The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #44 - Knowing

Episode Date: August 29, 2009

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme0:34 - 33:52 - The original Peaches unearth a time capsule with a warning for all mankind: avoid Knowing.33:53 - 36:27- Final judgments 36:28 - 37:34 - A break for ...station identification.37:35 - 42:50 - The Flop House Movie Mailbag42:51 - 47:59 - The sad bastards recommend.48:00 - 49:17 - Goodbyes, theme and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode, we continue to chronicle the mysterious twists in Nicholas Cage's acting career. We discuss... knowing. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaylen, don't you know. So we're all back together. Yeah, the team. Woo. First time in over a month. That's crazy. I know I missed you guys. I missed the warmth of your personality. And I missed you. What did you miss most about me Stewart? I missed the way you look at me after. Okay. I'll take it. Alan, how you doing? A. Okay, buddy. Did you guys just get back from Fire Island? Well not the game with your yeah, you will with your significant others just not to say that was over a week ago I'm not I haven't seen you just bearer
Starting point is 00:01:11 I'm the homosexual lifestyle. I just want to make it clear that alien and I heart gay lovers wait. We're not So that didn't mean anything to you. Well admit something I've been something on the side. I don't want you to think that I'm committing to you and me for the rest of our lives. That's exactly what I thought. Are you guys just experiencing college homosexuality? Were you, were you trying something new while you're in college?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Yep. Safel more year? We're bugs bisexual until graduation. So the movie we watched today. You've never heard that phrase. We went to the same college, the same college filled with... It sounds like you guys had experimenting ladies. You guys had vastly different audiences. Wait, they were experimenting ladies at our college? Well, if I hadn't spent so much
Starting point is 00:01:55 time studying for my religious studies degree, I maybe would have noticed it and disapproved. All right. Well, now that we've possibly offended our audience, I doubt it. We want to say that. Well, we've lost that glad award for podcasts of the year. Look, we are jokes aside. Those donors created by a podcast. Let's just say that we are the podcast that
Starting point is 00:02:20 watches a bad movie and then talks about it. Yeah. That's our MO. MO. Tonight's movie is one that we've been saving up Watch is a bad movie and then talks about it. Yeah, that's our M.O. M.O. Tonight's movie is one that we've been saving up until all three of us could be together. You've been saving up. Yeah, well, Ellie, you didn't want you didn't want us to watch without you. No, I wanted to see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:36 We watched knowing. Wait, what would we watch? Knowing. Wait, Nicholas Cage is in it, right? Yes. Okay. Floppy's favorite Nicholas Cage. Sure. Along with a cast of almost a million. Literally handfuls.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah. How many, what other Nicholas Cage movies that we watch on this thing? Bangkok Dangerous. Uh-huh. And that was fucking shitty. That was bad. This was bad too.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And next, which I was writer. And next, which I was writer. Mm-hmm. I watched that on my own. I think we all watched that on our own auspices. I still haven't seen it. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Was he in premonition or was this a single? No, that was a single. It was in every single future movie. Yeah, you're conflating premonition and next, I think. Oh, yes. This is Nicholas Cage. Nicholas Cage knew what happened. This is Nicholas Cage's second seeing the future movie.
Starting point is 00:03:26 What did you see that married? Did you get that? No. I'm going to call it say that- What about once bitten? No, he turns into a vampire. Then that's not even his. What about his bitten?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Is this like kiss of the vampire? Vampire's kiss. Vampire's kiss. One's bitten is a cheater movie. What's the girls are easy? No, it's a dick. Let me go to the school. Oh, Valley girls. Vampires kiss. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah.
Starting point is 00:03:48 One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah.
Starting point is 00:03:56 One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah.
Starting point is 00:04:04 One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One of them is a cheetah. One's that's a lazy J. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. Yes, we watch the movie knowing. What the fuck was this movie about again? Let me tell you what this movie was about Nicholas Cage is a scientist slash professor at MIT or MIT as it's also known to people his Son gets his son Caleb who is who's like deaf or something, but he's a little hard of hearing and also a nerd weirdo kid Although I'd like to point out that in the scenes where he's not wearing his hearing aid, he appears to be here. He can hear fine. Just fine.
Starting point is 00:04:49 He seems to wear the hearing aid as an affectation. And Nicholas Cage is a single father, widower. His son. Just trying to make it in the world. Yeah, exactly. His son acquires from a time capsule, buried at his school 50 years ago, a piece of paper with lots of random numbers written on it, by a creepy girl in the nineteen fifties it soon turns out however
Starting point is 00:05:10 nicklaus cage discovers by applying his eyes and bourbon by applying yeah by playing whiskey to paper that he that uh... these numbers match up to disasters or catastrophes or terrorist acts things were lots of people died where they say the date and the body count and sometimes lots because let's point out that the the lowest body count that we see in the movie is uh... one
Starting point is 00:05:37 of the disasters is thirty three people that so apparently if thirty three people or more died it's still a lot of people and he's a good number of people i mean yeah but since nineteen fifty nine when this is written like how this that this piece of paper would be much larger if every incident worth thirty three people that you're right okay so he finds out i mean it's thirty two too many if you ask me one would be okay is what you say one would be thumbs up okay he finds out that it's also predicting other disasters
Starting point is 00:06:07 He use it he finds out that the numbers match up to the longitude latitude He just happens to be on one day and a plane crashes and people are stumbling out of the plane on fire And he can't save any of them because he's incompetent and he can't dispel CGI flames And he yes exactly to make a long story short, because it was a movie was way too long. Super long. He meets up with the daughter of the woman who wrote these numbers many years ago.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Played by Rose Byrne of 28 weeks later and the hit showed damages. Rose, she looks like a... I think you put it really well when you said she seemed like an achievable sound, maheyak. Was I the one who said that? Or I said it. One of us said something like that. Like if you're in a bar and you're hitting on sound maheyak and she turned you down you'd be like okay Roseburn will do. And I know. You'd be like a cabana bar.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah. You're a cobble-o-bo. You'd be at a swim-up bar. My wife saw her on the subway once so she seemed detainable Who is that? The reals? The subway. No Roseburn. I saw Hope Davis on the subway once. That's what she's also attainable. Ouch, take that Hope Davis. Yeah, why don't you check her out? Take that and I'll just find her.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Well, I got my inner star. So why don't you do Hope Davis? Just type H-O-P-E-D-A-V-I-S into your phone. It'll call her. Or can I just shout at your phone and it'll call her or I wait Can I just shout at my phone until it calls her phone hope Davis hope Davis Yeah, there's like an app. I got some kind of an app. There's got to be an app for that You can say the name and it calls it anyway. I don't know my girlfriend would like that He meets up with Roseburn who also has is also a single parent with a daughter who and it turns out the daughter in the sun because it's like puzzle pieces
Starting point is 00:07:47 The daughter and the son have a step by step. Yeah, it's just like step by step except without the wacky older cousin who lives in a Vance which is more of a Except less of them. Yeah, little more well now step by step is basically the Brady bunch anyway I'm glad we made that point It turns out the son and the daughter have both been hearing whispers from mysterious beings. And disasters happen, disasters happen, turns out there's going to be a big solar flare that wipes out all life on Earth. Mysterious beings turn out to be alien angels, take the son and the daughter up into the
Starting point is 00:08:21 stars and the earth is destroyed in a fireball. The end. The end. Oh and we see the son and daughter on an idyllic planet where there is also a tree representing the garden of Eden and tree of knowledge. Not the ending that one would expect at the beginning of the movie based on the beginning of the movie. Yeah. Wait really? I thought that was like a... I thought I was representing that tree of knowledge that Odin hung from. Egradjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadjadj or aliens, but it does feel like at a certain point the movie makes a hard left turn into a different movie. So wait, why are the aliens, why are the aliens telling people this shit? Well, the real question is why aren't they telling more people this shit?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Since they seem to be communicating over 50 year intervals with two children at a time through whispers and numbers. And but why are they telling the like these numbers? Like, does it matter? I don't know. Why shouldn't they just be telling the kids like hey at some point We're gonna show up and you should come with us like they I think they're kind of whispering that to them But the kid takes a while for the kids to understand The message they just like telling the real questions. Why don't the aliens come down earth and say listen people your world's gonna
Starting point is 00:09:41 Be destroyed. We're gonna take kids so they can live on just two of them We're gonna take two of your kids just two and we'll repopulate the earth one of them is the the child of some we have these numbers to grandchild the other of whom uh coincidentally received these numbers through a time capsule isn't that isn't that a fucking kick in the head yeah it is weird right yeah but Nicholas Cage mumbles his way through the film uh so does everybody else. The whole movie is kind of a big. You're the volume. I had to keep I don't know whether this is just the fact that I do not have a 5.1 surround sound system in my home. Boo or the fact that this movie
Starting point is 00:10:18 is professional stand. Yeah, come on. Sorry. You need gold cable too. Are you need gold cable to are using gold cable now, but I think best kind even $60 $180 for cable even so this movie was mixed really weird because I would have to constantly whenever there was a special effects sequence turn the sound way down to keep us from waking the various children who live in this brownstone in other apartments, and then whenever someone talked, I would have to turn the sound way off because everyone in this movie is whispering. Or mumbling. Okay, look at their Nicholas Cage,
Starting point is 00:10:54 they're whispering affectlessly. Like they have no emotion at all. They didn't seem to care that much. Well, Nicholas died. So I don't know if you realize this too, but once your wife dies, you lose the capacity to feel emotion. Yeah, or at least express emotion in your voice.
Starting point is 00:11:10 When my wife died, okay, I can't watch that. It's what's off that never happened. When my wife died. So guys, let's get down to brass tag. Just lug, lug, lug, lug, lug, cause he drinks so much. He's the fucking numbers. You know, the, the audience is out there, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:23 they're listening to us, they're like, okay guys, let's get to the meat of this podcast. How were the disasters? And I gotta say, pretty good. Yeah, they looked a lot like computers made them, but still that was pretty cool. Even I've to say, I was one over, the first disaster with the plane, crashing to computer eat, didn't like it. I liked it. The second disaster were a subway car for no reason.
Starting point is 00:11:44 In Toronto. In Toronto, it was supposed to be New York, but it looks like some sort of gray Canadian 1984 type world. The train for some reason jumps its tracks and just slides face-first into, smashes into the platform and is just crushing people along the way. And it looked really computer-y, but it was still pretty neat. Yeah, it was like that scene and die hard with a vengeance when the same thing happens. Or it was like the end of SilverStreek, except instead of nobody dying, hundreds of people die. Yeah, it was pretty cool to watch people bounce off
Starting point is 00:12:15 the front of that subway. Except like SilverStreek, they use a real train and it burst through a wall, and it looks great. This, they use a computer train and it looks stupid. Well, I think you's short-changing the first disaster Elliott though because all right What happens in the first disaster that he realizes that these these numbers? He's found don't refer just a time that we refer to the latitude and longitude because he has a GPS and
Starting point is 00:12:38 It's car and I'm shocked it took him that way to fucking figure that shit out like I assumed it was going to do something like that This is a guy who he goes to visit an old lady teacher, the old lady teacher who had the crazy student, Lucinda. And she says, oh, we found her scratching something into the scratching numbers into the inside of a cabinet door until her fingers were bleeding. And Nicholas Cage is like, oh, okay, interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And then like an hour later, when the movie's almost over, he's like, oh, that door. I better go see what it said Like okay the 50-year-old door that never got so it got paint to offer But it never got my tea professors a little slow is what you're saying I friend my tea professor also his Like as you were pointing out in the hit when he's teet the one time we see him teaching in class He's got all these equations up on the board But he's asking his students like tell me about the Sun. Yeah, how big is it? students like, tell me about the sun. How big is it?
Starting point is 00:13:26 The sun's really hot. How far away from the earth is it? What's this thing made out of magic? He's also, he's a bad science professor in the same way that Mark Walberg is in the happening. Where in the happening, Mark Walberg is like, the bees are disappearing. What do you have to say about that class
Starting point is 00:13:40 and the student goes, we'll never know. And he goes, you're right. Something's just a mystery. And in this one, Nicholas Cage is like, science tells us that we have no free will and everything is determined from the beginning of the universe to the end. It's God's plan. He doesn't say it's God's plan but it's implied that it is. For some reason in Hollywood they think scientists are priests. Well, yeah. But to get back to the disaster though, like Nicholas Cage just happens to be at the
Starting point is 00:14:08 Longitude and latitude that this disaster is going to be. Pre-determined, Dan. Yeah, pre-determined by the angel aliens, I guess. Speaking through a girl in 1959. But then the plane crashes on the highway and he goes to try and help people. And there's an amazing number of people who are still alive from the crash like passengers but I'm still alive arms and legs working perfectly running around apparently the
Starting point is 00:14:34 biggest danger if you are in a plane crash is not that you die in the crash but that you will catch fire from jet fuel once you crash and then you'll run around and flame on the ground yeah the, the impact is not the problem. It's staying away from the flame afterwards. Yeah, and Nicholas Cage is unable to help you by, you know, stop dropping roll, like throwing it, blanket over you. I guess all those people just jumped in the air at the exact moment that it hit the ground. Yeah, it's dead worse. It totally doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So I shouldn't pay attention to the flight attendant that tells me to do that. She really shouldn't tell you to do that. In the event of a sudden dropping Cam pressure jumping the air right before it rains. Like if you jump too early, you're gonna get smushed But if you jump it just the right time, you'll be fine. Yeah. That's awesome. That's not how it works It's great that you feel like you need to put that disclaimer in there. I don't want anyone to die. In case I'm listening to this on a plane. I just have crashes. And they're going to sue us later on.
Starting point is 00:15:29 In the split second between when they jump and when they die, and there's just that moment of disappointment and like the flat-pouse lied to me. I don't want anyone to go to heaven or hell with that as their last thought that we lied to them. I don't believe in those things, Elliot. Okay, go to oblivion. Sure. Mm-hmm. Pass into that. Cross over. Sorry, when they re-enter the karma cycle. Sure. When they cross the bridge of swords, cross the river sticks. Sure. But when Naira
Starting point is 00:15:58 Lathotev, the crawling chaos, comes to take them away. When Kathulu. Save me, though. Save me, though. You got to say a different thing. Yeah, change it. When you cross the rainbow bridge to Valhalla. Well, to Asgard, and then they take it. When the Cher Care Bears come to take you to the... When Cheron rose them across the River Sticks. He already said that.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Oh, he did? No, I missed it. Doork. So, now that we're done. We're talking about awesome mythology. Re-eugen. And this movie does, it puts like traditional mythology kind of turns it on to eat it, right? it. Doork. So, now that we're done, we're talking about awesome mythology. We're talking about awesome mythology. And this movie does, it puts like traditional mythology kind of turns it on to your way.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Oh yeah. According to them, Ezekiel, for told aliens with smooth stones. Yep. And aliens are angels. And aliens are angels. And the fucking thunk it. I wouldn't have. But the other, other disasters before the, the fire wave that engulfs the earth?
Starting point is 00:16:46 I mean, oh, there's the truck that hits the car. Yeah, but that sounds like a disaster. No, but it's a pretty cool. It's a very cool. Spoiler alert. Anyway. You just mentioned the end of the movie. All the characters dying anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I mean, it wouldn't matter. Let's not leap to the end just yet, because the end needs a lot of attention. First, we want to talk about dance. Yeah, what else is there? I want to talk about how to- The smooth stones. The facts, these numbers fall into the hand of an MIT professor. Predetermined.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Cares enough about- I'm with Elliot on this. Predestination. Predestination. Any movie, what- Why don't we talk about the weird dudes in trench coats that fall on the ginsere? Those are the angel aliens in their human eyes
Starting point is 00:17:27 he is yes that one guy open his mouth and just like came out with the money is it angel with alien powers or an alien with angel powers wait angel powers involved shooting out light beans from your mouth i have maybe he's like the uh... oh what's a call to know the voice of god what's it called i don't know metronome gramma time or something like that the tetra gramma time not the tetra gramma? No, the voice of God, what's it called? Metronomogramaton or something like that? The tetragramaton?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Not the tetragramaton. That's the name of God. Oh, good. I feel like we need to jump back to the numbers, though, just to- Jump back. Set this page for listeners who may not have watched knowing a lot more.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Okay, explore. Let me know what you're doing to us, Dan. Like the fact that- There's a sheet full of numbers. Yeah, yeah, wolf, go. This kid, in 1959, rises numbers. Obviously they could put in this time capsule. Obviously they take, well, the kids are all drawing pictures
Starting point is 00:18:11 of what they think the future will be like, to put in this time capsule to be open to the year 2009, which not to be a nitpicky, but 100 years is the standard for time capsules for the most part. Yeah, 50 years ago. Yeah, come on. The teacher who buried the time capsule is there when they unearth the most part. 50 years ago, it was a shit. Yeah, come on. The teacher who put the bury the time capsule is there when they unearth the time capsule.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Not exciting. It's one of those things where like why bother to open up a time capsule when the people who did it are still alive and can tell you what was going on at that time. I really get some too of the pharaohs or something. Exactly, yeah. All these drawing dips. Not the hidden temple. Handed down to children of the modern age and
Starting point is 00:18:49 Nicholas Kajasan gets the sheetful of numbers chapter and I love a kid goes up to him and goes we all got pictures. You just got numbers and then runs away Yeah, I like to think that he found a reason to make fun of everyone's time capsule. He's like that kid on King of the Hill. Yeah, he's just running around, making fun of everybody. But the reason why the numbers come to Nicholas Cage's attention is they get brought home, and Nicholas Cage overfills his Tumblr full of whiskey.
Starting point is 00:19:19 He drinks a lot of whiskey. Apparently ever since his wife died, he drowns the sorrows by drinking. He was watching a really exciting program about tigers. Yeah, that's true. Earlier, we see his son watching a show about tigers, and then he goes back to watching on TV, because it's just this weird little continuity thing of like, listen, we can't have him watch a show, we haven't introduced already in the film.
Starting point is 00:19:39 We'll just have him watch the tiger show. Right, because if he started watching like two and a half men people be like what a door people would be like where did he get this other tv show but he's watching that and he's like always so gross by the tigers that he doesn't realize that he pours a full tumbler full of bourbon not and it's not like that tumbler sitting on the table and he's not looking at it it's in his hand he's just sitting there pouring something into a glass in his hands so what you're saying is not only would he have the like the sensory mechanism of his
Starting point is 00:20:07 hand pouring, but also the hand would sense that the glass is getting fuller and fuller of shit. The weight of the glass. Right. If not the sound of the glass filling up right under his face. So to clean up the glass that obviously has a spillover, he sets it down on the Pageful numbers and he picks it up and another wise empty counter. Yeah, there's a ring He picks the one spot that there's a paper on yeah, there's now a bourbon ring about some of the numbers and Nicholas Kage is like huh now that some of these numbers though I have a circle around them. I'm paying more attention to these particular numbers And he just starts writing them out on his white board.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Yeah, he writes them out on his white board. And he starts dividing them up randomly. And it's the most obvious. It's like spoiler. It's the date of 9.11. The numbers are 9.11.01. And then what, 2.9. Or 2.11.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Whatever the number of the casualties were on. And so the first two times he divides it up, he does not divide it up in the way that would be a 9-11 like 91 101 yeah to oh well let me try it again so one has to wonder like why did he care enough to put them on his whiteboard if he didn't immediately see the link to September 11 these drums he then when he went to fucking the crazy things with numbers. Whatever. The good goal and he's like 9-11-0-1. What happened?
Starting point is 00:21:28 He typed in. What's on the fucking micro fee? She typed in that number as if, and then he goes to a page that says, never forget. This is set in the year 2009. It's not set in the far off future of like 31-11 when people might have forgotten about September 11th by the... For a Harvard then. Yeah, it's something that happened within 10 years that everyone remembers like. Yeah, but that sets them off on his number
Starting point is 00:21:51 quest. That would have been a better name for this movie. Number quest. I was like Jim carrying the numbers 23. Possibly they cover the poster would be like him holding the stars of numbers. Well, like him holding out a piece of paper and like light shooting him in the face Yeah, but in the fort like casting Numbers on his face like like the the movie poster for that movie dream scape yeah Well, it would be a painted poster like the Star Wars the Indiana Jones posters. Oh, yeah my dreamsters and
Starting point is 00:22:19 Is that who made of them? I should know that but I don't and then pictures of his kid Rose burn Rose burns kid a couple of side characters that appear maybe the old teacher and His friend who tries to set him up with this maybe a little vignettes from the film. Oh, yeah Of course a little bit like him driving with his huge fists on the steering wheel It'll be oh and plane crashing a plane crashing the train flying through the air, anchored by that one image of... A tiger. A tiger. And maybe like I really small one of the alien angels, small enough that you'd only notice it if you've seen the movie already and you recognize the shape.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, absolutely. And maybe a little pile of little black stones. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty good at the bottom. Or like pile around the logo. Sure, that makes sense. That's pretty good at the bottom. Or like piled around the logo. It says number quest. And it's like this summer, an adventure you'll never forget. You like an incalculable adventure. Yeah, it sounds good. Number quest.
Starting point is 00:23:13 What's the deal with this little black stone? Steven Spielberg invites you. There's a man drinker, something right there. Yeah, there are these smooth black stones that are left everywhere by the alien stones. They're like wishing stones. Yeah, the skipping stones will be flyer Stewart. They're just Stewart they're just smooth they look like as you mentioned and they look like someone bought a rock tumbler yeah stones in but that for whatever reason that
Starting point is 00:23:33 becomes the symbol of the alien angels I don't know what it stands for I don't get it but then I wasn't paying that much attention most of the time I think that that's fair that you don't get it because now that we've sort of set things up a little bit more I think we can skip to the end because the movie takes a drastic shift. Yeah into the crazy like the movie is not great But it sort of makes like a certain amount of sense in the sci-fi Thriller way like no, I mean like once you accept the idea like in a crappy sci-fi thriller way No, Ellie like if they had a good explanation Like once you accept the fact like in a crappy sci-fi thriller way no alley like if they had a good explanation like once you accept the fact like okay yeah no if these numbers are predicting the disasters why is this happening and the whole second half
Starting point is 00:24:14 the movie would have to explain that yeah in this case the whole second half of the movie punts that question see if it was number quest I see like a secret society of psychics that through history of trying to warn humanity of Disasters, but as it is yeah, the second half of the movie says like remember those numbers We're thinking about different numbers now and by the way aliens are involved Mm-hmm and the aliens are there mainly to take these kids to the Garden of Eden Yeah, oh, and also there's gonna be a solar flare that destroys the earth that they bring up very late Yeah, like none of this is is set up or foreshadowed really well
Starting point is 00:24:48 No, yeah, nothing makes any sense at all like there's these numbers. Okay, there are a bunch of black stones Okay, there's aliens what do they all have to do with each other? I don't know whatever. It's just a movie we made That's your Alex Proyus impression, you know, we just made this thing enjoy it. It's up to you guys It's up to you the viewer. It is not my job to explain but to create Finds the explanation I don't remember what Montréal Proyis, yeah, I assume you from from South America, but that's a French accent. Hey listen I don't know who taught it maybe we had a French tutor. Okay, that makes sense. I just know that's how he talks.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Alex Royales. The end. You wouldn't pronounce the essay. Royale. Yeah, that's right. Number. He's your cage for your role. I imagine no emotion. Nothing. And Nicholas Cage's like really you don't want me to show any emotional no, you know and so forth at the end of the Patents full of numbers There's a what looks like a three three and then Rose Burns like oh no, no
Starting point is 00:25:52 She used to reverse things when she got really excited or something like that. She just liked to do it on occasions Like oh no, it's an E E and what is that E stand for? It stands for everyone else. And where, how do they find out? Is that when they strip the... No, it's when they lift up a bed at this crazy lady's... A birthday bed. A lift of a Murphy bed at the crazy ladies old house, and she's carved in everyone else over and over again.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah, so at a certain date, everyone else is going to die. I would think that with that information, like all the knowledge that all of humanity is going to die at this date, why would you flip out so much? Like, at that point, she's going to be pretty old anyway. Like, if you know everyone's going to die, like, why not chill out and enjoy yourself?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Don't tell anyone, so everyone just enjoys themselves, and then everyone dies, because it's a fucking solar flare. It's not like some dude shows up and kills everyone. It's not something you can really do anything about unless you're like, I'm gonna invent fucking magical spaceships for a soul of lead on it. That's one of the funny things is like, why flip out about it as well?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Once Nicholas Cage realizes that everyone else is gonna die, he runs to his office at MIT. And he's like, oh shit, that solar flare thing I was working on, I miscalculated it, turns out there's gonna be a solar flare that kills everyone. That psychic number thing pushed me in the right direction to recalculate my own studies that I've already done and now I'm gonna say, oh, that solar flare is gonna combine kill and let's get the best deep core drillers in the world to go
Starting point is 00:27:20 won't you rock it into the sun into the sun and knock it off course, yeah. That sounds awesome. Or else we'll have a deep impact to deal with, right? Right? Yeah. Yeah. Or you can drill into the center of the earth and keep the magnetic core spinning if we can only get Stanley Tucci and Delroy
Starting point is 00:27:39 and Lendon the case. Yep. And DJ Kuals. Or we could build a space elevator between Earth and the moon hasn't happened in a movie It's another high concept it'll be called Moon ofator it'll be called third floor ladies furnishings fourth floor the moon They build a space elevator between Earth and the moon but they have an old-timey elevator operator sure of course Hey everyone welcome to the moon
Starting point is 00:28:09 That's the name of the movie or is that like the poster? Well this movie this movie is similar in a lot of ways to the trailer for 2012 Earth is being destroyed by calamities and they're building spaceships to take people off of the earth Which is also the plot of I think when worlds collide? Hmm that old movie oh no or is it see that when world's collider like the day the earth, which is also the plot of, I think, when World's Collide. That old movie. Oh no, or is it? Do you think that when World's Collide are like the day the earth burned or something like that? I think it's when World's Collide. Wait, what World Collide was our world? I have some other world. Another world, okay. But they had a spaceship and people were fighting to get on it.
Starting point is 00:28:37 That sounds good. When one World collides with another World, easily. I think it's when World's Collide. Maybe it's a different one. When any two World's Collide. world's kind of like in like trading places. Yeah exactly when the world's collided. Yeah, friends in the pauper. Sure. But the trading places, trading spaces. Lady in the dream. So what you were off then you
Starting point is 00:28:57 really are upset by you. You were really upset by the end of this movie. Well, okay, meet the apple gaze. So I think in this movie well, okay meet the Apple games I think into this movie Nicholas Cage all the sudden he's like holy shit I've got extra numbers and he gets those extra numbers by finally remembering as you say that the girl flawed some numbers into the door of a school 50 years ago. Yeah, so he goes and he goes and he strips the paint
Starting point is 00:29:25 from that door with a heat gun and a... Yeah, and he gets the coordinates or coordinates as I call them. Yeah, and all of a sudden Nicholas Cage is like... Or Nits. Oh, we have to go to these coordinates. Early in the movie, coordinates that are given are things that should be avoided at all cost
Starting point is 00:29:41 because that's when... Disasters are gonna be. Somehow at the end of the movie, Nicholas Cage makes the huge logical leap. that should be avoided at all cost because that's when disasters are going to be. Somehow at the end of the movie, Nicholas Cage makes the huge logical leap. Oh, now we got to go to these coordinates and then everything will be fine. And so it goes there. And that place is covered in these shiny black stones that have no particular significance that we can discern in the movie.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And these aliens come down and they take his son first They give his son and they give the girl white rabbits to hold that's stupid and then they take them take his son and And Nicholas Cage is gonna go or Nicholas Cage is gonna go with them and then the son says wait They're telling me you can't come and I wonder if it's such a like if he just thinks his dad is lame Wait, oh the aliens are telling me you can't come. Really, I don't hear their voices. Yep, they're whispering it to me right now. I gotta go, sorry, sorry dude.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Catch on the flip side, my man. And so, yeah, these kids are taken seriously. So you're not even wearing your hearing aid, kid? How can you hear it? Oh, gotta go, aliens are calling. You can't hear it? I can't hear you here. Oh, gotta go aliens of calling. You can't hear it? Because it's... What's that I can't hear it too well. Can't hear you over the aliens and my hearing problems.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah, but the kids are saying this weird wheat world. I don't know, like that. Heaven and Gladiator, basically. It's the Armin Eden type place. Yeah. And heaven would you go if you're a Gladiator? Yeah. And so...
Starting point is 00:31:02 What a boring heaven for Gladiators, this wheat. I know, right? You can run your hands through all the wheat You can fields of wheat. I just touch up a bunch of wheat wheat with feathers Love and death Sure, you must be Don Francisco sister. No, you must be done. Yeah Don for just go have to a rent just my belt would you come over here and hold my bosom for a minute? And he looks at any this is just when he look on his face when he likes to side over. Anyway, love and death.
Starting point is 00:31:28 We recommend that. Rent it today. I think that might be my recommendation today. Yeah. So, yeah, the kids are taking away and Nicholas Cage and everyone else on Earth dies in a solar flare. Yeah. And you're a very slow solar flare. As the audience to wonder, hey hey why do those aliens send that information down why did it only get received by these two kids why did they take just these two kids this other world what the fuck is the deal with all these black stones you thought this was a good movie to make who greenlit this why are the aliens in the business of predicting disasters in the first
Starting point is 00:32:01 yeah they never explain why the aliens except if they've just cracked the code of the universe. Yeah. Like the predetermined code of existence. Well, they're angels, right? It's implied. But even if they're angels, like, what is their plan here? Like the angels are like, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Oh, they're just been off from Buffy and go a couple seasons. And. The thing is that humanity's just become life seasons in LA. The humanity is just, they season to know a humanity is just They've seen too much or something and only to be wiped out with an awesome solar It's they say it in vaguely at some point that like it's time for a second. It's a new beginning or you know
Starting point is 00:32:36 Things need to start back from beginning or yeah, taking to push the clock back So you got to bring these two children to another planet Where theoretically I guess they'll grow up and screw each other and then their children will repopulate the earth. Or they'll repopulate that new planet. The earth might be gone. Yeah, I mean you could call it Earth 2 or Orc. Or Earth or Darth. Yeah, girth. I didn't think we were talking about girth today, Dan.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I thought the movie was really good. It was really a real twist on that ending. Em night Shyamalan was watching it and got really mad. You stole it my twist. Me, Em night Shyamalan. He's Italian, I guess. No, if it was Em night Shyamalan. It's kind of French still, but it's Italian it also. If M9 channel on made the movie,
Starting point is 00:33:26 it would be totally. It would be a channel on. Anyway, you're saying. It would be totally clear at the end of the movie that planet that we see at the end is actually Earth. Yeah. And the one we saw throughout the movie before that is some earlier planet that we were not aware of.
Starting point is 00:33:41 They would be a big. They would be a big sign that said, like, welcome to Earth at the end. Earth, original. Population two. Population you. Population two. Population two, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Population two. Can we just do final judgment setting? Let's do final judgment on the final judgment. Final judgment. Dude, dude, dude. Does anyone wanna go first? Yeah, I really didn't like this movie just really long and boring.
Starting point is 00:34:03 It was shot kinda cool, and the music was nuts. He was stealing from everything. Yeah, it was crazy. But it was boring and way too fucking long and not exciting at all. So don't watch it. Although some of the explosions were cool. The CGI flame was really awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I agree, this was a bad, bad movie, and I didn't enjoy it it and it was slow and boring and long I agree with Stuart although yeah there were some scenes that looked pretty like they were shot nicely but then a lot of moves that was on fire the CGI moves that was on fire. There were a couple good disaster scenes yeah but but then other times things were shot crazy like never Nicholas Cage was driving they'd make his hands look enormous let's let's make his hands look enormous by
Starting point is 00:34:51 putting the camera right behind the steering no they didn't use the CGI hands were closer they didn't give him CGI or even like practical effects they didn't put like big gloves on they didn't put like big gloves on them. I just want to make sure they didn't have like Hulk gloves. Okay, sure. Yeah, but it was a pain pained flush killer and Nicholas Cage is like testing the boundaries of bad acting like how far he can go and this is pretty far.
Starting point is 00:35:16 He's been doing that for a while. No, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, it's like this is his life's work is to see how bad acting can get. Yeah, if this movie was a little shorter, I could almost recommend it on like the first half of the movie basically I feel like is kind of interesting on its own merits like not good, but I was kind of like okay while this is well shot and I could see where the premise if handled well could make an interesting movie. I'm moving along at a good clip for the first half. And then it just sort of stretches out for a while where nothing really happens.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And then at the end, it kind of felt like the screenwriter was like, okay, well, I'm on page 100. There shouldn't be more than 120 pages in most. How can I explain what happened? Angel aliens. Yeah. Well, that gets me out of having to make this make sense. How can I explain what happened? Um, angel aliens. Yeah. Well, that gets me out of having to make this make sense. That's the most interesting part of the movie for me,
Starting point is 00:36:11 but it's a lot of garbage before it, and then it comes out of nowhere in it. It's like a cune if there was a disaster. Well, the fact that it comes out of nowhere almost makes it a good bad movie for me, but it's a little too long. Yeah, it's very, it was like two hours long. Yeah, I had plenty of time to get drunk.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Hi, it's Dan here. If you like listening to the Flop House, why not visit us on the web at www.flophousepodcast.comcom where you can find show notes, videos, fan art, and links to Wikipedia synopsis of all the Flop House films so you can play along at home. If you're looking for more Flop House stuff, check out our Facebook page where you can discuss the show with other fans, or subscribe to our Twitter feed at the FlophousePod. Your support helps us build an audience, so if you like the show, why not vote for us at Podcast Alley, or subscribe to the show on iTunes, and while you're there, take
Starting point is 00:37:14 a moment to write a review. Links for everything can be found on the webpage. Lastly, we love hearing from you, so if you have thoughts, feedback, or suggestions, let us know at theflophouse Podcast at Now back to the show. I got some letters here. Letters, we get letters. We get lots of letters.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Flophouse. So, first of all, this one is an actual letter. This is what I teased last time on the show. You weren't here, Stuart. Oh, okay. You're off, I don't know. Rubbing oils on myself. Sure, scented oils, creams. I found engines.
Starting point is 00:37:58 You're probably wearing a tiny bathing suit, old man. Probably. I found through our stat counter, our website counter. Stounder. a link to our site awesome from a Norwegian message board, huh? Yeah, yeah, that sounds cool and I don't speak Norwegian. No, no, so I took the paragraph that referred to the Flawthouse This is brilliant and I fed it through free translation dot com Sure for it through free translation dot com sure for it
Starting point is 00:38:25 to get translation this is what they're saying about us in Norway via one person said about us in Norway it's not like and inside of the space Norway is not all a buzz with the floppy ass across Norway this is the word on the flop house via free translation the best free translation service on the web and it says as Dan deposits to check for translation dot com while I see on the flop house admittedly it is a podcast but I also included the need to recommend it in any case in the event that it is more than me who have a doll summer where they are alone in several hours daily with work that requires relatively little awareness.
Starting point is 00:39:08 In any case, the concept is as follows. Three film flinxster from Brooklyn meet a time in the week and see a Dritt film which brats hundreds hills chihuahua or jumper. While they drink themselves full, when they are finished they take up an hour of the fact that they held about it in lid form. Yes, it does in people my job her vague a little less gray. Yay. So there you go. It's a positive I think. Yeah, I think it was. I mean, it could have been the inflection you use with your voice. Yeah. When he wrote it, he was like, here's the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, film flips. Yeah. Film flinsters. That's's what that's the way I think of us as three film flinxed or who drink
Starting point is 00:39:50 I drink ourselves full Free translation dot com. Okay, so wow that was cool. Thanks Norway. Yeah, thanks Norway. Thanks the country Norway Okay, what's next you've given us Jason and that? Mm- that. So here's one from Eddie last name with held sure And it says flip flops That's how it addresses us flip flops interesting Seasonal as you may have heard the third in the step-up franchise is currently currently in production step up three the streets Yeah, it says it's stuff up 3d dude. Yeah, oh is it really? yeah, well as as as the letter would say if you let me read it Okay, Stewart. Sorry. It's title step up wait for it. Sure 3d
Starting point is 00:40:34 Heard it the first ever dance movie in 3d Elliott I know you might be thinking of some crazy movie that tried it before But that claim is wrong, but if that claim is wrong the fault is not mine of some crazy movie that tried it before in the 50s. He predicted. But if that claim is wrong, the fault is not mine. I heard director John Chiu make that very claim a matter of hours ago. That's right. I'm working on step up 3D. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:56 It's like living in the movie, which is to say it's terrible. There are a thousand extras. I'd like you withheld his last day. He loses job. That's true. Well, this is probably like thousands of eddies working on this movie. There are a thousand extra I'd like you with held his last name he loses job Well, this is probably like thousands of eddies working on this movie This is from a few weeks ago. We haven't been together for a while So he's probably off movie by now, but uh, he says there are a thousand extras who are all in high school and love break dancing The title I know look at go wrong from the little I know about the movie and yeah
Starting point is 00:41:23 There might be some confidentiality issues, but it's okay because I'm not giving you my last name. It is about an international hip hop dance competition. It features light up shoes, laser gloves. I'm there. And wait, did you say laser gloves? Laser gloves. And teams called among other things. Germany, France, America, New Zealand, Africa, the pirates, and the samurai. Those better be those pirates that are always hijacking ships off of Africa. It could be a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, who knows, maybe an honest, a good movie, but one thing is true. It has truly broken new ground and pointlessness and inexplicableness and being written by me in seventh grade. And a grandmaster, Kaz, is in it. I do not know if I'm dreaming or as if this is real.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Kaz the cartoonist? Yes. Well, no, he includes a photo of grandmaster Kaz. I'm not showing to the cartoonist. So wait, there's a cartoon. Did you say there's a team called Japan and a team called the samurai? Yeah, it seems to start out as all team names are countries or continents. And then it turns into just types of people. I was saying samurai. Light up shoes, laser gloves. On my favorite things about Super Mario Brothers, the movie. Yeah, it's our laser gloves like gloves that somebody creates out of lasers. I have to assume they're gloves that shoot lasers. I guess that makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:42:45 It's like, Tron meets step up to this region. That was very cool. We got the behind the scenes report. Wow. All right, so now is the point where we make some recommendations of movies that we've seen recently, and maybe enjoyed. Rad of them.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Knowing, which you saw recently. So it shouldn't recommend knowing. Yeah so it I shouldn't recommend knowing. Yeah, well, don't recommend knowing. Unless you're gonna change your tune, unless you're gonna final just 180. If I flip flopped. Yeah, and I'm not gonna do that. No, not a flop slip.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Okay, okay, I'll go first. I wanna recommend an awesome movie, you know, in the spirit of a great summer movie. And in honor of the recent release of GIGO Rise of Cobra Directed by director Steven Summers. I would like to recommend the movie Deep Rising early Steven Summers movie which features treat Williams riding around on a ski-doo in a sinking jet sinking cruise ship while shooting tentacles with a shotgun. That sounds like a real treat. It's an awesome release.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Really? And the cover of the movie box features him riding on a ski do out of an explosion. So that is a surefire hit. A ski do is like a kind of flightless bird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, wait, no, it's like a jet ski. Oh, where's the do part come in? I don't know, that's what people call them, ski do. It's like a jet ski. Oh, where was the do part come in? I don't know, that's what people call them,
Starting point is 00:44:06 skiddies. It's like a do rag. It's like a jet ski that you can wear on your head. Oh, okay. I mean, if you're doing a headstand, it sounds pretty cool. And West's studio, isn't it? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:16 The guy who played Magwai in last of the move, hekins. Sure, he was in Dr. Ronald. Not the guy who played Magwai in Grandlands, how we made Del. Yeah, yeah. Not how we made Del, man. All right. Not the guy who played Maguire in Grandlands, how we mean to. No. Yeah, not how we mean to. He's not in that movie. My recommendation, I don't know if this is like an unabashed recommendation. It's more personal.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I watched The Towering in Fernon and Blu-ray recently and that movie is literally an hour too long. However, there's something about a certain type of 1960s blockbuster film that appeals to me. Like 1960s in general, I think it's- It was towering for no 60s or 70s. I thought it was like 71 or 72. Really? It could be wrong about that.
Starting point is 00:44:57 It feels like 60s. In the same way that like, basically like the first couple years of every decade sort of trails are pretty exciting. Yeah, it's like the previous decade. Yeah, you're right. But Tushay. There's something about films of that to work that are so fake that that like really seemed fake in a way that even transcends like early studio pictures. Normally that sort of level of fakeness in a movie irritates me But there's something about those like our when Alan disaster movies or like say an early James Bond film like the space age quality of that
Starting point is 00:45:35 That really appeals to me and something about like this like very like low version of blockbuster filmmaking That is kind of fun. Let's get Steve McQueen and Paul Newman together and Fred Astaire and put them in a disaster movie. Towering Furnow, especially on the new Blue Ray release, that's kind of fun. Okay, Elliot. I think I'm gonna recommend if I can,
Starting point is 00:45:59 not just a movie, but an event centered around a movie. Octoberfest. Octoberfest. If you hear this podcast before September 9th, which is a Wednesday, I'm going to recommend that you go to, and you're in the New York area, I recommend you go to 92 Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson Street in Manhattan, and you go see the movie I'm hosting there. Love me tonight at APM September 9th, because it's good. I'm hosting there love me tonight at a.m. Why? Because it's good. I'm gonna talk about it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Wait, you're gonna talk about it then or you're gonna talk about now. I'm talking about it then. Okay, that's cool. I also haven't seen any movies recently that I really like, so I'm gonna recommend that. And also Love and Death. My favorite of Woody Allen's gag films. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:46:38 My two favorite Woody Allen films. Love and Death in Krabs and Mr. Meaters. That's my favorite. Funny one and my favorite. Not so funny one. Hmm, interesting. Well, Leaven Death is hilarious, especially if you have a grounding
Starting point is 00:46:49 in 19th century Russian literature. Or even not. Those are books that I have always felt that I should read and have not. You should, they're very good. I still find Leaven Death the funniest of Woody Allen's movies. So, Rent Leaven Death now.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Sleeper. Sleeper's all right. Sleeper's not one of my favorites. I find it to be pretty like Lester. I was just naming him a little more. I like sleeper better than bananas. See, I prefer bananas much more to sleeper. Bananas is genius to me where a sleeper is OK to me.
Starting point is 00:47:15 But that's the movie to rent. What about take the money and run? It's all right. Show's promise. If you want to see a movie, not a Woody Allen movie. It's a how-need-of-film. If you need it. a movie not a Woody Allen movie How need them film if you know which way but you lose no? It's not also not a Woody Allen film other jokes in speed not Woody Allen Woody Allen made very few movies with car chases and And even few movies with orangutans or ambulance, you know races
Starting point is 00:47:41 Race with a devil nope not race at the deliata would you know the warriors no not a would be all in film but if you're in the new york area on september nine sure want to go see an old movie that's a lot of fun go see love meets night you find out more information on the ninety two wide trebekah website sounds good even despite dan booing me when i recommended it well well guys uh... i don't know whether we made a lot of sense of this movie knowing that we watched the night you know we made a lot of sense of this movie knowing that we watch the night
Starting point is 00:48:05 you have a lot of laughs you know but i was going to say the movie didn't make a lot of sense the movie i don't know there's a lot of you know what we know we had a chance to really talk and catch up i think that's cool friends coming together to enjoy a moment who cares if the movie is good or not the companionship is what it's about that's my anthony bourdain no reservations moment that's right good friends okay The companionship is where it's about. That was my Anthony Bourdain no reservations moment. For the podcast.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Good friends, okay. Why don't you do a sign off? I will, thanks. Thanks for throwing it to me. No problem. I've been damned like Hoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And Elliot Kaelin as himself. Good night. Yeah, let's fucking drive away.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Mm-hmm. Drop it like it's pod. You ready to do some casting? Wait, drop away. It's hot. Mm-hmm. Drop it like it's pod. You ready to do some castin? Wait, drop it like it's fluff. Eh? You ready to do some castin? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Castin' it. Like castin' spells, but we're podcasting. We're podcasting. Okay, I'll show that. Okay, what's going on here? I'm just trying to say. Why have we not started it? Oh, you need to pause.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Are you trying to get your burps out? Yeah, I can only get all those burps up like you're a little, you need to pause. Are you trying to get your burps out? Yeah, please try. You can only get all those burps up like your little, you know, look at Ali, he's burping up his gun. I've got to get it out. I'll just, I'll burp in the middle. And three, two.

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