The Flop House - FH Mini #37 - 8-Bit Flop House

Episode Date: September 4, 2021

Elliott asks Stu and Dan questions about video game movies in the form of a retro video game of the mind. Don't worry; it makes sense when you listen. Mostly. And if you want more talk about video gam...e movies, get tickets for our streaming live show about Super Mario Bros. by clicking HERE!Extra thanks this week to our producer and musical genius Alex Smith for the video game soundscape, and the 8-bit Flop House theme!Thank you to Lumi Labs for sponsoring this episode, along with all you wonderful Max Fun members! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay guys ready to start yeah, yeah, or okay again, I'll I have a thing set up for this that I do not think will work But we'll see if it will we'll see if it'll happen okay Hello welcome to the flop house mini that's right. It's a slightly smaller than usual sized flop house We'll see whether that's true or not these are the weeks when we don't watch a bad movie, but instead, we kind of do a wet evs. I'm Elliot Kaelin, and joining me are my regular co-hosts and best buddies. Dan McCoy, Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 00:00:37 And just to paint a word picture for the audience, we all look exactly as you think we would. I am wearing a t-shirt and glasses. Dan is wearing a t-shirt and glasses, Dan is wearing a t-shirt and glasses, and Stuart is wearing an open bath robe with chains and not like a Terry cloth bath robe, like a satin bath robe. No, this is a red velvet bath.
Starting point is 00:00:56 No, it is satin. It's burgundy. Oh, okay, thank you for correcting that. Yeah, it's burgundy and it's okay. Thank you for correcting that Yeah, it's like a fluffy I like a like a fluffy robe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's got black Trim like black lapel trim. Yeah, and sleeves Yeah, in case in case company comes over so I had a thing planned for today But I think instead we have we're doing episode of the bathhouse the regular bathrobe review
Starting point is 00:01:28 segment just kidding guys. Okay. I'm on I'm in the driver's seat. I'm in charge of the wheel buckle up because it's gonna be somewhat bumpy ride if this thing I'm trying doesn't work out that well Do I need to do I need to pack a lunch or snacks or that would be great. If you could pack like a granola bar, maybe like apple slices in a separate container. How far are we going? Because I've got a thing a little bit later. I mean, you should not have scheduled a thing
Starting point is 00:01:55 on the night we're recording. I do think that that's actually accurate to our actual lives in that I'm constantly planning out the snacks I'm bringing places and Dan always has something more important to be doing. Boom. Okay, guys, let's get down to breast tax. Regular listeners may or may not know that we have a live show coming up. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:18 September 25th, a live show, 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific. We're going to be appearing over your computer screens. That's right, it's a live virtual show, just like we've done before. I don't know why I'm describing it as if it's a new thing that we haven't done before. We're gonna be talking about the movie Super Mario Brothers. So come on and join us September 25th,
Starting point is 00:02:37 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific. Just Google, simple ticks, flop house, Super Mario Brothers. It's easier than me trying to read out the whole URL, which is it we should have come up with a short URL we could give out. That would have been a good idea. But instead, it's through simple tics,
Starting point is 00:02:49 flop house, super Mario Brothers. It's gonna have new presentations. We're gonna talk about this movie that we never talked about before, the 1993 classic film, Super Mario Brothers, that's right. It's the special 28th anniversary screening. Not screening, we're not showing it. We're just gonna talk about it.
Starting point is 00:03:03 So I thought tonight in honor of our upcoming remote live show, we could talk about video game movies. Now, these are movies adapted from video games. You guys may remember, we've talked about plenty of video game movies on the podcast before, which ones come to mind? Do you remember ones that we talked about? A Prince of Persia, the Sans of of time, assassins creed. I was doing so well, Sonic.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yes, Sonic C, headshot. Yeah, yeah. Stewart, you got any? I mean, I did a mini previously where I talked about the Hitman series. We just did Mortal Kombat. Last summer, a lot of Kombat. Years ago, you guys did Street Fighter,
Starting point is 00:03:43 the Legend of Chun Lee, although I missed that episode, I believe. Wow, man, I'm sorry you missed it. That was pretty good, right? I did get to watch it later, and it was an experience. Neil McDonough is great. I mean, that goes without saying, I guess. The, so we're not here to talk about
Starting point is 00:03:59 Street Fighter, the Legend of Chun Lee, though. We're here to talk about more generally video game movies. Now, people have noticed we've had a lot of video game talk on episodes of the show lately. I guess it's time to maybe go through the looking glass while we talk about video game movies in this episode, because anyone can talk about video games. You guys are going to talk about video game movies while you play a podcast video game. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:22 This is a video game with no visual element. It is an audio video game that you will have to play like a regular video game. That's right. This is a video game with no visual element. It is an audio video game that you will have to play like a regular video game, not a text-based game. Do not describe to me with stuff in sentences. I don't, I'm not interested. Don't care. So you guys, do you have the controllers that I sent you in the ma- Yeah. What? You should both have like kind of turbo controllers that were sent to you in the mail that should arrive to yesterday. I'm looking at the picture of the package Dan on your doorstep yesterday.
Starting point is 00:04:52 You didn't pick it up. I don't think I got it, but I have this old Mad Cat's controller. Can I set that in? That'll work great. Just plug that into it. Yeah, I'll plug in the, yeah, I'll just, I've got a hairdryer. I'll use that.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Perfect. Great. That'll do just as well. Okay. What are the settings on the hairdryer? That'll help me figure out how it works. There's a maximum. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And then I assume the reverse is minimum. And there's also heat controls. It just does maximum. You know, it does don't it. Dan, what kind of a diffuser do you use on that? Because your hair looks great. It's a fuser? Yeah, you're what kind of fuser on your hairdryer?
Starting point is 00:05:33 You know what this is? This is the secret to my hair is a little specks of sand in the product I use. Oh, that's pretty cool. It's terrible. Did you mix the sand in yourself or did it come out of the sand? It's so you look wind-blown like you've been to the beach. Oh, that's like that idea that was on Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:05:56 But real. Yeah, but it actually it works. So you didn't take hair product and take it to the beach and just pour sand in or a child's sandbox, possibly. No, but that does seem like a good cost-cutting measure. It does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Can't wait to see your new look where your hand is just your hand. Your hair is slathered in sand-filled product. That'll be cool. How many businesses are just people taking ideas from old sign-filled episodes? Well, there's got to be just like a muffin tops place, there's gotta be a, like a, you can pay that. Let's see, not see thing.
Starting point is 00:06:29 You can pay people to push other people and y'all get out. Yeah. Yeah, there's a, kitchens that only have cereal in them. That's the thing that people have. Have you guys ever freeze framed on episode of Seinfeld and looked at the VHS tapes that he has around his,
Starting point is 00:06:44 around his, oh, they so clearly just bought a bunch of surplus tapes from his tour he has like he has like child's play two and multiple copies of stuff like they we see all like it's just rent rent and be like imagine Jerry Signfield sitting down there at the big ol bowl of popcorn ready to watch child's play too it's hard to imagine. The same way that he has a bike hanging up on his wall and is very hard for me to imagine him riding a bicycle at any point.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Anyway, but we're not here to talk about Silent Field. This isn't the sign house. This is the flop house. So guys, okay, plug in, Stewart your Mad Cat's controller, Dan, your hair dryer, and get ready to play the video game that involves talking about video game movies. That's right, the title screen is coming up. By the way, this is an 8-bit game, I should mention.
Starting point is 00:07:27 In 8-bit game, the title screen comes up flop dudes to streets of dragons. Now, this is the game you're playing. It's a kind of a side-scroller and kind of a RPG, but not much of an RPG. It's really more of a side-scroller fighting game. So, do you guys want to choose one player or two players? You're going to take turns or... We should probably do two players. Yeah, play it together. Yeah, okay, that sounds good. Okay, so you select two players.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And... Okay. Just waiting for you to press start. Yeah, let's hit start. Okay, there you go. We're supposed to describe what we're doing. Well, you have to communicate it. But so I should mention Alex, if you can put in as many, I should have said this earlier, Alex, if you can put as many eight-bit sound effects and music and things like that as you can, that'd be great during this. I briefly considered. With the in-budget.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah, don't break the bank. Briefly considered getting like a sound board with video game sounds than I was like, but my headphones are plugged into the computer, so the microphone's not gonna pick up any of it. So none of us would hear it. Okay, so you press start. Good technical catch.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Okay, oh, it's the opening, it's the opening cut scene. Okay, here it, oh, I see the two, the two flop dudes. Dan and Stu, Burley wearing sleeveless T-shirts and jeans, very tight jeans, and big black boots. And they're walking into a big corporate building. Now the camera pans up, I guess we're following the elevator and we go to the top. And now the flop dudes are walking into a big office
Starting point is 00:08:53 and there's kind of a gruff bald guy wearing suspenders and a business suit and everything sitting behind his desk. And now for this part, you have to imagine that I am this character animated. And my mouth is just opening and closing. That's all the animation. And you're hearing, but then text comes up on the bottom of the screen. That explains reason. So you're saying, okay. All right, plot dudes. I've got another job for you. But first, we're going to talk about video game movies. So you may already be aware of the history of video game movies.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Video games, they haven't been around as long as movies. Were you aware of that? Uh, yes. Spread. Yeah, you got to select yes. Okay, we'll select that. Okay, good. That'll save us some time. Now, the first video game movies were about fictional video games. Can you think of any of those? Like the last starfighter. Exactly. That's the only one I can think of. Okay, I also would have accepted Tron. We're possibly more games. Yeah, oh yeah. Oh, two more arguably more famous. Then last starfighter sure. I mean, they're on nuclear war. Yeah, so they didn't really start making movies based on video games until the 1990s, starting with Super Mario Brothers, which you guys will be talking about on September 25th at 9
Starting point is 00:10:11 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific. Just Google Simple Takes Flop House Mario Brothers. That's how you can find the tickets. Now you guys, did you, were you aware that the Super Mario Brothers movie was really the first big budget movie based on a video game? No, I actually didn't know that. Yeah, I wasn't sure if that or Double Dragon was the first one. Double Dragon came after, do you really think this is me talking, not of myself's,
Starting point is 00:10:37 do I would never be this rough on you. This is me as your rough boss. You really think they would have made a double dragon movie before a Super Mario Bros. movie? Like what world are are you living on where they would make a movie based on not as famous a game when at that time Super Mario was the most recognizable video game character in the world But it's such an easier like thing because you don't have to make like coupos and and pipes and you have to make a bobo And a pair of shoes. Yeah, that's even harder and bullet bills like turtles. Yeah. That's even harder. And bullet bills, flying turtles. Yeah. That is hard stuff to do. And shy guys.
Starting point is 00:11:09 The hard part with the shy guys is they don't want to be on camera. And dry bones. Which one is dry bones? He's the dry bones, dude. He's the, he's the skeleton. He's the skeleton Koop. Oh, the skeleton Koop. I thought he was just called skeleton turtle or something.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. Okay, well, as you know, video game movies don't have a great reputation. That's mostly because they're not very good most of them. I would posit that video game movies are kind of in the same place that comic book movies were 20 years ago, where the people making the movies don't really care that much about the underlying properties
Starting point is 00:11:43 and therefore they're just kind of using them as a launching off point for whatever. And they haven't figured out how to transfer the enjoyment you get in one form to the enjoyment you get in another medium. What do you guys say about that? Can we just mash the controller to try and skip this cutscene? You can try it. You can try it. I don't know, long time.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah, normally I like porn scroll or something during cutscenes, which probably causes very strange fusing in my synapses between the two activities. That's why you're so turned on my mass effects now. That's the only reason. No, I like to imagine though that when you say porn scrolling, you mean you take out antique scrolls of a like erotic art from and Egypt and you just pull over it. Yeah, look at that. I miss.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah, it's like the handmaiden, right? Where when you want to get a boner, you put on a fucking tuxedo and go to a weird guy's house. So his knees can you read you a fucking hot story? You don't do that now. Yeah, to listen to a lady read you cover to cover in a Rodic Hardcover book. Yeah. Do you think, do you think they read the whole book
Starting point is 00:12:49 in the, or is it, she's just reading selections or short stories? I don't know, man. And these guys will sit there the whole fucking time. Like, do they have to take breaks to go fucking crank it? I imagine at the beginning, he goes, at the beginning of the guy who runs the place, he's like, thank you for joining this very exclusive,
Starting point is 00:13:05 very elite presentation. If you perchance need a break to crank it, please stand up from the bleachers and go to the crank it room, which has been provided for you. You'll notice, each of you has received your own room. Please do not use another Cullian's crank it room. Please say your room. And does it pipe the fucking narration
Starting point is 00:13:28 into the cranket room or are you gonna miss parts of the story? Because then you'll come back and you'll be like, wait, what happened? This is a very good question. You'll notice that the walls and door of the cranket room are quite thin, so you should be able to hear the reading through.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Although, conversely, we can also hear you cranking in the cranket room. That's part of it. That's part of it for me. If you, okay, if it is, then not a problem. We only ask that you not crank it too loud, so that everyone can enjoy the reading. But if you are shy, such as the client's next to you, a shy guy, then and do not want to be heard while you're cranking it, please do your best to muffle the sounds of your cranking. However you feel is appropriate. Now while you're cranking, please you will see a crank on the wall that is the Mank crank. Please do not yank the Mank crank. You'll notice that directly above
Starting point is 00:14:17 a sign that says do not yank. We would appreciate it if you would please follow that sign and avoid yanking the bank crank. Each crank room is of course equipped with its own bank crank, but only for emergency purposes. Please refrain from yanking them during your normal cranking. And now for the next and now our feature presentation, ladies reads us a lot of joy. And now the Fisherman's wife's dream, the book. Okay guys, seems like we've had enough of this cutscene. Time for you to get it go out there and save the governor's niece from the ninjas that
Starting point is 00:14:56 have given after. Looking back, I probably should have explained that mission more than the other stuff. But we don't really have time. You already mashed the buttons and the cutscene is ending. So get out there and save the governor's knees from the ninjas. Okay, so now it cuts to the two of you kind of looking at each other and your eyebrows go up like,
Starting point is 00:15:13 this is gonna be fun. And it's fading to the next, so that's the end of the cutscene. Now we see the street where the main side scrolling level is gonna be taking place. You guys are punching, punching, kicking. Kicking, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, puching, punching, punching, kicking. Wait, wait, wait, stop, stop. You've got to wait until you walk out, okay, you walk out, and then there's an animated explosion, revealing a car, and a governor's niece
Starting point is 00:15:34 is carrying it into the car, going, help me, help me, flop dudes. And then that drives away. Now you can begin to move, okay. So you're walking down the street, right? Yeah, yeah. It sounds like if there's any if there's any like piles of garbage, I would interact with them by punching
Starting point is 00:15:50 your cake. Yes, I turkey turkey. You are way ahead of me. Feel free to punch any garbage, fire hydrants, mailboxes, landposts to see if there are coins or meat inside. Go ahead. Yeah, I'm also I'm also walking down and I'm I'm every once everyone's while I'm jumping just because it you know I it moves a little faster that way. Yeah, let's let's get some jump sound effects Alex She's throw a bunch in and hopefully he did Dan just think it's Alex didn't can you give us some homemade jump sound effects sure All accepted I guess Wait boy are you in did you say yeah, I was. Wait, boy are you owing, did you say? Yeah, I was just throwing in a wild one for you.
Starting point is 00:16:29 You have options. Thanks, I appreciate that. Alex, don't you discover those episodes in real. If it sounds, if you get, okay, you're walking down the street, you're walking down the street, punching it stuff, Stewart Finds some coins, Dan Finds a tricky leg, Stewart Finds a tricky leg, Dan Finds some a tricky leg, Dan finds some coins, and now, uh-oh, here comes some ninjas. It's three ninjas.
Starting point is 00:16:48 They're, they're recognized as, they are the three ninjas from three ninjas kick back, and so they're, these are children you're fighting. So please, now this is when the flop dudes really have to look inside themselves. They're like, we know that they're involved with the kidnapping of the governor's niece, but should we be fighting children?
Starting point is 00:17:04 And what do you guys do? Do you start punching and kicking? Of course. I pick up a garbage cans, throw it at them. OK, you can do that. You can interact with the environment to that. OK, so one of the ninjas is already knocked out. He fades away, revealing a VHS copy of the three ninjas
Starting point is 00:17:18 kick back. Do you pick it up? Sure, why not? Oh, you've actually, You've lost a little life. You should not have picked that up. No, no. Yeah, it happens. So, do it now.
Starting point is 00:17:29 There's another ninja who's doing a lot of jump kicks on you. What are you gonna do? Okay, so I'm gonna try and time the jump kicks for him to jump kick over me, and then I'm gonna punch him in the back. Okay. This is least offended part of his body. I'm assuming, unless he's a turtle. Uh, note, these are not turtles yet.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Uh, okay. So, okay, and are not turtles yet. Oh, okay. So, okay, and it works. Great, so he fades away and turns into a copy of that other three-in-in-just movie with Hulk Hogan in it. Do you pick it up? Of course I pick it up. Great, you gained some life.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Perfect, that's great. I've heard it in Magic Mountain. High-knit something like that. High-noon and Mystery Mountain Madness in the Marvel Man. Marvel Madness. Marvel Madness. Marvel, yeah. Oh, speaking of which here, come the Marvels. Oh, that third ninja ran away, and he- madness in the marble man mayor marble manor marble yeah oh it's speaking of which here come the marbles uh oh there's that third ninja ran away
Starting point is 00:18:08 and he but he whistled and some marbles are coming down you guys are you gonna try to punch and kick them uh I tried and time in jump over them okay good then you're gonna go okay good don't try to punch and kick those marbles they'll just roll you over and then you sit up and there's little birdies around your head and you lose some life okay uh great so you've got past those ninjas uh oh more ninjas but these ones try to punch and kick those marbles, they'll just roll you over and then you sit up and there's little birdies around your head and you lose some life. Okay, great. So you've got past those ninjas, uh oh more ninjas, but these ones are turtles.
Starting point is 00:18:30 What are you gonna do? Oh, uh, I throw a pizza at them. Okay, I should have mentioned these are not ninja turtles. Newton's, these are just regular turtles that have trained under ninja master and are now ninjas, they're very small, I don't think they eat pizza. Well, I mean, it's important to learn. OK, Dan, show me the pictures or video. You have a regular turtles eating pizza. You're right.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I don't have any yet on my phone. You're right, because it's really good. Currently. I imagine a lot of herpithologists were watching the teenager ninja turtles mean like, sure, they're ninjas and they're mutants. But eating pizza's not so out of the ordinary, oh, hum. If they're regular-sized turtles,
Starting point is 00:19:08 I pick them up carefully and return them to the water. Okay, that's very sweet of you. That's very sweet. You can get diseases that way, but this time you don't. And you get, you hear like a, and that means you got extra little turtle care points. And you can redeem those turtle care points at a pet cone near you for turtle food, which in this case is pizza. So I guess you got you a right. I'm just looking at the at it right now.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I guess I guess I can have pizza for turtles. Okay, you're moving along. Okay, now you have a choice of one of three buildings to walk into. One is marked school, one is marked police station, and one is marked the bank. Which one do you walk in to look for the governor's niece? Dan, where do you think they would hold the governor's niece uh... well probably not in a police station because that's where
Starting point is 00:19:54 criminals don't like to go unless you know someone hasn't seen uh... as i've seen uh... low-interson because that or the shield is quite a lot of corrupt characters in the police. Well, no, I mean, not those criminals. Obviously, there are a lot of corrupt cops. I'm just saying that, uh, kidnappers don't like to walk straight into the police to work. That's fair. That's fair. You may still need to go in a strategy,
Starting point is 00:20:20 but what's the terminators or something? That's true. Which let's, so do you want to go into the school? Yeah. Let's go into the school. Okay. You walk into the school, and then it fades back in. We see a classroom. And again, animation of you guys walking on, you can't do anything yet. Okay. And the teacher turns to you and says, it's those flop dudes. Get them.
Starting point is 00:20:42 This is like a word balloon that appears above their head. They're like, there's flop dudes, get them. This is like a word balloon that appears about, about their head, and they're like, ma ma ma ma ma ma ma. Just flop, there's flop dudes, get them. Uh oh, it's a classroom full of like 10 kids, and they are, and they're wearing, it's real, you know, battle royale stuff, they're all wearing like private school uniforms, and they are ready to attack you.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Guys, are you gonna fight back? Are you gonna run out of this room like a couple of whiny babies? So I pick up a desk and throw it at the kids. Excellent, you can interact with the environment in this one, yes, you pick up a desk and throw it at the kids. Excellent, you can interact with the environment and this one, yes, you pick up the desk, you take out two kids, they fade away and turn into a go-girt. Are you gonna pick that up?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah, of course. Okay, great, add to your health, that's fantastic. Damn, what do you do? I pick up the racers and I'm gonna clap them to create a cloud of dust. You can't do that. I'm the cover of dust. No, you can't do that. I'm in the cover of dust. No, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:21:27 There's an eight-bit video game. There's only so much you can interact with the environment. You can pick stuff up and throw it. Okay, pick up an eraser and I throw it. You can't, it's just part of the background. It causes a cloud of dust. Damn. I mean, there's other desks.
Starting point is 00:21:40 There's the teachers desk. If you really want to pick something on a throw, we can just punch some of these kids. There are any battle toads around? It's a good question. Some of the students are battle toads. You notice, you hit them and their masks come off. Uh-oh, this is going to be harder than you think.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And some of them are waving chains in the air. In fact, there's one coming at you waving a chain in the air. What do you do? Okay, well, I visited the game NARC earlier and picked up some needles that I throw at this This is not a thing you can do. I don't know what I don't know what I punch them Okay, I don't know what gum be video game you've been living in where you can go to other video games and bring stuff in with you You know Seems yeah, it seems like an ad for a game genie that you would see in the back of like a huge match.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, I don't know what kind of smash brothers world that you think this is. We're all the video game characters live together and fight all the time. Okay, so you punch, that's great. You times the punch pretty well, but unfortunately another student with a chain hit you in the back of the head.
Starting point is 00:22:37 So you lost some life points on that one. And while you're in the middle of this very dangerous scene it seems like a good place for an advertisement. Dan, I believe we have a sponsor today. The flop house is sponsored in part by Lumilabs and microdose drops. Microdose is really different from other hemp products because it contains microdoses of THC
Starting point is 00:23:00 and balanced with cannabinoids like CBD and CBG. This way you can eat just one microdose and balance with cannabinoids like CBD and CBG. This way you can eat just one microdose and feel a nice mood lift from the THC without getting high. I've tried these microdose drops. I have found that microdosing cannabinoids helps me just sort of relax in the way interact with the world, where I might normally sort of feel uptight and stiff and angry in my reactions to various things.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I am able to bend and not snap, as well as just relaxing, you know, feeling better about anxiety, sleeping better. It's been very helpful for me. Yeah, I found the sleep help is pretty great, and just cutting out some of the stress. Yeah, especially at this stressful time. This is a unique product, and you should check it out. Microdosing is a popular daily practice
Starting point is 00:24:07 for people who want to feel better and be healthier if you're interested in learning more about microdosing THC, just do a quick search online or go to And if you ever want to experience the benefits of microdosing yourself, microdosed delivers to all 50 states to get free shipping and 30% off your first order, use code flop. Links can be found in the show description, but again, that's microdido straps dot com slash top uses and code flop. If you're sick of constantly arguing with the people closest to you about topics that really aren't going to change the world,
Starting point is 00:24:58 we're here to take that stress off of your shoulders. We take care of it for you on We Got This With Mark and How. That's right, Howl. If you have a subjective question that you want answered objectively once and for all time for all of the people of the world, questions like, who's the best Disney villain? Mac or PC? Or should you put ketchup on a hotdog? That's why we're here. Yes, I get that these are the biggest questions of our time. And we're often joined by special guests like Nathan Filion, Orlando Jones, and Paget Brewster. So let Mark and Hal take care of it for you on We Got This With Mark and Hal, weekly on Maximum Fun. Hey, I'm Janet Farnie, host of the JV Club Podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Ah, high school. Was it a time of adventure, romance, and discovery? Class of 1995, we did it! Or a time of angst, disappointment, and confusion. We're all tied together by four years of trauma at this place, but enjoy adulthood, I guess. The truth is, it was both. So join me on the JV Club podcast where I invite some great friends like Kristen Bell, Angela Kinsey, Oscar Nunez, Neil Patrick Harrison, Kegun Michael Key, to talk about high school, the good, the bad, and everything in between.
Starting point is 00:26:14 My teenage mood swings are getting harder to manage! The JV Club. Find it on maximum fun. And back to you, Ellie. Okay, and thanks for that, Dan. Thanks to our sponsors for now back to the continuing adventure of Flop dudes to streets of dragons for the NES and Sega Master System.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Now Dan, okay. So what I now do is I grab Dan's hands and then that allows him to do like a jump kick maneuver and we do a team up. Okay, and while you're doing, okay, so that, like a fastball special. Yeah, but, I actually, yeah, but with more kicking, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:46 That creates a liking, it's almost an energy blast that wipes out all the kids. The teacher's still there. And the teacher is shaking their hands at you, and then a word balloon comes up and it says, hey, you flop dudes, what video game movie memories do you have? So, I think to get through this level,
Starting point is 00:27:01 you're gonna talk about some video game movie memories. Do you have any particular memories of seeing them in the theaters ones that you particularly liked or didn't like? I remember seeing doom in the movie theater the with Carl urban, you know big-time Fave Carl urban fan, you know, he was aomer and the Lord of the Rings as well as a bunch of other shit He's dread and judge dread, you know all that shit sure. Yeah And it's got to weigh in the rock Johnson in a rare villain role. He's not off in the villain. And it has, it's known for having a sequence that's like a first person like shooter type sequence.
Starting point is 00:27:36 And I remember not being particularly impressed with it. Did you guys ever see that one? I never saw it, but I remember when, I think it might have been Joanne Johnson, he was coming on the daily show to promote doom. And if I remember correctly, the clip they showed was just close-ups, like panning close-ups of the huge gun that he carries in doom, and then he goes like, that's some gun. And that was the whole clip.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Like, really, that was the promotional clip, was just close-ups of this big gun, okay. But do you think, so do you think it was successful or not successful? Like, really, that was the promotional clip, was just close-ups of this big gun, okay? But do you think, so do you think it was successful or not successful? Them trying to replicate the video game experience with a first-person shooting scene. I mean, I think, I mean, I think they obviously attempted. I don't think it was particularly successful.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And I think it also goes to, I mean, you're trying to recreate something that has, I mean, I think the later Doom games have a storyline but only barely. I mean, it's basically an excuse to blow the shit out of some demons with cool guns. So I don't know, it feels unnecessary, right? Like, I mean, I get that they're trying to like,
Starting point is 00:28:43 to bring the game mechanics into the movie, but you're right, it's the feel of a first person shooter video game is different from the feel of a first person movie sequence where you feel as if anything your body has been hijacked and as beat you are, or you're the homunculus from the Martin Amos book times arrow that is just inside the head of the hero watching everything through the hero's eyes, but not really participating. That's how you describe most POV stuff you watch, right? Yeah, basically. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I mean, at this point, there's only two guns of POV stuff I see in its video games and another thing, but Dan, what are you? Any particular video game, movie, memories, or moments, or magic? I was quite for a while because I was looking up some things. I remember watching... POV stuff? Not while we're going down, please. Street fighter for the first time
Starting point is 00:29:32 and being just delighted. You know, I mean, like as you've, I'd be so much cheaper. There aren't a lot of good video game movies. I was gonna say unfortunately, a lot of good video game movies. I was gonna say unfortunately, I actually have no particular. I mean, other than what like Sinectiki New York is kind of an adaptation of Sim City, right?
Starting point is 00:29:56 It is. I guess so. But like I, as a fishinato of the crap and the detour of pop culture, they are a goldmine. And I remember watching Street Fighter for the first time, and it is a delight in a camp way. Ralph Julia puts in a great performance, sadly, while dying, but he does a great job on a bad movie.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Stephen Edasuzza wrote it, I think I read somewhere that he wrote it in like a weekend, but I'm maybe making that up. But that's a fucking goal right there, to write a three-order movie in a weekend and get Raul Juliet a fucking dude. Yeah. I also remember like, I mean, I don't think it was the beauty of the script that convinced Raul Juliet a fucking dude. Yeah. I just remember like,
Starting point is 00:30:45 I mean, I don't think it was the beauty of the script that convinced Raul Juliet to take on the role of a fucking person. No, but it's like, it feels like you're doing a bit, right? Where you're like, let's see if I can get him to do this. Let's see if we can get him to wear this hat. Yeah, let's see if he'll do a psycho crusher. The, I feel like maybe like the Tomb Raider movies are kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Am I, am I misremembering them? I mean, the Tomb Raider movies, it kind of helps them that they're essentially Indiana Jones the game, right? Yeah. That they're a little bit closer to a movie already than the, then Street Fighter, which is just a tournament of monsters. And Angelina Jolie, I think it's a pretty, I think Angelina Jolie is a pretty fun, like action hero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I remember just being bored by the Tomb Raider movies, but I remember enjoying the new one with Alicia Vikander surprisingly well. And I saw it on the cruise to Alaska that I was on with this too. When you were all downstairs watching the stand up comic, whoever was a book down that cruise, I was underneath a blanket under the rain upstairs on the deck watching. I think you made the right choice. I feel like that comic probably has some firm opinions about cancel culture.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I like to end though that you spent a lot of money to be on a cruise and you're like, I think I'll watch Tomb Raider while I'm here. Hey man. What can I not do at home? I watch a lot of movies playing, I'll see you get out. I watch a lot of episodes of the love boat, which was playing constantly on that cruise.
Starting point is 00:32:28 At least that's thematically appropriate. Yeah, and it was a princess cruise. And it was a princess cruise, and princess cruises are like, there's like a love boat tie in already. I see. Well, now the teacher in the school says, okay, that's good. You can leave now.
Starting point is 00:32:43 There's no niece here. See you guys, Trump back out on the street. You got two places you can go next, the bank or the police station. Let's go to, let's go, fuck up a bank, dude. Okay, okay guys. Ooh, bad choice. This is one of those annoying puzzle levels
Starting point is 00:32:58 where you gotta move a bunch of blocks around. Okay. Okay, no one likes these. These are the worst levels ever. Can I, can I just levels ever. Can I just look up? Can I just look at how to complete the puzzle? Yeah, look up a walkthrough or a cheat sheet on this. Yeah. While you're doing that. Half the shurines and breath of the wild. I'm like, fuck this. Well, like the only way to get through mist was to like, was to just, by the book
Starting point is 00:33:21 that was like, flip the switch this way 10 times. You're like, okay, there was no way I was gonna figure that out on my own. So while Stuart's looking up the walkthrough for this police station puzzle section, or sorry, the bank puzzle section, Dan, why do you think video game movies don't usually work that well? And it's a puzzle in its own, in its own way.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Well, the early ones, the problem was that there just wasn't enough to build out a plot. And like I think that's something like Super Mario Brothers, which I actually have never seen. I'm looking very much forward to watching it for the show. I'm excited about it. But it is my understanding that they dealt with that by just like making up a bunch of weird stuff. Oh yeah. Which, which, you know, may not have worked in this instance, but I think is a better way at least of going about it than a lot of people who seem to have just like taken these games with very basic concepts
Starting point is 00:34:29 and then not done any of that thought to change it. You're talking about that, that Cubert movie that was literally just him jumping around on blocks. And it was like, why, why? For three hours. Why is Paul Giamatti doing this role? Like, he doesn't,
Starting point is 00:34:44 I mean, what was that movie where he got covered in blue paint with Frankie Munez? Oh, a big fan liar. Yeah, big fan liar, yeah. Somebody, this reminds me, speaking of Paul Giamatti, sorry, on our last episode, when my son, Sam, he was on, we were talking about the restaurant, P-Soup Anderson's, and someone tweeted at me,
Starting point is 00:35:05 oh, you should go there, and then it's real close to where they shot some of sideways. So you can see where Paul G. Mottie was in sideways, and I was like, yeah, my kid's gonna love that. Yeah. Yeah, from Sammy, I haven't ever had Marlowe because of G. Mottie's character's thoughts on a matter.
Starting point is 00:35:24 No, I, but I wanted to say the more recent, you know, video games obviously have a lot more sophisticated storytelling, but at that point, you have the sophisticated storytelling and then you're taking away at a movie, the one thing that makes a video game more unique, which is the interactivity. You're removing one of the loadstones of what a video game is at that point. You're saying, because a video game is not, even though some do deliver stories, it is not essentially a story, a narrative delivering system. It is an interaction-driven system.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So you're saying that, so you're saying it's not based on a video game, but probably the best adaptation of the idea of video games to movies was Mr. Payback. The movie that let you choose what would happen next. That's classic. I still haven't seen it. You make me. It's not really cool. I mean, it's all up on YouTube. It's terrible, but you should go see. Uh, so Stu, uh, uh, it, uh, it looks, have you figured out how to do the puzzle or do you want to answer the question? I just did the puzzle.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Oh great, okay, it unlocks a door. And behind the door, you see there's a box. What are you gonna do with that box? I'm gonna open the box to get my treasure. Well, there's only one way to open up. There's a couple ways to open the box. You can punch it or kick it or throw it. Yeah, I'm to punch it.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Uh-oh. Oh, inside was a person. You should not have punched that box. And they say, no, the government's- I don't wish, which of those three options would have not been a problem? Yeah, I think so. I'd say, wait, blame the player, not the game.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Look, you shouldn't have been able to, maybe you shouldn't have punched, maybe it shouldn't have been so important to you to punch this box or open it at all. It's none of your business. Walk into a building and do a puzzle, and there's a box behind. You think this box or open it at all. It's none of your business. Walk into a building and do a puzzle and there's a box behind. You think you can just open it up.
Starting point is 00:37:08 That's a good point. Good point. So blame the player not the game. That was where I went wrong and a lot of my break up confessionals with girlfriend's girlfriends. So the, it's inside the person to go, oh, the governor's niece is in another building. Oh, sorry guys. I guess you did that puzzle for nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:24 No wait, a little star floats around. Dan, Dan, you want to grab that star? What, yeah, I do, but why does this person have any insight knowledge on the governor's nieces considering that they've been inside a box? Good point. That information is not, not applicable right now. Yeah, it doesn't say.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I grabbed that star. Okay, you hear a little fanfare and it says, oh, you just got 14 Nintendo bucks. Nintendo bucks can be redeemed for free Nintendo merchandise valid until January 15th, 1987. So I think enjoy that. I don't know what you can do with it now. Stuff. Yeah, great stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Are we are we playing this on like a Raspberry Pi or something? How do we get this emulator? A Raspberry Pi? It's like a mini computer. Okay. Not the food. I think, yeah, I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I was like, I'm not, is this, is this, like some kind of stuff? That was cool when I've never heard before. Everyone's in a while, I'll make jokes that I know neither of you will get But I'm assuming somebody who's listening will yeah, yeah, that's yeah, that's my Twitter feed It's just jokes for my own bit. Yeah, very clear very clear I think that should be your Twitter bio is just jokes for my own benefit
Starting point is 00:38:40 Okay guys you walk back out onto the street so you've been to that was what the bank Yeah, okay, you've been to the station now now. You got to go to the police station. Okay, so you're gonna walk in Yeah, yeah, let's fuck it up. Okay, you walk in the police station. Uh-oh guys Boss level boss level boss level you walk in and there's a guy There's a police officer at a desk and then he hurls the desk away and he goes And there's flashing lights and his uniform r rips, as he gets bigger and bigger. And he turns into kind of a bull man, like a half bull, half man, kind of like the Chicago Bulls mascot logo, and with the,
Starting point is 00:39:15 with this complete with the steam puffing out of his nostrils in it. And now he starts running back and forth across the screen. And, oh, Dan, you don't get out of the way in time, and it knocks you down. And you're a little animated ghost starts coming out of your body. And it says, continue question mark. Now Stu, are you going to use your extra life that you picked up before to bring Dan back to help you with this boss? Yeah, yeah, because I need somebody to distract the boss.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Okay, great. Kick him in the back. So Dan's there's a little apid animation of Dan's ghost hovering up into heaven and then a big hand comes out and goes, whoa, and shoves Dan's ghost back into his body. And a single tear goes down the ghost space because it's going back to this veil of tears, this, this land of, of pain that we call life. Those time to rest finally. No, because you got this bull guy to fight. So the bull guy, he's running towards you guys.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Are you guys gonna time it to jump to get over him? Yeah, I'm gonna watch the pattern of the running and jump at appropriate time. Okay, great, you do it, you jump, and he bangs his head on like a bell that's been set up like kind of at coyote ugly, like if you order whatever that might be. Oh, every drink.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Is it the bell that cops set up when they when they arrest somebody so they ring it. It's the bell they ring when when someone calls with a ghost sighting and Jeanine goes we got one. Oh that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah and that because it turns out this isn't actually a real police station. It's a it's an abandoned police station that's now a ghost busters facility. Uh, but they hadn't they hadn't finished putting up the new sign yet.
Starting point is 00:40:44 So this is actually probably a ghost bullman that you're fighting right now just as host busters. Yeah, yeah, it's very confusing. Yeah, they're buying the letters on the installment plan backwards. Yeah, so people think that going there like I think that I think that the host at my restaurant has been giving away free meals to his friends. I need you to stake them out and find out. And they're like, sorry sir, we get that a lot. This is not actually host busters. We haven't got the full sign up just yet. Well, that's very confusing.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Well, you should, before we put the H.O. up, people thought it was ST busters like street busters. And they keep coming to us to like, to say it for the baro jackhammers and things like that. We don't have that kind of equipment. And while they still have the jackhammers for dealing with renegade hosts, you know, yeah. Exactly. So, et cetera. Et cetera. And so, you know, exactly. We're doing this bit. Okay, so this ghost bowl, you got to keep jumping. So now at this point also you have lasers. Did I not mention that before?
Starting point is 00:41:51 We have lasers or there's lasers that we have to deal with. Both. You have lasers that you can use to shoot the ghost bowl guy, but also there's lasers shooting out of his horns and out of little eyes that have opened up at the top of the screen, very contra. And so you have to jump out of those lasers and you've got to shoot the bull guy and you can't let him run into you. So it's a very elaborate timing. Some would say too difficult for a first level boss.
Starting point is 00:42:13 It's turning into like a bullet hell type game. Yeah, but that's the thing about FlopDoods 2 is it's got a very steep learning curve. First you just punch in flat, a lamppost in mailboxes and finding meat inside. Suddenly you're dodging lasers. Like dark souls. It's first to just punch in flat, a lamp post and mailboxes and finding, finding meat inside. Suddenly, you're dodging lasers. So, uh, so what are you guys gonna do? You're gonna dodge the lasers and defeat the boss? Yeah, is there a way?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah, I think we probably should, right? Is there, is there any sort of like, uh, part, body part that seems to be more prominent than the others? Or different color or flashes more when you shoot it? Yeah, are there, are there chunks of armor that shake when we shoot them and then eventually fall off? Well, you'll notice you'll notice that happens to his horns his horns fall off and each time he does he goes, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, like he gives you a like a mean look and then he goes back to running. And then you'll also notice that his suspenders are getting looser. So I think so
Starting point is 00:43:04 you're gonna have to shoot those suspenders to make his pants. That's a killer graphics. These eight-bit graphics, they did a great job with it. They really made these sprites detailed back then. So okay, so you're gonna aim at the suspenders while the lasers are shooting around. Okay, you'll notice the wall opens up
Starting point is 00:43:20 and a bunch of robot dogs run in, but that's just animation in the background. That doesn't actually affect the gameplay. Oh, this is a like spectators in a street fighter bar. Exactly. Yeah, they're like spectators in space, Jam, a new legacy. They're constantly pumping their, their dog fists in the air and just no matter what's going on. Exactly. Even during the timeouts. So, okay, you're still shooting lasers that is suspenders?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah, of course. His pants fall down revealing boxer shorts with hearts on them. He's very embarrassed and he trips and falls from the, the pants on his ankles and onto a letter, onto a letter opener, blood everywhere. It's all over the screen and you, and actually Dan sprite, bombets on camera and Stuart is just shaking his head
Starting point is 00:44:03 and his covering his eyes. This is not anything everyone to see he he knew when he was a became a flop dude that life would be tough That he'd have to be tough to survive, but he didn't realize that this was what he was signing up for Yeah, little animated tears are shooting out the side of my head Yeah, and they're and it's at this moment that that the whole ground starts to shake and And the big boss shows up. And the floor opens up and you guys fall into a pit. Big boss from the fucking Metal Gear Solid series? No, don't take it literally.
Starting point is 00:44:34 No, this is the game boss. It's a one level game with a little boss level at the end. You're actually in hell itself. You're in hell, and there's Satan, and he's huge. It's just like Dante described him. He three heads and each head is chewing on a different historical trader Judas Brutus and I think Cassius is the other one and he's way his waist is in case you never updated that shit I mean name a trader that was as I guess Benedict Arnold is in there sure yeah why did the
Starting point is 00:45:02 devil kidnap this girl like? Damn, Dan we don't have this is the governor's niece. We don't have time to we got a saver and so the devil he starts pounding on the Ice you're on and then he looks at you in a word balloon comes out and it says If you could make a movie out of any video game what video game would you make into a movie? It's a good question. Oh, man You know, this is I there is a time limit. Okay, I we mentioned it before. You know, I really loved marble the big games, like I forget what they're called, um, they have a track. What? Like arcade game cabinets, you mean? Yeah, the cabinets. Like we have the trackpad, of course. Uh, and that was kind of the fun of it was that
Starting point is 00:46:00 you were literally controlling a ball with a ball. And it was a one to one controller. And at home, you had to sort of use the Nintendo controller and figure out how to make that do subtle like diagonal movements and stuff. But I got really good at Marvel Madness. And I think that just the challenge of trying to turn that into an error. Pick up that challenge for extra bonus points. How would you do it? It's like cosmic. Pitch me the Marvel Madness movie.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Oh boy. So maybe I will take madness literally. And this is like a look inside the brain of someone who has become trapped in their own head. And we've put our thought bubble. We're like accepting this head with our thought idea that we've sent in and this marble into this brain scape. And it has to pilot itself around different pitfalls to wake up this human who has been entrapped. And who's the hero?
Starting point is 00:47:19 What do they get? Tell me who the hero is. Does he have a team or she? Every time you inject someone into someone else that's got to be Dennis Quaid. Okay. So it's that. So the hero is played by Dennis Quaid or the hero is Dennis Quaid. Is actor Dennis Quaid.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And if that's the case, then who's playing Dennis Quaid? His Quaid is being played by Alden Aaron, right? Oh, okay. Makes sense. The obvious choice for a young Dennis Quaid, but they're bringing him in. Yeah, the people thought
Starting point is 00:47:49 they're like, Oh, they saw interspace. They thought that Dennis quaid can help. They don't understand. They only understand science. They don't understand how stories work.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Okay. And so this is young Dennis quaid. So it's like him right after interspace came out. Yeah, exactly. Like movie 43, Dennis quaid. No, or movie 45, Dennis Quaid's which like him right after Interspace came out. Yeah, exactly. This isn't like movie 43, Dennis Quaid. No, or movie 45, Dennis Quaid. Do you think, do you think, do you think, do you think, do you think Dennis Quaid and Robert
Starting point is 00:48:15 Piccardo hung out a lot when they were making Interspace? I mean, I hope so. I mean, the fact that they were known as Picquedo around the set, I think they were so pretty clear. Yeah. I mean, the only person who was closer to Dennis Quaid was probably Quato, and that's why he's calling for Quaid in the movie Total Recall, you know. They had to change the script because it didn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:48:38 When you said Piquado and sounded like Quato, I was trying to get there. I knew that there was a quaid in that movie and Yeah, the fact that we both Got there because of a slight similarity in sound Do you think Do you think Quato's mad that Wato is so popular? Do you think Yeah, because their brothers. I guess his younger brother Wato. Yeah. Well, you have to imagine, he's like, you have to imagine Quato was like, I know they
Starting point is 00:49:10 wanted me for that role. And there's probably a typo on the call sheet. And they ended up with Wato, that hack. Instead, they could have had Quato. That would have been the red of sons. Dan, there's a bit that our mutual friend Eric Marce's Akima used to do. Who, he's the one whose comedy theater is where we met, you and I, where we used to do where Quato was a Hollywood
Starting point is 00:49:31 casting agent, and it was always pitching Dennis Quade for every role, and they'd be like, they say, so who do we think of if Quato, you have an idea? Please stand up so we can see Quato, because Quato would be his host body would be sitting down at a conference table. Could you please stand up so we can see Quattro? A Quattro, who do you think would be right for this role?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Quaid. It's on Orthodox for the Clare of Art and Story, but yeah, okay, let's give her an equate call. No, no, Dennis Quaid. Okay, you gotta be more specific. You can't like, wait. So Stuart, any video games you would like to see made into movies?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Yeah, I mean, again, we're going to go to the old school of this. I'm going to say Ghosts and Goblins. You got a great hero, Arthur, the little night guy. He's got a ton of cool weapons. So man, that's going to look great. There's all kinds of spooky monsters. You guys know me, I like spooky monsters. And also you can have that running gag
Starting point is 00:50:30 where he keeps getting hit and his armor falls off and he's just wearing a little boxer shorts. Yeah. I mean, that does sound good on. Yeah. I would love that because if you make it into a movie,
Starting point is 00:50:39 maybe I will see more than like the first level of ghost travel. Fucking hard. It's fucking hard. It's why they need to release a dragon's layer movie, because there's no way to see the rest of the animation in there. Yeah, you can't, you can just go on YouTube. It's all there. Oh, okay, Dan, and in case you're wondering for me,
Starting point is 00:50:58 I know they've tried to develop it in the past couple of years, but I'm always been wondered why they didn't try to make a Mega Man movie before, before now. Mega Man is like, he's such a cool little character guy and his world is so full of different types of robots and things. And I love the old box art where they try to make him look more like a human and it always looks fucking crazy. Yeah, it looks bizarre because that character looks,
Starting point is 00:51:22 makes sense as a little cartoon guy with no nose, but he does not make sense as a real dude wearing like that weird blue outfit. Yeah, like it's like if they like made a human kid dress up and look exactly like Astro Boy, you'd be like, no, no, no thank you. You put some pants on that child. Why is his hair like Bob's big boy?
Starting point is 00:51:45 If that was an actual chicken, you'd be like, no, I don't think so. But I'd also, because Mega Man 2, I still say has, at least for that era, has the best soundtrack of- Yeah, it's a great game. It's got great music. It's a great game, Mega Man 2.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Mega Man. Yes, he was called Brock Man in Japan, I know Dan. No, no, no, no. He fights a bunch of robots, but he's not a robot himself. Because at the end, he, like, right? Because when he's walking home, he takes off his helmet and leaves it at the... He's like a cyborg.
Starting point is 00:52:18 He does have a laser cannon for hands. So I believe, because it's Doctor What Light, Doctor Brighton is the one that's... Doctor What Light, yeah. Brain is the light, yeah, it's like free life right. Dr. Lightbrite, it's communicate over the world. It's like I've got a lot to tell you, but hold on. It's like I got a plant all these little bulls. You're loving put this black instruction paper over first. So it's real.
Starting point is 00:52:40 I don't know. I didn't don't just tell me because this is how I communicate. This is my love language is life rights. So anyway, those questions are deemed suitable and Satan goes, no. And falls to the ground revealing the governor's niece. And she says, thank you, flop dudes. And you both high five, and this is an animated cutscene where you high five.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And then there's one of those things where like, you guys are standing on a mountain top and the camera's panning past and then each background, there's like a couple different layers of background through all of them, and it's slightly different speeds. So it looks real cool and three-dimensional. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And it says, flop dudes will be back in, flop dudes three, Mountain Town. Oh, okay, cool. You know, it's something to look forward to. Yeah, it's the one where you're fighting bad guys at Mohawk. Oh, wow, man, that's an expensive game. Yeah, well, because the meals are included.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Yeah. So guys, do you have any final thoughts about a video games or video game movies that you would like to mention before we, while the credits are rolling, you know, those long credits at the end of video games, where it's a lot of names that you don't know, because they're just all the different coders and stuff, you know. I have a video game, I have a question, not a video game question. How did you pass this boss? Now guys, we've just answered the question what video game should be
Starting point is 00:54:07 turned into a movie. What movie should be turned into a video game? Oh that's a great idea. What video game would what movie would make a great video game? I think I'm gonna say the Sparks Brothers. So, I'm gonna be the movie you're talking about? No, not a net, the movie written by Sparks. And the documentary, the Sparks Brothers that Edgar Wright made. And you get to choose to be the Ron or Russell male.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And each level is you creating a different album. And then trying to capture the sound that people will be listening to 10 to 15 years in the future because they're always a little ahead of their time. So I think, yeah, that's the movie. I would, that's the new movie I would turn into it. If I'm looking for an older movie to turn into a video game, I think probably like a citizen cane game where you're like, you got to throw newspapers at things and you're like jumping over sleds, you know, real, real
Starting point is 00:55:08 SNES side-scroller stuff, yeah, yeah. And I think they should turn a racer head into like a, like a fatherhood simulator. Hey, it's parallax action. Parallax action. I knew I knew what it was. Oh, for the moving background stuff. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you have like a multi-plane camera and like, like, they used to do an old pop-up at home. Yeah. You have parallax. And obviously guys, I'm going to say, I think the movie that should be turned into a video game, of course, is Royal Tenenbaum should be a fighting game where you get to pick your fighter and they have all kinds of moves and finishers and maybe X-ray attacks and all kinds of things. Oh yeah, you could do that with knives out too.
Starting point is 00:55:52 That knives out would be a good fighting game. Knives out that would probably even be better. There's there's this great level in fucking Hitman 3 where you're basically playing through a knives out. It's fucking awesome. You're playing through a knives out? Yeah, you're doing a knives out. But you're ageing 47, you can knock out the fucking like world, like a world famous fucking inspector.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Now I so wish that. You can knock his ass out and put on his clothes and then pretend to be him and do your own little knives out and fucking rules. I so wish that knives out now had come out in 1989 and there was a tie-in single that played during the credits called doing a knives out. That come out in 1989 and there was a tie-in single that played during the credits called doing a knives out. That went great.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Doing a knives out. We're doing a knives out tonight. Doing a knives out, that kind of thing. We're like years later, you hear the song and you're like, are they singing about knives out? Yeah, exactly. Like anytime you hear that fucking Tina Turner song and you're like, did she just say Thunderdome? It's hard to hear the lyrics through all the drum machines.
Starting point is 00:56:50 There's probably 10 or 11 drum machines, but yeah, when you hear it and it's like, it's like Daniel Craig, solving the case, you're like, wait, who is the time of the actress? Hold on. That's weird, yeah. Because I forgot the name of the character, Bo Regard, Louisville or something like that. Yeah, I'm foghorn, leghorn, the second. Well, guys, thanks so much. name of the character, Beauregard, Louisville or something like that. Yeah, I'm fog-orn, leg-orn in the second.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Well, guys, thanks so much. The poor and terrible Louisville. Thanks so much for playing Flop dudes to streets of dragons for the NES and Sega Master System. I will mention that the Flop House virtual live show, not virtually live, it will be live. Remote. September 25th, that's at 9pm Eastern Time, 6pm Pacific, Google SimpleTix, flop house Super Mario Bros, and I'll remind you that even if you can't make it on September 25th, where you live in a place where that time is not doable,
Starting point is 00:57:37 because it's the middle of the night, buying a ticket gets you one week of access to the recording of the show, so you will get to enjoy it. And after that, the show will disappear just a beautiful dream, more beautiful for its limited time on this earth and for its existing only as a memory. But if you watch it when it's actually airing, then you'll be able to ask questions on Twitter
Starting point is 00:57:58 that we can answer and stuff like that. And it'll be real fun. We'll be talking about Super Mario Brothers and I have a fairly stupid presentation lined up, not as stupid necessarily as this one, but as this episode, but I can't wait to see what these dudes have lined up for it. So guys, thanks again.
Starting point is 00:58:17 For the flop house, I have an Elliott Kaelin. I've been Dan McCoy and bringing up the rear. It's me me Stuart Wellington. Saying, play nicely, but play often. I'm trying out a new video game. Just Logan, is that one good? Uh, I just got a text message from PlayStation, they said, see some disease. Oh boy, well, I'll think of something else. Alex would in some eight-bit video game and a music. Bye!
Starting point is 00:59:07 Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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