The Flop House - FH Mini 41 - If it Ain't Brokaw Dune Fix It

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

Elliott talks to us about Adam Warlock. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I was watching, I was watching 10 things I hate about you today and... Sure. Classic Halloween film. Are there, are there prop houses in LA that specifically do school desks but sized for adults? Because I think that's for the prop house. Why? The prop house. Well, fucking prop house, fucking FaceTime, me right now. I got my phone on just waiting for your FaceTime.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Yeah, no, that's okay. I mean, adults and high school students are not that disassembly-sized, yeah. I think you have not, when was the last time you tried to sit in one of those desks? I think I was 17 the last time I was sitting in one of those desks? I think I was 17 the last time I was sitting one of those desks. I think you can remember exactly what cool save. I definitely sat in one when I was trying to be a teacher. I was misguided and it was tough man. It was tough to fit in that cram my cram.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Cram the teachers don't really sit. Cram my big weiner and balls into that chair. Teachers usually have bigger desks. They don't usually sit in a little studio. I mean, I did a little, they didn't give me the offer. Like, I had to sit in the desk for the interview process. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Oh, okay. I was like, I didn't know what to laugh at. I didn't know what to do teaching, and I never said, I didn't get that stuff. I thought you were like, hey, let's break down the barriers. I'm not any better than you.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Why should I have this big desk? I'll sit in one of your teeny weiner desks. Well, it's like one of those Broadway shows where you suddenly realize that the whole cast is hidden in the audience. We're like all the kids, they're like looking around like, where's the student?
Starting point is 00:01:35 Where's the teacher? And then it's just a student here. And then you're about whip off my fucking beret and my half cape and I'm like, I'm not one of you cool kids, it's me, Stuart. Okay. In that voice, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah, I was trying something new. I mean, they all made fun of me and I left crying. Well, I feel like we've started the episode already. That's what I'll just mention that this is, welcome to Flop House. This is a mini-week. No, when we do not talk about a movie that we watched, but instead just kind of do whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I, of course, am the rotating host for this episode. My name's Elliot Kaelin, and joining me are my co-hosts who have also taken their turn hosting minis, and they are... Dan McCoy, Stuart Wellington. And guys, I've got a very exciting mini-40 today. People may remember my Elliott explains the
Starting point is 00:02:29 eternal episode from whenever that was. I don't remember anything about it. Okay, well all you need to know is the eternal's are fairly dull, but I'm sure they'll be very exciting. So I was super excited recently when I learned of the casting of, well, not super excited. Let's say I was intrigued, casting of Will Poulter as Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Adam Warlock is one of my favorite Marvel characters. Of course, my favorite is Spider-Man, but Adam Warlock might be number two and he's a character.
Starting point is 00:03:03 A lot of people don't know. He's a very, he's an interesting character. He's kind of the closest that Marvel Universe has to Elric of Melnibani, the Michael Moore character. That doesn't clear it up anymore from me. Now that I think I've, I know that I think I've explained him in terms we all understand. No, no. It's time for something I'm gonna call
Starting point is 00:03:22 Elliott explains Adam Warlock. So here's the Elliott explains Adam Warlock. Oh, okay. Sometimes people don't Elliott explains Adam Warlock. So here's the Elliott explains that. Oh, okay. Sometimes people don't know about Adam Warlock. Like me. Don't worry, pal. And then I tell you all about Warlock. From New Mutants?
Starting point is 00:03:35 No, a different character named Warlock. He's got a first name. Adam. So here we go. I'm gonna show you all about Adam Warlock. Wait, hold on. Did you guys show you all about Adam. We're, wait, hold on. Did you guys hear, hold on a second. Wait, no, someone was knocking at my door.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Hold on a second. Oh dear. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I guess so. Okay, yeah, sorry. Guys, I apologize. Some things come up.
Starting point is 00:04:03 We're not gonna be able to do the Elliott explains Adam Warlock episode. Someone just walked in, we're not gonna be able to do the Elliott explains at a more locked episode. Someone just walked in, he wanted to talk to you guys. He should probably introduce himself. Well, hello gentlemen, it's me Tom Brokha, America's favorite newsman. And I have to say, I had to come here from my complex in Boseman, Montana.
Starting point is 00:04:23 When I heard that Elliott was hoping to do a Flapphaus mini without asking me to join and talk about the movie event of the third millennium, that's right, the new adaption of Dune, of the movie event of the second millennium of course. Oh, it's San Broca, yeah. It was the 1984 adaptation of Dune, and the movie event of the first millennium
Starting point is 00:04:44 was the Bible, I guess. Dan, do you have any good questions? Well, I'm here. I very much wanted to talk about the film Dune, which will continue. You've done a great job. The week and before we record this, yes, Daniel? Before you do that, maybe you should just explain to our younger listeners who the hell you are.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Just because they may only know you as a Dune fanatic. do that uh... maybe you should just explain to our younger listeners who the hell you are just just because they may only know you as a uh... a dune fanatic uh... it's part of the at this point that is pretty much my full-time occupation is spreading the gospel of right harvests uh... brilliant dune a novel series but uh... some may know me as the your but you ask your parents about me and they'll tell you that I was the long time host of NBC Nightly News. And perhaps the most trusted man in American broadcasting
Starting point is 00:05:32 for quite some time, I also co-wrote the best color, the greatest generation of the story of the men and women who fought World War II. It's an epic tale, almost as exciting and as inspiring as that of Paul the traitors, the heir of House of Traitors, as he makes his way from Kallow youth to the who is had a salarach, the one who is seeking to bring enlightenment to the universe but instead contributes only violence and conflict in the end and eventually has a
Starting point is 00:06:06 descendent who becomes a big sandworm. It's amazing in a later book. So that's me, Tom, a broker, but you perhaps know me best as Dunehead number one. Yeah. I don't know anything about the story where it goes after the initial novel so this is interesting Throw out everything you think you know about Dune Dan or Dan Dune or Dune's Barry which I was very disappointed to discover Years ago was not a comic strip adaptation of Dune the novel or in fact a delicious Barry Which when you ate it gave you the knowledge of the Dune series?
Starting point is 00:06:44 It is in fact a political comic strip following a ever-expanding cast of characters as they just live in this modern America. But Dan, so it's an amazing ride. I highly, highly advise you to take it. And if you generally have no objection, I think it's time for another installment of my rug-haring segment. If it ain't a broca, doon fix it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I guess we can. Let's hear a... So I'm assuming you saw this in the movie there because you want the full experience, right? I very much. I did not see it. Well, that, I did watch it both in the theater and at home to see if it was a full second screen experience. The second screen was an iPad with Dune playing on it as I watched Dune on my large television.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I call my iPad my small television and my regular television, my large television. I refer to movie screens as a big big television. So I did see it first on the big big television first by myself, secondly with my wife Lorraine Broko, and then third, I saw it in 4D where your chair shakes when the spaceships are going up and down. Then I watched it at home on the small television and also the teeny tiny television. Is that what I called them before? I don't remember. But yes, I've seen it a few times now in the past four or five screens. What was your snack?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Good choice. Well, I wanted to say to myself, what would they eat in the world of dune? So, of course, I had a tube going into my mouth that was attached to my own sweat glands, so I could recycle my moisture like the Fremen on a raucous wood dune. And otherwise, there's not a lot of food in tune. And so I mostly ate sand and worms. Just a big bowl of worms in sand. I wouldn't recommend it.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Now it's delicious. Okay, cool. When one uses the spice as a drug rather than a means of interstellar travel, do you eat that or is that, do you inhale it? I was unclear about that element of the spice. The grains of the spice are so small that you can, it's more, more trouble not to inhale them. And that is why it suffuses the air of the planet.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And if you spend too much time on a rackus, you will become a spice addict who cannot live for long outside of the planet itself without a supply of spice. Spice, no longer, yeah. Yeah, the most blow. Did either of you, and I know this is a foolish question, did either of you see the film?
Starting point is 00:09:19 And of course, knowing that it is a, it was perhaps the defining cultural event of our generation. I include you both in my generation, although I am roughly 30 years older than you. I had, well, I saw, yeah, I saw it two days ago. Stuart, did you see it? I have tickets to see it tomorrow, but last night I played Dune Imperium, the board game version of the movie. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I played the role of Paula Trades and I lost to The Harkonins well spoiler alert. That's not what happens in the story I apologize. I will have many spoilers to talk about. I'm sure but to be honest if you haven't read Dune by now Are you even really human probably not and so I have no compulsion about spoiling a story? You should have read I also just looked myself up on Wikipedia have no compulsion about spoiling a story you should have read. I also just looked myself up on Wikipedia and realized I am about 40 years older than you, not 30 years.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And still I consider it all the same generation, generation, Dune. Those of us who are here for the year 1AD, that is after Dune, which all time will be considered from now on. Now Daniel and Stuart, did you did see the movie before playing the game or you did not?
Starting point is 00:10:26 I have not seen the movie yet. Although I did hear, we did get some good news today. Dune 2, it's on the way. It was announced today that Dune Part 2 will be coming to theaters in the year 2023, and very long time to wait to find the ending of the series. But you know, I feel like they made the right choice by splitting the film into two so that you could really spend a lot of time walking through the desert,
Starting point is 00:10:54 just looking at how badger everything is. Tan, what were your thoughts about the film? I know what my thoughts are. What are yours? Well, you know what, I've read the book once the first book. It seemed to be a pretty a pretty faithful adaptation of the first half of the first book. I found it a little much worse. It didn't bother you that there were no quotes from the princess Arulin telling us about what about the future of mod div. Oh, that's right. There are those little quotes
Starting point is 00:11:24 that enter the thing. You can call them little quotes. I think they encompass a galaxy of wisdom. That's right. I forgot about that element. I thought it was a very, very beautiful movie. I like to Oscar Isaac and Rebecca Ferguson's performance. What?
Starting point is 00:11:41 You love two great actors? Yeah, they're they are. I found it a little bit of a pretty it's like looking at a very pretty diorama that I wasn't that engaged by narratively, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I understand that you have to keep in mind that inevitably any adaptation of Frank Herbert's work is akin to looking at the world through a keyhole There's only so much they can provide of the Magrocosm that exists within that beautiful tale I so at least you felt like you were enjoying the experience even if it didn't in Rapture you the way that say the book
Starting point is 00:12:23 Dune, might. I enjoyed the first two hours, and it was kind of bored by the last 30 minutes. But yeah. So your word has much of a fan of the scenes where they were just walking through the sand. Yeah, those got a little seen. I have to admit that I had a few similar thoughts about it. I thought it was a very fine adaptation of the film. There, I did not mind the walking through the sand,
Starting point is 00:12:49 but at the same time, I did have to leave the theater very briefly during that sequence. Perhaps I was overcome by seeing this world brought to life before me. Perhaps I had had just too much Coca-Cola and had to eject the extra fluid from my bladder. That was in fact what happened. And I remember being angry at my own urine stream at how long it was taking to leave my body and get me back into the theater. Perhaps if I had been wearing a stil suit
Starting point is 00:13:17 I would have just let it flow knowing it would come back to me as drinkable water and stayed in my seat watching the film. Another it's the strange thing is that I It would come back to me as drinkable water and stayed in my seat watching the film. Another, it's the strange thing is that I did not learn my lesson and had to leave to use the bathroom at the same exact point every time I watched the film. Even, and I had it on my phone to watch it that sequence while I was using the bathroom and yet somehow I still managed to miss the scene. I suppose it was hard to hold my own manhood and hold the phone steady
Starting point is 00:13:48 and watch the screen without causing quite a mess. And so there is a sequence when he was walking through the sand that I was not completely privy to. But keeping that in mind, I feel like I got the gist of the major narrative. I have probably, I think you're safe, yeah. Now you mentioned Oscar Isaiah Roberabeck of Hercules. Did you have trouble?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Did you not approve of the other performances in the film? I thought Timothy Sharrowray acquitted himself quite fine, and Zendaya did what she could with a role that was essentially just her looking at the camera with her hair blowing around her. Yeah. The marketing of this has four ground ins and data and and that, you know, she's a wonderful, very charismatic actress and personality.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I understand why they would do that, but yes, I can only assume that because her character doesn't come into the book until after what the movie covers. They were like, hmm, how can we shoehorn as much of this charismatic performer into our movie as possible? Let's just have a bunch of flash forwards of her sort of, yeah, looking wistful in front of the sunlight.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, the amount of screen time she has as Chani, it was not enough yet to topple her as Michi in my particular understanding of Sendai's career. Now Stuart, when you were playing Dune Imperium, what was it that you felt lost to the game? How did you fail as of all the tradies as he could very well fail if he takes the wrong path and makes the wrong decision. Uh, my, uh, I had made a, uh, a play for the, uh, for in a battle. And I thought I'd want it, but I was betrayed by another player who won the battle, but ended up losing both of us the game. So I guess I'd focus too much on military strength.
Starting point is 00:15:45 It seems like you in a way lived the experience not of Paul, but of Duke Leto, after having put his faith into his doctor, only to be Dr. Wellington, you played by Chanchand, and only to be bitch rage, boiler alert, but again, you should have read the book by now. You should know these things are happening. Of course, seeing the other movie.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Of course, seeing the other movie movie the one directed by Alan Smithy a talented young director i don't know what else he's done but uh he did a fine job with it he'd burn Hollywood burn and Alan swithy film uh uh uh uh i'm not familiar with it does it like tune well they were both not successful. I would say that the tune from 944 is successful on its own terms, which is as a crazy kind of spaghetti mess of a movie. I mean, I mean, I imagine, you know, in a larger sort of financial sense. Yes, yes, I think part of the problem was in the their understanding of the Dune series. It was very much in 1914 as a new kind of Star War and it is very much not a Star War. Now, this movie on the other hand, one of the few issues I had with it was that it could
Starting point is 00:16:56 have used a little bit more of that kind of Star War joys, a very bleak movie, and a very downbeat movie, very dour. And in fact, it would have seemed even more dour if my screening had not followed the trailer for the new Batman movie, which seems like a true dissent into hell, a grim vision of a world in which no one exists but criminals and victims, and in which the supposed hero Batman is invulnerable and wades through bullet fire
Starting point is 00:17:22 to smash men's heads against walls. Truly, it made my tummy hurt and made me wonder what was happening in the America I did so much to Chronicle in my career when this is the kind of escapist entertainment we're looking for. When the hero literally says, I'm vengeance and then the last image is him walking towards a burning car in order to beat a man to a pulp. It seems like not the Batman I knew and fell in love with when Adam West played him. I don't remember any episodes of the old show where Adam West beat a man to a pulp or was shot point blank in the chest or told to anyone that he was vengeance. Do you guys remember that? I just remember the one where he runs around with a bomb.
Starting point is 00:18:07 That was hilarious. That's the movie. Oh, it's a bug-six film. But it's the film adaptation of the show. I can only imagine that if the current Batman, played by Robert Patterson, was faced with a similar bomb problem, he would take the bomb and slam it so hard into a bad man's head that the man's head would shatter, and then the bomb would, of course, explode sending
Starting point is 00:18:30 fragments into the bodies of several other people. Truly a horrible world that I cannot wait to not visit and not experience, but you'll know me I'm kind of a geek-in-completist, so I may need to go see it and just wade through the bile and feces that is the new Batman movie certainly a river of sewage poured into multi places made in white. Now Dan I believe that there is a promo for this episode perhaps it's time to throw to it now. Sure right after a river of sewage. This episode of the flop house, a nominally a podcast about bad movies is sponsored by Smalls. Smalls. It's a it's a food for cats. Give your feline friend protein packed mealful crave with smalls. And what makes small special? Well, it's fresh human grade food for cats delivered
Starting point is 00:19:25 right to your doorstep. All cats are obligate carnivores. They need fresh protein packed meals. Conventional cat food is made using low quality, cheap meat byproducts. Grains and starches coated in artificial flavors. Meat byproducts are good enough for you at the baseball game, but not good enough for
Starting point is 00:19:45 your cat friend with the help of cat nutrition. What are you taking the cat to the baseball game? I'm just making a comparison. I was going to say, because I would wonder then would you have to buy a seat to place the carrier on it or are you putting it in your lap or are you just holding the cat? Because if so, that is a very well-trained cat. Well, there's that cat that ran across the field at what Yankee Stadium this season, and that was the highlight of the game. Yeah, that was true. Maybe you want to bring your own highlight to the game.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, with the help of cat nutritionist, Smalls, which is what we're advertising, believe it or not, develops complete and balanced recipes for all life stages. Smalls recipes are gently cooked to lock in protein, vitamins, minerals, and moisture. Better quality ingredients mean a better, healthier life for your cat, since switching to smalls, cats have experienced some prove digestion and a less smelly litter box, softer and shinier coats plus better breath. And as a cat owner myself, I know that Wattacat Eats has a huge effect on health, breath, happiness, softness of fur.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's just, you know, why don't you make your cat happy. Take a short quiz on slash flop to customize your sampler and use code flop for a total of 30% off your first order. That's slash flop code flop. I will say I also am a van. i take very good care of my three cats paul catcher eighties don't cat eye to ho and of course uh... barren harcettin there there are the lots of my life i just take a good at my my my wife Lorraine broco sometimes jokes that i i'd love the cats more than i love her which is of course which which is of course a joke there's no one i love more than my wife uh... Lorraine broco we call ourselves the Bronco Brocos,
Starting point is 00:21:46 or something that broke the Broncos. Do you call their litter box a raccus? I would. I feel like it would be a bit disrespectful to the planet itself, too, is there's more than just a place for my cats to deposit there at waste, but you know, that's a funny idea.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And perhaps I'll bring it into my regular slang vocabulary during the day. Okay, well, I have, I have, yeah, I will lecture it. I'll keep you updated on that as I fold that term into my regular cat box discourse. Perhaps I'll tell my wife, Lorraine Rocco, that I have to go and search Arrakis for Paul Catradis. He'll know of course that I'm not really looking for the cat before of course, his waist.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Sad worms. ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." ["Sat Worms." Well hello, I'm Renee Colvert. Hi, I'm Alexis Preston, and we are the host of Can I Fight Your Dog?
Starting point is 00:22:41 And we got breaking news, we got an ex-bus A, at all the beans have been spilled. Via an Apple Podcast review that said, this show isn't well researched. We got no duh. Of course it's not. Not since the day we started, it hasn't been well researched.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Guessing an anthropomorphizing dog is what we do. The Can I Fight Your Dog promise is that we will never do more than 10 seconds of research before telling you excitedly about any dog we see? I'm gonna come at you with top 10 enthusiasm, minimal facts. We're here for a good time, not an educated time. So if you love dogs and you don't love research,
Starting point is 00:23:15 well, you know what, come on in. Do can I pet your dog podcast every Tuesday on Maximum Fun Network? Brea, what's your reader wheelhouse? A woman on a journey, space, post-apocalyptic roads, and magical food. Mallory, what's your reader wheelhouse? Wear wolves, haunted houses, weird fiction, and books set in Florida for some reason. We're reading glasses and we want to know what your reader wheelhouse is.
Starting point is 00:23:43 We can use it to help you find more books that you love. And the void books that you don't. So whatever you like to read about and however you like to read it, we want to help you read better. Reading glasses every Thursday on Maximum Fun. I enjoyed the film but as I have to say as I spent time away from it, I did find things about it not totally sitting right for me, and the main thing is somewhat the bleakness of it and the beigeness of it.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It is a very overwhelmingly beige film, and there's a certain richness and filigree quality to the ceremony and culture of the books, which is not, I think, fully reflected in the very brutalist architecture and kind of muted costuming of the film. One thing that really struck me was that the Atreides House, it's very clear, is not right for Dune. They are not ready for the challenge of Arrakis and they will be overwhelmed by it. And yet when they arrive, they're already wearing what I would call Dune tones, rather than the earth tones, the greens and so far. You would expect from a forested planet like Caledon. And I kind of wish that the howsatrade's legions had been dressed in armor that was not fittingly colored for a rakis. As a way to show how
Starting point is 00:25:01 out of place they were, that's just an idea that Danny Villanue can borrow from me for doing part two, or if he would like to do a Dune Part One special edition in which he used CGI to change the colors of the uniforms, much as George Lucas has done in his Star Wars films. But of course, my largest problem with it is, as I mentioned, when I talked about the trailer of the film, my previous, if it didn't, Brocott, Dune fix it.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Second, was the absence of Fidrotha, where is Fidrotha Raban, the other evil nephew of Baron Flattamere Harconan, who, again, as we mentioned, is played by Sting and the other film, and has a memorable climactic duel with Paul Ahtredis. Now, I understand from a screenwriting point of view, it makes sense to give your villain one evil nephew rather than a two evil nephews. And the idea of Dave Batista playing Fade Ratha, he is laughably large to play that part.
Starting point is 00:26:00 He can only play the beast. I assume they've collapsed those characters just into this one nephew of the beast, Raban, and that he will have the climactic fight with Paul Ahtredeys. And if you fellows disagree with me, I'm willing to put a little bit of money on it. And we'll see who actually is right about whether there will be a climactic. Paul Ahtredeys, Dave Batista fight in a dude part two. So what's the action you guys are willing to give me on this? I should mention that I have a dude based gambling addiction. I've been going to gamble on what
Starting point is 00:26:34 is going to happen in the books, which is strange because I've read them all and know what's going to happen. But I will oftentimes bet my wife that they will have changed since the last time I read them. So alive do I find the story and I'm always wrong and I always lose. Luckily we share a bank account so I don't actually lose the money, but I do lose a certain amount of face and thus my masculinity comes into question. So what odds are you willing to give me on this very good bet? Yeah, I don't know that I'm sorry, I can't take that action.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Although I do, I do appreciate the idea. I think it would be very funny to see a movie in which Timothy Shalame fights Dave Bautiste. Not funny. I think it's going to happen, Daniel. It's the, I mean, I mean, I, I, I, whether or not it happens, it's going to happen Do you think it was a idea? Would you like to bet me otherwise? It appears Tom has access to the Benning-Jessor at the history of New York. Not only. If only I did, although they are quite frightening in real life as we saw from Charlotte Rappling,
Starting point is 00:27:38 the performance as the Supreme Mother of them. Now, the Reverend Mother. Now, I imagine it would not be that different from the big fight I assume ends the movie, Stuber, between Dave Batista and Camel Langeani, which I have not again seen the film, but I assume they have a fight to the death of the very end. They're on the same side.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Stuber. Stuber. The commercials and posters made it seem like Camel was very afraid of Mr. Batista and I can only assume it's a movie like collateral in which Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx were very much not on the same side, but on very different sides. I don't know. They seem like they were doing pretty well, but I had to stop it about two thirds of
Starting point is 00:28:18 the way through. Why did you also had to use the bathroom? Was that the reason I did? That's why I stopped the movie entirely is because I'm like, I had to go home, I had to take a shower after going to the bathroom. Even though it's just a number one, I had to wash everything. Is that usually your routine? It seems like a real inconvenience. Well, I also suffered a fair amount of splash damage, if you know what I mean? Damage. Do you have acid pee pee like some kind of xenomorph?
Starting point is 00:28:46 You're in I think personal question next next one you guys got any more questions about my pee That is a very personal question. I'd like to be personalized if I asking do you think the xenomorph has acid be? Yeah, it would only make sense, but it's true is not acidic is it? I think just its blood if it was being blood blood, I would advise you to see the more of to see a urologist immediately. Well, and you would also think that it would become a much more popular figure to be peeing on car logos than Calvin because it's pee would disintegrate those logos.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Yeah. Well, maybe the problem is that you can't draw that because the artist is like, oh, this logo would be gone by now, you know? I mean, yeah, but like, but the thing is, it's not like a person piece forever. It's not like they're like capturing a moment that will stand forever. They're saying it's capturing at the very moment that the urine stream arcs up and is just beginning to touch. I mean, it seems like that is the way pictures work, Daniel, is they, they can take any moment in an event.
Starting point is 00:29:49 It doesn't just have to be the last one. Oh, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this huddles of water and yes to it and why every portrait is not of a corpse a decayed just to bones. I find it fascinating to know that at this point in your life you still have not fully grasped the mechanics of how time works in stale imagery. Now can we talk about one thing that like I it's your podcast. Well thank you. One thing that bothers me about like as the dude books go on again, I've only read the first, but it's my understanding that they're very much sort of a questioning of the white Messiah, kind of colonizer Messiah.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I kind of colonizer Messiah. What's the word I'm looking for? The savior? Yeah, sure. That sort of thing. This sort of Lawrence Havarebia, Tarzan type thing, I mean, Tarzan being, I shouldn't equate the two, but where a white person becomes part of another culture and ultimately conquers it and becomes the best one of it. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And saves it from some other thing or another. Last samurai or your last samurai's, your, what are some other ones I'm forgetting, some other ones I'm sure there are very many of your job partners. And the answer was wolves is kind of that I guess. Yeah, sure, you're dancing with the wolves, yeah, of course, yeah. Okay. No, I just, you know, but in the context of just the first book, which turns, you know, like foreboding at the end,
Starting point is 00:31:34 but is still kind of a triumphant book. And certainly the context of just this first part of the movie, it's just kind of a weird thing that the film I don't know has laid the track to make me know where it's going with it. The problem with it has a story that is incomplete. There's some weirdness with that, especially when I don't know. They're like, okay, you got the white colonizers and sort of the, you know, Arabic-coded Fremen.
Starting point is 00:32:11 But then you've got like dark codans who have the racial problem that a lot of science fiction seems to have where there's just like one race that's just gross or one family that's just like, we're a bunch of like really balls like pale, like blob men, I don't know. And there's nothing wrong with being bald, but I'm saying the way that. You certainly said it in a majority way. That's true.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I believe my friend, JK Simmons, would be very unhappy with you. Thank you. Yeah. But do you know what I'm trying to get around? I'm not to mention my other friend Howie Mandel, the number, the nights that me and my friends JK and Howie drive around in the Dune Buggy, that's what I call a car, and just whoop up the town, they're also big dune heads. They're. Very valuable to me, and I don't appreciate their baldness being used as a pejorative. No, no, no. I'm saying that I think the movie uses a pejorative. I apologize, in general.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I was telling my friend, Elliot, who was here before you came, that I'm very tired right now. So I don't think I'm being as articulate as I could be, but do you understand what I'm trying to do? I understand not everyone can be as articulate as I could be, but do you understand what I'm trying to do? I understand not everyone could be as articulate as I am. So I think pronunciation being one of my finest characteristics. Now, Daniel, I think what you're asking for is partly that you want the answers that part two will provide, but you're not going to get them until part two. Not sure.
Starting point is 00:33:42 One of the brilliance to me of Dune is that it takes this same sort of Lawrence of Arabia white savior story and turns it somewhat on its head by showing that the main character understands that by doing this, he is only going to inevitably make the situation worse. And he thinks through his willpower, perhaps he can change that and lead things to a different path. But no, it's impossible. Much like in the story of Erepus Rex, there is one destined path, and though each of the characters tries to avoid it, all roads lead to him doing his mom, even
Starting point is 00:34:18 though every character has tried to not let that happen, and that ultimately, trying not to make it happen, has only led it that happen. And that ultimately try not to make it happen has only let it to happen. Dune is someone like that. And I feel like if there is another flaw with the film, I feel like it does not fully come you negate clearly. That Paula Tradeys sees ahead of him a future of almost apocalyptic violence and makes the choice to follow that future, assuming he can change it, but instead locking his destiny in place. One small problem I had was that when they showed his vision of his hordes decimating
Starting point is 00:34:52 whole cultures that was represented by roughly a bunch of dudes fighting in the desert and the burning of a small pile of bodies, when every time I imagine it while reading the book, I imagine thousands, if not millions, of burning piles of corpses as they lay waste to other civilizations, attempting to force them to worship the Maudib Qusatardak. But I think what you're looking at is that part one is hopefully the setup that creates our expectations
Starting point is 00:35:22 and then part two will be the payoff that subverts those expectations by making us question of that narrative. It's a bit like judging a joke from the punchline. If I said to you, a man walks into a bar and he says, that's a can't judge the joke off of that. I haven't told you. Of course, the punch being, the punchline is out because he walked into a different kind of bar than you thought. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:35:51 No, no, no. I think that that's true. And I do think that the problem is it's just hard to give the foreshadowing that's necessary of visions inside his head and like make it clear. It's a complex idea for the film to try and communicate. Very complex. Perhaps better described in prose, or maybe they could have just had a character more clearly say it.
Starting point is 00:36:17 It's sometimes difficult to know when it's better to have what's called an exposition dump or info dump or ID, meaning info dump, not Independence Day, which of course is ID4, the hit film, which did not have the plot complexity of Dune, but did have Brent Spiner in it, so you got to give it some credit for that. So perhaps it's hard to know when to say it in images and when to say it in words Especially since as Dan has made clear images can only show the very end of a thing and cannot show you intermediate steps or even the beginning That's why they're so useful for fortune telling. Yeah. Oh, yes very much. That's why there's the story the portrait of Dorian Gray is not considered Supernatural or even interesting because all portraits show the horrible of Dorian Gray, is not considered supernatural or even interesting,
Starting point is 00:37:05 because all portraits show the horrible ending of the person who is vented. Yeah, it's a slice of life. It was a very controversial book when it came out because people said, yeah, we know this. Why did you bother to write a whole book about it? Mm-hmm. Ah, I got it.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I got it here, but I love it. Hey, Oscar Wilde, here's what's truly wild, that you thought we needed to be told how much it worked. You burned them, you really got them. Should be Oscar mild, right? Talk about Oscar mild, yes indeed. Did you guys, here this is a little off topic, but when you saw the movie Something Wilde,
Starting point is 00:37:39 did you expect to see Oscar Wilde in the film because I did, I guess I did. So well, forgot that his name is spelled differently. Yeah, that's your mistake. There's a there's a terminal E on this same issue I have every time I watch Wilde America thinking I'm going to see Oscar Wilde's adventures in America, which he had but instead is just a nature documentary. What about wild things? Did you have the same issue? You and I kept weird. I said, I think we can all agree that Oscar Wilde would love Wilde. Oscar Wilde would have found it's air of sluggish decadence and and
Starting point is 00:38:12 lugubrus. Let's call scandal. He would have found it really up his alley. Oscar Wilde would have given it, I think, four of him stars. In fact, I feel like I want to tell the producers of the film, while they just go ahead and put a blurb from Oscar Wilde on the box. You know who would have loved it. Now, I think to finish off my thoughts about June, Bar War of the Film, I think that I was heartened by it. It felt like a nice straightforward adaption of the story.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It did not reach the same heights of transcendence that I found in the book, but then what does? I'm sure if they made a movie of the Bible. It would, which they've never done, but maybe someday, I'm sure it would not reach the same heights of religious importance for people. Otherwise, they'd stop printing Bibles and they'd just show people that movie, which would be inconvenient when formats changed and you'd have to get a whole new one when you bought a DVID player or a laser disk. But I feel like there's promise in there for Dune Part 2 and I just hope that the second part has a little bit more of the feeling of life that Hurt Frank Herbert brings to a
Starting point is 00:39:20 Rackus. I would love to see if in the second part, as Paul learns more about life on a rackus and surviving there, if the planet itself looked less beige and dead and took on more of a vibrancy. It's just another idea. I'm throwing out there for Danny Boone. I know to take, go for it. I will not sue you if you use it.
Starting point is 00:39:37 That is fine with me. But for if it ain't broke off, Dune fix it. I've been America's favorite newsman, Thomas J. Broca. The J stands for just reading Dune. Okay, well, thank you for that. I think Elliot originally started this menu, so I'm gonna let him finish it. Let's, I just wanna say before we do that,
Starting point is 00:40:03 this is one of those episodes that makes me delighted and mystified that people listen to the show and seem to enjoy it. Hey guys, I'm back. Tom Broca. Just let me out of the bathroom. He locked me in. I don't know. I assume I don't know what he was talking about. I assume probably he had locked you with a chair or whatever. Yeah, he had put a chair up there and then he said, and then he said, see you sucker and just walked out. Uh-huh. I guess we're running at a time. So I'm going to have to talk about Adam Warlock
Starting point is 00:40:31 at some future episode. Do you think they cast that kid because his eyebrows look like Adam Warlock's eyebrows? I have to assume that's what it was. You got to cast eyebrows. What are those eyebrows look like? Like kind of pointy on the sides. Oh pointy.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I mean, you can't do that with makeup effects. That's like, uh, Like kind of pointy on the sides. Oh pointy. I mean, you can't do that with makeup effects. That's like, uh, I was listening to an interview with Rick Baker. We were saying that eyebrows are still the Achilles heel of any makeup artist. It's just impossible. So when you want to have a character with crazy eyebrows, you go out and get a crazy eyebrow person, you know, or trying to catatelize to just hang out. That's it.
Starting point is 00:41:02 You laugh, but that's the easiest solution. It's worth for Peter Gallagher. Yeah. Well, Peter Gallagher, the funny thing is that he was trying a new skin treatment where you put glue on your face. And two caterpillars crawled on while he was sleeping with the glue, and they just got stuck there.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah, he was sleeping under a rose bush. That was his mistake, yeah. Oh, what a charming idea. Well, it makes I think we should leave on that on that delightful note of Peter Gallagher with the caterpillars on his eyes on his face. I'll come back next time I guess to explain Adam Warlock to everybody. I do hope to do that. I can't wait to listen this episode and find out what you guys were talking about with Tom Brokai. Imagine it was pretty straightforward and made a lot of sense. Yeah. But for the flop house, I've been Elliot Kaelin.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I've been Dan McCoy. And I'm still steward Wellington. Bye. Comedy and Culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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