The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #150 - Grudge Match

Episode Date: April 19, 2014

Hey remember those DeNiro and Stallone boxing movies you loved? This is also... a movie. We talk about Grudge Match, the movie that pretends DeNiro has a chance against steroidal Stallone. Meanwhile discusses Kevin Hart's need to do only Kevin-branded movies, Elliott uncovers Sean Connery's strange belief he's in every movie, and one of Stu's relatives makes an unexpected appearance. Movies recommended in this episode:The Set-UpUnder the SkinThe Raid 2

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode, we discussed these Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Boxing Movie, Grudge Match, which is only slightly more interesting than watching two non-famous elderly people fight. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house. I'm Streganana. Hey! Oh man, right off the top, we got jokes. Call back to the last episode of your Baffling Pasta Confusion. Which, which, or in which
Starting point is 00:00:52 was it, who liked Pasta? Was it the Russian one? Probably. Russians are known for their Spaghetti-based meals. Perhaps it was some sort of Japanese fox spirit. Nope, Stray-Anona. They sound similar enough. That's true. So who are you really?
Starting point is 00:01:07 I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And this is Elliot Kaelin talking right now. Hello! Hey, and the Flophouse house cat. Oh, that's him. So I apologize to everybody. You just have to find the way to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:01:18 to make the thing under his arm. Did you, did he say, hail Hydra? No. Oh, I think so. Oh, I'm a whaler. It would be weird though, because he doesn't like comic book movies. No, he hates them. So ever since Phantom failed to live up to his expectations. He was telling the road to predictions based on a comic book.
Starting point is 00:01:36 He'd be really pissed up. He's so mad or history of violence. He's a house cat face off. House cat walked into the Phantom and was was like I was expecting him to smash people We just kind of lightly brushed evil. Yeah, we're from the expect to smash evil since the tagline of them We was slamming oh boy I think you'll find evil with the Rally slammed. Yeah, just like you just Slammed like a Mountain code red. Yeah, just put those
Starting point is 00:02:03 Flop ass askies on the desk, I guess. Sorry, counter-pliers. Give your badge and your gun. That's a gun I meant dumb. Can I have some? So we have. So what is this podcast? Thoroughly alienated.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Any new listeners. All we alienated is Billy Zayn. By starting out one with a callback and then two with a much nonsense. But. Striking those nonsense. Let... Streganose nonsense. Let's set up this podcast. This podcast is a bad movie podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Do we ever? And in this case, we watched a movie called Grudge Match. Grudge Match. So I always thought it was called I always thought because this has been a long time. Because it's a movie of the right time. My whole entire life. I thought it was called Stall always thought because this has been a long time All in entire life I thought it was called Stallone versus Danero. I thought it was called Rocky versus the bull Okay, yeah, this is a movie that plays on Posters just said Stallone versus Danero way big but in like little letters well because the little baby
Starting point is 00:03:03 Baby little like little letters. Well, because the little baby letters. He's a little baby little tiny letters. That are like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for the letter diapers. But this is definitely a movie that plays it's entirely a movie right now. On our knowledge of other movies. Yeah, so the movie, it's this star, Sylvester Stallone and Rob DeNiro as Xboxers,
Starting point is 00:03:20 who had a famous rivalry 30 years ago, and now they're gonna get their chance to set up a different story. Is this summary already? Is this my favorite summary? Oh, okay. who had a famous rivalry 30 years ago, and now they're gonna get their chance to set all the different... Is this the summary already? Is there some reason? It's not just the summary or some reason. Oh, okay. Set all their differences in the ring
Starting point is 00:03:31 as old men, two jokes. Yeah, about being old. But you're right, this movie is meaningless without the existence of Rocky and Rage. Without the knowledge that these actors have appeared in other boxing movies. Well, beloved boxing movies like boxing, Helena. And the boxer, both of which are beloved. Yeah, beloved and the movie beloved.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Boxing as well. It's about boxing, sort of the negative spirit of slavery. Sure, Tony Moore's in box this shit out of it. Yeah. She boxed it up and it's a little bit like an Abu Dhabi. No, because it's normal represented slavery. Garbiel is a freedom fighter. So yeah, so that where you belong to the backwards land of Abu Dhabi. So yeah, so that were you belong to the backwards land of Abu Dhabi. So we watched this movie and now let's go wait. Here's a grudge of mine. So he's grudges the totally random collection of characteristics that Garfield has in that he hates Mondays No, the not understand sure and he loves lasagna neither of these are organic from a cat also hates spiders
Starting point is 00:04:44 Sure, and he loves lasagna neither of these are organic from a cat also hates spiders I don't know like I have a cat and it likes like kind of wet moist food and I think lasagna is kind of Mondays how does how does muscles feel about Mondays? I mean, it's the same every day is Every day is a day of playing and bothering me every day like Sunday Yeah, some sunny day So grudge match, how you that's a depth in the character. You know, you got very divergent things, man. Yes, character diamond is hates Monday is love lasagna. If that cat, yeah, males cat, other cat to Avadavi. Exactly. So Grudge match. And from that 35 years of gold,
Starting point is 00:05:21 Grudge matches the movie about two fighters. gold. Grinch matches the movie about two fighters. So the movie begins way back in the olden days where two CGI baddlers are punching the shit on each other. So it's supposed to be watching youngster lawn and young to nero. Two dinosaurs fighting. I wish we'll stop motion dinosaurs in boxing trunks. It looks more like a gib-jab animation, where they just put the faces. They do some CGI faces of young stolen and young, De Niro, and it looks terrible. If you thought the CGI face of Arnold
Starting point is 00:05:54 on the robot in Terminator Salvation was terrible, that happened a lot. I didn't, or did I make that out? I was super determined. Okay, good. You are a lucky one. Unlike the people killed by robots in the, you know, robot apocalypse. Roboclips. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Mrs. Roboclips. But anyway, it's the 1980s and one day like what each win one fighting match against each
Starting point is 00:06:20 other, something. Go to boxing match. And there's's some, there's gladiatorial term in German. And there's some, one, you know, one's got more punch-os than the other. Yeah, one guy's punch meter was up higher, right? Yeah. And so he gets more super punches. Yeah, there's more stars. And he does this special finishing move, which is a punch. Yeah, he sparkles when he punches a guy.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So, they're supposed to have a rematch, but then Sylvester Sloan's character Henry Razer Sharp. So Sylvester Sloan is Razer and Rob DeNiro is Billy, the kid McDonough and so let's call him Razer and the kid, which is a good title for a better movie, Razer and the Kid, which would be about I guess a skateboarding gang. Yeah, one guy, but one of them is a Razer Scooter. Yeah, so that's the nerd and the kid is actually an old man. Yep, but he still knows how to shred on a skateboard. Oh, yeah, and on a guitar because that old man is Dick Dale.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Razor and the kid starting Dick Dale and where are the details from? The Murphy Brown as the guy on the race just good. Why not? The guy I always confuse with IRS, the wrestler from not. The guy I always confuse with I R S the wrestler from W W F Erwin R Shyster. Yeah, I can see why you do that. Sure. Kind of an anti-Semitic. But anyway, so I'm not the wrestling matches. So razor announces his retirement in razor announces retirement and the matches called off and somehow this ruins Deniro's career as well. All right. Now we flash forward to 30 years. Razor is working at Deniro is working at a kind of shipping yard or place where sparks are made. Stallone is. That's still on the edge. Yeah, Razor. Yeah. Yes. Still at Razor Stallone is working at a factory where where sparks fly at people. And there's a sign that says caution where I wear, but nobody's
Starting point is 00:08:02 wearing I wear. So they're asking for a spark in the eye, never happens. De Niro owns his own restaurant called Knockouts. And he does a kind of cab ratio there with a boxing puppet. It is, he is totally strip mining raging bull for everything he can get from it. And he's strip mine rocky too later. So Mr. Sloan will, they do a joke about him
Starting point is 00:08:22 possibly punching a side of meat. Drinking a bunch of raw eggs. Running around behind a guy on a motorized wheelchair, just like in Rocky. Yep, yeah, telling a long monologue about a turtle to tell you shy and losing to a Apollo Creed. Having a robot butler. That's right. All these things.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Rocky didn't have the same. That's run away star. Gene's like character. Same. Rocky didn't have the best of the same. That's one of the ways. Stargains play character. Same. All right. Not the same character. Different character. It lives in the same universe.
Starting point is 00:08:50 The same franchise. Yeah. We all live in the same universe, Dan. It's not like Rocky's on an in and out. Somewhere in the multiverse. Somewhere in the, Are you sure? Somewhere in the,
Starting point is 00:09:01 Instdimensional Embrane system of the universe. I, like ever since Superboy punched the walls of this reality, I can't keep track of all the multiverse's. And to surprisingly recent comic reference you'd in. Yeah, well, I've read that fucking superman book. Oh, okay. Anyway, then who walks into, and so Alan Arkin, who is, so as just a lone old trainer,
Starting point is 00:09:22 and plays his usual Alan Arkin part of Sassy Old Man, a Foxy Grand Five. Oh, old man. Yeah, but Sassy Old Man. Yeah, so it's like, the character's gonna say, where's Hat, cranky Sassy Old Man, Alan Arkin type, and Alan Arkin was like, I heard my name said, I'm here, I'm on the set, just whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I can be an Alan Arkin type. You used to have a lot of range Alan Arkin. Yeah, I'm mostly focusing on the sassy old man Ritt rolls Alan arc in is being too sassy and is getting kicked out of his nursing home So it's just alone as a way of thanking him for always standing by him has been paying his bills He's running out of money though because there's only so much money you can make and at the sparks plant Then who should walk into his life, but Kevin Hart, the son of his old boxing promoter,
Starting point is 00:10:08 who wants to hire him to provide the motion capture animation and sound effects for a boxing video game. Now, you may remember if you saw Rocky Balboa, that is also a movie starring semester alone, in which an old boxer gets roped back into the fighting game by a digital simulation of him fighting. Yeah. So I guess what I'm saying is one more and it's officially a genre.
Starting point is 00:10:29 The old boxers who were inspired by CGI versions of themselves, genre. Played by Stallone. Played by Stallone, yeah. But in this case, it would be like, I guess, Cobra, Cobra, he became a boxer and then retired. It has to be Stallone character, you know. Maybe it's his character from I see you. that movie that went direct to video. Yeah. Or the Italian stallion, the porno that he made sure. Which I think was called what like a party at Kitty's place. He's got a wide ranging and varied filmography is what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, from directing
Starting point is 00:11:00 staying alive to being in porn, to spike its 3D. You're in the get Carter remake. He was in the, yeah, I wasn't called get Carter, just Carter. I don't know. I don't remember. Michael Caine was in that too. As a bartender.
Starting point is 00:11:14 As a old Carter. As, hey, remember this is a remake. Anyway, we're not too far into the movie yet, but Kevin Hart gets him, he says, I'll do it. So Kevin Hart was thrown in there to add like some fast pace to what is otherwise a snail's pace of a movie. Not to be racist, but he is very much
Starting point is 00:11:33 the Chris Tucker of the movie. He is the fast-talking black guy who slings out the jokes, gets the white people to do what they, you know, to do things that they don't always wanna do and is like our sassy comic relief. And he's also like an actor who's currently successful in comedy roles. Oh yeah, and he's a stand-up, he's hugely successful.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. It's kind of weird that it seems like Kevin Hart felt like to make his big movie break. He needed to latch onto two old movie stars. But when you- Well, maybe he just hung out with those two guys. I mean, when he's instead, he should have done a remake of Hart to Hart. No, that's what those two guys, I mean, when he's
Starting point is 00:12:05 instead of done a remake of Heart to Heart, no, that's what I was just I was literally mad. But we're gonna say that it was Kevin Hart teaming with Bret Hart, the Western writer. Oh, not Bret Hart, the the hitman heart. It could be breath the hitman hard to it's both of them forget Kevin Hart. He's not in anymore. Brett Hart, the Western writer and Brett the hitman heart, the wrestler. And it's called Heart to Heart. No, forget it's called Western wrestle That's amazing. I was a man. I was literally imagining a scenario where he was pitching like I'm gonna do a remake of a heart to heart And they're like Kevin you don't need to do a movie that just has your name in it
Starting point is 00:12:37 Okay, what about love beeps? We'll call it heart beeps. I think it was Using for the heart. No, what about untamed heart? I can pretend to have a monkey heart I could do it. I swear I could do it I don't think you understand what movies are wild hearts can't be broken. I'm a diving horse and a girl rides me Kevin you know what why don't you just leave? You just want a girl to ride you like a horse do we call it lucky number Kevin. It's a remake of lucky number 11 It's about a guy with a name that no one has okay. What about Kevin? It's remake of seven But instead of seven cinz-based crime their Kevin heart stand-up bit based crimes. What about we need to talk about Kevin
Starting point is 00:13:17 That's a really recent movie to remake We're rebooting it to start the franchise We're rebooting it to start the French. There are people who've been born in the last two years. We never saw that. But all the toddlers who haven't seen me have to talk about Kevin. OK, what do we do? We should just keep going.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So Sommester Sloan needs the money to support Allanarkins. We says, yes, I'll do it. As long as I don't have to see Robert De Niro, I don't want to see that guy.iro, I don't wanna see that guy. So, Sylvester Sloan. No, understandable. Now, let's get one through straight.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Like you guys mentioned, this is a shaggy, slow moving moving. So, there's a lot of incident, and many scenes of characters is talking, or just hanging out and restating things. Yeah. Now, at length. Sylvester Sloan goes, there's some hilarious jokes
Starting point is 00:14:05 about him wearing a motion capture suit. He starts acting it out. And then who should show up? But Bobby De Niro also an emotion capture suit. So, the two of them get along, they don't. They get in a big fight, they wreck all the state of the art electronics. Luckily, someone very unprofessional at the recording studio, records the whole thing on his phone, puts it on YouTube YouTube it gets a million hits Before the end of the afternoon and suddenly it's viral and all over the news even though So that's just a lone rava never been bailed at a jail yet for this fight that wrecked all this That's how the internet works man. I also want to say happens instantly not want the movie makes not one but two jokes about someone saying
Starting point is 00:14:43 Hey, you look like what's this was from Toy Story. You're up in the buzzer right here. Dan this is something I don't know why this is your your cross-dabare and your heel-to-down grinds. Well because the movie thinks that's some good clichés we just did there. They're wearing normal mocap suits which is like green suits. Yeah, me neither moly hair. Yeah, yeah, it's for uses industry terms. Yeah, we're not all in the television biz, Mr. Mocap. They're fucking green suits. Hey, mocap mo problems, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:11 You got all this ass hole. Come on. They're all, they were in green suits coming. Green suits. We got a bunch of dots over it and two people say, hey, you look like Buzz Lightyear. The movie thinks that's a good enough joke. Buzz Lightyear with a camel too. Buzz Lightyear, a guy who's in a white astronaut suit with the brain. Clearly talking about Buzz Lightyear with a camel to it Buzz Lightyear a guy who's in a white
Starting point is 00:15:29 Astronauts with clearly talking about Buzz Lightyear out of the astronaut there's green Elements he has green element like Godzilla with with chickenpox See that's good shit He should be right in for Kevin Hart. All right. You're wasting yourself on John's story. I'll be writing Kevin Hart shows Yeah, I'm gonna start I'm gonna get on his facts list. I'm gonna send those in. His facts list, like facts about Kevin Hart, they're just in a list. Fact, Kevin Hart is 5.7. It's called an FAK. It's frequently asked Kevin Hart questions.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Fact, Kevin Hart has a heart. He actually has two hearts, Elliot. One in his name and one in his body. Fact, I'm like a cow. Kevin Hart has only one stomach. Oh, that's a good fact. That's a good fact, yep. One in his name and one in his body. Fact. I'm like a cow, Kevin Hart has only one stomach. Oh, that's a good fact. That's a good fact, yep. Let's check that.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Let's all come together. Thank you. Can the Flop House fact check or get on that? The Flop House Omba. The Flop House fact cat. Fact cat. The house cat picks on the fact cat all the time. Oh, what a nerdy cat.
Starting point is 00:16:22 The house Flop House fact cat is. The fact cat is allergic to cats. That's the said thing. uh... what a nerdy cat that has a lot of facts that is that's what that is allergic to cats that's the said that is so said well he and i can sympathize together about that anyway uh... they get so uh... he gets an offer to do a fight big fight between razor and the kid with him as the promoter that he calls grudge match or grudge mcday he also calls it uh... and they accept on the basis that they're going to get a lot of money. And because of us, Sloan learns he's been laid off from the from the factory.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Yeah, no need sparks anymore. Now sparks are, oh, no, it's all digital. Just like the publishing industry, the internet has really destroyed the sparks industry. People have their apps that just make the image of sparks, you know, that kind of stuff. So they accept the offer, there's a press conference at a sparsely attended ballroom in which they just generally gabby let each other and they say a lot of, they insult each other a lot. But Kim Basinger shows up.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Kim Basinger. Now Kim Basinger turns up. Basinger. Bas-Bas-Master. Kim Bas-Master. Kim Bigmouth, Billy Bass. Kim Jirah. Bothinger. Bothinger. Bothinger. Academy Award winner, Kim Basinger, Kim Bigmouth Billy Bass, Kim Zerr, both finger, both finger.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Academy Award winner, Kim Bassinger. Academy Award winner, now there are three Academy Award winners in this cast. So that's just alone for best screenplay, for Rocky. Kim Bassinger for Ellie Confidential, Robert Geniro for a couple of different movies. And then Alan Arkin is an Academy of War Winter 2. This is a huge cast in this stupid movie, this shaggy dog movie that takes forever to go anywhere, has an amazing cast.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Kind of like, what, food fight? What was the movie that we were talking about? What's an amazing cast? Skiddo. Skid, yeah, I was, yeah, Groucho Marx is there, Jackie Gleason and Carol Channing, all sorts of people. Anyway, Kim Basimer shows up. She was Sylvester Sloan's girlfriend 30 years ago, but she got mad at him and cheated on with Robert Jeneiro and got toad's
Starting point is 00:18:16 preggers. Yeah, sure. And that's why they walked away from the old world style. He knocked her out with a baby. Knocked her out of the dating game that is, punching a baby into her with his penis fist. And he didn't wear a glove or else she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. Which we also call a man condom. That sounds like a villain in a penthouse comic strip.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Face the fear of man condom. He makes it feel worse Well, it takes away sun sensation. I don't know feel worse Make she last longer. I don't know. I mean if you need that sort of thing Oh, you're like, you know, one and out kind of guy, you know, you know, damn we can talk about your problem The point of this is so she wants to get back. She was the reason that it's because she cheated on him with Raj Nero that Sylvester Sloan said, I want to take away from Jnero the one thing he loves the most,
Starting point is 00:19:14 which is this fight and his chance to prove he can beat me. I'm going to take that away and he'll never have it in it all, bother him for 30 years. And it does. Jnero is very eager to get back in the ring because for 30 years he's been aching over the chance to punch out the razor. Well, this is one of those movies
Starting point is 00:19:29 where like people are haunted by one event that happened to them, happened to them in their youth. And I'm not saying that that doesn't happen, but it happens a lot more in the movies. Like, it's dramatic. Yeah, like, and I know what you did last summer. And, I also know what you did last summer
Starting point is 00:19:45 But this is the basis of say like all those movies where people go back to their high school reunions and like recreate the prom or whatever I think that was something that they did not get over Immediately Carry is a high school reunion. Everyone's dead Just Amy Irving and an empty chair carries there's there, like, I thought more people would show up and care. Yeah, Amy Irving's like, you killed them all. What do you talk about?
Starting point is 00:20:10 And then you died. Why are you here? I wanted to see what everyone was up to. I wanted to see who got fat. Well, no one got fat, Carrie. They all got dead. They're very thin now because they're bones. Well, what about that nice teacher who is nice to me?
Starting point is 00:20:23 You slammed her in half with a basketball hoop. That doesn't sound like something I do. Was I drunk? You do this all the time. Come on, Carrie. And Carrie gets so mad. So like it happens to me. You're hurting?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yeah. A lot smaller body counts. It's only one other person alive in my graduating class. Yeah. Very cheap movie to make. Carrie died before graduation, but she got her she got her GED in hell so It isn't cheap movie. Yeah, there's one person in its Amy Irving is not doing a lot of work these days What is she up to these days?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Aside from being married to her husband Julius Irving think that I mean this is a lot I think that's That was a show I think that that she was on that Oh really? Well, well, viewers write in Amy Irving, if you're listening right into flop house, Kara, where's Amy Irving these days? Peabucks, Amy Irving, Irving, California, United States of America. And while you're at that stuff writing in about Stringin' on it.
Starting point is 00:21:18 We get it, Dan met Stringin' on it anyway. So Kim Basin or wants to tell her him, I wanna be back in your life and I don't wanna do this fight because you'll get hurt. Meanwhile, he starts up with his old coach, Alan Arkin, to get back in shape. Sylvester Stallone.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Who is doing amazing for a guy who just got taken out of a nursing home? A guy who apparently needed nursing care really badly is now doing great, just living with Sylvester Stallone. Who is complaining that he needed a man to wash his balls is now Yeah, it's one of those movies. I still look like some kind of parachute and a couple eggs in it by Just some marbles and a deep-laid in balloon
Starting point is 00:22:04 Gross two grapes and a reuse piece of aluminum foil You guys are getting make it making it weird seven. Yeah, I mean yeah, you started off I'm just saying he's probably got a really little balls back Let's do it making the reasonable boy. Which tournament was that Alan Arkin has a long shelf of ballsack novels For anyone who might be offended. Because he loves to read, actually loves watching TV. And one of Alan Arkin's funniest lines in the movie. And he does eventually, here's the thing. Maybe we just got Stockholm syndrome.
Starting point is 00:22:36 But this movie, after a certain point, starts being funny because the characters are literally just hanging around, quipping at each other, and just kind of being lazily, casually funny, in a way that the movie is very forced when it does so they start training so that's just one one or Rob Junior wants to train with L.O. Cool J who's a famous fight promoter who has a route a trainer who's a reality show about him in the scene. I think his dad trained with him that was the thing.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Oh okay, oh he trained with yeah L.O. Cool J's dad train or whatever but But anyway, but eloquil J won't do it. He hangs, he hooks him up with a guy who's not paying attention to him and that's when Robert De Niro's son, BJ steps in. BJ starts to be his trainer after being one over about the dad he always hated. And then BJ brings his son in, who's a little kid. So the character, like the cast is just metastasizing wildly. That's more and more characters are dumped in this thing like a fucking dickens novel.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But the point is there's so many characters eventually that it's like the movie is just trying to mix and match them in different scenes. Yeah, let's throw fucking John and Lipnicki in with one of these old characters. Kevin Hart apparently does all of his business on his phone relying on the hood of his car in a motel parking lot. There's just a scene of him yelling at some prostitutes that hang out at the motel. Zoomed prostitutes. No, they're just dressed like prostitutes
Starting point is 00:23:48 and hanging out at a hotel, you know, or a motel rather. But there's a lot of scenes of just Alan Arkin saying goofy stuff, characters just kind of interacting, and in a better movie, like in an ultimate movie, in a Robert Altman, not an Ultima movie, if a Robert, you know, like, they're all hanging out and then there's a Hell's Angels to have somebody. In a Robert Altman, not an ultimate movie if you're right. You know, like they're all hanging out and then I was the hell's angel staff somebody in a Robert Altman movie. There'd be something kind of vibrant about seeing these
Starting point is 00:24:11 characters interact, but here it's just kind of like lazy actors, laysman around occasionally saying funny stuff. Yeah, you're gonna like the what was the line? You're they were getting. He's so mad. He's like, he goes to the best rooms house. Special doesn't have a TV and how Americans like can't believe you don't have a TV. I can be watching dancing with the stars right now. I'm old. I should be watching
Starting point is 00:24:30 dancing. Just the way for the way he says like I'm old. I should be watching dance with like his his delivery is fun. He's an old pro. No, you guys are just Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Steel justice. So they however, whatever, whatever good will he builds up. I think he loses a lot of it when he does that weird Humpty Dance thing. Well, that's what's on the phone with the face. To be fair, that was his chance to do the hump.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, it's true. You would say it's so few chances to do the hump. In this life. Yeah, the Humpty Dance comes around. You gotta catch it. You gotta jump on it. It's just like a beautiful woman. You don't get a shot like this every day. You gotta jump on it. It's just like a beautiful woman. You don't get a shot like this every day
Starting point is 00:25:06 No, you gotta go for it. Yeah, just like that scene and it's a wonderful life Oh, which would you just do the Humpty Dance instead of talking into death? Anyway, with this wasted on the young Someday I want to just pull down the moon and swallow up in the light all shine out of your fingers will do the Humpty dance It's a wonderful hump is name of that. It's a shunk pottery When I was in it's a wonderful life playing Jimmy Stewart. I also played Clarence the angel What actor was that I don't remember his name, but it was me He was also in shadow of a doubt and the invisible man. I also played those roles
Starting point is 00:25:43 You play the invisible man and you played shadow of a doubt Yes, I played SH doubt shadow hover down Okay, uh, mr. Henry you can have to take your meds. I don't think so. I think I already took them look over there Sean Connery jumps out window runs away from old folks, so I Played the meds and then I swallowed them. I lost them like you lost your keys I played the meds and then I swallowed them. I lost them like you lost your keys All right, underneath keys Sounds like my catchphrase got any cheese when I played Steve Urkel on family matters
Starting point is 00:26:17 I also played Carl Winslow in the role of Reginald Bell Johnson I think you have that mixed up. You have the actor's name as the role and the matter. I played it all with Sean Connery Anyway, that's an old bit. But the movie is occasionally funny when it's just the character's talking, which is too much of the movie, frankly. My complaint to the best is, what was it? Too much of it was somebody talking a lot. Well, no, Michael. Elliot won't stand for it.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It's weird, this movie is bloated and overlong and shaggy and there are a lot of scenes you don't need that where the characters are hanging out. But occasionally those are the best moments in a very mediocre to poor movie. It's just like the characters interacting occasionally brings up some kind of jewel of a moment, but usually it's just boring. But then when they do these big set pieces like to promote the fight, Stallone and Geniro skydive out of a plane and then get into a fist fight. And it's like, there's-
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, then it turns into like sub-old dogs. Yeah, it's perfect. Whoa, that's perfect. The scenes where they put a lot of effort in are really bad. And it reminds me of what I call the Caddyshack boat principle. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Those familiar with Caddyshack, remember the boat chase scene where they wreck a bunch of boats by far the least funny scene in the movie. And you could slide that scene right out of the movie and it would not harm it at all But you can also tell that that has to be the scene they put the most work into their stunts in it They're breaking boats the best scenes in the movie are when bilmeries just making shit up off the top of his head and yet The worst scenes in the movie scene the movie is the one where you know they put the most effort Nobody's like sitting around quote quote, and breaking boats with their
Starting point is 00:27:47 friend brothers or nothing. But everyone's saying that dollar alarm apart, you know. But it makes sense though, I mean, like, because the thing is, you know, De Niro and Stallone and Alan Arkin are all charming actors. So just have them hanging out. Like, that's going to be a lot more fun than trying to show them in these two-born-dinnery situations. Yeah, do you think the director's like, do whatever you want, just make sure at some point you say Geriatric or make some joke about being old. There are a little few too many jokes about being old.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You're like, I get it, they're old. Oh, God. Stop it with reminding me, they look old, they're wrinkled hags, come on. Well, shirts are off, it's crazy gross. Yeah, yeah. But I mean, they're get you to shave her like being 60 or what I mean If that's what I have to look forward to kill me now Dan, okay How do you choose?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Gun poison death by chocolate, okay, this is gonna take a lot of chocolate So you're gonna drown in the chocolate? Yeah, start smearing it on my body. Stabbed with a chocolate knife? A chocolate dagger? I get a smeared on it. That'll exist in India. I'll let it hold it. From the tuggy cult. You're gonna die.
Starting point is 00:28:52 The pudgy cult. They worship death by chocolate. Also, in my walk into that. Yeah, walk into that dagger. Made a chocolate. I'm gonna smeared on your body. You into that dagger. Made a chocolate. I'm gonna smear it on your body, and you're gonna dive to absorbing the chocolate to your pool.
Starting point is 00:29:08 It'll be like in gold finger, but it would be like chocolate finger. Yeah. There's a bond, Bill. And he wants to break into the US chocolate reserve. Steal all the chocolate. To eat it. Yeah, he's coming to Hershey's Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:29:21 What a low red pond movie that would be. James, there's been a threat on Hershey's Pennsylvania when I make the chocolate I'm on the case. I mean, you don't usually say I'm on the case. That's The police in the games of what like that's not you say they'll force me with you I said that the Star Wars movies episode one casino royale It's not no you weren't even in those movies. Casino Royale wasn't even your first Bond film. It was the first one made for American television. Okay, well that's true. You didn't play Bond. You didn't play that.
Starting point is 00:29:57 There's an American in that version. Anyway, anyway, Zardos. Bond trivia. So let's just start to get back together with Kim base We're they going to date a date which includes for no reason a moment of a white guy using black slang And it's tilted way it's like a little Perhaps it's they get some phone call from Kevin all of us the made the I guess made or D I don't know walks over and says sir you have a phone call from a Kevin Hart and I remember his character's name He goes he says it's mad crazy and shit is about to get real. It's like, oh God. It's like the movie just stuck a dagger in my ear, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Do you feel that Alan Arkin was fulfilling the role of like Sashtalk and Granny? Yes, but Grampy. Okay. Okay. So he was playing the Foxy Grandpa character. So we have the we have the two comedic tropes. You like the most. I know it. Real calm existed before. Yeah. Yeah. So your two favorite comedic tropes are you sure? My two favorite comedic tropes of a white guy saying black slang and an old man who's super super wants sex and is real frisky and says crazy things. But the second one I like a little more for only because there's more room for it You can do different types of sassy old man jokes. There's only one type of yeah, and sometimes the old man turns out to be a monster like a demon
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yes Occasionally there's two kinds of white guys who in black slang jokes. There's when the white guy is really into it And the joke is what a poser and there's the times when it's like an English butler who's quoting something that he heard Yeah, like Stagian stuck up exactly What a poser. And there's the times when it's like an English butler who's quoting something that he heard, you know. Like Stagian stuck up. Exactly. But anyway, they're on a date, they get back into a car and Sylvester Sloan
Starting point is 00:31:31 is blindsided by another driver. It turns out. And a horrifyingly realistic accident scene, actually, almost no one has heard. With Kim Bees, we get say, horrifyingly realistic with a beautiful greenscreen. Yeah, it's, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:31:44 it looks like 30s rear projection on the greenscreen. All right, I just. Yeah, it's, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it first one in adaptation is ridiculously scary. But it comes out of nowhere and you don't see him basing her for a couple of seconds. So you think, yeah, was she killed? Like what just happened? Is this gonna be the fuel that fuels the grudge match? That he's just reconnecting with this woman that's a nervous doll from him and now she's been taken away. And it's a long beats to nearer to death in the ring.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah, but no, she's fine. Well, that was just to reveal to us. This is pretty funny, Dan. It turned the movie turned so dark at him, nowhere. It's like an audition level tonal shift. Sure. But it just to reveal to us that, Simeis Salone is blind in one eye,
Starting point is 00:32:32 which he never told anybody. And if Rob Gignero learns that. Probably got a bunch of sparks in it. Yeah, yeah. The dance part. It's an idea. It was eaten by the monster. It was like what?
Starting point is 00:32:43 It's a spark. Oh, yeah, that's right. I thought if I was thinking of the gangster of love, talking hits song. And of course, the, what's the, in space cowboy, what does he call himself? The gangster of love. The gangster of love, okay. Some people call him Maurice. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Well, it's because he's singing about Maurice Evans from the plan of the Apes movies. Anyways. Sure, do you want to speak of the pop of this love? So that's the, that's the, that's the, that's the, you can go on all out. That's the, that's the Sylvester Stallone setback. The Deneuro setback is that he's reconnecting with his son and grandson, takes his grandson for the day and instead of taking him to the movies like he promised, takes him to his
Starting point is 00:33:19 bar where they hang out with a bunch of flusies and Deneuro sneaks away to the backseat of his car. The kid decides to drive home, puts, sits on a case of beer and starts putting the car into neutral drive way and almost crashes that car while De Niro is having sex in the back. Luckily, there's a police officer to arrest the fluzie and I guess the kid. It's a little weird because of the car literally inches out of a driveway and then stops. And then you hear a siren y'all, boo!
Starting point is 00:33:51 And the car has done nothing. Welcome to the police station. Well, wait, wait, what have we got to do? Look at you. It's like a set-knows-her-year. It's like somebody took their car out of the driveway and then stopped. A pre-cog saw that you would slightly back your car
Starting point is 00:34:04 out of a driveway Go get ready for minority report jail. Freeze them up take their brains out whatever it is they do there BJ the sun is mad because I'm not gonna train you anymore But eventually they get back together Deniro reveals that he is a scrapbook full of BJ moments BJ's the sun that scrapbook full of our New York getting flow jobs, but and that wins him back over. So best of salon tells Alan Arkin I just won't tell Rob Deniro that I'm blind to when I so the grudge match arrives. They're back in fighting shape and they fight for a while and then the kid knows about he
Starting point is 00:34:42 doesn't know about the blind the blind spot and is beating the crap out of Razor. But then he learns that Razor's blinding when I and he says, hey, this isn't a fair fight. He lifts to loan up his feet so they can fight fair. And they fight for a while. And then the tables are turned. The tables turn, they turn back, they turn again. So on lifts, they have a hair off of the the can they do the thing that happens in box movies with
Starting point is 00:35:08 the two people just stand and punch each other without really moving very much. Which is maybe my favorite moment Rocky Balboa when Rocky and Mason Dixon the younger fighter Rocky is being battered so hard he's having these flashbacks to to Adrian's grave. And if, to Rambo, he's flashing back to other Sylvester's alone roles. He's like, I can't believe I made that more. No, I know it was early in my career, but still. And you keep going back to that one, but you haven't talked about
Starting point is 00:35:35 I see you that much. Not that much or rhinestone or don't tell mom the baby sin is dead, which he wasn't in, but it sounds like stop from my mom will shoot. And I think it's time for crossover between the two. Don't tell mom my baby's shooting. I got a question, Elliot. How come the movie Oscar wasn't nominated for an Oscar?
Starting point is 00:35:51 It's like it was not very good. It was not very good. That's why an Oscar was the first time I remember seeing a commercial for a movie where they had people in the theater talking about the movie. And then they would cut to a line of dialogue from the movie as if that was response a response to what the person was saying like someone was like I like to learn more for comedy than action and it cuts to slow me like well how about that as if that he was having a conversation through the movie screen
Starting point is 00:36:17 like it's purple rose of the osper something like that anyway I was imagining people like like like shit the commercial people in the audience. We was okay I guess I Mean I don't want my money back I mean I had to pay for a babysitter, but it was a nice night out, but in Rocky, Belboa Their special is getting beat up and then it's like oh But we got to finish this thing and raise some dixons like yeah, let's finish it And then there's a wide shut of the two and just standing feet planned on the ground Just swing in their hands at each other like rock of sock I'm robots and anyway, there's a that ends like that and in a split decision based on points. Yeah, so Vester still own wins
Starting point is 00:36:52 There's no climactic knockout. It's just Vester Sloan gets names the winner Everybody is happy Our friends again, I mean they weren't before but they're kind of friendly now. And there are not and uh, Alan Arkin is like, we were robbed. We were robbed. So I'm robbed the judges. There's a long-running joke that his, his hearing aid doesn't work well. And so I'm like, no, no, fix your hearing aid. We won. And Alan Arkin's like, we won. Damn hearing aid hearing aid, smash cut to credits. And then there are two post credit scenes in one, uh, Razor and uh and Kevin Hart and Alan Arkin are watching as so as Rob Junior was on Dancing with the Stars.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And then Sylvester Sloan leaves to go hang out with his girlfriend. And then there's a second post credit scene where Kevin Hart is trying to convince Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield to get back into the ring together. Yeah, there's some ear jokes. There's some ear jokes. There's some ear jokes and a hangover joke. And it is weird to see Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson together
Starting point is 00:37:52 because they both look really old. And it puts a lot of pressure on Kevin Hart to keep, keep energy in that scene, which he's for an energetic guy. It is still. It's still a struggle. Watch. Yeah. So I guess what I'd say about
Starting point is 00:38:05 this movie is it is a long road to nowhere yeah and at like if this movie was an hour and 10 minutes yeah it might have been a fun like over long supersized episode of a sitcom about two aging former boxers but instead it's supposed to be a movie and it's nearly two hours long yeah and it's not quite a drama and it's not funny enough really to be a comedy so I don't know what to say. Not quite a drama and it's not quite a comedy but boy yeah I got nothing else. So that was a home repair for us. Yeah it was. Um they're not quite mops. They're not quite puppets but oh I can't say. So the answer question I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. Um, on that note. He has an extra bell, grudge. I was very excited to watch this movie because I'm a big fan of Stallone. I'm a big fan of Dinearo. I like stupid things. And I wanted this movie idea was so dumb to me. And yet it was just so like...
Starting point is 00:39:00 And boxing movie, I mean, for a sport that even as a person who doesn't like sports, I find extremely boring. Boxing movies usually are good. It's very dull that as in movies, it's very cinematic because there's few things movies do better than to guys punch in the shit out of each other. Yeah, yeah, it's a very literal conflict between two people where they just come together
Starting point is 00:39:23 at the end and punch each other. But I don't know, I actually wasn't that excited about it because it felt so phoned in. Just looking like hearing the premise, seeing the trailer, seeing the posters. It felt like the blandest like we basically made this movie so we could make a poster. You're going to pay money for it, dummy. You know, it would rather see four elderly people go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party is what you're saying. You know, it would rather see four elderly people go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, is what you're saying. Yeah, but it would have to be their last time going to Las Vegas, you know? It would be like Las Vegas, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah, where there's like a six-string samurai. Yeah, it's post-apocalyptic. These old people are not just old, they're from the past. And these old guys want to get laid. They need to get laid to repopulate the earth. And to generate these sex energy that powers their erotic time machines. Otherwise, they'll be Zeppelin. I think here's why I wanted to, part of the reason I want to see this is because it
Starting point is 00:40:15 seemed like a total stupid cash grab for these two guys. And in the end, they kind of put more effort into it than I thought, but not enough to make it get it over that hurdle. But I also like that it's similar to how a band that used to play stadiums now will have to team up with another band to play large festivals. This felt like Stallone can't open a movie anymore. DeNiro can't open it anymore. So we'll do the monsters of boxing movies and we'll have Stallone and DeNiro in one movie.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Like when Iron Maiden and Megadath are on a bill together, like they can't, they can't totally do it themselves. Sure. You're going to do it together. Yeah. And vibration. And the main thing. Then they had to bring in the powerhouse Kim Basinger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yeah, because you need, you need a babe. Yeah. Bossing girl. A little bit of arm candy. And to bring in Kevin Hart, of course, for the youth vote. Yeah. And then to bring in Alan Arkin for the dead vote yeah boy there's so many jokes about Alan Arkin it's weird just there's it's like it's like grumpy old men where Jack Lemon and Walter Mather were old and then Burgess Meredith was very old so it's like there's two levels of old jokes
Starting point is 00:41:19 There's I'm in my 70s old and there's I'm in my 80s old speaking of an old man grudge man. 60s grumpy old man. Yeah But there's a movie where they were like okay, this is Walter Matthew and Jack lemon They've worked together many times before odd couple of fortune cookie, etc They are going to they're both on that small scale comedy and we're gonna do this as a small scale comedy There's gonna they're not gonna be any jumping out of playing that movie deliberately was just like No plot they're just gonna hang out together for a while, but I mean they were fighting for the love of a Well, no, but like that was like the minimal plot necessary to make a film. Yeah Well, you used to be able to make a movie like that now you need bigger stuff. Yep, whiz bang
Starting point is 00:42:02 Jazzmups stuff. Yep, whiz bang. Jazzmups. That's a, that's moves your final judgments quickly whether whether this is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, a movie kind of liked. Elliot, what do you got to say? I think it lives outside of our system. Yeah. It wasn't good bad. It wasn't bad enough to be bad bad but it wasn't good enough to be kind of liked. Yeah, I'm gonna say I'm gonna take a lead from this movie. It's a split decision on points. It came close to being movie kind of likes, but ultimately it was a bad bad movie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Elliot, what do you, I mean, I'm Elliot, what do you think, what do you think? I'm looking at a viewer. Dan, have you got a person blind? I'm person blind in one eye. Yeah, I'm gonna stick with bad bad. All right, yeah, there was just not enough zazz or zing or pat moxie. I absolutely know moxie. Not enough jazam. That makes the same thing right?
Starting point is 00:42:56 Super gross. Before we move on, some quick plugs on behalf of our network of podcast friends. All thanks comedy. First of all, if you like comedy podcasts, why not check out my dumb friends in which New York-based comics Dan St. Germain and Sean Donnelly talk to their friends about the dumbest shit they've ever done. Topics range from selling candy to pay for a girlfriend's abortion To I'm not gonna say that next thing. Pascas include correct brownhuller Nikki Glacier not gonna say that name and most recently the girls from broad city a lot of glacier and Abby Jacobson And Dan St. Germain has an album, Bad at the Good Times.
Starting point is 00:43:45 That will be out on June the 10th. And speaking of comedy albums, just a reminder, Jackie Cacin's album, this will make an excellent Horcrux is now on iTunes. But moving on to Flop House specific announcements. I've got two of them. One, if you have a white sedan, your lights are on. The license plate, F L P H S E. First of all, Flop House crossover event.
Starting point is 00:44:14 On the last Tuesday in April, that's April 29th, our fellow bad movie podcasters over at We Hate movies. We'll be doing a podcast on the Clint Eastwood and a chimp classic classic every which way but loose Those are a rang you tang a rang you tang it is a ring you are correct ring you tang I feel I apologize I mixed up my great apes but moving on and then the first of the apes dad they're right here the first set of Apologize to Clyde I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't run my face off That's what chimps do Dan you are an ape racist a rain who tanks arm wrestle you today
Starting point is 00:44:52 a ranger tans they go the chimney the razor and then they slash your throat all right point is On April 29th we hate movies are gonna put out a podcast on every which way of a loose and then the first Saturday in May that is May 3rd We hear the flop house will drop an episode about the sequel any which way you can It's so much that so much chimps right Dan? Do many chimps you can thank you Tan we're going to be around here in New York and podcast land. I'll fuck it. Disky going I don't know any of that around here in New York. Been podcasting land.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Fuck it, just keep going. But we have another exciting announcement. On May the 10th and beautiful, Yonkers, New York, we will be doing our first live show since the untimely passing of the 92 Y Tribeca at the Yonkers branch of the Alamo Draft House. We will be screening the 1992 film, Sleepwalkers. Stephen King Sleepwalkers.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Just in time for mothers to. Yeah, it's about a mother-son team of incestuous wear cats. As always, we'll have. That's not a joke. That's the entirety of what. Yeah, that's what the movie's about. There's also a hero cat in it, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:45:58 We'll have an intro by friends at the I Love Bed movie scene, and we will provide running commentary and riffs during the film.'re gonna talk through the whole film if you've been to one of our Life events you know it's not to be missed if you've missed our live events now is your chance to not miss it yeah and by the time this post there will be a link to buy tickets of the Alamore draft house yonkers site and let's put a link on our site to link our site draft house yonkers sites and let's put a link on our site too link our site flop house podcast and now on the draft house if you haven't been there before you can order food and drinks during the movie but you cannot talk during the movie that's only for us yeah you can use yourself right no you cannot use yourself what but it's a nice theater but moving on and it's what movie was it sleepwalkers
Starting point is 00:46:42 sleepwalkers not sleepwalkers. Not Sleepwalk with me, the like, the movie. No, we'll be talking over that too. If you want to hear that story, listen to any episode of this American life. Boom! Slam! So what was it, May 10th?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yeah, May 10th. Youngers, Alamo Draft House, La Flop House, live, Sleepwalkers, May 10th. So, moving on to letters. We have a letter here. It's titled letters. Is that the new fragrance from Calvin Klein letters? No song but a creepy whisper. I don't have a song in me right now. Yeah. That's good. We're running long. Running long. First off, we have a letter titled Dream Recommendations. It's from John.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I recommend good dreams. Last name with hell. Maybe sexy ones. Hey, Flaughty. Tommy Chong movie. Recent listener, but I've been bingeing over the last week. I've been bingeing over the last week and it's it infiltrated my dreams. I dreamt I was listening to a podcast where a cast of comedians were offering their summer movie recommendations. The flappers were there, of course.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And while I don't remember all of the recommendations, I do remember that Stewart recommended one direction. This is us, which I found hilarious. Keep up the good work. So it's just what you really like that movie, huh? Yeah, I think I think somebody goes crazy and I don't know rips off a ding dong sounds about right Waka waka Just keep going that's our steward wonka wonka so moving on This is from the Muppets chocolate factory.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Email is titled Flops for Everyone. Hey, Floppers, I just want to tell you how I came to be a fan of your podcast and ask you a favor. I was introduced to the podcast in the same way that most of your fans probably are. In a dream. By my mom.
Starting point is 00:48:39 What? More specific. Record scratch. Ow! I feel good. Nen-en-, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan. More specifically by my very conservative and very religious mom, apparently the first episode she listened to was, quote, not too bad. I.e.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Not full of references to ding-dongs being ripped off or to adventures of the great bikini sword. But since then, I think she's come to regret. All wrote on. Suggesting the podcast to her daughter and conservative and religious friends. Oh, I'm sorry. She still listens though To all the new ones and the back catalog. I think I feel bad occur so much in this episode now I think your words that sound like other words and letter songs are enough to make her overlook any ding dong references You're cool me not so much. No, I'm the bad boy. Now the bad boy
Starting point is 00:49:27 of podcasting. She says now my favorite. My mother's birthday is on April the 29th. I know you want to say happy birthday to her. I don't have much to offer you in exchange for this request. Other than to make you aware of a new demographic, 49 year old mom's who have a good sense of humor. Keep on flopping, Elizabeth, that's first and last name withheld. So not even the real first name. If there's a mother out there with a birthday on April 29th of the daughter,
Starting point is 00:49:54 who's I guess middle name is Elizabeth. Thanks for listening. Happy birthday, thanks for listening, and thanks for recommending us. Thanks for recommending us to people. Yeah. Sorry that we are not the wholesome podcast that you thought we would be.
Starting point is 00:50:09 It's, I think it's the drinking, Elliot, I don't know. Well, I mean, me and Dan, yeah, I just drink water. We have chicken chicken. We have devil water inside of us. Yeah, you strain chicken juice into some kind of craft that you sip. That's how you get all the powers of a chicken. It's a chicken, that's how I pack it things.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And I can count and win it, Tick-Tick, so. Yeah. And I can do that strozek dance. Yeah, you're really good at eating small pebbles that help you digest. Yeah, yep, from a gizzard. And if your head's chopped off, you'll probably be okay for a little while, right?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, yeah, about five to 10 minutes. And you don't want to be sleeping next to me when this one comes up. You will be a wolf in. The point is, happy birthday. Happy birthday, mom, to another person. So, moving on, yet on the same theme. A subject of moms.
Starting point is 00:50:59 This letter is titled, Stockholm Syndrome. Dear Flopman, when my grandson first introduced me to your podcast, I hated it. I am surprised that people are trying to reach out of these. Is this the grandma doesn't understand guy all over again? Being 74 years old and not really the best driver, my grandson had to help me move houses from one English county to another. That was nice of me to do. And this roughly four-hour drive,
Starting point is 00:51:28 I was subject to the incessant ramblings of the three mad men about even matter films. It was hell. Elliot reminded me of an unnoxious seven-year-old who wouldn't shut up. It's ridiculous. And Stuart, well, I didn't think he was quite the gentleman. He was wrong. He is quite the dissimilar gentleman. Eddie Murphy. I felt indifferent towards Dan.
Starting point is 00:51:50 However, as time went by, I mean- I know this floppers. I began to find Elliot's later songs charming and adorable. People love my songs. Stuart's odd deep voice endearing. And Dan, well, now he reminds me of my old college boyfriend. I think I've developed Stockholm Syndrome for your podcast. It is the only podcast I listen to. And even when I try to listen to others, I can't. They pale in comparison.
Starting point is 00:52:14 You remind me of my sons and make lonely nights away from my family more entertaining. Oh, that's very sweet. So with grannies like me and mine, what are your favorite movies about or featuring elderly people with love, Margaret Lasting with help? PS, I recently adopted a cat and have named her flop.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Keep making great podcasts. That's very sweet. Thank you for listening. I'm glad you overcame your initial disgust. It continued. Well, movies about old people, well there's a movie called Garage Match. I don't know if you're familiar.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Elderly people I think is a tough thing to determine. I mean like Nebraska was great with Bruce Dern, I don't know. I mean, I like, we mentioned Grumpy Old Men. Like that's a movie I genuinely enjoy a lot. I mean, it's hard to go wrong with Jack Lamon and Walter Mathau. Tokyo stories of classic, that's a pretty sad movie. I mean, like, yeah, make way for tomorrow again. It's also classic but also sad.
Starting point is 00:53:03 The problem is a lot of movies about old people fall into one of two categories either to sad movies or like away from her, you know, or like goofy movies about old people getting, feeling their oats again and doing young people stuff. But you also got the, you're, you're, you're, you're cleniest movies about like, fuck you young people. I'm tough. Yeah, like Gran Turino, that kind of thing. Yeah, well, but I've been also, you know, like your absolute powers or whatever, where it's like, you know, your blood works,
Starting point is 00:53:32 your space cowboys. And elderly gentleman, still kicking ass. Yeah, I don't know if, I would forget names. I don't know if I'd classify him as like elderly, but I think an older like, with parents stamp, what is that? The limey? The limey, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's a good, it's only a very good, I mean, there like with Terence stamp. What is that the lime the limey? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's really a very I mean, there are two actors who were bigger in the 70s. Yeah. I mean, the limey
Starting point is 00:53:54 uses scenes from his older movie in it. And as a good Peter Fonda performance. And there's certainly like a lot of good movies about aging out there. I mean, like they weren't. They were they were at most late middle age when they made this movie, but a movie that I recommended before that I really enjoyed Robin and Marion was sort of a movie about. I just saw that recently for the first time. Yeah. That's an interesting movie.
Starting point is 00:54:17 That's a movie with a weird tone to it because it feels like they wanted it to be a comedy and then it stopped being a comedy a certain point in the production and it has maybe the saddest action scene I've ever seen where Robin and little John have a kind of pathetic fist fight with a couple of guys on top of the wall and it takes them forever to climb up a wall, but there's something like more real about it. Like yeah, I would take these guys a long time and they're not as tough as they once were and they're all disillusioned. The stuff with King Richard and that is fantastic. But I mean, they're, so I guess there are, but there are a number of good movies about older folk. There's a, there's a 30s movie called Star Witness that I'm a fan of, but I don't know if you'll find somewhere about an old man who is gonna, who's going to testify against the mob even
Starting point is 00:55:01 though it puts his family at risk. And the old man is a civil war veteran. And if the movie's from the early 30s, there's just something amazing to me about that. So. But thank you for listening. I'm surprised that you're still listening, but thank you. Thank you. We appreciate it. But the last letter of the evening is titled,
Starting point is 00:55:21 podcast 147 Devils Something. I just wanted to tell you that I so enjoyed myself at exercise with earphones and iPhone, listening to the one about the young people on a quest Russia to find out what happened to a previous group of dead explorers. I was indeed laughing out loud, disturbing other senior exercises.
Starting point is 00:55:40 This is a lot of things that these letters... I think Elliot has Mrs. Calling as a jingle writer, but not a jingle singer Wow this letters from Shelley last name with held Stuart's mom Good one mom I got burned by Mrs. Wellington Well, I don't even I only had a writer like three emails to get her to write it And I noticed she didn't mention her son at all. No, she doesn't care. I think it's fair to say that my voice is not one of my top top talents. Yeah. But I'm glad that. I'm glad that we did. You know, we were going to do grudge match when you
Starting point is 00:56:20 put together this almost entirely senior Theon's letters column. There's a little thing called Kizmet Elliott and it happened tonight. Kissing Mr. Met. So it was an older bag of letters written on parchment paper. Yeah, with full pens. Yeah, it was in cuny or full. They went to cuny and I don't know if it's the city university of New York. Yeah. So those are the letters.
Starting point is 00:56:45 They're the thing that people write to us. We're done with that, say. Yeah, I'm very sad. Why are you so talking about it? The past is past, Dan. We move on. We're about the future now, space letters, written in space by aliens on space paper. It looked like hieroglyphics because they're the guileful from start.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah, so far they've been able to translate that there this letter it's a cookbook it says humans are delicious signed cookbook guy I was hoping you would say the next segment is okay recommendations is that the next segment is yeah there's where we recommend movies we actually enjoyed this is that segment now we just recommend some oldster movies Recommend some not so oldster movies. I mean I have my the movie either way So yeah, okay, it's not old so what is that movie? I'll start so sick considering this was a boxing movie I thought I'd recommend a better boxing movie so I wanted to recommend a
Starting point is 00:57:42 noir from 1949 called The Setup, directed by Robert Wise and starring Robert Ryan. And it's a movie that is told in real time before that was a kind of taken up too much by the people as a gimmick about a boxer who is a constant loser and his manager has bet basically taken money for a fix, but not told him because he's so sure that Robert Ryan is going to lose this fight and unfortunately things go a little better for Robert Ryan which means they're going to go a lot worse for Robert Ryan and he's become a
Starting point is 00:58:18 going to become a victim of this setup and it's a taught tight little less I think around an hour and 15 minute movie, told in real time about a box or going into a match, not knowing what trouble is about interintor into and the repercussions thereof. And it's a nice little movie from when Robert Wise was making kind of short tight, thriller tight movies before he started making stuff like the Santa music. I would set up. I think I'd like to sound of music. I would set up.
Starting point is 00:58:45 I'd like to recommend a movie that I saw. It's in theaters now. It's called Under the Skin, constructed by Jonathan Glager, who made Sexy Beast and Birth, both of which are, you know, interesting good movies to one degree or another, but I think neither
Starting point is 00:59:05 really measures up to under the skin, which I think is kind of an amazing movie. I don't want to say too much about it. Not in a spoiler, dude. It's Star Scarlet your Hanson. It's based on a Stephen King book about a town that gets trapped under the skin. Under an enormous skin. It's terrifying. I imagine the ending will be stupid.
Starting point is 00:59:27 No, I think that it's out there enough that it's not spoilers. It's not really spoilers to say that Scarlett Johansson is not a human character in it. She's a robot. She's a bison-tiny woman. You see, it's kind of a character study where you see humanity through non-human eyes and you feel how alien it must seem to an alien presence. So it's like an artsy version of femaleian? Or yeah that's basically species dude. Except femaleian didn't kill people. Honestly, it feels like kind of like a horror movie version of upstream color,
Starting point is 01:00:08 although that doesn't even really sell it either because to call it a horror movie, I think pigeonholes it. Pigeonholes it a little bit, but it is genuinely disquieting. It's a movie that does not fully explain everything that goes on in it. Did this job ad brings you to say what kind of food is our in it chicken food wonderful I mean you can you can you can understand everything that goes on in the movie pretty easily but the movie doesn't feed anything to you so if your hungry don't go see the movie and get a hamburger then go see under the skin But I think the movie does sort of make you view humanity kind of in a different light.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Like from outsideers light, it makes you think about what it is to be a person and make you think about like the differences between men and women. Like it's very hypnotic in a way that is not boring. It's kind of frated with meeting. Like there's a bunch of kind of blank spaces in the movie that aren't blank because you're really feeling them with your own sort of thoughts about various things.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I will warn people that, as I said, it is a disquieting movie. And there are a couple of things that could upset people. There's an attempted rape scene in the movie. There's a couple of things that could upset people. There's an attempted rape scene in the movie. There's a scene where that involves a kind of casual everyday horror of something going very wrong, very quickly, that involves a baby. So if either of those things seem like something that would upset you greatly. Maybe you wouldn't want to go see the movie. Maybe go see the Lego movie. Yeah, but it's a very good movie. So I recommend the Lego movie. I'm not saying that's a bad choice. Yeah, no, no, no. So I'm going to stick with this theme of boxing and aliens.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Movie called boxing aliens. It's called just fucking with you. I'm going to recommend a movie called the raid to the sequel to an earlier Stewart recommendation of the raid. This one's directed by Garrett Evans again. It is a continuation of the story of the of the guy who wanted to punch everyone. But this this movie continues the story, but it takes it outside of the like the strict confines of the housing block. The character, the hero of the first movie, Rama switches in a way, switches roles in that he is basically pushed into going undercover. And it leads to a shitload of fights. Uh, there are bad guys known only as baseball batman and hammer girl, uh, and the assassin, like a backup dancer for hammer. And, uh, exactly. And the baseball theory is an old boy. There is. Uh, uh, this movie is shockingly violent. Uh, it is very gory and, yeah, more so. And it's also very long. I think two and a half
Starting point is 01:03:10 hours long, but it is, I mean, the action is just so well done. And it's so intense that by the end of the movie, you just like the first one are going to feel exhausted. And it's just beautifully shot and well acted. It's awesome. So go see it. I don't know where it's and it's just beautifully shot and well acted it's awesome so go see it I don't know where it's it's only playing a couple places around the US right now but I think it's good it's gonna get a wider release than DVD yeah yeah I don't know I don't know where it's going I don't give a shit just watch it when it comes into your eyes make a wish and close your eyes and maybe a show up just off that monkey spot you probably got a finger to
Starting point is 01:03:44 responsibility of direct people the specific Yeah, yeah, yeah Dust off that monkey spa you probably got a Fender to Responsibility of direct people the specific Let me open up a list. I mean hold on Let's see it's yeah, it's taking the line back in the You just might you got a usual of those sex power time machines we talked about yeah You got to make love in the fucking engine room to power that Zeppelin There's a I guess there is an engine room in a Zeppelin. Anything that has a, you know, anything with a large engine has an engine.
Starting point is 01:04:11 You're saying that a manual was long to me. When a manual in a Zeppelin was made to that room that has a bunch of like tubes, the twist around the engine. When they did that, a manual, it was a twist around the engine. When they did that, a manual was a twist around. The manuals are a time series and they did, the manuals are Rodic Hindenburg. Yeah. Turns out what crashed it was sex. Oh, the poop manity.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Anyway, I heard myself. Sorry, I apologize to the seniors listening to this. Before we wrap up, I'm gonna, I wanna do a quick plug for people in New York and Brooklyn. If you have a chance on May 4th, it's a Sunday night. Please come down to Charlene's bar where they are celebrating their fifth anniversary. And I will be drinking there. I'm sure I'll probably convince at least one other flopper to be there drinking. Probably the one who doesn't have a baby. Yeah, probably the non-baby
Starting point is 01:05:01 have or Dan. So come on down, Charlie Sparr, for the anniversary. And if I can have a plug, coming out the day we recorded this, but one of this episode won't air for another little bit, I have a story in a comic book called Superior Fos of Spider-Man number 11. I have an eight-page story in there about the looter. Everyone's favorite, Spider-Man villain, who gets his strength from media or a guess.
Starting point is 01:05:25 So I don't think there's a lot of crossover between flampass listeners and comic book purchasers. No, not a big amount. So the superior foes of Spider-Man number 11, check it out. I wrote some of it. That's awesome. That's awesome, guys. Well, we all got stuff going on.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah, we're busy. Well, I mean, we did. You don't have anything. I mean, I got that thing that we're all doing together. Yeah, but that doesn't count. We can't tell each other out on that. Okay. I mean, you're making a lot of bread, right?
Starting point is 01:05:51 Yeah, you're working your way through the bread alphabet. Maybe let's end this flop house where we have to talk more about Dan's alphabet bread obsession. I'm not fucking baking bread in the shape of all the letters. Yeah, I can't wait to see the fucking evidence dungeon that's left behind after that. All the way from Artmark Loaf to Zebra Slices, every bread in the bread alphabet. All right. Well, thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:06:18 For the flop house, I've been damn McCoy. I'm still steward Wellington. And I will always be Elliott Kaelin no matter how hard I try. Goodnight everyone. Hey, you're worth it. Thanks, buddy. Are we ready to do this this I'm ready. I mean, uh, mumbles and what's going on? Cipio. We are dragged out and started talking. In Roman general.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah, always a waste of time. Zippin drinks. Three, two.

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