The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #21 - One Missed Call

Episode Date: August 3, 2008

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 1:57 - We take a moment to discuss Stuart's choice of attire.1:58 - 38:02 - We discuss the film One Missed Call, the movie that asks the question, "Can... anything be all bad, if it involves Ray Wise?"38:03 - 41:09 - Final judgments.41:10 - 49:21- The sad bastards recommend. 49:22 - 51:45 - More on the Flop House contest, and goodbyes.51:46 - 52:30 - Theme and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss one missed call, the scariest movie based on a thing that your answering service says. Welcome to the flop house listeners. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaylen. So this needs to be addressed. Stuart, you're wearing some very small bathing shorts. Yes, swim trunks. Why is that? I just bought some, and I thought it like it would be really comfortable. Just for laughs, you thought you'd change into your sort of speed.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Is it very comfortable? Well, they're comfortable, and I didn't think laughs. maybe you know it'd make me look good on the podcast. How does it feel? Is Cradled the right word? Do you feel Cradled right now? Yeah like I feel like a nice hand is cupping. So let's paint a picture for listeners. Stuart's wearing some converse shoes. Some filthy converse shoes. With filthy white and then there's a there's a big Big a expansive bear leg You're going up to very pale what I would describe as a strip of cloth covering sure his his junk area Yeah, and then a yellow t-shirt that says my best friend is Jesus
Starting point is 00:01:44 I got a big Jesus ministering Jesus. I got a compliment. I got a compliment. I got a compliment for the shirt. Yeah, I got a compliment on the shirt. And the shorts, obviously. And for his package. Yeah, well awkward. So, but in non-swim trunk's news, we watched one miss call tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, that didn't make me feel cradle, we're good no although i gotta say i don't want to go i don't skip ahead too far to the ratings already but uh this this was a winner compared to some of the ones that we'd say well certainly compared to what we've watched recently yeah i mean it's not that i was a bit out of ten thousand bc anything this movie was twelve thousand years later and like a hundred times better but anyway one missed call starting starting Shannon Sassasaman. Sassaman, yeah. And Edward Burns.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah, Shannon Sassaman is in like my least favorite movie of all time, I don't know if we've addressed that. Yeah, 40 days and 30 days. Yeah, we did, yeah, right. You encouraged people to check it out from their local video store and then throw it away. Yeah, that offer still stands, guys. Nobody's asked me to compensate them for that,
Starting point is 00:02:43 which I think you did. Because they felt good after they did. Yeah his worth the money yeah so as I said during the movie Shannon Sosman and Ed Burns two of the most expressive actors of their generation just real I think this is our second Ed Burns movie yeah sound of thunder I think the only way it could be less expressive is if it was Charlie Rose and that one rich socialite who had all that plastic surgery so she looks like a catwoman now like two people who can't move their faces at all. Yeah, well Shannon Sossoman just looked worried throughout the whole movie and Ed Burns is playing.
Starting point is 00:03:13 It burns looks a shame. The note of gravelly. He's, I think he's really good at playing it. So that was his solo album, Songs in the Key of Gravel. Yeah, and Ed of course, and a beautiful performance for Ray Wise also. Yeah, Ray Wise. Man. He's like a burst of helium in any movie. Just rise and rise.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You can't lie in anything. Ray Wise, for people who maybe don't remember, best known as Leland Palmer and Twin Peaks. And one of the bad guys from Robocop. Yeah, I always think that's true. Yeah. He was the... He he was the many many things. He started in Jeepers creepers too. Certainly the best thing about that movie. Yeah, lately he's been in Reaper on CW, I think it is. Plays the devil on Reaper. And here he plays the producer of an exorcism and miracles based television show, but it's more like unsolvable
Starting point is 00:04:02 mysteries. It does live broadcast. That's right. That does a a live broadcast from a church i don't want to get ahead of the plot but i would say that the what house it's uh... ray wise shows up for a moment to in live in the the proceedings and to create great enjoyment in the audience and then completely disappears from the story without any resolution to the story no resolution to the i just produced a tv show in which someone was murdered in real
Starting point is 00:04:27 life in a church. Yep, somebody was murdered on film. It's like, look, egg on my face. I guess this is going in the jeers column in TV Guide. Well, I guess I'm on to the next episode. Yeah. I guess that's Shannon Sossoman. This is the worst thing since Al Capone's evolved.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Well, onto my next project. I hear this Jersey Devil's been caught And the Mothman is on the loose. Let's go make movie TV shows about those sure. Yeah, but so there are murderers right now. I hate him Whoa, man movie wasn't very good. Yeah, we should watch that one too Mothman prophecies Yeah, it's a little old anyway four years ago but i think it's like six years ago anyway one missed call should we go over what the plot is about this crazy yeah you're you're aces at this so why don't you have a thanks you're fast
Starting point is 00:05:14 that's under the cellular phones right because it uses those chan and sauce and friends have a problem they keep missing calls them when they listen to the message it's them being can uh... killed and they go uh... this is to the message, it's them being killed. And they go, ah, this is horrible. I'm getting messages of myself being killed. This is crazy. And then they start seeing horrible phantasms around them. And then they usually get killed. One of them is hit by a train. One has a flying piece of metal from a construction site.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yes, some rebar. Throwing through his chest and so forth. Shannon Sausman investigates with the help of Ed Burns, the policeman who doesn't believe in ghosts, but kind of does. And Margaret Cho, who shows up out of nowhere for a couple scenes as another policeman who really doesn't believe in ghosts. So much so that she is a non-factor. Yeah, another character in the movie does not have a character arc or anything that's resolved. No, yeah. Ray Wise comes in as the producer of this television show that somehow has heard of this phone problem
Starting point is 00:06:09 and knows that Shannon Sussman's Latina friend is the next victim that he broadcasts an exorcism. She's superstitious being Latina and Catholic. It's very bizarre that they, she's a modern college student, but they're like, we can give you an exorcism and she's like, Santamaria. Gracias, all give you an extra system and she's like son tamarilla grazie so be grazie as classy as me
Starting point is 00:06:28 no i was good thank you that was what she sounded like and then anyway to cut a long story short it turns out that there was a hospital that burned down years ago and there was a little girl and her mother in it everyone thought that the mother was hurting the little girl to get attention but it turns out that this little girl whose little sister still alive was some sort of psycho monster. They're both dead and the little girl is going through telephones and killing people.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, it turns out it's the evil sister who's like a bad seed character. And you know, like the good son. Exactly. Like we call him Kalkin. Elijah would, oh yeah, I'm glad who was the bad one in that one. Yeah. I gotta make sure she's the bad one. Just like in real life. And the end. yeah I gotta make the bad one just like in real life um and in
Starting point is 00:07:07 the end shall you win the ending well let's get let's jump back now you're giving like a good overview okay so ghost ghost of a little girl is killing people's who phones yeah and Shannon saw some in has it happened all of her friends and gets creeped out you know well I mean this this is a great horror movie Elliot because it
Starting point is 00:07:24 plays on the common fear that everyone has about getting calls on their phone. It's the most terrifying experience that you can have in life. I was wondering what the metaphor for that, like, because, you know, most horror movies are in some way, like, allegorical or the playing on a common fear. Well, they're, they're just a comment on something in society. I mean, the closest I can come up with is the idea that cell phones are giving you cancer. Cancer in this form, an evil ghost child.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah. I think it's like, with cell phones, even when we miss a call, people can still get in touch with us. We're never alone. Even when ghosts are around. Like, if we had rotary phones, then the ghosts wouldn't be able to get to us unless
Starting point is 00:08:02 if we were in our house. Well, I mean, it's really going down like the checklist of technology. Like, there are all these techno thrillers who are like, you know what? Technology. It's getting ahead of us. My favorite one is a- It's gonna kill us someday. My favorite one of those is the one- Has it come out yet?
Starting point is 00:08:16 The one with, um, what's his name from the skulls and Dawson's Creed? Joshua Jackson. Joshua Jackson where he's a photographer. Sure. Yeah. Oh, I almost picked that up on the video, sure. It's like because it's like the ring, but they were like let's take a step back You know, let's go let's go to an earlier piece of invention. It's the ring, but it's just one frame, you know Still photography. What's next? The like the bread maker the old kills people? I'm waiting for the flip book movie
Starting point is 00:08:43 kills people and what if i'm waiting for the flip book movie here's the evil values of poor tritz i mean like the wildest portion of the that is the silhouette that is a story from a hundred years ago yes but man we have fun
Starting point is 00:08:56 that's self-homes yes it's evil cell phones but for no but for there's no reason this girl chose cell phones right this movie jumps directly into the killing. I mean, the teaser of this film. This movie is a lean 87 minutes. Yeah, Epic Gins with the- It's not like, what was that one with Hayden Christensen and Akoma? Awake?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Awake, it's not like Awake, which was 90 minutes long, but felt like it should have been 10 minutes long. That was like a student short film expanded to Epic length. But you know, this one, yeah, people start dying fairly quickly. Well, immediately, I mean, you know mean there's always a teaser in these horror movies where the you know death comes right away but even so this movie starts with there's this woman next to a koi pond which I guess is a nod to the fact
Starting point is 00:09:37 this is a jet. That's after the title like before the title sequence there's a isn't before the fire or after because they're the movie opens with a brief shot of that fire at the hospital and then it cuts to the to the chicken the co-op and it cuts to the koi pond where uh... she's scared because her cat disappears which is a stir pointed out cats do move the have a case cats are known to leave and come back when they want to break that by the fact that one moment she looks and the care cats there then the next moment it's not there and she goes
Starting point is 00:10:07 over looking for the cat and then she bends over in her in her low-cut shirt reminding us that this does play take place in cleafton yeah the town of cleavage where and then carry style a an arm comes out of the water and grabs her and pulls her in and then for good measure of the cat in yeah well that was that was important because I thought for a little while the cat was in gehooots with the ghosts, but that clearly showed- Well they still could have been in the hand just turn out. Yeah, the ghost promised the cat some sardines.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I actually forgot that a hand jumped out which brings the mind the fact that the ghost in this movie has no real modus operandi. She just kills with whatever is available and sometimes with things that aren't available. Like there's a knife in the eye, there's a piece of rebar that flies out, there's a train, there's ghostly hands that strangles someone under their skin, there's a hand from a pond. Like it does, it's almost like they wanted to do like final destination but they didn't think about it. Well but also at the beginning the ghost appears to kill by methods that could easily be
Starting point is 00:11:08 explained away as an accident. And then I guess over the course of the movie, the ghost gets tired. And just like, yeah, fuck it. I'm not going to try and cover up on the ghost. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be. when it comes to the people in a door and then disappears but like that explodes all the windows it Inflated yes the ghost by the end is like you know what I'm not gonna get arrested I'm a ghost I don't have to be really subtle and coiled but the implication of the Coitpon scene is that this woman killed someone but their body in the Coitpond and the ghost has chosen to use that as their weapon yeah
Starting point is 00:11:41 No, no, that doesn't pay off. It doesn't make sense. I don't know. Yeah, that's weird. Why is there a hand in there? Yeah, I don't really do. Like was thing taking a bath? I don't understand. Did they think the hand, not thing, been grim? Yeah, from grim. And not man thing.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And not man thing. Or man bad or swamp thing or thing number one. That thing, what that Lauren had. That thing you do. Or that thing you do. No, not a DVD and copy lab. No, that would be so awesome. There was a movie where the ghost only choose chose to kill people through the DVD copies of that thing you do. So like someone someone is walking by the the shelf on a video store and the case is slowly
Starting point is 00:12:19 opening and then they go, huh? And the DVD comes flying out and slashes their throat. Well, you know, he'll raise a three. But with that thing you do, if what's his face, the guy directed the ring and the American ring and overbindske, yeah, Gore Fubinsky, he had a real grudge against a real grudge. And I was like, oh, and this ring remake, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna use it as a hatch job It gets Tom Hanks. He had a real grudge. He hired a rabbi to juan someone What other he gave a woman the eye Korean yeah, well it's Asia, you know sure
Starting point is 00:12:59 What other jam what are the J harm? Yeah, there you go good one one. Yeah, man. Took her down to tortilla flats. That's a J. Harrow movie, right? So they could watch the tequila sunrise. He was a real case of brain donors. All right. That's a great one, dude. Oh, man, you're sharp as a dad. Well, you know, any juncture, Turo movie, where it's basically the March Brothers. They were the old chute shoe and the Philly Flag.
Starting point is 00:13:31 They were racing for mother jugs and speed. The point is that this... The Parallax view. And we're done. This movie broke with a horror movie tradition by... Not being scary. that was one big way it also didn't introduce a group of potential victims and then knock them off one by one instead it not basically knocked off everyone we met and then was like oh shit we need
Starting point is 00:14:01 well let's just introduce a new character so we can kill what they'd show someone who was Sharon sauceman's best friend and then she died and then it was like oh here's another friend of hers at uh... the wake and now their best friends and then she dies and it's like uh... well she like a i got this really weird phone call it's almost like she was just known as the girl who was interested in phones on
Starting point is 00:14:21 campus so it was like and i guess for friends now I got a weird phone call. I think my favorite moment in the entire movie is when the one friend gets the phone call and they're like, oh my god, you're gonna die, whatever. So they go to talk to the guy at the phone and he's asking the mall.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And he's like the corner in the movie who's like eating a sandwich and like, whatever. It's your phone, do whatever you want. Yeah, like he's the equivalent in this movie is like Zelda Rubenstein's character and Poltergeist like we were like oh we need to go to a real phone expert let's go to the guy who sells cell phone i was going to say the robot in the movie rotor
Starting point is 00:14:54 who was the janitor and and they asked the robot what's going on in this laboratory is like all g is i don't know uh... all man you gotta ask somebody else but what what was the same movie rotor i guess you know they're like okay who's gonna be able to help us with this killer phone problem who really knows about phones that the the minimum wage employee
Starting point is 00:15:14 well i think i you can and convince people to sign up for a cell phone not that there's anything wrong with being a minimum way no no of it yes but i imagine that there are no dreams you you know, like he I think it's focus isn't just being a cell phone guy. I figured he was just like,
Starting point is 00:15:28 You know, they used it for it like it's not a career for it. No, it's a crusade. He's like the guy in the Fave 5 commercials, were those the guys who don't have the Fave 5 own a wizard, where it's like this guy loves phones. Like he's just in it to spread the gospel of the Fave 5. So I imagine this guy was like that, except he loves sandwiches. Yeah, except for he's just like, I'm just digging the sandwich.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Whatever you want with your phone, like that was the thing, like they went to him to try and cancel the service and when that didn't happen, he just sort of gave them permission to do whatever. And so they stopped on their phone. That was their big. I guess what you're saying is this was one of many unnecessary steps. Yeah, such as there's a later scene where Ed Burns calls Sharon Sossman and she hangs up. Oh, she doesn't answer because she's busy and he goes, ah, and then he goes to a library and at the school library I was like, did you see so and so and then he gets a phone call. It's Sharon Sossman. She goes, oh Shannon Sossman What's up? What did you call me about a minute ago? Why bother showing us that he that she missed his call?
Starting point is 00:16:25 There's an intermediate step. I mean unless that's just keeping in the theme of missed calls But at that point don't show us that it's him calling just show she has a missed calls that she gets scared like It would have been a lot better if after she you know ignored it Then she went back and looked at her phone. She was like one miss call. What the oh? God, oh That was a good one one miss call from Color ID Edward Burr. She's like, fuck, he's a ghost. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:50 This explains everything. Hey, the weirdest part, where? He's a ghost from his character and saving private Ryan. Hey, you know, it's right right now the, the movies also play for some reason, private Ryan. I can't remember. I mean, but he is a World War II veteran. One of the weird things about the movies that right before anyone dies in the movie,
Starting point is 00:17:05 their body gets all like dusty and a lot and weirdly in distinct. It's like the golden compass almost. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Well, there's a lot, I guess what Stuart's getting at is there's a lot of random shit that gets thrown in from other movies in this. Like when you're gonna die, your body turns into dust
Starting point is 00:17:22 and you see all these people walking around who have like, they live faces. Yeah live face monster faces monster faces and then like there's a creepy lady pushing a creepy baby carriage which is only kind of tangentially attached to the villain at the end like it's just like i you're gonna die here some stereotypical harm movie things for you to see i don't know i don't know where all those weird things are going to relate to what the ghost saw right before the ghost died later on. Yeah, it's all the puzzle pieces fit. Except that you have to kind of jam them together a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:55 One thing we didn't make fit on them is to make them fit in there. You got to blow into the cartridge to make sure it works. And jam, jam a copy of Duck Hunt. I'm done. Get it, push it works. And Jam, Jam, a copy of Duck Hunt on top. Then I'm going to push it down. One thing that happens before people dies is they see sintapeeds. I figured they were just... That's pretty creepy. I figured the sintapeeds were just at a work after the ring and they needed some extra.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Sure. But it's like there's sintapeeds from the ring. There are bees briefly from Candyman. There's scary puppets like the puppet master. There's that lady with the eyeballs who instead of I, she has mouths. Like in the box. Like that Madonna video. Yeah, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Wait a minute. The one, there's that Madonna video that was all like steam punk looking. I don't know. There's one part she has an eye instead of a mouth and mouths instead of eyes. I just don't know. Wow, that's important. Like the Corinthian, except with an eye instead of a mouth. You should mention steam punk a couple more times because then maybe
Starting point is 00:18:45 We'll become more popular on the internet. Oh, that's right. Yeah, so I was reading boring boring dot net the other day Said something interesting about steam. Bro It's the steam cartoon research is Jerry Beck Oh, that's cartoon brew it's a different block. Yeah anyway, so they basically they eventually track down uh... they use Edward burns is magical police powers yeah to trace the chain of phone calls and there's some missed there's some missed uses for say suspense or getting the audience interested like
Starting point is 00:19:18 show them tracking down the calls you know they made a home movie all the president's men about people tracking down paperwork and looking at people who would call to the people you know that can be exciting so you think there should be more scenes of them like just looking through phone records not it's or would they get to the dramatic what more scenes of that then like characters bombing around waiting to die or yeah just not creepy nonsense that isn't related to anything
Starting point is 00:19:40 you know like weird ladies with mounds for eyes or like the re wise detour which is which was brilliant but also stupid it was the best part of the movie but it made no it didn't find the rest of the i'd say the best part of the movie is the only scary part when she's stuck in shannin some osman is stuck in like the is the it goes to journey to the old abandoned hospital you Yeah, they'll burned out like a silo or something. Yes, which this I met the town has seen hard times.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It has not rebuilt or even put up like that good offense around it. Yeah, so the ghosts can get in. I guess the ghost petition city hall to leave it as it was. I'm surprised there were more teenagers there. Like I mean, if I was a community. Just smoking pot and shooting the windows out Somebody to go in there and then that person gets killed by a real monster or something and then the movie begins Like a local fraternity
Starting point is 00:20:33 Send somebody there on a hazing and it all goes all you look you can you can either do 50 push-ups in your own vomit We'll bring us back a ghost and then yep bring us back a mustache from one of this dead skeletons not live skeletons from the old burned out asylum but but anyways she's wandering through and there's a bunch of non creepy things that happen like a zombie baby holding a phone in its hand and millipedes that zombie baby was very similar to the zombie baby in the dawn of the dead remake in that it was one hundred percent CGI which as we all know, is really scary.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I just think all of the zombie babies look like Winston Churchill. So, nice. It looks like zombie Winston Churchill. Yeah, I think the zombie Winston Churchill. He did a lot of bad things, but he won the war. So, they all look slightly less real than the baby from who framed Dr. Pratt.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Right. Right. lightly less real than the baby from who from drash when the when the when the baby from the dream and train spotting is more realistic than the baby in your movie the other problem but anyway so wait but she goes in she finds the corpse of it turns out the girl's mother who died in the fire and yeah she's all kinds of fuck and she's all burned in her teeth are coming straight through her skin and everything her face
Starting point is 00:21:45 I'll mix around like the monster from one of those Resident Evil movies. Mm-hmm and It's true. I know that. Yeah, just but she Descriptive but she thought Joe is just handing a picture with your words. No, cuz you're like pretty good, right? Yeah, I feel like millage of Ovevvich but I'm just adding extra syllables to everybody's names. Yeah no it's funny. On the subject of Mela there's there's there's there's there's a murder. Oh you know you're on a first name basis with a Mela. Well I know I was saying that for a particular reason and that's because there's a European. Why does Mama Mia? There was a commercial recently. I didn't do that well in the theater. Yeah, well, it opened against dark nights. She was promoting some sort of cosmetics.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And I was really happy that in this commercial, she identified herself by name. Because finally, I know what's the thing in my brain when I read that. And it's Mia Yovavitch. Oh, yeah, because it's Eastern European. So everyone, that makes more sense. All flop house listeners. When you're talking about Resident Evil or the Fifth Element, you can talk about Development or what's his name? Dummy starry Adrian Brody or
Starting point is 00:22:56 Tell me say or coughs starring Christian Slater or just past loves of Luke Besan if you're writing that that Luke Besan Quikki overnight autobiography with a photo insert. I like how it could be an autobiography. Like we can be talking to Luke Besan right now. And he's like, you know what, I've been thinking about you. You know what, I gotta strike off the iron's hot.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Let's put out this Quikki autobiography. Just put some photos in there, fill it with heartthrob stuff. Oh, I've been doing for the past 10 years is producing movies. So, boys, he's saving up a big nest egg so we can make fifth element to you. Sixth element. Oh, that would make more sense.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So the fifth element was love, so I guess the sixth element would be like dreams. Chocolate. Yeah. It was so easy. Outer space. The sixth element is movies. Movies like the fifth element is movies uh... movies like the fifth they discover a copy of the fifth element that saves the world that's like the scene in beastmaster to when he walks by the movie theater in
Starting point is 00:23:52 beastmasters playing i love that joke when letter in malton reviews grandma's and grandma's to yeah i love that was a kid anyway so this scene which was years ago while mout's wearing those shorts. I love that I was a man. So she goes to the burnout hospital and the mother is there and she's all creepy and burned
Starting point is 00:24:12 up and the corpse comes to life and is just crawling over her and puts its face really close to her and it's this genuinely like creepy scary moment. You think you're going to get some hot zombie on, girl? Oh yeah, because I love to see, I love to see a lesbian scene or one of the people involved doesn't have lips like or or pupils I'll take what I can get if I imagine now you go when your wife is around you're going to a website that's called girl on zombie dot com wait a minute we inadvertently giving some help to girl on zombie deck?
Starting point is 00:24:45 I hope not. The way we did with aquafan or whatever it was. Aquafan, yeah. Just the lame is sight in the world. That was the worst. Just said, just said sex underwater. Anybody tried it? Yeah. It's like this is the official website of people who love having sex underwater.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Uh, here's post number one. Hey, is anyone tried this shit? Let me know. Post number two two not existed that in theory i'm into that any who so that but it's a movie did have a at least one
Starting point is 00:25:14 that genuinely scary moment right but but or at least that was a lot of that yeah was a lot of part was re wise yes reason to the film uh... promise to do a exorcism of the phone, and then completely failed in saving the girl. He like basically shot her being dead for his unsolved.
Starting point is 00:25:33 For his Miracles show. His Miracles show. So I assume runs on lifetime after America's Psychic Challenge and before kids psychics. And then he left again. And I don't know what the point was other than so that I personally wouldn't give it a shot in the arm. The point of his appearance was we can get Raywise for two days. What are we got? This is Raywise? Oh, I was thinking of Ray Parks. Well, we'll make you something somehow. I guess we can't have him kickbox the ghost. Or be the character toad from the uncanny ex-man. But you wouldn't say.
Starting point is 00:26:10 From the uncanny ex-man, not the title at all. Shannon Sossman was completely... I love that amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. That was great. Shannon Sossman was totally dubious about the idea of an exorcism, but she was immediately accepting of the idea of... Yeah. You had a major problem with the fact that she never really doubt about the idea of an exorcism, but she was immediately accepting of the idea of it. Yeah, you had a major problem with the fact that she never really doubted the idea
Starting point is 00:26:29 that phones were killing people. No, she jumped directly to like, okay, I guess this is it. But then it's like she's the screenwriter. Like, this is the thing, I'm going with it. The movie's only 80s something minutes long, you know, the way it's talking with it. Yeah, we're running out of time here, guys. I gotta agree with it.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Take talk. No, I gotta be on the set of rules of attraction to her character was like I don't know and the director was going come on hurry it up hurry it up We don't have a lot of time in this movie. Yeah, this film was completely improvised Because he that they haven't to find him he was actually waiting to go to someone else's house for a party And they found him outside and just brought him into the scene good movie make i will say this movie hit me where i live because for the past two weeks i've been getting calls from an eight eight eight number every morning around
Starting point is 00:27:15 the same time and i'd ever pick it up because i don't know the number nothing is the blood bank trying to shame me into giving them more of my precious fluid and it's a collection agency or something but they never leave a message and then today finally for the first time i get a message this is ryan from time Warner i've called you before about the free hd tv for three months offer that we've been running since you bought an uh... in hd tv recently now it's too late give me a call back before you run
Starting point is 00:27:42 out of time it's like this is the message you've been calling every day at the same time for two weeks and not leaving them leaving a message for like this is the call that i've been was trying to trick you out of the easter and easter and build up suspense if i answered the phone and get the message would have been like of me going
Starting point is 00:28:57 on the show tonight. And we can't tape the show to late when Brian Williams is on because he has to do the nightly news. By the way, this is the second time this has happened, which makes me think that Brian Williams is the flop house is nemesis. We can make it that way. I like to think that Brian Williams
Starting point is 00:29:11 is doing this deliberately because he knows that network television is on the way out. I mean, and podcast, he feels really threatened by, 50% of people get their news from movie podcasts. Brian Williams is feeling that bite. So I found out about Keith ledger dying Really Keith ledger passed away too. Oh, that's horrible because they just lost their family just lost heath and now Keith is dead also They hate other twins. I don't know is that a prestige thing? I don't know
Starting point is 00:29:42 These magic i don't know if is that a prestige thing i don't know it's just these magic the twins is getting really conceptual so i'm gonna take it back to the film so uh... yeah the no my favorite of the whole movie was when you know they go to visit with this you know really creepy little girl and uh... who's just to set it up we think that the girl has been uh... abused by her mom uh... because of uh... when chunch house and by proxy a disease that happens ten thousand times more often in the movies and tv that it doesn't have to take in from another harm movie
Starting point is 00:30:11 because it's in the in the sixth sense when there's a tangentially rate related plot about munch house and by proxy syndrome that he was a good see the girls to go on yeah so they go see this little girl and she's got you know teddy bear but say i just wish the six cents had followed up and done sequels about that him and his ghost buddies solving crimes after the fact I totally agree That would have been great like the ghost he's like dead man kind of like the ghost of the victim told me where to find
Starting point is 00:30:37 You know the murder weapon for you see officer. It was the mother who was the killer Well, I don't know how you do it kid But you solved another unsolved mystery. Let's close the case on this one boys Well, let's just say I had a little help from my friends then he wings that it goes to fades away What a great show You got to help me find me gold Haleyaley. It was buried out here in stolen from the vessel environments. He just travels the country, saw him crimes. And what's great is it's the 7th sense, 8th sense, 9th sense.
Starting point is 00:31:12 You just keep increasing the numbers. It works, that's the thing. Yeah, anyway, but you were saying, so teddy bear. Oh yeah, there's a teddy bear that's abandoned, I guess, because it's got a little, a little bandana around his neck. Like Rob Banks and it's a monster little little bandana around his neck. Like Rob Banks and his sister, Rob's very bare. So the cowboy bear. So, uh, and they're like, you know, they're staring at her while she sits in a chair by her
Starting point is 00:31:30 self staring at the wall. And then, uh, all of her sudden, all of her sudden. All of her sudden. All of her sudden, Bob's in. Hello, everybody, it's me, all of her sudden. Trouble with ghosts, eh? Tip tip, gotta go. Bob's your uncle mate. So yeah, that was a real jacks alright alright alright. Just go down the apple and pears.
Starting point is 00:31:54 So all of a sudden she has a, and she all of a sudden her phone or her teddy bear starts making making the same noise as the magic goes around the town. Oh yeah the mist call is always a specific ringtone that's right. Yeah yeah yeah and it's probably so on the trailer if not watch the trailer and you'll know it. It's not that frog song from England. Yeah and so Shannon Sasserman is like flips out she's like oh my god what's happening and and the nurse like touches her and she's like, oh no, that's just the song, that's the song the bear makes. And you're like, oh, that's just the song,
Starting point is 00:32:32 the song the bear plays. That's the best line in the movie and the best performance of a line in the movie. We're reading a zero out of zero. We're on Deadpan. Deadpan reading of a shitty unrealistic line that no person would ever say that's just extra just there to connect the dots for the three people in the audience were too stupid to recognize that that was
Starting point is 00:32:52 the same song the phones were playing do you think one of those people was like one of the executives who was watching a rough cut of the i have to assume here what the fuck is that understand why she's so scared about the? That's just the song the bear plays. Let's put it in a line of dialogue just making sure everybody knows that's just the song the bear plays. Because it was on the piano.
Starting point is 00:33:15 When the bear was alive. That was the one song the bear knew I'd play. It was like his heart and soul. That was his party trick. I can pick this out. All right, hold on. Baron you might have played. It was like his heart and soul. That was his party trick. I could pick this out. All right, hold on. Pudu, Pudu.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Pudu. There's also one scene where the girl is lying asleep with the bear in her hands. And you see the bear suddenly start moving towards the camera. And it turns out it's Ed Burns. In reverse, I always eat Ed Burns peaking of the bear. But the movie is trying to fake you out for a minute into believing that this is a film about an evil bear that comes to life and kills people which would have been great but yeah and i would definitely prefer both the ultimate solution you like the video
Starting point is 00:33:51 box of silent night daily night to and the solution is a solution that um anyone who has seen a Japanese horror film could have come up with little girl who was wronged or not she's evil i guess little girl who's killed and and attacks people through technology yeah yeah yeah but she never like makes a cat girl who was wronged or not she's evil I guess. Little girl who's killed and and attacks people through technology. Yeah. Yeah. But she never like makes a cat noise. It is pretty much just the ring. Yeah. Well, we like the film have already laid in all the clues you need to put this together. Do you know who committed to crimes. Perhaps you should stop the podcast now. Right up, put it in an envelope and see who was closest.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Are you done? That's good for a while. Let's continue. Yeah, what happens is it has this weird little girl. It has this weird little girl. The usual suspects ending where literally everything that this girl sees while she's dying then becomes part of the tapestry of the yeah so it's like oh they've got a creepy statue of a woman pushing a stroller so that's why there's a crazy ghost woman with a stroller
Starting point is 00:34:55 there's a tree of this child they have the creepiest statue of woman pushing the stroller it's so incredibly scary it makes sense in context of a horror movie you never give this to a child oh and also So, she's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared.
Starting point is 00:35:11 She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared.
Starting point is 00:35:19 She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She's totally scared. She you know this that's the song that plays like sure I think she just angry that she has to basically she can never escape the way she died Right she's getting older she doesn't want to be associated with it anymore Eber is looking at the nanny cam footage through this bear also there's he says it's a nanny cam
Starting point is 00:35:35 People use it so they can watch their kids no a nanny cam is you can watch your nanny to make sure she's not Abusing your kids that's they would call it a kid cam if it was for watching your kids. Not a nanny. It's really good. The camera's not supposed to be the nanny, right? No, the camera's not the nanny. It's not like nanny, the X-Men. You know, the evil kid has been torturing the good kid. And the evil kid.
Starting point is 00:35:58 As evil kids do. Yeah, and the evil kid dies after being caught into in her room. And there's a problem because she doesn't have enough ever inhaler and she's trying to call someone for help on her cell phones, which is why the cell phone is tied in. But the most hilarious thing about the idea of everything that she sees as she's dying being tied into her whole mythology is that she looks up at a jar full of centipedes and that's why there's centipedes involved. Why there's a jar full of
Starting point is 00:36:27 live centipedes in this nursery? And like huge like these are the kinds of centipedes you find in the rainforest. They're enormous. They're like Indiana Jones and the tip of doom centipedes. They're like porn star penis sized centipedes. Like that kind of girth. I don't know, I didn't mean to quiet the rear. Yeah, listen, if you're wearing shorts like that one of us is gonna say the word girth But uh and also and oh and everyone who dies a piece of candy falls out of their mouth when they die I thought that was a grape it looks like a grape, but it's a piece of candy. It looks like a marble a grape a bobble Maybe a frozen grape A tiny thing of amber but uh, but that's so did I remember if she sees candy or like maybe she's
Starting point is 00:37:08 Every time the one little girl like her her sister. Oh, she gave her candy, right? Yeah to shut her up Said said with the anger of someone who had to shut up a little kid at some point Blood candy Like Leonardo Caprio's movie about how they make candy. Yeah. Where Leonardo Caprio plays an africaner in Willy Wonka's shot for that great. Got a boy caught M&M Mars.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They're involved in the blood candy trade. So many Oopalupas died. That would, oh, I want to see that parody trailer so badly now for blood candy. Where he investigates the death of innocent Listen, there's one of you make a mashup and put it on the floor the Flophouse contest try that as you're entering 100,000 hits right there Yep, I like getting lots of hit listen
Starting point is 00:37:57 I'll give the I'll give the flophouse audience all the Zee pitches it wants if they will just make that trailer for us all right So we have gone a really long time. Let's just skip to our judgments on this film. Elliot, what do you think? I thought, actually, it was a bad movie, but we did have fun watching it. It was short and moved really fast. It's stupid, but like the stupidness you could make fun of
Starting point is 00:38:17 and it wasn't like 10,000 BC where it was boringly stupid. So I give it a bad, but okay to watch. Stuart, what do you think? Yeah, I'll probably go with Elliot on this one. I mean I'm not gonna say that it was really that great but I think maybe I've just been I'm really biased because they'll pass couple ones we've watched have been total shit. If we had watched this after the Brad's movie I probably would have given a much worse reveal. Yeah exactly. Right now I'm feeling charitable. Yeah it's like when I watched I saw
Starting point is 00:38:44 there will be blood not I saw watched it right after I'm feeling charitable. Yeah, it's like when I watched I saw there will be blood Not I saw watched it right after I watched cries and whispers was disappointed But if I had watched it right after I watched, you know, Fletch I probably would have thought it was a much better movie. Yeah, so that's the way it is with this one Come on Fletcher lives. Let's give credit in all of our hearts Yeah, I wish I wish Fletcher had died in that movie and then ended with someone pointing in another version's heart And his flesh will always live on in here and then they look up to the sky and Chevy chase his face of here's single tier Hey, I like that movie And then he burst out of his
Starting point is 00:39:18 Tomb at the end like his mouth and his hand Bow yeah, no he punches through the wall the most. And then he pushes his face and goes, I'm back. And then the credit cuts a black credits roll to like the Fletch rap. And then there's a third Fletch movie where like Fletch goes back as a zombie to the newsroom and like eats she in a day. We can get Fletches. Yeah. They got a pretend he's still alive.
Starting point is 00:39:40 We're fine. Anyway, but Fletch becomes her. And Dan, what did you think about the movie? No, I'm in total of the book you i i give this a marginal fun bad movie recommendation um yeah marginal is a good way to put it again if we hadn't had such a bad run of films maybe i would rank it lower but uh yeah well if wishes were fishes every day would be Friday yeah you know one of those things or it's like look if you're not doing anything and you want but uh... and well if wishes were fishes every day would be friday and that's one of those things or it's like look if you're not doing anything and
Starting point is 00:40:08 you want to watch a kind of stupid movie where people get killed by cell phone uh... this is probably one of your only options one of the top ten movies in which i'm a yeah i'd say that top ten maybe not i'm not gonna say top on yeah i'm not gonna say the first half of the top ten and rewises in it yeah they could be easily cast that part with a nobody, but they cast it with the guy who should have done the job Maybe Lance Henrichson could have done it too. Yeah, but Raywise well, he's he's not as fun as Raywise No, he'd be more like you know
Starting point is 00:40:37 Terrifying. Yeah, I get the feeling that when Lance Henrichson coughs saw dust comes out Yeah, there's some kind of the kind of dry about him. I for a while thought that those lines on his face were tribal scars. I really want to see something where he and Peter weller play brothers. That'd be awesome. But it's like a comedy. They got to get their grandma's ashes cross-country,
Starting point is 00:40:57 but they never got along when they were kids. Nice. I was expecting it to be more like their brothers who are police officers in different countries and they have to come together to solve a crime That's pretty good with aliens. What do we do next? Well next to or traditionally we talked about movies that we would recommend. Oh right. Of course. I like the film though. We watched him. Hey, I like it looks like he's got something on the to wait. I'm not here. I'm not here. I have to think about what I'm going to write. I've watched a bunch of movies.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I'm trying to remember one that I'd recommend. I've watched a number that had been good, but they've already got a fair amount of press. So I saw like funny games recently. That was great. The American version or English speaking version. Dark Knight was great. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I'm actually going to recommend something qualified, qualified recommendation, partly because I was really disappointed in it. I watched a... Well, that's a good reason to give a qualified recommendation. I want to give a qualified recommendation because the movie was sucky. I'm mainly because I hated it. I watched the movie Doomsday the other... Oh, you were excited about Doomsday. I was. And I still kind of am. It's the third Neil Marshall movie. He made dog soldiers in the movie about
Starting point is 00:42:10 dude's fighting werewolves, which is pretty good. And then the descent, which is great. I'm pretty woman, right? No, different, different way. And the other sister? Oh, it's Gary Marshall. Yeah, it's Gary Marshall. Princess Diaries, did Neil Marshall make that?
Starting point is 00:42:24 I don't think so where there were was in that i think so okay they probably i didn't see it well doomsday is of you know about a bunch of bullshit post apocalyptic shit in scottland who's basically boring but the uh... and basically kind of felt like the guy was given a lot of money and he's like hey i like all these other movies i'm gonna make the craziest movie i can with all this budget. You know, it doesn't really work that well as a movie,
Starting point is 00:42:48 but it's really gory. So that was kind of, that was cool. It was nice to see a movie that has a big budget and is also really gory. And Malcolm McDowell's in it, so. So instant quality. Yeah, obviously he's a great actor. He's, I'll never forget taping a Shannon worry movie off of HBO late at night when I was
Starting point is 00:43:06 a teenager and being really surprised to find Malcolm McDowell in it. Right after seeing where a woman tried on lingerie, topless, and then suddenly Malcolm McDowell was talking to the main characters and I was like, what? I had to wait a minute. Hold on a second. From Clockwork Orange, hold on. What are you doing? I did me also star in Caligula. Oh, yeah, he's made all sorts of crazy stuff. Yeah, and he was in tank girl Yeah, well, he'll make it pretty much the bad guy in milk money the film in which
Starting point is 00:43:36 Adheros a kid gets a prostitute. I didn't know it was a bad guy in that movie Well, that's like saying there's a bad guy in the sand lot like there's an evil dog Is I from being a dad was the village about like there's a We got Dennis Leary like there's a villain in rookie of the year, you know As I was saying no, that's angels in the outfit. Rookie the years the one where the kid breaks his arm and suddenly can throw major fastballs. All those kids breaking their arms. Aside from being a movie about a guy who finds love with the prostitute, his son provided
Starting point is 00:44:16 for him, it's also a environmental, environmental movie. Like, Adaharis is all about saving the wetlands and Malcolm and Matt McGowell is some sort of anti wetland guy if I recall the movie. He's an anti-swomb lobbyist. He just doesn't like him. He likes his land to be dry. So just to summarize, if you want to watch a movie that will ultimately disappoint you but will have a couple moments of like wow that was really gross you can watch Doomsday. Well the movie that I think gross you can watch team stay well the movie that i think i'll recommend is uh... i just watched the getaway not the alieke bouldburn can be a single version but the sandbacken
Starting point is 00:44:52 boulders sandbacken pa uh... steve mquee and alie mcraw and uh... you know it's just really i i i know that people who like sandbacken pa sort of like look at it as a minor film. But the thing is, it's just a solid thriller. Like it's a really stylishly made movie. And one thing I also found kind of interesting about it
Starting point is 00:45:13 is a lot of it reminded me of no country-for-old men. I mean, obviously the basic outline of there being there's this sort of bag that the characters have and they're trying to get with it safely to Mexico while people from different sides are trying to find them. That's sort of like a standard, like a Southwest noir setup. However, a lot of the atmosphere of the film, like I really felt like the Coins maybe looked at that or maybe they looked at the original the book
Starting point is 00:45:46 Getaway, you know, it's just a really enjoyable thriller not bad The most recent the movie I saw most recently that I actually liked was a movie called Rembrandt starring Charles Loutin in the title role of Rembrandt Van Rijn and it's an Alex Gorda film from the 30s But I figure it was their follow-up I think to the private life of Henry VIII like we got to do another biopic about a guy from centuries ago and it's pretty good. Are you sure you're not thinking of that movie Andre about the train seal? No that's a different movie. Not Beethoven. No, not Susan Roxanne either. This is about a human painter in the 17th century I guess but that was very good but I think more along the lines for our listenership if you can't find Rembrandt because I don't know if it's available in any format anywhere
Starting point is 00:46:30 I taped it off eternal classic movies is not too long I guess a couple months ago or I guess it was about four weeks ago because it was during my last break I rewatched scanners Which I had not seen all the way through in a long time and there's something about that movie It's a really tight thriller for the most part even if it doesn't always make sense and the basic Mechanics of being a scanner or a kind of slap-dash, but there's something so Comfortingly eighties about it that I can't quite explain But I think it might be because I was born in 1981
Starting point is 00:47:01 So I grew up and as a kid in the 1980s But when I see movies that that were made in the eighties and really feel like they are made in the eighties it's like a good even though it's a movie about guys who make people's heads explode with their minds there's something like all like this is a warm bath of a movie you know everybody's clothes are kind of eight are eighties ish their hair you know they all drive eighties cars and eighties faces like a lion's eyes really good michael ironsides great in it also very can Canadian. They're all Canadian too. Canada is like an eternal 1980s. Yeah. Like Canada now is like the 1990s but in the 1980s it was like super 1980s. It had been
Starting point is 00:47:35 the 1980s for a while there. And another coronavirus video drone feels the same way that it like it's so 80s everything about it that it just feels like pulling up blanket around my shoulders you know so scanners if you want to feel warm and fuzzy scanners and also guys had a guy's eyes explode at the end so thank you david cronberg for all the warm feelings i don't know if you like i have the same affection for the movie war games because everything about it is nineteen eighties where something like say they are're remaking that? They're making a sequel. I guess Joshua, the computer that takes up a room is still,
Starting point is 00:48:09 they would have, like that thing would be the size of a jump drive now, but I guess, maybe it comes out of retirement because this time it's personal, or I don't know. Or maybe terrorist hacking, I don't remember. Dr. Falcon, you know, has probably passed on. May our turn into one of those transformers, though, so maybe, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:25 there's something with the kids now. I just hope Davney Coleman is brought back for it. Yeah, that'd be awesome. He hasn't done a lot of work lately. Star of a short time, Drexel's class. Drexel's class. Madman of the people. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Buffalo Bob or Buffalo Bill, what it was called. Cloak and dagger. Yeah. Not as good as I thought it was. No, that's one that doesn't age well. No, it doesn't. But war games. That's the best in 1980s movie. But war games is great. War games holds up. I think I've recommended it in the past. There's war games is so fantastic even though it's pretty silly.
Starting point is 00:48:53 It's got any decent in it. Like, and there's what, and that I remember watching as a kid watching war games. I mean, like, this is a great movie. And then, they go to Professor Falcon's Island retreat. And the next thing you see is a fucking tyrannodon flying around and being like holy shit this movie just got so much better and there's the disappointment of it being a remote controlled like gliding machine but just the last thing I expected was my favorite thing in the world a dinosaur to appear in this movie oh that makes me feel so good just thinking about that well we should wrap it up soon but
Starting point is 00:49:24 I want to say I mentioned a contest earlier and We have been very vague about this contest, which is surprising We gave a lot of thought into this contest. It's not like we announced it out of nowhere with no fourth thought Yeah, this is not like I'm drunk when we do this Not like you're drunk and wearing tiny shorts, so we do these for like this to where to drunk all the time And the and the AC's off so it's getting kind of sweaty Yeah, it is sweaty. I wish I had my thighs Three man expose like you do
Starting point is 00:49:54 There's three men hanging out sweating Makes to share feel weird One of them in really small swim trunks just just being guys together. Yeah, just being dudes But so wait we were talking about our contest. Our contest, yeah. Before I got to tell you, oddly dreamy. There's a contest on. If you want to enter it, send us an email
Starting point is 00:50:16 with the subject heading, FlophouseContest, to the FlophousePotcast at And I realized that aside from not really Setting rules we didn't set an in date so I was gonna say get in your Entries before August 20th Wow, there's a lot of time left in this contest Well, this is a we only get together to do Actual episodes once every two weeks. Once every two weeks. And we can just clarify, I'm not allowed to enter the contest, right? No.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Why would you want to win the prize of being, of watching a movie with us? The movies in the flop house are not allowed. You already do that. I'm allowed to keep watching movies with you guys. Yes, they're cool. In case Stuart's, what Stuart said didn't clear you in in the prize is to watch a movie with us And it's you have some snacks to appear on the show travel costs are provided by you, but snack costs are provided by us Yeah, I'll buy you I'll buy beer and I'll get Popeyes if we're anywhere near Dan's apartment
Starting point is 00:51:19 I don't think I think we have to do it with my voice. Oh, yeah, it's maybe you can do it here. Oh Anyway, but I would say don't put this off to the last minute I think we had to do it with my voice. Oh yeah, that's right. Maybe we can do it here. Ooh, anyway. But I would say, don't put this off to the last minute, so we've had some strong entries already. Have had some strong entries. Some surprisingly strong entries. So that's all I want to say about that. For the flop house, I'm Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I'm for the flop house. For the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I remain Ellie Caelin. Peace. Didn't Jonathan Lippnicki also do the movie where his friend was a vampire? Yeah. The little is a vampire. It should be like a 1978 Christmas special on ABC.
Starting point is 00:52:04 The littlest vampire. With like, crummy uh, stab motion animation, no more. Yeah, rank and best style. This is pretty comfy. I'm very comfortable. I don't know, I'd be more comfortable. Yeah, I'll move the microphone. Hello.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I'm talking now. In your tiny bathing suit. In my tiny bathing suit. The littlest bathing suit. It's during Steward Lellington.

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