The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #136 - ATM

Episode Date: October 5, 2013

Really captures the boredom of waiting at the ATM. Thank you ATM for blowing the lid off the all-too-common crime of ATM serial killing. Meanwhile, Stuart discovers the concept of the spoiler alert, a...nd Elliott and Dan trade impressions of one of the most oft-imitated voices in Hollywood usurping the signature role of another most-imitated-voice in Hollywood.Movies recommended in this episode:BelowAmerican MaryPersonaIn the Mouth of Madness

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this first Shocktober episode of 2013, we discuss ATM, the movie that really captures the horror of watching ATM. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm'm Dan McCoy. Yeah, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaelin. Hey guys, you guys expected me to do some? Hey, what's up? Hey, you look at the calendar. You have a little bit of a calendar. I don't know. I heard the theme music. I heard the theme music kicking. Dan, you know that my parents were killed by calendar. I'm sorry. Calendar man. It's a very special time of year. A man is a man bitten by a radioactive calendar. Wait. And from that point on,
Starting point is 00:01:11 he had the power to produce one far side cartoon today. Man calendar. They're mostly back cows. Basically, it's scary layers. I mean, the thing is once you see it, you flip ahead to see the future ones then. Once they come up, you're like, yeah, I saw this one. I get it
Starting point is 00:01:26 But when you buy when you buy a page a day far side calendar what you're really buying is a hard-to-read book of far side cartoons Look that you throw away daily. It's a poorly formatted book of far side cartoons that you flip through once then throw away It's like like an advent calendar. Yeah. That doesn't make you fat. Just getting Gary Larson, I heart you and your work. So it's Shocktober. The most wonderful time of the year. Yay. I was shocked.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Now Dan, is it called Shocktober because of the electricity? No, it's because of the fear it strikes into the hearts of all. Now what way? Where are you shocked that I didn't make a joke there? What are you looking at me with? I thought you'd do a sound effect or something.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah, there you go. We're like a shocktober. No, no, no, no, real Jacob Marley tonight. You'll be visited by three spirits whiskey. Rum. Okay, and come up with a third tea-teller. Vermouth. Yeah, all right. Barely. It's kind of gross.
Starting point is 00:02:36 It's a wine. It's a fortified wine. A bottle in James. No. Okay, that's a brand of wine. Cooler. Cooler than wine. A wine with sunglasses on. All right. Yeah. Yeah, you you waste it. You waste the test. Oh good
Starting point is 00:02:50 So I'm present in the bars now put on these sunglasses now you're a cool dude By passing a test I guess So it's shocked to burn what does that mean Daniel? It means we watch nothing but Horror movies we watch the trouble the day of the masterpiece horror movies for the month of October which means we watch to four and and i'm sometimes three
Starting point is 00:03:14 all not this here few things delight me more than the excitement of flopp has fans when shocked over his arriving knowing that it just it just means to horror movies and we often read it into to her movies separate it by maybe a month separate by like maybe a Catherine Haigel romantic comedy or an action film but we love that you're so devoted to shocktober it truly is as Dan said the best time of the year and tonight we watch to me this is why we do the podcast is because I think when
Starting point is 00:03:42 when did my first started podcasting with how to actually recording it and just sitting around bullshitting over a bad movie. There's not my or movie. That's not wait. What's a podcast that you would have to be recording it. Okay. And then putting it in a pod and bearing it for 100 years shooting it to earth. Okay, because Krypton is going to explode. Oh man. Oh man, that's quite a shock. Yeah. Tober. Tober Grace. Let's get a little let's. You already know this because you watched you looked at the name.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We watched the horror movie tonight or was it a horrible movie? Well, I would. Yeah, we got a couple minutes. What was the movie, Daniel? It was a little movie called ATM. ATM like from Wizard of Oz. ATM like she's evil the pretzel place. Oh Antian's pretzels the pretzels are killing people the letter A period the letter T period the letter M period but without the periods Okay, okay ATM so it stood for a terrible movie Yeah, it was the it was the porn abbreviation for estimates. That's what we watch Yeah, it was the it was the porn abbreviation for astamount. That's what we watched
Starting point is 00:04:46 Whoa, what what what I Innocent word why would you say that I say that with Dan's face? Last I checked this was shocked over and not inappropriate language tober I apologize so ATM is always been an all-agents podcast. Yeah. Thank you. It's primarily for the kids for the fucking kids It's like the loop you know for kids. It's a dingus for kids. So Dan, ATM that sounds like one of those horror movies about an evil ATM that recommends people or maybe it's like an ATM possessed by the soul of a killer. It's like the lift or deathbed, the bed that eats people. Yeah, or Chuckie, the doll movie. Ginger dead man, the gingerbread man that kills you. Yeah, or the beast with five fingers.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Or Jack Frost about that terrifying Michael Keaton. Yeah. I like it. I'm surprised. If I wrote a Simpsons spec script, and this is why I'm nearing any higher up in the Simpsons, I'd write a joke where they rent Jack Frost, and it's a terrifying horror movie, and they go, ah, and they return to the video store,
Starting point is 00:05:41 get the Michael Keaton Jack Frost, and then watch and go, ah, and return to the video store. One percent Keaton jack Frost and then Roger go ah the video store one person of the audience would love that joke yeah uh so now we watched a movie about um 18 people trapped in an 18 kiosk now there's pretty scary what would be scarier than get money out there it's the middle it's the middle of the night so it's still their identity it's the middle man no they didn't it's the middle of the night so that i think it's the middle man no they didn't it's the middle of the night it's the movie identity i think that's what happens where junkies actually get stolen by the
Starting point is 00:06:08 l.o.k.a. i'm a person of the car that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that Dorothy just stole junkus ex identity, but which identity was it? Oh no, it's prute tail events. Okay, there's your movie. It's called Identity Thief. No, it's called, you know what it's called? Multiple Identity Thief. And you steal the identity financially of a crazy person and that crazy person's other identity
Starting point is 00:06:36 has come to kill you for revenge. So it's like the cook is on the run, being chased by a killer who could take any form from his identities. That's amazing. Where can I mail my $75,000? So you can mail it to my hand right now. Okay. Just right on the envelope, Elliot's hand, then put it in my hand,
Starting point is 00:06:55 okay. And then I'll write that movie for you. Thank you. How many nude scenes did you want that movie? 50. 50. You got it. So all of them.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Wow. I didn't know there were 50 scenes in a movie. I just learned so many. There will be in every three minutes Okay, so ATM should we talk about what this movie is about cuz the plot is there is about people trapped in a fucking ATM So we're introduced to a colorful cast characters. There's blonde guy Brunette guy and Alice and Alice Eve blonde girl they all work at a wall street company and the blonde guy is sad it's Christmas but the blonde guy is sad because he just lost one of his clients money uh they have a holiday party he's not the breaks he's not gonna go to it then he does which is good because alice
Starting point is 00:07:35 of his co-worked he has a crush on is there and who wouldn't alice he has a ten dude in a scene that goes on he's out of my league he he I was gonna say Dan but glad that someone you're totally wrong she is totally in her thank you she's start trek into darkness yeah and one of the movies with she is a real some other British movie I assume yeah yeah yeah I'm really another fucking movie you watched here I don't remember someone with jarred batler or something yeah yeah Gremlin batler yeah it's right he was probably in Olympus is falling
Starting point is 00:08:05 Grimland batler. Okay, so anyway He kind of fumblingly asks her out The blonde guy asks Alseev out in a scene that takes 17 hours Where they're just kind of mumbling and nervous with each other. Well, they're explaining how nervous they are Just like people do in normal cases There's a lot of time talking about how nervous she is, which is hilarious because she is Al Sive. And she looks like Al Sive. Famously confident.
Starting point is 00:08:28 No. Famously confident. Famously. Famously confident. It's kind of like bland guy asking out Al Sive. There's no reason why she should be nervous. I mean, she's kind of bland too though. Yeah, but she's in a movie.
Starting point is 00:08:38 She is. She's stored mentioned, or I think maybe you mentioned. She's not a space doctor like in spoiler alert, start trying to spoiler alert and a darkness in the darkness spoiler alert they go into darkness she is one of you guys mentioned she's one of those women who so pretty everyone's too intimidated to talk to her and it makes her nervous because she thinks nobody likes but also it seems like both her and the hero maybe mentally challenged they all start a little mentally handicapped when they
Starting point is 00:09:02 talk to you like 12 year old. Okay. Now, her beauty is like Cassidy's strength in the preacher comic book, where he doesn't he doesn't actually have to learn to fight because he's too strong. She's so beautiful. She doesn't actually have to learn how to flirt. Interesting. I get it. Just that's one for the kids out there. That's one for the preacher fans. For everyone who was reading Vertigo comics 15 years ago. Okay. Now can you compare to death,
Starting point is 00:09:27 the high cause of living somehow? Oh, shit, I don't know. She's like, Isn't that good? Okay. It's Chris Piccalo. Wait, what? Anyway, the got one of the best comic artists
Starting point is 00:09:38 whose art is unreadable at times. Anyway, well I could tell him, I could tell him, I could, no Bill cabbage. So good, amazing. He's amazing. He's a visionary. I'm gonna see I'm gonna see Unreadable But moving on so because we've gotten about three minutes into the film luckily
Starting point is 00:09:57 It's a 90 minute movie and there's almost no plot so he agrees to try the hero I guess you'd call him Wikipedia would disagree with you There's like St. Paragraphs of plot of those he the news he agrees to the he's to have alcy home thinking hey maybe we're gonna hit it off and i'm gonna put my penis in your vagina tonight uh unfortunately he's so many words his do she surprise he didn't say it from the rest of the dialogue yeah his his do she friend also wants to ride home and is a real third wheel especially played by Josh peck from red dawn red dawn he also plays the douchey younger brother in red dawn now he says hey I'm hungry I
Starting point is 00:10:30 want pizza but I don't have any cash can you drive me to the ATM and then drive me to the pizza place and then I swear I'll leave and you can back on her so they go to the ATM uh... the blind guy in a fit of there's convenience he parks way far away from the 18th. The driver, the blonde guy parks set like a hundred, 400 feet from the ATM. Wait too far. It's a nice night.
Starting point is 00:10:53 They want to go for a brisk walk. It's not a nice night. It's very close. It's below zero. It's below zero. It's late at night. They're in Winnipeg, the saddest city in the world is seen in the saddest music in the world,
Starting point is 00:11:02 one of my favorite movies. And they, he just decides to park there and make his friend walk. His friend goes in and then comes back, uh, my card's not working. Can you give me some money? So the blonde guy goes in with him. Alicey, if sits in the car for a little bit, uh, she's already noticed that the driver has, was it St. Christopher's metal or something like that for travelers. Uh, she goes, she's getting cold.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So she decides to do what we would all do if we're cold, go out into the cold. And join them in the ATM. Only that's when she was complaining that his car wouldn't lock. So she left her person there for some reason. Yeah, the car would she couldn't get the car lock. So she left all of her things in there and didn't stay with the car. But airtight airtight so far. So they're in this ATM kiosk, but uh oh, a shadow we figure in a parka is staring at them from across the parking lot. And there's nothing scarier than a man in a parka. Let me tell you, you know you're dealing with a monster if you're wearing a parka. Right up there with a goole mask and a white painted
Starting point is 00:11:56 a goole mask. Yeah, make the fan of the goole mask. Yeah. No, that would be terrifying. Yeah, a Jeff Goolee mask X husband of Tony Harding Yeah, so they're all in there and they're in there and Parker but guys just staring at them and they immediately assume This is dangerous and I it would be kind of scary to just have a guy You can't see his face. He's in a park his his face is hidden in the shadows as a park. I mean he's standing at movie serial killer style like yeah legs of kimbo just still yeah that was that gangster wasn't it legs of him but actually i'm stealing that was joke on dates are mall on uh on freakasoy they had a character named arms of kimbo i remember now uh so i apologize to the creators of freakasoy which is i guess Steven's view of ragan amblin entertainment yeah send him 33 cents i will not do
Starting point is 00:12:43 that the the stamp to send it to them would cost more than that So anyway, they're like, oh, there's a scary guy there. I guess we'll Stay here and be scared us two men and one woman will be fright men stay in the of just a guy standing in a parking lot But then a guy walking a dog comes by and the parker man beats him to death So they're like whoa, this is shit just got real at least knocks him out He beat he literally slams his face against the parking lot pavement over the only human body can take a lot of punishment There's just blood all over the place and he never gets up and moves every game But the only emotional responses movie elicited in me was when the dog laid its head on a dead master's body and then ran away.
Starting point is 00:13:25 That was the only one moment of motion. Yeah, just in case the soul was leaving his body. I had to chase it to another world. That's how dogs work. He was like, no, you're not going to feed me anymore. Exit stage left. I guess I'll find a new source of begon strips. So forgive me if I get the order of things wrong, but they spend
Starting point is 00:13:48 forever in this ATM, arguing about where they should do anything. The bad guy turns, knocks out the heating element using tools he found in the trunk of the hero's car. He also has disabled the car and they just kind of hang around being scared for a while. There's one point where the hero runs for the car to get trying to get it. He can't. He manages to lose his jacket and phone. Yeah, he can't, but his phone was dead. Right?
Starting point is 00:14:16 He tries to get her blackberry. What I love is they're like, call the police, call the police. I'll get the phone. I'll try to get the phone. I'll call the police. And while he gets in the car, he gets the phone, the bad guy smashes the window and they struggle. But while they're struggling, he looks up contacts on the phone. And it says 9-1-1.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's the simple, there's only one easier number to call and that's 0 for operator and she could connect you to 9-1-1. Why are you checking the contacts? I better check it. I better call Sure that she doesn't have a boyfriend. I Better call Alice Eves job to make sure no no she's not coming in tomorrow But she has no contacts. I better she's a blank slate. I better call her friends to see what she likes for her for the first date Well, she in on the whole thing maybe we'll find out later. Well, no, we won't anyway. Oh, we will she wasn't in on it So they're stuck in them thing they argue with each other
Starting point is 00:15:06 they're trying to get the police's attention by smashing the atm and setting off some kind of alarm that they can't quite do it was more a security guard comes by they wave him down he also decides to park hundreds of feet away from the at the us after she like outsefe has written help on the wall and lipstick they're all waving at him the yelling yeah and he decides to park equally far away and what's the way i can't hear you the bad guy hits him with a tire iron kills him
Starting point is 00:15:31 yeah multiple times not just one time multiple times it's true it says not a point he's not down the one hit doesn't kill him it knocked him down but no it takes actually the killer hits him way more times than he needs to and actually seems like the killer is Like overdoing it somewhat, but yeah, Stewart makes the point You don't really want to root for anyone's death, but in the case of a fictional character. This is one fictional character Security guard. Yeah, well he's bad at his job
Starting point is 00:16:02 For all you know, he might have had a fictional family if he had been good at his job Everybody else will to survive Not the dog guy he would have been he was already dead unless he's playing day okay long story short they try another couple gambits the do she guys says i'm just gonna run for it he starts running and then gets knocked over by an invisible trip wire that the
Starting point is 00:16:18 bad guy set up on the bad guy stabs him although he makes it back to the kiosk before he dies and they're trying to keep him alive you you you you you forgot one major point which in between times another guy wearing an identical parka alright stumbles into the eight in and they murder and they use the atm for its normal
Starting point is 00:16:37 purpose the heroes use the chain that would be attaching pens to a desk to strangle this man's death the thing that's known be attaching pens to a desk to strangle this man's death. The thing that's known famously to for not being able to secure a pen is able to strangle this. To paraphrase Christopher Walken, the chain is going to break. That's from dead zone. Although it sounded more like Woody Allen and dead zone. What a movie that would have been.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Woody Allen's dead zone. I mean, eventually I get a fun love with my my surrogate child. I should get a hand in I saw you with it with a woman that I think you shouldn't be sleeping with. It was very erotic but maybe I should warn you about the future. I just don't think she's right for you. I think that maybe you should look into somebody else. I touched your shoulder and I saw you cheating on Marie, but Marie's a wonderful woman.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Why would you do that? I like what she has the death zone. I'm replaying this game with you guys. Come on. Come on. You know you want to do it. You know you want to do it. You know you want to do it.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I touched your shoulder and I saw you. You're going to pass away and then there's nothing. There's nothing afterwards. It's just why we have here. we gotta make the best of it. I was shaking hands with a man. And I saw him reading a copy of Elysses and then setting it aside and never picking it up again. And then telling his friends he had read Elysses.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And he's lying to his friends, he barely got 50 pages into Elysses. I don't know what to say, whether to warn him not to pick up the book because he's not going to enjoy it. I'm not going to get it. Warn his friends that they're lying to him. He's good. He's good to lie to them. I just, it's a real dilemma. And I guess, should I, is there anything? Is there a god? Do we, does he anyone watch us?
Starting point is 00:18:18 I should be able to make the man cry. I saw him going, he was, he was going to a therapist. We had a duck on his head and it was just absurd I don't understand it. Danny got a gun around here Sinai teeth they haven't do you know grow Joe Marx just once said I I touched him an elephant and for saw him in my pajamas And how he got in my pajamas in the future. I'll never know Because it was just a flash of the future very briefly That's not even one of the grudge remarks instead of putting it on clothes where did we leave off I shook my own hand and I saw a run of films that could only be described
Starting point is 00:18:55 as embarrassing and then called uh whatever happens and one called anything else whatever happens wait wait what is it I think it's watch what happens live I think it was called anything else anything and then whatever works anything goes and it was called any which way but lose whichever way you want we all in any which way but lose it's like we've got a client we've got that double date with that blonde orangutan and her friend I really don't have time to get in fight with these bikers I have very fragile We've got a climb, we've got that double date with that blonde orangutan and her friends. We really don't have time to get in fight with these bikers. I have very fragile bones.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Perhaps don't give the finger to those truckers. I'm not one for fighting. I'm more of a more of an erotic specialist. Woody Allen slash, fire sign theaters, not insane or anything you want to. That was what it was called. Yeah, that's what it was. But no, they killed this guy. Woody Allen's cannibal holocaust because when you they're in need to kill the turtle on camera
Starting point is 00:19:49 because I it's a makes me little squeamish I don't eat meat anyway so what so they killed it's in there you can from this turtle was a killer so that would feel justified so they use the chain to to strangle this guy in an innocent person But the only way find that out is they kill him and then they look up and the killer is still outside watching them We never find out a single thing about this guy. He is literally they might as well as trying to a mannequin Man, they could have been a clone of course the first thing they do is open as well There's a shitload of kids pictures You know, maybe they maybe they were being stalked by Jamie Maddrocks the multiple man
Starting point is 00:20:24 And he stomped his foot in a second kill You don't know those were his kids. Maybe they killed a child molester. You don't know Maybe they have to tell themselves that yeah, they took that so they can feel better at night Unfortunately, of course they don't have to feel much better because the guy who is after this the douche guy is stabbed he dies I mean they get over the bad guy somehow ranges to be flooding the ATM kiosk I don't remember how he does it's an air airtight He's he's putting water through the air vent and it's an airtight kiosk So it's filling up of course with cold water. They're super cold bird. Yeah, it blocks the door with
Starting point is 00:20:56 Oh, and he he pushes their car so that it blocks the door and they can't get out now You guys have been stabbed eyes of hypothermia the other thing is they find out halfway through the movie that they thought the door was locked need a debit card to get in but it turns out it's not the killer could walk in at any moment the killer never learns this never walks in at any moment that is never paid off yeah totally stupid and unnecessary so yeah it's supposed to add to the tension it doesn't so there would have been it would have been great if then there were a bunch of scenes of the killer Reaching for the doorknobs and then shaking his head like what am I an idiot? Of course it's locked. No wait
Starting point is 00:21:31 Maybe I'll just try it. No, then I'll look stupid or I just seen after the movie ends where he like goes back and checks the door I wasted a whole night on this anyway I'm like looking through a wallet from a guy he killed and not finding an ATM card and like howling to heavens. I'm forgetting gods. You don't give me an ATM card. So they manage long story short again. The Alice Eve and the good guy barely. He's killed an innocent person by this point because really who's the monster now? Who's the real murderer? They managed to start all to sleep with one woman. They managed to start a fire and you know, that's why I did it right Yeah, yeah, because desire is the ultimate price the ultimate effort Is the ultimate effort easy
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's the dumbest totale of the ever Because sex is the ultimate erotic Because fire is the ultimate erotic because fire is the ultimate burning because boobs of the ultimate press. Oh man let's you're writing all these down right because there's no better place to sit than a chair. There's no greater blindness than when your eyes don't work. Okay so they managed to start a fire in a trash can and Using all the deposits lives and that's managed to they have a bow and a stick They find they have a lighter and they light it they that they think there's like homeless people who are used to making steel drum fires Everywhere watching this movie being like you're doing whatever all watching this movie being like I wish I was outside
Starting point is 00:23:04 Everywhere watching this movie being like you're doing it wrong watching this movie being like I wish I was outside desperately trying to warm myself To Trump fun a barrel fire. It's not it's a barrel. It's not a steel drum They didn't steal it from a clip so musician You're lighting a fire in it I went up to go get a dagger and I come back in my trumps it's so warm here on the beach why did you light a fire anyway uh... you're already to warm in that parka back to the movie the bad guys just watching this as they use the uh... the fire to set off the fire all smoke alarm
Starting point is 00:23:39 the sprinkler goes off and the fire alarm great that's gonna notify the police and then by the way that like this bothered me and a movie full of stupid things that really bothered me that they light a fire in a metal garbage can and then they're just holding it up to the sprinkler system as if that wouldn't be burning their hands that's because metal conducts heat yeah physics 101 yeah but it's really cold maybe it's just warm in their hands up that's a good point that's a good point well by that point let's let's talk about the the water proof let's in their hands. That's a good point. That's a good point. Well, by that point, let's say that the water proofs. Let's say their hands are so numb from the cold
Starting point is 00:24:10 that they don't feel at that point. How about that? This is a strange magic ATM Kiosk, where after they take all of the paper deposits, there's still some. Yeah. There's a very basic continuity where they take all the deposits lips out of a holder on the wall, then they cut back in its full of deposits lips again it's this magic bottom list deposits that cabinet they're trapped in
Starting point is 00:24:32 a movie a strip of a the uh... they like the fire but while they're doing that the girl loses her alcy bluser balance hits her head on a cabinet and dies uh... they had my alcy killer then use slams the security guards car into the car that he was blocking the door with smashing in the front of the atm thing the hero walks out makes he's made a model he's made a i don't know to add insult to injury he's made a mallet of cocktail out of a bottle of at liquor that the do she friend and brought with him and the it looks like
Starting point is 00:25:01 we look like the killer is just sitting in his park in a camping chair he found in the heroes trunk watching this like the killer is just sitting in his park in a camping chair he found in the heroes trunk watching this happen the hero just throws that maltok cocktail at the seated figure at burst into flame that was the body of the security guard uh... who has his mason which explodes and sprays the face of the hero and the bad guys just watching the police and the fire trucks arrived
Starting point is 00:25:21 he's he's loving it but about about up up up up up up up up he's loving it he's had his break today the police finally arrived and arrest the jibbering hero who's mad ramblings don't square with the dead bodies around him and the lack of a murder and then in the morning and cut what up we cut to a bunch of uh... at the security footage none of which shows the killer the police investigate for a long time not really and all yet all the at the security camera footage just shows them fighting inside the at the end killing a guy and then breaking the camera
Starting point is 00:25:53 but the real killer killer real killer is never on camera and we see his secret because earlier in the movie we saw a shadow figure drawing diagrams on transparency is of a parking lot transparency diagrams per line he goes back to his storage locker which takes about an hour of him walking down a hallway and inside is his evidence layer Where he's planning evidence dungeon T.M. He did he did I didn't want to pay royalties So I hold an evidence layer and because he works in there. It's his office. It's not just like a storage
Starting point is 00:26:21 It is a storage place. He. It's an evidence home office. It's an evidence storage place turned into a home office. And he has, it turns out, he heavily researched where the cameras would be pointed. So they'll never catch his image. And he's plotting another attack on a mini-marriage. The perfect crime. We see him plotting it for 20 minutes. And then the movie cuts to black.
Starting point is 00:26:46 It's like a shitty Kaiser so say. And so basically, I would say this would have made like a really strong student short film. If there was almost nothing in it, it was like 12 minutes long. And then, but it's been stretched to an hour and a half, the characters are all super bland. It's super boring. Everybody operates under the string just logic. Everyone in the movie you have
Starting point is 00:27:05 to assume inhaled like a ton of carbon monoxide earlier and it caused brain damage and so they've no idea what they're doing anymore. The two things that bother me like the most. Well I'll see you never take the clothes off. I know you're worried about that. That's number one. Yeah, I'm gonna start tracking into darkness. TM. That's yeah, but no the beginning and fork terrific movie the beginning in the end bothered me almost Most number one the beginning like I feel like if you're gonna make this kind of movie You have to have the sense of like these are interest now. What kind of movie in a crappy movie? Well, no I'm movie where like something some like happens people are there. No some crazy external force like Blows into people's lives. Okay lives ruining it a random engine of chaos
Starting point is 00:27:46 certainly attacks innocent people for no reason you're gonna do that you have to give this sense that these people have lives outside of the frame of the movie they were gonna go to date and be interesting yeah as people and i saw that they shouldn't just be like random boring jack here's what we know about the hero ok
Starting point is 00:28:03 the hero lost a guy's money at work, has a crush on his coworker, and he's got a great haircut. And he their two different types of pizza. He likes those one pizza place. There's a girl in a mushroom and there's a pepperoni. That's all you need. That's three things. Do she guy?
Starting point is 00:28:15 He's do she? He doesn't carry a lot of cash with them. He probably smells. He likes to drink it. He probably smells. Or at least where's cool? Okay. Alice Eve, we know she's a girl.
Starting point is 00:28:24 She is getting a new job. She's very nervous. And she's nervous because she tells people that. Three things. All right, I guess I'm wrong. This was a good, great movie. And the killer, you know, he owns a parka. You know, he owns some kind of wire
Starting point is 00:28:35 that he uses to trip people with. Hey, it makes a tripwire thing. Some kind of wire. And that he rents a storage compartment. White O6K, what is it? He knows exactly when people are going to be Not carrying their phone around or when their phones gonna run out of juice. Yeah, that's the turning Yeah, that matches fucking psychic power. So what's the other so the first thing is these people are cardboard characters
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, and I just want to say like I mentioned to you guys I watched a movie called black rock recently, which was like basically a picnic at black rock a female version of deliverance but that movie had a good ability it actually should have called it she liverance the women and the tagline would have been deliverance got just got later but like the people in that movie seem like they had an existence beyond the frame and they had sort of an interpersonal relationship that was punched up by the stress that they were then put under. It's not a great movie, but it's a movie that I feel like shows up the problems with this movie.
Starting point is 00:29:31 But also the ending just drives me up a wall. This movie was like, oh man, total twist. They think that he killed the guy. Now, like, what do the police think? Why do they think that they're just hanging out in this ATM kiosk for hours on in before anything starts happening in the freezing cold like this is not like snap to the real estate. Yeah, maybe that's it. He lost all that money. So now they think he's open and shut case. And now they have the other thing is that they have no evidence
Starting point is 00:30:02 connecting him to most of the murders. I fingerprints are on the blade that killed his friend. The screwdriver. Because was this good driver? I think so. Because he tried to pull it out or he was going to try to pull it out. But like, yeah, there's no, like they don't have a strong case, but he's probably gone insane as going to go to a sanitarium. But the twist ending was, hey, this killer is going to do this again.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah. Maybe at a mall. Maybe near a burger king. You don't know, wherever A-teams are. Or like that this killer planned what he was doing. Great. Okay, like that's not a twist. That's a given.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So do you think in like this sequel, they're going to have to find that guy in prison and be like, these people are stuck in this thing and you know about it. You got to help us. You're the only one who can help us. Yeah. The guy who understands A-teams. And it's going to be called A-2-M. Mm-hmm. That one who can help us yeah yeah I understand 18 and it's gonna be called a 2m mm-hmm that's what the team stands for no no it's just a the number 2m what's that is that like a place you can just awaits is the second movie okay you know like you know
Starting point is 00:30:55 too fast to furious or well another movie that kind of used this formula that I previously recommended was frozen about two guys and you're on a girl stuck out eight. I'm stuck in a frozen chair. And they've got to eat all that beef. But at least that movie featured a guy jumping off a chairlift and totally smashing his legs off and some super frozen. And there are movies where people are stuck in small places and they're scary.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I have some like- Yeah, they don't need a force of nature in the form of a creepy guy in a park. Or even if they do like, there's something scary about being trapped and at the mercy of a killer, but when there's so many stupid things that like to get into this trap, they had to do 10 stupid things. Yeah. Like and it's hard for you to think that could be me and there. Now I'm scared about it. Maybe it's like, well, I'm not gonna do that stupid shit. Maybe we're underestimating this movie. Maybe all that stuff without Steve and the hero at the beginning was to show how
Starting point is 00:31:51 stupid these two are. So we're like, oh, okay, these idiots. They shot all that later. They're like, these characters are doing stupid stuff. We better lay the groundwork that they're dumb. But also like, they have the minds of children. They feel bad for them. That you were expecting at some point, I don't know, they wanna have this like faceless killer who is like you're scared because you don't know anything about him.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And why is he doing these things? But even he comes off as just kinda like, blindly going through the motions of being a killer. Yeah, there's nothing charismatic about his job or something. There's nothing charismatic or mysterious about his parka, you know, and there are times when you see his eyes and he just looks kind of like just kind of bored. Like he's just watching whatever, you know, I'm off to terrorize another group of, uh,
Starting point is 00:32:39 he's a good, like weird sexual satisfaction of it or maybe it is. We don't know that he takes some money at some point there is a point where they take five hundred dollars a pair of earrings in a watch and they put it in an envelope and then throw it at him and they say here you can have it just let us go and i think he takes it but he just kills him anyway that was one thing funny that i'm a recent during the movie was that uh... you would like to if when they were throwing the money at him the win just picked up a money and then ran back into the ATM and he chased them.
Starting point is 00:33:09 They took it their ties. Or a bird flew by and took the envelope, like just packed the envelope out of his hand and flew away with it. Rain checks. Here's the thing. Here's another way to do this movie is if the killer is just setting it up to make the people inside lose their wits and kill each other. That's another way you could go with this.
Starting point is 00:33:35 But like, it seemed like the movie was kind of trying to hint at that. Like the part where they killed the innocent person where it's like, monster within all of us. Yeah, like, oh, who's the real monster? Well, they thought it was the person who was trying to kill them all the time. It didn't, you like, you kind of wondered if the people would watch this new what a scary thing was
Starting point is 00:33:53 or like what made something scary. I mean, the dialogue was sparkling, though. The characters constantly like just stating how they're feeling. Yeah, maggots are what's scary. Mag at the X, my character. His stomach's on the outside. I thought there's just fried rice maggots Michael you're eating maggots I can't beat your bike
Starting point is 00:34:14 I'm thinking about Santa Clara I can never stand what's that damn vampire yeah yeah frog brothers yeah or hug brothers. Yeah. You're not really brothers or frogs. You lied to me. You lied to me. You lied to me movie. You told me there'd be frog people in this. I'll just go play battle toes. That'll give me the frog people like crave. Tell that some motorbike level,
Starting point is 00:34:42 which won't be able to, I won't be able to get back. You just gotta jump for the right time. Just gonna do this, I'll just watch Hell Comes to Frog Town again. Yeah, they're gonna be ready to run. You're gonna be vibrate. And it's the greatest feeling from disappointing Frog Entertainment. There are frog people in that at least.
Starting point is 00:34:58 It's not like he goes to Paris. I'll just watch Michigan J Frog in one frog evening It's got the courage of its convictions. Oh just watch John Harbiter's the frog the fog oh man Okay, so I'm frogs with ready my land so this movie yeah this movie It's hard to know what to say about this movie other than it's like barely a movie like there's not a lot of movie there There's not a lot of there in this movie. I'm imagining now like a 1970s commercial early 80s wasn't like, where's the movie? Where Clara Peller wants to know where the movie is.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Other movie producers don't give you much movie there's a there's a yeah there's like because not a lot happens yet it takes up time it's like it's like it's like if Andre Tarkovsky directed this I'd be like okay it's really slow and boring that's what he does and he's trying to tell us something about the nature of time but as it is it's just like those characters are still standing in the ATM huh no that another shot of that bowling alley right next door, huh? Well, a $3 million movie. One of the things I like is that it takes place in one ATM key.
Starting point is 00:36:12 The movie will occasionally fade to black and then fade back up again. Yeah, they're commercial breaks. It's like, they're going to make that $3 million back. Look, we know you're not, you need to use the bathroom, but you don't want to miss a thing. So we'll fade to black, you pause it, use the toilet and come on back from more ATM. We'll tell you when to pay All right, well, it's a mood it like and this movie caused how much do it? Three million dollars Was the domestic box office how much was it about a hundred thousand?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Ten thousand here's my assumption all that money went to filling the ATM so that it was realistically full of money they had to imagine it was really hard you know it's really hard to play the part if I know this ATM doesn't have any money in it so well I guess we'll raise three million dollars in backing and just fill the ATM with that all right well let's quickly go through our uh... shoktober final judgments which are movie totally scary fine scary scary mori fine was it totally
Starting point is 00:37:08 snorifying or was it frighteningly funny frighteningly good bad sure what you have to say wait wait what what's the way I'll take this one never has has a movie better fitted the phrase
Starting point is 00:37:20 totally snorifying yeah I agree this movie was totally snorifyingifying. Totally. It was snorathifying in its totality. It was a hundred percent snoresville. All right, well, let's take a brief. If you want to sleep, but you don't want to wake up ATM. Let's take a brief break for a word from our sponsor and we'll be back in a moment sponsor, Frank and Oak. Now what is Frank and Oak? Imagine you're going to a place where you don't want to wear your flop house t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I know it's hard to imagine, but hear me out. You might want to try Frank and Oak. It's an incredible Montreal-based creative workshop that designs, manufacturers, and curates a monthly collection of fine clothing and accessories. They make looking good, easy, and hassle-free. Frank and Oak's small crew handles every detail of the experience from curating the online shop to designing the collections and working with the manufacturers to delivering the goods. Frank and Oak uses the highest quality cotton blends from the best mills around the world to bring you clothing with an uncompromised quality and an exceptional value.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And with a new collection offered every month, their styles are always current and the clothing is always made with integrity. Frank and Oak's membership is free and they offer personalized selection products plus a no-cost monthly at-home try-on service so you can try before you buy. Check out Frank & Oak on their website at www.Frank & slash Flop House. That's www.Frank & slash Flop House. You see anything you like? Use the coupon code Flop House during, to get a 15% discount.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Look sharp and help supporters show by shopping with them. That's flop house at slash flop house for a 15% discount. Hey everyone. After these messages, we are right back. Anybody else watch cartoons on their weekend? We did. I hang her for a hunk of cheese. You remember that one too? I was like, a commercial or a cartoon? That was a commercial.
Starting point is 00:39:32 My get up and go just got up and went. OK, these are just commercials again. I'm talking about animated bumpers that the network played between the commercials and the cartoons. Yeah. It's like a trick. We'll be back to more Heathcliff after this. That kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:44 There's a lot more of the fire hydrant, spray water on the dog that was going to urinate on. And the one where the horse fell on the cowboy. Now, if I can talk about my favorite bumpers, they're ones that they're used to, the ones that I might have tried met him before, I miss them when, miss them on the X files dvds which are when we were out of watch x files went first aired and they'd have the bumpers that might have been only in my markets whether it's a
Starting point is 00:40:11 the x files is brought to you by rolled gold pretzels and i used to have arguments with my college roommate over whether it was the same guy doing both of us whether it was they got two different guys a scary voice guy and a goofy voice guy clearly was one guy But I just really talented if I've ever watched reruns the ex files on syndication or in DVD I miss the really miss those Bunkers the ex files is brought to you by Mikalo Blight
Starting point is 00:40:40 Like it's a football game or something yeah, yeah exactly well Aliens and brought what are we doing here? This has been the nostalgia house, but now we're moving on to letters. Letters, a big old bag of letters. I like it. Got to open up that bag and dip in your arm and grab out a fistful of steaming hot letters. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:41:03 That was smooth. That was smooth that was smooth Krunner voice that I was yeah a little too smooth Down that noise death metal version All right, thanks Fuck pop I'm a pop star like a Robbie Williams Robert Robbie volume Now so Stuart is that your what you're new songs to me about?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Now that the Hascat song is burning up the charts. It's letters, yeah. So that's the letters bag. Deepen your letters box. Legend tells of a letter rising from a blood red sea. Yeah, that's plagiarizing. That's all copyrights. Well, two letters at once.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Mr. President, have you ever heard of a letter actually before what now that you bring that up maybe before we get into the letters yeah we should say this um... so we all we all got together the three of us got together wait uh... that would be a lot of it would be me damn koi used to our wellington and that guy all eight klin plus on the drunken uh... the fourth flopper adjunct floppers hailey haggle and we all got together
Starting point is 00:42:09 uh... this last sunday to tape all uh... some things on video cassette and why did you do this that sounds really good did we kill hailey on tape now what it is is uh... a contest a non uh... poorly defined contest this one's very un poorly defined Now what it is is a contest, a non-poly-defined contest.
Starting point is 00:42:26 This one's very unpoly defined. So we shot a bunch of stuff in front of you. Random stuff. We've got some goofy make-em-ups and some posing-in dance around. We shot it all in front of a green screen to the end that we are going to make this green screen footage available to you, the Flophouse fan. No extra cost. To make a music video for the song of the autumn song the autumn
Starting point is 00:42:49 uh... house cat uh... now that's a full title i remember i wrote it down somewhere the house cat parentheses from our third that when you now when you make this music video uh... video i can save you two letters there Dan. I want everyone who makes a music video to credit the authors of this, Stuart Wellington and Alex Smith. So what you can do is you can go to Alex Smith homepage,
Starting point is 00:43:20 you can download. What would that be? He's the house cat for 55 cents let's miss home page I'll throw up a link okay on the flop house website The price of only 55 cents which is no money you would throw that out if you found it in your pockets You can download he's the house cat Arthur You could buy half a hamburger with with that money you could buy half a hamburger I'm a menu but use the green screen footage or don't use the green screen footage, but we made it, so why not use it? Yeah, but make a your video. Make a music video for he's the house cat. This is your chance to be David Fincher before he got into future films.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I don't want to see you using this footage to like frame us into committing some kind of ATM crime. No, we saw that. It's a mouth is what what I meant. Now try not to draw dicks on our faces with that kind of stuff. Use it in some kind of gypsy ritual where you can control our movements by controlling the... Yeah, and make us thinner. Now, as of the date of recording, I'm not 100% sure of the link for the green screen video, but we will have that up on the flop house site. So keep checking that.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And Dan, what's the prize of this? The prize is number one. It's a P. So you're in. It's your classic. Uh, choose a, choose a movie for us. They get to decide what we flop. It's almost like a choose your own flop venture.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And number two, you had a t-shirt. Nice. What t-shirt would that be like? The fly. Go ahead and make it lacrosse t-shirt. Yeah, one of the most big Johnson shirts. It was the other one I was gonna say. The enormous Johnson is his name.
Starting point is 00:44:50 The enormous Johnson. One of those shirts did they ban at my middle school. Huge Woody, I think. Huge Woody Airport. Yeah, so there you get win a T-shirt, you get to play God and choose what movie we watch all for just having fun Making music video using footage and song provided we know we got a lot of filmmakers in our audience Heartbreakers love takers let your bread bakers creative juices flow all over us all over us now No, don't don't like it. Why don't you reach in that fucking mailbag brother?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Sorry, I think we need a new song now. It's a mailbag segment again. Okay. How does this one go Elliot? down don't brother song how does this one go wait you want me to sing it yeah okay la la la la letters letters letters letters letters
Starting point is 00:45:40 letters for flavas the letters for flavas never read my name thank you Letters for Flava's The Letters for Flava's The Letters for Flava's The Letters for Flava's Now Red by Dan McCoy. Never did McCoy, Red by Dan McCoy. Thank you. This first letter... Class up the joint. It is titled... It is...
Starting point is 00:45:51 Passion Play and Swinging for the Fences. Dear three men in a house cat, while listening to the Passion Play episode, I was struck with how similar the description of that film seemed to a movie I really loved, the Polish Brothers North Fork. Ah. Since your take on Passion Play, I'm sure I would not be saying that movie. It did strike me these two films tread on very similar ground,
Starting point is 00:46:11 yet every misstep you mentioned in Passion Play seemed to be present in North Fork, only that movie worked for me. I realized I really enjoyed when a director shoots for Transcendence and nails it. Other films I really think fill the bill in this regard are the fountain. Sorry, the fountain.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I didn't do that. I don't know. Which landed for me, but for some is just inseparable. Yeah, I can see that. And the suite here after an exotic cut, which seemed to be pretty universally loved but criminally underseen. So his questions are number one.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Even though directed by Atom McGoyan, the only director to harness the power of the atom. Have any of you seen North Pork? Did you enjoy? Did you compare to Passion Plane? even though directed by at the mcgoan the only director to harness the power of the atom uh... have any of you seen north work to do you enjoy to do compared to plethora passion play in a favorable or unfavorable way and number two any recommendations for films of this nature that are willing to swing for the emotional fences and for you knocked out of the park by the way i've seen invisible maniac and
Starting point is 00:47:00 wall had its charms it came short in the transcendence department disagree. Thanks and give up the great work First and last name withheld. Whoa Anonymous Arthur anonymous the Batman villain not only has no villain. He never commits crimes. So they never catch him I have to admit I did not like North for I found it a little too precious and I Have not seen it there. I can that uh... is that the one where aliza would place the character north no that's north so wait what are we talking about there's a more north fork
Starting point is 00:47:34 uh... what about the movie the superhero uh... the the the fork that something fork that's mystery man i can't remember anyway i'd love that one that i say that like, tree of life for me reach a level of transcendence. And you shit, you stole mine. Yeah, sorry. I reached in your brain and pulled out the movie.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I knew you were thinking of. You're right. I did it on purpose, Dan. He called it. You don't have to say cloud Atlas now. But also a movie I've mentioned before on the podcast, The Fall. I feel like it achieves that for me too.
Starting point is 00:48:04 That's a pretty good one. Yeah. You know, another one that I was thinking of that's not as maybe bold in its formal aspects, but is bold in terms of just being an unabashed melodrama is, I really like imitation of life, the Douglas Cirque movie. The second version of imitation of life. The 50 movie. Yeah, the Cirque one, which, you know, it skirts along that edge of camp,
Starting point is 00:48:30 but really like pushes the emotional content as far as it can go, but I really love that movie. And along the same line, something like Johnny Guitart, I think is very interesting. I don't know if that achieves transcendence though. I guess I'm more, the think you're talking about more movies that are just like big bold emotions that are not. Well, they make bold choices.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yeah, you are not an asshole. They don't hedge, which I totally see in those. But in terms of a movie reaching for like a kind of poetic grace, like the sweet here after I think works also, although there's a different type. What do I use to do? Oh man, I'm lost. I think all I can hope for is something that, like, a movie that completely loses me, something like The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, something
Starting point is 00:49:17 that, like, just completely absorbs me and I lose track of time, which is good, because they're long movies in it. There's, or like, like Carl Thedore-Dryer's movies, I feel like achieve that a lot, a movie like Ordeat, which is slow, but like achieves that kind of grace for me. So there's a very heavily religious movie.
Starting point is 00:49:41 On a similar passion of general arc, is there a similar type of thing? Yeah. I feel like there's some older movies to do, but it On a similar passion of general art, is this similar type of thing? Yeah. It's, I feel like there are some older movies that do, but it's a tough thing to reach for because when you fail at it as with passion play and in my opinion a little bit in North Fork, it really thuds hard.
Starting point is 00:49:54 It's a very hard thing to achieve and pull off, because it's so delicate. It's like a Gossamer thread made out of Angel's hairs. Well, you're a delicious pasta. So, it's like getting just the right cavitelli. This next letter is titled Loosands. And it starts, Dear Floproth Nachta.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Loos readings. Floproth Nachta. Dweller in the films beyond the bell, damn. I don't know what that'll be. It is now. I mean, come on. Take a moment. Take a moment. Okay. Floproth-Nakta.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Dweller in the film is beyond quality. That would be your name if you were one of the great old ones. Okay, I like that. I like that. Yeah, this is how we're not. Maybe you're, maybe you're, maybe you're stewards of Njarlathodepr's subship. Sure. Give a thousand bucks.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Give a thousand bucks. Give a thousand bucks. Give a thousand bucks. Give a thousand bucks. Give a thousand bucks You have a thousand masks. Give him your... Yes. Give him your fondness for this is the last episode of Effort jokes. I started thinking about the very loose ends. You have a bit left hanging over the course of your hundred plus episodes. Not stewards. Titus Nend have ever seen. Yeah. Here are a few questions I think you should answer. So it's not to leave your fans wondering.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Okay. Questions for us. Let's answer them. Four Elliott. Oh no. Number one, what is the right redness that the movie to watch you once told us it wasn't the incredibly strange features who stopped living became mixed up zombies but never said what we should watch and said in number two what exactly is wrong with canable holocaust
Starting point is 00:51:17 aside from the obvious and no one's slaughter sub-porn or acting goofy soundtrack artless nihilism and racism i mean those are all pretty pretty good reasons not to watch Game of War on Coss. I think it all, I'd sum it all up by saying no redeeming value whatsoever in terms of gut appeal, thrills, meaning plot, technique or anything. What about the car chases? In game of war on Coss. I double back. You think of carnival holidays.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And as for, you know, that's a very good question. I don't know that there are any any raid in the secular movies that are worth watching. I think a boo boo. I want Rat think a boo boo to be so much better than it is. I'll tell you what, okay, Rat think a boo boo one because the title is great because it's based on a typo. And two, because there is one long sequence where you're just watching a woman's butt as it walks down the street. But it is so, it's you want-
Starting point is 00:52:10 That's what Cinema was invented for. I remember for years wanting to see Ratfinkaboo Boo Boo and they finally aired it on TCM. I T-Vote it, I was so excited and finally watched it and I was so bored out of my mind by it. So, but if you're gonna watch a Cash Flag movie, as Ray Dennis Tecler also credit to himself as, then fine, rat think of Boo Boo it is.
Starting point is 00:52:30 All right, now the questions for Stuart. Number one, number one, does the fact that Disney owns Marvel bring us closer or further away for me answering all your questions about the relationship between Howard the Duck and Duck Tales? And number two, which boobs are best? Ha ha. Well, how are the duck, the mention of Howard the Duck brings boobs
Starting point is 00:52:51 into stark relief because duck boobs are not best. No. Wait, you didn't ask if duck boobs were best, right? No, but that is the creepiest part of Howard the Duck. Can you see the duck boobs? Yeah, I mean, that is... You wait creepier than a woman sleeping with a duck. I think it is creepier than that. I don't know and is weird a man duck
Starting point is 00:53:09 Amanda duck. Yeah, it's Amanda. So yeah, I mean I thought we named porn star Amanda I thought we all assume that duckberg was on the duck planner. I have to yeah I mean and all what there's a bunch of other animal people on there too, like the Beagle Boys. Yeah. I mean, everyone. So how are the duck believes that for I'm his world, everyone's a duck. He's never met the Beagle boys. Maybe he maybe lives in the town. He's in it. Like what the fucking sex of anywhere. So it's like Johannesburg. Yeah. Yeah. They have a complete internet shutdown. So it doesn't know what it's like on the other side of the board. So, you're saying it's like Pyongyang Vitax.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah. Okay. And the second one. Awesome one. The correct answer is my wife's. Wait, my wife, oh, wow. Dan's wife's? No.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Hey, when we just left, stop talking. No, no, no, no. I was talking about Dan's wife's boobs. I supposed to be seamless and Dan what questions are there for you I can make the edit right before I say and Dan what questions are there for you and Dan what questions are there for you? Dan's wife's boobs It's not a question merely boobs Dan so Daniel Daniel for Dan the questions are never long. I'm seeing quadruple Daniel for Dan the questions are never for dance. I'm seeing pleasurable Why are you so sad? I think the answer is that your two best friends also annoy you and every time you see them You start questioning all the choices you've made that led to you having to listen to Elliot endlessly improvising dumb songs or
Starting point is 00:54:37 Stewart rapsodized about his penis, but I'd like some confirmation of this upgraded to best friends And to be honest Dan talks about storage penis more than that all the time these days number two what criteria do you use for picking letters for the mailbag my efforts to reverse engineer the process through pseudonyms and fraudulent emails are taking too long yours and flop Lawrence high refamped of the first church of flopping this I think the first thing you should do is title it, penis enlargement, guaranteed. Number one, why life so sad?
Starting point is 00:55:11 This is a tough one. Because I have, by all accounts, I have a pretty good life. You got a great life. You got a high paying television writing job. Great marriage. Great life. Your apartment's shitty, but otherwise you got a fat mean cat. I think it's probably chemical. You need hurts. yeah you know you got a lot of reasons to be mad
Starting point is 00:55:28 uh... notice chemical yeah i've said you said you said you're worried a lot yeah that i think that's inherited from my parents oh yeah so is this your therapy cast i mean the guy at this wtf what happened yeah wtf's question i'm asking i'm what the fudge is happening here uh... what if wtf was a fudge tasting WTF? What happened? Yeah, WTF is a question, I'm asking. What the fudge is happening here?
Starting point is 00:55:47 What if WTF was a fudge tasting show every week they taste a different fudge? What the fudge? He has a list of his call-in and shout-bat into the microphone. So the criteria? Do you hear the last episode of Iggy Pop? It was great. Iggy Pop really revealed a lot about what kind of fudge he likes. What criteria do I use to choose the letters?
Starting point is 00:56:11 If it's funny, I choose it. If it asks an interesting question, I think that would spark debate. I choose it. If it's from my brother for some reason, you choose those. Yeah. I like to frustrate Elliot with that. And if it's short, I tend to choose it.
Starting point is 00:56:24 So there you go. Listeners, see?'s a written in a while. Yeah, should we We should are we are we candy manning right now? I'm worried that we are. Is he fine? Maybe he's still That can't be it okay Cuz that I can give him here is not right into a way is this a busy sports time? Yeah, he could. Is there a lot of sports right now? Because then maybe that could be it. Dan, local sports in these. Local. I do like local sports.
Starting point is 00:56:52 So I've been to several cyclones games. This next letter is titled Frank and Oak. Hey folks, great floppcasts as usual. However, I feel like you guys in LA in particular, missed a golden opportunity to touch upon and clarify a popular misconception. Not to sound too pedantic or anything, but the name Frank and Oak acts to be refers to the clothing company currently sponsoring the flop house, and the correct title for the lumbering undead golem who delivers the shirt's fresh to your door is in fact Frank and Oak's monster.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It's a small but important destination. Also both Dan and Elliot are an error. The name of the quasi-real paradise that the Elvesail 2 is Valinor, aka the Undyinglands. The Grey Havens, home of Seerdan, the Shipwright, and founded by the Elves of Leroy Dan, by the way. What happens, Seerdan? Yes, it's fucking self-touled, like we're here. Salve your shame. Following the wars against Morgoth, it was a location in middle earth that the elves sailed from to begin that journey
Starting point is 00:57:49 Not the destination is Dan so smuggly asserted. I got that wrong because I was too busy remembering things that actually happened in the I'm really glad that your wives aren't here. They're not totally ashamed of you I mean of me and Dan not yeah, not the destination is Dan so smuggly asserted Drops Mike and walks away fireworks guitar riff Eagle Screech fade to black. Okay, I've just last name with help You want us back you want us back no no, yeah, I think you have totally miss Represented Coolest nervous the coolness of correcting us on the gray have Coolest nerd ever. I don't think that you are walking away from an explosion and slow motion
Starting point is 00:58:25 when you correct us on a matter of two days. Sure he is. Sure he is. No. Anyway, I've already forgotten all the things he corrected us on because I don't care. Yeah, I blacked out the last two minutes. If you want to, if you want to,
Starting point is 00:58:35 if you want to, if you want to, I was too busy remembering real stuff and real sex on HBO. Sure he has, good to say. I was too remembering busy remembering someone's wife's butt. Well, you're just playing into the stereotype now. Yeah, I thought I'd lean in. That's what that book was about, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:51 In the future, if you're going to write in a correction email, it should be about Japanese dating sim video games or something else that there's no way our wives wouldn't know anything about, right? Because our wives are all, wait, what? I know a lot about it. A huge toll confect, yeah. Yeah, my wife's totally in the Lord of the Rings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I read it to her every night while she brushes my hair. No, that's not what it's hair. It's been very like, on my head. Okay. That's an adorably, oh, now it's gross. So, I've never noticed that Stewart's wife feeds him a special food that keeps his pelt glossy. It's called the peanut butter solution.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah, isn't that the Sherlock Holmes story where he's snorting peanut butter in the S to C segment for us? So this final letter of the evening is titled, How is Your Knee? It's written by nobody nobody because no one cares. It starts, hey Elliot. Oh, my knees are fine. Don't listen to anyone else. More songs please. Oh thank you. Damn, buck up there kiddo. Stuart, keep fighting the good fight. Yes. I love it. Yes. Did somebody's grandpa write it? You seem to be slowly teasing out more details of the famed flop house slash fiction still somewhat timid try a flop house dirty limerick In the air the scent of tears still lingers brought forth by Stewart's cruel zingers the cleanup begins
Starting point is 01:00:19 Everyone wins. Elliot likes chicken grease from hands fingers From the first world privilege hour. Well, thank you. Well, there are a button on this thing that erases the entire podcast. No, no, no, no, no, no. I gotta say I still feel bad about that poor slash fiction author put so much work into it. And we were not appreciative. I have to live in the shadows. We are not appreciative. Thank you for the work you put into scaring us. Yeah. The high coup. That was more like, that was more like, it's not a high coup.
Starting point is 01:00:48 What? It's not a high coup. That's true. It wasn't, sorry. You and Irishmen should know. Yeah. So we just read a bunch of fucking letters. We, so that's the end of the fun game, right?
Starting point is 01:01:00 Oh, guys, guys. Shottober is over. Oh, shottober's game. So look at it. It's a lot better than candy and skeletons. Hold on. Let's can. So, look at that. Candy and skeletons. Put on all sleeping caps and tuck ourselves in. Yeah, tuck ourselves into that. What is it, a sardine can?
Starting point is 01:01:11 We all have a sleeping. Together. In our tiny mouse caps. A little bed made out of a slice of balloony. No, there's one last second. I woke up and my bed was gone. I had a dream I was eating balloony all last thing I woke up and my bed was gone. I had a dream. I was eating Bologna all night There's entire bed could be made out of the
Starting point is 01:01:33 Before I realized the baloney we were lying on before I realized you're making a stupid like a stupid joke about that stupid joke Yeah, I thought you're making a stupid joke about bed house letters I never thought this would happen to me, but my bed was made of below me Like I get this doesn't make sense, but let's keep reading because it might get hot later Maybe there's sex in it. So I put mustard on the bed and I ate it. No, there's no still Well, let's keep reading. Why not? This is all you've missed. I don't get it. I don't want to read anymore Just publish it. Just put it in Whatever we got we got come to me of a joke that I either heard or wanted to tell I can't remember I that if it's a joke I came up with or not
Starting point is 01:02:14 Which would I think I did maybe I stole it from somebody was all I had I dreamed I was eating a giant marshmallow on one I wake up my wife had left me marshmallow when I wake up my wife had left me. I said joke. Anyway, so what do we do with this part of podcast? It's over, right? Goodbye, everybody. Good night. That's the podcast.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I'm going to start the call. All shocked. Overs. I'm going to start. And that's a crazy parking guy staring at us. Okay, let's get back in the ATM. Okay, let's get back in the podcast and record a little bit more. Okay, Dan, what do we do now?
Starting point is 01:02:44 This is the part of the podcast where we recommend a movie that we actually enjoyed and being chocktober if you can Perhaps a horror movie, but if you haven't seen one recently or you can't think of one I won't be a fucking bitch about your welcome delivery. So Stuart you want to go first? Sure. I'm gonna start with a movie I don't think I've recommended yet head of the family Head of the invisible castle freak. I've already recommended that. I'm gonna recommend a movie called below directed by David Twohy Below about bullow ties. I wish it was about below ties. Sorry Johnny Depp David Twohy the guy who directed pitch, Chronicles of Riddick at all.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Perfect. Getaway. And below is a submarine thriller ghost story question mark with a great cast of character actors including Bruce Greenwood, everybody's favorite Star Trek captain from Star Trek, spoiler alert into darkness. Olivia Williams is in it, Jason Fleming. And Zach Alaphonakis has a great little role in it. He was co-written by Darren Arnowski and Darren Arnowski was supposed to direct it at some point. I don't know what kind of style of
Starting point is 01:04:05 or substance movie that would have been if he directed it. But it's a great little ghost story and it's claustrophobic. And yeah, I'd recommend it. It's a submarine ghost story. claustrophobic movie sounds good. Check it out. So I watched a movie recently. That you want a medal for it?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Come on, stop bragging. Yeah, where do you watch it on a fucking plane? Boom I five. I watched movie that Netflix recommended to me. Okay, and I thought sure Netflix on planes. Netflix was like watch this on a plane, Dan. You seem to like watching movies on planes. God damn, I'm not I have seen a lot of movies on plane. So Netflix recommended a movie for you. Come on, we're not mad at it, time. I was like, okay Netflix, I'll play your game. I'll show you half of me.
Starting point is 01:04:52 And I liked it. It was called American Mary. It was directed by a pair of twin sisters. I think they're called the Sroka sisters. I'm not. I think I know why you watched that movie, uh... and it's dark catharan is a bell out we've got of the ginger snaps fame of which issue the older sister the older sister the older sister okay
Starting point is 01:05:14 yeah and uh... it's a it's a in my canadian girlfriend you would know her she's from canada and it was in the ginger snaps movies it's interesting movie because because it it finds a it Stakes out a place in horror that I haven't seen before which was It's about a woman who's in medical school studying to be a surgeon and but she doesn't have any money So she applies for this job at a strip club, but before like she can actually apply for the job she
Starting point is 01:05:41 gets roped into performing surgery on someone in the back room who has been beat all the hell, and from that point she gets roped into this weird world of underground body modification. So it is this sort of body horror film, and it's an interesting, like it's a character study of this character, it's kind of this arch-sense of humor to it. It's also sort of a sexy movie. But no nudity, Catherine Spell doesn't do nudity. No nudity.
Starting point is 01:06:14 But it's an interesting movie. It falls apart a little bit in the back half where the movie loses focus. It turns into a very light. Well, it feels like at a certain point. Incident-based film. where like the movie loses focus it turns into a very well feels like it a certain point incident based film after a certain point I feel like it it was like a tails from the crypt that just didn't and like it keeps going and you're like really where's the keeper is is it my turn do I go on now no okay I'll just
Starting point is 01:06:39 but I think I mean I think it's well go boys and go all right I'll just it seems like we reach the come-up it's a well-go boys and go oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I will issue one warning. If you're sensitive to such things, there is a rape scene in the movie. Oh. So just, you know. I am not a fan of those. Yes. If that's not, you know, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:12 So just be aware, but otherwise, I think it's a very enjoyable horror. So not wanting to pop in when I'm visiting the family. Yeah. So that's my recommendation. American Mary. I haven't seen any movies lately that I really loved and I haven't seen any harm movies lately that I loved.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I got to get into the October, October spirit. So I will help you with ATM. Let's pop it in the DVD player. No. So I'm going to recommend, to make up for it on the remin 2 movies, I may have recommended before but I'm not sure but there are two of my favorites. First I'm going to recommend. Always new to somebody.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Yeah that's true. I'm going to recommend maybe the scariest movie I'm gonna recommend- Always new to somebody. Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna recommend maybe the scariest movie I've ever seen to me, and that's- Oogie loves it. And that's Oogie loves the Great Falloon Adventure, and that's Persona, Inmore Bergman's Tale of Shattered Psychies, and the, the,
Starting point is 01:08:01 malleability of human identity. It is a super creep-o movie. It's more of a- Super creeps. Super creeps. If you're a super creep, super creep, you're super creepy. If you're the kind of creepy girl, the kind they don't take home to mother,
Starting point is 01:08:14 then it's a movie that is yes in art house film, but I find it very frightening and in a tense way too, not just in a like, oh well that's a crazy idea way. So like, when you think about it, what it says about Man's place in the cosmos is quite frightening. No, there's a visceral fear to it also. And if you're more in the mood of a spooky pulpy thing, then I may have it again recommended
Starting point is 01:08:38 before, but in the mouth of madness, my personal favorite sentiment, sentimentally of John Carpenter's movies, it's the closest I feel anyone's really come to making like a real Lovecrafty Steven Kingy type Story melding for the for the screen. It's got a wicked opening guitar like man. Yes But it's got a great cast. You got Sam Neal. Yurgen Proknow, David Warner, John Glover, Charlton Heston, some tough ass dudes in there. And it's a really fun, creepy, kind of silly movie with some good, creepy scenes. So if you're in the high-brow mood, persona.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And if you're in kind of a creepy, fun mood in the mouth of madness. Well, that sits for this edition, the Shocktober edition of the flop. This dead-ish. Let's hold it together this edition the Shocktober edition of the flop this dead Dishon let's hold it together of the glob house guys. We got one more though. Oh boy Shocktober is not over yet. We're not we're only halfway through the woods And that's the scariest part because we've got just as much to go as we have already been and we barely made it this far
Starting point is 01:09:41 Well, let's super creeps I've been Stuart. Bye bye. Wait, okay. Was that maybe you still your new character? I've been Dan McCoy. And I will be Elliott Kalin now and forever like cats. We'll before you two. Yeah. Clever girl. Oh, well, thank you. Oh. Clever. Easy, breezy, beautiful Clever girl.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Thank you! Ow! Clever. Easy breezy, beautiful Clever girl.

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