The Flop House - Flop House Episode Nine - Next

Episode Date: January 28, 2008

In this episode, Colbert Report staff writer Frank Lesser joins us, to see what happens next, in Next (hint: it has something to do with Nicholas Cage's hair). Meanwhile, Stuart reveals his vulnerabil...ity to bullets, Dan describes his super-power, and Frank pitches a romantic comedy built on Next's charred remains. 0:00 – 0:35 Introduction and theme. 0:36 – 7:42 Our guest host Frank Lesser is introduced, and we indulge in some off-topic discussion of M. Night Shyamalan, and of Heath Ledger's untimely demise. 7:43 – 33:33 What happens if they make a movie with Nic Cage, Julianne Moore, and Jessica Biel and no-one comes? They name it Next. 33:34 – 38:35 Final judgments. 38:36 - 42:30 The sad bastards recommend. 42:31 - 56:50 A once-proud podcast devolves into a conversation about recent movies, including Juno, I Am Legend, and The Mist. 56:51 – 57:49 Podcasty business, goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the next episode of the flop house. I mean this flop house is the next flop house. I Mean this episode is next. I mean Well anyway, let's kick this thing off. Let's move on to what's next. Yes. Is that show going over your little... Good night. Good night. Good morning. Good afternoon. Let's move on to what's next. Yes. Is that so good when I get old? Good night. Good evening.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Good evening. Good afternoon. Whenever you're listening, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Welletooth. I'm Frank Gleesser. Yes, our guest host tonight, Frank Gleesser, a very funny comedian writer. Normally, a writer for the Coldbert Report, right now striking.
Starting point is 00:01:08 How's that going? Why do you have to bring that up? Well, bringing me down. Well, I think that the, I think our, the year to talk, the year to listen to it's deserve an explanation for how we got Colbert writer to come be on our unpaid port of the listen to podcast. And I think a strike is pretty much the only explanation they would accept. So, um. I've mostly just been watching movies.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Nice stuff. Well, we had, you know, we had, my friend, Ali, who was on last time, and he works in the day, he shows a producer, and we were asking him what he did. And he's like, yeah, you know, watch Robocop today So there you go. Yeah, I rewatched the six cents two nights ago The twist of work yeah, well I'm trying to brag, but I think I'd like to I'd like everyone to know this that I called the surprise twist Before the movie started there's some extending circumstances I don't want to take up the first time I The first time I saw it in the theater. Not the second time I would have been like,
Starting point is 00:02:08 I've seen this before but I'm pretty sure he's a good. It's like an urban legend, dude. I know this kid who didn't even see it until the news you have him. But no, I wanted to see it because I had seen the lady in the water and a similar sort of, not the lady in the water, I'm sorry, it's lady in the water. At a similar sort of, let's watch a terrible, terrible movie and it was so bad that I kind of was like, were we all just duped into thinking the sixth sense was good? But then I actually watched it, it is actually really amazing, the cat is hitting some cords right now. Yeah, the cat's playing with the pie.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah, the lady in the water dude, so I'm like, Tating the water, like that's a shockingly bad thing. Yeah, yeah, I'm like- It's so incredibly inept of a movie like I found it I thought it was hilarious I really really enjoyed watching it and it was laughing the whole time but you have to go into it thinking that I am so it's it's it's that was what watching the six cents the second time I was just trying to figure out like how did he end up making like the in the water you can see bits of it it's certain scenes like the scene with
Starting point is 00:03:04 Misha Barton that's the scariest part of the movie but then when like Haley Joel Osmond goes to her family like you know goes to her funeral and is like here's your daughter wanted you to watch this tape of the mom put like that is so cheesy and terrible. That's the one part of the movie that is like every other M night movie but we're not here to talk about M night but we can't. You're M Night. You're buddy M Night. You guys are an amateur basketball league.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I have a friend who I was in a sketch group with in college who's family is friends with M Night's and Philly. I don't want to say anything more because I don't want anyone to get in trouble for this. He has to sort of pretend that he likes all the reason. So in that way he's like anyone on the set of Lighty of War. Well, that's a bigger problem that like with the six cents, he clearly had a lot to prove. And I think a lot of... he probably listened to what people were telling him about the screen, or he worked on it for a really long time. It's... I think it's still a great movie.
Starting point is 00:04:00 You know, if he got like punched, like in the face in front of his family, I'd be pretty happy. Like, I think you could use it. That would take him down. I think he'd start writing good screenplays again. Yeah, at the beginning of that silence, I was wondering where you were going in the bad seconds. And turn out, you weren't going that far.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I wouldn't have been able to, an A to B said it's, I was ready for the shock ending. I was ready for the shock ending. We're being sentenced. If you got punched by 10,000 scorpions. I was hoping that you would walk out from like your bedroom with his family back there and then you would punch him
Starting point is 00:04:31 in the face and be like, I wasn't expecting that. Oh my God. Well, I would be shocked if, say, you punched him like, show him on. That would be a twist. But less so now that I've heard you say this. Yeah, exactly. Like if you know about celebrity gossip news.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah, well now the twist is that Stuart's gonna dig up the corpse of Rod Serling and punch that. Anyway, let's not talk about... Twist standings, because Simon's not here. Let's discuss. So earlier in this week, sorry to do really conversation again. I was talking to my good friend Mary Kate Olson. So earlier in this week, sorry to do really conversation again. I was talking to my good friend Mary Kate Olson, and she just got done murdering Heath Ledger. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:05:12 Whoa! Whoa! Okay, fun. This family could be listening to this. The show Williams is a fan. Don't. Not so. As a side note, that was actually a slightly depressing news.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I don't even think I've ever seen any of his movies, but I was like, I kind of, that sucks. Well, I've never seen that. I've never seen that. I was during a period where I was in the United States. I didn't see him. It's tail. Well, that was a thing. He's gay in that as well.
Starting point is 00:05:40 He unfortunately passed away just when he was starting to get interesting. That what was sad about it like he was really sort of hitting the stride Now what we have to remember him by his and nights tail and the patriot whereas Well, but there have been more for back mountains in the future, but also I mean the Joker like I was it I was like looking for you know I was like oh, I think he'll be I thought he was a good choice. I you. I heard you got me, did most of his reshoots already, so. Uh. That was when I met. You were, Frank was basically just saying he's really excited about the new Batman movement.
Starting point is 00:06:13 He was really wanting to know that the cat is just going that on his podcast work. I'm going to have to. It's really hilarious. I'm hoping you guys could see it. Oh, what's, why are you guys talking to yourselves? Why chase right in the room? Okay, um, we were about to, yeah, he was talking about it.
Starting point is 00:06:30 He was also a monster's ball. I never saw that either. You shoot yourself in the chest. Oh, I've never seen that. We need to go back and know what's going to, I haven't seen a lot of suicides then ball. Somebody shooting himself in the chest and so forth with Chest. It was kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:06:47 All right. Oh, actually, yeah, that doesn't seem like the one of the worst ways to do it. Yeah, like- Let's you shoot your heart. Yeah, I mean, I think that's the point, but at the same time, like, I would imagine it still takes a while, like, it's not like,
Starting point is 00:06:57 heart-con immediately dead. You know what, it was my resolution that this episode would be edited less than any other episode that we've done, but I think it's gonna be edited more. Yeah, probably. It's all my beginning. I think only the part how you might as character-commoning suicide before the autopsy results have come. Right. You might want to edit that out.
Starting point is 00:07:15 The cats. I think we were very respectful otherwise. I was sorry to hear about it. Jokes aside. Yeah. You deal with life with jokes. But this isn't the Heat Ledger Memorial Box cat news. I was just imagining how many listens you would get.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I don't know if it's called views. It's called. I don't know. Yeah, I can bet you. I will make a joke with all his grief. So next, we watched a film called Next Tonight, guys. Yeah, we did. And that started, I can't make a Nicholas Cage.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Nicholas Cage, Jessica Beale, and Julian Moore. This is Jessica Beale's second flop house feature, by the way. It's true. All right, has there been, have there been other repeats? I can't think of it. I can't think of, we didn say we didn't what was the other stealth
Starting point is 00:08:08 Another one more were tidal. Yeah, the movie about the the artificially intelligent Airplane that goes crazy cold Stead I didn't know ways that the one though with Jamie Foxx. Yeah, I had no idea that was the plot of it So it's like the deep blue sea but with plates. Or short circuit and meets with war games or something. Yeah, okay, so I guess... I don't guess, I know, we just watched the movie.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, of course, next was about a guy... I have this gift where I can see into the past. Yeah, I give two hours and I remember when we sat down to begin watching it, I was like, I bet this is gonna be terrible right and Where we confirmed I don't know. I mean, it's it was an okay movie. I think Nicholas Cage can see two minutes into the future But only when it involves him. Yeah, he can't say your Mammud and Medina Judd. I can't. He wouldn't be able to see what's gonna go on
Starting point is 00:09:06 two minutes at his future. Unless he's watching CNN, which is a CIA spoiler alert, but at one point he's watching CNN to see if some big news event happens. He's being forced to watch. Yeah, but again, it's actually I think like a rip-off. It's like a news, it's a news story that sort of involves him because by that time his girlfriend Jessica Beal is about to explode. She's been kidnapped and strapped with you have a very strict definition of girlfriend. Yeah exactly dude. Well let's let's talk about that. So Nicholas Cage can see two minutes of the future except for he's been having this reoccurring premonitions of this woman that's kind of coming to his life. And he's been having this reoccurring Premonations of this woman that's kind of coming to his life and he's been having these he's been having these Premonitions right
Starting point is 00:09:47 Who's even sharing these Premonitions with he's been sharing these Premonitions with Peter Falk? That's strange his buddy Peter Falk who apparently I guess lives with and sort of a garage somewhere Las Vegas is somewhere by the way. Yeah, and If you really walk is literally in I guess it's somewhere by the way. Yeah. But if you really walk is literally in that one part of the... Like one scene in the jungle. An interestingly developed character.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Who you see change dramatically from an old man to an old man who can't walk very well. But at the end of the scene, you realize you have trouble walking. Yeah. This one has trouble opening both of his eyes to the same old man. We're in an history fuck, Nicholas Cage has been in a high-speed chase and he comes back to I guess a safe house where Peter Falk is there and Peter Falk comes in and he's like, you can't keep getting into these chases. And you kind of wonder, okay so I guess this is a regular occurrence in the life of a guy
Starting point is 00:10:45 You can see him the future. He's constantly getting a high-speed chase is saying the box cumulton port I mean if this dude can see the future I think he can keep getting into those I'm seeing negative repercussions. Yeah, well my favorite thing about the scene though It was just that it wasn't even like they didn't even put it in there for any exposition, for any like reason of explaining what's going on in the plot, it was really just like, and then I don't know, we got Peter Falcon Ball somehow, so he's on the rock to the end. He can't play a French terrorist. It's not one of the bad guys, maybe he can be his buddy, his buddy that'll be in one scene or what's in the pool with him. There's no relationship displayed. Oh, I do want to say that I think that I really did like the scenes where he sees into the
Starting point is 00:11:27 future and it's not like it's a huge surprise, but then something terrible happened and then we're like zoom backwards and you realize, oh my god, the whole time I've just been watching him watch the future, what's going to happen? But I thought that was, I actually thought that was like very well done and my big thing, I was really surprised that this wasn't as bad as I sort of was hoping it would be. And inside, I think there's a brilliant romantic comedy waiting to come out or be rewritten or have this turned into it. Well, you were very enamored of the scene where Nicholas Kay to Jessica feel gets to know each other. Because like, as I was saying, he was having permenitions ever.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And like, Jessica Beale is like the exception to his two minute rule. Anything you can do with Jessica Beale, you can see further to the future because I guess they're their lies are an extra blog linked in some way. And so he goes to his timer. I was just wracking my brain a moment ago to think of some kind of a lead joke based on Jessica Beale on two minute rule rule but I fucking dropped it. Racking his mind. My mind was... minding her...
Starting point is 00:12:30 Oh, got it. Edit that part out. Edit that out. It's tough. It's tough, frankly. Briefly, let's talk about my theory of Jessica Beale's career. Because I do think she's very, very attractive as an amazing body, but her face and her performance is not necessarily memorable but it's always adequate.
Starting point is 00:12:44 But I really do think that everyone in the world is just waiting for her to finally be completely naked in a movie, because everyone- I've only seen two movies, and I won't even name the other one because I'm embarrassed by it. But I've only seen two movies she's in, and she always wears like, skippy clothes, and it's like, oh, she's almost naked! Oh, she's not! And not that this is even- I'm not like sitting at home like- Yeah, I mean naked, but I think that's what everyone in Hollywood is yeah I don't think it's like I don't think it's even like a dirty old man thing I think it's like
Starting point is 00:13:09 that they're playing the numbers game though like if we put her in enough movies eventually she'll have to take her clothes off one of these movies will have a really good director who's like really well respected and you'll be like this wasn't in the script when you saw it but I really think it's important to your character that she's naked here. We have this really cool pillow fight. The pillow fight is really sort of revealing
Starting point is 00:13:31 of her character. Shows that she's willing to have fun. Playful nature shows that she's got great naked boobs. Her nipples aren't gross. Except that's really key to her. What if that's the secret? What if she's constantly always like, no, I'm totally fine. That's really key to her. What if that's the secret? What if she's constantly always like,
Starting point is 00:13:46 no, I'm totally fine doing nudity. And then she does, and the directors are like, your nipples are totally gross. Those shit you're grossed to, she's got a fucking invisibility. This is simple, we're camo nipples. I don't know, they're like a portal to some sort of horrible, HTTP lovecraft dimension. Can we repeat that quote, those shit's a horrible?
Starting point is 00:14:04 I think that should be like the main theme of this entire episode. I think we should move away from Jessica Beoward. Oh no, but I think I was sliding you up. I was saying that the point was you were really like but you liked the scene when they first meet each other like when he finally is like okay she's gonna be in this diner. I'm gonna meet her here and he used his power sort of in a in a grandpa day sort of. Kind of, I actually honestly kind of like a sleazy way though. He's like, all right I can pre-try out every approach to this girl. And see what works and what I actually thought like you know filmically she was a big fancy word. But no but I mean like in the film
Starting point is 00:14:43 medium I thought they did a good job of the first time he approached, he gets up, he approaches her, he tries some, like, line or something and she's just like, me, yeah, you know, get lost. Words to that effect. I didn't write this screenplay. Okay, I can't recapture the screenplay. But, um, and she's like, get lost. And then, like, the camera sort of racks focus and you see that he's actually still sitting where he was before and the whole thing was going to see the future if he portrayed that I thought that was the most
Starting point is 00:15:07 Fasted I thought that was like a really interesting thing I was like if this was just a Magic comedy about a guy played by Nicholas Cage he's kind of shlubby and has a terrible fake hair cut I would be much more interested We should move on to his hair, but I was I mean I honestly would love to write that And then possibly at some point there's nud justifies Jessica Beale's inclusion of the movie. The thing that I'm confused by is, like, Nicholas Cage is pretty ancient at this point. And I'm just wondering, he's got to be early 40s. I don't know the keys, look.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But the thing is, he's too old for Jessica Beel. Well, in a world with Julian Moore who, while overrated as an actress, is very attractive and could easily have done the role that Jessica Beel did, right, why couldn't she have been the love intro? Arguably better, too. I mean, like, yeah, if you don't like to, I mean, I like to be a little bit more
Starting point is 00:16:02 better than you guys. I think she's a little overrated and I may have I should see more of her movies. At least there's a little overrated and I maybe I should see more of these. At least there's a little bit of like tenderness because it's like hey he's actually interested in a woman who's in kind of his age bracket. When it comes to Jessica Beale it's like well yeah of course he's in love there because he told him lots of bonger because he's hot. Well it just doesn't make sense like I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Well I mean the whole romance whole romance went on fast forward. There's never any... Maybe he could have had some games. He put a boyfriend and girlfriend pretty quick. They drive somewhere. I wasn't paying complete attention through everything, but somehow he... He's hitching a ride with her.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And then they go to where she works, which is the Grand Canyon. Yeah, let's talk about this. I'm going to talk about this, because Jessica Beale's job is one of these crazy bullshit movie jobs, which is she is a teacher who teaches Native American children at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. You know, I met girls that are into that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'm gonna tell you, Bertone, not that much fun to hang out with. They think their life's really important and they don't drink too much beer. You know, I bet that they would wear a lot more turquoise jewelry than this view. Which is nice. She didn't have any turquoise. No.
Starting point is 00:17:17 This was a Southwest, really. Not the Grand Canyon on the East Coast. Yes, because you were lucky. This was the original Grand Canyon. But that's also an interesting issue. I think the only reason she did that was there's a scene where Nicholas Cage is talking about the, I don't think they were like the Poe Blow Indians, but the tribe that was there, like how they could, he's also a magician, but he says they could see the,
Starting point is 00:17:40 something about that, various other things, and they could see the future talking about his own condition. So they could talk about that, but otherwise what she was doing had really no purpose to her character or wasn't like she was like a stock market trader or there was no real reason that she was doing that for him to for him to be faded to meet her. There's got to be a deleted scene whether it was shot or whether it was just in the original screenplay where Nicholas Cage does go to like a neat asshom and like talk to the show about his ability. I'm like, I'm like a masculine trip or something. Yeah, played by Peter Fulk, sort of in like Native American face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And you know this is all faded. Native American face. I don't know. I don't know. It's probably best that they cut that out. Yeah, like I think like almost every action movie nowadays has something written in you the script where the love interest just happens to like Pick up the hero as a hitchhiker or just end up in a car with him and then like hey, we're just gonna travel around forever Yeah, that's what people We don't even know if you realize that That's probably why I'm so lonely. That's how romance works on my wife and I'm at
Starting point is 00:18:51 Just beating your way through the US consulate. Well, I've got this crazy super power of where I can I can hear conversations But only if I'm like exactly across the like the world for them like they're exactly opposite me on the globe okay and I was hitchhiking through the Southwest and I was running out of water and this woman you know our car broke down yeah well yeah I was being I was being hunted from both ends we could get into the bad guys sure like a next the better guys French as well French terrorists in this film everyone that's a common Yeah, I'm just a bad guy. Sure, a big... Who was the bad guy's boyfriend? Well, it mixed with me. French terrorists in this film, everyone.
Starting point is 00:19:29 That's a common, I don't know if you've been, listening to the news lately, but that's a, didn't that kill that Pakistani prime minister or something? Yes, that was the French. Yeah, I mean, I wasn't really paying attention to the news. I had the volume turned on, so I was really, I was was pretty sad about that too because I think she was like right on the cost-over greatest work. It's very similar to heat pleasure. He was gonna move on to somebody.
Starting point is 00:19:54 No. I wonder what you would have done next. Yeah, so Nicholas Cage has real cool hair. I think he bought it off of John Travolta in swordfish or Tom Hanks and the DaVinci co. I think it might be like a weird like symbiote, like a weird like, like, Parisian. It's got its own credit. It's got its own credit. It does, yeah. I mean, I think they're like, you know, they want to put the hair in the movie, but they really work quite sure if this was the appropriate feature board and truth probably wasn't because it really kept me from seeing this movie in the theater. I honestly think that that's why like watching the commercials and the trailer aside from the fact that I think there was some line like but I can only see two minutes into the future. That's kind of should have explained it that much. What I think the main thing was like seeing you see like you see Nicholas Cage's you're like I
Starting point is 00:20:42 don't want to see that movie. Why don't know what your movie was so he could actually see the future. What a stupid limitation. But I remember seeing the trailer of the commercial, I was just like, oh god, his hair looks terrible. His hair looks so bad. He should really just go for something natural. It's stupid to be that petty, but it's like so clearly fake. It's something's wrong with it. It is that we're like motorcycle jack at the whole tone.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Well, maybe the, it's almost like he's like, that's his like costume and he's an action hero who are like a superhero called next. Maybe the, you know, maybe the, maybe the hairs because he's a magician and I'm jumping sort of forward and backward at time in the movie. Just like next next film does so I think that this podcast is thematically sort of like but you mentioned before that he's a magician but I think we should examine this a little bit more it's logical it's like I was telling people off microphone that I had a very like similar idea for thriller ones that I want to write and in my like with just a long story yeah just some long story,
Starting point is 00:21:45 that for a long time would have been the lead shirt. And like the girl is naked the entire time. But the thing was, I thought, OK, it will be a psychic, and he will be the psychic who can only predict things for people he doesn't know that well. Well, because if there's an issue in this movie where he says, I don't want to give this, this is somewhat of a spoiler. You can't say that earlier.
Starting point is 00:22:07 But he says it earlier where once you see the future, it changes everything that happens. Essentially, the alternate title is probably like Schrodinger's next. Right. Or something like that. But if you see what happens in the future, it changes what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So I believe it's a very simple science. Backgrounds of my mind is like, OK, well, what could a psychic with these limitations do? All he's like a fucking like phone psychic because he can be a psychic people he doesn't know and that's why he's like and and it's kind of like it's not that clever but it's sort of like oh okay he's using his talent but in a really cheesy way and this film did the same thing where it's like oh well he's a magician he's a magician but that's the the twist is he can actually do magic and what like you can see if, but you see his magic act at the beginning of the movie
Starting point is 00:22:49 And he's doing like slighted hand like he's like like does are coming out of his hands And he's and later on he like does things where you know like flames come out of his hands or he drops coins everywhere and you think to yourself Why like if he has this power to see the future, why is this magic act? Well, maybe like he looked in the future and he saw that like flame was gonna shoot out and say it. It's actually real magic, he is so controlling. Yeah, so it's like better make, I better make the best of this. I better make a hand motion or else I might see the whole thing in the plot. I don't see it as as big of a plot hole because I think there is a part where he was, he seemed to imply it's, again, I wasn't paying that much attention throughout the entire
Starting point is 00:23:27 thing. Sure. But there was a part where I think he's talking about he was studied before and he doesn't want to go back where they 36 hour marathon session of having to guess what card is going to come up next. Do you think it's almost a dream? Well, I know. I remember that line to really stuck with me.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I related. I don't want to give anything away, but like I know things I know some things But no, but I think like that would be like a diversion Essentially, which I believe is a magic term, but I think it would I think it makes it seem less like he can see the future If he's also like and now I turn to paper rose into a real rose I just met and will sleep with I like that two minutes. I like that idea To bring Peter Falk back into the conversation.
Starting point is 00:24:06 He's like Colombo. Like, I'm sort of pretending to be kind of a chinchy guy. So we have to cover up his own, his like real talent. Like, he's a cheesy magician. But I think a good question that I'd like to get to would be like, well, the other big thing is, so the federal agents are after him, because these terrorists have a nuclear bomb
Starting point is 00:24:23 hitting someone in Los Angeles, which is kind of a side plot that's not really that sort of comes into play about him and the girl but you know and and he doesn't want to help him because you can only see what's going on in his own life but it does feel like a little silly or not selfish but like it you know I don't know I feel like if you had this gift you would not just be a magician in Las Vegas we sort of discuss it yeah will not be such a dick about the like oh okay there's a nuclear bomb it's gonna blow up in Los Angeles I'm sorry I really can't do it well that I got a try and hit it again no it's only when he sees that the
Starting point is 00:24:56 girl that he loves could be in danger that that like yeah ultimately he's like okay I'll help you make some a bit of an unsyphiletic protagonist. Except that this cage is charmed. Carried him. It's gotten so much in this life. Well, let's talk about one problem that I had, and I feel like an idiot, honestly, like, ringing up real logical objections to a movie. However, later in the film, late in the movie, he basically, we basically see visually represented him, his body splitting off into several possible different features.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I also really like that scene. It was a cool idea. It was a cool idea. It was a cool idea. The whole of that scene from Labyrinth. It was visually shot. It was because there were catwalks and platforms. Yeah, he was like, all right, I got to find Jessica Beal.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I'm going to basically like, imagine every possible future in which I explore the entire base to see where she is. And he's avoiding bombs and all kinds of shit. But this, I mean, this brought up a question that I had earlier in the movie, which is, is he constantly aware of every possible thing that might happen to him in his life and if so isn't his brain overloaded by that? Like how can one... like that's like the brain of God to know like every possibility that might happen. But it seems like he was sort of making conscious decisions at that point to say like here I'm going to go right and left and then this... I mean
Starting point is 00:26:22 yeah it seemed very focused. I was sort of able to believe that for some reason. Well, also he seems very like physically like talented. Like if say a giant log is coming at him, which happened at least once during the film, he is able to, you know, with lightning click reflexes, go exactly where he needs to go. Two bullets to a dodged. I don't know that just because you can see the future, you have that ability.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Oh yeah, damn, tear this movie apart. It just wasn't realistic enough. Yeah, because I can't see the future. Okay, guys, look, I totally have his same ability. I know that in a minute, a guy's gonna walk into this room and shoot me. That doesn't mean I know how to not get shot I'm like oh maybe if I move the like nope if I move to the right I'm still going to shoot me Well, there was the scene where a guy is firing bullets at him And he's splitting you're seeing like the various different versions of him that are getting shot
Starting point is 00:27:17 But like he knows which one exactly where to sort of walk but then I Yeah, there were a certain little issues with it, which is why I think it works better. It was a romantic comedy. Were you just focused on... I would accept you to say in Stuart's scenario that he's painted for us. Stuart's too tight-bloated. Do you shoot anyone else after you shoot? Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Oh, I forgot to tell you, I don't usually have this power. Oh no! Well, you have to keep listening to the podcast, you know, literally a gentleman. But say this guy comes in and shoots you. I would believe it if you're like, oh, okay, this guy's got come in and shoot me. I'm gonna leave the house. You know, that was your solution to it. Well, that's what I'm gonna do, it's for second guys.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'm gonna dodge around, like kick him in the head for times always trying to punch you He's a matrix shit Matrix should I think is the technical term now? I just want to bring this up because this is the part that this is something that I loved about the whole movie This is probably my favorite part about the whole movie and it's not as hairy It's not like Jessica Beals bother anything. It's actually You're saying those are trait concerns. No, actually- I'm gonna say those are trait concerns. No, I'm gonna say those are secondary things.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I'm gonna say trait. They're important. Serifists. Yes, exactly. Now, it's the thing. It's, I just really like it when a movie accurately represents the United States government like the FBI and the police as being incredibly efficient at performing their job, specifically the collection of evidence and bust and criminals.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Because in this film, just like, say, like Leith Webinar 2, the good guys efficiently kill every single possible man guy. Even when they were unarmed. But I would say even when they could possibly give you information that would lead to I don't know say the nuclear bomb hitting somewhere in Los Angeles that you're looking for instead of capturing them They just like fly down an helicopter and like shoot them So at the end at the end of the movie when they had that like big crazy fake It's like explosion necklace case like a minimum steak and you made a mistake
Starting point is 00:29:25 that's impossible if you look no a minimum steak like the moment he says like that the thing is like shouldn't he be saying yeah you made a mistake for shooting the lead fucking terrorists a second ago who had no weapons or even a fucking cell phone and just told it like they're like hey dude I'm gonna shoot you unless you tell me where the bomb is. Or maybe he saw in the future the possibility that if they did that, he would like kill it. I don't know. Yeah, that's what actually is. They didn't actually explain how he made the mistake at all,
Starting point is 00:29:55 like what that really meant, unless he was so distracted by the girl that that was the mistake. I don't know what it was. It was a mistake, but let's spoil the ending and say that, you know, we go through this big action moving ending. And then everyone blows up. Because he made a mistake. Because the bomb was on the right. He got to distracted by the, by just the feel.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And then we zoom backwards in time. And we realize that the last half an hour to 40 minutes. It's 35 minutes, I think. And the film has been a flash forward as Nicholas Kachelized at bed and next to Jessica Beale because you can see farther into the future when it involves her. Right. Now can I just point out the weirdness of the fact the movie that we watch immediately after I know who killed me. Features not only seen that's
Starting point is 00:30:39 weirdly reminiscent of an incident in an Alpreake bridge which you mentioned the last part of the game. But also has that weird bullshit type thing where it's like, just like in that movie where you kind of feel like, oh, so the whole thing was just a story, you wrote. I haven't seen that. Oh, it's okay. This thing, it's like, yeah, the whole, the last 45 minutes, could have happened. Who knows.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Right. And we don't see what actually did happen, because like the movie ends with Nicholas Cajun and Julien Moore setting out to want to do it right this time. Yeah, they repeat him saying, see the thing about the, I think it literally starts with like, see, the other thing I didn't tell you about the future is that when you look at it, he repeats it from earlier that it changes. I fucking hate my wards at the very end of a movie. I didn't find it. There was some ports earlier that I didn't mind, but yeah at the end of the video.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I'm like at the very end when they're like, so here's the things you should take away from watching this movie. This movie is really good and having the ability to be next is awesome. Because you can dodge bullets the ad piece. There's one more thing about the end that I really want to bring up. That's literally the whole end of the movies. I'm going through like these warehouses and Nicholas Cage is telling people where to shoot. Yeah. You know like oh there's going to be a sniper over here and shoot over here and oh look out you're going to get shot and shoot over it. And it's just a
Starting point is 00:32:04 very strange way to end a movie because it's like, well, there's no suspense about what's gonna happen. Because Nicholas Cage knows how to fix everything. Well, except for the point where he was then like, okay, now at this scene, you guys go over there, and I'll go over here for no reason. Let's hear that. There's nothing happened. Let's just sit in and yeah, none of the agents were like, that's I think that's a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:32:24 That's fucking retarded, dude. Because you keep it from shooting me, and I don't wanna die. I'm gonna stick with you. I'm gonna stick with next over here. I still felt like there was some stuff that could maybe go wrong. I thought that was the nice thing at the end
Starting point is 00:32:38 when he's confronting the lead terrorists. He's like, you have only one choice that's good. That wasn't it. And then of course, you get shot eight times by Julianne Moore. Yeah. I mean, the thing is like, you have only one choice that's good. That wasn't it. And then of course you get shot eight times by Julianne Moore. Yeah. I mean, the thing is like, and the problem with it is, any time there's suspense, like the only possible way you can really have suspense when the hero's in danger.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So, anytime, anything possibly bad would happen to Nicholas Cage? You're like, oh, that's just like the future he was watching. In a second, he's going to like, stand there and his head's going to wobble and then he's going to walk back into the scene or something. Well, that was the other In a second he's gonna like, stand there and his head's gonna wobble and then he's gonna walk back into the scene or something like that. Well that was the other thing that Manu mentioned that as I got, I think you were saying it, as I got closer to the end,
Starting point is 00:33:12 like I think maybe like the future's you envisioned were like even more horrific. Like he would like, this were like, his head would like, you know, shoot backwards when he would see the scene. It was like like a ghost flies through his head and that ghost was just moving. Like all of a sudden he's like, whoa, what is
Starting point is 00:33:26 hair stands up on him? What the fuck? Well, we can talk about it all night, but we should wrap up this part of the thing. With the final judgments and Frank, I don't, I, I, I, I am this film's biggest apologist? I'm a witness. I don't think you've actually heard this podcast before. So I will explain the rules to you and to the listing audience Anyone who might be sure would hear me get to the three official flop house categories are Is this a movie that you did not like at all?
Starting point is 00:33:55 A movie that you would maybe recommend to people as a good bad film something that might be fun to watch from laughs Or a movie that you actually kind of liked since you're the guest I'll go I think I know where you're gonna go. Yeah I know I'm a little embarrassed to say and I you know I haven't I think I'd need to think about it a little bit more I don't think it was a great movie or even a particularly good movie but I didn't dislike it and I think there was a very good movie hidden within there Which again I would say is a romantic comedy along the lines of 51st dates or sort of like Groundhog's day They might have ripped it off from that a little more of the film. Whatever film Kate Dick inspired not a movie as you say You know the screenwriter watched before writing this but I actually I was and maybe it was also the super low expectations
Starting point is 00:34:43 That I went into it. It was no remake of The Wicker Man. It was no Island of Dr. Moro. I was generally, not necessarily pleased. I don't think I needed to see it. I don't know that I would tell anybody to go see it, but I didn't mind it. No jokes, completely. That's my original sound. So where's it going?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Which one was that? Was that one, two, or three? I think that was number three. Really? OK, wow. I'm going to go with, I'm going to say that I think this was a good bad movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:12 If anything, because I think it's totally worth watching to see all the weird like shit where you're like, oh, I don't know. I didn't know. Real one. What's the I liked that? No, that's what I liked that. I want people to see that.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And like, the fact that the whole last half-hour movie didn't actually happen, and wasn't that suspenseful totally worth the wait. I'm gonna go with Frank just because, like, I wouldn't say it's a good bad movie, because it's not the sort of movie where I, like, really laughed at what was wrong with it. It's more like, I just sort of indulged what was wrong with it.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Like, I'll say the same thing that I basically said about Mr. Brooks, which is, you know, like, if you've had like, like a rough day, or you've had a drink or two, or you're really tired, you don't wanna, like, you don't really like care what you're watching, but you won't watch some of this kind of fun, and like next comes on TV. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Yeah, you sit there watching next, you know. I would say if you want to write a high concept romantic comedy you should watch next and rip off the good parts of it. Prank is advocating that you you next as like a junkyard for spare parts. So who are you who are you gonna be the stars in your movie? I think Justin Long I think we should say. Just not sure yeah he's got some talent. Jessicaal, but she would play the Julian Moore character. Okay, so she's the FBI agent in this movie. And, but naked, the FBI in this movie is entirely nude. Sure. I think that would ruin the entire video though.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Part of the FBI beach patrol. But the appeal of her, again, I've only seen her this and I'm embarrassed to say, I now pronounce you track and layer which I watch with some other people trying to watch a bad movie And then we ended up not necessarily enjoying it. I don't want to get into this right now Girl things that she wears like stuff that's on the verge of like being completely naked. You're like wow She I think the girl is watching and the other thing we're like that's not fair that her body is that good Right direct quote from a girl from a real lady. Yeah, that's a real lady So you have a picture and
Starting point is 00:37:07 You have it, but you have a picture of me Lead to go off suggesting long that powerhouse. I probably wouldn't actually picture Maybe maybe Jack black he can bring a little bit of this Little bullshit Child book maybe maybe Jack Black he can bring a little bit of this little bullshit Well, they have the same sort of issue with this which is that just at no point are you like oh, yeah? Nicholas Cage Would be realistic as somebody that who would approach Jessica Biel and this whole thing would happen That was the bigger thing. I think it's more likely that that someone can see the future
Starting point is 00:37:41 Two minutes ahead of time than that this sort of romance thing would have played out how it did that wasn't believable Yeah for me. True. Maybe that's being shallow. I mean I guess in the world of probabilities you're right it is more probable that somebody can literally see into the future than Nicholas Cage's character would be able to reach that point in his relationship with Jess and be all in two days. Unless the premise was also that he was like, by the way, I'm Nicholas Cage and you're not Jessica Beall. Well, I don't know if you guys know this, but teachers who teach
Starting point is 00:38:14 Native American children and the Grand Canyon are total sluts. They are, they're just aching for a snake. They're aching for Nicholas Cage to come along. Maybe she's just a really big Nicholas Cage fan. You look so much like a good guy. You seem to rule out watching his movies. Okay, well it is good to laugh. Let's put next behind us and we'll move on to the next segment which is she talked about things that we saw recently that we actually enjoyed like a movement like a given recommendation because we like to we like to get we don't like to just take and so I will explain again Frank. This is where we usually recommend something Maybe a little underrated or overlooked that we watched recently that we enjoyed and just say something about it
Starting point is 00:39:15 Stewart is there anything you want to bring up? It's not necessarily underrated, but if you get a chance you should go see it I just got I got to see T the movie about the the girl with the giant vagina and Tata and yeah there's a lot of bit North penises in the movie. So if you want to see a bunch of bit North penises see if you combine that with my romantic comedy movie based on the idea of next the girl has a vagina and Tata. Yep. That thing I would buying that with my romantic comedy movie based on the idea of next. The girl has a vagina, Dintata. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:46 That I think I would see that. Fucking Simma Gold right there. Yeah, yeah. That goes beyond my capacity. I heard good things about that, I think. But then bad things from someone else. But all women entirely. Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Well, not that that matters. You know, the thing is that women, they have a lot of mixed up ideas about the Giants I would take what they say with the grain of salt. They need a mirror to look at them Down with the ladies So that was me I heard it. No, it's a good one, dude. I like this game. So, that was me. Brian. Something of... I don't know anything underrated.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I did recently... Let me say something pretentious. At Film Forum. They were showing city lights, which is the 1931 Charlie Chaplin movie. That is really funny. I've only seen little bits of Chaplin, some of his shorts, and I saw I think modern times, and I wasn't that into it.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I think it was a long time ago, but city lights, I actually was, it's fairly touching, and it's also really very funny. I was very surprised by that as far as comedy. And I did like no country for old men, but that's not really underrated. No, no. Eight Oscar diamonds.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Well, I didn't say that, and there will be blood. Right. 16 between. I don't know. Anything obscure recently that I saw. I actually really like Swini Todd. It's not obscure, but it didn't do incredibly well. Got really good reviews. Yeah. Yeah. Well, again, a classic, but not like a citizen canes to a classic. I watched a recently on Ibaba or on Ibaba Japanese movie about, I can't even explain it. I won't even try. Let's put that one away and... Spallet for people. Oh, and I be a BA. And if you want to see a movie that's sort of like a Japanese horror movie from the late
Starting point is 00:41:53 50s, early 60s, but more like a weird psychodrama, that's a good movie to watch. But a movie that's more accessible, I don't know, again, I guess we're not really going through like the obscured stuff this week, this week is more mainstream, but I'm surprised speaking of child of both. My wife and I watched Disturbia recently and I'm really sort of struck by how pretty good that movie is. Do you know how I recommended that a couple podcasts to get over? You did? I did, yeah, that was pretty good. recommend that a couple podcasts. You remember you did I did Yeah, that was pretty good. It's a pretty solid No, I don't want anything that Stuart says
Starting point is 00:42:30 No, it didn't really well. I actually he was on one of you hosted SNL I saw parts of that and I was actually very impressed there was a very funny scene later in the Later funny sketch later in the show between him and my Rudolph That was like just really weird and one of the really good ones that I think slipped in somehow. Or that had been more, you know, they've been doing more of those that I highly recommend. I'm not gonna try to describe it, it's not gonna be as funny. So look for it on YouTube. Yeah, I don't know. It's like a lot of wolf 4 taste sketches on SNL that are really funny, but for some reason they don't hit the demographic that posts SNL clips to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:43:12 But no, I expect great things from Shyla Buff. Maybe I'll battle some more Transformers soon. I would in my romantic comedy version of Next, Shia LaBuff. Starting Shia LaBuff. And we see a sudden picked an actress, dude. Oh, how about Ellen Page from Juno? Which, she's delightful. I watch Hard Candy the other day. How is that? Kind of boring.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Yeah. She's really good in Juno and the actors were generally good, some of them weren't good. I think it was great casting. I despised Jason Reitman. Really? Don't necessarily despise. I didn't like thank you for smoking. I did not like Juneau at all It's a real movie for about 30 minutes near like the last about two thirds of the way in it becomes a real movie until the ThunderCats line And then it's despicable. I thought it was so sorry. I'm gonna like take over the swapping podcast I'm gonna like take over the swapping podcast I'm gonna start to see it like I didn't really like the first 20 to 30 minutes but then I
Starting point is 00:44:08 really liked it thereafter and I think oh really but I think that I know but I agree with you in so much as I think that it's mainly because it's got a great cast yeah they're all fantastic and Ellen Page is fantastic and Art Candy is kind of a sleazy movie, but she is great in it. Well, this one too. She's pretty great in it. I think she's way better early on when you're like, when she's playing like a young kid and less as she plays like Super Smart Sassy, I'm gonna torture this dude because like, I don't think it's necessarily good acting for a young person to pretend like they're an old person That's like that's like Talks like people
Starting point is 00:44:54 That's totally the script that's not I agree. No, that's not necessarily because it's the same time like I'm not gonna be like Oh, no sign. No, I was just gonna know this is completely unrelated But just moving back to M night But I'm gonna tie it into Juno is that I think think M.Night actually, six cents, the acting is really good. Bruce Willis is really good in it, and it's semi-realistic. I think he eventually became, the performances that he tries to get out of people become so mannered that it's like all of the same intonation. It's basically when you watch him acting, you realize that that's the performance, he wants them all to act like him essentially, because he's in all of the movies.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And it's very sort of earnest. Oh, there are aliens, but they're scared of water. I'm going to the lake. That's like the performance. That's a terrible job. I'm going to work on my Amnit impression. But he basically does the dramatic version of all of Wes Anderson's comedic movies. All of the performances are the same.
Starting point is 00:45:45 If you swapped out any of the, not necessarily the characters who they are, but their intonation and the way that the performances that are drawn out of them, would work perfectly. I'm surprised he hasn't had Bill Murray in some terrible dramatic movie. And then what I did like about Juno
Starting point is 00:45:58 was that it was just a complete rip of the whole Wes Anderson style of indie pretentious movies. Not pretentious, that's the wrong word, but you get the idea of the same sense anderson style of like indie pretentious movies not pretentious that's the wrong word but you get the idea the same sense of my hatred I don't know I thought it was heartfelt at the end oh when they were singing the song no not that art I don't ruin it for the I guess really pro life Dan McCoy yeah that's that's how it was in it. We're gonna tell the podcast Juno or next I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Can we all just agree that While X-Men 3 was not very good Ellen Page was really good as Kitty pride. Can we agree on that?
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yes, I don't remember her specifically from that movie. I also that movie I didn't like but I didn't think it was as bad as I was It was kind of shitty There's really shitty CGI in that movie. It was like they're like wait a minute We need to release this movie tomorrow. Did you see? Give me a second It's like the joke you made before like when I thought you were saying like, give me a second. Give me a second. It was like the joke you made before.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Like when Jean Grey, you know, like burns people up. She's like, he'll be like, holy shit, she just turned that person into a bunch of pixels. Yep, like, holy fuck, he died in tron. Oh man. Well, there's a degree in a way which I think you can blame a movie for bad CGI, which is that the fact that it's 2008.
Starting point is 00:47:25 And we have technology that produces great CGI. And when there's a movie like you haven't seen, I am legend. But when you watch, I am legend. Which had a budget so big that I don't even think the studio has released it to this date. You know, right now, I don't think you can, sure, you can find it at this point. But as of like the opening week, they didn't want to tell anybody how much it costs. When you see a movie that is that expensive, even if they had to redo all the CGI because the director supposedly wasn't happy with the prosthetic humans it's embarrassing
Starting point is 00:47:51 it's just like you're just like what how is this possible how could you make a movie that it has such shitty CGI and such bad effects you're saying they were actually they started out with from day apparently shot a lot of stuff with people and like the director was like I don't think because they're actors without shoes And he's like they just don't have the same sort of like you know not caring about not wearing shoes that these sort of plague infected What it has so much creepier Yeah, well makes me so much more angry is if you read the fucking book you like oh shit Why under what's the'm saying great editing cock sucking fucking prosthetics at all
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah, it's a fucking weird they're well, I mean I guess it's not a bad little Persecuting you need to give their vampires their vampires in the book. Yeah, they're not like weird like balls Not fucking more like the mummy That is what I hated that the main guy also you're like, and one guy cannot just draw. I had issues with that, again I realize this is- I mean like I guess that this is like a screenwriter thing, we're like, okay, we need one bad guy that you can focus on. We need one guy- It's like a face in AVP.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But it makes me so angry, because it's just like- The scary thing is that there's these horrors of people, there's not like one leader of the I am legend diseased people. Oh, he's like this partist of the I am legend, you know. Yeah. They called him an alpha male. He's like, he's like striping gremlins. But yeah, I would have compared him. I would have preferred if he had a mohawk. That's somehow they were still trimming the three years after the plague That would give me some reason to believe why they're following him
Starting point is 00:49:28 This guy's got a fucking awesome mohaw Didn't they not the dude should have had long hair? Are they giving themselves haircuts minor plentiful? But like you'd be like wait, they've been alive for three years and like the chicks totally bald Maybe put on the plague nice the hairball. I do they can oh were they all balls. I just I was I never saw it. Okay. I haven't seen it Sorry, I don't want to spoil anything for you Stewart, but um Little Smith is legend I'm put off now. What's the joke?
Starting point is 00:50:08 What's the joke? That joke is actually angered us. Yeah, that was... Oh, actually, the miss was a movie that watching it. I kept being like, God, would I enjoy this more? If I was watching this thinking it was a terrible movie. If I went into this expecting to disillusion it. Well, frankly, I thought it was...
Starting point is 00:50:24 I thought it was actually okay. Like I thought I didn't like it. I didn't dislike it. I mean, I have so much affection for the story and it was actually pretty close to it. However, the fucking CGI was like, are you kidding me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I played video games on your CGI. I'll tell you, I was like, the first time that Tentacle? Yeah. I was like, okay, I don't think I can disinterest. So that's what it would be. I'll tell you why. It was terrible. the one thing I like was there was no music It was like this weird moment of like what the fuck is going on these dudes are just like
Starting point is 00:50:52 Wrestling right on the tentacle with no sound effects from music. I thought that seemed almost too intentional It that seems to be a big thing now and movies aside from movies being exceptionally violent and horrible is that a lot of but I think I didn't think it was done that well in the mist. I am legend also has a lot of moments where you'd be like wow typically I think it's directors who were like so you know have something in their head where they're like oh no no it would be the obvious thing to have a good score that would actually you know use music to help move I can't think of words right now I have to pee so badly I'm just focusing on that but that you know but that But that music that would actually add to the emotion
Starting point is 00:51:26 or the mood that we're trying to evoke in the scene. But they're like, no, no, we're not going to do that. That would be what other directors would do. It was done well in no country for all of men, which didn't have that much music. Another ad just jumping back to Juno, the soundtrack, was just so obviously put in like, well, what else should we put on this CD that we're going to sell?
Starting point is 00:51:43 When we sell this soundtrack, let's have her drive and we'll put a song and it has nothing to do with oh my god I don't want to talk about it. I just want to bring back the minstrel second I'll tell you that I liked it for like two big reasons one it wasn't based on a Japanese horror movie and two it wasn't like a PG-13 when a stranger calls or like it was a good old fashioned monster film you know I thought there was a little too much uh what's her face uh crazy Christian crazy lady what's Miller's crossing I can't remember March get hardened and I found the ending of a little disturbing the nihilistic but and unnecessary I thought the little kid in that was also great I thought he
Starting point is 00:52:30 did a great job of crying a lot and having not come out of his nose which is difficult well now we're just having a conversation with kids kids this is no longer like I think that's a radio probably give the positive there's not no more spoiler Spoiler alert, spoiler. There's probably not enough moves, or kids get killed. And these are people who are like, I want to find out about next, but I haven't seen them this. Oh, we should have taken spoiler for this.
Starting point is 00:52:54 I don't think I could really be spoiler. That's my argument for like, it's really not a good move in my opinion. I don't know, maybe I was watching. Frank Leicesser loves next. Didn't like that. I'm fine saying that I was so angry at the end of Juneau. I saw it with a friend and I was like, I'm not going to say anything because I don't want to ruin it for her.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Wait till we get out of the theater. But the credits were still playing. She was like, I think she's talking about the music. She was like, I really like the Moby Peaches. I was like, yeah, you know what I don't like? And I just launched into like 20 different things. And I was storing up for the entire last half of the movie. I have a soft bar.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Because we had Kim Yadasen on Sarah Shaever's obsessed with you once, and she was like a really good guest. So. Yeah, I don't have anything with the music itself. And so, Sarah, I just thought the way it was used in the movie was incredibly pandering. You're all dukes. You hear me out there, if you're listening to this.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Anyone who likes Juno, in the words of Frank Leicester, you're a duke. That's not true, I don't think that necessarily. I'm probably friends with you in fact. There's a very good chance that this is... Ah, probably not. I mean, if they're listening to this podcast, I don't think... Unless you tell them about it. This podcast is run the whole game. So, really heavy about the channel.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And the next... Really mad about Juno. Was there more stuff about next at all? No, no, that... Anything about Nicholas Cage? Because there was the interesting stuff... I'll let you wrap it up. But like, the interesting stuff...
Starting point is 00:54:21 I still think he makes sort of interesting career choices. They're not like the most obvious best things. They don't happen to usually be good movies, but I can understand why you do it. You brought up the Wind Talkers movie that I haven't seen. It's abysmal, dude. Yeah, yeah. But John Woo, and it probably sounded like a good movie. I don't understand. Like John Woo was one of these directors who gets like, I guess a free pass on the basis of a couple movies he made early in his career, but you know, I hear John Woo at this point and I'm like, yeah alright, he made a face off.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I like face off, but he also made like, broken arrow and mission impossible too. This was a win talking to this. It was very much like, broken arrow and maybe just the way it was like shot or something like the cinematography in it. Something about it remind me- I think they're also looking for a nuclear bomb. I was gonna say it's more- I remind me a lot of fucking paycheck but not quite as like anger inducing you know
Starting point is 00:55:20 because I have like something. Yeah. This was better than the page. Again, I would say that you take this movie, take this movie, take out the nuclear plot device, and make it a romantic comedy, you have a great movie, and then you take whatever shitty romantic comedy is there, add the nuclear bomb, and you have a great movie.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I think those are the things that people don't realize. You take like, what I guess that's Jessica Alba, what I didn't see a day in cook movie, but any romantic movie 51st dates and she keeps forgetting where the nuclear bomb is Sure, that's a good one. Alright, that's a good movie. I Now pronounce you chuck in Larry Code on nuclear And the firefighters are called to To put out the fire
Starting point is 00:56:05 to put out the fire on the new bomb. Well, I think that if the audience for this podcast takes anything away from tonight, they should take away that if they go to the video store, intending to rent paycheck, which I think happens a lot. People are like, I really want to see paycheck, you know, put that DVD box down, pick up the box for next. I'd say the same thing about Broken Arrow. If you're in the mood for if you've never seen Broken Arrow watch next instead. So 90% of the movies we've actually mentioned a night you should put those boxes on a pick of next instead. That's a pretty fucking good selling point
Starting point is 00:56:37 even 90%. I think that it says more about the state of the most film. Well, I think Frank needs to pee. Thank you. I heard something about that somewhere. So I think we should wrap it up. I don't know, we're gonna watch next time. I can't see two episodes in the future. I see two minutes of the future and it's me peeing on your mouth. We may watch Good Luck Chat.
Starting point is 00:57:02 There was some discussion about that. I think I would, might. So until then, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm special guest Frank Leicester. Good night. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh It's over. Best CGI weight is this on, because I have this line that I like. The best CGI and I have legend is the clip of Shrek in his show. At the point that is by far the point is CGI.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Also, at one point he just wants your Shrek. And that's like a good minute on the movie. It's very disappointing. Also, at one point he just wants your Shrek. And it's like a good minute of the movie. It's very disappointing.

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