The Flop House - The Flop House_ Episode #165 - Robocop (2014)

Episode Date: November 15, 2014

Detailed show notes canceled on account of Dan being sick with Mongolian death flu. Movies recommended in this episode:The Woman ChaserShort Term 12Phase IVJohn Wick ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On tonight's episode we watched a movie about a robot cop. Robo cop. Dude! Dude, are you okay? Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Hey Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. Hey Dan, it's Stuart. I'm Elliot Kaelin and I'm worried about Dan. That's with all the check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-le-check-le-check-check-le-check-le-check-le-le-check-le-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-le-check-le-check-le-check-le-le out on the table right from the start. Dan maybe you should summarize the movie tonight. What do you think it was about?
Starting point is 00:01:07 It was about a guy who came a roll of cup and then nothing happened for a minute hour because I was asleep. That's right. Tonight, Dan found the movie literally snorrifying. Like, let's be clear about this. I have had a cold for the past five days and given a choice between watching Robocop and staying awake, catching up on your sleep
Starting point is 00:01:37 and falling asleep, my body chose to shut down. Sure. Much like Robocop was shut down by his evil master. I was down. Did you do like a fluid like robot robot cop did? Like, wait, robot cop was row cop. He has a name Elliott That name is Murphy He was just do cleansing the whole thing
Starting point is 00:01:57 Look, I was awake long enough to know that the point is that there's a point at which the programming takes over and that the point is that there's a point at which the programming takes over. And the man thinks he's in charge, but he's not anymore. And that was what happened to me tonight. I thought that I was in charge of my body and said, Hey, body, stay awake. See the podcast. What's what's happening? And the sleep center of your brain said, sorry, Sleepyhead,
Starting point is 00:02:19 we're going to dream sound. Omni-lo-me-mo. The one ticket to slumber lane. And for you, I'm issuing it right now. ticket to Slamberland for you. I'm issuing it right now. OCP demands that you power down. So this will be a fun journey of surprise. As Dan watches Robocop for the first time.
Starting point is 00:02:36 For the eyes of an innocent child, they'll get kicked. From out of the mouths of babes. Yeah. Yeah. So. So let's go just to be clear, the movie over which watch tonight was the remake of Robocop, a which we get all been eagerly awaiting. So and Dan Trellis sleep about 30 minutes in. Yeah, and I think I was the one enjoying it the most out of the three of us at the point
Starting point is 00:02:59 that I fell asleep. And so what's interesting is that you must have worn yourself out. Yeah. You were cheering or laughing. It was so, it was so excited that his body couldn't handle it anymore. And it shut down into a hibernation phase. Yeah. Well, we saw the movie as it was meant to be seen by the filmmakers with a snoring
Starting point is 00:03:15 man on a couch next to us. Look, I have a tendency to snore. I cracked, I had surgery to correct a deviated septum because of this. But what? It didn't work. It didn't work. Well, when I'm all stepped up. You overrated it, rode your rope.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm just saying, I wish I could paint a word picture for you of what Dan looked like sleeping. But I don't have to. Check out Stuart's Twitter feed where you will see exactly that. Hold on, I'm just giving a lard into this right now. Similar to some lower robot cops talking. L.A. and I had a scrolling text in our vision stream called Twitter. Twitter is the robot cop on your phone. And we just look at this.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Filled with criminals. Yep, and Murphy's. You keep talking. So I want to point out before we get into the needed this robot cops. Yeah, and Murphy's. You keep talking. So I want to point out before we get into the media of this Robocop scene. Because there's not much meat left. He's mostly robot now.
Starting point is 00:04:12 We watched a handful of remakes for the show. Yeah. And this is probably, I don't know about you guys, but of all the remakes we've watched, this is a remake of the movie I'd like the most. You liked the original? I liked the original Robocop the like I have the most I'm bringing the most bag. Oh, it's a fantastic movie. Yeah, it's I mean, I think all of us have a fondness in our heart for even more than like we'd watch
Starting point is 00:04:36 total recall which I love but not as much as Robocop. And totally call the regionals like okay, as far as I'm concerned, but Robocop is a genuinely great, like, funny, original, total recall. I mean, it's awesome. It's okay. Okay. But look, we're not here to really get total recall. We're here to talk about, cop of a bot.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I gotta say, I look, cop and a roo. I look very peaceful in this photo. Exactly. I'm probably the happiest of the three of us. Yeah, you're the angel. Yeah. It's so lifelike. I don't know what the mortician did, but you
Starting point is 00:05:05 look just like your sleeping. That's what it sounded like. Every time there was a feather on your mouth and every time you breathed out and snore the feather when you lived up and then descend down. Yeah. The weird part was when that little circus mouse started whispering ideas into your ear. Yeah, I was telling me to kill. Classic Inception move. Yeah, mice, always incepting people to kill.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So anyway, robot cop. This is a movie we all have not just fondness for the original. I think it's fair to say we all love the original. Sure. I certainly do. And so we're not going to be able to separate it. No, we were going into this. We're only humans.
Starting point is 00:05:47 We're only humans. A big striking. A bit of this are robots. Well, as far as we know, bringing Omni-core employee in here, see if I can shoot him or not. Shoot him or not. Yeah. Just scan him up, scan him down,
Starting point is 00:05:58 scan him all around everybody's scan in these days. Scan in USA. If everybody had a scanner, and like a visor thing that came down on their head when they were shooting creeps, we'd all be robocops doing Robo stuff. How long is this? Fighting crime, crime, crime till her daddy takes her Tshirt away. Wow. It's a real turn. Oh, wow. That was the twist ending. Was it Daddy the Robo? It was a different song the whole time.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's like an M-night Shyamalan song. He should do that. M-night Shyamalan should do an album of cover songs where the song in the last verse, it's revealed it's a different song. That was, I like it. It's weird. It's weird that it would be a whole concept album. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:44 The concept album is M- Night Shyamalan Twist songs. But the real, and the song The Twist turns out to be like, what? What? Land of the hand, born to hand, Give? Turns out it was a different song. Land of the hand, Give. Yeah, born to hand, Give. The land of the hand, Give.
Starting point is 00:06:58 The land of the hand, Give. The land of the hand, Give. The land of the hand, Give. The land of the hand, Give. The best hand, Give. The best hand, Give. The best hand, Give. The best hand, Give. The best hand, Give. The best hand, Give. The best hand, Give. and Trevor and I think that's I think that's always by two shorts. It's called a hand jobologist. It's that way.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Anyway, that song is by weird L. Kalang Kavish. Okay, works. Anyway, Robo cop is that what we're talking about? The movie dance. We're trying to sleepy cop over here. It keeps. Robo snore over here. What's your name, son? It's the last couple of lines of
Starting point is 00:07:28 merphe, all half man, half machine, all sleepy. He hides in the wall until you need him. Murphy bed. Nice swinging out of the wall when I needed to go to bed son. What's your name Murphy bed? So Robo Cup. It's late. We're tired. Let's talk about the movie. So it's the future. Or I mean, movie opa, the rest saving alert. Yep. Close up on Samuel Jackson's backhand. We start with Samuel L Jackson playing a Bill O'Reilly character, hosting a loudmouth political talk show because it's the future and in the future, even black men can be curmudgeonly old white men.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So Samuel Jackson plays a care named Pat Novak. It's just like. They're like Pat, say, Jack. It's like pets. They were like, we want to do a pet. It was like the character was originally in like fill O'Reilly, you know, like you know what? That's a little too on the nose. Well come on patting no back and steady ocean Anakin's
Starting point is 00:08:34 Shenanigans and half it out on the patio. It's like a patio shenanigans like what Yeah, like, I don't know what, the basically normal shenanigans are just outside. Yeah, a fight with lawn darts. Yeah. I mean, that's not shenanigans, that's violent.
Starting point is 00:08:52 They can first show. So if I got taken to jail, I wouldn't get booked for shenanigans. You wouldn't be found with Tom Foulary one. Yeah, Stuart, I don't have to tell you this, but shenanigans isn't a legal definition, a designation. It's not, it's not felony tell you this, but shenanigans isn't a legal definition designation. It's not, it's not felony misdemeanor and then shenanigans. You've been found guilty of Tom Foulery in the first degree. Just Goofin.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Can I plea bargain to down to a lesser charge of just Goofin? I'll allow it. Squeak, squeak. The judge has a squeaky mallet because he's a clown. Yeah, okay. The honorable judge clown presiding. Okay. It's pretty. That's pretty on the nose. Join the rubber nose. Yeah. Robocop. Anyway. So Robocop, it's the future. Bill O'Reilly as Samuel Jackson is a Bill O'Reilly type host. And he's talking about how America's full of crime. Do we ever see this in the movie? Not really. No. But America's full of crime because while we're allowed to use robots overseas for our military fighting, we're not allowed to use them at home because of this stupid amendment that
Starting point is 00:09:54 some dumb senator put through. Probably a liberal. A P.E. Herman sort. Yeah, he's got a bow tie. And they take us to Tehran where I guess America has invaded Iran in the time between now and the Robocop time. We're a bunch of Ed 209s and a bunch of C3PO's with guns under the command of Jack E.R.L. Haley.
Starting point is 00:10:15 We're in like an exosuit, get into a fight with a bunch of terrorist bombers and end up killing a kid holding a knife and this is taken as a huge success by Savile Jackson, like, hey, everything worked out okay. We got to bring more of these robots over here. And we need to bring over more products of our, the big American hero, OmniCorceo, Raymond Sellers, played by Michael Keaton. And his top scientist, Dr. Dennett Norton,
Starting point is 00:10:42 played by Gary Oldman, in the fakes in a movie since Dex Dog Detective. But the since Dennett, as far as I know is not a name since Cam Gaganja. And that's his real name. The terrible point of movie such as it has been made at this point. Yes, all the satire is basically packed into the first 10 minutes. And then it gets recycled over and over again throughout the film. Like the chorus of a beautiful song.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And you would point it out early on that it felt more on the nose because unlike compared to the original Robocop because that movie uses, in addition, it's very obvious, but it's also funny. Like the satire in the original Robocop is sledgehammer satire, is not subtle. It's not elegant, but the jokes are also funny. Like the satire in the Ridge and Robocop is sledgehammer satire, is not subtle. It's not elegant, but the jokes are really funny.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And like the fake commercials are really funny. Everything is like over the top in a really funny way. Whereas here it's satirical, but it's not funny. Like in the whole same LJX thing, there's no actual jokes. He's just doing this kind of like slightly exaggerated impression of that type of person. But there's no jokes or funny lines or anything like that. It's like a little bit like certain scenes in Dr. Strange Love where you're like, I'm watching a satire,
Starting point is 00:11:55 but there's like nothing funny in the scene. You're watching it. Except not as good as Dr. Strange Love. Yeah, sports like this is sports like a sitcom with no jokes. It's not a satire. It's not a satire of sports. I don't think so. And what's interesting about this movie, you mentioned we've like a sitcom with no jokes. It's not a satire It's not a tire of sports and I think so and what's interesting about this movie You mentioned we've seen a lot of remakes this movie includes a couple different flop house alums Gary oldman Yeah, it was in a couple other like five movies we've watched right?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Abbey Cornish, which I think this was the third movie she was in we'd seen and Not having been in a previous movie watch. I was Jennifer Ealy, who I'll just say, let me just bring it out here, I've seen on stage. So anyway, the play was coast of Utopia. And she was nude on stage in it. All right, well I'm listening. And she was really good. So anyway, Tom Stopperd's coast of Utopia,
Starting point is 00:12:38 I saw it live on stage, Jennifer Ealy was in it, no clothes, back to Robocop. She was in what that, that, uh, that, uh, zero-doctorie, right? That was what she was like the pal and then. She was the friend and then, and then, yeah. She was really good in that movie. She was good to blow that. She got blowed up real good.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah, but of course she'll, RoboCop. She's, yeah, yeah, yeah, but zero by RoboCop 30. I haven't seen it, so. Yeah, we'll get, this sequel is gonna be a Roboop zero dark 30 crossover. Okay. It's called Robocop 30 Okay, can Robocop's turning 30? Yeah, his 20s are over. What's he gonna do? Robocop and it's called this is Robocop 30 And it's a Judd epithel Catherine Bigelow Paul Verhoeven joining five hours long. It's five hours long
Starting point is 00:13:22 It's mostly improvised and it's about ah He's turning 30 and all he has to show for it is that he's insanely wealthy and as a big house and a beautiful wife slash girlfriend and what's a robo cop to do mainly him both shitting with a bunch of other successors mean that you're happy no that's well in my case it does all right well yeah but anyway so uh... omnicor says hey legally we can't bring robots to the streets of the
Starting point is 00:13:49 United States. We have to make some kind of mechanized human, and then we'll get around through this legal loophole, but we need the perfect candidate for the prototype. Enter, Detroit Police Detective Alex Murphy, and his partner Omar from the wire. Okay. So Omar gets to be the Robo Cup? No, although that would have been the most dramatic one. So it seems like he would be the choice.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah, but they went for the actor who is robotic, even before he turns into a robot. He's taller and skinnier. He's taller and skinnier and wider. Yeah. And he lacks the charisma of Peter Weller. So let's just let that sink in. I like, shut your mouth, sir. He could have played vision. Ellie.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Buckaroo. Let me just tell you the least charismatic character in Buckaroo Bonsai is Buckaroo. Bonsai is a thank you should have been the hero that movie Jeff Goldblum arrest my case. Well anyway, but the point is really no reason Jeff Goldblum couldn't have played Buckaroo. Bonsai when it comes down to it. Yeah. Well, but I mean, other than contrasting eyes, the Peter Weller has. And just saying, I don't buy him as an astrophysicist brain surgeon rock star. But you would have bought Jeff Goldblum. But you throw Jeffrey Goldblum
Starting point is 00:15:01 in there. And yeah, I do. I bought him as a flyman and as a mathematician who knows things about dinosaurs. Why wouldn't I buy him as this? Didn't he also download a virus onto an alien starship in the movie? He did. That movie, the big chill. Anyway, this new robot cop, though, is played by Joel Canaman. The people might remember from the terrible the killing television show. I haven't seen it. People also might remember I thought you might remember him from the vast cinnamon fortune that he's heir to. I said, cinnamon. It's actually pronounced cinnamon.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Yeah. Every time you say like a cinnamon bun, it's really a kind of bun. Yeah, every time you go into your participatory and you order the cinnamon bun. Yeah. And he's of course the son of fame, Santa, comedian, Sam,
Starting point is 00:15:39 cinnamon. Ah! Ah! Ah! I'm glad you turned that down. Yeah, come on. I can't just scream to turn that down. Yeah, come on. I can't just scream right now. I bark that's been shaved into latte.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Ah! That's just famous words. What? Say what a cinnamon is. Can't even, I'm sorry. Say I'm cinnamon. Say I'm cinnamon. Quite again.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Say I'm cinnamon. I'm a stick that grows somewhere. And a little bit of the deep thing. I'm a cinnamon would have been a perfect food fight character. That's true. Really food fight line of action figures. Or even a garbage fail catch. Come on, art speagloman, where were you on this?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah, listen to this podcast later on. it's just gonna be a fever dream. Yeah, it is as we live, as we're living it. So anyway, cinnamon, it's a thing that it's good when there's a little bit, but the too much and it doesn't taste good. Moving on, so it's similar to the original Robocop. These two accept a little different in that instead of these cops being on the trail of Clarence Bedaker, the... Yeah, Kurt Wood Smith.
Starting point is 00:16:45 That's the name. That's the classic villain. They're on the track of two corrupt cops working for Antoine Villon, a arms dealer of some kind who looks like a swanly handsome or Brad Dorif meets Eric Stoltz. Yeah, he looks like a Brad Stoltz riff, but it's not. It's a different guy. It's an actor who's not related to either one of them. You like if Brad Dorif had never shaved his eyebrows off, so they never grew to be horrible monster worms?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Monster worms. Yeah, like that caterpillar from Labyrinth that tells it to go the one. You know that story, layer of the white worm that's about Brad Dorif's eyebrows. Wow. And that tremors? That is about his eyes. Bras are tremors. They're like furry. He's like, you ever see the never ending story? You know, the luck dragon fell. That was one of Brad door of Cybras. It took a side job. Falco. Yeah, when Falcore had that hit, Austria's Falco. Yeah, rock me. I'm a Treyou. Boom. Boom. Finally, the Falco never ending story pun the world is asking for so we're about 15 minutes into the movie
Starting point is 00:17:50 There's a very I'm still awake at this point. There's a very very boring Dan will tell you when we get into the therapy drag In section of the movie for him where he doesn't know what it is There's a very boring shootout between Murphy and his partner and two other cops or two other good bad guys. Undercover, I guess. Undercover as possible gun buyers and they set up a buy, but they get caught out and Omar is shot and sent to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Murphy is okay until he goes to his house. That's just like Omar Caman on the gurney. The doctor's like, that hasn't helped me. I asked you for a sponge and a spreader. Why are you whistling the farmer in the Dell? Anyway, and the nurse is like, did you not watch the wire? You got to watch it and the doctor is like, did you not watch the wire? You got to watch it and the doctor's like, I'm tired of telling people to tell me,
Starting point is 00:18:49 I'm not gonna watch the wire. I'm a busy doctor. I'm gonna put it off this plate and then spread apple butter off the top of a piece of bread. Do you call it knife as a spread? Yeah, when you're spreading things with it, anyway, stop talking about the wire. Wow. You are a raisins through the cans tonight, Stuart.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Anyway, Murphy goes home to his wife and child, always a mistake in these movies because it means you're about to die. They make out a little bit, but do not take her top completely off. Or his wife, it takes off her shirt in preparation for sex, but his car alarm goes off. And when he goes out, just turn it off. Uh oh, car blows up. Car bomb, he is almost killed, but it turns out he's the perfect candidate
Starting point is 00:19:30 for the Robocup initiative. I do have to say the scene of him being exploded by his car is shot very matter-of-factly, like instead of doing any slow motion or like any other kind of camera tricks. The camera pulls back and you just see him open the door for a second, then the car blows up, but he flies into the background.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It is almost hilariously deadpan the way it's done. It's like a European or a Japanese movie and that they chose not to move the camera at all in a movie that moves the camera all the time. Constantly, I mean, the way it's based is like something out of a Steve Odekerk movie. You expect like a thumb with a face on it just time out RoboCop. Anyway, they turn him into a RoboCop. He doesn't like it. He is aware through the whole process. But a weird what? A weird cop. He's the way at the during the full moon.
Starting point is 00:20:23 He turns into a cop. He is, he is like, what are you doing to me? Ah, and so over time. Stop touching there. Over, yeah, kind of. That over time to make him less afraid and anxious as a human and a better robo cop, they start taking away his brain and making it more computer-y. So he's already just ahead and lungs and a hand, and now they're breaking down his brain and making him more computer-y. So he's already just ahead and lungs and a hand,
Starting point is 00:20:45 and now they're breaking down his brain and taking it more computer-pro-ling. A genuinely creepy and cool stuff. There's a part where he says, take this stuff off of me and Gary Alden's like, all right, and they remove all the robot parts, and he's just ahead and lungs and a hand. And it's-
Starting point is 00:21:00 And it's those brain. Yeah, and that's a genuinely brightening in his car of fire. Interesting image. Yeah, there's a couple, like, like brightening in its core of fire. Yeah, there's a couple, like, let me get this straight by this movie. I didn't like it very much, but it has some neat ideas in it and neat moments. There's a shootout scene later that's almost entirely lit
Starting point is 00:21:16 by just muzzle-fot flare while RoboCop is running through a room and you just see the red of his visor slit and this muzzle flare lighting people up and occasionally night vision goggle visions of what's going on and that would have been a really neat way to do that scene. Like that but. I mean, it wasn't pace particularly well. No, it was not an exciting scene.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Like not the action scenes in this are. It's a nice idea. I'll say the only exciting action scene is this is later in the when he starts fighting the 80209s. Yeah. And that's more just because there's almost no way to make a man versus giant robots not exciting. Exactly. The only way is Magnus robot fighter the comic book never exciting.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Oh wow, burn. Actually, that's not true. It has some. I want to burn Fred Van Lentil. No, the old ones I'm saying, the gold gold key comics. I'll play something out here, though. This is a significant deviation from the original Robocopop where Robocop doesn't know that he's murphy because his memories have been they try to erase his memories. There's that great sequence where they keep bringing him to life to check him and you just see it through his point of view and then putting him back to sleep. And by the time they ring him out, he's more robot than man. He doesn't know who he was.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But hey, let's not play the game of in the old Robocop. Oh, we could build two airs of this. I'm telling like an essay for it's. It's well, it's similar to the idea of like class. Robocop studies. Well, it's similar to the idea of this movie begins, uh, where is the other movie begins, like upping the stakes stakes showing how like horribly violent it can be Making you totally scared of those criminals. Yeah, and totally scared of Ed 209 when it totally rips that dude up with its machine gun Oh man defining moment of my childhood when I saw the first movie does not have any any of that no this movie What it's like they tell you at the beginning?
Starting point is 00:23:02 There's too much crime, but they never really show you a city on the edge or a city with too much crime. It just kind of looks like a regular city. There's two cops on the edge. There's like, there's two spoiler three com madness. There's three bad cops in the Detroit Police Department. Otherwise, it seems like a normal city, but here's the thing, RoboCop,
Starting point is 00:23:22 after he's been de-emotionalized and computed up to the point where he doesn't even recognize his own wife and child anymore. He's unveiled to the public and he is an instant hit and crime drops like a billion-zillion percent as he just goes on the run. Because the public doesn't like personality, you know? That's true. There's a reason that Mickey Mouse is worth a billion dollars more than Bugs Bunny. Let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Anyway. So boring. and now this is worth a billion dollars more than Bugs Bunny. Let me tell you. Anyway. Uh, sobering. But over time, Murphy begins to realize that something's up. He realizes that his wife, when she confronts him, that her emotions are anxious and unhappy, and that his son is also showing anxiety. And he decides he's gonna solve his last unsolved case, his own murder.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Whoa. He's a regular Boston brand, Dead Man. to solve his last unsolved case his own murder. Well, he's a regular Boston brand, dead man, solving the case of his own killing. Although, oops, sorry about that. What I do like the sequence where robot Murphy is trying to identify- How much better would this movie be called if that was robot Murphy?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Robot Murphy sounds like a sitcom of a lovable garbage man who's a robot. Sir, I think we can come up with a better name than robot Murphy. Robot Murphy sounds like a sitcom of a lovable garbage man who's a robot. Sir, I think we can come up with a better name than Robot Murphy. I mean, the guy's a police officer that seems like it's more important to call the guy a robot. No, no, no. What's the name of the main character, Murphy? And I quote Shakespeare, what's in a name?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Actually, I'm sure with that to deny that a name is important. And it did it did it. Mm-hmm. Okay. Robot Murphy. So robot Murphy. I'm not sold on the whole cup idea either. What about like a robot fish tank salesman? Like he works at a fish store, eh? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And here's the catch. The irony is that the band fish doesn't care for him. What's the irony? The irony is that water normally is robots worst enemy now. We're making a movie I really I really is his body's made of iron every So he's super irony So every every time he gestures towards a fish tank to sell it to a customer. You're like, uh-oh Is this the end of robot Murphy?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Good movie, anyway. Oh no, so what I was saying is I like the way that Robocop is trying to come to terms with his, like the alienation of his wife and his son like by being a robot by being a robot. The way a robot would, yeah. He has to read in his programming that they're upset, you know. And there's, and like, that's another thing that
Starting point is 00:25:44 works kind of well until he starts investigating his own murder. Yes, it's terrible. He goes to his house and he watches the video footage because there's part of the thing at concept is that there's closed circuit TV cameras everywhere. He has four around his own house. So his murder has been captured from four angles
Starting point is 00:26:00 and he keeps watching it, but he never rewinds the tape to see who put a bomb in his car, which seemed to be police work 101. And Stuart, you were saying like he should rewind back and it should turn out like the tape was deleted for some reason. Exactly. And only a cop can do that or something. Cause the arms dealer he's after is selling guns
Starting point is 00:26:20 that were stolen from the police evidence locker. They shouldn't be on the streets. They shouldn't be in criminals hands. He manages to... But instead he uses the footage from these close circuit cameras to create like a virtual 3D world that he in his brain can wander around and analyze everything.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. What? Which is totally, it's totally stupid. It's kind of like in Rocky Bell Bowen. Rocky's just walking through his memories. You guys can make up any bullshit right now. Well, then there's the part where RoboCop, he walks into that lesbian sex show. What? And there's just the two girls who are doing it, but then three more girls come in and do it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And then, what was Dan? What was that actress you really like a lot? They have a big crush on who said she wouldn't do nude scenes. Yeah, that one. Well, yeah, she's in it. Sure. Uh-huh. And she is sitting on the lap of Dabney Coldman.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Oh, my God. Wait, is that, is that a snowman who started in Drexel's class? He was a low-run Spider-Man villain. Dabney Cold, man. Why would it make the scene hotter for Dabney Coldman? Is there? God, he's got a mustache. And he said my famous.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I mean, he is famous. He was in war games. He was in Cloak and Dagger. Yeah. Yeah. Doesn't get more famous than that. Can I recommend Cloak and Dagger? There's nothing.
Starting point is 00:27:38 There's no law against it. All right. What else did they do that Dan would have liked? Did I mention that talking heads reunited in the movie? No, the way with David Burns said that would never happen. No, Robocop made them bury the hatchet. Oh, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And then LCD Sound System was there. Oh. And who's what's another baby like? They think they're about to torch, yeah. Yeah. To a new generation of a robot art rock. Yeah. Anyway, so he's investing his own murder.
Starting point is 00:28:09 He tracks down the guns to the arms dealer, kills him. He tracks those guns. Have you had a little bit of old-fashioned police work? Yes, a lot of it's a lot of leather shoe gum shoe. It's really weird that in where they try to paint the picture of a futuristic society that's under Cononston observation. And yet RoboCop has to go like fall back on old school methods to track down this one dude.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And yet they never take it all the way to RoboColombo. One more thing man. One more thing valedine. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense. Be boop. One more question. One more thing, creep.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So it looks like your penis got shot off. Oh, because it's the specific creep from the original rollout. His question about the shooting that he just did. Yeah, you shot me because I was trying to rip that woman. That makes sense. That makes a lot of sense. But one more question. How do I shoot you so well that I. That makes sense. That makes a lot of sense. But one more question. How do I shoot you so well that I shot through her dress without hurting her and shot you?
Starting point is 00:29:10 You're a robot, sir. That makes sense. That makes sense, people. Uh, terrible detective. So it's ironically, I'm only becoming a robot made him a worse detective. Great shot. Terrible detective.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That's the tagline. You've got the tagline for robot Murphy Great shot terrible detective anyway, he's just a robot Murphy bed sales Wait, so he's a robot or the Murphy beds are robots He's a robot. He's just you selling his brother and then slave selling his brother's into enslaved me. Yeah. For our games. Oh, terrible. We'll be, we'll be, we'll be, we'll be,
Starting point is 00:29:47 we'll be, we'll be, we'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be. We'll be, we'll be.
Starting point is 00:29:55 We'll be, we'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be.
Starting point is 00:29:57 We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We'll be. We of them. Sleepy Dan. Sleepy, sleepy Dan. Anyway, also your favorite musical duo. Sleepy Dan. Sure, Donald Fagan's great. Or Donald Fagan.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Or Fagan from Oliver Twist. So anyway, he tracks these guns down to the corrupt cops. He takes them down. He's about to take down the chief of police, but he is shut down by he's about to take down the chief of police, but he is shut down by the Omnicore people. Uh oh, specifically by Jackie Rolhavi, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, Jackie Rolhavi as the military connection for Omnicore who earlier was, we skipped over. He was training Robocop and taunting him a lot. He wears, uh, he wears the exoskeleton
Starting point is 00:30:41 and a real Freddy Krueger, bitch. He's a real bad news bear. He's a real pedophile from Little Children. He's a real Rorschach. He's a real, come on, Dan, we're Jack. A real, uh, the other guy from Hard Target. That's not Cheamie Bride. He's on that TV show. Oh, not the movie Hard Target with Wilford Brumley.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I wish Wilford really had been the action hero star of hard target. I mean, he's on, isn't he? He pulls his head back and that blade passes by and snips off part of his mustache. I mean, he taught Chance Boudreau all Chance Boudreau knows. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, is that Game of the Treeel name? No, that's Jean-Claude Van Damen, hard target. That's his actual name.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I thought Jean-Claude Van Damen was Game of the Treeel name. According to Wichon Magazine, it's circa 1995. Anyway, let's keep going. Meanwhile, I'm starting to think that I slept through the same. They shut them down and then they want to like eliminate them. The company decides if he starts going after corrupt politicians, Robocop, that is he's going to reach all the corrupt politicians that we've had dealings with because I guess Robocop is going to go nationwide and just become America's top Robocop.
Starting point is 00:32:00 So they say, we're going to shut him down for good. We're going to present it as a hero died, trying to take down corruption. People are gonna love it. They'll give us more money to put more Robocops and more towns on the core wins, hooray, hooray. But Gary Oldman, who throughout the movie, let's just say Stuart and I really liked this character
Starting point is 00:32:22 for most of it, because Gary Oldman was not outwardly evil the way that Michael Keaton's character Is as the head of Omnicore and he is not a do-good or noble guy because he is slowly selling out his principles as he works on Dehumanizing Robocop. Yeah, he starts out wanting to help people who have lost limbs regain their abilities He's given this opportunity to rebuild a whole man who would have died. And now over time, in order to appease his bosses who are paying the money, he has to be kind of like you're saying that he's becoming less human. He's becoming less human.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Accounting to the stars, less for human. It's a shit job. But his journey parallels the roboticness. If this was a better movie, I would have said that because unfortunately, Gary Oldman who has had this kind of complex moral shading now just becomes a hero. And it's like, we got a save from a robot cop.
Starting point is 00:33:16 His performance deserves so much more credit since the person he acts opposite is Joel Cinnamon or whatever, it's like a name as who is not not but a real cinnamon. Gapord star. But yeah, it's Gary Oldman isn't given a lot to work with here, but he does good stuff with it. But at this point, he decides we got to save Robocop. They bring Robocop back to life and Robocop goes on a rampage to at the OmniCore headquarters.
Starting point is 00:33:45 He fights a bunch of ED 209s in a pretty cool fight scene where he's like running underneath, he's standing underneath 180 209 while others trying to shoot him and on the Ed 1029's display it says, trying to get a clear shot. As if that Ed 209 is like, I don't wanna kill another one of me.
Starting point is 00:34:02 That would be a friendly fire casualty, but then he just does anyway. Omar, who is back to good health, saves Robocop by showing up and standing in front of him with no guns in his hand, because Ed Tuenine can't shoot someone who's unarmed. So in this case, just like in the original.
Starting point is 00:34:21 No, in the original. Like the opposite, my friend. And this is like in the original. No, no, in the original opposite, my friend. Robocop gets up to Robocop's wife and son are for some reason in the Omnicore headquarters. Like Michael Keaton is going to kidnap him or something. I don't know. And he reaches him up to the top of the building where Michael
Starting point is 00:34:39 Keaton's going to helicopter away to freedom. Case closed, I guess. It's a real end of die hard type moment. And Robocop tries to shoot him in Jacky or L'Haley, but uh oh, they're red assets. And he's programmed not to be able to shoot them. Uh, what's he gonna do? Turns out, shoot them anyway. This Michael Keaton overplays this hand, threatens Robocop's family and Robocop gets so mad that his emotions, I guess, overload the system. What this was set up earlier in the emotions, I guess, overload the system.
Starting point is 00:35:05 This was set up earlier in the movie. I remember it because I wasn't asleep. There's a really little bit of they say that when he gets emotional, the programming acts up. But that was before they removed half his brain and put circuits in there. And also, that's a stupid thing to put in there. Just a stupid reasoning. And the reason he's able to shoot Michael Keaton is because Michael Keaton goes on this awesome long monologue where he's like threatening
Starting point is 00:35:31 him. Then he threatens his family and he's like, you're just a robot. You can't shoot me. You're a robot. Blah blah blah blah. Robots can't do anything. Your arms moving like you can shoot me. I don't think that could happen. I think, well, you know, you're pulling a trigger. Like you're going to shoot me or something. Now, bullets coming out of your gun. Like you think it's going to hit me? The only way that that thing that could happen. I think, well, you know, you're pulling a trigger. Like, you're gonna shoot where you're something? Now, bullets coming out of your gun. Like, you think it's gonna hit me? The only way that I think that could have saved that scene where he was like, I could kill your family right now
Starting point is 00:35:52 and you can't do anything. You're just a robot. I made you, checks his watch. How much longer to the helicopter gets here? Like another minute? All right. Okay, let's kill this timer. Hey man, you're just a robot.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Like, this monologue is because he's just killing time and waiting for the helicopter to come get him. Anyway, in the end, Michael Keaton's dead. Robocop is... Oh my God, this is for Jack Frost. Lambo. And he says, just kidding. I love you, Michael Keaton.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I'm glad you're having a comeback. Just kidding. Beetlejuice was great. Glad you're back on top. Birdman forever. Which multiplicity did he kill? He killed the really dope one. Yeah. Yeah, he killed he killed the CG one. They're all CG. No, cash grab.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Oh, I see, I see. So Murphy wins. What? They were all CG like their George Lucas hair. George. It's a good. It's CGI, right? Man, I missed a lot. What I was like their George Lucas is here. George is here. It's CGI, right? Man, I missed a lot when I was asleep. Yeah, this was all in Robo cop. You're doing a busy dreaming of Robo cop.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Your movie about a Robo cop. He's half man half Robo. This is some of the stuff we came up with earlier. I brought Brendan Gleason, I would imagine. You would be a good robot with that. People would, I would pay so much money to see that. You do a great job. I mean, like, he's a fine actor.
Starting point is 00:37:10 He is a great actor. Yeah. He really, really makes a care for robot cop. The man who's half man, half robot. Bad guy in that movie, Cole meaty. But he wants to just send me that check, please. He just wants to sink all the robots. Anyway, evil tugboat.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Meanwhile, the Senate passes a law that says that you can allow robots to just fight crime in the streets. But now that all the truth has come out about Omnichor because Gary Oldman's character testified before the Congress, Murphy's back on the force, the President vetoed that law, and Samuel Jackson is not happy about it. It ends with this kind of like satirical but not funny rant, and we're out. And I will say that, here's what I say, and I'll say in the favor of this movie, there are a couple of action scenes that were all right. It had some neat, good ideas to add to the Robocop concept that didn't quite pan out.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And while we were watching it, we came up with Robocop and also the Black Exploitation version of Robocop. Robocop. So that's a bad bad movie for me and our final joke. Well, I think it was, yeah, unfortunately, bad bad movie. I had high hopes for it. Yeah, and I'm with you. It almost feels like some of the ideas were genuinely
Starting point is 00:38:27 great ideas that if they had managed to work them into the original RoboCop. Yeah, it would have been nice. What it was, here's what I'll tell you about this movie is missing. The first RoboCop has in spades, Verve. There's like, Zaz.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Zaz, let every one of you want to call it, energy. Like the first- Personality. Yeah, well, the first RoboCop is entirely, it is a movie with a lot of charisma and energy Zazz, let everyone call it energy. The first- Personality. Yeah. Well, the first Robocop is entirely, it is a movie with a lot of charisma and energy. And this movie had none of that, you know. It was a real list list kind of walking around robot. Almost all the performances are understated.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah. And whereas it kind of works for Gary Oldman's performance because he's Gary Oldman, but even Michael Keaton, he could ham it up a little bit more. I know he can. He's got it in him. The only guy who hamps it up is Samuel Jackson and they didn't even write any jokes for him. But he, like, he barely hamps it up. He has some ham in there. I think you're underestimating his ability to ham it up. Do you see that one where he's like wearing that movie where he's wearing a kilt and he's got a wee little soul patch? Oh, yeah, yeah, Highlander
Starting point is 00:39:28 formulas something yes like a number formulas something Unnumber. Oh, yeah, he's got a golf club. Yeah, anyway, I I give this movie five out of five stars It's a great nap at the movies. You what as I said, it was For the first time we watched a movie that you found literally snorrifying. I don't recall that. This movie reminded me that the original Robocop deserves a watch in for me. Yeah, I want to watch it again. If they made this movie as a, as a loss leader to get me to watch Robocop again, then yes,
Starting point is 00:40:01 it worked. I mean, this movie was a, was a hit. It made a lot of money. So I guess we're in the wrong. Let's move on to, I wanna make a few announcements. Before we go on to letters, our minor that the flop house is opening the New York
Starting point is 00:40:22 pod fest. He's not very excited about it. On January 9th at the Bell House. January 9th, 2015, 10pm at the Bell House, the Flapp House Live, the first ever live recorded episode of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Come see the Flapp House, have your laughs be immortalized forever in this podcasting history event. Just like Asomandius. Okay. Yeah, look upon my laugh, C. Mighty and despair. Long after you have passed from this moral coil,
Starting point is 00:40:53 the eerie sound of your ghostly laughter at a joke about boobs or butts will be floating on the winds of Egypt. We will be spreading out through the ether of space for alien civilizations to discover. Awesome. So that's a thing. Future historians will reconstruct you from your laughs.
Starting point is 00:41:12 And perhaps your questions, spoiler. I also wanted to plug Slate's Gotten Touch about... That's the website Slate. The website Slate. It's not the rock formation. got in touch about that's the website slate the website not the not the rock formation and not Fred Plinson's boss. The Mr. Slate is there's got to be a slate character. Yeah, come on, Mr. Rockley or something. Now his name was Stone's Rock Stone.
Starting point is 00:41:39 His name was what is a Italian name is Pebble Rock Boulder. Before the January 9th show, I, out of the three of us, so not as good, but still pretty good. But hey, you won't be sick or tired at the time, right? Yeah, I'm hoping. Jesus, if I'm still sick in December, shoot me. Jesus, pull out a gun from your holster. Shoot me dead. So, no, there's a gun from your holster. Shoot me dead. So there's a, Slate is doing something at a videology in Williamsburg.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Brooklyn. At 6.30 p.m., which I assume that's a door's open time to start at 7. But the details are fuzzy thus far. But they do this show where there's video clips and people talk about them and it's hosted by Dana Stevens, Slates Film Critic, who you probably know from the Slate Cultural Gap Fest. If you listen to Slate a lot of podcasts. And the last one was $10. I'm sure that this one will be comparable $200 because they got a big celebrity named Dan McCulley. Yep But it'll be a lot of Dan McCulley. It'll be about a holiday holiday movies Is this topic and that is on
Starting point is 00:42:58 December the 13th Dan how much cough syrup did you drink before we record it? Yeah, I'm robin right now. Okay, Dan. How much cough syrup did you drink before we recorded? Yeah, I'm robin right now. No, I... Robin cup. Robin cup. About a policeman.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I thought I had written a lot of robotas. I thought I had written the date down here, but I didn't. So I had to pull it out of my sleepy brain. Okay. That was always going on. And before we move on to letters, also I'd like to thank Shannon for sending us these lovely t-shirts we're wearing right now. Are you talking about the queen of
Starting point is 00:43:29 flot prom, Shannon Camp? Yeah, I am talking about that. She sent us some shirts from Pizza Rea Deville. Are you reading my shirt? Yeah. Well, it's right there, man. It's all, I'm pulling a Marlon Brando. My lines are on your shirt. Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Pulling a Marlon Brando? We used to just say masturbating. He's a, he's a real big, man.
Starting point is 00:43:58 He's a real big piece of meat. This is the first podcast that a host will die during. So that's the thing. Maybe one of us should have done the announcements. That's the thing with the family. So where are we, that things? We should go on the letters letters. Well, it's going to be a tumble with bell. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Pulling them out of a bag. Elliott bottom should grab a handful. Letters. I know. Thanks, guys. Um, on that loan, some letter trail. Thank you guys. On that Lonesome Letter Trail, Roping Cattle, Read Letters to Cattle, Dear Cattle, Here's a letter for you. It's Lonesome out here. Readin' Letters.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Under the stars. Yippee-ah-kai-oh. Letters. Get along, little letters. Yippee-ah-kai-oh! Letters! Get long little letters! Little letters, okay. So... Get long time letters!
Starting point is 00:45:13 Do you have an Indian flute? So, uh... I don't know if you can play the flute, I guess. That's all I guess that it's done. That song went along enough though. I'm gonna skip over the first letter. Oh, come on, Dan. Move on to the second. I think you're over the first letter. Oh, come on, Dan. Move on to the second.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I think you're coughing slow to start. Yeah, come on. Now we're just running slow anyway. So let's go to this. Dear flop guys, I'm a big shot executive from CBS. No, sweet. Please do not check my LinkedIn profile. It's that it's bad form and we'll upset the deal.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I just want to let you guys know that everyone here at our television network, CBS, loves what you're doing with the new media MP3 paradigm as such you are now all hired to make it children's variety television show. Hidal the flop house. Naturally, all three of you will be living in a wacky and a wild house with crazy animatronic characters and goofy hygiene and animatronic. What was that did animatronic? You'll each have your own bedroom and rubed gold burguine breakfast machine of your own design
Starting point is 00:46:07 and maybe even a shed in the backyard to keep pets and family now we're willing to give you guys a lot of free reign but you're can crackfully obligated to do the following segments snack time with Stuart I don't think that's gonna be a problem Stuart gets hungry and goes to the fridge fridge to meet his friend Warme Boenner a worm who lives in an apple famous for his remarkable bone density. Together, they prepare a healthy calcium rich snack, brought to you by the bone in sardines and milk trust of Canada.
Starting point is 00:46:34 The Ziggy Drone with Elliott. Elliott uses his mad scientist technology to bring his favorite characters from the newspaper funny to life. Using nothing but a 1970s era cray supercomputer, some leftover pop-wise bones placed in a pattern to divine which spirits are in the room. An improvised song, watches ink become flesh and newsprint become bone. Learn the true voice of Rose from Rose's Rose. That's what my favorite college would be.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Become aware of Gilbert's attitudes on men's rights. Just kind of sit uncomfortably while the lock warrant is bicker. The portal of time with Dan. Dan McCoy is a lot of great memories. Watch the ship's window. Nice to Dan's favorite knee-friendly recliner sparking Sputter to Life. As Dan describes movies, he saw in the plane or something he saw in the history channel that afternoon.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I don't watch the history channel. No, come on. Dan hates history. the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the day and the Please submit blueprints for each of your rooms and await by the helipad for extraction. Helipad? Is that where the helimonsters live? CVS, AK, so thin and less. So my room's going to have just like one giant round bed. Yeah. Yeah, because round beds are sexier than normal beds. Yeah, because you like to be
Starting point is 00:48:05 dizzy when you're having sex. I'm not saying it's moving around the circle. We've already talked about this. I'm just saying, because the only, because the sexiest shape is round. And pillows should fall off all the time. Hey, look guys, real beds have curves, okay? I mean, all this talk of beds and pillows just make no with it. This is the first time I've ever seen a real life person do a cartoon thing where you're so tired, your body just floats in the air into a bed and then this sheets roll up to tuck you in and the moon blows you a kiss. Oh, the moon and I have had a thing for a while, Ellie.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Well, I didn't realize that. Yeah. Here's a body sometimes when he plays the piano with the journals. As Mack tonight. So Dan, you had asked tonight. No, it was. It was Jay Leno. No, Jay Leno was reflective pain.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Jay Leno was Doritos jumping Jack cheese. No. It was just why as a kid, I thought his name was Jack cheese. Yeah, I did. I didn't understand. I didn't understand. It was just something G. Yeah, I enjoyed, you know, I imagine that Jay Leno and Michael Shannon would be enough like to see who would play back tonight in the live action, the hard-core movie, hardcore porn movie. Jay Leno would be like, look, didn't you see me in collision course with
Starting point is 00:49:21 hammery? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And Michael Shannon, we like, didn't you see me and my son my son what have you done? And Jaylen will be like nobody saw that movie So next letter so letters dad. Yeah, so those all sound like great show ideas. Let's do it CBS Thanks, welcome home. So then it's next one. I'll start dusting off an M e spot or golden glow What do you earn for being on a TV show? Uh, money. Okay. Not just statues.
Starting point is 00:49:49 No, the statues are fine, but the money's better. Dear Elliot, it's not only Elliot. If absolutely anyone else who reads the email will be struck by a gypsy curse. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Gipsy Curse is to meet. Tired. For some reason, I can get a gypsy to play as a curse at a reasonable rate. They're called Romani. I've never called him a button or some kind of Wampum or something. That was maybe the most racist thing it's ever been said on this slide.
Starting point is 00:50:20 We'll continue, Dan. Get us into more trouble. If I recall correctly, on a previous episode of the flop house, you mentioned that Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is one of your favorite shows, if not your very favorite show. Very true. Well then, perhaps you'd be interested in knowing that I have a book coming out about that very show. Titled The Comic Galaxy of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 to 12 classic episodes in the movies They Lampoon.
Starting point is 00:50:42 It's the sort of critical analysis of the show, but also it has references to the Simpsons and the Tall Man stuff. Feel free to check it out. I'd appreciate it immensely, maybe even tell Dan Stewart about it. I'd hate for them to be left out of this opportunity. Why I could even be mentioned on the podcast. Did Dan did a spam bad send us a letter? And what about a great deal on sunglasses? Dick Pills? Would you like those? What else can I get you? I was recently mugged in Wales,
Starting point is 00:51:09 and I need you to send me money right now. I'm an Igerian Prince. My name is Jonah. You like, is it mugged in the way? Yeah, I get it, yeah. Keep up, Dan, come on. These are the jokes, Dan. Unfortunately, continue reading, please.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Anyone who's interested in the book can find it on the internet by searching for the comic galaxy of mystery science theater 3000 by Chris Morgan. Again, that's the comic galaxy. A mystery science theater 3000 by Chris Morgan. Chris last name with help. Wait a minute. I thought it would be nice to do a little something that is nice for a fan. Now we're going to read that book. Don't expect it everyone else. So offensive. We got a story of an amortizment. How did that is this guy pay?
Starting point is 00:51:52 He didn't. Well, he paid by writing his letter before I demanded money for these things. He got it just under the wire. Yeah. So this last letter. The Grandfather clause is a. Yeah, you you can fool me. There's no grandfather clause my grandfather's got terrifying clause names Wolverine Grandpa grandpa show me your claws. Yeah, yeah snake snake. Okay, whatever grandpa's He That's it the two thousand year old growing up as a kid on Madapur is tough Even when your grandpa's patch.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Call me patch. Call me dog. What is it doing? That's the whole brain. It's too much. All the characters I can talk about. It's Touert's One Man Show about growing up as Wolverine's grandson. What are they? The hand ninja's always bugging you.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah. They just are always bugging you. I'll never forget when Jubilee took my virginity. That's just that's one of the scenes. There were fireworks that night. I'll tell you. So this last letter is from L Kennedy, who you who you may remember is our romance novel author. Oh yeah. So L Kennedy writes, she wrote that book about Jubilee and the young teen boy and the billionaire dinosaur. And the billionaire baby dinosaur. Feel free to not to read this note on the podcast because it's actually kind of pointless. Well, I felt free to ignore that.
Starting point is 00:53:26 But I had to share this with you. So I totally used one of Elliott's silly description for abs to describe the hero of my latest book. Well, this might be stews, actually. Yeah, yeah. Harrow and remarks that he's shredded like lettuce. That's stews. Yeah. That's a stew or a shred of like a ninja turtle. And my editor comes back with nobody would say something that weird
Starting point is 00:53:47 As a joke I changed it to shred it like an ninja turtle At which point she says and I quote that's a lot better You guys need to describe a dude's body you're out of the room Yeah, she didn't go for com gutters your usual phrase you guys need to describe a dude's body in You're a dude's body. You're a dude's body. And yet she didn't go for com gutters. Your usual phrase. You guys need to describe a dude's body in a bunch of new ways for future podcasts because I'll be taking notes. Keep on flopping in the free world.
Starting point is 00:54:12 What about like all nobly down there for abs? Yeah, like like like smogs belly. Like half a mile or rough road. How about cobblestone ebs Smog's belly'd be appropriate if you consider the belly button as being the missing chink in the armor the black arrow finds the one jewel That's not there that jewel is testicle the singer His testicles were craggly like the cracked mud of a desert. No, that doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:54:48 How about this? I was this. His scrotum hung there like a crane, flinging for dear life to the edge of a cliff. How about that? His scrotum hung there like a bat playing upside down from the bottom of his taint. His Donovan's brain pouch was immaculate.
Starting point is 00:55:08 It's romance novels. I'm primarily concerned with describing this scrotum, right? I think so, yeah. The most romantic part of the man's body. Yeah. I just know that there's that one, that famous one, Scroat Learning. What?
Starting point is 00:55:30 That a wrote learning. Oh, anyway, Scroat Remarization, that's what you would call it. Yep, so let's, so anyway, other things for abs, we'll work on it. Yeah, sure. Yeah, his abs were like the pebbles in the bottom of a fish tank. His abs were bumpy like abs. His abs resembled nothing more than a bunch of sexy abs. His weiner looks great like a giant combo.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Oh, oh. Like a pizza flavor. Of course. So we leave it up. The Reader's imagination is to what kind of combo it is. It's the reader, whatever their favorite combo. Yeah, whether it's pizza, cheese, or pepperoni.
Starting point is 00:56:11 It was the one that can fill in that information or so. Yeah, yeah, because the most erotic place is the mind. So, it's a harnessy, you know, in my day, you may need a larger sound, I'll be right back. In my day, we had to use our imagination to decide what combo man's penis was. It wasn't just bent to us like TV does. On the shadow when they described a man's penis
Starting point is 00:56:34 as looking like a combo, we had to fill in the details. And fill in the details of what a combo was. It hadn't been invented yet. It wasn't made out of a pretzel casing. It was some kind of a cracker roll. Back then, combos only had one thing. There was no combination. Because of the war, cheese filling was desperately needed
Starting point is 00:57:00 to beat Tojo and Hitler. All the pretzels were rations. And we liked it, Vandagnavitt. So that's the history of the rocks. Gummy worms were made out of tin. And Nurgs candies were made of real nerds. Because of the war. Neckelwapers made it the same thing they always have been made out of dust. We made a real nerds. Cause of the war. Mechookacing, neck away for some made the same thing. They always have been made out of dust.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And we renamed Swedish fish freedom fish. So anyway, um, now's the point and the podcast where we recommend movies that we liked and didn't sleep through. It's possible. There are there such films? You just got back from Austin, guys. What do you guys watch on the plane? The plane really didn't have... No, it was an old plane that did not.
Starting point is 00:57:53 It played a movie, but everyone had to watch the same movie on a tiny screen above you. I won't say what terrible airline it was, but it was Delta. Great. Now they're never going to sponsor us. I mean, while I was in Austin, I did see Birdman, but that's not the movie I'm going to recommend tonight. Oh, wow. Burn. Is that right? What? Right? More like Burnman, which I guess would be what fire starter?
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah. Or the human torch. Uh, is there a movie called the human torch? It will be. Okay. Fire starter. Burn a little lady or three burns a little lady. Mr. Burner. You know, I'll just, Dan seems to be finally going into his post-nap fugues date.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So I'll talk. The movie I'm going to recommend is a movie called The Woman Chaser, starring Patrick Warburton. It's from 1999. And it's a movie I've wanted to see since it came out and yet only got to this year because it just wasn't readily available for a long time. But then the AV Club tipped me off that it through the form of an article that it was available on Netflix streaming and I just finally got to watch this movie I've been
Starting point is 00:58:59 wanting to see for a long time. And it is a movie set in the 50s. And Patrick Warburton plays a really tough, but good used car dealer, who is tired of his life selling used cars and finds himself in a rut. So he decides to enter the film business through his stepfather who is a former film director. And he makes a movie that he finds to be perfect,
Starting point is 00:59:23 but the studio wants him to change it. And so he basically goes mad. And he plays this weird, uncompromising character who's a real dick to everybody, but it's Patrick Warburton, so there's this kind of level of charm and likability to him. And it feels at times like he's kind of testing out for eventually playing Brock Samson on Adventure Brothers.
Starting point is 00:59:45 The movie itself is an interesting one. It's got a lot of like wannabe cone brothers, wannabe tarantino stuff about it. There's some stuff that it does that the man who wasn't there would do better a few years later. But I like a lot. It's this, you know, tight little 90 minute weirdo kind of comedy kind of noir movie. Patrick Warburton is really good in it. So the woman chaser on Netflix is playing at your computer rated R. I guess. I'll probably have a little swearing in it.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I want to argument to movies. I'll try and do a fast thing. I'll sleepy. One's a movie trailer. No, they're both available on Netflix streaming. I watched short-term 12, which is a movie about kids who have had, who are in sort of like, they've been taken from the family or in dangerous situations, family at home, and placed in short-term care. And-
Starting point is 01:00:49 So is it like short-circuit too? Yeah, it's exactly like short-circuit too. There's, they play old songs on a keypad. How are the, how are the locoes represented? Does anyone kick balls into outer space? There's a point. There's a point where Fisher Stevens goes, it takes a tough man to make it into chicken.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Yeah. The Locos gang rhyme took me a little while, but it was very important to me to master it when I was a kid. Yeah. You break it out right now. Those Locos kick your ass, those Locos kick your face, those Locos kick your weight those logos kick your ass those logos kick your face those those logos kick your balls into outer space. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well anyway short-term. Well It's a it's a little film Stars Brie Larson only two inches high who I had seen in Less than like rolls that would not normally be standout roles in 21 jump
Starting point is 01:01:48 street and a small role in the worst season of community, but she always impressed me in those and this is- She's got Silrum too, right? Yes, but this is like she's a star, she's without question the star of the film and is tremendous and the movie at its best is a very like sort of sensitive realistic portrait at its worst it gets a little plotty and unrealistic and the stuff that's too much pilates well the stuff that's really good kind of throws the stuff that's a
Starting point is 01:02:21 little false into greater relief, but overall, I liked it a lot. And I also want to recommend Phase Four. A lot of movies with numbers in the books. The only movie that Saul Bass directed, thanks to Zyre. Saul Bass, who you know from things like, say, the North by Northwest Credit Sequence. Or the Psycho Credit Sequence. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Or the Academy of Immersed Credit a murder credit sequence yeah so many credits were claiming credit for the psycho shower sequence that you can direct or people on the internet reimagining things as if they're saw best things you may know it from that yeah I mean I don't really give him credit for those well these influential he could be a person on the internet but but so it's lawnmower man. It's all bass, aka the lawnmower man, has been terrorizing the internet with his credit sequences. It's a movie about there's this sort of disturbance from outer space that gets all of the ants on the earth talking to one another. Like my aunt Wendy and my aunt Carol?
Starting point is 01:03:26 Ants, ants, insects. Because they're on different sides of my family. They don't really talk to each other. But the ants have become smart and they start working together and they start working together against humanity. And a couple of scientists are trying to figure out a way to stop them, communicate with them, whatever they can do. And it's a very interesting movie
Starting point is 01:03:50 because they take this sort of absurd premise, the answer kind of kill us, and they treat it as seriously, I think, as such a premise, it could be treat, it's this weird combination of sort of like hard science fiction and dreamy like 1970s like semi-sorealism and like saw basses design I is beautiful and it uses a lot of footage close-up footage of real ants in a way that doesn't look like nature photography. It looks like it was
Starting point is 01:04:24 in a way that doesn't look like nature photography. It looks like it was somehow I taught these ants to act. They got some acting ants. Yeah, like it really tells the story visually through these ants and it's pretty amazing. So, like in a bug's life. Yeah, exactly like you have a bug's life. Yeah, perfect. Then Kevin Spacey plays Hopper.
Starting point is 01:04:41 That's a Dennis Hopper. Yeah, it's the Dennis Hopper story, but it's still all through ants. So it's my turn to recommend a movie. So I'm gonna recommend a movie that might still be in theaters or you might have to wait a little while to catch it. It's called, Have it one night. Catch it on the show.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I'm not sure there's some theaters, but you can check it out. It's a movie called Jonathan Wick starring at the new Jonathan Wick Mickey. It's starring Kiano Reeves. He's called the John Wick, and he's from the Matrixes. Oh, the Matrixes.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Or the first of the speeds. Yep, the first of the speeds. So this year 2014 people has been a great year for action movies. You have your raids too. You have yours the guests You have your live dies repeat etc. Well John Wick continues that tradition With for your book John Wick is with a hard-hit address for your book.
Starting point is 01:05:45 John Wicke is with a hard dress with a extra dictionary to find John Wicke as a total man. And it's something that's in a candle. This is a hard head Mark Chow Mark Twain once said, don't let John Wicke get in the way of your education. I believe this is true. John Wicke, John Arieives, yeah. So this is like
Starting point is 01:06:06 a take in type movie. Kind of. It's a, it's a, it's a straightforward revenge story about a former super bad ass who left the life behind after performing the impossible job. Hmm. But he comes back to the life after his spoiler. Impossible job. After an opening to WIC with a John like Bakyado. After an opening monologue to Stewart with his movie recommendation. After an opening montage where we find out see Keanu Reeves mourning the loss of his wife. She his dead wife gives him a final parting gift of a very cute puppy, which gets murdered by the guy who plays the thing and Greyjoy from the Game of Thrones show, I think. I don't want to make.
Starting point is 01:06:54 What ifs? And then he goes on a Toats Awesome Revenge spree. Now, the thing about this movie is it's directed by a former stuntman, I think, or a fight choreographer. So the action scenes are all very readable. It manages to be very fun, and they are smart enough to surround Kiana Reeves who is kind of a boring dude with very fun and exciting side characters, including Ian McShane, Lance Retic from The Wire, Willem DeFoe, et cetera. So. the wire, Willem DeFoe, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:07:26 So. When you said Willem DeFoe, I thought you said a little DeFoe for a second, like Willem DeFoe. A little DeFoe. A little DeFoe. A little DeFoe. All right, our little Rob is in the crew, so. And a little Malfe landers.
Starting point is 01:07:36 So run, don't walk to your movie theater because it's probably not going to be there very long, but it's great, it's fun. How many wicks do you give it? I'd give it five wicks. Hmm. It's good. Out of 200.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Oh, it's not regular at all. But 200 wicks is a terrible score to have. Oh, so the fewer wicks you have, the better. Six wicks is the best. But this score is crazy bonkers. This system is. You got to see the movie. That's all I'm saying no spoilers
Starting point is 01:08:08 Fans of the movie will get it So now do we do then now do we talk about letters we like to sleep? I like the movie we're talking about tonight, no, no, no, I'm caught in a time loop. Oh, yeah I'll never get to that so Robo copop is taking the words cop or police officer and Robert. Yeah, it's Robert O'Cop. All right, come on, guys. He's in it. He's actually that's the joke we did on the daily show when the star of RoboCop was a guest
Starting point is 01:08:38 was that the movie was called Rob O'Cop. It's about Irish release man. The audience loved it. Stuart. Cop. It's about Irish release man. The audience loved it. So anyway, it's called Rob cop. It's about a cop who's depressing doesn't get out of his robe and get dressed for his job, but he's still cracking crimes and solving slimes. That's my name.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Throwing creeps in jail, but not reading his mail. Tarfins throwing creeps in jail but not reading his mail. Is that making him a bad bad boy on the edge? Did I read his mail? Yeah, a bad boy on the end. He's still throwing the book at him, but the book is a book of photos of his ex-wife. That's why he's so depressed. He got to vote. He's almost as happy as he is.
Starting point is 01:09:21 He's a man of the public rating system. He's a man of the public. Sure. Yeah. He's a vanity manager. Yeah. He's still kicking ass and attending mass because he's got like it's the most terrifying book you'll ever read. Pictures of my ex-wife. Boom. So anyway, we'll learn what other things that this cop likes to do that rhymes. But for now, we should sign off.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I've been to Amacoi. I've been steward wellington. He's still shutting down creeps and making beeps. When he pushes buttons, they make a beep sound. And I'm Ellie Achaelin. I get ahead everyone. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ There's a box upon your house, Dan.
Starting point is 01:10:01 House McCoy is. House of flops house hey everybody flop house time this is the loudest I'm gonna talk this is the quiet I'm gonna talk that was where I've hit the quiet okay I never get ready to are we can just tuck you back in been ready, let's pull the sleeping bag up on them. And raise its first call.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Just put you to sleep in a little matchbox bed inside your mouse hole house.

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