The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #126 - Playing for Keeps

Episode Date: May 18, 2013

The Butler did it. 0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 34:16 - You play a good game, Butler! But do you play... for KEEPS?34:17 - 36:16- Final judgments.36:17 - 38:43 - A word from our sponsor....38:44 - 53:53 - Flop House Movie Mailbag53:54  - 1:02:17 - The sad bastards recommend.1:02:18 - 1:04:11 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sure, Nicholas Cage is great, but wither Gerard Butler. In this episode we discuss playing for keeps. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, what's going on, Dan McCoy? I am steward Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kalen. Oh, no kidding. Guess what? We're the hosts of the flop house. That's podcast out here. Three amigos. Yep. Copyright? Copyright us right now. No rights reserved. Anyone can use it. It's a wiki. Yep, creative comments license. Public domain. So it just means friends, am I right? Yeah. Trace, trace frindos. Why am I going to be like, I don Frendos. Why, and I'm, Amigos, it's already Spanish.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I don't know why. So, Twa Ami. The Flop House is a podcast. Yep. You probably know that because you're listening to it on your iPhone or your Exposure Zoom or your Drawing.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You can computer anything that streams audio or downloads it but we talk about bad movies and tonight we watch a little film every time we do the flopp house you explain what the podcast is and the more we do it The less you seem to know ahead of time with the podcast is the more you talk as if you're making it up as you go along We've been doing this for like six years now. I just really hate resetting the show. That's the thing. So do it fast. I know that it's, it's, it's, it just, it sounds like it's like you have killed someone and the police are asking you if you were did it and you're like I was recording a podcast. Well what I was podcasting you don't listen to it on your iPod
Starting point is 00:02:14 What have you what have you over here did from some guy on the train? All right his alibi makes sense. Yeah, story checks out. Let him back. Release him. Let him back. Let him back. That's the police say. It's been a long time and police departments. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:34 It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long. It's been a long. It's been a long time. It's been a long. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long. It's been a long time. It's been a long. It's been a long. It not having a evidence. Let him back. The pervazoid was the culprit all along. Test for you. Because that's yeah, it's a perfect. Freeze. You're over arrest. That's what they say, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So this is the floppas. We watched a bad movie. Then we talk about it with your list. The show is just as talking about it. It's not us watching it. It's not a question. No, you don't get to hear the audio from the movie and you don talk about it with your list. The show is just as talking about it. It's not us watching it. That would be crazy. It's not us watching it. No, you don't get to hear the audio from the movie
Starting point is 00:03:08 and you don't get to see the video. Probably don't get any eye clips. You just have this, what we're talking about. It's horrible. It's down to fact. It's somebody's eye. No, no, nothing. So Dan, what movie do we watch this time?
Starting point is 00:03:19 We watch this film called Playing for Keeps with Flophouse Favorite, Gerard Butler. And now I believe this. And Flophouse Favorite, Jessica Beale. Yeah, I believe Playing for Keeps with Flophouse Favorite Gerard Butler. And now I believe this is- And Flophouse Favorite Jessica Beale. Yeah, I believe playing for Keeps is the sequel to playing three keeps. No, there he is. And the prequel to playing five keeps. That's a little, it's a running flop house gag.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Anyway, playing for Keeps stars Gerard Butler, and it was directed by another Flophouse Fave, the director of Seven Pounds. Seven Pounds. The movie that promised a Batman villain it didn't provide. Yeah. His name, seven pounds. Barely, barely delivered out its Will Smith promise either. Not yet. Well, no, he's in the movie. Wait, really?
Starting point is 00:03:56 I thought that was a jellyfish. No, the jellyfish. Let's watch seven pounds again. No. Oh. So playing for keeps. Playing for keeps. Now, you might remember him from the movie gamer or the movie law-biting citizen
Starting point is 00:04:08 on the movie the ugly truth or the ugly truth. Yeah Don't know what that was. Yeah, the movie the ugly trait But he orthodox Jew who decides to go non-coachier for lent even though he's Jewish So why would he celebrate lent an amazing accent? He delivers in that movie. Yeah he's a Scottish, Giddish character. So anyway playing for Keeps. Yeah, should we go over what the movie's about? Football. It's about love, it's about soccer,
Starting point is 00:04:36 it's about trust, it's about fast cars, fast women, and fast food. And how to get your ex-girlfriend who is your baby's mom to wait. Really? They were married. It's a little film about how to make an American quilt. Wait, Deb? It's a little movie about the knack and how to get it. It's a little movie about how to stop worrying and learn to love the bomb. It's a little movie about who is Harry Nelson who is Harry Crom and it answers the question what about Bob
Starting point is 00:05:13 I think the thing about it was Harry Crom I never understood is the real question is how does he how do they get outside that window yeah what's he doing out there that's very dry fly suckers but no this is a movie about a, Down on his luck. Professional soccer player. A soccer player. A soccer star played by Gerard the Butler.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yeah, using his native Scottish accent for once. Except he did a thing that I feel like Scottish and Irish and English actors do in American movies, which is that they kind of slow down, and it makes their accent sound really fakey, but I think it's just so that they're easier for them to be understood by Americans. Like if you see from hell,
Starting point is 00:05:54 like Robbie Coltrane seems to slow his accent down, and so it sounds like he's doing a bad English accent. You're not, are you sure that Robbie Coltrane and Gerard Butler aren't both drunk? That's also popular. That's also popular. That's also possible. It's like how they had to slow down the film and leave the weapon for whenever Jettley
Starting point is 00:06:11 would do his martial arts stuff because he was too fast. Exactly. Yeah. Too fast for the film to catch. Yeah, too fast and too fury. Took a drift. At least Chinese. You could go to Tokyo sometime.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah, I guess it's close. I mean, it makes more sense than going away. I would say that I said this during the movie. I did like him better in his native Scott's burr, but and I would have maybe liked him if this character... A.T.C. member Bill Burr. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I would have liked him maybe if his character had any character as characteristics other than being a soccer player. Well, let's explain. Yeah, he has two character traits. He's a soccer player. Let's explain. Let's explain. Yeah, he has two character traits. He's a soccer player and great abs. Now, he plays, his name is like George Dreyer. That's what it is. George Dreyer, he's a former professional soccer player now.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Grant's end of Carl Theodor Dreyer. I can't wait. He's the Danish director. Wow, director of Vampire, G Gertrude the passion of Joan of Arc one of the greats of world cinema this grandson was a sock is a Scottish soccer player it's weird how did it happen it's weird the movie didn't touch on that either you would have thought that he'd walk by like a movie a theater playing or dead and be like I am a grandpa made that yeah it's a story about faith. Never seen it. Looks boring, but I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I'm from Scotland. Yeah. This is how we talk over in Scotland. Yeah, say. Come on. Enjoy some of our whiskey. Have a Dean. Yeah. I'm going to wish he's here. Go to the locker and see Nessie. Yeah. Yeah, say. Go to the North Sea. Anyway. So he's a down on his luck soccer player. He's divorced. He has a kid, but he's not good about seeing the kid.
Starting point is 00:07:56 He's a bad dad. And we see him. He tries to... The general title for the film, right? Should've been called bad dad. Well, soccer dad, if this was an out-and-out comedy, the title would've been soccer dad. plan soccer mom you got your comedy title but this is not a comedy it just appears to be yeah yeah kind of like ladybugs
Starting point is 00:08:12 yeah the tragedy of ladybugs it's this is one of those movies that's like uh it's like a mirage in the distance and it looks like it looks like a comedy from far away yeah looks hilarious the closer, and it looks like a comedy from far away. Yeah, looks hilarious. And then the closer you get, it's just like, it's I guess supposed to be like a, a drama, like a Jerry McGuire, or like a James O'Brook's type drama, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah, I'd like to talk about this. I'm just talking about jokes in it. Maybe a little later once we get into the synopsis. I'll do it quick. So he's down on his luck. He's ruined his marriage. He has a, Marissa Jessica Beale.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Marissa Jessica Beale also a flop house favorite. And his son, he's always missing stuff. And so he decides, I guess out of nowhere to become a better dad, I don't know, like he's just depressed. And he wants to be, he doesn't even, he wants to be a sports announcer. And so he tapes, you know, an audition tape of himself and he promises to take his son to soccer practice and he's late but then he finally gets them there turns out soccer practice
Starting point is 00:09:11 being taught by a big fat guy who's talking on his phone the whole time keeps telling the kids kick with your toes and get a kick of your toes and your are butlers horrified he's it's like he's more horrified to see soccer taught badly than he would be to see his wife having sex with someone right in front of him If this is his mistress soccer, and it's being abused by this charlatan by this you know American this American cell phone user. So he steps in he becomes the soccer coach and He's become super popular not just with the kids because he's good at soccer and continues to do it But with the moms it's good or down and so very quickly
Starting point is 00:09:48 judy greer catburns as a recently divorced woman who burst into tears all the time yeah catheter jones as a former sportscaster who promise who dangles a professional career in front of jahrard butler and umas herman as
Starting point is 00:10:01 the wife of denis quayd who is a slimy business man uh... they all take an interest in jord butler the hottest assortment of soccer moms i think we talked about this before but the milltucker needs to come in and thin that her yet it's about a pretty seriously about a mill funders that you like the millt territories very overpopulated and the problem is just that the health of the mill there's it's yeah there's not enough feed there's not enough rate grazing for all those milf's the mill funder I mean
Starting point is 00:10:28 do I do I want to see milf's get taken out taken away obviously not but it's for the better for the better of the group you need the sicker and the older milf's to be removed by milf hunter or even a mill for me nearly food for the the milf's is the jarred butler obviously and they all they have to fight over it just watch it there's a Three you know if you count Jessica be all a four milfs for everyone Dill yeah, I mean I guess in the community although to be honest and it's quite isn't pretty good shape Yeah, yeah, I mean he's he's holding together. He could have been a granite been the A lot better frankly in the lead, but he's a slimy business guy here.
Starting point is 00:11:05 He's also the most charismatic and likable character in the whole film. And he's like cheating on his wife. He's throwing his money around. He gives Gerard Butler like literally an envelope thick with hundreds, and later gives him a Ferrari. But he's like one of those guys who's so slimy that you're like, oh, I got to love me so slimy.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Now, he's not hiding who he is. Now Gerard Butler's whole past is He was a womanizer and that's I guess what ruined his life and career. I'm not sure it like You don't step it out on Jessica Beale, but they don't say anything about like drug or drug use or drinking I don't it seems like it's like to be a drug. I think this was Dennis to company taught us nothing else Yeah, Dennis to come me David to come Brother Dennis to come. Is that David to come? Yeah, brother. Dennis to come.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Dennis is sexual. Dennis the men is to come. Oh, then you say when he would pick up prostitutes or women, he'd say, my name is Dennis to come. Really? Cause you look like David to come. No, my name is Dennis. People tell me that all the time. I'm his twin brother.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Why do you have all this ex files? Memorabilia. You're license. You driver's license says David to come. My brother David, let me his driver's license. brother. Why do you have all this ex files memorabilia? You drive us license as David to company. My brother David let me his driver's license. I can't drive. Why are you driving then? Why do you have a picture in your wallet of you and tailiom? I love my sister a lot. Why would he be showing up? I guess a prostitute or another woman is driver's license?
Starting point is 00:12:21 Is it like to verify? Yeah, I think he's license. Is it like DeVarivai? Yeah, I think he's a critic session. So you can write a check for her. And of course, there's always their sister, Denise DeCovney, who's just David DeCovney with a wig on. Basically, from Twin Beach. Like all Twin Beach. He was Denise DeCovney, Twin Beach. So anyway, I wouldn't be surprised
Starting point is 00:12:41 if an earlier version of this script had Droid Butler as a much more like disillute character. More of a womanizer, more of a, I don't know if you would have like... More of a cat. Exactly, a blacker to bounder, you know. But instead he's just kind of like, comes off as like a bland teddy bear. Anyway. Oh man, life is really not turned out for me.
Starting point is 00:13:04 But it's... It's a soccer player guy that I am. I love the guy's garage and... Anyway, oh man life is really not turned out for me, but It's a player guy that I am He doesn't seem to be Every now and then you have a five o'clock shadow Yeah, people he shaves it. He uses one of those sh a guards on the razor. So he just shaves it to a certain length Well, you can do that. Yeah, really yeah, it's far better. How you do it? Yes No, I just don't shave for a week at a time. I call it the Gerard Butler. So anyway, but his landlord will say, like, where's the rent Gerard, not Gerard,
Starting point is 00:13:30 because that's not the character's name. Where's the rent Gerard? And he's like, I'll get it to you. But nothing that he doesn't seem to have any money problems. I don't know how he, I assume he doesn't support his wife anymore, or his kid, but that's never touched on. Oh, yeah. Could she probably makes a million dollars
Starting point is 00:13:46 doing the job we never see her doing. Yeah, that she can't leave town for. So anyway, but these ladies start to take an interest in them. And eventually Judy Rear, of course, she's the hot man meat on the block. Basically stalks him in the middle of the night and comes to his house and they do it. And then she is kind of gone from the movie for the most part.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Well, she's fulfilled her destiny. But as a result, he's great. He's great, hard-butter. As a result, he's late the next day for soccer practice or taking his son somewhere or something like that. And so by having sex with a woman, he actually has to pay consequences. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Like he's a bad dad or something. He's a bad dad. That's the thing. They could have not for the movie bad dad. They called it soccer. They should have called it soccer dad. But so then Catherine said, Joan says, Hey, I saw your audition tape. And it's really good. But we can make a better one. Come to the TV studio with me. And he's like, Oh, well, I'm supposed to spend time with my son today. Also, Dennis Quaid called him to bail him out of jail. So that's another reason he was to bail Dennis Quaid out of jail. So do you have sex with Dennis Quaid? I have to assume off camera. Okay. Because jarbell is just just. Just Quaid was in jail for like drunk driving by the way, which is like this is a side note.
Starting point is 00:14:59 But Dan is about to defend drunk drivers. If I know Dan, he usually says this right before he explains why it's not that bad just fast forward this is a thirty seconds this is a side note but we are introduced to Dennis quaid uh... we hands a envelope full of money to jr. Butler being like uh... if my kid was the goalie uh... that wouldn't be the worst thing the world i'm not pressuring you are but all i've got a daughter who sings really well i mean she can sing the uh... and i have them but you know what happens before we soccer games and
Starting point is 00:15:30 he does that and then also then later on as elli said he gives jord butler a car basically and you would expect not just a card and a ferrarie the height of the automobile industry not according to the fellows on top gear all right what would they what would they say the top gear is Like a priest like a dart Okay, I've seen the ads on the on the on the buses on the bus stops
Starting point is 00:16:03 Okay, I've seen the ads on the on the on the buses on the bus stops How do you see an ad on the top of a bus are you an helicopter my point is are you riding in that goose flying machine? The jet Daniels used in flyaway home Or the one that Tim Robbins and Howard the duck used and Howard the duck or the gyrocopter from road warrior Where the hot air balloon from Wizard of Oz? Or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Subtaining things from movies. But the point is though, when that flying motorcycle from Lupert, when Dennis Quaid is in jail,
Starting point is 00:16:37 you expect it to be for embezzling something. Like the movie sets up another shoot of drop that never drops. There's a lot of, there's a lot of dropped plot lines in this. That's one of them. Yeah, it disappears until the final third of the movie. Yeah, for the most part. He's got stuff to do, man. And apparently he just has money that he likes throwing around.
Starting point is 00:16:56 He's a rich guy. He does business. Unlike George Butler and Jessica Beale, he has a job to do. Yeah, a business job. He's always on the business phone. There's a business. You're introduced to him. He's walking by a drug butler on the soccer field.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And he's talking to the phone, and he just even go, do the due diligence. And it's like, it's almost like they said that Dennis Quaid just talked business stuff into the phone. And due diligence was the phrase that you're talking about. What are you saying that isn't it? Excel.
Starting point is 00:17:21 The conference call. That wasn't in the original script. I had, maybe it was. It's a stroke of genius If it was Profit supply and demand tells you everything you need to know about that character In one sentence clearly a script writer had been just listening you know conversations writing them down to try and get the flow of Yeah, it a ride along with a business
Starting point is 00:17:39 Anyway, so he's missed out time with the song. He was bailing Dennis Quay at a jail He's hanging out with his son, Catherine Zeta Jones says, Hey, come over to my house. We can make a better audition tape for you. They get to her house. She says, let's leave the kid at my house and we'll go to the studio. He's like, oh, well, how long is this going to take? She says, not more than an hour. They leave. They make the audition tape and love. Catherine Zeta Jones pressures him into doing it. So at this point, the main character, Drew Butler, this disillute womanizer who's got to get over his catish ways has had sex with one woman as
Starting point is 00:18:10 an act of sympathy. Yeah, and has been pressured into sex with another woman or else his job is on the part of the job. Yeah, and then that's it. And then that's the end of the sex with two women. He has sex. He does go home and find that Uma Thurman, Dennis Quaid's wife, is waiting in his bed and she wants to do it with him too. But that's his friend's wife. But that's his friend's wife. And his friend has always said, already said to him, something about like, he cheats on her, but he'll never, he'll never, he'll never give her up for any man except maybe
Starting point is 00:18:38 a dead man, which I think it means I'm going to kill someone who, who sleeps on my wife, but it comes off as if she's an actressctrophilia feel like I'm cool with it. I think the creep keeper could totally do it. Like if Reagan signs monsters tried to horn in on my wife. Okay. Somebody can find their way around this gypsy's curse. If the boyfriend from my boyfriend's back fell in love with her, then I'd be totally okay with it.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Would she have done it a girl from the beginning? If Chud too, but the Chud came knocking. If this was a cold body scenario, I just have to let it ride. Yeah. But the chat just walking over. It's my buddy, bud. The chat. Let's not prepare for it. Bud to the other bud. From the desk of bud to the chat. Do your serves. chat. Do you? But just take her out show a good time. Go watch her. Go watch her. Hang out with Paul Rudd. Playing the mud. Join your cut. Chut, won't you? That's making me angry. Okay, so basically this guy's got a whole lot of women caused a whole lot of trouble. But the main problem is that it's actually- I mean, your fucking synopsis of three's company.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That's how my bed house letter starts. Dear bed house, I had a whole lot of women making a whole lot of trouble. Let me backtrack. I work at a home for criminally insane women. I'm in the middle. I work at a women factory. I never thought this would happen to me. That's good letter-writing. Start the middle and work your way back. Dear Panhouse Forum, I never thought this would happen to me, but I fell through a time warp into the past. I had to fight a dinosaur to escape. There's no sex in this letter,
Starting point is 00:20:24 and I hope you enjoyed anyway. Love Elliot. It was just very unexpected. It was a, I really never thought it would happen. It's an amazing story, if you will. It's gonna, it's been optioned for an episode of amazing stories. I had another amazing story happen to me. I was in this bomber plane and the landing gear wouldn't go down. So I drew a new landing gear. It's a magic cartoon. My name's Kevin Costler, good night. That's about everybody. It was in that episode.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's not good night. The show's not over. Anyway, so basically what's happening is Jordan, Jordan, and Cosmine are the problems. They're the problems. All women have more problems. Yeah, you got that right. Anyway, Drew Butler is spending too much time with the ladies,
Starting point is 00:21:08 not enough with his son. And his son is realizing this and getting surly and mad. And his son is unhappy because Jessica Beale is gonna get married to her new boyfriend. And he seems like a very nice guy. This is, we were talking about this. It's like the boyfriend, the husband and Superman returns for the boyfriend and that where it's like
Starting point is 00:21:24 the nicest guy, so much nicer than Superman. Yeah. But he gets dumped because he's not Superman. And he thinks maybe if he works out really hard, he can be Superman, right? No, he can't. The Yellow Sun doesn't have that effect on him. Maybe if he goes to another planet. He doesn't have the ability to.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah, great planets. Maybe goes to play with the boys, son. It's a good plan to exchange. Interplanatory exchange student. Yeah. So his son is getting mad and his son sees Catherine C. to Jones kissing him and realizes that's what he's doing. He's dallying with the ladies instead of hanging out with his son.
Starting point is 00:21:58 His son gets really mad and he eventually makes it up to him. There's not a lot of... Yeah, there's not like... I'm not really sure what the turnaround is, too. Like, Sharbetler makes it up to him. There's not a lot of... Yeah, there's not like, I'm not really sure what the turnaround is too. Like, Sharpe Butler makes it up to him. Jessica Beale like sees him with her son and is like, oh, he like starts hanging out with his son more. They play soccer in the rain.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Jessica Beale sees him with his son and is like, you know what, he's changed by not only to admit it, she's going to try on her wedding dress and he shows up after just, he goes to Bristol Connecticut And I and auditions for an ESPN anchor just Bristol Connecticut the big city big city that's when Bristol Connecticut is mentioned He's like wow Bristol really like this all of it to like neon signs Yeah, I know it's big because that's where ESPN is but like the town of Bristol is not so exciting
Starting point is 00:22:41 It's just it yet him walking down street with where they make Bristol board paper. The signs for like who a handsome home depot. Apple B's. Apple B's. Super cuts. But anyway, but he makes a difference. He goes to his wife when his ex wife who's trying on a wedding dress and he says, you know, like I'm going to Connecticut for this thing, but I still love you.-hmm, and she's like no, I can't move to Connecticut. It's over If you love me, let me go and then she she burst stomps out of the dressing room And then when he stomps out of the dressing room she's in his car and she says wait No, I still love you. I never stop loving you blah blah blah. And they start kissing. It's super good. She
Starting point is 00:23:21 It's like girl stuff or something Well, it's cuz he like do you think this whole fiance thing was just a long bluff to get this guy to be a better dad? Yeah. Just playing a long con. It's like a very long con. They were gaslighting him to being a better dad. Gaslight.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, I guess it's a hair. Trying to drive him crazy with jealousy. So he's doing great. It's the championship game tomorrow. This has not been built up at all. And while they're playing the game, everything seems to be going great until Dennis Quaid shows up.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Dennis Quaid shows up from the first act of the movie. He's disappeared for a while. And in his hand, he's got pictures that a detective took of Umathriman in her underpants. He was probably getting those pictures developed. That's what he was talking about. For a long time. Well, that's the other thing that he has literally.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Well, in this age of digital cameras, he had to find someone. Yeah, he had to find a place that he would be going to digital cameras. He had to find someone. Yeah, you had to find a place He had to find the last one-hour photo store that was open in Connecticut. Whatever state this is. Yeah, Connecticut I guess he drives to Bristol, but I need to buy a bulk codec film off of the eBay Because they don't make that stuff anymore But anyway, you should teach Jared Butler out of eBay all of his sports memorabilia So he doesn't have to take it to the one small sporting
Starting point is 00:24:25 it's a earlier on Gerard Butler tries to sell his sports memorabilia from when he was a soccer player. And the guy goes, I guess I can give you a 300 bucks for all of it. It's like, well, yeah, nobody wants to buy this shit here. Like put it up on eBay. So international international sellers can bid on it. Some some guy in England will love this. Yeah, some crazy English soccer guy.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Anyway, they call him footy fans. I bet I was sure. I know the crazy English soccer guy. Anyway, they call him footy fans. I'm sure that's the kind of pajamas they were. Yeah, pants of pajamas. Yeah, pajamas fans. Yeah, for a pajama con. 2013. A pajama fetish. At the jab, it's that is probably an industry thing for the pajama industry. Yeah, jambakon. I mean, the pajama game you might say. Anyway, we're in the pajama game you might say. Anyway, we're in the home stretch. We're in the home stretch. Dennis Hain is hideaway. Dennis Quaid confronts
Starting point is 00:25:11 and confronts them with these pictures that were taken by a detective who was following him with Herman. Jor Butler says, I didn't sleep with your wife, but Dennis Quaid's not buying it. So they wrestle, the kids win the game, and he misses it because he's wrestling, and the see them wrestling go dog pile and jump on everybody and then run away. But Jessica Beale seen it and she is not impressed. I like to point out like this was the screenplay is attempted dramatic irony where he gets
Starting point is 00:25:37 in trouble with Jessica Beale for the one woman he didn't actually sleep with. Yeah. So she thinks he's back to his womanizing ways. He says, forget this and he just leaves to go to Connecticut and the fiance says to Jessica Beale, are you still in love with him again? And she goes, I never stopped being in love with him. And he's a crushing thing to say to fiance, but he seems okay with it. He's like, I mean, he is in a town full of babes. That's the thing when he's going to bounce back. He's probably going to rot.
Starting point is 00:26:04 He's got a job, starring Bobcat Goldboy. He's gonna bounce back. He's probably gonna rot. He's got a job starring Bobcat Goldbue. He's a talking horse. So you're saying that, so what you're saying is that his reaction is like, all right, I guess I'll just dive into the sea of poon that is this town. I mean, that's the like a job probably, right? Or is she some pretty.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I have no idea. I mean, it's like living the same house. What are the fucks sake? They do live in the same house, yeah. He feels like, okay, well, my last three years of my life have been a lie They never live in the same house. They do live in the same house. They do live in the same house. Okay, well, my last three years of my life have been a lie, and you are totally destroying your son's life by switching up father figures.
Starting point is 00:26:32 We've been in a long time, dude. He's probably hungry for some new babes. It's the three-year itch they call it. Just like Gremlins, too, the new babes. We're not allowed to talk about Gremlins right now. I think Dan said we weren't. What? You made not allowed to talk about Grimmlands right now. Okay. Dan said we weren't.
Starting point is 00:26:47 What? You made a no-Grimmlands rule. All right. Anyway. So Grimmlands Butler is going to drive to Connecticut for this ESPN job. I just made you interested in the movie for the first time, didn't he? But he says he's driving down that road and he says. Grimmlands would make terrible Butler's.
Starting point is 00:27:01 He thinks he would make terrible Butler's extra. They'd be throwing the or germs at the guests Maybe strapping gizmo to the to the dinner platter with a pit with an apple in his mouth instead of a pig Yeah, and it's a bad idea. They're dreaded. There's a bad idea for my bot mitzba that I was throwing Before some lady I mean she's a lady now. Yeah Whoa some lady. I mean, she's a lady now. Yeah. She wasn't at the time. Whoa. Whoa. So what did you do to her? No, the bot mitzvah. But it hasn't happened yet. You know, you're throwing
Starting point is 00:27:31 the balls. Oh, it was a bad idea. I was saying. Okay. A bad mitzvah. So anyway, that would be a great movie title. By the way, bad mitzvah. Yeah. That is a great one. That mitzvah. That's a great movie title. Vampires in beta bar met yeah because it's a because there's nothing racist about portraying juzas vampires your racist anyway so jord butler turns the car round goes home that where he decides that his family is more important than his job Jessica bill says hey i broke it off my fiance and they play soccer in the front yard and then there's a little bit a little title sequencer in the credits that reveals that he got a local newscaster job as a sports reporter.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, that's just good. Why shoot for the stars? Why shoot for the stars? Being good dad and getting a shitty job. When you can aim for the top of a hill. And the greatest thing about this movie, the end of the movie. Is it over now? Is the way that everything is resolved without anyone changing at all?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Nobody does nothing. This movie. This is a movie that it is a comedy without laughs. It's a drama without drama. And it is a character study without characters. Well, that's the thing. I- This is maybe the most nothing movie I've seen in a long time. There's like no movie in this movie. But this one makes it not fending. This is- Yeah, I guess it's a non-fattening movie. You can watch as much as you want of it. It's never going to get way on your mind. It's like someone took the legal documents you need to fill out to make a movie and just shot that
Starting point is 00:28:51 Didn't bother to put any names or information in They shot reviews of other movies, so we were gonna talk about you I'm a The most well no like the thing that confused me with the most about this movie is the strange tone of it, where there's stuff in the middle that feels like it really should be a sex farce with, like, oh, Gerard Butler is having sex with all of these like soccer moms. He's got hot and cold running babes in one door at the other.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And his landlord is looking through the window and I'm like, how does he do it? But it is like, it's pretty great. It is done at such a slow pace. It feels like it should be French farce and it's done super slowed down and wistful and kind of like, as if we're supposed to be touched by what's going on.
Starting point is 00:29:33 There was enough like hiding one babe in the closet while the other babe berates him. He was going for our heart when he should've been going for a funny bone. That's right. But it's really slowed down and not funny. The character never seems to be in any kind of like frantic trouble or anything like that. Yeah, and there's no, I'm sure a baller doesn't do frantic. We've talked about there's no, there's no payoff.
Starting point is 00:29:54 We just barely anything. He walks around without a shirt. That's basically his thing. There's no payoff to Dennis Quaid being like this sleazy like rich guy. And there's also no paff really to, there's no path to Judy Greer. She shows the women. Yeah. Well, Judy Greer shows up later dating his landlord. And like there's no complications or problems there. And just like, oh, I found this other guy. So everything's fixed now. Catherine Zeta Jones shows up and wants to have sex with him. And he's like, really, I don't think we should. And she's like, so you got yours. And that's it. And you're just leaving me out to hang. All right, I guess.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And she's just, I guess mad at him, but nothing happens afterwards. This feels like a bigger bomb that should explode under the movie. No, this was a bomb, all right. No, but like it feels like, no, but I didn't know it. They're building it up to be like,
Starting point is 00:30:36 oh, all of these women who wanted your art butler are going to like converge and Jessica Beale is gonna be like, oh, you've been screwing the whole time. I think it's only made more obvious because Jessica Beale is gonna be like, oh, you've been screwing the whole time. I think it's only made more obvious because Jessica Beale makes a comment about how he always does this. He always like lets things build up
Starting point is 00:30:52 and then when he explodes, he explodes. And it never explodes. But there's no, like the explosion. Yeah, it literally says that and it doesn't happen. Yeah. It's like a plate, a fart should be like a plate spinning act where the story is kind of frantically spinning all the plates to keep them up.
Starting point is 00:31:05 But this is one where like they started one plate spinning, started spinning another of the first plate fell down, they were like, fuck it, I'll start a third plate, second plate fell down, I'll start a fourth plate, two plates fall down, whatever. I don't care. Move it over. You know what? Let's just throw on some fucking titles. We're over credits.
Starting point is 00:31:19 This movie feels like a bowl of oatmeal with no sugar, no syrup, no milk, like just plain old oatmeal. But oatmeal is a nutritious, fortifying food. That's true. This is like a bowl of dust. This is like taking a bite of a bowl of dust. Not satisfying, there's no nutrition, there's nothing there. You, this was a movie people made. And at no point where they like,
Starting point is 00:31:42 we don't really have a story in this movie. Oh, by the way way our main character has no Character to him other than the fact that you guys motivation. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it Gerard Butler will charm the pants off the ladies Literally, but no, he doesn't Like it's I do have to say that I like that the the scene with Umatherman where she is in her underpants and we made a comment how it was shot like it was like a showtime after hours movie. Yeah. And that actually it turned into a showtime
Starting point is 00:32:11 after hours plot where there was a guy outside the window taking like lewd snaps of all of that situation. I kind of like that. I like that it was almost like it was foreshadowing. What would happen? The only difference is a showtime movie would have had this given you the satisfaction of a four-way lesbian sexy in between all the women. Or I guess if it was a seduction cinema movie, or something like that. And I mean, like the closest thing to something I enjoyed
Starting point is 00:32:33 in the movie was like an early, like sort of the early scenes where all of the soccer moms were like looking on at Gerard Butler and being really excited about him. And I thought it was kind of funny, like, it's like, because he was so bland, it was just like, yeah, they're just turned on because he's like, Gerard Butler,
Starting point is 00:32:48 and he's got a Scottish accent. There's nothing else about him there. Yeah. And there's Quaid, yeah, it was charming. And there are things about like Judy Greer's cast as the like, mousey non-co- she's supposed to be the like, not as attractive woman, but it's very weird because she's like a very,
Starting point is 00:33:04 it's, well, it's one of of easily on par with Gerard Butler. Oh certainly, but it's one of the Gremlin battler depending on how you have a lot of them. That's his name from now on, but it's there's there's a certain thing that like movies used to have different types of faces or like different levels of attractiveness in characters and I feel feel like now it is a movie cannot have anyone who's unattractive. So a woman who's supposed to be cute, but not like super beautiful is played by a beautiful woman.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And it doesn't, it doesn't make sense for the character. But also like I feel like an old screw ball comedy is like funny women were allowed to also be attractive women too. Yeah. And I feel like in this movie, it's just like, okay, well, we've got the funny lady and then we've got the hot ladies, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:49 and you know, Judy Greer, whatever. But we got it pretty people. So we'll cast her in there. I mean, I like her a lot. I think she's a really funny comedian and a really likable performer, but it seems weird to put her in a role where like, it feels like she's almost outgrown
Starting point is 00:34:04 as an actress, you know? Yeah. I feel like we're there already. She's not playing kitty in a rest of development anymore. Yeah. Oh, I fall in the movie comes out. Maybe for the Netflix series. Sure. I think that we're there. So we should just go to the final judgments about whether this was a good bad movie, a bad bad movie or movie kind of liked. What do you say Stuart? Where does best movie ever fall in blue is categories? No, outside of Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I was just joking. Oh. It is a, I mean, it's a, wait, is this a bit? I can't, like, I'm not mad at the movie. I mean, like, I'm not mad at the movie. I mean, like, I'm sorry. I was, it's super bland and boring. Yeah, I was not much of a movie.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I was not mad while we were watching it, but I'm mad talking about it now. But it's like, this is a movie that like an old person who watch while they're sleeping. Like it's perfect for that. Like that's the perfect audience for this film. They're actually watching it while they're sleeping. Well, they're dozing away in an armchair
Starting point is 00:35:01 with this movie play. And then like, come up. So what do you say, Stuart? I'm gonna say bad bad. Okay. Yeah, I'll say bad bad too. I'm sort of baffled that they shot this script as it existed.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah. It just seems like anyone would look at it and be like, well, you got no conflict here. And you got no characters. And they're like, there's some good actors in it. Yeah, like, a ton of good actors in it. It's a big name. It's a big name cast.
Starting point is 00:35:22 This is Gremlin Battler, Catherine Zeta Jones, Dennis Quaid, Uma Thurman, Jessica Beale, Judy Greer. Like these, these, these, this is a big cast of names. And they've all at least a lot of them have done comedy successfully. Yes. Gremlin Batler was in Ugly Truth. Yeah, very successful comedy. Very successful as a comedy. And and i would also give it's like i almost don't want to give this movie a rating because it kind of doesn't rise to the level of deserving of the disappears
Starting point is 00:35:51 i feel like a good eating a meringue like a good bad movie is fun to watch and a bad bad movie is painful to watch for this is just like uh... thing this was like it's like this is the like you blacked out into our this is like the partially garnished on the like you blacked out into our player. This is like the parsley garnish on a plate that you
Starting point is 00:36:07 just put to the side. That's that is as a movie. Yeah. All right. Well, fair enough. So our highest recommendation for playing concaves. I got wait. You have something to say before we move on to our next thing. I do have something to say. Now everybody knows we've joined the All Things Comedy Network. And that means we're going to all things Go to all for great podcasts, they're all comedy. All things comedy that is, but it also means we've got a sponsor.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Ooh, exciting. Yeah. And is it a good sponsor? Yes, it's a great sponsor. I'm going to spend a minute here, or maybe 40 seconds, maybe 20 seconds. I don't know. Telling you about a little company called Tivo that I think you're going to like. T-O. TIVO. Big T, Little I, Big V, Little O. Now, television. We all love it, but it's a pain to watch, right? It is a pain. It takes forever and tell you what.
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Starting point is 00:37:34 Name a place, both you. You're Jim. You can take it with you. The bathroom. You can take it with you. The butcher shop. You can take it with you. The Caribbean.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You can take it with you. The Caribbean. Yeah, same place. You can take it with you. The Caribbean. You can take it with you. The Caribbean. Yeah, same place. You can take it with you. Anywhere. It also only T-Vo searches cable and the internet for any show, movie or video you want to see. Do other DVRs do that? No, of course not.
Starting point is 00:37:56 They're terrible. This is like making Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon, YouTube. They're just channels on your TV now. Thanks to T-Vo. Just flip through them whenever you want. There's T-Vo Mini, which makes one T-Vivo box work for two different TVs. You're taking your shows everywhere now You can watch invisible maniac wherever you want whenever you want Stewart I know you think that's great because it is and now visitors to
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like you can get $25 off a new Tivo Premiere P4 or XL4 DVR by using a special promo code. That promo code is easy to remember, ATC. It's all thanks comedy. So for $25 off until November 1st, go to and put in code ATC. Tivo is the best DVR alternative and that's from me, Elliot Kaelin, legally binding. Thank you, Elliot.aelin, legally binding. Thank you, Elliot. Tivo, bringing you the flop house.
Starting point is 00:38:48 So now we move on to the flop house movie mail bag, letters from listeners. This is the first letter of the evening. It is so tired from that sponsor ad. I don't have time for a song. Everyone should go buy a Tivo, so I have more energy for singing. Letters, letters, I'm singing a song about letters.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I love it. That was good. I don't like the ending. I think it should have sounded more like this. Letters. Singing a song about letters. We're gonna read some letters from you. The listeners, you. The listeners, the people who listen and write.
Starting point is 00:39:23 The letters, letters letters they make words words from you words from the listeners to us about things that we know what we say on the flop house today their letters see I like the fat sloppy coach you can talk about letters and it's time for a letter so this first, I'll get to part two of the song. It's titled, great email for the show, asterisk, Dan Kaufman's included. It's a letter from asterisk, the French comic character. Asterisk and Obelisk.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Obelisk wrote it too. This is from first name with El Jones, he says, dear Dan, it's totally an orthodox. Dear Dan, Elliot and Stuart and House Count. Doug Jones house Doug Jones Another great episode guys. You say be in himself give yourselves a round of applause and for Stewart a round of beers Am I right Stewart up top? Oh, yeah Before I get to the point of this email spoiler alert. There is in one Let me just say that Dan is the smartest funniest and best-looking
Starting point is 00:40:20 Oh, so it was Dan Jones who wrote this Dan McCoi Jones also he has a larger penis the other two hosts no not true and has banged at least triple the amount of chicks of elitisturica but i know that's not true let me also allow but also add that this is not done writing this nor did then ask me to say these things but still dan is a super cool to their all too facts deal with it with that of the way, I would like to ask. Doesn't Dan suck. I would like to.
Starting point is 00:40:46 He really set you up for a punch there. With that out of the way. With that out of the way, I would like to ask each of you dudes a question. Those questions are for Stuart. Who's your all time favorite wrestler? If the answer to that question is... Is British the barber beefcake? All right.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I had a t-shirt and I had... Wait, British the barber beefcake. All right. I had a t-shirt and I had, wait, Bruce the barber beefcake. Oh, you know you finished? No, if they answer that question, is macho man Randy Savage, you can please do an impression. But it's not. It's not as Bruce the barber beefcake
Starting point is 00:41:15 had a t-shirt, I had a wall hanging, I celebrated every time he choked somebody out and then cut his hair. What, what, what, what? He cut his hair. I don't know, he cut the, to shame them, I think. Oh, we would cut the, other guys hair. No, he? He cut his hair. I don't know. He cut, to shame them, I think. Oh, we would cut the other guys hair.
Starting point is 00:41:27 No, he wouldn't cut his own hair. That'd be crazy. I thought that was, he would choke a guy. And I would get him and then hold up a mirror and cut his own hair. Although, as I've gotten older, I think I prefer a ravishing Rick Rude and his, with his pants that had beautiful ladies on them.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Any different pants every time he wrestled, I kind of wish I had a pair of those pants. Different ladies. Yeah. Second question for Dan. Have you tried the new hot mess burger at Jack in the box? Any different pants every time you wrestle I kind of wish I had a pair of those things different ladies Second question for Dan have you tried the new hot mess burger at Jack in the box? There's the East Coast there are no Jack There's a burger there are no jacks in the box nor television commercials Answering for me but in our region that is accurate. Sorry, Dan you answer no. I don't know why this was a question for me You should you to but Dan you're a big jacket that I am to Popeyes as you answer. No, I don't know why this was a question for me. You should YouTube.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Dan, you're a big jacket. I am to Popeye's as you are to jacket the Pope. Yeah, I'm a real jacket. Ha ha ha ha. I've not had said for you. But for Elliot, if you were trapped on a deserted island as an island full of desserts, what would you want the dessert to be?
Starting point is 00:42:21 Something chocolate. Oh, boring. That is boring. And lastly, what does the dessert question? I'm not ready to answer that. Lastly, for the flop house house cat, can I get a rar rar? Rar rar. Thanks guys. Love you all. That's from first night without jokes. Thanks Jones. Thanks Jones. Sorry, I didn't have an
Starting point is 00:42:37 exciting answer, but sometimes real life isn't exciting. Thank you for giving me the chance to talk about ravishing or agrude. He's good on my mind lately. I was just giving me a deal to talk about ravaging or a grude. He's good on my mind lately. He's always on my mind. This is titled Intentionally Bad Movies from Ben Lasting with Held. 10. He says, hello there, flappers. I think you guys are great and wonderful.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I wanted to know, do you think it's possible to successfully recreate the aesthetic and set the sensibilities of good bad movies or media? I feel like Tim and Eric shoot for this sort of thing, as does Larry Blameer or Blamire, I don't know how to say that. Larry Budman. You said it right. Who makes the be, who made the be movies for film the Lost Skeleton of Kadabra.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Have you seen it? Off the top of your heads, what are some tropes of good bad movies or moments of good badness in bad bad films, but you feel no intentionally good bad movie could do without. Flops off to you, been lasting with health. Now, I, this is something I have strong feelings about. I am against trying to simulate badness in films. I feel like if you have the skill to make a good movie, why don't you just fucking make a good movie. And let the bad movies be a happy accident of the incompetent. Yeah, I feel like if you have the skill to make a good movie, why don't you just fucking make a good movie?
Starting point is 00:43:45 And let the bad movies be a happy accident of the incompetent. Yeah, I feel like Tim and Eric do something else. There's a value added there. You know, like there's some comedy there. It's not just recreating. Well, I think when you recreate a bad, when you try to make a bad movie, personally, it's four comedic purposes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:03 But it's often that you're so in on the joke that it doesn't come off. And the law, law skeleton of cadaver I've actually been menacing for years and I have not seen it. I saw it and I found it funny for about six minutes and boring for the rest. Well, that's part of the strength of Tim and Eric.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I haven't seen their movie, but their show is short and the bits are short. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. Like I would imagine in a long form situation, it would be overwhelming, like eating too much sugary cereal in one go, like the speed racer movie or something. But I like the speed racer movie. Yeah, I mean, that's a good, that's a good bowl of cereal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:37 But I do agree that there's something about when someone aims high and fails that is more funny and enjoyable than when somebody purposefully aims low as a joke. And like, it's funny if maybe like you spoof a bad movie for like a sketch for like five minutes, but I'm not a fan of it either really. But maybe I'll see one one day that I really like. I don't know. I mean, the beauty of something like the room, which is I guess the like the new reigning
Starting point is 00:45:01 champion of bad movies is like, that is clearly a passion project that is a deeply felt film yeah that is 100% wrong that was made by someone that no idea what he was doing but he did it as hard as possible yeah and he loved that movie probably convinced some poor guys and given him a bunch of money I mean because it's all on the screen it's beautiful out there. It is a lot of it's I want to live in there. But it's a live on that green screen roof. But I've also yet to see like a bad, a purposely bad movie that would that reached anywhere near the heights of bliss of a real bad movie. Yeah. Of a non purposely bad movie. This next letter is titled a request.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Sarah, not Dan's wife here. I was just listening to the Ugi Loves episode. I just listened to the Ugi Loves episode, which I must admit only foolishly okay. Well, that's a... Whoa, whoa. I feel like that's not generally held opinion, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:46:01 And also, it's weird that you would open with that evaluation. But no, she goes on. This is more to the letter. Okay, well, you know what? All your other episodes were terrible. So this was an improvement. I hate your podcast, and I'll never listen to it again. Thanks for reading my letter. Uh, she goes on, however, it immediately shot to one warmly boner levels of Austin Miss. When it came to the part where Dan was earnestly trying to plug the Oscar pool. The sheer irritation of his voice combined with Steward and Elliot's complete indifference to his annoyance encapsulated what I feel is the heart and soul of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Dan tries to do something correctly like plug charities for cancer research and Steward and Elliot try to distract him at every turn. Not even try successfully distracted. It's been revealed in prior episodes that when I listened to the podcast, I think of Dan as a giant teddy bear. But after listening to you, there's a picture of that. It's a little...
Starting point is 00:46:51 I think there must be. After listening to the Oogie Loves episode, I'd like to amend that. I now think of Dan as an incredibly bitter, slightly inebriated teddy bear, like the snuggle bear, but one which clutches a bottle of Jack Daniels like a life preserver. So thanks Dan.
Starting point is 00:47:04 It's pretty close actually. It's very accurate. the podcast is only enriched by your thinly concealed anger now There's in there's an example there if we had done a if we had written and performed a bit Where Dan is trying to get out the information of about this cancer fundraiser and store Nelly It just won't let him finish would not have been at that good But the fact that we were really the reality of my rage Real inability for him to complete it guys guys stop it i'm trying to do something good here flawless impression guys it's me damn more i'm damn i'm so dumb
Starting point is 00:47:37 so why did i say that that's what i understand here it was way better as a real fail thing than as a fake failed thing. Uh, but she goes on seriously though, I hope the Oscar pull met in millions for new skateboards. Millions? New skateboards, big league chew and fancy fees for the house. Get it. It was for cancer. We established the house get a cancer. I hope that finally my request.
Starting point is 00:48:00 That'd be a dark wrinkle. Elliott, I appeal to you on behalf of America, talk to your BFF and half the way. Since the two of you grew up across the street from one another, and you were the ducky to her Andy. No. The shake to her bake. What? The ship to her tail. Wait what? I have to believe. So you were rescue rangers? Yeah. I have to believe that if there's one person she would listen to, it would be you. Please, please, please ask her to tone it down. The faint bashfulness,fulness the winning smell the bad at eyes
Starting point is 00:48:25 It's not doing anything for her. So please Elliot save her for herself and return I'll hold the CEO of Popeye's captive until he agrees to give you free Popeye's for life Keep up the flop-tastic work sign Sarah and not dance wise Sarah you drive a hard bargain But I think and doing great. I mean I think she's doing that to get over the loss of her high school love, right? Also, they're not high school loves or friends. Don't really know her very well or at all. And frankly, if I had free lifetime access to Popeyes, I would die tomorrow. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Gentlemen never tells and Elliot's still not tell the details of his torrid love affair. It was overwhelmed. I appreciate it. Gentlemen never tells and Elliott is nothing to tell. Not tell the details of his torrid love affair. It was none. He's four year love affair. I think she's doing great right now. And before that was before. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. No more. winked. I was talking about wink, Martin Dale. The game show host.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Last letter of the evening is from Peter last name with held. Parker. It's titled Flop House Drinking Game. Dear original peaches. I think that's just the flop. While burning the late night oil in the wake of engaging in a highly productive drinking game sitting around the movie demolition man featuring subesters loans,
Starting point is 00:49:44 crygently, frozen, taint and a starring role it dawned on me that he also known as wessley's nice it's on me that it was it was well that was and it we just won an award for that joke i'll take it in uh... course like flop house drinking game
Starting point is 00:50:04 is one of the last missing pieces in this great puzzle we call civilization. Sorry pardon me. I'm taking a drink now. With a thunderous, Yerika, I sank my teeth into the sun's wash of my underarm and began writing the rules of said drinking game onto my walls in blood. Okay. Just now returning from the hospital, I've resid them to you as a suggestion to be amended and expanded upon a lot of rules. Abandoned. The Flop House Drinking Game, registered trademark. Well, he copyrighted it.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Apparently. Drink whenever one. This is how Disney just recently stopped trying to copyright the phrase, Dia Dillos Muertos, because it was decided that that would seem evil. If they tried to copyright the name of a holiday that people already celebrate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Drink with other, whenever. Number one, Stewart recommends Cassafrik, the invisible maniac, or head of the family. Oh, have we done recommendations yet? Two. Elliot recommends a movie that can only be obtained on my trade film by breaking into the Warner Brothers film vault. Come on, anyone can do it.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Three, Dan recommends a movie to put you asleep on an airplane. Four. He's right, you know, you gotta give him credit. You do it a lot. For the Flophouse house cat house, that's a full beer. You got a shotgun. Yeah, it's rare. Five, Stuart is overtly modest in describing his penis size.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Well, that never happens. I don't know. It's a monster. Six, Elliot's brother writes into educated delight with anecdotes and statistics from the wonderful world of sports. Oh, seven. Oh, just thinking about it hurts so much. Any of the three octogenarians can play and they couldn't hear what went on the movie they watched. Okay, it's not a fault that movies are terribly mixed these days. Eight. So somehow the new generation of kids
Starting point is 00:51:47 have super ears that can pick up the tiniest noises. Yeah. Number eight, big is mentioned. We haven't done that in a while until now. Number nine, a guest host tries to steal Stewart's identity. Okay. Ten. How many is that?
Starting point is 00:52:02 How many drinks? How many rules are there? Wait, just say ten 10 how many minutes have we been doing this episode? Just joking keep going Totally I had a brain aneurysm like I watched That was the point for keeping that was the playing for keeps of this episode Nothing happened but time passed this episode. Nothing happened but time passed. Number 10, a word is spoken that sounds like another word. Oh, yeah. Number 11, there's confusion about whether what goes on is a bit.
Starting point is 00:52:33 And lastly, for listeners with a dash death wish, number 12, Dan is interrupted. Oh, yeah, you wouldn't get through a full episode. Nicholas Cage has been banned from appearing in this game for reasons pertaining to public health. Thank you for a great podcast. Sorry about dance, me. Now that's how you end a letter, guys. We'll keep last name from now. We'll keep last name from now.
Starting point is 00:52:55 My foe, sympathy. Like most foe. I think that that's a good idea. If we add it to the drinking game. Yeah, if anyone does it, let me know how we'll adjust our performance. Dan, just testers pitched at the 10 to 13 market. What? This is a tween pod.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yeah. The film grab it. The song. Our key demographic is tweens. They love my songs. They love our crazy antics. That's why we're talking about the sweet life of Zach Cody. That's why we're wearing our hats backwards, right?
Starting point is 00:53:21 We're wearing our hats, our head hats backwards. That's why there's so much go-girt content in this. We're always talking about chicken shaved dines and chicken. Whoa, oh, chicken shaved dines. Why you can't get dines or me? Yeah, chicken shaved dines or nuggets. Go-girt dines or chicken nuggets. You have a line on fresh dines or meat
Starting point is 00:53:41 that you haven't been telling me about? It's not fresh. I mean, it's freshly cloned. Freshly. Yeah. on fresh dons or meet the you have been telling me about fresh I mean it's freshly cloned freshly yeah yeah so this is the last segment on the podcast and that's where we recommend movies that we actually liked we're done for us to direct like playing for keeps we're done wrecking movies now it's time to recommend I hate you I'm getting so many good lines in tonight. I'm gonna recommend a
Starting point is 00:54:07 low-budget picture called Iron Man 3 that I saw last night directed by Shane's black director of Kissy spangbang Wrote the weapon and the last Boy Scout which is one of my favorite his movies of all time It's are they ever gonna make that prequel the and the last Boy Scout, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's a- Are they ever gonna make that prequel the second to last Boy Scout?
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah, penultimate Boy Scout. The, so Iron Man 3. And the sequel, it turns out we had another Boy Scout after all. One of the things I like about Iron Man 3. It's behind a box. Iron Man 3, you liked it. Yeah, come on. Iron Man 3, what?
Starting point is 00:54:43 I didn't like it very much, but you liked it. Okay, well, what I liked about it is that large chunks of it run mind me of an 80s Action this is what I did Second off it featured a lot of great character actors like William Sadler from the Bill and head exlet or bogus journey and Various tales from the crypt episodes as well as Miguel for rare as surprise a bad guy I've seen more Miguel Ferrer. Yeah, I'm very angry.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And I'm sitting between you guys and you guys are like the angel of devil and my shoulder, because I'm literally seeing it tomorrow and I don't know who to believe here. And Guy Pierce is awesome. I believe yourself. Give me more Guy Pierce, basically anytime. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:19 All my movies. All my movies more to do. Morning and night. Well, what they gave him, he was great. Okay, I'll give you that. Okay, so Iron Man 3 he was great. Okay. I'll give you that. Okay, so so Iron Man 3 go see it America. I would like to recommend a hero that has already seen it. I like to recommend a movie called Wake in
Starting point is 00:55:34 Fright, which is a Aussie horror film from 1971, which was a Aussie horror film movie starring Aussie Nelson. Yeah, it was a largely forgotten movie It it it came out to good reviews originally, but was not liked in this native Australia because it basically made The Australian outback look like a hellhole full of crazy people whereas now with a it's properly portrayed as a steakhouse full of luminonium. But this movie had a like there was a from what I understand they found a copy of this film right before basically it was going to be burned and it got re-released. I remember it being at like the IFC Center in town last year and reading a lot of reviews and it's out of blue right now. They talk about it in not quite Hollywood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 The movie about Osploitation movie. And I feel like that sparked interest in it quite a bit more too. Yeah. And it is very, this is the way I feel about it. I see so many movies and I've seen so many movies that at this point, I've seen so many of the films that I'm personally going to love. Like, I've tracked them down. I've had like sort of a sense of like what's going to be good and what I'm going to enjoy, that it is a really big surprise when I really respond to something.
Starting point is 00:56:57 There are a lot of movies that I see that I like, but not so many movies that I see that I love anymore. And I really enjoyed this movie. It was like sort of finding a lost masterpiece. And it had some of the same feeling of watching something like The Wicker Man, but I feel like even if you haven't seen the original Wicker Man, if you haven't seen The Wicker Man, I feel like it's been so long since it came out that the basic idea of it has been spoiled for you. Whereas Waking Fry, number one, there's no big twist to it, but number two, not much
Starting point is 00:57:30 has been written about it, so you're not going to get spoiled in the same way. And it's just about a guy who was a school teacher who goes out, who's on break, he's on vacation, he goes through the outback, he ends up losing all of his money in this tiny outback town, so he can't get to where he needs to go to. And it's a horror movie, but all of the horror in it is 100% psychological. And it's basically a descent into hell in the Australian outback, and I really enjoyed it. So that's my recommendation, Wagenpricht. I'm going to recommend two films, I think, which I've been doing a lot lately, because I like
Starting point is 00:58:07 movie so much. WagonPrize, Iron Man 3. It's one is a little movie called Iron Man 3, which I didn't like, but I'm recommending it. I hate everyone. Because I want you to love a suffer. It's funny how I didn't like the things about it that you liked about it, but I think I would have liked those things if it was not an Iron Man movie.
Starting point is 00:58:25 It's almost like I was expecting one kind of movie and got another one, but I wasn't delighted by the surprise. I was just like. It was like the Dark Knight Rises element of it. Huh? I don't know. I think a lot of people, I think a lot of people had a certain expectation going into it,
Starting point is 00:58:39 just like with Dark Knight Rises, and they got something different than what they were doing. Yeah, yeah, I think that's possibly the case. Yeah. So my two movies are not those. I wanted to recommend a first movie called Gregory's Girl, which is a UK small film from the early 80s, it's a four-cyth movie.
Starting point is 00:58:59 It's a same guy to the local hero. Yeah, same guy to the local hero and it's very similar to local hero in the tone of it And it's about Basically like a bunch of kids at this Scottish high school One of them is a soccer player the the make title character Gregory is a soccer player on the team This is always playing for keeps he's always play well the problem is he's not playing for keeps He doesn't take it seriously enough and he's kind of this goofy awkward kid He has a crush on a girl who starts playing on the soccer team.
Starting point is 00:59:26 And he has some friends who are also kind of looking for girls, but not in the like American pie. Like we got to get laid, pervergence, but more in the way of like, it felt more real to me about like young guys who are interested in girls, but they don't really know what to do with that interest, or like how to talk to girls and it made It did such a good job of portraying how at high school age
Starting point is 00:59:49 Girls feel older and more mature than guys and the guys are just kind of like lost and treading water Trying to figure out how to keep up with the girls I don't know what to do. Yeah, and there's not a lot of plot in the movie But there's a lot of incident and it's very funny and very charming. And like just a sweet movie and like not a lot happens in it, but by the end of the movie you feel that something has happened. Unlike playing for keeps, which is also soccer movie or not, where supposedly a lot happens but nothing happens in it. So I really enjoyed Gregory's girl.
Starting point is 01:00:17 It's streaming on Netflix, but the version they have seems to have been a version that was released for American audiences with a redubbed a lot of the voices so that the Scottish accents were not quite as harsh. I like Mad Max. Kind of, yeah, except it's very clear that they're all inside the same VO booth. So I want to try to find the original soundtrack version because that the tin-ness of the sound kind of bugged me. It was a really good movie. And the other movie I want to recommend is because this is going to be old news by the
Starting point is 01:00:42 time this podcast is released. But we're recording this about a day or two after the death of Ray Harryhausen, and I think I've mentioned on the podcast before, personally, what he meant to me, growing up, what his work meant to me, and there are two kind of moments when my dad introduced me to movies that kind of set my life on a certain path. One of them is RoboCop, and the other is the seventh voyage of Sinbad. When you became a robot cop. When I became a robot cop and also when I wanted a voyage to an island with a starter, take a nuke. I got really hopped up on nuke, yeah. And, uh, play and sense, you know, started buying, take it, buying things for a dollar.
Starting point is 01:01:20 But, uh, they're just offering to buy things for a dollar. Yeah. I actually don't have a purchasing though. No, no, no, it's good to be king, right? Wait, no, it's different. No, it's different. But he was very much a man who put a lot of himself into his work in a field that you don't often think that about, which is visual effects. And his work with character and his animated characters
Starting point is 01:01:40 is so great. So I'd recommend, you know what? If you can find a Ray Harryhose movie, watch it. but I especially recommend the seventh Voydhason Bad and 20 million miles to Earth. 20 million miles to Earth especially has some of I think is best character work with the character of the emir, a Venusian I think monster who starts out little and tiny and then eventually grows to be gigantic. And the way Ray Harryhausen treats the character at each stage of his size change is pretty phenomenal in how natural it feels. So I'd like to just recognize the memory of Ray Harryhausen
Starting point is 01:02:14 and tell you to go watch one of those movies. They're delightful and magical. Well, we've really played for keeps tonight guys. We kept wanting to be saving that one up. Yeah. Since full circle. Which weird disease has been saving that one up. Yeah. Since fall circle. Which weird disease has been saving that one for months now. Yeah. I was going to do it for the smiley episode actually.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Well guys, we really played for lulls this time. Yeah, we just really did it for the funs those. That's my lulls. That's my lulls. What? That's my boy. Oh right, we watched that movie. What? So,
Starting point is 01:02:47 Bratz. For the flop house. Flop house. I've been Dan McCoy. And I've been Stuart Wellington. And he's been
Starting point is 01:02:57 Elliot Caleb. And we are the flop that he has. And he is Dan McCoy. And you are Stuart Wellington. And that is That's the computer and
Starting point is 01:03:07 That is a couch and we are the floppos and we're sitting at a jayball good night everyone good night Good night One thing I learned do not email Dan on Saturdays and say get this get that movie Hey that happened to me too and Dan was like I'm fucking busy. I didn't happen to be. I just, I'm doing nothing. I'm doing nothing. I'm going to Derby Day. I've been so busy drinking and not watching a horse race. A social plan I'd had for a while.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I can be there, probably. Did my best to get it up as quickly as I could, but I had a lot of things. I never promised anyone to be up at a particular time. Dan said all that in a different context. I did my best to get it up quickly, but there were other things. Get it?
Starting point is 01:04:08 Talk about his wiener.

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