean both sides that comes from both sides, Julie. The maniac of New York is in New York.
Starting point is 00:34:51 If the invisible maniac is happening somewhere in the heartland, Dan's beloved Midwest, it could be happening the same university just never encounter each other. You know? Sure. I mean, for all we know, the creature from the Black Lagoon exists in the Marvel and DC universes,
Starting point is 00:35:08 they just never go there, you know? I mean, I assume that most movies share a universe in that they're set on the planet Earth at various points in human history. Most movies are, yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I think we put that one to bed once again in a call from like a vampire this next question because there's no vampires in many of
Starting point is 00:35:30 you are continue this question is maybe if there are science vampires right yeah yeah science if someone if it's Michael Morbius the living vampire who drank a serum that turned him into a vampire yes yes, a science vampire, as played by Jared Leto in the upcoming film Morbius. Yeah, kill me. Okay, so we got a topical. It's so amazing to me that Morbius, they advertised it a while ago, and not a lot of talk about Morbius,
Starting point is 00:35:56 but Venom, everyone's like, oh, this new thing, I mean, well, Michael Morbius is just sitting around going, like, I'm also tangentially related to the spider verse. Yeah, we had a movie, I'm a bad guy. There the spider verse. Yeah, we had I have a movie. I'm a bad guy. There's a great route. I mean, I've been edging this whole time. I mean, what are they going to?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Is it like how we just got the fucking Green Knight trailer today? And after what a year and a half, like, when are we going to get? What are we going to get that fucking candy man movie? I mean, COVID kind of got in the way. And they were releasing movies in the theaters for about a year and a half. I can't wait to see it. Yeah, that's true. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Okay, so we got a topical question here. That's like, I literally thought the other day I was like, did that new Ghostbusters movie come out already? And I forgot about it. Yeah. It's like, oh no, they delayed the release, which makes sense. But. Uh, same thing happened with Fast and Furious 9.
Starting point is 00:36:42 But um, okay, so topical question here. In honor of the new Mitchel's versus the machines release, a movie I recommend on a recent episode of the podcast and also features the voice talents of friend of the podcast, Griffin McElroy. What are your favorite movie robots? And what do you think makes a movie robot engaging slash fun to watch?
Starting point is 00:37:01 That's a good question from Paus Amandius. Well, I mean, I can only speak for myself for my favorite movie robots. I'll name them starting with three, going to two and then going to one. Number three, 82.09, because he's large and in charge.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And he does not always have control of himself. I love it. Number two, C3PO. What makes a good movie robot is when he is cowardly, pretty effeminate and complaining all the time. I love it. Number one, Gunk droid. He's just got, look, he's just, he's so confident.
Starting point is 00:37:33 He just carries himself in a way that says he's a boss. Yeah. Two injuries, some showers. I love it. Dane, you got a favorite movie robot? You know, I will have a sentimental favorite, pardon me, sentimental, sentimental. Jordan, leave all that in it please. Luke it a couple of times please.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yeah, thank Jordan, make it into a ringtone and then make that downloadable content for a flop I was tone-er. No, my sentimental favorite might be Johnny V from the film Short Circuit. I film with, you know, problems, chief of Mugroom, Fisher Stevens playing an Indian man, but it is a very sort of, it is a believably functional robot design that is also very cute. The eyes obviously very similar to the ones used later by Wally just a good look for a cute robot. You got to like a robot that has eyebrows. And also you're complaining that Wally at no point joins a street gang like Johnny five does in part. Yeah, that loves the levels.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah, we don't know if Wally can kick your balls into outer space. point joins a street gang like Johnny five does in part two. The Los Alamos. Yeah. We don't know if Wally can kick your balls into outer space. So he does go into outer space. As a kid, that was like, I watched that movie. I'm like, I got to learn that fucking rap. I got to learn it so bad. I got to be able to recite it because if I can't recite it, pitch perfect. The other kids are going to make fun of me.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I don't know if it's my favorite, but a reason one that I really liked was the weird like square robot in interstellar, which was like a design that I, I think we talked about this on the show. It was a design that like I've never, like I've never really seen before, like it felt new, which you don't get that very often, like it's definitely not, like anthropomorphic in any way. And it like, And all of a sudden when it started moving and it just turned into a wheel kind of thing, like, oh man, that was cool, it was weird. So.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Kind of on the other side of that, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna give another robot on my list and that's gonna be Maria from Metropolis, which is very C3POE looking, but also sexy, and not as if C3PO is not sexy. Come on, but anyway, but more so. And when she has a- Yeah, give me that sorry I'm a parent of a Boudoir parent of C-3PO. And when she looks like a person, when they put a, they put overlay her with Maria the
Starting point is 00:39:57 human, I love the way that that actress, what's her name, I'm forgetting it now, she really embodies this kind of like sexy evil robot. And she kind of half squints one of her eyes, but keeps the other one wide open, and moves her head around in a really crazy way, that it's just like really jerky and geometric and mechanical. And I just love that robot both has a robot and one in human form.
Starting point is 00:40:21 So Maria, I'm gonna look up the name of that actress. It's really bothering me that I can't remember it. Okay, kind of the long similar lines guys, we're gonna talk about who or what is your favorite pop culture ghost, but I'm also gonna get you to know that I'm thinking of Bridget Helm that's the actress. That's not a ghost, right?
Starting point is 00:40:39 No, no, no, no, she is a ghost now. She died in 1996. What is your favorite pop culture ghost? I would say for me, I mean, I think my favorite pop culture ghost story is still, it's probably like the Devil's Backbone or something, the Guillermo del Toro movie. I don't know, just because it's like sad and feels like,
Starting point is 00:40:58 it's probably my favorite one of his movies. It's kind of like a perfect little story and it's sad and features some good kid story and it's sad and features some good kid acting and it's great. Devils back on watch it if you get a chance and there's some good ghost shit in it. That's family. My favorite ghost well. I always like the taxi driver and ghost busters, great ghost because it's genuinely scary. I like to Casper's horse,
Starting point is 00:41:31 which I believe is named Nightmare, is that right? I don't know. That would make sense. That would make sense, yeah. It would be perfect, yeah. But I remember growing up as a very small child, we would go and visit my maternal grandmother and grandfather's house, and they had absolutely nothing
Starting point is 00:41:50 for kids, and they were very strict Methodists. But there was one dog-eared Casper comment that I would stare at for hours, because I would start to suck all the childhood joy from it to entertain myself. So that's my memory of Casper. I don't know if this necessarily counts, but I think in that one Marvel comic where Adam Warlock comes back as a ghost made out of flame and turns
Starting point is 00:42:17 Thanos into a statue or maybe he's made out of glass or something. When Thanos tries to steal a cosmic, what Thanos? Okay. This Adam Warlock ghost comes back made out of glass or something. When Thanos tried to steal a Cosmic, what? Thanos. Okay. This Adam Warlock ghost comes back made out of fire and turns Thanos into either stone or glass to stop him at the end of the thing. And Adam Warlock being one of my favorite super heroes.
Starting point is 00:42:33 If he's a ghost, he must be one of my favorite ghosts. Yeah. Other than that, I guess, you know, me and Slimer, we share a love of hot dogs. So. That's true. You know, that kind of reminds me of that awesome bit from that Spider-Man comic where Sandman got turned into glass and then Doc Ock shatters him and you're like,
Starting point is 00:42:50 oh my god, Sandman just died. No, no, no, he just came back as a glass man and he's gonna fuck you up, Doc Ock. Yeah, he's all made out of shards of glass at the end of that story. Yeah, that's a met like, oh no, he's way worse to deal with. Like, I know Anakin Skywalker's like, oh thank God, I'd rather be glassed up than sanded to death, but you know, whatever. You know, he's good, he's a Clyde from Pac-Man, because he's a non-conformist. Yeah, his name doesn't follow the pattern.
Starting point is 00:43:18 He's Pinky, Blinky. Stinky. You got Clyde over here. Pretty cool. I'm gonna mention, Stuart Devils back on great ghost movie I'm also gonna put in a plug for the others with Nicole Kidman. Oh, yeah, he's also a great ghost movie I feel like that was a movie that was like it was nominate for an Academy Award, right like it might have been It's this movie that it was it's a real sleeper of a movie when it kind of remember seeing the theaters and being like that was great
Starting point is 00:43:41 And then it didn't make much of an impression But it's it's reputation has grown over the years. Very like turn of the screw, yeah. Yes, very much so, yeah. Okay, let's do one more to wrap it up. And this is going to be related to the podcast. Over the years, we have invented many characters for the show, the flop house house cat, seven pounds, the villain who perpetrates only seven pound related crimes.
Starting point is 00:44:11 It seems someone we think about it. Yeah. No dumber than the source material that we were riffing off of. Which of our flop house characters should appear in the knives out sequel direct to my range knives in or I use out for Xerspin's out. I really I really think it's got to be crawdaddy because like he's the only character that can go up against Daniel Craig accent for accent. Oh, man. I love it.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And Crod Daddy's got a, he's got a possible motive because he might have secrets to hide from his years living in the, in the Louisiana Bayou. Now that he's reinvented himself as a connect to get insurance agent. I feel like he's pretty free with those secrets though. He shares that information in story for. I mean, people know, people know his background, but he's involved in shady doings That I'm sure that those at the local country club wouldn't want to know about, you know, Gator Smuggling or whatnot. Oh, man Yeah, that's that's I mean seven pound seems a little on the nose, but Crod Eddie. Oh, man. That's that's the good stuff
Starting point is 00:45:16 That's the sweet stuff and what I what a what a meaty role like imagine being able to deliver that script onto the desk of I don't know Imagine being able to deliver that script onto the desk of, I don't know, any actor, Robert Pattinson, and be like, you get to play Croddady, and then he jumps up and he clicks his heels, and he punches the sky, and he's like, I can't wait. Do I get to at least read for the role of Croddady? I know I'm not going to get it. I'm not a big enough name. We can at least read for the role I originated. Yeah, of course you get to read for it.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I mean, I got gotta keep you happy. That's my rich. I mean, I know between me and Robert Pattinson, you gotta go Pattinson. I mean, he's a Batman. He's a vampire from Joy Light. He's a Cosmopolist. If you gotta go with him, it's still. Yeah, he's a good time.
Starting point is 00:45:57 He's a good time. He's a good time. He is a good time. And it was also thinking though that a noir kid could be a film noir kid could be a film market could be like a sidekick for the. He'd be part of the detective again. Beno, Benoly Blanc.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Yeah, something like that. Benoobloch. Yeah. Yeah, we did a sidekick. Oh, me and Benoobloch are going to solve this mystery. Oh, it made me feel like that's my teeth on it. I feel like the majority of our characters have fall within the, I mean, would easily fit within that kind of a, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:35 locked, what is a locked door mystery? What's that kind of shit called? Yeah, yeah, locked door mystery or, you know, locked floor mystery. Can't open that floor up, is locked. I was gonna say that C-Bisket, the world's most popular horse wouldn't fit in. But you know, locked floor mystery. Can't open that floor up, Miss Lockt. I was gonna say that C-Biss get the world's most popular horse wouldn't fit in. But you know what, you got things like silver blaze, the Sherlock Holmes mystery, spoiler alert, evolves a horse.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. You know, okay, I mean, is the horse, I assume the horse would be on the cover of the novella. Yeah, probably with it. Yeah, smoking, in a smoking jacket with a pipe and he's holding a gun in hislla. Yeah, probably with it. Yeah, smoking in a smoking jacket with a pipe and he's holding a gun in his hoof. Yeah. No, I got no, I think you could populate all of the knives out sequel with our characters. You got seven pounds. You got C. Biscuit, the world's most famous horse. You got Crod Daddy, noir baby. You got Tom Broca,
Starting point is 00:47:20 a dune. You got all the, you know, we had enough characters for a flat-house cat, of course. Yeah, flat-house cat. Old lady who loves tin-din. Bad boyfriend or hurt-sug, yeah, sure. Oh, man. Okay, well, this is a lovely trip that we just wrapped it up on a bit of nostalgia, you know, trip down memory lane for us. Waste of time for you. I'm sorry listeners. That could be the model of the show. Please do please join Max one or upgrade, but the model of the show could be waste of time for you. Sorry listeners. Tune in next week for our regular regularly scheduled programming. In this case, we are watching our regular regularly scheduled programming. In this case, we are watching North,
Starting point is 00:48:06 Roger Ebert's favorite movie, I believe. I believe. Oh, I know. Least. Least. And so if I could take a moment, I just want to say thank you very much for listening. Thank you to all of our listeners for your support over the years.
Starting point is 00:48:19 And this year, we know that last year was a particularly rough one for everybody. And we appreciate everyone who feels like they can support us this year. We are extremely thankful, extremely grateful that anyone listens to us, that anyone likes it enough to support us. And it has been such a help for us this past year and in the current situation, to have your support both emotionally, financially and in many other ways as well.
Starting point is 00:48:43 You can still remember join or upgrade or boost your membership. Don't honestly remember the difference between boosting and upgrading. You can also get a gift membership anonymously for someone on the MaxFund waiting list who feels like this year they cannot afford to become member themselves and unlock all that sweet boco. That's bonus content.
Starting point is 00:49:04 So if you feel like being a good Samaritan, that would be a really wonderful thing to do. Just go to slash join. There's still a little bit of time. You can get those rewards that come with it and to be entered into our raffle drawings. Remember that's 10 random upgrading or joining members will be chosen
Starting point is 00:49:20 to receive a signed copy of maniac of New York signed by me. 10 will be chosen to get a real original Dan McCoy drawing of your choice. It does not have to be pregnant, Sonic, but I know he just loves to, he just loves the promise of new life. So, suggested. I would make a plea to you. So think to yourself, like, okay, this is a podcast I enjoy. Would I like a nice piece of art from them that I would enjoy because it's a thing that
Starting point is 00:49:48 I actually wanted or would I want to indulge this bit and then have a picture of pregnant Sonic in my home. A beautiful picture of pregnant Sonic that you can frame and hand down to your next generation in the future as part of your or bequeathed to a museum, you know, maybe the, the, that museum that Netflix did the show about that lost all those, all those paintings got stolen. Maybe they needed original Dan McCoy, Pride and Sonic to replace the Rembrandt, a sea of Galileo. Yeah, like you could have, you could have Dan draw like a lovely caricature of one of your loved ones. Maybe somebody who's passed, but no, instead you're going to A'sR's big boy with a giant
Starting point is 00:50:25 thrill like baby dog hanging out of his overalls. And that having me, so if you get chosen just be sensible, but what you actually want to draw probably a sonic with a baby on the way. So the another thing I wanted to mention, this is something that was announced a little bit earlier this week, and we may have reached these levels already, but John Hodgman and I co-host of iPodius, a podcast about iPodius that we made as a result, as a reward for reaching a number of upgrading or joining members. We have a new thing that we are announcing for upgrading or joining members.
Starting point is 00:51:03 If Max Fun reaches 25,000 new or upgrading or boosting or whatever members during this drive, we will do a podcast that we're currently calling the Taking of Podcast 123. John showed me I Claudius before I'm showing him the original Taking of Palimon 23. My favorite movie I've talked about it many times and we're gonna talk about it. If we reach 25,000 people, we will do a podcast episode about the Taking of Palimon 23. If we reach 28,000 people, we will do a podcast episode about the taking of Pellamon 2.3. If we reach 28,000 by the end of the drive,
Starting point is 00:51:29 28,000 new and upgraded members, we will do a short mini-series covering the entire taking of Pellamon 2.3 universe. That is every film of it, which there have been three different iterations, the 1974 original, the 2008, I believe, John Travolta, Denselalussian, and the 1998 TV movie
Starting point is 00:51:47 with, I think it's, it's Vincent Tenoffrio and Ever James, almost, I think, and we'll also be talking about the original novel, which I read for the first time during this quarantine, so it's very fresh in my mind. So that's the taking of podcast one, two, three, if we reach, that we do a special episode, if we reach 25,000, new or upgrading upgrading members and we'll do a whole little mini series
Starting point is 00:52:08 if we do get each 28,000. So yeah you got your Edward James is almost Vincent and Afrio Donnie Walberg Richard Schiff and Lorraine Breco and it was entirely shot I think in Canada. So it does not look like New York unlike the other two versions. I can't wait to see which which cast members you're going to get for that one. Yeah. Well, I don't know that we're going to. Well, I don't know. We could try it.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Anyway, so there's a lot of good reasons to join. But most of all, we just want to say thank you. Whether you feel like you can join this here or not, we really appreciate it. Thank you to our long time staying at the same level supporters. Your support is also really appreciated. Really thankful for it. Really grateful for it. Keep in the way. And yes, very much so.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And that's slash join. Closing out another beautiful Max Fun Drive. We'll see you again next year. But also next week with our North episode. Yeah. See, for the flat pass, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been Stewart Wellington. Beep, boop, boop, boop, Elliott K. Lynn.
Starting point is 00:53:13 This is how I do songs now. Elliott K. Lynn with Beeps and Boops, Electronic K. Lynn. Bye. Bye!

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