The Flop House - FH Mini - No I in Team

Episode Date: March 7, 2020

In this minisode we take on the topic of teams of specialists, like you might find in heist films. If you want to dictate a future minisode, tweet at us @theflophousepod. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, welcome back to another flop house mini where we talk about what I mean what are we are we sold on that name flop house mini Wow just to railing right off the bat, but we got the fact that it that it helps It's kind of like a subtle little product placement for your wife's new bar. I would say that's actually true I will say a smaller house is like a hut so it might be a flop hut Yeah, yeah, we could call it yeah hold on who's with us on this flop house? I'm a fourth person rather I can't count No, Dan is the third person where you are so that that makes sense and I know that you have trouble seeing people on screens Which is why it's so amazing that you do a movie podcast at all. Yeah, I'm like a cat that way
Starting point is 00:00:42 I can't you know some cats can see like the flat images, but most cannot. And so, wait, really? Yeah. Wait, where are you getting this information from cat fancy? I don't know, the internet from Jackson, Galaxy, the cat was on the internet. If it's on the internet, it can't be false.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Okay, well anyway, let's introduce our guest for this flop house many. Uh huh. We have, well, many same we have well Say we have well special thanks Wow done with the same old Save all boring guests is last time Okay, well Everybody give a big yawn stir
Starting point is 00:01:20 Stir from the bottom build up I guess It's starting from the bottom buildup, I guess. Yeah, so our guest is of course one of the hosts of the hit podcast. Hello from the Magic Tavern and the hit podcast. Hey, Riddle Riddle. That's right. Addle, reply. Hey, they're Addle. Hey, there.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Things are having me back. Oh, no problem. Okay, so what we've been doing with these flop house minis, we'll take them right to business. Dan doesn't even say a high issue of them. Well, he's just supposed to be between 10 and 15 minutes, who can't dither as much as we normally do. That's what politeness is today. I'm dithering. It kind of is. That's caused many problems in my life actually. I'm like, why do we have to waste time with this part? Okay. Anyway, and that's when an old man is
Starting point is 00:02:04 like, well, if you had been nice to me, I was going to share my billions with you. Yeah. Instead, I'll just give it to this man. What's your name? Uh, and then it's, I don't know, Hitler or something. And you're like, no. Yeah, and you find out he actually want to share his DVDs of the TV show billions. And you'm like, thank God, what a dung-to-bullet, what a chilling morality tale you've spun for me. Anyway, so this flop has many, lately, I'm sorry, I apologize for my pronounciation. How you apologize to me? Not only have you insulted my personality and talent?
Starting point is 00:02:37 No, I just, I'm terrible. Anyway, move on to- So Dan, so we know that it's only been minutes since we recorded the last episode, but to the listeners it's been a week. So they can only imagine what terrible things have happened to lead you to this place where you sewed out on yourself. What happened, Dan, this past week?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Oh, you know, I mean, I've got a cold. I think that's probably just it. I'm as frequent listeners, regular listeners, I have no immune system apparently because I spend at least two thirds of episode sick. Yeah. Anyway, and the other, but the other third, you're sick, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Uh-huh. And then you do a kickflip on a 360 Jesus Ollie. Thank you on a skateboard made out of a giant pepperoni pizza. You said wheels. That's right. They're doughnuts. Wow. Yeah, you get dessert as well as, uh, as well as dinner, but which is dessert, which is dinner you don't know because you're an adult.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You can do whichever one you want. Yeah, which is a morning, pizza, and evening, pizza, it's separate. No kids allowed when it's pizza. Donut, skateboard time. Well, that seems weird because those are the perfect foods for growing kids. No, man. Now just go to that, go to that strip club where it's all chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Don't so only. Okay, so what we've been doing on these minis so far is taking suggestions of topics from Twitter. If you want to suggest a topic, it's at the Flop HousePod or wait, at Flop HousePod. At Flop HousePod. Sorry. I think it's Flop HousePod. Who's Blay? Wait, hold on. At the Flop HousePod. Alright, if you're wondering whether it has a definite article, it does.
Starting point is 00:04:16 When I set this up. Yeah, that's how you remember. It definitely has a definite article. Okay, nope. Or you could just say, hey, what's the title? Oh, the flop house. And it's a podcast. And the flop house pod. Most people would have gone with flop house podcast. But I, Why did you?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Well, I started going for the flop house podcast, I think, and then the character limit kicked in. Maybe flop house podcast is too many characters. Anyway, we're stuck with the flop house pod. It's the flop house pod. Anyway, that's our mini episode of How the Twitter Get Name. Yeah, yeah. No, we've had suggestions coming in
Starting point is 00:04:53 and the suggestion we chose this time around is teams of specialists in movies. Yeah, I think we're all fans here. I am gonna speak for all of you. We're all fans of Heist movies, especially when they put together a sweet team of specialists. Obviously if we're in a if we're in a team of specialists, I would be like the brains of the operation. You know, like the mastermind because you know, I'm pretty good at managing multiple things and also thinking through an entire sentence before I start talking.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I mean, you are one of the two of us with managerial skills. Well, actually, I don't know about Adel, but I have labored in a subordinate role of my entire life, whereas Adel has uh... i you know i've labored in a subordinate role my entire life wears out i think it's pretty clear from the production of the podcast that you have no managerial experience shot fired well because i'm the specialist who's like
Starting point is 00:05:57 that marksman you know like the trick shot guy but i'm also the master of disguise because uh... who's this on our team it's randy newman well i think guy, but I'm also the master of disguise because who's this on our team? It's Randy Newman. Well, I think we got to get this mission. We're rocking a bank or maybe we're breaking someone out of jail because they got a friend in me. He just carries a full piano with him at every high stage they go to. Yeah, yeah. So he plays that song. Do we have this fucking Steinway in the bank? I'll distract the guards.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Well, you speak in the back. The guards are confused as to why a Steinway piano has been delivered to the bank. So yeah, I think Stuart's the brains. I'll be the marksman master of disguise. Dan, what would you do in this? There's a lot of good things he could do. OK, well, I can't be the wheel man because...
Starting point is 00:06:46 Why not? Well, having lived in New York for... Well, Jesus, like 17 years now, all of my driving skills have gone out the window. I would not trust myself with explosives. Could I just be like the guy who infiltrates the whatever we're doing? So like, you sneak around and nobody notices you? Oh, no, not nobody notices. I'm playing a part, you know, like. Oh, cool. Like Carl Reiner in Ocean's 11. Okay. Yeah. I think Danish might be the one who stays behind and looks up stuff on the computer.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I don't have that skills. That skills. I mean, I don't have that skills. That skills. That skills. I mean, I'm a little out of talk. I don't have that skills. Although, as much as I want to be DJing quals in the core and hack a plan, yeah, yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:07:32 What about like a hand-to-hand combat master? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get up close and personal. I am learning something about myself, guys, that I do not like, which is I would be useless on a team. Would you be the sexy distraction on the team? Oh, yeah, yeah. Like you drop something and you bend over and they're just looking down your shirt while we steal the gold.
Starting point is 00:07:57 You put a leg up from behind the brick wall. Okay. You walk by and everyone turns and lowers their sunglasses. Hey, balls! I have a handkerchief that I'm waving in the air. Uh-huh. And then the guard straightens his neck tie, going, and then goes around the corner. And then we would steal behind you and then sneak out with the pie that is cooling on the window.
Starting point is 00:08:19 That's what it was all for. Now Dan, the handkerchief always seems like a weird thing to me because what's seductive about Beirung reminded that a sexy lady also has boogers in her nose. Oh that's a good question. Maybe the the laziness of the handkerchief is reminiscent of the laziness of the lingerie. But it's still gonna make me think that there's not all over the lingerie because that's not the handkerchief. I feel like we've given Dan a lot to think on. He's currently tabulating on his computer.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Addle, how about you, buddy? And keep in mind that as you could tell from that siren, the police are after us. They know that we're planning a high-shit right now. Well, they heard the piano, and that's a signature of the Newman bunch. The Newman bunch. The mysterious leader of the Newman bunch.
Starting point is 00:09:06 That's Randy Newman. Well, how can you tell? Well, there's a bunch of new mans. I would definitely want to be the sort of like the cue or the Simon Pagan mission possible, where it's like I get to wear like sweatpants with like a Hawaiian shirt and a tie, and I introduce all the cool shit
Starting point is 00:09:23 where I'm like a technology sommelier. But then I never have to get my hands dirty. And there's a lot of me, like the audience is like, this is not what the audience is watching it, but anyone who sees the technology is going fucking wild for it. But then like Stewart goes to like,
Starting point is 00:09:37 you know, press the button on the cap on my careful that's arsenic and I just saved his life and I'm kind of cool and young. I have suspenders probably. And you're also like, you're also like a big fan of all the heisters. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Cause I remember when we first met and I was like, hey, I don't have Stuart, you were so impressed, right? You're really blown away. Yeah, yeah. Like I had to sign all those photos you brought to me. And I saw him online. Then you started selling him online. So you're the weapons master, you're the technology guy.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Weapons, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm, of course, a marksman and a master of disguise. Doors, the brains, Dan is the body. Yeah. He's the distraction. So what is our mission? Yeah, I think you shouldn't pick our first mission. Oh, yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So, pressures on, you heard those cops. Oh, God. Yeah, we're already on the run. So we better on, you heard those cops. Oh, God. Yeah, we're already on the run, so we better figure out what the crime is we're committing. What if we steal the Pink Panther diamond? Ooh. Okay. Wait, is it the diamond that's in the Pink Panther?
Starting point is 00:10:36 No, no, see, the Pink Panther. Interesting side out. Is it shaped like the character of the Pink Panther? The Pink Panther, the first movie is named after the diamond. Okay, go on. The pink panther, I don't know. And then they made shot in the dark, second pink panther movie. But they logically were like,
Starting point is 00:10:56 is that the song that White Snake recorded for the movie? No, no. No, no, it's George Wright. Although it does have a different themes than the famous pink panther theme, both of them by Mancini, but they logically, they're like, oh, there's no pink Panther Batman. I'm gonna tell you this, I prefer the shot in the dark theme. Shot in the dark theme is great.
Starting point is 00:11:13 It's a great theme, yeah. Um, but it's the best movie in the series as far as I'm concerned. Best movie in the series, obviously. And that's shot in the dark. In your two blame. In your two blame. There's no pink Panther in this one. Panin' in you, they logically thought that there was no need to name it Pink Panther because there was no Pink Panther
Starting point is 00:11:50 time. But then in future films, they were like, oh, we need that name recognition. We're just going to stick Pink Panther in there. Even though there's no, like the characters Inspector Clueso does make any sense. Also, shot in the dark based on an unrelated play that was changed to be an Inspector Clueso movie came out, was in production, came out three months or something after the
Starting point is 00:12:14 first Pink Panther movie, and William Peter Blattie, who wrote the exorcist, co-wrote Shot in the dark. So that's our podcast on shot in the dark. I think our first mission should be finding the last colony of Rona. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Just a real softball of a mission. Good heist. Yeah, well, because we have to find it.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And then I guess we have to steal it from the werewolves. We'll have it. Whoever's got it, we'll steal it from them. So if you, well, first we'll start out by putting lost posters all over the city, lost colony, have you seen this? And there'll be little slips with phone numbers on them, not our real phone numbers because again, we're criminals.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like a fake phone number that goes to a voicemail where we can get tips. And then, Stan, you've been putting out those posters with your number to teach people guitar, right? So we'll just use the same poster, just cross out some of the information. And those posters say Crotto on them, right? The posters say Dan? Dan McCoy will teach you mediocre guitar. You'll sort of plateau after learning a bunch of chords.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Like you will learn like bar chords and some of the answered ones, but, but you will not get beyond strumming. Yeah. You're not going to be Steve by or a thing. Well, put up a flyer that says Dan McCoy will teach you everything you needed to know and more about the pink Panther movies. Your number, which let me look up what it is. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Now it's a new number. So, you're a code is not on the air. Oh, okay.'s a new music number. So, here you go, it is. Not on the air. Oh, okay, maybe I'll tell you your phone number after we get off the air. And then from that, we'll get all our tips and clues about Rowanoke. I assume we'll go down to where the Shushan boy
Starting point is 00:13:56 spreads all the tips about what's going on in the lost colony biz. And it's probably gonna be in like a safe that's owned by like a crazy billionaire who runs a I don't know like a Like a theme restaurant like maybe it's the guy who owns t. J. Friday. It's mr. It's mr. Theodore Gustav Ivan Fraud Friday and And so like we gotta get we gotta break into his restaurant theme house to find the lost colony Which is in a vault and then we can sell it on the open market for probably I don't know what what what to
Starting point is 00:14:25 Something I feel like you would think that we would we'd be stealing it so that we could make a profit off it But in the end, I think we'd just just set it free Yeah, because we're actually like we're actually good guys. We're historians. Yeah, yeah Loves us it'll come back and if it loves us it'll come back like Harry and the fucking Henderson's But Harry doesn't come back to the Henderson's like wait, how does that movie end? He's shot by a hunter So so they sell they're like get out of here We don't want you anymore and Harry goes away and then the next scene is there at a steakhouse and John Liffga looks up
Starting point is 00:14:59 And Harry's head is mounted on the wall One's like no, no What am I eating and they're, we told you it was called the Sasquatch steak. He's like, I thought that was a cute nickname, just because it was a big steak. They're like, no, you're eating Sasquatch. And he's like, no, my friend Harry,
Starting point is 00:15:13 but he keeps eating it because it's so good. And because he knows if he finishes it, he doesn't have to pay for it. Exactly. And that would be insult to Injury if he had to pay for the steak of his good friend that he's eating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:23 The old 96 there. You ever just sit around thinking how weird it is that David Souche is the bad guy in Harry and the Hensersons. I can honestly say I've never thought that ever. Okay. So, I think that's the perfect way to end our mini-sode about Heist and Teams thereof. Thanks for listening. Again, if you have an idea, toss it our way on Twitter at the FlophousePod.
Starting point is 00:15:48 If you are not a Twitter user and many people make that choice, which is probably a good choice. It's a healthy choice, yeah. Tell a friend to tweet at us. Or Dan, why don't you even the Flophouse email address? No, no, no, let's keep that separate for letters. Let's make this a new thing. That's sort of relating to the other thing that we do. Yeah, I think Dan's basically saying,
Starting point is 00:16:08 go tell it to the Marines. Yeah, go tell it to the Marines. Up your nose with the rubber hose. What the fuck? Yeah, once again, I want to thank our guest, Adlerify. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. No problems.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Thank you for being here. I've been Stewart Wellington. I've been Dan McCoy. I've been Cinema Boy at a Refi. And I'm Elliot Kaelin saying make sure your pets are within sight if their coyotes on the loose. Byeee! Mission Control. This is Rocket Ship 1. Come in Mission Control. This is Mission Control. Go ahead. We have incoming and it looks big. Can you identify? It looks like some sort of
Starting point is 00:16:51 pledge drive. Affirmative. It's Max Fundrive. That's a verified Max Fundrive. Countdown to Max Fundrive is initiated. Can you project a time to intercept? Based on the current trajectory, Max Fundrive will be here from March 16th, March 27th. March 16 to March 27th, Roger. Rocket ship one, can you confirm a visual on common Max Fundrave phenomena, such as the best episodes of the year, bonus content,
Starting point is 00:17:16 and special gifts for new and upgrading monthly members? We have a visual, great episodes, bonus content, premium gifts confirmed, and more. Sure sounds quiet down there. Mission Control, what's your status? All systems go, Rocketship 1, just catching up on our favorite Max Fun show so we can tune into Max Fun Drive episodes between March 16 and March 27. Over it out. Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Comedy and Culture Artist-owned Audience-supported

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