The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #45 - Skinwalkers

Episode Date: September 13, 2009

0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme0:32 - 3:58- We introduce our guests, lycanthropy activists Ritch Duncan and Bob Powers.3:59 - 35:58 - What are "Skinwalkers?" Are they ancient legendary ...beasts?  Are they sufferers of a terrible curse? Are they nudists?  Or, perhaps they're just a way to tart up a lousy werewolf movie in Native American garb.35:59 - 41:51- Final judgments 41:52 - 48:21 - The sad bastards recommend.48:22 - 50:09 - Goodbyes, theme and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode, we welcome two werewolf experts to discuss the movie Skinwalkers. Hello and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaylen. And we got a few extra guests tonight. Please introduce yourselves. Hi, my name is Rich Duncan. I've been on the podcast before. Yeah, you're actually the most frequent guest host by the way.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Oh, sweet. With this appearance. My name is Bob Powers, and this is my first time on the podcast, and I'm really excited. Yeah, there are five of us today, huddled around three microphones. So we apologize to longtime listeners if there's a dip in radio quality.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And if you're listening for the first time This is not representative. Yeah, Elliot Elliot's on my lap this time If he gets the giggles, it's because of a tickle flight Dan you took things to such a gutter level right off the back. I cannot and usually you usually mr Yeah, mr., yeah, Mr. Prudery, Thomas Baudler himself. Well, instead, wow. So why do we have five people on the show you may ask yourself rhetorical listener that I've just created? And the answer is because the two gentlemen sitting to my right, Mr. Bob Powers and Mr. Ridge Duncan, wrote the upcoming book,
Starting point is 00:01:47 The Werewolves Guide to Life, which will be out the Tuesday following this podcast release. Is that correct? September 15th. So in the next couple days, when you hear this podcast, remember not to tip your waitresses, save them money, and instead spend it on this Werewolf book. I assume that in this economy, you know, they need to save that money, and instead spend it on this werewolf book, I assume that in this economy, they need to find that money someplace else to apply to your werewolf guide. I think it's 13 bucks. I think you could probably not be a jerk to your wait staff, and additionally also purchase
Starting point is 00:02:16 the book. At that price point, you go buy a couple and tip your waitress with a copy of the book. That's a very reasonable price point. Yeah, I mean, you just don't get that extra large cold stone creamery thing you get. Yeah, that people like to purchase. Right? Now, cut back on the sweets. Rich, you are currently a blogger for True TV and Bob, I know that you've written a couple of other books, a couple of choose your own adventure for adults.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Correct. Yes, so just make a choice adventure series. And also based on your popular blog, girls are pretty awesome at another book. Called Happy Cruelty Day. Yeah. So I'm doing a good job. You're doing a great job. I'm playing everyone's project.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's based on your blog. That will not like end you have another book, but you had to explain why you thought it. I like it. It's based on your blog. Yeah. It's not like, and you have another book, but you had to explain why you thought it. Well, actually, Dan is right because way more people have know about the blog than ever bought that book. Never mind that. Never mind that. Also, you are doing a great job, except for the only thing that's different between you and Charlie Rose, is Charlie Rose rarely turns to his guest and goes, I'm doing a good
Starting point is 00:03:24 job, right? Well, you are, I'm doing a good job, right? Well, you are. You're doing a great job. Charlie Rose with a touch of ed coach. I appreciate your posture. Listeners right now, Dan looks like he's been handcuffed underneath the table. He's presently trying to put a file into the lock to get free. Just so you know, also like Charlie Rose, this show is recorded on the edge of an empty void of endless blackness.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Hey, this is all well and good guys. We already have a lot of laughs. But don't we usually talk about a fucking movie or something? That's true. We did watch the movie tonight. This is such a weird day. Dan's talking about penises. Stuart's a stickler for keeping on topic. Like come on guys, I gotta take a shit later. Yeah, you see, he's even a stickler for staying on schedule with his bowel movements. Yeah, absolutely. Well, what movie was it? Oh, it's what movie was it? It was called Skinwalkers, and it was a movie about Werewolves, which is why we have the authors of the Werewolves Guide to Life
Starting point is 00:04:32 here in the studio. They're ex-department. Experts on the subject. Werewolf Spurts. That's the term. What? We call ourselves like an animal for community activists. Alright, it's explained to us in a piece of text on the screen before the film starts that a skin walker is a Navajo term for werewolf. And that there's a prophecy that one day a 13 year old boy who will
Starting point is 00:04:59 be a boy will be born who will turn 13 years old when the full moon turns red and he'll have the ability to End the curse of werewolfism And there are two kinds of werewolves the good kind who want to end werewolfism and the bad kind who want who Want to keep being werewolves and the reason they're bad is because they've tasted human blood Which unleashes the beast within and so much like monster energy drink a beast within. And so much like monster energy drink. Yes, it's like monster energy drink with evil consequences is supposed to help you with your workout, which I assume was
Starting point is 00:05:31 what people make me more attractive to women. Well, you think of ax body spray. Oh, shit, you're right. You're not important. I sell it. It's breaking. It tastes terrible. Incidentally, a real werewolf can smell ax body spray from up to 10 miles away. Wow. As opposed to the traditional five. There's normal non-likeant or a human. As I just like, lady werewolves are still the only ones attracted by ax or do you think all of them?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Is that the proper term? Lady werewolves? Yeah. Lady werewolves? I would think she wolves. There's no, uh, she wolves of the SS lady werewolves. I would think she wolves. There's no, she wolves of the SS. Well, that was one type of she wolves. There's no direct term for female or male werewolves.
Starting point is 00:06:11 If you're you're werewolf or you're a liking for rope, there's no superman or woman. No, okay. Well, anyway, so this is the story of these two battling groups of werewolves who don't wolf out that much and they spend a lot of time cocking guns and shooting at each other. They play basketball. Unfortunately no, there's no basketball playing in the entire film.
Starting point is 00:06:31 But the young boy is named Tim and he's with his mother played by what's your name, Rona? Marona Mietra. Marona Mietra. They're surrounded by a group of people including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle star, Elias Codius, and the couple of others. And Elias Codias is the boy's uncle. And there's this evil group of werewolves that's chasing after them, looking for this boy.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It's kind of hard to summarize the plot since there's next to none. It's just kind of- Yeah, it's one group following another. It's another movie about a prophecy. There's a prophecy kid and one group wants the kid and the other group wants to protect the kid. And it turns out that the leader of the evil group is actually the kid's father and the
Starting point is 00:07:09 brother of Elias Codius and that really doesn't complicate things that much as the plot continues. And then there's a big showdown in a warehouse that- The goodware wolves are kind of picked off one by one. Yeah, then they're in a warehouse that is inexplicably on fire and in the end, should I get where the ending? Yeah, please. Okay. In the end, the boy turns 13, I guess he was born at the stroke of midnight. So he turns 13 exactly on midnight of his birthday. It's like a sound of rusting now. Or as I said, like a werewolf parmzvah. Yeah. Yes. It literally is his werewolf bar mitzvah. Although I don't think they're Jewish. So that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Oh, I mean, what kind of Jewish? It would be, uh, you're swarthy. That's true. Well, most of that was, it was pointed out, I forget who pointed out, if it might have been rich, but that, uh, the way that they hired people to play Native Americans in this was they got kind of swarthy people and then, oh, it was Bob the youth homestead. They told them not to shave and then they made them stay up for 24 hours before they came on that. So to be a native American is to be swarvy and tired and unshaven. But in the end, all the where the werewolves are fighting and there are all the Elias Codius is the only good werewolf left. He tells Tim and his mother. He locks them in
Starting point is 00:08:22 an elevator or a cage or something in his factory. And he says, I'll fight them off, but I won't be able to control myself once I'm a wolf. So you will have, might have to shoot me. He fights off the other. He'll knock you back, but I'm in the ass, isn't it? You think he's killed the leader of the bad werewolves? He turns on the mother and the son. They shoot and kill him. The leader of the bad werewolves comes back. He's not dead. Uh-oh. And then he bites his son just as it turns midnight basically and his son's blood cures him of his werewolfism and it ends with the hope that if they uh-
Starting point is 00:08:57 go around the world and inoculate everywhere wolf with this kid's blood they all it also shows them injecting his the kids blood into bullets, I guess, to shoot werewolves and kill them. And just before you die, you'll be cured. Yeah. Think about that. That'll be good. Because that itself will cause a lot of damage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I mean, because then they'll be killing regular humans. And that's, wait, no, that's still murder. That's the blood. The blood that flows on the floor underneath you will be pure. It's just like Nicole Kidman in the invasion, where she's killing people because they're been taken over by an alien virus, but at the end they discover a cure for the virus,
Starting point is 00:09:36 so she is just a mass murderer at that point. I feel like every time I see you, Elliot, I'm always hearing, you know, this is just like Nicole Kidman in the invasion. It's such a good movie. I have to say so many things. I'm happy to brag. The only other thing of real interest is that I guess that the good wear wolves, when they wolf out, as it said, and teen wolf, when they wolf out, is they put themselves
Starting point is 00:09:56 in the lab or restraints and harnesses so that they can't get out and hurt anybody. Once you taste human blood, you'll be a wolf forever and a bad guy, So they have to stop themselves from eating human blood again. It's like monster energy drink Well, it might be it is like it might be a wear of form and so I mean Judas are not supposed to drink blood or eat the food with blood in it So supposed to be drained out which is why we Gentiles just love the taste of blood The refreshing taste is why steak I had I went to a kosher steakhouse not too long ago and the steak was very dry and tasteless It's because there's no blood in it. I did not know that How do they cook that steak?
Starting point is 00:10:37 Well, they smoke it Well, they will be proud they take the cow and they drain out all the blood They put in bombing fluid in the cow and then they mistake out of that. That sounds pretty good. So that's the movie in a nutshell. Okay. It was an hour and a half of pure hilarity. And the movie ends with that.
Starting point is 00:10:53 You made the point like it ends exactly like the matrix where they're like, oh wow, I've now become the salvation of werewolf kind, but our job isn't done yet. That's a story for another day. Skin walkers too. And then credits. D-d-d lean in makes me realize, perhaps not. But I wanted to take a moment to talk about real werewolves since this is Hollywood depictions of werewolves. And in our book, what we're doing is we're doing our best to make sure that real werewolves out there are not confused by what they see in Hollywood horror films. We stress that they can be entertaining.
Starting point is 00:11:46 This particular one not so much. But that Hollywood horror films can be entertaining. But there are terrible ways to actually live as a werewolf. I mean, it's just specifically like Native American werewolves. So this is only like this, but even if it was for the original werewolves. Yeah, it's only applied to a minority group within the werewolf community. I mean, the problem is, there's ever been an oppressed minority. It's Native American werewolves the native american
Starting point is 00:12:06 people had their land stolen for some reservations and the werewolves forced on smaller reservations within those reservations were given a bunch of silver with smallpox on the terrible we did buy werewolf island for twenty four dollars worth of trinkets yeah anyway but you were saying you know We get a lot of questions about which where Wolf movie is right? Are there things in this movie or that movie? And we just generally, we just say avoid Hollywood movies
Starting point is 00:12:32 for ways to learn about your like entropy. There's signs that are out there that have very little to do with your Native American rat tails. Although we will say, if you want, what I would like to do is focus on the positive as opposed to the negative I'd say the restraint systems in this in this movie were shockingly effective. Yeah, and probably good sex a as well It will make it a unit because they're very loose but Bob wrote most of the chapter on the restraints What do you think about the restraint systems? They look they look accurate
Starting point is 00:13:02 in a and actually the the other sex aid is a good point because a lot of restraint systems, a lot of restraint systems for where those are designed by people who design SNM restraint systems or SNM contraptions, they are the right people to go to because, you know, first of all, they don't ask a lot of questions. They are willing to work with, they wanna be challenged. So if you tell them, you need something stronger, an odd material to make it out of that kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:13:39 they wanna work with you. So I thought the restraint systems in this movie work pretty good I like I like your use of the word as an M contraption that phrase maybe think of like a like a like an old man in a in a small town Not an M contraption He's like hitting the side of a of some sort of leather Sivian device to get it to work again. I mean, it's like a Ruben Goldberg-Map machine. Like, if you like the candle, then it'll burn through
Starting point is 00:14:09 the string and the canary will fall asleep, and then eventually you'll get spanked. So when I make love it often, it looks like the game mouse trap. So it's not really a game. It's just like a stupid puzzle you set up, right? So that's what mouse trap is. Well, it's a game in that there's a winner. Well kind of Basically, you go around the board first and then you get caught in the
Starting point is 00:14:31 Master's the winner. I'm talking about the SNM. There's a winner. Oh, there's a winner in us and then Is there a safe word in the game? Master? I'm not sure. Usually the safe word is let's not play this anymore And then you get up and walk away This is really irritating. I'm trying to set it up this anymore. And then you get up and walk away probably. This is really irritating for trying to set it up this thing. Let's broke. Yeah, that's the same word.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I think we're missing a piece. It's the same word. I would like to add one more thing just to the restraint discussion. We said the restraints in this movie were good. The one thing I would definitely recommend people never do. For some reason in this movie, when the werewolves were restrained in the truck, there was always someone constantly driving the truck.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It was a huge truck and there were wild werewolves. Three or four of them strapped to the walls of the truck and they were driving around, which seems incredibly reckless to me. Yeah, well, Rachel, I would say that those people were safe at all times, though. However, because it was clear that there was no truck driving going on that it was all done by a rear screen projection. All those scenes where the werewolves were restrained. You were saying, while we're watching it,
Starting point is 00:15:34 this is the worst driving effects you've seen in a movie where it wasn't making a joke of that about bad driving special effects. Yeah, like Kill Bill, where it's a point where like Quentin Tarantino's like, oh, I love it in old movies where they're clearly in front of just a film screen and they're projecting stuff on the back.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Like, you know, in modern movies, they get someone to toast, someone around. Apparently this movie didn't have the extra money to pay for a driver to toast the actors around. They couldn't really pay for extras for most of the scenes. So I can understand. They've found all their money on the fabulous special effects. They're presented by the Stan Winston effects shop. Never let's you down, right? I don't know. This one kind of, it was no pumpkin head. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:16:18 That's fair. I heard there's a sex scene early on in this movie. How that worked out. Yeah, Stuart did not get to see the entire film. Yeah, let's come clean. Stuart had an issue at his day job, which meth that he came in. Dude, you could have tried to make it seem like it was something cool. Well, we didn't say what your day job was. Oh, OK. My day job is I'm a cash fighter.
Starting point is 00:16:41 As a cash fighter. As a costume hero. As a costume vigilante. That's the weird thing is my day job is I'm a cash fighter as a cash as a costume hero as a costume vigilante that's the weird thing is my day job is I'm moonlight as a costume which I'm a I'm a podcaster I don't tell the people in my day job about my night job it's exactly like the movie angel stripper by day student by night is that it no wait no wait she's a stripper by day student by night. Is that it? No wait She's a stripper during the day when there aren't a lot of customers and then she takes night classes
Starting point is 00:17:13 She likes working the last She can only afford the night class She doesn't make a lot about stripping during the day Is there some way I could make more money? It's a real stripping catch 22 as the original title But yeah So as if Haller's stripping catch one so yeah, I missed I missed the first bunch of the movie guys So I like you the viewers of our listeners at home I have no idea what the fuck happened. Well, there's it that like you're referring to there's a scene where the good guys in the bad He has about a shoot out in the town the good guys escaped sounds like a set of first sex scene the next thing you see is a roadside bar Called the last chance saloon just stupid name
Starting point is 00:17:59 There's a waitress a very hot waitress there and she delivers two beers to two guys playing pool and say, oh, maybe she's not even a waitress because she says, are we going to play some pool? And then they say, yeah, we'll play something and they throw her on the billiard table in our about to rape her. And then one of the evil while there are other patrons. Well, there was one of the one of the one of the one of the one of the evil, not set night. There were other patrons in the bar and the kids does get best. One of the evil were wolves is a woman. So she is some, you see, she's at the bar and the kids does get best one of the evil werewolves is a woman so she is some you see she's at the bar she turns in werewolf form and kills these two rapists and for a moment you're like oh I get it she did it to protect that woman yeah the werewolves are all bad they're anti rape then the other werewolves
Starting point is 00:18:39 come in and kill everybody and eat the woman who is about to be raped and that's segway and that you're they cut between them eating people and the leader of the bad werewolves and the what woman having sex the the werewolf woman the werewolf woman okay is she all werewolfed out while they're having sex uh... no but there's a little bit of hair on her back but that might have been there i didn't notice that's kind of growth yeah yeah i don't know that i'm not down there it looks like they're having sex as they segue out of being more vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:19:05 It was a very useless, like, there was absolutely no segue, or it wasn't a segue. It was just a thematic area. It was cut and cut back and forth. Yeah, intercut between eating the victims that they just saved. Sergis and the sexual assaults. And having the influence of the flavor of the victim, apparently'm not. And we'll solve it. And having to ruin the flavor of the victim, the panel. True. I guess.
Starting point is 00:19:27 But they're telling us that drinking the blood of humans is akin to orgasm. It feels that good. Oh. So there's more of a death. Oh, is that the reference? That sounds like a drug. That's a drug.
Starting point is 00:19:39 No, you can't change it. It sounds pretty nice. Because later, one of the good characters is turned by being forced to drink human blood. And she is saying to the other good characters, oh, if you if I could only share this feeling with you, oh, feels so good. Oh, and then she dies because you know, she's a bad wearable. She's like a vampire or something. No, it was a very vampire rich kind of a theme to it. The bar scene in particular, Dan commented, was a lot like near dark. I feel like this was, you know, they wanted to make a werewolf movie, but, you know, they decided to make it vampire-y because they knew a little bit more about that.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So she drank human blood? I assume so. I don't know. That's what they heard. They should have had a scene, frankly, where they drag a normal human victim over in Killam and Forcer to drink his blood. Seriously? It would have made it much clearer, as opposed to the endless scenes of people explaining the prophecy to other people after which is already been explained to us via text before the movie you know what like the set up for this movie couldn't be simpler and yet they obfuscated for like the first fifteen minutes the movie yeah set up
Starting point is 00:20:39 is just okay there are uh... bad werewolves who enjoy being werewolves and they're good werewolves who look on it as a curse. And there's a kid who can cure them all. And they gotta keep this kid safe until he's 13. Like that's all, like that's basically the whole move. What about Elliot the video tape at the beginning? The video tape at the beginning is something
Starting point is 00:21:00 that the protectors- With the video tape? There's a video tape. He says if that was the most exciting thing. If they watch the video tape, the phone will ring and they will instantly turn into a werewolf. If they watch the video tape, a phone rings and it tells them how much longer the shooting schedule is. And when they can move on to another project.
Starting point is 00:21:15 It's a movie within the movie. It opens with a video tape. There's another. What's an activity new tit? I don't know, I'm just saying. I don't know how tit got into that title. But there's there's another group the movie one of the things that the movie opens on is another group of good vampires one of them's named Ralph. We don't and werewolves is we all know are constantly fighting, and this is a movie about werewolves and werewolves fighting. Don't even get us started.
Starting point is 00:21:48 It's like, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been on the movie with the vampires on it. There's a group of good werewolves, and they're watching a video of the boy Tim, and it's a video that's been sent out by Tim's protectors to tell other good werewolves, don't give up faith, we have the boy he's doing well. You can be saved if you hold on a little bit longer. good werewolves don't give up faith we have the boy he's doing well you can see you can
Starting point is 00:22:05 be saved if you hold on a little bit long and they know that it's Tim because there's a big science is Tim above his bed has has in big letters Tim right of his bed so this is a horror movie that pretty much could just be not necessary if they use Skype so we're saying yeah probably well it seems like odd knowing that they're like bad where was out there it's like let's send out proof that this is still going on right that's that's issue documentation of what this boy looks like uh... well that the the boys back to the camera they only find him
Starting point is 00:22:36 because they can see i guess i swear church or something in the background that the sports jacket maybe a diversity jack yeah that's a jacket that says huga not on it which is the name of the town the boy grows up in which has a thriving business district that no people are in and also a cafe with a sheriff in it amazing it was
Starting point is 00:22:55 the town you get out they didn't think that the boy was just a maybe we got a save him from Rishaloo so Elliot yeah, oh I feel like you're the only one who saw this movie I feel like you made this you made this movie and I'm asking you There were a couple times during the movie when I correctly predicted what line would be said next this child is the Prophecy he's the future because he has mixed blood he's a half breed his father's aware of his mother is a nut wolf would it not be possible to make
Starting point is 00:23:38 vest army of these children just by mating with humans you would think so except maybe like it only works sometimes they never would don't you style They never really explain what's special about him besides the fact that he's a half-breed and in that case, yeah, they could just make half-breed. You have to assume that. And I can't think of the Cher song half-breed. Like Ron and Mietre is like the only woman who's ever been attracted to a werewolf man. That's what you kind of do. He's like, he's still a nature. To be fair, the other werewolves are not attractive men.
Starting point is 00:24:06 He's kind of a handsome guy. So let him one, well, yeah, I guess he doesn't want to. And then he's cut man around. Yeah, and he has great abs. He's very attractive, yes. He has abs like the Batman costume. Let's discuss the strategy of the bad werewolves though, because once the bad werewolves figure out where the boy is,
Starting point is 00:24:24 what they do is they around the woods they're on the woods they cock their guns for about uh... fifteen minutes and rev their motorcycles and they put on sunglasses and they slowly drive in at about twelve miles an hour into the center of town get park their motorcycles and this is they drive in and the only dangerous thing that happens is, I guess, the force of the shock of them driving into town knocks them mug off of a railing. And it crashes. They drive into town, park their motorcycles, then walk around the town square with their guns out, and I guess wait till they see... You know, just waiting for a showdown. Yeah, and also they have a falcon that tells them what's, they a falcon that they said ahead send ahead as a scout to see things
Starting point is 00:25:06 Never explain what this is how they're related to it. What you know, where will it falcon pal? Yeah, do we're all normally have falcon powers guys? Not that I know it's really I think that's a very much a I think that's the only element of the Native American culture that they might have thrown into this Yeah, somebody might be like an animal shaman. I guess so. I think yeah. Yeah. But they can talk to the animals like the Indians or Dr. Dulittle. Sure. They should have thrown in, I don't know, a couple of totem poles or something. Or a Native American. Wow. Sure. Yeah. Or a Native American. There's the one guy with the right tail hair. Yeah. His head is shaved on the sides. I'm what's his name though, I'm still not good.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I think he... No, it wasn't Cateas. I think he's Mexican. You look like John Lerker. Yes, he looked like a puffy Native American John Lerker. I think we've seen him in a million movies, but yeah, I think he's... I think he changed it.
Starting point is 00:26:01 He has two resumes. What? What? Yeah, what? Yeah, it's exactly. I think you changed it like two years to resumes Yeah, what yeah, what yeah, it's exactly one one says running there the other says You don't think he has like a character headshot where there's like he's him in a sailor suit You know like nobody wants me as a clown. I don't know what made his Native American wise men. Yeah, he's been. He's a Jewish native American. Yeah, this is a wise man.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Rabbi, Sean, and what is man? He's like a jeweler. I don't know why that would be. Why a jeweler? I don't know. It's two or three things that he's't know do you think he meant money lender yeah oh yeah like a banker of course yeah let's do it yeah um where wills yeah okay well here's another question well what did the werewolves they spend a lot of their time just
Starting point is 00:27:01 shooting at each other yes I was just common, is this a common attack? Like for werewolves? For people? Well, let me just clear up one little misconception. This whole thing of like, is this a common werewolf attack? Werewolves, three days out of the month are werewolves. Like a week later, that same guy who was a werewolf, he's a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, so you're calling me a racist, what you're saying? I wouldn't say it's a racist. I mean so you're like he's something you know, he made you basically you're calling me a racist what you're saying I wouldn't say it's a racist. I mean all you do you know I mean generally where wolves are all based on Hollywood horror movies where they're shooting each other and doing things and where wolves are Doing their jobs and paying their taxes and you know keeping their noses claims is the term wolf man offensive I think into since generally pretty much all were wolves are kind of in the Closet to the right way to say that Bob, I don't know what do you think, sir? I mean, I... I tried it.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I cannot be less engaged. I mean, engaged, sir. I mean, until there's any degree of openness, like, I mean at this point, if they're, if a real werewolf, or to come out on TV and say, I'm a werewolf, we would kill him. Yes, exactly. He'd be dead. I mean, you're exactly what they're if a real werewolf or to come out on TV and say I'm a werewolf. Oh, we would kill him. Yes, exactly. He'd be dead. I mean, I know what they're like. Exactly, personal.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I mean, my group, the anti-wearwolf is, yeah. Oh, boy, here we go. The AWG, the anti-wearwolf gang. The terrible name. You do a lot of karate. Yeah, it's non-stop karate. It's just karate watching werewolf movies and shaking our fists of them and
Starting point is 00:28:26 Occasionally we do like well paint a school as a charity thing Well, maybe where wolves can come out then I don't know I Didn't think it was gonna be about it's karate. Yeah, but they but you're saying they okay They're afraid to reveal them. They need to keep secret. Yes If you knew a werewolf was living in your neighborhood And especially if you got loose and attacked him. Oh, I would burn his house. Everyone would attack him. I would cry. I would cry. I would get that out of the middle.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I would get that out of the middle. Well, they would have to if they haven't changed yet. You know, if it's not, and basically, Rich's point is that they are men. They're a lot stronger. They're a lot, they heal a lot quicker, but for the most part, if when they're not wear wolves, they're just people. So that's the time to get them. That's time to get them, yes. And that's why they have to keep their condition a secret because they're just as vulnerable as us,
Starting point is 00:29:19 the vast majority of their lives. Yeah, you're hit with a car or something. Silver car. So you're saying, yeah with silver car, that's very classy. You want to get like maybe just a champagne color. That's as far as you're going to go. So we do say in the book, the whole silver bullets thing is a little bit of a hoax. Really? Yeah. I mean, we say, if you're aware of Wolf, you want to stay away from being shot with silver bullets
Starting point is 00:29:45 not because they're silver but because they are bullets bullets in general are bad what about like a silver tomahawk i think a tomahawk of any kind regardless of what it's made of it it was silver that would certainly the trick and probably split us out up on the problem in the wolf man like larry talbot dies because he's beaten the death of the silver headed with the silver cane i would also do the jobbot dies because he's beaten the death of a silver headed king with a silver cane I would also do the job because if you beat someone with a death with a solid cane that would definitely kill
Starting point is 00:30:10 someone who was like a silver knife a silver knife life I believe would also do the job you'd so you stab them. I mean, where will is our gonna? Heal quicker, but I mean if you stab someone with a knife, they're gonna die. Yeah knives So you're stuck it's like the rock and and you're saying it's like the rock that keeps bears away. If you hit someone with a silver rock, yes, it will Jesus you people. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 00:30:33 wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, But what if they choke to death on food that has some silver in it? There's just a big lump of silver in the mashed potatoes that they don't see. It gets caught in their throat.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Perhaps that's how that rumor started. I don't know. What if it was like they tried to eat the body of Ron Silver? Actually, to be honest with you, maybe one of the reasons that the silver bullet theory started is that Lycan Verbs got sick of being shot. Where Wolf's got sick of being being shot And so they perpetuated this rumor that it only takes silver to kill them I thought you were there for people wouldn't try you can try and kill us, but it'll be really expensive I thought you were gonna say that the silver bullet theory got started because of the death of where will JFK Not to be confused with regular JFK the president Well, silver magic bullets
Starting point is 00:31:26 passed through Connolly's leg and then where will where will we're all Connolly's leg yeah and then shot by where will Fuzz Walt yeah it's it's really tragic as you can see where Wolf Jackie trying to stuff the brains back oh that's it we're old before brains. It was a fair upgrade. Oh, was that the pattern I like? Yeah, we were wearing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So silver is nothing special. Okay, so this is very nice. There's a bunch of like gun battles and a car tips over, I remember. Yeah, truck tips over. And then one shit got like, should you drink a bunch of blood or something and turn into an evil wearable? Yeah, we talked about that a lot. But what I don't get is, why do they tie up all the good wearables first and then they got like, she drank a bunch of blood or something and turned into an evil wearable. Yeah, we talked about that a lot. But I don't get as, why do they tie up all the good wearables first and then they're
Starting point is 00:32:09 like, hey, let's tie her up last. Oh no, she's a monster. That's good. It's a bad movie. Okay. The best part was that they had strapped them in themselves in. And they all had one arm free, but they could not get that other arm free. Their guns were just that much far away.
Starting point is 00:32:27 They could have easily done the release of the buckle that they had just fastened, but no, they didn't bother. They were like right handed and they strapped a hard strike. They strapped themselves. Oh, right, that makes sense. Like when you're crucifying yourself, how do you get to last nailing, you can't? Why have a crucifying yourself? You're right!
Starting point is 00:32:49 The common activity of crucifying yourself. Plophouse audience, try it. You're not gonna be able to get that third nail in without help. I actually don't know if there's a lot more in terms of plot to dissect here. There's very little. So I wanna ask,
Starting point is 00:33:03 this movie is pure adrenaline. not a lot of crazy plotting sure Oh, there's there was one thing that just the fact that the little boy Tim who is 12 and 364 days old Women seem to find women seem to find him irresistible Yeah, like there are many scenes where women seem to be flirting with him in a very weird Well, it was yeah, there was nothing in the text to suggest this is that it just seemed like the director directed those actresses to flirt with the, you know, just shot a 13 year old boy, including his mother, right? Yeah, yeah, at times even his mother, it was weird.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I thought maybe he was giving off some sort of werewolf pheromone that attracted women, but I don't think that was it. Or maybe the director of the film had some sort of underage incest fetish that Lee was on. He was getting out through the making of the film, Skin Walker's. When he took on the role, when he took on the role's director of Skin Walker's, he knew just new the title. He didn't realize what the movie was about.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And so he assumed it was pornographic. Can I ask you guys one other question about the movie, in particular, the title Skinwalkers. I can't tell, are they wolves walking in human skin? Are they like a wolf wear? That's, I can't tell. Like normally, you know, I mean, obviously, in terms of the book, we don't like to support any horror
Starting point is 00:34:22 movies, Hollywood horror movies, but still, like this just seems to prove our point all the more I don't even know what a skin walker was supposed to refer to I mean skin walker is it as a term I've heard before this movie. I think it might actually be it some sort of it's either a made-up Indian term for masturbation Let your skin do the walking but it is I think it is that you're walking around in the skin of something else You know that you can change shape and I think it is that you're walking around in the skin of something else, you know, that you can change shape. And I think it's generally not just wearables, but a shape shifter of some kind. Or walk around in the hair and ridiculous chest piece of something else.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Exactly, yeah. Well, it's just like Harper Lee says it to killer mockingbird. You got to walk a mile, another man's skin. You can really understand him. Exactly. So this movie has a message of tolerance towards African Americans, I guess guess is what I'm saying. Okay. And also Boo Radley. Where will Boo Radley? So before we try things up because I said I don't think that there's a lot more in terms of plot that we need to talk about.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I wanted to ask our guests whether there is anything they wanted to specifically address before we move on. Well, we've been having a lot of fun, which is great. If there is anyone out there who is actually concerned that they are a werewolf, we recommend them going to Is that correct, Bob? Correct. Or pick up the book on September 15th. And, you know, as we said, Hollywood horror movies, not a good way to gauge your own like, entropy, we got the answers. Just to be clear, the book will be available other day, like after every day after September 15th, not just the one day. It's not like the new feeders on this day and you're like, wait, what the fuck? I can't go see Paul Blarmole
Starting point is 00:35:59 kind of after that. It's not like it's not like a Lenbeck's common sense tour, which only aired We expect it to sell out that day Many more wearables and this country then you know about every day after that it will be available remainder Come on there are guests All eight copies that were printed of this book will be available No, this book will be available everywhere. It is, the thing that's funny is, you know, they say, tell everybody it's available September 15th. I can't think of a real,
Starting point is 00:36:30 have you ever bought a book the day it came up? What do you think? I have, but not a book. Well, I've certainly ordered them so that they're delivered. They come out on Amazon, but that's true. I'll put a link on the website. Although if you feel like you may have been bitten by a werewolf,
Starting point is 00:36:45 you would want this information as soon as you did. I'm betting everyone understood what you meant when you said, go buy it on September 15th. I just want to make sure where wolves are very literal. Wow, now you're telling them. Dan, you should put one of those links on where you get some pennies every time someone uses it. I'll see whether I can work out a little thing, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Get some to chain, change as this. But I'll put a link up so that people can, they don't even need to wait. If they hear this before that date, they can order right away. They can spend their money right away, more and more and more. Wow, they can vote with their dollars.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah, they want to screw their waitress, right? Yeah. That's the tip that they have. Fuck the service industry. Am I right, guys? Apparently I'm right. Wait, are we talking about screwing waitress right yeah that's the tip that the fuck the service industry am I right guys apparently I'm not we're talking about screwing waitresses now we stay we're tying it all up right we started we started out by announcing okay that's cool that's what standard comedians used to say when they were done they said they say you've been in great audience have sex with your wait staff good night don't forget to fuck your waitress waitresses did not like that. No, they hated it.
Starting point is 00:37:46 They stopped doing that. We'll do a lot of presumptuousness. Yeah. And ill-manners. Hey, buddy, you've been pretty presumptuous. Get out of my establishment. Well, now is the point where we make our final judgments about the movie that we watched. Final judgments. To reset this for our audience, we have three categories, although often we just forget them and make something up. But the three official categories are, is this a good bad movie?
Starting point is 00:38:19 A movie that is enjoyable on its badness. A bad bad movie. A movie that we found no enjoyment in, or a movie that we actually kind of liked, a movie that maybe didn't deserve this treatment. We give our individual opinions. I'm going to start with Elliot, because he looks like he's rarer to go. Oh, I'm always rarer to go, you know me when it comes to talking. I actually might surprise everybody by saying I thought this was a good bad movie. I really enjoyed watching it and making fun of it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 It was very fast and stupid and it is by no means a good movie, but it's we've seen so many lately that were painful to watch. You know, everything was dumb in a very silly and stupid way. So it was fun. I give it. I say it. It's a good bad movie. Catch it today.
Starting point is 00:39:05 But don't I mean, like take your time. Stuart, I know you only saw the second half of it. But what do you, just say it? Wait, that was the whole half. I don't know. You saw the last fourth of the film. OK. Yeah, what I saw wasn't too hot.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I would give it a C plus following your standards there. C plus is a very good grade for this game. That was not one of the categories. So C plus, it was fast. It reminded me of the matrix, and that reminded me of what I was in college. And... Which was its name.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Alize Codias. Or you drank a lot of him. I was sexy. Did you enjoy him? Alize Codias was pretty good. Not as good as Ninja Turtles of course of course is well Casey Jones is defining role. Yeah, okay, I'm done for our field. So I forgot what system we were using to grade it. I give it a thumb up to the side now again, but I agree with
Starting point is 00:39:59 Elliott I actually I think it's a good bad movie because it was 90 minutes, it was actually less than 90 minutes, I think, once you suppressed the credits, I thought that there were a lot of hilarious scenes of people cocking their guns over and over again. Like, they cocked their guns in the woods, then they came in a tent and they recocked their guns before they did anything, before they shot them. And there's a lot of slow motion of people driving around on motorcycles about to cock guns. Yeah, I enjoyed it on that level. Which way do you have to say? I honestly was gonna say I didn't enjoy it at all
Starting point is 00:40:33 until you reminded me of all the gun cocking. Yeah. The gun cocking I kind of got a kick out of. You can go your own way. Well, just like the song. I enjoyed watching the movie with you guys and I thought it was fun. In terms of real werewolf stuff, it's obviously ridiculous, but it's ridiculous whether you believe in werewolf so you don't believe in werewolf. But I had
Starting point is 00:40:53 a good time watching with you guys. I would say it's a good bad movie. I'll go with two out of five bow ties. I'm not really sure with that. I'm Tuxedo Jack and this has been Tuxedo Jack's film review. I have trouble saying it's a good bad movie because I fear that recommends it too much. But if you, if I were to stumble on, for the shootout in the town scene alone, it's an enjoy, it was an enjoyable bad movie. Yeah, I think that. I was laughing my ass off during that. So if I were, if it was
Starting point is 00:41:26 late at night, I would definitely keep watching this. Sure. I think I forgot to mention that during the shoot, the shootout is between an old lady and these bad werewolves, which is the one. I might be the one genuinely witty scene in the movie. Yeah. The witty sequence in the movie. Yeah. The witty sequence in the movie. After that, it kind of got. Before and after that, it's pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Yeah. So now's the part where we give our recommendations for movies that we actually enjoy. Recommendations. Still do, do, do, do, do, do. And I think we're going to have to tear through these since there's five of us and we're thus running exponentially longer.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I can't give my regular 20-minute recommendations, please. No, you can't. Oh, all right. What have we seen lately or not so lately that we enjoyed that we want to recommend? Well, I was telling Allie before the recording of the movie that I saw recently that I enjoyed the most was Adventure Land. But the move I'm going to recommend because it's a horror movie and we watched a Where Wolf Movie Tonight is wreck, bracket, REC, E-C, closed bracket.
Starting point is 00:42:37 The Spanish horror movie that was remade as quarantine in the States. And it's one of a growing number of verite horror movies where it's supposedly shot by someone in the movie. In this case, a local news cameraman is shooting this woman as she goes on a night out with the fire department in the town and she gets quarantined inside a building where there's a zombie outbreak. And the problem with a lot of these baritade horror movies is like, why do they keep shooting after a certain point?
Starting point is 00:43:14 But here it kind of makes sense and that they're news people and they want to show what's going on and they want to document how shabbly they're being treated. And it's very good at the beginning of the movie it moves a little slow in the middle But then it has a genuinely creepy ending so I recommend that that sounds awesome Dan You know it's not often that you hear a horror movie where the characters are treated shabby Well, that's what really bothered me the shabby treat These are your characters, so. Show them respect.
Starting point is 00:43:49 It's the love thread count on their bledons. It was pretty good, but I thought Jason was pretty chinsy. It was character, so. Uh, yeah, okay, the movie I'm going to watch. The movie I'm going to recommend is a movie I saw quite a while ago. Uh, guys, I'm talking watch the movie I'm gonna recommend is a movie I saw quite a while ago Guys I'm talking Okay, let's do it well. He's in talks. No, but it's a matter of shut up shut up guys Shut up treating him so shabby shut up. Okay
Starting point is 00:44:14 The movie I'm gonna recommend is a Japanese movie that I probably already recommended but I don't really care It's a movie called fireworks It's starring and directed by Takeshi Katano. It's really cool and you should watch it and it's sad and Takeshi Katano is awesome in it. I like that one. Takeshi Katano, the star of Johnny Numanik and Takeshi's castle, the Japanese game show. He has the best career of anyone in the world. the world a standard comedian who became a novelist and film director who stars in violent gangster and police drama and also her story
Starting point is 00:44:52 and character dramas yeah hope it's a she so far works watch that piece i'm gonna recommend a movie still in the theaters maybe by the time i podcast airs what's that all about elie you saw movie made in the last 10 years I did this is Quentin Tarantino's big hit in glorious bastards just all last week and which I thought was fantastic do not be swayed by the commercials which are not very good it is a at times brilliant and always tense movie and he does it he accomplishes what he sets up to do very exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:25 And also extremely goofy. Well, it veers wildly between genuinely tense and extremely silly and off the wall. And, uh, but he does it just right. It's the gremlins too of world-world work two movies. This is what I'm saying. Put it on the poster. Guys, you have a recommendation either individually or as a unit? You didn't recommend Adventure Land because it's not a horror movie, but I just saw it over the weekend and I loved it. It has Kristen Stewart in it who is in the upcoming New Moon.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So that's a connection and she's kind of adorable. She's getting married in according to People Magazine. What? Who's she married? It's not like my heart is pyrr. Yeah. The vampire podcast. I'm really, really.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Do they really? I'm really gonna marry? Yeah. I don't know. That's what People Magazine told me. Bob and I need to find someone else to stalk me. Seriously. How good Geno is taken.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Okay. Do not get, do not muscle in my territory. It's all a steak out who we're gonna stalk after the podcast Okay, that's a good movie. Let's go One one question though, and I'm not gonna take too long. Did you find that they These college kids these post college kids seemed Far younger than most high school kids are portrayed in movies. That was the one thing. I kept thinking Wait, oh yeah, there are college. They did see right they seem way younger than i mean that i
Starting point is 00:46:49 mean that's because i'm growing older it's not i don't know about that i think it's more of a it's more it more recommends the movie yeah i think it's more the more realist people usually college kids usually play by thirty year old exactly in high school as our high school kids. Yeah. And they're also way more witty and self-assured in these movies. Why was 31 high school? That was because you spent a lot of time in juvenile detention. That's true dating high school. I went undercover as a high schoolist, just dating high school girl. Just to make sure she wasn't screwing around on me. I wore mustache because she wouldn't know me. All right, Rich I have a three-month-old daughter at home, so I was very excited. That's what you'd recommend. Well, you know, if you have some movies or anything. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I'm just saying I would have gone to see Halloween 2 in the theater guaranteed how I not had a child. And I would very much recommend from what I've seen and read about how horrible Halloween 2 the Rob Zombie version is. Apparently I saved an hour and a half of my life by not going to that. So can I recommend not going to see a movie? Sure. I hope there's a part in the child. I can guarantee you there are no farting robots in it No, no, no, we'll see you I would see how you are farting robots in it rich even if I had a child I would definitely watch Halloween 2 on the flop house
Starting point is 00:48:14 All right, I would take my child to see the farting robots in Halloween and I totally never forget that I did this for you So guys That a good time tonight. Queue the Saturday Night Live music so we can all hug each other. Oh, we're fucking done. Yeah, time to just flew by, right? Yeah, I know. I thought we were going to read the whole book out loud.
Starting point is 00:48:35 What, the only book? The Bible? Yeah. We're going to do that. Yeah, I'm going to ask him. I haven't memorized, so reading it is so to silly. We'll read it to each other after we're talking about who we're gonna stalk. But you can purchase the Werewolf book, and I'll put a link up again.
Starting point is 00:48:54 The title of which is? Let me look at the book that's in front of me, The Werewolf's Sky to Life by Rich Nuckim and Bob Powers. And it has a subtitle, Immanuel for the newly bitten. And would this be a good gift? Yeah, perhaps a Halloween gift. I think so, yes. A Howl Ween gift?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Stuart Wellington, you've done it again! You're like the Don Draper of this show. I'm at a punting plug. We'll sign off. I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I continue to be LA Kalen. I'm Rich Duncan and I'm Bob Powers. Goodnight everyone. In front of the head, I see a flying thrower at a bear at any point. I fucking wish we're rock and launcher at a cow. And it was like, it's like, too hours of our safety training and then too hours of
Starting point is 00:49:48 work. I was going to bear it to self. I received a name. That's kind of. I think it was probably about 157. He gave me a sentence at a target. Yeah. That's what I was thinking. If one day would make a bear attack, worse and more terrifying. Is it if it was a fire? Set him on fire. Angle is playing in the front before his Is it if it was a fire?
Starting point is 00:50:06 Set him on fire. Angle of a fire in the front before isn't right. There's a legend of a fire bear.

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