The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #37 - Seven Pounds

Episode Date: May 17, 2009

0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme0:34 -  27:04 - Will Smith.  Rosario Dawson.  A Jellyfish.  The formula for a blockbuster smash?  We discuss Seven Pounds.27:05 - 29:50 - Final judgments29:51 ...- 34:38 - The sad bastards recommend34:39 - 40:04 - Some last minute bitching and moaning about Seven Pounds, followed by goodbyes, theme and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we struggle to find three ounces of things to say about seven pounds. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, the podcast where we watch a bad movie, and then chat about it a little bit. I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Willington. And I'm Elliot Kaelin. Ah Stuart, why is it Glam Chum? I don't know We just watched seven pounds Dan Hmm, that sounds like seven pounds of fun. It was it weighed heavily on my soul. How how much weight?
Starting point is 00:00:55 Seven pounds Sounds about right. Yeah Did we ever find out why this movie was called seven pounds if they ever explained it? We were talking and didn't notice we I think we were I think we were trying to play the theme song to some television show using only fart noises from our mouth That's possible. We were also Living that the episode of the Batman TV show we wish could we could write with the villain seven pounds Yeah, we did that a lot of seven pounds obsessed villain. So we watched the movie seven pounds who starred in this movie Dan One William Smith. Oh, yeah, a big Willie style. Yeah. One Rose Aureodossin.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Brocario awesome. And would he? Son of Harold. Son of Harold was also in it briefly. And what Barry Pepper is that? Yeah, absolutely. Separate Barry. Yeah, so we have the cast, we have the name, paint this a picture, Dan. Like, give us a little background on this feature. Okay, well, basically.
Starting point is 00:01:55 As if he wrote it, you know. Pitch it to the listener. Okay, my pitch is, you're going to a one hour of Will Smith going around doing things that seem completely inexplicable and disconnected and then I Write it right at the midpoint. You're gonna have a pretty good idea of what might be going on But you're gonna expect something different Mm-hmm, and then it's gonna go on for another hour and then you're gonna get confirmed in what you thought was happening Tell me there's like a love story though, right? Yes, yeah, can we get a romance into this? Will Smith and Rosario Dawson will confirmed in what you thought was happening tell me there's like a love story though right
Starting point is 00:02:25 yes you can get a romance into this will smith and rosario daason will uh... fall in uh... semi-chaste love is there any way we can get like an antique printing press involved i don't know it seems like it wouldn't have anything to do with the story at all well what if rosario daason was like a printer or engraver she's a garage full of antique print
Starting point is 00:02:44 idea why that would be part of it. And like, we're supposed to prove his love fix is one of that. I guess if you really needed it. And how can we get like a jellyfish involved? What the, I think you're just throwing out random things now. Random things that were in the film seven pounds. Can we get a scene where one of the main characters runs through the rain and like either like howls at an
Starting point is 00:03:05 uncarrying God or like calls all the people who hate him cowards or something Yeah, can we get a scene where the hero of the movie calls a blind man on the phone And harasses him and calls him a coward and a virgin Sure, I mean if only to see Will Smith do that So was it we've ever wanted to see Will Smith act like a real dick to a blind guy this is your movie within the first few minutes of the film didn't turn it off after that who else what else is this director make Dan he made the pursuit of happiness also with mr. William Smith hey hey hey hey get this hey hey this movie was more like the pursuit of crappiness. Oh, no. Oh, no, CK in the USA.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Oh, no, CK in the USA. Oh, man. Oh, no, no, we go. Oh, he's got pretty days. So can we explain what this, should we reveal the, should we spoil the plot of the film? Yeah, please. For those viewers at home.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah, it's pretty simple. This is a movie that he's not a ghost though, right? No, we all thought he might be a ghost or an angel The way the movie set up. It's like very mysterious there He must have some bizarre secret that we need to figure out. Why is he helping these people or hurting people or feeling guilty? Nope, he does speak to that's not a superpower millions of people do it. I don't know. I can't do that Well, okay, it's a superpower to you But he went to MIT you get these very brief mysterious flashbacks. He was married at some point.
Starting point is 00:04:31 He was in the aerospace space industry, but now he says he works for the Treasury Department. Huh? What? A car skidding on the road? What happened? Maybe he came back from the dead. Maybe he had a visitation from an angel. He's like the crow. Cause certainly it couldn't be a draven the crow yeah it couldn't be like the crow he got shot halfway through filming it had to be something made him out of CGI it had to be something like that because certainly it can't be as simple as he calls to car crash that killed some people in now feels guilty and wants to save people's lives in return no that you can make a whole movie at no that's too simple that's too simple. That's too simple. How about this? How about if we do the movie though, and because it's just a simple plot with no twists,
Starting point is 00:05:09 we just don't tell anyone what's going on for like the first three quarters of the film. Yeah, why doesn't the lead character just do a bunch of mysterious stuff? Yeah, and he loves the jellyfish for some reason. Yeah, good stuff though. Yeah. Well, a big big deal. Blind. Yeah. It's like mean to people sometimes but it's not like he's like mean mean. It's not like he like steals money from. No he's testing people through verbal hostility. Yeah that's the thing. And then also like I don't consider that to be that but then like he'll also like. He'll say though. He'll he'll drop by his friend while his friend's playing golf and say something like it's time soon. Yeah. And his friend falls down on his knees and he's like, no! Yeah, damn, what were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Well, I just don't know about his way of method of testing people, because for instance, I think I'm not a bad guy. However, if someone by his method reasoning. Well, that's what I was saying. If someone was verbally abusive to me on the phone, if I was blind and someone started saying, hey hey blindy what colors the ocean and they're like oh you're a coward I bet you're a virgin blind guy I'd be like fuck you guy see he probably did it with a fat girl it's not like he's like
Starting point is 00:06:17 ugly or anything I don't know Harold's in his movie stuff like Will Smith is like before I donate you my eyeballs I should know I have to make sure sure that you're not gonna get mad at me over the phone Well his his way of testing what's in people's souls is the same as the TV show boiling point Where you pretend to be irritating and see how long someone will hold out well and it's all It's similar to like like the opposite of the movie body parts It's similar to the opposite Of the movie body The bizarre world version of the movie body. You know, the all the bizarre world version of the movie body parts of the balls.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You know that photo negative version of a basket case where the brothers are good friends and neither one of them is Yeah, we enter a matter version of the DVD. Imagine instead of the movie. You know that version of a League of Their Own where it's guys instead of girls. This is a okay, Ellie. You know that Ghostbusters one where the Ghostbust people? That's what happens in Soviet Russia. It's going to be great if Yakovs fear it off.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It was trying to get make a lot of Ghostbusters based jokes because the movie was very big. And a rush out that Ghostbust you. Yeah. Anyway, you're saying it's great. The deadline waits for you. No, what I was going to say is in the movie body parts where Jeff Fahey Man you get fucked up in a car accident and then he gets a serial killers donated like body part We're familiar with the plot or see the advert song very Gilmore's eyes
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, so like what is is is Wilson's character really concerned that he's gonna give his eyes to somebody who's then just gonna like Fuck him up. Who's gonna waste him? Yeah, or what? Somebody's gonna look at me like man now that I got my eyeballs I'm gonna play internet scrabble day What's the same like when George Jerry Orbach died he also don't even his eyes and I like to Like to imagine Jerry Orbach also tested people in this way when he knew he was like I like to imagine Jerry Orbeck also tested people in this way when he knew he was done Like okay, I'm gonna name some artists you tell me if you like their work Peter Max
Starting point is 00:08:13 Okay, this is good David Hockney Lee Roy Neiman yeah, forget it hang up Scratch his name off the list. He's not getting out. He's not getting my eyes. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I guess if I was gonna commit suicide with jellyfish Oh, we haven't talked about that yet. Oh, okay. If I was going to do something that I didn't just say what we can talk about I mean really like I'd really want to know what people are gonna do with my body parts Well, Will Smith actually your long. Yeah, exactly. They usually don't they just use pieces that for extension Sometimes they should they should dry it out and use it as a dog treat like a bully stick and since Stuart's will Why would you do that? That's how they make those dog treats
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah, but not out of human not out of human penises Wow, that's horrifying. That's really horrifying Did I want my dog to eat my dog? You're my dried phallus? It's terrible. You your poor three-legged dog i eat probably eat it yeah we did it because your dog is crazy i think it was because he's a carnivore i like the dog in the movie
Starting point is 00:09:16 who was a real Dawson's slowly forcing to be vegetarian when i saw the incredible shriken man i was like or hate mail i guess it would be angry fan i like your show so much Incredible shricking man. I was like or hate mail. I guess In grief, I like your show so much After I saw the incredible shricking man it genuinely made me sad to think about like oh, you know what if I shrank down My cat would eat me without a second thought. Yeah, no matter how much I love my cat I think your cat would eat you now if you're without a second thought
Starting point is 00:09:42 I'll tell you what Daniel tested. I'll kill you kill you. We won't tell anyone the body is here. We'll see what the cat does. I'll say. Your wife is going to win and all expenses paid vacation for a week so that she doesn't bury you. You should donate your shit to other people like your eyeballs. Yeah, and your liver. You're in testing.
Starting point is 00:10:00 You're fingernails. You glasses, did you say? My DVD copy of the Monsters Squad. You should donate that to me when you're done. Well, with, anyway, the jellyfish. He's obsessed with jellyfish. He has the most deadly fish in the earth. He has a tank in his room.
Starting point is 00:10:16 He says the most deadly animal in the world, I think. That's probably true. I don't know. What about a, what about a samurai? That's not an animal. That's a type of person. Humans are animals. Yeah, right, right. Right. You got me there. You got me there. I'd rather go up against a jellyfish than a Samu rai. Let me get out my biology textbook. Then a Samu rai, which is Blue. All right. I'm surprised that they never did a kid's cartoon called
Starting point is 00:10:44 Shamu rai? Where it's Shamu the whale is a sandwich. Probably couldn't afford the rights. That's a good point. Or Shamu the whale just drinking rye. Yeah, oh, he's a drill. But anyway, he has a sea as a jellyfish in his tank in a fish tank in his motel room because Will Smith has given his house away to a Mexican American woman who has an abusive boyfriend, so she can escape. Instead of calling the cops, it seems like a simpler solution,
Starting point is 00:11:10 and one that would all the men off the streets, let's say. Get this abusive boyfriend off the streets. But okay. We help more people. So he's got a jellyfish. He's obsessed with it, because it's the deadliest animal in the world his dad told him that
Starting point is 00:11:26 and probably go through a black market jellyfish dealer yeah probably uh... and then his his plan is and why we should we just give away the ending of the movie please do he okay fills his bathtub with ice sure then he gets in it and it's very cold so he takes his time
Starting point is 00:11:46 at everything in this movie it takes its time and then he tips over his bucket with the jellyfish in it the jellyfish of course being as you said a rapacious predator uh... clamps on to his arm immediately and kills him and his organs go to the people he's deemed worthy of it but this that's the thing dan you just put your finger on the on the pulse of this one this movie could be what you think a tenth of the length well yeah i mean the listener home uh... play a little game
Starting point is 00:12:13 uh... it's a movie about a guy who accidentally killed some people in a car crash then decides to use a little bit of his blackberry dan i think he had to real message more like a crackberry he's a dick to that thing. Yeah, but so he snackberry More like a lack berry because there's no berries in that thing. Yeah, but he wants to make it up to the world So he's gonna kill himself and don't like a Zach Berry because if they made save for the bell now Zach Mars would have one of those instead of one of those big phones. Yeah, that's what you call a used to call the pizza reading deliver. Pieces to Mr. Billing.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yeah, exactly. You know, when he stops talking or call his teachers to pretend to be sick. Wait, all right. How when he'd stop talking. I was in the middle of something. He called pizza real. No, he wouldn't stop. He couldn't do anything when time was stopped.
Starting point is 00:12:58 That was his, that was his subjective. Well, because he was insane. He was insane and thought he was being watched at all points. So he would stop time by the belt cast okay so I wish it was I wish the cast of save by the bell was right here no uh dust and diamond like for he's I think I think they're saying some about save by the bell over oh yes sorry the entire plot of this film is that a guy save by the bell actually kills a bunch of people and then he wants to kill himself
Starting point is 00:13:26 and donate his organs to make up for it he wants the balance balance yeah with the regret listener at home how long do you think that that story uh... would take tell
Starting point is 00:13:37 if i was in ten minutes i'm guessing that the audience at home probably is saying forty five seconds you can maybe do it i just told it in that amount of time. You could do a Verizon ad that explains the story. We'd be more, but that was because you interrupted it with the same by the bell stuff. That was the best material I think we've had in the episode so far.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But yeah, how long did it take about an hour and 50 minutes? It was a two hour film. It wasn't completely two hours. I think it was. It was looking at the counter. The movie, you do have glasses in my down. So clearly. It wasn't completely two hours. I think it was it was I was looking at the counter the movie You do have glasses in my down. So clearly it's a 200 You have plus two division. Yes, it's a one hundred and twenty five minute film. So really there's no way it was I think that's counting credits
Starting point is 00:14:18 Well, yeah, okay, okay, the doi well the philosophers are gonna argue this point for generations Let's just leave it at that. The exact length of seven pounds. But yeah, every... I think I think the movie was seven pounds. How many... How long will seven pounds dance on the head of a pen? That's what they'll say.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah, that is what they'll say when they're quoting you. But yeah, every shot... Where I'm famous in the future, Ellie, if... When somehow, after the bomb society has come to worship you in the recordings that's been all that survived of the before the great reckoning was uh... your your blog and these
Starting point is 00:14:54 podcast these aphorisms don't make any sense but and they worship Dan McCoy the man with the voice and and hate Stuart and Elliott who be deviled and in his work as Lord yeah and hate Stuart Nellie who'd be deviled, Dan, in his work as Lord. Yeah, understandably. I can dream. But yeah, the movie, every shot in the movie was like five times longer than it needed to be every scene was much too long.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It was like the director told the actors like, listen, if there is... That's too long for what? There might be people for what they're getting across. Like if there might be people in the audience. To tell a story or to make a movie along movie. To increase, to make the audience interested in what was going on in every shot. Well, I'm sure it was like.
Starting point is 00:15:34 It was like you saying to the actors, people in the audience might be coughing. So we need to have enough space between your words so that they can cough, not miss any of the dialogue. A lot of people to be able to get up, go take a leisurely stroll to the bathroom, take a pee, pick up some popcorn, score some butter on that shit. Maybe they wanna check the email.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Not miss, not miss the end of the day. Call the grandma. You know what I thought? Maybe it was like a directorial of choice where like every shot is like the end of the graduate, where Mike Nichols was like, I'm just gonna let this camera roll and just like, we just let their faces relax.
Starting point is 00:16:06 At the end of Michael Clayton, yeah. Yeah, but. Which I've heard, did I talk to you guys about this? I remember who I heard it from that. When they were shooting that, that there were guys, because they were in a car driving to New York, that the car's next to that would be like, hey George Clooney!
Starting point is 00:16:20 Hey! And he just had to ignore it and stare into the camera. Oh man, that would have been awesome That's hey, that's that that's I hope that's on the behind the scenes on the blue ray disc I hope the camera turning every now and then and show seeing people honking their horns. Hey Joji Joji boy leather heads The Beast maker good. I good luck. Good. I have good luck. I love Maker. Good night, good luck. Good night, good luck. I love it.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Good night, good luck. Good stuff. Three kings. The guy shouting at him from different cars. We'll probably be shouting about good things. Good luck. Ciriana, amazing. It really brought the past to life. The guy shouting at him from 1940s films.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Good night, good luck. So it's kind of like Andy Cap. guy shouting at him from uh... nineteen forties films could i go lock so it's like any cap well as a voice come on it's so vividly written that you can hear his voice in your head when you read it but so this movie was very long and boring yeah super long boring rosario dauson was in it and that's how. She looks very
Starting point is 00:17:25 sickly, but she was playing. She was playing a woman with a son. Yeah, I'm not saying that like, hey, Rosario Dawson, go eat a sandwich or something. But no, she should. She looks very sick. Well, she should have in the mood. I don't know how she looks right now. She's not like here or anything. From what I've seen looks pretty good. Not bad. Not bad. uh... so yeah i guess reserved awesome in the movie what was buried pepper supposed to be doing these like will smith's best friend who i guess is his accomplice in finding people
Starting point is 00:17:56 or or he's the executive of the estate he handles it sounds like a that sounds like a sm co. That sounds like a Smith come is Executer of the state It sounds like a terrible sitcom. Yeah, where's like a sad set? Yeah, I'm trying to deal with this guy as a state all the time. I got this This week on executive of the state all these clowns died at once and I've got to figure out their wheels
Starting point is 00:18:23 I've got to figure out their wills. That's tonight on Executive You Know This. That end, Debbie has a new boyfriend. Sprowing. That's tonight at 8.30. That's sprowing. After all new Golden Girls. I knew Sprowing. All new.
Starting point is 00:18:38 The other just died, dude. It's impossible. It's Golden Girls, the college years. It's a pre-it's a pre-it's a pre-it's. It's Golden Girls next to college years. It's a pretty it's a price Girl girls two thousand ten. They're all going to space university Golden girl in space It's just like Alex. Hi, yeah, they have to go to galaxy. It's just like Le Verne and Shirley in space when they had a talking dog alien sidekick Oh wow, seven pounds, huh?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Seven, we know, and we'll have to look up on Wikipedia why it was called seven pounds. Maybe that's how much it's heart weighed. That might be it, or like how much it's is it's heart weighs? Is it the eights' part to where it's already Odauson? Yeah, which is very romantic.
Starting point is 00:19:17 We're literally, and I think figure it out. No, no, I think figure it out of the way before literally. I don't know, I mean, they just did it once. Yeah. You don't have to love somebody, you know, fuck them. No, but they were crying and they were singing songs to each other. And she was just like, hold me, do it slow. Yeah, make it last all night.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Yeah, just I want to feel robust inside me. Yeah, I just said that in the movie, right? You're a sweet talk. Let me take off all your clothes, a hook of phone, so nobody knows. I'll make love to you like you want me to and I'll hold you tight baby all through the any of all sorts of small songs, you know, you was in snog. I did yeah, I'm somehow drunk on seven pounds. Yeah, understandably. This year, this year, Joy, I got from seeing you two. The joy I got from seeing you two not enjoy this movie was priceless. I got up in the face to film out. Elliot was the one who suggested they watch this one. And I've suggested a couple
Starting point is 00:20:23 movies in the past that I was disappointed in our ability to verbalize why we didn't like them but this one I think it was just seeing how much you guys didn't like it I didn't like it either you don't see your physical revulsion the story I was talking to me story of the fucking guy who runs the motel who was like hey you're not supposed to bring that fucking dog here you can't bring a jellyfish hey you're not supposed to bring that fucking dog here. You can't bring a jellyfish here. Yeah, bring a fucking jellyfish here. And you're not saying it in a borderline racist Mexican accent. As the character did. I'm actually legally not allowed to do my racist Mexican accent anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:56 But up to, so the cops go up to them and they're like hey buddy what the fuck. This dude killed himself with a jellyfish and the guys like oh my god. Regrets. Let me see. Let me check the newspaper. Okay, this guy, he lost his arm. this dude killed himself with a jellyfish and the guys like oh my god regrets Let me see let me check the newspaper. Okay, this guy he lost his arm this guy needs eyeballs Boom killed myself this guy can have my arm this guy has a It's a pay-it-forward type thing. Yeah, it's like everyone keeps killing themselves to give away their organs. Absolutely. It's until nobody's left I feel I feel like the last guy would probably not. He'd be a huge monster made out of other people's organs.
Starting point is 00:21:29 At first it's heartwarming and it gets more and more horrifying than it was never heartwarming. Yeah, it's like a horrifying Ponzi scheme. Yep. But a backwards Ponzi scheme. That's the movie I want to see. It's this terrible sad movie. All the paintings. You saw it. it was called seven pounds
Starting point is 00:21:46 No, that was that movie was really good right guys Well, let's talk about whether it was good everything in the movie was shot in golden time like it's not Yeah, and you know what I I hate to sound like a classist Any movie Any movie that I can't wait to hear that we're the sentences going any movie that opens with like a really rich but uh... any movement and it was a i can't wait to hear that we're the sense is going any of the open to like a really rich
Starting point is 00:22:10 clearly like you know clearly fit guy attractive guy i really care if he hits hard times i thought it was going to be like i don't want to sound like a classist but why was he helping those poor people i'm not working hard enough i don't care that much when rich people have trouble. No, no, of course. It's not, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Well, the Hollywood movies seem to think that you're going to feel worse for a guy who had it all and then lost it than for a guy who never had it. Yeah, and it's not like it's like. You're always going to feel, you're always going to want to be more sympathetic to a guy who was never happy than a guy who would like, I'm rich got a beautiful wife this is great i know it's gone i accidentally killed my wife and and other people by driving while using my
Starting point is 00:22:53 blackberry yeah which is stupid on on dead man's curve in the middle of the night when it was raining yeah like what the fuck like uh... i guess they didn't teach him how to drive at m it come on like he went to MIT. Yeah, I mean, but they The listener yeah, like it's I don't Well, they talk about MIT as if it's I mean, I guess it it's a really it's a great school for smart people But they throw that out there like It's a great school for smart people. No, no, but it's not like they were not right
Starting point is 00:23:23 I feel like we're not living in an in an age where it's like you went to MIT. Fuck, you could write your ticket to anywhere in the world. But that's MIT. They only take my two. They only take like two students a year and those students have super brains like it's she's just amazing doing. They're baby geniuses. They take them at age four and teach them to be philosopher kings so that they can rig our elections and run our republic. Wow. This is this podcast just turned into like paranoid ram. Well, that was straight from play though. They threw that in their exclusive way. They beam things into my brain from their moon base. But they threw it in.
Starting point is 00:24:05 They threw it into make him even that much more perfect. For people who like. Hey guys, he is really smart. But it felt like when. That's like when somebody's like, hey, this character wrote the most important book of our century. You're thinking of Lady in the Water specifically. For instance, or like, this guy is the funniest
Starting point is 00:24:22 comedian in the universe. Yeah. Aliens actually send in fan mail, like that kind of bullshit. Any movie where they tell you how great the main character is, but they give you no reason to think he's that great. Yeah. Because he's clearly not that smart, because he fucking killed himself,
Starting point is 00:24:37 because he accidentally killed somebody. Well, he also thinks the best way to test someone's nobility is to call him up on the phone and harass them at work. And the smartest way to kill himself and not fuck up The organs is have a fucking jellyfish kill him which somebody's gonna fucking write me an email It's like actually jellyfish poison dissipates after the human body I don't know why they'd write that to you. You didn't write this movie. Well, it should write it to the writer of seven pounds No, but it's me complaining that clearly like that that heart he just gave her is fucking stuff full of jellyfish poison of this boy.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah, maybe. I get the bloodstream and go right into his heart and then she's toast. I mean, I guess it would ruin the supposed surprise of this film that everyone predicts halfway through it, but uh... Well, that's the... Oh, it's the... I feel like there should be something in there where he's like, hmmm, what's the least harmful way to kill someone? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Jellyfish it would make more sense than if he was just obsessed with jellyfish since he was a kid because it's just such a weird Oddball way to kill himself and nothing else in the film is Oddball at all. It's all like if he was like a Paul Dano character It would make more sense for him to choose such a crazy way Anyway Speaking of could guess where the movie was going halfway through called dano character it would make more sense for him to choose such a crazy way anyway speaking of could guess where the movie is going halfway through uh... if i could speak for a minute about uh... aoscott the new york times
Starting point is 00:25:53 uh... movie reviewer who in his review for seven pounds talked about it as if he could not fathom what the fit what was going on in the film he couldn't comprehend it which seem like i've been in the beginning we were like what's going on but then it became pretty clear that certain that's like the first like fifteen minutes so i guess i'm saying is i don't know how old a osc i is but he's an old man with dementia and he should no longer be writing film reviews
Starting point is 00:26:14 who this is also a his review for shoot him up with like this grim on you like ill-humored thing you know like at one point someone actually said you know i'm paraphr, but he like didn't get that it was a joke. So he's like, at some point he actually says, what's up Doc? Like not catching the parallel between shoot him up in a bug's bunny cartoon. Anyway, that's my anti-New York Times film review rant of the day. And that's after... The crazy paranoid rant was not real. That I didn't believe in. Or do I?
Starting point is 00:26:47 You're deluding yourself. Flop house fans right in, way in on this subject, am I crazy paranoid? Flop house podcast at That's crazy. That's another vague contest from the Flop first. No rules, no prizes. Okay, so what's next? Let's make our final judgments on the film final judgements So is that some movie that was a good bad movie a bad bad movie or a movie that you actually liked in some way?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Elliot go bad bad movie and but I but I did like in some way and why would you mean like completely see you guys not enjoy it? Wait, Jake can you tell me those categories again? Good bad, no. Movie kind of like, no bad bad. Yes it was a bad bad. Is it a terrible movie? It's fucking really long and boring. It's a it's a it's the kind of I'll let you vote in a second Dan but this is. And I'm not even gonna talk about how how crazy the fucking like a morality of this movie is.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yeah, but it's it's a kind of movie where you can't believe that at no stage during the production of it, people were like, wait, what? Wait, we're making this, I just realized this movie is shit. Like, why are we making this, you know? Yeah. Anyway, Dan, what did you think? Did you like it? Uh, yeah, as Stuart might say, a big fucking surprise. Bad, bad.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's just long, slow. It's not wacky in any way other than the jellyfish. Yeah, and even that, they dewack as much as possible. There could have been him farting while in the bath as he dies. I don't know how that really helps. It's not a bit of a little wacky. wacky would be like a cartoon rabbit the chase is after me so kill yourself like a sidekick or a wise cracking cartoon I wanted to know with me if you'll live body I wanted to know what that great Dan was
Starting point is 00:28:44 thinking through a lot of the movie. That was the most charismatic character in the whole film. What was the dog? That's what we wanted. Wait, not Barry Pepper? Barry, everyone in the movie looked haggard, and tired, and old, and underfed. Barry Pepper looked rough. Yeah, he looked very rough.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Considering he looked healthier in battlefield earth when he's living in the future when Cyclows have enslaved the human rat animals or whatever what are they? what do they call them? Is there a pepper and paparazzi? I never saw paparazzi. Is that the one? Do you see the main character? Are you asking or is he in the paparazzi?
Starting point is 00:29:14 He's not the main character. Is he an... I don't think that's okay. Paparazzi is what's in the cold house? Cold house. Yeah. Like Duke McElayne or something. No bow layer of me is the here's the
Starting point is 00:29:27 the lips live chest the bad movies that is a great bad movie if you're leaving for a bad there is don't watch seven pounds yeah watch pop rosy i don't think i've seen pop uh... will talk about fantastic i just know call houses in it
Starting point is 00:29:41 yeah as good as a film uh film directed by Mel Gibson's hairdresser You would think it would be So let's talk about movies that we actually saw recently and Enjoyed I'm just so haunted by seven pounds. I can get it out of my mind. Yeah I'll go first. I actually watched this a little while ago It's on the Netflix watch instantly so you guys pull open your web browser, go over to your Instant queue and get ready to queue up the movie. Tell no one. It's a it's a
Starting point is 00:30:19 friend I was supposed to tell no one about the movie. No, the movie's title. Tell no. How are you supposed to know what the title is if you won't tell us? Okay, guys, joke time's over. The movie title is tell no one. And it's a French thriller about a guy joke time. Well, there's a time in place. So yeah, joke time. This French guy, right? His wife gets his wife gets killed and then eight years later chak sakra blur exactly uh he gets an email from her zhat alours exactly like what would you do and well that's what that the movie answers the question mark summer's hosted it's it's it's uh it's really good so
Starting point is 00:31:01 totally check it out just take uh tell no one, drag it over into your cue box and release, click and... That's a good idea. Now you're actually quite excited. Just drag and click it, rust it into your cue box. Yeah, Elliot looks like you've watched a lot of movies lately. I have. So what do you want to recommend?
Starting point is 00:31:26 I haven't seen too much lately that I really loved. Star Trek I haven't seen yet. That's been Origins Wolverines. That I didn't see. Probably not going to see it until we watch it for the Flawp House. I don't know if I recommended real life in this podcast yet. I, yes. I don't know remember if I recommended real life in this podcast yet? I, yes. I don't remember. Wait, no, you recommended a modern romance. Okay, well I saw it real life for the first time about a month ago I guess. I'd never seen it, because I'm feeling in the holes in my Albert Brooks good era films.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And that was very funny and I recommended it. The ending is kind of a kind of false flat at the end, but there are a lot of very funny scenes with the Alwe Brooks and Charles Groden. Alwe Brooks playing himself as a documentary filmmaker making a movie about an average American family and basically destroying their lives. And it's a loose parody of the American family TV miniseries that was on PBS in the 70s
Starting point is 00:32:25 in which they like just kind of stuck around a family and it just happened to coincide with that family falling apart at the seams. The sun coming out of the closet to the family's consternation, the husband and wife divorcing, so the and the fact that they were being filmed for television made everything worse. So real life is a joke version of that and it was very funny I recommend it so I haven't watched that much recently. I I was watching Mark's Brothers movies lately or
Starting point is 00:33:01 The Adelaide last week. Do they have a new one out? Yeah. Oh my god. So prolific. The Judd Apatow of now. I guess now. I guess that would be Judd Apatow. Yeah. Anyway, I watched At the Circus, which is not as good as I remembered.
Starting point is 00:33:19 So I'm not recommending At the Circus. If you like me, you watched At the Circus as a child and thought, oh, this is a pretty good Marx-Buddhist movie and then wanted to revisit it as an adult, do not do that, you will be disappointed. Or just fast forward to the scene where there in a midget's house and it's a small house and they're ducking over at the whole time and there's some shenanigans with cigars. Instead, I recommend the lesser Mark's Brothers film, Monkey Business. Okay. A lot of, you know, I figure if you're a Mark's Brothers fan, you've watched Duck
Starting point is 00:33:58 Soup, you've watched Night of the Opera, you've watched Animal Crackers. Wait, Dario or Gentos Opera? Uh-huh. Yes. Derio Argento's The Mark's Brothers is a Knight of the Opera. Derio Argento's Mark's Brothers movie in which the plot makes no sense and Chico gets his throat cut and there's a lot of bold colors and people think it's great because it's not in English. But I must watch the dubbed version which is in English. The monkey business is good and it's 77 minutes long so if you want to good and it's 77 minutes long. So if you want to watch something,
Starting point is 00:34:27 that's short and funny. Like 11, 11, 7 pounds is. Yeah. I recommend monkey business. 7 pounds. So that would be good. So why do you think it was? So why do you think it was?
Starting point is 00:34:41 So 7 pounds is the hit of the year. So that's like uh... it's amazing that this slow uh... depressing uh... confusing movie never was wasn't a big hit seven yeah you think like i mean it's got a big star will smith one of the biggest okay well very pepper is liked by people
Starting point is 00:35:02 but yeah you were saying something about Will Smith. Will Smith, he's one of the biggest stars in the world. Yeah, he was in that Hancock movie. Yeah, among other things, that was the most recent blockbuster. He was probably in some other stuff, right? He was on that show, The Fresh Prince. Yeah, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Yeah, I mean, he's a popular guy. He hasn't really done too much in between. Yeah. Fresh Prince and handcock i think uh... i think will smith just got suckered in by the original script of this film
Starting point is 00:35:30 which was what an action thriller and one hundred and twelve ounces and he was just really liked it it makes more sense maybe oh no i have no idea it's just like that i don't see any reason why it just doesn't make sense why he'd want to make this movie or anyone would want to watch it. Although here's one reason to watch it.
Starting point is 00:35:50 To watch your friends, not enjoying it even more than you do. Why don't you out there and listen to your lion? Why don't you call up your friends and be like, hey, I got a great movie to show you guys. This is going to be so beautiful. You're going to love it. We're going to have a great movie now. We're gonna pop some popcorn have some beers will smits in it It's probably like bad boys three. Oh here. It's really campy and then and then excuse yourself To go to the restroom and go hide behind your one-way mirror to it
Starting point is 00:36:17 Yeah, one way would be weird Your one-way mirror and just stare at the backing because you can't see through it And just imagine what it's like in that room with them not enjoying themselves Kaisley giggling to yourself then Like a scheming miser in a Then go over to your portrait with the cut-out eyes and Look from side to side so the audience at home could tell you're looking through the part. Occasionally accidentally knocking over a beer bottle.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Well no, this scenario you have some sort of phobia or mental problem that causes you to hide behind the mirror because that's the only way to feel comfortable. Well you think you're in mirror land at that point. Like the key for Sutherland, yeah. Oh, seven pounds. Seven pounds. It was like seven pounds of crap and a two-pound bag. Yep. I don't even don't even know what that Looks like I would be like most bags are way less than the stuff they're carrying
Starting point is 00:37:15 I imagine this bag is made out of like Kevlar so it's a first-having Or like a bag that's designed to carry only two pounds of crap Well, that's usually what the saying means. Yeah, I guess what usually like what do you view that saying? All the time. Come on check your brand of the door, man. Don't use the checker band of the door excuse. So anything else? Do we have any letters from readers?
Starting point is 00:37:41 No, we don't. We don't. Seven pounds has been so crappy that we're talking for less time than usual, so we can just sign off. Listeners, send us some letters. Tell us what you think. What's that address again? The right Elliott for not letting us watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua for the four years. We can watch it next time.
Starting point is 00:37:59 The five past five years. Why do you want to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua so badly? I just want to see what's going on with that. Wow. I've been a good send of adventures scrapes and dog based comedy's are always funny. No, they're not. Beethoven Beethoven second.
Starting point is 00:38:15 The comic the comic Marmaduke. Yeah, duh. Benji the hunted. Yeah. The gr- what was the? Oh, Heavenly Dog. What was that journey movie? The one Milo and Otis. the grid what was the oh having Lee dog what was that journey movie the one
Starting point is 00:38:26 my little my low and Otis all these things faxing the hand mm-hmm snoop dogs girls gone wild yep hilarious oh man bites dog hilarious hilarious film dogville dogs those old shorts where it was uh the duck they would dress dogs up with in costumes and have them pretend to do scenes for movies hilarious okay William Wegman's work those aren't movies those are still photos okay so um yeah well I'm in Stuart W. my life as a dog I've been damn coy. I'm Ellie Kalen. Good night. And remain so. Ellie Kalen. Good night. I noticed something interesting guys. This happened today at work. A guy brought in two pasta bread bowls from Domino's. Oh man. So we could drive them into one of the dogs in the audience,
Starting point is 00:39:22 sniffed around it and walked away Did not recognize the pasta bread bowl as a source of food and it was at every time the dog would approach it We'd be like ah and then she just turn her head walk away What was there a dog in the audience at no in the office? Oh, why was there a dog in the audience? We have like we have oh sorry we have, I might have said audience. Did it, is it a staff writer? Yes, yeah. No, we have two. Let's get the dogs opinion on this, too.
Starting point is 00:39:53 We need a perspective only a dog can provide. We have no female writers, but we do have two dogs. Pop print, pop print, pop print. You done it again. You done it again!

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