The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #119 - The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Episode Date: January 26, 2013

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme.0:35 - 34:36 - That kid's really turning over a new leaf. A NEW LEAF. GET IT? Aaaaah, you don't get it.34:37 - 37:20 - Final judgments37:21 - 38:06 - Plugs38:07 - ...54:29 - The only helpful edition of the Flop House Movie Mailbag54:30 - 1:01:28 - The sad bastards recommend. 1:01:29 - 1:03:00 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discuss the art life of Timothy Green, the film that turns the inability to have a child into a whimsical fantasy. Hey everyone and welcome to the flyhouse. I'm Dan McCoy every single time. So your day someday Stewart will learn. What's your name Stewart Wellington? Stewart Wellington. And who am I, Ali? Kaelin? Why am I, Ali? Kaelin? Thank you for asking. We should we should switch it around. All three names together again. We switch it around. I'll interrupt. I'll let it next time. Okay. Okay. Fair enough. Or not. Fair. Some day never comes. So going to the flop. Tomorrow never knows. Let me wait.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Let me get the number. Tomorrow dies. It's our listeners at the door. They want to enter the flop. I was going to have to do this time. Let them instur, let them instur. Let them instur.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them instur. Let them then we talk about it for about an hour and a half. And sometimes stars Nicholas Cage, but this time it didn't. This time it started a complicated stars. But the movie I don't know if stars. No, Nicholas Cage is not involved.
Starting point is 00:01:38 We should talk about Cage. I'm sorry. I wanted to make everyone work. I just wanted to make a reference to the trailer for the movie stolen and then move on You're giving everyone cage balls Elliott. That's the problem. It hurts for a guy when that happens. Yeah, it does We watched a little movie called the odd life of Timothy Green and boy was it I was the oddest His life was so much. It Elliot this was my out of it was dead set because and I'll tell you why because this was a movie
Starting point is 00:02:07 outside of our normal comfort zone this is a family film eight is this a sappy sentimental family film there are no action scenes there's no monster violence there's no blood there's no Nicholas K. A. no Nicholas K. A. I wanted this to do something that was a little bit different like sometimes we step out of our zone
Starting point is 00:02:26 And we do it like a little bit of heaven or a Seven pounds a seven pounds or Beverly Hills as Chihuahua's and you know sometimes that's a little bit of magic So I wanted us to step outside of our comfort zone this time and boy was this an unusual film. It was odd if you will Oddly boring Why don't you why don't you some try the tried trying to speed it up a little bit okay it's a it's not a lot of happens this movie so uh... Jennifer Garner and what's his alex and what's his face uh... joe edgerton joe edgerton joe edgerton
Starting point is 00:02:59 it's your dark thirties guy and one warrior a movie i recommend any he's in warrior uh... they are a married couple in a town called stanleyville with very noticeable skull structures yeah very defined sharp cheekbones cheekbones you can great cheese on and they live in the pencil capital of the world and we know this because there's a barn that says it
Starting point is 00:03:22 there's a pencil factory their giant pencils in the streets The local soccer team the local soccer team is the caseers hands past these things about a million times There's a lot of pencils in this movie. So pencil it in won't you and then erase it? They are a married couple and they want to have a child very badly, but they can't it is genetically impossible God has taken his thumb and stuck it in a womb to stop up any babies from getting in there. But this is a barren place where a seed can find no purchase.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah, there's just tumbleweeds. It's for making me think of a movie I actually like that. Phantasm? Yep. So we're talking about phantasm tonight. So they decide they're so sad because they can't have children which is sad. It's very sad. It starts up very sad. It's like up in terms of starting out sad except not as good. They decide they're going to write down on pieces of paper the things that their ideal
Starting point is 00:04:16 child would have. A great heart. He'd be funny. He'd rock. He'd win. Some of these are pretty shallow things. He'd be artistic. And he would like. He'd win. Some of these are pretty shallow things. He'd be artistic. And he would like shoot the winning goal.
Starting point is 00:04:28 He'd kick the winning goal in a soccer game. In a soccer game. Yeah. And they take all these things and they put it in a little box. And in a scene that would have worked if it was an amuseable, I think. I think he brought that up. Well, that's the thing. And we can.
Starting point is 00:04:40 We can talk about this, but this is a movie that isn't, isn't high super-hearned. It's not stylized enough. It's very earnest and very Realistically shot except with like you know the light the colors are very bright and everything but it has all these fantasy elements But it is super earnest and super like like everyone plays it real and it's very sad and quiet and subdued and this is a scene That would work very well in a musical like singing about the different traits that would want their ideal son to have he'd have heart Oh, he'd have such heart. He'd be good at art. He'd you know that kind of shit anyway, so I like me He would actually go start singing yes, you did come on. You know, I love to sing
Starting point is 00:05:19 He would rock rock the house. He'd be quiet as a mouse rock rock the house he'd be quiet as a mouse he's a little theater lost a lyricist when you went into podcasting he'd speak fluent German rouse rouse anyway so the uh they write it down and put it in a little box and then bury it in their garden because he has a keen reminiscent of the child bear what better way to open your movie than with us then with a symbolic funeral for a child in a tragedy box uh... and then later that night they wake up and there's a hole in the garden and some kind of dirt creature has been running
Starting point is 00:05:54 on the house because they find dirt everywhere and there's a filthy child like an up ten-year-old child just so they in their house some kind of creepy ritual summoned this child demon from another burned a wicker man we have to assume that disney cut out the part or jennifer garner dropped her menstrual blood on to the ground to fertilize the soil for a human flesh i don't know uh... but it turns out this little boy calls himself timothy and he has leaves on his legs because he's a plant boy like a puck
Starting point is 00:06:24 like when you're pucks like when your punk of your punks or one of your swamps things You know when your plant man when you're fluronic man's one of your trifids Yeah, the trivids had no human qualities to them. All right. You could walk for there. There's plant monsters One of your oddries too. Yeah exactly your oddries too Anyway, one of your plants man, so he's a plant boy and they are such very worried, anxious, hyper protective parents. And he goes through a series of weird little incidents. He is at a, he gets beat up, not beat up.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He gets kind of like taunted by kids at school. But he doesn't seem to mind. He has a crush on a slightly older girl. It's okay, cute. Yeah, he's 11 and there's a 14 year old girl that he has a crush on which. And they become best friends after weird in the context of the movie. And she's got a weird birthmark that looks like Africa. Yeah, they're both different.
Starting point is 00:07:17 She sees his leaves and he sees her birthmark. He and he like he has this, he draws a picture of somebody and he's super talented. He has this preternatural wisdom like he's very serene and still walked out of an emni shimon kind of he speaks procociously like as if he's an adult but it's it's one of these movies where there's like this thin tightrope between prococious wisdom and autism or mental retardation where he kind of is like wise beyond his years in one scene but another scene he doesn't get like how a diving board works or what soccer is, you know. We should watch him try and figure it out in slow motion.
Starting point is 00:07:55 We should watch many, many slow motion shots of his beaming saintly face. But he's also like a magical child who shows up and seems to know the rules of his own existence, but never tells anybody. Yeah, that he needs to let anyone else show his guts. He shows up. He's a what? You get a dudid. You know, a dream catcher.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, right. I thought you meant like the... Timothée Green builds a shitload of dream catchers with his new friends. Yeah, I thought you meant the apprentice ship of Dutty Kravitz. Which is a very different thing. You finished it of Lennie Kravitz, which is the real... The apprenticeship of Lennie Krabbits. This is a very different thing. We appreciate of Lennie Crabbits, which is the relationship of Lennie Crabbits. Anyway, what were we talking about? I don't know, where's the other word?
Starting point is 00:08:32 So, and he seems to know the rule, he shows up, he speaks perfect English. He seems to know everything about his own mystical being, but he doesn't tell anybody, and he doesn't know much of anything about human interaction. And he manages to through his wise saintly presence solve a couple people's problems
Starting point is 00:08:50 he helps heal a rift between his new dad and his dad's dad saves the local the local pencil factories going to be shut down and he inspires his parents to invent a new type of pencil made out of leaves and he helps an old guy shuffle off the middle coil yeah he helps his grandfather laugh his way into the grave play by him and wash play by m m it was uh... basically he likes he's like the incredible hockey wonders into the town solves peaceful problems and then
Starting point is 00:09:20 time for him to go because each time he fulfills the promise of one of the things his parents wanted him to do when they wrote out their notes He loses a leaf and as we all know from a thousand words what happens when you run out of leaves That's why the trees all die in the winter So in the end Pete's dragon and disappears, right? Kind of and does he disappear he doesn't leave a body behind right?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, he doesn't like crumble and uh... like malt yeah he just turns back into that said uh... child cigar box that yeah that's true yeah they didn't find that it didn't find the box they just found the piece of paper no they find the box oh they did because inside this whole story is being told here's your framing story
Starting point is 00:10:03 it's all stories perhaps one of the stupidest this whole framing this whole story is being told here's your framing story. This whole story is perhaps one of the stupidest this whole framing This whole story is being told by the parents to a woman who works at an adoption agency in order to convince her to give them a kid They tell her this I don't know her last name, but she was in the house of son fog But they are like hey, you know, it would convince them to give us a living human child if we told a crazy story about a Plant boy that grew out of our garden and then we couldn't even take care of him and he died yeah but if they do it really well you got a kid on it it's gonna be an amazing story the problem with it was that they just didn't water Timothy Green it's possible the one time we saw him in water he was at a pool and the chlorine couldn't have been good for him
Starting point is 00:10:40 yeah no but there's a good news even really well he could swim he was just trying to trick that poor girl and to come down to get. She could kick him in the base. Yeah. He meets this girl by. She sees him sitting on the bottom of the pool. I think she's drowning.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Goes to save him and tries an amazing diving board. See? And see his low motion. He's jumping on that diving board for about seven hours. Looking like a doof. And she starts pulling down his socks and sees the leaves on his ankle. That's what I do with how to do.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And he kicks her in the head, just trying to get his feet out of her hands, but they become friends. Her mother does not, and his mother for some reason does not approve of him having a friend. She's like five, seven, 10 years older than him. Yeah, 10 years older than him.
Starting point is 00:11:22 She's 20 years older. No, she's, Jennifer Gardner has worried that this fast girl of 14 is going to corrupt, corrupt her son of 11. She was a mother jacket, I think. Yeah, she rides around on a bicycle, not a motorcycle, just a bicycle. Now this, and so. The old, tiny pencil town, a motorcycle, rough enough. In, Tim and the Green green dies he leaves a letter
Starting point is 00:11:45 behind saying you were great parents written in pencil written in pencil because the whole movie is about fucking pencils and this is it's weird that the main theme of this movie seems to be the importance of pencils but uh the dad works at the pencil factory and the mom is a twer as a pencil quality inspector which means just picking up pencils and looking at them and then putting them away and the mom is the the highest quality of pencil the mom is the is the tour guide at the historic pencil house like what is it exactly like the pencil it's the pencil museum but it's a nice weasel
Starting point is 00:12:21 okay you mentioned i am weasel and at the end of the movie the adoption agency the adoption agency you're a dying we see the adoption agency brings a kid brings them a new daughter yeah the the option is like we believe your crazy timp of the green story you know what so have a have an asian daughter your story about killing a vegetable boy you're just a daughter yeah i don't know why you had to highlight her at the well because they called her lily i do think it's funny that they call her lily which is the name of the Asian adopted daughter in modern fan. Sure. They could have called her Jade or Katana. Sure. Portian cookie. Malena. And in all of these legs. Great wall.
Starting point is 00:12:57 2000 A. Limpix. Number one happy panda. Golden luck dragon food. Happy joy. Sun. Golden Luck Dragon food happy joy son all these things Chun Lee Mooshu too far Dan Okay, I don't know if he's character from Mulan and that is shocking. We didn't say Mulan We should have said Mulan. I don't think even think she's Chinese the girl in the movie She looks like she's like Indonesian, you know Yeah, I am D.P. So but you you mentioned Diane Weast and we'll get to the hair on her chin now. There's a big cast in this movie. There's a really good cast you got
Starting point is 00:13:41 Diane Weast mm-hmm. Who else is in it? Ron Livingston. Yeah. Rose married to Whit. Rose married to Whit. David Morse. David Morse. It was married to Walsh. It was married to Walsh.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Rose married to Whit playing her perfect character of the disapproving sister. The disapproving snobby sister. Yeah. It's like Rachel getting married, decided to move to a town of made out of pencils and disapprove of a plant boy. You got sure. And common as the soccer coach who takes an immediate dislike to Timothy Green. Here's the weird thing about the movie. Oh, and also, uh, Lin Manuel Rivera, I think his name is the creator of In the Heights
Starting point is 00:14:17 and Star of In the Heights when it opened is also in this, in two scenes as a botanist. Yeah. And, uh, I mean, it's not, it's not an actor, but as you noted, the cinematographer won back-to-back Academy Awards, and this is, I'd rather say, a beautiful looking movie. Like technically, it is a lovely movie. Well, if any movie captures the beauty of autumn,
Starting point is 00:14:39 it's the odd life of Timothy Green. If any movie fails to provide a story to go with those autumn colors, it is the odd life of Timothy. Sad movie about a plant boy that has some beautiful trees. The weird thing is also, and Dan made the point where you watch the movie, instead of solving everyone's problems, this family should have just moved out of the pencil town, because everyone there is a jerk. That was a solved all of the sudden.
Starting point is 00:15:03 The kids have a skull. Based on a pencil factory that's clearly failing there is no more antiquated technology than a pencil maybe a rock that used to open a coconut is more antiquated than a pencil but then also the main problem with this uh... this family is uh... you got rose married a wit who is a bitch about this uh... new kid how much better her kids are yeah and then
Starting point is 00:15:27 it's really great though he plays the bassoon you know i don't know why i'm interested in the best that the best that to me that you can do is hit a procussive instrument to the beat of low-rider so that his family can sing along with him and then inspire the actual version of the song low-r. Just start playing out the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Spontaneously play. Well apparently these are very low-rent wishes by the way. There's like, oh we want our son to rock and that translates to him being a- It's a low rider. I think you're making a dear to the cowboy that Low Riders is rocking. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. It's a low-rent. All he can do is do the cowbell part to Low Riders.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Which is a pretty mellow song. There's not a lot of rocking in that. But then you got the dad's dad, David Morse is just a dick about it. It's just a jerk. Yeah, he's a dick like his son. He's your typical abuse of dad. Played by movies, Joel, Edgerton.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Movies. He's been like, fuck this guy. I don't mean, like he doesn't, I don't know why he is pursuing his love so much. The I don't pursue my dad's love all the time. Dad, if you're listening, I didn't mean that. Dad, if you're listening, love me, please. I'll do anything. I'll do anything. I'll kick the winning soccer goal. I'll rock. I'll be artistic. Whatever it takes. I'm like, whatever. I'll go on. There's a cowbell it up. So like Ron Livingston,
Starting point is 00:16:43 they who runs the pencil factory is a jerk. Common, who is the soccer coach, hates Timothy Green, will not put him into play for no real reason. Like, he's not good at it, but it's a kid's soccer team. Like, everyone's supposed to play, you know. And when he finally puts him in, he says, you stand there and don't move at all. Like, that's the instruction. The point that he ignores the ball and the players that are actually trying to score goals. It just keeps us on keeping this get from moving. I mean, he
Starting point is 00:17:10 probably should have focused harder because the he ends up scoring a goal for the other team. Spoiler alert yet. Spoiler alert. By the way, we already mentioned that Timothy Green dies but spoiler alert. When he kicks the winning goal, it's for the
Starting point is 00:17:20 other team by accident. After he laughs, after he laughs there, that was like the comedic set piece. After he showboats playing soccer for a long time, Timothy Green. Yeah, he's really good at soccer. He's not so good at knowing which direction he's maybe just like for a second. He has to power up first from the sun. And then he does. That's true.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Looking fancy footwork. He gets to the power from the other coaches. Like, yeah, the other coaches like, fucking take him out. Like, yeah, kick him in the knees. It's like the legs. Sweet the legs. This's like this is crazy. It's like this is a kid soccer game. Also, the fact that their team is called the Erasers because it's a pencil town.
Starting point is 00:17:50 The other team is called the Bone Crusaders. What is that town, Niki? I assume that's the town that makes the roller coaster from nothing but trouble. It's the only explanation I can come up with. I hear it, it's an accurate reference. I mean, they have a lot of aggression because that's the only thing they've ever made
Starting point is 00:18:06 as a town ever. Yeah. It's just one roller coaster for Judge Quinn Cannon. A great movie. For maybe the worst movie ever made by movie studio. So bad. Now, there's a great cast in this movie, but they don't get much to do. The script is pretty underwritten and half-baked.
Starting point is 00:18:25 The direction is kind of subdued and not very... Like we were saying, this should have been like a heightened fairy tale of a movie, maybe a musical, but it's just like everyone kind of just like, yeah, Timothy Green, wow, you're really interesting kid. I've never seen anything like that in a musical. No, you could only have gained. Like this is one of the few movies where I'm like, if they transferred this to Broadway to making it to a musical, they'd have a real chance
Starting point is 00:18:48 at improving it, because basically, just keep the idea of a plant kid and put some, put some songs in there, change the ending so he doesn't die. You got yourself a hit, call it hairspray to the musical or maybe Book of Mormon 2, yeah. Well, you can, you can, you can, you can even die for a while,
Starting point is 00:19:05 and then he shows up at the end. He's like, I'm not really dead. I mean, like- It's spring again, spring is sprung. I'm back, it's spring. If you're sad, then you get to happy. That's how it- Well, there were a lot of reviews of the new Blu-ray
Starting point is 00:19:17 of Little Shuffle Horses with the original ending. That pointed out that it's a lot less harsh on Broadway to kill your main characters because they show up then at the end to take about that's true. And so like I mean the same thing for Timothy Green who's like oh okay you know Timothy Green is still alive. There he is bowing and waving at the audience. Yeah be fine.
Starting point is 00:19:41 You don't have a crazy overreaction. I mean this movie takes itself so seriously that we discussed while we're watching Like I don't know who this movie's for yeah, it's not for kids. It's not for adults because it's desperately sad It's about it's too sad for kids and it's too like light whimsical kid movie for adults. Yeah, but but the first and I like kids movies Kids like when I was a kid. I watched like little monsters all the time. I don't know. Goonies yeah like show uh lots of movies that are that are pretty harsh but still. But the first 15 minutes of this movie in particular are very sad. It's about two desks like like a man or woman who desperately want a child who can't adopt can't have kids and I don't know they can't adopt
Starting point is 00:20:25 I think that was like I think that was part of the problem like they weren't I mean I wouldn't sell my kid you know realize adoption is not selling them a kid wait what no I think it was just like but they're like you know like drinking wine like trying to cheer each other up talking about how amazing their kid would be if you just did yeah, it's amazing. And then they put those things in a box and they bury it. Like, that's how the movie starts. This is a family movie. Well, I'll have you in like, they're bearing their dreams.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Except like a better version of this of that opening is up where, aside from the scene of the beginning where the two kids meet, the next whole sequence is them growing older, not being able to have a child the same old and then the wife dying it's the saddest seven minutes but it's so least that has like them being in love yeah what's it what's the thing is it's it makes you care about the characters so that when it's sad you're like oh like I felt something as opposed to just like let me drop you into the sad moment first
Starting point is 00:21:23 they're super depressed and sad and you don't know these people. You don't like them probably. The cheekbones are way better than you. Super sad. You're going to order your dinner so it arrives about 20 minutes in, so it's happy. So you're not too busy crying in your food. And then we're going to introduce you to a plant boy who will die. And also, like, a plant boy who, I mean, it's a kid actor.
Starting point is 00:21:44 So I'm not talking about the performance necessarily, but like a plan for who let i mean it's a kid it's a kid actor so what i'm not i'm not telling the performance necessarily but like the character lacks charisma this is not a kid you want to hang around what is he's not a kid like dude what else do you want but he's like he's like not a kid well here's the thing is there's a problem in a lot of movies that are about kids where like a bowl cut you want to have a bowl cat yeah well one have a bowl cut to let have a slingshot hanging out of his back pocket backwards caps on glass escape board you probably want to be 20% more bad apple well that's the thing actually is that bubble gun choose big league two
Starting point is 00:22:14 uh... and uh... somebody's got to be is that kids are little jerks and they have been i like kids but like a lot of movies make their kid make characters too nice to the point where they become either cloying or boring or just not real. Like this, this kid is supposed to be a magical kid and yet he still feels too weirdly innocent. It's kind of similar to a movie like Benjamin Button where the character is like bizarrely innocent in a way that doesn't make sense. Like real kids get into trouble and do stupid things and like if there is one scene of Timothy Green like getting into trouble or breaking something or making a mistake himself, then it would instantly make me like the character more. As it is, he's, he never becomes a character. He's literally just this magic,
Starting point is 00:23:01 you know, he's like a bagger vance type character. And if you're gonna include a character like this, you shouldn't have sequences that they're told kind of from his point of view, because he's not a person. Like, if you shouldn't have these scenes of him running around with his friend of a million year old girl. What? You know, that chick with the birthmark.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Like, I don't care if he's falling in love. He's like a weird magical angel character. Like, he's a dud. Yeah, if it's falling in love he's like a weird magical angel character like He's a dud it's yeah if it's gonna be about his effect on the characters then don't worry about our yeah his perspective Yeah focus on his parents the sad ones but in a way this movie was all worth it And I'll tell you why worth every dollar poured into it and every minute we spent with it call it up Call it up you see there's a certain scene at the end It seems they're going to close the pencil factory. Everyone's going to be out of work or are they? Because the parents have invented a new pencil made out of leaves and it's a new pencil made out of leaves. A pencil made
Starting point is 00:23:57 out of leaves. They melt, they literally melt leaves down, mold them into a pencil shape. And then it's a pencil and they're gonna make announcement we're gonna keep the factory open with this leaf pencil and the factory owner says and my son Ron Livingston invented it and they've told me he says my son Ron Livingston well it doesn't say a lot right I got to hand it to Ron Livingston his performance at that moment is pretty great it's pretty great he's literally dancing. It's like, it's a little bit like, what can I think of his name at the moment? Oh, Sam Rockwell in Iron Man 2,
Starting point is 00:24:31 when he's literally dancing on stage, like there is no better way to make me love what an asshole your character is than to get on stage and dance before making an announcement. But Timotha Green, they wrote down that he would be honest to a fault, which is the reason why when he drew a beautiful portrait of Diane Weist,
Starting point is 00:24:49 he had put hairs on her chin. Even though she's got a cool go-to. But even in the movie, she doesn't really have, like they didn't bother to put fake hairs on her chin. Yeah, it was weird. So it just feels like he's drawing, and he draws like a billy goat beard on her. It's not like one or two hairs.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Like she looks like Minnie'sZ top. She's got a Van Dyke. She's like the red devil paint mask. But anyway, so Timothy Green can only be honest. So he gets up and he says, no, my parents made that pencil. You didn't. And there's a back and forth where they both try to prove the mic in front of an audience of the most bored looking extras I've ever seen. They're not even looking at him. Why talks? They're literally just thinking about something else. He wins his case, and Diane Weist has, and he wins his case by showing them that he's
Starting point is 00:25:39 got leaves on his legs. They've kept it a secret on his side. Diane Weist is going to arbitrate this. She's like, Ron Livingston, how did you get this idea and he's like, Ron Livingston. There's leaves, leaves, I think, in about leaves. And they're all around, like, he doesn't have it. He doesn't have an answer.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And the whole time he keeps interrupting the kid and just making fun of the fact that the kid fucks the best soccer player. Like, that's the best way to play a, what a jerky. I'm weeve gonna believe this kid who can't even win a soccer game. This is also a guy. This town hall meeting comes down to a guy making fun of a kid for being shitty at soccer. And this there's a scene earlier where he's talking and he's drinking coffee out of a mug
Starting point is 00:26:16 that just says the boss and big letters on it. Like I wish this movie had been told from his point of view. The story about how a weird kid wound his life. And the parents, so Diane, we still... There's a kid died, so it's happy. And just the end scene is him dancing on Timothy Green's grave. He doesn't even have a grave.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I guess the whole world is his grave. Yeah, this planet is his burial plot. So Ron Livingston says, there leaves everywhere. It's not a convincing story. But then Jennifer Garner's like, well, he's a boy with Leafs on his legs, also not convincing. And so Diane Weist is like, I'll be the judge of whether he has leaves on his legs. But most of the leaves have fallen off
Starting point is 00:27:00 because he's accomplished his checklist goals. And but she finds one last little leaf on his leg. And she says, she says the words, and I wrote it down. So it have it exactly as she says it. Dan, we says, if this boy can have a leaf on his ankle, then we can make a pencil out of leaves, which doesn't make sense. It brings the house and everybody applause. But it's all like you
Starting point is 00:27:25 hitting us at home and probably everyone in a way we were just high-fiving just chest thumping yeah we spiked a football it was amazing it was like it's true it's like New Year's if that boy can't have a leaf on a thing called and we can make it doesn't make any sense they were already they were already announced we're going to make these leaf pencils before they knew Timothy Green had a leaf on his ankle. But even so, it has nothing to do with it. Well, Timothy Green, what are our lives? I have to refer to it.
Starting point is 00:27:55 No. It's a story of two stupid over whatever. By the way, these leaf pencils are stupid. Like, they would be very hard to write with. They're kind of big chunks of pencil. Yeah, they're awkwardly shaped I would not want to write with a leaf pencil. Well, it's their problem with it is because they're not useful pencils It's not ergonomics. Oh good. Well, they could just reach they could shape it differently The pencil has been developed over thousands of years and about thousands of years We're gonna change it up just because of this odd Timothy Green comes in.
Starting point is 00:28:26 His life is very odd, Dan. You have to admit. First he was, hey, where do they put the eraser on this thing, huh? If it looks like a leaf. Uh-huh. At the end. It's because he's a plant boy doesn't mean he knows pencils. We're the stem one, though, I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:37 We just stick out of the side. No. Now, here's the thing. Every movie like this, where a character shows up, solves problems through magic, and then dies. Peace Dragon. Peace Dragon. You keep going back to your Pete's Dragon. Your Pete's Dragons is, and your...
Starting point is 00:28:53 Pagger Vance. Your Bagger's Vance. Your Short Circuit. And so your battery is not syncluses. They're all essentially Christ parables. I think this is the weakest Christ parable may have ever seen more than shorts are good more than way more than short circuit in short circuit he actually comes back to life at the end what
Starting point is 00:29:15 about short circuit to short circuit to he comes back gold plated literally he's ascended to heaven and returns and it becomes an American citizen. It's short circuit two we learn that it takes a tough man to make a tinder chicken. Yeah that's true. Anyway, there's only two movies that have the balls to end with their science fiction made up character taking these citizenship oath that short circuit two and mac and me. short circuit to and mac and me. This mac and me, this mac and me, giant sea monkeys are now. They can vote just like you. They have social,
Starting point is 00:29:53 they have social, counts as out your vote. Social security and they are incredibly conservative. They are racist. They are racist. That's a weird thing. The misogynist. Once they got in the door? It closed behind them. They go in the car.
Starting point is 00:30:06 They close the airlock right behind as soon as those mac and me aliens came in. Just keep him in Arizona where they're from. Well, he just goes, don't steal my space job. That's what he says, I guess. Anyway, there's a robot I guess, right? There's a robot. Well, there's a little bit of short circuit in there, too. I have to imagine Johnny five is the same way
Starting point is 00:30:27 he's like but take away my gun because he's got shoulder-mounted missiles yeah exactly it's an extension of the gun when you pride my cold dead shoulder and johnny five is alive at the moment president obama the only thing that disassembles a bad guy with a shoulder-mounted gun so good guy with a shoulder-mounted I was gonna say it but that's true. So anyway, Timothy Green, maybe one of the lame or Christ parables in children's film. Yeah, they didn't even give a bother to give them JC initials. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Johnny Cabbage. Johnny Cabbage. Johnny Cabbage. That wasbage. Johnny Cabbage. That was the working title, I think. But also, like, is it too... Like, they didn't really make very much of him being a plant. Is it too much to have him put down roots in one scene, too much for him to grow a flower in his hair or something? Like, really plant it up.
Starting point is 00:31:19 You know, make the most out of this stupid concept you have. I think they should have, when casting the spell and writing down things, they should have written down something that was kind of a non-sequitor that they would have had to spend more time like showing how he accomplishes this goal. Like what? I don't know, like Ryan Elephant or something? Like maybe because they're killing this bottle of wine, maybe they're like, yeah, maybe, you know, he makes elephant sounds when people talk to them or I don't know why would they want that?
Starting point is 00:31:46 Weird. Or maybe he's got a really cool long, long, long ponytail. That's what every, that's what every parent wishes for their child. Cool, long ponytail. Just a retail hanging out the back of his head. Totally awesome. If late night Walmart trips are to be believed, then you're right. See, the problem I have is I worry about the little girl who becomes their child at the end, because they're gonna be so disappointed in her lack of plant-based talents. And they're like, okay, so we're really looking forward
Starting point is 00:32:13 to being your parents, because we know you're gonna rock. Actually, I'm just a kid, I don't rock. Well, but you're a gifted artist. No, I'm not. Really good at soccer? No, I can't do that. Do you at least have leaves on your legs? And you'll inspire us to create a new type of pencil that saves the town. No, I'm just a kid.
Starting point is 00:32:30 They're gonna want to send her back to the orphanage. You know what? Give us a chia pet. We'll teach you how to go to school. We'll be okay. So there's gonna be conspiracy theories in that town as to why that kid disappeared right? Oh, yeah government took him. Yeah, it's gotta be. The study is leaf-based. See if i was gonna do a sequel be called the outer life of sammy brown and that would be another kid in town who thinks that the government stole timothy green and uh... starts yeah i guess start some elicia you know to free timothy green and uh... blows up a federal building
Starting point is 00:33:02 uh... and then i guess he would go to jail. Well, that's too bad. I guess it's really more the timidly-based. I mean, I guess not too bad. It goes screwed. People probably got hurt. I don't know about it. But it'll be the same.
Starting point is 00:33:13 It'll be the same. If nobody gets hurt, and... I should have a few pamphlets for you to read. Sammy Brown dies of the year, right? Of course, you should. Shoot out with the police. It's time here on this planet was done, Dan. That's the thing. It's 10th college. He's got two kids in the circle all the police. It's time here on this planet was done, Dan. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:33:25 It's time to get to the next question. He published everything. You got two kids in the circle all over it. Timothy Green keeps saying, like, I don't have a lot of, like, he basically knows he doesn't have a lot of time on Earth, and you wonder why he's not doing something more useful. I guess he's... I don't know rather than, you know, like, cycling around with his girlfriend, and talking in the sun.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Kick and soccer balls. Although, I guess, if you only had one day left, would you try something big? Would you just enjoy the simple pleasures of cycling around 14 year old girlfriend soaking in the sun? I mean, he's the only one shot you don't stop. You never let him miss your moment. You own it. He changes what I'm assuming is the entire pencil industry of the United States of America
Starting point is 00:34:02 to LA. Well, that's actually revolutionizes non-pin based writing. The sequel I would like to see, all malicious stories aside, would be called the Odd Life of Timothy Green 2, Greensback got attack, and he comes back, the town is super wealthy from this new leaf pencil, and they've let it go to their heads. It's just parties and liquor and blow and hookers and tibethe green has to montage of people smashing computer screens of pencil just because they can and tibethe green
Starting point is 00:34:32 brings his wrath down because they've forgotten his teachings i think that's what would happen uh... right well i think that it is time to make a final judgements on this movie good good movie whether it's moving kind of don't remember the movie, no matter if these bizarre and scary versions that I've come up with. Good bad movie, a bad, bad movie or movie kind of likes.
Starting point is 00:34:51 What do you think, Elliot? I think it was a bad, bad movie, but it's like I said in 1,000 words, like I like this type of fantasy story done set in a modern day, and I wish Hollywood do more of it. I just wish they had heightened it more made it more out of the ordinary as opposed to just a kid who happened to have
Starting point is 00:35:10 leaves on his ankles. It's true what you say. I'll agree that it's bad, bad and I'm going to touch on something you talked about while we were watching it is that it's it seems more competently made than most of the movies we watch. Like it looks pretty good. There's a lot of actors that are normally pretty good in it. But it is just like the script is so bland and flat. It doesn't really make a movie. And you want to give the movie points for being very earnest and very unironic. Except for the low-rider scene, there's like no pop culture references. There's no scene where like...
Starting point is 00:35:45 Nothing to date it for when people watch it. 50 years or no. 50 years or no. When people wishing to know how we lived in the 21st century watched Timothy Green, they'll be like, this could have been shot yesterday, except they don't have space cars. But also like, there's not a lot of like snark to it. The characters are well-meaning, like they want to love each other. It's not there's not a lot of it. There's nothing at all that could be in any way possibly
Starting point is 00:36:10 offensive. As I believe you read in the comments on IMDB. By IMDB user boba underscore fet 1138. It means there were 1137 to 38 fets before him. But it's you want to give them points for doing an earnest film and not not doing like a simon the chip now out of the chipmunks type like edgy movie giving some credit on the side was always the glue that helped the chipmunks together
Starting point is 00:36:36 but it's just they don't they don't the story is so weak i think i'll give it a marginal good bad just because i think that this Concept is so crazy and it's played so straight that I think that you possibly could get a little enjoyment out of It's it's pretty the kind of the last 20 to 30 minutes. I wish the movie was as crazy as those 20 to 30 minutes It's kind of dull before then that that boy has leaves on his ankle one really got you didn't it did before we get on to our it's rare when a single line of dialogue can elevate a movie from bad bad to good bad but if Diane was talking about
Starting point is 00:37:15 bad razors I want to briefly before we get into our letters. I mentioned a couple of plugs on behalf of all things comedy. They've added a couple of new podcasts, the Champs podcast with Neil Britain, Masha Cashier and DJ Doug Pound and also Socker Comics. Socker Comics with the comedians, Ian Edwards and Jason Gillerons They'll probably have a lot to say about Timothy Green. Yeah, what was all the soccer in it? You should probably yeah, you should probably check it out probably a lot of Timothy Green Fanfic over at the soccer comics over at their new podcast the greenhouse
Starting point is 00:37:59 Nothing but Timothy Green all the time and you can fight all that by Tom Green at all things comedy dot com But now it's time to move on To our letter segments the flop house movie mail bag Everyone's favorite especially Elliot's it is my favorite especially Elliot's favorite non-song based section of the podcast I think there should be a song. I don't know guys. I know I'm outvoted here, two to one, but something tells me there should be a song about letters. We should probably just read out the mail. It's a hail of letters, better read those letters, letters together, letters for all letters. So tall, the stack of letters. Let's read them and try to get some of them read.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Letters. OK, thank you. First letter is from Page Lasting with Hell. It's titled, You're My Only Horror Movie Hope. Dearest flop house guys in house cat, I've searched and I've searched. But I've never found nowhere on Earth that can tell me the name of a fantastic horror movie I saw when I was about 20
Starting point is 00:39:07 Let me help it's called castle free Let me just as free ribbons own day. Do they mention a ding dong being ripped off and not really happening on screen? It says can you tell me what it was? I'm hoping between the three of you that someone probably steward Well, no one I'm talking about. I'll give you some info It was about a rather cliched man's mad scientist who clichéity creates the perfect man. The dialogue was horrible as you'd expect on an on TV in the middle of the night in some hotel horror tale, but here's the beauty, literally of the movie. The man-made man is stunning. He's a patchwork of different colored skins and the makeup artist did him full justice.
Starting point is 00:39:45 He's not disgusting on Gory. He's beautiful. A beautiful quilt of a man. I feel the title is something like Dr. Patches, but that's turned up nothing at all. Please, please, please help. I listen religiously and tell as many of my friends as will tolerate being told, I ask and return only your help and rediscovering this movie. I'm sorry it doesn't have any ripped-off genitalia or exposed boobs to provide intrigue there's no boots I have her make a one movie in your honor I'll be sure to include those and allowably mowing but never seen cat just to say thank you what has to the films and lives in fear of the flop house ending probably lots of people but specifically me thanks page for writing in.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Now that movie I hope she would be called, would be called, well I don't remember the joke I was gonna make. So we know the movie's not Jack would hide together again. It's not Dr. Patch. We know it's not wax or the discovery of television among the bees. So it's one of the movie that's not one of those two movies. We know it's not Wampere. It's probably not Castle Freak, but re-thought entire letter again.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Maybe it all jokes up and out. It's probably not M. Hulu's holiday. It has not a horror movie. There was a sci-fi channel original movie that I think Mark Paul Gostler was in, that was a Frankenstein movie where he did have patches all over him like that. And I wonder if that was it, but I don't know. I don't remember what it was called. If it was called Frankenstein,
Starting point is 00:41:10 or if it was called like patchwork man. I read this in part because I feel like if we open this up to the Flophouse-Listory. The Flophouse-Listory. The audience. Maybe they'd be able to help. And if you get on the Flophouse Facebook page, perhaps we can, yeah, crowd. Okay, let's see, it's not Gorgo.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And it's not... It's not Morgo. It's not Morgo. It's not Morgano the Kissing Band, which is not a movie, but a person. It's not Zoro the Gay Blade. It's not the Hot Rock. It's not Dollar Sign. It's trying rubber-refer.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, no, that's trying to... No, rubber-refer. Rubber-refer. Move on to the next's trying to. No, rubber, rubber, rubber. Move on to the next letter, which is I'm drawing a blank. I'm currently drawing a blank. It's not space balls. That doesn't mean I'm not going to go home
Starting point is 00:41:51 and utilize every resource. You're not going to sleep to find the cells. Well, yeah, exactly. It's not Ilsa Haram, Keeper of the Oil Sheets. These next letters, titled intellectual property theft. I want to, I want to suggest first, Let's throw it out. Let's take this gauntlet. If anyone is trying to remember the title of a movie in the future, send us a letter and maybe you'll hear the answer a couple of months later.
Starting point is 00:42:13 These letters titled, you know, it's not Buford's beef parties. Sure. Sorry Tom Hanks brother. Yeah. This is not swam thing too. From Mike last name withheld, just wondering, has Stuart considered taking legal action against MGA entertainment for stealing his idea for a spell casting brat? And he includes a link to HTTP, shape lobby, Mike last name withheld. dot browsers dot com red zillers dot com brett zillers dot com
Starting point is 00:42:45 state copy my class name with help k well i can click on that link is red at our i went to brett zillers dot com okay paint me a picture as if you had never been there before it was a bunch of which brett wait say this again which which brett which brett where they don't
Starting point is 00:43:04 how we wait say again what were they they're high How are we? Wait, wait, say again, what were they? They're high-fiving, but they shouldn't be. What was it? With the branch or high-fiving? Brats, uh, lady Brats in a, like, a conical hat, a comical hat, or like a beret, like a beanie. Flying around on broomsticks, which Brats? You know, we're at how are we supposed to know you're telling us spelt casting bread okay i i i honestly i think it's funny
Starting point is 00:43:32 that they that the website is bradzilla's dot com and their which brats rather than giant lizard breads yeah that doesn't make me sense on i mean are you saying that a giant lizard can't have bread a dude? Yeah, come on are you suggesting this Dan? Look, everybody can have gratitude. Yeah inside of us they believe Yeah, if you look deep enough Speaking of what do you think I mean why I might be able to take the election against MGA MGA MGM? Who am I doing this against?
Starting point is 00:44:00 I got no one's It's no just in lawsuit just right to everyone. Yeah, I think we see what the problem is here. Love Stewart. Okay. P.S. you're sued for my witch breads. A little bit of sugar on that salt. Love Stewart. Yeah. You're just signed 8 by 10. Hey, you catch more lawsuits with with honey than vinegar, you know. So okay, speaking of the movie list named earlier wasn't Godzilla raids again. Well it's not Godzilla's revenge It's not Godzilla versus destroyer neither is it Godzilla versus bio Let's say this letters title. It's not from another continent. Candyman 2 for well the flesh from
Starting point is 00:44:37 Gareth last name with help he says hey guys. It's not Harry and the henderson Just wanted to say thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet up I had a great time and really enjoyed seeing Brooklyn They say you shouldn't meet your heroes, but in this case that wasn't true except my girlfriend hasn't stopped talking about how handsome a steward is Should have been expected really I For you guys to make one movie story you said you would turn it down I For you guys to make one movie recommendation though. Being from England, I want to recommend something my country has produced, but not something
Starting point is 00:45:08 that's already well known. As such, I would recommend the 1982 animated movie, The Plague Dogs. I saw it earlier this year and it really grabbed me. It's from the same team behind Watership Down and it's based on a novel by the same author. It might not be the most upbeat movie I've movie ever made But I loved it and it really is really from the same people who made water ship down It's not upbeat If you would like to see it, but would have trouble finding it I could put my DVD copy up on rapid share. I don't
Starting point is 00:45:37 But anyway, thanks again, keep up with the good work and enjoy those pencil sharpeners. This is from Gareth. I still got mine Yeah, I mean, too's on my desk at work. Yeah, that movie. I remember seeing Play Dogs when I was a kid. My, I had like, you know, the cool uncle who had a whole bunch of board games in his basement. Uncle Buck. Yeah, he let me watch it while he was making
Starting point is 00:45:56 me giant-sized pancakes with a shovel. And I was horrified. It is super duper sad. So if you like being a kid and watching really sad ass fucking shit about dogs Watch-play dogs. Yeah, let's grow up to be like steward. Yeah, we all do. But maybe you want something more of being like when the wind blows So thanks England. Thanks England for making depressing cartoons and also Wallace and Grommit. No, but I did want to read this in thanks to Gareth who we met in person. I actually unfortunately didn't get the chance and I apologize Gareth that I couldn't make it that night.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I had a family thing that got in the way. Your miniature motorcycle broke down. But he made a point. Look, it's so hard to get places when your mouth sized. You need your tiny motorcycle. He made a point during his time in America. America, the colonies, if you will. Nope, not since 1787.
Starting point is 00:47:00 To stop by and say hi to us. 1781, I guess. And bring us some die-cast models of some British things that are also principal sharpeners. So if anyone is from another country, I'm not trying to drunk. Yeah, I don't know how it's. I always try and do that when fans come visit me.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So if anyone's from another country in your fan of the show and come and visit us, bring us a tiny souvenir. If you're from this country in your fan, go fuck yourself. Whoa, whoa. We don't need it. This is whoa, we don't need it. I this is not I don't know if I'm endorsing it. Yes, do an Elliott do not endorse Dan's hatred of the fans.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So this last letter of the movie could it be? It's not masters of the universe. Less than evening. It's not Justin Bieber never stop believing or whatever it's called. Been the middle name with held Newman. That's a whole title. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Yeah, I think so. The gentlemen writes, dear. That's the whole title. I don't know what I think so. The Sheetleman writes, Dear Stewart Wellington's flop house. Oh, wow. Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. I've been listening to your podcast for a few months now, and while I enjoy it, there have been some disturbing trends
Starting point is 00:47:55 at recent episodes I think should be addressed. Firstly, there used to be three or four episodes a day I could listen to. What? Now, there's only one every couple of weeks or so I don't I think I can only assume that as the podcast has become more popular you've all become rich and lazy particularly Dan who I know that's the least work of the group he does no work at all but a far more worrying change has been the gradual sanitizing of the podcast and what I can only
Starting point is 00:48:22 assume is an attempt to appeal to more family friendly and tween markets. I mean we've been swearing and talking about dingdongs being ripped off. Totally. In hindsight the announcement that BigSausher's was no longer sponsoring the podcast was the beginning of the end for a saucy or more adult blog house. saucy or no pun intended. And before I knew it you were driving. You don't want too much sauce on one of those pizzas or else you're gonna burn somebody's fucking screw them off before I knew what you're
Starting point is 00:48:45 Oh Chris Bob You're dropping my favorite features left and right gone was Dan's Taylor Loutner seismic segment where he would say more Hopefully over visions of Loutner and short shorts while rubbing his hooks together. That still happens just not It's not on the podcast. Replace my arrest. Replace my arrest. Replace my aggressively homophobic rants in a thinly veiled attempt to satisfy
Starting point is 00:49:10 your new Christian audience. Gone were the racist, racist, Elliott's sort of tale of sexual misadventures with his on again, offing and girlfriend Anne Hathaway. Gone was stewed. Look, can I help it if we're both turned on by xenophobia? Gone was stewed's regular cooking segment. We're here to describe in mind Let me detail how to make a suicide sandwich.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Oh, yeah, that's just that's one of my favorite things ever. One of my favorite things ever on the flop house is stew It's sandwich recipe. Yeah, there's a kids eat when they can't get cut up hot dogs or dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets Gone was the house cat. I Understand every show must change an adapt, but if you could please add say 50 or 60 back episodes to the iTunes That would be greatly appreciated. We all have mustaches or hairs a little thicker We wear a lot more t-shirts to be fairs on them to explain about the house cat He's actually been on sabbatical for a while and then he stopped returning our calls Yeah, he got a grant
Starting point is 00:50:03 a great, awesome, this study. He's, yes, traveling the world to see what, how different cultures handle awesomeness. He's auditioning for the big leagues. Apparently there's other bad movie podcasts that are super popular. Whoa. They want him.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Not a whole surprise. He's the breakout star. But, if all the sound effects you can hear on a vlog, out of podcast, he's the breakout star. Oh. Uh-oh, okay, it's pretty good too. Don't worry, okay, you'll get your chance in the spotlight. Oh, but Ben, Ben middle name with Health Newman says, PS stews recommendations are the only ones I pay any attention to. Whoa, damn, Dan only recommends the popular tween films at the moment.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And the racist Elliott just recommends whatever he thinks will make him sound pretentious. I don't know why I'm racist all of a sudden. And so I have now watched and enjoyed Castle Freaking and this will mainly act. It's on the head of the family. It's a new regular feature where Stu recommends different film that I could also watch. PPS. PPS. In addition to the one where he recommends head of the family and, uh, and
Starting point is 00:51:03 Castle Freaking freaking invisible maniac. Here's a picture I drew of April Neal with the low cut top that I thought Stuart might like. And I printed it out. Here you go. Man she looks like a mage. Is that a turtle? Picture of April Neal with a low cut top. Oh nice. It looks like she's questioning that turtle and that turtle is turning away from her low cut top. I'd like to see also. I would like to see also. I would like to see exhibit A. Wait, is she in like,
Starting point is 00:51:27 exhibit April? Why is she in like a padded room? She looks like. I guess so because she's, she's pointing a microphone at a turtle. And that's not like an intertergal, just a turtle. She's gone insane.
Starting point is 00:51:37 The implication is that the shredder is, Ninja Turtles never existed, that this was a, a figment of her imagination. A figment of her sexy low cut imagination. I think it's clearly evidence that Shredder and Crang have completed a campaign of gas lighting where they've slowly driven April O'Neill crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:55 They realize that. They've turned her, I guess, inheritance. She was the turtles at Kelly's Hill. Yeah, her, her, the jewelry that her aunt left her. Yeah, but I can, I can, I can put a a link to Ben Newman's blog where he has that picture. It's a very accomplished picture. A very accomplished picture of a child's cartoon star with a low cut top. Yeah, I have a new background for myself, thanks.
Starting point is 00:52:24 So what do we do now? That was the point. Well, we're still trying to figure out what that movie was. It's not Mystery Man. Just when we congratulate each other for being great, or do we just do that? It's true, and you're pretty awesome. Hey, thanks, Dan.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Even though you injured yourself going down a black diamond widow maker hill on your skin. In fact, you're on a single ski. Oh, that's right. Dan is you should everyone should know Dan's injured while doing this podcast. Oh, he was during the last podcast also. He was yeah, total recall. I wasn't. No, he wasn't. He was suffering from a lot of this right. Oh, this right. Hot dog and that's right. You weren't injured yet.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, Dan's on the D.O. right now. I tore my ACL. So any sympathetic tweets. I don't tour my a-scale so any uh... sympathetic uh... tweets take a look at a lot of that but don't be sympathetic as store said he was hot dog and he was showboding he would be that he does what he calls the upside down propeller ski so that where he and he's up in the air spins around like a skis are propeller blades i mean like i injured myself and uh... unlike in hot dog the movie say or
Starting point is 00:53:23 skis or hot dog food or ski patrol uh... unlike in hot dog the movie say or or hot dog food or ski patrol uh... hot it's right hot ski buddies did not swarm me afterwards to offer me some i find that incredibly hard but actually real buddies did swarm you and started fighting with the thought i was a caron i mean you should have been wearing a carat costume that's what you
Starting point is 00:53:41 tripped over when you were skiing well there's no way you're gonna be able to win that kickball championship unless the leg brace you got makes your leg extra strong for kicking. Yeah. It's lucky of the year style. Yeah, it's lucky of the year two, soccer this time. Except instead of a kid, it's a guy in his early 30s,
Starting point is 00:54:01 who is mournfully sighing. Early 30s is charitable, right? Yeah, it's like 42, 50, not 52. I mean early thirties is charitable, but only in that I am more of a mid thirties. Well, that's really charitable. I'm on the early side of mid thirties. You're injured and you still haven't been able to get out of that carrot costume. Yeah. Let's leave my totally accurate in real life actual injury behind and
Starting point is 00:54:28 Go on to that was your Dan in real life update in real life. Dan is Prepping for surgery, but in in podcast life. Let's so now we're gonna talk about recommendations And I'm gonna barge ahead because I've mainly just been watching a one. I think I know what you're going to recommend. I've mainly been watching awards season stuff and instead I'm going to recommend a low movie we saw as the flop house was lucky. I wanted to write what reminds me of this too. Last week to go see a double feature hosted by movie director Don Coscarelli at the 92 Y Tribeca of the home of the Flapphast live shows.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And I see us there February 1st. I was super excited to get my post, take a little sign by Don Coscarelli and get to talk to him a little bit. 92Y So February 1st don't tell her to me, sweetie. A little movie called Phantasm. Oh, not the new one, okay. I'll recommend the other one then. I want to recommend Phantasm because if you haven't seen it
Starting point is 00:55:27 in a while, which is crazy, you should watch it at least every couple of weeks. It is a very strange new thing every time you watch it. It's like an onion, yeah. If you ever have an opportunity to see it in the theater, you should take it because it is a great, very strange movie, very slow, Angus Scrim gives an amazing career
Starting point is 00:55:46 making performance it was a career making performance that is career came out of it it's it's a movie that as the i don't remember the name of the presenter fantastic the the presenter at the at the scrim in mar he was interviewed by kevin mar who's a friend of ours who and he made a great point that he was he was uh he he was quoting somebody when he said that it's a movie that never pauses to kind of explain anything and that's one of the things that makes it like a great movie and also helps it, I think, in a way live up to the title of Phantasm and that it... It feels like a dream.
Starting point is 00:56:20 It feels like a dream. A nightmare, if you will. Oh no, it's the greatest dream I've ever had. Oh, really? All right. Well, to buffer what I assume are going to be both Don Cosgroily recommendations. Yeah, because I'm going to step in in the middle.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Oh, OK, because I was going to step in the middle. And recommend something just like a- Another Don Cosgroily. Don Cosgroily. That Don Cosgroily sandwich, yeah, exactly. You're going to recommend Beastmaster. I'm going to recommend something that is themed to the movie, The Watch, and The Disvolminy. I'm going to be that is themed to the movie of watching this bullmaniac.
Starting point is 00:56:46 The Odd Life. The Odd Life of Timothy Green. You're recommending the Odd Life of Timothy Green? It's themes to the Odd Life of Timothy Green. So where like the beginning of the Odd Life of Timothy Green were two expected parents or not expected parents, but parents who wish they would have a child. It's alive.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Barry, what they want in a child out back and then have a child suddenly appear. Oh, the odd life of 10 of the games like now, the beginning to a horror movie. Yeah. Like that, that is a horror movie beginning. And so it's similar in some ways to Yon Swankvier's little O-Tick.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Or as Stuart pointed out, uh, pet cemetery. Yeah, yeah. But, uh, I would like to recommend a movie that is also based on sort of the idea of expectant parenthood, but the horrific side of that. And I really enjoyed the movie Orphan, which has a bunch of crazy plot twists, like great cinematography a good good performances by Peter Starsgard and who's the lady in that? Petrace Starsgardia? No no, Jesus. Stellan's Garsgard. Peter Stormair? Oh God, she veer for mega is in it. Oh from up in the air. Yeah and it has a and time limit loop. It has a nutty
Starting point is 00:58:07 third act twist that I won't spoil for you. But if you're looking for a horror movie that about children about children, apparently that is beautifully shot, better acted than you expect. And has a very weird day new the mall then I recommend orphan. But Ellie, what would you like to recommend? Before my recommendation, I just like to mention out please, I am that in one podcast, I have mentioned both Yons Fank Myers Little Otik and Buford's Beach Bunnies.
Starting point is 00:58:37 USA Up All Night staple. I will recommend the other movie that we saw in the Don Cuscarelli double feature, which is his newest film, which I believe is on video on demand right now but is going to be in theaters jenuary twenty fifth uh... and that is a little movie called john dies at the end or j date or j date if you if you shorten it uh... endorsed by all three of the floppers based on the book of the same name
Starting point is 00:59:00 and i have to admit when we went i haven't read the book when we went to the screening i was there to see don cusco Relly and to see Phantasm in the theater. And it's like, and to see Stuart get super excited and just go, you know, to be unable to keep it in his pants because he's so excited to have a fan. And I was like, I'll sit through John Dye's the end and I really liked it a lot. It's a this very like bizarre silly comedy science fiction thriller horror adventure movie and it's got a great cast Glenn Turbitz in it Paul Giamatti's in it and Don Cusco really does a great job with it. Ganges Grimm's in it. Ganges Grimm has a scene in it and it's really fun and funny and I enjoyed it a lot and it's a small lower budget
Starting point is 00:59:47 movie. So I'd say give it a try and if you like it tell other people too so I can get some success. And you recommended to find a work and he also really enjoyed it. Yeah, it's true. It's not just crazy flop house host. Not just the flop house. I feel like I feel like it's the I mean, but the book and the movie because I feel don't cascarily as a talent talent at at picking authors whose work he can bring across in yeah, like Joe Lansdale with Baba Hoetep, but he uh there's it feels almost like a like the Joss Weed and Buffy universe if all the heroes were kind of assholes That's true Yeah If you thought the problem of Buffy was everyone's too likeable. Yeah, then John dies at the end might be for you
Starting point is 01:00:34 I mean, that is the problem. I have with parks and recreation. Yeah, but anyway, there's everyone's a little too friendly But who's the bad guy exactly you need a villain? So I think bad I think they should have an escaped serial killer uh... but you know who's the bad guy exactly you need a villain so i think that i think they should have an escaped serial killer who kills a different cast member every week until there's none left that turns out was all a dream uh... this sounds amazing yeah but it was the dream of a dog and the dog has to go on an amazing adventure to save his owner
Starting point is 01:01:02 who's just been blasted into space barkson's step creation an amazing adventure to save his owner who's just been blasted into space. Barks and stab creation. The new show, Barks and stab creation, starring Eddie the dog and Peter Stormare as stab. And so I will recommend John Dys at the end. All right, guys, three recommendations, two Don Cascarelli's at my birthday. No, that's in a while. I think this has been a successful night guys. I mean we recorded right? Yeah, this isn't a Babylon a D situation, right? I hope that the fabled lost episode All it's left now is to sign off and I will do that now for the swap out of sleep well
Starting point is 01:01:42 Hold on what do we do? Wait wait, hold on Wait, hold on, wait, hold on, wait, I'm not ready yet Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Elliot. Good night everyone. Perfect ending. Flulless ending. Angus Scrim. Scrimshaw. Boy. You play good game boy. I go good game boy. That's my variation on the character.
Starting point is 01:02:24 He's a little bit more feminine. I gotta bring a little something of my own. I go to game boy. That's my variation on the character He's a little bit more family. I got to bring a little something of my I do it. You play the game boy Running it Fantastic and this is my Eugenia city of the movie Fantasy three Lord of the dead and this this is my voice for the Silver Balls. Yeah, that's over here. Oh, go there, oh, spikes out.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Oh, that's the good thing. Ririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririririr you

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