The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #34 - Mirrors

Episode Date: March 28, 2009

0:00 - 0:38 - Introduction and theme.0:39 - 30:46 - Is Mirrors scarier or less scary than any other horror film starring an inanimate object?30:47 - 33:46 - Final judgments.  33:47 - 43:35 - Letters ...from listeners and a window into Dan's low self esteem.43:36 - 49:25 - The sad bastards recommend.49:26 - 50:11 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 This week we discuss Kiefer Sutherland in mirrors. The film that decided that the most scary part of any horror movie is that part where something unexpected is seen in a mirror and said, let's just make a whole movie of that. You can welcome us, my love. Yes, switch it up. Welcome to the Floor Pyr piles. This is Stuart Wellington. This is Dan McCoy. This is Elliot Kaelin, Chip Chip, Hario, and so forth. Wait, wait, wait, are you English? I am today. It's St. Patrick's Day, the day we celebrate England in
Starting point is 00:00:59 all its glory. No, that's not, that's not, no, it's totally different island what did Jamaica day is that today we've seen Patrick uh magical yes he's a saint yeah yeah perform three miracles to be a saint but does that are they magic they're masters of the mystic art it depends on whether you you would say that the power of Christ is magic or something far greater you think it's a magic trick to be able to remove snakes from an island? Like a shaman? You might have been a shaman like Santa Claus, yeah. Or that character from Ernest goes to camp.
Starting point is 00:01:35 So what's going on today, Dan? Other than, you know, St. Patrick's cheer. Well, what's going on is that we watched a little movie. Oh, right. Called mirrors. Oh, nice. Mirrors Called Mirrors. Oh nice. Mirrors. Mirrors.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's drawing key for Sutherland. Sutherland. And maybe smart. Smart. Bames. Nice. This was a great movie. Wasn't.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Well, the thing is that it had, well, for, I mean, it was a great movie if you base the quality of the movie on how how appropriate the title is yeah in that yes then this was the greatest movie ever made because there's a lot of stuff about mirrors in this movie i think there's probably i wouldn't say it's an exaggeration to say that there's a mirror in every scene of this movie this this movie has the kind of one-to-one relationship between its plot and its title that you usually only find in porn. Where the title tells you what you're going to find in the movie. Wait, can you be more explicit about that? I won't get too explicit, but it would say called like naughty nurses. You're going to find some nurses having sex, you know. Probably. Or like mighty milkmanes might
Starting point is 00:02:40 have lactating women. Or just nurses that have malpractice suits brought against them. Yeah, that's well that wouldn't really be porn, but yeah. It depends I think the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the real thing is that the Let's do explicit so mirrors huh starting key for Sutherland Amy smart and others Key for Sutherland was in young guns right? Think of him as the key for Sutherland of the cowboy way wait Keith Keith Sutherland Keith or Sutherland son of Don Al Sutherland He's been a little typecast lately ever since he was on that 24 hours show Every ever since he's been a successful actor on a successful television show. He's been a little typecast lately ever since he was on that 24 hours show every ever since he's been a successful actor on a successful television show He's been typecast. Yeah, everybody thinks Everybody thinks that he's always this like hard news FBI
Starting point is 00:03:35 Agent guy. He's only got 24 hours to live or something He's got to spend a lot of time talking on the phone Be great if that was the premise and then by the fourth season It's you only have 24 hours to live again. It's like mr. President. I'm gonna need the antidote right away Nope, not till you fix the finish the case. Yeah, can't do that this time Keith Sullen Wait, so it's Carrie It's it's hardinfeld playing himself. When he played Jeremy Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:04:12 This is the most gibberish we started off a five-kill. If anyone is a fairly blind film, if anyone is tuning in to the flop house set episode, I think this is 34, it's going to be very. Okay. Well the story here is that we're we watch the shitty movie And now we're gonna talk about it for a little while. What's the story of the movie though? What happens in the film? Okay, okay, let's stick with me. Basically this dude totally needs to get a job So he gets a job as a former police officer who's dealing with alcohol profit Okay, so he needs a job because he's a former police officer and his uh... pretty hot wife doesn't
Starting point is 00:04:49 like him seeing his kids because he's got a drinking problem i think and he's taking psychological medication yeah so he starts uh... starts to have some rage issues maybe yeah so he starts working at this uh... this burned up old department store in the middle of manhand the mayflower yeah which i think used to be a a sanitary and sanitarium then was converted into a department store and then it burned out in the fifties and this prime piece of real state was it a
Starting point is 00:05:13 indian barrel around to or no i don't think so it was this is a building it's huge it's enormous building on six avenue in the twenty is and such as that there's a building the building is surrounded by yards like it has a fair amount of landscape land around it's insane that this building has been has this this spot has lane follow as dampwood it's you know for fifty years in the middle of Manhattan one I mean I don't think the ghosts that have the building we're going to sell but Chelsea a very valuable piece of real estate so uh... keyf gets this job this uh... this department store and his mad carcin in the new yet and he uh... good western
Starting point is 00:05:51 yet he starts seeing things like he starts seeing like shit in the mirrors and uh... and uh... and uh... yeah and he does a little bit research and he realized that like uh... he starts seeing shit outside of the department store the mirrors and it's all mad years are following around
Starting point is 00:06:07 yeah it's pretty quickly realize the mirrors of the problem and then uh... he thinks like the mirrors are gonna is like sister tries to tell my life go wrong he's staying with his sister and she tells me crazy and he should quit his job and he's like fuck that i need this job and then uh... a mirror version of her makes her rip her own uh off in a totally awesome scene. The first seat of the movie is a guy he's running away from mirrors. And a mirror image of himself cuts his throat, so his throat also opens up.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And so on this one, in the mirror, this mirror version of Amy Smart starts ripping her own jaw off, and Amy Smart, her jaw also gets ripped off. It's pretty awesome and kind of gross. It's very gross. So watch it. Okay, moving forward. Gavre Selen totally flips out. He's like, what?
Starting point is 00:06:56 My sister, but you're not even in the department store. So he goes to his wife's house and starts painting over the mirrors. Yeah, because that's the soul. But that's what he tries to break the mirrors. And starts painting over the mirrors yeah because that's the solve that's why he tries to break the mirrors and when he shoots the mirrors they immediately heal well the mirrors in the department store do yeah because of their magic yeah oh yeah so these painting over mirrors is x-y things he's crazy and then he proves he's not crazy somehow I don't remember he goes and try like the mirror gives him a name so the mirror had everyone who's been a security guard at this department store. The mirrors
Starting point is 00:07:30 have been telling them to find this person with this name. But is Essaker? Yeah. And they haven't been able to. So it's been killing their families. His wife, he tries to find this Essaker person. He has a friend on the police force who's helping him do research and his wife starts seeing things and mirrors also. You would think the mirrors would be a little more explicit. Like after the first or second security guard totally fucks up, they'd be like, it's Anna, Anna Esker, not just Esker.
Starting point is 00:07:55 That's the problem with these kinds of ghost movies is it's like, the ghost needs you to do something to help them. But the only way for them to get the message across is apparently scaring you in like very obscure ways. So yeah, but then they have a bunch of... It's like by making clocks spin backwards or something and you're like, oh, I should have known! They're using the Socratic Ghost Method. They know that if the person comes to the answer on their own, it'll mean more to them.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah, there's more learning. It's more experiential. Yeah, they're like, listen, I'm a ghost. I'm looking for Anastakar. So I can take her body back over. Do me a solid, I won't hurt your family. Well, I think the journey is just as important as the solution for the demon ghost thing. And it's important that someone's jaw gets ripped off. Yeah, that shit was awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Okay, so he, but he finds out who Anastakar is. So he goes and tracks her down, turns out she used to be a hillbilly. And... And then she was like a mental institute person. She was possessed by some sort of evil force as a kid. Yeah. Was put into the mental institution and her death was faked. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:09:01 I didn't remember that part. Really, she left the institution, lived with her family a little longer because she was cured, and then she disappeared and became a nun. Yeah, because there's problems with mirrors. Let me point out that in rapid success, the film ran through three horror movie cliche explanations. One woman in Sanitarium, or actually one in Sanitarium, two women in Sanitarium or right actually one killbillies Two woman in Sanitarium three Catholics. Yep, so it's like one after another body blue body blue shot to the jaw
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's like breaking a much of mirrors. Yeah, but uh, and so it turns out that She explains that she had a demon inside of her. She went to the sanitarium and the doctor had a revolutionary new method for curing people as schizophrenia and involving. Sit them in a room full of mirrors, strap them in a chair, and just force them to look at themselves for a while. Yeah, well Elliot, schizophrenia
Starting point is 00:09:56 just really need to think about what they've done. Apparently. Yeah, it's in the harsh light of mirrors. Only then can you realize that you're crazy, and you mess up the only way I think that's what I'm crazy look at me. I'm out of demon and when I look at myself from the outside I seem crazy. The only way I can buy it is it was the 50s and nobody knew anything about
Starting point is 00:10:15 psychiatry then they thought it was all for no. Well that's about 70 years earlier. I can buy that more than I can buy what happened next which is apparently for some reason the mirrors just sucked the demon out of her and trapped them in mirror world Yeah, so the demon was sucked out of her I don't know. What is that a movie mirror world? Mirror mask you're thinking there is a book called mirror world. No, that's dream skate. No It's a big overhead it guy. You think of the Russian satellite mirror. no, that's actually now one thing a river world by the late philip Jose farmer No flatland Flatliners flat wait a minute with
Starting point is 00:10:53 Keep it oh my god Kevin baking anyway, so the demon got sucked out of her now. It's living in mirrors and it wants her back His untie it's been trying to Explain this to security guards by killing them and it hasn't been getting through. Luckily, Kiefer is a cut above the rest. I need to, like, I kind of want to sit that demon down and start thinking about its victory conditions like demon, what are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to actually solve something? So you should probably stop. I mean, granted. Wait, it's in love? That's
Starting point is 00:11:22 my guess. It's in love with Anasaka. Now Now the problem is, I guess, is that it gets frustrated really easily, so it just makes people kill themselves in mirrors or something. Yeah. Well, it's not a good, it's not good at thinking things through this demon. It has fits of rage. Yeah, and I mean, in many ways it's like our protagonist. It's like almost like a mirror of him. Not really.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Anyway, so, yeah, because of the rage. Anyway, meanwhile, it at home. It doesn't look like him. It looks like almost like a mirror of him. Not really. Anyway, so yeah, because of the rage. Anyway, meanwhile at home. It doesn't look like it. It looks like a demon. Yeah, Kiefer Sutherland's son has chipped away the paint over the mirrors because he is friendly with this mirror demon and it's luring him to try to get to the family.
Starting point is 00:12:00 It starts attacking the family. Kiefer Sutherland finds the nun. Hey, was that the scene where the the x-wife gets all wet? Yeah, eventually Throughout the movie the x-wife shows more and more cleavage as the film goes on and eventually she's just wearing a really wet show It's almost it's real joke. It's almost like the story I heard about Wally Wood and Power Girl where he just kept increasing the size of her bust to see whether anyone would ever notice and they never did and that's why power girl has such a huge ridiculous rack is a superhero whose main characteristic is a huge rack yeah
Starting point is 00:12:33 it seemed like Alejandra ah-ha the director of this was pulling the same price yeah and in between every shot he's like he's reaching over and pulling that neckline down a little bit I think what it is is it's building up the payoff at the end. You're like, it's really important by the end. You're like, man, it's really important that he wins because that's some great cleavage. Yeah. That's a nice set. He's fighting for it.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He's fighting for it. Yeah, I mean, that's why we fight. Yeah, exactly. For those rounders. That's what that movie is about, right? The movie rounders? Yeah. I might have to rent it now. So she's trying to save her kids from this evil mirror thing that's chasing after her.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And he takes the none at gunpoint because she refuses to come with him, takes her back to the department store. And then. And his wife makes some really weird calls. Like, there's a lot of times where she thinks she sees her son and you're like, yeah lady, that's clearly a mirror kid. Like, your son's nowhere around here. What are you doing? Oh, now cut your face. What, you fucking deserve that.
Starting point is 00:13:35 She calls him and she's like, I'm so scared. He's like, what's going on there? I'm so scared. Just tell me what's going on. I'm so scared. Okay, listen, you're not getting through to me. You gotta tell me in more descriptive terms. but then he says I'll be right there But then he takes the none to the department store. Yeah, it was kind of weird. That's a weird call on his part
Starting point is 00:13:51 You should drop the none off. Yes, but anyway, he takes her to back to the department store straps her in the mirror chair The mirrors ex the you know the demon comes back into her the mirrors explode outwards, which was awesome seemingly shredding the hell out of her Yeah, she like in a she vaporized in a cloud of blood. But then, if you want to see movie where none vaporized in a cloud of blood, I think the, I think the demon was really waiting for that. Like, he had serious, none blue balls, I guess. And now this is where the movie usually would end. He for Sutherland escapes. Maybe the department store falls apart and he reaches his family. But the movie instead was like, I kind of want there to be a hyperactive fight scene
Starting point is 00:14:30 which we keep for Sutherland and a demon. So in the midst of a collapsing tunnel. Clapsing tunnel and fire everywhere in explosions. The non-lady comes back as maybe one of the army of darkness, evil dead two ghouls. Or like a resonant evil ghoul. A combination. There's a resident evil ghoul. Yeah, a combination. There's a little more CGI than army darkness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Which does make it scarier. There's a lot of ed CGI in this. So, and they fight forever, and she throws, give for something through a brick wall, and he's fine. And it ends literally with him impaling her on a steam pipe, just like at the end of Commando. Yeah, like the scene where she's throwing through
Starting point is 00:15:04 a brick wall have the like level of realism is an episode of smallville. It's, but it kind of turns into an evil dead movie by that point. You like all that need is to give her someone to be like, come on baby, let's do this, you know, or like paling him and then heard the same groove. You got real ugly. You none, I don't know. There's all kinds of explosions.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And then what happens to Kiefer? Well, he gets mashed by a rock or something I think. And then? Then he wakes up, right? The twist ending? No, he wakes up and he's walking around. He's walking around and? Stuart, did you notice anything strange about the words?
Starting point is 00:15:43 Well, I mean woke up. It looked like everything was backwards, but I thought I'd just been drinking a lot. No, everything was backwards because now he is trapped in the mirrors. Wait, what? For some reason. Come on. Nope, and then cut to credits. It's too.
Starting point is 00:16:00 What? That's it. Come on. That's the end of the movie. The hell you say. But it's like, it feels like a movie that it. Come on. That's the end of the movie. The hell you say. But it's like, it feels like a movie that's- Come on.
Starting point is 00:16:10 The script ended. Come on. What are you talking about? That's what it is. What? You watched it with us. That's how it ended. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Come on. What are you talking about? that was the end of the movie what wait that's the end yes come on what are you talking about well he's a ghost now no he's not necessarily ghost he's trapped in the mirror world though wait he's like walking around he's walking around but he's in a mirror of her you know he's in the mirror world though. Wait, he's like walking around. He's walking around, but he's in a mirror of, you know, he's in the reverse image of the world around it. Oh, come on, that doesn't make sense. No, it doesn't, but it's still the end of the movie. Wait, what? Wait, is he a demon? No, he's not a demon. He's just himself. Come on, that doesn't make any sense. The movie, it feels like the movie
Starting point is 00:17:02 probably originally ended at the mirrors all exploding and the none wait wait wait wait wait before the none me game and demon or before when the none got shredded right with the none that's shredded yeah that would have been awesome and then they threw a demon fight scene yeah there's I think there's like a scene where it you know the nunga shredded couple mirrors explode cut to keep keep selling going yes and then like it that that's the movie and they did test audiences and it's like you know
Starting point is 00:17:36 audiences didn't get enough closure here one thing i would really love about um... when he puts her in the chair by the way is he's he's brought this none at gunpoint from the nunnery to... From Pennsylvania to New York. Yeah, and made her... It's for a short drive. Made her sit in this chair because the demons want her back in order to save his family.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And then he says, thank you. As if this was a sacrifice she decided to make. Well, maybe in the right of her. Which by the way, since if, you know, like, know like I mean you know she is a nun but that never happened you forced her you know really selfish none he asked her for help save his family and she goes no and then he shows her a picture of his families like these are the only thing that matter in the world to me and she goes no I'm sorry and then you know puts a gun at her and says now you now
Starting point is 00:18:23 you're gonna with me but what I mean wasn't she afraid that the demons will be able to get out if she returns to? Well, maybe like what kind of she did when she was like, oh, girl, possessed like, just like kind of bitch. She's fucking weird, right? It's not like she was like a super powerful person or something. Well, she was, but she had more strength than an average little girl, but she was just kind of a hand. Yeah, but I mean like it's like problem child. Yeah, okay. Like Clifford.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yes, like Clifford. The Martin Short. So I remember it. Wait, like the good son. Seeing when, yeah, like the good son of Elijah Wood McCullough. Seeing this is a very quick side note, but I remember when Martin Short was on David Letterman's show to promote Clifford and let him keep saying, well, I saw the movie at the last night.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's really funny. I saw it last night. It's really funny. And as I don't know how old I was maybe like 13 or 14 but realizing like wait a minute He didn't see that movie Movie looks terrible he can't be saying it's funny really that's when I got disillusioned with David Letterman. Yeah Anyways, so the look in glass so I know that you might think that this movie was flawless listening But there are some problems
Starting point is 00:19:30 Really I so very boring at times. Yeah, well there were long scenes of key for just walking through the department store Looking at things with his flashlight and you're probably thinking like oh walking through department store There's probably a montage of him trying on different outfits set to a song no Nothing like that there's no walking on side of China to be found. Yeah There's no like open like there could at least been one like opening montage of that So they kind of puts you at ease Dancing with like the charred of mannequins. Yeah, yeah, or like looking around be like why so gloom Bernie face mannequins or like looking around me like wiseo glum burny face man again
Starting point is 00:20:04 but he for put late too much effort into security guard job yeah i think it's a serious even from the start he's like uh... ok this abandoned building that i am like the one security guard hired to look after i don't i don't know doesn't really matter that he like goes through those makes his rounds all the time and then once he discovers
Starting point is 00:20:26 The place is haunted he seems really committed to tracking it down Yeah, yeah, I'm like a member of the Scooby do yeah Yeah, he's like he's like the security guard that Scrooge McDuck should hire to guard his fucking money man to keep it Breagle boys out or something because he's fucking serious man. It's his cop instinct. He goes I smell a mystery Yeah, let's go down into the cool flooded basement that isn't very water damaged. It's like that, that awesome scene from the movie Mind Hunters with Rene Harlan. You were talking about that during the film. Yeah, it's really good movie where, where the killer, I think it's Johnny Lee Miller, sorry to spoil it.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Like sets up these like a Ro root goalberg-esque like kills. People are listening to this podcast here about mirrors and they just ruin minehutters for them. Yeah, but I would like to think that people who are listening to this podcast have the taste to have already seen minehutters a few times. Like me. A few times. Yeah, absolutely. It has like bought it as a DVD double pack with deep blue sea or something. Is mine hunters the one where they're on like a trip?
Starting point is 00:21:27 They're on like a retreat? Well, they're all FBI students. They're being trained to be serial killer catchers. Yeah, and is Elle Coolj in that? He is in that one. Just like deep blue sea. And Christian Bay, oh wait, no, Christian Slater. I almost said Christian Bay, they're very similar in approach.
Starting point is 00:21:44 They're very similar in a approach. They're very similar in first name. Dan Motherflauz, what are you thinking of in mirrors? Not enough mirrors. I've got an hour thing. You've got a mind-hunter. Not enough mirrors in mirrors? No, I would say that there's a plethora of mirrors.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Well, you one has unhappy as I was that the scene of Amy Smart naked was followed immediately after by Amy Smart's jaw being ripped off her head. Yeah, I mean, those two things separately would have been great scenes together in the next position. There's something about a death scene in a horror movie that has made much worse for me if it's done to a naked lady. Like to a lady with clothes on, it's different, but. Do you feel it's like a waste or something?
Starting point is 00:22:20 I don't know exactly what it is, it's almost like it makes it impossible to enjoy nudity if something glorious happening. It's gonna be harder or rewind it to to watch the new the and pleasure yourself or something. So you're talking about well I mean you guys were in the room so I'll do that. Well maybe later right? Maybe later on dance TV. Yeah. That's where Stuart goes with it. It's not just like I think there's maybe some implicit misogyny and watching a naked lady dies. So I think the problem I had with the movies, that it reminded me too much of various other Asian horror movies, and that it wasn't very good, and it was
Starting point is 00:22:57 that type of idea like, oh there's this super, super natural thing that's causing all these problems. Let's solve the mystery. Okay, the mystery solved, because the ghost just wanted one thing, that's why I was killing people. Okay, the movie's over, yay. That's not even like an Asian movie, so run with it, but that used,
Starting point is 00:23:13 I mean, that's an older trope. Yeah, but it's just- It's like one thing they have to get. What's the one with Charles Louten, where he's a coward ghost, and he has to inspire her or something? The cowardliest ghost. No, it's like the Canterbury ghost or something like that.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I think you're thinking of the ring. Yes, the ring. That's exactly what I'm thinking of. So, but like, maybe it's just because that's like the, like, I'm being bombarded by bullshit, Asian horror movies. Well, yeah, there's a lot of them right now. And this one is, so Dan, you were saying that the director said it wasn't a remake of the Amoeu Asian movie, but it is.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Yeah, the director, I went on Wikipedia and where he had done the director said it wasn't a remake of the uh... move i went on wikipedia and where uh... he had done an interview where he's like uh... this is not a remake of the south korean horror film into the mirror but then the credits for the film credit the film into the mirror based completely on the film up into the mirror who are you believe the director of the film or the credits of the film into the mirror. Who are you gonna believe? The director of the film or the credits of the film,
Starting point is 00:24:08 the director directed it. I mean, the director was French, so maybe he was misquoted. Yeah, I mean, I was really disappointed because I really liked some other movies that the director Alejandra Aja, that's how you pronounce the name, I think so. Yeah, he's the director who's always surprising people. Yeah, he, Aja who's always surprising people. Yeah, he uh...
Starting point is 00:24:25 I really liked that. That's your favorite band, Alejandro. Uh-huh. I really liked High Tension, which was a movie he made. I still haven't seen that. I like it exclusively for the twist. Not the gore or the masturbation scene, but just the twist. And then he also made that Hills have eyes remake, which was
Starting point is 00:24:46 Really gory and pretty awesome So I was kind of hoping this would also follow the trend of having a great twist and being really gory and awesome He had a great twist. He stuck in the mirror at the end. Wait what? He gets trapped in the mirror and that's why the writing is backwards Come on, what are you talking about? Wait, that's why the writing was back. Yes, because he's trapped in the mirror I felt like the rocket among the head and he was retarded or something That'd be very different understanding of the fact. I was gonna say because that was really sad
Starting point is 00:25:19 I was gonna support his fan. It's like flowers for Algernaut Yeah, it's exactly like flowers for Algernaut Okay, so flowers raljeron okay so yeah I was really open for a good moving this was not this was we've seen worse but this was not very good no no it wasn't and it felt very padded at times yeah there's some like I think I kind of like the fact that they they they make a point to have the main character like kind of addicted to these weird pills that might make him hallucinate I like hallucinate But they didn't they didn't really play that up enough
Starting point is 00:25:51 They gave they gave the other characters it just enough reason not to believe him until Mirshaith start having right hold on but they got their jaw ripped off by themselves The problem with that though is like it was one of these horror movies where no one believes the main character and the main character does increasingly crazy things. It's a boy who cried mirrors. Like an episode of 24 hours. Yes. He runs to the house and he takes out all the mirrors and he's like he takes his wife and he's like watch this and shoots the mirrors and the mirrors don't heal themselves and he looks like a crazy person who is out on the lawn shooting mirrors and like a silver paper.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Wait, that's crazy. But then almost immediately after that happens, the mirrors are so judgmental, I don't shoot them. Why do you make me look fat? Why do you make me look like Keith or Sola Land? Keith or Sola. It's impossible to not say Keith or what he's his name. Keith or is such a weird name.
Starting point is 00:26:49 But almost immediately after that, the mother character sees her son in the mirror. Like her son's sitting in front of the mirror and sees the reflection, but then the son gets up and the reflection's still there. Bubbom. And you're kind of like mirrors. Why have you stopped being coy all of a sudden?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Why aren't you playing this cat in mouse game? Well, the mirrors knew that it was time for the Act 2 reveal. Yeah. So Act 3 could kick in. I mean, it's not, this is a very mechanical movie. In a lot of ways, things happen exactly when they're supposed to happen.
Starting point is 00:27:19 The story takes its time at times, but it chugs along otherwise in terms of structure. And the only real surprise is at the end when there's that huge fight with the demon, which and the reason it surprises that tonally it does not fit anything that you've seen. It's like you're watching kind of for the most part, there are scares in it, but this very subdued like somber movie, and then they throw in a big action scene at the end. Yeah, where it gets thrown through an awesome like star from brick wall. Throwing through a brick wall and he's just firing his gun wildly at this monster
Starting point is 00:27:47 Pow pow pow. It's like an episode of the Resident Evil video game show Yeah, and I mean don't get around that was the best scene in the entire movie Yeah, it was awesome. No, my favorites want you rip your own jaw Yeah, that was gross. Yeah, that's super gross. That's pretty cool If I had been in a movie theater while watching it, I probably would have laughed a lot Exactly the reaction they were going yeah that same like level four, um you would have you would be on that that's a real job I'm gonna look around save me when I was laughing Yep, and the only person on the theater who would have been laughing was the fucking crib keeper
Starting point is 00:28:27 How Stuart I can really get behind you, Stuart I would have uh, Spoolgirt Helington I was gonna give my high five. I've anyone have high five me with a severed hand Guys awesome One of my favorite stories. That's my head off. That would be great if the I was like if the crypt keeper existed in real, but he just went around making puns and he had a boombox of his own big songs afterwards. I think that's your screenplay picture.
Starting point is 00:29:13 The scriptkeeper is down on his luck and it's like, yeah. The script gets shut down. Oh man, what a good movie. I'd watch that shit. The scriptkeeper movie that we're pitching. Yeah, I'd be in it, right? Right. We covered that, right? I was in it. Yeah, you would have a cameo. Yeah. You would be in the beginning. Yeah. What would the title be? The title, me. No, I'm not smart enough right now. It would be like something like out of the crypt. Dead again. No, it hasn't really called that.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Dead alive. No, there's a dead calm. Dead there's a movie called that. Dead Calm. There's a movie called that. Dead Ringers. Dead Reckoning. There's a movie called that. Mr. Dead. Body Parts. Body Parts. The Law of Moe Man.
Starting point is 00:29:53 What about Crypt Key for the Movie? What about Bob? Alright. What about Bob? When Shannon DeLue rules the game. Benny and June. Even before- Operation Dumb O Drop.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Even before this run We were breaking our own record for just mentioning other movies Manor too much other world. Yeah, it was man. This is a good movie This it was better than an American Carol and an American tale Fibles goes west. I don't know if it's that good that good Yeah, I don't know if there's like a lot To more to dig into no, this is a pretty this is a pretty shallow film especially since Elliott needs to go to Uruguay soon so I'm not going tonight Yeah, we're ruined the podcast Elliott. I
Starting point is 00:30:39 Flanavik. I'm not flying out till Friday night. I just didn't want to stay too late tonight So I'd be rested up for the trip. So anyway, so should we do our ratings of the movie now? Yeah, what were the ratings again? Is this a good bad movie a bad bad movie or a movie that you May have liked a little bit. Oh, I'm gonna say it's a hard one It's a bad bad movie, but there are glimmers of fun things in it Like I don't wouldn't go so far to say good bad movie because it's not particularly funny Like it's not so crazy that it's funny, but it's not a good movie But I mean girl rips her own jaw off. There's a huge fight scene at the end between key for southern than a demon nun Like there are a couple moments there that are that are worthwhile if you like that sort of thing
Starting point is 00:31:24 But overall, it's not great. I give it, you know, mixed. If there's a level between good bad and good or, you know, off to the side. Yeah, I would say that it's a whenever Keith or Sutherland is just walking around the department store or whenever he's doing police work, it's a bad, bad movie. And then the rest of the movie I kind of like Because you know the you know fun things will happen. Yeah, there's some really shitty CGI Which a meat like every every time the CGI came on the movie dropped a couple points in my book It did have a really good twist at the end. I think we already covered that and what was that twist?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Something about demon No, there's one after that. I don't know, but yeah, I think I'm gonna agree to you guys Like this is a bad bad movie, but there are there's a couple moments that I think it tried it tried so hard Don't almost get out of there. There are a couple moments of real imagination. Yeah, yeah There's moments that you're glad you saw Stuart. I can see it in your eyes. Yeah now well of course the the job being ripped off the the demon being vaporized. It was awesome. It's so unnecessary. Like the slow motion montage of mirrors exploding one after another and like I think you see the same one explode like four times. It's just like okay camera two
Starting point is 00:32:44 camera three, back to the none, camera four, woman holds child, perfect movie. That's the whole thing with the scene with all the mirrors, explain. Back to Kiefer doing a reaction shot, and the none is fake. The none is vaporized. Cut to the cleavage. You expect to see the mirrors explode, but you don't expect the none's body to it basically blow up and then they cut to something else and then they show you that shot again as if the movie is like yeah you're you didn't imagine her body just vapor would have been awesome and shows up in spite of the fact
Starting point is 00:33:14 that her body was telling me they put up it I bet the original script had a moment where as the mirrors are exploding there's like a slow-mo shot shot of mirror flying toward the none and you seeing the nun's face reflected in the mirror. Yeah and she turns the camera and she goes this isn't gonna feel good. She goes yes! Uh oh! She does a spit take from the you who she's drinking. Crazy straw. Yeah it's really great. But yeah there's some fun moments in an otherwise very boring movie. Yeah, so all around good review. So what's going on, Dan? I've got a few short...
Starting point is 00:33:50 You look like something's on your mind. I've got a few short messages from listeners. Oh, cool. I like listeners. First of all, Jen, last name with held, wrote back. You may remember her as the woman who has a young daughter who likes to sing the song from wally oh yeah that's right that terrible peter gay real song that i so i so uncarryingly talked about how bad i thought she says please reassure eliet that i have my daughter
Starting point is 00:34:17 on a strict music diet counteract any unfortunate effects to peter gay real exposure for every disney princess song she hears she then asked to listen to something for my right girl collection. Actually, she listens mostly to, they might be giants, kids music, which is good for both our sakes. Oh, that's very nice.
Starting point is 00:34:31 They want a Grammy. That's true. Get that kid listening to some Danzig. Did they win a Grammy? Danzig? Yeah. Probably. But um.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You just said they want a Grammy. Yeah, no, we're talking about they might be giants. Yeah. Oh, I thought you were talking about Danzig. Danzig never won a Grammy. What are you talking about? He's great. Yeah, no, we're talking about they might be giants. Yeah. Oh, I thought you were talking about Danzy. Danzy never want to Grammy. What are you talking about? He's great. Well, anyway, you're saying they looks like Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:34:51 He doesn't look like Wolverine. She also said a link to apparently they're making a Marmaduke film. Really? And she says that you should dust off your Ziggy pitch. So I'm going to put that Marmaduke link up on the blog. Yeah. When are they going to make the, uh, that, what's that? The pirate one? Is that over, overboard? What's the, what's the pirate comic strip? Are you thinking of the French
Starting point is 00:35:12 foreign Legion? No, the, I know the other older Vikings. No, the, the, the, the one with the pirates that are like poorly drawn and I think I've seen that one. Oh, for better or for worse. Maybe there are roses, Rose. for worse. Maybe our roses rose. Where they make that shit rhyme for the orange. Yeah. Pearls before swine. Yep, those are all great. Shylock Fox. And Max Mouse. Oh, what a great movie. I hear Robert Downey Jr. is going to be in that. I'm so surprised in the 80s they didn't make a Mark Trail movie with like Steve Gutenberg as Mark Trail or something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:46 That'd have been awesome. Or, you know, somebody, Bert Reynolds. Or for that matter, like, to go back and like, that should have been like a 1960s Disney film. Like Dean Martin should have been Mark Trail or not Dean Martin, Dean Jones. Dean Martin would have been an interesting one. Not over there, Bobby, you see it's a bad one.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Don't touch him. Whoa. Glug, lug, lug, lug Franky Franky put that vulture rig down. It's endangered. What are you having your kids team there, Mark? Don't worry about it It's a don't buy it's a don't Apple juice. Don't worry. Yeah, that's a good movie just feeding my diction Let me sing a song Don't Pote
Starting point is 00:36:23 When the moon hits your eye, I like a big... Oh, spotted owl, that's not rare in these parts. Look at a boy. My demon is also my pink rosvy. So spotted owl, where are you from? Anyway, not talking, eh? That's an eh. Slap him around, Frank.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Anyway, so, uh, look forward to the Marmaduc movie as the takeaway from that. I hope it's a CGI dog That's all I like and say I hope it's a guy in a costume That's a movie I've made a scene I hope it's a guy in a costume when it was a guy in a very poorly I hope it's a guy in a costume you guys in a costume like a pantomime horror. I hope it's Jamie Kennedy in a costume with CGI people So check it out Check it out Pixar that would be the best Jamie Kennedy in a costume with CGI people. So check it out. I'm so awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Check it out, Pixar. That would be the best. I love the idea of a movie where everything is CGI except for the thing that should be CGI. It's like a movie about a dinosaur and everything is CGI except they use a person in just makeup as the dinosaur. We're like an animatronic dinosaur in a CGI world of people. That's the Denver the last dinosaur movie.
Starting point is 00:37:30 That's it. Like, wait, you're not talking about my dinner? I should make Denver the next dinosaur. Denver the next dinosaur. Denver the next dinosaur. What were you saying then? Todd Hain should make that movie or something. Todd's a long.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I can see like a real deconstruction of it. Yeah, Todd's a long. Should make the that movie or something. Todd Solon. I can see like a real deconstruction of that. Yeah, Todd Solon. Should make the dinosaur movie. Anyway. Anywho. And then. Marma Duke the movie. That's terrible.
Starting point is 00:37:52 All of the space over basically. Different breed of dog. Yeah. But with probably a CGI dog. Yeah. Not an email, but a comment on the movie. Why don't they make a Fred Bassett movie? They're making a comment or dog.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Anyway, sorry. It's a story. What about a shoe movie? A mallard film or a rock. Anyway also not a letter but from the website a comment on the website. Okay. From Megan last name. No one said in sending us letters what's going on? Yeah we have a website. Comment is the comment. What's the comment? The Flophouse podcast at a website. Comment is the... What's the comment? The Flop Houset podcast at Sweet. And if you want to email us, it's the Flop Houset podcast at Sounds easy to me. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:38:33 But Megan Lasting withheld says, Oh, Floppers, you've done it again. I only wish there were more of you to a crush unrealistically over. But and I want to tell Megan, believe us, if we weren't all involved with women, that would be the most realistic crush you could possibly have. Most attainable crush that you've ever had in your life. What are you talking about, dude? That's true. Women are falling all over themselves
Starting point is 00:38:58 apparently to get it to her well, isn't it? I was going to talk about Elliot. And the cryptic. He's the real loathorio of this group. Just because there are a few girls online who find me attractive One of them who is some sort of latex fetishist. Yeah, you know I understand I One point I thought of I got Elliot looked pretty good in latex What do you think? Thank you finally? I want fun I thought of adding a poll to the website and I couldn't think of like any good poll questions And like one of them was gonna be like who's your favorite flopper and then I'm like no one's gonna vote for me.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Stuart has like the lustful low voice charm and you're like the the fast talker and I'm just like the guy who keeps trying to get you're the ego. You're the Leonardo. You're you're you're very necessary for the group and imagine you're Egon Leonardo if they had a baby. Egon Leonardo is not even Ray Stamstead. He's Egon his banglery steward is earning and Elliott is Bert and I'm Bert that's not funny Yeah, it keeps that's not you're like um well like if I'm Kermit and he's animal your scooter or if I'm Alvin if I'm
Starting point is 00:40:01 You gotta say if I'm Alvin he's Simon you'd He'd be Theodore, dude. All right. Wait, is the fat one? Yes. The other should be the fat one. Okay, well then, if he's snap and I'm crackling your pop. Is that help? I think Egon was the best one, actually, so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Wait, is this Egon from the movies or Egon from the cartoon? Where is that weird curly hair? But he's won all of a sudden. Egon to have a thing in the cartoon and not in the white head oh yeah that makes sense yeah I was like for a second I thought that they had a thing in the movies but that was the first one but then the second Rick Moranis is that yeah yeah well it's funny or that way anyway to get back to what Megan actually said incidentally you mentioned the absence of Democrat turned Republican post 9-11 actor ron silver and american carol
Starting point is 00:40:49 turns out he was busy dying literally that's tasteless that's true but it's true it's true it's in heat vision in jack for god's it's a test the man was the villain in blue steel people uh... but we'll take a moment to remember ron silver who was a good actor not in a lot of good projects all the time. He's an actor who yeah he kind of got dragged down by the projects he was in.
Starting point is 00:41:10 If he was in a reversal of fortune he was very good in it. But more often he was in like time cop which is a better of Jean-Claude Van Damme. It's not as good as hard target but it's really good. A better Jean-Claude Van Damme movie is still a bit. That awesome bit where he does the sports when everybody gets a lecture you but him. She was awesome. But what's your favorite Ron Silver memory? I think it is Blue Steel. It's such a strange movie. It's sort of a horror film.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Not a movie that gets talked about a lot anymore. Well, Catherine Bigelow certainly a forgotten part of her uvra, which is not a big uvra as it is, but people talking about near dark and strange days. But then there's like, oh, we were Jamie Lee Curtis loses her gun. And Ron Silver starts going around town shooting people with it. It's interesting because it's basically the plot to Stray Dog, the cursaile film. Except Stray Dog takes place in a country where guns are illegal. So when the policeman loses his gun, he is very much responsible for the deaths that occur. Whereas in Blue Steel, he could get a different, another gun.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah. Guns are very easy to get in the United States compared to Japan. My favorite moment in Time Cop is at the beginning when a bunch of dudes shoot other people with oozees, but they're in the Civil War times. Yeah. They steal that gold. Yeah, they steal that gold. Yeah, they steal some Confederate gold. That movie just doesn't make any sense. I love the same object can't exist in the same space
Starting point is 00:42:34 at the same time. Well, that doesn't mean they can't shake hands. When I shake hands with someone, my hand is not in existing in the same space. Yeah, they know, it makes you morph together. Like, we're in blast. That was what happened to them at the end, right? He dissolves same space. Yeah, they knew it makes you morph together like we're in blast. That was what happened in the end, right? He like, he dissolves into himself.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah, touch himself. And then touch himself. Touches himself. Wait, wait. Oh, it's all the same. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, oh, oh. There was that joke somewhere where it was like a guy in his clone,
Starting point is 00:43:00 and they were trying to figure out if it was, or maybe it was a multiple man in comics, whether it was gay, if he masturbated himself Technically the same guy. I think one of them would be gay The there's that old Heinlein story where this guy because of time travel this guy is both his own mother his own father himself and Bartender that the whole story is told to Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Is that an incident that I'll creek bridge? No, that's an Ambrose beer story that's completely unrelated. It's like, wait a minute. Come on.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Most, most dangerous game. No, we should make some recommendations. Then I can go to Urgly. Exactly. Stuart, what's the film that you saw recently that you would recommend? Well, I saw a transporter three recently and that was okay. I saw a watchman and I was okay. Saw a vampire's kiss and that wasn't okay. Boo on vampire's kiss. Did I already recommend species two? I think you talked about it last week. You did talk about it last week. I won't recommend that. You thought the conversation was getting too political, you brought up species too. Yeah, man, I was funny. Fuck it, I'll recommend. I just watched Mad Max be on ThunderDome again.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I recommend giving another shot. A lot of people kind of don't respect it as much because there's not a lot of shooting, because there's not a lot of guns at that part in the post-apocalyptic future. No, that's not why people don't give a respect. Okay, well, it's a lot of... No, a lot of people... No, a lot of guns that that part in the post apocalyptic future that's not like people don't give respect okay uh... well a lot of the terms one of several reasons now i'm talking about people like mad max fans that i'm shooting in the other mad max movies either the mostly car racing
Starting point is 00:44:34 movies uh... issue stuff that it's a lot like harpoons but um... yeah i don't know i think i think that the i'm at max beyond the times probably like the tightest like it's probably the best crafted of the three movies. There's the ADR work isn't as hilarious as in the first film and yeah, it's pretty good. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's an interesting look. The Wellington perspective. I've not watched a lot of movies lately. I saw a stuck which Stewart has already recommended it and I'll second that recommendation. I'm going to recommend something that no one needs recommended to them. I'm not breaking any news by making this recommendation, but I watched from Rush with Love, but I watched it on the new Blu-ray edition that has come out. I just seen Doctor No and I want before this and I watched from Rush.S. with love both on Blu-ray and these
Starting point is 00:45:25 films look much better than they have any right to. I mean, they look beautiful in a way that I sort of have a hard time imagining they looked even at the time. That's it. I haven't seen anything lately that I really love that I recommend a movie I saw a while ago since you mentioned James Bond. Another great spy movie is a little movie called The Spy Who Came In From The Cold with Richard Burton, which is kind of the spy
Starting point is 00:45:50 movie that makes spying look the least enjoyable job in the world. So a lot like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Yeah, exactly. It's just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. But about a guy who becomes a double agent and defects to East Germany in order to get a job done and the tightrope walk. He has to walk between his cover story and his real life to get out of their life.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Yeah, and for a movie world, not a lot, necessarily happens in the sort of big event sort of sense. It has some beautiful cinematography. Yeah, it's a beautifully shot movie. It's a movie that's kind of beautifully shot, grain-ish and sadness. Like, he's very, a lot of like, damp streets and stuff, but they look really good.
Starting point is 00:46:31 It's not a happy movie. It's not, you know, get smart. It's not mirrors. It's not mirrors, which is a laugh riot. Or Dr. Zavago. Or Dr. Zavago, which is three hours of wasted time. There's a... Dr. Zavago is, it's two parts, and the first part ends on such a perfect
Starting point is 00:46:46 note. The revolution has happened, Shavago is taken up with this girl, and suddenly a train is coming up, and you see that her boyfriend is on it, who's now this high official in the party, and it ends, and it's like, oh my god, what's going to happen when he finds out about the two of them and confronts them? And what happens? Nothing. Nothing happens. They have conversation, and that's it. And eventually, their relationship falls apart, anyway. happen when he finds out about the two of them and confronts them and what happens nothing nothing happens they have Conversation and that's it and eventually their relationship falls apart anyway like it's not a But Omar Sharif. Yeah great What a performance
Starting point is 00:47:15 A performance that was not matched until he was the narrator for 10,000 BC. Yeah What else has even been lately? Lawrence of Arabia one time and those videos he used to do for casinos, we tell you how to play back or at. Yeah, absolutely. It was in the movie Top Secret. Yeah, it was. So we're just talking about Elon Musk's dream now, huh?
Starting point is 00:47:33 He gets smashed in the car, remember? Well, I tell him. I didn't tell you guys. This is now the Sharif cast. We're doing a bit of a format change. He almost, he's what like like giving us money or something there oh okay we're gonna name back out there partially in London sure so are you as a agent or something or not officially I
Starting point is 00:47:54 mean I don't get 10% he and Max a million shell and Max one side hour gonna get together to form the great actors who make crappy movies club the last Max one side of the movie I saw was a Dairy War agenda movie. That movie sucked. Well movie was that. I don't know. It's a movie about a kid who kills somebody with a flute.
Starting point is 00:48:13 The fucking sucked. It's called recital. A fucking hate Dairy War agenda. And he looks like a little creep. So on the note of Stuart calling out Dairy War Gentile. So Dairy, oh, you heard him if you're out there. Um, you're gonna take Stu's, Stu's challenge or? Yeah, you're creep. You're gonna work on him.
Starting point is 00:48:31 You're gonna fucking throw that out. I think we should build this up that Stuart Wellington wants to have a fist fight with Dario Argento. There you go. Yeah, I'll be a fucking street fight, dude. Dario Argento, if you're out there, if you're listening, if someone knows you was listening, Stuart is challenging you to do well not not a z r gentle is daughter
Starting point is 00:48:47 i would be a kick your ass yeah she's a spy in most movies i think well she's she's has sex a lot in the community of weird face though alright anyway i think she gets that for for fucking dad to say good night like her dad was in the mirror world or something right absolutely like the mirror kind of mushed his face, so he looks like slob or something.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I meant like he was in reverse like at the end of mirrors. Wait, what? It ends with having the mirror world and it's reverse. Who? He's a Sutherland. Wait, when? What? At the end of mirrors. Wait, come on. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:49:26 Alright Dan, we should, uh, I'll explain this after. I've been to Emakoi. I've been steward Wellington. I remain Elliot Caillan. Good night. Good night. Good night. Mirrors.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Mirrors. Mirrors. Mirrors. M-MIRS. Meers. Meers. Meers. Meers. Merce Cunningham. The Choreographer.

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