The Flop House - FH Mini 75 - Battle of the Streaming Networks

Episode Date: March 4, 2023

Dan puts on his gamesmaster hat, to run Elliott and Stu through a gamut of short games, based on the movie offerings of various streaming services.Come see us at The Bell House, on April 2!Ever tried... Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And hey, I'm Elliott Kaelin. That's right. All three of us back together again as we are every week. Yeah, I don't. It's not special. There was a time in the history of the bike. I find it special to I find the time I spend with you very special. I'm sorry that you don't reciprocate that feeling. Dan, okay. Well, I invited you to my birthday. Yeah. And here you are throwing the time we spend together in my face. I apologize. Beautiful face. It's meaningful. It is a beautiful face. And well, we're throwing better things in. Okay, like you only good things or you know, like chicken nuggets. I'm on the price. Yep, chicken nuggets, yep, depending on shape and cost, dinosaurs.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And whether or not they're Dorito, Dusted or whatever the fuck you can get your nuggies done. Uh huh. I wouldn't want to fuck this one. This podcast about my face and nuggies. I was about to talk about different kinds of nuggies that can go in Stuart's face. Now, this is a podcast where sort of the main episodes are where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And then every other week we sort of just get together and do random stuff that appeals to one of us in turn. We sort of round robbing it often. If it's into the general sensibility of the show, even if not the content perfect. Yeah, it tends to cue towards the sort of things that we might talk about in the floppas anyway. But so in this episode, I'm in charge. And here comes trouble. Oh, I'm going to wait daddy. I'm going to give you a short intro to why I thought of this. So last night, late at night. Is that the podcast or just this episode?
Starting point is 00:01:57 What? Yeah. It was late at night, we'd come back from a Stuart's Bar, Hunterlands, where we were playing some games with our good friends, John and Mary, and some other folks and... We're not as good a friends, they don't deserve to be named.
Starting point is 00:02:12 We're they funny games. No one got murdered. So I would say... Okay, so they weren't as funny as they could be because we all know that's true. That's the funny part of this game. That's it. That my clinic is just sitting there going, this is our left riot.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Oh my god. There's only these numbers. Oh, yummy, yummy. Just Vaden see what he does with that golf club. Okay, guys, I've got an itch. Ish Havan another gotbuster for all of you. It's got funny games. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:41 So we were coming back from Heterlands late night. I put on, I was watching some random stuff on YouTube. So we were coming back from Hederlands late night. I put on, I was watching some random stuff on YouTube. I'm like dish-up something for me algorithm. And- I love to watch. I love that we were getting a portrait of a man who leads a rich full life
Starting point is 00:02:55 until you got to that part. Yeah, sure. Well, I actually mentioned this on sister, Max Fun Show, Max Film Film. I had not watched a lot of YouTube because I think we're of an age where that was not sort of, you know, we're a little too old for that to like have been introduced
Starting point is 00:03:15 to us as like part of our growing up way of consuming media. Yes. And, but I've discovered recently that the thing is it is the world's greatest repository and museum of the media that I do care about, which is random shit that I remember from my childhood. You know, that was on television or whatnot, or forgotten movies or whatever you have.
Starting point is 00:03:38 And so the algorithm dished me up something from actually before my time. It was Karen Carpenter doing a long, long drum solo on the Carpenter's Variety show. And we were talking about how weird television used to be. And I asked Audrey whether she had heard of Battle of the Network Stars, which is a thing that was before our time as well. This is something I only know as in through reference. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Where they would get, you know, the stars from different TV shows who are on the networks at that time have them compete in, you know, physical challenges, like sports challenges except for the, well, athletic contest. But I think I learned about it. I think I learned about through Mad Magazine and their reoccurring bit, Battle of the Black Jerk Stars. Yeah. I think I learned about through Mad Magazine and their reoccurring bit battle of the black jerk stars. Yeah. You shame on you Stewart. Mad Magazine was so much better than that. Some of them got, I mean, some of them are true, that usual gang of idiots.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Some of them are true, you know, athletic competitions like races. And then some of them are, like they have a dunk tank, which is clearly just an excuse for Barbara Bach to fall into water. And it's the 70s and people are like, ooh, the outline of nipples and everyone's excited. And that's, that was your grandfather's pornography is what I'm saying. Anyway. I mean, my grandfather was already an old man by the
Starting point is 00:05:07 or at least really some middle aged man by the time he really liked Barbara Bach. My my grandfather went over to his buddy's house where they all put on tuxedos and my buddies niece read them a really sexy story and they all got boaters. Just handmade. I see story and they all got boaters. Just handmade in the dance. Yeah, just the movie handmade.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Okay. Yeah. Dan, so I wanted to mention that the outline of Nipples is also one of the four row novels, isn't it? Heck yeah. Yeah. The mysterious outline of Nipples at Styles. That's what she was reading to those horny dudes.
Starting point is 00:05:51 So we watched a little of it before Audrey very quickly was like, yeah, I get the idea. This is all sort of mostly just a bit of color to explain a largely unrelated concept, battle of the streaming networks. I've come up with four short games, Senator Raoul. Physical challenges, I'm guessing. Senator Raoul, the networks of today, the streaming channels, and you guys are going to, not so much compete,
Starting point is 00:06:14 because I don't think we really care about who gets points and wins on these things. This will be an at-midnight style game where the game is just a loose framework for whatever nonsense. And so the first of the Battle of the Streaming Networks events is something I call classic classic or classic. I was hoping that classic would be the third word.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So I'm going to read a list of three names and you tell me which of these can be found on HBO's Turner Classic Movies Hub, which is a movie that to be has put in its modern classic category. And which of these is a type of classic pickle. Okay. So the first matchup, I hope you don't say like broken arrow because that could be any of those. Yeah. That's one. Those are the pickles that didn't make it through the factory process intact. Yeah. So these are the three titles. We have Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang.
Starting point is 00:07:14 We have Thunderbolt and Lightfoot and we have bread and butter spears, all classics in their own way, but which is the classic, which is the to be classic, the risk of falling for a trap Stewart, maybe give, I'll let's take a shot at this. Yeah. Bread and butter is the classic. Yeah. You are, you're correct. I would say shitty, shitty bay man is probably turn classic movies. I know they run it a fair amount on their actual network. And that Thunderbolt and Life Foot is probably to be modern classic. But I could see it going either way for those two. Well, you're off to a rare and start. You were correct. Three for three on that. So the team
Starting point is 00:07:53 is too old to be considered modern at this point. Yeah. That's, yeah. The team of Wellington and Kaelin in this non competitive. Oh, man. Game is one for one. The future is cooperative games. People love cooperative games. Yeah, yeah. I just don't like the pressure of head-to-head competition anymore. I feel like you're gonna get enough of that out of life.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, you shouldn't regard life as a competition. That's a, that's probably a problematic way of going through it. Our regard life is a competition and all my relationships as like a balance sheet. It's all what I can do for me. This is terrible. I'm going about anything. I know you're talking to somebody who can bench press 225 pounds. So it's all numbers game. I think if you believe that life is a competition,
Starting point is 00:08:39 then that's the kind of thing that you do. Dan, when you get up to heaven and say Peter is like, let me look at how many points you accrued in the game of life. Oh, pretty many. You were busy helping people instead of being on that grind and working for you. Helping people. Well, that's charitable is watching whatever trash to be serves up to me, helping people speaking of to be. Let's get back to the game. Oh, sure, sure. Yeah. We've got three titles here. All right. The first is Fern Gully, the last rain forest. Okay. The second title is kosher gerkens. And the third, the four troublesome heads, the four troublesome heads, all classics in their own way. Let's do it. You want to take this one? No. Okay. Do you want me to take it then?
Starting point is 00:09:29 No, no, no, no, no. What's the, the Gerkens? That's, that's Vlasik. Okay. That's a Vlasik. Yes, that is. That's a Vlasik. Unless the kosher Gerkens, some kind of Jewish spy.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I, I'm going to say Fern Gully, the last rainforest is a to be modern classic and four troublesome heads is is TCM. Yeah. You got it right. You got it right. The four troublesome heads. People may not recognize it. It's one of Meliers movies.
Starting point is 00:10:02 They have a lot of Meliers short films on the TCM hub. Yeah, it was that work he did for for full moon entertainment. All right. So another, another another matchup, we got I married a witch. We have original of original Dill Holes and... That's a horn hump, Tyne, listen. And lastly, Tocke Fighter. Okay, so I'll take this one so that's the Dill one is Vlasic. Tocke Fighter would be a modern classic. I didn't know that was on Tubi, I'd actually like to say that. It is on Tubi, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And I'm married to witches from the 40s, so that's Turner Classic. So I'm Turner Classic movies. I will say Holes is from the 40s. So that's Turner Classic. So I'm Turner Classic movies. I will say, a whole is a spell with a W. That's indicating the whole pickle right there. I see. Well, that's a spear. Not what I was hoping for. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I tried to watch I'm married to which on my flight down to a Q West, I downloaded it to my phone. Not a lot of jokes in that. No, it's more of a delightful movie jokes of that comedy. No, it's more, it's more, it's a, it's a, more of a, kind of a delightful movie than a funny movie. Like it's got a very like, it's a, it's got a certain charm to it, but I agree. It's not a hilarious comedy, you know? Yeah, I was looking forward to like, you know, good, good old fashioned Hollywood comedy
Starting point is 00:11:17 and let me down a little. There is, well, it's the same way that like a, a lot of things that got, that get categorized as comedy now are not hilarious. It's just the kind of like, like what tar, they end happily. like a lot of things that got that get categorized as comedy now are not hilarious. It's just like, like what tar they end happily. Yeah, or like tar exactly. We tend to happily are achieving everyone's dream of conducting the score of the game for an audience of cosplayers.
Starting point is 00:11:37 That movie's fucking funny. It is funny. Now we got another matchup first up. We have Zesty Dill Stackers, then mannequin. And lastly, short circuit. I'm just amazed that they still done so many of these. It is a toughy. Zesty Dill Stackers, mannequin and short circuit. You want to give it a ghost too? Or do you want me to do on a take this one? mannequin and short circuit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Want to give it a ghost too? Or do you want me to do want to take this one? Okay. So I think short circuit is a classic. Nope. All right. Interesting. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Anakin is a 2B modern classic. And that was my third option. Short circuit. Nope. I already said that was a classic. Is that the Dill stackers? Sorry. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:32 That sounds like a TCM for me. You know what? I still in the interest of keeping the team unity together, I'm going to back you up on this one, just fight. Thank you. Possible reservations I may have. I think those were all three wrong. I think that it was three for three wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Is that the slackers? In a way, that's harder than getting them all right. He shot the bone. We get extra points. Of course, the classic is the Dill Stackers. Of course, he says, like that's obvious. Matt Manigan was on dirt classic movies. Oddly, I would argue the worst of these, these options.
Starting point is 00:13:05 No, certainly not. The movies doesn't always show good movies. That's one of these kind of like about it. Short circuit to be. Okay, and now last in this classic classic or a little, classic category, we've got, she's having a baby, Hercules in New York and extreme heat chips. Of course, extreme with no e just an X to the X. That could be a modern classic, but I'm gonna guess it's a classic.
Starting point is 00:13:34 What was that? That's a classic. What was that? She's having a baby in Hercules in New York. That's tough. You know, I'm gonna say, let me know if you agree. I'm gonna say, she's having a baby to be modern classic Hercules in New York Turner Classic movies classic. Yeah. I think I'll back you. I'm sorry. It was the reverse. Hercules on to be and she's
Starting point is 00:13:54 having a baby on Turner Classic movies. I think that overall though, you still got more than you missed. So let's count that. And that's considering stew throwing the match to a certain extent. Exactly. The sometimes, you know, sometimes you just got to make life a little bit more challenging for yourself. Like it's like how sometimes I add additional weight to the bar that I'm lifting to just challenge my body. Okay. Well, next up, we got something I'm calling Turner classic hoovies. We're going to stay in your favorite movies. I would say
Starting point is 00:14:29 that the who actually is a bit of a stretch in terms of a title. It's more of a what. So I love how much how much of this episode is you're like, here's a story about battle and network stars. Anyway, it's not that important. I'm just using the name. Here's the here's this game. By the way, the name doesn't really tell you much about the game. You know, sometimes the journey is more rewarding than the way it's like, we're the rings, baby. So I've picked some of the most intriguing, sourdying titles from the TCM app. We're moving into the actual TCM app, not the hub on on Max.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Okay. So the app is more centered on older films. Yes. And those movies change. It's not always the same movies there. They're on for limited amounts of time. And Ellie, it has to tell us whether you've seen these movies or not. If you have seen them, Stewart has to guess what the movie is about.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And Ellie gets to tell us how close Stewart got. Oh, okay. If you haven't, I'll just tell you what the movie is. But okay, so first up, we have a movie it's called Madam Satan. Have you seen this movie, Ellie? I've heard of Madam Satan, but I've not seen it. No. Okay, do you know what it's about?
Starting point is 00:15:36 No, I don't. Okay. All right, Stewart, do you want to guess anyway? Yeah, sure. So, I'm going to guess that it is about a brothel proprietress who opens up a portal to hell and say, no, then they get married. That sounds great. I would totally watch that movie. This is a musical. A socialite could still be that plot. Yep. Yeah. A socialite. a socialized, socialite masquerades as a notorious femme fatale to win back her string husband directed by Cecil B. Demille. So I'm curious about Madam Satan.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That's how it goes. It's the same plot as the song, your good girl's gonna go bad. Mm-hmm. I suppose so. I don't know, but I will take your word for it. The next movie title is Manproof. Do you, Ellie, have you seen Man Hyphen proof? I also haven't seen Manproof. Ellie, would you like to make a guess about what manproof is about? My guess is that a guy falls into a big open vat at a distillery and his soul goes into the whiskey and now he can control the bodies of the people who drink
Starting point is 00:16:45 it. But two for hilarious misadventures. It's like an episodic anthology movie. No, I'm afraid this is a movie that the synopsis given is a woman refuses to give up on the man she loves even after he marries someone else and stars. Merna Lloyd, one of your favorites. Yeah, she's one of my favorites. She puts this, what year is it from? Does it say? Uh, I did these in vague, chronological order other than the next one, which is the latest one. So it's in, it's an early one. That's all I think.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Because it sounds like more her, she was, you know, because she was more of a, more, she was more of a bad girl for the early, she got a lot of those roles early on before she became America's favorite wife, the queen of Hollywood, Hollywood's favorite wife, later on. Okay, so she's one of my favorites. She's great. There's a statue of her on the grounds of her old high school and it was not like put up in her honor
Starting point is 00:17:36 because she was famous. It was just they were making a statue and she posed for it. And when she was a teenager and she's like, I don't, it's, and it's a fairly, I don't know if I would say like sexualized, but like, it's one of these kind of neoclassical type statues where it's a woman, you know, she represents the spirit of something and she's in kind of like a diaphanist gown, I think. And I just think it's very weird that like,
Starting point is 00:17:57 your classmates are walking around and there's a statue of you like looking sexy, basically, on the grounds of the school. It's a strange, it's a strange thing to have happened. Well, you know, this is the rich school. This is the rich history of Hollywood. They were missing out to their loss. Yeah, yeah, this is, these are the sort of tales we get when I introduce classic Hollywood into the flop house. Although I'm surprised that Elliot hasn't seen any of these movies yet of the,
Starting point is 00:18:23 a lot of movies. You mentioned two movies. There's thousands of movies out there. This one is later. This is, I think the chronologically latest movie I'm going to mention. This is called The Yellow Rolls Royce. Oh, yeah, I know the yellow aerois. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Stuart, would you like to guess and see whether? I got it. So, so a, a little kid is scared when an alien lands in his backyard and that alien transforms into a car so it can pass undetected by human society so they can make contact so they can, they can, you know, I don't know, get some, some, some, energon cubes to send back to the home plan of the trans morpher's. So that, and the only thing you can transform into is eat what a yellow Cadillac. Yep. It's a yellow Cadillac, even though it's called the yellow Rolls Royce, it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:20 that's, that's how they throw you off. Yeah, it's a trick. That's the thing. It's the whole movie is a trick. Yeah, exactly, exactly. How close did he get out of it? How close did I get? Is the whole movie a trick?
Starting point is 00:19:30 In a way, the whole movie isn't trick because it's not, it's a, I mentioned anthology movies before. This is an anthology movie. It's three different stories that all are different owners of the same yellow Rolls Royce. And this is something that like in the 60s, this is moving in the 60s. In the 60s, there was a fair number of those. It was a way of like relatively cheaply making some of these movies because you didn't need the cast as long because you do have them in separate stories. And it's something I think that came over
Starting point is 00:19:58 from Europe, I want to believe, in Europe, and especially in Italy. There was like a fair number of anthology movies. And in the Czech New Wave, there were some anthology. There was at least one very important anthology movie. So this is one, yes. This yellow Rolls Royce passes through the different hands and each one is a different kind of story. And they're all pretty boring. And is it, is the idea that they're like, do they try and disguise the fact that it's
Starting point is 00:20:21 like multiple stories around this one thing like? No, no, no, not at all. It's very open. It's like, here's one story. Now we're on to the next story. Now it's not like a Gary Marshall type movie, where it's essentially a bunch of different stories that are just kind of slammed into one holiday, you know, it's, they're very much like chapter one, these people, chapter two, these people, and chapter three, these people. Hope you enjoyed our film, The Yellow Rolls Royce. Goodbye. I mean, that's, and chapter three, these people hope you enjoyed our film, the yellow Rolls Royce. Goodbye. I mean, that's not how they say it, but. I just watched, I just watched Runaway Bride for the first time last night, which is a
Starting point is 00:20:53 Gary Marshall movie. And it's just filled with people acting like fucking maniacs. I do, I know they're trying to recapture the excitement of a pretty woman. You got Richard gear. You got Julia Roberts. You got Hector Elizondo. Yeah. And Marshall's lucky charm. But man, this it was kind of a kind of a whiff, even though it does have a young Chris Maloney and Joan Q. Sack, who gets to kind of be the pretty best friend. She's so great. Even though really Adam's family values the only movie where Hollywood's like, oh, wait a minute, Joan Qsac can be the hottest woman ever to live it. Let's put her in this movie.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I had so funny when I was young. I had such a crush on Christina Riccius Wednesday because I was the same age as her. And then in that same values, I was like, I am transferring to Joan Qsac. She is, she is sexier and more evil than you. Way meaner. Way meaner. She's so openly mean to everybody. Speaking of mean, we get, we got a mean bunch in this next title. It sounds like it's called the mean bunch. It's, this is called Rough Riders Roundup. Are you familiar with Rough Riders Roundup? No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:22:10 That could be two different things. I mean, there could be three different jobs. If porn hub is in the mix, that could be three different things. But in all the ways, there could be two different things. Why you give a shot of guessing what Rough Riders Roundup might be? I mean, I'm guessing it's probably a Western, but it could also be a historical film because Teddy Roosevelt's men were called the rough writers in the Spanish Civil War, a Civil War, in the Spanish American War. But Teddy Roosevelt didn't find the Spanish Civil War. He was dead by then.
Starting point is 00:22:37 But I'm guessing it's probably a Western. Anything with ground up in the title is usually a Western. It is a Western. And I'm not necessarily that surprised you haven't watched this because this is a Roy Rogers Western. You don't strike me as a cowboy series. No, no. But brighter. Yeah, I mean, I grew up loving his fast food restaurant. There was Roy Rogers in my town when they're regularly before I discovered Popeyes, which has better chicken than Roy Rogers. But yeah, I'm not a-
Starting point is 00:23:01 Because you lived at the Edison, New Jersey rest up. I did. Yeah, I was like, you know, to cap your own growing pains. I lived in a broom closet. Nobody knew I was there. But I the I as much as I love Westerns as from as problematic as genre as they are. And I'm fully aware of that. The singing cowboy Westerns, the Roy Rogers and the Jean Autries and the kind of lighter series Westerns. I never got into. Yeah. Well, speaking of series light light series, here's a title for you. Oh, good. The Bowery Boys meet the monsters. Have you seen that one? The Bowery Boys meet the monster? No, that's not one of the Bowery Boys ones that I've seen.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I've seen, I mean, it sounds like Bel Lagosi meets a Brooklyn gorilla, which is kind of like a, it's a knockoff Martin and Lewis movie that Bel Lagosi's in, but I haven't seen the Bowery Boys meet the monster. Now the Barry boys, they're just, they live on the Barry, that's their thing. Well, there's the thing about the Barry boys. They're an outgrowth of the dead end kids. Now, dead end, if you've never seen it,
Starting point is 00:23:57 is a great movie about the ideas that a high-rise, a luxury high-rise has been built next to a bunch of slums. And the people are interacting. And there's a couple different stories. That one where it's not an anthology film, but there are different storylines of different characters. And that's based on a play. And it was and a bunch of the kid characters in it, they were like, Hey, we love these kid characters. We're going to spend them off and put them in more movies. And I'm trying to remember if they're the same kids who are in like angels with dirty faces, the James Cagney movie, where he's a gangster who become who he and his old friend who's a priest are kind of like competing to see who can be the influence on this gang
Starting point is 00:24:34 of street tough kids. But it was like the movie from home alone. That the one from a loan is called angels with dirty souls. And the title is pretty much to take off. And that it's also a fake gangster movie. But the real one is Angels with dirty. And Angels with Dirty Faces is a great movie too. I mean, it looks like a real movie. Kevin McAllister is always watching it. It is. He is always watching it. Somewhere online, there's an oral history of the shooting of the Angels with dirty souls segment. That's it. Because they it was at a time. Charlie on Dan's beloved YouTube. Yeah. There's there was a, that movie, Home Alone is old enough now that like,
Starting point is 00:25:05 that was at a time when you could still get some of the like, older kind of like style. Like, I think they used some of the old equipment when they were shooting that. Like, so it really does. They do a great job of replicating that look. But anyway, the bout, I think it was the dead-ed kids, some of them like Leo Gorsi and like Hunt's Hall.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Like, they essentially had their own series where they became the Bowery boys, boys with them the Bowery. boys with it on the Bowery. Now we know the Bowery these days as a very trendy, very expensive neighborhood in Manhattan with just a lot of like boutique hotels. But the Bowery for most of the 20th century was one of the shittiest shit holes in New York. And if you ever see the movie on the Bowery, it's just about being a guy who has no
Starting point is 00:25:44 home and is has an alcohol problem and drifts onto the Bowery and is lives on the Bowery. It's just about being a guy who has no home and is, has an alcohol problem and drifts onto the Bowery and lives on the mission there, which is still there. But like the Bowery was shorthand for poor people with problems, you know, it's a place you don't want to be. So the Bowery boys were like a wisecracken, like lighthearted group of kids who lived in poverty. And eventually they were doing all sorts of stuff like meeting monsters. So is Bill a ghost in the monster in this or is that a? I don't I don't I think the Bowery boys do meet him at do meet Dracula at some point.
Starting point is 00:26:12 But I don't think he's in this, but here's the funny thing about the Bowery boys meet the monsters. Now the title is they'd suggest that they meet monsters in it and I haven't seen it. So perhaps they do meet monsters. I mean, if they meet people, people are the craziest monster, you know? But the description. Man, it was the most dangerous monster, yeah. Bowry Boy's Meet the Monsters.
Starting point is 00:26:31 The description on the Turner Classic movies app is the Bowry Boy's Battle of Family of Mad Scientists. And the picture is one of the Bowry Boy's like maybe dancing or struggling. I don't know which with a big robot. So there's a very loose definition of what constitutes monster in this, if they're counting mad scientists and robots also as monsters. I mean, they have monstrous motives, I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I mean, they're monsters and certainly in the way that a human can be described as a monster. Maybe that. Oh, so this is also this is the power. So I'm looking up some information now because I'm curious about it. This is the one this movie is from 1954. So this is like the this is when the Bowery boys were not even boys anymore. They were grown men who are still called the Bowery boys were having adventures and stuff
Starting point is 00:27:19 like that. And I'm trying to remember. I don't think it's this one, but there is an old episode of David Letterman's NBC show, where at the very end, they brought out a guy who had memorized every line of dialogue in, it might have been this one, but it was some Bowery Boy's movie that involved a monster of some kind. And he just, and he goes, and now as we go out this, and he just, but he doesn't describe the movie at all.
Starting point is 00:27:44 He just stands there and recites the lines. It's like, hey, you heard you guys heard about this new place. They're feeding boys for free. Yeah, let's go show up. Boy, this is some great spread. This is fantastic. I'm glad you boys are enjoying it. Like it's and then the episode fades out that the end of the episode.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And somebody please listen or send me a link to it because I love to watch it again. Wow. Uh, I mean, I'm really, if only I did, I'd have been able to do it. I liked it. To be honest, all the dialogue in a movie nobody else has seen or thought about, yeah. So we've got one more in this event before we take our, take our ad break. And that is this title, Elliot, have you seen, do you know a girl, a guy, and a gob, a gob, a gob, a gob, G-O-B?
Starting point is 00:28:31 No, but is that like a Joey Brown movie or something like that? Like, if it is, he is past the first two build. Okay, then it would, it sounds like one of those movies where it's just like a comedian who's under contract and they're making a ton of movies. We spent a lot of time on this one. So I'm just going to tell you what it is. It's a stuffy boss, tries to steal his secretary from her sailor boyfriend, starring George Murphy as Claudius J quote, coffee cup cup and Lucille ball is dot Duncan. So there you go. That's pretty good. So that's pretty easy. His last name is cup and his middle name is coffee cup. Yeah, exactly. Okay. If you can imagine such a thing, Elliott.
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's I can't. I can't. But now we need to take a break from battle of the streaming networks. For this word, from HelloFresh, why not skip trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable? That's why it's America's number one meal kit. No matter your lifestyle or meal preferences, HelloFresh has the recipe sure to please everyone at your table. From fit and wholesome to veggie or family friendly, you'll always find something even the pickiest eaters will enjoy.
Starting point is 00:29:53 You can customize select meals by swapping proteins or sides or even adding protein to a veggie dish. Imagine that, switching it around. It's not a vegetarian dish anymore. You put a protein in there, Mr. or Mrs. or neither. And now you can even upgrade for organic chicken or organic ground beef. Well, how does Hello Fresh Davy time look?
Starting point is 00:30:19 I like cooking. A lot of people who are like big meal kit fans do it because they don't care for it. I like cooking, but the meal kits from Hello Fresh are really great because honestly sometimes I just don't have the stuff in my house that I need to make a full good meal. And it's nice to know that like this comes all packaged together. You got it. It's very fresh ingredients. I have had in general the low calorie options and they've all been delicious despite being low calorie,
Starting point is 00:30:50 which is the constant struggle. So go to slash flop 65 and use code flop 65 for 65% off. Wow. It was free shipping. That's slash flop 65 and code 65 for 65% off. Wow. Plus free shipping. That's hello fresh dot com slash flop 65 and code 65 for 60 65% off. Plus free shipping. Okay. And now that was a tie in with with with flop 65 was a tie in with the movie 65 that takes place 65 billion years ago. Is that what it's called
Starting point is 00:31:23 65? Yeah, that movie without him, Driverary shoots dinos. Oh, the new ones? That's coming in. Yeah, yeah. I didn't know that was called 65. No, not the old one where he shoots. Yeah, it's called 65.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I'm checking your work, Chris. Oh, there it is. 65. Yes. Yeah. What a terrible name for a movie. You know that you know that someone in marketing, someone at some what was like,
Starting point is 00:31:44 we'll call it 65. We'll play off the Beatles song and it took them until the posters were printed and the movie was finished with them. And we're like, well, that song is called when I'm 64, not when I'm 65. And they were like, Oh, no, oh, no. I mean, the thing is like, just call it Adam Scott shoots dinos, the trailer Adam driver. If it was Adam Scott, they would also be and driver. I why not team up Adam driver and Adam Scott and the two Adam shoot and call it Adam's shoot everything.
Starting point is 00:32:17 parentheses mostly. And in that movie Adam driver plays John Adams and Adam got plays John Quincy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it's a father's son bonding hunting trips. Through time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Where they know when the presidents discover the planet Earth and Dinos, two jobs. I just fucking crushed it. Two atoms. Yeah, the movie's going to come out. People are going to be 65 million years ago. Dinosaur. The movie will never live up to my hopes now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And I had such high hopes for it. Yeah. It's being caddy. Movie that you kind of learned about just now. I mean, it's a movie that I learned about the other day when I went to the movie theater and I saw the poster for it. And I otherwise didn't know it existed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Because you went to what a retrospective old timey black and white shit. Oh, I wish it was a rainy day. We went to the movies. And London Town, the only kids movie, the only kids movie that was appropriate to both my kids was Marcel DeShelle with shoes on, which is a very sweet cute little movie. It's kind of both, both kids found it a little boring at times, but I enjoyed it. They really wanted to see the new Puss and Boots movie, but I think that it might be a little too mature for my youngest. That's something that a cool, uncle steward
Starting point is 00:33:29 would have taken them to. Yeah, exactly. Don't tell your parents. I'm taking you to the Puss and Boots movie. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. If you have trouble falling asleep,
Starting point is 00:33:43 try sleeping with celebrities. Tell me about your view of succulents. I'm not a huge fan. It's a different kind of sleep podcast. There are some real benefits to parking legally. Featuring remarkable guests and unremarkable topics. There's two Orlando airports. From the creator of the press mode with John Moe, it's sleeping with celebrities.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Every week on Maximum Fun. Nighty night Sleepy heads. Hi, I'm Jesse Thorn, the founder of Maximum Fun, and I have a special announcement. I'm no longer embarrassed by my brother and my brother in me. You know, for years, each new episode of this supposed advice show was a fresh insult, a depraved jumble of erection jokes ghost humor, and frankly, this is for the best, very little, actionable advice. But now as they enter their twilight years, I'm as surprised as anyone to admit that it's gotten kinda good.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Justin, Travis, and Griffin's witticisms are more refined, like a humor column in a fancy magazine, and they hardly ever say Bazinga anymore. So, after you've completely finished listening to every single one of all of our other shows, why not join the McElroy Brothers every week for my brother, my brother and me? Hey, let's get back to the game. I'm okay, charming, but I just look, I put some work into this this morning.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Yeah, this morning is gonna be telling anecdotes about watching stuff. Yeah, well, no, they say a lot. Notice how he didn't say a lot of work. I just said I put some work into it. You totally missed you's epic roast of you, just now, Dan. But that's okay. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I'll hear it when I listen to the episode. This this this event is called Batman Bullshit. And it goes like this. And what is that clever title based off of? Well, there's a lot of Batman bullshit out there. And thanks to HBO Max's DC hub, you have access to all of it. So I'm gonna read three Batman animated film titles to you.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And you guys have to guess which is the real one. Two of these are fake. One is real. I have a question. When you say real one, do you mean are EEL or are EAL? I mean, good question. Very good question. Okay, both. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So here are three titles. Only one is real. Batman mystery of crusher, or Batman from the mixed up files of Mrs. Batman, E. Frank and Batler.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I think we can safely exclude that last one. Okay. At least I don't want to have to say it again, because it's clearly a joke. I mean, Stu, I saw your face light up when he said crime crusher. That's kind of one of that. I want to think so too. Yeah. So I think that's the only one of these the one I want to say too. Yeah. So I think
Starting point is 00:36:45 it's only one of these is real. Only one is real. Yeah. Are E. L. Yeah. And yeah, returning to stewards commonly asked questions on this podcast, what is real? Yeah. Is this real? Yeah. So I'm going to say mystery of the bat woman. Yes. crime crusher, of course, too beautiful for this world. That's also. Yeah, it was one of those things where it's like, I don't, I don't think it's real, but I love it so much that I want it to be real. Okay. So here are a few more titles of some Batman bullshit out there.
Starting point is 00:37:16 This one is Batman bullshit and that Robin is a primary character. We have. I'll buy it. Yeah. The bat family doesn't exist on his own unless that may an invent him. So yeah. Here we go. We got Teen Titans, the Judas contract. Real. Teen Titans, the Scorpio Sanction. I don't know. Teen Titans, the acne attack me. Okay. So the real one is Teen Titans, the Judas contract, because that's a real story from the comics. And I don't think Dan knows a damn thing about the Teen Titans comics.
Starting point is 00:37:49 So the idea that it was some million, some infinite monkeys, that infinite type writers, trick of a chance, damn, probability, dance somehow stumbled on a real Teen Titans thing. I'm going to say that's the real one. I, I really, I'm really glad there wasn't one that was like Teen Titans, the nemesis protocol because that sounds like every movie. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the Judas contract sounded like that same sort of bullshit to me, which is why
Starting point is 00:38:15 it's up to that to me. But Elliot, you know, unfortunately, Elliot's comic knowledge, real knowledge, real knowledge. Yeah, real knowledge. I heard that story. One of the defining, tall, tight stories, the story of their betrayal by who, I don't know, I'm not going to tell you. Oh no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Who are, who are the team titans? Who's in that group? I mean, it changes, but the, the, the classic lineup is the idea originally was that it was the sidekick characters. So it was like Robin, one to girl, the kid flash, Aqualad, you know, that kind of stuff. But then over time, then there was the new Teen Titans and they brought in like Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, changeling, also known as Beast Boy. So what about, uh, isn't like Lobo's daughter in that group?
Starting point is 00:39:00 That's the newest Teen Titans. Yes. Where's like where Lobo's daughter is a member. And also, I think Quiver, who's a green arrow character, is in there and Robin. And it's the newest teen Titans. Yes. We're like, we're Lobos daughters and member. And also, I think Quiver, who's a green arrow character, is in there and Robin. And it's the Robin that is part of that is not the original Robin, but is I think the Damian Wayne Robin Bruce Wayne's son with Talia, the daughter of Ray Salgull. So there's some, I wrote this. This is, you know what? If anyone's more interested in these, in these newer teen Titans characters, pick up. Are you afraid of the dark side?
Starting point is 00:39:24 Number one, a comic that I wrote the framing pages for for DC last year, where each of the, each of the Titans is telling a scary story about something. I looked up to the Judas was and the Judas thing and it had no impact on me because I don't know who that is. Yeah. Okay. His name's booster gold. So here, here's another trio of names. We've got daughter of Batman, son of Batman, Batman's personal injury, lawyer Larry. I mean, it could be the last one seeing as there's a TV show called Pennyworth, the origin of Batman's Butler. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Do you want to take a crack at this one? Yeah, I'll do son of Batman. Yes. It is son of Batman. Since as I mentioned previously, Batman has a son. Huh? Batman gets around. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:20 He has one son. I mean, you only have to get around. More than me. It's more than me. It's true got the same amount as Lobo apparently. That Lobo knows. Now, is Lobo married or is his daughter a best teacher? I don't know that I want to use the same terminology that Lobo might use. But no, I believe this is Lobo's illegitimate.
Starting point is 00:40:43 He, I think he denies parentage. He denies paternity because Lobo is a jerk. We have, but she's born with like chains and hooks and shir, right? I mean, she uses them. I don't know if she was born with them. Yeah, okay. I think he's just mad because if she's around, then he's no longer the last zarnian, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah, he's no longer the main man. Yeah, he was never the main man. He just calls for something. I mean, Lobo is essentially like, what if Wolverine was a huge asshole? No, he's awesome Okay, Dan now the next trio of titles is You ready for this here comes yeah, Berzerker Batman Batman ninja a
Starting point is 00:41:23 Batman a bat plan a bat canal bat Panama BATMAN, BATMAN Ninja, a BATMAN, a BAT plan, a BAT Canal, BAT Panama. Not panabat, okay. Interesting. So I think BATMAN Ninja is the real one. That would be my guess too. Unless BATMAN is some kind of elseworld type story where it's like a Viking, where's a bat skin, you know, a cape man at of bat skin and becomes a bat character in fights. So I'm gonna say probably that's a lot of that's to make it. Yeah, a bat skin.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yeah, they're very small and you're not using the wings either. Or are you just using the wings? I'm sure you heard. Cause if you're using the wings and the wings, it's pretty patchy. I think you would have to use the wings. Cause it was just the fur like, oh, that's so many pelts you would need for a whole like robe or what did you say?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Like a cloak. Like a cloak. Yeah. Well, you want the wings because they got all those sick veins. All those little fingers, like just like bill finger co-creator of Batman. Yeah, it's Batman Ninja. You got it. Okay. Oh, great. Good. Last one in this category. Dan is so dreading that he came up with this category. He knows how much talking there is going to be between each question. Yeah, this one, like this was supposed to be the fast one in this second half of the show. I'm like, I'll have one that's just silly. And then I'll have one. You shouldn't have brought up a lobo there. So final grouping, we got Superman, Batman, public enemies, Superman, V, Batman, flight to the finish or Superman just punches Batman and outer space.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Well, that was probably isn't it. Although it technically is correct, I guess. It seems like the one that should happen, but probably wouldn't. Wait, so it's Batman, Superman Superman public enemies or Batman V Superman fight to the finish. Fight to the finish. Fight to the finish. I'm going to go with public enemies. I, I think I'm going to go with fight to the finish and maybe we'll get a half point
Starting point is 00:43:16 depending on it. Uh, it's public enemies. I assume that that means, I assume that that means that they are enemies of the state. Yeah, but I think it would be funnier to imagine that they're like very specifically public enemies, not private in it. In private, they're friends. It's like it's, you know, they're keeping K-fabe, they're enemies in public and then in private they're like best buds.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Okay, so let's move on quickly to the final So the final category, which I am realizing, I didn't write a clever name for, but it goes like, what we're into is this, what you're improv training is all about. You're really cool, Nickname. Yeah, I'll call it original sends, original sends, because it goes like this. Okay. All of the big, extremely services have their, quote, original section. Sometimes these are movies that were actually funded by the services.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Sometimes they're just into your foreign films, the services have slapped their names on. Sometimes they don't have any stars, and sometimes they have big name, Hollywood talent. But they have all one thing in common, and that's that they get dumped to streaming with little or no promotion. So this round asks just one thing in common and that's that they get dumped to streaming with little or no promotion. So this round asks just one thing. Do you know anything about the following real streaming
Starting point is 00:44:34 original movies? Points for any verifiably true facts about any of these movies. You have to be able to verify them. Okay. It makes it harder. Bonus points. If you can tell me if it's on Apple Plus, on Netflix or on Hulu, they're all from one of those. Okay. These are all originals, Apple Plus, Netflix, and Hulu. You don't have to worry about like any Roku originals or anything like that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Okay. This first movie is timely like one of those, right? And it's the weird. I think it's just weird, yeah. Yeah. This movie is titled. Because I could have told him something about that. This movie is titled simply, Dad's.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Have you heard about this movie? Do you know what this movie is? Oh, it's a movie called Dad's. Yeah, D-A-D-S. We know it's a movie called Dad's. Dad's. I'm gonna guess it's on Netflix. What are you doing? I'm gonna say, I'm going to guess it's on Netflix. I'm going to say, I'm going to say, Hulu. I'm going to guess Kevin Hart is in it.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah, I also was going to guess Kevin Hart was in it. To be honest. Well, you know what? That, that man may show up at a later point. I'm not going to confirm her tonight, but it's just watched the first 10 minutes. So it's possible Jackie Chan, isn't it? Dan doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You all know he has Jackie Chan blindness. This movie, Dad's actually, I'm sorry, you both got it wrong on Apple Plus. Oh, this movie is the only documentary I will mention. It is a documentary described as a, quote, joyful exploration of modern fatherhood. This doc gathers the testimonies of dads around the world from famous comedians to everyday parents. Like Kevin Hart, famous audience. Directed by Bryce Dallas Howard. Now, oh, BDH.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Look, my old college friends. What a part? Spouse. I love. It's how I do not want to listen to dads give testimonies about that, especially when one of them on the autoplay was Jimmy Fallon. I'm sure like, but Dan, your name is the close to the name dad. Yeah, it's called dance. Now, what if it was a very, I'm probably watch it in that case. It'd be like, these are the days I I know, but it'll be with Dan's. Okay. Let's add, do you know anything about this film?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Are you familiar with it at all? Have you heard anything? Do you know about? We don't know what the title is yet about vacation friends. Yes. Oh, yeah. John Hulu, John Cena, uh, man, who else is in that shit? Is it Kevin Hart? It's got a stack. No, not. No.
Starting point is 00:47:10 It's got a good cast, uh, Lil Ray Howory. That's Lil Ray Howory. I knew it was a comedian. Also Meredith Hackner's in it, who I really like from Search Party. She's very funny. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. This is one of the bigger ones. I did see a little bit about vacation friends, but it also seems like, wow, movies can just disappear down a hole. For episode movie, a kind of uptight couple goes on vacation, they bump into a crazy couple and those, they have a lot of fun and they get wasted and everything. But then after the vacation, that crazy couple follows
Starting point is 00:47:45 them. Yeah. You got it. Is that exactly what it is? I wasn't sure if it was that or that, like they've become friends with spies or something like that, you know. I mean, they could be spies. We don't know. I'm sure at some point in development, they considered it when they're like, well, we have John Cena. Yeah. He is the most usb and age-friendly actor we could think of. Because there wasn't, there wasn't a movie of like that, they came out, right? It was like a couple makes friends with another couple and they're either like, yeah, like, I'm sure spies or something, you know? Yeah, it was like keeping up with the Joneses or something.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. And it was John Ham and Gal Gadot. That's right. And they're like, super spies next door. That's right. And they like, I don't know, go to a fucking Dave and Buster's and do other suburbian shit.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Mm-hmm. That's what you do in suburbia, go to a fucking Dave and Buster's and do other suburbian shit. Mm-hmm. That's what you do in suburbia. Go to David Buster's. That's all you can do. Go to David Buster's, go to one of those places where they put you in like a wind tunnel or whatever and you put on a suit and you get to float around. Is that a thing? I think that happens in that movie.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I know, but is that a thing that people do in the suburbs? I don't know. I don't live in the suburbs, dude. I'm fucking cool. Now that I'm in the suburbs, there's nothing don't know. I don't live in the suburbs. Dude, I'm fucking cool. Now that I'm in the suburbs, there's nothing to do except going to those other small cities. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:50 She's Louise. I mean, it's not unfair. I'm just trying to have a break. Fuck it. No. I'm doing a real heel turn on this episode. Yeah. Uh, okay, this movie is titled The Man from Toronto.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Have you met this man? He's from Toronto. What else might you know about him? Anything? I feel like I saw a thumbnail of this on a streaming screen. Tell me about the man from Toronto. I know it's not he's not a man named Otto. That's a different movie about a man. He's not the 100-year-old man who climbed out a window or whatever it's called. No, but it's not a, it's not like the English movie you can recall his past lives. Yeah. Went up the hill and came down about. Yeah, wait, is the man Uncle Boone me?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Is he from Toronto? It could be. Let's see, it's not a, it's not the man of the moon. He's not the family man or the weather man. It's not the man who knew too little nor the man who knew too much. He's not a matchstick man. He's not an iron man and iron man too or an iron man three. Not the man to Lurian. Uh, yeah, not a Dan in real life. Not a manager. Dan Dan Dolorean. Dan Dolorean. Now, okay, okay, listeners, don't, don't bother looking up for that link to the guy on the Unleaterman show.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You got a Photoshop, the Dan Dolorean right now. And, and stew is baby Yoda. It's got to be. Uh, wait, what? I think of the two of us. You're both more popular and no offense smaller than me. Not cute enough, not cute enough. The cutest flopper has to be the cutest little baby Yoda. And which one of us has always just taken things
Starting point is 00:50:31 and sticking food in our mouth? That's actually true. So I'll tell you a little bit something about the man from Toronto. He may, he's either Kevin Hartner, Woody Harlison. I don't know which of them. Right. Yeah, Woody Harlison. I don't know which of them right now. Okay. Now I'm reminding you. K-5, quote, quote, in it. The world's deadliest assassin in New York's biggest screw up
Starting point is 00:50:52 are mistaking for each other at an Airbnb rental. The man classic from Toronto. Okay. I think we want the first five minutes of it to figure out the, to understand the premise and then we're like, nope. So moving into the vaguely uplifting sounding title section. Sorry. Okay. I feel good that at least there was a Kevin Hart movie on there. Winston, by meeting the jumped on Kevin Hart earlier, there was a reason.
Starting point is 00:51:21 No, you were right. You were right to do so. But now into the brief sort of theme section of vaguely uplifting sounding things. Excellent. This title, do you know anything about the sky is everywhere? The sky is everywhere. I don't know. That's not the one with George Clooney where he's astronauts are coming back to a virus earth, right? No, and I will say before, you know, like I'm making fun of the title,
Starting point is 00:51:52 but it auto played the trailer for this. And I was like, oh, this actually looks kind of interesting. Like I, it has a good look to it. It is directed by a woman who has made a movie I liked before. What's that movie? It's from the director of Shirley, Josephine Decker. Oh, okay. Oh, I know something about this movie. It's from the director of Shirley. Yeah. You get a point for that. No scoped it right there, baby. Here's what I can tell you about this movie. Lenny is a teen musical prodigy grieving the death of her sister when she finds herself caught between a new guy at school and her sisters devastated boyfriend. It looked like there was like a lot of dancing in it, a lot of colorful costumes starring Grace Kaufman, Sherry Jones, not Sherry Jones, sorry, Cherry Jones and Jason Fiegel.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah. Monsheri Jones. Oh, okay. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. That's what they pronounced in the past. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Monsheri Jones. Oh, okay. Oh, I'm going to gambit on this podcast. Oh, okay. And here's another title for you. It's called The Ultimate Playlist of Noise. The Ultimate Playlist of Noise. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:00 That last one was an Apple Plus, by the way. Apple Plus. That sounds like an Apple Plus movie. That sounds like an Apple Plus movie. The last one. So, this, by the way, Apple Plus. That sounds like an Apple Plus movie, the last one. So this sounds like the opposite of another Apple Plus movie, Coda. Uh, honestly, absence of noise in Coda as it dealt with hearing loss, you know, and the dead.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah, well, you're on to something here. So I'll tell you, because this description made me angry when I heard it. And I want to, I'm curious to see if it has the same effect on you guys. And he reads the description and it's Dan's a jerk. What a dick. And I'm like, it doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I think it's fine. Just kidding, Dan, that would make me mad if I saw that description somewhere. Yeah, someone else said it. Anyway, after learning, he must undergrow brain surgery that will render him deaf, Marcus, an audio obsessed high school senior, decides to seize control his fate by recording the ultimate playlist of noise, a bucket list of all his favorite sounds. What a sounds that that sounds rough guys. Guy or sounding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:05 It's a, they somehow took the joy out of the sound of metal. Interesting. I didn't really recognize anyone involved in this, except for the name Madeline Brewer, who I think was in Cam anyway. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm not familiar with it. That was on Hulu.
Starting point is 00:54:26 So, okay, we've only got... So he's recording sounds to listen to them before he loses his hearing? That's part of what I don't understand. Like, I guess this is just his gift to the world. These are the sounds I used to like, I don't know. No, now it's just a sound that I used to like. Because you can't listen to them afterwards.
Starting point is 00:54:46 No, I don't know. It reminds me a little bit of we are your friends where he like he uses the real audio of his friends being depressed and all of the other stuff around him and turns it into just a jam, just a rotten EDM jam. Yeah, yeah, just come just go check out the flop house episode on that movie. Perfect. Okay, I'm got there's three more here. I'm going to go through. It's the first, the first one is day shift. Have you heard anything about day shift? You know, Jeff, I haven't seen it, but I do know that Scott adkins is in it. So I think it has something to do with fighting vampires.
Starting point is 00:55:22 It's like vampire hunters who operate during the day. Maybe Jamie Foxes in it. Someone else, there's like a young guy in it. Is it like Jack Quaid or like a Jack Quaid type? I, I would say you're not a million miles away. Stay Franco, stay Franco. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah, this was a bigger one, but I thought maybe there's a chance that you just got because of Scott adkins. Yeah. They're just doing good. Yeah. Yeah. That's a Netflix one. Okay. Here's one. I mean, I'm going to have to see the fucking like 10 hour John Wick four movie. And it just because for some reason they cast Scott adkins and put them in like a fat suit, which is wild, but like, okay, it's probably going to be better than the whale. Here's one for you. It's called chicken hair and the hamster of darkness. Do you know anything about chicken hair and the hamster? Yeah, I'm guessing that it's a children's movie, but I could be wrong about that. But it sounds like a children's movie. This is a, this is a computer animated
Starting point is 00:56:31 co-production between Belgium, France and the US. Yeah, it has that title has that feel. I asked such. I did not recognize anyone involved in it. But it follows a young hero, born half chicken and half hair, eager to fit in and feel loved in spite of his differences he's obsessed by venturing in spite of his clumsiness yep that's not that record all of his favorite sounds for us yeah so if you want to see
Starting point is 00:56:59 this half chicken half hair i assume some sort of uh of horrific monstrosity. Fight that. I mean, you say that it's probably gorgeous looking. I don't know. I feel like European animation often has character designs that I find unpleasant, you know, as gorgeous the animation itself often is. Which streamer had this one?
Starting point is 00:57:19 That was Netflix. That sounds like it. Okay, so yeah, I've been up for it. Yeah, not as exciting. Yeah, this is maybe more the Pinocchio true story level of European animation, not the like triplets of Belleville level of European animation. Yeah. Okay. So one last in this category, Raymond and Ray.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Do you know the story of two gentlemen, one by the name of Raymond, one by the name of Ray? They're linked together by. the story of two gentlemen, one by the name of Raymond, one by the name of Ray. They're linked together by Jamie Foxx and Ray Romano. And it's his character from every lives Raymond meeting Ray Charles. Raymond and Ray, what could one say about Raymond and Ray? Are you James Patterson advertising your new murder through a Raymond and Ray? Well, I love that dude. There's nothing the rulebook that says a fucking author can't make his own commercial.
Starting point is 00:58:12 No, look, he says he's like, that's why my book sale because of my great commercials. All right. Okay. Yeah, fucking rocks. Well, I chose this one to end on because it is from, you know, like, it is a movie with two major, with two major stars, actually, and, um, Alpha Centauri, a director, his name. I recognize, although I'm not really sure why. Rodrigo Garcia. This is half brother's Raymond and Ray reunite when they're
Starting point is 00:58:51 estranged father dies and discovered that his final wish was for them to dig his grave. And this film guy stars Ethan Hawking, you and McGregor. Ethan Hawking, you and McGregor together in a picture that no one I presume has I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little bit more about the story of the movie. I think I'm going to be a little it was in the context of what is this movie with Ethan Hawke and you and McGregor doing getting dumped to Apple+. It's the place the father, does it say? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Let's look at it. Sounds like a juicy part for an older actor. Mm-hmm. Like a Nick Nolty type or a, I mean, just for a while. I mean, he's dead in the James Cromwell film, I believe, but maybe you see him in Flashback. Of course, you see him in flashbacks. Yeah, definitely. That's like saying being like Richard Jenkins isn't in six feet under and you're like,
Starting point is 00:59:51 I know he's dead at the beginning, but you see his ass in flashbacks like the whole show. He just shows up as a ghost talking to them. Yeah. See, I don't see who the father is. I think they did that so they could get out of paying his sacked. Oh, but I'm not in this. I can't, I don't have to pay dues. I'm like, I'm going to go.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Ghost don't know sacked is where you're going to go get done. Errol Flynn for his sacked money now. Anyway, I'll see you later. I got to go make the visitor. Todd Luisso is in it. You remember him from high fidelity? You got Von D Curtis Hall. Yeah, supporting role.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Some some great actors. Oscar Nunez from the office shows up. Yeah. So listeners, right in, have you watched any of these? Are we on jerks? Are they all super good? Maybe there were a lot. I'm making no claims for the quality.
Starting point is 01:00:38 As I said, that one that I looked at, I laughed at the title, but I looked pretty good, and the reviews looked pretty good. So I might actually check it out. We're living in this weird world now where the way you and me and Stu grew up, we didn't have YouTube's or whatever, we didn't have Streamsers, we grew up at a timeline. If a movie was worthy of being watched, you would expect it to be released in theaters. And if it was not worthy of being watched, you would expect it to go to Directive Video. And there were some exceptions to both, I mean, many exceptions to the movie's release in theaters, but
Starting point is 01:01:06 some exceptions, there were direct video movies, there were some that were good. But now that that's that since almost no movies accept the biggest of the bigs get released in theaters now, like it's there's no way of knowing. You can't just because something's dumped on a streamer doesn't mean it's bad. As whereas before if it was dumped on video, you pretty much could tell it wasn't going to be that good. Well, I mean, look, especially like I grew up in a smaller market too. So like there was even fewer things coming out in theaters. So there'd be stuff showing up at my local video store, which was inside my grocery store that I would be like, Oh, wow, deep star six.
Starting point is 01:01:37 This looks great. But or I'd find out about movies because they would just be left out in the railroad tracks next to hobo pornography. Yeah. Now is this pornography hobos would use or it's hobo themed pornography? It's kind of a mix, honestly. Okay. Yeah. If I'm making a point. Let's see what's in barely covering his foot shoes this this month. Oh, wow. This is a lot of hobo porn. Let me just go to gentleman's barrel fire. Lou, some top hat. The looseest top hat tops. Yeah, honey's dragging a bindle. Yeah, I didn't see the last issue of big beans,
Starting point is 01:02:17 but there's some hot stuff in it. Sure. No, if I'm making any point at all, it's that if, you know, like some of these movies presumably are worth someone's time. If there's anything good about them, like I wish that streamers would put some more effort into getting the word out there. As someone who worked on two shows for Netflix that received almost no promotion at all,
Starting point is 01:02:44 yeah, I wish that streamers kind of like believed in promoting anything other than the biggest bifing that they have. Yeah. It feels like Netflix is ad budget every year. They're like, what's the one movie we're promoting this year? Bright. Okay. Promote this shit out of it.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Right. What's the one movie? Sure. Yeah, exactly. It's Glass-Unions the movie this year. Okay. Let's make sure everyone in the world knows what glass onion is and we'll ignore all the other movies that we're putting out. So. Yeah. Well, anyway, that was a bizarrely serious note to end this.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Dan, I want to apologize. Nothing worked out the way you wanted to. The Batman round took for took a long time. We didn't have fun. At the end, we felt bad about slagon on these movies that we've never heard of and decided to get serious for a moment. This was, how can we make this up to you, Dan? How can we make up to? No, no, this is classic flop house, guys. This is the message that we are sending out into the world is it's possible to, you know, sort of pan for gold, like get some beauty out of the sloppiest, least sort of, you know, going to plan things you can imagine. And that's what life is, everyone. That's what life is.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I can't believe you wrote that whole speech out. I know. Well, I had all my hands, so some of the words got smudged, but I got smudge because of the suit you spilled on your hand. Well, it was just pouring the soup over his hand, which is a strange thing to do is say, yeah. I mean, it was Gaspacho, so at least I wasn't burning myself. Oh, yeah, thank goodness.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Well, he was trying to fetch throughout all the Gospatio lumps. Yeah, do it by hand like in the old country. That's the rich cultural tradition we've lost all those Gospatio strainers. Yeah, you used to be, you could raise a family on a Gosp just writing job and now the craft is it's like a there's that type of noodle where to make it you have to like you straddle a huge rolling pin and you bounce up and down on it and I remember watching a TV show and they're like, yeah, men don't want to do that. Men don't want to learn this craft anymore because it makes you
Starting point is 01:04:58 impotent and I'm like, yeah, that makes sense to me. Okay, well that was a beautiful story. Let's leave it there. Thank you to Max from Fun, go to Max from for other great podcasts on the Max Fun Network. Thank you to our producer, Alex Smith. You can find him on various socials as Howell Dottie. He does music. He does a lot of his own videos, look them up.
Starting point is 01:05:27 But that's us, the Flapp House, for this week. I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Ellie Kaelin. I want to know what those fucking noodles taste like. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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