The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #101 - The Last Godfather

Episode Date: May 5, 2012

0:00 - 0:35- Introduction and theme.0:36 - 9:15 - Our guest, Al Madrigal, regales us with tales of what it's like to actually appear in a Flop House-quality film.  9:16 - 49:40 - A discussion of The ...Last Godfather, a Korean comedy star's attempt to conquer the American market. As crossovers go, it's at least as successful as "Rappin' Rodney."49:41 - 51:27 - Final judgements51:28 - 1:02:00 - Al talks Craigslist moviemaking, and the sad bastards recommend. 1:02:01 - 1:04:26 - A plug, goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode, we discussed the only film where Harvey Kitell plays the father of a middle-aged Korean man. The last Godfather. Hey, everyone. Welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. My name is Elliot Kalin. And I'm the house cat. No, no, no, no, that's not true. Is that is that is that I just thought I was feeling in? No, no, no, well, you're feeling in as yourself. Okay. And I'm Al Madrigal. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Stewart's not here, but you know him from the world of comedy and television. You know him from the world of TV and movies and insurance commercials. You know him from the world of podcasts and
Starting point is 00:01:08 Stand up and now you know him from the world of comedy movie podcasts. This one is your Al Madrigal. This one's a Al Madrigal. Hi guys. Thank you for joining us. You're Philly and for Stuart Wellington the usual third Musketeer the Athos to dance, porthos. Okay. And today you're our aromis. And I feel like I didn't think when we were talking about this, oh, was it that? What is he, he's the house cat or is it?
Starting point is 00:01:35 Well, there is a house cat. There's a, you know, the flat house. There's a free floating entity. It's sort of a trickster spirit. Yeah. The Native Americans refer to him as coyote. Yeah. He's, uh, yeah, he's, he's kind of a party dude, who's a cat. He chimes in every now and then the original party animal. Yeah. Other than the other party animals that preceded him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I just really thought I would be able to chime in every now and then. No, no, no, we want you to talk as you as human beings with feelings and opinions about that. And then we'll be watching to talk as you as you as human. I mean, we appreciate being with feelings and opinions about that and words that are not just meow sounds like that. It's a great. You are in raging the fans right now. The fans are so mad. I think the fans will demand that I come back and I see it will no longer be involved with the.
Starting point is 00:02:23 You are thrown down the the flip. The floplet. It was steward ever in a bad movie? Did he read it? No. Oh, that's true. No. The Al was regaling us on our subway right here.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Don't look fun. The glamour on our limo right here. OK. With tales of getting a call the day before shooting. And what was the movie you were in? It was with Christian Slater, lies in illusions with Cuba good in junior and Christian Slater.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Wow, in that order. Oscar winner, actually, I think Christian Slater got top billing. Oscar winner Christian Slater. Yep. And Pulitzer Prize winner, Cuba good in junior. Yeah. There's a Cuba good in junior.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Cuba, I believe he prefers Cuba. Okay. Where I was also and I um the wardrobe every bit of wardrobe in that movie is uh item that Christian Slater refused to wear. And I was saying and um I like the thing that it's like a tutu butterfly wings pajamas. They refused with good reason. He'll fitting dress shirts, uh, maybe like a pastel mint green, no one would ever. Yeah. And then, um, Modress shorts, this doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:03:32 This is in Alaska. I don't get it, guys. It not too far off. We run Spokane Washies in filming. That's where all the best movies are filmed. Oh, yeah. Cause it looks like everywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And Spokane doubles for a lot of places. Uh, we also, uh, they sent me the script in Final Draft and said, go for it. Okay, I think it goes for it. Go for it. Like rewrite it. Please. Like we are fresh out of ideas. We're just going to farm this out to all of you.
Starting point is 00:03:59 We're going to crowdsource this. I'd like to think of Christian Slater now, like hunched over the computer. Like, all right What do we do with this? Okay act three problems? I I Guarantee you that he did not look at the script Until day of do you think he knew he was in a movie or was it like bow finger? Yeah, he knew very well
Starting point is 00:04:20 What he was doing because he pulled me aside and said now this is it let me tell you what we're doing here. This is a cash grab. Gold CG. All right, we're gonna do this and pretend it never happens. Rizzle's better in Christian Slayer. As if this was a crime you were committing somewhere. Sure. No, and really did, I saw him look at his sides at some point and go, all right, let's do it. I was like that
Starting point is 00:04:48 attitude. All right. This is what you guys want to do. Let's go for it. I am 100% more forgiving of like the last 10 years in Christian Slater's career. Now that I've heard this. I think I was also looking at my sides and like did it just going to make my lines splitting. Do my lines and he looked at me like just what don't worry about. And we were really really one of those knowing your lines kind of no I really it isn't improvised movie. That's it and lies in illusions liesusions. And not Clive Barker's Lord of Illusion. No. And T-Bor, the guy who directed you said Man's Keto. He also... He might mention that he meant he'd directed movie kind of Man's Keto, which has seen some of. I've got to...
Starting point is 00:05:38 Well, he said it was some kind of man's... Was that a sci-fi original? I saw it on sci-fi. I think it might be a sci-fi original. No, I think that's not the... Was that a theatrical piece? Man's Keto people. Well, Man's Keto fans write in and correct us. All you skied heads. Ooh, that sounds bad. I mean, you know, like Man's Keto then, of course, had the Vertigo comic series
Starting point is 00:06:02 based off of that movie, you know, and then there were a lot of ancillary properties. Where you going with this? There's the Mansquito radio show. There is. The Mansquito and the Mad Dog. Yeah. Wow. I can not believe I pulled up. Yeah. T-Bore Toccox is the name of the director. It's Australian. Yes. Hungarian, close. And I was in the right continent. And yeah, mosquito, I believe, see, lyson illusions. Some kind of untitled T-bore fall project. Here he is. The gate. Oh, the gate. He made the gate was with that with Johnny Depp. No,
Starting point is 00:06:44 it was the gate. The gates, the one where they played the gate. He made the gate. Was that with Johnny Depp? No, it's the gate. The gates, the one where they played the game. I think the ninth gate. I think the gates, the Canadian movie where they play the heavy metal record backwards and they open up a gate to hell. I don't know that one. Wow. Hell always has gates. You think they have a nice door. Nice door with all histories greatest criminals down there. I mean, a really big door. No, like a big steel door. You gotta have a gate, a reinforced gate. A gate says to me if you're skinny enough
Starting point is 00:07:12 villain, you can't get a gate. You need a portcullis maybe. Some sort of say I'm still I think more like a fan. Here's some of the you know, see often. It's 1996. He directed it one episode of Sabrina the Teenage the teenage which is
Starting point is 00:07:25 hard to do. Just one. Not having. You're not having. He said, don't hard. It's never again. Teabor said everything he needed to say with the character that one episode. Why make a sequel? It's unnecessary. A lot of red, oh, two red shoe diaries. You got two. Now this has nothing to do with the movie we watched tonight. No, this is the movie you may so and working with T-Bore was okay or the guy was willing to send me the entire script and final draft. Yes, it's awesome. Megasnake. I assume that's either a really big snake or a snake lottery of some ice spiders.
Starting point is 00:08:00 He also ice spiders. Mansquito, the black hole. Now what's the relationship between I mean ice spiders ice pirates I assume one rides the other but which which I don't know my babysitters a vampire and then recently he's That spiders 3d That's he's working. I mean all spiders are 3d So that's so that's that's why I think I'm a little bit more qualified. Yeah, then Stewart
Starting point is 00:08:28 Wow, wow Stewart better hope that he makes a bad movie while he's on his vacation Because you're making a pretty strong argument. So and then why is Stewart in Puerto Rico? I don't understand Well, it's a he's just on vacation. Okay, five months after being in Puerto Rico. Yeah, I mean they were just there Less than a half year ago to get married, but they made a pledge to go back every five months No, what's going on in the life? Just drop it. Hey guys. Let's make a pledge if we're still married. Let's meet back here Because they're not gonna see Well, they're busy If we're still married, we'll meet back here.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's a modern career man and career woman. They got to make time for each other. You know how it is. It's hard. That's true. It is hard when you got two working people in a relationship. So now this last godfather that we saw. Oh, yeah, that's the movie we saw tonight.
Starting point is 00:09:20 That's the movie tonight. I was working on this. What's your way to background? Yeah, well, the movie's not nice. It's called the last godfather. And this is a movie song. That's a movie song. I was working on, the movie song, the last godfather. Yeah, well, the movie song, that's called The Last Godfather. And this is a movie you brought to us. I found in LJ, Georgia, at a sort of rest stop gas station grocery store.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I was doing my first field piece for the Daily Show and we pulled over and shot some bad scene that was never used in the field piece I was interviewing the number one Mitt Romney fan and we found Yeah, he was very enthusiastic. John McCutchen if you want to go back at the Daily and look this up This great character that I think we're gonna meet up at meet up with him at the convention That would be awesome. He is the nicest man. He's actually since then but called us while he was taking a dump. Thank us again. Calls. Wait, how do you? I can understand but calling someone with
Starting point is 00:10:12 your like pants are fully up. But when they're down, it seems like he must have dropped it. I'm sure he dropped it. He needed to go. He propelled those pants away from him. Sweet, sweet man. What we found him in LJ, Georgia, when we're shooting some sort of background stuff, I came across a rack, a movie rack, and thinking that you remember that you guys did this podcast,
Starting point is 00:10:40 I was going through it. Now I found the last Godfather that I had heard about and I'll tell you the backstory on it. But I found different versions. I found a $3, $4 version and a $5. So the same movie in three different editions. Yeah, correct. When there was a price to move with a $1 difference for a disc.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And so the question I have is, are they thinking someone's going to see the $5 and be like, that's a little much. And then see the three dollar. And that suddenly seems like a bargain to them. This one is just right. Or do they see the three dollar? And they're like, well, I don't want to see like a cheap skate. I guess I guess I'm going to get the four dollar. The clerk's going to the clerk knows me. I come in here all the time. I'm broke. And I don't want him to think I'm a cheap skate. I don't want to get a three dollar I might as well get the four dollar, but at that point it's just a dollar yeah screw around with his dollar The five dollar make no scratches. I know it where he knows how they come
Starting point is 00:11:40 Three dollars means have barely watchable Okay, for the two dollars, you get a nice clean film. Or maybe the $3 movie at 40 minutes in, it just cuts off. Yeah. And then the text just comes up on screen for more, put in a dollar. Well, we are recording this in Mayday, and I can only assume that the $3 version is for your Occupy Wall Street types and that the three dollar version is for your occupied Wall Street types And that the the five dollar version is for the one percent that's that's their version the last God that is the incoming equality gap right now
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah, yeah, it's two dollars So what the high-end version and Appreciate it. Yeah, we're all lucky to have yeah Crystal clear picture and sound. Yeah. Really the way the movie was met to be seen, which is ironic since the movie was not met to be seen. No.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Really was. But with some name actors in the movie. This is a movie that we should say. This is a film written directed in starring by a man named, uh, young Ray Shim, who is one of the top comedy stars in and science fiction stars in South Korea. He actually was the star of a long-running children science fiction film series in the 80s. There's like at least eight installments of it. And he directed a previous flop house entry, D-Wars Dragon Wars.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah, D-Wars colon dragon wars. Or either that, it was, it was called dragon wars colon D wars. I can't remember which, but he directed that. And so this is he is a big wheel in the South Korean film industry. So big that he tried to make this last Godfather's foray into the American market cross over hit. Sure. This is also this is a movie that in Korea is called the dumb mafia. So we'll get accurate. So he but who are some of the big name stars that he has in this? Some surprisingly big name stars. Harvey can tell. Harvey the kite kite.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And as Christian Slater would put it doing a little crash grab action. And you can tell that his heart is not exactly in this role. He has a crying scene that is. Yeah, he sort of shakes his shoulders. He finds indicates also Cohen brother's favorite John Polito. Kevin Smith favorite Jason Muse. Using this. What's her name from the lead actress from House of the Devil is the romantic lead in this.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And when we tell you a little about the movie, you'll be surprised there is a romantic lead in this film. And jump a net. They're very funny Canadian comedian playing the large gentleman. Yeah. You know, right? There's a lot of stuff. A classic bit.
Starting point is 00:14:20 You go now at the Chinese buffet. Do you know? No, I don't know. Yeah, it's great. That's his story. You go now at the Chinese buffet. Do you know? No way. Yeah, it's great. That's his. Oh, yeah. No, I think that I think that from the days of Comedy Central, when it was just clips of stand-up, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I was wrecking my brain. I looked at the IMDB and I was like, I don't wreck. I know I recognize this guy. I just seem to do a stand-up on TV, but I don't know what I've seen him from. And now like I'm dead. Yeah, it's from classic bits. It's when comedy central is giving out those half hour comedy specials in 1992, 93,
Starting point is 00:14:51 that made like Gabriel Glazes and Mitch Hedberg and Nick Swartz and sort of famous, John Pannette had one as well. And his bits that everyone just, you know, him and the Chinese buffet eating everything. And then, yeah. Yeah. You go now. Yeah. Yeah. He went to Chinese buffet eating everything and then yeah, no Yeah, no Yeah, and then her baby village as as the Batman
Starting point is 00:15:10 What you what? Yeah, I am the Batman Those are his two bits of mine He's just kind of laying a fat bumly gangster. Yeah, yeah, yeah, great job. He didn't do it So here's the here. So as we said young Rayshim stars writes directs. It's a tour de force. He's a real a tour in the world of the last gangster, the last godfather. I keep wanting to call it the last gangster, which is an Edward G Robinson movie from the 40s. Totally different movie. Yeah, in that there is less there's about a hundred percent less Korean man child romance in that
Starting point is 00:15:47 And so the last Godfather should I just mention the plot right? Yeah, you should just run through it quick Harvey Kitell is a gangster where brought we're introduced to the fact that we're in the past in New York by some film footage of the old Lowery side, littlely stock footage in black and white. I thought it was the 30s, then about 40, 30 minutes since the movie someone's watching a television. So I was like, oh, I guess this is the 50s. That's a little different.
Starting point is 00:16:15 But Harvey Kitell is an aging mobster. He's tired of being the head of the family. And his right hand man assumes that he's gonna become, he's right, he's gonna be named as the next boss. But it turns out Harvey Kytel has a son. And he wants his son to be the boss. Son no one knew about. Yeah, nobody except I guess Harvey Kytel
Starting point is 00:16:37 who just stuck him in an orphanage for a number of years to protect him, I think. Oh, you have to take it from his enemies. That's right. He went, he was on the right high top. Yeah, it's like Spider-Man, you know. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:47 It's too much responsibility. The villains are going to always strike out the ones that he loves the most. Yeah, that's why he's the masked mobster. Yeah. So it turns out years ago when he was a young man, he was on the run from a mob war and went to Korea and their fell in love and had a son of a Korean woman. Now, it's time for that Korean son to come back and take over the family. The centers are hero who is kind of like,
Starting point is 00:17:14 how do you describe? He's like, if Harpo Marx was really not charismatic or like if Forest Gump was about 10 times dumber, Harpo Marx were like 20 years older and Korean and maybe like not just like like an amp, but mentally deficient. He seems like he is part of the word retarded sort of like a Roberto Benini is Pinocchio kind of character. And he is bad at everything.
Starting point is 00:17:44 He doesn't really understand English, but he says it. He'll repeat English phrases. He's just like your classic like clumsy innocent. But to the point where and he is too old to be playing this type of character.
Starting point is 00:17:55 We saw on his IMDB. He's born in 1958. It playing Harvey Kitell's son who is born in 1939. Young Ray Shim clearly lies on his IMDB playing Harvey Kitell's son who is born in 1939. Young Ray Shim clearly lies on his IMD image because he looks approximately the same age. They really do. If anything, it looks like Harvey Kitell is his son,
Starting point is 00:18:16 but maybe that's overstating him. But he is, and he's just like this, it seems like it is a guy who, one of these, like someone who should be in a home, you know, in a place where he has a nurse watching him at all times. We can't harm him himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Sure, but this character, young goo, that he plays. That's the character name is young goo. This character, he's played in many movies apparently. That's right. Like this is a character that he does. It's like his Mr. Bean, I guess, where like his-
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's a little tramp. It's a little tramp. He's in different adventures. And one of the movies that you mentioned on his IMDv page is Young Goomeets Count Dracula. Yes, I want to see so badly now. Because this is a comedy, but it's a comedy that at times you're watching it
Starting point is 00:19:01 and you're like, like, is this a prank? Like, is this? it feels like this is, like, it went Tim and Eric's movie should have been this, like this bizarre gangster comedy that stars this person who cannot speak English that well in the movie at least. And is playing this really mentally challenged character for laughs. And Harvey Kitell has to take it seriously within the world of the movie. Sure. And then so the, um, here he is right away when Harvey Kitell explains this and then he's
Starting point is 00:19:33 here he is now in this cab drops. The none. So we see end up seeing later the whole thing, the premise is that this orphanage in Korea is relocating to the United States, which never happened. They have no money. These orphans. It's just moved the whole thing. I guess I was built on an ancient Indian barrel ground before, so they got to move the orphanage.
Starting point is 00:19:58 None's got a really great business offer in New York. While we got to move the orphans, look, we've got to take advantage of this. They have four orphanages in New York, they're well, we got to move the orphans. Look, we've got to take a break. Four orphanages in New York now. So, young goose gets dropped off and says here. And then to thank the nun, Harvey, try to help, presents her the fur coat and a bottle of Keonti. Because he's Italian. And, and, and young goose is overjoyed to his father. The other mobsters are like, this is kind of weird. Cut to the next scene is a they're all eating together and young who is just tearing through watermelon like crazy. And it's everything he does is so physically exaggerated to the point where it looks like he's in pain when he's doing comedy. But anyway, to make a long story short, there's another
Starting point is 00:20:39 family, the arch nemesis family headed by John Toledo and Jason Muses, his right hand man, I guess, but he's kind of a bad guy. So remake it Miller's crossing is what you're saying. Pretty much to warring mafia families, one of them headed by John Toledo. And John Toledo's daughter is an innocent. She works with the orphans at the orphanage, even though the orphanage just moved there. She works with the orphans at the orphanage, even though the orphanage just moved there. And long story short, they try to make young goo into a mobster. At first, it looks like he's not going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 He's a big embarrassment. He can't fight. He can't do anything correctly. At one point, he's in a park and there's a push cart where someone's selling lingerie and he just starts putting woman's bloomers on. It doesn't make any sense why he's doing these things. But then, so he decides they try to teach him how to run a protection racket. They try to teach him how to torture a guy. They try to teach him like this is by the way, this is the hero of the movie, the child like innocent and
Starting point is 00:21:37 the movie is supposed to make you like wish like, oh, young goo, you got to learn how to be a mobster. Come on. Shoot the guy, young goo. Come on. It's not like these are good mobsters. There's something like that. Like they have a protection racket. He's supposed to shoot a guy at one point, but things aren't working out. Even though he really takes well to torturing someone with ice. Yeah, I don't think so. They cut the scene leading up to that and they must have because all of a sudden, inexplicably, the young goo and Jompinet are just sliding a guy back and forth on the large,
Starting point is 00:22:07 a large block of ice. Christmas carols. And young goo's shoveling ice cubes into his underpants. And put a guy's underpants. It's a good idea. But it seemed like an effective method of torture.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, he did not like it. That's who would. And who has a flare for sadism. Yeah, flare for pain. it. That's who would. And who has a flare for a sadism. Yeah, flare for pain. Yeah. Uh, he's like a child, but uh, young who falls in love with the daughter of the opposite guy, things are not looking good for him. It looks like he's, he's not cut out for this mob life. Then he snaps and he just walks through town, walking into businesses and saying, you give me money. I'm off. Yeah. I'm off. Yeah. And then fixing their businesses and saying, you give me money. I'm mafia. I'm mafia. And then fixing their businesses.
Starting point is 00:22:47 He, he tortures a woman with hair sprayed to the point that she suddenly has a beehive hairdo that she loves. She, he goes into a, a dress store and tears the woman's dress so that it becomes a mini skirt. The woman loves it. He walks into a hamburger, like a diner,
Starting point is 00:23:02 where we see a customer take one bite out of a hamburger and then put it down and walk out. Yeah. And by the, and there's also like a pile of hamburger. This is happens with every customer. And young who walks in and to make his point slams a hamburger patty down, slams a second patty on it, then adds, you know, lettuce pickles, whatever. Special sauce. Special sauce. Sesame seed bun. He's invented the Big Mac. So in this, this is the most brilliant section of the movie where a young
Starting point is 00:23:30 go in his anger and attempt to become a mafia man, invents the beehive hairdo, the mini skirt, and the Big Mac. Young go is the father of the modern age. And he has made everyone so happy that ends the neighborhood is so and economically. I made us happy. I think at that point, we really did start like. Turn around. We really fell into the spell of the film. At that point, but the point we realized that this movie makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And, and we're just supposed to accept that young who is a bad guy who causes good things to happen through evil, that, uh, that anyway, so the neighborhood is economically revitalized to the point that young who is a hero, when he and his father walk through town, people just press things into their hands. Food, wine, just. And there's a woman waiting for him and extra standing. He's down the block. There's an extra already out set with marinara sauce just ready to hand him. It's good. It's well directed. Yes. Is what you're saying? Everything's natural. Young reshim.
Starting point is 00:24:29 A tour. Korea's master. Let's just call him Korea's Steven Spielberg. Yeah. It's all, we know it's true. After that, there's a lot of gangster double crossing. Jason Mews. Jason Mews wants to sell out his boss.
Starting point is 00:24:46 He tries to make a deal with the lieutenant with Harvey Kitell's lieutenant who you think might take him up on it. He thought he was going to get this big job. And now he's been passed over in favor of let's face it, a retarded guy. And then he, but he says no, he has loyalty and young and young, young goo saves him, rescues him from being kidnapped. Everyone's friends, young goo has a fantastic day out with John Pledo's daughter that, what do they do?
Starting point is 00:25:19 They just kind of wander around. You know, montage stuff ice cream ice cream. He goes to remove a B that's on her shoulder in a way that makes it look like they're having sex. You wouldn't kill a fly. And it turns out it was a B. Yeah. Yeah. And at the end, she said, oh, you really wouldn't kill a fly. Like you know, that was a fly. So they end up. It looks like that was the big problem. Yeah, she said fly. The girl should have fired. Yeah, this would this was a lady's in the jury. Till that moment, I wait to believe this is supposed to be some sort of striped fly, but they're being followed by Jason Mews and his little gang and his brother.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Uh, and a he, um, they see young goo all over Nancy. Yeah, Nancy is the daughter in a way that makes it look like he's just right in broad daylight in the front seat of the car just going at her and if this happens for about a second and then the guy one of the guys goes that stamina like it makes you wonder what this guy's home life is like. He can barely keep it up for like a second, you know. Yeah. Two, two seconds of dry-humping, and that, that, that's it. Apparently, that's stamina, guys.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Am I right? What? No. It's the 50s. Uh, but I wonder what it was like for the actress playing Nancy to have to play these romantic scenes with this bizarre character who's being played by a South Korean man who says he's in his 50s, but is possibly older and who is also directing the scene.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And it's just that romance between them is so completely. I mean, at this point with as an actor, are you thinking you're making a film that's only going to be seen in Korea? So it's like one of the things I'm going to be this spokesperson has been afloek. But in English, like, we got some, you know, Japanese clone. Yeah, I think so. They're just, I just don't understand. I think they did get actors that everybody needs to work. Yeah. And we get this job as a job. A job as a job. And you just sort of take the money and bank out with a Korean.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. I think it really pump a young girl. She's the Hollywood adage. Yeah, she's going through the script and when I read exterior car, Nancy is pumped by young girl. I didn't quite hit me physically. What was going to happen in the scene? So okay, there's double crossing, triple crossing. Jason Muses on a rampage.
Starting point is 00:27:45 He arranges it so it looks like Harvey Kitell kidnap Nancy leading to a both sides of the mafia battle war. I'm like a face off. Face on the same street. Tommy guns everywhere. Harvey Kitell and John Pledo start to talk, say, maybe this isn't the right thing to do, but young who guess is gun goes off. Gun goes off. Suddenly it is an all out shooting more and people are dying.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah. This is not an comedy shoot comedy. Like at least 20 people get shot today. And just in the street and it's not like boy, it's not like one of those movies earlier in the movie, a bomb went off prematurely and the guys that were in the explosion, they just have tattered clothes and like, so it all over their faces, like it's cartoon. But here people are getting shot and falling off of fire escapes, like they're dying on their scouts. Blake Clark, who's the cop who you may have seen in Adam Sandler uses them a lot because he's an old standup comic. All right. It's just showing up periodically just to the point.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I think at the second appearance, you forgot he was in the movie all together. Like the police chief or something or he's just a cop. And he'll at first you're like, okay, the cops are going to get there's going to be trouble when the cops try to catch young goo. No, they're just show up every now and then and have his car gets blown up or like they run away from something or. Yeah, at the end, they show up for one last time and all the mafia, you know, cock their guns and they run away.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And that's the last we see the cops. I think they're trying to establish this is a city without law. This is this is what happens without a firm hands to keep the criminal element in check. But the other thing about like all these people dying at the end of this movie is like, this is not a dark comedy. Like if this was like, the tonally, this should be a dark comedy. You know, you could, I would laugh if like the hero accidentally
Starting point is 00:29:35 sets off a blood bath and then like, okay, this is the shocks me into laughter. Now this is like a goofy comedy with like, you say, boring sound effects and stuff. And then at the end, it's like, well, okay, this guy caused everyone to die. after it. Now this is like a goofy comedy with like sure, you say boring sound effects and stuff. And then at the end it's like, well, okay, this guy caused everyone to die. He killed everyone and younger was
Starting point is 00:29:52 just left standing. Yeah, that would be a he's the last gun father. But now he doesn't kill everybody. I get it. He saves Harvey can I tell his life? Thus showing Harvey can I tell the error of his ways in having a gun fight. They call an end to the gun fight. Nancy shows up. She's, she's been saved. And Harvey
Starting point is 00:30:11 Kai telling John pleaded, we're like, we shouldn't, you're right. We shouldn't fight each other. We should work together like real mobsters do. And Jason Mew's is mad at young goo and challenges him to a, to a duel, I guess, like a face off, except there's five feet away. Just. They're so close to each other. There's no way either one can miss when they shoot. And Jason Mews, for it feels like about 30 minutes, twirls is going on his fingers.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I don't I still don't understand what that was. They did. It's not he clearly is not practice this either. Like he can twirl his gun on a finger as well as I would say any the three of us I mean not as well as young who cuz young good tries and he can't do it. Yeah, the it's like you and me. We're gonna shoot each other Okay, let me do some gun tricks first and then young who tries to do the gun trick and shoves the gun right into his fly So that's a classic young guru by the way. A lot of bits in this movie that's classic young
Starting point is 00:31:08 guru. He tries to pick up his hat but he keeps kicking it by accident. Yeah. He does a little dance and then he falls over a trash can. It's a movie built around settings where like so they go in there in the wait room at one point. Yeah, wait room. There's self-defense class. The Brzeer stand is classic. Young. Yeah. Yeah. Young is the, this is my breakout movie. I'm doing all my classes. This is time for the hit. The best of young. Go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 So they, but then he says, okay, on the count of five, we're going to shoot each other. Okay. So on the count of five and young. Go shoot 70 goes, ah, what did you do that for? You said five. You say five. I said count of five. Bang. Shoot again. Why did you do that? You say five. I said count of five. No, it's him five. A third time. And that's the end of the gun fight. And Jason Musa has the best line of the whole movie, which is he's just lost everything. Everyone knows he betrayed his godfather. He's probably going to get killed.
Starting point is 00:32:08 He's just been shot a couple of times by a young goo and he goes, oh, he's so stupid. It's like in that point. He's a statement. The movie is like, yeah, if you didn't get it by now, we're just going to say it. Young goo is stupid. Just in case there's anyone in the audience, look, we got to wrap this movie. Yeah. Just in case anyone is, did not get the point. Let's just stop being subtle. Okay. And everyone's happy. Younger is going to be the new godfather. The two crime bosses are going
Starting point is 00:32:37 to divide up the city between them and be the lords of vice in the, in New York. You take the judges. I'll take the war. You take their divided literally are dividing at the final party. Yeah. And they've, but also as part of this, they've signed over their personal assets to young who which makes no sense. And young who takes all that money and gives it to the orphanage. And then he and Nancy dry off. And it is so wealthy. They have relocated. So career. They are an international global orphanage, but they don't have any money. But then I also like, I love the last line of the movie,
Starting point is 00:33:10 which is something like, you're like, oh, we're happy now. But not until my dad catches us. There's something like that. Then he goes, my mom, my dad catches us. And because that's the sound of putting your finger across your throat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And it's like, oh, young goo, you're gonna get killed. But we didn't mention there's a lot of upsetting scenes in this. Oh, no, we can circle back now. Okay. But this is a movie that like we you, you left the DVD case out on my desk with a note saying, you know, found this in a gas station. Enjoy. And from the cover, I was like, this is going to be a stupid comedy. But I had no idea what I'd like transcendently stupid comedy it was gonna be in terms of like like at times it felt like the movie was playing this triple game of like, okay, this is a really shitty comedy, but we know it's a shitty comedy and we're doing it on purpose, but maybe we don't
Starting point is 00:34:01 what we are, but it's possible we don't, but we do. But like it's, I couldn't tell at any given point what anyone was thinking when they were making this. That one point where young goo is drinking away his troubles and the, yeah, he's at a whorehouse. At a whorehouse. And really he starts with, you know, two or three beers and then in
Starting point is 00:34:28 Couple cuts where it's what 40 beers The bar is covered in beer bottles like all lined up like it's ridiculous No less than 40 beer definitely no less than 40. Yeah, so he goes over and we think he's gonna vomit But Jason Mews and his brother pop up over and we think he's going to vomit, but Jason Mews and his brother pop up from behind a chair. And then sneak out right behind Younggoo. They're following him. Younggoo rounds a corner. Now we're an exterior shot. And they say, there he goes. As if they were waiting for him and not in the building with it. You see inches behind him sneaking out behind him. They're also, they're gonna inject him with a poison and young,
Starting point is 00:35:16 they're maybe a foot behind young who talking normal conversational tones. Okay, jab him with this and if you put all of it in, he's gonna die. And there are extras walking around like just going about their day coming home from work, I guess. Well, he's closing out to Presier Stan. Yeah, and it's like nobody bats an eye at two men with a syringin' their hands, talking about how they're gonna kill a guy who's right in front of them.
Starting point is 00:35:39 But also when the guy is about to kill him, like every time he does it, he does the biggest wind up before like putting it. Like, and then he stopped because young goof course looks around, but it's as if someone, if someone today was doing a parody of an Appetite and Costello routine, they would do that. They would do like, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it right now. We just another one. Whoa! Okay, I just scratching my ear, nothing on here, right? Just still cake and I put it right in.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It is, these are not good gangsters. They're not good at what they do. But I would mention, there's something about young who is the lovable hero. And in the course of this movie, we see him bully three shop owners with violence. He steals pennies from children. That's true.
Starting point is 00:36:23 He threatens them with a gun. He tortures a man with a block of ice. He hits, I don't know how many people with a baseball bat in the head and also lifts up a... Maybe the worst choreographed scene of all time. This baseball lowest. Yeah, just nothing. They couldn't do anything to speed it up. They didn't rehearse. Everything is like one take in this film.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I think that take goes on a long time. There's this is a scene where he's being he's supposed to be taught self-defense. So they're gonna go at him with baseball bats and he's gonna defend himself and yeah, they just end up hitting each other with baseball bats for a long time. Oh, I thought you were talking about the scene where he say young goose saves. Oh, yeah He hits a lot of people with baseball bats in that one too. Yeah. I want to know. It's another one. Yeah, where it's like everyone's moving slow. It's like the whole thing was shot underwater. Like there's no, there's no urgency. Where's the urgency, young goose? One thing I like about this movie is most
Starting point is 00:37:18 comedies have like that, you know, logic. Well, most, some sense, sort of what I'm going, going with this, like most comedies have some thin pretext for their comedy set piece. This movie takes away any motivation for for like a comedy thing happening. Like when he's in the park, there's a scene, you know, where young goose sitting in the park and he looks over and oh, there's a bazaar cart in the park. There's a there's aazaar cart in the park. There's a, for some reason in the park, there's a cart selling ladies undergarments, which he goes over and he's like, ooh, looking at the... He's holding up the cups.
Starting point is 00:37:53 He's like, yeah, I'm like, as if there might be a boob hidden in one. And then he finds a big bra. And then one point goes, aw, to be. And then he takes some under like blumers or something. Yeah, blumers and he just puts them on. And there's no reason that he would do that. Line A's curious.
Starting point is 00:38:12 He's the eternal child. It's going to make a funny fight scene. Yeah. And then he saves Nancy from a kid now. When he asks fight, he does not have his full range of motion because he has bloomers half on a half. He also has a secret weapon which I have to assume is a young who trademark, which is that his shoes smell bad. And so he knocks people out with the smelly shoes.
Starting point is 00:38:32 He wakes people up with the smelly shoes. Yeah, they take life. He said they give life. Isn't the lickser. He, uh, super power. He's, he's the shoes. And he never really makes great use of them. But those smelly shoes shoes they're in there. He does a lot of, he just does dumb stuff. He's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So stupid. He even has the thing, it doesn't have to think where he's at a party and he falls asleep in dreams of dancing with Nancy. And when he wakes up, he's hugging the, like an ice bucket, like the champagne, uh, Uh yeah champagne holder. Yeah it is like oh boy. Ellie you were quite taken with just the way he walked in one scene. Just seeing where he just goes to answer the phone and he just got this big grin on his face and he's just gently walking up the phone swinging his arms back and forth like a cartoon mouse or something. Like, these things, he is a fucking cartoon. And my 12-year-old shorts with great big buttons on that point. But written by young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young,
Starting point is 00:39:36 young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, young, up there on screen. It's all up there. Yeah. But I mean, budget for something like this. I have just some $400, $500 million.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I think six to between six and 10 years. I can see that. Yeah. I think, I mean, I assume it was funded with, with Korean money that he could go to the people who usually make his movies. But Lionsgate did the distribution as that. Yeah. They did appear to only have one city block that they can work
Starting point is 00:40:05 with but that was a big that was a big set like they had yeah that's it Fox I think they're using Fox or Universal for that is that we have you been have you seen those sets yeah there's one big there's a big New York street at Fox I'm pretty sure that was Fox was that is there a is that a painted background they had a lot of just obviously painted backgrounds. It looked like a this concade. Uh, it was it was I've never seen because usually they put them so far in the distance that maybe this is like a stage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Like these were just flats. It really did look like it was some scenes were done on the stage. But it was like a cheap looking, expensive looking movie or an expensive looking cheap movie. You know, I mean, the way it was lit at some points. I mean, they were outside and how bright the actors were during the tomato scene. Oh, the famous tomato scene. Well, the thing is like Harvey Kitell's character is so much supposed to be Don Corleone, obviously. Like he dresses like him, he has office looks like it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And so like, well, the godfather has seen where he's in a garden, so we're going to have to put him in a garden. So they're just like a container garden. They actually got, they rented this house with grounds and I feel like they shot for two weeks and they spent six million bucks and maybe three million went to the actors because I got a, yeah, to get Kitell. That's going to cost money. Yeah, I think he gets this offer and it's for a million bucks or seven hundred fifty because he needs that name to sell this.
Starting point is 00:41:45 This is going to be, but I mean, maybe everybody else, I'm, I'm sure you were for lies and illusions. I was paid $5,000. And that's for how many weeks work? I did. I worked for three weeks and I flew back and forth from LA to Spokane. So even, is that even like actors' guild scale?
Starting point is 00:42:06 I mean, what is it? No, this is a non-union job. This is a... Oh, yeah, this is a scape job. Yeah, scape job. They paid him in actually not even in cash. They paid him in cash. They paid...
Starting point is 00:42:16 Well, that's disgusting. Just a briefcase full of scams. They paid him in gift certificates. That's how off the books it was. And I had to think that Christian Slater was making a million bucks or at least $500,000. It's for all the money's going. I know their budget for that was, I think it was about $4 million. And we, I mean, they had a crew.
Starting point is 00:42:41 It looked, they definitely were on some sort of lot shooting. There's and Yeah, locations aren't cheap. This looked like I mean, it didn't look like an amateurish film This one it looked like a poorly made film, but like by professionals, you know, and for you're saying for two weeks It was the number one movie in Korea actually. Yeah, for this was the number one movie in South Korea for two weeks Let me look at let me pull up my my let me pull up my last Godfather facts here. To do I though there, I think like I said, I think it's known as dumb mafia. It's logging into his last Godfather app on the phone first two weeks of 2011.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So the weekend of January 2nd, the weekend of January 9th of last year, number one movie at the box office. This is other movies that were number one of the box office. So mega mind. Number one of the box office in Korea for one week. Wow. Two weeks of the last Godfather, then one week of mega mind, three weeks of something called detective K, uh, battle Los Angeles number one for two weeks, King speech, number one for one week. King speech number one for one week. Last Godfather's hold on the Korean box office was better. Was longer than King's mind, Thor, mega mind, fast five.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Of course, then there's Kung Fu pantatoo, which is number one for four weeks. And is there a bigger than like box office mojo type of thing and figure out what they did in terms of money on this. Well, it says admissions.
Starting point is 00:44:08 So I don't know if that's money or if it's ticket numbers. But you know, this was not, this didn't, this, this was not, you know, it's direct to video in South Korea. This was a big hit. But I assume it's because that young who named people, who's the new chapter in the end. But I assume it's because that young who name will and people lose the new chapter in the answer when I got from the producers on this License illusion things that that it's all about the foreign box office and so when you name Down to the name of our movie movie
Starting point is 00:44:35 They were very clever about that because they want to pick things that people I can Identify with and that'll translate well and my brother was on a plane coming home from Mexico and was watching a guy watch Lyson Illusions in Spanish on his laptop. And he said this guy, and in my brother, you know, in Spanish, he goes, what do you think about that movie?
Starting point is 00:44:58 Oh, it's very good. I love this movie. This is a good movie. So their standards are so low in other countries that something like lies and illusions is gonna make money. Yeah. And the end is gonna be funny.
Starting point is 00:45:12 There's some movie, I remember reading about some movie that I think Jessica Simpson was in that was released like two years later on DVD here, but I think it was number one of the box office in like Belarus for a couple weeks. Like yeah, the standards in other countries are super low, which is crazy when you consider how low American standards are for number one box office movies.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Like a lot of shitty movies become number one of the box office. But in other countries, they're like, oh, beautiful, masterpiece. Oh, delicious. Have you seen Fast Five? I have not seen Fast Five. Oh, that should be one on your list for sure. Is it not? It's too much production value.
Starting point is 00:45:47 No, I mean, that's what we can do. We do plenty of big movies. Oh, it's horrible. Yeah, it really is bad. The better or worse than the last Godfather. Oh, kickmon. It's not fair. Because the last Godfather's so amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I don't know how this didn't, the only reason this didn't get nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards is because it's not a foreign line. No, I. Now I didn't mention the reason the Roberto Benini of South Korea. South Korea. The reason why I know about this movie is from a friend of mine Ken Seagull who was the sound guy on TV show I did with Rock Hill Welch and Jeffrey Chamwork called Welcome to the Captain. I Stewart it was Stewart on that. No. No. And Stewart has his part of were feeling pilots than you do. Yes, I was I've been in before going to the daily show.
Starting point is 00:46:32 A couple series that didn't make it past a year. And Ken Seagal was the sound guy and two of those. Welcome to the captain. This last one I did with Hank Azaria called free Agents, but while I'm on Free Agents, they're getting wiped up. Ken is like, I've got this movie. You can't. I know you're about to go to work.
Starting point is 00:46:54 But you're young who here. Let me set the whole thing up. It says, Young Goo. Let me give you the story so far. So, Young Goo. So, you give me confused. This is his love interest. This is the daughter from the story so far. So, Young Goo. So, you give me confused. This is his love interest. This is the daughter from the rival mob boss.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah. They're going to an orphanage and watch Young Goo hand out women's clothing to the boys. That's right. There's a scene where they, they, because she, she's a charity person. She goes to the orphanage and he goes with her and he's got a box that just says like orphan donations on it or something like that and he's handing out high heeled shoes, address to the boys and runs out of toys so he starts giving his clothing to the kids including the famous smelly shoes
Starting point is 00:47:36 which means you're then gifted with the image of uh, uh, young goo in just boxers and a bow tie like we're trying to cover himself with balloons because he's bashful and Giving a coy look as he puts a healing balloon in front of his crotch and Nancy's reaction This is like oh, oh young you you're adorable daddy. He's sweet That's the thing I don't want you hanging around with that Korean boy It's a good polito. Oh, thanks. He was in my voiceover agency. I don't want you hanging around with that Korean boy. It's a good Palito. Oh, thanks. He was in my voiceover agency. I used to see it all the time. Oh, really? Yeah. I don't. He lost a lot of weight at one point. Yeah, you know what? He would bring... I think he'd bring his
Starting point is 00:48:19 somewhere you bring a kid in to the way we to lead a Palito? Toledo, Toledo. That's right. A Toledo. See right here, don't make any noise. I'm going to go do a couple spots. Okay, dad. That's what the higher fish really was. I'm okay, dad. That's right, Toledo.
Starting point is 00:48:42 That's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really. The lead really is stuff. No, that's the Toledo. So, um, yeah, he, uh, he can recommend it this one. Well, you see, just, uh, this is dedicated to Ken Seagull. Ken Seagull, it turns out sound, uh, guy in Resward Dogs. Um, we just looked at it. Melk, I know we did Malcolm in the middle. He did, uh, the entire we did Malcolm in the middle. He did the tire run of Malcolm in the middle
Starting point is 00:49:06 But I love you man and just recently the five year engagement Oh, so you this is a guy who knows so this is not like those movies He's not some just some guy from nowhere No, can you know who found a place in his professional heart? And I'm gonna send this to keep can be so happy We're doing this. Yeah, you're spreading the gospel of the last Godfather. Um, young Raysham. And the genius that is young Raysham, who is very celebrated in South Korea. But I don't know where we're running out. We should close the book on this. We, uh, we usually close, uh, the bad movie discussion part by saying,
Starting point is 00:49:43 if our final judgments saying whether this is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie or a movie we actually kind of liked, and we just go around the horn, Elliot, what do you say? Good bad movie, I gotta say. And to the point that I kind of liked it, because I could not understand what was, like it baffled me so much, but there's something about just taking a very
Starting point is 00:50:03 wrote, like very wrote stupid comedy and dropping in a character who is totally just baffling and and extreme and I don't know what anyone was thinking that I enjoyed it actually. I thought it was gonna be a bad bad movie and I was thinking bad bad movie right up into the scene where, and I think this was a turning point for all of us when young goo changed the world. What he brought about the modern age. Yeah. Yeah, I know I agree. This is like suddenly became an episode of Mad Men.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah. This is a good bad movie. This is a movie that like, yeah, I straddle line almost between kind of like he is too because they're seeing where it's bust out like such corny old comedy. He's throwing material from like Buster Keat. Yeah. And he doesn't do it well per se, but the fact that he's trying it all, I just really appreciate it. It helps that I've never seen this guy in anything before. So I have to assume he's
Starting point is 00:51:05 exactly like the character all the time. And he's just not even a character like he's just bumble as a way to. Just bumble this way to incredible success in the Korean film industry. All right. Well, we're gonna we're gonna skip over the mailbag for a week and just go quickly. Wow. All the house cats cousin. just go uh quickly. Oh the house gets cousin. Uh we're gonna quickly go to the uh recommendations movies that we saw recently or maybe not so recently that we liked and would recommend in lieu of watching a bad movie. I got to be kind of want to recommend the last Godfather's pretty good. So, uh, quickly, if we have things, Ali, do you have something you want to recommend? Sure. I'll recommend, uh, speaking of bad movies, this is not a bad movie, but it's about
Starting point is 00:51:55 bad movies. It's, uh, which is, there's a documentary that Dan and I both watch recently, actually, uh, that's on Netflix streaming at the moment called Papa Topolis, which is about the director Jim Wynarski, who if Roger Corman is the king of B-movies, then Jim Wynarski is like a grand duke, or maybe like a prince. He's directed a ton of really crappy or varying levels of crappy exploitation in B-movies over the years. I mean, he did direct chopping mall, which is pretty great. Chopping mall, which is, yeah, which is a classic of V movies. He directed the Swamp Thing
Starting point is 00:52:27 sequel. He directed a number of movies that are now shown late at night on cinematics. And this is what this movie is about, which is he is, he wants to make a movie in three days. This is this movie called The Witches of Breastwick, which is a soft core porn film. And he says, seen it. Well, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't seen that movie before. I saw this one. But he, his goal is to make it in three days. And he and the actors are going to live at a cabin together. The same cabin, they're going to shoot the movie in and they're going to shoot the film finish all shooting in three days. And then he's going to sell this movie to cable and it's kind of about
Starting point is 00:53:07 The compromises he has to make now in terms of working faster and cheaper than he ever did before and more sex-based To get his movie sold and to make them and kind of the demise of the B movie industry where you don't have this world now where You can do kind of a low-budget movie with maybe a slumming star and expect it to play in theaters and make a little bit of money back or make a lot of money back. Now you basically have a huge movie of like, you know, like $5 million or $10 million or up to $200 or you have these tiny, tiny budget movies for like $100,000 that are more and more just pornography. And it's a really interesting movie and there's some, just some interesting
Starting point is 00:53:51 scenes in it about people shooting a movie in very close quarters in a very quick schedule. And there's a lot of women in it with big boobs because the movie they're making has a ton of big, big women. That's Wynske's trademark now is just women with big boobs. And he says in the movie, he says, this is my two things in the movie, a big chase and a big chest. And this movie that they're making does not have a chase in it. So I think they think he goes over down the chest. It's exactly double D on the chest.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I'm not sure, you know, it's gonna be a while, for me to come, the wow for this to happen. For me to come on and it takes Stewart to go to Puerto Rico Two stories out the ported Real quick on that plane Two tickets showed up at his door he opened up his mail put a rico. Hey honey because my own Puerto Rico, like honey,
Starting point is 00:54:42 you love Puerto Rico. Do you enter the Madrigal Sweet Sakes? What is this? So me and my wife, be not be moved, but my wife on our first date, I knew I was gonna marry her because I said,
Starting point is 00:54:57 who was your, she said, who's your favorite actor? I said, who's your favorite actor? And she said Bruce Campbell. Nice. So, we was gonna marry this woman woman and I really did know
Starting point is 00:55:06 at that moment. And then I had another one. I'm sorry, I got so... I assume the other story is about you masturbating to which is a breast wig. No, but it is. Thank you for reminding me that I see which is a breast wig and I had an affair with yeah the blonde witch I
Starting point is 00:55:28 The Hope point I wanted to make is that with these movies There's so many scripts out there and so many people that aren't working I mean my friend had an idea that we were just gonna make a movie But we were gonna cast and the whole thing and get our director from Craigslist. So I started placing Craigslist ads for directors and other things. So I did this thing with Rain Wilson
Starting point is 00:55:54 where we found a location for, and it was a porn star's mansion in Sino, California, but we found it for $250 a day, which is crazy cheap. She needed money. And so we had this. in Cino, California, but we found it for $250 a day, which is crazy cheap. She needed money. And so we had this, I think a porn star was trying to keep up a mansion.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah. We didn't need money, Ben. So, and then it led us to going on Craigslist and placing all kinds of ads for directors. It was taken down within a half hour, but in that half hour, I got 30 different resumes from directors that were capable of directing a movie I got offers from guys that with grip trucks saying
Starting point is 00:56:31 if you put me in your movie I'll let you use my grip truck. So we got all of these different resumes and everything from Craigslist. So it was our idea that we could make a Craigslist movie and get the screenplay from Craigslist, the locations from Craigslist, all of the actors from Craigslist and just completely make this Craigslist movie, which I'm trying to do with, I now know this guy who works at stars. And so I want to make, I want to film film a documentary I want to film this movie being made put made entirely from
Starting point is 00:57:09 Internet like the load the best person we could find for the least amount of money So I am trying to do this but these resumes were amazing First unit director on my I I think, Michael Bayfilm, the, what did you do with Ben Affleck, Pearl Harbor? That was a guy that came in, one of Pearl Harbor. So, someone who's used to working with big productions. And that could potentially do this, to just have been in these underling roles the entire time. So, yeah, and that's why I think. You were going to take an advantage of and that's that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You want to take an advantage of the slump that the film industry has. Yeah. Anyway, so yeah, I just wanted to do that. Can't be done. I'm trying to do this. So I know you guys donate to the podcast, but if you want to donate to this movie effort, around around. Don't pan or do them. You're pandering to the listeners. That's it. I just, I know I'll never be on again.
Starting point is 00:58:11 No. Just keep sending stories to Puerto Rico. That's your recommendation though. Your Craigslist movie. Oh yeah. Oh no. It's a movie that doesn't exist. I recommend making my movie.
Starting point is 00:58:22 My recommendation is I just saw the girl with a dragon tattoo. And which we were talking about, but I liked quite a bit. I thought that was I didn't I didn't have any desire to see that when it came out in the theaters and but you saw it right away and you were disappointed with everybody. I saw midnight. No, I should stay night of opening. But we talked about this on the podcast once. Like, they tried to make that counter programming. Like, they had that come out around Christmas. And that was not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:58:54 They thought it would be clever. And they're like, oh, OK, we're going to have an alternative to, you know, the usual stuff that comes out of Christmas. And the thing is, people like the usual stuff that comes out of Christmas. They're still that like the usual stuff that comes out of Christmas, they start to laugh at that for a reason. My kids favorite movie and if you had to have kids out there, my kids love Clifford with Martin Short so much.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I know people who are die hard. Now you have not seen this? No, it's a movie that I haven't seen but I have a friend of mine, my friend Dan Brooks has been trying to give me to see it for a while now. It's awesome. It's just insane about it. And I guess it was. That was a flop. And then that became this sort of cold.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I mean, I remember when it came out. It was like, I just remember when that movie came out and Martin Short was on the Letterman's show. And Letterman was like Clifford. It's a great movie. Start last night. Great. And it was, I think, the first time I realized
Starting point is 00:59:41 he didn't see that movie. Like, the host of these shows don't see the movie. He did see the movie. And it host of these shows don't see the movies. He did see the movie and it's awesome. It really is good. So people haven't seen it in a while or they haven't seen it at all. You've got to find Clifford. So Clifford, girl, the dragon tattoo. That's Craigslist movie.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah, Craigslist the movie. And I guess honestly, if I if Ellie hadn't recommended, I might have recommended Papa Tobelos, but I also I can recommend a different one. No, no, no, I went on and I saw Cabin in the woods like a lot of our listeners probably did and I really enjoyed it. I haven't seen them. I'm not into Cabin movies Sure. I like the woods part. Right. I don't believe that for a second, but I I like the woods part. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I don't believe that for a second. But I, uh, you know, I'm a fan of Joss Whedon in general, but this movie also, I just think really plays very well to all types of audiences. My wife saw it with me and she doesn't necessarily love horror movies the way I do, although she does have a strange fondness for piranha 3D, like, like, Elliot and I do. But um, saw it on my wedding day. But, uh, yeah, it was great.
Starting point is 01:00:51 The worst I could say about it would be that because it is such a sort of a deconstruction of horror movies, you don't necessarily get super emotional involved with the characters, but it's a very clever and very funny. And we're talking about on this way over here on the subway, you know, Frank Cranes, who's in the movie, who I worked with and welcome to the captain, where Ken Seagull did the sound. It's like 60 degrees of Al Madge, but he's amazing. And he's currently working on death of salesman, and Mike come by the
Starting point is 01:01:23 show and say, hi, so you're going I'm going to see the final performance of it. Oh wow. Yeah. Well, he was terrific. And I was saying that I really loved him also on dollhouse as Tofer. He's a great son. Yes, Tofer Grace. He was playing the actor Tofer Grace. I'm no. Was he playing Dave Eggers younger brother tofer? Yes. From a heartbreaker of Staggering Genius. He's playing all toppers everywhere. I was going to say, when you said, Jos Weedon, it sounded like you said, Jos Weedon.
Starting point is 01:01:52 And I imagined Jos Weedon with Metal Teeth. Just directing movies and then biting down on pipes. I think that's a pretty amazing image to wrap the show up on. So unless you should open anything else, oh, we should say we should reveal. Oh, should we reveal what the movie is going to be? Yeah, we did not do the trail of clues about what our live flop house movie would be. It looked pretty easy and forgetful.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Well, the last episode was our 100th episode. And in the excitement of Tangent Cash, we forgot to leave another true. In the excitement of Tangent Cash and the tiredness of us being tired. But June 8th, Friday, June 8th, 8 p.m. 92 Y Tribeca. The website has already spilled the beans. We're going to be having our third flop house. I love bed movies, bed movie screening live event, live event running commentary by the floppers us and no steward I will be there
Starting point is 01:02:47 in a show. You have really this is real all about you situation. But the movie we're going to be showing is quiet cool. Starring James Reemar. This is an early 80s James Reemar action. I'm going to say classic about a New York City cop who plays by his own rules who has to head out to the Pacific Northwest to stop some murderous pot growers. The pot grower henchmen all have different haircuts. And there's an opening scene for James Reemar that involves a chase between a personature on roller skates and James Reemar riding motorcycle. And it's pretty awesome. And speaking of murder, there's a very good chance that I die leaving Dan's sketchy apartment.
Starting point is 01:03:27 That's possible too. We scrapped this up. So so Al doesn't get stabbed on the way out. But quite cool. June 8th for the flop house. I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Elliott Kalen and I'm. Al Maddo.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Al Maddo. I really want to know. I wanted to do the cat thing. Oh, mad. No, mad. That's what you forget. No, I wanted to do the cat thing. Oh, you can do it one more time if you want. Just, just, just, just don't let Stuart know. This is our secret.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Good night. No, I'm just the sad one. Never gonna do it again. Oh wow! Oh! That was Gets Brother is here. That was Gets cousin. It's gonna be so mad. Well, maybe you should have shown up.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Yeah, he's very, rather than going to Puerto Rico with his wife. Yeah. maybe you should have shown up. Yeah, he's very, rather than going to Puerto Rico with his wife. Yeah. To relive their wedding.

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