The Flop House - FH Mini 73 - The 73rd Flop House Mini

Episode Date: February 4, 2023

Our esteemed host for the mini, Mr. Elliott Kalan, takes Dan and Stu on a tour through Oscar history by quizzing them on some of the most forgettable Best Picture winners of all time. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, live from the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, welcome to the 73rd, bi-weekly flop house mini! Hello everyone, this is the flop house mini, a celebration of film, fun, and whatever we happen to want to talk about at the moment. Normally on this podcast, we watch a bad movie, but tonight we're bringing you all the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards. I'm your host for this evening, Elliot Kaelin, and joining me are my co-hosts. Uh, Dan McCoy. Sorry, I was looking to make sure that it was, in fact, the 73rd as advertised.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Uh, okay, I'm Stuart Wellington. I appreciate Dan, your lack of faith in me, that I wouldn't look up the number. I didn't know whether it was some kind of joke I didn't quite understand or whether it was accurate. I was just curious. The only accurate number. Well, thank you both for joining me today on this, a celebration of the Academy Awards. You know, the Academy Award nominations were just announced and all the Hollywood is a flutter over who will take home best picture.
Starting point is 00:01:09 We will be the surreal family comedy of everything everywhere all at once, the masochistic mind trip of tar or such original visions as the top gun sequel, the avatar sequel or the remake of all quiet on the Western front. Looks like we've got a lot of big new ideas in Hollywood these days. Now pull me punches. No, every, every, oh you just keep what listening as we go through the episode. Every movie wants to win the Academy Award
Starting point is 00:01:34 for best picture because it instantly insurines them in immortality. Just look at such film great says citizen Kane, singing in the rain, strangers on a train and of course being John Melcovane now hold on wait a second Dan what's wrong with this picture uh the titles I listed all have one thing in common that is that thing didn't win the best picture Oscar that's right none of those iconic classic films won the best picture Oscar the last three weren't even nominated because we live in a nightmare world where singing in
Starting point is 00:02:07 the rain is not nominated for best picture. It turns out you don't need to be best picture to be a great movie. And the fact is a number of movies were named the best picture of the year and then promptly forgotten, laid to rest in the tomb of the unknown Oscar winner, which you can visit in beautiful Hollywood, California. So wait, so great. So this person actually won an Oscar, but we don't know who they were for what? The movie, the movie won the Oscar and then was promptly deleted from the collective
Starting point is 00:02:33 consciousness of the world. Oh, no. So we normally bury movies and tombs in this. In this reality that I'm creating, yes, movies are buried in tombs and they are not identified Actually running out of unidentified movies thanks to DNA technology. I mean if they don't bury the mummy movies in a tomb What the fuck are they even doing? That's a very good. Well, that's in the tomb of the known mummy movie So it's everyone knows it's in there's written on the scene of tafft. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:01 Now tonight we're going to play a little game called Name the Ten Most Forgettable Best Picture Winners. Now, I know that title is promising a bit much. Don't worry, it's purely for hyperbolic advertising purposes. These are just ten forgettable best picture winners, not certainly the ten most forgettable, but for the purposes of this episode, they are the ten most forgettable best picture winners. So here's how it's going to work.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm going to name the star of the movie and the genre. I'm going to name two stars from each movie, in fact, and the genre. If you can't guess the Academy Award, I'll also give you the year of the movie, oh, sorry, I'll give you the year of the movie one, the best picture, and the director's name. And if you still can't guess it, and this is not a game where you are competing against each other, this is a cooperative game, you can work together. If you still can't guess it, then you lose your movie snob license and cannot mansplain anything movie related to your significant other
Starting point is 00:03:51 until Todd Field makes another movie. And he just made one. So we've got as long as possible to wait for the next one. It's gonna be a good six or seven years at least on your hands. So don't get these wrong because you won't be able to move you splain to anybody or's playing to any movies. Now, here's what I'm also going to say. I'm not saying these are necessarily bad movies.
Starting point is 00:04:09 What a segue. These are not necessarily bad movies. They're all also say. Love it. Now, I mean, it's okay to have a segue that's not like a clever segue. You can say now, another thing I'm going to tell you is or. Those are more mansplaining that one to the movies. I think the question's wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Well, I'll add to mansplain to you guys, my significant others. Now, I'm not going to say these are necessarily bad movies. Some of them are very good movies. They're merely movies that, despite winning best picture, have somewhat slid out of the minds of mainstream culture. You probably do remember these movies, but when you think of the great, Oscar-winning movies, these might not be the movies that come to mind. When you think of the great films of cinema, they're almost certainly not the movies that come to mind. So they're not bad movies.
Starting point is 00:04:55 We're not, we're not like reinvigorating the avatar has no cultural blueprint or footprint argument, right? We might have if Avatar had one best picture, but it didn't. Perhaps way of water will win best picture this year. It won't. But if it did, I mean, it's not that these movies have no cultural footprint. It's that more than when you think of what are the great films? What are the great iconic films of history? Mad Max Theory wrote. Well, yes, these are not the movies that come to mind. When these are not the movies that
Starting point is 00:05:23 you see in montages of the most amazing iconic movies, you know, I mean, Casablanca, it won best picture. That's legitimately a movie that isn't shriened iconically in people's minds. Other movies like what other best pictures winners are. There's a couple good ones recently. Moonlight and Parasite were both great. Yeah, those are great movies. It's still a little soon to see if they were as opposed to like no madland, which won
Starting point is 00:05:46 best picture the year before last. And I feel like has already been relatively forgotten by humanity at large. Just so wait, just cause a block of literally mean White House. Yes, it does. That's a good question, Dan. It's very germane to what we're talking about today. The name of the town of its cause. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:04 White House. No, it's just it's just odd to think that like the city has the same name as the seat of government in our country. That's all I've heard before. Wow, Dan is fucking blazed tonight. Dan, I'm not taking. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. Five years of mass gun shooting. For instance, there's some movie, for instance, let's take it, let's take a, for instance, Rocky one best picture. Do I think that was the best movie of that year? No, but indisputably it is an iconic movie with many moments that live on in people's memory
Starting point is 00:06:32 as opposed to a movie like a million dollar baby, a very good movie that I forgot existed until I started researching this episode, even though I remember going to see it and liking it in the theaters. So that's what we're talking about today. Now again, I also want to say for the listeners at home, maybe these are some of your favorite movies. I don't know, it's possible I live in a bubble and everyone's always watching their DVD copies of Million Dollar Baby or Chicago or whatever. But these are the movies where you're liable to not either have heard of them recently
Starting point is 00:06:59 or to be like, oh right, I forgot that one best picture. So are you guys ready to test your best picture knowledge with some movies that you may have not thought about in a little while? I'm rare in to go. This is, I have nothing else on my calendar tonight. So what? That's great. You're free tonight. This, this type of area has been blocked off to talk to both of you guys. So it's convenient that you have a topic for us. Excellent. That's great. Now for the listeners at home who can't see, I am wearing black tie. They can attest to this. And I am a little disappointed that you guys didn't dress up for the occasion, but I also
Starting point is 00:07:33 didn't tell you ahead of time what we were doing tonight. So that's why. Okay, now for the beginning of the game, our first one. So this is a drama starring Dev Patel and Frida Pinto. This is your million dollar baby is what this is. No incorrect. Is this not the dollar bill? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yes. Stores, right? I guess it shows you just how for again, you're cooperating. It's not. There's no point.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You know, I'm sorry. I, I, I, the word. It shows how preventive. It shows how preventive. It shows how preventive. It shows how preventive. It shows how preventive. It shows how preventive. It shows how preventive. It shows how to pretend it. And it was over again. But the point is that I mentioned another movie with million in the time that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And you incepted it into my sleepy. Yeah. And I was like, I'm sorry. I apologize for that. So slumdog millionaire. What are you going to do? Apologize to Danny Boyle. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Exactly. And lovely in Tandon is also credited as co-director. I mean, I'm not going to apologize to him for that movie. Like, if I had forgotten, if I had gotten like, I don't know, Sunshine Wrong and underrated favorite of mine or, you know, one of his shallow grave, Transpond, early classics. Yeah. Well, I bet again, just when you think Danny Boyle, you aren't like, oh, yeah, the director of Slumdog Millionaire.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah. No, the director of Transponding. That's what you think. Yeah. Yeah. So that's this is the kind of thing we're talking about. Well Stewart nice job, Dan. Please remember that sometimes the same word can appear in multiple movie titles. And they aren't all the full
Starting point is 00:08:57 forms. Yes, they also million million dollar they mean the same thing. They share a root. Yeah, I apologize. You say that because here's our first musical break, ladies and gentlemen, it's the roots. Thank you, the roots. Wow. We're back. So this next movie, this next movie, this is a romance starring Juliet Benosh and Kristen Scott Thomas.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Is this the English patient? That's right. It's the English patient one in 1996 beating Fargo. Now if you were to ask me, what is the more iconic of the two films, I might say Fargo. I might not say the English patient again, not a bad movie, not, but a movie that I know I saw on the theaters. And all I remember is that a plane crashes at one point. Wouldn't you say, wouldn't you say something like, Oh, it's Fargo, A or something like that,
Starting point is 00:09:44 right? Oh, don't you know, yeah, wouldn't you say something like, oh, it's Fargo, A or something like that, right? Oh, don't you know? When what situation would I say? Yeah, exactly Oh, fucking video store or gas station. I don't know you have access to Yes, you go to your fucking red box and you start slapping it and talking to your fucking Wisconsin voice. And Fargees, okay, sure. Also, Ali doesn't even go, like, his local gas station doesn't even rent videos.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You just have to buy those like three movie collections that they always have in gas. Three packs. He pays us with minute work. He's got Fargo's on the same disc as the minute work, and also I don't know, Fled, let's say. Fled is on there. I wanted the mid-train candidate, I guess I also have to take chill factor, both for a night of thrillers.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah, just over time. Oh, interesting. It's, yeah, those are, that's one of the maybe one of the greatest inventions man ever had was those random packs of movies where they're like, make it an action night. The greatest escape, Condor Man, Tanguin Cash, and let's not forget Chain Reaction. Oh, this, this whole night has two of the hell razor movies on it. And for some reason, West Craven Shocker is also on there. Yeah, well, you guys are doing great.
Starting point is 00:11:14 You're two for two kind of. I'm going to give you one and a half since they answered incorrect. Sorry. I'm going to give you one and a half points. There are points that turns out, okay, this next one, okay, this can be a little harder. Now, one of the rules I made for myself is I wouldn't just use very old movies because that felt like it was a little unfair to me. There's certainly a number of movies from the 30s that I can't expect you to remember.
Starting point is 00:11:35 But that's what this one is. This is a Western, sorry, Richard Dix and Irene Dunn. Richard Dix and Irene Dunn in a Western. Richard Dix and Irene Dunn. Funny name. Dix and Irene Dunn. Funny name. Dix and Dunn, like, we're classic pairing. The classic duo of Dix and Dunn, yep, are Dunn and Dix.
Starting point is 00:11:51 They broke up because she wanted it to be Dunn and Dix. It's Dix and Dunn and Dix and Dunn is a third person. Yeah, yeah. Sorry. So there are other clues that we can get at very, very soon. Are you okay? So you don't't see you can't name this, you can't name this best picture winning Western, starring Richard Dix and Irene Dunn.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I'll remind you, this is one of the less than a hundred greatest movies ever made in Hollywood, according to the Academy Awards. Yeah. Uh, um, is there anything else that can give us, do you have any other painter? And I think this is, yeah, he's gonna help you at one best picture in 1931 and it was directed by Wesley Ruggles. Oh, yeah. You're a
Starting point is 00:12:29 big red. You're a rug. It's not. It's a different Ruggles than the one of Red Cap. Although that is also a Western, but that's a Western comedy. This is a Western. This is a historical pageant. This movie magical world we live in that has multiple ruggles in it. And some wiggles. And let's not forget ruffles, which have ridges. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to say I have no fucking idea. Okay, damn you. Do you have any fucking idea?
Starting point is 00:12:57 I still have no fucking. How about this? This does not, you've officially lost. This is a bone. This is just a bone. The title of the movie can be found in this box office animated is not now you've officially lost this is this is a bone is this is just a good. It's not. Okay. The title of the movie can be found in this box office animated bomb spirit of the blank. Be high.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It's a it's an animated movie about a horse. Oh, it's telling us a simmer on the moron. Yes, that's what it is. Yeah, it's serious. That was a stallion. The same. It's simmer on. Yes, simmer on the epic tale of Simmeron. I probably just it's Simmeron. Yes, Simmeron the epic tale of the Book of the state of Oklahoma, which won best picture in 1931. So again, it's crazy because Dan you watch that movie all the time. I see it on your letterbox.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I mean, you're talking just that little like it has that little arrow thing that shows that you watched it a second time. I'm a man in my 40s who can't spell cinnamon, political own, simmer on. So yeah, that's true. So were you, did you actually see a movie called Cinnamon and you accidentally wrote a similar one? And then I watched the Simarillion. So yeah, so yeah, still Marillion, yeah, yeah. Did they make a movie of that? Of course they did. Yeah, yeah, some day, some day, some day, some day. Okay, we have one more question before Yeah. Did they make a movie of that? Of course they did. Yeah. Yeah. Someday. Someday.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Someday. Okay. We have one more question before it's time for us to take a short commercial break. This one. This one, I bet you're going to get this one. This is a circus movie starring Charlton Heston and Betty Hutton. Is this the greatest show on earth? It is the greatest show on earth as seen in the Fabelman's.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Hey, no fair Steven Spielberg. No fair trying to move it when a best picture by putting another best picture movie right inside your movie. Have you seen this? Alex, Dan, I'm not done. You're doing your steve. I see what you're doing. Yeah. Well, here's a question. That is generally pointing to the Cheatermans. yes, Sam. That is pointed to as one of the worst best picture winners, but the part that I saw in the Fablemans looked pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Well, there's a train crash. Yeah, well, yeah, crash names are a car. Have you seen this movie? What's your feeling about this film? I have not seen it since I was a teenager. I remember being underwhelmed. I think I would like it more, but it is certainly not a, it's ambitious in terms of scope. It's a big adventure. But certainly when it won Best Picture in 1952, it was really more of a thank you Cecil B.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Demille for being, you know, one of our great showmen. It was not, it was not a, is it considering it that year it beat the quiet man and high noon. I would say the greatest show on Earth was not the best picture of that year. Since again, High Noon and iconic Western, not my favorite Western, but iconic Western. And the Quiet Man, wait a minute, is in ET directed by Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg, why are you stealing so many movies? What do you do? And Ellie, you said it was a big adventure, but is it an awfully big adventure and awfully big adventure? I don't know what you're getting. Offelie Big Adventure and Offelie Big Adventure. I don't know what you're getting.
Starting point is 00:15:46 That's another movie title. Oh, is it? Yeah. You just quit me in the place of remembering movie titles. So, and I am so. Which is an awfully big adventure. I think maybe Hugh Grant is in it. I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:15:59 We'll do other more. I mean, it certainly was not an excellent adventure like our friend, our friend's William and Theodore head. Yeah. So you said that high noon isn't your favorite Western. Your favorite Western is still how the West was fun, starring the Olsen twins, right? You got it because finally the West is fun. Yeah. I'm waiting all these usually the West to be fun for the Western is the. Martin Martin malls in that one too. He's probably there's some, if not Martin M Maldon some other classic comedy star who is needs a paycheck. I just for the record.
Starting point is 00:16:29 My real favorite Western is the Managed Shot Liberty Valance. Yes, Dan. That's a good one. Number two number two the gunfighter. Anyway, you're saying that's also a great. A movie that I saw you know Ali style. Yeah, that good taste in Western. The only thing you say. I'm a gunfighter movie. I saw Elliott style and I'm just like, oh, turn classic movies has several stars and it's star rating of this film. I'll record it. And then I enjoyed it pretty much. I want to be a style involves wearing a little outfit, needing a big bag of red vines or something, right? Yeah, I hate red vines. Dan, you need to slowly be slow. I'll fall over yourself. or something, right? Yeah, I hate my minds. Dan, you need to slowly be subtle.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Oh, it's so full of you yourself. Um, I just wanted to say number one, I was so glad that I went back in time, uh, in the episode to do that awfully big adventure joke, uh, referring to something that Ali had said, like at least a minute earlier by that point, uh, because of the huge reaction it got. And not only that cutting off Stewart, you know, who's, who's, who's brother was a lot more fruitful than mine. But, you know, sometimes you gotta follow your muse.
Starting point is 00:17:33 But I just wanna say that an awfully big adventure does star Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman. Okay. And you will direct it. Yeah, the man who is bitten by a radioactive rick. Yeah. So there you go. Okay, and the man who was bitten by a radioactive Rick. Yeah So there you go. You think of Alan Allen Rickman and Alan Ruck shook hands. They would explode Man, they'd become Alan Ruckman
Starting point is 00:18:01 Is that what they call me? It's like a gun. Yeah, that's what they call mega manager Well, we've been having a lot of fun tonight at the 73rd flop house mini and we'll return with more fun after these messages. They can be anywhere at your office in your car and they are wrong. My mom says that the grey house didn't exist, but she's wrong. He just doesn't run. Someone in your life is wrong about something. Something small, something weird, something vitally important. Only one person has the courage to tell them just how wrong they are. You know what you did was wrong, but your daughter is a liar who eats garbage.
Starting point is 00:18:45 They call me Judge John Hodgman. Listen to me on the Judge John Hodgman podcast. If someone in your life is doing you wrong, don't just take it, take it to court. Submit your case at slash J.J.H.O. Hi, I'm Alex Schmitt. And I'm Katie Golden. And we make secretly incredibly fascinating. A podcast about why seemingly ordinary stuff is actually the title of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Using tons of research, we take a joyful look at history and science and stories and jokes about the ordinary stuff in your life because that's what makes those things amazing. Also jokes. So get excited about paperclips. Get thrilled about pigeons. Get all psyched up and running around the room about the Imperial system of weights and measurements. For real, there's a whole episodes about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Hear them anytime and hear new episodes Mondays at Hey, you're looking at me and you're probably thinking, hey, look, I got's a cat boy and you'd be right because I am a cat boy. I love my kitty cats and I love getting them fed. The thing is when I feed them and I like to feed them wet cat food partly because of teeth issues, I always have to feed them pate and I gotta say that term is charitable at best. That's why I switched to smalls cat food. That's right, smalls cat food is protein-packed recipes made with preservative free ingredients
Starting point is 00:20:11 you'd find in your fridge and it's delivered right to your door. Smalls was started back in 2017 by a couple of guys home-cooking cat food in small batches for their friends. Now you can be one of their friends. A few short years later, they've served millions of meals to hungry kiddies all around the world. You know, your cat needs fresh protein pack meals to be at their best. You know, you want their coat to be shiny, you want their breath to smell good. And you know, we'll provide. Stuart, you know about, you know, packing protein into your meals and it's been all about
Starting point is 00:20:43 packing protein. Shiny and your hair. My coat is luxurious. Wait, his hair and his coat are two different things, too. Yeah. My belt. So, yeah, my cats like smalls. They as soon as the box arrives, they start clawing at that cardboard. That's partly because they love clawing cardboard.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Partly because they like the delicious smells contained within the smell. They can smell it. It's not like they can read the smalls brand logo on the side of the box. That's the thing they, I don't think they can read, but if they can, I feel like that's a bigger story than the smalls. That's it. Yeah. I mean, step aside, Mrs. Frisbee, there's some cats of Nimm.
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Starting point is 00:21:42 but you have to use our code and our code is flop for 50% off that first order. One last time, I don't want anyone to get this shit twisted. That's promo code flop for 50% off your first order plus free shipping. We've also got a jumbo-tron message. That's right, it's a j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j I'm just going to have to hit him. Thank you. I almost got stuck in a loop. Yeah.
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Starting point is 00:22:32 Visit, make your predictions, and invite your friends, Great ads, everybody. And we now return to the 73rd flop house mini. Okay, we're back guys and we're ready for more questions. I think you're, you've been doing great. I think you're actually going to guess a lot of these. I think maybe these movies are less forgettable than I thought they were.
Starting point is 00:22:54 You know, having, having had a really solid therapy session earlier today, this is just the kind of affirmation I need today, Elliot, is you telling me how good I'm doing at your game. That's all I'm so glad we could be here because it's time for the next question. Can you name this comedy drama starring Jean Dijardin? Dan. Okay. This is a best picture.
Starting point is 00:23:14 This is a best picture. Yeah, it's the artist, dude. I'm going to toss to Dan and then didn't let him think he's been that the thought was, oh the movie, the artist? I don't know where I was, but I do remember that the thought was, oh yeah, the artist one best picture. I feel like the artist is for me the definition of this kind of movie where I'm always like, oh yeah, I'll see it listed somewhere suddenly in best picture where I'm like, oh yeah, the artist, I remember that movie. That was my, I wish I'd, you know what, this was what I should've done.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I should've said comedy drama, co-starring John John Goodman and seen what you guys came up with. Wow, yeah, that would have, yeah. A regna phobia. Yeah, that's the artist. Okay, let's move on. Guys, it's going to be a little harder because it's a 30s movie. Okay. This is a biographical film starring Paul Muni. Oh, is this, I am a fugitive from a chain gang? Oh, that's a good guess. That was nominated for best picture in a different year, but it lost.
Starting point is 00:24:35 So this is a different movie with Paul Muni. That was also a biographical film. This is a biographical film starring Paul Muni. Would you like another hint? Yeah, give another hint. It's one. It one of those pictures. that suddenly knows a lot of 1930s.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Stewart, what Paul Muni movies? Can you name up Paul Muni movie? I thought you were going to give me another hint. Okay, well, here's the hint. It won Best Picture in 1937. It was directed by William Dieterly. And it's a biographical picture, you say. It's a biographical picture you say. It's a biographical film, sorry, Paul Muni, not your mass transit muni, but in fact, the man Paul Muni. Did you tell us Dr Detroit? It's not Dr Detroit. And you know what, that's not a terrible guess because Paul Muni also starred in the story of Louis Pasteur in which he was a doctor, but this is not that movie.
Starting point is 00:25:21 This is a different movie. Can you tell us what sort of person the, it is a biography of what what's matter? It is a biography of a French person. Okay. A very famous French person. And a French writer, a very famous French writer. Is it about Voltaire? Nope, it is not about Voltaire.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Who are some French writers? It's about a very famous French writer who took a stand against anti-Semitism in the French military. Well, that didn't help me. It just helped you, Stuart. No, I'm just kind of waiting for this one to end. So this is the about the, so it's about the life of the author who wrote Jacquoise, which I know you think of as the thing that French Colombo says. Yeah. But it's actually yeah, or French Phoenix right? I feel like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Okay. Yeah. Wow. I mean, I, I feel like I know a lot about literature and I have no idea who wrote Jacquoise. I don't know that I, this is a book that I, okay. So I'm going to give you another one. I'm going to even have that. Well, it's more of an essay than a book. Okay. I'm going to give you another hint. This is a famous, oh, yes, it was a book. Yeah. This is a, I think, I think it is. Anyway, now, right. This was a famous
Starting point is 00:26:34 French author. Yeah. wrote Jack Hughes took a stand against anti-Semitism. And his last name is the same as the name of a movie about a stripper who goes on a wild adventure. Oh, what a stripper who could know me alone. No, it's the name of the wild adventure. It's one of the first movies ever based on a Twitter thread. Oh, right. All right. Oh, a meal, Zola. Yeah, okay. The life of a meal, Zola. Yeah, right. All right. Oh, a meal Zola. Yeah. Okay. The life of a meal Zola. Yeah. Right. The life of a meal Zola. We finally got there. We finally got there. Just for your, for your knowledge, that movie beat the awful truth for best pictures. Honestly, I like it.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I like it. I like this game more than more hands were allowed. I think that's of course you would. Of course. Yeah. But you knowin' is more fun if you just fill the fucking alleys with pillows or some sh-. With some man, if you just fill the gutters with cement and the ball can be guided by remote control or you know what, you just walk along next to it. Yeah. Yeah. It's making me wish that I had done more old movies now that I think about it.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Maybe if you guys want to stop for like 15 or 20 minutes, I'll come back. Actually, I'm sorry. Before we go to the next question, we are being interrupted by a special tribute. That's right. Here at the, here at the flop house, many, we have a special tribute that we are going to be going to be talking for you guys. You know, as I, as I know, some of America's most unforgettable roles have been portrayed by that humblest of birds, the chicken. And so we now present a tribute to Hens on film and those lovable performing poultry dance to feel free to, feel free to narrate the tribute for our listeners.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I'm sure you won't. Alright, well right now there's a cursor. It says my movie too. Yeah, okay. I love that one, lady clock from Robin Hood. Alina turned on. Alina turned on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Hey, hey. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, and now, this is chicken number three from the egg and I from 1947. Of course, one of the corner stewards favorites. Rock and doodle. Rock and do it all. Rock and do it all. The questionable panchito pistoles from the three kevlieros.
Starting point is 00:28:52 And of course, chicken little under Daniel. You all remember running chicken from Rocky too. And of course, chicken arrow from hot shots for two. There's Miss Prissy from the cartoon of rice and head. Yeah. And the artificial chicken from a racer head. Yeah. Oh, and up the big. Camilla Camilla Camilla.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Wait, she passed away. The fucking body on the 26th to 2022. Danny, forgot we lost Camilla. Is that true? Is there like a particular up here? The puppet chicken died last year. Yeah, the puppet chicken. Yeah, dad, that's why there was a particular
Starting point is 00:29:33 up here in all black and all the beer in the past year. You know, one of my most popular tweets we just pointed out about how like, you know, Kermit and Piggy get all the press. But meanwhile, Gonzo has quietly been dating the same chicken for decades. For decades, you know, they have a great relationship. I mean, until she passed, but he was at her side the entire time. Yeah, yeah. Surrounded by loved ones. Yeah. So, uh, so, uh, so I didn't, it reminds me I will put my chicken and film tribute up on Twitter, I guess, and
Starting point is 00:30:03 I'll send it to him. He can put on the website, the flop house website. Okay, thanks everybody for that humble tribute. I appreciate that you didn't applaud during it. It's unfair to applaud for some of the chickens because others won't get as much applause. That artificial chicken from racer head, you knew it was going to get thunderous applause, which is just not fair to chicken number three from the Agony from 1947, I believe it was. Okay, so here's our next question. We're back to the game.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Okay, this next movie is a drama starring Diana Wynneard and Clive Brook. And if you know this movie, I will, I don't know. I don't know what I could possibly do to. Can you give us like a decade? Is this one the 1930s. No good. A drama from. Starring Diana, wine, wine yard, win yard and clive broke. I'll give you another hint. One best picture in 1903, it was directed by Frank Lloyd, not Frank Lloyd Wright and
Starting point is 00:30:58 not his evil twin, Frank Lloyd wrong is medium twin, Frank Lloyd unaligned. Yeah, Frank Lloyd. Frank Lloyd. Yeah. I've imagined chaotic, chaotic Frank Lloyd. Frank Lloyd is falling water all over this house. The water is supposed to fall under the house, not over it. Frank is right. This Guggenheim is supposed to go, wait a minute, the Frank Lloyd Wright version is the, it's the weird version of the
Starting point is 00:31:30 Guggenhow. This Frank Lloyd wrong version is actually stable. Yeah, it's a normal building. We sit the wrong one back to the other dimension. And Frank Lloyd Wright is like, shoot him. He's the glum. Kill us both, Spock. Okay, so here's another hint. This movie, it's the story of a family from 1899 to 1933, and it's based on a play by Noel Coward. I'm sure you know what it is now. A play by Noel Coward. This is the best picture in 1933. Wait, is that no? it's not any no coward film. It will play you remember.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah, that's the thing. I don't know. I don't know our town. Uh, tuck every last. That's not. That's not. That's not what I was. These are those.
Starting point is 00:32:15 These are those. But keep naming titles you'll eventually get to. Bridget or Beth. No. Now you're just naming why. I don't know. My father, the hero. Like the only. That's picture later a year. The only thing. No, you're just naming life. I don't know. My father, the hero.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Like the only that's picture in later year. The only thing I can think of that no coward wrote right now is blood spirit. And I know it's not that. So that was that was the that was his when he co-acplabrated with Corn Mac McCarthy, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I thought we might write something a little twisted. And Kormag is all about that shit. Okay, guys, this movie, so it beat 42nd Street and I am a fugitive from a chain gang. And also the private life of Henry the eighth, which is another great, not as well-remembered movie, but it's a great, uh, uh, Loutton performance, uh, Charles Loutton performance. This movie is called Cavalcade. Cavalcade. Yeah, I would not.
Starting point is 00:33:09 The best movie of 1932 slash 1933. That's how they did the years back then. Guys, there've only been so many Academy Awards and this is, this is one of the best, okay? So, yeah, right there, it's one of the best movies ever made. You should know it should be very memorable. It's Cavalcade. More tough movies. Here's another one. Okay, what about this? It's a drama starring Morgan movies ever made. You should know it should be very memorable. It's a cover. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Here's another one. Okay. What about this? It's a drama starring Morgan Freeman. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Let me just make sure. Is this driving Miss Daisy?
Starting point is 00:33:33 You're right. It's driving Miss Daisy. There you go. I actually left out Miss Daisy's name because I wanted to, I wanted to say Shawshank Redemption or something. But you were too, but you were too smart for me. And you know, it's driving Miss Daisy, starring Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy and in a rare dramatic role Ghostbuster himself Daniel Acroid
Starting point is 00:33:50 One best picture in 1989. I'm moving that one would think would be wild if it were made today, but then Green Book happens So yeah, oh Dan Acroid was in that he had a cameo in that scene where he drives Miss Daisy and DeValkinvania. He drives Miss Daisy and DeValkinvania and and judge what's his name shows up. Judge, what was this name? I don't remember. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:34:15 The one with the sausage penis for his nose. Anyway, directed by Bruce Beresford, who also directed Break From a Rant, a movie I'm going to mention in the next full length episode of the flop house. So that's a little, uh, put that in the cinema movie connections. Yeah. I am. Yeah. Trivia for this episode.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Okay, guys, here's another one. Okay. The next one. This is a drama starring Russell Crowe that won best picture. Beautiful. Well, there's a few of them. Oh, but Stuart got it right away. It was a beautiful mind.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Dan, were you thinking of gladiator? Yeah, I mean, I think that the previous years, best picture because Russell Crowe starred in two best picture winning movies in a row. Something I don't think any other actor has ever done before and those two movies are fine. Yeah. And speaking of connections with our next episode. That's a big, big reaction connection is also Russell Crowe. So a beautiful mind to believe that I'm a picture winner. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:12 The one that we're. Yeah. Guys, looking back now, 20, 20 years later, what are your feelings about gladiator and a beautiful mind? I got to admit, I didn't actually like gladiator that much at the time. I mean, I thought it was fine. I thought it was fine, but it was like a very standard sort of revenge action story with some cool visuals, but they also look kind of cheesy of the time. And a beautiful line. He goes, he takes that Roman shield and just snowboards, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice.
Starting point is 00:35:46 A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice.
Starting point is 00:35:54 A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice.
Starting point is 00:36:02 A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. A beautiful, nice. and like it feels like it's smeared in Vaseline kicked around a hill.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Unfortunately, there were unfortunately, there were no other good action movies that year. It all it merely beat crouching tiger hidden dragon for best picture that year. Wow. So a movie whose action sequences I know we never think about. What did what did what did beautiful, what did beautiful mind beat out? Well, you're going to be mad. Monster's ball and a Lord of the Rings fellowship of the ring. It what it beat out. Well, you're going to be mad. Monsters ball and a Lord of the Rings fellowship of the ring. So it went.
Starting point is 00:36:26 If beat out, Gosford Park in the bedroom, Mulan Rouge and yes, Lord of the Rings fellowship of the ring Stewart, you would have a crazy. You'd have to wait two more years for Lord of the Rings movie
Starting point is 00:36:35 to the best picture. I can't remember all of them, but I think that I would have been happier with any of those winning over a beautiful mind. Yeah, I mean, a beautiful mind. Two towers lose to fucking Chicago the next year. It did lose to Chicago the next year.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yes. Here's the, so this is the thing about, I mean, the fact that the, the, in the next year also like a Roman Polansky movie was what was nominated for best picture. It was a different time. It was a different time back then. But so here's the thing about a beautiful mind. I don't think it's a bad movie. I merely find it a morally offensive. No, I agree. Because of the way it treats mental illness. Yeah, that you can just decide one day, like, you know what, I'm not going to see my imaginary
Starting point is 00:37:15 friend Paul Betney anymore. Who, by the way, is my favorite part of the beautiful mind? You know what? I'm tired of being a person with mental illness. I'm just going to stop. Yeah. And it is. Yeah. Oh, I don just going to stop. Yeah. And it is. Yeah. Think about that. If you're going to make a movie with those two dudes, oceans better be fucking battlefields. Yeah. And you'll be unhappy to know Stewart that that also lost best picture, although to the
Starting point is 00:37:36 return of the king. Yeah, which is fair. It's fair. Yeah. I mean, if it's not that stiff, stiff commentator right there. Stewart, it's 2003 year in Academy Award voter. You can choose between Master and Commander of the far side of the world or Lord of the Rings return of the King, which do you choose? Yeah. Pop quiz. High shot. Yeah. That's a Stewart Stewart slowly reaches for, I don't
Starting point is 00:37:57 know, the reforged shards of Narsil to skewer himself with. Yeah, because it's too hard decision. But then when you're doing that, your blood accidentally spatters on the ballot and marks off Cbiscuit as your win. Oh, no. So, you don't do something like that. Well, he would answer for Cbiscuit. Yeah, I see. I'm the world's most popular horse.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Did you see, Biscuit? Did you remember you were nominated for best picture? I was. That seems weird. No one remembers much about that. Well, don't worry. You didn't, you didn't win. So I don't again. So you can't catch him. Can't catch that horse. So we have one last question for you, because since this was the 10 most forgettable, although you've proven me wrong. You guys have remembered all of these movies, all the ones that you were alive to see, you pretty much
Starting point is 00:38:47 remembered. This one, okay, this is a romance starring Robert Redford and Merrill Streep. Oh, this is out of Africa. That's right. It's out of Africa, directed by Cindy Pollock, which won Best Fiction 1985. Here's a question, guys. Have you seen out of Africa? I've not seen out of it. I have seen the box. I've seen the CHS box. I have you seen out of Africa? I have not seen out of it. I have never seen out of Africa. I have never seen out of Africa. I have never seen out of Africa. And I'm willing to bet it is not a real movie and that we have elaborately been gaslit to believe there was a movie called out of Africa.
Starting point is 00:39:13 No, you know, like if I go and pick up the box, I open it and it's just full of fucking spiders and I'm like, what? There's no view just tape. Exactly. I know that, not to be true, because I do not see out of Africa, but I do have memories of being in the room briefly when my parents were watching out of Africa and thinking this is boring and going in doing something else. Dan, you, okay, I'm just, you could have told us what the movie was about or what was so good about it because I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And as far as I know, nobody I've ever met has ever seen it because they've never mentioned it to me. Ever. It's never been mentioned to me. Yeah as I know, nobody I've ever met has ever seen it because they've never mentioned it to me ever. It's never been mentioned to me. Yeah, I think there's a lion or something. I mean, that was the thing. I was born during a lion. I mean, it's got African, the title and you guess there's a lion in it. That's not that.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm not giving you points. Yeah, all right. They're getting that one. Fair enough. That's the thing. When I go to my gym, there's always one TV that's playing FX. And if I know one thing about FX, it's that they got the movies. And you know what movie I never see on that shit out of Africa.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I see wanted all the time. Yeah. And our most in existence movie that there is. I mean, according to the effects, I see wanted, I see Deadpool. And neither of them one best picture. So what's going on here guys? Yeah, crazy. As we've seen, winning best picture doesn't make your movie immediately immortal and losing best picture are not even being nominated.
Starting point is 00:40:32 It doesn't mean your movie stinks. So I think we've learned a little something about movies and that we shouldn't just judge them by awards, but by the content of their characters and whether they're on FX since FX has the movie. Similar to how Arby has the meat if Arby doesn't have it, it's not me. You know what? I mean, and I embed that, you know, every once in a while they got to get together and
Starting point is 00:40:54 have a barter situation because Arby's needs some entertainment every once in a while. And, and the other one needs to eat FX. I forgot. I don't know. Another one. You know, the one needs to eat. FX. You already forgot. I don't know. Another one. You know, the one with two letters. I mean, they both have two letters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Well, no, our business does it. It's just our beat, bitch. Dinner and a movie. They get together for dinner and a movie. Dinner and a movie. Meet and a movie. Our, yeah, hang your beats. Jenny FX.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah. They're like, you can have any of these meets. It's like, I'll take that meat. And there's like, all right, here's Shrek in which we're in for that. Yeah. So we'll then have to figure out what movie equals how much meat and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, well, that's how money gets started. You know, Shrek did not win.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I think and it didn't win best animated feature. I don't believe, which was a, let's take a look. Let's take a look. Okay. Maybe it did. Okay. It is. Dutadon looking up right now.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Let's go to, let's see. We're talking about Shrek now. It was, it was not, oh, it did win for best animated feature. I'm sorry. It did win for best animation. I'm sorry. I should have remembered that Shrek that won the inaugural best animated fish. I'm a fan of the
Starting point is 00:42:12 I heard a rumor that they made up the best animated feature category just to prevent Shrek from winning best picture. That was probably it because it was Shrek versus a beautiful mind. And we know what we know what I want to do in that way. And then we would have been a role because there's because they basically have the same, the same moral, which is that you shouldn't judge the outside by the judge it by the beautiful mind on the inside, whether it's an ogre or a mathematician. Shrek, of course, followed up the next year by the winner spirited away. Same level as Shrek, of course, followed up the next year by the winner, spirit it away. Same level as Shrek did away.
Starting point is 00:42:47 They're both ahead of me with a winner. And spirit it and what nominee did it defeat for that award? Spirit, stallion of the simmer on. A little piece of Oscar's history. Yeah. Well, imagine how many cigarettes Miyazagi would smoke while watching Shrek. She's like, fuck. Yeah. Well, there are so many other forgettable best pictures I'd love to talk about the Broadway
Starting point is 00:43:14 Melody around the world in 80 days. Tom Jones, gosh, now that I'm really here, well, I'm getting so flustered. There's just so many movies to mention. Chicago, I have to mention Chicago and the King's speech of- Oh no, they're playing me off. Okay, well I guess I know that's my time. I won't go to get too much busier. All right, I apologize. Look, I'm in Ellie, Kalen, and join me are my co-hosts.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Also, not getting too much busier. Dan McHoy. And Stuart Wellington. Okay, we're part of the Max Fun Network. I better say, quick up the music's getting louder. Our producer and editor is Alex Smith, hopefully, put some music in here. Find him online under the name of Howell Dottie and please consider
Starting point is 00:43:47 leaving us a positive review wherever you download your podcasts. Remember we're doing a live show April 2nd in Brooklyn at the Bell House. Sunday 7th 30th April 2nd. Go to the Bellhouse for tickets there. Okay, okay, all right, ready to get it. I'm done. Goodbye, everybody. Good night. Everybody, good night!

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