The Flop House - FH Mini 88 - Motion Picture Puzzle Palace

Episode Date: September 2, 2023

Stuart provides puzzling problems to perplex his perspicacious pals.We’ve changed how we’re running FLOP TV — now all of the shows will be up until late January, so that even if you buy a season... pass late in the season, you’ll have access to EVERY episode until then. You can buy tickets here!Donate to the Entertainment Community Fund, to support those affected by the WGA strike.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, yep, that's right. This is a flop as many. Welcome back. This is a mini episode of the flop house podcast podcast that's normally about reviewing movies and talking about it. But instead we're going to be doing something a little bit different. We are joined by our three hosts. That's right. I'm Stuart Wellington. My other hosts are, damn it. Are you joining your, you you joining yourself? Sorry, go on. And I'm Elliot Halen and I can't wait to tell you later in the episode about our next episode of Flop TV, which will be one week from the day this airs and are also live show in Los Angeles, October 19th. I'll tell you all about that later in the episode. But Dan,
Starting point is 00:00:39 you had a question about whether Stuart was joining himself and I think we need to really tease this out. Yeah, we're telling you this. there are there two sides of your personality? One is the host and one is Stewart Wellington or were you asked for that's a great question, Dan. So you are joining us. This is the clubhouse. This is not so regular. It was a great question. There's also joining us. So there's a lot of joining going on today. Everyone's joining. So welcome to I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. It's probably not have you either, Dan. I don't know the club that would have you as a member still would reject you. Welcome to another episode of the flop house motion picture puzzle palace. Everybody's favorite game show. Heather episode. It's another episode. This is the very first one.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Yeah, everybody wants MPPP. Yeah, the Flopfess MPPP. Yeah, you know me. So this is a game where our two contestants, Stamacoin L.A. Kale and are going to be competing for a big money prizes. I'll tell you how much later after the show. Now the rules of the game. Yep, the rules of the game are as simple as they are devious.
Starting point is 00:01:47 First rules, you guys can't use Google or IMDB at all during this game. What I like is as simple as it is devious. It might be low for both. It might be complicated and not devious. All we know is that they're at equal levels. Yeah, there is a clear ratio between the two. Now the rules of the game, I'm going to, it's broken down into categories. In each category, we have a number of movies. I'm going to name the title of a movie, give a short synopsis and maybe a couple of the
Starting point is 00:02:16 actors that play main roles. And you can either draw on your past experience or basically on any kind of context clues. And what you are each going to do is try and guess what the average user rating on IMD people, that would be it. Whoever gets closest gets the point, okay? And then whoever has the most points at the end, that's right, they win the game. No, thank God, it's very simple.
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's very simple and devious. Who knows, maybe we'll do a special switch arue. We'll find out. So we are going to you guys ready to play the game. We're so ready. Okay. So, yeah, let's do it. Before we get in here. No, let's do let's do the first question. Then we'll find out a little bit about you guys. Okay. Let's do it. Okay. So now there's a get to know you section. So the. This is a professional televised game show. Yeah. I always get to know you section. So the, the professional televised game show. Yeah, I always get to know you section for me to skip when I'm watching it later. So the first category is plane movies. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Story movies that are not complicated. No flavor. Just don't know cheese on them. Just plain. I mean, I don't know if you're describing the categories. I'm the host. You're just one of the contestants. I just guess it. When you said,'re describing the categories. I'm the host. You're just one of the contestants. I just guess it. When you said a plane or do you mean a movie, a movie that is a flat topography, that kind of plane? So the first movie is plane. A pilot finds himself caught in a war zone after he's forced to land his commercial aircraft during a terrible storm. This movie stars Gerard Butler and Michael Coulter and Tony Goldwyn. Dan, you get the first crack at this bad boy.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Have you seen this movie? You've seen it playing. I've seen it playing. Okay. I, you know, I would, would you describe it as anything but I would describe it as it, you know, it passes the low bar of being probably the best short butler movie in a while. I would call it what our friends over at blank check would say a gentleman six. And so in that spirit, I'm going to guess that the IMDB rating is six.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I don't know what I was supposed to do that yet, but I did. That's fine. Elliot. I was also going to guess the six, but I feel like now I got to stake out a different territory. So I'm going to say like a 5.8. Just still pretty close. Guys, Dan gets to the point 6.5. Wow, you were a little harsh.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Well, I mean, I honestly, I could have gone even higher. I do think that this is the kind of sort of like just meat potatoes movie that the average IMDB user is not going to get so mad at that it'll drive it down, but they're not going to go guy guy over it. Okay guys, next movie is snakes on a plane. Okay, should I describe the synopsis or are you both intimately familiar with the movie? I saw this with Elliott maybe. I believe so in the theaters, a very empty theater. Yeah. I think it was us and was Eric. Yeah, probably was us in Eric Mars' act friend of the show. For listeners at home who aren't familiar and don't want to Google it, a FBI agent takes a plane full of deadly venomous snakes deliberately released to kill a witness
Starting point is 00:05:29 being flown from Honolulu to Los Angeles to testify against too much information. Oh, a mob loss. Sorry, the description, I thought the description was super long. Oh, okay. I was incorrect. No, but it was only two, it was only three words longer. Do you guys need to know the stars? I think I could list a lot of the stars. Yeah. Of course, Sam Jackson, Julianna Margulies, Kenan Thompson is in that a lot of CGI snakes.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Uh-huh. Um, there's that anonymous actor. Lin Shae. Lin Shae is in that. There's the actor who's named. I don't remember who has the immortal line. Get off my dick. Uh-huh. Who's Nate that's bitten him in the penis? I feel like you're doing the line disservice by not putting any effort into the delivery. Well, I'm not an actor. He put a lot of delivery. Is Jayma Mays in that or is it just an actress who looks kind of like Jayma Mays? I think you might be someone who just is a like a look.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Okay. So is Jay? It's Jay. Bobby Connovole. Oh, he plays a snake. uh... you it might be someone who just a little like a look okay so is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is jay is I'm going to say that the, the IMGB general public just not have the love of camp that you and I did when we enjoyed snakes in the plane and had a good time. I'm going to say 5.3. 5.5, Dan is fucking good at this. Dan, you're so good. I ain't going to be saying, Dan, you're so good at this. Why don't we learn a little bit about you, Dan? It says you're from Illinois.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah, I'm from the heartland. I'm from the people. It's're from Illinois. What's that all about? See, this is why I'm from the heartland, man of the people. It's hard for me to judge these scores, but Dan, you're from the real America. Illinois. I want to college it, or alone college. Oh, or alone college it's right. I met Stuart Wellington of the flop.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I mean, interesting. Yeah, I'm just glad to be here. Mm-hmm. We're glad to have you. Now, let's move on. Our next movie is... Elliot, not as interesting. No, he needs to know about him.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I'm assuming that you'll get your own spotlight later on show. Oh, thank goodness. If only. We had a chance to start him. 2004's sole plane. Oh, it's a comedy. There's only one plane, a soul plane. Mm-hmm. S O L. Nope. It's a S O U L plane. Things get rockestly funny. Mm-hmm. aboard the maiden flight of a black owned airline. Thanks to some last minute passenger additions. Snakes?
Starting point is 00:08:05 I don't believe so. Do we need to know any of the stars? Because one of them is Snoop Dogg. Oh. Tom Arnold. So there's a dog on the plane. Right. Even though there's a dog on the plane.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Right. You remember that Tom Arnold was in soul flight. Method man. God free. Wow. Yeah. It's a pretty big cast. So funny. Method man, God free. Wow. Yeah, pretty big cast. All the stars. Wait, who goes first?
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's your turn, Dan. Okay. I'm gonna guess that this is a movie that, Critics scoffed at, but has at this point a cult following and I'm gonna go with a 5.8. 5.8. Okay, Elliot. I'm going to go lower than that.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm going to say it's a four. Elliot gets it 4.5. Damn. I feel you were being a little charitable. Now, Elliot, you were the harsher one. Is that because of you come from New Jersey, America? That's right. New Jersey, we're very highly critical of everything, we don't even want to remember
Starting point is 00:09:08 stuff. Forget about it. We say it's not worth sticking in your memory and keeping in your brain. Yeah. Throw it in your middle trash can. Now guys, we're about to do the last movie of the round. This is a flop house. Fave.
Starting point is 00:09:24 That's right. Money, plane from 2020. starring Kelsey Grimer as the rumble. Yep. Uh, starring, uh, a professional thief with 40 million in debt and his family's life on the line must commit one final heist. Rob a futuristic, mmm, I don't know, like, every foreign casino,
Starting point is 00:09:43 filled with the world's, uh, filled with the world's most dangerous criminals, huh? By futuristic, they mean it has one bed on it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So, Elliot, you just got the last one. Why don't we hear from you in this?
Starting point is 00:10:00 Money playing. I'm going to say that that is, I don't want to sound, I'm also gonna, I'm gonna give this one a 4.8. I know I'm still sticking the same territory, but it is a movie that is. So, you just give it a higher rating than the last movie? Then Soulplane, I, only because Soulplane was up at 4.5. This one, I'll tell you that it had, it's never a good, it is hilarious. But I think it's got probably more action in it than Soulplane. And I think IMTB users, they like to reward action. I feel like.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah. Maybe I'm wrong. Damn knows them better than me again. Dan is like, I know he's more of a letterboxed guy and he is very religious about reviewing every movie he sees on letterboxed, giving it straight through. It's true. Oh, the way it says that sounds like a burn. It's not a very, it's really, I admire that Dan has the stick to his, I joined letterboxed
Starting point is 00:10:51 and found I did not care enough to tell people what I thought about movies in that format. You know, I admire that Dan does. I feel like you should consider it a opportunity to not have to answer your children's demands. That's not how children work. I can't say to them, hey, hold on a second, I'm writing a review of this movie. I'm logging what I saw. Yeah, I'm writing a review of the murder of Mr. Devil, a check fill with the 60s on letter box.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Hold on. And of course, Daddy, this is more important than me demanding a snack. You don't have, you could just, you could just starrate them. You don't have to write anything. I would love to see what you're, you're watching by being able to subscribe to your, you don't have to, you could just, you could just star-rate them. You don't have to write anything. I would love to see what you're watching by being able to subscribe to your... Yeah, you don't have to write like a witty review if you don't need to. You know, maybe I'll spend some time in the next couple days updating it with the things I've watched since the last time I started rating.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Man, personal growth here. Yeah, I want to say... So Dan, what are we dropping on? Well, no. With regards to me writing letterbox reviews. You do, and you write them very well. They're very good reviews. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:47 But I also, if I have something to say, I made this rule for myself. I will write something about all of them. If I have something to say, that will turn into an actual review. Occasionally, if I don't feel like I'm going to add anything to the discourse or I'm tired, it'll just be a one line joke. So it was very freeing when I thought to myself, well, I will write something for everything, but it won't necessarily be insightful all the time. But thank you for, if there are any listeners, follow me.
Starting point is 00:12:19 On letterbox, not in your inventory. You don't follow me around. You will be bored. That's your username is Vampire Lovers 69, right? Yeah, I mean, if you try and follow me, yeah, what would you get? A lot of standing outside the house, which I rarely leave.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And either me going to yoga, a movie, or a picket. And those are the things. And if you're a stranger, Dan will be very concerned that you're approaching him until you tell him you like the show, then he'll love you. No, it's true. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't think I told this on the show, but someone approached me in Union Square and they had a city bike and like, because you know, this is when you're riding because he didn't get a PS5.
Starting point is 00:13:04 That's a topical reference to what you're talking about. Yeah, that's where I missed them on the other side of the day. No, I was, it was after a picket and I was going to the subway and they had a city bike and a bag of pretzels and they like drifted towards me and I'm like, why is this cyclist, you know, like crowding me? And then they said, Dan McCoy, I think you're great. And I'm like, okay, like my affects, you know, as long as you're there to just say one nice thing
Starting point is 00:13:30 and then we ride on. Yeah, enjoy your presence somewhere else. Dan closes the box cutter, he keeps in his pocket. Well, yeah, you already put his keys between his knuckles just to kill. I want to make it clear, it's nothing that you're doing as the public. It is me as a human who because. I want to make it clear, it's nothing that you're doing as the public. It is me as a human who doesn't know how to relate to people I haven't logged a lot
Starting point is 00:13:50 of time with already. The coolest thing is when he puts those keys between his knuckles, he says, snick it. Okay, well, sorry, to money plane. Yeah, money plane. What I think doing on this is, I'm glad Elliott brought up my letterbacks, well, sorry, to Money Plane. Yeah, Money Plane, what do you think doing on this is, I'm glad Elliott brought up my letter backs letter, letter backs, letter box. I want my letter backs letter backs, I want my letter backs. Dan mispronounces words.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I don't know that the rest of the world is what I am, which is an ironist who will rate things according to my own personal enjoyment of them, issuing the idea of objective ratings of art and just talking about how I felt. Yeah, some people are vergos. Yeah. So, I think although money plane gives great pleasure to the viewer, I'm going to say that the average viewer would rate it a four. The rating is 3.2. Dan gets the point.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Uh oh. So Dan, you are blowing me in the water with this game. It is Dan three, Elliott one. Are you guys ready for the next startling category? How startling is it? I'm not ready. I can ever be ready for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah. The next category is extra cheese. Oh, you idiots. I can't believe you fell for it. You thought we were playing the flop house motion picture puzzle palace. But in fact, we are playing the flop house motion picture pizza parlor where all the categories are pizza. Lina.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So, you weren't playing out. I did fall for it. You just told me you were playing. I told you at your word. I do feel like a real fool. Yeah. Okay. Why did I believe you? Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Well, now here the scores are, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, over the shame and the shock of misunderstanding what game we were playing. The first movie in this category in the extra cheese category is eat the extra terrestrial. Because they eat pizza in one part. No extra extra cheese extra terrestrial. Keep up. I thought it was going to be pizza thing. I don't know. I mean, I mean maybe I'm just remembering it that was explicitly said that was the case.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It's confusing. Okay. So, okay. Wait, who's turned is it? Uh, well, let me explain E.T. the extra terrestrial. Yeah, we got a terrible child movie. This is case we haven't heard of it. Yep, a troubled child summons the courage
Starting point is 00:16:41 to help a friendly alien escape from Earth and return to his home planet. Okay. Do you guys need to know the director? I think that that's Mr. Steven Spielberg. Okay. You don't get extra credit, but good pull, Dan. Oh, yeah, team cut, Dan. Yeah, I'm familiar with this movie. It traumatized me as a child and I've enjoyed it as an adult.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I always like it when ads will mention a, they'll reset, they'll advertise an old movie by wrenching the newest movie a director made. Do you think there's ever an ad for ET on DVD that's said from the director of Terminal? I hope so. You know, Audrey has never seen ET, but she saw a clip of it at like a pre-show at a movie that we watched. And I was like, oh, you know, like I have given up on trying to be like, oh, you should see this movie because number one, she ignores it. And number two, like I don't want to be like too much of.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah, there's no one guy. And that was. But I mean, all I will say is I think you will like that one and then pass along. But other people were really trying to push ET on her, and she's like, it's too sad. It looks too sad. And the scene, the scene, after ET recovers, but it's still sick. And I'm like, you didn't even see the saddest part. But we were all trying to convince her.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Like it is happily, you know, just because a sad thing happens in a movie, you can still in any way. Spoilers for E.T. A movie. The human experience being sad and happy. Exactly. And where they end up. Yeah, there's no happy with that sad.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's the great wheel. Yeah. Two sides of the same coin. Happy sad goes, we're not so different. You and um, two sides of the same coin. Happy, sad goes, we're not so different. You and I have two sides of the same coin. You're right. We are alike because Dan is in the lead. He is going to have to shoot his shot first. Uh, well, this was for a very long time, the highest grossing movie ever. Uh, so it must have connected with people. I'm going to say.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Until the exact Snyder JLA just asleep cut came out, right? I'm going to say just because there are a few spoil sports out there who, you know, are grumps 8.7. Elliott? I'm going to give it a perfect nine. Guys, 7.9. Wow. That's objectively stupid. A lot of haters. That's an objective stupid score for ET. But that's a damn point. That's a dumb score. It is a bad score. Yeah, I think we can all agree. So in the extra cheese category, the next movie is Swiss Army man. Okay. Yeah, this is what's closer to cheese.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Army man. A hopeless man stranded on a deserted island but friends at dead body and together they go on a surreal journey to get homeless from Oscar winners the Daniels. Mm-hmm. Do you need any more information or you guys familiar with this movie? I could tell it's what Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe, right? Yeah. I never, I never saw it at the time because the idea of farting corpse movie didn't appeal to me. There's not that much farting in it.
Starting point is 00:19:57 There's less than anything. Now that, okay. I mean, now that I liked everything everywhere I'll want some curious to go back. Do you see? Yes. Swiss Army and I had seen before everything ever, all at once. And it feels like Swiss Army man is they have all the ingenuity and inventiveness of everything ever, all at once without a real story or a thing to say. So it feels like it feels like young
Starting point is 00:20:18 artists experimenting with technique before they hit on meaning where and they come to a fruition, a culmination with everything ever, all at wants, but it's good stuff in it. It's a fun movie, you know. And it's a, and that's the kind of thing we're like, because there's like a youthful exuberance to it or inventiveness, you might, of you or might attach meaning to it and, and like it quite a bit. Yeah, yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I mean, at times it gets a little, uh, twee, you know, uh, in that kind of, uh, I don't, the only way I can really describe it is in that kind of like, Indie luminaires type, type quality feeling, you know, where something is reaching for, for, uh, emotion, but is failing. Uh, but it's so like that sort of thing where you're like, uh, why would we wear belts when we can just wear rope instead? I guess. I guess.
Starting point is 00:21:07 But technology never got better than the good old fashioned rope. It's the kind of movie where there's scenes of like people on deserted island using the stuff around them to like recreate modern life experiences in low tech ways. And but there's good stuff in it. It's a good movie. It's just like, it's not what everything everywhere all wants is. But that's what's Army man. I give it. Okay. It's just like, it's not what everything everywhere all wants is, but that's what's Army man.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I give it. Okay. Oh yeah, do you want to shoot your shot, Elliot? Oh, it's so hard because for IMDB, it could, IMDB swings wildly between Dan, middle of the road, all American, you know, mainstream, corn. And also, it swings wildly between that and people who think they are real like cineast elites and want to show off what they've watched and things like that. Not as much as letterboxed, but shots fired bang, bang, bang. But I feel like that you can never
Starting point is 00:21:58 be quite sure. But I'm going to say 4.9 for my MDB. I think it's a better movie than that. But I'm gonna say that IMDB gives it a 4.9. Dan, I'm gonna give it a 5.3. 6.9. Wow. That's only higher than I would've expected. That is only a full point away from ET,
Starting point is 00:22:22 the extra tourist. Which is again, as soon as it's not a bad movie, but it's not one point less than ET. It is. It should be far higher than that. But here's the thing. We're also, I keep forgetting, it's a self-selecting audience who's going to see and then rage with the Sarmaya man, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Although you always do get like a surprisingly large contingent of people who have just seem to have stumbled over a thing and watched it and been entirely disgusted by it. And which is like, I understand that this is like a normal way to interact with art, but it is so foreign to me to like the idea of like, well, I know absolutely nothing about this movie and I'm going to stick with it all the way through if I don't like it. And I'm going to watch the whole day and a lot of people have a lot of time to kill in their lives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And for people it's hard to stop watching the movie. It's hard that once they start, once they pop, they can't stop. Mm-hmm. That's great. Yeah. That's the way we think about movies. Yeah, once they pop culture, they can't stop culture. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Oh, yeah. So our next movie in the category of cheese, extra cheese is a movie from South Korea, titled Cheese in the Trap. Now, this is based on, I believe, a web tune or a web comic. And there's also been a TV show of the same name and I believe plot. I'm assuming you're unfamiliar. So let me give a quick summary. Yeah, I'm going to need to know this plot and cast, please.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Hong Seoul is an ordinary university student. She is busy working part-time jobs to pay for her tuition fee and living expenses. You June is her senior at the same university. He seems perfect. He comes from a wealthy family. He has a kind attitude to others and he is handsome, but Hungsold does not feel comfortable around you. June. And suddenly you, June comes and talks to her. He wants to go out on a date. Oh, that's it. That's it. Okay. It's a real slice of life, slice of cheese movie.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Am I up? Sorry. Yeah, Dan, you got to show the shop first. So I think that for the reasons that Elliott actually just mentioned about it being a self-selecting group that rates a lot of these things, this seems like it's part of kind of a family of stuff for like franchise. So I'm going to say that the fans came and they gave this a 7.4. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I'm going to need to know some of the cast before I can make my accurate my rating. Uh, min sugo. Okay. Park hajan. Mm hmm. You in young. Doc young Joe. Man, I'm crushed. Yeah, this is let this information is less helpful than I thought it might be.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Uh, let's say, I think so Dan, what when you say a seven point something, four, I'm going to get the opposite way. I'm going to say the fans came and they were so mad about how it wrecked with the source material that they gave it a two, two point two. Oh, man, I'm going to do some fucking mad. They're so mad. They're so furious about it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Well, I, I, it's somewhere in the middle. It is in the middle. It is 5.7, which is closer to Dan. I'm guessing the fans were balanced out by the fans who hated this adaptation. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So it's interesting about this game is that you don't get penalized for over. It's doing some other games. Yeah. Well, that's to prevent that, you know, the game's relationship. I don't like it. I don't like it. I never likes that rule. I think it should just be whoever's closest, whoever's closest. Wise words from the guy winning the game.
Starting point is 00:26:12 A law-standing conviction that just happens to, it's happens to be helping you quite a bit. This is the last. Dan's only lovely electoral college. Just because he's lost the popular vote in every election and yet somehow became remains president of the football of the football. Yeah. Look, our founding fathers made it that way for a reason, Elliott. I, I, I want to be, I don't like the electoral college actually.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I don't know. He's winked at me when he says he just like the electoral vote in those countries. And he's staring at his posturaldirt Donald Trump. And kissing. Not existing. He has what it's an original Ben Garrison cartoon. Did you have friend? Ben guy is unnut. Do you understand? Yeah, I know. I know. I understand. I get how they're like bought to come up with. I get how they're like, they have, they have, they have, they have, they have, they have people with different political views than me, you know, writing these like highly conservative,
Starting point is 00:27:11 but his cartoon, I think it's quickly googling with a buff. Donald Trump. Oh, yeah, I know those ones. Oh, okay. The last movie in the next show. Well, I like what I love anyone who does a cart, who does cartoons, where the cartoons don't have a joke, but it's just like, it's just a metaphor for how cool he thinks something is.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah. Yeah. It's he's up there with, I forget the name of the artist who does those paintings of all the founding fathers crying as Barack Obama stops on a flag. Yeah. Okay. So the final movie in the category of extra cheese is titled mozzarella stories from 2011.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So this is a, wait, oh, this is a movie, okay. I thought this is another category in extra cheese for a moment. No, not, yeah, it's a subcategory. Oh, man, I should have had subcategories. Chiquillo D.O.P, the king of mozzarella in the south of Italy, is provoking a number of events as he sees his empire threatened by the Chinese producers. That's just provoking a number of events. I can see it now.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I would say in Robert McKee's story, he says the protagonist should be active and always be provoking events. A number of them if possible. Our biggest name in this one is Ada Terturo. Okay. She plays Autilia. Yeah, this sounds to me like something that did well at Sundance and then disappeared. Which by the way, guys, I got to say, at some point we're going something that, you know, did well at Sundance and then disappeared. Which by the way, guys, I got to say, at some point we're going to, we're going to be,
Starting point is 00:28:49 you know, the, the AMP TPP is going to offer a fair deal and stop being fucking assholes. We're going to get back in the hatch and realize it. Yeah. We're going to, we're going to start watching current movies again. And oh, the jealousy I had when flying back from Greece and watching multiple people watching Mafia Mama on their little screens. And I'm like, I promise to you as a celebration for reaching that agreement. We can do that the very first. What a fitting way to celebrate the return to work of an industry.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I do want to say that people have really been enjoying the flashback episodes and I've been enjoying doing them because we get to choose things that are interesting rather than just being stuck with whatever comes up. So I do think that we should figure out some way of folding that in going forward. I think we can mix it up. We don't have to stick one or the other. I mean, we'll always, we'll still see Mafia mom. I've been hearing and a lot of some Mafia mom. Is what Ellie declares? I've got a lot of people. I've had a lot of people tell me that they want
Starting point is 00:29:52 to hear our take on the flash at some point. Also, and I say Ricky and the flash, Marlstrom's smell streeps greatest film. They go no matter what the flash. It's on Max right now and tell you I'm telling you Ricky and the flash is on Max. It's on Max right now and tell you I'm telling you we're getting the flashes on Max. I might be I don't know, but the flash is on Max and I'm like with what Zazloff has done to this like the one thing I actually kind of want to watch on here out of like morbid curiosity is the flash, but I know that we're going to have to watch it for the show eventually so I'm not gonna. Okay, mozzarella stories guys, give me a rating.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Dan shoot your shot. You're still in the lead. Three point four, three point four from mozzarella stories. Three point four. Okay. Not a fan says Dan. I'm going to say, I'm going to say only the people in family, only family members of the filmmakers have reviewed it. So I'm going to, uh, I think I said 3.4. Okay. Uh, and you said 8.5. 8.5.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I believe it goes to Dan with 5.7. Unless I fucked up my math. Oh, man, another big category for Dan McCoy. Wow. No, I think that is narrowly dance. Yeah. That's what 2.8 away from me and 2. Close years, Dan, 3.4.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's been a really fun game so far, guys. But why don't we get to, why don't we hear a word from our sponsors and then we'll get back to the game. Well, it could be fairer than me throwing out random numbers and losing almost every time.
Starting point is 00:31:23 We're going to be more fun than that. Yeah. at random numbers and losing almost every time. We're gonna be more fun than that. Yeah, it's just a mess. I mean, I mean, the line on his and so are yourselves a cultured, cineast in the knowledge that you, yeah, that this is, you know, the next, I luck him. Maybe the next category is more for you. I don't have my finger on the pulse of the of the of the cinema world that I once believed I did. Um, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:47 You know what, guys, hold on. I'm trying to, uh, um, moan podcast, the blue play. That's do you like my podcasts? You know, I took, how did you gain such fluency in obviously a foreign language to you? Well, you know what, I took five years of French in school. I think it's five years. That is less impressive. That is less impressive.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Mon podcast, we'll play. Yeah, Audrey will ask me like, what a French song is saying. I'm like, I can tell you whatever fifth word is, if you, that might help. So obviously I could use Babel. This summer you can start speaking a new language with Babel. Babel's quick 10 minute lessons are designed by over 150 language experts to help you start speaking a new language in as little as three weeks. Developed by over
Starting point is 00:32:42 150 expert linguists, Babel gives you unlimited access to hundreds of award-winning lessons designed for all learners based on level and time commitment. If you don't want to be like me, Dan McCoy, a man who, again, took five years of French, spent a few weeks in France in high school, but has lost most of his language of security. You can keep it up. You can keep it up. You can learn it anew. You can learn it for the first time with Babel. Here's a special limited time deal of swear listeners to get you started right now. Get 55% off your
Starting point is 00:33:18 Babel subscription. But only for our listeners at slash flop. Get 55% off at slash flop. Spelled slash flop. Rules and restrictions may apply. A, we've got another sponsor today, and I'll just start with a little bit of personal revelation. Regular flop house listeners will know where I stand on the subject of cooking.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I hate it, it sucks. Cooking is difficult, it doesn't turn out right half the time. Worst of all, it takes too much time. Time! The one thing I have the least of in this world, the only resource that I can only lose, I can never regain. If you're like me, you're looking for wholesome, convenient meals, for jam-packed days. Why not save time, any will, and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle that I'm trying to create. I'm definitely trying to be more healthy, but it's not happening. But maybe it will as I rely more on factor America's number one ready to eat meal kit with
Starting point is 00:34:12 factor. You can skip the trips to the grocery store. Just don't even go skip the chopping the prepping skip most of the cleaning up to while you still get the flavor and nutritional quality you need. The meals are fresh. They are never frozen. They're ready to go in just two minutes. You just pop them in the microwave, heat them up, just enjoy them.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And then you get back to as they say in the talking points, crushing your goals. That's not the way I would put it. And my way you go back to the endless treadmill that is life where you can never really catch up or get ahead. Refresh your healthy habits without missing a beat. You can choose from 34 plus more than 34 weekly flavor packed dietitian approved meals. Again, they're already in two minutes. There's also the gourmet plus option prepared to perfection by chefs and ready to eat in record time. Treat yourself to upscale meals with premium ingredients like broccoli, and leaks, truffle
Starting point is 00:34:58 butter, and asparagus. Those are all premium ingredients. And I'm a big fan of those. Leaks, I love asparagus, I love truffle butter, it tastes great. Look. No, it likes the way it makes his pee smell. And what that is? I mean, I like to know that I'm here. I like to be able to smell it. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:35:13 What, when I'm never on the World War One front lines where I need to worry about my pee, giving away my, my location to the enemy, I like to know, I like to pee in a toilet and have people know, hey, someone's been here. So, speaking of the food and not the pee, so factor sent us a selection of their meals. Everything arrived super well packed. Cold, it felt fresh, it was not frozen, but it was still cold and fresh and ready to cook. The first one I had to go with, of course, was the Chipotle pork chop. It was really good. It was spicy and it felt, everything tasted really fresh and it would like it had been prepared by me just
Starting point is 00:35:45 then for a moment. But it was actually prepared by someone much better than me, a professional who knows how to cook because I don't know how to and I don't like to. So the idea of getting fresh cooked food that I can eat whenever I want at any time, it's a dream. So that's factor head to factor meals dot com slash flop 50 and use the code flop 50 to get 50% off. That's code flop 50 at factor meals dot com slash flop 50 to get 50% off of your meals. Stop cooking. Start eating factor. I do like that slogan.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I made it up. That's good. So we also have a jumbo turn and it goes like this. This message is for Andrew and it's from Allen. Happy birthday to Sloan and Parker's dad, my favorite brother and the most dedicated flop house listener I know. I will forever treasure the memory of that time.
Starting point is 00:36:44 We spent an evening listening to Stuart getting increasingly upset about cars. You're the freaking best. Oh, remember the time. I do. Yeah, remember the time when we fell in love, girl. That was that was very sweet. Hey, guys, before we get back to the increasingly nonsensical and hard for me to understand game that we're playing. I mean, if I was winning, I'd understand it. I have two things I want to tell you about. The first is, you don't have to just listen to the flop house. You can watch the flop house with flop TV.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Our monthly six-part series where we are going to be talking about some of the biggest and most requested flop movies That there are finally movies we have never talked about on the podcast before flop TV is a streamlined kind of one hour version of the show It's like watching a teeny version of the flop house each episode has a presentation from one of us We talk about a movie we take questions from the the viewers through the chat function It's really great our first episode last month beastmaster 2 through the portal function. It's really great. Our first episode, last month, Beastmaster II through the portal of time was super fun. And you know what, you can still watch it because even if you miss an episode of Flop TV, we're gonna leave the video recordings up on the website
Starting point is 00:37:54 for the entirety of the run of the show. So if you miss an episode, you don't have to worry, you can still go back and watch it. All six episodes will be available by the end of the run. So we've got individual tickets, but also season passes that season pass is still worth getting because you can still watch the old episodes if you miss them. But our next episode is one week from the release of this flop house that you're listening to today. Our next episode, Dan, what movie are we watching? What sexy animated movie are we watching?
Starting point is 00:38:19 We're watching Cool World, the movie that saw a who frame Roger Rabbit. They're like, okay, let's take the Jessica Rabbit part. Let's put it in the middle. Let's make it creepy. And then let's have a much weird things happening all over the screen to distract an annoy. Yeah, that's right. It's like they, it's like they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they
Starting point is 00:38:40 like predicted the Star Wars special edition where they're like, what if a movie had a lot of crazy crap running around all over the margins of the frame, making it hard to pay attention to the movie? Let's just do that. So go to to get tickets. It'll be super fun. I'm really looking forward to it. Dan is going to do the summary for Cool World and he's a record perv. So you're going to, it's, who knows where it's going to go. And I'm, you know, you said it already. I'm just, I'm glad that we made the decision. You know, there were, there were, there are reasons in the past where we're like, oh, we should have a viewing window on this thing.
Starting point is 00:39:11 We have to like, cut it off at some point. Like, in this case, we realize why are we punishing people who might want to see all of the shows? Like, they can still like get a season pass and go back and watch from the beginning. And I've been gratified to see that when we announced that on social media, this is the first time we've announced it on the show. We announced on social media, people are really excited about. Yeah. So go to the and watch our beastmaster two episode.
Starting point is 00:39:37 It'll be up for a while. You can keep watching it. Cool world will be a week from today. That's September 9th at 6 p.m. Pacific 9 p.m. Eastern, that cool world, the episode will be broadcasting live. If you can't make us for the live broadcast, then you can always watch the recording at any time that you want. We got a lot of other great movies coming up once a month. It's going to be super fun through January. And hey, if
Starting point is 00:39:58 you want to watch us and you also want to smell the air that's coming off of us and maybe kind of feel like you're just being correctly off our skins from a distance. I didn't agree to anyone smelling my air. We can't stop them if they're in the same room. We are going to be doing two live shows in one night on Thursday, October 19th at Vitiate. So we're going to be really smelly. We're going to be very smelly by the end of that second show.
Starting point is 00:40:21 That's at Vitiates in Los Angeles. This is our first Los Angeles show in a while. We're going to be doing again, two shows in one night, two entirely different shows in one night. The first show is going to be speed to cruise control. The second show will be three men and a baby. As Dan dubbed it, it is a night of numbers between one and four. Just go to and it'll be on the calendar October 19th,
Starting point is 00:40:47 Vidgets is a great new location in LA. It's the new, the new spot for a tradition, for a classic kind of legendary LA video store, but now it has a theater space. It's a really comfortable movie theater. It's really fun to be in. I'm really excited about it. So that's two shows in one night if you're in the Los Angeles area, come join us. and if you're not in the Los Angeles area, hey, watch us
Starting point is 00:41:07 on TV on your computer next week September 9th with flop TV. That's the flop house dot six dot com. You pretending like that's a weird thing. Yeah. This is the same thing that I used to make spreadsheets for work. I can watch TV on that. Okay. Wait, you're watching it on a computer. The thing that has used to make spreadsheets for work. I can watch TV on that. Oh, okay. Wait, you're watching it on a computer? The thing that has disrupted our entire industry? Yeah. A computer? The thing that I go to for,
Starting point is 00:41:36 do you, D-Snighter's Strange Land? It only plays to get either of those things, yeah. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ BEEPING [♪ The greatest generation, Maximum Funds' A Revolent Filthy Mount Star Trek Podcast is a big deal. How big? It's the only Star Trek Podcast big enough to have a live show tour, and we are inviting all Star Trek fans and Max Fundsters everywhere.
Starting point is 00:42:02 We're calling it the Share Your Embarrassment Tour, we're going to celebrate and roast Star Trek 5. That's the one where they killed God. We're going to be in a bunch of cities in has all the info and ticket links. That's for dates and ticketing info for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. Come share your embarrassment with us. And grow stronger from the share. Hi, I'm a star.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I'm a star. I'm a star. and ticketing info for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. Come share your embarrassment with us. And grow stronger from the share. Hi, I'm Travis McElroy. And I'm Theresa McElroy. And where the host of Schwanners? We don't believe that etiquette should be used to judge other people. No, on Schwanners, we see etiquette as a way to navigate social situations with confidence.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So if that sounds like something you're into, join us every Friday on Maximum Fun or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay, welcome back. Of course we are playing everyone's favorite game here at the flop house. It is the flop house motion picture pizza parlor. So it's still the pizza parlor So it's still the pizza parlor.
Starting point is 00:43:05 It's still the pizza parlor, every category is about, but but pizza stuff. Except the categories are just named about pizza stuff. Like they're not necessarily pizza movies, but most of them are relo on my domain. Oh wow, Elliot, you're being extra hate-a-re today. I'm just trying to keep track for myself. Let's see if you can turn that shit around. Sorry, it's all sour grapes, so I'm just mad I'm just trying to keep track for myself. Let's see if you can turn that shit around.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Sorry, it's all sour grapes. I'm just mad. I'm losing. Okay. So the next category is meat lovers. Meat lovers. And the first, first movie in this category is Dan's favorite movie, The Midnight Meat Train. This is a horror movie from 2008. A photographer's obsessive pursuit of dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer who stalks the late night commuters, ultimately butchering them in the most gruesome ways. I have a very distinct memory of seeing the trailer to this also with Elliott and Eric, I think. I think we saw it maybe before Rambo. I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Awesome. But Elliott saw the title of a METRAN and leaned over to me and whispered, that's what I call my penis. I forgot about that. Yeah. Midnight meat train. We got stars here, Vinny Jones, Bradley Cooper, Leslie, Bob, uh oh, everybody buckle your bark belts because Roger Park isn't it?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Inverchee's train. Let's see. Wait, is it on me or? Mm-hmm. Oh, I'm going to say 6.1. I'm going to give it a solid, seven. 6.0, damn. Oh, damn. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:44:57 He's so fucking good. He's so good at rating. You want to be mad at him, but you got to get him in credit. No, I'm not going to recognize game. Unless I think you got to you got to get a credit. No, that's game. Unless I'm starting to think that Dan is the guy rating all these movies on I need a lot of reviews. And so I think I do have a pretty good idea of like what the conventional wisdom is on
Starting point is 00:45:14 a movie because I think this is my mistake because I've been reading books all this time. Yeah. Reading the IMDB reviews. Okay. Wasted time. Okay. I started Charles Dickens. What do you think about midnight meat train, Greg. I started Charles Dickens.
Starting point is 00:45:25 What did you think about midnight meat train? Nothing. My strategy finally paid off. One out of a million times, this is Camin' Andy. Okay, gang, our next movie is a horror comedy from 2012 titled Fresh Meat. A dysfunctional gang of criminals takes a middle class Maori family hostage and discovers too late that they are cannibals. Oh, I've seen this movie.
Starting point is 00:45:59 The big star, of course, that's right. Django fed himself to Maramora. So I was guessing. Does he play, I've never watched the Boba Fett show. That's right. Django fed himself to Maramora. So I was guessing. Does he play, does I've never watched the Boba Fett show? Does he play Boba Fett on the show? He does, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:13 That makes sense. And he's complained about how often they make him say lines and not wear his mask, which is correct. That's the correct tank. Take Boba Fett shouldn't talk. You should wear a mask. And he should wear his mask. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:24 All his lines should have been said by Ming Na, because she's great. Wait, is Ming Na winning that show? Yeah, yeah, she's like Major Domo. She's like, I didn't know that. I would watch that show if I knew that. She's great. Ellie, you're up first, right? I think.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Am I? Yeah, you can go first. Oh, what was it called, Fresh Meat? Fresh Meat. Fresh Meat. A movie day in his scene? Well, how about poor comedy? Hard comedy. Let's say I'm gonna say 5.3. I'll go higher on that. I'm gonna say 5.8.
Starting point is 00:47:01 5.4 Elliot. Good one. Oh, finally. Finally. Finally. It looks like the time is turning. I overestimated the desire for okay. So the next movie is the general public versus me. Yeah, the general public do not like to laugh and scream at the same time, even though they do.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Although, yeah, I mean, like lately it's been big again. I guess the thing is, horror comedy is really rely on the individual horror comedy. No one's going to, I think people are not going to go out of their way. They're going to be like, a horror comedy. That's my favorite genre, but they do enjoy it when they, when they like it. Yeah. Yeah. So, the next movie in the meatlovers category is another horror comedy.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Let's keep it up from 2016. It is the French movie raw. Is that a comedy? That depends on what you think's funny. I haven't seen Raw. Oh, it's great. In the video, I should see that. In the video, I should see that. I like this.
Starting point is 00:47:52 The other French horror comedies as inside and markers. A young woman studying to be a vet develops a craving for human flesh. Now that means like a veterinarian, not a veteran, because he would study to study to be a veteran. I mean, I guess going on, yeah, the army were college, I guess. Yeah. Army wore college. Yeah, that's a real place. Is it? Yeah. It's such a weird title. Like, it's get army and war and. But there's the army runs it. Yeah, our college run war. Yeah, no, I mean, it all makes sense. It just sounds stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Army hammer runs it, keeping the cannibal theme alive. Oh, man, Elliot, that was delicious. Okay. And so, uh, Elliot, have you seen Raw? I actually know what I have not seen raw. I remember when it came out, I considered seeing it and I didn't get around to it. So we know that the director, Julie Dick Ornoyle, her movies can be a little divisive, but people seem to like them.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And by people, I mean, me. Stuart Wellington. What else did she do? Teton. She did do Teton. Okay, yeah, that was, that was the, you and I are on opposite, opposite sides of the divide on Teton do Teton. Okay. Yeah. That was that was you and I are on opposite to opposite sides of the divide on Teton. I think. Okay. Well, you know what? If I watched movies, if I ever got to watch a movie all the way through, I think I would have liked
Starting point is 00:49:14 Teton more. There was something about having to stretch it out over some days that made it harder. Yeah. That's like the like the wildly changing styles of movie that it is. Yes. Would be more fun in one sitting. changing styles of movie that it is. Yes. Would be more fun in one sitting. Yes, I think that's true. And what carries you over that though is like, tone, which is hard to like break and then we go. Well, there's also some movies that where I'm like, it's the same reason
Starting point is 00:49:38 there are TV shows that I don't watch that I would rather watch as a movie if they exist. That way, because it's like, I don't want to live in this feeling for this long a period of time, you know, like friends. Yeah, I think friends was just a movie. I mean, friends, this is a movie. It's called the Big Chill, right? Oh, friends. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Okay. I'm going to say that raw got a 7.0. I'm going to say got a 7.4. Dan's night did 7.0. I'm going to say got a 7.4. Dan's night did 7.0. Exactly. I'm a headshot. Critical roll. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:11 This is, I honestly, I didn't know that this was a skill. I got it. Dan, only there was a way to make money doing this. There is not. Okay. The next movie in the. Dan is traveling. He's now with a carn Dennis traveling, he's now
Starting point is 00:50:26 with a carnival and he's like, yeah, see me and guess the 9-DB score as well as I can. Oh, man, if you win, you get one of these spider rings. And if I lose, I have to bite the head off a chicken. Spider-feel. Then there's a huge, there's a huge stuffed animal. And the way you rig it so they never win that is to start naming movies that don't exist. There's no way they can accurately get the score. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:55 The next movie in the meatlovers category is a comedy from 2016 and animated comedy titled Sausage Party. Oh, yeah, sure. A sausage drives the story of the grownups about his existence. Sausage party famous for pushing animators to the edges of sanity with the terrible working conditions and schedule. Stars, Seth Rogan, Kristen Wig, Jonah Hill, some apatiles, Michael Sarah. I usually like Rogen. I think this is probably the worst thing he's done. That Ninja Turtles movie was enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I suppose to be good. Yeah. I want to see that. That looks fun. I like turtles. Mm-hmm. You love turrets. Yep. You did a whole presentation on them. Up turrets. I said, favorite Stewart presentation. Top turrets. Sure, you got to call on one of us. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 One of them. Kelly, why don't you tell me, what do you think? A sausage party. Yep. I'm going to say. Remember, people who watched the movie rated this. Yeah, I know. Uh, it's not all crits.
Starting point is 00:52:08 It's not all crits, but it's hard for me to go above a 4.8. So, okay. I know there are a lot of numbness out there. So I'm gonna go up to a 5.4. Dan got it with a 6.1. Oh, wow. Not 20T, but getting closer to E.T. rating. Okay, now we're into the final category of the night.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I have to remember that, I have to remember that this is the IMDB was the place where for decades, I think, the number one best movie ever made was the Shawshank Redemption. Yeah. Which is a very good movie. It's a very good movie. But the idea that that was the height of artistic achievement in the realm of film was, you know, well, because it's based on the likelihood of if your dad is walking by a TV in the middle of a Saturday afternoon and it's on the TV, will he stop and watch?
Starting point is 00:52:56 I mean, I'll stop and watch it. It's a great movie. It is a great movie, but it's, you know, there's it's not it's the ambition and it is is relatively low, you know, what's your guys real quick before we there's a side question. What is the movie that your dad, what's your dad's favorite movie? Like what movie is your dad going to stop and watch on a Saturday afternoon the most? Look, my dad is a man of an older generation. I think that makes That makes sense. This math checks out.
Starting point is 00:53:26 If he was a younger generation, it would be weird. Time travel had ever been involved. Uh-huh, yeah. He's a thing at the bar. Probably. There's content in it that he would be- My dad's a Benjamin button, so he's a baby right now. There's content in it.
Starting point is 00:53:38 He wouldn't be as keen on today. I'm just trying to protect my dad from the judgment of, of, of, going to be like, I'm going to want to do some shit. No, I love it. I love it. I think the one I can remember him really loving is mash, which is a great movie in many ways, but also has a lot of unpleasant 70s, like being mean to women and minorities. It's that, it's that kind of like national impunish style of humor.
Starting point is 00:54:03 It's time for white guys to be able to rebel by me mean to everybody else. Exactly. Yeah. We got to take down the system while still maintaining our level of entitlement at all times. Yeah, like, I mean, like my dads are like Lawrence of Arabia or like Zulu or Zulu dawn. Yeah. I mean, I mean, if it's, if you look past the racism, Zulu is a solid action of intro movie.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah. So I end with my dad, similarly, I think probably the patriot with Mel Gibson, like because he loves his highest compliment for a movie is if he can watch it and be like, that's how they really fought battles back then. That's what they really did. Yeah, my dad's like that too. I know. At one point, he was like, he's like, it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:54:45 better defensive equipment against the siege and Helm's deep and I'm like, you need to shut your fucking mouth. But at the same time, the movie that my dad, don't make me add a piss you dad. The movie that my dad for years tried to get me to watch and I refused to watch it because he wanted me to watch it so badly was breaking away the biking movie, the bike bike, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's a great movie. Yeah, and that's a genuinely great movie.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I'm glad I finally watched it. It wasn't asked, but I think that my mom's favorite, the ones that I remember are, she likes the African Queen and she likes, and she likes movies with her dreamboat, Paul Newman and them. Yeah, well, that's what my mom, her favorite, he's the sting because of Robert Redford. She loves Robert Redford. Man, two honks. Yeah, they're that's what my mom, her favorite movie is The Sting because of Robert Redford. She loves Robert Redford. Man, two hunks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:27 They're both in the sting. Yeah. Two for one. I feel like two for one. I feel like both of them. My mom could just hang out and watch The Sting and masturbate together, I guess. Don't, why'd you take it there? I'm like, I'm trying to remember what my mom is.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Because I do think they can do it. I just don't know. You know, and he think about it. And my grandmother's favorite movie is One, Two, Three, Strain James Cackney, the Billy Wilder movie. Another hunk, man, all these hunks, all these boys. That's a Hollywood hunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yep. Okay. So, we are into the final category and it is called The Works. Also known as Supreme, depending on what part of the country you're from. Okay. I wonder if we should do a mini sometime where it's just our family members favorite movies. Would we just ask around to get a sense of it?
Starting point is 00:56:09 That'd be good. We can get it more definitively. So yeah, yeah, we can actually ask them. See if my sister's favorite movies are still Teen Wolf and Ferris Bueller's Day off as they were when we were kids. Okay. So the first movie in the works category is, I believe, a comedy from 2020 titled Work It. It looks like it's a Netflix movie, boo. I hope it is shitty.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Don't watch it. When Quinn Ackerman's admission to the college of her dreams depends on her performance at a dance competition, she forms a rag tag group of dancers. It's always rag tag. It might be a dance school. Maybe it's a dance school she's trying to get into. Otherwise, I don't know why it would matter, but they always rag tag group of dancers. It's always rag tag. I'm not going to tag those. It might be a dance school. Maybe it's a dance school she's trying to get into. Otherwise, I don't know why it would matter.
Starting point is 00:56:47 But they always rag tag. They're never, the tags are never not ragged. Yeah. Group of dancers to take on the best squad in school. Now she just needs to learn how to dance. Whoa. Okay. Can I tell you something?
Starting point is 00:57:02 I've seen this movie. I saw it in, uh, we were going to the wedding of a co-worker of ours, uh, Elliot, Zach, Zach, uh, Dalanzo. Zach, my former rage assistant. Now he said, TV writer, I'll grow it up. I'm so proud of that boy. We went up state. Uh, we were staying in Albany. The, uh, the, uh,any, the wedding was just out of shape. Yeah, and after the pre-dinner, like cocktails the night before, got a little rainy. So we went back to the hotel and we're like, looking for something to watch. And I saw in Netflix that this had Audrey's two favorite things, a rag tag group underdogs
Starting point is 00:57:49 and a dance movie. But to get in, I think this is what we got to watch. And you know, for what it is, which is a Netflix streaming movie that probably was just sort of shatter as content. It's a pretty fun one. It's like a fun little movie. I'll say it gets a 5.6, 5.6 from Dan. I'm going to give it a 4.2. Wow. Well, Dan's relying on his experience again, because it's a 6.1. Good job, Danny Boehme. Almost as good as Swiss Army
Starting point is 00:58:23 man. Make a double feature of it. Okay, the next movie in the works category from 1998, a comedy titled Dirty Work, a loser. We're all familiar with this one, yeah. A loser finds success in the revenge for higher business, starting the late great Norm McDonald and a bunch of other people. Director Bob Sackett, I didn't realize it. Yeah, Bob Sackett directed that. Dan, this is a tough one because there's two things going on here. Dirty and drunk. Dirty work has some huge, huge laughs in it. It has some very funny stuff in it.
Starting point is 00:59:07 But on the other side, it's not very good. Like, it succeeds. Well, but it's a kind of a regular person watching it will probably be like, I don't like this, but it's also got a fervent cult following. Yeah, no, it succeeds wildly as a comedy just on the level of making you laugh as a technical piece of movie
Starting point is 00:59:25 making. It's it's junk. But like, although it is really thrown out, we're at the late Bob Saga. Wow. One hour and 22 minutes. That's pretty great right now. No, I don't give it a good review to the runtime. Yeah, it's got a cult following. I'm going to give it a six point eight. Elliott, six point eight. I'm going to say those dirty workers are beat. The dirty workers are coming out and drugs. I'm going to say an eight point three better than E.T. Wow. Dan, you are very close, six point four. Good job, Dan. Wow. Can we go back to the scores again? Who's winning? Dan's winning by a ton. But I feel like you should just keep playing for the game.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah, I know. I just love the experience so much. Okay. The next move right now while I'm on strike and I have a little bit of a cough that I'm getting over and I'm super stressed out is exactly the time for me to play a game where I'm losing handily constantly. The constant stream of rejection is good for me. Oh, Ellie, come on.
Starting point is 01:00:22 I'm just hitting. I'm just joshin with you. You're just fine. I'm just joshin with you. You're just fine. I'm just joshin. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Okay. The next movie is an action crime drama mystery thriller from 2002. Quite a grab bag of genres there, which I feel like 2002 was really a like a fucking bumper year for action crime drama mystery thrillers. Yeah. It's gone away from the doldrums of 9-11. This is part of the the work category. That's right. It's blood work.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Oh, it's beneath it. Still recovering from a heart transplant, retired FBI profiler Harry McCaylub played by Clint Eastwood. I'm glad they include that in the description. Returns to service when his own blood analysis offers clues to the identity of a serial killer. You guys see this one? I think this movie, it's not great, but it's, I think it's in that genre of movies that in a simpler time when they're, you know, if you had an afternoon and everyone else was out of the house and blood work came on TNT.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yeah, you just masturbate to that. Sure. And you know, like, last week it was to get yourself for that. It was copycat. Yeah. And the end of the, this is around the same time that Clues we did that movie called True Crime, right? That's where I get the two mixed-up Rezre reporter, I think. Just gotta get someone off death row. Yeah, he had a real run of
Starting point is 01:01:56 kind of airport thriller. Yeah. Absolute power. This movie also stars Angelica Houston, who rules? She does rule. Yeah, she's my favorite Houston. Take that Sam. Take that Danny. But he wears so many hats. Okay, damn. What do you think? No, but if it's a hat competition, Danny is handling take it.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Angelica doesn't wear hats that much. But why will she cheat? Her hair is a natural, is a national treasure. That's true. That's what it was Kate should have been going after in those movies. And she'll be just there. Yeah. And then he'd snatch it off like a wig just like in the witches.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I'm going to say this gets a 5.8. Okay, 5.8 from Dan. Okay, I'm giving it a 6.5. Remember, LA, you nailed it. America loves Clint. 6.4. Oh, yeah. Dan never underestimate Clint Eastwood
Starting point is 01:02:46 in a watchable, nothing special movie. Yeah. I saw, have you seen tightrope? I saw a rep screening. Not a long time, but yeah. Of it recently, like, I had seen it when I was younger and I must have seen like an edited for TV version. Well, you should show it them like TNT a lot.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah, seeing the unedited tightrope, I'm like, this movie is way like kinky-er and sleazeier than I expected out of Clint Eastwood. Like in a good way, I was like, oh, this is great. Clint Eastwood, I think because he, people think of him as a conservative because he is politically very conservative. I think and he makes a lot of movies like Bloodwork or has made a lot. I mean, he's an old man now. He doesn't make them any movies anymore. I think people forget what an adventurous filmmaker he can be. And his filmography, both starring and directing is filled with very interesting
Starting point is 01:03:39 choices and not being afraid to push what he's capable of on screen or what his image is or what kind of story he can tell. I really admire him as an artist in a lot of ways. Well, also, like for a guy who, also, who famously is like one take and done. Yes. Also, yeah, he is also not that interested in doing hard work a lot of the time. Again, I notable conservative, but there's a scene in tightrope, I remember where he's like Again, a notable conservative, but there's a scene in tightrope I remember where he's like interviewing like a homosexual prostitute has been sent to him by the person who's taunting him. And he doesn't treat like this person badly.
Starting point is 01:04:16 He just treats them like a person who like he's trying to figure out what's going on. At the end, the prostitute's like, you don't want to have sex with him. He's like, nah, I said, well, don't knock it till you try it and Clint goes, who says I haven't tried it? And I'm like, Clint, look at you. Wow. He's a real old school economic conservative for the most part. I think he's a guy who, he's literally a guy who just does not want you to tell him
Starting point is 01:04:40 what to do. And that's basically it. So, I read an article about him recently where he was like, he's like, the only superhero I ever would want him to play was Namor the sub-mariner. And I'm like, what? I mean, you said this a long time ago, it was like that I was like, what a weird choice, but I can kind of see it working when he was young. Like, maybe if only, you know, like I said, like a the bug, you know. Yeah, like a like a the buggyle to era. Yeah, yeah. I hope he said it with like that dreamy tone in his place that you gave him like a regret.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Well, because name more as of in the comics, it's a pretty clear mission objective, which you have sexist who's doing it. Yeah, very much so. Possibly with Reed Richards watching. Okay, but like, let's do it. You mentioned, yeah, because he wants to cook Reed Richards. Yeah, that's so. Possibly with Reed Richards watching. Okay. But let's do it. Yeah, because he wants to cook Reed Richards. Yeah, that's what he's more interested.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Yeah. Yeah. You mentioned the baguio, like that, like, like, like, Clint Eastwood does that has done a lot of stuff that you wouldn't think it was cleanies switch stuff, you know. He didn't direct that. He started it, but still. But he's, he's great.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah. Okay. So we've talked about a lot of great movies today, but I think there's only one movie that can really finish out this game, okay? And if Elay can get it, he will tie this game. That seems impossible. Well, let's find out. This is a action comedy crime movie from 1990,
Starting point is 01:05:56 Min At Work, last movie in the work category. The dirty work of its day, men at work. Two garbage men uncover a conspiracy involving illegal toxic waste dumping and decide to bring the whole operation down. Is that the only movie that the two S2S brothers have made together? Did they make any other movies together? weren't they in like, were they in young or they in young guns? Oh, yeah, yeah, they were in the young guns movies together, right? Charlie, young guys, I don't know, I never were doing the young guns movies together, right? Charlie, she named it as Ves. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I never actually saw the young guns movies. Oh, I strangely saw men who worked multiple times. I think they're in young guns. I'm surprised they have not tried to reboot that as old guns. Man, that would be great, right? Or old young guns. Yep. So do you guys need me to tell you the stars or the director?
Starting point is 01:06:47 Who is director? A meleo west of the. Oh, my god. Oh, yeah. Is Dean Cameron in men work as well? I think he might be. And so, um, anyway, it'll work. Men, yep. Hell yeah, as he plays the pizza man. And Keith Davidson it. Oh, is that bump up your score? I mean, whatever I was. I mean, I will I'm on I will I haven't been on record before I will go on record as saying anything with Keith David in it is better than anything that doesn't have.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Well, that's not true. There's lots of great movies that there's a lot of bad Keith David movies that and there are a lot of great movies without him in it. But you're saying he would improve most films. He improves any movie he's in. Real quick, if it's going to affect your score, the tagline for this movie is two garbage men who know when something smells funny. Oh, they don't.
Starting point is 01:07:36 If you've seen the movie. I was just recently watching, I did take some time out of my day recently to watch some vintage interview footage of Keith David talking about being in platoon. And the, yeah, it just sounds great. But so, so, so, uh, man it work. If you can get, if you can get this right on the dot, you win the game. Well, I'm not going to, but I'm going to say 5.5. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:03 I always get, this is going to be very close because I was going to say 5.5. Wow, I was going to, this is going to be very close because I was going to say 5.3. 5.9, Ellie. Wow. Yes, closer, yes. He doesn't win though because he had to get it completely on the dot. Guys, this is so much fun. Thanks for playing my game. Next time maybe we'll just play a regular the Flophouse motion picture, puzzle parlor, puzzle palette, whatever. Instead, you guys, you guys, thank wish, the pizza parlor. This was a Flophouse mini. The Flophouse mini is part of the Flophouse
Starting point is 01:08:37 like a five nights at Freddy type situations. Flophouse podcasts is part of the maximum fun podcast network where you can get a ton of great comedy and culture podcasts. The show is produced lovingly by Alexander Smith. Thanks so much for playing with me. I've been Stewart Wellington. I've been democoried who I want to clarify something from before. I like hearing nice things from people on the street. Like don't let me my awkwardness dissuade you. I like that part. I'm just trying to say that depending on my own mental health that day, my warmth may vary, but I appreciate it. And thank you for anyone who likes the show. Okay, and I'm Ellie Killing. I just want to remind you to go to, I just want to remind
Starting point is 01:09:20 you to go to for tickets to the flop TV show coming up next week. And go to If you'll get tickets for our LA live shows October 19th, and don't come up and talk to me. I'm not a Dan McCoy. Just kidding. I do want you to come up and talk to me. It's always, it's always, it's always a pleasure when someone comes up and says, Hey, I like your podcast. That's great. Feel free to come up to me. Yeah. And go to Stuart's bar and spend some money and tell him you like your podcast. That's great. Feel free to come up to me. Yeah. And go to Stuart's bar and spend some money and tell him you like the podcast also. Mm-hmm. Uh, so that's all folks. Bye!
Starting point is 01:09:50 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha A Worker-owned network of artist-owned shows supported directly by you.

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