The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #106 - Immortals

Episode Date: July 21, 2012

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 3:57 - After a brief interjection from "The Top House," we take on the perversion of Greek mythology, Immortals.32:55 - 36:20 - Final judgments36:21 - 51:50... - Flop House Movie Mailbag51:51 - 1:01:52 - The sad bastards recommend. 57:19 - 59:22 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discussed the spiritual sequel to Wet Packs, Immortals. Hey everyone and welcome to the Flockhouse. How you doing? I'm pretty good at homes. Let's introduce ourselves, Shelley. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Charles Kaelin. Really? Yeah, that's my real middle name. Okay. I'm so worried that stalkers are going to follow you because they know you're when I told you my middle name was
Starting point is 00:00:53 Septimus 4th right? That was a lie. Wait, is anyone word or no, it's two words two words. I've been no height. George R. Martin gets two middle names I get two middle names. You get as many middle names mill names he want buddy yeah I just want to say that middle is limited only by your imagination stews wearing I don't know maybe like a wrestling top just wearing it that's what we're doing now we're fucking describing stuff in the in the world says face 22 on the front this is 32 yes it's 32 sorry I was a shout. He was laughing. And it says, what is this in the back? It says
Starting point is 00:01:28 it's a chill. In quotes. So this is the shirt. Yes. Imagine is the top house where we talk of each other's tops. Imagine. Let's go. Let's go. Stripey. I must kill our short short and Dan is wearing a short sleeved grace t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah. No pocket. So has nothing to carry around. No, no. He is. See you in two weeks on the top house. Now back to the flop house, the podcast you thought you were listening to. What do we do here, Dan? We watch a movie, usually a bad movie, presumably a bad movie, and we watch it. The assumption is the movie we're watching shall be bad, but it isn't always. Yeah, sometimes we're worried. We hope spring's eternal, Elliot. Yep, hope spring's eternal.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yep, that was a joke about an IED from the Simpsons. It's not an IED, that would be a different thing. Yeah. Dana, you okay? I'm sloppy tonight. A little bit. We watched a movie tonight called Immortals Immortals. Immortals. Am. Immortals is not a word. Immortal would be a mortal person.
Starting point is 00:02:35 This is, this is an interesting one because this is a movie directed by Tarsam, who directed Tarsam Singh. Yeah. Elliot's favorite movie from, but like, not ever, but like from the year. One of my favorite movies. What came out about it came out around 2005 2006. He directed the fall. The fall, which is a movie I do love very much. And it's a flawed movie. I can see why other people wouldn't like it. But it strikes a particular chord with me. So I was intrigued when Dan said he wanted to watch Immortals because this is the fall was only Tarzan's second movie. His first was The Cell, which is not very good.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And Immortals. But it's got J-Lo and Vincent and Afriom. Yeah. And Immortals is his third film. She's booze-licious. I'm led to believe. That's not a J-Lo song. No, but I believe like somebody's been telling you, but you haven't checked it out yet.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It's a, I mean. You haven't done, you haven't done the due diligence to find out how blue electricity may or may not be. Lobass listeners will recall like, I'm not true because Danie's the internet to check that. I am a pervazoid and that's a pervazoid number one. But that is an adjective that might be used for writing.
Starting point is 00:03:38 But the young people. Yeah, sure. They use from like 10 years ago. The but the but squad. Wait, wait, is it like an official organization? Yeah, is the but squad a club for young people? Or is it some kind of government quasi government, what you go to but inspection team you go to www dot dot squad dot orgy. Okay, so it's a nonprofit.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, of course. That'll be that'll be good test for the the five house audience. They can go to that and they can discover what that is. What is it, Dan? Do you know? I have no idea. Yeah. They will they will learn in real time. Whereas we probably have learned by that time. Well, we were talking about a movie, I think. Okay. Before we got on to your fictional butt squad, which tests the bootyliciousness of various female celebrities. It's a movie based on Greek mythology. Very loosely based.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Very loosely based. So this is Tarsam Singh is a director who is known for his visual sense. And I'm a huge fan of his movie The Fall, but his other movie is not so good. So we decided let's give Immortals a try. Yeah, but it did okay. It wasn't too big of a flop in the old box. Yeah, financially it did. It did okay. Yeah, it did all right. Made its money back. I think yeah, critically, it seemed to suggest that it doubled its budget, but that didn't necessarily include marketing and so forth.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Right. Critically, home run. Baset kind of well, it's maybe it got okay. I'm blue. Yeah, the sports analogies are kind of fucking me up right now. Despite the fact that you look like you're ready for pickup basketball game. That's what I was doing before I game over just doing the hoops. That's why you got the wrong ball on your own. Now you're spinning the ball on your finger. Now you're somehow you took a bite out of it. It's weird. It's full of chocolate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Well and a bird hatched out of it. Should I be doing Santa Facts? No it's radio magic. These are imagination. Okay. So Immortals. So this is the story about I guess why we watched it or that was the backstory. So mortals, here's what it's about. Yeah, give us a, wait, this is the plot discursion. This is the synopsis. Yeah, the ancient Greek hero synortals, except for John Hurt, he is young and totally cut. I mean, John Hurt could be pretty cut. We don't see, where's a big robe? He does wear a big robe that looks like it's made out of feathers and leaves. The kind of thing that like,
Starting point is 00:06:13 if B. Arthur was an Earth Mother Coven witch. I gotta say, John Hurt has basically looked the same for the last 30 years, like, he's got, yeah, well, yeah, I guess that's the secret. If you start out looking kind of old, then you're gonna, like, people are gonna be like, hey, John Herclick, you're pretty good later on if he looks the same, but he hasn't put on any weight
Starting point is 00:06:34 in the, like, normal one. No, he's probably cut. He's a really thin guy who has always seen kind of, really thin guy. Yeah, you said that really. Really? Really? Like, like a read. Like, like a read, Yeah, you said that we really really what really like like a read
Starting point is 00:06:46 Like like a read like you know, he's reading Okay, okay, here's the synopsis of Immortals. Okay, so we're in ancient Greece. Mm-hmm. We learned we are So did my wife did we not take our ridlin before recording the show tonight? We've been not able to stay on one thing for more than 45 seconds Okay Immortals synopsis we're an ancient Greece in the movie And we learn at the beginning that there was a war in the heavens between the gods and the Titans the gods one and they locked up the Titans in Is that doesn't John hurt you like a like a voice over a monologue telling us that yeah it's kind of a mix of monologue and more silent storytelling okay but
Starting point is 00:07:34 it's mostly John hurt monologue it's one of those movies where they're supposed in the olden days you know we're in the beginning well yeah and we're in old British guy talking we're like like, oh, man, this is going to be old and awesome. Any time we're in good hands now. Any time a movie starts with a narrator telling you about in the olden days. Just sit back and open up my big bag or were for red and bockers. I didn't tell. Of a war between. Yeah, the gods. The gods locked up the Titans in a box. The only thing that can let them out is a bolt from an arrow from a, this magic bow that's hidden somewhere on Earth, it's somewhere in ancient Greece, which is a mistake.
Starting point is 00:08:11 They have the whole Earth to put it, the gods should just put it somewhere on the other side of the world, maybe like in America. Or maybe like the bottom of the ocean. Yeah, that exists. Or you know what, hey, gods think outside the box,
Starting point is 00:08:20 put it on the moon. It's gonna be thousands of years before anyone gets this. Can gods go to the moon? Why have they're moon? Why? Why? They're gods. Why not? They can fly. No, okay. They don't have to breathe. They can they can fight in some oceans. So that means they can probably go really fast to the moon. Exactly. Okay. Okay. So the Titans are locked up only this bow can unlock
Starting point is 00:08:38 them. Mickey Rourke plays King Hyperion a he's the handsome lead, right? No, he is the meatloaf face of muchmouthed barbarian king, who is slowly conquering his way across the ancient world, raping and pillaging and murdering and eating constantly. Constantly. I feel like, like, so mumbles is upset about something. Yeah, mumbles, mumbles, mumbles, micking comprehensible, is he wants to take over the world he hates the gods and he wants to destroy them and be remembered forever his big goal is a big army of dicks with masks on their face. His army is all his soldiers have masks on their face and here's the great thing is that most movies when someone's wearing a mask he just hear their voice normally in a mortals everyone's voice is muffled as it would be if you were wearing a big leather mask, which makes it even harder to hear what people are saying. And Mickey Rourke luckily wears a mask sometimes, so his already hard to understand voice becomes
Starting point is 00:09:33 impossible. And you're torn between respecting the film for various militia and being irritating at it. Since much of the dialogue is like an old man without his teeth in on the other side of a wall and You're trying to figure out where he hit his gold and you all you can hear is As he's talking to whatever ghosts he thinks have come to visit him So anyway, King Hyperion is pillaging his way through through life Then we meet in a in a tiny village on a cliff
Starting point is 00:10:03 And the shearest cliff in the world. Yeah, which is about a million feet high. They probably picked that spot because it's really defensible against barbarian armies. You would think apparently rolls very easily, but you find our hero, Thesius, who is a strapping young lad who is played by what's the actor's name,
Starting point is 00:10:20 Cavill. Henry Cavill or something like that. Who is basically a chest and a face. Yeah. Not much of a carer's make that. He's the body. But he is a master fighter. He's been trained by old man John Hurt
Starting point is 00:10:33 who we soon learn is Zeus, but Thesis doesn't know him. He has no idea, he never figures out. He's Zeus in disguise. He finds out that the bad guys are coming. Everyone of the upper classes is allowed to leave the village now, but the peasants have to wait a day, and this causes these to get into a fight with some soldiers. Is that a common thread in Greek mythology, like the like class warfare and class divisions?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Not exactly, but kind of. You find a lot, I mean, they did have an aristocracy, a slave class, and then, you know, a poor class and a merchant class But in the Greek midst that you don't see too much of that and then the Greek system like a slave could eventually work himself up to becoming a citizen. Yeah, we find enough golden fleasers That's the main way so most didn't because golden fleasers are very hard to find but it's He gets into a fight with the Losander. I remember the names mainly because of Mid-Summer Night's Dream.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah, so he gets into a fight with a big salamander. And it's not as cool as it sounds. The next day, the peasants are getting ready to leave. Uh-oh, Bad Guy Army shows up, kills everybody, kills. Only they left a day earlier. I know. Kills the UCS's mom and the UCS is made a slave in the salt mines for the bad guys.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Oh, I got a second. Apparently, but apparently like a big army like that needs a lot of salt, because they need to bring out the flavor of their food. Well, if a dude kills like four or five year soldiers and is super badass and tough, probably want that guy alive, mine and salt for you. You want him alive you want him mad at you.
Starting point is 00:12:06 His salt production is going to be really high. You know it's like if his fighting skills are that good imagine how good his salt mining skills are. And then what you do is you then murder his mom in front of him to really get him good at mining salt like. Well you motivate him. Because he's going to cry onto that salt and that salt is going to be extra salty after that.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yep. You just dry it the sun and you get double salt. Double salt, that tastes so good. That's how you make bacon, basically. So, he's, but before he even gets the salt mine, he is part of a group of slaves trudging through the desert carrying wood for some reason. They meet up at a place where the bad guys have captured the four oracles one of whom is Rita Pinto And these are four women you may know her from rise of the planet of the apes or slum dog lady and lady and that or from her namesake bean yeah or her namesake car the Pinto
Starting point is 00:12:58 But she's got a figure in a lot of pies hey no well. Hey, what are you trying to say about her? I mean it's pretty gross. Yeah, so yeah, so these four women dress up like, I don't know, like, like, like, lambs. They were lamps and like, they were rows. We were like a brothel. They look like they have every weird headgear is a Tarsam thing. He's all about it.
Starting point is 00:13:21 So you got a priest who has a hat with candles on it. You got these lady oracles who wear a hat with candles on it. You got these lady oracles who wear like lampshades on their head. Mickey Rorick has a helmet that has teeth on the front and then bunny ears that are also crabplows. Yeah, it's like a crab crossed with like a Venus fly trap on his head. Yeah, everyone's got crazy masks and helmets. One of these oracles is a real oracle. The other three are decoys, just like Queen Amidala. Yeah. Thanks for bringing it back down for me. Bringing it to something you'd understand. Yeah. And hey, guess what? The one is the real
Starting point is 00:13:54 oracles. The one who's played by an actress you've seen in other movies. And just like in the Phantom Menace, the treachery works and the real or goals is able to escape. And so Thesius and Frida Pinto and a thief named played by Steven Dorf named question mark. Name's his name was good. Let's call him Phoebe. Phoebe. Let's call him Steeleus. They run off and escape and they decide I guess to become a and they run off and escape also with a monk who cut out his own tongue Rather than reveal to Mickey Rourke the location of the oracles and the four and the four of them go on the run Speaking Roller
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's barely even a walking roll. It doesn't get a lot of screen time The four of them go on the run to try to get their revenge against King Rourke's Hyperion and they just kind of run around and have like two adventures that are really minor, kind of boring. Meanwhile Hyperion wanders around looking for this bow. And eventually they all meet up at this huge wall that's guarding the city of something or other where everybody seems to live. Tartarus, Mount Tartarus. Oh, it's Mount Tartarus, that's right. You made the comment about how it's where the sauce is made. It checks Wikipedia and it
Starting point is 00:15:09 turns out you're wrong. Oh, really? The word of the make Tartarus sauce. They make it in sea towns along the New England shore shoreline. In sea town grocery stores. Yeah, in sea town, Steve's Sea Town. Steve's Sea Town. That's a very local reference. It's a Park's Loathe reference. That's a deep cut. So all of our Park's Loathe fans of which there are one. Everyone here's an interesting to see. All you send Stuart a dollar. If any of your three stuages fans take a pilgrimage to Ninth Street between 5th and 6th Avenue in Park's Loathe in Brooklyn. There's a poke yourself in the eyes. There's a grocery store called Steve C. Town and where that grocery store is used to
Starting point is 00:15:50 be a Vodville and movie theater and it's one of the places this three studio just performed very early on in their career. So while you're by in groceries, you can think about all the laughs. Think about all the laughs you missed out on a hundred years ago. Yep. So I hope you have the time of your life. Right guys. Codec film.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Right guys. Dan McCoy for Codec film. So they all meet up at this big wall. The heads, the elderly council are like, we will simply will reason with King Hyperion, the man who rapes and billages his way across Greece. Surely that will be all right. with King Hyperion, the man who rapes and bilges his way across Greece. Surely that will be all right. Eventually King Hyperion proves them wrong by walking up to a man and cutting his head off instantly. It's the worst computer animation in the movie.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's like something out of a timon Eric sketch. Yeah, like he swings his sword and then the guy's head just floats away. And there's like, yeah, it's just like a fountain of fake blood, but CGI dim. But anyway, so there's a, but there's a big battle. The King has by this point has found the bow. I forgot to mention Thesias finds the bow encased in rock inside the tomb of his village where he buries his mother. And a big fight with a guy with a minotaur mask. Yeah, right after he finds the bow, that was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:17:06 A guy with a big bull helmet fights him. That was a pretty fun thing. And he hits him with a meat cleaver and then a club a couple times. Yeah, and this is a reason with a club several times. Many times. That you would expect. After the Minotaur is down on the ground on his back.
Starting point is 00:17:18 How many times is enough times? It's a fucking Minotaur. No, but that's what I love about the movie. It was like, It was accurate to how that fight would go down. We're just like, okay, this Minotaur is down, but I am not trusting it, so I'm going to beat him with this
Starting point is 00:17:32 club like 12 more times. So you're going to say it's kind of at odds with all the other fight teams in the movie, which are like slow motion, like, you know, like dance fighting basically. Yeah, there's a lot of as to what you mentioned, that everyone's attacks are jump attacks.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Well, jump attacks are the hardest to defend. Jump attacks, like Mario and Super Mario. Yeah, jumping on their heads and making them small. Yeah, you jump on a soldier and you turn them into a shell and you kick the shell and you knock all the other soldiers over. You're safe. Based on the attack.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Jump attacks, Stuart. Yeah, yeah, they're the hardest to defend because if you want to block high or low, you don't know. It depends on where the attack's coming. Yeah. But anyway, so he's found the bow. He uses the bow to break open the wall of this village,
Starting point is 00:18:17 or top tariff. Yeah, he charges up the tariff. He charges it up by holding it for a long time. Let's go. He blows open the door. And there's a long hallway. And all the soldiers of Tardorist are like, holy shit. And start fighting among themselves.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Theses gets up on above a doorway and shouts a speech at them that you cannot hear half of because the sound is not. The music is too loud. And because I think some like I was looking up is a little skirt the whole time. Yeah, there's a lot of upscirting going on. But also like it is what you can hear of it
Starting point is 00:18:44 is the blandest speech in the world, but it instantly turns the soldier into a motivated fighting force. Yeah, as soon as they understand somebody's talking to him, they start banging their shields together and shit. Yeah, there's a big fight in a Carter between the good guy soldiers and the bad guy soldiers, King Hyperion during it sneaks away and gets to where the Titan box is. Yeah, there's like a secret flight of stairs right by the entrance, which seems like a little joke. The least guarded place also has the staircase that leads to the roof, which leads to all of our generals right by the stairway, right by the entrance.
Starting point is 00:19:16 In case the bad guys get in, they can kill them right away. Let's put all our valuables in the outhouse that doesn't have a lock on it, on a shelf. Well, I had't played sight. Now, earlier in something we glossed over earlier in the movie, Zeus told the other gods, don't interfere with humans because, and this is what they say, they won't have faith in us unless we have faith in them. That is super accurate to Greek mythology, because if there's one thing I know about the Greek gods is, number one, they really care about humans a lot and number two they never interfered
Starting point is 00:19:47 They're like the watcher they just watch and they don't even they've sworn that interfered. They're totally They totally they're total deists, but it's also like it's that's why most Greek myths. It's just like dude hanging out being dudes There's no God dude I mean that is all of Plato Plato's dialogues. Yeah, just dude's hanging out via. One thing the Greek gods don't do. It's come down and indiscriminately rape humans. That's me. Well, well, well, they may come to you in the form of a swan or a bull or a cloud and have sex with you. I don't know if I call rape. Yeah, I mean, that's true. I understand that. Maybe a little loud or a swan wants sex with me. Like, that's going to be consensual sex.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I mean, come on. Come on guys. It sounds right to me. Like that's the fluffiness. Imagine the fluffiness of having sex with a swan or a cloud. So any of our listeners out there that are swan based furries, Dan's into it. Dan just give it a sport.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Come on, just go for it. Yeah. Just stop them on the street. Just write me a promosoid number one. Previsoid number one. Care of Dan McCoy, aka pervisoid number one. Share of Boner universe. It's Brooklyn, New York.
Starting point is 00:20:54 That's why I got my BA. Boner University. A boner of arts. I got my B in boners. Your PhD. You're a doctorative boning. Anyway, back to the, here's the thing. It's a bad philosophy that Zeus has because let's, would you believe in a God more who answers your prayers? Where doesn't? And I think the answer is, for many people, they do believe
Starting point is 00:21:18 in a God who doesn't answer their prayers, but your average human being believes something that he has some proof of so like if you said to God Please God like give me the give me something and that thing descended from heaven to you You'd be like this is okay. Obviously. This is real stuff. I have a thing you just start taking that for granted That you're asking him for everything, you know, it's like yeah But he's like a welfare God at that point. It's a culture of God dependence Is the gods are awesome like they have these awesome headdresses. They're all young, hot, like American apparel models with or like
Starting point is 00:21:51 like with like wireframe helmets. Wireframe helmets that represent what they have. Like Poseidon's helmet looks like a fish. A Paul's helmet is like sun rays. Like awesome spikes. Like super tall spikes. Yeah. And earlier on. So Zeus has been interfering in the form of a old man. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah. And the side and comes in at one point as a giant wave and saves these years that way. That's okay. They're not allowed to interact as gods, but they're confronted by a bunch of bad guys and Apollo shows up. And with his hammer is just exploding people's heads left and right in slow motion. Yeah, that was actually pretty great. It's like it's a pretty great city like taps their heads and their heads explode in blood.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Oh yeah. And the blood is a just slow-moving around. But because he did that Zeus got mad and killed him with a flaming whip of some kind. Yeah, it was we I guess there's a flaming one. It seems like an extreme reaction to what what happened. I mean, he said anyone in her fears If you're gonna live under Zeus's roof, you gotta play by Zeus's rules. Yes, we give him a timeout before you Give him a timeout forever. That's the thing man. Give him an inch. They'll take a mile. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:55 Exactly. That's where gods are It's about boundaries. Yeah, gods are just always trying to test the boundaries to find out where they're like a weird shot of Apollo's funeral I guess but well, they just kind of turn him into a table the sun keeps coming up So I don't really know what's going on. Yeah, the gods are not really explicitly linked to the things we think of them as being linked to in the movie Except for Poseidon jumping into the water Mm-hmm. Yeah, Apollo should be except for Poseidon being linked to that both that turned all the way upside down And the people had to get out of that well, I remember they didn't yeah that both that turned all the way upside down and the people had to get out of that. Well, I remember they didn't, yeah, they did that adventure of that. Yeah, I mean, they're pretty good adventure. Yeah, yeah, that beside an adventure, yeah. What
Starting point is 00:23:33 are you talking about? Anyway, the gods have said we're not going to interfere unless the Titans are released. Well, guess what? The Titans get released and the Titans just turn out to be kind of like rage zombies from 28 days later but the swords just super fast monsters Ray Ray super fast monsters and they're kind of like the vampires from dust from Düsseldorne yeah yeah and so the gods fight them for a while sort of squishy yeah but I mean not as sexy the like wacky faces. The gods fight them for a while. Theses fighting Mickey Rouric, and the soldiers are fighting each other. And eventually Zeus, the gods are, for every Titan they kill, a thousand more come up and start killing them.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And so Zeus just decides to take two big chains and pull down the whole chamber on top of everybody, because gods are apparently vulnerable to the same thing that coal miners is, which is caveans. These gods are super powerful. They cannot get out of it. Caved in, you know, I mean, the gods seem to get out of it. Fine. They just teleport away. Yeah. They use it teleporting power. We never saw them use before. And they also use it to teleport theses who is currently triumphant over Hyperion after they have that like mumbly, they have a very mumbly fight long but a long battle and they mumble at each other a lot and it plays on there was that scene early on where Mickey
Starting point is 00:24:50 Rork reveals that King Hyperion is has a weakness to being stabbed in the foot so later on that no that no that's around these is plays on that by stabbing him no anyone is and then he totally wins that's just a people thing. But not sure. I'm not sure about that. I mean, later on, let's have a fight. You can stab me in the foot and we can see. Okay. So that's Dan wants me to stab me in the foot. And then someone in this one costume can rape him. That's Dan is me. I mean, we I think we agree. We put it. Yeah, you're putting together pretty long. There's one thing that there's one thing you want to put out there. It's that that's not a very specific erotic fantasy that I have.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It's 100% just a thing that's going to happen. I'm not going to get off on it. It's fine. Right guys? I mean, I'm all right. I feel so uncomfortable now. We're like the way this episode is gone. So Immortals, everybody wins in the end except the bad guys
Starting point is 00:25:46 Let's go and at the end freedom Pinto has a son. These. He is dead. No, he teleports. He teleports to heaven It's gone dead He has he has an oh that's why he has no his soul is divine because he's a hero So he goes it gets to go up to Olympus and and probably be a constellation or something Yeah, I assume so that's kind of their that's. It's like when a copy comes a security guard or something, a hero becomes a constellation. It's just like an after retirement job. Oh, okay. Yeah, we're like, we're gonna get a gold watch then we're gonna become a constellation. Exactly. Just a part time. Yeah. Just to just augment his pension.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Keep your toe in the the job, the working world. Exactly. You know, literally moonlight. his pension. Keep your toe in the the job the working world. Exactly. You know, literally moonlight. No, it's good. That's great. It's a little more. But Rita Pinto has a son because earlier she had sex with Theses. Yeah, she did. And probably a body double though, right? Yeah, we all agree. There was there was a little nudity in this film. We agreed. It was probably a body double. It was probably a body double. A body double. i mean i'd you're listening downplay the work the fine work that that by double did very good work standing there with no close on but that exactly what was expected of her
Starting point is 00:26:54 so good work took a close off and was there yeah she let she laid down but this john hurt appears to this little boy and says something and a little boy has a vision, and that vision is of a huge battle in heaven between people, I guess, and Titans. And that's the end of the movie, which I guess the sequels may be setting us up for a larger battle, the Titans get out and fight in the sky or something, but that's the movie. Yeah, basically look like a lot of people fighting on the ground, but in different They're just like in in the air from different angles. Yeah, it reminded me there's a there's a painting from the
Starting point is 00:27:34 1890s called divine tragedy where a bunch of gods are just having this shit kicked out of them and that it reminded me a lot of that That sounds like an awesome like sitting metal. So it's an amazing It is the most heavy metal 19th century painting I've ever seen, and it's enormous. So, it's enormous, and it's in the museum, museum, Dorsey. So that's your recommendation for this week.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, it's go to Paris, go to Dorsey, and look at the divine tragedy painting, because it is crazy. And bring your guitars. You're going to want to riff. So one thing that I think is worth mentioning about this movie, we talked about it while we're watching it. So the guy who plays the thesis was also in Red Riding Hood.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Red Riding Hood. Red Riding Hood. And that was a movie that involved a giant iron elephant where people were put inside and cooked. As a torture or punishment. Yeah, and this movement has a giant metal bowl where the fake oracles are put inside and cooked over an open flame. And so to think that the one actor was in two movies where there was a metal animal that people were put inside as a torture to be cooked.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I mean, I think it's a little like, I think it's weird that you're assuming it's exclusive to those two movies. I mean, I think almost every big budget movie has something. I don't know the subject. I mean, I don't go to a lot of movies, but this trains morpher as I keep hearing about. No, not at all. There's no people in a metal animal. No, that get burned. I don't think so. That maybe that's in his contract.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. That has to be in a movie he's in. Yeah. But I will say one thing about this movie is that being a Tarsam Singh movie, it is visually gorgeous. A lot of were even things look goofy sometimes. Always. A lot of effort and high emotion is put into the landscapes the lighting the costumes the
Starting point is 00:29:27 shots it's dramatically inert like it's boring as hell for much of it and Nothing really happens even Stephen Dorif is boring. I think we all mentioned that even that sounds crazy Like I just said could you a man? He is supposed to be like a master thief, a charismatic master thief who meets up with the hero, maybe teaches him how to play dirty, but he doesn't do that. Like, he has the character basically barely exists and just ends up being a soldier in the army later on banging his shield like everybody else and never uses any details. And jumping and attacking people. Yeah, and it's a very like boiler this story wise it's very boilerplate
Starting point is 00:30:06 dull mumbly movie, but visually it's it's got a lot going for it. But yeah, but I mean, even beyond that, like John Hertzness movie, and he's never been in a space mumbles. I mean, he was a fucking space balls. He's a family opier in space balls. Yeah, he's in fucking space balls. I think we've already mentioned space balls is kind of the standard of there's a big There's a barbed wire mentar and movie. Yeah, I mean there are a few okay things in it But uh, there's a metal bowl that cooks three women alive inside of it But I will say for a movie that is very much like a scene where a guy smashes another dude's balls with a giant hammer The minotaur does that a trait one of the villagers soldier
Starting point is 00:30:50 Defects to Mickey Rourke and Mickey Rourke says you're a traitor. Why would I want you here when you already show me your traitor? He says something like that. We're not really sure Imagine he's mumbling and eating at the same time is also eating and spitting things at the same time and and eating at the same time. He's also eating and spitting things at the same time. And into his own beer. As a way of, he accepts him into his army reluctantly and then has the Minotaur crush his balls as a way of taking his cowardice out of the Earth's gene pool.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah. Which is a pretty badass moment. If the movie had lived up to that kind of villainy, it would have been great. To testicular croquet. Yes, but instead it gets very dull. There's one scene where Mickey Rourke is standing in front of his army making threats while he's also chowing down on walnuts and he's getting crumbs in his mustache.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And it's really hard to be scared of him when he's got crumbs in his mustache. I would say on the subject of stuff coming out of Mickey Rourke's mouth. The one of the, I think the high point of the movie for me is at the end, you got Fese as he's got Hyperion on the ground. And I think he's like, he says some like sassy thing before he stabs him in the throat, probably a call back to something Hyperion said to him before he killed his mom. And he stabs him right in the throat and immediately all this blood flies all over the place like Squirtz out of his mouth like he had a mouth full of fruit juice and then it cuts to the easiest and the easiest probably mumbles Something back and then it cuts back to Hyperion no blood anywhere. He's just making a gritty face and then it cuts away cuts back
Starting point is 00:32:19 Blood everywhere again. It's perfect. It's bad continuity. I like that part. That was You're actually very close to the mistake. Yeah, I like I like blood on space. I'm a big fan of film flubs. It's this is I feel like even for it's a movie that's living in the shadow of 300 in a lot of ways. Yeah, but I personally enjoyed 300 likes. It's a big stupid dumb movie, but like a crazy movie. It's stupid. And this movie is both not quite as stupid, but not quite as crazy and fun, you know. What do you think, then? It seems to be afraid of becoming stupid, which is bad. This leads us into our final judgments
Starting point is 00:32:56 because I don't think there's a lot more to say about this. And I wanted to say, you know, like, I wanted to like this movie. It's got John Hurts, got Mickey Rourke, it's got Frida Pinto being who's very beautiful. It's got a bunch of like beautiful shots in it. It's actually like it looks great. It looks much better than almost any movie we've seen in the movies. It looks better than 300. A movie that I don't like as much as I think is either you or Stewart. But like, but I like it better than this movie because like at least
Starting point is 00:33:27 300 has a certain narrative drive behind it like yeah It just never stops. I was all-star Gerard Butler Shuing the scenery. It's a and not yeah, it's a deeply stupid movie, but it never stops and never let's up only stops Yeah, it's a movie it It's it feels like a movie sometimes made up of the scenes between action scenes from other action movies. Yeah. And then occasionally you'll get a Apollo coming down and smashing people's heads with a hammer. But there's not a lot of that and there's yeah there's not
Starting point is 00:33:56 a lot of drive or intensity. On our floppy standard of good bad movie bad bad movie movie you kind of like I would have to say bad bad Elliot. Um yeah I mean I want to say movie I kind of like because I like the visuals so much but I wouldn't recommend watching it. It really looks beautiful but I don't know. It's a good looking bad bad movie. Yeah I mean I would I'd have to say it falls under bad bad I mean mean, it's not super terrible. I mean, it's not as terrible some of the other bad bads. But, and I mean, there's some, like, I think near the end, it picks up a little bit when
Starting point is 00:34:33 the gods all show up and start murdering the titans. And every time they hit one of them, the titans immediately, their bodies go into slow motion, so they can like slap them in the air and then slap them back down like it's some kind of a video game. So that was crazy. Yeah, it becomes more and more video game-ish at the end. Which if anything, I like that because it's a really weird decision to make. But it doesn't save the fact that this movie probably works best in stills or watched in fast forward. Yeah, no sound
Starting point is 00:35:06 So bad. I think it's one of the few movies that would work better as a coffee table book. Yeah, and as a movie Yeah, like I would be I'd love to look through the like making of with just pictures of it. Yeah So moving on Before we get to our mailbag, I'd like to thank poor donations I would like to thank suddenly Dan's all business Michael C like it's like the drugs were off what's going on I'm planning about it but I'd like to thank Michael C for the donation Michael also a few of gamer, Remy, M, Remy, the rat from reddit. Oh, thanks, Remy. Thanks, Remy. That was that, that was that flop fan who you didn't know. I remember her now. Thank you. Thank you, Stewart for, yeah, is it? Remmy? Remmy? Remmy? Okay. You know,
Starting point is 00:35:58 like fucking gambit, dude. Remmy, Lebo. Yeah. Well, it's not gambit, but good. I don't like it. Well, you know, why don't you like gambit? He's a like a pirate cowboy ninja. Pirate cowboy ninja in pink armor and a trench coat with fingerless gloves. I mean rogue is is totally into him. Yeah, well, Roads has a history of bad choices. Yeah, all right. So, uh, this first letter from a fan. It's from a Evan last name with held It's titled first off no mailbag song. I He just he just zoomed through not pause he 300 through that so that I couldn't get him with the song
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah, well, it's title so I've got a day Let's get right away. We were hip-deep in letters. This letter's title. If you don't read this Stewart will die Oh So I've had a bad couple of weeks. My girlfriend, Dupne, without any notice. They should be supposed to give two weeks notice. I'm having trouble finding a job. I've been drinking more than I should. Also, I've been suffering from serious depression due to my recent circumstances. But your podcasts have gotten me to smile like I'm gonna take wherever I go. Oh, good. Whether it be dance, song, and muttering, oh Jesus,
Starting point is 00:37:20 whenever thing goes off track, or Elliot relating something to obscure 1990s X-Men comments comics. I'm not saying you were fantasy about Anne Halfway. I don't think that that was one never happened and two stewards would have brought up Gambit just a second ago. In second of all Dan's the one who fucking put it off the rails all night. Yeah. I don't know. But hey that's I and I have no sexual fantasies about Anne Halfway. Why not? Come on. Yeah you don't remember the times you were together as boyfriend and girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:37:48 That pain is still raw, you know, so. Yeah, it's the scab that hasn't completely healed. Yeah, until my half of the locket can be matched up again with her half of the locket. Sure. And then when that happens, the green conjunction will happen. Yeah, the planets align. And then I don't know, the end of the dark crystal happens
Starting point is 00:38:05 or something. Yeah, and then gozer comes in. The skecsies get to like get morphed into the weird guys. Turn back into being tree people. Turn back into Groot. And then uh, and then gozer and everybody, etc. But anyway, he says, I'm always amused, but I gotta say, Stuart's my favorite. Yes. Every every podcast he seems like it doesn't sound like a female name. Every podcast he seems like he's somewhere between two drunk and not drunk enough. That's his life. Certainly he is a wreck on tour of our times. Anyway, I sincerely thank you for your trenching and size on artistic films such as Dreamhouse and Mirrors. It's helping me through a bad time in my life,
Starting point is 00:38:46 so I donated it in thanks. PS, your 100th episode got me to watch Tango and Cash, my roommate. It's all I anticipated and more. So that was a heart-waring story for you. That's very un- Glad we could bring some happiness into your life. It means a lot to us.
Starting point is 00:39:00 And then we could share Tango and Cash with another human being. Yeah, that means even more to us. Then we we could share a tent going cash with another human being. Yeah, that means even more to us than we could spread the gospel of TNC. Especially now that slides going through a rough time with this. Oh, gosh, it's down. On a comedy, comedy by gas, I shouldn't talk about it.
Starting point is 00:39:15 OK. And it also dates us. This one, this next email is. And we're married. We shouldn't be dating. This is actually emails from the flop house fantasy mailbag. So you wrote this to yourself? Yes, it says, to your flop house, I never thought this would happen to me.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And it didn't. It's titled, it's been a while. Hey, Dan, how are you? I know it's been a while since the fantasy mailbag had anything to, anything for you. Hi, Elliot. So I thought I'd drop you a line to see how you're doing. I hope all is well. Take care. The flop has fantasy mailbag. So is that a thing? Yes, I'm glad that the fantasy mailbag has checked in. Welcome to fantasy mailbag. I guess you get a letter that you want. I don't know. I'm baffled by that. That was a bit. I mean, you don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I don't remember anything these days. Are you, did you just read an actual letter? Did you just make that up on the spot? That was an actual letter, but Ellie doesn't even remember this. I remember the song. There were a few weeks where we didn't have any letters. Yeah, so we were writing some letters. I was writing some letters. Ellie, it made up a fantasy male bag one. Yeah. Oh, I remember the song. So it is a bit. But not only she receives an answer to his age old question, is this a bit? Wow, this is is this the last episode of the vlog. We're tying up a lot of loose ends. Yeah. The house cat's going to reveal his true identity. reveals true identity. Brown.
Starting point is 00:40:43 We're going to all have a Baldwin house cat. Yeah. He said that was the house cat rehearsing for his shakes fear play. We're all going to get our wish and get transported to
Starting point is 00:40:55 Duckburg where we're going to all live out the rest of our line. Yeah, that's exactly what I do. As half duck half an individual characters. And gyro gear loose makes
Starting point is 00:41:04 me something to ride around in Fucking morphs me into gizmo duck or something There's a hardest-to-reach brain that hopes you gonna have to have Ninja Turtle I Guess that you want the Ninja Turtles abs. You want the duck head. I don't think I want the Ninja Turtles insatiable lust for pizza. No, that's true. That's more cursed than a bed of bed of bed.
Starting point is 00:41:37 The hunger that can never be satisfied. So this is from Matt. You can last use my last name, McGrath. Hey, man, McGrath. Hey, Matt, you can use my last name, McGrath. Hey, Mayor McGrath. Hey, Matt, you can use my last name, McGrath. This is titled Elliot's Catchphrase and other stuff. First, a question for Elliot about his catchphrase, Anyhoo. Yep, I'll even set it in a while, I'll tell you. Do you start saying there's not so catchy catchphrase because as a fan of the YTV family channel slash Lucasfilm slash
Starting point is 00:42:05 XSTTV members TV show version of the classic adventure game maniac mansion if so he'll know why if not he'll just think I'm insane uh... maniac mansion is pretty awesome yeah I mean the show was not such a great show not as awesome as the Nintendo game as the game. But note, that's not the reason why. The reason why was just because it felt like a thing to say. That's the exciting origin story of Anyhoo. It was just that it felt like a word that should come out of my mouth at that moment.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Appended to this email is what appears to be a very short spec script for a TV show called Wellington and McCoy. Okay. Oh, erotic, erotic police adventure. All assuming I'll read both. More like a neurotic police adventure of McCoy's and all. Yeah, he was, he was making a thumb over the dance. So, and I said neurotic. So, not erotic? Not erotic.
Starting point is 00:43:00 No, no, the saglin would be he's erotic. He's neurotic. Oh, that would be about the it's it's prudemites dude. So before this prudemites do before the dialogue there's a little explanation. Stuart quote beef Wellington. Thank you. Is a hard partying vice cop who breaks all the rules. Dan Sy McCoy is a depressed detective who drives all of his partners to suicide. Alone, no department wanting them wanted them. Together, they may be the only ones capable
Starting point is 00:43:32 of cleaning up this town. Down in B. Okay. Interior. So just cleaning up from the Beagle Boys and Morgana Lovetser name. Magic of the spell. Magic of the spell. I think it was a Morgana Lovetzer name. Magic of the spell. I was thinking of a Gennel a Faye. Yeah, I'm gonna play.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Magic of the spell. Morgana LaFaye was named after Magic of the spell. Hahaha. Interior, dim and smoke-filled strip club. Loud, hard rock music plays. Stu, it sounds right. Hey, dude. You believe we're getting paid to do this?
Starting point is 00:44:02 Say it's stupider. Hahaha. Dan, all right. Let's just interview this stripper and get out of here. I can't help but think that the terrible childhoods this woman these women have had to go on to get to, I'm sorry, to end up taking their clothes off for money. Yeah, but Dan likes that. That's a turn on to him. I bet half of these women have been less than by their stepfathers. Oh, I also have a terrible migraine sized dramatically. been listed by their step-pothers. I also have a terrible migraine, sized dramatically. Stu, shotguns of beer, belches loudly. Oh, come on. Check out that chick over there.
Starting point is 00:44:31 She'll take care of your head, needs, points to the left of Dan, weeks at camera. That's significantly funnier than I actually am in person. Camera pans over to Busty Woman. Her top comically pops off accompanied with Boeing Santa Fe. Okay, you want me over camera? The fact that we'll be over camera jump packs jump pants back to Stan's dude freeze frame on stews and wink and dance. What was that episode overlay the end to pause and then add the end question mark. Sorry, you shopping the script around? It's a little short. It's more of a webisode. Yeah, it doesn't seem like it's a full
Starting point is 00:45:10 Well, thank you. If you want Dan and I to film this just All right, we got a kick start Yeah, set it up as a Kickstarter. I think it's we need like seven seven hundred seven hundred thousand dollars How much do we need like seven seven seven hundred seven hundred seven hundred thousand dollars But we're who this is real there's real spectrum of amounts of money. We're gonna hire Helen Mirren to 10 million Rodney Dangerfields goes to play Stewart. Yeah, and he does not come cheap and Dan McCoy will of course be played by President Barack Obama Well also does not come cheap. Yeah, but but speaks in a similar slow and stuttering fashion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Well, no, we're going to dub his voice. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:52 what? Yeah, we're going to dub his voice with the voice of Sean Connery. Okay. But Sean Connery is going to be also doing a dorthmullen pressure. It's when we shot the race famous dothmol impression that he doesn't party. It's his favorite style. I don't remember dothmol. He's got a double and a lightsaber. Well, he mostly is a fresh and he's like, I'm dothmol. Look at this. I got two lightsabers.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Well, they only have one lightsaber. No, no, no, no. But can you call me a ways to bring a double life saver? A double life saver, yeah. Instead of packing a packet with just two lifesavers in it? When I rip off there, that's when you take two lifesavers Lincoln and stick them together and then you give it to a kid they call that the Chicago package Two lifesavers. Yeah, you it's deserved after one of those Chicago style hot dogs So this last letter for the
Starting point is 00:46:46 evening from Nathan Lane with held Nathan Lane. Dear flopper. Do you remember my show encore? I don't sign Nathan Lane. Dear floppers, I'm sure it has come to your attention that there's an upcoming film entitled Ted starring Seth McFarlane. This will obviously this an upcoming film entitled Ted starring Seth McFarlane. This is obviously this. Yeah, because it's a tead or a tead has has come out and become a hit. But there's a there's a film called Ted and starring Seth McFarlane and Mark Walberg of Max Payne and the Funky Bunch fame.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And he's with them. Will you call the funky munch? That was the tie and cereal I guess. That was the cereal. The funky bunch was always seen eating it was the fun was funky. He says it isn't directly addressed in the show. Funky bunch Saturday mornings. But Ted does appear to be a sequel slash reboot of the 2009 Robbie Cole train vehicle Gooby. Reimagine for our modern sensibilities and also for some reason Gooby is much shorter named Ted.
Starting point is 00:47:58 As the internet's premiere, Gooby experts. Gooby experts. Wow. What are your reactions to the previews for Ted, aka Gooby2, Colin Tooby? You're in podcasting Nathan Last Main withheld. Lane. So Nathan Lane, I think there's a really good question
Starting point is 00:48:17 about Gooby. For what Gooby is terrifying. But hilarious and Eugene Levy's great. Thanks for writing. What if that's you? It's sad. You've not answered any of his question. I don't know if that addresses any of his concerns about... I'm sure he's asking about Gubie.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I just use our stock response. He doesn't have printed up a form letter for Gubie questions. Is this the second time he's using a stock response? The first was when he mailed one to himself to make sure it worked. Yeah, he pulls out his letter. I acknowledge that Gooby is hilarious. And terrifying. Yeah, to be honest, I always kind of felt, oh, I always, in the past couple weeks since Ted has been out, I have felt that it reminds me more of Alph than Gooby
Starting point is 00:49:05 It is very Alfie. Yeah, but not like Alfie the movie like Alfie because that'd be completely different Whereas I feel like it reminds me of the family guy where it's just like oh, okay, instead of a talking dog There's a teddy bear. See reminds me of American dead. It's a totally different show than family guy Instead of a talking dog. there's a talking alien. Yeah, or the Cleveland show where I think it's a bear. So to sum up, Seth McFarland is really excited about the new season of all those shows, right? Yeah, why I'm just not a fan.
Starting point is 00:49:36 OK. Well, I love this. It is great. I love this. The way he keeps yelling at a wheelie. What a weird, un-d I'm just gonna say right now? Alph is a weird couple of character traits. He is an elderly alien. He's over 200 years old. He eats cats He has like a New York accent, right? Would he class? I mean, Melmack accent
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, I mean, it's Melmack. It's it's Melmack, but it sounds kind of like a Actually, I don't know what kind of accent. It's just a kind of a basic accent sounds kind of like a actually I don't know what kind of accident it's just a kind of a basic accident. He's got a sort of urban quality to him. Okay. But I just wonder like, but they went to the they went to the network and they said I got a great idea for sitcom. The main character eats cats. Stop right there. We're ordering a hundred episodes. Wait, did they make a hundred episodes? At least that show is on for a long time. There's going to be the sassy alien who irritates a family. Well, I was reading a thing about how at the beginning, Alf was much more of a bad influence than later on. He would smoke and drink and things like that. And they
Starting point is 00:50:37 phased that out pretty soon. And eventually delivers a baby in one episode. You're saying originally, he was more of a Howard than Doug sort of character. Yeah, he was he was more of a yeah, how are the duck like kind of like John Belushi type carrot. And then eventually he just became, you know, one of those irregular cat eating aliens. Yeah, who had a crush on the daughter. It sounds like wait, and he had that weird cartoon show set on Mel Mac. Remember that was like a warning? I mean, I wouldn't say it was weird.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It was pretty great. It was like racing his Melmack speed around. Pretending to be a rock star and stuff. Yeah, I think so. Rapping, can you? Yeah, because he totally played guitar and stuff. Yeah. And more sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Well, that was the Alfaos, our Alfaos. I'd imagine that sunglasses would be designed for a Ali aliens face. An alien with tiny BDIs and the long snoot. Whose ears are on the top of his head and not on the sides. Yeah, probably not. He must have gotten custom made. So I hope that answers your questions about Ted and Goody.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So, to answer your question about what we think about Ted we like out Remember how he's back in Pog form So moving on Any who this is the last segment of the show It's the segment in which we recommend a film that we actually enjoyed Yeah, Stu rat. Do you have anything for us? This is usually a minefield for me. Okay. Yeah, with one of three mines that you keep stepping on. Well, this time I'm not going to recommend either head of the family, invisible maniac,
Starting point is 00:52:17 or castle freak, although you should watch those. If you haven't by now, you have no excuse. The, I'm, I think I'm going to recommend a movie that I don't think Dan's recommended yet. It's tough though because you can see every movie. He sees a lot of movies. Is Goon with Sean William Scott? I think the other one? Yeah. It was written by Evan Goldberg and Jay Baruchel of Sorcerer's Apprentice. Or yeah, Sorcerer's Apprentice, yeah. Yeah, that's what he's best known for. So, it's a top house movie that we did on the show. And I also love how to train your dragon
Starting point is 00:52:52 and she's at your league. Yeah, it's, well, it's a hockey movie and I think the basic plot line is not unlike, you know, a lot of sports movies where you have kind of, or most Adam Sandler, early Adam of sports movies where you have kind of, or most Adam Sandler, early Adam Sandler movies where you have kind of a bumble-er who ends up getting involved with the world of hockey and it turns out he's great. But Sean Williams got brings something to like the idiot man child, like a dignity that Adam Sandler never really seems to bring.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Plus it's really bloody and actually very funny and Leib Shriver is great in it. So watch Goon. I was in Italy for two weeks and I'm just explaining that I didn't see a lot of movies. So you're recommending the home movies you shot with your iPhone while you're there. I'll involve you just turning the 360 degrees wherever you are. I'm just, oh, it's like, just trying to capture a little beauty and send it back to you jackasses. But now on the way over, like, the movies I've seen
Starting point is 00:54:00 recently are movies that have already been recommended. Like I watched a Chronicle on the plane over to, and I, to the lady, which you enjoyed. It stars as a, a her elemental. No, movie that you, you recommended. Let's do and I enjoyed it. I watched Martha, Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene. I didn't love it, but I enjoyed it,
Starting point is 00:54:25 but you've already read it. I'm a queen. I know I should've had home, just now. So I don't have a lot, like I've been busy, I've had a chance to say a lot of movies, so. Well, you've seen a lot of movies. I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just,
Starting point is 00:54:39 this is all prelude to say then. To a kiss. The next movie that I'm gonna recommend isn't like a strong recommendation, i watched as opposed to when you recommend Sherlock Holmes if you're on a plane fuck fuck both of you so your recommendation uh... i was jet lagged i was up very early in the morning and on hb i watched final destination five
Starting point is 00:55:02 hope which i uh I thoroughly enjoyed. I have to say, it was a lot more clever than any fifth movie in a stupid horror series had any right to be. Isn't that the one where they go in space or do they go to the hood? They go to the space hood. The bad part is space. The wrapping Martians. Yep, on the other side of the space tracks.
Starting point is 00:55:25 No, they've been wrapping. It's 90 minutes, it moves more. I drive by spacing. It moves along pretty zippily. It's 90 minutes, it's got some good actors in it for what they're doing. A lady gets her eye burned out by laser. Yeah, a lady gets her eye burned out by laser
Starting point is 00:55:42 and then it pops out and then a car rules over the eye that pops out Yeah, at a fun time watching it. Can I describe movies is moving along Zipoli? Sure Yeah, why not what does it what does it mean quickly like like a Zipoli? Yeah, I don't know what a Zipoli is Zipolin that's the thing well, I was also on vacation recently. I was in Scotland and England. And so I didn't, also didn't get to see a lot of new movies. I saw a couple of movies since I got back,
Starting point is 00:56:14 but none that I feel so strongly about recommending. So in honor of Scotland and England, I'm going to recommend a movie I saw a while back. But I don't think I've recommended on this podcast before a Powell and Pressburger film called I Know Where I'm going to recommend a movie I saw a while back, but I don't think I've recommended on this podcast before a Powell and press program film called I know where I'm going Which is a kind of romantic comedy with a little bit of very very very slight fantasy undertones about an English woman ending up in a
Starting point is 00:56:44 In an kind of isolated village and finding love there despite her uh... efforts she wants to marry a rich man she is not interested in falling in love uh... but there's a magic about the place and so i think i recommend that i know where i'm going a uh... michael pal and rick press breaker film alright guys that's three recommendations yeah
Starting point is 00:57:01 one is a touching liting romance and the other involves an eye popping out, and then a car running over the eye. Choose which one you want to see. And the hockey. Probably the I one. And a lot of blood and leave Shriver with a handlebar mustache. So guys, we did it. We did another thing. We got together. We watched a movie and it's still strong to the end. I like you always end episodes like, well, guys, we did it. Is it we climbed a mountain? We do this all the time. We talked for an hour. I'm trying, try to keep you spirit up. This is a spirit. I know it's fucking fine.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yeah, we're doing great. This isn't a fucking sprint, guys. It is. It's over. I don't Yeah, I mean, an hour-long podcast is a sprint. Why why bother to keep our spirits up when we're done? All right. Well, in the future, I'll be more predict to you too. More how can is that possible? But in the meantime, it's so weird. I just want to say, Dan has gone through four personalities on this podcast I don't know what's going on Dan. I don't know who else is in your head that they should leave. We got Danny faces over here He man fans know what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:58:16 We have Dan Daniel Daniel and Harvard Which is Harvey and Herbert that's two of our different personalities who also share a person. Danielle is the sexiest personality. Dan places Vail over face. Wigs. Highlight. Let's just say goodbye.
Starting point is 00:58:36 How about that? For the Flawpaz, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been steward Welley Dunn. And for us. Hello. Thomas Hussket. House cat. Pretty late. And for my crimes. I will continue to be Ellie a K-Lin. Good night everyone So yeah another great one for the books Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Yeah. Damn like the door.

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