The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #27 - 27 Dresses

Episode Date: November 22, 2008

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 2:15 - Mustaches are much discussed.2:16 - 32:22 - We talk about the Katherine Heigel rom-com 27 Dresses, and show our affinity for the material by staying ...on-topic almost never.  Also: boobs.32:23 - 36:30 - Final judgments, in which 27 Dresses manages to SHATTER the Flop House categories.36:31 - 46:17 - The sad bastards recommend.  Plus, we learn another famous person Elliott has had tangential interactions with.  And also: even more boobs.46:18 - 48:46 - November-December is Flop House listener pledge drive season - but you don't have to pay us in cash-- just recruit new listeners.48:47 - 51:30 - We write the great lost sex comedy, "Lustache."51:31 - 52:55 - Goodbyes, theme, outtakes, and a whole heck of a lot more boobs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode, we explore our feminine side with the romantic comedy 27 Dresses. Hey everyone, welcome to Flop House. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaylen, but look who's back. Yeah. It's me, I'm back. I'm glad you identified yourself, Stuart, because I thought that we were doing the show with Josh Brolin tonight Well, why would that be Dan? Uh, maybe it's because of the awesome mustache that you grew. All right in the two weeks since we saw you or so Josh Brolin Not like Sam Elliott. No, it's more of a Josh Yeah, Josh Brolin, but not What if what if I let I'll go as far as Charles Bronson. Yeah, but not Sam. No, okay. What do I need to do to be more
Starting point is 00:01:07 Sam? Not bushy enough. Yeah, okay, and it's it also it it ends basically at your upper lip and the family I'll go down further. Yeah, almost over your whole mouth. Okay. How does he eat does he not eat? Slopperly. Yeah, I like the thing that he gave up eating. Hello, Steve, because I like to think. He is a real fan. I like to think that he eats, and then he has a little bowl of water, and that's his mustache bath. And he dips his mustache in it to get the crumbs out.
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's like a finger bowl. Yeah, exactly. Well, it's like a mustacheier or something. I know that this is an audio podcast. This is a silent worth of docs. However, we will post pictures towards Mustache on the blog, which is the Flop House And why don't you read a minute, I didn't agree to that.
Starting point is 00:01:54 That was my mustache talk, by the way. That's me. Your mustache has to sign a waiver. And I would ask you the listeners to write in maybe and say which celebrity you think Stewart looks like with a mustache. And if you say John Goodman with a mustache, I may give you a high five. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And that's the flop house podcast at We really should be vlogging this. Yeah. Mustaches aside. Maybe we're talking about mustache. Speaking of mustaches. No, it isn't work at all. Here's a movie with none of them.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah, well, I was going to say. Yeah, I don't know. This is a clean shaven. It's about as far Here's a movie with none of them. Yeah, well I was gonna say. Yeah, I don't know. This is a clean shaven one. It's about as far away as a mustache as you can get. Because it is a, let's be in delicate. Let's say chick flick. We watch the chick flick.
Starting point is 00:02:34 A romcom. Yeah. I was gonna say a feminine hygiene film. Yeah. What in the sense? It's not an industrial film. We're in a super eight projector. Oh, yeah, that's right. You know, we we felt that we just watch on a normal TV, Dan. There's a DVD. Thanks. Thanks for clarifying that. It's cool. Don't worry about.
Starting point is 00:02:55 We felt that as three guys and as three guys who real men's men, right? Yeah, rugged types, macho, tough. Machismo. A lot of machismo in the room right now. I was going to go with sort of nerdy guys, but sure. I own a leather man knife set. I don't know. I have a mustache. I think we cover that already. That's true. Maybe just me.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I do have a special kind of kick that has a name for fights. So they're telling you guys, it's a straight-legged kick right up into the crotch of the other person. It's called a liberator. And I actually named it that in a dream. I had a dream where me and a friend of mine, my friend Brendan were in a fight with two guys. And I said, and we like paired off, you take that I'll take this one. And I go, have had a taste of the
Starting point is 00:03:39 liberator. And like in trans spotting the way that when you're liberating his is nuts from him? I don't know. Do you shout excel C or do it? No, I shout I shout something about liberator. So that's That it was I woke up almost immediately after that and I said that is the purest thing I've ever thought of because it came to me in a dream. Well awesome great aside I wanted to say that. It's like a cello or a dolly. Yeah. As three real men's men we usually watch the Manly genres.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah, stuff with blood in it. Your thrillers, your horror films, your thriller horror films, your sci-fi thrillers. Yeah. Like next. Yeah. But this time, what did the happening? We decided.
Starting point is 00:04:23 This time we decided to cast a wider net and watch what you ladies watch or so lifetime is led me to believe Mm-hmm, and that is 27 dresses trying class Catherine Hygel. That's how you pronounce that I just pronounce hard hard He uses I show clathrin Hygmal. Okay. I'm tired. I don't know cyclops was in this too., and well, that was what made it a little easier for me to watch, because every time it got to a scene with James Marsden, I just imagined that like, at any moment Professor X was gonna call him away to go on a mission. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 He was wearing like contact or something, so it was I'd be in a- Ruby quartz contacts. It was just like, there was a, when I was reading something a long time ago when- X-Men comics, that's what you were reading. Yeah, yeah, no, it's something when, I can't even tell that thing.
Starting point is 00:05:04 What was the movie with Hugh Jackman and Ashley Judd? That's based on the novel animal husbandry. Mm-hmm. I think you're thinking of X-Men. No But that was that was the one where he goes back in time or four. No, that was catalyve pulled with Meg Ryan This is it was where someone had written up a thing. No, the prestige is with no Someone had written everything on the internet where it was he where it made it was you Logan was playing this character And he was saying I was having trouble because I kept thinking pop your claws Logan that'll impress her Yeah, I remember whose blog I read that on though sounds like funny blog. Yeah, but so you're saying that you imagine No, but let's pretend okay, but I kept imagining that he was playing the role who's playing Scott slim summers Cyclops and
Starting point is 00:05:42 Okay, but I kept imagining that he was playing the role, he was playing Scott Slim Summers Cyclops. And Flop House favorite, charisma suck Edward Burns was also in this film. The graveliest voice of his generation. Yeah, and not much else. So interesting. I want to do it with him and Harvey Firestein called Meet the Gravels.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Nice. And yeah, he was very boring. And also what's your name? Judy Greer. Judy Greer. A very funny actress daughter. No, no. uh... and yet he was very boring and also what's your name jude e grier jude e grier uh... and we're a daughter no no wrong again kitty from arrested omen and the romantic interest in the hebron hammer
Starting point is 00:06:15 yeah and uh... malarro mollora hearton uh... and lebison gould from the office is also played who played catholic sister yeah malin acre man who was in the bad Goodby girl remake the Peter the Peter and Bobby fairly remake and The goodby girl goodby girls with Right, isn't it no what the what am I thinking of?
Starting point is 00:06:42 The I know it's on the Tim White tongue. Hold on, hold on. Oh, no, close. Sorry on the pity. No, no. Am. Oh, Jesus Christ. Salo. Kevin, the doctor, Calligarri.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Oh, oh, maybe it was the good bite, y'all. No, no, you're right. It was time in play. But it's one with Ben still are you talking about? Yeah What was the heartbreak kid heartbreak kid? That's the room making a heartbreak kid. Oh Okay, now I know here and Yeah, I'm came poly. Oh just broke my heart. No, that was wasn't that Jennifer Aniston It was there's a favorite in that movie
Starting point is 00:07:21 Go okay, there's a fair it in kindergarten cup, too. I don't know how to do that one up. I don't like you calling Phil Seymour Hoffman a fairytale. No! So, Nightcky, New York, theater knew you. So, to talk about this movie, it's a movie about a woman who was so besided with weddings. She loves weddings. That she cannot turn down the opportunity or the obligation to be in one. So, she has 27 bridesmaid dresses. and here's where I pushed up the movie should have been
Starting point is 00:07:48 called wedaholic yeah I said this yeah I mean going into this movie I don't know about you guys but like movie trailers and like TV this is what I miss when I'm you say I don't know about you guys and then you say the craziest thing in the world I know about you guys but some I can't think anyway, you're saying TV and like movie trailers and stuff have really led me to believe that women are fucking apes shit about getting married. Huh. Yeah, like they become you might even call them bride zillas. Yeah, that's I think that's a term like that's like a phrase right? No, I made it up just okay. That's that's pretty clever. Yeah, I'm that good. So in Japan they say brides euros.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Oh, okay, and they run screaming. Yeah, from Camono Club, Crazy Brides. Here's one of the things. Before Godzilla was made in America, they called them bride-congs. I don't know. Here's something real brief. She has 27 dresses and they're supposed to be,
Starting point is 00:08:42 because bridesmaid dresses are ugly. So they're supposed to be really ugly, stupidid dresses are ugly so they're supposed to be really ugly stupid dresses and one of them is a kimono and then they show a brief like 30 second flashback of her at this wedding and everyone else in the wedding as an Asian woman and it's like well you can't really say the kimono is a crazy bridesmaid dress if it's a Japanese wedding. Well dude if other cultures are crazy Yeah, but if we if one of us was Japanese We would see this and be like, oh my god, the Komodo's Yeah, maybe that's true. Maybe it was maybe it was a very ugly Yeah, I gotta say here's my problem. It's starting off
Starting point is 00:09:17 I'm gonna make a spell that Johansson's butt joke for lost translation, but it's not worth it top top panty shot Just just beat out Howard the Duck. We're really showing our... Somebody ever told me, really showing our sensitive side on this women's episode of The Flop As. Listen, whatever, anyway, you're saying... I'm panty shot and I heard the ducks awesome. Sure.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I don't, all I remember about that movie is when Lea Thompson pulls the duck condom out of Howard's wallet and she's like, oh Howard. Like, oh, you rascal, you rascal duck. It's always having sex. It's like, it's like out, right? It's loose or something. Yeah, loose condom.
Starting point is 00:09:56 They can reuse it. They can reuse them in the duck verse. I didn't know that. Yeah. We read that in a book. I made it up. I remember my favorite part of that movie, which is when yeah, there he goes again with the dark gods. It was like a very funny moment to me because they've never heard this before but But I think it was if they hear it all the time by the way for people who have never seen Howard
Starting point is 00:10:26 the Duck or haven't seen it in years Tim Robinson in that movie everyone yes yes for you yeah but I like him he's he was good in Mystic River yeah I walked by him recently he's better when he's telling a very tall but anyway back to the movie I'm gonna say that are like to roll the timrod watching redemption amazing movie he's on a title level like twenty seven dresses uh... bothers me a little bit i mean twenty-six like alright i like title numbers and that
Starting point is 00:10:54 no that's fine but i'm saying like i'm a well-liked guy relative oooh eight millimeter okay well that's a bad movie with a number of the title i have been a best man precisely once in my life, okay, and then for my brothers, I have two brothers and I think I was a group
Starting point is 00:11:11 has been in one of them and I think the other I was just an usher. So for a woman to be a bride man, 27 times. She's not always the headbrides. It's also that she's in 27 also that She also goes out of her way to help the the brides organize their wedding I don't know I don't even know like She's behind that position well enough to who would invite me to their wedding. No, but you're not a woman They make a lot of friends. They live in a labratton networks of female I think I think you're making a good point like nothing about this character in the rest of the movie would lead me to believe that she Actually makes friends. Yeah Yeah, that's true. Plus why can't it just be like 13 dresses like that's still an absurd number
Starting point is 00:11:51 But a believably absurd one and you got pull unlucky 13. That's pretty good I guess 27 rolls off the tongue though. Yeah 27 but it is a hilarious number. It's impossible. It's the funniest number. It's been scientifically proven but I'm Maddically proven it's like a mean chuck James rolling does bring up a good point Which is that you never get the feeling from Catherine high goal I like an old bulldog What was it like being married? That's the average awesome. They say Josh, Berlin, whatever, they're all brolens.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Sure, no. Anyway, Charles Bronzno, over there, was saying, that Catherine Higles character Jane, is she has these friends that she's brought to me with, but you never see them outside of those wedding scenes, and her character has no social life and no life whatsoever. She's not very nice. And she's not very nice. She's an unsyidetic character in almost every way well let me very quickly
Starting point is 00:12:47 she starts drinking like every girl once she gets a couple drinks at her she's way more fun let me very quickly sum up the basic we'll talk about that later just just ran it off oh yeah we didn't do the talk like a cat and a high goal works for Edward Burns she's totally in love with him but she's saying she has a big crush never said anything she's always the brides made never the bride who her sister gulping malign acrimon comes into town uh... and immediately of course Edward Burns falls for her of course and their uh... remancing each other they're gonna get married
Starting point is 00:13:20 meanwhile there's uh... james marston c's cathana who is a who writes the wedding yeah pages for the new york journal the new york the famous new york newspaper the new york journal which uses the
Starting point is 00:13:33 same fonts and design layout as the new york times yeah i think of the times with soot and for that and it's a liberal news paper oh yeah i'm sure it was in the i get the information they explain from the commitment section it was in the tank for obama and weddings but the information they explained from the commitment section it was in the tank for obama and weddings but the point is he writes the commitment section which is all about weddings and he gets you know he's got a real hates
Starting point is 00:13:52 weddings he hates weddings but he has to go to all of them he notices catholic high-gl being at two weddings in the same day he's got a real he's got a real nose for news elia yes he does like magror of Dog. Was his family killed at a wedding or something? No, his, he explains as they're registering for gifts for another wedding. He got married and then his wife left him or his wife left him at the wedding.
Starting point is 00:14:15 It's not really explained that clearly. Oh, right. That was a scene where Katherine Hagel's character won the legendary double bingo. Yes, no, no, that's guessing it, right? Yeah, that was she won double bingo and they registered for a gold pig statue cathana hyrule does not know that he's just doing a feature story on her
Starting point is 00:14:30 this is the crazy he's he wants to do a feature tell all on the how corrupt the wedding industry is to human interest story about this woman is all point is to show that the wedding industry is destroyed lives icy but the point is she doesn't know that she's just a story to him all the while he's falling for her. And as we said, you can tell that he's
Starting point is 00:14:51 gonna fall for her because he's the only other male character in the movie who's not her dead. Yeah, and we're talking about this, Ellie. We're talking about how like this would seem ridiculously contrived in a movie made today, such as 27 dresses. Yeah. But if this was the plot of a classic 1930s screwball comedy, we'd be like, oh, this is great. This is, look, look. Like the plotting and the- If Preston Sturgis had written it, directed it,
Starting point is 00:15:12 and Catherine Higel was played by Jean Arthur, and her sister was played by Claudette Colbert, and Ed Burns was played by Raymeland, and James Marston- I think this is gonna be a Judy holiday probably. Okay, I'll give you that. And she was a little bit later. But and James Marston was played think this is gonna be a Judy holiday probably. Okay, I'll give you that. And she was a little bit later. But then James Marston was played by like Eddie Bracken.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Then this was like, made in the late 30s or like 1941. Then you'd be like, oh, it's brilliant, the way that the concepts, oh, of course he hates weddings, but he writes for them and she loves weddings. Like, it would be so much easier to take because it would be in this cartoonish 30s world, as opposed to the- Well, also there would be Clevver.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Post 9-11 world of today. So wait, there would be a banter and joke. Oh, also it would be a funny, well-written movie with like a cartoon- Wait, like a true friend, Roger, right? But or something? Exactly. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I can put that into context. There you go, yeah. Feel like who- That sounds great. So you say there would be cartoons that didn't write with this one? It's awesome. Wait, we there be cartoons that interact with them? So, wait, we like modern technology, right?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah, exactly. That sounds awesome. But, uh, completely, oh, but anyway, they, uh, blah, blah, blah, blah, and Ed Burns proposes to Catherine Heikl's sister. Catherine Heikl gets mad. The newspaper article runs the day after she sleeps with James Marsden after a drunken uh... sing along to many in the jets she gets mad at him and everything set on a rollercoaster ride to people ending up together and like any
Starting point is 00:16:33 Shakespeare play or greek play ends in a wedding yeah except for many of the Shakespeare plays in a great way they don't that don't end in wedding stuff stuff by softacles that's all that's, his stuff is always pretty. Sophocles. So we're in hated weddings.
Starting point is 00:16:47 But yeah, it's more like an Aristophanies play, except again, poorly written. No thanks. But even then, there were a couple moments of, there were a couple genuine jokes in it, but mostly it was not, there was a lack of jokes. Like there were not a lot of gags in this game. They were boner jokes than Aristophanies play, though,
Starting point is 00:17:03 if I were to. Oh, in the Aristophanies play, there's a lot of it. Yeah, there's more boner jokes in this family. Boner jokes and aerost and aerost and aerost and aerost and aerost and aerost aerost aerost what it means the list of the is ancient greek for the losing it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha secret to let you're really transporting me all the time. But I'm a Shelley Longson. The main problem with this movie, there are a lot of problems with this movie, but the main problem is that Catherine Hyggell, I feel, is a completely unlikeable protagonist. She is trapped in a prison of her own making. She keeps going to these weddings. Now, are you blaming Catherine Hygell the actress or Catherine Hygell's character? A little bit of both, because her character is a problem of writing, directing, and acting. Yeah. a little bit of both because her character is a problem of writing directing an act yeah her character complains about you know being all of these the brides made
Starting point is 00:18:08 but she also is a complete dormant and also she complains about her sister um... going for this guy but she never makes it clear to her sister that she likes this guy all she has to do is say I've had a question for years and what you're doing is hurting me and then she and it allows the sister to stay in a apartment for months on end which is awkward because they have to imagine she had burned driving incredibly loud sex on the couch
Starting point is 00:18:32 yeah absolutely living room that's where I would do it if I was the head of urban Everest and popular and let's not go back to let's not go back to my apartment let's go to my assistance apartment which is also your sister and do it on her account mainly because I've always thought about doing somebody on this girl's couch let's uh go back to my apartment let's go to my assistance apartment which is also your sister and do it on her account
Starting point is 00:18:45 mainly because i've always thought about doing somebody on this girl's couch let's uh... back up a moment at eddy burns he's the eddy burns because you suddenly became a seventy year old man from a Hollywood eddy burns back of the day eddy burns was known for having the gravity of voice around no personality but i have a gravity voice. No, he's the CEO, I guess, of Urban Everett. I guess he was the founder owner. Yeah, who I guess is, you know, it's I'm too suggest. I couldn't go. It's a good boy. It's a good point. He's maybe he's just the top designer.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Urban Everett is some kind of what like an urban outfitter store works led to believe because he met he says once He likes the outdoors. Yeah, but he's like a real like a green guy. I guess he's a he's an eco nut Yeah, a comet. Yeah, he's one of the planeteers. Yeah Wait, those are people who make captain planet with those rings. He's an earth elemental. They all all those kids. I guess they reconbonded that. Well the kids don't turn into Captain Planet. They just bring him out of the rings. Oh, they're not the fucking forever people, Dan. They don't form into one superhero. God damn it. I never understood that one kids's the Brazilian kids ring the one that's hard. Yeah, that's hard.
Starting point is 00:20:07 We can talk to animals and he's Brazilian so he's got that Latin passion so he can seduce women. Firing. Yeah, that's a thing. They had the four elements and they're like, at heart. Yeah. I guess it's a precursor to the fifth element, where the fifth element was loved. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I think Luke Besson probably kind of cribbed from Kevin Blight Still can't plan a 10 real oh Magnifique I'm putting my movie. Yeah, put a dash Chris Tucker in my brilliantly designed poorly plotted movie Looked dishonest so comically friendly. Yeah, he also was a black and white striped shirt in a beret And carries red scarf carries a baguette everywhere. A bottle of wine. We have a lot to say about 27 dresses. Obviously. Well, 27 dresses was what we were kind of afraid it would be.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I feel like like a bland movie. Like, it was very professionally made, but very uninspired. Right. And, you know, the story structure was kind of there, but it was very loose and lackadaisical. No, not even a lot of like chemistry between any of the characters. It was like let's take a great rom-com example like Fools Gold where you have the chemistry between Powerhouse's Makana Hay and Hudson. This movie just doesn't compare. I will say that James Marsden who in the X-Men movies is cardboard.
Starting point is 00:21:27 In this I thought was very likable. Did he get turned into particles in the last one? Yeah, and the third one he got killed. That was really weird. I saw him and they got rid of him. There's nothing they could do with him. I saw him in the movie version of Hairspray, the musical based on the original Hairspray movie.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And I also saw him in Enchanted. And he was actually really good in both of those movies and I think that he has a talent for being in airy comedies. I think people cannot bring to being Cyclops. I think they thought that they were hiring Josh Hartnett when they hired him to play Cyclops but maybe he that's things. He's kind of he's kind of like Brad Pitt maybe then like that where he's better at doing silly rules almost. Yeah, but because he's a handsome guy It's like you're gonna be our serious like James Franco Well, that's another problem James Franco's good at being like a slow a stone out slacker or something like that
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, but he was great in the in the Spider-Man movies when he got wacky or as they went on. No, I don't really think that was. Well, it's okay to be wrong sometimes. So, what you were saying. You really, you really blew away that omelette making scene. So. That scene was awesome. From the start, James Marston's character is clearly much more likable than Edward Burns. And I feel like, you know, at this point in time, for one of these movies to work, it has to be at least a little tension And I feel like, you know, at this point in time, for one of these movies to work, there has to be at least a little tension where you're like, I don't know which one of these guys I want to end up with.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah, and that was not clear. That like, no, she gets the financial security of Edward Burns. And also, as you pointed out, I mean, that urban Everest is doing great business. Also, as you pointed out, Katherine Haigol is at least just good looking, if not better looking than Malena Acerman and they make her look like the Dowdy one by putting her in a ponytail. Yeah and she's got great boobs man.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah you can't mention it like five times. Well at least five times. Oh yeah minimum. We'll say five times minimum. But we all agree she has a kind of puffy face. Did we all agree? I don't love we agreed to it, but I thought I saw it like agreement in your eyes. You know what we were watching. You can tell I really wanted to agree. She has a very round face, but not round in like a Christina Ricci way. Yeah. Which is very cute, more round and kind of like a, yeah, you know, you're pretty enough, I you'll do yeah exactly that'll do pig that kind of thing you know how to
Starting point is 00:23:50 catty anyway but it's uh... i'm not really a cathartic title type you know so we'd like to point out for those who were wondering there is a montage of the film of her she tried on the dresses every one of the twenty seven that's well that's the money shot of the movie. You had to have that scene.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I thought that was how the movie was pitched. I thought the money shot was the final shot where they show all the women who had weddings that she had to go to. That's why these dresses show and she makes these women wear those dresses. Which is pretty much the thing. Which is pretty much the thing. Which is that they throw them out. And then the other thing is like...
Starting point is 00:24:21 Well, I assume that's going on. I would also assume they didn't actually have bridesmaids dress from their own wedding because they were wearing fucking wedding dress yeah it doesn't make sense but um I was like that's like that's money shot number two like the dress money should dress trying on montages dollars and then the ending is since okay two money shots a lot of stamina in this oneward yeah if you were a lady okay uh... give me a second okay with this uh... give you warm romantic feelings and maybe turn you on just a little bit
Starting point is 00:24:52 uh... yeah yeah i mean i'm i'm pretty easy though i had some i had some drinks so what you're saying is you're really dumb lady wow wow that is an incredible value judge. That is very hard. I don't know if I'd say really dumb. I'm easy. That's a thing. I'm not sure. I don't go see 27 dresses because I want like
Starting point is 00:25:15 a fucking romance to last the ages or anything. No, you can see with your girlfriends. This is a movie. I feel like this is a movie where it's like it's raining. You're not in a great mood. You're wearing sweatpants. Maybe you're just your pajamas still and like and like you Wow who's who's trotting out the And you take out a pint of hog and does and you know this is on the rag Wow, okay, that was a little much But now it's a competition to alienator female obvious, but it is even sometimes It isn't even like this is even like comfort food or like Anything like that. It's just like a you know a past the time
Starting point is 00:25:50 Pleasant movie for for a woman to watch. Yeah, you get out of heating pad and put it on your tummy To boil away the baby inside Now I'm not even to blame at this point But like the same way that I would like that I would throw on like Westworld I guess which is not an amazing movie but I just watched that recently. It's really good. It is really good, but it's like I guess Westworld isn't the right choice. It's like Jurassic Park for people who are cool. Yeah, maybe like Jurassic Park like it's a lazy day. I'm in my pajamas. I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:22 it's surreal out of the box. For me it's the running man. Like I just want to watch and move with dinosaurs in it. The running man is my, if it's on TBS, I'll watch it no matter what. Rule, like, I'll have to call and sick to work. Run into a lot of jobs. Run man's, I get out of your house. It's a good thing that Shawshank Redemption isn't that one, because you would never get to a day of work.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Absolutely. They only hold shit. It's being played back to back. Better, it's better to go buy another box of Kleenex Because it's gonna be crying a lot and another by some man Poggy does the old man kills himself. He's been so institutional That's the scene that does it for it. They make you cry, huh? Yep, that's like halfway through the movie That's a thing like after I don't even know what happens to be It's a fucking valiant piece. He's soon at the end of it. Yeah, I mean, it's yeah, it's I can't see very
Starting point is 00:27:04 Sad story about a man has been failed by the penal system. Yeah,ays. He's soon at the end of it. Yeah, I mean, it's, yeah, I can't see very well. It's a sad story about a man who's been failed by the penal system. Absolutely, that's it. But yeah, the same way we would watch like an action movie or something. Sure, like Running Man. Yeah, like Running Man or like Command O, or like, oh, Command O's on, yeah, like, oh, 27 dresses is on.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I guess I'll sit around and watch it. Like, it's a league of their own, almost. Sh-level movie that way. Like, the league of their own loan was not, I think a movie that made no one cry or feel an emotion But if it's on TV like I would watch that movie if it was on but for other reasons like I thought that both Gina you have a big Lori petty crush. I thought she was awfully cute in that movie and then she disappeared She was in that sitcom the world she made tank girl and then she was in that sitcom and then she disappeared Lori Petty if you're out there please send us an email. We just want to know you're okay and Tom Petty just gave up the good work
Starting point is 00:27:54 You're doing great a great job on King of the Hill. Well good story about 27 dresses So like yeah, it's kind of weird like none of female characters, like her sister isn't that likeable either. Her sister's very unlikeable, but she's supposed to be kind of unlikeable. Which is kind of weird because Edward Burns's character doesn't really have a personality or anything, but you're meant to believe that he's desirable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Like this is a movie that was written, directed, and stars, women, and like none of the characters are any more better, well-rounded, or emotionally realistic than in a different movie. Like, the women are not very likeable, the men are not very likeable. It's like you'd expect- The only likeable actors are friend, right,
Starting point is 00:28:34 played by the Judy Greer. Yeah. You'd expect like- Oh, I would like much better in the lead role. Yeah. You'd expect like a woman's touch of some sort in the movie to make it more realistic, but instead the woman's touch seem to be like, these are the kinds of dresses you wear a wedding. Also this movie like the big moment of her standing up for herself is making a speech
Starting point is 00:28:53 and I guess the rehearsal dinner for the wedding pointing out that her sister has lied about a bunch of things to this guy. However the things that she's lied about are things like. Oh I love animals. I love animals or hiking. I don't eat fatty food anymore and then she shows her eating like a plate of rib. I want to say one last thing. I mean that, I mean, one last thing. Yeah, we're not done. No, I'm just saying about the reveal of the deception. Oh, the deception. Oh, to me, it felt like the happening, where the big reveal is that though we did, Chanel went out with a coworker to have dessert. Like the same level of betrayal, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, it was very, I guess the winning's off. You need to know the, it's like if a, my girlfriend doesn't like fish, she doesn't eat fish. It's like if we got engaged and then right before we got married. Bayer fish? No, I don't like the ban fish. The food, she doesn't eat the the band she doesn't eat the food fish
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh like seafood she doesn't like seafood she also doesn't eat the band. Yeah, but If it's like if before the wedding something else to talk about for this bad game Yeah, if before the wedding her sister showed a slide show with pictures of her eating fish was like actually she loves seafood I wouldn't be like oh my god this who is this woman I'd be like oh really I don't okay we should have fish at the wedding then however you would break up with her if You saw her rocking out of the fish concert. I would fucking dump her Yeah, cuz I'm because I'm Jay Z Yeah, cuz I'm because I'm Jay Z So I throw crystal in her face
Starting point is 00:30:24 It's up your fucking your pre wedding or reset weight rehearsal dinner rehearsal dinner. Yeah, you'll have crystal there, right? Yeah, I don't think so okay, and for my rehearsal dinner We're gonna be rehearsing scenes from death of a salesman. So oh by the time I get married I'm gonna be running television You'll be the king of the king of television Not aside who lives who dies Gary and married you did time I get married I'm gonna be running television. You'll be the king of television. I'll be the king of television. Not a side who lives and who dies. Gary unmarried you're dead. No, man, Jay.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Bones, I'll let you live. But now, with the guy from Angel. Numbers I like your moxie. You spelled your name with a number in it. I'll let you stay, too. It was like my old sketch, it was like the show Letters. With the letters in the spell of the schwa, and he solved crimes with his knowledge of grammar.
Starting point is 00:31:08 That's ghost writer, basically. That's the PBS children's series ghost writer. Wait a minute. Group of kids and an alien that can read and write things and travel through computers that helps them solve crime. Wait, there's a fucking alien? Yeah. I don't want to watch this shit.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Is this anything like that show, early edition? The alien? The alien? No Network show was that shit was awesome dude. That's when we're against the newspaper a day. Yeah, I'm I sign up for that That's a great service It's a really I right now. I just have the weekend here, but I'd love to have the problem being of course that like you feel compelled to stop Crimes and what was the what was the all-forvert flat show where he was a crusading newspaper reporter? I don't know, Deadline, I think.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Maybe it was Deadline. Cole Jack the Night Stalker? No, that was a completely different character and actor and premise. It was there, Megavin. Dermygavin, and he was a... The father from a Christmas story. He was a private eye fighting monsters. So the question is, do we actually have anything more
Starting point is 00:32:06 to say about 27 dresses? It was very mediocre, but I feel good about us getting out of our comfort zone. Yeah. We could have watched like, saw four, and instead, we watched 27 dresses. Yeah, you know, I actually like had a good time watching this. I mean, you know, we're not value judgments or anything.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Well, no, let's do that right now. But let's, but compare to. Oh, okay. I'll save it. I'll save it then, let's do that. But let's compare to the fan final judgment about whether this is a good bad master, damn, bad movie or a movie kind of liked. Well, I just didn't like if we're gonna talk about it, we should put it in its own section. That's all I'm saying. Sex, shin, because it's a girl. God. Maybe it's like the weather, but you know, or you can't stop 27 dresses. Or is the the the the the coolers light I drank
Starting point is 00:32:52 while I watch the watch the the feature, but I thought you were saying the movie was like the weather. No, you know, like I'll give it a good, a good, bad movie. I had a good time watching it. It was weird. I have a real hard time. Actually, I feel like this falls outside of our categories. Yeah. Because it wasn't a it wasn't actually a good movie in any way. No, it's true. I wouldn't say it's a bad movie because it moved
Starting point is 00:33:17 along at like a good clip. It was a different. It was easier to watch than so much that we watch, but it was not bad in any funny way either like I feel like The brats move here something. Yeah, I never would have guessed that the brats move would be our cold sander Or I know who killed me. I mean, I feel like I had fun watching it, but only because I was with you guys So yeah, well right wait, let's let's put it into this kind of context You go see this movie with your girl right guys You know what I'm what I'm talking about your best girl. Yeah, you have to take the one you take you take your steady wins So you take your time to a movie and you're gonna watch watch a movie. What do you think is?
Starting point is 00:33:58 27 dresses one you put your little walkman your buds in and listen to the game on Or do you actually watch the said by a man who doesn't watch sports I guess or as you technology in the last you know you know you listen to the latest sport of your transistor radio yeah you're listening to the Brooklyn Dodgers play the Hoboken Zephyr's well I and I- And I think this would be- It came out in February, maybe. But only because there'd be nothing else in the theater. Oh, good. This is what- if I went with my girlfriends then, uh, I would not-
Starting point is 00:34:33 I wouldn't be my first choice, but I wouldn't be like- Oh! Ah! Painful! It wasn't like when my mom once showed me Bridget Jones' diary, which I found abominable. Yeah, I had to go see how i got a group back in the theater you're putting this above bridge Jones that was a heart that was hard i don't know that was like this was like pleasantly fake and that was
Starting point is 00:34:56 that's like you grand con for the two fine comic actors yeah they both made bad movies before all right but i but i did go on two movie dates with my girlfriend this weekend And we saw quantum solace and frost Nixon. So you know what I don't have to cross Nixon's out Well, we saw a screener telling me that ladies can like good movies that aren't about weddings or Romantic I guess what I'm saying is anybody can like any movie and we shouldn't judge people by their gender Well, yes, that's the secret surprise message of this episode of the Blav House. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:28 And this is coming from a guy who, uh... Well, did you just tell me to spread it? Yeah, that's what we are. What the fuck, dude? This is a very rare dude. A very surprise ending of Blav House. I mean, it's an anal rape, I guess. I didn't say it.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Jesus, I didn't say it. I didn't say it. I didn't spread them. Hell it help me out here. Listen, I don't want to be involved. We'll forget stuff at least. God damn it. I'm very surprised. Not even get him, but spread him. He didn't say spread. He said spread, which is worse. Oh my god, dude Terrific. Well forget the word to say There goes my morals there's my moral for the episode. I feel like I'm gonna throw up Got I gotta take a shower Anyway, but the same way that you know I'm guys can like musicals, too. There's no hard and fast rule here
Starting point is 00:36:23 Okay guys, I'm guys can like musicals too. There's no hard and fast rule here. Okay, guys, especially. So yeah, I think we all agree with this. This is a whole homophobic. But me also. So I think we're all in agreement. This was a great movie. So, uh, moving on. Man, I'll tell you one thing. I don't know if it's because you're here
Starting point is 00:36:36 or because 88 minutes was hard, was depressing, but this is so much more fun than we watched 88 minutes. So, uh, hey, we're gonna talk about movies we saw recently you wanna recommend, right? Yeah, let's do it, man. Okay, guys, the movie, the movie I like to recommend stars a certain creature of the night
Starting point is 00:36:56 and it's gonna be coming your way soon, it's called Twilight. Let me tell you right now. You're recommending movie you haven't seen. I haven't seen, but I saw the trailers and Let me tell you those vampires are hot They're all underage the dudes those dudes aren't under oh my god. They are I believe so oh Jesus all like 1617. Oh my god Okay, well
Starting point is 00:37:24 You can't to revise all your day vampire fantasy. Can I recommend something else then? Sure. Okay. Then I'll recommend a different vampire movie. It's called Let the Right One In. It's Swedish, I think. I want to see that. I saw it about a week ago and it is totally awesome, aside from a couple weird CGI bits, but it's basically about a lonely ago and it is totally awesome, aside from a couple weird CGI bits, but it's basically about a lonely little kid who is bullied and the friends, this strange girl that just moved in next door to him who happens to be the empire. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Well, yeah, I mean, like, she's got blood on her face on the poster, dude. Maybe she fell down. Yep. maybe I punched her in the face. It happens. But yeah, it's totally awesome. If you like awesome horror movies or like, if you like vampire movies, it's awesome. Well, if you like vampire movies that basically are good and are somewhat care-driven, yeah, it was really good. Totally good. Awesome movie. I want to recommend, and this is very appropriate, to the theme of the night,
Starting point is 00:38:28 Rachel getting married. It's, uh, why? I don't, I'm good at it. It's about a wedding. Oh, you know, everything that you're sharing up thinking about Rachel getting married. I might be a little bit, man, that movie, that movie, I, it made me cry. Everything that I've said to Dite and I'm with Standing, I'm a me cry everything that I've said to Dite notwithstanding I'm a fan of weddings I love going to weddings and what this movie accomplishes and you know all the critics have said this but what the credit this movie accomplishes make you feel like you've been to this wedding and you know you're introduced to these characters not as characters in
Starting point is 00:39:02 a movie but as you would naturally sort of get to know people that you don't know over the course of an event like that and it's beautiful and it's a great Jonathan Demi movie I like Jonathan Demi most of the time and this is certainly one of his I think one of his best movies and stars your buddy uh and hathaway and my buddy who I don't even know that well well but you you know her better than we know her I guess so Hey tell her uh Ellie went to school with him. She was she can't she went to the same high school as me She was a year behind me my mom and her parents are are friendly, but now I never really knew her that well Tell her what's up. I think she's on the show this week actually our show. Are you gonna? No?
Starting point is 00:39:41 I'm the daily show not on the flop house Are you gonna know the daily show not on the flop house? No, I don't think so I'm not gonna recognize you if you say I don't think she would and I would have nothing to say to her Yeah, I'll get my gear book sign where the yearbook I didn't buy because I hated high school Somehow you forgot to sign this Mizhath away Spot set out to eBay customer. If you could subtly insinuate that we were involved somehow while we were in school. And also wait, let me.
Starting point is 00:40:14 But it's weird to make the kind of jokes that I was making about Katherine Heigel and her, you know, and like you were, you know, we were making boob jokes before the recording because we're dudes whatever I it is it is weird for me to make those kinds of jokes about Any halfway because just of knowing your BFF family all right Well here's not BFFs. I make I make jokes about my friends boobs all the time You know whatever. Oh, so you're like just be I don't think B goes into it.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I've avoided bringing this up before, but since it came up organically, now we've had a discussion before about how, you know, and a half a way has been topless in a couple of her roles and you were saying how, like, you were like, oh, I feel like I need to look away during those scenes because you've known her madness. Sim,i personally.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Kind of. Well, it's just kind of like having seen her, because I have not seen her in person since high school. So it's like, I think of her as someone I see in the halls in high school. Right. Now here's what I have to say about that. Of course, when I was a high school student,
Starting point is 00:41:18 there was almost no girl that I walked by that I didn't want to see. Right. Well, here's the thing. Here's what I want to say about that. Very gentlemanly of you. However it it blows my mind because like if I went to high school with a woman who was then topless in a movie I would want to see that movie all the more I want to see your naked all that more people I didn't even care about seeing naked in high school
Starting point is 00:41:38 I would want to see naked in movie just out of curiosity like guys even like guys I knew in high school like oh well that's what's going on there okay that's a tackle looks like that's isn't that the premise of the new Kevin Smith movie actually I guess so it's the I the reason they're making the porn wrapping movies because they figured that people they went to high school with would buy it because oh that aspect of it I don't know yeah I didn't know that they must have gone to a big high school they hope to make some movie some money back.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You you you just slipped that in there. I was trying to avoid admitting that I saw this movie Neither of us would have made fun of you for it. It's a movie that came out. But also in passing I want to say also now that Obama's president I went I saw President-elect New Ending. Yeah, I saw no end in sight the Iraq war documentary, you know, just to look back on the mistakes of recent history and If you want to see a movie that makes you feel sad and Angry and scared if those are emotions that you enjoy 27 dresses I would recommend 27
Starting point is 00:42:41 Imagine the guy in the video store who's got 27 dresses in one hand and 28 days later in the other hand. He's like, 28's more than 27. So do I have to see 27 dresses first or? Elliot, what do you have to recommend? I don't remember from the past. I've recommended the movie The Fall or not. I think I might have, but I saw that again recently.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And I think it's really great. Got to legend of the fall. No, not legend of the fall. The fall is a little... What led to the fall? No, not leds of the fall. The fall is it. Wait, Darcym sings the fall. Yeah, Darcym sings the fall. The guy directed the cell. Directed the cell. The most terrible movie.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Which is a terrible movie, but this is like... You can tell watching that this is the movie kind of, and I just was reading about it today. Basically, he made a lot... He made a good amount of money making commercials and he decided well This is the movie I'm gonna spend this money on and so he spent his own money and several years of his life You know in his spare time making this very beautiful to look at movie that I find very touching also But when it came out the reviews were very mixed it was like there's a lot of pretty pictures But the story never really comes together, but it very comes together very well for me so I'd recommend that one if you haven't seen it which probably haven't
Starting point is 00:43:49 because it was not released very much and otherwise I saw Frost Nixon recently and that was pretty good too you know the fall is a movie that like I'm crying at the end of Frost Nixon was a movie I was like that was a good movie but that was that's coming as soon as the interview theater near you. Wow. I went to see, I will say, this is my business dropping section of the podcast, is I went to see that at a WGA screener where Ron Howard, one of the producers, we're doing a discussion afterwards and John Waters was in the audience sitting not too far away from where I was. And during the question and recession john waters asked
Starting point is 00:44:26 the most perfectly john waters question when he goes uh... he goes now you had pat mccormick from the bad seed playing richard nixon's wife pat nixon was that that was a good was that like a nice little like on purpose a cameo there and run house like no that was a coincidence that
Starting point is 00:44:44 the moment but i'd love that john waters is watching the movie and probably recognizes the woman playing nixon uh... this is nixon and then season the credits that it's uh... the what that it's the woman who you know fifty years ago played the little girl in the bad seed and made the connection in his head and it's like old john waters you're a treasure never change that was i'm not a huge fan of r Howard as a director, but I thought he did a pretty good job for us next one. Wait a minute, he did a beautiful mind.
Starting point is 00:45:12 He did a beautiful mind, which I hate. That movie was quick, fantastic. Oh, it's awful. Yeah, I think that's the worst. I would say it's the worst best picture winner of the last 10 years, but I think Crash edges it out. And even, yeah, I guess so Gladiators not a great movie Chicago's not a great movie. They're not terrible movies, but like
Starting point is 00:45:33 I don't enjoy Latter-year I enjoy Chicago Chicago. I enjoyed but it was like it was so disposable Bridget Jones Diaries Anything with Renee Zoiger. You love that cool mountain. Cool mountain. You love. Come on. I can't even think of any of it. Jerry McGuire. You love. I'm having trouble thinking of Renee Zoiger movies. Apollosa was she in that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Let's see. She was a master of the next generation. Oh my God. That moves the worst movie ever with Matthew McConaughey. was she in that I don't know let's say she was a mess her the next generation oh my god that moves the worst movie ever with Matthew McConaughey I know I want to kill myself I almost killed myself watching that movie is so bad I like bad movies and I like them I like them and this one was really bad it's been a while since I've done this sort of thing on the show but I want to say thank you to everyone who keeps going to podcast alley dot com and voting for a show we get to do you know three or four votes
Starting point is 00:46:30 a month steadily which is great uh... and we're always ranked you know within the top fifty of comedy podcast uh... i get us to number one well that's what i'm i'm declaring uh... in november but this is the flop house pledge drive you don't have to pay any money this is
Starting point is 00:46:48 you do not like a pbs pledge drive but if you want a copy of cesar's writers of the hs you will pass the house to back you will have to give us money but this is this is the yet this is a pledge drive for listeners because you know what elia's fancy uh... television job aside this is a rinky dink organization we don't have a publicist we don't have an
Starting point is 00:47:10 advertising all we have is listeners like you so it you're the real backbone of this project i would urge you to go with a heart to podcast alley vote for us uh... juke the stats don't vote multiple times don't you can that much but that's what we should bring up posters with our faces that says juke the stats don't vote multiple times don't do that much but that's what we should put a poster to our faces that says juke the stats
Starting point is 00:47:28 uh... they can put them in they can put them up in elementary school is a lot of you don't even know you don't know what you could start a lot of i don't know that was a rare anyway uh... i'd like to thank all of the people who link to us from their personal
Starting point is 00:47:41 websites we actually get a lot of traffic through links like that if you're willing to put up a link for us, please do so. If you contact us, we could put up a reciprocal link on our website. Do whatever. And I'm saying this, if anyone can prove somehow that they've brought in a lot of new listeners, I don't know, maybe there's something in it for them. I don't know what it is. Well, we get a story, story new flop house contest. Yeah. Since the last one the prize was technically never claimed. It's still that we still have it.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Well, a full prize at point. Okay, well I meant the flop it up with the floppers. Yeah. Whatever that contest was called. It's true. I'd still do that, man. You know, get us some listeners listeners. And if you want to write in, as always, the email is the Flophouse podcast at, website
Starting point is 00:48:30 And that's all I want to say business-wise. I've sucked the air out of the room with that. I'm just touched by the sincerity of that thanks and plea for more assistance. I think being a joke right now would be, um, unbecoming of me. Be kind of crass. Yeah. But would it be unbecoming of your mustache? My mustache wants to make a comment about boobs again I'll keep it down there. I got it on the control. Oh, you know, oh, that's it
Starting point is 00:48:56 That's the movie gonna make it's called lustash and you're like a very prim guy But you grow a mustache and the mustache is really horny So you end up getting into sexy situations with mishaps and misunderstandings because of your mustache. That is an awesome movie. It's called mustache. Dr. Jack, you're a little Mr. I'd situation Dr.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Jacqueline, Mr. mustache. And the mustache just wants to take the ladies in special places. Yeah, sure. What Dan just said, exactly. Yeah, it'd be a lot of good luck. Chuck, but, but awesomer instead of seeing daincook in hardcore porn situations
Starting point is 00:49:30 it'd be steward wellington and hardcore porn situation i don't know if they'd have to be hardcore porn situations i mean come on this is pg 13 maybe oh it's a pg 13 movie with lust in the title okay well sure this is a dis this is one of the disappointing us a up all night yeah absolutely oh you mean all of them well sure they all been edited for content however when I was a middle schooler oh no certainly I was excited whenever I bikini car wash I mean I was excited just to see Ronda Sheer in the in the framing segment sure I mean at the you'll work out for
Starting point is 00:50:00 not so much I think some of the key like see instead of hardcore sex it would be like like a shot of a chick taking her top off and like a boeing sound effect. And the mustache here is go my hair would be shot up in the air like yeah that'd be awesome. Eventually the climax of all the mustache I guess trying to tear itself off of your face to get out of woman. Yeah. Like you chain yourself to a bed or something like that so make make sure that mustache can't get you into any more trouble. Like at the end of 40 days and 40 nights. I haven't seen that. Where he ties himself to a bed and then gets raped.
Starting point is 00:50:32 By yeah. That's something. It's not a comedy. It's supposed to be a comedy. It's a horrible. I feel like throw that movie away. I'm going to throw it away. And the person is listening to this while holding a coffee
Starting point is 00:50:44 before he gets pretty nice. Throw it away. Unfortunately, I feel like we're just written I'm fine. But the person just listening to this while holding a copy of 40 nights. The role in a whole unfortunately, I feel like we're just written like a trauma film, you know. What do you mean, unfortunately? Well, trauma, you know, that's a studio where I always feel like I should enjoy the movies and I'm like, I'm glad that they exist. I'm glad that that company exists. But then I watch one of the movies and I'm like, yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:51:02 This will be trauma done right. It's got like Kevin Smith movies for me. Like I'm glad he's making movies, but I'm like, yeah, all right. This will be trauma done right. It's a guy I can't miss myth movies for me. Like I'm glad he's making movies, but I'm always underwhelmed. Yeah, I like him more as a personality than I was a director. Yeah. I like him more as the bald bearded guy at the end of Southland Tales than anything else. Fucking dick.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Nobody else saw that movie. Oh, you had, I saw that movie. I feel there. Because I knew nobody else would see it it and I needed proof that it existed I needed my memories and all we have is our memories on that note. Thanks for listening to the flop house dudes My name is Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliott Kalen. Good night. Southland tales. I want the fuck I was wondering what the fuck. I thought you were going to say that Alabama Jones and the Busty Crusade was on. Or the great bikini offer adventure.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Great they haven't shown that movie in years. I know, but um, so. At least Dan was current. Dan you raised a good question though. Why didn't they continue the Alabama Jones series? Well they started out with the last one. They didn't spoof. They should have started with Raiders of the Lost Boobs
Starting point is 00:52:08 or something like that. Raiders of the Panty Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yeah. Raiders of the Lost Bust. It has to have Bust or Boob or something. Yeah. Because that's the whole thing. Let's start with the second.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Boobers of the Lost Bust. Boobers. Alabama Boobs and the Boobs. The first Alabama boobs and the and the boobs and the boobs patrol. Alabama breasts and the boomers of the lost bus. Okay, there's like that reality show I want to pitch the Fox World's most unexpected
Starting point is 00:52:38 boobs. Situation is where people didn't expect there to be boobs. I think that's every like European comic prank show. Yeah, can I, uh, try to be the host?

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