The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #116 - Rock of Ages

Episode Date: December 15, 2012

0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme.0:32 - 35:10 - Fan favorite Hallie Haglund subs in for Stu in our discussion of the jukebox gloss-fest, Rock of Ages.35:11 - 39:28 - Final judgments39:29 - 56:58 -... Flop House Movie Mailbag, with the very first letters DUET.56:59  - 1:03:36 - The sad bastards recommend. 1:03:37- 1:04:59 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you ready to the Broadway equivalent of rock? In this episode we discuss rock of ages. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Over here is Elliot Kaelin, and why am I saying my name second when usually I say my name third? Because I'm Hallie Hagglin! I'm Hallie Haglund. I'm here. I guess the logic's low is there. Fan favorite, special guest.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Hallie Haglund is back. Fan fiction favorite. We got your great story, guys. We got your great story, guys. We got Stuart head to work. Yeah, there's no exciting story behind We could tell a glamorous tale about steward being out on some adventure seducing women Rescuing the house cat from kidnappers who knows globe trotting globe trotting and trot globing, but no he's just working tonight
Starting point is 00:01:18 so We got our old buddy Hallie back. You may remember her from the zookeeper episode I'm not getting any younger. Let's be honest. None of us are except Benjamin Button. Yeah, but he's gross. He is gross. Since he is an old man trapped in a baby's body.
Starting point is 00:01:37 But it's reset for new listeners. For old listeners who like to hear the same thing every time. Nope, nobody does. This is the part of the show that reminds me of the opening to every encyclopedia brown book where they have the same two pages that explain the premise of encyclopedia brown. And be like, can we just get on with the story already? Encyclopedia brown was so smart that people called them encyclopedia. His dad wished he could explain who was helping him, saw all these crimes, but he knew he'd be laughed out of the police academy because he'd say it was his him saw all these crimes, but he knew he'd be laughed out of the police academy
Starting point is 00:02:05 because he'd say it was his own young son. Well, think about it. Everyone, look at think about they put up within the police academy and they don't laugh people out of it. Him, they laugh them out. He doesn't even do sound effects. This is a podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we discuss it.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Tonight we watch a little movie. A very big movie. A long movie. Full of a lot of star power. Oh yeah. Super stars. Too many stars. The sky was empty because they were all in nice. What a horrifying idea. Stars have disappeared. These are the end times. Rock of age. Oh no, they're just in rock of ages. Oh, the goodness.
Starting point is 00:02:43 All the stars are in it. Beetlejuice. Serious the dog star. Soul our own son. Not Beetlejuice the ghost character. Beetlejuice the star. It predated the ghost. You know, star five five two seven six four. He was there. Terry's Altaire. Uh, it abits over. Okay. I'm sorry. It's okay. The Beltiburian. All three of them. Ursa Major and Minor. The North Star, the pole star Venus, which was known in the past as the Morning Star. Poor pole star. Release to stripping. So,
Starting point is 00:03:21 Rock of Ages was the movie we watched. It's a movie based on the famous jukebox musical of the same name. Now Dan, what is a jukebox musical? I'm glad you asked Elliot for the purposes of this podcast. It's a movie or a musical rather made up of songs that were not original to that musical, but compiled together. So you mean like singing in the rain? Yes, like singing in the rain with the freed and something song book. Yeah Jersey boys. Yeah, Frankie Valley. Jersey boys. People may remember the we will rock you
Starting point is 00:03:55 in Tonez wedding and Miseu. No Mama Mia is a jukebox musical with Abba. There was a musical called crazy for you That was all Gertwin songs. There was Good Vibrations, which was all Beach Boys songs. You get the idea. You're not dumb. There was Lepper Messiah, which was a Metallica Duke Box musical.
Starting point is 00:04:13 May Miserable. And who forkin forget S-Face, the GGL and Duke Box musical. Fuck the pain away, the peaches musical. But this was a Dukebox musical of hair metal. Well, let's loosely turn. Lusely term. It was, let's call it 80s rock. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Because metal, despite the presence throughout the movie of a motorhead billboard, metal is not to be seen in this movie. You were very disappointed in the motorhead. I was never sure. They are promising motorhead. You expect someone to be wistfully in the middle of the movie and sure. They are promising motorhead. You expect someone to be wistfully in the middle of the movie and say, Dan, is motorhead ever going to show up? I had to say no, Ellie. I don't think they are. All they needed to make me like this movie was
Starting point is 00:04:53 to have a character sing Asa Spades. Didn't happen. Just didn't happen. That's why I say that's why I said hair metal though, because I don't think that you're more hardcore metal genres were represented. They were not. Let's call it hair rock. How about that? Hair rock, ballads. A lot of power ballads. A lot of, let's just call it 80s hits.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah. The first song is... Hair rock, compilation of favorites. Yeah, exactly. A lot of the songs in this movie were a song would start and I would say to Dan and Halley, what song is this? And then the chorus would start and I'd go, oh, I recognize this from commercials for compilations of 80s songs.
Starting point is 00:05:29 There were a lot of times when Ellie had said, hey, what song is this? And I would pretend like I didn't hear him because I didn't know until the chorus came up. I'm glad to hear it wasn't alone then, yeah. Cause I know Dan has an encyclopedic knowledge. I was a crazy, surprising knowledge from the opening chords of songs,
Starting point is 00:05:44 what song was being played. And then Dan would say, isn't it this song and I would say, yeah, I think so. It's not my purview necessarily, but somehow over the years. Not your purview. Thanks. Yeah, we know all about your purviews. Yeah, it's the holes that you carve into the walls. Outside that all girls nursing school.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Is that where they learn to be nurses or when they learned to nurse? A little bit of both. Dan's a purve. Thanks, guys. Now, should we talk about what happens in this movie? Well, I think you could probably imagine what happens in this movie.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I always think so. Oh, we've said it's a jukebox musical with 80s power bells. I didn't imagine what happened in that. For all the magic I was trying to construct a musical comedy around pre-existing songs. And then just imagine the generic plot that that would be. Okay, so let me try to guess it. A caveman and an astronaut fall in love at a discatech. Suddenly a volcano erupts. It turns out that the Babylonian god, Belmarduk, is angry. They're gonna have to find five magic gemstones, each of which is buried inside of a different famous singers' brain.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Much like Frankenstein's monster, you may have an abnormal brain. I was gonna say it's your typical girl from a small town comes to the big city seeking fame and fortune meets boy. Yeah a girl named Sherry comes to from Los Angeles. We first meet from Tulsa. We first meet her on a bus. She is flipping through her record albums and touching them longingly, which establishes that she likes music. And then she and the bus, or she has a fetish first album sleeves. That's possible. She and the bus passengers sing sister Christian. And then she shows up in LA and everything seems great. No, you forgot when she looks at the picture of her grandma. I'm not gonna say every detail in the movie. Well, I thought that was an important. you forgot when she looks at the picture of her grandma. I'm not gonna say every detail in the movie.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Well, I thought that was an important day. She's coming to LA with big dreams of being a singer and she gets mugged, but luckily it's right outside of the famous, I guess, legendary LA music spot, the bourbon room. Yeah, the bourbon room. The bourbon room. Is that a real place? I don't think so. Okay. It's just a place holder for the Viper room. Oh, that makes sense. I don't think so. Okay. It's just a place holder for the Viper room. Oh, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I don't know if that's true. Well, you fooled me. The bourbon room, which is run by Shaggy's rock and roll ball. My Shaggy to dope. My violent J and Shaggy to dope, the insane clown fussy. So I see Pierre looking for a brand new sound. No, it's run by Alec Baldwin at his shaggyest and let's just say it, Slobby Fattest and his man Friday, Russell Brandt. Well, but as I said, like there's no point in this movie though, when you, when I was able to look at Alec Baldwin and not think, that's just Jack Donoghain a wig.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Like like, Tracy Morgan is having a dream sequence where he's a rocker role club club owner and that's what it looks like No, I was just gonna say that you did really remind me of being McShane from dead What but I guess I was the only one I think you were in the minority there I am just watching deadwood for the first time so that you may just have My only frame of reference. I remember when we were at the conventions and you were watching the wire and everything was a comparison to the wire Well then fine. So and she meets, so the girl gets mugged, she meets Drew who's a waiter at or no, he's
Starting point is 00:09:14 a bar back at the bourbon room, but he wants to be a rock and roll singer guitarist, songwriter, et cetera. He's got big dreams. He's got big dreams and they start falling in love and they do at the same time that Fading rock and roll legend. Oh, yes, he's at the height of his fame, but he's gone. He's going mad with power Stacy jacks to X's played by Thomas Cruz. He's not going. He's look. It's lonely at the top He's isolated in his own, but he has gone in. Nobody loves him
Starting point is 00:09:42 He has a monkey that follows him. He has a monkey that falls a baboon really who follows him around in different costumes He says things that make no sense. He seems to be in this constant days Or like haze of alcohol and his manager Paul Giamatti in The best art in the whole movie likes it that way because it makes him more docile and easy to control Stacy Jackson is about to leave his band arsenal although it seems more like he's being kicked out because he's so hard to work with. Yeah. Or so says the Rolling Stone reporter played by what's your name? Melina Ackerman. Melina Ackerman. Melina Ackerman who interviews him at the back of the bourbon room where Arsenal is going to play its final show before Stacy Jackson begins his solo career. Due to the, and
Starting point is 00:10:23 due to the she's the only one who's going to speak truth to the, and due to the. She's the only one who's gonna speak truth to power. Speak truth to power and the two of that, and it, this turns him on in such a way that they have this weird grindy, not sexy, where they strip down to their underwear and then kind of grind on together a couple times. Grind on each other.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And then say that was amazing. Oh, and they're singing, I wanna know what love is, right? During it. By this point also I should mention, we've heard about 1,500 songs. By this point I should mention that Halle and I are singing along lustfully, well, Elliot is sitting in stone zone.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I don't like them. This is not my type of music, you know? Hey, forget about it. If they- Whoa. Okay. You just like it so much, you turn the- I turn it to a-
Starting point is 00:11:03 I turn it to a monster. Hey, oh, get it away. Johnny Donuts. Look, if they had been singing any of Loretta Lynn's big hits, I would have been singing right along. If there were singing any songs from Jesus Christ Superstar, I would have been singing right along. And if there were seeing anything from Metallica's first four albums, I would have been
Starting point is 00:11:19 singing right along. But I don't like any of this music. Singing right along. Like, right. If anything from the Muppa movie, yeah, I would have been singing right along. If this had been an interesting man, Duke Box musical, it would have been great. But so where was, oh yes,
Starting point is 00:11:34 they have their grindy, weird scene. And then the heroine of the movie, who we haven't seen for like 25 minutes, it feels like at this point. The scene between Tom Cruise and this Rolling Stone Reporter and played by Malin Ackerman, goes on for a long time. And it's just a two-person scene. And every other character is just off screen for this whole long sequence. But uh, due to possibly the dumbest misunderstanding I've ever seen in a movie, uh, our heroine
Starting point is 00:12:00 walks in, hands him a bottle of liquor, and drops it and they walk out again and she adjusts her shirt and he adjusts his pants and the hero the love interest hero who's on stage opening for his about to open personal big break with as wolf gang von kolt which is his performing name he sees this is like oh they must have just slept together that's the only explanation for why someone would adjust their shirt and then it would look as if it was just their pants. To be in fairness to him, it really did look like something had gotten on, okay? I guess so. It's also Tom Cruise's character in this and we can talk about this more later if you want to. He's supposed to be exuding this like
Starting point is 00:12:38 raw animal sexuality that every woman is falling for. Women faint when they see him, but instead to me, he just comes off as like this gross monster man. Well, he said, but I mean, I- He just seemed like how you actually expect Tom Cruise to actually be if you talk to, you know? Like a big weirdo where you're like,
Starting point is 00:12:54 I am worried he's gonna snap my neck at any moment. Like Tom Cruise can be really good and stuff, but he can also like have that sense like, I'm Tom Cruise and I'm super intense and I have really studied for this. Yeah. And like this role felt like I have studied how to be a rock star. That's maybe that's it. He didn't have a looseness that you expect to see in a rock star where they're like living for the moment and just doing whatever they want. And that's the the fantasy charisma of
Starting point is 00:13:17 it is here's a person who gets to live out our fantasies of not worrying about responsibility and doing whatever like being uncontrolled id, but instead he feels so controlled that it seems like he's this coiled, like scary thing. Like it, basically when he enters a room, it's not that different from when like, Freddy enters a room in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies where he's more of a threat than he is an enticement,
Starting point is 00:13:42 or at least that's the way I saw him. Like the other thing is that he looks like Gl Danzig and Glen Danzig is super scary. There's nothing attractive about him at all. Uh... Your cat's playing with a straw. Halley, let's try to be professional. For those of you who are listening, you can't see it. Dan's cat was playing with a straw.
Starting point is 00:13:59 So, like, we invited Halley on the program for an edible Halli-ness. That's true. This is a double shot of that. Super shot. Hopefully Halli will be able to have pay attention to us while watching Lulie Play with the Straw. Okay, so the hero and the hero in break up, the hero has just had an amazing performance according to the crowd of Iwana Rock.
Starting point is 00:14:23 So Paul Jimati signs him up as a new hot singer and They go their separate ways him rising to the top and her sinking to the bottom. She quits her job soon She's working as a waitress at a strip club run by Mary J. Blige and then stripping and he and or because rock is going on Mother Mary if you will sort of plays that role in the movie. I guess so, yeah. Yeah. And she's always dressed as a nun, right? The nun who runs the strip club, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, she's very conflicted. Another interesting character. Well, she's really unhappy the whole movie, but nobody ever seems to know why. She has really has no character. She's like, she plays the part of the brassy black woman who guides the white woman back to her heart's desire.
Starting point is 00:15:10 You know, it was kind of like a brief shot of the help right in the middle of this or you know, whatever. But the, I'd like to take a moment to address, by the way, two subplots that have not been mentioned because they're largely unrelated. Totally unrelated to you got a Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand are Closeted game and coming to terms with well first. They're worried. They're gonna lose the club because
Starting point is 00:15:36 they are Running they don't have enough money to pay their taxes And but also they fall in love and they sing a duet and kiss each other in. I'm just going to go ahead and say the best part of the movie. Yeah. By far you ever want to see. You ever wanted to see Alec Bolton and Russell Brandt sing a song to each other and then kiss. And Dan. And there's a brief shot of them on a carousel together. Yeah. So that was the weirdest. When they were like walking down the stairs and they were doing this simultaneous like hip pump, you know, that was supposed to be synchronized.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I've got to be honest, I didn't find the romance that believable. No, it wasn't believable. But even after the scene of the beginning where they were pretending to sing into a hairbrush together, they weren't singing into a hairbrush. They were singing into a beer bottle.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Oh, I thought they had a hairbrush also. The raw sexual charisma of Alec Baldwin and Rochelle Brand put together, didn't just ignite within you, how? Maybe if Alec Baldwin didn't look like the dude Lebowski and Russell Brand didn't look like, Russell Brand. Yeah, let's just say it. But it's almost like there, because there are two people who in most movies do play like highly sexual characters,
Starting point is 00:16:49 and it's like when combined, they cancel each other out. Maybe that's, I mean, there's also this movie. Because they both seem so frumpy and unsexual. This movie was directed with a total lack of sexiness, which is weird considering it's all about like the unbridled sexual power of rock and roll and rock and roll forever and these two young lovers are doing it and their fallen love and Tom cruises this sex god but at the same time it's so chased and tame as a movie.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I was saying earlier in the movie before that scene came up I'm like okay well this is a movie about hair metal which is like like straight men not realizing how campy they are and somehow harnessing like raw sexuality, even though they're goofy, but there's none of that. And I was theorizing it's because it was directed by a gay man, Adam Shakeman, but then there's no like sexiness in the gay scene either. So.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I think it's just a, there's a, it's a very like cleaned up kind of polished glossy type of pop sensibility. Like you see, whenever like on American Idol, or and I assume the voice or other singing shows, the times I've seen it where they sing like a hard rock song, they make it very glossy and poppy, and even here in a movie that's supposed to be about rock,
Starting point is 00:17:54 rock forever. Oh, this is the best. It still comes off as very pop and like bubble gum. It's like they've kind of... Well, that's a musical. I feel like that's what... I mean, Jesus Christ Superstar is aars musical and there's way more edge to that than there is to this
Starting point is 00:18:07 they don't read them like Jesus Christ super star that's true it is the best of all musicals you guys think for Jesus Christ it's a good amazing songs in it all right it's the greatest story ever told in the greatest songs ever told okay well anyway i was gonna get to the other uh on address side that right because i think it's a because why is health Baldwin worried about losing the bourbon room because The mayor of LA I guess by Brian Cranston. Yeah, TV's Brian Cranston is a movie. Let's just say Brian Cranston He's a lot of films ago. Malcolm in the middle Brian Cranston I'm not be with some blood. I do America's Brian Cranston people know him for breaking bad. That's a that's all I'm saying but drives Brian
Starting point is 00:18:50 So he ocean spray cranberry juices Brian Cranston really She he's married to a tipper Gore-esque character play by Catherine Zeta Jones Yeah, the only woman so scientific and Greek that Zeta is in her name, like Zeta Beams. And she's made her mission to clean up LA from the scourge of rock and roll. Which is so weird, because LA is such a gross city. The rock and roll is like a minor threat. And a character works in a strip club in this
Starting point is 00:19:20 and she doesn't want to clean out the strip clubs. She wants to clean out the rock and roll club. Like this makes sense and we'll be like footloos. Where it's a tiny town, tiny rural town. Or in the terror of tiny town. If rock and roll had been in that and it's making all the midgets go a string. It's kind of like, well, you know, why is Catherine's age Jones in this city in the first place?
Starting point is 00:19:38 It seems like their place is for the school districts probably. Okay, sure. But here's the, it's it turned it comes out later that she wants to shut down rock and roll to get at Stacy Jackson. She was a Stacy Jackson group and he abandoned her. And now she wants revenge just like the hit ABC show the same name. Just like like tipper Gore. Just like just like tipper yeah, tipper Gore was a I think a fleet would mac groupie. Yeah. Oh no, it was Guar. I'm sorry, she was a Guar groupie. She was a Guar groupie.
Starting point is 00:20:07 She was a Guar groupie. She was a Guar groupie. But yeah. So she wants to shut down the bourbon room, and she leads a coalition of, you know, like your 80s moral majority Christian women, the kind of women who are always on sitcoms as like the prissy one that nobody that was trying to take away the fun for everybody else. Blair, like Blair. Blair Underwood.
Starting point is 00:20:30 No, Blair. The facts of life. Oh, that player, but not really like Blair. I was just the first person. She's like Blair. Sure. I'll take that. But it's not fun like Joe. Everyone's favorite.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Right. All right, guys. Joe. Yeah, of course. He's got a motorcycle Yeah, she doesn't know where she fits it Not to be duty is everyone's second favorite because of her name sure So this has been the thanks of life The apparently according to Wikipedia This is a sub plot that was and that was introduced just for the movie and it makes sense because like this is like in the eighties this and the early
Starting point is 00:21:09 nineties i guess this kind of stuff was happening where christian morality groups which and and conservative politicians were trying to right police rock and roll and and gen music in general but it feels totally shoehorned in and it's another subplot that disappears for long stretches of the movie and then suddenly you'll get a lot of it. Like it feels like they were writing this movie as they went along as they shot it and they were like, uh, we haven't done anything with Catherine Cedare Jones in a while. So let's do a bunch of stuff with her.
Starting point is 00:21:35 But it did be get that, that awesome medley that was, uh, we're not going to take it and, uh, we built the city on rock rock and roll which I thought was one of the best musical numbers Of the 4,000 musical numbers in the movie. Yeah, it was in the top three thousand But I think I can tie this up really fast so he can sort of double back and get it okay We never talked about how the guy became part of like a new kids on the block. Yeah, so Drew sells himself out to become famous and joins a new kids on the block type group called Z-Boy Which is leads to my favorite part of the movie which is the video shoot for his music video And they totally cat capture like the style of that music video and it's one of those moments There are a couple lot of moments in this movie where there's a flash of a better, funnier movie. And that moment, it's like, oh, like if you had any sense
Starting point is 00:22:28 of the style of the times, like you do in this one 30-second moment, this would be a way better movie. Like if it was more of a pastiche, unless of a like, you know, basically just like a commercial, I don't know. Yeah. Anyway, you're saying wrap it up. Oh, play us out. Tom Cruise realizes what Paul Giamatti has been doing.
Starting point is 00:22:45 And so he- Well, the negative Rolling Stone article comes out. Yeah. He, he, uh, he sort of breaks with him and gives, uh, out Baldwin, uh, the money from his gig that he previously not giving him. He also drinks 150 year old wine and then peas on Paul Giamatti's foot at the same time. Uh, that are two young lovers, young lovers reconciled after realizing, hey, this was a fucking stupid misunderstanding
Starting point is 00:23:10 that was just generated for the point. It basically goes like this. I saw you coming out of Stacey Jacks' room. He was adjusting his pants. You thought I slept with Stacey Jacks? Do you mean you didn't? I'm so sorry. Like, we're in love with you. I'm gonna have this conversation months earlier.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I don't have to be a stripper. What's also weird is it's one of those strip clubs where that we've talked about on the podcast before where all the strippers wear lots of clothes and don't take them off. And when she comes out to do her strip dance, she's actually wearing more than she's worn it any other point in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:23:42 She's wearing like a one piece leotard with long sleeves. Yeah, long sleeves. It's like the rest of the movie she's worn at any other point in the movie. She's wearing like a one piece liatard with long sleeves. Yeah, long sleeves. It's like the rest of the movie she's wearing these like low cut shirts that ride up on her belly and super short skirts. And that's like time for me to get down and dirty as a stripper. I guess I'll put on this robe. I guess I'll put on this body suit. Because the most exciting thing is what you imagine.
Starting point is 00:24:04 But it's like the drip scenes in flash dance where they're more like a twilight orp style avant-garde dance numbers. Yeah, but Tom Cruise is reunited with Mail and Aikerman, the only woman who's ever told him the truth about himself. And they fall in love after he kisses another woman for like a minute and a half. Yeah, that's funny though that we, I think we should get back to you. But then the guy and the girl sing uh don't stop believing on stage Ellie's favorite song.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Tom Cruise is like that's a new sound I was looking for and then cut to a big arena show where Tom Cruise is singing the song and it brings on the special guests our lovebirds and rock and roll has triumphs and cathamis aides jones is the audience in some sort of like weird night-portor Nazi garb as a fan. Because she's now I guess just like an SNM rock and roll groupie. Yeah. And Alec Baldwin and Russell Brander and the audience. I thought she was supposed to become Annie Lennox. Yeah, this whole movie was an orange.
Starting point is 00:25:00 It was so weird. It's pretty cool to Annie Linux. And then it just turns to Paul Harvey goes, and now you know the rest of the story. I was in and we're out. Yeah. Well, we get cameras, we dreams plays over the credits. And then they play Rocky like a hurricane over the credits. Yeah. But as you were, as you were alluding to, there's some funnier movies picking out. And one of the things you were saying was that that kiss scene, like right when like mail an acroman and, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:36 and Tom Cruise are going to be reunited. He's walking towards her through a crowded room and then a woman just jumps out and starts kissing Tom Cruise and, uh, and he's like because he's a rock god, he has to keep kissing this woman and keeps giving gestures to Malayka Malayka. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, what just a minute, sorry about that. But it goes on for a really long time. But like, Malayka Malayka is always like, also like her face is like, yeah, I understand what are you going to do? Like, uh, no, I get it.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I'm sorry too. Oh, and at the end, we see that Malayka Neckerman is pregnant with a new generation of Stacey Jackson. Yeah. Of Jack's babies. That's so cute. Because girls apparently you can get pregnant, having sex with your underwear on, we'll wear. And there was another, there's another like weird line
Starting point is 00:26:18 where like, Oh, well, there's a part. Tom Cruise like touches every woman in the thing in the movie's breasts. And then I get the antie touches, Catherine Zeta Jones, and it's like, what is it like? It's impelled up nice. And then he walks away.
Starting point is 00:26:30 There's actually swoon. There's the weirdest line that kind of works, but kind of doesn't is when the, what are they called the boys? The one that group that he's in? Yeah. The Z boys are on stage at the bourbon room getting booed because they suck. And Alec Baldwin goes, wait, that's true.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I just threw up and Russell Rangos where he goes in my pants out of my ass and then walks away. And it's like this bizarre moment of like, you think he's going to say like, I just just dropped in my mouth or something like that or no He's he was so disgusted by by this act that he shit himself in the pants like It's so weird Funnier than than the joke itself was watching Ellie. It's like
Starting point is 00:27:21 disbelief and the inability to understand you's like wait What does that mean? What wait if he threw up in his pants out of his ass? And you're like it's pretty much all there I don't know it just seems so So our pieces together, it's like the media bram. They're different movie that feels so programmed and so wrote like Here's where we have to do this here's where we have to do this here's where we play this song to have a character Just basically say like I just shit myself. Feels like it comes out of nowhere and it's so bizarre.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Like if it was a John Waters movie, that line, I'd be like, oh right, whatever, yeah. But it's just like, it's almost like a line from a different movie fell into this movie by accident. We've, I mean, we've alluded to this movie's like weird tone issues. Like the movie starts off exactly as you would expect for a lot of ages too. It's just like a medley of like cheesy rock songs. And very big and over the top. And everything's happening.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah, it's very cheesy. And then it slows way down for a long two person scene between male and aker men and Tom Cruise that feels like like a two man play. Like it's like a zoo story or something. Tracy Let's Bug, you know. But it's it's a very weird back and forth because then you'll get scenes the weird the tone thing that got me was you get scenes that are very cartoony and cheesy like winking at the audience like we know this is silly and then you get other scenes where it's like
Starting point is 00:28:42 this is a rock and song and these are rockin' people. Aren't don't you think this is awesome? It's like, well, I mean, last scene you were kinda waking at me and tell me how cheesy and ridiculous this is. It's kinda hard for me to treat it like they're super cool now. I don't know. They couldn't, it's like they couldn't pick one tone and stick with it.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's kinda like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter that we watched last episode where they they it's a ridiculous goofy concept, but they wanted you to take it really seriously, that they didn't want to put the work into it to make it worth taking seriously. And at times this movie had that problem. And other times it was just a silly ridiculous movie that would full of songs that I don't care for particularly. So take my criticism for it's worth. but it was also over two hours long and it seems like that's a big mistake to have it in over two hour jukbuk's musical where there's almost no plot I guess. How's that so long? I feel like I was a different
Starting point is 00:29:36 age when I started looking at them. There were songs in it like song take up space. That's why musical plots are so simple I guess because, because like you have to move the songs. Yeah, but this one like, they, and by this Stacy Jackson gets to the bourbon room at the end to play the night that the Z-boys are also going to play. And there should be like 10 minutes left in the movie, I guess, something like that.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And Dan had to pause it for some reason I think for an interruption or something and it showed that it was like they had just thrown up in his pants But it and there was like a half hour left in the movie. It was like how is this possible? This is like the Hobbit part one an unexpected journey of Dukebox musicals like just extend it we got to keep feeling this thing and make it super long like the weird that's the weird thing they they took some stuff from some really on and they put it in rock of age it was so weird and to have rock of age is suddenly stopped for the origin of tom bombadill like what is this have to do with anything
Starting point is 00:30:40 tom bombadill loves to sing he does that's true How it's been you love to sing. I feel like you and I appreciated this on a different level as karaoke fans. Yeah, exactly. Like I feel like this movie would be great to stand up in front of and pull a rocky whore picture show with. That would be the way to watch this. Yeah, not with Elliott. It doesn't like to sing along with any song. I like to sing along with lots of stuff, just not any of these songs. Well, Hally, we sing all the time in our office. That's true.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yeah, mostly Jesus Christ, super star. Saying all the time, what happened guys? What happened between you two? It used to be so happy. Hally, Hally got a little too big and it's hard to work with now. In her cocoon. As in fact,
Starting point is 00:31:24 Hally had to move into the hall. She's just not in a room with two people. She's just in this cocoon of alcohol and girls and her pet monkey that she puts different uniforms on. That's true. And Paul G. Mottie, her agent. That's why this story touched me so much. It was my biopic.
Starting point is 00:31:41 They call her Halle Jax. I knew I'd always be played by Tom Cruise. I've seen a lot of details in that. How was the singing? Did you guys think by the actor's song? I actually was, I thought it was surprisingly good. I thought the only person who definitely, I mean, obviously they fussed around. They, you know, they messed with the made voices sound, sweetened the voices, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:04 But I thought the only person who didn't sound like an actual singer was Alec Baldwin. Yeah, yeah, just sound like he was. Well, Paul, Gia Motti a little, but he barely said. He barely said. Alec Baldwin sounded like he was kind of like Rex Harrison talk singing, you know? Which, I mean, he's not a singer.
Starting point is 00:32:18 So it comes down to. Tom Cruise did better than I would have expected. Yeah, I thought he sounded great in the journey song at the end. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I thought he did a fine job. I wish that his acting had been up to the level of his singing. Yeah. Because he just, he's,
Starting point is 00:32:35 or I guess it's not even bad acting so much as like, it feels like he's playing the wrong character, you know. I mean, we were talking about this, how you were like, like how do you know these people to be in this stupid movie? I'm like, I think they probably just want to be in a musical. Like, you know, I believe it's how he has that question. And I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said,
Starting point is 00:32:52 I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, They were locked in a building and the only way I was to make a movie rock of ages. It was part of in a lab-rit prank. He saw. Saw put them in there. Would you like to play a game? You can either make a movie with jukebox musical or a bomb's gonna go off in your head.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Okay, his name is not Saw. His name is Jigsaw. We call him Saw for short. It's a foster of me Saw. Jigs guys like to make a little jukebox musical. You can either saw your own leg off or sing pour some sugar on me. I saw. You guys like to make a little jukebox musical? You can either saw your own leg off or sing pour some sugar on me. I guess I'll sing this song. Can you give me the lyrics?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Because I don't know all of them. No, but for real, I thought that they got locked. I remember Alec Baldwin trying to get out of his contract or something and they were somehow locked in and they had to make a movie. I tried to pull a Theodore Rex, I see. Once he found out, he had to kiss Russell Brandt. Yeah, he tried to leave 30 rock every season. And now he's finally got his wish.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It's the last. But I heard that like did you read all those reports about how like once it was the last season, he's like, Hey guys, let's do a much more. And he did a tweet. They cheat tweeted from the last read through. There's like last 30 rock read through. Wow. And it's like, you've been trying to leave the show
Starting point is 00:34:06 for like four years. You are an emotional role that goes to Alec Baldwin. Yeah. Yeah, did you see that news center, or that rock center piece that they did all about him during Hurricane Sandy? And just how he like, I think I was about how he like, helped people walk their dogs or something.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It was very strange. I was on the treadmill and a lot of indoor fids running through my brain. I was just like, I really fell apart at the end. Well, it was something about how we hung out downtown. And there was a dog involved. So if anyone wants to try to put those pieces together, figure out where Alex Baldwin was during the hurricane. Imagine like a fan with like a basement room. There's a picture of Alex Baldwin and a picture of a dog and yarn going between the two of them. There's gotta be a connection.
Starting point is 00:34:59 What don't they want me to find out? You'll unlock your secrets. Yeah, so rock of a, I think you guys enjoyed this movie more than I did. Probably. Well, I mean, that's a good segue into our final judgments section where we talk about whether we thought this was a good bad movie, bad bad movie or a movie we kind of liked. Howie, what do you think? Oh, well, I think I said it before that I think the movie started and I was like, oh man This movie really isn't very good. And then I was like, oh no, this movie's kind of good And then I was like, all this isn't very good at all. And then it was like, oh no, it's kind of good so
Starting point is 00:35:37 I take you on an unexpected journey. Yeah, I mean I just like the Hobbit part one In theaters this December I think it had music, it had a monkey. Um, Ali Haglan says it has the two M's. More please. No, I think I didn't think it was as bad as I expected it to be. I mean, it was a really bad movie, but I enjoyed it more than I expected to enjoy it. Yeah, for me, this hovered between a bad, bad movie and a movie I kind of liked.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Like, I think it was stupid enough that it was like a big Hollywood fiasco in a way that you don't normally see. So I definitely looked like a lot of people who'd usually know what they're doing. Yeah. They had no idea what they were doing. So I enjoyed that. Which made me think like, oh maybe they never know what they're doing. They just have. They had no idea what they were doing. So I enjoyed that. Which made me think like, oh, maybe they never know what they're doing. They just have really good people telling them what to do.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah. That's possible. It's like William Goldman's, his old, it's saying about movie business, which is that nobody knows anything in the movie business. It's all kind of chance. But also then I enjoyed like the few moments that something kind of like genuinely funny peek through or just, you know, people singing songs. I like seeing people sing songs.
Starting point is 00:36:45 What do you think, Elliot? I, uh, I mean, it wasn't as bad a movie as I thought it was going to be, but I'm still going to give it a bad, bad rating because it just didn't hold. I mean, like, even if this wasn't my particular favorite type of music, I do like musicals. I don't have an issue with movies where people burst into song all of a sudden, but it just didn't hold together and they're just had so many Spacing and story problems. Yeah, and there was not a sense of like Fun like they were riding too much on the fumes of the music like you guys love these songs
Starting point is 00:37:17 You'll come see it for the song so we don't have to try that hard and it's an issue I have with jukebox music musicals in general, which like, you're not, the musical itself often is not that good, but it's like you're just working off of the residual feelings people have for this music. Well, I would definitely say that the singing was not really that good, and the dancing was terrible. Yeah. So if you're looking for musical stuff, like it's not a good music, it's a better musical.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's a rock and roll musical where the musical elements are mostly awful. But if you're like if you're wrong, you would have the equivalent of a karaoke. I don't think this why would you say the singing wasn't good? I mean the singing of the actual like the actual quality of the singing was like okay these are actors you can sing okay. I guess I just mean what Ellie was saying. Mary J. Blodge was really good. But she's a really much better. Well Mary J. Blodge really good. But she's a really much better, well, Married J. Blige, the only person I felt like were when she was singing, she was trying to put any emotion into the song. There's no edge in the way that it's sung.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Yeah, everyone else, there was no edge or like feeling. It was a lot of like, this is how I do a perfect version of the song, but they weren't feeling it, you know. There was, and like, you had a lot of these songs like are pretty, you know, bubblegummy rock and roll songs, but they do have some growl to them, and they just didn't do any of that. Yeah. It just felt like, you know, when kids sing rock and roll songs, and like the most, the filthiest or like, scariest song becomes adorable, is the kid is singing it. And in a weird way, it's kind of funny that that's true because a lot of these people are not,
Starting point is 00:38:48 you know, like real singers. And it's easier to sing like rock and roll music where the perfection of the singing is not as important as the feeling. Well, because they're a lot of great rock and roll singers who don't have very good voices. Yeah, but they, like this movie, like went for the perfection more
Starting point is 00:39:04 than it went for the feeling of the song. Because that's the singing style right now. I feel like a lot of song styles right now are for ultra gloss and a lot of polish, instead of edge or roughness or energy. It did feel like watching the voice or something. I agree. But if there were songs that I was more into,
Starting point is 00:39:24 maybe I would feel differently. But, but hey, you know, if they were songs that I was more into maybe I would feel differently But now guys Now that part of the podcast is over and the next part of the podcast is just beginning Our night-american continues perfect segue perfect segue. Yeah, what a great what a seamless segue that parts over Let's go to the next part. What is the next part? Dan's part is the flop house movie mail bag Let's go to the next part. What is the next part? The next part is the flop house movie mailbag Movie mailbag letters of our movies letters from the fans about the movies we watch and the podcasts that we do It's called the flop house with the movie mailbag at the flop house
Starting point is 00:39:57 You won't sing I can't fight this feeling anymore, but let's sing made-up songs about. Time for letters from the movie mailbag. A mailbag full of movies. No, it's got mail in it. Otherwise, it'd be a movie bag. That doesn't exist. You can carry movies in a bag unless they're on tape. All right. Or DVD. OK, that's the end.
Starting point is 00:40:19 So anyway, reading the letters from the movie bag, we're going to go through the first one and then the second one I thought the letters got a read letters. They're coming from the mail back But first they came from you you sent them to the mailbag at that address mailbag Cursey of the flop house one two three main street mailbag town and film city No post is necessary. Thank you very much. Guys, I told you already I'm not coming to your implies
Starting point is 00:40:52 musical. That's why we got to bring it to you. Halley, what time of the show is it? It's time for letters, reading from the male bag. They're going to be lots of letters, not handwritten, mostly timed. There are 26 letters in the out of the bat, but not that many letters in the mailbag. It's a tiny bag, a little bag,
Starting point is 00:41:15 with just a few letters in it. So let's read them and make more room for more letters. Keep writing. This letter is from, from Listen Our Last Name With hell. I think that's a pseudonym. Very clever. Oh, it's titled something stupid. I may well end up doing again. Something stupid. I may win well end up doing again. It's a David Foster Wallace play. Yeah, it's a reference to his play, Rock of Ages. You didn't know he wrote that. That's why it's the only stage musical full of footnotes. I made a play on, of course. Wasn't that the name close to the name of Chris Getherd's memoir?
Starting point is 00:41:56 Wasn't it like a really dumb thing I'm about to do again? Oh, yeah, it was something like that. I thought it was a reference to a... That porn star Chris Getherd? I'm saying I'll never do again. But that's what Chris get hards thing was to play on, I think. Oh, well, I hope that answers your question. Mailbag close.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Close up the mailbag. Throw it in the fire. Throw it in the you log. It just bounces against the TV. So elaborate. All right, read the letter. It goes like this. So I just finished listening to every single episode and movie minute you guys ever made. My God, you must have gone insane. In reverse order, starting with Journey 2, the mysterious island and ending with stealth, with a brief trip back to the present for battleship
Starting point is 00:42:47 That's about four and a half full days of free-ranging conversation about bad movies with the comedy focus Listen to in less than a month. It was interesting Dot dot dot Interesting. Yeah, I must say you know, like it if nothing else It made me better understand teach white's Merlin now and then, an element of the show that stopped showing up in later episodes appeared and seemed new and baffling to me, but natural and even tried to you. Then as I worked my way through your back catalog, I too became used to it. Learn to love it until the
Starting point is 00:43:19 dreaded moment where you originally introduced it. Oh, it sounds like time's arrow. Yeah, meaning that. Meaning that it wouldn't be the last time I would encounter it. Wow, wow. What was that? It sounded like some kind of hat. Cat. Perhaps a house cat.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I want to recommend this movie about it. That's one of like a guitar sting, actually. Well, Dan's not the usual house cat guy. I want to recommend this movie. It's about a freak who lives in a castle, Rips off his own ding-dong. Meet our new guest. Does he think we haven't heard this stuff? No offense listener are named withheld, but... Meet our new guest host. He works for the Daily Show or something. So I just brought bought these new microphones. I'm a girl. No, this is it's not when I came in.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I just bought these new microphones. I guess the show will not sound as shitty as it has up until now. Those were fucking heartbreaking, you guys. I thought you might like to know. So this is the, I made this reference to you, Elliot, about Merlin living backwards in time. And that was the first time you'd heard of it. Yeah, but he's been in conversation from a... Well, thank you for doing it. It's like my whole life was flashing before my eyes except for most of it
Starting point is 00:44:29 Since the fluff house takes up a relatively small part of my life But uh, it's interesting maybe I'll do it that way now and I'll think that eight hours a month I'll think that Simon has replaced me and then I'll call you up and be like, Dan, am I still on the fluff house? Yeah, I'll be like what the fuck's wrong with you? We're recording the tonight. Oh, okay. Get over here. And then I will, well, nevermind, I'm not going to say that. I was about to be thinking about that later. Thank God, I can't believe someone spent so much time listening to you guys.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Hey, we're very listenable. I guess so. We have a lot of diehard fans and we love them. Way to go, flopters, keep it up up except maybe tone it down on the AV club Comment boards because you guys can be thugs I highly all that time that you've been spinning tuning Elliot and me out in your office. We were carrying you There was only one set of ear prints that was us So your prince. That was us. So this next letter is titled second letter. You say master first. Now that will be terrible. Second letter is titled
Starting point is 00:45:37 alcohol and movies. And from Robert last name. Dan enjoys both of alcohol and and movies, floppers. What are your thoughts on drinking and watching movies, specifically drinking and watching a good movie? I recently saw the master and enjoyed a high A, B, V, IPA during the movie. I felt like the slight buzz combined with the dark theater actually made the alienating nature
Starting point is 00:46:03 of the film more pronounced. I know that drinking and action movies and bad movies go together but I wondered what you thought about drinking with serious films. Does it benefit or detract? I had a similar experience with Drive. I wrote a while ago about private lesson star Patrick Picking in the Picking any. Picking. Picking. Picking. Chance had a little too much to do. Just spell it. Running for a judge here in Columbus, Ohio. He did not win.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Oh, that's terrible. I needed more lessons. I feel that his lack of private lessons based on advertising cost and the election. As a reminder, he played Chevy Child Sherman. Wait, so he wasn't even the star? But as a reminder to us, the original question was about drinking.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I wish that the, I hope the character's name was Chubby Child Sherman. I would think, I mean, I don't know. I don't really drink that much usually. You're a nearly T total general. Not as much as I once was. I gave you a Guinness tonight in celebration of your birthday, but that's the rare. No, I know, but like he poured it down the toilet where you are way down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Well, the intermediate step was putting it in my body and turning it into urine. And then I poured that in the toilet out of me. All right. But the all out. I would that maybe for something like drive, I could make sense because drive is about visual sensation for the most part. And the master was in a bit of a twist too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And I frankly, the drinking before the master may help to smooth over the story problems that that movie has. But in general, I feel like when you really want to enjoy a movie, it helps to be able to give it total attention. And I don't know, it depends on the person maybe of drinking helps you or hurts you at that. I mean, I probably wouldn't recommend it
Starting point is 00:48:03 if it's something that you've seen for the first time that you really wanna pay a lot of attention to. Yeah, are you taking a test on it or something? Mm-hmm. You're taking a driving test afterwards. Or during. Before that. You shouldn't be watching a movie
Starting point is 00:48:15 while you're taking a driving test anyway, so don't be in definitely not drinking it. Unless you can put the iPod in your field of vision and still see the road, Then that's probably okay. Maybe like the movie drive might help you. Yeah. A lot of driving in that movie. But if it's a movie that you've seen before,
Starting point is 00:48:32 it's like a personal favorite of you. Like I feel like I've watched a couple of Cohen Brothers movies recently while slowly sipping on some whiskey and that just enhances the pleasure of watching it. Dan's definition of slow. Glug, glug, glug. Yeah, just toss the pleasure of watching it. Hmm. Dan's definition of slow. Look, look, look. Yeah, just tossing it back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Thanks, guys. Anything short of pouring the bottle into his mouth. So he does that. He drink a bottle while you're peeing on the floor trick all the time. Because that's just how fast it goes through. Howdy, what do you have to say about the subject? I think that, um, yeah, I agree with Elliott. If it's a certain type of movie, like I can see why you would enjoy the master or drive while drinking a bit, but honestly, I find that I get too tired in, yeah, if I, if I'm
Starting point is 00:49:23 drinking and watching a movie and I either fall asleep or miss things that I wish I hadn't missed. So, not a big drink or time. That's what I would worry about because I reached apparently the age where I've had the combination of a dark room and anything over, I guess, freezing temperature
Starting point is 00:49:41 puts me to sleep. So when I'm in a movie theater, I'm already, even when I'm really loving the movie I'm watching, I'm already at risk of falling asleep. So to add alcohol, that would be a bad idea, I think. Yeah, it's such a strange, like, calculation, because I feel like if I start drinking at night, I'm fine. I can stay awake all through the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:50:00 But what if you start drinking in the morning? But no, but if I have, like, even drinking all day, If I went to like, like, Barbeque or something like, I'm drinking like in like the middle of the afternoon, and then I come home, I'm, I'm, I'm a sleep on the middle of the ice. I'm a, I'm a sleep on a couch by six or seven. Like, and that's just, that's just aging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:20 That's nothing to do with movies. That's just more to do with. We're all getting older. All of us except Merlin. Guys, tell me I still can't. Come on. I will not. Come on.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Still? I'm just kidding. I've got a lot of youthful vigour still. Hey, why don't you go on to the next letter? Which I believe is, let her number three. Let her number three. If there's another letter from me, from you,
Starting point is 00:50:44 the viewer, or listener listener would be more accurate I guess letter number three it's the best letter to be if you're letter number three is tape before a live studio audience. You're a cat cat, so freaking. I'm not saying that now. Make with the letter, Dan. So this last letter of the evening is titled, Dan is ignorant. I like this one. Sounds well right. Poss Dan is ignorant. I like this one. Sounds well right.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Possession is weird. Dan, how ignorant you are. I can't speak for mainline Protestants. They're too boring to pay much attention to. What were their reasonfulness and stateness. But fundamentalist Protestants totally believe in demons pretty much all the time. They'd announce psychics and witches as having, or is this off of the devil inside? The devil inside, sorry. They'd announce psychics and witches as having demonic spirits supplying their eerie powers,
Starting point is 00:51:56 claim that certain monuments and places are territory for specific demons, maintained that all contact with space aliens is actually demons trying to trick people into doubting the Bible and believe that visions of the Virgin Mary are actually a plot a demonic plot also some of the more adventurous fundamentalists believe in Nephilim that's a deep Torah cut for you. Oh, yeah, I'm familiar with that one and Claim that NASA is currently plotting to create more as a part of an alien breeding program, which suggests that at some point one of them saw species. Also, or the astronauts' wife. Also, you write to Elliot on your recommendation, I rewatched possession, although your description was basically correct, I don't think it did
Starting point is 00:52:38 justice to just how bonkers that movie is. It's super bonkers. I didn't talk about the Dissultry Spy Thriller subplot or the Lack of Asical Gunfight, or the way that all the characters seem to have some kind of neurological disorder that makes them twitch uncontrollably and shout most of their dialogue, which is all repetitive and doesn't seem to bearing resemblance to how people actually talk.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You didn't mention the film's weird. The movie involves a woman having sex with a tentacle monster and you're like, these characters don't talk like these normal getting to it. You know, okay? It's a film's weird half-baked Flosifying with Jim's like I believe God is under the porch with the dead dog or Heinrich's claim that nobody should ever force their will on anyone else But it that is cool for him to rape Isabella Ijani because he
Starting point is 00:53:20 Quote asked for nothing and made therefore to band everything. There's also a pretty good, very brief karate fight too. You fail to bring up the tentacle monster's curious evolution or the way that Sam Neal appears to gradually turn into a rat man over the course of the film. In short, that shit is the weirdest movie I've ever seen. I've seen The Wedding Troph, Kist, and Embatian from Inner Earth. And if you can think of anything stranger, please let me know. I want to be able to win any who's watched the weirdest movie arguments that might arise. Yours and Crom Lawrence last name with a little.
Starting point is 00:53:52 It's too bad Stuart's not here to worship Crom with him. But to the first point, demonic possession. Yes, I am discounting your evangelical Christians, your Fundy Christian Christians. I did grow up in a more mainstream Protestant culture. You grew up near a particular Christian sect, right? I did. That is not seer. I grew up near the Apostolic Christians who were, I would say sort of a minimite. Oh, that's not so crazy, I guess.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I wouldn't, yeah, I don't know that they were big on like the idea of demonic possession. They're big on the idea of the devil. I would say that the devil is certainly a large component of a fundamentalist Protestantism, but I don't know that possession specifically. Well, they do exorcisms and not them, but you see those videos online of evangelical exorcisms
Starting point is 00:54:46 and stuff like that. Usually the demons wanna make people gay, and that's what they exercise out, and it's like demons. Is that really the biggest, like that's the most damage you can make. Usually they exercise it by inserting the demons. You gotta deal with the times.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Oh, damn. I'm just saying. Dan, this is a family podcast. Is it? Well, I consider us like family. Hey, when you're here, your family. Yeah, because you live in an Olive Garden. Don't tell me when.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I've been squatting here. Don't tell anyone I'm under the table. I'm under your table right now, consuming your listing to this at an Olive Garden. Which I assume you are. You should probably take your headphones out and pay a newspaper for it. It's rude.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Pay attention to your family. Which you are treated like. But before you do that, please stick a bread sticker to your lungs of the day for me. If you're there alone, then keep listening to the podcast because it's sad enough that you're at an Olive Garden alone. Hoping I guess to flag down a family. Pass if you could join.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Pepper and she need down to me. And get a bottomless salad bowl. What's bottomless over there? Salad bowl, the soup bowl, the waitresses. Everything except for the customers. They've got plenty of bottom. Oh, so clever. And possession. And the movie possession. And the So clever. So end possession.
Starting point is 00:56:05 End possession. And the movie possession. We've said it. It's super bonkers. I don't know anything about this. I have nothing to say. Right, let's move on. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:56:15 We had a lot of good, I'll be out of material. So let's say a lot of good, I'll be out of material. Well, it's not like a tight five or anything. No, let's not take it. Let's not do any open mics just yet. We still got to develop this So anyway, uh, this is the last segment of the evening again a flawless This is falling apart Dan. I think Hallie next time we have her do the show. We got to put the cat in the other room She won't pay attention to me
Starting point is 00:56:44 That's right just because you didn't raise her like I did. I'm sure that if I went over to your house, Henry would ignore me. That's not true. Henry's not like that. He's very friendly. Henry is a cat for the listeners. So this is the last segment where we recommend films that we've seen and we liked. Not like Rocket Bages, which we saw in some of us kind of liked. where we just we recommend films that we've seen and we liked not like rocket
Starting point is 00:57:05 pages which we saw and some of us kind of liked Elliott what film would you like to recommend to our listeners shall I go first all right I shall I'd like to recommend a movie of some reason it's a 1950s kind of military suspense thriller starring Richard Widmark and a very young rip torn who's very good in it. It's the only movie ever directed by Carl Maldon, which is too bad because it's not a bad movie and he does some interesting things with it. It's kind of directed.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It's a little stagy, but otherwise I like it. It's a movie called Time Limit. It's right after the Korean War and a bunch of American POWs are trying to figure out, rather, Richard Ridmar, who's an investigator, I guess he's like, whatever the army version of a jagged, I suppose, he is trying to figure out why this one soldier basically turned and collaborated with the enemy and recorded radio broadcast and things like that. Saying America was at fault for this war. And the soldier is kind of giving up too easily. He refuses to defend himself.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And so Richard W. Murray thinks there's more to this story than meets the eye. And he has to kind of dig deeper to find out what actually happened in this POW camp and why nobody who was there wants to tell the truth about what happened and is easier to cover it up and send this other guy to sacrifice himself basically and just go to jail for collaborating. And it's a tight level suspense thriller of the kind of liberal humanist message mode that Hollywood did in the 40s and 50s, but it doesn't have a kind of pat ending and it refuses to, it raises questions about kind of when you should follow military law and why not, but
Starting point is 00:58:54 doesn't answer those questions, which I kind of appreciated. Everyone gets their chance to say, to make a case for themselves, but it's also, it's suspenseful. So time limit. I'd recommend that. Ali Hagelin, do you like to recommend something to our listeners? I was going to steal the movie. You told me you were going to say, but now I can't remember what it is. Lucky you. Which makes it just think if I can't remember what movie you like, think how hard it is for me to think of a movie that I've never liked. That does make sense. It might be easier to remember the one you need. One should recommend like the last unicorn or something.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I think I did that last time. No, I will recommend. Music by America. For those who haven't seen it, which I'm sure as the movie buffs that you are, you probably have. But I just saw the original red dawn for the first time. And with the new one in the theaters, I'd say revisit that old classic. It all just not realized that everyone who was
Starting point is 00:59:53 anyone was in that movie. And I didn't even know that Jennifer Gray was in a movie besides dirty dancing and then that movie she did about sailing after she got her nose job. And nobody recognized her. Turns out all her charm was in her nose. I know. Just like Carl Maldon. Director of time limit. See it today. Look at me when I hear Carl Maldon is that MST3K thing that ends in Carl Maldon's nose. Yeah, about it's Godzilla's history, I think. Yeah. Oh no, you don't suppose.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Oh yes, yes. Horror of horrors. Karl Maldon's nose. And Karl Maldon was still alive at the time. Yeah, just cruel. So what movie was it, Red Dawn? Yeah, there it is. Original Red Dawn.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Original Red Dawn. Or DOG. I would like to recommend a film called Tabloid by famed documentary and Errol Morris who may know for films such as The Thin Blue Line, Gates of Heaven, The Fog of War, Fashion Keepin Out of Control, and Mr. Death. That's a good one too. Some other ones. Vernon Florida. Yeah, that one too.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I don't know why I'm blanking on some on his more recent movies. Famously first person series. One of the few people to be so frustrating that Werner Herzog had trouble dealing with him. Oh, really? I didn't know. I'll tell you some stories. Just he, he, he was one of Werner Herzog studentsner Herzog's students and he was just very difficult to deal with
Starting point is 01:01:29 and there's a story that he, I think it was Gates of Heaven he was working on but I'm not sure and he didn't have the money to finish it and Werner Herzog and he was mad about it for some reason and Werner Herzog went to see him and literally gave him the cash to finish it and Errol Maris got so mad that he threw the money out the window of his apartment and Werner Herzog went outside and got it and brought it back up to him and said, don't do that again. Hopefully I'm remembering the story correctly. And he has a book out now. But no, Errol Morris, he has a book refuting the McGinist book, Fatal Vision, about the the murders that led to the very, very excellent book, The Journalist and the Murderer
Starting point is 01:02:06 by Jay Ann Jacobs. No, no, no, no, Janet Malcolm, sorry, Janet Malcolm. But tabloid is about a woman who, depending on who you ask, either she kidnapped a young Mormon gentleman, changed him to her bed and raped him, or that young Mormon gentleman claimed that she kidnapped him and raped him because his religion made it so shameful for him to have had the sexual desire to this woman that rather than be
Starting point is 01:02:45 excommunicated, he made this up and this was a tabloid sensation in the British press and it's a and I won't go too much further. There are like more revelations in the movie, but it's fun to like the book of revelations for yourself. Yes exactly like the book of revelations. the Seven-headed beast and stuff like that. But it's a movie about, you know, like the nature of truth and constructing truth, but it's also just a very entertaining movie about tabloid journalism. And it's an interesting character study of this lady who is obviously crazy, but the level to which she's crazy is maybe not so obvious. And it's just done very entertainingly.
Starting point is 01:03:30 You know, Aaron Morris is always good for an entertaining documentary. So that's my recommendation. What do you say, guys? What do you think? I say, sure. How do you thank you for stepping in? Thank you so much for being our guest host Stupid job kept you from being here. Yeah, well, we can only pay you in being close to a cat. Yeah But look at it. It's lying there not doing much of anything just like a cat
Starting point is 01:04:01 adorable, but thank you for being here to our listeners. Thank you for listening and to Dan. Thank you for being. Oh, Ellie. Sorry, I just kidding. Well, no, actually, you know what? That's better than what I was going to say. Yeah, go fuck yourself, Dan. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:04:16 For the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Elliott. Hold on. Kalan, Elliott, Kalan. And I am and always will be Wait, that's the kind of thing I usually say can I everyone? You're staring off in the space I'm washing Ellie like that dog in that video And why is this versus a bath. Yeah, it was weird.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I don't know why this verse is a bath, since he loved it. I know. It was like, it wasn't firsts, it was. Meets bath, falls in love.

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