The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #111 - A Little Bit of Heaven

Episode Date: September 29, 2012

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 31:34 - Isn't it always the way? You meet the man of your dreams, and God gives you butt cancer.31:35 - 32:44 - Final judgments32:45 - 41:55 - Some thanks, ...some plugs, but most importantly: our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.41:56 - 54:33 - Flop House Movie Mailbag54:35 - 1:00:53 - The sad bastards recommend. 1:00:54 - 1:02:45 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discuss a little bit of heaven, the world house I'm Dan McCoy. Hey guys I'm Stuart Welligan. And hey guys I'm Elliot Kaelin guys. Hey. It's a thing we're doing this time. Guys. All of us together again ready to take our listeners on an exciting voyage through the realm of cinema Oh
Starting point is 00:00:53 And what gem will we look at today what brilliant sparkling sapphire in the film firmament are we gazing upon this eve? Well, we will examine the crowning jewel in Kate Hudson's uvra, a little bit of heaven. So, if I may, I'm going to pull back a flop house curtain for our readers of home. And explain that when we sat down, snacking on our snacks, drinking our drinks, trying to pick a movie. Tomorrow is young Capore, so I'm not eating. Yeah, of course. So we were flipping through the channels,
Starting point is 00:01:29 trying to keep talking about movies we actually wanted to watch. Movies we weren't allowed to watch. Dan, in explik- Dan, any movie we're dancing, I've heard that might be a little good. We were not allowed to watch. Yeah, so it was like stacking the deck against us on this one. Oh, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And he wouldn't stop talking about abduction, starring Taylor Lautner. Because Dan has a thing for Taylor Lautner. I mean, it's cool. It should be a good flop house movie. It's got Lautner. It's got a Taylor. It's got a thriller plot. A stupid thriller plot. It's got abduction and it's got Taylor's apps. Yep. So I guess consider that a preview of a future episode. I assume since that I don't think Dan's abduction obsession is going away anytime soon. We went through all of the movies that were on demand from Time Warner Cable
Starting point is 00:02:13 and all of them seemed actually a little too good to fall into our program. Yeah, you're right, Solomon Kane. I was just so sorry. I was just a Solomon Kane. Stuart wanted to watch Solomon Kane. I wanted to watch whatever I don't care. Let's just get on with it.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But instead of watching a little bit of heaven, best known as Kate Hudson gets ass cancer. That was the original working title, I think. It was called Untitled Kate Hudson Ass Cancer Project. She's been wanting to ask cancer for a long time. We're just looking for the right vehicle. The right project, but to them. Yeah, that's basically, here's the thing about this movie.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Usually we go through the plot of the movie. I think it might take about 45 seconds to go through the plot of this movie. I'll try to add as much incident as possible. OK. Kate Hudson lives in New Orleans. Sure, the big easy. The big easy, uh... christok town
Starting point is 00:03:05 beta max rydges four and uh... big bignay yep that tiny blues place sleepy hollow and so she is she works at a fast paced ad agency new Orleans the town recently ravaged by john sanan movie twelve rounds it has yet to recover from the damage done by john sanah she works at an ad agency one of the famous new orlands ad agency sure by John Cena and movie, 12 rounds. It has yet to recover from the damage done by John Cena. She works at an ad agency,
Starting point is 00:03:27 one of the famous New Orleans ad agencies, where we see how good she is her job by selling a condom company on the idea that women buy condoms. Surely not, I mean, they don't have penises, I don't know why we do that. I'll compare my friends. You would think that they would have market research
Starting point is 00:03:43 that would show them otherwise. Yes, you would think so since women many buy condoms but No, they need Kate Hudson to open their eyes on that one. SAS talking a little bit sexy a little bit funny just like Kate Hudson herself She is quirky. She's a reverent. Hey, she doesn't care if you're laughing or you're hating But you know what you just live in approachable. That's what I i like about it yeah approachable and somewhat puffy faced now let's begin by saying what we'll talk about the puffy face everyone in this movie looks tired hate Hudson has an excuse because she soon finds out when she goes to the doctor played by gale Garcia Bernal of e to mama tumbling and uh...
Starting point is 00:04:20 kassadimi padre that uh... right to sleep he was in the other guy news and so i sleep here right and i say the other guy i really i was in uh... the other guy from the youtube mian and the other guy from me on the on
Starting point is 00:04:39 which i believe is a tire restaurant. So the two of them, he's the hair doctor. She says, oh, I've been having these pains in my butt area. And he says, and you've had blood in your stool. Yes, I've had that too. The audience has seen none of this. Absolutely. We don't need to see the blood in your stool.
Starting point is 00:04:59 You want close-up shots of bloody stool. I just want to. You hear me. I'm building tension. All I want. Last cancer movie, you're thinking there's gonna shots of bloody stool. I just wanted to hear you're building tension. All I want is cancer movie. You're thinking there's going to be some loving shots of bloody stool. We are going to see her struggling away on the toilet.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Lord knows what coming out of her anus. I am not going to lie. When you pitched this movie as the Kate Hudson Ascanser movie, I was just non-stop making poop slash fart jokes the whole first 20 minutes until we actually realized there were going to be any yeah no uh so but it seemed like a missed opportunity to you. I'm just saying it's weird that she says to her friends I'm not feeling so well and then she goes to the doctor and she's like yes I have had bloody stool. It's like that's a way more serious thing than not feeling well. i think she would be a little bit more frightened and maybe think there's something seriously wrong and i believe in from one of the two
Starting point is 00:05:49 major orifices in my body that things are expelled from yeah or did you mean the mouth is the other major orifice yeah okay really so so the so the back before the front in orifices there's the two major or the most important i mean it might minor orifices so the so the front genitalia is minor to you. Well, I mean, it comes to orifices. Look, I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So maybe I mean, I probably was probably different from a for a lady. Yeah, I think you're coming at this from a mail. From a phallacentric point of view, the urethra tiny word. Yeah, big surprise classic misogynist. Anyway, so you'm just saying if I the orpheus orpheus higher. Orpheus. Orpheus.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I heard. Orpheus is that make this guy right? No, it's Morpheus. Orpheus, Orpheus is the greatest true player in age degrees. The Orpheus myth will know that there are two major orifices in orpheus and acidity. A blue orpheus and a red orpheus. The red one, the one with the right one will just keep you in there. And also you can't look back at your idiocy or else she disappears and turns into a bloody stool. Now, I'm just saying we need some more, the character doesn't seem to be that worried about something that would frighten me if it happened to me. But she goes to the doctor and he says you have colon cancer. This is serious. This is a bad cancer to have.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Game change. Yeah, this is a total game changer. And so it takes her while to reconcile this. The real records Gratz of a... She tries to use humor to not get too worried about it and also she starts to romance the handsome doctor who is a Jewish Mexican. Wait, hold on. Back up for a second. Jewish and Mexican. Yes, it's one of that. Back up for a second when she's fully when she is fully anesthetized so they can stick a camera up her butt which as Stewart said I'm not
Starting point is 00:07:42 sure something that's done. It might be a local anesthesia usually. I don't know yet, I don't know they usually put you under for the butt camera. But when she's fully anesthetized, she meets God who Kate Hudson pictures as a woopy goldberg because her character is a big woopy goldberg fan. And we know this because whoopie goldberg shows up. No, she says like, oh, your woopy goldberg is like,
Starting point is 00:08:03 oh, you know, because you're a big fan, I'm appearing to you as this,, because you're a big fan. I have a parent to you is this This marks her as a fictional character Modern times there's no such thing as a big wikip wikip wikip Goldberg fan. We'll be Goldberg slams But we'll be going for it. I mean, she's been run pretty high lately She needs to hand the keeper on She's in red jumping jack flash is jump a little too high if you know what I mean We'll be gold work that grants her a few wishes because I guess
Starting point is 00:08:27 God is a genie one of them being that she's gonna get a million dollars later on let's just I'm putting that out there she hasn't as a direct line to God yeah in the form of will be go break in the form of the real oh god you devil's her situation So she wakes up finds out she has asked she's got the butt and cancer and she has to super insensitive about this affliction Delight, I look I just want to say obviously if this was a real problem someone had in real life I would be saddened it would be tragic Yeah, but if it happens in a crappy movie where the worst symptom that Kate Hudson displays to us the audience is that she has She's tired and has the cold.
Starting point is 00:09:06 She has the mist that she knows. Like, she's not wearing any makeup. She looks like she's got the flu. She is not... She is not... Yeah, she is in the throes of fatal cancer. She knows she's gonna die. And this is expressed by her sitting on the couch with a blanket tucked around her and
Starting point is 00:09:19 a tissue in her hand, and she looks tired and puffy and her hair is kind of stringing. Like, she doesn't eat it, like literally, she looks like she should call it sick to work. If you're a real person, out there who's suffering disease, all of my sympathies are with you. But if you're simple, you're not even gonna save some in case like a plane crashes.
Starting point is 00:09:37 No, my sympathies are bottomless well, no you're. Sure. I think you're thinking of your antipathy. But if you're a stupid character in this movie, I mean, like this movie is a greater insult to anyone with cancer than anything that we're going to say on this podcast. Yeah. I'm not going to say that Kate Hudson deserves to die, but her character certainly deserves to die. Yeah. Okay. So that's the entire movie. Well, basically, we'll basically have the deserve to die. She uses humor and she next week on the flop out. She tells all her friends.
Starting point is 00:10:06 She tells her parents Kathy Bates and treat Williams who have a bad relationship. They are not happy with each other. I assume they're divorced, but maybe they're just unhappy together and they stay together because the sex is amazing. Yeah, angry sex is the best sex and she romanes. You can only imagine Kathy Bates and treat Williams some hot hot sex. She romances the doctor. The doctor is told by his superior that this is very unethical. That's a subplot that goes nowhere. It's just dropped. Unless we missed something, which is possible, because I had trouble paying attention to
Starting point is 00:10:36 how boring this movie was. Although this movie also screams deleted scenes. No, this movie movie really in the directors cut yeah this movie screams like a movie where the like the screenwriter went down any number of cul-de-sacs that were then just
Starting point is 00:10:53 stripped from the movie but we talked about that five-minute sales you talked about that five-minute scene where they just sing along do an entire song in a car ride yeah of that so then she she has a life insurance windfall. They'll give her the money before she dies.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's a million dollars. She takes her friends. Well, God said she was gonna get it. Takes her friends on a shopping spree. Then the sickness goes to her head. She's an asshole to everybody. She does not dealing well with the fact that she's gonna die and she's mean to everyone.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Then she sees God again, makes amends with everybody. Dies and they have a light-hearted jazz funeral in her honor. And that is the entire movie. Here are the most, I left out the most intriguing characters of the film. I will give you them an order of most intriguing to least exciting. These are the most likable characters in the movie. One, her dog Stanley, who is a bulldog, adorable, always looks like he's got something on his
Starting point is 00:11:44 mind. Super fat, super wrinkly say something hilarious if only if he could talk this movie would bump up from half a star to one and a half stars every scene that he was not in I was wondering what Stanley up to we're Stanley right now solve a crime probably in the background of one scene because Kate Hudson is all these paintings in the apartment you can see a painting of Stanley and I looked at it and I said I am gonna try to get that for Stuart for his birthday next year. The thing is that you have a bulldog as wrinkly as Stanley in a climate like the Orleans. That's crazy. He's gonna get sweaty. That's what's gonna happen. It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:12:20 molding those wrinkles. Yeah, so they've already cleaned those out. Okay. When we see a scene of her cleaning out of the wrinkle mold. So Stanley most It was gonna be mold in those rankles. Yeah, so they've already cleaned those out. Okay, so Stanley, most lovable character in the movie. Second most level character in the movie. At one point, Kate Hudson takes her friend's daughter, who's a little girl, to the zoo, they see an orangutan who has a lot of charisma in the orangutan, just pee is right in front of them. Second best character in the movie.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Amazing. So that's first best Stanley is a real character. He appears. Second best character, a cameo by an orangutan. Third best character in the movie, not even a cameo. When they're in the hospital at one point, and on an escalator behind them is an extra who is a man with white hair. It is suit. It is a man with light hair.
Starting point is 00:13:05 It is suit. It is suit and glasses. And there's just something about it. It's something about it. Something about it that screams, what's this character doing in the hospital? I would love to find out. He has no lines.
Starting point is 00:13:16 He's a background extra. Draws focus instantly away from the main characters. I think what's shocking is that a actor with his charisma is this latent life and he has not you know rock it To start up with his own vehicle So they like so this movie would have been much better if it was about a dog that teamed up with a rent in a rangutan To pee on a man with white hair on an escalator That would have made this movie infinitely better now. I will say it sounds like a short subject, but it sounds like an amazing
Starting point is 00:13:43 No, it's like screwballs. They spend the whole movie trying to find ways to pee on them, wise on an escalator and they keep fucking up. They can't do it and then finally at the end. Let us roll peeing on the guy, slow motion, pee splatter, roll up. Original song roles, then stop, Stanley has a rap, Arangatana's the DJ, hit the disc. Who is he ever made with a generous grant from the Canada Film Society. Very generous. And extremely overly generous.
Starting point is 00:14:11 So interesting talking about raping animals because this is relevant, this strangely enough because MCScat got himself Romany Malco's in the movie. Can I pronounce that right? No you didn't. Romany? Romany? Romany? I mean I'm not him, I don't did. Romani? Romani? Romani? Romani? I mean, I'm not him. I don't know. Romani? Romani? Romani. Romani.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Melco. Okay, so he was great. He actually only performed one half of the reps for MCSKAT Cat in the song opposite to track. What? Wait, one half. I'm sorry, within the same song. Yes. There were two MCSKAT Cat. According to Wikipedia, the role of MCSKAT Cat was too big for one man.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That's the thing. Half of that song for one guy. Have you recorded half of that song? I don't think so. I am not. I'll put the hat, like as a listener to opposite the track. Sure. The song that I've heard several times in the first of my life. How was I never able to discern that there were two separate MCSKAT'll tell you why. I'll tell you why. Because you're not listening to two different rappers.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You're listening to the character of MCSKATKAT and he comes to life. So he probably also handled the animation duties, right? He did not know. Professional animation team did that. Andy Serkis was the MCSKATKAT. Actually, not Andy Serkis the actor, but a circus named Andy.
Starting point is 00:15:22 They hired all the circus people to do the animation. It was their first job. It's amazing that it came out so well. And which was most part of it. Which was the animated at first, then cast Paula Abdul wrote the song and then shot the video. The animation just fit perfectly.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Oh man, I didn't know you've been watching the making of Obsessive Track. I've actually been producing it. True Hollywood story. I'm producing a three part starter right now. Yeah. I've someone could donate to Kickstarter my three part documentary on it's called scatting with the cat. Sure. Opposites attract and attracting opposites. A $10 donation gets you a high five from Elliot. Yes, but you travel costs you have to pay yourself. Sure. Of course. And you have to find me. You can't arrange it. It's if you come to New York, see me on the street walking to work or something and you go,
Starting point is 00:16:08 10 bucks for opposites attract. I will high five you. For $50 you get an animated pair of parachute pants. Yeah, but I draw them. And for $5,000 you get dinner with Elliot. Wow. You pay for the dinner. Yeah. In Stewart's house. That's what's weird. Is it Stewart will turn it into a French restaurant for one night, Shay Stewart? Yep. Which weird is he serves beef Wellington, which is an English dish dish? That is weird, right? But that's Shay Stewart. What are you going to do? Be Wellington and beef stew. There's a lot of beef Stewart Wellington's of this. He also puts a mustache on and talks in a French accent. And what will Monsieur have to drink? For colds like an excellent choice and excellent vintage.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So anyway this movie is... Would sir care to tap the Rockies tonight? I will say about this movie that the actors in it try fairly hard to make. I like them really selling gurs lighted with the pepper in the story. Well the markup is insane. You're charging $20 a can. That's a thing. I get a little bit of a cut out on it.
Starting point is 00:17:09 But you've got totally different motivations. Ellie, it's all about an MCS catcam project. You're more a coolers light booster. Sure. Well, I want to get the party started. And the best way to do that is to have a giant train that sheds ice and beer on it. Science shows us that parties are best started by a train in the mountains that shoots beer giants playing volleyball.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah, too a bevy of babes and t-tees. It's a lot of bees. A lot of alliteration for Stuart Wellington. Also, Shay Stewart, table side pouring service. You pay a little extra, but that's it. So I will say every actor in this movie is trying hard. I don't think maybe Kate Hudson's phoning it in. They seem to be trying hard to stay awake. That's I mean that the quality material they're working with is so low. This is the fact
Starting point is 00:17:58 that they put that they change their facial expressions. I do feel like they're trying to sell it. I mean, Kate Hudson I think is the worst in the movie which is the shame to see the star even when she is writing a bicycle down the street in her vagina john is drinking whiskey out of a bottle she is real it you know what yeah because he's drunk at the time actually that was a joke from an absurd critic that i think about it but uh... i like i mean aside from uh... mister mcisk cat cat himself Romani Malko
Starting point is 00:18:26 You've got a strong backing you got the baits Kathy baits street Williams Steven Weber as Kate Hudson's boss Lucy punch Lucy punch is her best friend Rosemary to wit as her other best friend Peter dinkled Peter dinkled Shapires as a dwarf jiggle. Oh of courseorf Jigalo, it's Peter Dinklage, they're not going to put him in a cyborg body, so we play a full-size person who a Jorf Jigalo with the nickname a little bit of heaven. So that's how we get the title by the way. Yes, to get the title of the movie, they have to bring in a totally extraneous character who appears in one scene. Well, and he teaches they're the valuable lesson of, hey, I know you're dying, but you got to live
Starting point is 00:19:03 your life, you know. Yeah, you got to do a lot of fun shit mainly by playing wise cover man, and they mainly live by playing Texas hold them together The I think Ginger book wide's cover. It's not the lesson at all But that's what he teaches her it doesn't apply to the movie. It's not like they fall love It's Well, no he's like taking another look. You have a lot of chance man I would you can have love it when I get so I guess so and Peter but he's like taking another look. You have a lot of chance, man. You can have a lot of it when a dwarf does need to love me.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And Peter Dinklage has a mustache and like blonde hair. And dyed blonde, big hair. And like instantly, you know what? I'm gonna add him up. He's like a wolf. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. I'm gonna make him a wolf hair. series where Peter Dinklage's Jiglo, a little bit of heaven, has to solve mysteries or save a business. I don't care what. He's so charming. You know what? I'm gonna put Jiglo's getting to all kinds of hiding. He is a he is a close fourth to Whitehaired man on the escalator when it comes to likeable characters. So I think I think part of what they're trying to do with the movie is is bore people. Well, they have, you know, they have this
Starting point is 00:20:05 character who is a backdoor pilot. We're serious about. Seriously, that women. If asked cancer, a new woman. So he's a dwarf, jiggle, oh, who brings, who teaches a woman with ask cancer, a different lesson every week. And the only way that she can survive is if there's a surprise procedure performed by Dr.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Orangutan MD. Yeah, with Stanley sitting there going, uh-oh, this is never gonna wake. Yeah. It's what we're gonna see. And it's called, David, it's called, it's called, uh, JJ Abrams butt buddies. JJ Abrams is attached to executive produce. Uh, so you have a movie. If there's a way we can tie the butt patrol into this, I think we can really, you remember right Dan?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Sure. So you have a character who gets ass cancer. Colin cancer. Let's call it Colin cancer. Colin cancer. In the movie, they repeatedly refer to it as ass cancer, which is not really accurate. It's not in her assets in her colon. So she has colon cancer. And...
Starting point is 00:21:07 Semicolon cancer, not as bad, still painful. And then she has to... A lot of people... This uses, though. Fall in love with somebody, and then she dies, spoiler alert. So, I think what they try and sell you on is that pre-finding out that she has cancer, she was living her life wrong in some way. I guess she was too focused on work. She was living her life wrong in some way.
Starting point is 00:21:25 She was too focused on work. She refused to have relationships with guys. We see her make a booty call to a gentleman, have sex with him, and then kick him out and say, I don't want relationships. It was like the guy who was the alien bounty hunter and ex-file or something. I think that was the... He probably wasn't alien bounty. Again, it would make the movie so much more interesting. If you was a character you would
Starting point is 00:21:46 recommend. But here's the thing she is living her life like there's no tomorrow and then she gets cancer before or after before the cancer and then the lesson of the movie seems to be live your life like there's a tomorrow even when there isn't. Yeah. Lesson seems to be kid cancer be a dick to everyone for a while and then in the last minute don't be a day. Here's the other thing she is a dick to everyone for a while. And then in the last minute, don't be a dick. Here's the other thing. She is a dick to everyone. And they react the way that you would if a friend was a dick to you.
Starting point is 00:22:10 They get mad at her, they stop talking, they have arguments. But when you're dying, you can be a dick to everybody way much more than she pulled off. People have to let you do it until they reach a bigger breaking point. And there could have been even more tension in the movie if she is lashing out at them to get them to show that they're as worried about this as she is but is pretending not to be and they refuse to do it because they think they're just making things easier for her
Starting point is 00:22:32 so she has to lash out more and then finally they do reach a breaking point they realize that this is what they needed was to actually get mad at each other that would have been a way better movie okay so you want to that scene and a scene of Bloody Poop. So, I just, I just, I just, We don't need to bloody poop scene.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I would just have loved if the audience knew that she was experiencing the symptoms of a serious problem before she tells the doctor because it comes as a weird surprise. Like, why are you so blasé about this? You've just been blooding your poop. Yeah, it's only like, it's not a surprise because you're going into this movie
Starting point is 00:23:06 knowing what it's about. Yeah, let me say, maybe I'll get two personal here. Cause you read about it on Ron Damedo. It's something. Yeah, let me be getting two personal here. I've never had blood in my stool, but as a man who's passed multiple kidney stones, like even knowing what's going on.
Starting point is 00:23:21 So down on the Coca-Cola, I think. I don't drink a lot of Coca-Cola these days. It's probably related to spinach is one possibility. Oh, the Coca-Cola, I think. I don't drink a lot of Coca-Cola these days. It's probably really a dispinache, is one possibility. That's weird. But that's where I got my strength and I need that to save my wife from Pluto. So it's a real bind.
Starting point is 00:23:33 But even knowing I know the symptoms of a kidney stone, I know what it feels like, I know how the process goes, it's still really scary. So if she was dealing with something she had never dealt with before, didn't know what it was, she would be super frightened. She wouldn't be so like yeah, I guess my tummy hurts and there's blood in my poop Whatever doc lay it on me. I know you're just trying to soak me for the bill. Nothing's going wrong
Starting point is 00:23:55 Unless she's eating blood sausage. There should not be blood and her poop. There's a problem. Not be so serious It happens when you eat blood sausage. Yeah, but it's worth it. It's delicious Here's how you eat blood sausage the first, but it's worth it. It's delicious. Here's how you eat blood sausage. The first bite delicious. It's like meat chocolate cake. Second bite tastes disgusting. The third bite delicious and every bite after that is delicious. It's like a crispy cream donut. Kind of, yeah, but made with blood.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I agree with that. I mean, like the secret eating blood pudding is forgetting that you're eating congealed blood. Oh, not for me. I like to feel I'm absorbing the strength and power of the animal. Sure. It's mere weight. I have all the power of a warrior now. But then I, I, I, beef hearts the way other people eat apples. Just take a bite. Maybe I'll peel them with a knife, but you know, just take a bite at them. No, but I think you come to it like a good point out the seriousness of this film. Like the tone of this is all wrong. And sometimes I make candy beef of it. If this is like if this was a better movie, what you're describing would be right.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Like she's driving everyone. She's driving everyone away. It's all it reaches a breaking point. And then the stars this yes, where is this? And she says, I really am scared. I don't know how to express it blah blah blah. And this this movie treats everything so lightly. And there are no stakes because you know that when she dies
Starting point is 00:25:05 She's just gonna go up to heaven with a woopy goldberg. Yeah, there's one scene where Kathy Bates cooks a mistake That's the closest the movie has to having any stakes, but the thing is like because this is such a light movie Her being an asshole just lands so much harder like she's being a dick to her mom being a family is reflective being a dick to me. Maybe your mom through the family is reflective. Oh. Oh. Maybe I think we talked about earlier.
Starting point is 00:25:29 This movie's a lot deeper than I thought. I'm glad you said, Wink, for the audience. But you're right. You just feel bad about like Kathy Bates is her mom. Like I'm just like, you are mistreating your mom, not realizing how difficult it is for her saying her daughter be sick. And similarly, we keep hearing from Kathy Bates
Starting point is 00:25:47 and Kate Hudson how horrible her dad is, her dad's so cold and unemotional, but we never see it. And it's like, And it's like, And that dude is amazing. It's hard to read. It's hard to imagine treat Williams as a cold monster,
Starting point is 00:25:59 even having been in the substitute. I'm only imagine he looks like a Teddy bear. He looks like a Teddy bear. Blasting alien tentacles with a shotgun. But he looks like a Teddy bear. He looks like a jet ski, blasting alien tentacles with a shotgun. But he looks like a Teddy bear doing that. So deep, deep rising. I just, I watched that movie a lot, damn. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I watch it before any major event in my life, my wedding, my graduation from cooking school, my graduation from stripping school. It was the same school steward. It was a stripping cooking school. I think this may be a self-fulfilling thing I think you may be associating treat will it was all the warm moments in your life. I don't know what this self-fulfilling thing means I just know the deep risings amazing and West Doody is in it and he does not blast anything with the shot I guess the studio is blasted. I honestly don't know and I don't know if it's in the purview of this episode.
Starting point is 00:26:48 More it's more interesting the movie much likes family, but you make a good point that because the movie is so lighthearted, she really, it feels like she's really abusing people and we're never given a reason why we should continue to like this personal care about her. It's kind of like young adult in a way where young adult Charlize Theron is a jerk to everybody. But the point of the movie is she's unhappy and that makes her a jerk to everybody. And I didn't think the movie pulled that off
Starting point is 00:27:13 particularly well, but it pulls it off much better than this one. Well, but at least in that movie, that's a dark comedy. So you're supposed to understand that her behavior is not heartwarming. Yeah, but it's still, I don't know, she didn't get enough of a come-upence.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I liked young adult more than- You liked it more than I did, also. I think it totally makes more sense. No, certainly. Very much so. This movie's supposed to be like a light-hearted gross rom-com about asking you answer. The referencing young adult,
Starting point is 00:27:38 Charlize Theron makes herself look way grosser than Kate Hudson ever before. She makes herself look- Despite her puffiness. She makes herself look like someone who is struggling to get through life, you know, and doesn't know what to do with herself. Whereas.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah, manic depressive alcoholic, which was her character. Kate Hudson like just looks, yeah, this looks kind of like puffy and like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and did some bad allergies. Yeah, she looks like she's experiencing hay fever the whole time. Let's just fatal hay fever. Maybe the doctor should have checked her for hay fever guys that could have been the problem
Starting point is 00:28:15 Here's here's my here's my those are just farts Kate those are just farts that your butt is not sneezing My butt is smelly sneezes. This is a really high-brow episode of The Flop S. But I guess when we're watching the S-cancer movie, we're gonna be talking about butt and fart. What's the... butt clapped in blue, but smiling at me, claretin. So here's something I'm gonna bring in.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Our good friend. Oh, wow. Thanks, flop judge. It's the otter theory. here's something i'm gonna be here's a theory on ringing i'll go to our our good friend all out that this is what judge it's the otter theory it's it's a great director is the author of the film even if you didn't write the script our friend friend of the show i love bed movies publisher uh... san a roach does a presentation about something called uh...
Starting point is 00:29:03 what's it called uh... love story is a love story disease ls? Love story disease. Love story disease. Love story disease. Love story disease. Which your movie is about a guy, a dopey guy who gets a newly sunlight when he falls in love with a quirky woman who is going to die. This is that movie but it's told from the girl's point of view. It's a quirky girl who's going to die. She meets her doctor who's kind of like a straight-laced guy who needs to loosen up.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Gail Garcia Bernal. Yeah, and she gets him to loosen up, but it's told from her point of view, and it seems, and it's just the movie's all off balance. She has like no character arc, nothing really happens except her getting mad at people and then having arguments and then she apologizes. It's like they tried to tell that story backwards and it didn't work at all. And it's a dumb story to tell to begin with, but I wonder if that was the thinking almost
Starting point is 00:29:51 behind it. It was like, let's tell that girl's story. You know what? Let's turn this convention on its ear. Exactly. If that's true, I will give the movie credit in one regard, which is this is the only movie like that where the main character does not get more beautiful as she gets sicker. That's true.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Like they actually did, even though it still looked like the symptoms of a cold. I mean, when she's a ghost at the end, she looks banging, dude. Sure. Well, you have a cheese of ghosts. She's healthy, then. Yeah, but that ghost. Yeah, dude. I'm like, we're going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to
Starting point is 00:30:21 be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to I'm like, we're gonna stay on that. You just wanna be lying back, ghost undoing your belt, giving you a go job and then a medium cross office. And then a medium cross office. Because in the 80s, flow jobs gave you cross eyes.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Flow job technology had just been invented. My teacher always told me if I get doing that they'd stay that way. So, you kept getting flow jobs, they would stay that way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe two or five, getting flow jobs. They would say that way. Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's hard to get a blow job. What class was this?
Starting point is 00:30:49 What subject? Success. Oh, okay. Well, I think you may have been in an inaccurate information. Okay. Well, I'll take it up with my teacher. You still keep in touch? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:59 We're on Facebook. Oh, really? That seems in an interview. You don't do Facebook? Well, that seems inappropriate. And, other things, he talked about blow jobs It's the sex ed class But sex ed is talking about blow jobs all the time. Yeah, come on my sex ed class was called blow job
Starting point is 00:31:15 We need to talk about We've talked about butt cancer blow jobs ghosts butt sneezes blow jobs ghosts but sneezes right orangutan doctor orangutan md and it's like it's daily the dog i think uh... i think we've managed to avoid most of most of the movie i think maybe we actually need to uh... get on to final jobs
Starting point is 00:31:37 wrap things up because we have a lot of news actually talk about that right we do actually but uh... the news hinted at earlier in the early so uh... this is the uh... final judgment sections where we talk about how this is it whether this is a good bad movie a bad bad movie or movie kind of like i think the interest of speeding this section along all speak for all of us this was a bad bad movie i think this was the most the
Starting point is 00:32:01 we will out of this was the i think highest proportion of the movie was spent with us looking at our phones or desperately or watching Dan's cat just lie there. It was very hard to it was just a really not good very like boringly and insultingly bad movie. If we if we made a major Olivia Wildgate style error in this podcast, I apologize, but it was I apologize for nothing. Well, yeah, hamburger and steak, dude. Horrible.
Starting point is 00:32:29 That's not even what he was referring to, but that is still something I'm disgusted by. But yeah, that's if we made any mistakes with the plot, please don't correct us because then it means you'll have watched the movie and we'll feel bad about it. Still a bit of heaven. Are we going to make our announcement or go to the letters from Stan. Well, two thumbs down before we make an announcement. I give it zero out of a million stars.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Before we make the announcement, I want to quickly thank for their donations. Martin J. Daniel B and Luke S. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you for your kind hearts your open wallets Mm-hmm and your cornets Kind hearts and your cornets you kind hearts and your cornets. Yeah, cuz we We just we haven't we haven't making enough e-lings Pilling pictures references in this podcast
Starting point is 00:33:21 so When we get a lavender hill mob joking here Now okay done. I. Keep moving on. So let's keep on keeping on, shall we? This is the point where we reveal something. You're fucking preface. Yeah, this is the point in every show where we make a big announcement. So last week we talked last time we talked about some shit and we argued for a while and it turns out we shouldn't have been arguing right? Yeah, we could have just revealed it and I apologize for for second guessing. I apologize another, it was hilarious. It was hilarious. It kept me as in the series.
Starting point is 00:33:56 So starting knees in a way. Starting October the first, our good friend, Al Magdregal. Al Magdregal. You may know him as Al Madrigal, the new Stuart Wellington. And I want to give a shout out to just briefly. Apparently, Al gave a performance at Ohio State University, and a flop house fan was there. And it just reminded us what a broad reach this podcast has that goes all the way to OSU. Thanks OSU student for listening to the flyp house. But continue, owl magical. A good friend owl material is starting up a podcast network.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Now you may be familiar with the podcast networks. There's the ear wolf network. The ear with the width of an ear. That's the perfect width for a podcast, because ears are what the podcast goes into. There's the perfect width for a podcast because ears are what the podcast goes into. There's the nerdest network, but Alice starting something called all things comedy. ATC, all things comedy. Some of the pitching people on it or what you're just telling me about what it is. Some of the folks involved, some of the podcast involved, you got your rig barren,
Starting point is 00:35:01 Who some of the podcast involved? You got your Greg Barrent, you got your Eddie Peppaton, you got Harlan Williams. Is Bill Byrne involved? Bill Byrne, big names, big names. Much bigger names than us. Yeah, much larger names than us. I would say much funnier. Mm, well, some of them maybe, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And Al Madderall. Don't, hey, you're funny guys, too. Hey, thanks. That's what I was fishing for. You're equally funny. Oh, that's a comedy to it. Hey, thanks. That's what I was fishing for. You're equally funny. Oh, that's a comedy call back. Comedy call back. Review call back.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Anyway, Dan. A-and-als podcast, zone podcast, minivan men. But he's put together this. Half man, half minivan. There's network, which is a podcast. Oh man. Collective. And by collective, I mean to point that out by saying that.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's like the Borg. The fact that we're part of this does not mean that anything is going to change. Yeah, this podcast will remain almost entirely the same. We will be a basically independent unit within this larger comedy network. What we will gain from this is greater relationship, hopefully, new flopping. New floppers. And perhaps a little
Starting point is 00:36:11 money. To Ching. What will happen in terms of you listening is almost nothing different. However, we do, we will warn you, there will likely be at some point in the future some adverse some light adage some light adverts lights sponsor announcement but not uh... not pre-recorded ads or anything like that right now i believe that will be doing the ad copy will be will be doing it the old fashioned way it'll just be like the old gracey burns to our challenge show where uh... i got the names backwards where uh... there were like let's tell some funny jokes and then we'll enjoy some Maxwell House coffee.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Ooh, delicious coffee. Now back to the jokes. And now the music of Meredith Wilson in his orchestra. But I want to say this about this. It was in the playwright. What? Anyway, keep going. Meredith Wilson, who did music man, was also the music guy for the Czech Mani show. Oh, I didn't realize that.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Oh, I didn't realize that. And we can't say that. And we can't say that. And we can't say that. And we can't say that. And we can't say that. And we can't say that. And we can't say that. And we can't say. Oh, I didn't realize that. Oh, I didn't realize that. On RuPaul's Drag Race, RuPaul's always promoting Iron Fist shoes and her various other products. Iron Fist shoes. That's the name of Omaha. Really? And Marvel is OK with that?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah, totally cool. But I just want to say that in terms of this becoming a sellout proposition, if we're selling out. Well, that's true. We are selling out. Also, Stuart's being replaced by a cartoon cat again. I'm going to be replaced with Dustin Diamond and Dan is going to be replaced with Tiffany Evertheson.
Starting point is 00:37:34 That's right. It's a two-part save by the bell reunion and the cartoon cat was in the pilot for save by the bell. It's a total sell-out move. We're all going to move to Malibu and by houses and surf all day and sleep all night. No, I just wanted to say that. Where do I sign?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Right here in this devil contract. This podcast was never meant to be a money-making enterprise. Not at all. And it has succeeded by leaps of minds. Be on the Arewala Streams. Yeah. Mission accomplished. No money.
Starting point is 00:38:03 By fine, I find it hard to believe that it might become one at some time. And, and if anyone is afraid of us selling out, let me just point out that it is still a podcast. So the level of selling out is, is commiserate to the media. Well, I think, I think I can speak for all of us maybe when I say that the reason we do this is because we enjoy doing it. And we get a, we get pleasure out of doing it. We get pleasure out of knowing people listen to it and enjoy it. We get pleasure. A lot of pleasure. Hearing back from you and getting your letters and things like that. It would be great to for us to get some money from it, but the main drive is
Starting point is 00:38:36 still because we love doing it because we love hearing from you and we hope you still enjoy it. So we're not going to change the podcast to try to chase the buck or anything. And the primary reason that we were interested in joining this collective was to grow the podcast. Listen to the charms of the audience. Yeah. So that we can get more floppies out there. So, no, I agree. That I'm with you guys on this. Stuart was a little wary at first, but only because- As I said, more floppies. We've already have too many, but only because he originally came up with the idea for two broke girls and signed it away.
Starting point is 00:39:08 It's called two bloke girls and it was two guys that were girls. They're also English. So also while we're in a sort of housekeeping part of the show we should plug our next live flop house screaming. Yeah, and then I've got a plug too as long as we're plugging things and 92 y Tribeca on November the second Mm-hmm. We will be doing our fourth screening where we will riff over a movie We're gonna talk over a movie do a little do some bits. I wouldn't use a term riff that gets us close to Yeah, that's right in French. I mean what an idea of a riff is riff over some kind of track. We're just going to we're just going to MST 3K movie. I mean, it's a jazz term before it was anything associated with
Starting point is 00:39:52 the bad movies, but sure. We're going to be okay. Cat screaming. Bratz with the movie. Bratz. Now we've talked about Bratz a lot. Yeah, we laughed a lot about Brax. We loved a lot of Brax. So you've probably already watched Brax at home like a zillion times, but have you seen on the big screen? No. Three dudes talking over at the whole time? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Probably not. Probably not. Well, we do, man. Let's hear a future traveler. A chronomancer. We'll be doing it again in coordination with i love bad movies uh... the zine everybody loves to read and uh... hopefully
Starting point is 00:40:32 it'll be as enjoyable as our past screenings which were big hits and sold out and sold out so this might be a sell-out crowd so get your tickets early get your tickets often very huge sell- out come to our show. As we are, because we joined a network. And I also, this is not a flop house thing, but I also want to mention at 92 I try Becca. I'm going to be doing three nights of sketch comedy the first three Thursdays in October. That's the fourth, eleventh and eleventh.
Starting point is 00:41:00 It's a ten year anniversary reunion of me and my sketch partner Brock Mayhan together where the hypocrites, and we've been performing together often on for about 10 years now. We're gonna do some of our old material and some of our new material, and it should be a lot of fun. Well, I have special guests.
Starting point is 00:41:13 All that information is up on the 92-I-Tribeck-a-Wimpsend. And Brock's been on the show before, yeah. Yeah, Brock has been there. He was here for Paul Blart, Malkop, and at least one more. I, maybe three. He's been a Stuart stand-in been a steward stand-in. And an Elliott stand-in.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah, that's what I thought. But we're going to be doing those shows at Nightwitch Rebecca in case you can't wait till November. And you need some LA-Kalen related humor. Yeah, you need a crack at Kalen. Yep, a Kale crack. How was that? That was good.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So that was keeping it ended. Horing business, taking care of. If you have any complaints about our joining this network, please send them to the Flophouse where you'll get ads cancer. Well, I was going to say post them to the Flophouse Facebook page so we can make fun of them. So this is the Flophouse Mailbag. It's like a movie mailbag.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Movie mailbag. Mailbag for movies. Letters for movies. Writing letters. how does a movie write a letter? Let's find out now, Dan! Your songs, your intro songs are getting more and more inaccurate. I'm moving my intro songs into strange new territories. Uh, this letter is titled, Do you need another excuse to discuss Brett's, the movie? Nope! Uh... Did no Stardomist write this letter? Do you need another excuse to discuss Bratz the movie? Nope.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Did no Stardom is write this letter? In a quadrary? It's titled, yeah, it's, I'm sorry, it's addressed, Dear OP, original peaches. That's nice. I went back through the catalog and it seems like this was never discussed. Eurasian Bratz love interest in the film was played by Chet Hanks, the other child doomed to live in Tom Shadow. Chet also appeared as student in library in the newest Indiana Jones and pizza delivery boy in Larry
Starting point is 00:42:55 Crown. I'm just gonna mention that it's better to live in Tom Hanks's shadow than live in Tom Hanks' closet as his third son has had to do. The evil son. Sure. Shank Hanks. But perhaps most importantly, Chet has embarked on a rap career on the name Chet Hayes. And she has a YouTube link here
Starting point is 00:43:16 that I'll throw up on the site. A friend of mine's brother has actually worked with him on those raps. Well, she goes on to say, Chet also intends north western, where I imagine he has taunted every day in the quad. Lots of love, Sarah last name with her. Interesting thing to bring up.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Until he sings a rap about him. Yeah, and then they're like, whoa. Turn around. His solid rhymes. I actually have two. Make sure hair stand on end. And then they try and top that like in two words. Well, they feel dist, which is short,
Starting point is 00:43:44 disrespected, Stuart. Oh, OK. Well, they feel dist, which is short, disrespected stew. Oh, okay. Yeah, the brother of a friend of mine, I believe, worked as a, like, sound engineer producer on some of those wraps. To engineer the soundscapes. Yeah, and you may know Northwestern as the alma mater of frequent flop house writer
Starting point is 00:43:58 in irritating ways, my brother, David. The sound scapes, yeah. He likes to, he's really molding sound into shape so if you want to see the wrapping child of America's male sweetheart come to Brad's the movie on November 2nd with us the flop house so this is titled knighthood discracies deer floppers which actor with a nighthood do you think has disgraced themselves with their career choices sir Stewart Wellington It seems to me that the three obvious contenders are Sir Sydney Portier who directed ghost dad and to serve with love two decades after being knighted Sir Michael Cain who starred in the hand and shared the screen with Jim Blusche and Mr. Destiny.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Let's not forget, Joss 4. And Sir Ben Kingsley, Blood Rain, Love Guru, lots and lots of other shit. The dark horse in the race seems to be Sam Neal who is a New Zealand title equivalent to the Night Hood, the New Zealand Order of Merit, and has starred in that movie with the armored owls, the trashiest of all showtime shows, in 1981's possession, where Isabella Adjani has sex with the octopus. That's an amazing movie.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I will not have anything bad said about possession. If you guys, this is not my recommendation for the night, but if you guys have not seen possession, see it. It is bat shit crazy. Sam Niels great in it, Isabella Adjani's great in it. She has a scene in a subway tunnel where she goes crazy and his vomiting stuff up that goes on forever.
Starting point is 00:45:29 It's amazing. And yes, she has sex with a tentacle monster. It's a fantastic movie. I mean, it is bizarre. It is a movie that is alternately, it's a little too long, it's a little slow, but it is also really bizarre and beautiful. And the recommendations part of that.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Well, and it's a beautifully shot movie. But anyway, I would say, or is the letter not done? Oh, it letter not just says keep up the great work if you ever run out of ideas make Elliott and hail helium because nothing is funnier than a man and hailing a poisonous gas and then talking funny yours loren's last name with health i don't already loren's of Arabia probably loren's van a revier i i don't already sound high pitched enough that I need helium to, but I would say that There is a tradition in the British theater and it's called Do it for the money. Yeah, and I would feel they would not be holding up their end of the nighthood If they didn't take whatever crappy job they could they would pay them like when Dame Judy Dench had to be an a
Starting point is 00:46:23 Rillimental and the Chronicles of Riddick. Exactly. Or when my favorite story of this is when Sir Lawrence Olivier played Douglas MacArthur in the movie In-Chang, which was a movie that was funded by the recently departed Reverend Song Young-Moon, and he demanded that they pay him in brief cases of cash because he didn't trust them to back any of the checks that they had promised him. You'll do, if you're a British actor, you do any job for the money. It's just the way it is because you're a professional.
Starting point is 00:46:51 So I guess what Ellie is saying is the most horish British actor with my hood? All of them. All of them. And that's the way it's supposed to be. Also, there's no way that the bourges is the trashiest show on Showtime. I'm sorry. And Sam Neill was great in my third favorite John Carverter movie of all time That's only your third favorite
Starting point is 00:47:09 Memoirs of an invisible man Yada spin a Rooney on that one. Well, he's also great in the movie less than my third favorite I'll also great in my favorite John Carver movie in the mouth of madness Although it's kind of tied with the thing but everyone's favorite is the thing that they live in big trouble in the china all the big trouble in the little china in the mouth of madness is way better than that uh... finest adaptation of hp lovecraft's themes to film big trouble in the china no in the mouth of madness
Starting point is 00:47:41 this is titled hey grillhouse gang i think he has the one podcast. I think he's looking for the grilled cheese podcast. Just a quick question as the summer winds down. If each of you had your own signature barbecue sauce, I'll name it. I.E. the Grill House House cat, sweet and sassy, molassee barbecue sauce.
Starting point is 00:48:02 That's a great name. Keep up with the great work and dry rubs can go fuck themselves. Brian, the rapidly closing in on middle-aged Canadian barbecue kid, Skinner. Well, Brian. Oh, man, that's a- I don't like your controversial position on dry rubs. I feel like this is a question for Dan.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Of all the floppers, I think Dan spends the most time cooking. Like that one party you showed up and he brought boy bait for all of us to eat Yeah, it was called boy bait. It's called blueberry boy bait blueberry boy. It's not how you used to bait a boy Okay, I bait that boy It's also known as husband bait in certain I think so all of your sauce be Dan gravy so known as husband bait in certain I think so all your sauce be Dan look if it if that bait's not gonna help me find old scratchy the biggest catfish in skull lake then I am not interested I've been I've been trying to get scratchy for for years now and he keeps on I'm missing but I'll catch him I'll
Starting point is 00:49:02 catch him all right what's your? It would be probably salty. I've come to love that fish in a way I can't love another human being. Anyway, what would your sauce be? Moa-ass cancer sauce. Up next, see, brought you excited with the movie. Watch a little bit ahead of them. Too soon. Yeah, I mean, so that's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Yours would be salty and probably really vinegar. So it's Carolina sauce. Yeah, definitely. Is there a sauce that causes depression? L.A. It would be super sweet and delicious and everybody wants it all the time. Thank you. But it's just sometimes too knowledgeable for its own good. Yeah, it's a little, it's a pedantic choice. It's a metaphor. It's falling apart at this point. And also when you eat it, you get a phone call that tells you you have a week left to live. But until a ghost girl comes from the TV. Stuart, that leaves you.
Starting point is 00:49:50 It's gonna have some kind of drink in it. Yeah, yeah. It's probably, it's a course light based barbecue sauce. It tastes like castle-free penis is ding-dong. It tastes so good, it makes you rip off your own ding-dong. Maybe your sauce is more of like a blue cheese dressing because you pour over something that shredded like lettuce Yeah, oh nice nice there you go. You just pour that blue cheese sauce over your food. Let's just keep moving on shall we? This letter's titled newsies
Starting point is 00:50:23 This letter's titled Newsies. Like it already. Newsies. Like it already. Santa Fe. One complaint. And guys, this is a deep cut. Back in 2010 in the podcast about surrogates. That is a deep cut.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I forgot we did that movie. Stuart announces proudly that he is a newsie. And then Dan and Elliot imply that he must be an orphan who lives on the street because, as Elliot says, what parent lets their kid be a newsy if they have a home not only is this a story in accurate that they're newsies with a home in a family it's not even in line with the canon of the groundbreaking disney film and Broadway musical in the film jack cowboy Kelly befriends david and less Jacobs brothers become newsies when their father is
Starting point is 00:51:01 forced out of work due to his broken arm and he eats at their house after a long day of selling papers david and less break jack home for dinner with their family where jack learns for the first time what a family is is evidence in the song Santa Fe so this is a family here I am father son but you're all the way in Santa Fe get a map all though jack over there's where it's located. Although Jack Kelly clearly had no idea what a family was, educational standards were not great in 1899. Not all newsies were orphans who lived in newsboys
Starting point is 00:51:36 lodging houses. Even the boys who did live in the lodging houses were not a band in orphans, if Dan says, as shown in Patrick's mother's verse in the song, carrying the banner. Patrick, are right. Since you left me, I am and done. Mother loves you. God save my son. Mother. Thanks, girl. For his right, this loves you. I know I'm not related to any of you probably. That's the most touching part of the movie as far as I'm concerned. Is the mother's part of that.
Starting point is 00:52:00 It comes after the nuns give the bread out to the kids. says i'm not i know i'm not related to interview probably but if elliance brother can write in correcting stupid sports trivia that no one really can't go he can't do that i can't do it fact i can do one better anytime you need to fact check your newsies references you can take a break from recording the podcast and send me an email i will respond within three to five business days too long too late too long here's in flops sarah last name with hell well we appreciate your fact checking newsies and i hope
Starting point is 00:52:29 that we can turn to whenever we have any questions in the can you or take a cano all you saw newsies before was on Broadway you saw it pre-do I saw it well the reason I saw newsies was a movie we have i also saw in the theaters as a movie. Yes as a kid, but Newsies the hit Broadway musical actually started its run at the paper mill playhouse in Milburn, New Jersey my hometown One of the finest regional theaters in the eastern seaboard. So of course I took my wife who's a big newsies fan to go see it and it was actually Kind of nice partly because this is my hometown. I was able to take her to a place we hadn't been to in it before.
Starting point is 00:53:06 But her grandparents went on a date to that same theater in the 1940s. They took the train out from New York to Melbourne, went to the theater, saw show, eventually got married, and had kids who had kids. It was all meant to be. And people say that you're kind of robotic and they don't understand love, but look at this, dude dude look at that Yeah, I understand romance slightly what you humans call romance, but uh Yeah, and paper-roll playhouse. I think Ann Hathaway performed there at some point
Starting point is 00:53:35 There you go. Yes, ex-wife. Oh, no, we don't know each other and so the last Last letter of the evening from Keith last name held forth Haniferd it's titled science fiction trivia hmm this letter says what does a space bull do in a space rodeo space bucks not trivia. So I was ready to answer a question about the day the earth stood still or childhoods end and then we get that joke from what 101 space jokes for
Starting point is 00:54:12 kids. It took a lot of effort, dude. It took a lot of effort to come here at down with one hand on the the longest. I was a great joke and you can pull hold open the book with one hand and punch it into his iPhone and the other. No, you're in great joke, and you can pull it open the book with one hand and punch it into his iPhone and the other. No, you're right, that was a fantastic joke.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Fantastic Space Bugs joke. Space joke. So, what do we do now? We fucking wrap this thing up or something? No, I don't recommend that. Recommendations. This is the part of the podcast where we recommend a movie. Perhaps that we've seen recently, perhaps not,
Starting point is 00:54:43 that we actually liked and contrast to the nonsense we review on this podcast. So Stuart, is there a movie that you would like to recommend to our listeners? Uh, yeah, I got a quick recommendation here. I just watched a little Danish movie called Pusher. We have some Danish fans out there. Hey guys, you guys came into my bar one night. We had beers. So pusher is the first movie by Danish director Nicholas Wendy Reffen. I guess I'm saying that's it. Better known here for drive. And it's, yeah. And previous Stewart recommendation, Val Hallorizing. He also made Bronson. Yeah, and he also made Bronson. And he
Starting point is 00:55:25 would want to see Thomas Hardy. It's a story. Tom Hardy. Oiled up and giant. It is a fan. That's a great scene though. Yeah, it's a man. He is nude and he makes the jailer. He's crazy waxed. Moist. He's boiled him up so that he can slip out of the guard's grips better. So pusher is the story of a low level drug dealer. A pusher, if you will. Gets in over his head and finds himself in debt to some dangerous men, has to make that money back.
Starting point is 00:55:52 And specifically, it features one of a flop house fave, Mad about Mads Mads, Michelson, in a great role featuring a head tattoo. So, Mads Michelson. I hope you guys at home are as mad about mads as i am as we are as america's gonna be when his new handle electric show comes out and when the thor movie comes out he's the day and everybody he's all over the place mads michael it's gonna be mads madness
Starting point is 00:56:18 uh... yeah that was mine uh... well i'll say uh... as happens occasionally i was on a plane as happens occasionally i was on a plane as happens yeah as i have recommendations for like six months now been plane movies i'm sorry i'm a little bit of the environment he likes to watch a movie i'm starting to think that you get plane tickets to see movies if you can see think of a better way to watch movies i'd like to hear if you
Starting point is 00:56:40 guys notice that the price of movie tickets have gone way up there anywhere from three hundred two thousand dollars and the screens of gotten smaller uh... so i saw movie though that i would recommend even if i was not on a plane i know that joke has been that i recommend plane movies to watch on a plane not the joke the truth i actual events
Starting point is 00:57:00 not that funny i saw on the way back uh... from a la recently uh... the five-year engagement uh... starring jason segal and and mly blunt and i enjoyed it thoroughly like this is this has been if this is this was a flop in the sort of uh... the recent group of in terms of money in In terms of money, it was a flop. But yeah, but it was critically well received. And I think that Jason Siegel sort of quietly became
Starting point is 00:57:32 the most talented member of that group. Like in terms of what he's written, there's a lot of sweetness in what he writes. And he steers away from the problem that I know you have with a lot of the Judd Habit on movies, which is the characters are unmotivated. So you're like, why should I care about these guys? Yeah, they're lazy slackers who are unlikable.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Yeah. Whereas five-year engagement is about two likable motivated people who have their likable love story slowly ruined by circumstances that are mostly external to them, but and need to figure out a way to combat that. And it's a good, romantic comedy about real life. I feel like adult concerns and it has a strong supporting cast. It's got Ricefon is in it. It's got in it. It's got Brian Poussain, Mindy Kaling, Chris Marnell. Stan Lee the dog. What about Dr. Arangatane? Dr. Arangatane. I want to mention by the way, we know that they're called Arangatans. His name as Stuart
Starting point is 00:58:34 corrected me earlier tonight is Dr. Arangatane. David, stop typing that email. Do not type in an email. Don't explain to us how Arangatans and the giants are related in some way. But uh, yeah, that's my, that's my recommendation. So the five year engagement. Uh, I pardon me now wants to officially recommend possession, just because it's a, if you're interested in a crazy movie, go see possession, you should see it. It is about a woman who leaves her husband and her lover for a tentacle monster.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Uh, but anyway, but that's not the movie I came in tonight. Is that the movie? Is that the movie? This is gonna mark me as Purvezoi number one. Is that the movie with Kate Beckinsale's one nude scene, too? Is that the? No, she's not in that. That's a different movie,
Starting point is 00:59:16 which is the same title. I get it. Mr. Skin. Harold Skin. Sure. The movie I wanted to recommend is one I actually just saw this weekend for the first time although I've been wanting to see it for a while, which is a movie called Colladen. It's by Peter
Starting point is 00:59:30 Watkin who you may know as the director of the movie The War Game, which was a British documentary from this mid-60s about what would happen to England if a nuclear war took place. So not the one about Joshua and Wapper. No, not not war games, but the war game. This is an earlier document of his from a couple years earlier, but he's a similar style. It's about the battle of Culloden between the English army and the Highland Clans in Scotland. This is the battle that ended the attempt by the pretender of the throne, Bonnie Prince Charlie, to retake Scotland for his family. It is the battle that the movie credits was basically destroying the clan culture of Highland Scotland, which is a very strange culture that is a lot more different from what
Starting point is 01:00:13 we're used to than you'd think. Because you think Scotland is just being, you know, a regular place. But it's shot in a documentary style as if there was a documentary team on the scene covering this battle, interviewing the people involved in it. And it sounds like it could be very hokey, but they do a fantastic job with it. And it comes off really bringing the battle to life and bringing these people to life and kind of the ordinary folks who fought in it and how their lives changed as a result.
Starting point is 01:00:40 So it's really good. That's kind of like the office. It's like a non-funny, historically accurate, brutally bleak version of the office. Calls come on in. So three recommendations down. We solid recommendations. So I guess that all that's left is to say goodnight to our friends. Touch them into bed.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Touch them into bed. Yes, to the gaps. Just read the mystery called A Little Bit of Heaven. The candle next to their bed has burned down to butt in the ab. Good enough, yep. And the moon is clearly shining through the window. A slight breeze blows the curtains. And across the moors, we can hear the howling of the wolf.
Starting point is 01:01:22 A mouse peeks his head out of a hole. Also holding a tiny candle holder and End of wearing a night cap. He adjusts his tiny glasses then takes them off sets them besides the matchbox Which is his bed lies in and pulls the covers tight around him for he to here's the howling of Yeah, yeah, it's a scot hanger Jeff and we creep back to our room blowing you a kiss from the door The stages dim where are the players and drop to our knees next to the bed and pray to God to keep these blessings Safe from the wolf outside our door across the moors Good night everyone
Starting point is 01:02:02 Everyone good night. Oh! There was a lot ahead in the class. Yeah, well every episode had at least one character you've had to another character. I didn't know that. Yeah, that's why it was canceled after one episode and replaced with a show about a classroom. That was mainly just, yeah, just mainly Arvid getting people ahead. That was the reboot. Arvid. That's a very...
Starting point is 01:02:39 Very letterman moment. Just repeating the name Arvid. Arvid. Arvid. just repeating the name Arvid. Arvid! Arvid.

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