The Flop House - FH Mini 58 - Fourth Majure

Episode Date: July 9, 2022

We may not love the direction the country is headed right now, but at least the recent Independence Day holiday inspired this hilarious game from Elliott! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, flop house friends, and welcome to another flop house mini. That's right, it's one of our off week mini episodes. Normally, at the flop house, we watch a bad movie, and then we talk about it. But on our mini episodes, we're just going to do whatever we want, which has turned into a series of games that each of us kind of throw at the other ones for that explanation. Sometimes they make sense. Sometimes they don't Joining me my name is Ellie Kaelin joining me on this week are my regular co-hosts and their names are Dan McCoy
Starting point is 00:00:33 Stewart Wellington And we're recording this on a night when Dan is recovering from an illness and Stu is tired and I'm also Tired so let's see what happens because we're doing a series of games tonight that I have prepared each less interesting than the last for my two co-hosts. So. Oh great. Okay. Wait, I meant to say more fiendish. Uh, what did I say? Yep. Now guys, how are you feeling today? You ready for a little bit of game playing? Sure. You know me, I'm a real, I'm a real Game Boy, just slap a little cartridge in my back and play, I don't know, uh, uh, uh, alleyway, brickle, what's the game on?
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's a, it's a, it sounds like, uh, that's our Tetris. It sounds like, uh, Tetris makes the most sense. Like David Kronenberg's Nintendo ad would have been slapping a cartridge into someone's back and then their face would turn into a Game Boy screen. And it would say, you know, all hail the new games or something like that. You know, that sounds great. That's what we make that commercial. What are your games? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 So, Mr. Kronenberg, if you're listening, please write Dan McCoy, a care of, why didn't you make any Nintendo commercials? I just went to three fake straight or extended its email or two dead. I'm trying to move this thing along. please write Dan McCoy, a care of, why didn't you make any Nintendo commercials? One, two, three, fake straight or send it as an email or do you do this? I'm trying to move this thing along. You know, that we recorded it a full episode of this. I think that's why. But it's going to come out after this one. So just to bring the audience up to date, I finally got Corona virus.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So I'm very tired. But we're going to more detail on that next week after this episode's release. So let's go to the game. We're recording this episode the day after 4th of July. And that means that Bastille Day is right around the corner. That's right. It's the revolutionary time of the year. The time when people get a little antsy and start overthrowing their governments. And so guys, I thought I'd have a series of games for you about revolutions and American history.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Since even those who this will be released a week after the 4th of July, recording it, you know, the day after, or a little bit less than a week after. Anyway, so I've got four different rounds. You guys will compete against each other. And they have to deal with movies. Do you guys like movies? There are. I know it. I'm a I'm a real freak. How about games? Do you like games? You know, I'm a real game boy. What about games about movies? You know, we're talking about when you pop in a DVD and like it plays like a little scene and then you have to like guess what's going on?
Starting point is 00:03:04 pop in a DVD and like it plays like a little scene and then you have to like guess what's going on. Something like that. Yeah, I mean, that's just watching the first scene of a movie usually. But oh, shit, that is what I do. And let me just finish off the questions. Do you like movies about games? Yeah, quiz show. War games.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I like war games. Okay, well, stop thinking about those. We're not actually, I'm not actually I Yeah, the game. Uh, which is it's called the game, but they're actually other games too. It's not the only game. It should be a game. They're really playing a game. To be fair, it's not much of a game. So we've got four rounds. The first one I'm calling real are EEL life revolutions And so I'm gonna ask I'm gonna describe a movie to you and you're gonna tell me what movie with the word Revolution in the title. I'm asking you about and you'll take turns with these. Okay, so let's flip a coin to see who goes first And flipping Dan can you call heads or tails?
Starting point is 00:04:03 head Who had landed on the edge? Uh, and flipping Dan, can you call heads or tails? Heads. Who had landed on the edge? Uh, I'm going to have to flip the second coin. Hold on guys. Great. Yeah. Okay. Flipping Dan call heads or tails? Tails. You're not going to believe this. A raven swooped down and ate the coin before it land. Oh my God. You know what? Dan, you just go over. Dan, you just go over. Okay. That was so raven.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I was eating coins in there. So very raven. You'll go first. Okay. So, Dan, what revolution movie is this? I'm going to put, I'm going to paint a word picture. It's a word, Rina suburb. Life is kind of boring, too boring for Kate Winslet and Michael Shannon, Shara has a lot of truth to land on on people due to the fact that according to this movie uh... emotional instability and mental illness are a pathway
Starting point is 00:04:50 uh... to see through the illusions of things stand what revolution movies this uh... is the film i i have not seen but i believe it is titled revolutionary road you're right all and you didn't see it that's fine steward it's i don't know it's That's fine. Stuart, I don't know. It's, it starts Michael Shannon. He's, uh, he's a regular, uh, in the neighborhood, uh, to the point that now, like, he'll walk past the bar and somebody will be like, that guy looks like that actor and I'll be like, it
Starting point is 00:05:18 is that actor. Yeah. Audrey saw him at a restaurant the other night when she went out. He goes to restaurants like a person. I know Michael Shannon's there just like us. This has been another exciting chapter of Tales of Shannon in which we hear that Michael Shannon walks by bars and patronize his restaurants. Now Stewart, it's your question.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Okay. Can't wait. Okay. What revolution is this? You're living sometimes inside a computer, sometimes not, and you can fly and stuff, and you have really betrayed the promise of the earlier parts of the series.
Starting point is 00:05:52 What revolution is this? I would say, I would say matrix revolutions. Yeah, that's right, matrix revolutions. I was waiting for you to say singular. It's matrix revolutions. Okay, Dan, we revolutions. I was waiting for you to say singular. It's matrix revolutions. Okay, Dan, we're heading, this is a short round. We're heading towards the end of the round. Okay, what revolution is this?
Starting point is 00:06:14 We're not going to settle this on the battlefield. We're going to settle it with a dance off. And it is, yes, also a sequel. Dance, dance revolution. Oh, I'm sorry, that's a video game. That's not a beauty. I was confused. Stu, would you like to steal this one? No. Okay, well, it's step up revolution. Step up revolution. I know they had another was a step up revolution. You got to be on it. Okay, which one is it? Which one in the series?
Starting point is 00:06:43 You got to be on it. Okay, which one is it? Which one in the series? Don't know. Haven't seen it. Don't know. Don't care. Don't care. There's a surprise. There's new movies. It's surprising. We, few movies, the revolution in the title, it turned out after I'd already decided on this being the first round game. Okay, there's one more. This is still. Okay, what revolution is this? It's not the word revolution, but it is a movie that was supposed to be the new ghost busters and did not turn out to be the new ghost busters. Uh, wait, is it ghost busters revelations?
Starting point is 00:07:14 No. I'm going to give you also a hint. It's got David DeCuffney in it. Oh, oh shit. This is a little bit of a form. Yeah, no, it's not coming. Dan, would you like to steal it? This one's called evolution. That's right. It's evolution.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's not revolution. Is it play or a lot of Jones in it? Yes, it's also, no, it's not, it's not house of D either. It's not any of the other canories, David Coney, things. Here's the problem. The only other movie with revolution in the title I could find was an Al Pacino movie called Revolution, set during the American Revolution that I had never heard of.
Starting point is 00:07:55 So I decided I have to go with the evolution. Okay, guys. That poster, that poster is awesome. For what? Evolution. No, for revolution with Al Pacino. Where it's just his face? Doesn't it, doesn't even like a ponytail? It does have a ponytail, that's true.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Okay guys, cause it plays a per-trapper. So round two, okay, this one is called real life revolutions. That's R-E-A-L life revolutions. I'm gonna name a movie. You're gonna tell me what the real life revolution in real history that happened for real, that movie is about. Okay, are you ready for this? Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum for this round. Yeah, one of the first. Okay, Stuart. Okay, the movie is the Patriot. What revolution is that? Oh, fuck. The American Revolution. I don't know why you're so startled by it. Cause I was thinking about how dumb a fucking movie that movie is. It is. Okay, Dan,
Starting point is 00:09:00 this movie is called Les Miserables. That's the French Revolution. You are wrong. That is not the French Revolution. What? You want to take it? You said there was a revolution. So it's not that one. Then what?
Starting point is 00:09:15 I knew you would say the French Revolution, which is wrong. Les Miserables does not take place during the French Revolution. You're all right. No, it was the 1832 Paris uprising that's nearly 16 years after the French. It was a revolution, but not the one called the French revolution. I thought it'd be a name. Classic, classic trick. You fucked with us.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's okay. You fell into it. You fell into the trick. Okay, Stuart, then you get the next one. The next one is called Dantan. What revolution was that take place during? Wait, what's it called, Tanton? No, it's called, no, Tanton is during the Star Wars revolution.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Danton. Danton. Yes. Yeah, it's me, it's a toy. You just said, Danton. Yep. Uh, uh, the, is it the dance dance revolution? Nope, okay, Dan, you get to steal it.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I believe that is the French Revolution. Yes, that is the French Revolution. You got it, Dan. Not in 1832 Paris, Paris in which we miss this about. Anton is about the real French Revolution from the 1770s, 1780s. Okay, moving on. Dan, it's Dan's, you're turning, even though you got that one. Okay, Battleship Pachemkin. What revolution is that movie about? Uh, is it just called the Russian revolution?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. Sure. It's not really about the Russian revolution. It's about an uprising for the Russian Revolution. But I felt really bad about that, that trick I played with Liam is Rob. So I'll let you have about that. Thank you. Okay. I appreciate it. Okay. You said, how about this, the battle of Algiers? Is it the Algerian revolution? You know it. That's right. You got it. You know, you know, I, I kind of doubted myself, but you know what? At the end of the day, just, I just got to trust my body. Trust in the heart of the cards. You got to do it. The game wants you to win.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I guess you called the Algerian war, but it's now a Gian revolution. What, what, what else are you going to call it? Okay. So Dan, this last one in the round before a bonus question is for you. This movie is called Viva Zapata. Whatever evolution is that? Uh, is that the Mexican revolution? You know it.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Oh, you guys are doing great. This is a new song you're going to do bad. I feel, I feel smart now. Yeah. I know a lot about Zapata. Yeah. I feel smart now. Yeah, I know a lot about Zopada. Yeah, that's it. And again, just to mention earlier,
Starting point is 00:11:48 I know that Balschipachemkin is really about the 1905 naval uprising, but I wanted to give Dan a little bit of a leg up. We know it's Russia, so we said Russian Revolution. Okay, here's the bonus question. Guys, what country does the movie bananas depict a revolution in? No, it's a piece of a piece. This one is equal to five points. What country does the movie bananas depict a revolution in? Oh, geez Louise. This one is equal to five points. So you're gonna wanna get it right.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Here's the hint, it's not a real country. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. I can't remember. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. The answer is, even though it's a very funny movie, we don't have to talk about Woody Al anymore. Is that the answer?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yes. The answer is problematic. No, it is in San Marcos. That's the name of the revolutionist. San Marcos, right. Dan, before we get into round three, why don't we take a moment to have a revolution in sponsors? Round up, some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Because we're not talking about revolutions anymore after the break, but now we're going to have a sponsor break before we get to round three. In this, perhaps the least thought through series of games in Flophouse Mini History. Dan, who's sponsoring us today?
Starting point is 00:12:59 You know what a lot of people are talking about microdosing these days. You probably heard about it. If not, you can really, you can really hear the fact that this is the second episode recording. This is, uh, this is not microdose energy. This tail end of COVID energy. So you've probably heard about microdosing. If not, just know that all sorts of people are
Starting point is 00:13:25 microdosing daily to feel healthier and perform better. They're all around you. You'll never know it. You don't know. They've got a secret. Our show today is sponsored by microdose gummies. You know, microdose gummies deliver perfect entry level doses of THC that help you feel just the right amount of good. You know, I not too much, not too much good. Yeah, no, no, no. I wish, look, I wish I could have one right now, but you know, I'm, I'm sick. I'm a microdose coming, but they do help you relax, they help you chill out. I think that they can be fun if you're doing something creative.
Starting point is 00:14:11 They, they, they, and the Tasting Grimmons too or something in the movie theater. Yeah, like, like a, like a Grimmons too date with my friends too. That was the thing that happened recently. That was great. Yeah, it was amazing. You should call it Grimmlins stew, the new dance. Well, we should call it the new dance. We should call it that, that's me. Microdose is available nationwide and to learn more about
Starting point is 00:14:31 microdosing THC, go to and use code flop, F-L-O-P to get free shipping and 30% off your first order links can be found in the show description. But again, that is code flop. Okay. And folks, we're also sponsored today by Trade Coffee. If you guys know me, you also know that I'm a real theme for the hot brown bean water. That's right. You know that about you.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Give me a big ol' steaming cup of it. Can't drink it, drink black coffee anymore because of my ulcers. So I have to have it with a little bit of milk and in this case, now regular milk because I can't handle the lactose, so it's almond milk. But I love coffee. You guys got that out of there. Who do that? Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Now, drink coffee. you guys got it. Now trade coffee on the off chance you have a you're ever faced with the sphinx and the sphinx is riddled is how does store take his coffee. Or or you're working at a you're working at a coffee shop and I come in I asked for a coffee the usual way you'll now know how to get food. So, we're sponsored by Trade Coffee and they're expert taste testers partner with the country's best craft roasters to keep 450 different kinds live and ready to ship every day. There isn't a perfect coffee in the world, I dare you to look for it because it doesn't
Starting point is 00:16:05 exist. But what does exist is the perfect coffee for you, Dan, or you, Elliot, or me, Stewart. Thank you. And they will, they're very confident that they're going to match you right the first time. And if they don't, they'll take your feedback and actual coffee expert will work with you to send a brand new bag for free. It's great coffee. I've enjoyed all the trade coffee that I've had. Love it. So right now, trade is offering new subscribers a total of $30 off their first order, plus
Starting point is 00:16:37 free shipping when you go to slash flop. That's more than 40 cups of coffee for free. Get started. I'm all on once. Don't drink them all at once. You'll be like, fry in that episode of Futurama. Get started by taking their quiz at drink slash flop and let trade find a coffee that you will love. That's drink slash flop for $30 off. Hey guys, just want to remind everybody we're doing a live show for the first time in like two years. It's going to be August 7th. That's a Sunday. Hey, Sundays are now the new Saturdays. So it's okay. We're going to be at the bellhouse in Brooklyn. Oh, I got any calendars. the Sundays are now the new Saturdays. So it's okay. We're going to be at the bellhouse in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I got your calendars. Yeah, I did in the year about it down. Yeah, Sundays are Saturdays now. And I'm sure that all laying out their little outfits that they're going to wear for the show. They're so excited. They can't wait. Can't wait. So that's August 7 at the bellhouse. Would you like tickets? Sure. We all would go to the bellhouse and just find the date, August 7th and get yourself some tickets as at the Bell House.
Starting point is 00:17:50 It's one of our favorite venues. It's always a lot of fun and we're gonna be talking more bias. That's right, people said, give me more bias. And we said, more, more bias or do you have bias and you want more of it? And they go, no, no, no, more bias. The acid of love, yeah. Yeah. At the end, so we're gonna give it to it. And they go, no, no, no, the more of the us. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so we're going to give it
Starting point is 00:18:08 to them. That's us talking more, be it's going to be a lot of fun. Sunday, August 7th at the bellhouse tickets at the bellhouse and Do you think that all these promos we've been doing for our live show on more be it's that we've used all of our more be it's energy. Awesome. Hope people show up show up and I'm sorry. We're actually, we're going to be watching the Fritz Langt classic M. Instead. Start with the same letter.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Not a bad move. It's a B-Rose idea. Oh, I got you. There's that new foreign film with the time travel. There's an amazing documentary about queer history on streaming. Have I told you about this classic word giant robot's fight? Or there's that one that most critics hated, but I thought was actually pretty good. Ooh, I know. The one with the huge car chase, and then there's that scene where the car jumps over the submarine. Wow, who are you eclectic movie experts? Well, I'm Evvy Wadiwai.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I'm Drake Clark. And I'm Alonso Drake. I'm Evvy Wadiwai. I'm Evvy Wadiwai. I'm Drake Clark. And I'm Alonso Drake. I'm Evvy Wadiwai. car chase and then there's that scene where the car jumps over the submarine. Wow, who are you eclectic movie experts? Well I'm Evie Wattieway. I'm Dre Clark. And I'm Alonso D'Arounded. And together we host the movie podcast Maximum Film. New episodes every week on
Starting point is 00:19:16 And you actually just walked into our recording booth. Oh weird, sorry. I thought this was a video store. You seem like a lady with a lot of problems. Mm-hmm. Carey is it? Oh, yes, hi, I'm Carrie. I am psychic Ross, and I will be reading you this evening.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Oh, interesting. Well, okay, I co-host a podcast. It's called Oh No Ross and Carrie is. Yes, I'm sensing that. The spirits are telling me. It is a show about... Well, it's about like fringe science and spirituality and things of the paranormal and you knew that you do research online you but more importantly like we do in-person
Starting point is 00:19:51 investigations yeah oh my god that's amazing see me and my friend this is so weird my friend Ross same name as you weird he and I just go and try them all out and actually we've gone to a number of psychics and to be honest with you it's a lot like this it's called ona ross and here. They confided at I could have told you that. I've got some bad news for you, Dan. I talked to the judges during the ad break and they felt I was being a little too lenient giving you that point for battleship of Chimping. I think they're fair. So they said they said they will give you a alternate question if you'd like to take it. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Sure. I guess the movie reds what revolution is that about reds directed by Warren Beatty? Uh, reds. Yes. Is that about the Russian revolution? Yes, that is about the Russian revolution. You did it, Dan. You got it. Oh, sorry about that, everybody. I know that there was some revolution fans out there who? Yes, that is about the Russian Revolution. You did it, Dan, you got it.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Oh, sorry about that everybody. I know that there are some revolution fans out there who were like, that's outrageous. And the judges agreed with you. Okay, we're done talking about revolutions. Time to talk about what happens after the revolution. After the American Revolution, that is, we have presidents. And it's time for round three.
Starting point is 00:21:01 That's right, this category is called real life presidents, R-E-A-L, real life presidents. And I'm going to name an actor who played a real life historical president, and I want you to tell me the movie that that actor played, that president in. Do you think he can do it? We can do my best. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Probably. I love that comment. I mean, all we can really, all we can really hope for is to try. Yeah, well, my fucking Cassandra against the future. That's true. He's not. No, you're not Cassandra. You're neither.
Starting point is 00:21:38 You would be haunted. You would be haunted. Nor are you Cassandra Tia Carrera's character from Wayne's World. No, I also did learn from the police canning movies. So, nor are we those weirdos who live in the water that make marbles have names or it not. I'm like in minority report. Yep, that's true. And you're not.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yep, that's where you can't see the future in any of those ways. Okay. Any other pre-cogs or things like that that you want to talk about. We have talked about Max von Sido on this episode. And we did on the episode that we recorded before this, but which will be released after this. Like a regular Mr. Show pre-taped Colin show skit. If you are casting the movie Minority Report and you're like director Steven Spielberg is about to crank out a modern science fiction masterpiece, but a key part of the movie involves a twist, a surprise character.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And you're like, we're going to make people fall in love with Max von Sydow only to have our world torn apart when we find out that he's the baddie. Now the thing is why would you cast Max von Sider? Now, my guess is Spielberg has only seen Max von Sider in in in my Bergman's work where he often plays a, if not heroic character, at least an empathetic or or a normal character as opposed to the needful things, Max von Sider with the rest of America is more used to. Strange, bro. Or sure true now my other question is you have this system of telling the future to stop crimes why does it have to be engraved on a marble at why why is that part of this part of the tool you got a stone on them do you think so okay so in this round to remind
Starting point is 00:23:23 the audience which I'm sure has forgotten by now. I'm going to name an actor who played a real life president and you will tell me the title of that movie. Okay, Stewart. Oh, sorry, Dan, the first one is for you. Dan, the first one is for you. Okay, that's Anthony Hopkins as John Quincy Adams. What was that movie?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Is that Amistad? You're right. That's Amistad directed by the same guy who made minority report. Make sure you wonder what Max Max von Sider didn't show up as Abraham Lincoln or something. Well, the different period of time. Oh, now you're in history major. Now, you know, all about history before it's, I don't know what French revolution is. I don't know what Russian revolution is.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Suddenly, maybe in Armistad, John Quincy Adams gets bonked on that by a coconut and he has a vision of the future and ZZ Bram Lincoln. Very possible. Okay. The next one, Stewart this is for you. This is Bill Bill Murray as Franklin Delano Roosevelt. What was the name of that movie? Recess movie, relatively reason. It's not Ghostbusters. Get's a hand job in a car, I believe. It's not Ghostbusters. Uh, it's not zombie land. No, it's stripes. No, keep saying them.
Starting point is 00:24:35 You'll hit on it eventually. Uh, uh, uh, fuck, what is that fucking movie? Um, it's the, what is it? Is it a? What is that? You've been there around. As if as if to watch the movie to him. Fucking no, I just had some like weird like George Sarat painting in my head. I don't fucking remember the name of this.
Starting point is 00:25:01 You're thinking of Sunday in the park with George, which is not. It's not at all. Yeah, I don't fucking remember the name of this. You're thinking of Sunday in the park with George, which is not really not this at all. Yeah, I don't know. Just just pick a bunch of words and throw them together. And is it maybe is it right? It's not. It's not. Okay, I mean, maybe my strategy that I gave you
Starting point is 00:25:17 is not the best. Dan, would you like to steal this one? Is that movie called High Park on Hudson? Oh, so close, so close, but it's not. It's called Hastings on Hudson. Hastings on Hudson. Oh man. You know, there is no fucking universe I would have gotten that right.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Hastings on Hudson. Dance, okay, it's pretty exciting. Oh no, it's called Hyde Park on Hudson. No, no, it is Hyde Park on Hudson. You are right, Dan. You're right. I miss I remember it Do I get an extra point for No, no, no, it's something the quiz master. I'm gonna throw that to me being tired and let me check my actually I'm looking at my notebooks says high park on Hudson and I just got it mixed up in when I was typing it so Dan You got that right there is a there's a village of Hastings on Hudson, New York.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's what I was thinking about. Yeah. Okay. So it's Hyde Park on Hudson. Dan, you got it right. Amazing steel. Now it's your turn again to get another point. Okay. In what movie does Franklin, Jela play Richard Nixon?? Uh, is that Frost Nixon? You're right. Okay. Stu, your turn. In what movie does Dan Hadea play Richard Nixon? God fucking damn it. Uh, is it dick? You're right. It's dick. Okay. Dan in what movie does Anthony Hopkins play Richard Nixon? I think that movie's just called Nixon. You're right. Okay. That's one for you. Okay. Stu, in what movie does John Q. Zack play Richard
Starting point is 00:26:51 Nixon? Fuck hot tub time machine. No, that's not it. Dan, do you remember? John Q. Zack played Richard Nixon in a movie. Yes, he did. It was just a big release. Well, relatively, well, I mean, it wasn't so big, but it was a movie. It was, no, it was not, no, the answer is the butler, the butler. And I'll give anyone an extra point for each name if they can tell me what other presidents were in the butler and which hilariously miscast actor played the ghost of John tech candy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:31 As Woodrow Wilson. No, that's a good guess. No, the answer is Robin Williams played Dwight Eisenhower, of course. And do you remember who played Ronald Reagan in that movie? No, it was Alan Rickman. Alan Rickman, of Rickman of course. Oh, okay. The button.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Is that first time I want to see the button and do his role? This seems like a cavalcade of strange choices. Yeah. It's, so next, who was that offered first to? Was that offered to Stewart first? I can't believe it was. I can't believe I dogged out the casting director of minority report and then heard about the casting of the button. It just goes to show,
Starting point is 00:28:13 stupid, stupid, stupid. What a fucking wild man was. They took the names of all the presidents on index cards and the names of every actor in Hollywood and just threw them up into the air and grabbed them at random. Okay, Dan. So this one's for you. Kevin Spacey has Richard Nixon in what movie? Oh, yeah. It's the, what's that movie called?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Is it called Elvis meets Nixon? Oh, so close, but that's not the name of the movie Stu. Do you want to steal this one? Isn't it just like Elvis and Nixon. Oh, so close, but that's not the name of the movie Stu. Do you want to steal this one? Isn't it just like Elvis and Nixon or some shit? You got that right. It's Elvis and Nixon. And finally for you, Stuart, what do they do?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Do they meet each other? That title tells you nothing. You do. You do. You do. Right. Do they meet each other? Do they love each other?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Where's the verb? It's not a sentence. Every title has to Do they hate each other? Where's the verb? It's not a sentence. Every title has to be a sentence. Are they going to the beach? Are they going to Kassadolmar? What's going with Elvis and Nick's? And are they going large?
Starting point is 00:29:12 What's happening? Are they going to meet Frankenstein? Elvis and Nick's and shouldn't play with dead things. Elvis and Nick's and shoot horses, don't they? What's the good of me? What a movie that would be. Elvis and Nixon just out on the ranch. Plugging horses.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Elvis and Nixon tell mom the babysitter said. Yeah, Elvis and Nixon in little China. What is it? What's the movie about? Okay, so and Stuart, this is the last one for you before bonus point that but both of the question uh... philip baker hall as richard nixon what movie was that in uh... fuck hard eight
Starting point is 00:29:57 uh... your half way there was philip and call hard it was not playing nixon uh... dad you know this one that movie's called Secret Honor. Oh, it is. What a great movie. Really? Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:09 It's only it's a Robert Holt movie. It's Robert Holt. It's a one man show. It's just Philip Baker Hall the whole time. It's so good. Oh, wow. Anyway, so here. So Stu, Dan's got a little bit of a lead over you, but there's a bonus one coming up.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Now, both of you can get it. And I'm feeling pretty good for Stu on this one. This is a bonus question worth a hundred points to whoever gets. So this wins the game, even though we have another round coming after this. So it takes the air out of the last round. It's like the golden snitch, you know, anyway. So, so the bonus point for a hundred points, can you tell me the movie in which the actor Larry Gates plays Chester A. Arthur? Larry Gates. Yes. Place Chester A.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Possibly the only movie in which Chester A. Arthur is portrayed by an actor. That's how many points? 100 points. This is where 100 points. Is it the... is it the, is it another Robert Altman movie, O.C. and Stigs? No, it's interesting choice. It is not O.C. and Stigs. A movie I don't believe takes place during the 1880s. And Stu, what about you? What do you say? Can you name this movie in which Larry Gates plays Chesbury Arthur. Just here's a hint. He's not the main character in the movie. He fears in a couple scenes, but he's not in the whole movie.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Oh, I don't know. I'm making this. You're going to kick yourself. You're going to kick yourself. The movie is cattle king. That's right. 1963, we're starring Robert Taylor. That's self. And Robert Lojus in it too. He plays a character named Johnny Quattro. So no one got that bonus, no one got that hundred-boy bonus, which means the game is still very much alive.
Starting point is 00:31:56 There's one round left. This is round four. Now this round is called real life presidents, R-E-E-L. Yeah, that's what it's supposed to Life presidents, that's how it's spelled. And this is actors who played fictional presidents in movies, I'm gonna name the actor and the president's name. And you tell me the movie originally, I was gonna just do it.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Actually, should I just do it with the name of the president character? No. We're not gonna do it. There's no chance. I would think of that doing that. And I thought it was too hard except for one of them. One of them, I think you could do without it. So, okay was too hard except for one of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:25 One of them, I think you could do without it. So, okay. So this one, we'll start with Stuart. Stuart, you get the first one. Hell yeah. This is Michael Douglas as president Andrew Shepherd. What's that movie? Michael Douglas, what an American president?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Oh, oh, would you like to try that again? So close. American president? No, no, oh, Dan, you're in that again? So close. American president? No, no, oh, Dan, you're Dan, you got to swoop in. I believe that the definite article, the, isn't there, the American president. He is the American president. How many American presidents do you think are running around in a given point?
Starting point is 00:33:00 Come on, Stu. Okay, Dan, you've got this next one. President James Marshall, we all remember when he had a, he had to deal with a real situation when he was played by Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford has President James Marshall. What's that movie? Air Force one. That's right. It's Air Force one. Okay. Get off my chitocold it. Should have called it Air Force fun. Put that on the box. Yeah. I mean, it's not that fun. Yeah. Put that on the box.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah. They should have put a box that's, Lord, for me, worst airplane CGI effects. I've ever seen said Elliot K. What? What? When that plane crashes into the ocean at the end, it looks so terrible.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Anyway, like worse than the transporter too. You're right. I haven't seen the transporter too. This is fair point. You haven't seen the transporter to you, right? I haven't seen the transporter to this. Fair point. The two was watching these. You're watching the battle. It's great. That's the one where he's got the bomb under the car.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh, okay. Yeah, don't you get a bomb on this car and the only way he has to get that bomb off the bottom of his car without leaving the car is he does this fucking cool flip with his car and it spins upside down and a crane knocks. So he really missed her. The good is what you're saying. No, it's deliberate. It's deliberate.
Starting point is 00:34:19 There's no like baby's day out situation. He just happens to drive the reconstruction side. There's no moment that the transporter doesn't do something exactly perfectly, exactly how he wants it. Okay. Okay. This is fair. Speaking of transporting, let's transport stew to the next question.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yes, please. This is Kevin Klein as President Bill Mitchell. Is that Dave? You're right. Is that Dave? You're right. That's Dave. A lot of people would say, you mean president Dave Kovic? No, Dave was not the president.
Starting point is 00:34:51 He was standing in for president Bill Mitchell. Anyway, that's the plot of the movie, Dave. And everyone's like, I want to go meet Dave. And they were like, that's a different movie. A different movie. You're not allowed. So, Dan, this is, what about president Tom Beck as portrayed by Morgan Freeman?
Starting point is 00:35:05 What's that movie? Is that deep impact? You know it. That's deep impact. Oh, yeah. Stu, this might be a little difficult, actually, it won't be at all. What about Terry Cruz as President Joanne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert? Come on, show.
Starting point is 00:35:19 What movie is that? You mean the movie that is more accurate every single day? That's idiocracy. Yeah, right. That's idiocracy. You guys are blazing through this round. Do you think, do you think Mike Judge gets any pleasure for being more and more accurate? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:35:38 No, I think you would be happy to be wrong. Uh, so I remember, I remember, uh, when that movie came out, they didn't do well because they didn't really know how to market it. And I remember someone floating the theory that it's such a visually ugly movie on purpose that the studio didn't know how to sell a movie that looks that ugly. And it was like, come on, that's grasping it, that's ridiculous. That's so mean to Luke Wilson. I don't think that's the difference.
Starting point is 00:36:03 He looks fine. He was in the whole surprise. He's the difference. He looks fine. He was in the home surprise. He's one of the top Wilson brothers. He's a wedding crazier. The top Wilson brothers are. We have the other Wilson. That's the other Wilson. Because I get the Wilson's mixed up.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Another's own Wilson, Luke Wilson and Wilson from Home Improvement. He's the older brother. He's always giving him nice. Wilson Phillips. Yeah. He's the older brother. He's always giving us. Wilson Phillips. Yeah. There's Wilson, the volleyball. There's Mr. Wilson, their dad who's always mad at that Dennis. Well, Wilson, I've never been kissed or just home for a nice. I think that was a, I think that was Luke Wilson, a never been kissed. Okay. Wait, which one's never been kissed? That's the two Baymar. I think that's a Michael Varton that you're thinking of.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Michael Varton, who's Michael Varton? Never been kissed is the one where she pretends to be in high school, right? Yeah, that's a big story. Yeah, that's Michael Varton. Oh. But who's Michael Varton? You know what, so the atheist, he was the handler in the atheist. He was Michael Varton.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You know what? I got mixed up because David Because David our cat is And never been kissed And he's got kind of He's got kind of an Owen Wilson, he look Or Luke Wilson, he look
Starting point is 00:37:13 About him Yeah, he's got the vibe Let's get back to the game Let's get back Oh, Dan's eager to Get back to the game Because it's his turn, Dan, President James Sawyer
Starting point is 00:37:21 As played by Jamie Foxx What movie was that? Uh, um, White House down. and president James Sawyer as played by Jamie Foxx. What movie was that? White House down. You're right, it's White House down. White House wasn't the only down. Jamie Foxx was getting down on every episode of Beach's Am or whatever. Okay, so to do.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Now, it's, now, President Jackson Evans as portrayed by Jeff Bridges. What movie is that? Jeff Bridges as President Jackson Evans. And you'll notice that presidential names, they never sound like real presidential names, but they do sound like made up presidential names. This is a guess, but is it the contender? It is the contender.
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's right. You, Dan, I fucking nailed it. You nailed it, right? Okay. Let's see, Dan, I fucking nailed it. You nailed it. Right. Okay. Let's see. Dan, let's see if you'll nail it. We've got a plenty more of these to go through. Dan, John, John Travolta as president Jack Stanton. Uh, yeah, that's primary colors. You got that right primary colors. Okay. Okay. Dan. Okay. Let's do it. It's up to you. Jack Nicholson as president James Dale. Oh, uh, Mars attacks. That's right. It's Mars attacks. You know it. Uh, Dan, this is kind of a gimme. Uh, this is president Thomas J. Whitmore has played by one William Pullman. What movie is that? Oh,
Starting point is 00:38:37 that is a huge independence day. That's right. Stu, you got an easy one, two coming up because here's Peter Sellers as president mercenemuffly okay that's uh... that's uh... that's uh... what it was the dr dr strangelo yes dr strangelo i thought you've got to say driving dr strangelo dr dr dr dr strangelo it would have been great every now and then this happens to me all the time right i have the idea in my head and then i very confidently say something that sounds like it. So I wanted you to be like, no problem. Dr. Detroit. And we said, oh, sorry. Dan, okay, here's this is one of the,
Starting point is 00:39:14 as opposed to Merck and Muffley, who we can all agree is trying his best, though not particularly good at being president. Here's a bad guy president. Dan, Gene Hackman as president Alan Richmond. What movie is this? Is that absolute power? Yes, that's absolute power with plenty of sweat. Oh, yeah. Now Stu, Donald Pleasants as president John Harker. Oh, fuck. You know this one. I do know this one, but my brain is, it's late at night. it's late at night. It's late at night. I'm drinking too much whiskey right now.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Fuck. I think I'm off. I don't know this one. Oh, Dan, do you want to try to steal this one? I didn't know it for a second. And then I realized I was picturing Donald Sutherland and not Donald Plus. Wait, Stuart, were you making that mistake? Were was picturing Donald Sutherland and not Donald plus. Wait, Stuart, were you making that mistake?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Were you thinking of Donald Sutherland and different Donalds? Just the scene from Animal House where you get to see his butt. Okay. So I believe that this is a escape from New York. That's right. It's a escape from New York. Fuck right. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:40:23 That's right. Okay. And Dan, this next one, I wasn't going to do it, but I'm going to do it now anyway. Cliff right. God damn it. That's right. Okay. Dan, this next one, I wasn't going to do it, but I'm going to do it now anyway. Cliff Robertson as president Adam. President Adam? Yeah. With president Adam. I don't know the time machine.
Starting point is 00:40:41 No. Okay. Stuart, what movie am I going to ask about after Escape from New York? Escape from LA. You know it. Escape from LA. Okay, that throws off my numbers, but I don't care. Dan Michael Keaton as president John McKenzie. Michael Keaton. That's right. Batman. I'm saying. I played the president. Oh, is this right, Batman. I'm saying. Lay the president. Oh, is this a multiplicity? What's it? Is this?
Starting point is 00:41:07 If I'm a clone, I can campaign in every state at the same time. Is it called first daughter? You're right. It's first daughter, not to be confused with first night, which is not about a president, but about King Arthur. Okay. Stu, Chris Rock as president, Maze Gilliam. Fuck. I should know this. You shouldn't. I don't know it. There's no reason to know it.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Dan, do you feel like you want to steal this one? Is that head of state? Oh, Dan, you've got so much junk in your brain. Yes, that's head of state. Okay. And Audrey gets mad at me for all of the stuff that I do not remember that is of value to our life. It's my birthday. Maybe William. Sorry, I got to make room for that estate.
Starting point is 00:41:56 You got to get room for all of Chris Rock's directorial vehicles. Okay. Okay, so this means that it's Dan Stern again. Dan Dan Acroid as President William Haney. Dan Acroid was the president in something. Yep. You know what? I don't know this one Stewart. You got it. Do you have this one Stewart? It's my gross point blank. No, it wasn't a president in that. Uh, fuck, I have no idea. Okay, the answer was my fellow Americans, my fellow Americans. Okay, stew your turn. Jack Lemmon as president Russell Kramer. What movie was that?
Starting point is 00:42:38 No idea. Okay, that's my, oh, Dan, what do you want it? Was that also my fellow Americans? I was going to, James Gardner coming up? Can I? Dan, it's your turn. James Gardner is president. Yeah, is that my fellow American?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yes, that's my fellow American. Dan, you're so far ahead, I'm not gonna worry about you missing that other one. Okay, this is the two toughy ones. Okay, because the presidents in these movies, as far as I can tell, have no names. They're just the president. Okay, so that's Stu Henry Fonda as the president. I don't know the dead zone. Nope. That I mean, in that Martin Sheen plays a presidential candidate,
Starting point is 00:43:14 but Dan Henry Fonda as the president. Fail safe. Yes, that's fail safe. And so Dan, last one for this, the final round, EG Marshall as the president. EG. Uh, uh, I don't know on the beach. No, okay, Stuart, you want to take this one?
Starting point is 00:43:32 I'll give you a hint. EG Marshall is asked to do something, maybe demanded to do something very unprecedented, she'll involving a man named Zod. Oh, that's Superman too. That's right. Superman too. All right, and that's us too. That's right. Superman too.
Starting point is 00:43:46 All right. And that's us brings us to the end of round four. That's the final round. Let me just tally up the scores real quick. That was a fun last round, Elliot. The other round's not as fun. Really? So you're saying I should have just done that back.
Starting point is 00:43:59 We're saying the feedback right in the middle of the game. Yeah, I'm just dropping feedback. Yeah. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. Is it saying what you know? Well, I didn't, it'm just dropping feedback. Yeah, appreciate it. Is it saying what you know, I didn't, it wasn't really a shit saying what she was, it was a diveta anyway, because where's the, where's the last final compliment?
Starting point is 00:44:13 It's an open face. Open face. It's saying which criticism, well, I'm not surprised you're unhappy with the game because you were blown out of the water by COVID Dan, Dan who's recovering from an illness, uh, handily bested story. Why don't you, what do you do with the fuck? 22 points to 12 story.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Really would have turned the game around. If you knew that Larry Gates played Chestery Arthur in the movie, Cattle King, you would have easily walked away with the game with that 100. What a damn pull up just watch. Where's cataloging play? It's on two. We It's on two. Be isn't it?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah, that's our game. I want to remind everybody that a revolution is don't just happen in the movies. All it takes is for you to go out there and stand up for your beliefs and do something good for somebody else. Don't give up hope because history never ends. And so there's always a chance for us to turn things around whether in our own lives or in the life of our respective nations. For this series of fairly ill thought out games, I've been Elliott Kaelin and I'm joined by my regular Flophouse Go hosts. Damnakoy, Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Join us again next week for an episode we've already recorded, and then a week after that for an episode that we haven't recorded yet, and so it is in the future for all of us. Thank you for listening, and goodbye. Comedy and Culture Artist-owned, audience supported.

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