The Flop House - FH Mini 62- The Long-Awaited Wedding Episode

Episode Date: September 3, 2022

Elliott finally makes honest men of Dan and Stu, by quizzing them about movie marriages.Ever tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone. Welcome to another flop house mini. Now, flop house fans know that normally we on the flop house watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. We do that on alternate weeks on the other weeks. We do flop house minis and these are just us doing whatever we want, which has mostly fallen to us running the taking turns running the other two through games that we've invented, that ultimately annoy and terrify them. So to introduce myself, Flop House listeners, I will be your captain for this evening, or should I say the master of ceremonies,
Starting point is 00:00:39 as we'll find out soon enough, my name is Ellie King. A apocalypse world. Yeah, when we're playing Apocalypse World, which we're living in right now, we're all playing that. So my name is Ellie Keane and joining me are, I will be your host, your ghost host.
Starting point is 00:00:56 But you're not supposed to, I'm not supposed to. But what's your name, Dan? I just wanted to say the hot and magical thing. I'm Dan McCoy. And I'm the ghost. And I'm the bit master master of bits doing bits all the time. Doods Stuart Wellington. I was worried you were going to the bit was that you were never going to get around to your name.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, that's a good bit. Yeah, people, the first time listeners are like, yeah, I liked it. There are these three hosts. Ellie, Kaelin, Dan McCoy and bit master. Yeah, the first name is big. Last name is master. Anyway, yeah, he runs the hyper zone. Uh, so everybody, uh, Dan Stu, it's great to see you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I haven't seen you in a little bit. Thank you. Uh, since we recorded our last episode, uh, fans, it's great to see you again. I can see you while you're listening to this. So you should be ashamed of yourselves. Uh, today, we're going to play a very special game. That's right, everybody. It's a game episode as I hinted at before. Now, we're recording this episode one day after my own wedding anniversary, the 12th anniversary of the day. Congratulations. I asked me what where we went out for dinner. Where did you go out for dinner, Elliot?
Starting point is 00:02:05 What's later you in? I need, I need, I need, I need to, before I can make a guess, I need to know what state I mean, California has some going, I don't want to be doxed. He just, Del Taco. To be set up to answer. He didn't ask for a guess. No, no, no, French laundry would be another, and the other end of the state didn't ask for guess.
Starting point is 00:02:23 That Dan, give me one guess. I didn't ask for a guess, but give me one. Get in guess the other state. I didn't ask for guess. That Dan, give me one guess. I didn't ask for guesses, but give me one. Get in on the guess the game. California pizza kitchen. We just call it pizza curian out here. At here, we just called pizza kitchen. Yeah, I'm not a mis-pizza kitchen. But no, I didn't get to go to any restaurants because my younger child had a cold.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And so we had to cancel our plans to go to a fancy steakhouse. Instead, we took in some food at home. So anyway, you got it. But there's somewhere. Something good comes out of this because now for the rest of your younger child's life, anytime he's about to celebrate any kind of thing, you can remind him of the time he ruined your anniversary. Exactly. Exactly. It'll be much like the time that he got sick on Valentine's Day and we had to cancel those plans. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm worried about my son's health and that's what we're going
Starting point is 00:03:07 to talk about today. Okay. Child, health, pediatrics. Now, Dan, you went to school to be a pediatrician where you dropped out like two years in. What did you learn? Well, I thought it was a prediatry is the thing. I thought it was about feet and I, yeah, that pediatricians are not foot doctors. Okay. Contrary to popular belief. You briefly became a spin doctor, which you thought
Starting point is 00:03:33 was a person who repaired record players. Yeah, but instead I mostly was counting princes. There's one, two princes here before you. Oh, okay. That's what I said. Have those princes feel about me? Do they like me or do they not like me? Have those princesses? Oh, those princesses who adore you.
Starting point is 00:03:52 That's what I said now. Did one of them bring me flowers? Oh, boy. Did they? And what do I have a pocket full of, Dan? Crypto knife. No, little miss. Very good.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Now, it's little miss always right. No, well, well, I mean, Now, it's little miss always right. No. Well, well, I mean, I wouldn't say she's always right, but I will say she can't be wrong. That's fair. And we've now reached the extent of the Smin Doctor's songs that I'm aware of. So in honor of my wedding anniversary, which was yesterday, again, we're going to be talking a little bit tonight about marriage and the movies in a three round game that I'm calling. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:25 The flop house in the aisle, which would normally mean a movie theater aisle, but in this case, means the aisle between the pews at a traditional wedding or for sure. This game is known as T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A A T W. For short, if you want to call by something a little snappy. Yeah, of course. Yeah, which is again, the flop house in the aisle, which would normally mean a movie snappy on the phone. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Which is again, the flop house in the aisle, which would normally mean a movie theater aisle, but in this case means the aisle between the pews at a traditional wedding.
Starting point is 00:04:50 That's the full title. Couldn't be clearer. So let's now we'll start this episode of TFH ITAWNM AMT AB ITC MTA V T F A A T W. Alex, if you put a little wedding organ music here, just transition to the game proper, that would be wonderful. Should I start my recording? Oh dear. I hope you I hope yeah this is a good time to start that. Okay and I would now be wedding organ music is hopefully finished transitioning us into the game after stewards. Puckish little Frank will start the game. Okay everyone hello and welcome to this episode of America's favorite wedding based game Tf H IT AWNM
Starting point is 00:05:46 AMT ABIT EMT ABTP AATW and please welcome our contestants. That's right. Joining us from Brooklyn, New York is Dan McCoy. Say hi, Dan. Hi, Dan. And what's a fun fact about you that listeners might want to know. I have two cats. Okay, let's have fun fact. And our other contestant is Stewart Wellington, also a Brooklyn, New York, Stewart was a fun fact about you. I ate a piece of steak tonight. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Tell us more. I think cats. That's true. If I have two cats, is that a fun fact? I think, you know what, it's now a fun fact that both contestants have two cats. That's right, it's a four-cat game here on TFH IT AWW NM AMT ABIT C-M-T ABT P-A-A-T W. We've never had a four-cat game before, and I'm very excited about it. A first in TFH ITAWNM AMTABITCM TABTPATW History. So guys, now it's time for the first round
Starting point is 00:06:51 of our game on Glabu to meet up. Before we get into the game, earlier I'd introduce myself as the bitmaster. Can I please give that title to you now? Are you allowed to? Because your commitment to this bit is legendary. Thank you. Maybe later in the game, maybe later in the game, we'll see if the bit continues.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Okay, I get to cap upon my head, my worried brow. Oh, so heavy as the head that wears the bit master cap. It's hard to sleep with it on. Okay, so that's part of the bit. So we're going to start with round one. And this round is entitled with this movie part of the bit. So we're gonna start with round one. And this round is entitled, with this movie, I, the, Wed. Now I'm gonna name two actors,
Starting point is 00:07:30 and you're going to tell me what movie they have a wedding or get married in, okay? You're gonna take turns doing that. I'm gonna give you the names of the actors, not of the characters, and you're gonna tell me what movie they get married in. I wanna apologize beforehand at the lack of, let's say, diversity of types of relationship
Starting point is 00:07:48 or types of people in this blame Hollywood. That is Hollywood's fault, not mine. We can only work with what we've been given by the movies here at TFH, ITAWNMATABITCMTABTAPATW. I'm only going to have to fast away saying this. There isn't. So this section is going to have 16 questions. You're each going to take turns and are you going to ask me if you can steal? Can we steal?
Starting point is 00:08:11 Yes, you can steal. Of course, you can steal because marriage is all about stealing someone's heart and then holding it in the box and never giving it back. Heart shaped box. A heart shaped, but well, I think that's just the heart. You're only allowed to hold it in a heart shapedtank box for a week, and then you got to transfer it to. Then you got to take it up to a plateau.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah. And what's some other Nevada songs? Well, what's that heart smell like? There's something in the way that you have to get past, so take your box to the place. It smells like you can spirit sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So. Yeah. So let's so we're gonna. Unplugged. She came as you are. To. Okay. Now this is not actually it. This is not actually part of the round. I shouldn't
Starting point is 00:08:56 have I shouldn't have brought up in the first place. So 16 questions. Again, this round is called with this movie, I the wed. I give you the actors. You tell me what movie they get married in. Stewart, we're going to start with you because you have technically been married longer than Dan at this point in current relationships. Wow, technically. Yeah. Yeah. We're only counting one.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You're technically correct, which is the best kind of correct is. So, Stu, here's your first one. And again, Dan, if you can't finger it out, if he gets wrong, you get you can attempt to steal it. First question, Maya Rudolph and Tim Heidecker. Oh, uh, bridesmaids. That's right. Bridesmaids, the movie in which I don't know if the cast knew that Tim Heidecker was playing the groom. He has no lines in the movie. And he just kind of shows up in the corner of the fray. I just assumed it was his complicated, comedy routine he was doing. Exactly. Okay, Dan, this next one is for you.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Julia Roberts and Richard Geer. And what movie do they get married to? Is that Runaway Bride? I'll accept it. Technically, it's called The Runaway Bride. But let's not be pedantic here. Let's stop. Okay, Stuart number three is for you. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Classic film. Everyone remembers it. Selma Hayek and Matthew Perry. in what movie do they tie the knot? Fools Russian. You know it. Fools Russian. Fools Russian to the theater to see that movie. A confidence with which you are pointed at the screen. New that shit. Okay. This next one.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Dan, let's see if you can be as confident as to it. Okay. Catherine, Zeta Jones and George Clooney, and what movie do they get married? Intolerable cruelty. You're right. Also, no, it's intolerable movie. It's fine. It's fine. It's not one of the co-embrothers top, top films. No, I like how quickly you abandoned your commitment to that burn. Well, it's tough for that movie because if the co-embrothers hadn't made it, it still wouldn't have been great, but I think people might have given it a little more credit if co-brothers are masters.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You know, they're not just bitmasters, although they are masters of bits as well. Okay. They're fast masters. They are fast masters. They're pretty good at catching fish and marring them to each other. And okay, Stuart, here's your next one. That's what that fucking video game is. Yeah. Yeah, you have to that fucking video game is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah, you have to marry the fish together. Yeah. It was originally called Bass Marrier. But it was confused because they thought people were saying, you marry the bass, like you marry a bass and live with it. No, that's not my order. No, it was just perform marriage ceremonies between two fish. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So speaking of two fish, here's a marriage between two people who are not fish, but they might be eating fish at the wedding. It's Tally Ashire and Gianni Russo. Ways this for me. This is for you Stewart. Fuck. I have no idea. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Dan can steal a shit. Is that the Godfather? You're right it is the Godfather. I didn't expect either of you to know that Gianni Russo was the husband, but Tally Asshire was the giveaway. I was ready with a clue, but you didn't need it. Okay. So Dan, now it's your turn.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Wallace Sean and Twink Kaplan. Sorry, Twink Kaplan. Yes. Okay. You know what? Got to trade it back. Don't know this one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Okay. My dinner with Andre. No, there's no marriage in my dinner with Andre. It's just the only characters in it are our walla shaw and Andre Gregory and the waiter. That was clueless. That was the movie clueless, which ends with walla shaw and Catholic. I should have known that. But you're going to get this one because it's, uh, who's turned is it? Stuart Stern. Yeah. Okay. Chris Pang and Sonoy Amazuno. Oh, my God. Damn it. Big head movie. I don't know, Dan. Can you, you want to steal this one? Uh, nope. I don't. Okay. It's crazy rich Asians, crazy rich Asians hit movie.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I know you rose for probably thinking it, but you didn't want to guess it because you thought you would seem racist. It's you wouldn't have. You would have seemed knowledgeable. Okay, well, maybe this will take some of the sting out of it. I believe this is Dan's turn again. Dan, okay. Okay, how about this?
Starting point is 00:12:57 John Lithgow and Alfred Molina. Oh, what is that movie called? You have to tell me. What is it called now? I don't know. I can I know it. I know the movie, but okay, sure. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Who is it again? John Lifkeau. You may know him best from Raising Kane and Alfred Molina, Dr. Octavus himself. Okay, so it's probably not Raising Kane. No, I mean, here's another hint. It's not Buckaroo Monsai either in which he played Dr. Lazardo. Oh, fuck, it's probably not third rock from the throne. So that was the TV show. Maybe it's the world of 40 garps to it. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:13:51 You never know. Oh, fuck, oh, man, could be the stage version of dirty rotten scoundrels. I'm going to pass. I don't know. Okay. The answer is love is strange. That was a movie called love is strange. Oh, okay. And guys, it's time for a mini category. That's right. It's this round. This game again
Starting point is 00:14:10 is called with this movie. I the wed. Here's a mini category. It's called I now pronounce you almost man and wife. These movies in which a wedding is taken place, but is interrupted and does not get finished. The first question goes to Stuart, Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder. And what movie do they almost get married? Uh, I don't know. Wait, uh, reality bites. No, Dan, do you want to steal? That would be Beatles juice. That's right. Be the juice.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Goddammit. There's even like a little It goes pretty He's a little tight Don't worry Stu. Don't worry Stu. Maybe you'll steal this from from Dan if he doesn't get it probably not You never know you never know actually hold on Are you trying to fight so a rist No, no, no, I'm not going to you know what else to it briefly was going to But I decided not to Dan how about this in what movie do Chris Sarandon and Robin right almost get married that would be the princess bride
Starting point is 00:15:12 That's right the princess bride. Okay. That's the end of that mini round now It's back to the main game which again is still called with this movie. I think we're okay In this one show from the other game Yeah. Okay. And this one's from the other game. It's a little disdain, distinguishable. Okay. This one's for Stuart. So Stuart, this is Timothy Walker and Sarah Crowe, then David Hague and Sophie Thompson,
Starting point is 00:15:33 then Andy McDowell and Corrin Redgrave and then Andy McDowell and Hugh Grant, I think I've actually never seen the movie. Uh, what, what, four weddings in a funeral? You're right. Four weddings and a funeral. Yeah. Although I did. And if you haven't seen it, they, they agree not to get married. And they make that a two grand.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Oh, well, I'm still going to give Stuart credit. I'm going to have to talk to myself a point. I've never seen the movie too many weddings, not enough funerals. That's what I said. You want to act with it? Let's have a funeral wedding parody, please, you said. Thank you. I want death at a funeral. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Next one. I mean, just throw a wedding in there and then it'll be all fine. So, again, haven't seen it. Maybe there's a wedding in that also. Okay, Dan, this one's for you then. Gerard Depardieu and Andy McDowell. Is that green card? You're right.
Starting point is 00:16:23 That's green card. Okay, Stuart, this one's for you. Samarro weaving and Marco Brian. Wait, God damn it. Ready or not? You got it. Ready or not. And wait, was that three end to McDowell movies in a row? That's right. Was this a surprise? I mean, it's like a segment we call Mac and towel Mac and towel will go together like a horse and towel. That segment is over now though. And back to the main game. So this one's you write a horse hard and put it away. What a towel need to wipe away that wet use the towel. Somehow, yeah, that makes sense. Go together. So Dan, Dan, this one's for you. Adam Sand Sandler and Kevin James and what movie did they get?
Starting point is 00:17:06 That is the team that's I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry you're a got that right. I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry I mean I pronounce you correct That's what I should have said I was stupid thing about how that movie is a crime against the human race Here is the final round of this round There are two more rounds after this main game. This final segment of the round is called. We're gonna call it round. Yeah, this is a side quest inside the main quest.
Starting point is 00:17:33 This round is called dearly be puppeted. And you'll understand why when you hear the questions. Stuart, this first one is for you. And what movie do Jim Henson and Frank Oz get married? Oh, fuck. The Muppet movie? No, you're on the right track, but not quite. I'm going to give you another guess. Muppet's big man.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yes, you got it. The Muppet's taking a hand. Somebody's getting married. Yeah, that one I wanted to give you another one because I knew Dan was waiting like a vulture. Just swoop down and pull that in your mouth. Yeah. And Dan, this one's for you.
Starting point is 00:18:13 In what movie does Robert Picardo and the voice of Mark Dodson get married? I'm sorry, the voice of Mark, I'm assuming that's remanse to the new batch. You're right. It's Remlins to the new batch. You're right. It's gremlins to the governor's face. I don't know the name of the puppeteer, but Mark Dodson is credited on the internet, at least, as the voice of Greta the Gremlin. And guys, that's the end of our first round, the first round of T F H I T A W N M A M T A B
Starting point is 00:18:40 I T C M T A B T P A A T W. We're going to be back with more T-F-H-I-T-A-W-N-M-A-M-T-A-B-I-T-C-M-T-P-A-A-T-W-Goodness, right after this word from our sponsor. Yeah. Who is T-F-H-I-T-A-W-N-M-A-M-T-A-B-I-T-C-M-T-A-B-T-P-A-A-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T-W-S-B-I-T TPAATW sponsored by this week. You know what, it's Lumi Labs. If you have listened to Elliot, rattle off a string of letters three times in a row, you've probably heard about microdosing because that's the easiest way to enjoy such an amygons. Oh, to survive it, yeah. If not, if you haven't heard of such things,
Starting point is 00:19:23 just know that all sorts of people are microdosing daily to feel healthier and perform better. You'll never know. They could be around you right now. They could be looking at you at this very moment. Our show today is sponsored by microdose gummies. Microdose gummies deliver perfect entry-level doses of THC that help you find just the right amount of good or feel just right, but also find it.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I mean, you've got to find it. You've got to find it to feel it. You've got to find it to feel it. Look, I've tried these things. It is very enjoyable. It gives you a dose that makes you feel a little better, a little more relaxed, a little calmer, a little more creative, but doesn't take you into a world where, you know, as a stronger dose might, you don't understand what's going on. Which is, you know, like, that's a sweet
Starting point is 00:20:22 spot. That's what we call the sweet spot in science. So, yeah, yeah. What I would like to tell you, the list in areas that microdose is available nationwide. And if you'd like to learn more about microdosing, THC, go to and use code FLP, that spells flop to get free shipping and 30% off your first order.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Links can be found in the show description, but again, that is code flop. Yeah, you got to find your sweet spot so you can feel your sweet spot. Mm-hmm. And you just want to, but then be, don't just spend your whole time feeling your sweet spot. I know the temptation is there, but you got to go do other things. That's the thing about being an adult. You have the freedom to just sit around feeling your sweet spot all day,
Starting point is 00:21:10 but you know that there's other stuff you gotta get done. You don't wanna know work? That's a crazy thing. You shouldn't. I mean, you're your boss, so I don't know if you know what's gonna fire you. Thanks. So I don't know if you know who's gonna fire you. Yeah, thanks This week greatest discovery becomes
Starting point is 00:21:36 Greatest trek that's because greatest trek is for way more than just discovery We renamed our hit show that's on maximum fun covering all the new Star Trek shows, Lower Decks, Strange New World, Picard, Prodigy, Discovery, and any other new Star Trek show, Paramount Throws Addis. Come find out why we're the most important Star Trek podcast on the internet with our funny and formative recaps of all the new Star Trek shows that Paramount keeps churning out. Subscribe to Greatest Trek, it's a new Star Trek podcast from the makers of the Greatest Generation. Hey there, it's Santa Vellga, which... And I'm Laird House. We host Tiny Victories, the 15 minute podcast that's about the little things. Getting into the Tiny Victory frame of mine is about recognizing minor accomplishments and fleeting joys.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Isn't it a wonderful day when the first password you try actually works? When it's freezing cold outside and toasty is all get out in my shower, my tiny victory is that I turn off the water and get on with my day. We can't change this big dumb world but we can celebrate the tiny wins. So join us on Maximum Fun or wherever you listen to podcasts. Let's get tiny! Well, after that talk of sweet spots, it's time to come back to T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T B A A T W. and just a reminder, Dan and Stewart are our TF-IT-A-W-N-M-A-M-T-A-B-I-T-C-M-T-A-B-T-A-T-Wers today. And they're doing great. Let's look at right now.
Starting point is 00:23:13 After Round 1, Dan is in a slight lead. He has eight points to Stu's five points. So, Stu, still within striking distance. That's right. This is still anyone's game. Star H. I. T. A. W. N. M. A. And John Lilley. I T C M T A B T. A. A. T. I don't know. I said that way. So the weird. All right, guys, it's time for round two. This round is called best man or forever holds your piece.
Starting point is 00:23:37 This is a little different than the last round. The last round was just pure trivia knowledge. This round, you're going to have to use a little bit of your creative skills. Okay, I'm, we're're gonna look at two different relationships. Let's say these characters from the movies are getting married. One of you is gonna take a turn for each one as the best man giving a speech
Starting point is 00:23:55 about how great the couple is, the other will play the part of the person objecting at the wedding and saying that, these two couples, this couple should not get married. So, Dan, since Stuart went first in the last round and you're in the lead, you get to choose whether you'd rather be the best man first or the person objecting first. So our first couple, you.
Starting point is 00:24:16 The hater, I would like to be the hater first. I was like, you'll be the hater. Okay, so Stuart, you'll be the best man. So this first couple is Buzz Lightyear and Jesse the cowgirl from Toy Story 3. Stuart, you're there giving a speech about who would like to go first? The day and or stew, the hater or the best man. I mean, I feel like the best man should give the speech first before that's. That's right. I feel like too. Okay. So Stuart, you're the best man. It's the reception
Starting point is 00:24:42 or maybe it's one of those weddings where the best man is doing the actual ceremony and it feels more like a long inside joke speech than an actual secret ceremony that bonds two souls for eternity. You're, you're there. You're there because you're either your best bud buzz or your best gal Jesse. I don't know who you're supporting, but you're talking about what a great couple they are. Why they should always be together. Give us your best man speech for Buzz Lightyear and Jesse the Cal Girl. So I got up here to, I'm sorry what can I say about this? Like he's a crazy man.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Who like, remember that time we remember that time when we went out to Queens and had drinks, you know, he knows what I mean, you know what I mean. So yeah, like he's always there for me and like Jesse, you're, I mean, you know, you got to kiss a lot of frogs, you know, and buzz. Man, he's always got my, you always got my back. I was got your back, bro. Anytime. Yeah. So let's give it up. Let's come on, dude. Let's do a toast to Buzz and Jesse forever. Okay, that was great. It was short on specifics, but it was long on realism. So, Dan, now you are the hater.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You are objecting to this wedding between Buzz Lightyear and Jessica. Yeah, I have. Stand up and tell everyone what the problem is. There are twin pillars of my argument against this relationship. Number one, the age difference, depending on how you're looking at it, the age different cuts both ways. Number one, Jesse seems to be indefined as her age, but she seems maybe late teens and
Starting point is 00:26:46 Buzz Lightyear reads as sort of late 30s early 40s character. Whereas also, Flip it, Jesse seems to be based on some sort of black and white TV show from the 50s, whereas Buzz Lightyear seems to be a modern toy of some stripe. So the other way doesn't work either. And also, I don't think they have anything in common. One is a cowboy. One is a second pillar.
Starting point is 00:27:20 This is the second pillar of your argument. This is the second pillar. If the movie Cowboys and aliens has taught us Nothing else. It's that mixing Cowboys and space stuff doesn't work so Boo to this union boo. I say Okay, both strong argument strong really aggressive argument It seems both of you had a little bit a little bit of the nip of the tail
Starting point is 00:27:44 aggressive argument. It seems both of you had a little bit a little bit of the nip of the tail of before you came to this wedding. You know, you had a taste of the toy with Vichya. So, okay, a strong showing, strong showing. Now, there's one more of these in this round. Now, in this one, we're flipping spaces. Dan, you're the best man. You're going to talk about this couple and how great they are. Stuart, you're objecting. You don't think they should get married. This is Bill Duke and Jesse Ventura from Predator. They're obviously lovers in the movie. It's not stated outright, but it seems pretty clear to me watching the film recently,
Starting point is 00:28:12 as I did rewatching it after watching Prey. I said, let me rewatch the original Predator. And I said, this movie is exactly the movie. I remembered it, except for the obvious affection between Bill Duke and Jesse Ventura. Oh, so okay, Dan, you're the best man. Tell us why you're doing this. Please play the character's Mac, and what and Jesse Ventura. Oh, so okay, Dan, you're the best man. Tell us why you're doing it. Play the characters Mac and what's Jesse Ventura's name?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Jesse Ventura's character name is, hold on, let me look it up because I forgot it. Yeah, I mean, Bill Duke's Mac is one of the best action movie performances of all time. Oh, yeah. So in Predator, he plays Blaine. Blaine, right. Blaine, yeah, so this is between,
Starting point is 00:28:43 and now it's your choice, Dan, whether this is between the characters, Blaine and Mac, or this is between the actors, Bill Duke and Jesse Ventora. You're the best man. Look, I, you're the best man. It's your choice. Who's getting married? Go for it. Here's what I'm going to say. I'll be frank. I don't, I, I know that everyone's going to hate me for this. Don't particularly go for the movie predator. To me, a little too much bang, bang, bang for an action movie. Like just people shooting at each other doesn't excite me. A humanoid alien doesn't really excite me.
Starting point is 00:29:20 But you go for the best man's bitch to speech. You know, I'm saying that like it may not be for me. And maybe that means that I don't actually know really who these characters are because all I remember is the second half of the movie once all these characters have been killed and Arnie and the predator facing off against each other, but I'll tell you something to have the guts to be an out couple in an action movie where with Arnold Schwarzenegger shooting at an alien in the 80s, that means that the love must be true. So raise a glass to build you in Jesse Ventura.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So that's the excitement. And the union. Yeah. Can't believe Dan topped my best man's speech. She's scared. He's one of those best men. He's fucking no scoped it on me. I like.
Starting point is 00:30:17 One of those best man's speeches where you know, the families of both sides are like looking at each other really embarrassed like like, what's going to happen here? But then he pulled it out at the end. Yeah, yeah. He got a lot of guts. He's a lot of guts to go to build Duke and just even tours wedding and talk about how you don't like predator. I'm sorry. I mean, I don't, I don't like it. I just, you know, it's never been one of my favorites of the 80s creature. Well, I, I certainly have always felt it was, it was, it was that predator was punching above its league by getting tied to alien.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yeah. Because alien and aliens are such beautifully made movie. Alien is, is a nearly perfect movie of that form. And predator, rewatching it, I was like, I was like, there's a lot I don't remember about predator. And then I watch it and I was like, Oh, no, I remember all of it. It's incredibly thin movie. Like there's not a lot going on in this movie.
Starting point is 00:31:00 But that's part, yeah, that's part of the appeal. That's a nice one movie about an alien that shows up and then they've do some battles. Exactly. They do some battles. And so now, but Dan, it takes guts. It takes guts. Okay. I got my work cut out for me.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Speaking of guts, Stewart, you're about to go to Bill Duke and Jesse Ventor's wedding and tell them why they shouldn't get married. You are going to leave beat up. So, so what's your speech? Go for it. Okay. I burst into the chapel. My clothes, ragged and dusty.
Starting point is 00:31:26 My hair wild. My eyes crazy. I have been crying. And I say, stop, stop. Mac and Blaine can't get married because I'm already married to Mac. The crowd goes insane. People are losing their minds. the crowd goes insane. People are losing their minds. He's been, he's locked me up in the attic of course. And now he's found a new piece in this blame. I'm Mr. Mac. This is bullshit. Okay. Wow. And then shortly after I burned down the house. I die in the fire. Mac is horribly burned, which is not as bad as what happens to them in the movie. Strange. Yeah, the movie is torn apart by an alien missile, right? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Get shot through his head. That's right. Shatter his head. It's awesome. Okay. And so he and so you're saying Jesse Ventor then shows up to find to find Bill Duke blind, but but but ready to love again. Love you.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So in many way, despite every description of him as being like a shitbag and ugly. So it did not expect it to go in that direction. I didn't realize that other than just bringing on Shane Black for, for uncredited rights, they also brought in the Brontes. But I'm all for it. That sounds great.
Starting point is 00:32:49 So guys, I'll tell you what, after that round, the scores are now tied. You have 15 points. So going into round three of TF, H-A-I-T-A, wait, wait, I got the letters wrong. TF, H-I-T-A, W-N-M-A, M-T-A-B, I-T-C, M-T-A-B I T C M T A B T P A A T W the scores are tied. I only break to that before Twitter got a whole of it. Oh, it would have been a nightmare. So guys, I'm around three of T F T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A A T W and we're going to go back and limber up that knowledge part of your brain again.
Starting point is 00:33:27 We're done with creativity. You both did a fantastic job. That was the essay section of the college application and you both got accepted to moving university. So here it is, round three. We're gonna take things in a little bit of a darker direction. This category is called Till Death Do do us part, because people have said half of all marriages end in divorce, which means the other half, end in death, which
Starting point is 00:33:50 is true. All things end in death, because we are mortal. Nobody lives forever. And so, funerals, like weddings, are an important part of life, and they also involve a lot of crying and formal wear and varying degrees of catering, varying degrees of quality, and there's flowers in there too. So, funeral is kind of like the flip varying degrees of quality. And there's flowers in there too. So funeral is kind of like the flip side of a wedding. The funeral is like, oh, we're not so different. You and I, two sides of the same car. You're gonna be end up scaling, Tens.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. And the wedding is like, I'm nothing like you. I don't kill. And the funeral is like, don't you? And the wedding is like, no, I don't. I don't know why I understand. Why am I, anyway, that's what they say. So that's enough of a connection, I think, for this I understand why I'm like, anyway, that's what they say. So that's enough of a connection I think for this game. So in this game, similar, remember how in the first round I named the people getting
Starting point is 00:34:30 married and you told me the movie. In this one, I'm going to name the actor whose funeral it is in the movie. And you're going to tell me what the movie is. Okay. Okay, so are you ready? This is round three of T-A-F-H-I- A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A A T W till death to us part and Stewart you're gonna go first on this one. Uh Mm-hmm. So uh you're gonna first in the first round. Uh so this first one Gene Hackman in what movie do we see Gene Hackman's funeral?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Okay, Gene Hackman Gene Hackman's funeral. Okay. Gene Hackman. Let's see. Not to be confused with Gene Hackman, who of course eats a power pellets and and is chased by ghosts all the time. Gene Hackman does not eat power pellets, though he is chased by ghosts. So it's not unforgiven. It's because he does die sign that. We don't see his funeral, yeah? Yeah. Man, I don't know like. It's not welcome to move. It's not a, I don't know, royal
Starting point is 00:35:34 tenon bombs, maybe. You're exactly right. It's royal tenon bombs. It's the royal tenon bombs. And I would like to give a personal just like a PSA. it's not called the Royal Tannen bombs. That would be the Royal Christmas trees thing. I've heard many times, it's an E 10 and bombs. That's just a new personal, the more you know from me.
Starting point is 00:36:00 This is an issue I didn't even know existed, but I'm so glad that you've brought my attention to it. So that I go back to forgetting about it. This is my petty charity that I run. Now let's say the Royal Ten and Balms were right. I haven't been able to get a non-profit status for it. Mostly like I, you know, I talked to the government, they're like, this seems like a really like asshole correction to make and we don't want to be part of it. Yeah. So I, yeah, I agree with them. So Dan, let's just say, let's say there wasn't really called the royal tan and tan and boughs. What would that be about? It would be about a bunch of Christmas trees that are royal blue. There. Blue Christmas tree is okay. Yeah, that's the gimmick of it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Like it's an ad man of the 60s being like, blue Christmas trees. How do we solve this? Like a Hutsucker proxy, don't you think? Yeah, exactly. And now the leaves are blue or the trunks are blue or just the whole things blue. I mean, they're like, they're needles're like, it's a conifer, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I don't know what leaves you're talking about. This is all that the needles are essentially the leaves of a conference. Just a different wave of holding, a thing that you use for photosynthesis and for respiration. Sure. Well, now we've gone into far down a track where I'm being annoying. So let's go back to the questions. You're right. It would be safer when you're just correcting the way people pronounce
Starting point is 00:37:26 the movie that's not that many people talk about too much anymore. So, okay, then Dan, this one's for you. Stuart, you ace that. You pulled it out. Let's see if Dan's going to feel the same way about this one. McCauley Colken. That would be spoiler alert. The film, the film my girl. You're right, my girl. Thanks for the spoiler alert for movie that is I think 30 years old now. I feel like a lot of audiences should have gotten that spoiler ahead of time. Yeah, but trailer for that genre, not indicate how sad that was going to get. No, the trailer really makes it look like a, like a laugh a minute wacky.
Starting point is 00:38:06 If you love Tom Malone, you're going to watch the shit out of this. It should have been, if you want to see that kid from home alone, die from bees. Hey, don't you wish the job the wet band had started? Yeah, don't you wish the wet band had finally got it up on, on little Kevin, finally, you can. Now, that was this movie that I didn't see in the theaters, but my mom and my sister went and they talked about how it was they were very shocked by his dying in it and we're not expecting it.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And then during the funeral scene, an old person in the theater let rip with an enormous fart and really cut the tension. Oh my God. Yeah. Perfect. That's what you needed that moment. Yeah. Speaking of what you need at that moment, it's time that we need another question. And so Stuart, this That's what you needed at that moment. Yeah, speaking of what you need at that moment
Starting point is 00:38:45 It's time that we need another question and so Stuart this one's for you in what movie do we see Steve? Busemmies or Steve Buschemmies or Buschemmies? How everyone pronounce it? I'm not a Royal Tannenbaum Tannenbaum type guy pronounced it You want how do you what movie do we see Steve Busemmies funeral? Okay, so we're talking about Steve Busemmy an actor who I saw eating a meal outside of a restaurant like two weeks ago, right? Yeah, the same one that's saying, the same one I used to see walking around in the same neighborhood. And he would notice that I noticed him and then turn away.
Starting point is 00:39:17 The same guy that you want to brag about just running into by having stands. That's the one. That's the only thing. Just trying to clarify, I'm just trying to, it's for the game. There's nothing in the rule book that says, I can't ask these questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 But you've introduced a tangent that, which is called Elliot's neighborhood stories. And I just want to talk about the two famous people I used to pass by all the time when I lived in Parkesville, Brooklyn, Stevie Semy, who did not want to be bothered during his errands. And John Terturo who would just walk into traffic and yell at cars whistle loudly. It just seems like if he was not famous, would just be a neighborhood character. At least, he loved just seeing him.
Starting point is 00:39:58 So Stevie Semi, what movie do we see his funeral? The same Stevie Semi, yes, that you saw eating outside a restaurant. Now, he was eating, it wasn't like he was eating out of a can. Still want to know what he was standing at in a restaurant. No, yeah, he wasn't, he wasn't like some kind of raccoon character. He was like researching a role sort of food. Yeah. This is a raccoon role.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I believe you're talking about the Big Lebowski. That is the Big Lebowski. Correct. It is a funeral for him and the Big Lebowski that ends with the other characters covered in his ashes. Alarius and poignant scene. Dan number four. Here's here's a let some people I guess we call him the stebus. Tell me of his day maybe William Hickey and what movie do we see William Hickey as funeral? Is I'm gonna take a stab here. Is that Preachies honor?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Not the one I'm thinking of. I could not remember if he actually has a funeral on camera and that he might. He might, in which case, I apologize if you lose business, but it's been so long since I've seen pre-seasoner, pre-seasoner, but there's another movie I'm thinking of, where he has a funeral at the beginning of the movie, the funeral doesn't go well.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Do another crack at it. The funeral doesn't, well, he's not dead in national ampune's Christmas vacation unless he's playing a zombie. Possible. You know what? I'm not going to come up with it. I'll let Stu try and steal if he has the wearable. Yeah, I'm going to steal it.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Was it Prixie's honor? No, you've both made a valiant effort. It's possible, in which case you've canceled each other out. I couldn't remember if he was actually dead. If he had a funeral in that and Wikipedia was no help in its summary. So the movie I'm looking for is Mouse Hunt. That's right. Mouse Hunt is made by the man.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Oh, man, hunt. Which opens with his funeral, which ends with his body getting hurled out of the coffin into a manhole. So, so if you both got a point, it cancels each other out or you didn't get a point, it doesn't matter. So, right in care of Elliot Kaelen at the flop house, do we see William Hickey is funeral in Pretzies Honor?
Starting point is 00:42:04 I don't remember. Okay. So here's the next question. This is for Stuart. And that is Orson Wells twice in the same movie. In what movie do we see Orson Wells have two funerals? Transformers the movie. No, he had a funeral in real life shortly after recording his role for a Transformers the Movie. Dan, would you like to steal? This is one of my standard answers for like, you
Starting point is 00:42:34 know, it's always in one of my top five movies. The third man. Yep, it's the third man. Yeah. Beautiful movie, fantastic movie, opens with a funeral and then there's a funeral at the end. And then you get to see a lady walk down a path for a really long time. But in the context of the movie, and the kind of movie you're like, what's going on? What's she thinking? What's going to happen? Exactly. And I don't know if you guys know this. It has a really fascinating zither score. Yeah. Thanks Stuart. On the top zither scores ever. I think if you were going to put together three of these, just like top-zither, scored movies. And if you're going to put Zither Consposers and Tom Carras, this has to be up there. Just real.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah, man. He's one of the big guys. And Tom Carras. I don't know, this might be controversial, but top-zither, Zitherman. It's, it's some people say to me all the time, they go, Elliott, who do you think is the greatest film composer of all time? And I'm like, well, maybe John Williams, maybe in the Omora Cone, and they go, on the zither. Yes, there's no competition. Anton Carris blows them all away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Top film composer, zither division. Yeah. Which was a original name of joy division. They had to change it to zither division because there's already a band called Sither division because Anton Carris was so popular at the time. Okay. So Dan, now this next one's for you. Excellent steel, nice steel. A real criminal, just like Harry Lyme in the third man. Though he's more of a black marketer than a thief necessarily. But he's stealing the life out of children with his watered down medicine.
Starting point is 00:44:05 So, Dan, you're just like that. And here, the next one goes right back to you. This is Gregory Peck and Lee Remick. That's right. It's a double funeral. Oh, Gregory Peck and Lee, is this the old man? Yes, you're right. It's the old man.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Wasn't sure you would get it or not, because the only part really worth remembering in that movie is when David Warner's head gets slashed off the our recipes with that huge flake glass window. There's also the part where she says the, the Dan says it's all for you, Damien. Yeah, that's true. That's the part you're part. Yeah, that's a good point. Okay, Stuart, let's see if you can, if you can make up some points, you're, you're only
Starting point is 00:44:42 behind Dan by one at this point. Can you make it up with this one? Leonard Nimoy. And what movie do we see a funeral for Leonard Nimoy? Or Nimoy, as some people say, Dan, don't correct me. I don't even drink. I know he's just big on pronunciations. I got this one.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Transformers, the movie. No. No, no. I mean, the genre is somewhat correct. Is that your final answer? Yeah, I get multiple answers. Just do it. Dan, you're going to steal it. You're going to swoop in and steal this, this heel. Star Trek to the wrath of Khan. That's right. Star Trek to the wrath of Khan, or else it's also known in Germany, Star Trek's Vi, the wrath of fun Khan.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Cool. Yeah, they don't, they don't have a word for wrath, strangely enough. Okay, guys. Yeah, weird. Wait, do you hear that, that, that swift sound? That's right, that swift sound. That's right, that's a music time for a mini segment. Inside this segment, it's one of our patent T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A T W Patent and segment people of it. This is MCU Marvel cemetery universe funerals in
Starting point is 00:45:51 superhero movies. So this is just a clue for you for each of these. It's a movie. It's a superhero movie. But this is in. Okay. So I think maybe let's make these up. Okay. Dan, you get this first one one Robert Danny Jr. Wait, the movie that is funeral is in? Yeah. Avengers M came. You got it. Okay, Stuart Willem Dafoe. It would be Spider-Man. You got it. Dan, Michael Rooker. Guardians of the galaxy volume two. You're right, and Stuart, Chris Pine, but only his voice. Oh, Spider-Man, Multiverse movie. Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Starting point is 00:46:36 I'll allow it. You know what, Judges, I'll allow it. Spider-Man, into the Spider-Wers, let's not be, I know you knew which movie it was, and now we go back to the main game. That was a very, that was a fast lightning round for MCU Great work guys. Okay, there's only a few questions left in the game. Okay, this next one is for Dan Henry Cavill. Fuck um Which one was he? Is it Batman versus Superman? Give me the full title
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yes, I was gonna be fantastic about that one Batman versus it couldn't have been of course in the MCU category because it's not You're right instead in the Snyder verse since sex Snyder now. I guess owns those characters. The Snyder's pretzel verse I feel like I feel like someone at DC Snyder's pretzel verse. I feel like I feel like someone at DC. I'm a person I miss over salty. We've got to we've got to work on this UTS cinematic universe or UTS diverse. It's the only way to compete. I feel like someone at DC or Warner Brothers like wish done a monkey's paw for a superhero universe. And it's it's only led to problem after problem for them. Okay, Stuart, this one's for you. Samuel L. Jackson, in which case do we, which we do see a funeral
Starting point is 00:47:49 for Samuel L. Jackson? Oh, man. Uh, wait a minute. Uh, you want to do on, I can give you a hint if you'd like it. Give me, give me a hint. He's not really dead. Yeah. What's his own funeral? Give me a hint. He's not really dead. He attends his own funeral. Is it, it's, it's Captain America winner soldier. No, no, no. Does he have a funeral in that one?
Starting point is 00:48:19 I know he thinks he's dead. Does he have a funeral? I don't fucking know. I don't remember. I can't remember. You know it. Oh, that's what I thought was the one that we were going for. Sure.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Okay. So Dan, you don't want to, you're trying to steal and you're going, it's not a Marvel thing. It's a Jackie Brown. Are we talking about out of Marvel Cinematary? You know, I'm talking about a, this return is Andrew Cage. Does he die in that one, but he's not actually dead? We are talking about triple X, the return of Xander cage. That's the one in which he is killed by a satellite falling to Earth and exploding right next
Starting point is 00:48:55 to him. And then it's revealed at the end that it was a fake somehow. I'm an idiot. He does, no, no, he does fake his death in Winter Silver, but I don't know if there's a funeral or not. Again, that's the thing with these actors, with these actors who are in a lot of movies. Sometimes they're multiple funerals. And finally, okay, this will be the final question
Starting point is 00:49:13 of this round, except for a bonus question. Dan, this one's for you, Simon Callow. And what movie it does, Simon Callow? Simon Callow for weddings in a funeral. He is the titular funeral in that film. That's right. He is the funeral in that one. That's right.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Now, here's a bonus question. Here's a bonus question. Stuart, if you get this one, so let's do a quick tally of the scores. Dan is currently up by five points. If you get this one, if you get this one, I will give you six points to win the game. It's not very fair, but we're not always fair here. T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A A T W. We're not always fair.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Sometimes we're just in it for the laws. Okay, does anyone say that anymore? I don't think so. So Stuart. Yeah. Paris Howe Strew. As far as I can tell, he has appeared in one movie and there's a futile for him, but only in the extended version of the movie that he's in. Fuck. Okay. That's going to be. God damn it. And Dan, if you're able to steal this, I'll give you 100 points. What's the
Starting point is 00:50:30 actor's name again? Paris Howe Strew. Oh, fuck. Oh, no. Oh, no. But only in the extended version of the movie. It's not in the theatrical release. No, I know. I know. I know. It's fine. Ah, fuck. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. I can, I can do this. Yeah. I can do it. I've, you can do it. Do you can do this? I've done, I've done the hard things before I can do this. This is something. You can do this. And this is your thing. The prizes are glittering. It's victory in this bullshit game. That means nothing. prizes are glittering. It's victory in this bullshit game that means nothing. Uh, means being known forever as the T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A T W champion. Uh, I don't know like the Hobbit battle of the five armies. Oh, so close, so
Starting point is 00:51:22 close. Dan, do you want to steal? I mean, as long as it doesn't take any points away from me, I don't want to risk my insured victory. But if it sounds like a coward's answer, my guess, it just appeared gas, the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League. Oh, no, you were way off. Stuart, you were in much better territory. It was in Lord of the Rings, the two towers. Wow. He plays the character of Pee-O-Dread, Prince of Rohan, son of King of C.A.D.
Starting point is 00:51:57 In the theatrical cut, the King only finds out his son has died, but in the extended edition, he gets a funeral. No, Lawrence should have to bury their child. You know what? I think that it's worth a tie. I think that Stewart came so close that that is a tie on this game. You did come really close. You did come really close.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You know what? I'm going to give you five good job bucks, which ties things up. I'm so excited. You can see the years lift off my body much like the years lifted off Thadon's body when Sauramon's fell magics were pulled from him by Gandalf. Well, you both played a great game. This has been a fantastic episode of T F H A T A W N M A M T A V I T C M T A B T P A A T W. One of the best ever. I think that maybe it's up there. And certainly when we put our annual best of T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T
Starting point is 00:52:54 P A A T W we are going to, yeah, we're going, when we updated every year with the new clips, this is definitely going to be something this. So thank you so much for playing Dan and Stuart. Thank you. To everyone out there for listening. Thank you to everyone out there for listening. Thank you to whoever invented marriage because you know what? It may have started as a way of treating women as property and cementing the bonds between royal houses,
Starting point is 00:53:14 but it's turned into a really beautiful way for two or more people to share their lives together. And that's really something. So let's thank everybody out there who's ever felt love, those who are searching for love, and those who need love because we all need each of those people. Maybe one or two of them are a little extraneous, but I'm not the one to judge who can tell that's forgot to know. So I'm going to go away. I mean, there's a lot of people. I'm sure not all of them are necessary for the function. But I can't choose which. This is bad everybody's day. Just write some names in your death note, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Who cares? I forgot I have this death note and I never use it. I should really use it more often. I can't use that for your birthday. I want to thank Alex for producing and editing this. I want to thank everyone at MaxFun. There's lots of other great MaxFun shows out there. So please take a listen and
Starting point is 00:54:06 Enjoy them and from all of us here at T F H I T A W N M M T A B I T C M T A B T B A A T W Thank you. Good night. Stay tuned next week to this channel this space. I don't know Yeah for another episode of La Flop House We'll be watching a movie and talking about it. But until then, this is me with the classic T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A A T W Sine-Off. A America. Keep on T F H I T A W N M A M T A B I T C M T A B T P A A T W A N. ATC and TABTP-ATWing.

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