The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #22 - Vantage Point

Episode Date: August 24, 2008

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 2:30 - We introduce our guest co-host, leggy comedienne Sara Schaefer.2:31 - 35:29 - We each give our vantage points on the film Vantage Point.  See what I... did there?  I made you want to shoot yourself.35:30 - 38:40 - Final judgments. 38:41 - 43:28 - We announce the WINNER OF THE FLOP HOUSE CONTEST!43:29 - 47:17 - The sad bastards recommend.  (Also, according to our web research, the second movie Sara recommends-- the one where she can't remember the title-- is probably Butcher Wing.)47:18 - 52:11 - Sara plugs some stuff, and Stuart demonstrates his complete misunderstanding of the concept of plugs.52:12 - 53:29 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss Fattage Point, starring an all-star cast of people who didn't read the script. What's going on, dude? What's going on is we're doing a podcast called the Flop House. Welcome to it. Yay! I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Welley. And I'm Sarah Schaefer. Yeah, we've got a guest tonight.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Elliott Kaelin, normal co-host, is very busy these days. As you probably know, the conventions are coming up. We're kind of a convention like a Star Trek convention. No. The Democratic convention fall closely by the republican national convention so things are busy around the daily show offices from what i understand so he's gonna be out of town for a while see work in the daily show
Starting point is 00:01:17 yeah i think we've picked that enough are like tangential called connection to something popular but instead we got famed comedian Sarah Schaefer. Wait is that the same Sarah Schaefer from Sarah Schaefer's obsessed with you? A popular stage show also she hosted the AOLs the DL and she's a blogger for Best Week Ever. A blogger. Holy shit. Yeah. Where else might we know you from? That's pretty much it yeah but you know blogging for best week ever that means you're perfect to talk about a bad movie perfect which is
Starting point is 00:01:55 what we watched him well let's not get it let's not do judgment yeah chill out come on speak for yourself he's up on the throttle there fast. He's up Charlie's Angels full throttle. Damn a coin is fast, that's what I'm gonna stream. That's what the ladies say. Absolutely. Yeah, ladies from six years ago when I wasn't married, perhaps. Keep telling yourself that. Yeah, that's kind of strange, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:22 But you're married? Let's not get into dude What you're married Let's not get into it you're our personal lives, okay Let's talk about the movie watch tonight. What movie was that Stewart that was vantage point wait Yeah, that was vantage point right Sarah. Yes Hey, did you see the trailers for this movie? I did actually a lot they're pretty intense They were they really made me feel like I was going to go on a relic of a variety of intrigue. There's a lot of actors in those trailers, right?
Starting point is 00:02:51 And I think there's a lot of actors in this movie. Well, I mean, there was a lot of actors. Like I was impressed, like your average movie. I mean, well, as many actors as there are characters. Yeah, generally. Duh. Like no doi. No doi.
Starting point is 00:03:04 But like, when I saw the trailer I was like, wow there's force, Whitaker and his lazy eye, there's Sigourney Weaver, there's Deweyquade, yeah, his lazy eye got Nazca and Omni. Yeah. For Ghost Dog I think. But Matthew Fox from TV's Lost and Party of Five, right? That was Party of Five.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Party of Five, yeah. You're a girl, you know about Party of Five. Actually, I never watched Party of Five. that was party Yeah, you're a girl you know about party of five actually I never watched party of five some reason It was wasn't it on I think it was on when I was in college Yeah, and I didn't because he's studying no doubt I was a studying Anatomy nice, no, I didn't watch lives. I didn't have a Namsky. Nice. Uh, no, I didn't watch... I didn't have a TV in college, so I didn't see anything.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Actually, when was it on? Yeah, the blogger's sorority. Surely it was on some place. Yeah, I mean... Remember, like, Shirley Matthew Fox and the... There were like posters and manuscripts with a shirt off sitting on like a Cadillac On the front of a Chevrolet I was like overachiever girl in college and I was always doing an activity
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's a lot TV. So there was like a four-year period right? You know drama drama sure Sketch comedy group We had to write about the cafeteria, you know, college, college, college, sat tire. Yeah, we wrote about the cafeteria and president. The college trip like that. Shut up. Let's not talk about our college creative endeavors. Let's get back to the film. Yeah, please now this was I would say this is a Raxha man for the modern era would you would you agree that that's I think that's probably right? I don't know what you're talking about because I'm not very no
Starting point is 00:04:54 film I'm at this Basically, it's all about you, the differences in people's viewpoints. So it's to tell the same story from the three people's viewpoints. The difference between me and Elliot is vast, by the way. Elliot knows every movie. You're my taller. Yeah, you're taller.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I'm extremely, extremely taller. Extremely taller. Extremely taller. Roughly twice as high as that. I didn't get out of measuring tape, but yeah, I didn't get a measuring tape out, but I feel pretty confident. No, Elliott's knowledge of movies is. Encyclopedic, you would say.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Right. Mine. That's Wikipedia. Literally, this is what happened recently with me. This is just an example of my knowledge of movies, and we'll give our listeners a good idea on what they're about to encounter with me. This is just an example of my knowledge of movies and we'll give our listeners a good idea on what they're about to encounter with me. My husband has convinced me that I have seen the movie Hellboy and I cannot remember anything from it. It's pretty memorable. Anything. Red guy. No, I don't remember it at all. My mom had
Starting point is 00:06:02 the same, like I guess, a order where she would go see a movie and then literally two hours later because I mean we need to get get a move on because I might forget the entire movie next to ours. My mom does that but I think that's because she's usually a little drunk when she watches a movie. And that would be no different for me tonight. And you know about Elliot. He's kind of like. Imagine if he's talking about him. He's thinking about Elliot is he's kind of like a little bit of a talk about it. The thing about Elliot is he's kind of like if they made the movie short circuit but instead of robots made for war they made robots made for like learning a lot about movies and
Starting point is 00:06:35 talking about him. Yeah. Elliot would be the Johnny five of that of that group of robots. Right. Because he's kind of short and smart and he talks kind of like a robot most of the time But he hasn't had like an Ali Shidi character to in his life yet to like teach him that there are things other than movies I think you could fill that role, Dan. Yeah, or would I think I could be Fisher's See what it's like to see a human naked. Yeah, but first time I could look like a turtle like Fisher Stevens and Indian turtle I'm like no disassemble movies
Starting point is 00:07:07 Podcasts No, that's pretty good. Okay, so we should actually talk about the movie vantage point. Yeah, it's a movie about different viewpoints, but unlike Rashomon like the point of Rashomon is People have different experiences of the same event. You know, like there's no one single truth. There's truth that's filtered Through other viewpoints whereas in this movie We just literally just see the same things happen over and over from different vantage points. Hey And it's like a title
Starting point is 00:07:40 I used to watch I used to watch alias which was you know a pretty good show I had its flaws, but I enjoyed it. That's with the chick with a big forehead in it right with the dimples Yeah, she looks like a skeleton Towards the end of scary way towards the end of the the run of the show every other episode would be one of those episodes Where it starts with a teaser of something happening and it gets up to a shocking point and then something comes on the screen and it says 24 hours earlier. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Which is my least favorite TV storytelling convention now because it's just like, God damn why can't you just tell. And this whole movie was just like 23 minutes earlier over and over again. Over and over again. Yeah. And, you know, like the first time it happens, you're like, oh cool.
Starting point is 00:08:29 This is a different way of telling a story. Oh, weird. And then not linear. As it proceeds, you realize that you were getting about as much new information in each like retelling as you get in like one of those soap opera comic strips in the newspaper where they're like it's going to progress like literally one panel's worth every day. Yeah. Like Mary Worth or apartment 3G or something. Yeah exactly. Sure. Yeah I know you're a part of it. Or like or like later Funky Winkerbeen comic strips. We're like
Starting point is 00:09:02 why are they getting so fucking serious to do. Funky Winkerbeen coming strips were like why are they doing so fucking serious to funky winkerbeen that she commits suicide what the wait funky winger she had cancer and she like how wasn't there a lot yeah it's really sad the second I remember when I was a kid that was a comic strip that was basically made for band directors high school band directors to put up on their wall. Yeah. Like that was the niche and then later on I revisited it as a doll. And I was like, what if this turned into a tragedy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:33 It's kind of sad. It is really sad. But that winker bean is funky. Yeah. That's that. I was wondering. I was wondering why the comic is mainly about a guy with glasses and not the the titular character. Sure. The name's less. I didn't pick it. The vantage point is.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Sure. What's that? No. Is that every single, it was like little vignettes of each person's vantage point. Every single little vignette ended with them seeing something incredible and a mid-end. Like a player or something like that? Yeah, like incredibly like telling and like, oh my gosh, I realize the shit's gonna hit the fence. Or I just saw the answer. Yeah, the pieces are falling into place.
Starting point is 00:10:19 But you don't even see it. So you don't even get the puzzle piece. So it's basically like, you know there's a puzzle. Yeah. You know all these people have a piece, but you never get to see any of the pieces. Even at the end of the movie. Except for the end of the end, you realize that there wasn't really a puzzle.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It was just a really straightforward story that some screenwriter was like, OK, this is not going to sell. I got a, maybe if I like just cut up the screen flip, throw it up in the air, and then it would be the simplest. I actually knew a playwright that did that. He cut a script in half, and then like, re-aligned. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Like, and re-aligned. It was in college. It was so great. It was so great. He re-aligned the pages, and that was the play. Did it work? That was hard, Bob. And that playwright was Sam Shepard.
Starting point is 00:11:02 It was hard to kill her. I'm truly old. Nice. Wait, am I in your mirror? Look at him. The thing is, it really feels like this was just like a sea grade thriller that they're like, you know what? This shit is 25 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And yet, let's extend it by just making a bunch of different characters have managed yeah let's extend it by being those 25 minutes and instead of thriller in untitled thriller set in Spain let's change to a vantage point untitled forest wittaker hot off of his success in last King of Scala they had played a guy with a lazy eye. Who was a dictator? I think it was a lazy guy. I love the James McAvoy, who like an American video tape things.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah, he was way into video tape and things. And he really liked that little Spanish girl. To the great. Let's let's talk briefly about force Whitaker's vanishing. We're talking about a mark, right? Because we it's what's called. I don't know. What was the inciting incident? briefly about force Whitaker's Vanishing. We're just about to see. We're just about to see. Right? Right? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.� right.� Right.� Right. Right. Yeah, and it's basically beautiful work. Sarah Schaefer and I have both either written or are writing a screenplay, so if you want to purchase one from someone who likes to move. Right, but for Swittaker, basically what happens is the president gets shot or he appears to get shot. Don't spoil it. Spoil it. And then the place where he's holding this speech in Spain blows up. There's all these protesters around.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Sure. I'm not really clear on what they're protesting in America. Yeah. There's so many missing pro, the protesting freedom. The protesting freedom. I think. Force Whitaker, you know, clearly his first time abroad, he's very excited, he's videotaping
Starting point is 00:13:04 everything. swittaker you know clearly his first time abroad he's very excited he's videotaping everything uh... he he videotaped something that he thinks is related to the killing and turns out to be but then like there's like this big chase scene immediately thereafter like the plaza the piazza or the plaza i guess piazza would be idly it blows up and there's a chase where they're running down the guy i think is involved and force with the curve for whatever reason decides like Oh, I got to go help the police and video And video tape the chase I think he's thinking YouTube or yeah, or like hard copy
Starting point is 00:13:36 A kernaphere a fair fair. Yeah, is that shows? I don't think so with the triangle He's gonna write a best-selling book a lazy eye to a kill Kurt affair was literally like the bra's hilton of Our youth yeah, just the trashiest I felt like I felt like I had to take a shower when I was a kid like even then I was We're splitting our made friends with a small Spanish For the explosion basically by knocking her ice cream over and off we're gonna buy more ice cream
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah, and then after the explosion I guess he decided that he was her foster parents exactly This is all based on they tried to like establish his Motivation I guess as a character by one phone call that he makes. Right. One conversation he has with a guy who ends up being in tears, like where he's like referencing that he's left his wife and kids going through a rough patch. And I just don't believe that this guy chose to come to Spain by himself. He really liked the architecture, right?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Isn't that what he was taking film? He was just trying to experience life. You can see it was just taking it all in by looking in the viewfinder. He was going to have some topos later. Well, there are a lot of people in the movie like Dennis Quaid, Gordy Weaver, Liam Hart, all going for topos later, uh, as we've said before, the thing is, a lot of these stars are on the rise. Some of them not so much.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah. Well, the terrorist guy, whose brother was being held hostage, he's in other stuff, but I don't, this is, this is why I'm a bad person to have on the side. He's in other stuff. I've seen him in it. I have no idea what his name is or what he was in. Certainly a recognizable face. He looks like he's in one of like the, like a recognizable face. He looks like an eye at you.
Starting point is 00:15:25 He should be in one of the like the mummy movies. He looks like he should be in one of those guys. Well, he's not Odette Fair. Well, he's not Odette Fair because it doesn't have a cool beard. He's in a, somebody look it up. I would assume that. That's what I always was being what it is.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And him being his worthy actor, he probably played other terrorists. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah, he definitely is in action films from like true lies or maybe TV probably true lies that's where I usually go that was that was just great movie sure not some action and laugh so many lies so I'm so zany. I'm young Eliza Dishku. Tom Arnold. You know what I hate about it? You just all true Eliza.
Starting point is 00:16:06 What about what about what about the guy? What a fucking misogynist film. No, no. No, I hate it. I mean like, okay, I suspect my wife of having an affair. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna humiliate like the guy. I'm not gonna like ask her about it. I'm gonna humiliate the guy.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Then I'm gonna trick my wife into doing the strip tease for me Okay, like that is still waiting. I Just just seems like a really like oddly angry movie, you know, and then they get attacked by terrorists and then luckily He's an amazing secret agent and say today. Yeah, she aarrero is in that. Yeah, she was. She made an announcement like she made an announcement relatively early on in her career that she was never going to get topless. I stopped paying attention to Teacarrero very soon. Because like, come on, what else is she going to provide? Yeah. You know what? Movie, you're reminding me of right now. When a lot of a nice
Starting point is 00:17:05 oh I can't Oh, vantage point while we're talking about vantage point So also Dennis Quaid, as I said was in it, he was I guess the hero
Starting point is 00:17:14 in so much as there was a hero looking more grizzled and Harrison Ford like in his he'd frowned a lot he did, I was about to say he mug, he made mug faces a lot of Not like I see me, but I'm making his face right now. Oh, it was amazing
Starting point is 00:17:37 The camera a couple times like zoomed in really fast on his face and was like comic all the way It was just like zoom because imagine we got it with a frowny face, but his eyes were really wide So almost look like a surprise bulldog. Yes exactly. And well he would have like sorted the same character arc I guess as like Clint Eastwood and Lil' Anaphyre where he was like he was shaken by a previous assassination attempt. Although unlike in the Lil' Anaphy he successfully Prevented the previous assassination attempt so it was sort of weird it was like Yeah, that's a good point. I'm being a successful Secret like secret service agent. I can't get over that job well done. Yeah, I took a bullet for the president of the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I hate myself. I should have been able to reflect that bullet with my chest. So he's shaky. He's looking for redemption for success. And he's getting a little bit of support from his fellow secret service agent, Matthew Foxx. Yeah. Or is he? I'm just going to say, okay, I think we're going to jump ahead. Yeah, Matthew Foxx is totally a bad guy and a secret service agent makes the movie very
Starting point is 00:18:43 strange because I would think that if a person like made all the effort to be a service a secret service agent like he did plenty more opportunities to kill a present Yeah, then the one presented the thing I'll say I'll give credit where it's to a man Matt bird a guy It's to do an iron are both friendly with I'm not I hate that guy. I don't know whether she's ever could actually met him But um he pointed out. Yeah, like they've got a man on the inside. A man who was a secret service agent. So if they're if their plan is ultimately to kidnap the president, which it is because another shocking twist, the guy got shot was the president's double, which they gave away in the preview by the way. I
Starting point is 00:19:22 knew coming in. Yeah, look, that was going to happen. You looked creepily like William Hurnt. Was he a clone? Was he a clone? Well, I'm wondering if they used William Hurnt up until the point that you knew it was a double and then they put the double in. Because once they mentioned... Wait a minute. Wait, are you asking if like the person
Starting point is 00:19:39 like the actor? Yeah. It was probably William Hurnt the whole time. I don't know though, because after they mentioned the double, he did look slightly different. Now, that might have been my mind. It might have probably would move you, manager. I mean, really, they could have just done a little, like, you know.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Pulled up, like, put a bigger nose, like, down. Right. I think it was a real missed opportunity that they didn't have, like, a parent trap. Splendid. No, no, no, no, there shaking hands. That's so nice. Like Dave. Yep, like one guy's like getting coffee at the presidential like coffee bar. Hey, you would like me.
Starting point is 00:20:12 So like what could be the- And then they start doing like a mirror dance? Like maybe one guy like you know like he wipes a little ball comes in. Yeah, that sounds great. Harper marks. Or I think they missed the opportunity of not having like a guy who looks obviously not like William Hurd to be the default person. Like that would have been great.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Like you guys possibly with hair and a beard. Yeah. You got Philip Seymour Hoffman in there. That would have been great too. Yeah. I guess they look kind of alike. Or maybe for a swittaker. Or maybe for a swittaker.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Right. If they had gotten for a swittaker to play two roles, but i feel me and the president's double i think they would have been great and i think you can pull it off do you got an academy award after all right but the white face yeah that works that's all tropics under ultimately they uh... the what they're doing their plan is to kidnap the president not to shoot him but okay the whole point is either way they have a man on the inside they have a man who works directly with the president as a secret service agent he could easily have have done this for it got alone with the president
Starting point is 00:21:14 and like then they could have you know shop on the mall and only been to vantage points right and that's I'm not gonna watch that I want to see as many vantage points as possible That's almost like a regular movie was just one big watch. It's called the protagonist Yeah, I'm a discerning consumer sure I'm paying extra Cloverfield no, thank you Thank you. That just has one vantage point of a cancorder. But, thanks for clarifying that. For the cancorder is the protagonist.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Dilly? So the thing is, is that this movie had a lot of vantage points, but ultimately didn't require them. Like it wasn't like they used the extra vantage points to be like, oh, it's like seri- How did this affect each person? It's like seri-yana and like I can kind of see, I can identify with the terrorists.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Like that didn't happen. Yeah, you didn't even understand why the terrorists were doing what they were doing. It was literally there were two terrorists. There were terrorists. Sarah, there were terrorists. Oh right, right. Why try to judge?
Starting point is 00:22:17 They hate our freedoms. Well, there's a one guy who was a terrorist because the other terrorists had his brother. Yeah, but ultimately it was two terrorists that were doing this. If you were a terrorist and the other terrorist had your brother and were threatening to kill him, would you be able to kill a bunch of people? My brother? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I don't know. So you let terrorists kill your brother if it meant... I don't know if I let him. I think it would be more that I don't know that I would be up for like physically or yeah I don't think I'd be capable of like taking on a bunch of secret service guys I don't have like a phone the detonate C4 or uses a robot machine gun like I don't have that yeah they had like a pile up on pilot to care that was my major problem the terrorists literally like at one minute in the movie, they had no respect for human life.
Starting point is 00:23:08 And then the next, they were like, well, we don't want to kill one of our own. So we got to set up this robot machine gun. Yeah, I guess that was the thing with Matthew Fox. They're like, you're too valuable to us as a person. So rather than have you, like, just sacrifice your position as a person. So rather than have you like just sacrifice your position as a secret service station, we're going to go to this elaborate scheme that involves smuggling in like a motorized machine gun that can be operated by a palm pilot, as you say. Through I guess I don't know satellites. I don't know. Yeah, the internet, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I don't know that much. Yeah, much knowledge't know that much about technology. Technology can do anything. It's an app. It's an iPhone app. It's an iPhone app. Oh, yeah, that's fascinating to the president. Can we talk about the variant? Yeah, sure. Why not?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Is this one all the vanishing points merge into one point? Well, that's one magic thing. One that bothered me the absolute most is these terrorists basically through their entire mission for a small child that was standing in the highway. Well, not any small child. The small child who forced Whittaker to take it. Right. Taking such a shine to earlier in the movie. The best part about it too is that they avoid hitting the girl by like flipping their
Starting point is 00:24:20 car onto its side, which if it wasn't for Forrest Whittaker would still smash the girl girl like at the point that you've kidnapped the president of the u.s. you're not gonna bulk it running down right you blown up tons of people little girl was in the plaza when they set off on very possibly could have been the victim of that right but then when they see her in the road, she was a ghost. And see, I think, I'm being an angel sent by God to save the president of the United States of America. I said what everybody was already saying. I put words to it. She was the ring, the little girl from the ring,
Starting point is 00:24:56 but cleaned up a little. I cleaned up a little and imagined almost. She was so engaged in politics. She did look a little lean. She liked ice cream. You know what they say about Asians and ice cream? Would it dip in dots? She gave them in the future.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I think it is. Yeah, I totally agree with you. That's totally weird. And I don't understand how... It's like if there was a deer in the road. Like, you're not going to drive out of the way in Smash. Or so if you're going to drive through the deer. You still might hurt the deer if you flip your car
Starting point is 00:25:28 and smash the deer with the hood, like the roofier car, I don't know. So you're saying that when you're driving, if I'm driving... You're just better small children and say, I'm a little bit of deer. And you got the president in the backseat. If I have the president knocked out in the backseat
Starting point is 00:25:41 or was he even knocked out at that point? He was fighting, I think, at this point. The best part was when he did wake up and he like i got this cool pipe i'm gonna smash the terrorists you like bonks one on the head and it doesn't even know that like that smart yeah they're driving down in the ambulance they've been keeping the president uh... sedated again i'm not really sure what they're planning to do with the president, they're just taking him somewhere.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I was hoping that they would have accidentally killed him and then had to pull a week-end of Bernie's type. Yeah. Give us a million dollars. You about are good, aren't you? That was me pretending like I was a married at president. He can't let me tell you that. He's the president, holding up a newspaper,
Starting point is 00:26:23 and they have string strings and tattoos arms and he's holding his face a nalbush I'm sure I get the feeling you guys talk about week in a Bernice every time yeah we actually haven't that much it's strange right you think
Starting point is 00:26:38 hang on cash has come up for not week in a Bernice yeah they're both really good movies five films yeah I think it's assumed that we would talk about week in in Bernice. Yeah, they're both really good movies Fine films. Yeah, I think it's assumed that we would talk about weekend in Bernice But um why don't they even kill the double in the first place? Why don't they just kidnap the president? Yeah, that's the thing like I guess create a distraction But yeah, isn't the distraction the double doing the speech like that's where all the attention in the world is once you Shoot the double
Starting point is 00:27:09 Then everybody's on alert everyone's freaking out. I mean, but obviously They eventually had the president. How would like if they were gonna ransom them? Why would why would anyone pay the ransom? Cuz like the president's everybody thinks the president's already dead Yeah, like wouldn't they just be like? Yeah, let's just cut our losses Yeah, it would be too and too complicated of a story for like the US public to understand. Exactly. The red states, what you're saying, US public sure. Where I'm from. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:27:33 There was a part earlier in the movie where they're like, we can't reveal that that was a double that got shot. Like one of the presidents advised. I know. Yeah. That because that tells them that that wasn't really the president making the speech. And I'm like, but wouldn't the world be so excited to learn that the president actually gets shot and they'll forgive him using that?
Starting point is 00:27:51 I know, that was really clever. That you put that down. Good job. I think American think it was pretty cool too. Like, oh my god, they use doubles. Oh, that's a good treat. Wow. And even exact duplicate of the president.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That's like super spiced up. Genius. Yeah, I think we need to call the's like super spiced up. Genius. I think we need to call the writer of vantage point right now. Yeah. He's probably busy making lots of money. Writing other great movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So you might say go any weaver once. I did meet Sigourney Weaver. She was handsome. She was a handsome woman. She was handsome. Oh, yeah. That was another thing. Sigourney Weaver was not in the movie enough Yeah, she was like the barely barely in the movie she was the producer the field producer for G&N
Starting point is 00:28:32 I guess the global news network Just piece that together. I assume unless it was the glue news Okay, that's probably not that I wish it was being in an equipment called vantage that probably would have been more appropriate for the movie seriously but wait how did you meet Sigorn and we were she came into my store one time I sell little plastic and metal men to okay to to human beings and Dan I thought you said this guy was legit. Yep. And in order to enjoy those little plies, again, metal men, you have to paint them.
Starting point is 00:29:11 So she bought some paint for me for, I think, to touch up like a lamp or something? I don't know. I was a little star struck. What is significantly more star struck than when the time, than when Robin Williams came in because I was more just shocked. He's significantly smaller and hairier than I would imagine. I thought he was one of those guys from land of the lost, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Not the reptile men, but the little hairy guys. What was the movie where the guy painted the little soldiers? Forty-year-old Virgin. Yes. Oh wait, were they soldiers or dolls? We had the dolls a little bit of both There's both he's painting. Yeah. Yeah, there's like the rule are you asking if my companies models were in Are you a virgin is what I'm asking? I am a virgin Yeah, thanks for the laugh
Starting point is 00:30:02 Wow, I'm gonna go hang myself with my delt. Hey, you started it. You just had to brag about meeting Sigourney. Yep. I propositioned her. It was matters. If a man is an offender and she said now, you told her I sure him into manhood.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yep, I asked her to probably show you. You could have totally played the role in 40-year-old version of What's Our Face, where she was like, I will be very discreet. The one that offers herself. So, weren't you either could have pulled that off? You know what? I totally agree. I bet I think she's underutilized as a comedic actress and I think that she would make a really good mom.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah. And I think that I feel bad that she was in advantage point. Well, I'm totally disappointed. Everybody else, I mean, William hurt. Like, I don't know. Maybe you just wanted to be in a movie where he was the best where it was like, hey, I just want to show off. Look, I'm better than all these other clowns. But, uh, yeah, but Sigourney Weaver really skated by without really doing anything, really annoying in that movie.
Starting point is 00:30:57 She didn't, she was just there. She kind of played the role straight and they didn't do her vantage point, really. Well, maybe, yeah, maybe that was like a cutscene and they didn't do her vantage point really. Wow, maybe the beginning, I guess. Yeah, maybe that was like a cutscene. We didn't check the footage, Dan. Yeah. As is true with many flop house films, this was a trim 83 minutes and padded at that. You know, what I forgot to mention before was in addition to all the normal flashbacks, the like 43 minutes before flashbacks, there there was and this is another flop house trend
Starting point is 00:31:29 There were personal flashbacks that the characters would have two things that they said Things that they themselves said not things that like five minutes before five minutes earlier or less This is gotta be at least the third time this has happened in one of these movies where the movie is like Remember remember what you just watched in the previous scene. It's like they don't have enough It's like they they ran out of money and couldn't film anymore and they have to fill time with that I don't really understand. Yeah, I think they were trying to make like put a like exclamation point on what he said like Hey, remember when that guy said that thing, first of all, I want you to remember that that's a really cool line.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I really want you to understand that what he said was really ominous and cool, so now let's make you remember that it's important to the plot. I'm not the president exploded. And he just thought about that. We have to talk about Dennis Quade's flashback. Yeah, and that's a problem I had.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Thank you for bringing that up. Because there's a moment like when during Dennis Quaid's vantage point where, okay, we've just discussed that Dennis Quaid was a secret service agent who took a bullet for the president. So, he was successful in his job. But at the beginning of his vantage point, he's like sitting on a bed in his hotel room with a shirt off, like staring off in the space. And he picks up like a thing of pills that you have no idea what they are, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And you know, he takes a couple and while he's taking them, he has like, there's a black and white shot of him being shot by this guy. And it's clearly from like the news footage. We'd already seen the news footage of him being shot. So I'm trying to figure out if he was like, if he was having this flashback because he's like, man, I looked really dorky when I was getting shot. I don't really get it. As you back to that evening when he was watching himself on G&N from the hospital. I can't believe I look so silly. Then they of course, which was all to like accept this up, you know prior to that
Starting point is 00:33:25 We'd already seen this footage because the Gourney Weaver was like bond just here Like they know all the secret service agent the greatest sea of secret service agent of all time What's here pull up archive footage and there's those like I pull up archive footage It's like a chain reaction and then when when Dennis Quaid comes back in Dessquade bursts into gen's like trailer at one point. Yeah. Like to their control center and sees how they had pulled up this footage and sees it on one of the screens
Starting point is 00:33:53 and like stops and he's like, I was shot one time. Yeah, he sees a picture of himself being shot. In the middle of all this chaos, he's like, that was sad. Yeah, it's like that was a time when I was successful on being shot in the middle of all this case he's like that was sad yeah yeah that's that was a time when I was successful in being shot for the president but I think ultimately the point today this film is that all Dennis Quaid's efforts were for naught because the scheme was taken down by the fact
Starting point is 00:34:18 that those terrorists were in the back of their ambulance to avoid that kid. Yeah, that really was the reason. And then, yeah. Well, I like to think that maybe that girl would have done her Spanish patriotic duty by getting hit by the van and then like, gumbying up the tires a little bit. With her carcass. So you're saying that either or not, she's the van or the river. She was definitely too old to be running
Starting point is 00:34:46 into the street without her. Yeah, and then like seeing the ambulance coming and just like freezing like a deer. Like, oh no. Mom. Yeah. Is mom in there? Oh, you, my mom.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And that's not your mom. That's an ambulance. With Forrest, what a girl chasing after. It was just weird. and then like in that moment Of course it was that one of my favorite things to happen in a movie where like you know at that at that climax of the movie Everything comes together you have like lots of slow motion and like zooming in like oh no There's the girl the van speeding up. Oh no zoom in on the guy driving the van What's he gonna do zoom in on force with a car running shouting?
Starting point is 00:35:28 It was great So let's It was shocking. Let's close this out. Let's close the segment out with me The traditional final judgment on vantage point I'll repeat it for the benefit of Sarah and our listeners The three official flop house categories are, is this a good bad movie? I.e. something funny to watch with friends. A bad bad movie, a movie that really isn't worth your time at all.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Or a movie that you kind of like, you found some sort of redeeming value in. Sarah, what do you say about this movie? Bad bad. Bad bad. Bad bad. Yeah. It's not that they didn't go far enough with the bad to make it a good bad. How about you, Dan?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Well, the first 15 minutes of this movie, I was like, this could be okay. Like before it rewinds basically. I'm like, this has all the elements of, you know, it's got a good cast. Sure. It's moving along like it's competently directed. And then with every succeeding like rewind in time,
Starting point is 00:36:28 it got worse and worse. So basically, first 10 minutes, okay movie, next 60 minutes, bad, bad movie, and then last 10 minutes, good, bad movie. Yeah, but- I like that assessment. It doesn't work out, you know, the math doesn't work out to it being worth watching. Yeah, I'm going to agree with you. It's bad, bad.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Like it's, it's just like there's, it's so fast and like you kind of feel like you wasted an hour and 23 minutes watching this movie. Kind of. And like, I'm definitely just frankly, frankly rather angry that you angry. I'd rather be sitting on like a subway train reading. I don't know like the advertisements. Be cognac. Yeah, for hour and twenty, twenty. There's a lot of Jameson's ad. Like subway. Dr. Z's more facial treatments. Okay. What's his story? facial treatments. Okay, what's his story? He sure likes rainbows. Yeah, don't. What's I think I'm gonna go to vocational school. These are jokes specifically for New Yorkers.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It's like you're watching the most inside episode of Seinfeld. Well, this is being broadcast live on Galker right now, so. Galker. So we just rated this movie as a steaman turd so don't watch it. Matthew Fox you should be ashamed yourself dude. Go back to lost. No, yeah. William Hurd, I don't blame you that much. And Ford's would have heard it's probably not your fault. You probably agreed to this movie before last year.
Starting point is 00:38:04 You were way too busy. You're way too busy. I hope you like the various actors. It's a warning weaver. It's okay. If you want to come over and we can talk about that. He looked at us watch. Just then, like, let me, I do have time. I have time. I got a lot of work to do. Let's talk about it. So, warning weaver, if you're listening to this podcast,
Starting point is 00:38:22 and you remember that handsome, voice fellow you want some paint Oh, whoever the girl is the very beginning of the movie playing the correspondent Can you tell how yeah, she was horrible. What's her deal? She kind of looks like Will Smith's wife, but it's not her. Yeah agreed. Yeah, Jada Pinkett Smith Yeah, I'm gonna say pink cat so I don't know before we get on to what's the next stage? Well before we get on to what's the next stage? Well before we get on to our recommendations, I'm gonna take care of a little business We have been running a flop house the my fired
Starting point is 00:38:51 Do I you haven't missed it? Do you miss social? If anyone's job is in trouble, it's all you yes. Yes, can you give me two? Yep, what's your what's your credit card number? All flop house listeners should send in their social security numbers, their addresses, and their mother's maiden names. This is a really elaborate fishing scam. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:15 This whole last year has just been set up. No, we've been running a contest. A Flophouse contest. The hell you said to win the fabulous prize to pay all the expenses yourself to come and watch a movie with us and be on the podcast. It sounds pretty good. And we have a winner. Well, I mean, look at where we are.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I mean, this is pretty... My palatial... This is dope. I don't think that's a good are. I mean, this is pretty... My palatial loop. This is dope. Pardon me. I don't think that's a good summary. I mean, yeah, no, go ahead and describe it. Describe the... It goes on forever, first of all.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I mean, this is probably one of the biggest experiments I've ever seen. Sure. I'm surprised you don't have a big echo problem in here. Yep. Well, I've got special time. One of these 30-foot ceilings. Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And all the chandeliers, too. And God, the skyline and yet You have to write a pony to go to the bathroom yet to write a pony down the down the hill to the bathroom Because there's a hill Well the golf cart why you wouldn't I prefer the golf cart. I'd rather pony. I mean, I like feeling a feeling an animal between my legs Dan just has a spotler come and catch it in his hands. So that's, let's get a little less.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Every conversation goes back to poo. That's my theory in life. Okay. No, the winner. Let's not keep her in suspense because it is a her. Oh wow. Oh, it is. The winner's being announced right now.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah, we should get it. Oh my god, I didn't realize this. Why this person one What was the criteria? Drive receipt. I'm just rodden the criteria was purposely vague and She really took advantage of that her name is Judy I will withhold the last name and tell such time as she gives permission to give it. Sure, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:41:06 But you're gonna have about 4,000 duties calling you out tonight. She knows who she is. What she did was she did temporary tattoos or at least I hope they're temporary of all of our faces with our names and sent for photos of these tattoos including the face and name of original Flophouse host Simon Fisher. Sure.
Starting point is 00:41:32 A big X through it, to indicate that he's a longer show. She's accurate. Yeah, she's up to there. Which I think is pretty awesome. And with her permission, I will email her and see if it's okay. I will post those on the Flophouse website, the So everyone can enjoy them if it's okay with her. I'm pretty considerate of a woman's needs, Sarah. I don't like that one. Oh, I'm sorry. I just worry about my own needs here. So she has won the contest provided as Stewart pointed out that she is of age that she is 18 years old non-minor you better be 18 if If she is a minor we will find out some other alternate prize. Yeah, like a years supply of bubble gum or something
Starting point is 00:42:23 Yeah, like whatever years supply bubble gum or something. Yeah, like Stickers are a couple Jonas Brothers t-shirts scratch and sniff stickers maybe That's on that's contemporary right? You're good. That's good that that camp movie sure that is camp. Yeah that camp the movie camp No, no, not that not the movie camp that camp that's a great movie sleep Boy camp now sleep boy camp all the monochrome kids love sleep like Can't block is that what it's can't block yeah, and then it's like a high school musical spin-off See that sounds good. We're down with things that we shouldn't know about okay
Starting point is 00:43:01 So we'll get that for the person if If that person is not of a age. I will be contacting them. Congratulations, by the way. Well done. Good job, Judy. We'll work out some scheduling because I assume that you would like to come and watch them move with the whole team, including Elliott.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So. Not me, though. I have other commitments. She doesn't care. She sure. So yeah, congratulations and moving on though. Okay. We should get to our recommendations. We don't like to be jerks all the time. Yeah, we recommend things that we like. Yeah, I like watching stuff. Okay. So shall I tell you about this part? You said you'd listen to an episode. Okay, the lies come out.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I'll go first. I've been watching a lot of movies lately. I saw the regular good stuff like Pineapple Express, which was great and Tropic Thunder that was pretty good. But the movie that I would like to recommend is a little movie called Police Academy, 7 or 8, one of those, The Mission mission of my sky one this is a controversial recommendation now I'm totally recommending this movie because for one it's got Ron Perlman in a Amazing performance as the comedic evil Russian bad guy and he makeup no makeup at all
Starting point is 00:44:19 He just looks like like a weird baboon monster he just looks like a weird baboon monster. And Christopher Lee has an amazing performance as does the police academy regular. So if you're looking for a movie with a lot of laughs and a lot of heart, police academy, whatever, mission to Moscow, I don't remember which one it was. Totally watch it, it's great.
Starting point is 00:44:43 All right, well, I think in the largest gap between types of movies recommended. You're going to recommend like Cannibal Holocaust or something. Or I'm going to recommend it. I haven't seen a lot of movies recently. Actually, I've been out of town. You're not going to recommend Vantage Point, right?
Starting point is 00:44:59 No, I'm not. OK. But I'm going to recommend a movie that is not underrated by any means because I haven't seen a lot of movies Really so I have to go to this I just rewatched the third man Mm-hmm actually Missed a host Showed it at his movie night. He does classic movies
Starting point is 00:45:21 Occasion and he also gives a speech. He does give a speech with notes. Yeah, it's pretty hysterical, but informative and really good. No, no, it's great. I don't make fun of it, but it was about 40 minutes long before the film started, but I love the third man. It's got the Zither music at the beginning. That's great. Zither music and Joseph Cotton stars in it and Ours and Wells is in it and Black and white. Yeah, beautiful cinematography. It was voted the best British film So if you've never seen it, you know third man a classic good to go give it a go Sarah Have you seen anything lately that you would like to recommend the dark night now? I
Starting point is 00:46:04 Actually have been watching non-stop for the past three weeks kung fu movies because I'm making a video using them, which I won't give away because I don't want, not that anyone could possibly copy me at this point I'm almost done. Sure. And it would just take too much time
Starting point is 00:46:21 for someone to copy me and I would be first and then I would murder you and whatever. It's really better. But anyway, two of the ones that I watched, And it would just take too much time for someone to copy me and I would be first and then I would murder you and whatever but anyway To the ones that I watched I fast forward through most of it I'm talking like five or six at a time like I am I've watched basically every movie But one that I thought was really good was the flying guillotine And I watched last night the butcher the butcher the butcher
Starting point is 00:46:50 Wing Butcher I don't know it's really funny and really good But the butcher is in the title put in the keywords butcher and kung-fu in the Google and it's it's amazing Whatever movie comes up. Yeah, it's a movie that Sarah is recommending. I watch that. Yeah, you like things about butchery. Yeah, in Google. See, this one I watched it last night and I can't remember the title.
Starting point is 00:47:16 That just tells you. So Sarah, I feel like I should ask you since you are a comedian, unlike me who still uses the title comedian despite very rarely doing anything in public, you perform. Is there anything you would like to plug? Now, keep in mind that this will not be posted to the internet until Sunday. Well, no, I don't have anything coming up this year. And only me will listen to it. Yeah, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:47:47 We have a devoted listenership. That's good. So this isn't just going to go into a vault somewhere for Dan to listen and to masturbate. Man, I normally make that joke. Thanks, dude. Oh, ladies. No, I have a show.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I definitely have a show on October 17th. It's far away, but it's part of the Ars Nova Ant Festival and it's Some lady friends of mine and I were doing a show and I think Fingers crossed. I'll be doing my solo show which Dan McCoy is in Yes, which is called Sarah Shaver's One Sarah Show. And hopefully I'll be doing that again this fall. I don't want to say anything about it. I'll tell you later, Dan.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Well, if you... Because it's not official yet. If I haven't been cut from the show, if you go to my website, I'm sure I will keep that updated. And that's...
Starting point is 00:48:44 I'm scared. Oh my god. I'ma go to Where you go to Is that what you're doing? Come on man, it's Okay, it's really easy to remember. So, do you like people who blog about pop culture? Sarah's one of them. Yeah, you'll probably like...
Starting point is 00:49:01 And she gets paid for it. Man, man. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Ah, before, can I plug something? No, yeah Oh shit, yeah, I was just I was just in a van with a bunch of dudes driving down to Driving down to DC, right? I like to plug the experience of being in the van Yeah, I'm highly recommend it man
Starting point is 00:49:20 So we're in this van right and we later on we destroyed this van through poor driving, but while we're in the van We got this long argument about What you would rather fight would you rather get in a fight with a wolf or an eagle Dan? Like you don't have a weapon or a rabbit. I think I would actually rather get in the fight with a wolf Okay, what about you is you look confused? Would rather get enough fight with an eagle an eagle? Yeah Why why cuz I weigh more than an eagle okay? A wolf probably weighs more than me and I could not subdue it in any way shape or form Okay, I think it would be more likely that I could escape a wolf either through running or climbing sure
Starting point is 00:50:01 And or if you're flying for instance, I wouldn't have the advantage of the high ground as an eagle would figuratively. I mean, an eagle is not on ground. Right. Flying. Yeah. I've seen both an eagle and a wolf in the wild. That's pretty impressive. I'm just scared of the fact that like eagles would probably go for your eyeballs, right? A wolf would probably go for those talons would be ripping your balls out. Yeah, but like the lives, like their arm, they could hit your jugular and that'd be it.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah, and like, you can't hit an eagle. The chits going way fast. Yeah, but people like, just grabbing, be like, buying home. Well, you have to grab it first. I don't think it's like just gonna flap there for a second like a- I feel like I could snap an eagle snack.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I could not snap a wolf snack. So Stuart, what are you plugging? Just nerdy conversations. Is that what you're putting in your plug? No, I forgot this was a plug. Oh wait, this is a plug. I just wanted to find out what everyone was going to say. Well, right in, right into the Flophouse podcast
Starting point is 00:50:58 at and tell us what you would rather fight. Maybe we'll talk about it some more. Or as Lou put it, draw a picture. Draw a picture of yourself fighting an eagle or a wolf. And the best one will get a high five from me next time I see the artist. I just wanna say, speaking of which, people keep voting for us at Podcast Alley.
Starting point is 00:51:20 That's awesome. And that's great. We have been consistently in like the top 50 comedy podcasts On podcast alley because that I have no idea Even better people who link to us on their like personal websites we get a lot of traffic that way Well, it's gonna be linked on my website which means automatic 4 mil Wow 4 million humans all means automatic 4 million. Wow. 4 million humans. All the people. 4 million unique. All the people that read your stuff on Best Week Ever and then go to the trouble of doing a web search for your personal website and then click through to our website.
Starting point is 00:51:58 A 4 million people. That's that's 0.5 people. So look for that. They click through but then they close the browser report open. Sure. Yeah. Like, what more click on buggy? Yeah. Anyway, man. This has been fun. Well, last. This was a good. This was a good one. We learned a lot. I feel a new but Like you've been birthed. I do. I feel like someone just cut the amount of blood. She got through a ring-burthing ceremony. We got a bunch of pillows together earlier, and she came through. Please bury my persona. I want to devour it.
Starting point is 00:52:36 I'd like to say that for the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. And I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Sarah Schaefer. Good night y'all No, I wanted I look except for this for some reason one of Sarah's ex-boyfriends gave her a mixing board For some reason, one of Sarah's ex-boyfriends gave her a mixing board. Like, like back in high school and she's like, I don't know why. That's the only reason she's allowed to have an ex-boyfriend. I have. Smells like crumbly.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And she just kept it. It was like, maybe it'll come in handy one day. Yeah. So what would you do with an ex-boyfriend's mixing board? When you smash it. I make a radio porn. Oh, the radio porn. Would you smash it?
Starting point is 00:53:26 Mmm. Wallis and the Liz Faire. Would you smash it? I make a video porn. Oh, the video porn. Would you smash it? Mm. Wallis and Elizabeth Fair.

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