The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #135 - Olympus Has Fallen

Episode Date: September 21, 2013

Help, Olympus Has Fallen, and it can't get up! (No detailed notes this week, because 2/3 of the Original Peaches are in Los Angeles this weekend, including the one who writes the show notes and really... should be packing RIGHT NOW.)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss White House Death, I mean Olympus has fallen. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. So here at the flop house. No, no, no, no. You got to say your name first. Yeah. Okay, wait, who are you? I'm Stuart Wellingdon. Yeah. And I'm Elliott Kale. And if this idea I found in my pocket when I woke up this morning is correct. If we sound extra rusty, it's because we actually haven't been together for a while. We often start these podcasts by lying and saying,
Starting point is 00:01:03 oh, it's been a while. But in this case, it actually has been. It's been over a month since we recorded it. We usually record every two weeks, but we stockpile. We stockpiled a bunch of episodes because we knew we had a lot of. Thank them.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We had a lot of life to do. We had a lot of living left to do. We got a lot of living. And it's been a few weeks ago since Elliot missed Silvestre Stallone appearing on the podcast can't believe i was out of the world you able now you just got back from us oh two or how did the troops love your recreation of that moment how they love your so that's a loan impression man in afghanistan i got some
Starting point is 00:01:38 i was in afghanistan free was a tour i got so much razzling for not a spoiler it happened already I got so much razzling from the troops for missing Stallone but when I love them over there yeah yeah they did not appreciate my reenactments they consider it sacred and I thought I was defacing their profit I don't know why you're looking at me I was not an Afghanistan I was looking at you so you could explain with this fucking podcast. Oh, sorry. This podcast is a podcast where we listen to a, we listen to a bad movie and try to imagine what the pictures look like. It's called the blind cast. We
Starting point is 00:02:15 like to pretend we're blind and see what it's like to be inside another person's perspective. Sure. Walk a mile in their shoes. Stuart, did you feel that your other senses became to heightened, to compensate for your lack of sight? Yes. What did the movie smell like? It smelled, well, it smelled like a lot of blood splatter. Uh-oh. And aftershade. OK.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Well, movie could this have been the last. We watched a bad movie to talk about it. We've watched it all over the place. We watched a bad movie because they're filthy. So it's a charity thing. So Dan, in this fight, I guess we watched a bad movie then we'd talk. So it's a charity thing. So Dan in this fight I guess we watch a bad movie then we talk about it. Yeah, and the movie watch tonight was titled Olympus has fallen. Oh No, does it have the medical hurt bracelet? No, can it contact a health professional to help you get up?
Starting point is 00:02:57 I'll tell you what it can get on dude because Gerard Bollard is on the case. Sam Worthington was not in this no, but Rimmon Butler is Gerard Butler was in it. Yeah, your own your own Gerard Bummler. Yeah, we watched the prequel to Jerry Bumstead. What if I wish it wasn't prequel in White House down they just kept going again? Seriously that was last week. Also the two movies take place a week apart. And every once in a while We were like a new president between times a really old forest Whitaker walks through the scene and like A tray full of a tea set the Butler is there and he goes up to jarred Butler and he says I'm a real butler
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yeah, they look at the camera and then my eyeballs explode out of my head not die. Yeah from awesomeness Yeah, so Olympus has what down? Fallen. Oh no. Rated R. Is playing at right here. And it was awesome. I wonder if you're going to say right later on.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Let's talk about a little more. So this was one of the two White House taken by terrorists with movies that came out recently. And the other one, White House Down, seemed like a lot of people surprisingly liked it i've seen it but they see it so it was very light and tone very goofy and knowingly silly uh... that it's such a ridiculous premise this movie seem to take the opposite tech
Starting point is 00:04:15 of treating this terrorist take over the white house as if it actually happened and this movie seemed like you do you took uh... West Wing, the television show, took all the portant and pump of the White House. There were so much just to... ...married it to a sub-die-hard action film. The score alone, it's all heavy drums and sad trumpets and patriotic stirring themes, and you see a lot of waving American flags and you just want to like shake the director
Starting point is 00:04:45 Antoine Fuqua and maybe like you know this didn't actually happen right like you're not making them shit up you're not making a movie about Guadalcanal like this is about a made-up hostage thing where you have one man on his own trying to fight terrorists in the white hat like it's basically die hard in the white house and they thought they were making saving private Ryan yeah like there's there'll be a scene where the president gets up to just walk into the other room and there's a huge music swell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And 10 different people salute him, et cetera, et cetera. And the body count in the movie is enormous. And they're never gonna let us. They killed everyone in America in this movie. It seems like. No one dies off screen. Everybody dies off screen. You get to see so many people get bullets shot through their bodies and the next scene and like all he just got
Starting point is 00:05:29 shot in the torsor this movie okay had more bullets to the head than bullet to the head yeah way more but it's to it gets shot in the torso the next shot will be him being shot ahead yeah Gerard Butler walking up and just shooting right the face really casually like like oh okay I'm just I'm not gonna this guy just to be sure well Like really? Oh, okay. I'm just talking to this guy. Just to be sure. By the time he does that at the end, he's killed about 400 people. And he's seen 1,000 people get killed.
Starting point is 00:05:51 But you're right. Pull it to the head. Pull it to the head. Charon, the Barry Men of the River Sticks. He believes he's collecting them for his dark master, Americon. Well, I mean, with every soul he kills, he gets more powerful.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Yeah, yeah. It's like the blade of a thousand whatever's Okay, and now what should we dismiss it now the plot of this movie is so stupid Let's only go over it in the most basic of of things first off There's the first kid and he needs to learn how to get out of the white house If he gets taken over by terrorists. Well that happened to Ashley Judd who explodes You may be doing a little too much. That's a little too abbreviated.
Starting point is 00:06:29 No, no, no, no, maybe it's called a creative scientist. So Gerard Butler is a former US Army Ranger who's now on the, he is a secret service agent protecting the president. Played by Aaron Heckart. And the first lady, Ashley Jo. Why did they let him protect the president that the president was before he got facial reconstruction surgery is okay again all right now we all read dark night returns we know that he thinks that both
Starting point is 00:06:51 sides of his face are destroyed now anyway air in a car i guess you guys didn't read our returns what's i mean i'm doing a nice eighty six that was so important that you missed it i mean i have a michelle for that i just don't really okay braggie you don't need to brag about your comic book collection. Anyway, so, Aernac hearts the president.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm just surprised they let it tobacco lobbyist become the president, but you know. And the guy who treated that deaf girl so poorly. Yeah, but I guess he is a veteran of the battle LA. Yep. Anyway. He was moving. He also saved the earth by going to the core and restarting it.
Starting point is 00:07:26 He was in that movie. He's made a lot of crap. Yeah, I think we were saying this earlier for a good actor. He's made a lot of garbage. He's like, he's made, he's usually for a good actor to make so that many crappy movies they have to be British. And just be like, whatever, it's a paycheck. I'll do Shakespeare on the stage.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And I'll do this movie where I play an alien with brow Rage is a elemental and yeah, Chronicles are really You need me to link gravitas to whatever bullshit you're putting on screen sure or pay me. I'll do it. Just make it out to Jackaby Make it out to de jacks. That's my rap name I'm only doing this role so I can get the money i need to produce my first album i'll be you that's how they pronounce it because it's a classic it's made out of album in
Starting point is 00:08:12 now uh... yes uh... healthier that way okay so air net cards the president actually judged the first lady that camp david and they're about to a christmas party they're in the motorcade a tree branch falls it's snowing they slip on ice and the car with the president the first lady in it goes halfway off of bridge oh no now the first lady is conked in the head there's blood pouring out of her nose and jorard butler who's makes a split second decision on the save the president's
Starting point is 00:08:39 life and try to come back for the first lady he's too late he saves the president the car slips off the bridge the first lady dies a limpus has fallen no and that's a wrap for that's a wrap freshly jott on alimpses fallen everybody everybody applaud she gets her paycheck she walks out to think about running for senate against michael michael michael decides not to what he can do instead should probably show boob's new movie or something eighteen months later uh... jord butler's character banning
Starting point is 00:09:03 he has is now working at the treasury to the president because the president no longer wants to see the man who let his wife die every day uh... he doesn't like it but there's a meeting between the president and the south korean prime minister but during it there's a terrorist attack it turns out
Starting point is 00:09:19 everybody in the south korean prime ministers entourage accept him is a north korean terrorist was all the guys of putting tales and suits are bad guys that's weird exactly and uh... that with the help of dilland mcdermott and ex-secret servicemen turned contractor of some kind they uh... use a plane to basically blow up washington dc and kill everybody in the white house except the president
Starting point is 00:09:41 the vice president and a couple of seven days dilland, Dylan McDermott is playing a bad guy in this movie. He seems so, I don't know, non-sleezy, on greasy, like a pleasant fellow, like a lack of shame and worthy, lazy smoking. This is a little problem that I like to call the Von Sideow Complex, where a movie, a staircase. That's all of your paperback. Yeah, it's also part of my, it's part of my Jack Treacher series of spy novels. It's about Arthur Treacher's brother who's also Jack Reacher's brother.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So it's the Vansiteau complex. A Jack Treacher mystery thriller, spy novel. It's part of a series called, of mysteries thriller, spy novels. But anyway, in minority report, Max one side of plays like the president of the secretary of state or something i don't know the minute you see it's supposed to be a surprise that he's the bad guy but the minute you see him you're like oh max one side of the this he must be the bad guy he's always the bad guy
Starting point is 00:10:36 i mean this reminds me of the devil from needful things is in this i guess he's the bad guy this reminds me of a story about our co-worker and also uh... of occasional flop house guest host is you've been praying uh... when we were when he and i had to write questions about uh... white house down the other uh... white house taken by terrorist movie because who is our guest jamey foxes yeah i think so and uh... the white house was probably and jubin was looking over the uh... castles and the uh... that james
Starting point is 00:11:07 that james woods played the secretary of state and he's like i bet james woods the bad guys who is that he's totally right and you wouldn't ask you right just looking at the castles there's certain actors who are so good at the role of the turncoat that you shouldn't cast them because you know that the it's like in Ironman 3
Starting point is 00:11:27 Is it Miguel Ferrer has like three seconds of screen time as the vice president and you know he's the bad guy Cuz it's Miguel Ferrer like like Tom Hanks the fucking bag guy. Yeah, cuz Tom Hanks gonna take the starting roll Iron Man 3 Come on Dan. Yeah, he's a huge star, bro. Come on bro. We Or get like an actor that's good that no one's seen before. Yeah, but they're certain actor is... Channing Tatum, etc. To a less rich tenant. But someone who's pleasant. Someone who does not exude Michael Shannon.
Starting point is 00:11:52 All right. Yeah, you know, like Michael Shannon. Or like Robert England. You know, someone who's all peaches at cream cutliners. You know, like Danny Treo. Michael Rooker. You know know like Michael Irons side. Lance Hendrickson. A Peter Weller type.
Starting point is 00:12:13 You know that actor with the pointy head plays. Exactly, he's taking the dark to see the bad guy spoiler alert. Watch it on in demand. It's like five bucks, he cares. You know a guy you got you never guess the villain like Gunner Hanson anyway so the the where was I go oh to a lesser extent it's what I call the tinker Taylor soldier spy complex yeah which is a was a Jack treacher novel until I was sued by John the Carey where you know
Starting point is 00:12:43 the you know who the mola is because it's the only big name actor in the cast. This is different. It's an actor you know is kind of is play sleazy characters, so you know he's the bad guy. But anyway, they North Korean terrorist named Kang who apparently has been hot crying not crying who we which we thought was his name. So he's not ejaculating and peeing on someone. That's where your mind goes there for credit. That your image of crying is so destroyed by that one picture. I mean, in flop-hast mythology, that's where he exists. I mean, come on, guys. He's been in a layover position this.
Starting point is 00:13:17 He's been in a layover position this. It's hard to shake that. It's hard to shake that pigeon-holing as the double-p-crain. Oh, you're the double pee guy. I have such range. I can play any sort of brain in the thorax, not just a peeing one. Apparently, I was a play Sean Connery. He's our boss.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah, well, Sean Connery was originally going to play crang. Yeah. I'm the crang now, dog. Who's the brain in a robots torso now, dog? The name is Ang. Crang. brain in a robots torso now dog. The name is Ang. Cran. Anyway, so, Cran, not Cran. He is Cran, the time traveling warlord from the 31st century, whatever. Not Cran, the brain. Cran has apparently been
Starting point is 00:13:59 this amazing terrorist mastermind who's also part of the South Korean government. And there's an amazing moment later on where his identity is revealed and the guy who's working with the speaker of the house morgan fremen who is standing in for the prept who's the acting president because they don't know what's happening and fremen who i jokingly said was going to be in this movie because i saw actually jutter
Starting point is 00:14:18 early in the movie and then he showed up because that one can't get you do you know that's like the two quarries like to have in the contract it's like the two quarries like they have in the contract I got it right like that movie where he wear the by the way I would love to see a two-chorey style movie that I Got remake of license to driver something like that South Beach Academy with Morgan Freeman and Ashley Joe We got to get this volleyball team up and running boobs out everybody This is just two just two college students on the make one of them's a middle-aged lady the others an old man
Starting point is 00:14:52 Guys, I don't think you could play these parts anymore. I'm not sure you could play these parts These are the parts Ashley and I were born to play The penguins marched across no getting rid of meeting we're in a pitch meeting you know talk about penguins It's like it's like Morgan Freeman the Hannibal Lecter Well, that's when he auditioned for the role. Yeah, they said he wasn't creepy enough He just I'm screaming still Clarice And he got framed in a lab scream Yes, you are now you have to do an impression. Oh, I'm the better hands-on
Starting point is 00:15:24 Perfect a plus a plus for effort plus Okay, and and accuracy all right, so there's a great moment where the guy who's assisting the president goes This guy Kang he's the biggest terrorist ever. He does it. He did all these other bombings. No one's ever photographed him or identified him They know never thought to look in the south korean government well okay you know what that's fair that no one thought to look there for a terrorist but anyway so let's let's cut through this crap they take over the white house it's a long action scene when they take over the white house a lot of shooting goes on a
Starting point is 00:15:59 long time you fall asleep and you wake up and the shooting is still going on in the fall see if most modern action movies which which is just shooting a bunch of automatic weapons for a long time is going to be exciting. And like with many fallacies, they think size is what's most important. It's not the size of the gun battles, how you use it in your movie. Let me talk about a little movie called... If you really care about the people involved.
Starting point is 00:16:18 A little movie called Old Boy. Or you do a weird thing with it. In Old Boy? Yeah, you do. Like shooting in the butt. Something that gets there. It gets there. It's the attention. All you needed in old boy Just baffle them I guess yeah, but so let's take it like a movie like old boy I think everyone agree that most brilliant scene is the side is the side scrolling fight in the hallway with it all in one shot With a hammer if I didn't say that I'd be lying. Yeah, it's like three and a half minutes
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's a group of guys with one with a hammer and the other with sticks. And they just hit each other and it's an amazing scene. And this is- And old lies like, if I had a hammer, a hammer in the morning. Into your head. Yeah. Then a hammer in the evening into your kneecap. All over this you.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Come on, kneecap, hell it. God, Dan, other people have kneecaps. You're not the only one who has one. Anyway, I'm gonna make apps in this movie, Dan. Do anybody have shot them? No, I'm gonna show it. I'm gonna show it. Mostly the head. I'm fine with that. The front of the head, the side of the head, the back of the head. I'm gonna make a shot in the head. Perfect. Sure. A plus. Okay. So, but they suggest that watching the movie bullet to the knee but Dan said no, no thank you It's my one veto of the year He usually uses veto to veto when a contest winner chooses the movie we're gonna watch
Starting point is 00:17:35 So there's this long sequence of them trying the action scenes are just too long and let me just say this before I forget about it The special effects in this movie. They reach a new height of craftiness. It's like I have seen better special effects in the cut scenes for like command and conquer tyberian son. Like where it's like just some dude in front of a green screen and there's a CGI explosion behind him, you know. This is, these are some of the worst computer effects
Starting point is 00:18:02 I think I've seen in years. When the giant airplane was flying around blowing up the Washington Monument I totally assumed that like a shark to push was gonna come flying I mean like let's take a moment to appreciate the most hilarious scene in the film which is the giant like the what the like a cargo plane Yeah, we're crashing into the Washington washing monument and just chunks of the washing monument crushing people running away and it looks so fake and so that the fake is seen for me is there's a part where jarred butler uses a rocket
Starting point is 00:18:34 launcher to blow up some kind of computer hydro gun that's shooting down helicopter a patchy helicopters and he then like it explodes in the as to he falls backwards through a hole in the roof and it looks like he literally sat in a chair, went, ah! And then they just, using like, MS paint, just to race the background and drew in like a stick figure drawing of a room behind him. But it's also terrible.
Starting point is 00:18:57 It's like the reverse version of that scene and die hard too, where John McLean, like, shoots up toward the camera and then falls back down. It's like the boring version. At least that was awesome and William Sadler was in that movie. Yeah. Yeah, that's two things this doesn't have. Anyway, so everyone gets killed.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Jard Butler is the only one left inside because it's die hard in the White House. And he's got to a stout. He's got to save the president before they give into the terrorist demands, which are, he's going to kill the president unless the president removes all armed forces from the Korean peninsula, which is crazy. And he wants to reunite the Koreas. But I have to believe that even the president's life is considered somewhat expendable when it comes to,
Starting point is 00:19:37 I guess world policy. Basically saying like, oh yeah, the Korean war, we ended that now. Or like any military policy. But anyway, he also has a secret plan. There's something called the Cerberus, a fail-safe device that will self-detonate any US nuclear missile in the country.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So wait, it's not a multi-headed dog. No, sadly, it's not. And there wasn't the moment that Stuart and I both wanted where it is a multi-headed dog, and it sees Draught Butler and then gives him a nod of understanding and acceptance, because they're one of a kind, that served not themselves but a master a harsh master but adjust master
Starting point is 00:20:09 in the right in the right in service with case hideous in drug butler's case aron Eckhart mhm a harsh master indeed anyway more and meanwhile more than freeman is kind of like dithering around in the war room well Robert forster who's the head of the army yells at him and the service goes for his robert forster yes yes he's best known for his role in around in the war room while Robert Forster, who's the head of the army, yells at him. And the Cerberus code.
Starting point is 00:20:26 He wars Robert Forster? Yes, he's best known for his role in as the mystic guy who would show up and solve a problem instead of just saving the day himself, Robert Forster. So, he wars. I think it's available on watch instantly. There's a couple. Put that near you and hit the button. Let's apply it.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Put that near you and smoke it. There's a couple different things. Stop that up, you're cute and hit the button that lets it play. Put that in your cue and smoke it. There's a couple different scenes where there are three codes. The president has one, the secretary of, I don't know, the Navy or something, the secretary to fans or something has one, and the secretary of something else played by Melissa Lio has one. And the president will watch as Kang beats up the person and then find the president to go, okay, give him the code, give him the code. And in both, one time, they almost cut one the guy's neck and then they just beat the crap out of
Starting point is 00:21:09 Melissa Leo. They're just punching her all over. You're like, if you're just gonna give it up, why do you let them beat her up so much? Yeah, she turns the president. We're like, yeah, thanks. Thanks for giving him the code now. But even then, like those people, it's one of those things where it's like, either like, don't let them beat them up at all or let them beat them to death and not give them control of America's nuclear weapons. But anyway, banning is running, Jard Butler, Brent Branding is running around the White House. Their secret, their secret like-
Starting point is 00:21:37 Hello, Brent Branding, super secret service agent. There's one point he catches that kid and lets him go. Yeah. It's a catch and release program first kid he finds the president's on the first kid starting soon bad and saves him and and lets him leave the White House he's creeping around in secret passageways in the White House where they store you know like fdr's gold and stuff and he isn't able to stop them from launching helicopters the White House they get shot down eventually let's, what about the first daughter played by Katie Holmes?
Starting point is 00:22:07 Does she get to date who she wants to date? She's actually not in this movie. Okay. Now, okay, the Kang lose it. He gets his communications with the other movie. What is that? American president? It was like first daughter.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah, it's something like that. I don't know. They were actually like two first daughter movies. I think there was one with what's the name? Mindy. Something. Killing the name? Mindy, something? Killing? No. Mindy, more.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Mandy more. Yeah, but I think the first daughter one with Katie Holmes had Michael Keaton in it. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, Michael Keaton's like, I'd so weirdly self-imposed, I feel like period in the wilderness. I think, you know, considering it came after Jack Frost,
Starting point is 00:22:44 I think it was not self-imposed. I don't know, I mean it was after the bomb movie in which he was a jazz musician who saw went into a snowman Okay, I don't think this was a self-imposed thing I could like he had been in some huge movies. He could have made a few better. Yeah, one of the best biggest movies stars in the planet No, and no man. He was fucking bad man. Brad. He was your mom He wasn't the one who sold those movies. Batman sold his movies. He was being a choose. I think it was the one two punch of multiplicity and jack frost that could kill any career. Mm-hmm. We could kill Tom Hanks's career. Could kill Humphrey Bogart's career. If Humphrey Bogart was in multiplicity and then jack frost, he would never make a movie again. I would never do it.
Starting point is 00:23:21 He was the one who was the best man in my heart. That is all he pussy. That is all these coins of me. The stupid clone in multiplicity. This just hungry vlogger, Doug. Hungry vlogger trying to put a slice of pizza into a wallet. I've told the story before of my attending the New York premiere of multiplicity. It's a bit of a bit of a repeating. Well, let's just say, well, the producer of it, a guy who is, at the time I think head of Columbia TriStar, was one of my dad's good friends from college.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I think they were roommates. And this was the movie that was premiering in New York. So we went to the premiere of multiplicity. We sat near, uh, what's his name? Al Franken. And then at the party efforts was on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, because that was tied to the movie, not at all. That was when my brother met Harold Ramos asked him one of the movies he made besides ghost busters held ramis as i made Stuart saved his family and i've arrived now is how ramis yeah yeah and and how ramis said and at my brother responded that bomb and how ramis pretended to choke him
Starting point is 00:24:20 so that's my held ramis story of my brother offending him anyway so that list i think the other is a charmer Yeah, yeah, he's single ladies Anyway, there's a reason sports facts and letters insulting Harold ramens So there's a reason Michael Keaton was in the wilderness for a while. All right It's not like he was like you know what the world's seen enough of the key. I better reserve my power It's not like he was like you know what the world's seen enough of the key. I better reserve my power I went off to live in like a crazy Kung Fu temple. So I'm too beautiful for this mortal plane Me and the elves are gonna leave middle earth for the golden lands
Starting point is 00:24:55 Okay, whatever I don't care I can look I got so much real history in my head. I can't remember where the elves went to cross the rainbow bridge to Valhalla. The rainbow bridge goes to Asgard. Don't worry about it. No, yeah, Valhalla. I guess that's in Asgard, right? Valhalla's like the district of Asgard that the Asgardians don't go too too much because it's just super rowdy. Probably.
Starting point is 00:25:18 They're going to gentrify it eventually. I don't want to believe in any of that shit. Anyway. Yeah, anyway. So moving on, so Kang's communications get cut off by Gerard Butler. And the, sorry, I meant to say Butler, but I didn't, it came out wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:32 But that was not a deliberate mispronunciation. So Kang has a new plan. He's going to fake letting Melissa Lio go, and then kill her in front of the world's press. And you did forget, before this point, I think we had the uh... this lifted directly out of die hard no that happens after this okay so but dr. buttler destroys that plan by killing a bunch of kang's guys
Starting point is 00:25:54 kang's on the run so that it's up to plan b kang and his man are gonna escape disguised as hostages because we've never seen that before only and I think every movie ever. It's got to be in basic training at this point. Yeah. I mean, I do feel like that was not- My sniper training is like just shoot their hoods off of you.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Pew! That was novel when I saw it in QuickTime. But QuickTime is QuickTime. QuickTime, Dan. You watched it on the program. You downloaded and watched it as a quick time video. Yeah, that's how we watch it. When I watch it, it's quick change.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And quick, just like my favorite movie Netflix. And we're different every time. My favorite movie, Mac Video Player. Windows Media Player. I love that movie. Windows Media Player. It's weird. Sometimes when I watch it, it's like an episode of The Simpsons and sometimes it's a porno. I don't understand. I'm a genius now. It's still a game.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Well, Dan, YouTube is a new, is basically a channel now. What? Tell me about it. Digital is the future of media, Dan. New media. Let's get into it. It's time for our new media to all. Let's take a call. Stuart, you're on the line.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So when I turn on my computer and put on the YouTube, where's all the naked ladies? Great question. Number one, it's just called YouTube, not the YouTube. Number two, type in naked ladies. If that doesn't help, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you want to try daily motion. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:24 All right, now on one, we've got Stuart Okay. All right. Now I'm one with God. Let's do it. Also from New York. Steward, you have a question. So how do I get to that other thing where I can see the naked babes? Okay. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Just type naked babes into Google. I think you'll find it. What's Google? Oh boy. Here we go again. Just kidding, folks. I know all about Google. So, Ellie, you were talking about stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And to find naked babes on the other. Oh yeah, yeah. So anyway, the hostages walk out with the hostage takers They're all wearing hoods. They get in a rescue helicopter and then the helicopter explodes And every one thinks everyone thinks the president is in there, but he wasn't Kang and Aaron Eckhart have faked their own deaths. Right. So Kang fake king figure death it's not like our net car president it's like whatever i'm sick of a breath is like that you know what i want to go i want to go back to my original life as a poet in
Starting point is 00:28:13 france now that's what you're marston did anyway so the king fake their death so they can escape he sets off serbius and he says i'm not gonna launch the missiles I'm just gonna blow them up in their silos turning America into a nuclear wasteland which I immediately got exciting Because that would be a great movie right yeah, I would worry your mutants and shit. Yeah, I've been in America this time Yeah, it's okay. It doesn't have to be in Australia every time. Yeah, good be in America this time
Starting point is 00:28:41 and Mutant kangaroos. Why would they be kangaroos? Bangaroo. Bangaroo. Bangaroo. Bangaroo. That's Australia again. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah. They would be mutant bears banging tank girls. We have bears in this country. But we can still have tank girls in this area. Of course, we have tanks and girls. Let's put them together. Why not? And we've got Lori Petty.
Starting point is 00:29:00 So whatever. Well, we have a Lori Petty. National treasure. Still. We haven't gotten rid of that yet What's it like a million years old and leaving their own? She was not that she's the grandma at the house She got really old right she's the cute. No, it's true
Starting point is 00:29:16 They actually aged the aged her with the time machines that she can play the old version of herself Yep, yeah, they're drink from that we're right up from me say they said now you're gonna have to choose poorly for this role. They come from with that. They got Rick Maranas from honey I blew up the kid fucking making age rate. So age age up Lori petty. It's interesting that that's where you go to your mad scientist not just Rick Maranas' character but from honey they blew up the kid the sequel. Well honey I shrunk the kid Rick Maranas has too much integrity. I see. What about the drunken yeah steward gordon was involved with that really i was so
Starting point is 00:29:49 uh... he like wrote the original script it was a lot of the kids no i'm sure that not blue that explains why in the original script for honey ish from the kid there is this weird greasy s&m monster and jeffrey combs is written into it
Starting point is 00:30:02 yeah there was a scene of the with that severed head of a giant ant gave head to the other person. Dan not cool. I mean Barbara. I'm not cool. Yeah, you always go for the gross scene Yeah, that's the scene everyone remembers from reanimator, right? I guess I remember the reanimating Mm-hmm. I remember it for the reanimating I'm in it for the animating and the reanimating. Okay, let's finish up this stupid movie. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Now, I didn't even mention the part where a Draud Butler discovers Dillumic Tirmit is the turn coat. Yeah, and the most dihardy, diehard of all the diharders. Because it doesn't matter. There's no reason for it. So, Draud Butler catches up with Kang and Kodo,
Starting point is 00:30:42 which is what I'm calling the president now. And Kodo gets shot. And for our butlers, like, oh no, I'll save you, but then he has to fight Kang. And Kang's totally winning for a second until the president says, you can do it, and then he wins. And then, George Butler wins. And George Butler's like, okay, we'll get you out of here, Mr. President, not noticing the beep, beep, beep beep and the giant countdown clock
Starting point is 00:31:05 that's down the hall and then the president's like no no you got to turn off Cerberus. So he goes and he gets the code and he turns Cerberus off the three seconds left. Yeah it's really exciting. And he and the president walk out everyone applause. He and the president walk out and the president gives a speech as if about how America has been brought to its knees but now we have an opportunity to be reborn. And it's like, dude, all that really we have to do now is fix the White House and the Washington Monument
Starting point is 00:31:30 and give funerals to the people who died. Like there was no major. Yeah, a major burial. This was as far from a major crisis of conscience for the United States as possible, you know. Mess burial. So, he's gonna use a bulldozer to push all the secret surgeons into a mess.
Starting point is 00:31:44 No matter where he's on or something,dozer to push all the secret service agents into a mess. I'm in a sauna. Something he cares. I'm into the sun. This is a Kryptonian burial. Just get a really big sling shot. Yeah, yeah. But I just can't overstate. Maybe in death terrorists and secret service guys could become brothers. Could I? I can't overstate how seriously this movie took itself. And how like I think you could probably make a fun movie with the same exact script which they possibly did with with White House down the same exact script just directed the way that like I know like
Starting point is 00:32:14 Whitewood The title is more like is more snooty and serious. Yeah, oh, this is fallen as opposed to White House down Yeah, also we learned that everything in the in the White House is named after a Greek mythology thing. There's Olympus, there's Cerberus, there's a, there's a, there's a lot of e-mess. Automated gun named Hydra, the president calls his dick, polyfamous, because there's one eye. Oh, I get that.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And it's a son of Poseidon. But also like, and this movie is so,... wrote to like yes i'm a rodent but can't but the screenwriters were really good but i would like to drop attention to one moment in in the movie which i feel like uh... represents encapsulates the whole films uh... lack of interest in giving anyone any interesting motivation for anything which is when dilland redarm McDermott is revealed as the bad guy and Aaron Eckhart's like,
Starting point is 00:33:10 you betrayed me and Dylan McDermott's like, you betrayed us already with your globalization and your Wall Street is like, you're just like fucking like pulled to buzzwords at it. It is the laziest explanation from rationale for trying to take down the government you know what the globalization in the wall street like i'd i you know he was just hanging out at occupy wall street and he's like yeah man let's tear down the fucking ruling class and the opposite of that is the fact that you
Starting point is 00:33:40 mentioned while you're watching it they have to give drawer butler a reason that he's failed the president in the past they have to give drawer butler a reason that he's failed the president the past they have to give him a reason and a motivation to want to save the president he's a but why is he like fucking and give let's just say forget that he's a secret service agent it's his job to save the president even if he was just a regular american you think he'd be like you know what maybe i will save the president you know he is the leader of my country at all, but they feel the need to give him a personal emotional motivation. Yeah, I say, oh, I got to make it up to the president for not saving his wife. And you
Starting point is 00:34:13 know how personal, I got a personal thing, you know, like now or even, I wish, I wish when he said the president was like, oh, we square a life for a life. This thing between us, it's over now, right? We got no beef, no beef, Mr. Press. And the president tears up the crazy magical contract. He filled out with the Bobby Yaga. What? I'm moving the terms of this Bobby Yaga contract.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I put out a hit on you with the Bobby Yaga. So if you see a chicken-like at house, just tell her that everything's done. Yeah, she scratches scratches cheek it said up here uh... so this is a dumb movie yeah what we're saying where i even mention the subplot about his wife who's a nurse because it's totally irrelevant there's no reason to have
Starting point is 00:35:00 it who cares i think i think it a good example of how this is similar along to the lines of Dylan McDermott's bullshit explanation is the first time Gerard Butler gets on the phone with a crang is it? Kang you said crang so he's talking to crang on the phone and they talk shit to each other a little bit the bad guy says something like alkylil a million presidents or something and with a bad guy says something like, I'll kill you, I'll million presidents or something. And instead of like this is the chance for the movie
Starting point is 00:35:29 or the screenwriter to be like, okay, let's come up with a good line. And I think Jar Butler just says, fuck off and hangs up. He says, let's play a game, it's called, fuck off, you first. And then he hangs up. It's like,
Starting point is 00:35:40 and this screenwriter, like they clearly had a bunch of lines written on a whiteboard and they crossed them all off and encircled that one and gave each other high five when they wrote it. Well, that's the other thing. If you're gonna treat this as a serious movie, you can't give him one line or quips, you know, it's stupid. This is a movie that the tone is totally wrong, the story is so by the numbers, the action
Starting point is 00:36:02 scenes are boring, the computer effects are bad, the acting is lazy, you know. Andy Stabs, a bad guy in the head with a knife at the end. That's the best part. I mean, when the best thing you can say about the movie is like, there's a lot of head shots. Like a lot of people get shot in the head and blood splatters out of the back of their head. And if you ever wanted to see Melissa Leo get worked over by a couple thugs, this is the movie for you, you know, but that in the IMDB keyword search for recommended movies, Melissa Leo worked over by thugs. Bruce to Melissa Leo. This everyone whispers all the time and there's a scene where Melissa Leo and the president
Starting point is 00:36:35 are whispering to each other and she has her arm over her mouth. It's like thanks movie. You give it. You're making it so hard for me to try to pay attention to you. Do we have anything we have to do before we go to the lead bus? Just skip the final judgment. So I think that it's clear that we all have a movie. It was a good, good movie. Bad, bad movie.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Bad, bad movie. Best, great movie. We didn't care for this film. But do you need to say, make space to insert something? Let's do it more awkwardly. Is there space to answer something? Yeah, let's take a moment to have a word from our sponsor. Our new sponsor.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Can't wait to hear it. Play it, Don. We've got a new sponsor, Frank and Oak. What is Frank and Oak? Imagine you're going to a place where you don't want to wear your flop house t-shirt. I know it's hard to imagine, but hear me out. You might want to try Franken Oak. It's an incredible, Montreal-based creative workshop that designs, manufacturers, and curates
Starting point is 00:37:36 a monthly collection of fine clothing and accessories. They make looking good, easy, and hassle-free. Franken Oak's small crew handles every detail of the experience from curating the online shop to designing the collections and working with the manufacturers to delivering the goods. Frank and Oak uses the highest quality cotton blends from the best mills around the world to bring you clothing with an uncompromised quality and an exceptional value. And with a new collection offered every month, their styles are always current and the clothing is always made with integrity. Frank and Oak's membership is free, and they
Starting point is 00:38:08 offer personalized selection products plus a no cost monthly at home try-on service, so you can try before you buy. Check out Frank and Oak on their website, at www.Frank and slash flop house. That's www.Frank slash flop house. You see anything you like? Use the coupon code, flop house, during checkout to get a 15% discount. Look sharp and help supporters show by shopping with them. That's flop house at slash flop house for a 15% discount.
Starting point is 00:38:41 That was great! Fantastic. I'm going to buy a billion of that. So, I know what That was great. Fantastic. I'm gonna buy a billion of that. So I know what it was for. Wow. Yeah, I'm sure our sponsor loves the irony, but with which you said that. It was shirts. I like the shirt I got along. No, no, no, we actually got some very nice shirts from Frank and I. Yeah, I think I'll probably wear mine tomorrow. As a sample. And they are. They are. Elliot's after him. and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are
Starting point is 00:39:07 and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are
Starting point is 00:39:15 and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are
Starting point is 00:39:23 and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are and they are Letters! Actually, let's get ready to letters. Yeah. Are you ready for some letters? Monday night letters, everybody, if you're listening to this on a Monday night. If you're not, insert the day of the week you're listening to and the time of that day, and then add letters to the end of it. For example, let's say it's a Wednesday morning. Okay. Wednesday morning letters.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Okay, sure. Let's say it's Thursday around noonish. Sure. Thursday noonish letters. Okay. Let's say it's the around new Nish. Sure. Thursday new Nish letters. Okay. Let's say it's the summer solstice. I don't know what day that is. So just say summer solstice. Climb out of that wicker man. You're probably stuck in. You know what? Don't stick around in the wicker man because it's about to become a burning man festival. If you know what I mean. But whatever the king write it down on a piece of paper. Dig a hole, bury it in your back here. And forget about it.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And in a million years, you'll be dead. That's the fail. But the first letter is. That reminds me, sorry, before we took the letters, this is totally unrelated to everything that I was thinking about. How the guys, how the village that they built for Star Wars in Tunisia
Starting point is 00:40:23 to represent Tatooine and Mozaizli is slowly being overtaken by sand dunes that are moving farther here. And I just imagine that in 400 years an archaeologist will dig there and find this alien civilization be like, oh my god, this changes everything about our knowledge of human history. Where are they getting all that blue milk? These people were using vaporators. There was some kind of alien bar here. So thanks George. George were clearly not welcome. George Lucas for screwing with the minds of future archaeologists. They clearly should have gone down to Tashi station to pick up the new
Starting point is 00:40:57 cat power conversion. Unless it's possible that by that point Star Wars will have become a religion and they'll be like we've found it the holy place. Let's fight over it for a thousand years. But this first letter is titled Family Drama. Dear the flop house. That's us. I recently recommended the podcast my sister and she told me that she was forced to turn it off because quote, those guys are so mean. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:41:22 To be fair, she ignored my description of three distinct personalities, including two daily showwriters and a daily show animal wrangler. Watch terrible movies. Closest will get to a MST3K podcast and she ignored the title of the podcast. That's high praise.
Starting point is 00:41:36 That's high praise. Which includes the word flop and she ignored the back catalog. Undeniably flopped, Tastic movies until she hit a movie that she owned and loved. Well movie was that. And she ignored the back catalog of undeniably floppedastic movies until she hit a movie that she owned and loved movie was that and she ignored the description of the podcast
Starting point is 00:41:50 from within the podcast itself to her great surprise you did not enjoy the Oscar nominated Valentine's Day with Oscar nominated I'm not sure what more you could have done I think it was nominated for worst everything I think you misread that then it, it was D-Wars. I'm not sure what you could have done to advertise you make fun of news. The Oscar nominated big money restless.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I'm not sure what my sister's are. And the Oscar for funniest movie. The Oscar for biggest money restless goes to, it's an upset thing. The King's speech. It's accepting for Colin Firth will be shaggy to dope i'm not sure why my sister would think i would recommend a podcast that celebrates the achievements of gary martyl finest work no such podcast exists
Starting point is 00:42:37 perhaps you know what seven warnings indicating this is the work of the nefarious seven pounds or it's a flop house house cat who i imagine is a carbon sandy a go ask world traveling criminal when not haunting dance apartment regardless thanks for the podcast even if it highlights my sister's terrible taste movies eathen last name with held well we apologize to the sister who i assume is no longer listening to the dog
Starting point is 00:43:00 probably the dog now uh... daybreakers we appreciate it apologize to her sister holly hawk probably the dog now uh... uh... daybreakers we appreciate it is a star holly hawk uh... terrible
Starting point is 00:43:10 uh... uh... ethin thanks for recommending the podcast were sorry sister didn't like it but hey that's the great thing about this country uh... that anyone can like the things they like and we don't have to like the same thing and sometimes they have to team up to fight terrorism we win yeah exactly always u.s.a
Starting point is 00:43:25 of all night carriages are welcome here booms are welcome at u.s.a. of all night okay uh... but thanks again the event recommend our podcast as much as you please we don't care how many family members you alienate when you say recommend this podcast the podcast this uh... reminds me i feel like we should do more social networking i feel like we should encourage people to tweet about the podcast. This one reminds me. I feel like we should do more social networking. I feel like we should encourage people to tweet about the podcast. Perhaps with a... Are we having business meeting right now? Hashtag Flophouse. Okay, let's have a shitsand, which you guys... Hashtag Flophouse.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You doing great on talking about stupid stuff. Not so good at tweeting great on laughing. And being really good friends. Thanks for the reviews, Stuart.. Okay now I'll do a review for Dan. Dan you're doing great at producing the podcast You talk way too much about your knee. Okay, and also great work with the knee. I really like this new thing you're doing. Okay, Elliot I think that you're great with your comedy reviews of the other hosts. Great and that's the reviews for everybody. So oh, Why you got them all? What's the middle what's the bad part you know that's the shit part of that sandwich I don't know something about your voice okay that I've an irritating voice that's fair so moving on so okay so and the first spotlight does not fall upon stew I'm just saying he slinks into the shadows if you want to
Starting point is 00:44:39 if you want to promote the show maybe hashtag flop house that'd be great I mean I feel like our fans are really dedicated they're already doing a want to promote the show, maybe hashtag flop house. That would be great. I mean, I feel like our fans are really dedicated. They're already doing a lot to promote it by wearing our faces on their chests. Or stomachs, in my case. Guys, we thank you a lot for making us what we are today. And if you want to help us out some more, that would be fantastic. And we understand that you can break us. You made us and you can destroy us.
Starting point is 00:45:03 But just the fans take it from the, give it from the fans, take it away. But just so you know, hey, we appreciate what you've done. We're not demanding more. We're just saying we trust you. Yeah. Do what your body feels like. Just do what your body wants. Yeah. Like a dance. Miss Conan Stewart. Listen to the rhythm of dance boys. And the rhythm of the rhythm of my voice. So this next letter. Go dancing in the rain. Leviticus. Yeah, who's Johnny? So this next letter.
Starting point is 00:45:30 You got a song title? That's all the songs. All of them. Every song that was written. We just said them all. All five of them. Just turn this thing off. So this next letter is titled.
Starting point is 00:45:39 That was sent to the hashtag flag. written. We just said all five of them just turn this like all. So this next letter is titled uh that was sent to the hashtag flop house. It's two steward. No two stewards. I'm seeing a double. From Sean last name withheld of the dead steward limington. I've had enough of your hatred. You may have noticed I've kidnapped the house cat your friend Ally lover. If you want to secure a house cat safe passions back to dance apartment. You may have noticed I've kidnapped the house cat, your friend Ally Lover. If you want to secure a house cat safe passions back to dance apartment, you'll recommend one of my movies on today's episode. Otherwise, I'll check him into rehab and who knows will happen to your party animal friend there. Signed first name with held haze. Wait, he doesn't have
Starting point is 00:46:20 move, wait. Does he have movies? He had a TV show in a Broadway show another TV show Mm-hmm. Oh three stooches. That was a Sean Hayes movie. Okay, so I recommend that give me back my house cap Okay, yeah, you monster So uh moving on a flop house my threatened to punch one person a couple people and now people make a big deal out of it I mean it's a bull is the only one I remember you for it He threatened to punch Darry Arjunto too. Oh, yeah, he's a creep and I think Barack Obama No way that's insane and the secret service is coming after you and the secret service Draught Butler. He already has a bone to pick with you. Okay. Good thing. I'm wearing a case over my brain
Starting point is 00:46:58 So it cannot be stabbed you better the bone to pick is a wishbone pull wisely so that you can make your wish to not be beaten up by Gerard Butler. But watch out because then the wishmaster appears. Okay, I've watched enough wishmaster movies to know that I'm totally dead. So this letter's titled, A Flop House Nightmare. Let's talk about wishmasters some more. A Flop House Nightmare. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:24 We're doing the flop house, and we. It's high. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude That's good point good what they just came out of there back to tank back to That was bad thing too for a second you guys are right this emailer should have been more clear. I'm I'm sorry about you McCley continue. I Have sure this comedy nightmare. I had in it. I was the flop house's own elite Kaelin And I was solving a mysterious rash of child abductions in a strange village as Elliott weird dream I traveled to an island and found a clearing in the brush stained with blood. I knew the children were all dead Well, this is a horrible dream. I saw a flash of fur and turned to see the culprit turns out it was a goofy panther all along I say goofy Yeah, because I was glad you knew that I was gonna ask that question. Because his face looked like a taxidermy panther
Starting point is 00:48:25 made by someone who never seen a panther. Anyway, he ate those children, but spared me Elliot, or did he? I'll never know, because I woke up from laughing. All I know, I'd rate this dream spookly good bed. Flop on you, floppy diamonds, Ashley last name with her. It's better than most of my dreams, well. Like goofy panther, sounds pretty horrible, so congratulations for making me totally creeped out
Starting point is 00:48:49 I'm just glad I infiltrated your brain to the point where you want to be me in your dreams. Yeah This is the lame Mr. Wicker man movie. I'm just saying that Panther was Freddie But he was like not trying very hard, you know, he was like oh It's time for me to leave for the day, but I got one more kill to do. I'll just be a goofy panther or something. Hey, I'm a goofy, I'm a goofy panther bitch. Good girl, good girl, bitch. You scared, whatever. Anyway, quitting time. See you later, bitch. The panther, like punches out like in was Warner Brothers cartoons as another guy with a with a blade figure glove walks in and punches in hay Fred hay Panther ho already I'll take over girl regor I'm a Panther bitch
Starting point is 00:49:40 Freddie can I you come into my office for a second? Yeah, mr. Guffs. It's in what is it? Freddie we've been getting a lot of complaints that you're calling the client's bitch. You know, it's part of my thing. It's just kind of spooky. I'm gonna kill him anyway. What's it doing? Yeah, but we can kill the clients with respect.
Starting point is 00:49:55 You know, we don't need to be scared. He's finding it. He's finding it. Sexism is quite annoying. There's a little place thing called workplace appropriateness and sexual harassment. I'm gonna need you to do a three hour training session. Oh, not again, come on, sir.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Take it easy on the home or our autism please. I don't have to rip off everybody's weaners. So there's all this blood down there. It was just the one movie. So no bitch and no weaner ripping. Can I do my job now? Whoa, Freddie, enough with the talk back. You know, this is going in your record.
Starting point is 00:50:24 No, come on, another black this is going in your record. No, come on another black mark in a mom probation double-secret probation Don't never let me into the fraternity now. I need this job This is the only thing I know how to do killing kids in their dreams if you don't go back to being a lawyer That's fine, but if you don't shape up, we're gonna replace you with Jason It will be a Freddy versus Jason situation He never talks. Yeah, and he doesn't say bitch as a result Freddy you can learn a thing or two from Jason. Oh God
Starting point is 00:50:50 I think she's so great. Just because he was in the NHL We get it. We get it just because his mom's got her head chopped And he has teleportation abilities and he's as death elemental and it probably is on me. Freddie, you don't show me another job where you can wear a hat and just write about that's work. No, no, no, no, you got to get to the last letter. He's got a machete. I got a pretty step in for second. Jason killed by a fire starter, I think. Jason, can
Starting point is 00:51:20 you step in here too? Both of you now, this is a hard decision. I know both of you applied to the in-space program, but we can only send one of you into space. And I'm sorry, we've made a decision. Jason, you're going to space. And Jason doesn't talk to me, just raises his fists and pumps them in the air, silently. And Freddie's like, this is bullshit, man.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I've been with this company 25 years. I've killed way more kids than he has. I'm not sure that's true, Freddie. We can check the numbers, but it's all about demeanor. You got to way more kids than he has. I'm not sure that's true, Freddie. We can check the numbers But it's all about demeanor. You got a scratch you scratch our back. I'll scratch yours But I don't really scratch my back because your fingers have blades on them Mr. Gossison, I mean, I'd respect you, but I don't respect the guys upstairs if you know what I mean And maybe that's part of the problem Freddie. Yeah, maybe that's part of the problem
Starting point is 00:52:03 Can't look inside. Inside yourself. Shape up and fly right, maybe you'll go into space one day. Whatever, I'm never gonna go into space. Not with that attitude, you're not Freddie. Jason, can you please leave the room? I think I have to talk to Freddie again. Yeah. Now, Freddie.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Well, you're also how long has this been? I mean, Freddie, you're on time. It's been nice, buddy. Let me be honest, you're on thin ice. I don't care who your uncle is. Maybe Bill Kruger runs this company. That doesn't mean we have to keep you on the payroll. Look, I've gone to a nice buddy. Let me be honest, you're on thin ice. I don't care who your uncle is. Maybe Bill Kruger runs this company. That doesn't mean we have to keep you on the payroll. Look, I've gone to bet for you a couple times.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I can look at a certain point. At a certain point, there's only so much I can do, buddy, you gotta help me help you. I know, I know, you're a good guy. I must contribute to the law, I can't. Yeah. Okay, we done with Freddie's law. Show him what his job is.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Okay, this last letter. This letter, this last letter. This letter, this last letter. This letter, this letter. How are we supposed to respond to the letter? I guess it's 12 feet tall. There's nothing we can joke about. This last letter, or as I call it a letter, is titled, hey, it's me, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:52:57 What? Oh, hell's come. Why does everyone want to be me all of a sudden? Dear fellow, I felt like we were trapped in a weird wormhole. Dear fellow, great. Deer fellow, that's right, it's me, Elliot. It's not. I know you guys are wondering why I write into a podcast
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'm actually on. And if you're Elliot, IE me, you're probably wondering why I don't remember writing this letter. Well, shut up for a second, because I'm gonna tell you. Please, thank you. I wrote it in to tell you guys. I'm writing it from the future. What I'm terrible is gonna write in to tell you guys what'm writing it from the future. What I'm terrible is you know I'm writing to tell you guys
Starting point is 00:53:25 What I don't have courage to say in person firstly Dan you are proud of noble leader, and I want you to know I love you not a weird A bit of a way, but you're the greatest person. I know kind of way. That's not no I would like to give you my amies as a sign of appreciation Ignore me if I protest this becretel and put person. I'm just being shy I really want you to have the Emmy So feel free to take it by force. I know it. I mean, I have my own you have one. You don't need my But thank you you may get another one this weekend. I don't know don't knock on what I must have really been on the
Starting point is 00:53:56 Pain then I wrote this letter, but what do I say to Stuart Stewart? I do love you in a slash fiction kind of way, okay? Elliott and it's lash fiction kind of way. Okay. Elliot. Oh, sure, this is cool. Elliot, that's all I had to say to you. You're talking to yourself. Don't panic yet. All will be revealed in the poor whole of time. Dan, it's real? Dan wink at me now.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Dan is still. Oh, so, also, stop being so coy about Ms. Halfaway. We totally tapped that. And now for a series of rapid-fire professions. Elliot, gentlemen, never tell. Number one, I've never seen Castle Block in nor any other Black and White movie for that matter. I find them boring and only recommend them to seem cool. I don't know what I'm saying. Don't listen to me.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Number two, my favorite part of the podcast are the all-too-rare occasions when my brother writes in. Right, son. David, you were fascinating and awesome. No, no, it's on true. Number three, my natural voice is a deep baritone. I'll have Barry White. I don't know what he's talking about. I mean, guys, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Number four, I have confusing dreams involving the flop house house cat. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Now I know I'm probably protesting this right now in my affected high-pitched voice, but rest assured I'm just nervous. These are my true feelings and a Reckle me to hold me to them. Flop on since you're the Elliot Kaylen, PS. Hey Dan, while you're reading this, can you give me a favor? I'd like you to turn to me and say the following sentence in a gravely voice. Do you want to play a little game? No!
Starting point is 00:55:15 Jigsaw! He got me the only way he knows how by becoming me in order to trap an Elliot, I have to become an Elliot. When you stare at the abyss, the Elliott stairs back. We who hunt Elliott's become Elliott's ourselves. Well, me, that was an interesting letter. Totally incorrect. I must have written it either on Backward's Day or Nega Elliott, the evil Elliott
Starting point is 00:55:36 from another mirror dimension wrote it. Sure. That's the evil dimension where Elliott thinks my brother is interesting. Bizarre. Bizarre. Bazzelli. And Gerard Butler doesn't start any movies. Well, he starts in good movies in the in the evil universe. Oh, but wait, I don't get the wait.
Starting point is 00:55:56 What are the rules of evil universe? It's just opposite stuff. Okay. So he stars in really good books. He's the opposite of movies. I'm not everybody's real to be opposite of movies. Not every word is real. No, man. Yeah, and he's Brazilian, because that's the opposite Scottish.
Starting point is 00:56:11 So when you invite people into your house, they go outside of your house. And you say, you say bad bye. When you mean hello. You say, have a bad night instead of have a nice day. And you say, have a no. When you mean goodbye, because heaven is the opposite of hell. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And you eat pasta made by chef man, R.D. I guess we chef girl. Girl, I do. So, well, let's get that we established those rules. For the very worst. So what are we doing now, stuff we should recommend quickly quickly now quickly Quickly down under that watch for recently
Starting point is 00:56:52 Alan Rickman not recently if we don't have a good one Recommend movies that we actually enjoyed An Alan Rickman directs porn movies. That's the name we use is Adam or actman Adam Shank porn movies that's the name of the at a more act and and shankman uh... movies that actually enjoyed yeah and i'm ready to look at us first
Starting point is 00:57:12 i'll go uh... the way because i only have one line on planes a lot lately no i have not but i i was on vacation for a couple weeks and i didn't have a chance to see a lot of movies but one thing that i did see wall in the road that i enjoyed was uh was the world's end. I like that too. The conclusion of the Cornetto trilogy, the Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright, Nick Prost, film, a movie that I initially kind of ranked as my least favorite of the three, just because I thought it was the least funny, but upon reflection, kind of is climbing up in my estimation.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. It has a lot of genuine emotional content that I kind of respect. And I feel like the thing that kind of made, gave me the biggest problem was there's a weird left turn kind of the movie takes at the very end of the film. That I wasn't necessarily sure I was gonna go along with, but I've read some things on the internet
Starting point is 00:58:10 that have kind of made me think, maybe I would appreciate it more. On a second feeling. On a second feeling. Yeah, that's a legend. So the legend. And the ending didn't quite work for me, but it enough, you know, I was terrible.
Starting point is 00:58:22 In some ways I think it was my favorite of the three, but. I feel like of the three movies, that's the one that if you took all the crazy stuff out, it is the most interesting and hold together. I agree. And Simon Pegg's performance in it is fantastic. Yeah. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I think it's the best of his work. I'm going to recommend a movie called The Place Me on the Pines. Oh, I just watched that on a plane. What am I doing? What's been a long flight? It was, it was 10 hours, but it was business class on Turkish Air. Sweet, I had a chair that turns into a bed. No kidding.
Starting point is 00:58:57 It was awesome. And a chair back huka. No, that's a stereotype. Yep, and he slept on a fucking pedabrid. Yeah, they just fed me Turkish delight. No, that's stereotype. Yep, and he slept on a fucking Peter bread. Yeah. Yeah, they just fed me Turkish delight. It was a delight. Now that I will say, as soon as the first class,
Starting point is 00:59:14 as the business class flight takes off, they give you a bag of toiletries that's a really nice bag and with real nice toiletries and then a good diver chocolate. And it's like, now you're just rubbing it in that I'm in business class. Like, just free candy right off the bat. Anyway, I wasn't paying, so that's why I could fly that way. But the point is place behind the fine. Yeah, the fine's. Fine the pines. The place.
Starting point is 00:59:35 The place in the pine salt. Place adjacent to the pine. The place in the pine region. Pine Gnakedi, New York, basically. It's just place beyond the pines. Sure. It's the second collaboration between Ryan Gosling and I got the director whose name I'm not gonna do about. Yeah, from Blue Valentine. Let's just calm blue. Um, I would recommend it. If you like, I don't know like a slow paced, uh, sell it. Okay, if you like Ryan Gosling's abs and you like bank robberies, you also like confused protagonist.
Starting point is 01:00:11 You like motorcycle stuns inside of round cages. It's like an intergenerational story. It's hard to talk about, I feel, without ruining elements of it for a person. Yeah, it's best not to know the plot. But a big part of it is that there's a lot of kind of awkward scenes and I guess characters with questionable morals and ethics put in positions where they have to make choices they don't want to necessarily. Do not watch it if you want something
Starting point is 01:00:40 that's going to be very straightforward or you don't like things that are slightly overwrought. Do watch it if you like kind of slow movies that take place in Scenectomy, New York. That place take place near Pines. Yeah. Or beyond them as the case movie. Yeah. Now, I'll recommend my movie as quickly as I can.
Starting point is 01:01:00 This is I'm going to recommend a movie. People who listen to these in sequence are going to think I only watch France watch throughaut movies, not realizing it's been like a month since our last episode, but I watch one recently that I like a lot on their Francois Truffaut, called The Story of Adele H, which is when I was not familiar with it all before I started watching it.
Starting point is 01:01:17 But it's a combination of two things I like, Francois Truffaut and Isabella Johnny, in her first major role, as a a woman a french woman who has become is in love with someone say become obsessed with and english soldier in the eighteen sixty is who she's fallen love with uh... and he has been restatio to howl fact howl facts and she on her own travels to howl facts and tries to win him back with increasingly insane
Starting point is 01:01:44 behavior basically while becoming more and more obsessed in building this fantasy life around her. And she herself comes from a, I don't want to give away who she is, even though most descriptions of the movie give away, but she comes from a very privileged background, and this plays into it. But the main thing about it is uh... french watchful doing like a color
Starting point is 01:02:07 historical costume film which is something you don't see from him very much and what he does with it is interesting but also that is a bell a johnny gives one of her kind of classic throwing herself completely into a perform into a role performances kind of like in possession the crazy movie where she leaves her husband,
Starting point is 01:02:26 Sam Neill for a green tentacle monster, where she is just totally allows herself to be totally vulnerable and open in front of the camera and takes herself to really intense places. And it's just a really fantastic, like brutal performance, much of the time. This is a woman who really feels like she's going insane before our eyes.
Starting point is 01:02:44 But it's good, the story of Adele H. Yeah, so this was some good recommendations. I want to say before we go though. What do you say? Where's this going? Well, listen, it should stay tuned. Oh, the movie with John Ritter? Stay tuned? Yeah, well, I mean, I think it's kind of nice. It's kind of nice. Mom and dad save the word. I mean
Starting point is 01:03:05 you know stay tuned as a nice check Jones directed segment but that's not what I was saying. And Jeffrey Jones is in it when it was still okay to like him. I'm saying stay tuned to the end of this podcast because we're gonna debut a little treat or some kind? A little treat. A little song. A little song that you guys are looking at me. dare say, if this song had debuted at the beginning of the summer, it would be the song at the summer. Forget blurred lines. Forget all night or whatever it was called. Yeah, for all night.
Starting point is 01:03:33 To get lucky. Get lucky. The deaf punk song. Forget the Miley Cyrus one where she's on a wrecking ball and she's nude. Yeah. Forget the other Miley Cyrus one where she's like rubbing her butt against things. This would be the song of the summer The VMAs were asking me if they could debut it there, but I said no, no, no, yeah, flop house first
Starting point is 01:03:51 That loyalty. Here's the thing like with movies a lot of the a lot of the trash a lot of the trash gets debuted during the summer And then when fall comes around towards you. Yeah awards awards films. know what? I'm going to name this the song of the autumn. This is the song everyone's going to be listening to all autumn long. Yeah. So zip up your cardigans over your button down shirts, put it on your pod listeners, put on your pod. Yeah. Rake the leaves in front of your house while listening to this soon to be hit.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Jacket into your ears. A card style. And take a listen to this soon to be hit. Jacket Indier ears on hardstyle. And take a listen to this new single. Pull the guts out of a pumpkin. Yeah. But while you're doing it, listen to this. This is music to eat a turkey too. Yeah, but before we...
Starting point is 01:04:35 Or look at some decorative corncobbs. This is the pumpkin spiced coffee of songs. Put a corncoconut juice up to your ear. Indeed, put 10 corncocpia up to your ear indeed put ten corny copia's up to your ears put a hundred corny copia's up to your ears and uh... has the bounty of music flows forth into your brain holes just enjoy it but uh... before that uh... that day loose of musical genius uh... cascades over you
Starting point is 01:05:03 i would just like to sign off saying that I've been Dan McCoy. Over there is Elliot Kaylen. And ahead of me is that it is Stuart Wellington, then that means land, land, we've reached land. Goodnight everyone. And now an exclusive flop house event. Alex Smith and Stuart Wellington present their new single. Can I get your attention please? These are the captain speaking. Can somebody tell that house cat to stop party here? ROOH! Uh oh! A major prophecy speaks of a mighty house cat Rising from a blood red sea
Starting point is 01:05:48 Some say he was born in a puddle of toxic waste Some say he's the son of the devil himself He hangs out with the flop house guys He's a house cat Rar-R-O-O! That house cat is a bad ass. He's a house cat! R-R-O-O! No nerds allowed, no one's a house cat in town.
Starting point is 01:06:13 R-R-O-O! Did you knew about the house cat? Excuse me, doctor, but the diagnosis for that house cat is... Radical! Well, of course, he's 10 feet tall. He's covered in silky white black fur. He only wears his baseball cap on backwards. He's incredibly wealthy.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Sun glasses? Unnecessity. Sometimes he wears overalls. He doesn't smoke cigarettes because they're bad for your health. His favorite instrument? The guitar? favorite food, pizza, favorite movie, road to That house cat does not play by the rules He's a house cat for all It's been a four days since we went out into the push And that flop house cat is going completely feral Oh, he's wearing his overalls
Starting point is 01:07:15 Picking up baits Eating some food Drinking some bruise Knockin' over nudes Breakin Breaking the rules Ruining webbings and breaking up rules No way, two babes at once? I've been with too many human zeros
Starting point is 01:08:08 Rrrr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r Rararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararar Who gave that cat those clothes? He's a house cat! Oh, Mr. President, have you ever heard of a house cat? Ra-la-la-la-la! He's so powerful! Uh-oh! I don't know what's going you did you know about the house cat? Where'd he come from? That's the thing nobody knows. He's a house cat. You're gonna have to hand in your badge and gun unless you can turn in this house cat that's been terrorizing this town. Uh oh. And the award for baddest dude goes to... Huh, the house cat, of course! He's an asshole! R-R-O-O!

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