The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #131 - Marmaduke

Episode Date: July 27, 2013

We hope the psychic damage we endured was worth it do you guys: we finally caved and watched Marmaduke. Meanwhile, Elliott reveals Marmaduke's historical shenanigans, Stuart's Pacific Rim review gets ...scatological, and Dan would be indulging in blatant Parade-pandering with his Howard Huge reference, if we hadn't recorded before they endorsed us.0:00 - 0:30 - Introduction and theme.0:31 - 41:38 - Wait, this ISN'T a movie about a duke made out of marmalade?41:39 - 42:17 - Final judgments.41:18 - 43:47 - Some brief shout-outs to our podcast friends.43:48 - 55:06 - Flop House Movie Mailbag55:07 - 1:05:42 - The sad bastards recommend.1:05:43 - 1:07:31 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 because for some reason you wanted it, we discuss Marma Duke. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. I am steward Wellington. Well, I'm Elliot Kalen. I'm strangely turned on all of a sudden. Nope. Not strangely. Yeah, there's nothing strange. You're wearing your face cut off shirt.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, it makes it sound like you've been a shirt that cut his face off. No, it's made out of cut off face. It's true. It has a jersey. What do you call it? It's like a basketball jersey. Yeah, it's like an Italian tee, but it says face on it. Because it is the jersey that face wore on A team.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah. For those who don't know, we are experiencing a heat wave here at the flop house. Temperatures are up to a million degrees. Right. But that's Celsius. It's not just the flop house. I mean, this is all over.
Starting point is 00:01:21 The flop house is located in Brooklyn, New York. Yeah. USA. But where's is Milky Way? Rate it are. Is playing at everywhere. We are indeed having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave, temperatures rising.
Starting point is 00:01:35 It's hardly surprising, because Stuart certainly can, can, can. The end. So here at the flop house, the three of us watch a movie. A bad movie or a good movie? It depends. Usually a great movie. That's right. Usually it's a classic. Wait, let me check. Incorrect. I'm wrong, actually. We usually watch a some kind of critical or financial flop.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Just the name flop house. And flop, of course, is an acronym acronym for failure to launch over production costs. That's where the word comes from. As opposed to the opposite flip, fantastic liability including production costs. We are a pancake flipper. All about the production cost of the pancake flipper. Yep, all about the production cost of the pancake. Oh yes, and a pancake flipper, you don't want to be that. No, it gets all over the face.
Starting point is 00:02:33 So it's not. It's taking a face. The shirt's George Wary. Says that. So what movie did we watch tonight, Dan? So we watched a movie called Marmaduke. Now this is... Wait, Marmaduke, is this, couldn't be?
Starting point is 00:02:45 The fabled Marmaduke episode. Now for some reason, fans of the flop house. Recorded 10,000,000 years ago. Clammer, right? In a cave somewhere. Clammer. Clammer. In a scale.
Starting point is 00:02:57 In a scale. For us to talk about Marmaduke. We mentioned Marmaduke in a very early episode. We went to someone wrote in, I think, saying, a Marmaduke movie's coming out. You guys should flop that. And we said, maybe, then we didn't for years. And then this stuck in the crawl of our fans for years and years and years.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah. Longcans are Danes. Our man's in our hands. Sorry, Hans. This movie came out longer ago than we would normally address on the podcast. But not to pull the curtain too back too far back This was a this was actually a 2010 release we needed to We actually just we missed by a little over a month The third anniversary of the release of Marm Duke well, I think we were waiting to see The flop anniversary. I think we're waiting to see how well it did in post theatrical release.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah, home markets overseas streaming. You want to make sure that it's really fun. Yeah, so now we need to do a short movie tonight just for outside reasons. And Maraduke was a trim 84 minutes just for the low. So let's give the people what they want. And what they want is Maraduke. And what I want is to not have seen Maraduke. Luckily your phone can easily go in the way of the TV screen. what they want and what they want is Marmaduke and what I want is to not have seen Marmaduke.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Luckily your phone can easily go in the way of the TV screen. Yep, that's called using a second screen. Now Dan, for the listeners at home who have not read a 60 year old comic strip that nobody likes, what is a Marmaduke? So Marmaduke, think about, alright, imagine a comic called Howard Huge, that appears in Parade Magnesia. About Howard Hughes and his enormous penis. About Howard Huge, a large dog.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Howard Hughes' penis grew so long because he went crazy and stopped clipping it. Sure. Now imagine that that comic. That's where the two raw dog income from, right? Yeah. Imagine that single panel comic was not called Howard Huge, but it was called Marmaduke. And then you have Marmaduke.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So Marmaduke is a big dog. It's a big dog. Not a Clifford, the big red dog big. Not as big as a house. Bigger than your average dog. He's as big as a dog house. He, yeah, he's a large dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And that's all there is to it. And what kind of stuff do you joke about in the Marmaducas well perhaps um the owner of marmaduc wants to sit in the recliner but marmaduc is already in the recliner and because marmaduc is large this is very inconvenient okay what and what else do me another one you know I'm a man marmaduc likes bones and uh... he has he has dug the hell up out of the back yard to bury all his bones a lot of it keep it coming to me that give me a third rule of threes one more marmaduke jazz uh... marmaduke would love to sleep on the bed where human
Starting point is 00:05:36 sleep and marmaduke is so big that he is all over owner and owners white he's cracking up already a big dog not hearing is a story of how a dog was formed out of the marriage of Marmalade and the Duke. No. Well, that's what you, one might surmise and wish that Marmalade Duke is about, but not in actuality, the truth of Marmalade Duke. But what you're saying sounds like there's... And the Marmalade Duke's truth or something.
Starting point is 00:05:58 There's a lot of rich potential for a Marmalade Duke film. Sure. If you love large things and you love dogs, then Marmaduke would be the movie for you. Basically a bunch of one panel gags with, I don't know, like a tag line at the bottom, right? Yeah, like a whole movie made up. My Marmaduke, oh no!
Starting point is 00:06:16 With these, maybe. When Marmaduke has been caught with a bloody knife in his hand over a bottom. Sure. We're like, Marmaduke, say it ain't so. When he's been caught fixing the 1919 world series I mean those aren't those aren't necessarily size based gigs but I think you're getting the basic is Marma Duke what are you doing I just want to be friends and I'll let you think about what Marma
Starting point is 00:06:38 Duke's doing oh Marma Duke's a driving car yeah he's driving a car. That's the car talk. So the home movie you think would be just a series of blackout gags about a big dog getting in the way. You'd be wrong. Turns out Marmaduke has a lot on its mind. A lot it stole from other movies. Other movies though that are not children's films or movies about dogs.
Starting point is 00:07:01 No, think about a generic plot A and generic plot B and ram them together. Let's talk about what happens in Marmaduke, shall we? Marmaduke's a big, great day and he's big. He lives in Kansas. He's the main character, like the family that I said, co-pulled this giant dog. In the concert, I guess. Oh, before I get into the plot, let me just say one thing. This has an amazing cast. It has an amazing cast. Okay, just some of the people in it doing either voice work or on camera work. All right. Oh, and Wilson.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, Titular Marmaduke. Leapace. I have one of my favorite movies, The Fall. TV's Thrandwell. Yep. TV's, really? Yeah, he's in the commercials on TV. Judy Greer.
Starting point is 00:07:38 He's in the pushing tases too. Everybody's comedy, sweet, hard favorite, Judy Greer. Flop house, face. He's fresh, honor. Leamage may see maybe the best actor there is right now when he's given the right material. The man who turns the norm Gundersen and Fargo. No, not known.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I'm not saying went to that. That's that's Marge's husband. What's his character name? Fargo. Let's just say his name is Fargo H. Macy. It turns Fargo H. Macy into a complex character. Steve Cougan does a voice.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Alan Partridge himself. Sam Elliott does a voice. Yeah.ugin does a voice, Alan Partridge himself, Sam Elliott does a voice, Fergie does a voice who cares, George Lopez does a voice, whatever. Emma Stone. Emma Stone is a dog voice, Keith Emma Stone is a dog voice. Keith Rees of the Land is a dog voice. There's more than one way and brother doing dog voices. The whole time you're like,
Starting point is 00:08:18 imagine what Robert Altman could do with a cast like this. Imagine what Quentin Tarantino could do with a cast like this, but they're not in one of those movies They're in Marmadue the night sky is dark because all the stars are in Marmadue a Movie that just just on the side just flipping through wikipedia It appears that the movie was edited by the man who edited coming home being there like imagine what he could do with a good movie But no, he's not mm-hmm instead Instead, his name's Don Zimmerman, by the way. He was editing a Slappley computer animated dog faces.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yes, rather than doing the work he did so beautifully in our favorite Rocky IV, he is doing computer animated dog faces. Let's not, let's let them make sure about that. Dogs talking this movie, but not in the Luku's talking, Luku's talking now way. Will you just hear a voice superimposed over a dog's talking this movie but not in the lukus talking lukus talking now way we just hear a voice superimposed over dog's face. They do in the Beverly Hills Chihuahua style where they've animated the lips of dogs. Which is so creepy and horrible. And also not true to the Marmaduke comic which one thing I will say for Marmaduke and you
Starting point is 00:09:19 will hear me say very few positive things about the Marmaduke, a comic single-panel gag, but gag. But one of the things I like about it is that it is about a real dog who does not talk. He doesn't talk. He is mute from birth tragically. Yes, that's the real tragedy of Marmaduke. The need for self-expression, the inability to find it. Yeah, express himself through placing himself and place where you get to cry for sitting on things He's saying my body must do my words cannot get your attention I'm a being I exist love me one so I know that one day this large body no matter how large it is Must pass away there's a larger dog than me a dog
Starting point is 00:10:01 Must pass away. They're rot. There is a larger dog than me. A dog called God. Possibly feeding an entire family. The large dog in the sky has decreed we all have a limited time on this earth. Even I, Marmadoug. And so one day- Largest of the dog.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I shall be not but an enormous skeleton, Old Ring to dust. My name, perhaps a memory if I'm lucky. A faded tombstone weathered away with a rain and wind until not is left upon this earth But hopefully a spirit may have to soul but ultimately nothing Buried by the ages of time the stones of forgetfulness as must we all be forever and ever Marmaduke amen, but Fred Bassett will live forever. Oh, Fred Bassett is immortal.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, he's a highlander. That's why Fred Bassett goes around cutting the heads off other dogs. That's what happened to Howard Hughes, right? Yeah. He had Fred Bassett said that it could only be one, cut his head off, yeah. But so there must have been massive social changes
Starting point is 00:11:03 when people realize that dogs and I guess other animals can talk Here's the thing unlike a zookeeper where animals reveal they can always talk they just choose not to the animals are not heard by their Humans which makes even weirder that their mouths are animated because it's like how do the humans not notice that their mouths are at least Silently forming syllables like if you ever looked at a dog's face. He's not making Shapes with his mouth. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm an idiot. Deaf people who can lip read or like these dogs, these dogs are talking to us all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Why are we? Why are we? All right, sure. The dogs are talking. Take them away, boys. No, no, I swear, I swear. They can talk. I've amazed you can talk so well when you're deaf deaf guy Take him away to the loony bin for deaf people They've got a special loony bit. Yeah, yeah, when you're deaf no one can hear you scream Wait, that's the tagline for deaf alien In the big city rated R His watch is brought to you by Michelob light ultra in the big city rated R is right now is right now make a little light
Starting point is 00:12:08 ultra uh... somebody more marmaduke so the dogs can talk all the animal and dogs can talk to cats but people cannot hear interspecies communication doesn't pass through to people it's only pets okay marmaduke lives in cans with his family the the dad is leapase the mom The mom is Judy Greer. They've got some kids. Lee Pace declined to grow a mustache for this role.
Starting point is 00:12:31 There's one thing I put no about the owner of Marmaduke is that he has a mustache. But Marmaduke's family is in for a big shot. Well, they couldn't put a fake one on him, because they're totally unrealistic as compared to the dogs. Well, also as compared to his eyebrows. As compared to the... Like, one of those could have migrated
Starting point is 00:12:46 south for a couple of minutes for each shot. Doing the thing is right before shooting, his eyebrow would crawl down his face to where a mustache would be, leaving with a mustache and one huge eyebrow and just baldness over the other eye. It is weird though to like having seen Lee Pace reach sort of new heights of fame, I i think for his career the uh... like a period link in
Starting point is 00:13:08 this last year and then dialing it back to when he was appearing in marmaduc was three years ago i mean i know a lot can happen sure that time and a new york minute it would be good to so anyway speaking of a new york minute they're moving to California, the OC, where Lee Pace is done and they both watch a scene of the OC and then the California here we come song plays in the soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah, it's beautiful. The same way a really ugly person can be beautiful when you look at them in the right way. Yeah, well, if you love them enough. Yeah, it's anything looks beautiful. It's similar to in I think it's in time indefinite where there's a long shot of a tumor and it slowly becomes somewhat beautiful just through your pure exposure to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Anyway, so let's keep going. He works for a company called bark organic in organic dog food company and the boss will you make macy uh... wants it to get into pet co finally be a nation-wide food uh... pet food instead of uh... this is a pet food company instead of having an office building they just have a giant dog park they walk around the
Starting point is 00:14:20 dog park because will you make macy loves dogs the way dogs love trucks will you make mc loves dogs the way dogs love trucks we make mc loves dogs if that movie must love dogs about the mc it would just say love dogs that wouldn't say must you know he would perfect for it so they meet there and uh... leapace decides to convince women mc eventual actually i'm running i'm running Anyway, they're working a dog park. No, please don't run ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Which introduces all the... There's so many ins, so many outs. Which introduces the dogs, which are split up in clicks, much like in breaths. Mm-hmm. Now, breaths for all its dumbness was a lot of fun. Marma Duke for all its dumbness is like having your soul shredded. Returnity by Freddy. Like, it's a painful watch
Starting point is 00:15:07 from the horribly CGI animated Marmaduke that dances, and for some reason, they couldn't quite get the proportions right on the model, so his head is just that much too small to, well, we'll get to the exciting sewer rescue scene.
Starting point is 00:15:21 We're hearing, knowing that Steve Cougan, who is a, what's that, comedy genius, maybe? Sure. Amazing performer. Knowing that he has to do a stereotypical English professor type voice, so it can be put in the mouth of a tiny dog for the Marble Duke community. Anyway, there's a lot of clicks in the dog park ruled over by Bosco. A, was he a doberman or something? Some one. Yeah, and there's no scarier name as Ellie pointed out than Bosco. Bosco.
Starting point is 00:15:51 A name that reminds you, maybe of chocolate milk and maybe of the- The Warner Brothers character that preceded all of the famous Warner Brothers characters. The pre-looney tunes Blackface, Warner Brothers character who mostly just danced by bobbing up and down on his knees a lot. I work style like hey it's me Bosco.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I love me. It sounds horrifying. I see you when you're sleeping. I'm Bosco. Sounds like a pretty scary dog. Yeah exactly. So Bosco is voiced by Kiefer Sutherland. Kiefer Sutherland, Flop House Fave. Yeah mirror is voiced by Kiefer Sutherland. Kiefer Sutherland, fly-pouse-fave.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yeah, Mirror's Star at Kiefer Sutherland. And oh, there's a big dividing line between the pure breed, pedigree dogs, and the muts. Marmaduke's a muts, which means he makes friends with a dog named Maisie voiced by Emma Stone, who is the tomboy dog, which means nothing. Because dogs don't wear clothes or have gender identity issues that way dogs will hump each other men hump men women hump men women hump women dogs come follow that's a big stand the big stand you're making about marriage equality I'm just saying everyone should be like the dogs and
Starting point is 00:16:58 just hump away wherever but it is as we briefly discussed confusing because you have the voice of the very attractive in the stone coming out of a dog sexy dog body. You're like am I supposed to get attracted to sexy dogs body? It is not a sexy dog. So I could see Dan was having a lot of trouble because if he closed his eyes he would get a boner but if he opened his eyes they would go away which is too bad because dogs like bonus. Anyway moving along, Marma Duke sees- The words of Wayne's world, she'd give a dog a bow. Marma Duke sees Jezebel, the purebred dog whose Bosco's girlfriend voiced by
Starting point is 00:17:35 Fregi, not Fregi. I'm a little more attractive this way. Ouch. But, maizey, clearly- You heard that right, Josh Duamel. You know where to find me. Maize, I don't think do a mail you know what i find i don't think josh do almost doesn't know where to find the north of the fine where's the fines me the
Starting point is 00:17:50 uh... the pop-up challenges turns into pop-up is pop being pop-up gives him strength he doesn't know about the spinach part uh... he thinks pop-up got a strength from tattoos on his on his arms of irons yeah irons of anchors
Starting point is 00:18:06 whatever anyway it's late mazy obviously has a crush on marmaduke marmaduke only as eyes for jesus it is one of tomboy dog marmaduke's got to look cool because otherwise the pure the petries are gonna like them so he arranges with his roommate a cat to pretend voice by jorge lopes voice by jorge lopes razzi nominee jorge lopes jorge lopes was nominated for razzi for this role but he's his roommate, a cat, to pretend. Voice by George Lopez. Voice by George Lopez.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Rezy nominee. George Lopez. George Lopez was nominated for Rezy for this role, but he's pretty much the most entertaining thing in the movie. And I'm not, you know, like I've never been a George Lopez fan, but after this movie, I'm like, well, you know, in a cast full of real professionals,
Starting point is 00:18:40 you stood out George Lopez. If I watched the George Lopez show, and I just closed my eyes and pretend to cat-saying that stuff, hilarious. Amazing stuff. Boner. Marmaduke has Carlos the cat, pretends to be beaten up by Marmaduke.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Do you think they gave him the name when they realized he had a Spanish accent? Or did he? Yeah, before that he was named Charles. Or did he develop the accent after he called him Charles? When they originally wanted Tom Noon in to do the voice. The he was named Charles or did the develop the accent after they called him When they originally wanted Tom noon into do the voice the cat was named Charles you do make a good point which is The owners of the cat can't hear the cat. So why did they name home? I'm presuming that they can't yeah, I have to say
Starting point is 00:19:18 I know Because also no, no, no, that's not a cat. that's a Mexican sewer and it's got rabies Podcasts to tell in the dark And it's be high hairdo is full of spiders Who the fuck the dog is coming from inside the house? Who did the illustrations for those? Well, they I don't remember his name, but they're super scary and they actually changed them for the new edition of the They're I remember when I was a kid I had the scary stories to tell the dark I remember very specific is the problem with scary says to tell dark how you gonna read the pages yeah can be too dark but I remember very
Starting point is 00:19:52 specifically telling my parents take this book away from it is too scary it's those pictures were really scary which is why in the new editions they don't have those pictures anymore they have dull ones and there was part of me that was like oh man but those pictures are so They have dull ones. And there was part of me that was like, oh man, but those pictures are so great because they were scary. But me as a kid hated them. Because they were so funny. Yeah, because they were like,
Starting point is 00:20:10 genuinely freaking out. Disembodied zombie heads and stuff. It's one step away from just having H.R. Geiger redo the Dr. Seuss books. There's all sorts of weird phallic tubes coming out of cat in the head today. It's one step away from someone coming into your room as your child and disemboweling someone in front of you
Starting point is 00:20:27 and then going, good night. I would say at least three steps away from that. I would say someone yelling boo as you're about to go to sleep is somewhere in the middle ground between those two experiences. There is a vivid imagination. Yeah. There's a line between the page and reality.
Starting point is 00:20:43 It's very blurry. I know you'll find Dan has a vivid video imagination. I live in the mouth of madness, guys. Clean, sweet breath in the mouth of madness, though. Mouth of madness. Just because your mouth is full of madness doesn't mean your breath has to be crazy. Hi, I made a few lovecraft. And I'm John Carpenter.
Starting point is 00:21:00 For cold games. Cold games? Cold games? The coldest way to keep someone out of your house. for cold gate cold gate for cold gate the coldest way to keep someone out of your house cold gate they're the coldest they won't stop your bad breath but they will stop other people from getting close enough to you to smell it I'm John Carpenter and I'm HV Lovecraft
Starting point is 00:21:20 together we're cops Lovecraft and Carpenter And I'm HV Loved for F. Together with cops. Lovecraft and Carpenter. I feel like we got some ABCs. This turned into like a Michael Cuppermann comic. Where everything changes, every three panels. I wish. Anyway, let's just say Marmaduke wins over the other dogs
Starting point is 00:21:42 with his toughness against the cat. And then Lee Pace suggests to his dog Lee M. H. Macy. wins over the other dogs with his toughness against a cat and then leapase suggests to his dog Lee Macy you don't be a great idea to get pet co's attention I guess to host a dog surfing contest really play up the California angle it's a terrible idea but they do it anyway yeah and leapase has marmaduke surf even though marmaduke has never served this is like deep we're talking deep into like, like, animal abuse. But, but, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Marma Duke. We got a big butt, I'm gonna see it. I wanna see it. Marma Duke pulls through and does an amazing job on the surfboard. He's totally tubular. He's, people don't say that anymore, Dan. Yeah, he's hanging 10 idiot.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, all right. I do wanna, I do wanna know that Lee Pace's daughter has, like, no, I don't want to hear this, Dan. She's a teenager, Dan. No, she's approached by a surfer named Bodie. And I like to think this is a prequel to Point Break. That's all I want to say. But there's also a surfer named Bodie. Oh, there's a watch that dog surf, and he got some ideas Yep, now let's let's mention I forgot to mention that Marmaduke's owner Lee Pace is having trouble with his family
Starting point is 00:22:50 He really wants his daughter to fit in but he keeps embarrassing her I guess which is what dad's do Yeah, he wants his son to play soccer but his son's not interested in soccer and he is wife Is just unhappy for He is, wife is just unhappy for on some sort of state. Yeah, maybe sexually unfiltered, because every time they get in a bed together, remember to fucking fart in front of them? Yep.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Looks at the camera and raises this fucking dog eyebrows. Yeah, and yeah. But this is an example of that plot where the dad is bad, simply because he wants to do a good job at work. And he's, it's one of these is where he's trying to bond with his kids, but he's doing it the wrong way. He's not listening to them, which is bad simply because he wants to do a good job at work. And he's one of these things where he's trying to bond with his kids but he's doing it the wrong way. He's not listening to them, which is bad. But it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all like it's all but it's hard butler. Yeah. Anyway, yeah, it's just like soccer, dad, bad dad. Anyway, everyone's upset with Lee Pay.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And I guess a kid's movie. So I can understand why you wouldn't want him to be a really bad dad, who's like abusive, but you could up the conflict to a believable little. Right. But as a kid's movie, they won't be nice. But we were talking about like how this movie is about things that kids care about, which is number one, the struggle to impress your boss at work
Starting point is 00:24:10 and number two, romantic conflicts between like a love triangle. I love triangle. Between dogs. Yes. Between dogs. Yeah, if there's anything little kids love and don't find gross or boring, it's romance and kissing and work. Yup. It's, I'm just amazed that it seems like the obvious plot for this movie is Marmaduke gets lost. That's it, that's the obvious plot. And yet that happens in the movie for like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I mean, he can't get lost that easily, he's fucking huge, dude. That's the thing he has different adventures based on his size. Maybe he enters a rodeo as was like a monkey riding him or something. Maybe he saves a kid because he's the only one tall enough to like pull a branch down for the kid to climb down. So like I've never seen any of the Beethoven movies but I assume I assume from what I've been able to glean like the plot of the Beethoven movies is big dog. It's a big
Starting point is 00:25:02 dog gets in the way and they made like three of those. Although it is a scene in Beethoven where he has to impress his, his, if rest some business people. All right. But I, but like, wait, he has to or Charles Groten has to. I'm at Charles Groten. Sorry. Not Beethoven. Beethoven does not have a boss or a job in Beethoven. Wait a minute. Is Charles Groten named Beethoven? Because that would make Beethoven Beethoven. Charles Charles Groten. Where does where does Mark Short figure into this? Charles Groden, that's Clifford, which is not about a dog named Clifford, which confused me to no end when the movie came. But it is about a giant child.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It's about, you know, well, it's about a Martin Short sized child. But he is. Yeah, I think you're using the term giant. But he's Martin Short is, as his name discels him. Short, Beethoven is about, Charles Groden plays Ludwig van beth oven goes death because he's always shouting at his dog
Starting point is 00:25:48 the dog barks in his ears too loud and defends him but yet that unlocks original name is lost to the sands of time exactly for it to be known as beth ovens dog and he it turns out that bait that beth oven writes the fifth symphony because his dog one day barks rough rough rough and of course music history is made Yeah, it was released as a normal love it story Nick melty as Beethoven's dog
Starting point is 00:26:15 But Nick melty you played Beethoven in a more. Oh, it was like was it was it a real old man? Yeah, scary old man Oh, well, I've scarlet letter fame So he's best known for Yeah, the guy that day and to this day defends his handsomeness. Yeah, and his large penis size. Yep. I'm not saying anything about his penis But it's flaccid we can't make a really good And it wasn't cold water. Let's see. We're swimming in cold water. Yeah, come on guys. Let's be fair You're right. I'm sorry Gary oldman fair is fair. I can only say Gary oldman I and the words of the Gary Oldman. Fair is fair. I can only say Gary Oldman. I
Starting point is 00:26:45 and the words of the Legend of Billionaire in fair is fair. I invite you to come here and show us your penis to prove fully erect. Full erect. One of us will fluff it. Not me. Of your choice. No, no. They're just gonna fucking pick me. Don't want to choose. Because you know your way around it. can pick me. You know your way around it.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Anyway, so unfortunately, Marmaduke defeats Bosco the evil dog in the surfing contest. Bosco gets mad and has a fight with Marmaduke, but Marmaduke gets blamed for it. Much like I got blamed when kids would pick on me in school, so I really could relate to Marmaduke on that one. When I was a kid in school, I was a nerd. Let's face it. I was a kid out of here in school, I was a nerd. Let's face it. I was a kid out of here. And I was small for my age.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Let's face it. Except for my, you know, et cetera. But anyway. You were a small fear? What? Why are you out of? I'm a short man. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Pocket size, you might say. I would say fun size. But we all know fun size is just code for this candy's too small. I could never make it work, but I always wanted to, I was, I was trying for a lot of to do like a standup joke that was like fun size was just like, they were using fun in the way a southern woman would use fun. I was like, Oh, look at that snicker. That is fun. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:27:57 That is a fun size. Snickers, I would like it and can see why it wouldn't work in a standup act. So anyway, I would get picked on a lot. And for some reason, teachers like to focus on the target of the being picked on as if they're bringing it to them in some way. So I would get in trouble a lot and get sent to the principal a lot for being the butt of insults. And I never understood it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah, because you were walking around reading a fucking book about dinosaurs and nerds. Dinosaurs? I wish. Not even a big sore. Dinosaurs. The teachers were mad because they knew that you were gonna be more successful for them eventually that's possible But all they imagine a universe yeah, or in the funerals dinosaurs are also swords
Starting point is 00:28:39 That you so I'll hold on robot cowboys pick up the dinosaurs and do Do battle on the planes of imagination. I will pay you $700,000 for this movie, but it's in the future so like they've cloned Dinos I assume and they went to a planet where it's still a dinosaur. Come on keep up Dan. It's obvious and the robot cowboys who are giants I mean, I do like Pacific Rim style robots. I do. But wait, there's a lot more personnel. Imagine the size of their hats. I do think we can sell this to ABC. 10,000 a morning in 1984. That was in gallons.
Starting point is 00:29:12 So if you have access to a time machine, we just got to get there before dinosaurs comes out. Yeah. Do dino swords. You know, let's just do the idea for dinosaurs and sell that before they can. All right, guys. We know what you picked up.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Come on. And you know what, forget dinosaurs. Let's just sell the idea for the Teen sell that before they can. All right guys. We know it's a big step. Come on. And you know what, forget dinosaurs. Let's just sell the idea for the teenage-fune Ninja Turtles. Let's make a pact in 30 years if none of us are married. We'll get it to my machine. We'll go back. I mean, we're all married now.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I mean, things can change, I like it. Can't think of a granted that's true. Yeah, exactly. Live every day like it's your last. So anyway, Marma Duke's in trouble, and the pet co-exectives are appalled by this dog fight. It looks like Lee Pace is in the doghouse more than one. Jezebel.
Starting point is 00:29:53 You're not allowed to say doghouse anymore, Tom. Marmaduke gets from Maisie, her idea of a dream date, and then takes Jezebel on the dream date. They romance each other. Marmaduke throws a party while his owners are out of the house. Where are they? I don't think it's ever explained. But and the dogs tear up the house.
Starting point is 00:30:10 They ruin it. Uh oh, but worse comes to worst. Bosco comes in and he sees Carlos the cat. And he reveals that the fight with the cat was all pre-arranged. Marma Duke is a Marma fake, boscow says yeah because in dark to dogs fake rhymes with a duke yeah as you said you could have said we've all been marma duped that's what i think you should have said yeah marma do you need a better writing team is what you said the family gets home and marma
Starting point is 00:30:38 duke gets in trouble marma duke gets put in the doghouse if you will no and forced to sleep outside and leave pace his family is mad at him so gets put in the doghouse if you will no and forced to sleep outside and leapase his family is mad at him so he is in the doghouse if you will and marmaduke starts to rain and marmaduke i guess to remind leapase that he has children takes his children the unopened soccer jersey that his son never wore and the
Starting point is 00:31:02 daughter cell phone just a text on it about how lame her dad is, leaves them for leapase to wake up to and Marmaduke then runs off into the game. She says a dick move, I'm already in shock. It is, yeah. And then Marmaduke runs into the mystic night. The truth fairy just drops of knowledge bombs on your leapase. $20, please.
Starting point is 00:31:19 It takes your teeth and gives you truth. Because teeth and truth sound kind of similar. When you're deaf, which tooth fairies are, or should I say truth fairies? It takes your teeth and gives you truth. Because teeth and truth sound kind of similar. When you're deaf, which tooth fairies are. Or should I say, truth fairies. In fact, they're totally different fairies. I don't know why I got to mix up. Let's not also forget the dumb blue fairies
Starting point is 00:31:36 who leave animated movies. They're never quite as good as you want them to be. Hey, hey, hey. I really like the secret. Yeah, I forgot you loved the pebble in the fucking penguin I forgot a nomename norm or whatever it is or nomencentral park, whichever one is him Your big bulto booster. Yep rock a doodle I forgot about Roger doodle. He didn't do Rover danger field. Diddy? I don't I don't think he did Hope so so anyway
Starting point is 00:32:01 Marmaduke goes on the run and he runs into a dog that has a good writing team behind him Roger Roger dog or Yeah, he doesn't get no respect exactly that dog. Well, why would you respect a dog? He would have said Marma Duke. He would have said Marma Duke because he has the better writers. Yeah, he would have said Marma fuck Because he's a little blue or blue for the later show So Marma Duke he runs into and thinks he's gonna be in danger from the Chupa dogra a giant mast if voiced by Sam Elliott Because this movie is the best casting director in Hollywood But it turns out chukka that casting director must have called in so many fucking favors. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:43 Well, it's more like hey, I've got a lot of money for you for walking into a sound booth for a day, particularly a dog. Where do I sign up? I'm Sam Elliott. Finally, a dream come true. I get to make a lot of money in one afternoon. Mustache wax. Don't pay for it.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So this is why I got into the business. It makes me love you, Sam Elliott. I do like Sam Ellie a lot. Sure he spells Elliot correctly. How can I not love him? Anyway, but it turns out Chupatogra is not is not actually the fearsome dog they thought he was He's a dog who ran away from home to be an alpha dog But then was turned on by his friends and lost his true family and now he just Wonders between the winds i guess doling out morals to the lost dogs and turns out his name was buster hit marmaduke newly inspired runs away again uh... he's really
Starting point is 00:33:38 in the doghouse this is how no now in the morning the families sees that he's gone they go to find him even the Lee Pace has his last chance Second big chance Presentation to give that data pet co but no the family makes him look for the dog Meanwhile, Maisie at the same time is looking for the dog. That's another dog. That's the M stone Okay, that's a sexy dog. That's the there none of them are sexy dogs I Will say though as far as dogs goazey is sexier than Jezebel.
Starting point is 00:34:06 It's just like Teen Wolf, where the friend is way sexier than the supposed hot girl. Who is much hotter than me? She's way hotter and cuter than Blondie McBlondo. Who is kind of like a little Phoebe Katesy? I think. And Dan loves Phoebe Kates. I do love Phoebe Kates.
Starting point is 00:34:20 We all love Phoebe Kates. Come on. How can you not? Come on, start. Kevin Glon likes Phoebe Kates too. Yeah, they're married. They're married The only people you called Kevin Klein I texted him. I think I have Phoebe Cates. He's like Stuart. You realize that Mary. All right. How did you get this number? And how did I know that you're Stuart?
Starting point is 00:34:41 I put myself in your phone Kevin Klein Anyway, Princess Caravu so continuing May they're all looking for Marma Duke they finally all converge on and this comes out of nowhere a sinkhole in the middle of the streets of L.A Maysie falls into it into the sewers and the ground crumbles beneath her feet It's like the fucking part and ghost busters before they're about to walk into the building and the ground crumbles beneath their feet. It's like the fucking part in Ghostbusters before they're about to walk into the building. And the ground is crumbling. Oh, I hate that. It's the way in the day.
Starting point is 00:35:10 We're song in the movie. Saving the day. There's so many good songs in Ghostbusters. Saving the day. And me and Sane. Saving the day. Saving the day. Because we needed to fill the space in this montage.
Starting point is 00:35:25 We need to explain what the Ghostbusters are about to do. Wait, wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, why are the Ghostbusters coming in? No, the Ghostbusters are trying to wear the problem is, are they going to try to make it worse? Are they going there to give in to Gozer and join forces? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sewer and saves Maisie, a rescue worker saves Maisie. Contaminating the city's water supply. With big dog. A rescue worker can pull it Maisie, but Marmaduke's too big. The sewer water pushes him forward and he gets lost in the tunnels.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I'll have third man. All of exactly. He gets pushed into one of those big aqueducts that they chase through in Terminator 2, that are outside. And Leapace saves him. That are in every movie setting L.A. Yeah, where the once mighty LA river trickles through like the puny little shitty river it is and he saves Marmaduke at the last minute.
Starting point is 00:36:36 He really let Marmaduke in him. I think they're talking to each other for a while. It seems really doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. The important thing is for no reason there's a sinkhole rescue at the end of this marmadook. At the end of marmadook, they decide to action it up. They needed a big climax from marmadook.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Well, they said, there's nothing bigger than marmadook. The very earth itself would have to swallow him up. Of course. And it turns out, it's the earth's mightiest dog. And there's never been a sinkhole in LA before. And Lee Pace has been fired by his boss over the phone
Starting point is 00:37:10 for not showing up on time. Lee Pace finds, he says, well, I guess we're moving back to Kansas and his family goes, no, we love it here. It turns out that the daughter is hit it off with Bowdie, the surfer, and the son may not be a soccer, but he isn't escape boarding. And he's found some cool friends. So some cool kids that you drugs with. And the kids also recorded the whole rescue and put it on
Starting point is 00:37:31 YouTube. Luckily William H. Macy who was a nut for dogs, respects the fact that Lee Pace would rather save his dog from a sinkhole than come to work. Which is also anyone should respect that he saved a living thing rather than go to work. You know. And then there's a horrific scene of a bunch of dogs dancing to. There's almost no justification for this. It comes in almost entirely of nowhere. Oh, well, Marma Duke goes and he tells the pedigrees that all they all have to mix, all the dogs are in place.
Starting point is 00:38:02 He throws over Fergie for Emma Stone. For Emma Stone all the dogs are okay. I'll dogs go to heaven Doverstone and Bosco gets chased away by a bee and in one of many and then they they all dance to what I like about you All CGI dogs. It's terrible But let me just say one thing and it's gonna lead to a larger point about Marma Duke Bosco says armadu. Uh, uh, Bosco says, there are larger than way around marimuth. Yes, and I'm getting to it. Bosco says, you're going to find that payback is a B because a B hits them on the nose and he goes, ah, I'm going to say paybacks, but he was going to say paybacks a bitch. This is a kids movie. There are so many. I don't trust
Starting point is 00:38:38 the B in a part of 23. There's so many quote unquote jokes in this movie. The kids movie. No, it's about a B. It's about a giant B that is the most trustworthy B. But the B is always like that. The B is one want to like, yeah, you wouldn't want to be like. He always eats the stuff in your fridge. Take care of your cat while you're away. You find out who's friend who's lost before.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Just sting his head on the cat. We can only sting the cat once. Then the stinger gets pulled out and he dies. Oh yeah, that's really sad. That's why that sugar clings to the B diet average. Yeah, they were really sad. That's why that sugar kids The big died efforts. Yeah, they were sweep sweep It was called stings for sweeps now Okay, there's a lot of jokes in this supposed kids movie that are jokes for grown-ups There's a lot of drug references
Starting point is 00:39:16 There's references to movies kids would have seen that adults would not have seen there is like a lot there's a reverse What movies that would not a lot of movies that kids would not have seen there is like a lot of what movies that kids would not have seen like you're reversible like you know there's a nine minute rape scene that is a very inappropriate very inappropriate but it kind of explains why Marbu such an asshole yeah it's a it's one of those movies where it's supposedly for kids but they feel like well we got to entertain the adults too. And instead of then doing what say like Pixar does and crafting a strong story with a real emotional core so that adults get drawn into it also, they just fill it up with a bunch of shitty references and jokes about swear words and things like that. Work for Shrek, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Unfortunately, it worked for Shrek. And the ending where they all dance to what a leg about you seems so stolen from the end of Shrek when they sing and dance to I believe in miracles, right? No, it's a believer. Sorry. Yeah, that's a hurt. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. It's another stupid song about believing So it's like it's this whole second rate second hand cliched crappy movie that has no audience It's not for kids, not for adults, but I'm such a huge not fan of that aspect of kids movies these days, and it's a problem I have with both Smurfs and Smurfs 2
Starting point is 00:40:33 that the tagline is Smurf Happens, which is a play on shit happens. Like this is like, okay. Which like, a kid shouldn't get that. Shit does happen. It's inappropriate to ring a play on the word shit into the advertising campaign for kids. advertising campaign you do a really good thing for children that is like is not obviously
Starting point is 00:40:52 uh... doing something for adults i mean like it may have like the wit of some of the photos but it's not obviously do for some it's still going to be enjoyed by adult still to me like i feel like that the the stories about when you the food for instance like they've got some very funny stuff in them that can be enjoyed by adults, but there's nothing in there that is not aimed at a child. Yeah. And that's the opposite of Mar-M-Dook. I would also say that the Mar-M-Dook comics are about this big ass dog that this family has to put up with, and the movie is about
Starting point is 00:41:23 this dog who has to put up with this asshole the movie is about this dog who has to put up with this asshole owner basically. And it completely loses the point of the comics, Drip. Yeah, right. They really weren't just like fucking watchmen all over again. So, yeah. This is like the watchman of giant dog movies. Somehow we've managed to talk for a very long time
Starting point is 00:41:41 about Marmaduke. So quickly, final judgments, this is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, a movie kind of like Stuart. This was a bad bad movie, I didn't like it at all. It was terrible. I agree, Elliot. Let's make unanimous bad bad movie.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I hated this and I hate our fans for wanting us to watch it. I'm not gonna love you guys. I am glad that a lot of people I like got paid money. Probably, if you make this. If they're... You'd agree or you deserve it if there's a welfare program for good actors that was in being paid a lot of money to be in shitty movies
Starting point is 00:42:11 ultimately i'm okay with that i just wish that they made good movies instead uh... before we move on to letters i just want to quickly say uh... it's been very nice uh... on the judge on hodgeman podcast. We were mentioned by Mr. Jesse Thorn and Mr. John Hodgman. But the Rudgingly mentions by Mr. John Hodgman. And also on Jordan Jesse Goe the flop houses come up a couple of times and I want to extend thanks to them for bringing them up. Those are two podcasts that I personally, and they're not even contractually obligated to say.
Starting point is 00:42:47 No, no, we're in different podcast networks, but those are podcasts that I love myself. Jordan Jesse Goe was one of the reasons I started this podcast. It was an inspiration to me. And so I appreciate. It's like an intercompany podcast crossover. When the Hulk would fight Batman.
Starting point is 00:43:05 So maybe John Hodgeman will come sit in here and play some me and you guys can have a talk. Maybe. Just and hash things out like a real WTF. You know, get to the bottom of your beef. Speaking of a real WTF. Speaking of other podcasts, I'd like to briefly. It's WWA.
Starting point is 00:43:19 A relatively recent addition to the All Things Comedy Podcasting Network, a podcast called Rriters Block with JR Havelin. He is another writer at the Daily Show, and it is a podcast where he interviews comedy writers about their process and whatever. It's a little different from WTF because it's comedy writers, specifically, and not comedians. But he has some great interviews in it.
Starting point is 00:43:40 There's an episode where he interviews Neil Brennan that I found particularly fantastic. So check it out on the All Things Comedy network and then listen to some other ones too so moving on to letters this first letter is titled the flop house in the train journey from hell and say kids novel from is this in the series of flop house I can read adventure stories from Andy last name with hell he says far away afternoon gang I'd just like to thank the flop house for keeping me sane and putting a smile on my face during the train journey from hell last Friday night the rust bucket train was two hours late last cleaned in 1973 the toilet was assembling to train spotting worse toilet in Scotland and there's not a single announcement so he had no idea where you were. Best of all were the cast of the characters
Starting point is 00:44:28 on the train of the damned, including but not limited to a man who seemed to have three wives who would not stop singing. A skinhead in my compartment who made increasingly angry phone calls in between trying to trap the ladies of the train, a father passed out drunk while his children almost fell out the windows, and dozens of filthy children who were playing on the tracks up until a minute before the train arrived. Where was this train? Where were you going?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Well, he says anyway, advice from Flopper. To go to Lafayette, a visit doctor, do or something. Advice from Flopper to Flopper. Never travel with Romanian regional railways. He's a driver having done that, I think I'm gonna say, I would have said that advice, Maybe in regional railways. Keep up the good work. You're never having done that. I think I'm going to say I would have said the advice.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's going to be a train of fucking vampires. You're sting-dongingly, Andy last name with hell. Thanks for listening, Andy. And we're glad we got you safely through the land of Wind and Ghosts. Remain. But moving on to... I hope you wasn't eaten by a werewolf, right? I'm sure he said that letter. Moving on to some questions for us.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Hey, Flappers. You gave it to a very ominous-looking postman. Who transformed into a bat moments later. Your Flappers, two things, Hots is now available streaming on Hulu. Awesome. And while it requires you to register due to the copious nudity, I disagree with the assertion that the film
Starting point is 00:45:43 is intended for mature audiences. No, it's intended for 13-year-olds. Secondly, if you could create your own 80s teen exploitation romp, but the plot did not involve saving a failing business from an evil developer played by Martin Moll. What would it be? My father. Keep on flopping Bill's last name withheld. That's a good question. that's exploitation romp I mean I think it would call it be called like top
Starting point is 00:46:09 busters yeah about women who don't wear tops do we need a plot beyond that I don't know I was gonna say okay so you have some big breasted ladies okay and they are members of some kind of a leap like police squad that are operate outside the law so kind of like the anti-siderates movies kind of a leap like police squad that are operate outside the law. So kind of like the anti-siderates movies. Kind of. Yeah similar to that. Almost like a cuffs situation with way more nudity. So what about like like shower police? They're called the shower police. They only break up crimes. They only do it with shower related crimes.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah. And of course they take showers after the crimes. Yeah, you got to clean all that blood off about like a new school USA. You've been thinking about this. Yeah, you've got this script already. Like, I don't know what, like maybe you'll take a producer credit this way. Yeah, the town where like their biggest export is pants and so they hate shirts. So like there's a much a topless women. I would say there's a problem between the townies
Starting point is 00:47:09 and the gounties. Sure. But the problem is the townies, the ones were in gowns and the New School USA, a new school U, let's call it New School University USA. They have to convince the townspeople to take off their clothes and live free. But there's a crusty old dean played by a 19-year-old who's trying to throw out all the sororities and the fraternities.
Starting point is 00:47:31 The fraternities are also girls organizations. It's not a girl school. Yeah. I like it. Also, let's just call one Lesbian Beach. Sure. It's starting right this year. As Sandy Beach. This is Ducati is a lesbian. This next
Starting point is 00:47:53 letter is titled Questions for the Floppers. Hey, Floppers. Just a couple of questions I have for you. Now there's one for each of us so oh so I want to answer I'll run through all Okay, I'll run through all of them then we'll circle back so you don't want to interrupt you each time I mean okay so Number one steward okay, that's me bigger disappointment Dollman versus demonic toys or puppet master versus demonic toys two Elliott most overrated and most underrated musicals. Three, Dan. F. Mary Kill.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Leana Quigley. Joan Severance. Linda Blair. Circus Apt again. So cycling back Stewart. Bigger disappointment. Dolman versus demonic toys or puppet master versus demonic toys. I would probably say, I think puppet master versus demonic toys is a bigger disappointment
Starting point is 00:48:49 just because I think it has such a rich mythos, so many great characters and you can't really fit them on to I think it was like a 65 minute movie. We've got to have time at the end for that full moon entertainment ad for all the other movies. Exactly. I think, I mean, the workshop has so many great characters like the Leach Woman and the little German looking guy that shoots out flame or the guy that's called knives. The six shooter. Yeah, six shooters amazing. And he didn't even show up to like two or three.
Starting point is 00:49:18 What about Drillie? Yeah, the basic drill head guy. Yeah, sure. He's the vanilla of puppet master puppets. He's the Leonardo cyclops of Puppet Master Characters. I mean, no, that would be long. The guy that's actually a midget, but with a little pin head. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:35 The doll that drills into people is pretty cool. I'm not saying he's not cool, but that's like saying a man-sized turtle with two katanas is cool. Yeah, he sounds pretty cool, but let's check him out. Now he wants to round him. Kind of a dud. But yeah, Dalman vs. Dmitrik Toys is better. All right, Elliot, most overrated and most underrated musicals.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I'm the same most overrated musicals this can be controversial, is at tie. For me, between an American and Paris, which I'm not a fan of aside from the ballet sequence and the bandwagon, which I'm also not a fan of aside from the Mickey Spillain inspired dance number. And there is one super creepy dance number where Fred Astaire and the other two leads are dressed up like little kids and are singing about how they hate and want to kill each other. And it is like in a John Waters movie, yes, works great. In a Fred Astaire musical with Cid Sharies, no, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I love Fred Astaire, love Cid Sharies, don't like the bandwagon. Most underrated musical I would say would be Dames, a musical from the 30s, the number-ticular fan of, with Dick Powell, and a lot, basically, everyone else that was in Warner Bros. movies and the musicals in the 30s. It's really silly and goofy and funny funny and there's a number of great musical numbers in it. Some of Buzz Wee Berkeley's best work in my opinion. Dames, that's the one you should seek out. And for me, the question was,
Starting point is 00:50:56 F Mary Quik kill, Liana Quigley, Jones Severance, and the player. You almost said F Mary Abraham. Yeah, I know. Well, it's F Mary Quil. I almost said F-Merry Abraham. Yeah, I know. Well, instead of F-Merry Kill, well, let's see, I would F- Joan Severance and I would Murray.
Starting point is 00:51:09 The police of the area. I guess I'd have Abraham the other one. The problem is, he did not write F-Merry Kill. He wrote F-Merry Kill. So there's no way that you're not gonna start saying F-Merry Abram. Oh yeah, I get it. F-Merry Kill.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I like that as a new game. Leana quickly, quickly. Joan Severance, Linda Blair, Circus, apt again. Now I don't want to kill anyone. Sure. But if you had to, but the rules of the game, the rules of the game, the rules of the game, the rules of the game, the rules of the game, say you must. Yeah, we'll regularly want to play a little game. I'm sorry. They're going to find F3 Abraham in this box of packing peanuts
Starting point is 00:51:47 The even in this box you don't have to find out if you don't find him within five minutes It's like a shoe box to how far he's falling since I'm a day is oh he's fallen very far No, I you know all right kill if I have to Linda Blair. I'm a days. Oh, he's fallen very far. No, I, you know, all right, kill if I have to, Linda Blair. I'm sorry. Sorry, Linda. Just try to, dude. If you've ever seen Savage Streets, you know she'll serve you up some hot death
Starting point is 00:52:14 with a cross-bendant. Now, between fucking Mary, fuck Joan Severance. Of course. Mary Leana Quigley, because she's got all these great stories of her days as a scream queen. A scream queen? A scream queen. A scream queen. Yeah, man. It's easy. And what would you do with F. Marie Abraham? I would also marry him. Oh, because you get the financial stability of Marie Abraham. It's best fortune. All those Star Trek insurrection dollars rolling in in so our last letter of the evening
Starting point is 00:52:48 is titled have you seen my hat but it's a very specific letter and store it out on the news description have you seen my hat it's a baseball cap it's black it's got a course like local local on front and a clover behind it named after uh... but it's found Adolf Kors, quite obviously an Irish spear company.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Fun fact, Adolf Kors killed himself by jumping out a hotel window. I bet he went down smooth. Okay, the hat. I think I lost it when I moved from Chicago to Mount Prospect, and that was back in November. I thought it was in the truck of my car, but it's not. And I unpacked the boxes by like December, so like what's going on here? Who would steal a hat? And it's not even a good hat. It's all broken in for someone with a small head.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Aside, my head's kind of small, but it's no big deal. It's not like a thing or anything. Can you find this letter on the floor of the subway? So I doubt anyone stole it. Although if we're stolen, I'd be really mad, like sweaty mad. Anywho, any help you'd be able to provide in this area would be much appreciated. I'm not asking for a nationwide manhunt
Starting point is 00:53:49 like the 1979 movie Scavenger Hunt, Co-Stronk, Cloris Leachman, and Tony Randall, doing some fantastic- Antonio Randall. Antonio Randall, doing some fantastic, what the fuck am I doing here, performances? But maybe you could lend a hand. I'll even pay you back for any assistance offered.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Elliot, I'll help you finish the rocket crocodile in the world of tomorrow's script. Script is done. I need the money for the production. Stuart, I'll help you on your quest to see every woman who's ever lived totally nude. Dan, I'll even listen to you talk about your core. Here's an artist rendering of the hat if it helps.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And here's a picture of the hat. OK, that's a basic line drawing of a hat. It's of course light with a with a clover on it. Yeah, it's got a sham rock there. The answer to your question is no, we have not seen your hat. Yes, so I guess, Flop House listeners, if you see this man's hat, send it to somewhere, Mount Prospect, just right, man who needs a hat, Mount Prospect, care of the Flop House,
Starting point is 00:54:43 America USA. I feel like a row of rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated rarrow rated r rarrow rated rar rarrow rated rar rarrow rated rar rarrow rated r rarrow rated r rarrow rated rar rar rar rar rar rar rar rar rar rar Sure, I mean the Lord once I'm happy that's true his eyes on the sparrow So I know he watches so last segments what again? We say goodbye. No, no Is there I we recommend movies movies that we enjoyed unlike Marmaduke that you can watch Stewart What do you want to already recommended Dolman vs. Demo to over? That doesn't it doesn't count um Dolman vs. Demontor over. Does it don't recommend that again? It doesn't count. Well, last night I saw with Elliot,
Starting point is 00:55:27 but in the same room, not together. We were at the same event unknowingly. It was weird. But my Stuart sense was tingling. Something was tingling. Okay. Okay, it's your turn, Dan. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Now we both went to the New York premiere of Nicholas Wendy Greffins. Oh my god, forgive me.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Starring Ryan Gosling and the guy from Ty Lang. Ryan Gosling, Kristen Scott Thomas, Kristen Scott Thomas and two tie actors, one of whom was the breakout star of the movie by far. He is the crystal faults of the movie if you want. It's a for if you'd love to drive, but you want a much less accessible version. With less talking. Less talking and more gore and horrible stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And horrible family, dysfunctional family dynamics. And highly. If you wanted to go super and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and recommendation. It's a story about really like this movie. Here's how I would describe it. If Quentin Tarantino wrote a script set in Thailand and then John Waters did a gloss on it and then Stanley Kubrick directed it and then Takashi Mikae directed retakes for that movie. To make it bloodier I think you'd have something along the lines of Only God forgives. It's a very deliberate, very slow and strange movie that also has some super gory scenes and one particularly gory scene.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And I think the only way to really experience it, you're gonna have to go back in time the last night and see the weird Q&A with the director and the cast where Ryan Gosling seems uncomfortable for the first half that he's up on stage with these crazy people. And the director is doing the best to make him feel that way by saying crazy things. But it's, I really liked a lot. It's a movie that the story is nothing amazing.
Starting point is 00:57:39 In fact, it's very strange, but it creates such an intense mood and such an intense ambiance and atmosphere and the music and the filmmaking run, such a high level of craft, that it's going for kind of a deeper emotional dream like back of the brain state, and I think it hits there. I- Wait, who's recommending this? I don't know. We're both recommending it. We both so.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I mind it alone. We're both recommending it. It's a tag-team recommendation. have you have the high brow in the low brow i liked it for the gore and uh... i guess the gore and i liked it for the evocation of a very specific mood that's it sustained over the course of this hour like the loud noises and i like any movie that has a character that can seemingly pull a giant katana like sword from behind his back at any time.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Inside his butt, I guess. He's like a hylander. So many hands get cut off, but the spoiler alert hands get cut off. It is, if you are a male actor in a Wendy Griffin movie, you are probably going to get fucked up. I just make a prosthetic of your face because it's about to get fucked up. I would say if you were on the fence about drive, don't go see this movie.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Even if you like to drive, you might not like this movie, but it is a full experience. It's a movie experience. You don't watch necessarily. And there is a introducing your mom to your girlfriend at dinner scene that is hilarious. When Christus Scott Thomas says, the meanest things to think of
Starting point is 00:59:05 to two people who do not say much and otherwise very quiet movie to an audience filled with nervous laughter but so only god for givs uh... if you're willing to give a strange movie try i'd say go for that one yeah if you like any of us are if you like most of his other movies you will probably like it and it's the kind of movie where at the end when the credit comes up that says dedicated to uh... uh... uh... your own ski you're like
Starting point is 00:59:31 or i would have a lot of work don't worry dedicated to your own ski go out that makes sense okay i get uh... i would i would like to recommend three movies here's the thing you're making up for us to too. We were off. The Daily Show was off for a couple of weeks. Yeah, I know. Complain about it. Oh, we get so much vacation time.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Let's recommend the movie now. To hell with you. To hell with you, imagine straw man. So I also like. I'm a fire straw man. So I watched a lot of movies during that time. When I'm making an argument, I like to argue against a wicker man
Starting point is 01:00:06 terrible he always wins uh... covers in b's but there are three movies i enjoyed uh... number one i watch a saw robin and marion the richard lester movie about robin hood which is a movie that i watched at i tried to watch as a child uh... because when i was a kid robin hood was one of my great heroes along with Sherlock Holmes and
Starting point is 01:00:28 Because Dan grew up in the 1890s but If you're a kid well Stuart and I were watching Wolverine just slash people to bits. Yeah You're watching that well my dexman cartoon show. I was watching him play the X-Men video game I just like when you're a kid if you want a Robin Hood movie Robin and Marion is not the one for you you want a swashbuckling you want the adventures of Robin Hood yeah but as as a tired adult Robin and Marion was very I enjoyed ronman marion uh... was uh... very i i enjoyed it very much uh... it's it's a
Starting point is 01:01:07 an aging robin hood although uh... shankonnery went on to have at least thirty more years of appearing in action when when when frank smatcher saying the september of my years when he was roughly halfway through his career but has a it has a great cast of the shankhain re odd rehapper and uh... the cold williamson uh... in home robert shaw is in it uh... who else uh... denoam aliet
Starting point is 01:01:34 is in that movie you name an english act reason it yeah it's a lot of meat it's a great movie about the about me and that's the end of a legend it was originally called i think the death of Robin Hood or something. But they decided it was too exciting a name. But if you want a bittersweet take on Robin Hood, it's a very good movie. I watched Wagon Master. Oh, Wagon Master is a good movie. John Ford movie, starring starting benn johnson where uh... to horse traders shepherds uh... group of mormans uh... through the
Starting point is 01:02:08 desert and uh... uh... benn johnson is usually the sort of second banana in john ford westerns and this was his chance to be the first to banana that was the thing that always made took me out of the john ford movies was that there's a guy in a banana suit walking around it's's not accurate right? Western Townsend just have a guy in a banana costume walking around and then to have two
Starting point is 01:02:32 guys there's a second banana. There's another guy in the banana costume. That really happened in those movies. Yeah haven't you ever seen the banana who shot Liberty Palace? No. But Ben Johnson just as an actor radiates. She wore yellow banana. He radiates. That's crazy. Why would they make that movie? I'm not sure. They're classics. All of them. Yeah. As an anicoach as an actor. What is that? You're radiates. Decent sea and charisma. And it's just a lot of fun to see. So, the stage coach filled with bananas? Yeah, it is. The peeler's. That's the search.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And lastly, I watched side effects. The supposedly last theatrical release from Cedars Steven Soderbergh. And it's a movie that kind of flops in theaters, but that's great because. We should have watched it for this. It means that you don't know anything about it. I like started watching the movie knowing very little about it.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I think that's the ideal way to walk into it. You actually thought it was an adaptation of the Woody Allen book side effects. And boy, it was not a laughing effect. But it's just a lot of, it's got a great performance by Runemara, who I've now seen in three things putting in totally different performances every time But it's a movie. It's a thriller that has some Observed twists and turns, but it's done in a very masterful way
Starting point is 01:04:00 I have not seen that I'm ready to make So we watched that for this You're getting your Jason's and your Freddy's mixed up I have not seen a night marina else to remake so we watched that for this No, I just find it 13. Oh You're getting your your Jason's and your Freddy's mixed up Mm-hmm. Freddy's versus your Jason's That was also I'll just to go back to this event that Stewart and I both attended unknowingly last night They at so a person asked at one point the stupid question If you could play any part from any movie what would you play in the actors had no idea to answer this until uh... until rangosling just goes pretty crueler and puts it down
Starting point is 01:04:31 drops the mic drops the mic and it went and i think you and i probably will think that i've got a ruptured in shears you and i probably both say that was that yeah do it that'd be awesome to be a base like a new a nickless winding rife and movie about of nightmare and i'm street with with rangosling is terrified of the way yeah, why is that not happening? Oh, I would love it. Tell me about a weird Freddy Krueger movie. What's your recommendation, though, Ali?
Starting point is 01:04:52 The only God forgives. Okay. I also recommend Pacific Rim. All right. So I don't really do say anything. I like. So on the Flock Pass recommends Wiki. I'll be only God for good.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Okay. And I'll be Pacific Rim. People assume that I like a movie where giant robots punch the shit literally the shit out I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 01:05:16 I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say that's what I'm gonna say. I mean, if it was not in it. It's a big budget, like a big budget, summer blockbuster, but made with clearly with a lot of love and attention to detail. And yeah, it's not like the plot and the story
Starting point is 01:05:33 is not going to win any awards, but. Turn your brain at the door, turn it off. Yeah, popcorn. What do we need to do? And just enjoy the work of William of the Bull. So that's the English version of his name because this is America. We speak American here. We finally did it.
Starting point is 01:05:50 We watched Marmaduke. How do you feel? Oh, God. And we made like a million recommendations. Yeah. Yeah, I think it was pretty successful. Oh, I feel like I'm trying to digest a big piece of meat and it's not going through.
Starting point is 01:06:01 We got Marmaduke's size piece of meat. Yeah, I'm digested. It's just too big for his little mouth I think I think we did a good job though Is this the part where I'm going to sign up? I'm going to be back in the show some positive praise are we doing the evaluations for it should let him stand I mean you were really good Newer Dude thanks and you were okay. Thanks. I mean I came in a little slow
Starting point is 01:06:23 We're supposed to talk about one strength and one flaw. I don't get that off. It's insane, which is what we're doing. We can do that off here. It's where the shit is the meat, not the bread. That would be weird. How you gonna hold that sandwich? I mean, I have to dry out.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Poop all over your hands. I think we can sign off. Gloves, you know. Thanks for listening. For the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'll be Elliot Kaelin until history forgets me. Give out everyone. We did it.
Starting point is 01:06:50 You were pretty good too. So, wait, what do you want me to do? What? Change my body. Well, it's perfect. It's doing as a perfect body. No, you can sit there. Just don't get any closer to the mic than you are. Like back here.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I sound weird a lot. That might just be your voice. That's fair. This microphone is covered in cat hair. I'm sorry. I sound like I sound in my hair. I'm sorry. I sound like I sounded my hair. I apologize. That's okay. A lot I can do about it.

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