The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #38 - Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Episode Date: May 30, 2009

0:00 - 0:41 - Introduction and theme0:42 -  31:36 - We discuss Beverly Hills Chihuahua, the movie that made talking Chihuahuas a national sensation. Wait... I'm thinking of Taco Bell.31:36 - 38:38 - ...Final judgments38:39 - 46:00 - After some hilarity about the Civil War, we read a letter from a listener.46:01 - 53:19 - The sad bastards recommend53:20 - 55:35 - Dan reveals a shameful talent for remembering celebrity nude scenes, followed by goodbyes, theme and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss Beverly Hills Chihuahua. It's like Beverly Hills cop except for the cop is a dog and not a cop and not a demurphy and the dog is from Beverly Hills instead of going to Beverly Hills. Otherwise it's basically the flop house. The podcast where we watch a bad movie and then chat about it. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaelin, don't you know. So guys, it's good to see you again. Yeah, it's been a while, right? Yeah, that's to quote the opening from Star Trek Enterprise. It's been a long time getting from there to here. Wow, that was a strange thing to pull out.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Not at all. Which one's enterprise? That's the one with Scott Bakula. Oh, the guy from Necessary Roughness. Yes. I prefer. That's what he's best known for. Lord of Illusions, right?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Star of Illusions. Star of Lord of Illusions. Yeah, Scott Bakula. Yeah, I liked the 1970s version of Enterprise with Scott Blackula. Well, we were derailed almost instantly from this fucking flop. So wait, what's our podcast about again?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yeah. It's about bad movies. Okay. And what's bad movie did we watch this week? Tonight we watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Wait a minute. Those words don't seem to go together, I don't understand. And then Beverly and Hills go together.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah, that's a place name. Yeah. But it's a movie you say. Yeah, explain. Yeah, it's not just a dog and where that dog lives. Okay. Keep going. So, too fast.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah, is this a cartoon or something? No, it's a live action film with live action dogs, but with animated mouths. Now, when you say live action, you mean like human people got together in front of cameras and made a movie called Beverly Hills Chihuahua well human people and Live dogs the dogs don't know what they're doing that's I can understand that but the people surely there's no one of name Recognition in this film now. I don't want to name recognition
Starting point is 00:02:20 Would you say that Piper parabos a name that you recognize for reasons other than it being a very distinctive name? No, okay, but Jamie Lee Curtis isn't it. She's well Yeah, she's in it for five minutes at the top of the film and at the bottom of the film. She's what's called a frame Yeah, she's called a book and Yeah, bookends she would be like the rich old guy who asked the guys to look after the three stooges to look after his house Yeah, that guy is making a mistake Please after the three stuages to look after his house. Or is like, that guy is making a mistake. Please.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I'm not talking to him. He's priceless, make a... Do I still have time to mourn him? Now, I have a question, Dan. If a female dog gives an amazing performance, yeah, excuse us, Alec. Sorry. Gives an amazing performance.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Would that female dog be eligible for best actors or best supporting actors, depending on the script? Wow. There's nothing in the rule book about a dog winning an Oscar. It's similar to a dog that's going to allow. I'll allow it. Tweet. Because the Oscar judge has him as a whistle.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah. They call him Oscar referees, Elliot. That's exactly right. You don't know anything about sports. Nope, not at all. I don't know. I don't know what it's a voice performance. A tour to force voice performance. I don't know what it's a voice performance. A tour to force voice performance.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Hey, I was a voice performance. Hey, the voice performance. Yeah, listeners, I plead to you guys. If anyone knows the answer to this question, please email us. Yeah, I'll tell you the answer. If you remember a price, water house, I'll tell you right now, no.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Oh, I didn't ask you, dude. I asked the listeners, what up? Yeah, you asked Dan and the listeners and not the one guy who can answer it Why do you have to put in? Just because you're a member of the job WGA Yeah, because you actually vote on the Oscars. No, I don't get to go on the I'm not an academy member. You are wearing a stripey shirt
Starting point is 00:03:57 I mean your stripey shirt is that your Oscar referees? No, these are horizontal stripes. Oh, okay vertical stripes like on a referee Okay, so you you can't officially judge that one. I can tell you the answer though. Let's move on. So we're talking about Jamie Lee Curtis being a bookend girl. Well, you're talking dirty, right? No, not at all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:14 We're talking about Barry Lee. You're not referring to the fact that she has both my own female gentalia. What a dance! That's the one! What a dance! You just opened yourself up to a slander lost loop. I hope you're happy. Christopher, guys, I am going to... I am going to... I will testify against you. I hope you're happy. Chris, forget I am going to track me down.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I will testify against you. I want no part of this. Look, this is a well known. It's super guest is going to track you down. And in a very dead pan way, look at you and then express his displeasure and then punch you. And you're not going to know if he's joking or not. No, I'm going to be pretty sure he's angry.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I mean, from what I understand, despite being a comic genius, he's a real jerk. I was more defamation, I guess. Wow, wow, yeah, you are really. You got these are both more. Are there any lawyers who are listening to this because Dan's gonna need your help? I'm just saying these are things that I've heard.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I just, I hope I'm gonna get fucking splash damage from this one, dude. You were gonna get a role in Christopher Guest next improvised film. Yes, next improvised film set in the world of competitive acrobatics. It's called high up there, way down low or something stupid. Okay, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I like it. It's called flying trap pieces. Can I be in a scene with either Fred Willard or Fred Ward? Every scene is going to have Fred Willard in it because he's the funniest guy. Fred Ward. Can I be in a scene with Fred Ward? You can be in a scene with Bert Ward. You can be in a scene with Bert Ward. You can be in a scene with Bert Ward. You can be in a scene with Bert Ward That's too bad you can be in a scene. I don't know my ward
Starting point is 00:05:28 I don't think that scene will be in a Christopher guest film. Let me never use that. Let me tell you I Pass I appreciate you really I'm gonna pass this is over you didn't even get and you're passing on it Yeah, I can't Fred Ward was my it was on the tail. It was on the table I'm gonna have to pass. First frontward was on the tail. He was on the table for a minute. That was a penalty.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Why? You're closing off so many avenues that were open. This is a door. You're not gonna recover from this quickly. Well, I'll accept that. You pissed off some powerful people. You made some very bad enemies here, young man. Well, you know, um...
Starting point is 00:05:57 Let me give you a word of advice. If I go back to commercials, I was great in commercials, you know. In what commercials were you in? I was in that mattress... Come to the mattress, mattress all the one where you go quiet i'm sleeping and you're right in the middle of the store that one i was in that one where the mom gets really mad because the robber keeps stealing all the bacon that her family yeah yeah you were the robber right yeah i was the i was bringing home the bank what do you want from me i'm just taking your bacon yeah taking your bacon was the slogan yeah absolutely so i can I was bringing home the bacon. Hey, what do you want from me? I'm just taking you bacon Yeah, I'm taking your bacon was the slogan. Yeah, absolutely. So I can do that again like the bacon robber
Starting point is 00:06:30 I don't know. It's me Christopher guest is very big on the bacon commercial I don't know yeah, I don't know whether the nostalgia for those bacon robber commercials has reached a fever pitch enough to bring him back yet I think I could do it. So Beverly Hills, it was too wild. It's what I call a Riches to Rags tale. And then back to Riches again. Spoiler alert. Yeah. If you were wondering whether this Disney film ended
Starting point is 00:06:54 happily, it's not Brazil. There are many opportunities for people to have their throats bitten out by dogs. Dogs to be shot to death. Almost none of them are taken. Almost none of them. Nice. Not a 10 day.
Starting point is 00:07:09 There's a chance that a cloud of Chihuahua's will skeletonize another dog doesn't happen. Like in the movie critters to. Yeah. So should we bother going through the bottom of the wheel? The best thing that they care is ever did was critters to yeah, Chris too. Great. Um, should we bother going through the plot or do you think it's it's pretty self-explanatory? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Well, rich stuck up dog accidentally gets lost in Mexico, learns to be humble. Wait, does that stuck up dog have dog friends back in Beverly Hills? Yes, one of whom is a gay male dog. Do they wear dog clothes? They wear dog clothes, dog hats, designer dog clothes. They have a dog party. One of them is on the cover of a magazine, he says.
Starting point is 00:07:42 What, they played some song when all the dogs are running about running around in there like nice outfits I believe it was I'm too sexy by right said Fred okay that sounds great that was probably in the pitch meeting yeah well they I think that someone picked up a CD called greatest hits of the movies just the movies in general it called music for a. Yeah, so they had that and hot, hot, hot, by Buckeptus Pointe. Hot, hot, what else? Who let the dogs out was not in it, but move there it is, was in it? There it is, was.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah, low rider. And interesting, the use of I'm too sexy brings up a point that I felt uncomfortable with in the film, which is that. The eroticization of these dogs. Yes, there's this kind of running the, like this assumption that you are sexually aroused by these dogs. The viewer, like, you understand these dogs. Yes, there's this kind of running like this assumption that you are sexually aroused by these dogs. The viewer like you understand these dogs. Well, they're high-class
Starting point is 00:08:29 dogs, I mean, these dogs are wearing pretty revealing swimwear. In the same way that I'm not like sexually attracted to cars, I'm not attracted to dogs. Well, well, well, hold on, there's a little movie called Cars where I believe two cars fall in love and one has to I don't think I don't think there's reminders throughout the film that these cars are sexy yeah like so if when they answer for more or five this car right they try to make this car like a human where would they put the lower back tattoo for that car this was my name is the only thing I find attractive about a woman I assume on the
Starting point is 00:09:04 trunk okay that makes sense what's right about a woman. I assume on the trunk. Oh, okay, that, I guess that makes sense. Well, like, right above it. We're at decal on the rear windshield. Like, one of those, all the holding hands. I'm just trying to clarify, Dan, because literally the only thing about a woman I find attractive is the quality of her lower back. All the tram stamps in cars are of Calvin pissing on things. We don't see cars building up cars.
Starting point is 00:09:22 We have to assume that these cars are fucking like, you know, like the male car and search himself in the female muffler and then like, literally- In the muffler, you don't know anything about cars. This is the tank. It shouldn't fucking grow, Stan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Anyway, Beverly Hills too long. Let's go away from Dan's sick perversion. All right. And into Beverly Hills too long. I'm just saying, these are the questions that you- Do you have- Do you have-
Starting point is 00:09:44 I bet Dan's probably got Aerosmith's pump somewhere that he strokes off to it night, right? I'm seeing what You love the response to that Absolutely, yeah, of course so Beverly Hills to out there's also an ex-police dog who's lost his ability to smell He's one of the characters an evil gang leader in Mexico who's also who's caught and does dogfighting It has an evil dog that after these dogs is the main antagonist most most surprisingly There's a rat iguana con artist team that's entirely CGI like the other the dogs
Starting point is 00:10:17 And you're probably thinking entirely CGI animals in a world where they use regular animals probably looks out of place I'm gonna tell you right now Doesn't You can barely even tell seamless Jurassic Park. It's like that all over again The credits when it's right to the back comes again when it's at a guana graphics team that we realize no They stick out horribly it's it feels like Roger Rabbit at times with with that as you said, I think right wait What's Roger Rabbit Roger Rabbit is a film from the 80s about oh the film who framed Roger yeah yeah I'm sorry I was
Starting point is 00:10:49 you say I apologize I believe shortened version of what I believe Roger rabbit is just a popular dance that has nothing to do with the big one yeah demonstrated on your audio of the podcast. All right, I'm doing it right now. He's doing it very well. Yeah, and that's a Roger Rabbit. No, you're turning it into a running man.
Starting point is 00:11:11 That's a one. Never even thought about it. At the end it became the running man. Now you're doing the mashed potato. This is not the... Well, I just like dances with names. Anywho. So we're talking about the commoners.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So you have these live action dogs with computer generated mouths. They look creepy. But those were computer generated mouths. They look creepy. Those were computer generated? Yeah, they did. I thought they did the peanut butter thing. No, they did not do that.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I guess it'd be kind of hard to get them the smile and the moat at my chest. And they have, whenever the dogs do stunts, it turns into very obvious computer generated images. But the rat and the iguana are always seeing. That's a value judgment, isn't it? Very obvious. Well, let's get some kids and some everybody else and bring them in and have them judge rat and the iguana are always. That's a value judgment, isn't it? Very obvious. Well, let's get some kids and some everybody else
Starting point is 00:11:47 and bring a man and have them judge it. And I think they look like me. Let's get some blind people in here, and they'll be able to hear the digits of the binary code of these computers as they run the physics model animating in the wall. It's not fair to get daredevil in here. So listen for that.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I'll get any blind man who hasn't hands hearing. Okay. Nice. And has romantic ties with the lecturers. So you mentioned that the Aguana and Rat were a con artist team. Might like to hear a little bit more about that. Well, they're con artists somehow. In Beverly Hills, you say.
Starting point is 00:12:22 No, no, this is in Mexico. Okay, I guess that makes more sense. The main dog character, Chloe, the stuck-up rich dog who learns a lesson about being a chihuahua. Voice by. Voice by Druson Barry Morrison. Her family didn't have enough Barry. They got more that's when the name comes from.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yeah, and the old country. And this is the sion of one of America's greatest acting families, Drew Barrymore, voicing this dog. The dog has a diamond collar necklace which everyone assumes throughout the movie is real diamonds. Because of course if you see a chihuahua running to Mexico with a shiny collar, obviously those are diamonds. Yeah, right. So clearly then when the blood dogs is probably blood diamonds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Jamie the greatest, the owner didn't seem very socially conscious. Yeah, and Beverly Hills That's bling bling but in Mexico that's bling bang In the We're bringing us down for a second. I still never George Lopez is that or what is that? That's from that's from blood diamond. That's a that's an actual piece of Dialogue from the hit film. Oh, I didn't know that I'm an I think dialogue from the hit film. I didn't know that. I think we are going to be everything. The English language, but anyway, the question that never gets answered is, what is this rat going to do with these diamonds? The animals can talk to each other in the movie, but they can't talk to people. The rat just wants to be the same. They couldn't talk to people.
Starting point is 00:13:40 They kept talking to people all the time. The people showed, unless people made a decision at someone they can hit. Like the comments from your field people showed unless people made a decision at some point in history to just People made a decision at some point to just ignore animals when they talk Just pretend you can't hear them doesn't they'll stop yeah because to if you actually realize they were speaking to you It would destroy your mind right or you'd be no longer be able to eat them. Yeah Maybe the rat is just like Templeton the rat from Charlottes What down it down for me. And so it's, you know, just enjoy something shiny.
Starting point is 00:14:08 That's possible. It's a rat hole. That they didn't get into. And just the one that they were saying, it's a rat hole. Oh, rat hole. That makes more sense. It's going to furnish this rat hole.
Starting point is 00:14:18 There are a lot of, like, I wanted to know the backstory of this rat and this iguana, like, how did they get together? Where did the iguana come from? He was from a pet store. He said that. A real low-roll hearty pair, you know? Oh, yeah. to know the backstory of this rat and this iguana, like how did they get together? Where did the iguana come from? Yeah. He was from a pet store. He said that. A real Laurel Hardy, you know? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:29 They were real avid Costello vibes. But anyway, they would play the... They can frack. Jack and Jill. They were doing the classic rat and iguana rip. Sticks and stones. You know, there was a line that I thought was funny even though I didn't laugh at it, which was... But he goes, that's the oldest, a rat in a guana, that's
Starting point is 00:14:47 the oldest trick in the book. Yeah. So the trick was that the rat would pretend to be eaten by the iguana. The dog would save the rat. Yeah. And then I guess the rat would say, give me your diamond. Like, I'll tell you a favor that involves me stealing the diamonds. Yeah. Apparently then the dog would feel indebted into the rat for saving the right like the hit it's like the hit film bow do save from drowning it's maybe it's like the movie choke where the idea is if you save people from choking then they feel responsible for them based on a book is based on a book by Chuck Pechle one that's how they pronounce it anyway but I should I should mention that the ratney one are very minor characters
Starting point is 00:15:26 they barely appear most of the movie is about clowy is about the gardeners dog who has a crush on her who's who's lower class dog as a spanish act makes an accident and about delgado the heroic dog voiced by andy garcia who is an ex-police dog and is you know helping clowy and becomes her protector and garcia plays a lot of police officers. And police dogs. I would say not really. I think 50%.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Maybe 50%. I think he's 50% of the time. Compared to like Dennis Leary who plays nothing but police officers or firefighters. So why is Irish right? Yeah and Irish people have never done anything else. Yeah what else is he going to be like? A potato farmer? Hello.
Starting point is 00:16:04 A boy? Tom? Thank you, Alec Rekhan. Yeah. A two-fisted drunk. Frank McCourt perhaps. Sure. Maybe he should have been an Angeles ashes? Sure. He probably should have. Now you call it, you say, you say that this dog is an ex-police dog. Now what happened? Where they're like layoffs at the Mexicanican police dog probably the government doesn't have money probably but no that's not he has a sad story which actually was more exciting than the rest of the film
Starting point is 00:16:31 he and his master i assume we're on a stakeout they were they were trying to ambush uh... do the got do like the officers who work with you canine officers that's what that's the work with the term right is that what would even be that not the9 officers, that's what, that's the blood-grade term, right? Is that what, what do you mean? Yeah, that's not the offensive slur that they'll kill. Chill out, dude. For police officers who use dogs.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Okay, chill your beans here, buddy. Okay, yeah, cool beans. So would the police officer be considered the master of the dog, or is he just like a co-worker? No, I think that's, I thought they'd be like, my partners. No, they go on.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I can turn her in hooch, right? They'll turn her in hooch for one thing was, that was a dog left to him because the owner died. That was very much a master pet relationship. Okay, what about Kayn? Yeah, he just happened to be a detective. Kayn was Jim Belushi, what they were, they were four partners, right?
Starting point is 00:17:15 They're partners, but the man is the superior in that relationship. But it was a Kayn. Unless it's Jim Belushi, in which case, the dog is the superior. Yeah. But it's I okay, like. According to Jim, he is the superior. Yeah, but it's I okay. According to Jim. He's the superior
Starting point is 00:17:30 What was I saying the other day what the last time we did this whenever I was CK and the US I was CK in the USA. Thank you. I forgot my catchphrase and all these t-shirts printed up but uh Anyway, so he was with his partner then and they were they were doing a sting operation on the evil villain of the movie and his dog Diablo and Somehow in the in everything went bad in the course of events I don't remember if that his partner was killed or not. I don't think so But through some injury Delgado lost his sense of smell. Yeah, psychology Can I court? Oh, yeah entirely psychosomatic because he gets it back. I mean Diablo is a terrifying. Diablo is a terrifying dog voice by Edward James Olmos. Yes, who is also terrifying.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I don't know why they didn't get Danny Treho to do it. Yeah, he'd be even scarier. Maybe he was probably making Machete the movie. He probably was making Machete the movie. Coming soon to the theater knew you. Or Conair too. Not coming as soon. He died in that movie, so probably not unless he's a ghost.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Come back as his brother. Come on. Yeah, I'm not going to say that. uh... comes into the interview uh... or con here too but not not coming as soon he died in the movie so probably not let's use a ghost brother side of the whole city's like our son it i like that doubt about and his master who was the uh... dog kidnapper who ran a dog fighting ring and who looked like david swimmer and brunson print show put together
Starting point is 00:18:41 and side from lost and side from lost And a little bit of Adrian Brody. Such a mixture. He's a man of a thousand faces. Yeah, they're so focused on finding Chloe. You know, they saw this necklace on Chloe. Dining necklace. OK, this dog is, we can ransom it for a lot of money. Well, they would say Mucho Denero.
Starting point is 00:19:02 But that led to a cross Mexico chase for this dog. I mean, clearly this villain was like, oh, this dog is my one last score. One thing is dog. She might take it out of this life. If I was a criminal, I think I would give up on the dog pretty quickly. I just have a dog fighting business. And you have to assume it's Mexico. You have to assume he's a drug runner in a kid. He is other things to attend to. He can't just be a lot of all of a lot of plates speaking of a lot of things spinning in those places a lot of things to attend to can't be chasing a
Starting point is 00:19:32 Chihuahua around they go to the uh... the dog sitter piper parabot sure has lost this dog who she hates on it ill fit on an ill planned trip to Mexico when you say say the Piper Parabos and it girl on Hollywood. I would say she is. She's a coyote ugly, right? She's one of those girls that... She's a that girl. No, that's Marlottamus.
Starting point is 00:19:51 She's one of those girls that comes along who Hollywood decides it's gonna be a big thing and tries very hard to cram her down the throats in the background. Like Colin Farrell. By putting her in a series of films where she interacts with animated characters. Yeah, they all talk about it. And Rocky rocking Bullwing goal. She's kind of like the
Starting point is 00:20:07 opposite of Amy Adams who you know genuinely people like her and also interact with animated characters. And also interact with it. But like she came along and had her big break film and Hollywood was selling a really hard but people like her a lot. Okay. Whereas with PaperPair Boat was like we got they she we're gonna sell the crap out of her and then it just didn't like What's a Gretchen mall is that when I'm thinking there was a time when everyone was like Gretchen mall is the next Julia Roberts She's gonna be huge put on the cover of entertainment weekly put her on people magazine and she just didn't the weird thing Those then she had like a semi comeback with the Betty page movie which he was fantastic in not I would not call that a comeback
Starting point is 00:20:43 Since no but everyone did not see that. But the point was everyone was talking about how great she was in that role and then that added up to precisely nothing. Because being able to sell magazine covers is worth more to them than doing a good job in a small movie that not a lot of people see. I'm surprised they didn't re-release that film on DVD and the special Betty Page is dead now that's how you just heard with stork cracking open a course like that's what
Starting point is 00:21:09 we call a little uh... ambient noise uh... it's like you're like a fully artists at a dead end but anyway speaking of chasing a dog has more things and uh... they should do hyperparable cut goes with the gardener because he speaks Spanish to this police station that it was Mexican but they speak Spanish in Mexico. Okay, that makes sense. So Mexican
Starting point is 00:21:31 variant of Spanish. Okay. That area was settled by the Spanish explorers and conquistadors. Go back to the movie. I don't want to I don't want to history less. It all goes back to the 16th century. So they go to the police station. Our dogs missing. Can you help us? Well, I'll try. And this Mexican police officer is going along with them while they interview people trying to find this dog. It's like your country has a serious crime problem.
Starting point is 00:21:54 There are a lot of kidnappings, a lot of beheadings, a lot like police officers getting killed and shootouts. Like, why are you spending so much time on this dog? I'm not saying that. Well, the special dog unit that Mexico has put a lot of money in there. This is maybe they should put the money into the drug unit and not so much time on this dog. I'm not saying that- Well, the special dog unit that Mexico's put a lot of money in there. This is maybe they should put the money into the drug unit and not so much the dog unit.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I know they sound so adorable. I mean, and my brain kept telling me like, just relax, it's a kids movie, like. Yeah. But I just, I just, When the wine steam brothers originally got the script, they're like, when they gridified it up and made it much more rough, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Able Ferraras, Beverly Hills show. Now that's a movie to see. The owner of Hellsauce movie. Harvey Kitell just driving up to the dog and masturbating and then driving away. You got Harvey Kitell doing other gross things. Sounds great, Smorgas Borg.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Chris, for walk-in doing gross things. Say, Smorgas Borg again. Smorgas Borg. Anyway, but a lot of resources was put towards were put towards finding this dog Understandably, I mean, it's a cute dog and of course and it talks for God's sake. She taught no, but people can't hear that Stuart Wait, they can hear that dog she was talking like all the time we get here Barrymore's boys for God's sake Didn't you wonder why no one said hey the dog sounds like Drew Barrymore
Starting point is 00:23:05 Well star of great Or a The dog was saying yeah Well wait they didn't no they never did oh man It was like we should put maybe we should pause this shit and put it back on Never watching it again. Oh, but anyway, but then we learn at the end the secret of the Chihuahua's Which is that there's a huge herd of Chihuahas or pack, I guess. Yeah, they've built a Ziggurat. I don't think they found some ancient Mayan. It's not an obelisk. No, it is a Ziggurat, but
Starting point is 00:23:40 they they didn't build it. The way they didn't build that. No, that's ancient ruins. Not mine I guess. Mine would be Peru. No, that's ink in his Peru. I'm sorry. Maybe it's mine. It's probably where there's so many dogs in it if they didn't build it. Well, because they went there. There's no log against dogs being on ruins. Nothing in the rulebook. It's not being on ruins. I'll allow it. Cheap! But uh she finds this, this, they're, she and uh del Delgado are in the middle of the desert. Mountain lions are about to eat them.
Starting point is 00:24:08 So, they're a huge cloud of sand on the wall. Those were CGI mountain lions if I were correct. Yes. Strangely enough, they didn't decide to risk their lives by employing actual mountain lions. And putting very small dogs next to them. Terrifying those mountain lions. But the, I mean, it was a scenery expected kangaroo jack or like you said, Jurassic Park dinosaur or.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, exactly. You know, somebody to come along. Just a wander through. Yeah, a doobac. Maybe my job is to have a doobac or something. But a cloud of sand, suddenly it dissipates. There's a whole pack of chihuahua's there and they bark so loud that the mountain lions run away and it turns out possibly causing like
Starting point is 00:24:49 your damage the chihuahua's take them back to their legends of the hidden temple area and they crystal skull type it's very crystal skull like we were drinking crystal skull vodka watching the crystal skull light crystal light I call it the the the don't, when do you call that? Just now. Okay. And never again. Uh, the,
Starting point is 00:25:09 Did I say I call it? I meant to say I will be calling it for a moment. You call me a little bit. You're a very specific talk. Yeah, always. Uh, well, many times. Uh, I had to specify there, not every time.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Uh, and the Chihuahua's told them that there, this is a group there, not every time. And the Chihuahua's tell them that this is a group of, I guess, rebel Chihuahua's who are tired of being taken. And Dito's. Bandit, yeah, I guess. Bandit's. They don't rob people. They're running on like bandaliers and shit.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Well, that would be awesome. That would have been cool. What would they put in a bone, sir? Tiny milk bones. Sure. And they eat them per strength. That would be strange because like it's not like actual bandias, but food in their veins. They're bullets. They're dogs. So they probably put their own poop in it. He said, dog, what are you going to do? So anyway, the,
Starting point is 00:26:03 they tell their rebels, they're tired of being taken not taken seriously and being treated as condescendingly as toys they're now living wild and free and their catchphrases no moss that's their rallying cry and uh... she and they teach her lesson about the strength inside of her yeah and i don't know if i can i and john thing but for chihuahua's yeah that's it was a really when you said when when you said iron john for some reason what i
Starting point is 00:26:26 thought it was tom of fiendland and i was like that i don't know it's like oh okay they are on a drawing yes you know how that applied for a second it's really the the emotional center the film right is this is the emotional center of the film that appears that happens in the last 15 minutes sure they tell you her you'll find she can't bark she can only chirp in an annoying way. And they say, you'll find your bark when the time is right.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And they also teach her that she should have given that the gardener's dog a chance because he really loved her. And in the end, she finds her bark. Delgado finds his scent again. Yes. And the gardener's dog wins Rover. So, wait, do they? Basically, everybody gets what they've done. They they will make love as dogs are want to do
Starting point is 00:27:07 uh... not not on camera that's like the end of one of Shakespeare's comedies it does yes the all the high and low characters they all split up the ending the the drug dealer the the dog fight artists gets taken away by the police hyperparaphrough falls in love with the gardener it is very much like a like a shaker but what was our where's our full staffian character? Which one would that be? I don't know. I think I'm maybe the
Starting point is 00:27:32 I think it's implied that they get married in like Iowa where it's legal now. But wait, they follow that's right. There's an epilogue at the end that tells you what happens. There's a very cheaply produced epilogue where they imagine like the end of animal house but with like a bunch of photoshop pictures of actual animals so it's like it'll be a still from the film and the photoshop and like visual elements to show you what's going on they didn't shoot extra things no they ran out of money or time or interest the rat league want to come back California. A couple of the animals died. And the kids are going to die. I don't know why I'm laughing at that. I do because you're a terrible person. I'm just kidding. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It's actually cool you're not terrible person. No, that's true. So the Ratney Gwana, it's revealed to you. Do you apologize? No. Anyway, so the Ratney Gwana come back to California and it's implied that they discover what bling is Okay, and it's also like medallions and stuff or yeah, well, you know like shiny jewelry. Yeah Apparently that's what it is and I guess they didn't know the term there from Mexico That but I mean, I'm sure that's a pretty well-known thing. mean like that's pretty well known in america and yeah america yeah but like arm like i'm sure they saw a movie or something how are they gonna see a movie or they heard like like one of those hip-hop songs
Starting point is 00:28:53 yeah i was in spurs vanish probably they saw the story of the notorious bi g they were one of the few to see no time shot in this neighborhood what podcast neighborhood yeah podcast alley in the internet the few to see no. I was shot in this neighborhood, Helly. What podcast neighborhood? Yeah. Podcast alley in the internet. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Shot entirely on location in the internet. OK, that sounds pretty good. I was like, did you ever get, you did, you never see? Yeah, like one more minute. Did you guys ever see hardware awards? It's like an eight minute parody of Star Wars that came out in the late 70s. No, but I've seen the movie hardware.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Well, in the end, in the credits, it's just less. I'm familiar with that thing, Thumbwars. The last credit in it is filmed on location in space. It's funny, it's funny gang. Oh, no, that's good. That's funny. Anywho. But yeah, so what happens to the other characters?
Starting point is 00:29:38 They just all become famous and loved each other. Yeah, in the back of the game. Chloe and the Gardenerdog. Oh, yeah. This evil dog Diablo, who runs away at the end after almost trying to kill everybody. It's the epilogue for him is that he was found and adopted by a woman who likes to dress her dogs up in dresses. And the implication is that he's going to snap and rip her throat out.
Starting point is 00:29:59 But they don't say that. You know, it's just like Diablo I guess is like, you caught me. Ooh, I hates it. Well, I got to give in. Got to wear a tutu now. What are you going to do? I'm a dog. Yeah, it's like, cysophists, you know, like that's a tournament. Not at all. Well, kind of. It's, it's very little, a little bit like, cysophists. Yeah, mostly unlike, cysophists. No, I think it's a lot like, cysophists. So, yeah, it was great. Like, everything tied up, everything wrapped up. Oh, yeah, there were no loose ends. There was no loose ends at all. Jamie Lee Curtis, Piper Pervow and the King of Blue, their lovers. Yeah. And it was like they had captured
Starting point is 00:30:33 the dog in time. Yeah, just in time. She never knew that anything. It was like the in the Ferris Bueller's day. Oh, like the end of Don't Tell Mom the Baby City's dead. No, we're not good. Don't tell mom the babysitter's dad. Yeah, the kids I need some extra money. So I'm babysitting you in disguise so your mom will pay me. Do not tell her. Well, it's because actually that's Mrs. Doubtfire
Starting point is 00:30:52 is no tell mom the babysitter's dad. Yeah. That's the plot. You know, it just relies that shit. And the title for the night. I can't wish. They trust. The joke and Mrs. Doubtfire.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Don't tell mom the babysitter's dad. No, there's got to be a great joke where he said was that you know he was in the New Yorker on fire title for the review all that would have been great anthony lane wrote that one you're saying the funniest part was when he said his boots yeah he probably said this boobs on fire that's hilarious does that is who's on fire
Starting point is 00:31:19 that's hilarious so tell mom the babysitters dad so that's what this movie is summer That's hilarious. So tell mom the babysitter's dad. So that's what this movie is, summary? So what, would anyone else have anything to say about this movie? I feel like we could talk about this for hours,
Starting point is 00:31:34 but apparently. Well, we don't need to. We should go on to our final judgments on this movie. Final judgments. All right. I thought you were going to be like, I was thinking of doing the final judgment sound. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, final judgments. A coronal fare. I already I thought you're gonna do the final judgment sound D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d- over in the police academy. You're the Michael Winslow of that one sound effect. So yet again, for those just joining us, the official flop house categories.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yet again. Is this a good bad movie? A bad bad movie. Or a movie that you actually liked in some way. Okay, so an A, B, or C minus. That's as low as the scale goes. C minus. Still passable.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Okay. Okay. Okay, Elliot, what's your call on this one, do you? I'm going first. You know what? I'm going to, I did not really enjoy the movie, but I would not recommend it, but it's less than 90 minutes long, and it zooms by really fast.
Starting point is 00:32:40 If I had been forced to watch this with a child, it would not have been the worst thing we could have watched and compared to seven pounds It's fucking the seventh seal You know it's this is sick with seven oriented film. This is well. I ran out of But this is this is roshamon next to the seven says the seven pounds, so but so I'm gonna call it a For children a good bad movie, but for adults a bad bad movie. All right Yeah, if I was... This is no Brad's film. Yeah, if I was...
Starting point is 00:33:08 I've upgraded the Brad's movie to the Brad's film. If I was dating a woman who already had a child and the kid was like... I was like doing that. And the kid was like, uh, you know, Sir Gett Daddy, daddy, let's watch a movie. And I'm like...
Starting point is 00:33:20 Sir Gett's a big word for you. And I'm like, I don't know about that. A movie and the kids like, yeah, let's a big word for you. And I'm like, I don't know about that. A movie and the kids are like, yeah, let's watch Beverly Hills, Chihuahua. Having just seen it, you know, it's not that bad. I mean, it's, yeah, it's stupid. It moves along pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:33:36 You know, I can make some jokes. Like I could, I can drink a couple beers during it. It's not that bad. It's not seven pounds, for instance. So I don't know if I can answer this into the, I don't think your category is for this. I don't think your category is then. I don't think you can be confined
Starting point is 00:33:54 in your little balls. You've set out for it. It's not a good movie and it's not a fun movie. It's not an offensive movie. The way I thought it might be. By the way, if you were dating. I can less you're Mexican, in which case it's a very offensive movie.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Oh absolutely if I was Mexican I would have shot the screen with one of my six guns. And then shot the shot shot my some braille off my own head. I will say the soundtrack of the movie gets a minus minus minus minus. But if it had who let the dogs out. A plus. Oh a minus really. You're tough for me. A minus. But if it had who let the dogs out, A plus. Oh, A minus, really, you're tough for me. A minus. A minus.
Starting point is 00:34:29 We're saying it's Danny, it's great inflation. Okay, any movie with who let the dogs out gets an A plus is for the dog in turn. No. Chillers list, that's an A movie. But throw who let the dogs out, let the dogs out, A plus. And there's so many scenes where you could have
Starting point is 00:34:40 had a new, who let the dogs out. Who let the dogs out? The Crystal Nights moments. Oh, it's beautiful. Well, you just like the first time you see the Nazis running at a school carrying their Nazi diplomas. And you just like, who let the dogs out? And it's like, yeah, who did let them out?
Starting point is 00:34:53 Who let this notchist philosophy take over a country? Or the bit when the Bahamians show up and they try and get Oscar Schindler to get all the Jews to get really excited and a good time. That one was the perfect time to do a song. And for the Jews, They tried to do it. They said they'd be playing their drums. They sang a Caribbean version of Havana,
Starting point is 00:35:08 and get Naguilans. Yeah, not as good. No. Like, when digital underground shows up, nothing but trouble. What? You know, digital underground. Nothing but trouble?
Starting point is 00:35:17 Maybe the worst movie ever made. Well, I thought we weren't talking about that. That movie ever good. By the way, Stuart, if you were dating a woman with a small child, I imagine there would be a lot of throwing the small child around. Yeah, probably. Juggling it from hand to hand.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Instant, I see you instantly wearing a trucker cap, not ironically, and having an oily handkerchief hanging out of your back pocket. So some reason you're in a tanker. So wait a minute. You're at the end. Wait, in this world would I be like, the good dad that you're like, oh, I kind of feel good for this guy or you're like, man, I wish one of the members a puddle, puddle,
Starting point is 00:35:50 a mud would be like. You would be like, you're in the middle. You're like the decent blue collar, stepfather figure. But you don't really understand the kids, but you mean well. Yeah, I'm kind of like a Bruce Springsteen-ess as his character. I was going to think more like the guy in Aaron Brock, like the guy in Aaron Brock of it. Yeah. Okay. Aaronen-esque character. I was gonna think more like the guy in there in Brockovich. Yeah, okay. Aaron Eckhart's character.
Starting point is 00:36:07 That's not too bad. Aaron Eckhart? Is that Aaron Eckhart? Yeah. Aaron Eckhart's never played a bad guy in a movie. So, I haven't given my rating yet. I'm gonna say, I wouldn't say that this is a movie that I kinda like in some way.
Starting point is 00:36:18 However, like, four kids, this was much less offensive than I thought it was gonna be. Like, all the stupid Beverly Hills Like jokes that I thought would be the main focus of this film are disposed with and like the first five minutes Mainly I mostly that that gay dog is pretty offensive. Yeah, but then I just becomes like sort of a like I was saying during the movie It's sort of on par with I really want to have sex with that gay dog After the show Stuart Wellington's uncomfortable confessions. The movie is actually sort of on par with like live action
Starting point is 00:36:52 Disney movies from the 60s, like a Herbie movie or whatever. I would say, I would say it's a little lower than those. If only because there's no, there's like there's a certain innocence in a certain spirit of like well make a fun movie for kids like whatever right whereas this feels more calculated yes but on the scale of dog children movies I would place this below Don Bluth's all dogs go to heaven but above a Chevy Chase in a heavenly dog where would you put what about that one gary bucy movie where he said he gets reincarnated as a dog
Starting point is 00:37:28 i've never seen that one wait gary bucy as a dog let you have to look at our is it's terrible very very low budget ginger dead man is a higher budget film this that's another gary bucy classic that sounds good but anyway i think it's so many good movies I will say the one the one thing about the movie that I I meant we mentioned before is just the sexualization of ginger dead man or no, no, no, Beverly Hills to all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I mean, ginger dead man is about the sexualization of gingerbread men. Yes, but the sexualization of the dogs was the creepy thing about it, but I can't I don't think a kid is gonna notice that there's's anything wrong with that. They're just going to be sexually attracted to dogs. Oh, so we're like dog fashion show. So since all about the sexualization. Yeah, I mean, now that people are listening, we're going to say it's creepy, right? Yeah, now that we're done masturbating to it. Yeah, we're going to say it's creepy and pumpkin. You're going to say face.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Okay, that's fine. I'm going to pretend this never happened and just say it was creepy. Okay, no, it's cool. And I guess those were our final judgments. Yeah. Yeah, a plus Again best picture as always Top of my top 10 misunderstood the judge move aside Wally Beverly Hills, but Chihuahua's here to stay I have a letter that I'm going to read Dearest flop I
Starting point is 00:38:47 Miss you so. Abigail. These colloquial. John Adams, dude. The union troops are on our trail. I will never see I'll beloved plantation again. If you feel a breeze, brush it. Tell Remus, I said hello. Continuance, continuing, slaving him yours Jevidiah Davis oh god What like I'm gonna whitewash the Confederacy? No, I guess that's true black mark in American history Yeah, it is a black mark and I look on as a problem. But anyway, you're saying remember that flop house listeners Remember all the poke and feder You know what I think I think states right dude. I think right You've broken feder received a lot powerful. I think I think states right, dude. I think I think right. All right. Come on. We're gonna fight. You're gonna argue that. I think the
Starting point is 00:39:28 Flawpales should not be afraid to take a strong pro-omancer patient stance. I'm gonna support that proclamation. I don't want to ask anyone says. All right. You know what I think Lincoln had the right idea. So I don't care what anyone says. So this letter is from page last name with held and it's titled how's it spelled P-A-I-G-E Yeah, P-A-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J Yeah! The same thing! Something you would get on a very boring Valentine's Heart candy. In English major, we're appreciating this. It's somewhere. So, you are not worthless. So it says, do you know that I have an English degree from one of the best writing schools in the country?
Starting point is 00:40:20 I do not know that. Thanks, thanks Paige, for this braggie letter. That's all I wanted to say. There's a second half. Oh, okay. And yeah, that we're done making fun of you. Continue. And yet I had to learn the word exposition on your podcast. I got to say, DeVry not one of the best English schools. Oh, man, that's written on that note, right? You wrote that, you know, man. This is turned into the most, the flamp house roast of page last name withheld. So it says, uh, think as we get wild here, the vodas.
Starting point is 00:40:54 She goes on to say, glad mom and dads, dollars were so well spent. So I guess you could consider this email. I thank you note, a love letter. Oh, and a letter. Ooh. And a recommendation. Thanks for making me look up exposition on Wikipedia and be proxy also to learning the word, including the subtle and better cousin to exposition.
Starting point is 00:41:16 So much of the literature I've already read is retroactively much more rich and rewarding. That's very nice. So we're helping. We're helping things happen. Retroactively. Uh oh, looks like Stuart as a We're a new
Starting point is 00:41:26 Minute let me job that retro means back in time and actively means vigorously To travel back in time vigorously Of course This is a movie title this is where Stuart's knowledge of ancient languages This is where Stuart's knowledge of ancient languages fails. Let me compare it to my my Lumerian news. Oh no! Cross-Rythamada's rising. Apparently the Nicotic Manuscripts are...
Starting point is 00:41:54 Oh, the mad Arab says that... She goes on to say, the love letter is that, well, like most chicks who listen to the flop house, I've fallen madly in love with you with the esteemed host The witty banter Gilmore girls has nothing on you and Lulu the ever-interferring cat You keep me saying it work yet everyone thinks I'm losing my sanity because they think I'm laughing to myself and nothing that's happened before By the way, you're not alone that you've driven someone to insanity. Yeah, of course. It was through it was through a period of gaslighting
Starting point is 00:42:24 I mean that person believe there we go you Oh you're gaslighting people for their ants jewelry. Oh no you exposed me Ellie and I must slay you. Oh no. Sword canes at dawn. That's terrible. Just make it regular swords. No sword canes. So I've got a curved handle. I'm gonna deal with it to the slip right out Yeah, or you get one with like a weird like skull handle. Oh, that's pretty awesome Yeah, continue we were done. We were being flattered Yeah, we got a well, I'm just you know, I'm a lot of ladies a lot of ladies right in yeah Maybe we should put together a flop house Calendar where we're wearing a flop house uh... calendar
Starting point is 00:43:05 uh... where we're wearing revealing flop house clothing where we're wearing twenty seven different dress that's for you all you ladies who are all the back issue readers uh... yes finally the recommendation is the fountain i couldn't even get five minutes to the day of that movie all i'm the only one with a soft spot for that film. Well, what does she say about it?
Starting point is 00:43:27 She says, I could only get five minutes into the damn thing before I muted it and researched something. I can't remember. I think it's a perfect fit. It's a really bad movie that is trying desperately to be intelligent and artistic. The director should stick to heroin junkies and leave the love stories to other people.
Starting point is 00:43:43 So return the love and give it a satisfaction of listening to you, castigate the off-ness within. I'm speaking for myself, I will say that I enjoyed the fact that when I saw it, they're not an apologist, I'm not gonna apologize for my own taste. That's a terrible movie. But I can understand people's problems with it,
Starting point is 00:44:00 but I enjoyed a lot. But also, I saw, it was, seeing it with, I was seeing it right at the time. That's right, it was seeing it with, I was seeing it right at the time. That's right, I know this story. I was just seeing it right at the time when my relationship with my girlfriend was going from like, this is pretty good to like, this is the woman that I'm gonna spend my life with.
Starting point is 00:44:16 So seeing this movie about, that isn't a great movie, but I like it about a man who literally is doing whatever he can through time and space and history to keep the woman he loves alive with him forever, you know, really touched us at the time and it was a very emotional experience for us. I think you made a page last name withheld, Fall in Love with you even more. Oh, sorry Paige, I'm taken.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah. Man, nothing a little bit of gaslighting will fix. I think now you just mean turning the gas on so that she suffocates. That's terrible. You know, I tried to line up like and give away my secrets. You'll never know. But so I can understand why other people don't like the fountain, but it holds it a special place in my heart. I try to watch that movie because you know like it's a movie that has a lot of split critical opinion on it. And I find that movies that people either love or hate are often the most interesting movies.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And so I tried to watch it. And the Netflix copy of it I got kept breaking down. And I'm in tears. Because it was so moved. It's so beautiful. I have to say I was happy. I was like, all right, I don't have to watch any more of this. It is a movie I don't know that I will ever watch again.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah, I mean, I remember watching it. And I think I'm the same way I think about midway through I stopped and did a little bit of research my own see what happens when girls close fall off on the internet you know what so this was I think I got some interesting conclusions let me tell you you have a paper coming out about that. It's a tissue paper. Oh, damn. Oh, sorry, Paige. Remember when that girl loved us? Yeah, no more.
Starting point is 00:45:55 No more. So let's go on to go take a shower. Let's get on to recommendations because we're running a little long because we love Beverly Hills Chihuahua so much. Well, it took us about little long because we loved Beverly Hills Chihuahua so much. Well, it took us about 10 minutes to get to Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Yeah, so this is the part of the podcast where we talk about movies we actually enjoyed in some way. No such thing. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And just like the movie I didn't enjoy, no such thing. How hardly... How hardly film about a monster who lives on an island and becomes a media star. All right, so that's a no for no thing. Pete's dragon. Yeah, no, I wish Pete's dragon the dragon's name is Elliot. Well, so is that song? Campbell on the water. I don't remember that one. I'll be you. Okay. So we're talking about movies. Like such thing is a no piece dragon is a Now what do you have? OK.
Starting point is 00:46:45 That doesn't count for mine, by the way. OK, I don't know. I'm going to go with the movie Dan and I went and saw earlier this week at a little fancy screening in advance screening, although by the time this podcast is posted, the movie will be out for all to see out enclosed. But wow. But we went to an advanced screening.
Starting point is 00:47:07 We're pretty important media stars. Let me finish. I'll work. We ended up getting to go see Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell, which is hitting theaters this weekend, which is probably in the past for you guys. But we already mentioned that. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:47:25 It's silly at the right points. It's scary at the right points. There's tons of gratuitous vomiting and things like that. It's a lot of fun. And it's a great movie to see in a theater with a bunch of other people that'll scream, not with the people that were sitting in front of Dan and I, who were not big media types and kept talking
Starting point is 00:47:45 throughout the entire movie, they kept up like, it was like, for an exciting commentary. Yeah, it was, it was, it was covered in a minute of the film. Yeah, but, I never thought that it would be a movie, that's the drink or something.
Starting point is 00:47:57 That's the effect of the movie, the movie was so good, that it didn't ruin it for us. No, it didn't, it was awesome. And I have to say also, I grabbed you a couple times, right? I was so scared out of fright. And then the movie started. Well, the first time was when Justin Long came on screen,
Starting point is 00:48:13 because I know you love that guy. Yeah. He's a dude. He went to Holdenback so he didn't rush at the screen. Yeah, he's not really there. That's an image. I'm not really a Mac. That's just a long.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Some people have been worried about Sam Remy making a PG-13 movie and as I was explaining to a friend that just means that they replaced the geysers of blood with geysers of other unpleasant fluids vomits and bills all kinds of shit really that's a flu there is an amc you'll see it's a special type of fluid. Yeah The only thing that gets out these ghosts is liquid and bills You know, I've seen a couple movies I liked recently. Do we have to get in our DeLorean to go watch them? No, they're available on video or DVD
Starting point is 00:49:01 One of them is you just means go get our DeLorean together into the video story No, then yes, maybe if you don't own copies of them I saw movie the movie version of Svenengal from the thirties that i enjoyed a lot another movie that escapes me that i enjoyed but anyway the one i think that that's not good always uh... marty i'd not i'd finally got around to seeing that but the movie i'm going to recommend is a documentary film okay uh... luke mall made in the
Starting point is 00:49:22 mid-80s called god's Country. And he goes to a town in Minnesota, I think it was called Glenco, and he shot some footage in 1978 or 79, and he comes back six years later and talks to the same people. And it's this farming community in Minnesota,
Starting point is 00:49:41 outside about 40 minutes or an hour, outside of Minneapolis, and it's really just him talking to these people there. And it's such a neat kind of look at this very specific slice of America at that point in time, and this kind of disappearing race of farmers basically, like the farmer has a disappearing type in America, and catching them on the edge of that, like as private farming is dying
Starting point is 00:50:05 and becoming these large agro businesses, but also, you know, you like, you see this footage of this late 70s wedding that's really ridiculous and funny, and there's just like, you see like, like Rachel getting married. It's like Rachel getting married if Rachel getting married
Starting point is 00:50:18 was like a believable enjoyable film. Whoa. Whoa. I exaggerate, Rachel getting married is a solid B, but it was just, it was, there's some funny parts and there's some very touching parts and it just really, it hit me in a way that a lot of movies I had seen recently hadn't hit me. I think it's because of this time capital aspect of these
Starting point is 00:50:38 real people in this moment in their lives, you know. So, I'm going to recommend a movie that I just saw recommended to me on Netflix in my earlier days. And it was a movie that I can't pull. Like stealing beauty. And my like other live Tyler goes, one night at McCool's, and by a record, and others. Well, the crazy video.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I have to assume that the fact that it was recommended to me and I hadn't rated it on Netflix already because I am a compulsive rater of movies on Netflix in a real life means that the DVD just came out or something or a new like copy of the DVD came out or newly available on Netflix. But I'm to recommend the movie Salesman. Oh, that's another documentary. Yeah, that's a good. The Mazzles Brothers, Cinema Verite documentary about a Bible salesman.
Starting point is 00:51:33 And it's just it's beautifully shot, beautiful black and white. It's it's a very sad movie. It's a stark film about a traveling Bible salesman and the Bible salesman business. And but it's a beautiful movie, a harrowing movie. I saw it when I was a film school student for all of three months before deciding that film school was not for me. You know I was getting great grades. I just didn't like it. So but it was a movie that I saw for the first time in a screening there. Sumakumlauti over here.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Sumakumlauti. There's a, I'm, am I am missing already, but there was, there's showing another Males Brothers movie recently, a short of theirs that Albert Males was gonna speak after called Meet Marlon Brando. Have you ever seen that one? No. I get, I have it on tape, I'll show to you.
Starting point is 00:52:24 It's really good. It's just like Marlon Brando, have you ever seen that one? No. I get, I have it on tape, I'll show you, it's really good. It's just like, Marlon Brando was doing a day of press interviews for the movie Moratori and it's just like him interacting with the reporters that have come from all over the country and the wire services to talk to him for a day and then this New York hotel and do like 10 minute interviews and it's really good. Like, you're watching it, you're like, wait a minute, this is why Marlon Brando was a star he has amazing charisma as opposed to when you watch his movies and you're like I don't get it why why was this guy star wow so too dark calling out Marlon Brando we're calling out the late
Starting point is 00:52:55 Marlon Brando I saw Sinar recently and I don't tell you I did not it wasn't I was not pressed by it yeah the hit Marlon Brando film Sinar one red buttons in Academy Award all right I'll win a Dr. Marrow. He was in that right? Yeah. Well, I think he's fun in that one. He's crazy. So two documentaries and a movie with guisers of vomit and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:53:15 That's the flop house. Hey. Which one did I recommend? I don't know which movie has boobs in it. That one has a PG-13 movie has no-one. Yeah, there's no rest although you can't you can see alas and loman naked and i'm great uh... where the truth lies
Starting point is 00:53:31 and i'm a human race for an innocent apparently uh... uh... anyway what if i want to see how in mirin naked where were all for that uh... the cook the fizz wife and her lover what about feebecaits uh... paradise cook the fizz wife and her lover what about feebecaits uh... paradise uh... little film while you didn't go to the obvious one of the first time that we're going to
Starting point is 00:53:51 but i want to do full body where would i go for the paradise what about monica baluchi uh... so many of the there's up there's up there's a one to see a violent more is more good uh... of smorgas board that brings us all to a Weed I'll talk to you What do I see that she's probably never nude right? Where would I see Jenna Jameson?
Starting point is 00:54:13 What would I see a nude person in a movie that involves the revenge of someone named Stagnetti on this note of Continuing to alienate page last name with hell. Oh sorry page. We Will be sensitive and nice next time. Mm-hmm. We're good people in real life. Not me I would like to say that I've been Dan McCoy. I'm steward Wellington and I will continue to be Elliot, Caitlin. Good night Did it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it How like all the members of broken lizard I'm sure I'm girlfriend. You hate looking lizard so much. Say fucking suck. They're the fucking shittiest comedy group out there next to anyone involved in man TV All those things off the air for like two years. I don't care. They can all die if they all died I found out like Tony Todd from final destination wouldn't claim to all of them. I would not bad night. I'm sure I'd be like fucking the cosmos I'm sure of you of them are very would not bad-nigh it. I'm sure. I'd be like fucking the cosmos and the way I do it. I'm sure if you have them,
Starting point is 00:55:25 or very talented people who got stuck in the shitty town. Sure, sure. Sure, yeah. Be a fucking apologist. Apologists, thank you.

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