The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #59 - Law Abiding Citizen

Episode Date: May 9, 2010

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme0:34 - 2:24 - We waste a few minutes talking about how long it's been since we've invaded your ear-holes.2:25 - 35:39 - We discuss Law Abiding Citizen, the most egr...egious movie title crime against hyphens since The 40 Year Old Virgin.35:39 - 38:18 - Final judgments38:20 - 39:25 - Station identification39:26 - 44:07 - We attempt to re-create a Flop House Movie Mailbag from memory, and we make fun of Stuart's fragile mental state.44:08 - 52:10- The sad bastards recommend.52:11 - 53:01 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 After a month-long break, the Plophouse gang is together again to try and abide law-abiding citizen. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. It's been so long since we've done this, I wonder if, wait, can I remember? Yes, I'm Ellie Kaylin. Yeah, it's been like I'm in month, guys. In podcast terms, there's a new generation of listeners. We have lost all of our past listeners. I prefer to think of it as the podcast
Starting point is 00:00:54 went into the Disney Vault for a while. And now that we're out again, people will be more excited about it. I prefer thinking of it as we burn down some old growth forest and then now we're gonna tend a new crop of so what I have in all of our old listeners. We burned them. We literally burned them. That's why it's been a month. We've been going from town to town throughout the US and burning them alive. So like all of
Starting point is 00:01:19 our pretty young female listeners are now quite hot-hot-milfs. What? Why do you have to turn them to hot-milfs? Because I like scores. It adds character. So what do you think that they all burns for the drugs? I think that they all got pregnant and delivered their children in that time period. In that one? Probably.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah. Well, that's how it works, one? Probably. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's how it works, right? Let us know if there are any flop house babies born in the last month. Sure. We'll dedicate a show to them. Yeah. And by flop house babies, I mean that you must have conceived them while listening to us.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, I thought it was the cartoon series where it's you, me, and Stuart as babies. And Nana takes care of us. We never see anything but a but a feat. Do we live in a castle? We live in a castle and we use our imagination to have adventures. Okay, I like that. Um, could we do that? That's a literal lift from the mother babies theme.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Okay, what about this? Well, pal's babies. You're just saying the same thing. That's different. It's a different song. It's better. Okay, guys. Well, I've almost forgotten what we do on this podcast, but... We watch movies.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, bad movies, I think. And then what do we do afterwards? We discuss them. And... We discuss them? We discuss sometimes. And this fine day for it is a day we're recording during the day for once. It's a beautiful day, We're really sacrificing our day.
Starting point is 00:02:45 We should be outside playing some ultimate frisbee or a hacky set. Yeah, there's some other hippie thing that hippies do. Do you have like a drum circle? Like with devil sticks? Where are you from? Outside of a fish show. Uh-huh. But instead we're inside watching law abiding citizens start to. Like what? We saw the news.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Do it, do it, do it. Do it. I haven't even been drinking like I normally do during these. Maybe that's the problem. Yeah. Yeah. We like Christopher Hitchens. We watched law abiding citizen, starring Gerard Butler.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah. Our favorite actor. Yup. He's been in more flops than any other that we've talked about, right? And also Jamie Foxx, who was in uh... one of the first movie the first literally the first self-self i wasn't here for that one uh... well it was a really bad movie but jamey fox was in it how is that possible i know it's hard to believe um... i think part of it was that it was basically just a ripoff of two thousand
Starting point is 00:03:41 one and i think that was it all A little short circuit thrown in. Yeah, that's true. I wish 2001, Hal hadn't been evil. He'd just been kind of a bumbley, the competent computer. If I recall, at the end of stealth, the evil plane that was killing everyone
Starting point is 00:03:58 did become good again. Like it realized the error of its ways. Yeah, I think I don't remember. Yeah, let's not talking about stealth. We didn't watch it. Well, it learned that it's a curious game. The only way to win is not to play. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But likewise, the game that Gerard Butler was playing. The game of justice. Mm-hmm. Armed justice. The only way to win is to not have your wife and mother of your child and your child died. He says, if the wife and the mother of the child are two different people. Sometimes it is, dude. That's true.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Should we explain the plot of this film? Yeah, why don't you go through the labyrinth and twist and turn? Oh, sure. Gerard Butler plays an engineer of some kind who has an adorable daughter. He's like an inventor. Yeah, end of wife. Within the first four minutes of the movie, wife within the first four minutes of the movie uh... maybe within the first three minutes dried butlers wife is stabbed and raped and the daughter is
Starting point is 00:04:51 killed off screen and presumably also sexually assaulted and dried butler is stabbed in the gut you presume that i mean it was pretty implied i think maybe i don't know the bad guy does go kids love me brings her into another room that makes sense terrible Terrible stuff These the two of them it's two criminals one of them is really bad and the others just an accomplice the really bad one
Starting point is 00:05:17 agrees to Turn states evidence on the other one And exchange for a lighter sentence states evidence on the other one uh... in exchange for lighter sense charred but there's very unhappy about this because one of the guys is going to go to the old is gonna be executed but the other one is going to go free in a couple years jamey fox is the prosecutor
Starting point is 00:05:34 for the city of philadelphia who hand who makes this plea deal uh... in order to get one conviction in the fear that otherwise he would get no convictions he's like an assistant district attorney or something like that yeah but as he says he's like we don't have a he said he said you say to jarbutter we don't have a case but they do have an eyewitness uh... and dna evidence of some kind saying that that the victims blood was found on the
Starting point is 00:05:58 world traders uh... alia to uh... you know jarbutter blacked out for a few minutes so that makes him an unreliable witness doesn't make sense now even if you see someone's face if you black out thereafter uh... legal president says that you cannot be a night with uh... the way works our legal system is most of that's what all of that someone should teach that legal system a lesson yeah okay flash forward ten years
Starting point is 00:06:23 what no one has no one has aged. Technology is exactly the same. It seems like the only reason that they could, they flash forward 10 years was, I guess to give George Butler time to plan his plans. And also so that Jamie Foxx's unborn daughter in the first couple of scenes can grow up to be old enough to play the cello in a company meant to some of the other scenes. Yeah. And so enough reason. So one of them is just getting executed now. I suppose there's a lengthy appeals plot process that makes sense. People stay on death row for a couple of times. Yeah, it's all this. Yeah. You would have thought at some point, somebody would have listened to him when he said that he didn't actually, because the guy who's getting
Starting point is 00:07:04 killed, right? He didn't actually do anything while he's getting killed right he didn't he didn't actually do anything while he was there but he didn't he was there but he didn't commit either of the two murders okay and you can see in his face during the scene he's uncomfortable with it yeah he's like I was not on board for child rape and murder since they break into this house steal two candle sticks off a mantelpiece and then kill two people and run away. It doesn't make sense. Big and most correct. Very untargeted. It's a jack.
Starting point is 00:07:28 He's like two guys with a baseball bat come in and they're like, oh, well, they got some things on the mantel here. It's called a crime opportunity. This looks like a maybe this thing. Well, we've got some big stuff. Silver picture frame. Let's take that. It'll fetch upwards of $10 on the open market.
Starting point is 00:07:46 But there's a, okay, it's through the thrill, you know. We should make the plot quick. Basically, the one who's being executed, he gets lethal injection, but something's been his chemicals have been messed with. And his death is incredibly... Maybe it comes as the incredible Hulk. They go to the police think the other the other Murder who's now out of jail did it they track it down and he gets a mysterious phone call leading him away from the police into a warehouse where
Starting point is 00:08:15 Gerard Butler Drugs him and then proceeds to dismember him as revenge revenge over right? No, what I think sir Gerard Butler wants to teach Jamie Foxx a lesson. And this involves killing basically everyone in the Justice Department and the DA's office in Philadelphia, in increasingly elaborate ways as he sits supposedly in solitary confinement in prison. How-hmm. How's he doing it? How's he pulling off all these crimes? He looks at him in the compost, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 He must. He must. It's the only way. The only way that makes any logical sense. Meanwhile, they know he's committing these crimes. They make no attempt to keep an eye on him or watch him. He's in solitary. He's in solitary, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 He's in solitary, but it's basically like a locked room at the bottom of a hallway that nobody got a solitary fine yeah worry about it and uh... the city we're not shown this but were told the city is shut down people are afraid to go to work or to school i would be uh... because as like a regular uh... citizen i'd be terrified to learn that someone was killing specifically police officers and uh... and criminal lawyers who are involved in this one case yeah ten years ago so uh... so that would that would bring things to a stand still and should we
Starting point is 00:09:31 give away the ending yeah please do jamey fox and his uh... policeman buddies find out that uh... jarred butler was actually a super genius when it came to killing people used to work for the government and he has an elaborate hideout underground So he's not just like a regular everyday Joe. No, even though he says several times. I'm an ordinary guy I'm just a law-biting citizen. It turns out he's all he's actually a super secret CIA assassin
Starting point is 00:09:58 He's got a headquarters Underground next to the prison connected to a solitary confinement cell by a tunnel and every night he is sneaking out of his cell and rigging up traps to kill people and then getting back into his cell again. Huh. And he sets up a bomb at the mayor's office for some reason and Jimmy Fox realizing that the law is impotent at this point puts it under drug butlers bed and allows drug butler to blow himself up. Case closed. Case closed.
Starting point is 00:10:30 The case of the murdering guy over. Chalk another one up for the district attorney. Another slam dunk. So it's an incredibly stupid movie. Yeah. And it would want you to believe that it's about, I guess, the limits of justice or the limits of the legal system or... Our legal system.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Let him, let him criminals go for it. There's a lot of like, what about his civil rights? I don't care about his civil rights anymore, you know, things like that. And the judge who is incredibly eager to let people off of charges for any reason. Yeah, there's a point where like Gerard Butler um says he's going to confess hasn't hasn't signed a confession yet and then makes an argument in court that because he hasn't done it and there's no other evidence he should be going free even though he's agreed to sign a confession in the future and the judge like yeah I'll allow it and then he starts railing against the judge like see
Starting point is 00:11:21 you did this last time no, you're always letting criminals go free to kill and kill again. Yeah, you kind of set her up. And he plays a game of cat and mouse with the cops saying like, I'll tell you where this missing person is that I've kidnapped. If you bring me a steak lunch, you know, things like that. At day 1230. And when it comes a little late and a tea bone steak, the bone being the important part. Yes, because then he then uses that to kill his cell mate. Yeah. And for, I'm pretty much no reason
Starting point is 00:11:51 except to get him into solitary, I guess. Luckily, the prison only has one solitary confinement cell and he's already dug an amazing tunnel. There's gotta be a non-murder way to get into solitary. I mean, it was either that or just, I don't know that much about prison. Just like, try punch a guard, maybe. Or just like pee in a cup and throw it on a guard.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. Oh, okay. I guess that'll get you there. Well, I mean, at least for a day. I mean, especially once he starts his murdering rampage, those days, those days, those days. And everyone's doing it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Maybe there's something we don't know about between him and his son-lead. Mm-hmm. Maybe- They certainly didn't seem to be friendly. No, I mean, there's definitely a little bit of antagonism there, like just sexual tensions to her. Yeah, I guess you're probably right. I'm just in trouble.
Starting point is 00:12:31 George Vacher does look pretty good. As I said, watching it, how can a man in such good shape look so doy? He's cut. He's got a 50s body builder look where it's like, he's muscular, but he's not slim and he's not spelt. But also when you like take his shirt off, like you can see the definition of every muscle. It's just that his face was no run or else, but you see him you see him nude from the back and he's kind of a lumpy guy.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It seems like maybe it was a muscle. You know, they don't look good. I want to attach some clamps to his extra face flesh and just like started like pulling them out, you know, like in Brazil. The face is like Catherine. It's like his face gave birth at some point and it just has a tight and bag up. You really hate to our butler. You're going to beat the crap out of you. Yeah. This is and this is the best performance we've seen from him so far. No, this is just certain. I mean, I certainly I would rather that he won over Jamie Foxx in the film. Yeah, well Jamie Foxx is the least likeable hero I think in movie history in this movie. Yeah, he learns what's up with Jamie Foxx guys. I mean like sometimes some days He's like a rapper Some days he's a some days. He's an actor. So that a great Indian. Uh-huh. What's the deal?
Starting point is 00:13:45 How do you explain it? Can't pen it down. It's a modern day Renaissance man. No, but I mean, just like do do to what to think, you know? Listen, Damon Williams just wrote a novel about old ladies. So anyone can write old ladies. About old ladies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Wait, what? It didn't like the Tyler Perry mode of uplifting, vaguely religious novels about black people. That can't all be. That can't all be. Not all of the people. Yeah. Not like. I not a dea style lady yes that just
Starting point is 00:14:06 you know that killed her children and not like a miss marble uh... mister i wish it was a it was like a murky road but what what the reasons why jayme fox is so unlikeable is he refuses to learn is less in all throughout the film and we finally does learn is less than the lesson he learns is that that the legal system doesn't work Rather than maybe you shouldn't have done a plea bargain for this horrible horrible murder
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah, just apologize to him. Yeah. Yeah, seems kind of weird at this hours. Yeah They've been holding on to it for 10 years, you know Man and people keep dying. Yeah, and years of tunneling. Yeah, that was I mean there was that really cool moment where the Bernard George or Bernard Jutler The bomb exploded and there's like that moment of him kind of like looking at the camera and he's like surrounded flames like Like a phoenix reborn from the ashes except he doesn't yeah it doesn't come back I mean he's dead except for law by the way he's being accepted into the law of hell law by the
Starting point is 00:15:10 Oh yeah that makes sense symbolic yeah but also like Jamie Foxx as part of his job I guess just blew up a man in the prison like and then in the next scene he's at his daughter's cellar recital and everything's okay now I don't know a lot about the job of a of a of a assistant He's this is after he's been sworn in as the DA, but even the mayor says you're doing a terrible job The city is on a high alert. Everyone's worried. I'm gonna have to score it. So are you in as DA? Vola Davis by the way the mayor Academy award nominee Vola Davis swearing an Academy Award nominee Jamie Fox Mm-hmm Academy Award nominee, Vula Davis, swearing at Academy Award nominee, Jamie Foxx. Carry award winner, did any win for Ray? Did he? Oh, maybe.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Maybe he's an Academy Award winner. Now, what I don't quite understand is, I didn't realize that the job of the assistant district attorney was like run around and go to crime scenes and like solve fucking crimes and shit. Is that really the case? Well, it's really more, I guess, administrating the office that organizes
Starting point is 00:16:06 the arguments in court against these cases. Yeah, I mean, taking all the evidence that is brought to them by the police and then you would like building a criminal case against the person, right? Yeah, he is at the scene of the crime very often. Yeah, and like anytime something might be happening, he's jumping in a helicopter.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I think that the district, I mean, the district attorney's office has its own investigators, but I don't think that would be taking lead on the On the thing what Well the Like a McGruff figure though. Sure he is the dog in a trench coat. Okay Also There's a one guy who's like apparently holding the entire city in a grip of terror, but the newspapers never show his picture. We never actually see the city behaving erratically in any way.
Starting point is 00:16:52 We just told about it. He draw our bellers able to sneak into a city hall, just wearing a mustache at the very end of the film. The cap. And the cap. Well, there's a lot of subtleties to his disguise. It's like the way he holds his body, his voice. He's got a slightly more gravely voice.
Starting point is 00:17:10 He's talking to people. Yeah. He's like Lon Cheney. Yeah, exactly. Anyone. I guess the reason anyone would see this movie is. For Gerard Butler's turn. Gerard Butler's a person.
Starting point is 00:17:21 He becomes a different character every time. But I guess for the elaborate kill scenes, which, uh, yeah, it's like a saw movie with a vigilante instead of, well, I guess Saw is kind of a vigilante. Well, he's a vigilante for living your life to the fullest. Oh, okay. It's like defending your life with Albert Brooks, but yeah, it's a lot like that.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Defending your life. Isn't that, doesn't that take place in outer space? No, takes place in heaven. Okay. Which I guess heaven is as far outer space as you can get. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty much outer space. Um, but yeah, like it's it's basically like a bunch of crazy Rube Goldberg things where people are set up and then they're
Starting point is 00:17:59 going to die right? Well, and then it gets not even that crazy. I mean, like, I mean, they're crazy and that they're weird but there's no root goldberg well the craziest one is the first one he get where he gives a or i guess after the lethal injection were the other killer he gave it has a had uh... he's given him a gun
Starting point is 00:18:18 and then when he pulls the trigger spikes come out of the handle which have some sort of puffer fish poison on them. Sure. Which then paralyzes him so that Gerard Butler can cut his body parts off. Yeah, and by the way, when pufferfish was mentioned that early in the movie, I was looking forward to a much crazier movie than this, ended up being. Yeah, well, there's nothing so unnecessary about it's a poison from the bladder of a pufferfish. And it's like, why not just say there's say, I've just paralyzed you with a toxin. Like, it's that ridiculous. It's telling me, gave the Hong Kong cocktail and leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And you're adrenaline- But then later, it's mostly like exploding phones, exploding cars. Well, not exploding phones so much, it's like a phone that like shoots the judge through her head. Yeah, it's been a year. Apparently, it only goes off when she's
Starting point is 00:19:04 in the presence of our main Times to go off only in an ironic moment. Yeah, so she says let's great thing about being a judge You can do whatever you want opens up phone phone blower head famous last words. Well, this brings me You know they are they're quoted everywhere now It's bring me to what I kind of felt was the stupidest scene in the movie which is the cello no it was after what I kind of felt was the stupidest scene in the movie, which is- The cello? No, it was after, George Butler said, you know, show me, you've learned your lesson, you can stop all this or whatever, like let me go, or, you know, tomorrow at 6 a.m. everyone
Starting point is 00:19:35 dies. And so, uh, let me go by 6 a.m. or everyone dies. And so, like, the law people are all, all like pulling an all-nighter for some reason and they're all together. The law people is the same. They're all together in the law people offices. And law people room. Jamie Foxx, you know, everyone is looking up at the clock and the minute hand goes to six and everyone looks around and I'm like, well, we didn't die. And just a little limp forever. Guess the danger has passed and then they all leave. And of course getting our cars which blow up.
Starting point is 00:20:10 One by one. And one of the women, one of the people, Jamie Foxx works with Leslie Bibb, named after, of course, the article, Flothing, the Leslie. She is just... The old switcher room. We know she's gonna die because she's- we haven't seen her for like an hour in the move or we have but in just in brief moments and then she starts talking about her boyfriend with Jamie Foxx and it's like okay well we've learned something personal about you so you're gonna go
Starting point is 00:20:38 but then she gets in her car all these other cars start exploding and she looks at Jamie Foxx like what do I do I I don't understand. Where can I, huh? Like, and doesn't seem to figure out that she has control over the doors of her car. Yeah. And it's, it's really a shame because in the 10 years that elapsed since the first case, she really did not age very much like. No, nobody did.
Starting point is 00:21:01 She had great jeans. You could say that. You know, wait, like, like, in inner body or like the thing she was wearing. Both. Yeah. Because I didn't see the second. Maybe I missed that. I'm just imagining.
Starting point is 00:21:11 She's got to assume, yeah. But casual. Yeah, the casual wear. She's out drinking with her fellow law people. That's sure. A bar. Yeah, we're all like the law students are at. They're like, hillbilly sexy jeans with panels
Starting point is 00:21:23 cut out of the butt. OK. That sounds sexy. Wow, you have constructed a moral-abrid fantasy around this thing. Well, listen, she's a lawyer, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm like, well, like half sure. So she cuts loops on the weekends. Yeah, exactly. Lawyers love wearing a Daisy duke's around. Well, then I guess she dodged as she lived, you know. Warriors love wearing a Daisy Duke's around. Well, then I guess you died as she lived, you know in a car exploding I think from the portrait you've painted. I don't think I mentioned that at all Okay, it seemed like the 10 year the 10 year difference was so unnecessary. It could have been one year later
Starting point is 00:22:04 Well, yeah, three years I mean he did a lot of tonal, right? That's true. And that's not a euphemism. I normally would use that to you. What would it be a euphemism for? We'll cover that later. Yeah, now that's a 10-year project. I mean, planning all this masterminding out and then having a warehouse that you dig a tunnel through the prison for.
Starting point is 00:22:24 You got to do that really quietly I imagine. The thing is, also, Jard Butler's character is like it's established, what, midway through the movie that he was like a crazy CIA assassin operative. Yes. I'm surprised he didn't just feel like- They fought for the wrong Mexican. Well, well, let me get back to my point, Daniel. But I'm surprised that a character that already has that moral flexibility, his first outlet
Starting point is 00:22:56 is like, okay, let's see what the justice system is going to do. Yeah. Like, that seems crazy. I'm surprised his first thing was to kill the guys. He's fall from grace. Like, you know, he'd given his life to the US government and he sees how he gets repaid. But then he doesn't take his problem to the US government.
Starting point is 00:23:12 He takes it to the Philadelphia justice system. Also, when, And also, why doesn't the government step in and help him out with this? Also, when he's later on trial, how come he has the exact same judge and the exact same prosecutor that presided in trial over the murderers of his family.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It seems crazy. You have to assume this movie takes place in the world where Philadelphia has been decimated by some sort of virus or zombie play. Okay. There's only about 45 people that's what happened in those 10 years we did. So it's kind of like in the second half of the Akira graphic novel. Exactly. Yes. They're living in the ruins of Neo Tokyo.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yes. Sure. Or between Mad Max and Mad Max 2, Road Warrior, where there's been a nuclear war in society has crumbled. Wait, there's been a nuclear war between Mad Max and Mad Max 2. Yeah. There wasn't one before Mad Max. In the first Mad Max.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It was just like an infras Mad Max. The first one was just shitty. Yeah, it was just a white line nightmare. Exactly But yeah, in the first in the first movie it's the things are bad But you know, you still have lawyers the government regular television What happened between yeah, we're not just talking about the sound-dubbing Oh, no, between road warrior and beyond Thunderdome George Miller got too much money
Starting point is 00:24:28 And Well, but you could see well that you make that barter town is the beginning of a new Organized society. It's like an old West type place the same process you see in like McCabe and Mrs. Miller right or season two of Deadwood Okay, I think we've learned something. I like ThunderDome. Did you? Yeah, I still can't do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I just don't point it live. There's a lot of dumb things there. There's a lot of dumb things there. Well, because it's the only one she's in. Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. I'm cool that. And there's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Actually, like the first one the best, which is, I'm I'm like, I like the second one. Yeah. I just like, I love how best which is I'm like I like the second one cool. Yeah, I just like I love how much it is a metal on a bit. Well, well, we're not talking about the movie we watched anymore. Law-biting citizen. Yeah, which I mean it's kind of a strange title don't you think I mean he's anything but I agree. That's the other thing is the whole thing is he keeps saying I'm a law-biting citizen i'm a regular joe and the system's on me wrong but he's not he already he like you're saying he was already lives in
Starting point is 00:25:32 this morally gray world of c.i.a. a sassanry and i mean this is a movie i guess like who is this movie's targeted toward people who who well yeah human beings, watch movies. I assume not one of those movies for dogs. Death penalty advocates is a, yeah, like a stargated dude. People who hate the Constitution and civil rights. Yeah, and a little bit to people that are just way
Starting point is 00:25:55 into vigilantes and revenge movies. Like people who just really love a Rorschach from the Watchmen, and the Watchmen, I'm not really familiar with where you're talking about. I'm not familiar with where you're talking about. So, but what I think is strange is that they also, they had to throw in your face that annoying title, like law-abiding citizen, you're like,
Starting point is 00:26:19 okay, yeah, sure he is, and he's blowing a bunch of people up. At no point, I don't know. It's just irritating Just a level of attitude. It is a very It's irritating. It's stupid. Let's see. It's review of the movie. I don't know. It's just irritating It's a movie that at no point stopped to think through what the hell it was about or saying or What audience was supposed to think all in like Blue up except for it clearly thought I was saying something profound.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And like, they didn't know what it was. The early bits where they're trying to like show this guy's like how the legal system just can't handle like a murder case. Yeah, murder case. Like a fucking open and shut case. They're trying, they try and make it seem like, all the legal system's so fucked up. And they just throw out all these random
Starting point is 00:27:04 legal mumbo jumbo like phrases. And I guess they're just assuming that their audience is just gonna nod their head and be like wow that's terrible man. We just saw, we just saw, yeah this is based on a documentary. But like the audience just saw like a woman get like killed and then raped. And so they're immediately gonna be like siding with Gerard Butler on this one. I don't know, it's so stupid. But it's also later, he says like,
Starting point is 00:27:30 all right, I'm gonna confess to these crimes. And then they go to court, and it's like we were already talking about. He makes the case then that they can't hold him because of the confession. It's like, why didn't him because the confession. It's like Why didn't they get the confession as soon as before the Arrangement and those and it's just like they set the legal system up to be so incompetent that it's unbelievable and the Preceding scene where there's veteran prosecutor. I mean over 10 years of experience
Starting point is 00:27:59 Interviews this guy and Gerard Butler keeps saying things like I wanted to murder them Or I thought about it and he's like oh great. I got keeps saying things like, I wanted to murder them or I thought about it. And he's like, oh, great, I got a confession. And like, even I, I'm not fucking I need what I'm doing. And I'm like, yeah, he's insane, even. He never said yes, I killed him, yeah. Yeah. The stupid makes me mad.
Starting point is 00:28:17 He even just like, he murders a man in his cell. And then he's never, seems to be brought up on charges for that. They just throw him in solitary and then leave them that like that's another crime he has to answer for you know it's not like once you're in jail they're like well whatever he does here he's already being punished can't convince him of murder twice
Starting point is 00:28:35 yes you can't he already committed a crime we can't convince him of another one yes you're free to go he was too smart for us he uh... he he he parked near that hydrant before killing those people. So now I can't get him for the later job. They find him, they find the body at property he owns. They have video of him dismembering this guy alive. And they're like, we don't have a strong enough case. We got to do what
Starting point is 00:28:59 he says. No, I mean, if anything, well, he had his dismemberment mask on. Oh, I mean if anything well he had his does member meant mask on you know I remember that It's just ridiculous. I think this movie makes me push all the harder for a no escape style prison island Oh, where you you ship guys off so they can't build tunnels and step back in force or some sort of their death race And you know what also I think this movie was great because you know we're just talking about how awesome this movie was and I was really happy was that what we were doing yeah I've I blacked out for a couple for an hour well your your testimony is not about the tape good one damn so we open shut case one of the things I do want to bring up
Starting point is 00:29:41 is that this movie brings back a tri-offent return to the evidence dungeon Ah, yes, I do find a dungeon filled with like newspaper flippings and Semtex and all everything's labeled all of his disguises are there shit loads of blueprints And then do there's a lot of disguises in a room that I think there's like maybe a about a foot of water at the bottom If I recall you know Remember those all fucking disguised down there, like the humidity would ruin those. Well, I just love that the entrance is underneath
Starting point is 00:30:09 his cherry refurbished 50s Cadillac. They keeps in a warehouse. Like, it doesn't get any more like super hero you super villainy than that. I can accept the evidence dungeon here though a little bit more because it's like more of his lair that he has to his his operations have to go from although it is always hilarious to me when a criminal feels like they need to put up their news clippings on the wall.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Like in case they forget why they're doing it. Yeah. It bothers me more. The evidence dungeon when it's in like a serial killer film when it's like okay. I know that serial killers you know often take trophies but they're usually like is that true or did just movies so you know that's true but like it's usually like in the way of like a personal item or like a body part or something okay they don't then like make collages of
Starting point is 00:30:58 murder and post it on the wall you know or, or cut out the phrase serial killer murders again and put it up. They don't? Well. Alright, I'm, I'm not personally a MacBook fan anymore. And they have an MacBook and type serial killer murders again and then print them out in different fonts. They've got a Google alert set up for serial killer and they're always hoping it's them
Starting point is 00:31:22 that's being talked about. Yeah. Well, do you think with the death of print? Do you think? You know, a lot more email print deaths taped up to walls. Yeah a lot of like Twitter posts. Yeah. Sure, a lot of bloggers.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Well they're... OMG. Serial killer strikes. G again, you know. They're gonna get... The serial killers are gonna get those electronic picture frames and it's just gonna be like a photo, a photo slideshow of all their equipment. Oh, like for on their desktop.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Okay, and then in the future it'll be like holograms. Yeah. Like maybe hologram videos of them doing it that they made. That just play on the wall over and over again. That sounds awesome. In front of their videos. It's me killing this person. Makes it look like they live next to a jungle.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Wow. Out of the windows. Oh, that's pretty cool. And wait, it's so like back to the future part, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You get dominoes and it's like a tiny little piece and then you put it in a thing and it comes to giant pieces.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And everyone faxes your fire to each other. Yeah, so there's their solar shades from Pizza Hut. Everyone faxes your fire. It's a fat, that's the definition of the future. And you got flying cars in jaws 15. Yeah. By the way, they get some catching up to so it takes place in 2015, right? Back to the future too. They like, ah, here's an interesting thing, a dust jacket on the book. Well, I don't know if those are really going to go out of
Starting point is 00:32:43 style the next five years. Well, here's another thing about bags in Future Part 2. This is the podcast for law abiding systems. If Biff created a separate timeline, how did he fly back to the original timeline in the time machine, which allowed Doc and Marty to go back? That doesn't make any sense. Wait, what do you mean? When Biff went back to give himself the sports on- This is the character of Biff from the movie, back to these two. Yeah, Biff Henderson, David Lachow
Starting point is 00:33:12 with David Letterman, stage manager. He would, he created a divergent timeline, be like the horrible timeline. Biff World. But then, it's called Biff World. But the only way that Marty and Doc get back to that for two and a very specific future fan. BTTF fans.
Starting point is 00:33:31 That's what it's for two. The only way that Marty and Biff are able to go back in time is because of old Biff then returns to the original timeline. And if he had created a divergent timeline, he would have just gone ahead into the future of that divergent timeline. That's where they were. No. The original timeline, Marty and Doc were at the future version of Marty's house in Biff World. No, not in Biff World. Biff World was later. And they go into the future to save Marty's kids. That's when Biff takes the Almanac and he goes back and then he creates
Starting point is 00:34:13 a divergent timeline, but he somehow flies back to the future in the original timeline. I don't remember that part of the movie. I forgot to say, this has been such a waste of time. Land of Jules and Verne come in. Man, again, people are crossing the nation turning off their podcast. Yeah, the dinosaurs in the back to the future cartoon series went episode. Okay. They created a world where dinosaurs continued evolving and became, had like a people type civilization.
Starting point is 00:34:38 That sounds awesome. They wear suit and stuff and like, tennis shoes with their claws poking out of them. And drive cars. That's awesome. It may not have worn shoes. Oh, that's of them. And drive cars. That's awesome. It may not have worn shoes. Oh, it's too bad.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I think we can all agree though that the best part back to Future 3 was ZZ Top playing the barn dance. I mean, it's up there. I don't know. It's like the best part. Yeah, it is. This isn't moving. It takes place in the old west.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I mean, it's awesome. I just like their. Like Silverado. He doesn't have the prison. They're old time like silver I'm like they're old timey version of double back that they're playing Yeah, I mean, it's up there with I guess the best moments from young guns to yeah, sure Oh, man or that that James boys movie that came out about 10 years ago Yeah, you remember that one about the Jesse James guy Like the Newton boys. Yeah. Do you remember that one about the Jesse James guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or like the Newton boys. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:27 They're safe crackers. Stopped. So I like a assassination of Jesse James. Stop talking about that for a second. Yeah, yeah. So I'm kind of thinking of that. Or like Apalusia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Westerns. Yeah. Anyway. Serum Falls. Let's move on to judgments. Because we've clearly our final judgments. Our final judgments on law-abiding citizens. To do do do do do do do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to do Such as we didn't even mention the robot with a gun and a missile that fire it shoots up a car in a cemetery Right after a funeral, but I am gonna have for for the
Starting point is 00:36:10 lack of logic and goodness in the movie. I'm gonna have to give it a bad bad rating Yeah, you know how how incredibly unlikable the hero of the movie is you do want Gerard Butler to win because at least he looks like he's like having a good time, you know. He's kind of cutting it up. But... What did you say? No, I'm gonna say that I... Part of me wants to say something good about this movie like...
Starting point is 00:36:36 Like slightly good bad because it's just so stupid. Like the thing about the movie is you can't... You could have a good time watching some of it. Yeah, I mean, you can't really laugh at it at it's not like a bad movie that you laugh at because it's incompetent so much as you a bad movie that you kind of enjoy just because nothing makes sense like it is so dumb there's not a brain in its head
Starting point is 00:36:59 yeah however ultimately it's not enough like i think it's it's just a bad, bad movie. Yeah, I mean, I think my biggest problem, I'm gonna give it a bad, bad. I think the reason I liked it so little is, it had that like almost like in spiritorial attitude of like the filmmakers like nudging you, the viewer like, no, what I mean, there's just a systems fucked up. And you're like, well, you're just making crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Don't not assume that we agree with you moving. Yeah, it's like the old racist guy at the bar who's like, you know what I mean? You're like, no. He's like, come on, you're like, what are you talking about? I thought I was gonna say like Dave Sim in service, having his female characters say crazy things against men, and then using that as evidence that women hate men in the real world
Starting point is 00:37:46 That's true, but that's a completely crazy person. Yeah, well then the racist at the bar. We can go at that and okay And that mine is less of like a vague reference. Well, it's not vague I'm just pretty more specific than you Extremely specific reference the problem is perhaps that it's so specific that a very small portion of our audience will understand. Let me explain again. It's like the scene if on a winter's night a traveler by the local Veno where if I can reference Sinclair Lewis's Doddsworth for a second. Hi, it's Dan here.
Starting point is 00:38:28 If you like listening to the Flop House, why not visit us on the web at where you can find show notes, videos, fan art and links to Wikipedia synopsies of all the Flop House films so you can play along at home. If you're looking for more Flop House stuff, check out our Facebook page where you can discuss the show with other fans, or subscribe to our Twitter feed at the Flop House Pod. Your support helps us build an audience, so if you like the show, why not vote for us at Podcast Alley, or subscribe to the show on iTunes. And while you're there,
Starting point is 00:39:05 take a moment to write a review. Links for everything can be found on the webpage. Lastly, we love hearing from you, so if you have thoughts, feedback, or suggestions, let us know at the Flophouse Podcast at Now back to the show. We have some letters, but I don't have them for us to read because I didn't hook up my printer today and print them out. So that's on me. Well do you remember what they said? I imagine one of my dear flop house, I love your show. Steward is really funny when he talks about his penis. Elliot sure knows a lot. Well that's all I know about dear flop house. I love your show. Stuart is really funny when he talks about his penis
Starting point is 00:39:45 Elliott sure knows a lot. Well, that's all I know about the flop house. Goodbye sign some some great listener some Joe Everyman last night will sign law-biting citizen Don't answer that No, I don't remember the specifics. All there was one that was very happy that I put up a message on our Website saying that we were still something that existed So yeah, we did take up. We should apologize for the long break. We took although, you know what? Yeah, we know pay so we why should we have a lot of stuff like you've been busy and you've been busy too and
Starting point is 00:40:18 Well, I you know, I've been unemployed for a little while now and Are you gonna talk about this? Yeah, like, oh, it's just, it's rough. Yeah, it's rough out there. Imagine it is, like, shopping for, for guns to kill yourself, shopping for bullets for the guns. Yeah. Going to Tea Party protests. Well, I was gonna try and go to the crossbow. Well, because, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:42 That's just last. Yeah, it seems cool. It seems like that would be really hard to like, just like, hold I don't know. That's just last. Yeah, it seems cool. Seems like that would be really hard to like just like hold up to your head. Well, you see one of those white big ones, do they need to wind with it? Yeah, and then know that like they would usually protect themselves with a large pavise. This killing yourself plan seems less well put together than even the one where you catapulted yourself Into the distance sure. Yeah, well that was the problem with that was the lack of foresight
Starting point is 00:41:13 I didn't actually have a clear vision. I didn't have like a vision of success. Yeah You shouldn't have done it in like in front of the ocean too. No. Yeah, that's true. They soft landing Time you tried to so kill yourself with kindness. That didn't work. No, you felt really good though. I mean, for a little while, I'll wait the ice cream year. You're eating. And then he thought he'd compound it with a death by chocolate. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And my grilled cheese hamburgers I was eating. Yeah. Cheese. Put a hamburger in between two pieces of grilled cheese hamburgers I was eating. Yeah, grilled cheese. So you put a hamburger in between two pieces of grilled cheese. Wait, between grilled cheese sandwiches or just pieces of cheese? No, that's just a cheese burger. No, no, no. I'm saying you take two grilled cheese sandwiches and I have a burger in there.
Starting point is 00:41:58 So it's like a sandwich. I imagine you like, kind of yeah. You make a grilled cheese fan like with a pinini press. So they're like more of a... I mean, you could. I like a big Texas toast You make that's cuz you know I'm from the country You also make the cheese sandwiches on French bread on French toast. Yeah, well, it's really thick Yeah, that's that's what I made that's what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:42:17 Nice, bro. You make the grilled cheese sandwiches out of French bread pizza It's Oreo pizza out of French bread pizza. It's Oreo pizza. Well the bottom is Oreo pizza, the top is red bearer. And then you have, what kind of cheese are you using for this? Wait on what? The cheese sandwich that's made of. Cheese of course.
Starting point is 00:42:36 And then you put a hamburger on the bottom. And then you put a hamburger on the trillion. Yeah well, you know like, I like to call it a steak burger, but they just classed it up. All right. Yeah, it's like a big Friday on top of the whole thing. Oh, no, not so much. Sounds like a couple of. You know, the national sandwich of Urgly. And some guancialeola, unsmoked bacon, comes from the hogs jowl. Wow, very specific.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, it's delicious. Well, so that, say guys, we just started about my sandwich. Okay, yeah. You're suicide sandwich. You're suicide it's hilarious guys. It's too well, you didn't see a side sandwich. I think the recipe should go up on the website.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I think my video was made to transcribe that. And send me the recipe. You're gonna have a Flophouse cookbook. Yeah. What movie would you name that sandwich after in our Flophouse cookbook? Would it be the name that sandwich after in our Flop House cookbook? Would it be the law-biting sandwich? Yes, I'll look at that one.
Starting point is 00:43:28 The thing about that sandwich is that it, it kind of turns everything on its ear, everything that you've been come to believe, you've come to believe about this world, like it kind of pokes holes in all the hypocrisy of it all. Yeah, it just takes 10 years though. Everything, everything you used to thought, a sandwich was. Used to to thought a sandwich was.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Used to thought. A sandwich was. It's cool. It's been a while since you've done a lot of improv, right? I've been talking a while. Talked a lot. Okay. So, what other letters were there?
Starting point is 00:43:56 So, we answered the first one. I can't even remember. I will have those for the next time. Do we do anything else in this podcast? What we do now to close things out and to not seem like we're jerks is we talk about everyone's looking around because I have my phone is ringing off in the distance and I have the Halloween theme. The Halloween theme is mine. So I thought Michael Myers was coming to kill us.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I was very distracted. I was trying to find the DVD player so I could turn off that shitty movie. OK. Wow. OK. Let's move on. We talked about movies that we saw recently,
Starting point is 00:44:35 or not so recently, if we haven't seen anything recently, that we liked and would recommend that you watch PrEPs in lieu of law-abiding citizen. Well, I'm gonna go first guys. Two nights ago, I went to see the midnight showing of Iron Man 2. What? Midnight showing. I know. He just couldn't wait.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah, I couldn't wait. I had to see what was gonna happen. And then I had to leave after about 30 minutes, because my girlfriend got sick. But the first 30 minutes were really good. I really enjoyed her. So I recommend the first 30 minutes of my girlfriend got sick. But the first 30 minutes were really good. I really enjoyed it. So I recommend the first 30 minutes of Iron Man 2. And do you recommend leaving because your girlfriend
Starting point is 00:45:11 gets sick at that point? Absolutely. Because, well, she would appreciate it. Yeah, she'd appreciate it. She would. She was your really nice guy. If you don't go, shh. I kind of wanted to see how Whiplash was gonna fight Iron Man.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, well that was the thing. And the first 30 minutes, they asked a lot of questions. You didn't get to see the answer. I'm looking forward to see the answers. You're a real sweetheart, Stuart, that we learned. America's sweetheart. I want to recommend a movie I watched called Road Games. Did you see all of it? I saw all of it.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I first heard about it because it was- Even though your wife got sick about 30 minutes out. Yes, I was like, shut up. The road games. I was in the road games. Just road games, but- Oh, the road games are in road games. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I watched it on DVD. It's I saw it. I heard about this movie first because it was in that movie not quite Hollywood about osploitation films. Ah, yes. The recent documentary. Yeah, about Australian exploitation. But it's Star Stacey Keach, who I always have enjoyed.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Star of the Ninth Configuration. Yeah, and it has a very young Jamie Lee Curtis in it. Star of Blue Steel. And it's very true lies. Is she in that? Yeah, it's very overtly a like a Hitchcock. Not a pastiche, but it's very influenced by H.C.C.C. The movie is about a long-haul truck driver who has a refrigerated truck full of meat and there's a killer out there who's been killing Hitchhikers and over the course of driving the truck
Starting point is 00:46:59 it's sort of a rear window situation where you can see into people's cars and there are people that he keeps passing and the- So it's like midnight meat truck. Mm-hmm. And it becomes convinced that one of the people that he sees is the killer. And it's just a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I mean, I think that the late 70s, early 80s were kind of like the last gasp of like really good fun, just solid thrillers. Like before everything got stupid and and twist oriented this is Very carefully constructed suspense and the guy directed this You know big Hitchcock fan like I said went on to direct psycho to which is a film that did not need to happen But if it had to happen you Psycho to was a much better like sequel than you would sort of expect.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So you said it's better than Psycho 3? Yeah. But, I mean, how's the twist at the end of Road Course? It's no twist. But there is a dingo in the movie. The guy has a dingo that he sets the twist. Easy, baby. He drives around with.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Not really much of a twist. No, I'm just saying it's fun. There's a dingo in it's fun. There's a den guy, I guess. Okay. Elliot. This is a movie I may have recommended on the show before, but maybe I have. I don't think I have. I haven't had a lot of time to see a lot of movies. And the one I'm watching, I've seen three movies in a row now that I didn't particularly care for.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And I can tell you what they are. Sure, why not? There's a bag on some other movies while we're at it. Born on the 4th of July, but that was Matt. I'm very good. The cheap detective, which I thought was Matt. That was the follow up to Murder by Death. And right now, I'm near in the end of Munchausen, the 1943, I think it is Nazi film about Baron Munchausen
Starting point is 00:48:43 where there's nothing really Nazi in it. They wanted to make like a technical or big budget fantasy film to compete with the other ones being made around that time, like Wizard of Oz, and I guess, Theep of Baghdad and things like that. Not too kids need to entertain it too. And it is so like, they are so worried about the details of the time period period making sure everyone knows
Starting point is 00:49:05 what's going on all the time and all the characters are jerks, so it's not that great. But there is topless women in it, which is strange, for a fantasy film from the 1940s. But a movie that I watched, rewatched recently, to show it to my fiance, which she wasn't feeling so well and get her mind off things, was this movie called Dames, which I don't have to talk about, which is a Buzz be Berkeley film from the 30s that's one of his less heralded ones, but I enjoy it more than 42nd Street and or many of his others about and it's the same basic thing about like these people want to put on a show, they need money, this the parents are disapproved of this girls wanting to be on the stage
Starting point is 00:49:47 Baba, but it's really goofy like everything about it is really goofy and silly and as Ludicrous as possible the big names in it aside from dick Powell and Ruby Keeler Zazoo pits Guy Kibbie sure it's Zazoo Hugh Herbert. Uh-huh big names household name. Oh, yeah, but like kind of the the cream of the crop of the like supporting players that were at Uh, I guess it was yeah, I've heard of warm one out of three of those people you mentioned what can't why don't you remember what studio was MGM or Warner Brothers or something But like the the cream of the crop of like the second tier guys And it's really goofy and silly and there are some musical numbers in it that being buzzed we broke the numbers are crazy and are just there's one that I've
Starting point is 00:50:29 shown people a number of times called the girl at the ironing board where Joan Blondell who's the other big star in it is a 19th century long dress singing about her love her crushes that she has on all the customers of the laundry just based on the underwear that they send in that she has to wash and how it turns on she is by washing this underwear. Wow. So this is a movie from 1934, I think. And it's a lot of fun, you know. Sure. Alright, so that's three recommendations for Back to the Future Part 2.
Starting point is 00:51:00 So I guess that's it guys. Yeah, that's been good. It feels good getting back in the saddle. We were a little guys. Yeah, that's been good. Well, it feels good getting back in the saddle We were a little rusty. Yeah, you know, well, I'm just not very funny. So what yeah, I was waiting for you guys to You know, I refused to dig the bio Just thanks for colleagues. Thanks dude. No, you're really come on Stewart Oh, you guys are the Michelangelo Okay, I'm the. I won't buy the Crossbow.
Starting point is 00:51:25 You're the Wolverine. Come on. Yeah, if anyone has a job for Stuart, right in. Yeah, weird, yeah. Harness the power of the internet. I'm a lot like Wolverine. He's the Wolverine of the group. I'm the best at what I do, Bob.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And what you do is, is it pretty? No, never. Or rarely, at least. And surprised, you've talked about your prowess so much in public and the size of your penis that you haven't gone in for pleasuring women who order pizzas with extra anchovies. You know, I considered it, but I figured I'd spend too much time learning how to dance with them and helping them kind of solve their various issues. And now I'm not really into that.
Starting point is 00:52:04 All right. Well, you could not really into that. All right. I see. Well, you could just deliver pizzas then. Oh, yeah. To lonely California housewives. To horseays. Yeah, that's not a bad idea. We'll continue to job, counsel, steward, off-air.
Starting point is 00:52:14 But for now, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been steward Wellington. I am Ellie Kaelin now forever, no beginning or end. Wow. Eternal. Meow. Meow. Is this something? Meow.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Where did you pick that up? And then I inherited singing now to every song. Well, works. Yeah, well it works. It works, Biotch. Well, you can sing pretty much anything, at least. Yeah, I mean, I guess. Not the, not the, uh, mell mix song. No. Can't sing me out of that.
Starting point is 00:52:56 you

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