The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #62 - Legion

Episode Date: June 19, 2010

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme0:35 - 40:51 - God has decided to punish us. Not by sending all of the angels from heaven to wipe out humanity - by making us watch Legion.  (And punish Dan in par...ticular by making Stu and Elliott interrupt him more than ever before.)40:52 - 42:14 - Final judgments42:15 - 57:47 - The Flop House Movie Mailbag threatens to take over the show.57:48 - 59:21 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know what would be cool angels with oozes? That's what the 13-year-old boy who wrote Legion thought. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I am Elliot Kalen. Two in a row, guys. Yeah. Two in a row with all of us. Good run. Oh, man. So uh, and I am beat. Well, let's call it a day, huh? Well, I'm getting pretty old. Speaking of which,
Starting point is 00:00:53 uh, what's your birthday? Somebody's birthday is coming up. That's pretty sneaky. The way you drop that one in there. I don't see any gifts in you guys' hands. I don't know whether they're... Well, I've got in your pocket, I don't... I prefer to give the gift a friendship. It's the gift that keeps on giving as long as I decide to. We're all getting older, I thought, like, just showing up was a gift. Yeah, we're kind of at the age where presents are going to phase out. I see, yeah. So you believe that just, you know, every day is a gift.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yeah. Really? Like every day that we're alive and demons aren't killing our babies is a gift, right? Yeah. Every day we're not barricaded in a diner with an angel fighting other angels. I understand. Every day we don't have to watch. Similarly, this metaphor is a gift.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It's a movie, Legion. Legion is a gift. Oh, okay. Give, give and do a spot. So not to be. So not to be. The Lord above. Today was is a gift. Oh, okay, give given to the spy the Lord above Today was not a gift No, it was bad. I mean at its moments before I got here obviously it was a gift but it was a bad gift It was like the movie the gift
Starting point is 00:01:58 Exactly what the movie the gifts gave us the gift of Katie Holmes's breasts back when she was not crazy Well, I'll return that if the receipt's still around. I'd rather have like Terry Hatcher's breasts in Heaven's Prisoner's House. Yikes. Yeah. Which you're like to return to. It's not like a movie. Yeah. Do you Sunnyside eggs? No, no. I'd rather have a movie. It aged with a Katie Holmes. Katie Holmes is now an ancient egg. No, but she's like a crazy like. No, I mean I'm cruiser. Yeah, because Katie Holmes is now an ancient hag. No, but she's like a crazy, like, I know, she's Tom Cruise is crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I would, I'd rather return, see if I can exchange it for the gift of like Scarlett Johansson's boobs. Oh, that's a real trade-up. That's a, I'll pay the difference. Okay. I have a gift certificate to celebrity boobs. Is that how you work? If it is, give it a little.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It's not a website, celebrity boobs. I assume it has to be. I don't know, it's Mr. Skin. So nothing alike, but I'm sure they do the same thing Yeah, immediately to your rail this into you are the one who brought up your birthday All right, let's start checks this wasn't a birthday podcast Wasn't a podcast we talked about it. How early were you getting? That's the segue it's segueed nicely into Legion and not anymore
Starting point is 00:03:04 And then I went in a breast. So what would you do for your birthday? Well, if I was 13, your city brew fest actually, wait, I'll open her's island. Oh, wow. Wait, I thought we were hanging out. No, there's a party when at the brew fest later on.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Oh, okay. It's after the brew fest. This is an ill-conceived notion. And then what do you do? And what do we do that I'll be tired and angry by the time I show up? Oh, just the after the brief fest. This is an ill-conceived notion. And then what are you doing? What are we doing that I'll be tired and and angry by the time I show up? Oh, I like it. Wait, are you gonna post this before your birthday? Because if so we could do a movie minute. No, we can't yeah I was just gonna say because we could promote your birthday party and see
Starting point is 00:03:39 Local fans might want to show up to you. I'll do that. Oh, that'd be weird. Oh wow, too good to hang out with your fans Yeah, what the fuck dude? No wonder you don't have a hood. Elliot and I don't talk to you. I wonder if that would be Wow, too good to hang out with your fans. Yeah, what the fuck dude now wonder you don't have a hoot Elliot and I don't know people don't like you. Yeah, I'd love to hang out with Yeah, I'd love to talk to some flop ass fans. Yeah, we could talk about who their favorite flopper is. Yes wink wink. I know you can never down to two Since one of you what a one of us hates you. So, and his name is Dan. Thanks for clear, buddy. Flop-ass fans like it when things are simple and clear. Yeah. Wait, I now I think you're the one insulting them. Anyway, we watched a movie called Legion. Legion.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Um, Mujood. It starred Paul Betany. Stardinaloo sense. I didn't really do that much. I didn't do much and was not necessary for much in the movie. Didn't act a lot. Yeah, stood around. Shot of watching guns. Shot Machine guns one handed. It's a movie about religion.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Oh yes, this was a religious drama, much like many, much of Ingmar Bergman's work. Yeah, I think it's real. So it started, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, itaid. Who's on Noggin? Uh, uh, Doug June. The fabulous Baker kids. Doug, I think he's a minor character. Uh, the girl from Friday Night Lights? Yeah, Adrian Petaleky.
Starting point is 00:05:14 That's her name from Friday Night Lights. What's that Polish? I have no idea. I'm not her father. If it was the 30th in Hollywood, she would have been named like Adrian pedals you know yeah yeah she played she played Tyra Colette much better on Friday nightlights I gotta tell you but then she wasn't pregnant on Friday nightlights and there are a lot of TV stars in this Kate Walsh from TV's Graves Anatomy slash private practice okay was in it yeah and also
Starting point is 00:05:41 um what rock will Willa Holland from TV's the OC was Kate Walsh's daughter. Wow, you really know a lot more about TV than I do. Yeah, you do. You should write you should do a TV podcast instead of this one. Yeah, you seem to be better. Yeah, you seem to be better. Okay, well, I guess I would have to fire you too since you don't know anything. What? I mean, I could I could show up and get drunk. I don't know anything about movies. I don't know anything about comedy. Okay. Fair enough. I everybody gets quiet and looks at me awkwardly. Yeah wait a minute. What is he doing here? There's some dead weight with camera. Well the reason I'm here is because I you're wearing an impressive muscle tea right now. Sure an Italian tea. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:23 it says face on the front. It's a shame, chill on the neck. You apparently starred in the 18 remake, and we didn't know about it. Didn't, didn't, 18 remake? Is that a TV program? It's a 18 adaptation. Okay. Oh, it's a feature film.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Sure, who's, who's in it? The Abrochis, face, Hannibal, and Murdoch. So the characters were the original A. Team series. They played themselves. That's nice. That's after I was implying that you played face. See? Okay, so I was face.
Starting point is 00:06:54 We watched a movie called Legion. Okay. Elliot, why don't you explain this movie? Because we're talking insert. All right. Our main hero character, Paul Bettany, is... Like a Moebe a strip. Is the Archangel Michael, whoius strip is the Archangel Michael who I believe
Starting point is 00:07:07 is an Archangel he appears in L.A. slashes his wings off and his halo comes off like in Terminator. It's based this movie is basically Terminator but with angels instead of robots. He appears then he gets a bunch of guns and it turns out he's going to a roadside diner where a collection of characters who have let's just say unhappy pasts have been assembled a roadside diner in a non-town called paradise falls uh... holy shit i just got that paradise falls it turns out angels fell right
Starting point is 00:07:38 yes for paradise okay there's a pregnant waitress at the diner and it turns out her baby will be some sort of vague not very well defined uh... messiah when he's born and god has decided he hates humanity and is going to send an army of and is going to send darkness and an army of angels to just obliterate the species well well her child have the the jc initials
Starting point is 00:08:03 every messiah type character has those. I know if you guys paid attention to English class, you know, your John Connors. Yep. They taught me a lot of John Cases, whatever the grapes are. Whatever the green mile guy. English class we learn about John Connor and the Terminator Mythology. Now, my assignment tonight is to read issues one through four of the now comics series, The Terminator.
Starting point is 00:08:26 We'll work our way up to the Dark Horse comics. Shouldn't we be reading like Shakespeare and stuff get out of my class? It's basically the Terminator with Angels. So there's a bunch of angels that are supposed to come and kill these people. They do it by, instead of a T1000 taking the forms of people it kills, the angels inhabit the bodies of people and turn them into monsters. And this is, I believe, part of where the name Legion comes from. It's not just a Legion of, you know, like a brigade of angels. Legion in the New Testament.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I am Legion. I am Legion is kind of a demon made up of a collection of demonic things and he possesses a body and i believe that's the one that christ cast out of someone's body and uh... set writers uh... rather uh... listeners write in and crack crash man is from wrong although they do not originally come as a leegion originally they come uh... one food style one at a time yeah that i keep speaking the same thing as you know sorry uh... they they decide that the there's an army of angels
Starting point is 00:09:27 there's a group of no buddies at a diner the best way to kill them is to inhabit the bodies of the frail and weak such as an old lady and then appear one at a time and randomly lash out be shot to death with guns and then come again another time yeah and not even uh... attack the person that they're meaning to attack first. That's the pregnant chick. Yeah, they don't go for the pregnant woman
Starting point is 00:09:49 who's carrying the easier to... She's probably one of the easier ones to take out. Instead, they want to creep out the diners. So they just attack everybody else one by one. And they barricade the diner and people, and it's armies of possessed people walking up Real movie does a pretty good job of the movie does a pretty good job of just like of like surprising you as a who's gonna be a demon Well, the first demon that we see well not the for well, they're not really demons their angels, but the first let's call them demons
Starting point is 00:10:19 I'm demons really stupid because if I keep saying angels in a bad way I'll feel kind of bad about it. Okay. Well the first demon has a because I'm really stupid because if I keep saying angels in a bad way, I'll feel kind of bad about it. Well, the first demon, because I'm super religious. The first demon we see in a big way, in old lady, one of the first things that all over America. There's one in the first scene that takes over the body of an LAPD cup briefly, but like that doesn't really count. This an old lady drives up. What doesn't count because it... this and old lady drive the sun account because it's a lap or
Starting point is 00:10:47 because they're really doing the case of their police force a little bit uh... the first this okay the second team and we see that the first one that really is exciting and all sure is or in a use that term as loosely as possible uh... is an old lady and the i'd the way i would do this scene you know that lady walks into the diner, I'm suspecting, starts saying kind of off things.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I mean, you're suspecting as you saw her in the trailer, acting like a demon. Well, this is assuming you didn't see the trailer, even though it was in every commercial. Okay. And suddenly she turns into a monster and attacks somebody. Attacks, tries to attack the waitress. The waitress jumps back. Somebody else gets in the way and gets killed. And then the old lady gets killed. That's how I do it. Instead, here's how it happens. The most ominous possible shots of the old lady from above, from behind, from below, with scary music playing, as she walks into the diner, she asks for a raw steak. And as she sits there looking at it, flies come out of somewhere
Starting point is 00:11:45 she talks to the waitress and says your baby is gonna burn in hell the waitress is like fuck you. Yeah, she does a real Betty White on her right? Yeah, exactly. The waitress walks away and you are cracking up because you love it when old people talk to say, there's nothing funnier to me than an old lady like cursing or rapping the only thing I guess funny would be if like a like a big scary biker walks up and then I start talking about like art or like something Delicate that you don't expect a biker to talk about. How does he know about that stuff? I mean that's basically the best humor there is there's nothing funnier than that The panical and then the old lady yells at the husband of the woman from
Starting point is 00:12:24 the panoramic and then the old lady yells at the husband of the woman from uh... grace anatomy and he goes hey like that's my wife you're talking to and she becomes a monster and attacks that guy rips out his throat basically when the any any point she could have just attacked the waitress and done her job right away the angel who's the angel wants to protect and has to be shown up yet yeah
Starting point is 00:12:44 it'd been easy but that's around when the angel pa's the angel who wants to protect them hasn't even shown up yet yeah it'd been easy but that's around when the angel pal benty shows up he's got a car full of guns and uh... he takes a lead of this rag tag team and he does this by coming out uh... they're all note you know uh... what's the word uh... there justifiably upset about what just happened a monster attacks them you know uh... with the word uh... there justifiably upset about what just happened a monster attacks them you know and so there are you know waving guns and pull buttons face they don't know
Starting point is 00:13:11 this guy is he he's in a cop carbure doesn't look like a cop and uh... pulpit and talks in completely cryptic uh... you know phrases grabs the gun away from this quayd points at his head tyris oh if you got Quaid points it in his head Tyrese. Oh, we've got the Tyrese Gibson's awesome movie from a dream's whorers. Yeah, he's he's holding a gun to Paul Betany and This and furious a swarm of Locusts is very bad. I was in baby boy also. Yeah, yeah, and then and and and Betany like gives the gun back to Dennis Quaid after he
Starting point is 00:13:42 Just had it as forehead and turns away to get a bunch of guns out of the trunk to toss to everyone. Why doesn't Tyree skip and just like shoot him? Because they're being cool. They're being cool. I guess. Like there's nothing that Paul Benning has done or said is indicated that he is anything but a threat at this point.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Paul Benning doesn't explain what's going on until probably an hour into the hour and you know, I don't know know 10 minutes into the movie and up to that point everyone's been following his lead as Wave after wave of the most incompetent angels in the world try to get into this I can give the angel demons a little bit of credit initially because maybe they were like look We got we got as much time as we want to kill this baby Let's take our time and try and spook everybody out. Get them really scared first. They didn't expect Paul Bettany to show up with a shitload of machine guns, which of course
Starting point is 00:14:34 he does. He's like Angel Crypto Knight. Yeah, the Valley Bullets kill. Well, it's one of the demons, the Angel demons are taking over the bodies of people. Yeah, and when they do it, their heads like go all crazy, like in the matrix. Yeah, they shake around a lot. When the agent Smith takes over a dude, guys flashback, like, to the 1970s. A year and a half ago, whenever Legion actually came out and, or before Legion came out,
Starting point is 00:14:59 I showed you the trailer world, whatever world it was, but I showed you the trailer online. Pre the deep horizon world. And we all had moustaches, we all wore completely different clothes. I was married. Sure. Dan was single. I was like 14, I think. And somehow the mayor of Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yeah, and I had a baseball cap on backwards with a tough of hairs taking out the front. The skateboard. Slingshot out your back back pocket and I was urinating on a forward logo to show you're just approval of I don't think it's a very good brand for I was constantly pushing around to giant for logos you can piss on it. I don't know how you got that situation to get arched here you're in too Like I'm really, uh... Without showing anybody... You're a lot of mercury.
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's way to my urine. Ha ha ha ha. Makes it easier to plot the trajectories. No, but your point was like, you guys had not heard about this movie at that time. And I showed you the trailer online. You tried to show off? No, I'm just saying like,
Starting point is 00:16:01 your immediate reaction was... I'm a bigger Legion fan than you, because I knew about it before you did fuck you Hipster Legion fan your media reaction was exactly what I hoped which was This is And I think we gave each other a lot of high fives and we're like pumping our fishing Yeah, yeah, but this led to one of the longest running flop house Inside jokes that has never happened on the podcast itself. That's right along with along with seven pounds
Starting point is 00:16:32 Batman villain who is completely Existed off microphone Thank God, but I don't know he come it's when we saw the movie seven pounds We were so bored that we invented this character because it's seven pounds related crimes. Batman, I've just stolen seven pounds. Those are the pounds sterling, you know, in London. Oh, that's not a very big crime. I don't usually- The Seven Pound Diamond is on display at the Gotham Museum. Do you think seven pounds might try to steal it? And it goes like that. It was pretty hilarious if I recall. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:11 funnier than what we just did. I think maybe seven pounds. Are you saying what we just did was not as funny as like an old lady swearing and wrapping or I'd put it in between swearing and wrapping and I don't know some kind of anthropomorphic animal doing breakdance Or singing a lot of it. Like a kangaroo jack say. Yeah, like an anthropomorphic animal Singing a song that like the parents of the kids who see the movie would remember from when they were young sure But the point is this only second we got to watch Marmaduc when it's on DVD anyway you say second only to seven pounds was the Jason Lee in there. Don't think so.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It was your reaction to the fact that all the angels could get easily mowed down by machine guns in the Legion trailer. Yeah. And the Legion film. They are the weakest, most unintaminating angels. And it mainly one of us would interview the other about how to kill angels. If these angels are so weak, I mean they gotta be really smart or something right? No, they're actually dumber than normal people.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Okay, are they really tall? Are they superhumanly tall? I have a Chinese about 5-3. Do they have claws on their hands? No. They're actually missing some fingers. Okay, can they breathe fire or shoot lasers out of their hands? They have asthma and poor eyesight and so on and so forth like yeah But you could probably stop if you need like a magic bullet or something, right? No, no, no regular bullets. That does the job Regular bullets actually cause more damage than if they were actual humans
Starting point is 00:18:37 But they're super strong, right? No, no the gravity of earth is much higher than heaven so they're weaker than I don't know a 14 year old child Oh, okay, I get but like they can jump really high No, once again, they they gave up their wings and they've never had to use their legs So they're not very good at jumping I mean, this was the joke having not seen the film but having seen the film It's pretty accurate. It's like an army of angels is gonna attack us So accurate it's like an army of angels is gonna attack us They're just gonna but they're basically zombies. So we'll just mow them down as they bump into the wave after wave It's not only jules from heaven
Starting point is 00:19:13 My god and I just said there and that there's zombies because zombies would continue to go toward the hills But most of them stay in at the edge of vision to be shot at and make pretty good target And the zombie you'd have to at least hit their brain, whereas with these guys, you can be a glancing blow. Maybe they just heard a gun go off. Oh, I'm going to die. Oh, and by the way, these angels somehow cannot breach the perimeter of a diner, of a desert diner.
Starting point is 00:19:38 They can't come in through the back door. The doors that, no, they put a table in front of that door. That a sturdy table. Oh yeah it's a diner level table that's old time crap and windows that aren't bordered up recovered. Yeah I mean they're made out of glass with the blinds drawn. Oh by the way it's also there's a plague of darkness on the earth while this is happening so it's nighttime. So if you were concerned about maybe the special effects being really obvious not the case it's way too dark to see anything this is maybe the worst shot movie we've ever seen in this in this
Starting point is 00:20:11 uh... focus focus a lot so most of the time whatever is in the forefront of the shot is hyper focus everything else is really blurry it's you see like fingers and that's about it it's like john frankenheimer how he used to like to have a close-up in the fritbit in the front like right up to you in the background there'd be like action going on behind, except here what's in the front is really blurry and what's in the back is too dark to see. So you just kind of can hear that something is happening. And as far as hearing you can't really tell because there's a lot of rock music going on. So, ultimately, should I say what happens in the movie?
Starting point is 00:20:45 Yeah, please. Ultimately, this baby is born, and then it turns out that once the baby is born, the problem is not solved. This baby, though, by the way, takes a lick in and keeps on taking it. Oh, yeah. It's like in a car crash. Well, it's like thrown from a person's hands, someone dies, the next one. Perfect spot.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Perfect spot. Yeah, then it goes through a car crash. It has no baby carrier. Yes. And then the archangel Gabriel comes down. By the way, that car crash would have killed all the angels that they'd been in that car. I think just smelling gasoline from the car crash
Starting point is 00:21:20 would be like, oh, I can't breathe. Just hearing that there was a car crash somewhere, they were dire anxiety. But the archangel Gabriel comes down, and he and Michael have a palbattany, have a kind of brotherly relationship. And the guy played Gabriel, if I recall, Dan, I don't know the guy's name.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And you do know know him on lost He was he would play Keemi on long. You don't know the a Keema from the wire. Yeah Griggs and he also played the Bob in X-Men or jeans It's a watch X-Men or wear for jeans. I'll take the jeans. I don't know if I'd go with that. I mean, X-Men or jeans. X-Men or jeans, comma, Wolverine. Someone's asking him that question. Oh, actually, if it was comma,
Starting point is 00:22:14 it'd be a kind of screen. X-Men or jeans, comma, Wolverine? Now, if Wolverine is given the choice of joining the X-Men and wearing jeans I think you should join the X-Men but He always wear jeans always wearing jeans. Where's he gonna wear khakis? You know what Wolverine's not gonna look too intimidating in a pair of dockers Where's a lot of really puffy cargo pants like he's gonna do a ray?
Starting point is 00:22:39 I don't see like maybe maybe the letter cut off gene short like a samurai side to make it wear those kind of like those kung fu like those puffy pants that they got yeah I don't like the ones of the guys wear when they go to raves No, we're waiting to like Lestero, and he's sort of linen sort of thing. It's it's kind of parachute pants that like Fred rerun Barry used to wear sure I was having a hammer like like running shorts or something because it allows a lot more movement which you know it's pretty accurate he's wearing those seven nineteen seventies basketball shorts that are really short sure and with his body here i think that's a bad choice any who uh... but uh... he play they have a an angry brother relationship
Starting point is 00:23:19 and they fight a lot and gay bril i guess decides that it's time to stop dicking around and actually go kill this baby and he is a powerhouse fighter impervious to bullets. He has a some kind of me cano mace that has lots of different metal like knives on it. It's a mace with knives and it spins at one point. So wait, he's impervious to bullets. How does everybody try to defeat him? By shooting him.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And that's how it's a weird call. Paul Betany playing an angel. weight he's impervious to bullets how does everybody try to defeat him by shooting him and that's how all-button playing angel that's a very good strategy shooting angels this guy apparently set the power from all the other angels and stolen from and uh... he fights paul betney for a while the people of the baby get away
Starting point is 00:24:01 and then he attacks their car and then he kills paul betney if i were he could kill paul betney with the spike then then does it uh... die hard uh... four-style by uh... spiking himself and going through himself into the other guy monday hard for everyone uh... i never saw die hard for that's uh... free or die hard
Starting point is 00:24:21 i'm holding up for die hard twenty four seven sure that sounds like a movie. That was they announced it somewhere. Is it a crossover between die hard and the Transers franchise? Yes it is. I would love to see John McLean and Jack death. If there's some way to get doll man in there, they could fight the two roles. That'd be great. Amazing. Even Win and Oscar for that. For the dual role of.
Starting point is 00:24:53 The difficult part would run to decide which clip to use for the Oscar is one of the J.I. Death Clips or one of the Dolman clips? Oh, you gotta use one of the clips when they're talking to each other because that's the real test of an actor so gave reals that the waitress who gave birth to the baby and her boyfriend well the guy wants to be a boy and look at this look is black from fast and the furious tokyo grift yes there's a lot of fast and furious actors in the air because tyris was in number two okay that's too fast to furious about
Starting point is 00:25:28 revolver. Sure. It is for you. I can't handle that much furiousness. While Paul Bettany is being killed by the angel, those people drive off. The Archangel Gabriel goes after them. They manage to not get they moment manage to divert him by hitting the face with a flare from a flare gun which doesn't even explode just hits him in the nose uh... he makes their car flip over baby is fine and then attacks them and then attacks them on a mountain uh... and paul betney
Starting point is 00:26:02 flies back down from heaven presumably but yes the sky opens and light comes out and paul betney alive with wings on his back again comes out and apparently god has given him his job back because well gabriel was falling orders paul betney was doing what was right is basically what a boils down to
Starting point is 00:26:22 and everything's okay except that they have to raise this kid now to be the leader who I guess will redeem mankind. Sure. And so they have the the terminator and literally stealing the ending from the terminator where they are driving through the desert. Except they didn't have like a Mexican got to take anybody's picture. No, that's true. And the baby's already already born she's just pregnant with john connery driving the desert there's a bunch of guns in the backseat there's a the the voiceover about you know like why did something like
Starting point is 00:26:52 this happen yeah and it's the exact it's the exact same voiceover from the very beginning of the movie yes because I know about you but I I normally forget what happens like five minutes before what I'm currently watching. But the voiceover. I could use more flashbacks, frankly. Really? In Legion?
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. Do things earlier in the movie. Yeah, like you were talking about a grandma totally forgot that. The voiceover that's at the beginning and end of the movie, it's very much like days of heaven in the way it uses voiceover to introduce the things. Well, cyclical. And it's lyrical of heaven in the way it uses voiceover to introduce the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Well, cyclical and it's lyricalness. Yes, and it's lyrical visual quality. It's like a mooebius strip constantly. The French artist. Sure, yeah. Like a Azarac comic strip. The voiceover, she says that when her shoot, before her mother ran off, this waitress
Starting point is 00:27:44 was told to story by her mother of a prophecy that God would bring darkness on the world again and something about it and kill all people or something about a baby. And when she asked her mother why her mother would say, I don't know, I guess God was just tired of the bullshit. And what I love is that where did the mom pick up this prophecy it's incredibly accurate where did she get it from there's a lot of time old folk tale to all the american folk legends
Starting point is 00:28:12 prophecies in movies i hate them yeah okay you're saying something about that why don't you like there is nothing i like let no the the thing i hate most in movies is anytime where they have a council of elders she's i hate the second most is anytime where they have a council of elders. The thing I hate the second most is anything where they say, but the prophecy tells of one such as this or like according to the prophecy, you are the what like, I don't know why in a fantasy movie, things can't just happen. They have to be following a prophecy of some kind, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Sure. Why you've already got Paul Bettany coming down to tell them, here what's gonna happen. I know it because I'm an angel. Why does he have to say? There's a prophecy that says this is gonna happen He's there with God all the time like he can just know he doesn't have to follow a prophet, you know Yeah, there's just there's I'm up and having but I found this scroll someplace. Yeah, it's magic scroll It's also the it's me 10 experience points and information about the future. It's it's just a cheap plot device because things don't have to happen logically because you can just like why is this happening to us? The prophecy tells that
Starting point is 00:29:17 block there will be a time of great reckoning like it's you just say a prophecy for told it. It also like it is it immediately lowers the stakes of any thing. I mean, for instance, if it's like a prophecy like about a chosen one, suddenly it's not an interesting movie about a guy who has to make a choice to be a hero. It's about a guy who's destined to be a hero. And there's nothing more boring than like a guy
Starting point is 00:29:39 just like, well, I guess it's me. That's interesting. See, the thing I like least in movies is when a character does something like maybe throw a basketball or like Shoot an apple off of someone's head and then it cuts that character again And that character's doing and they and they pump their fists going. Yes That's my least favorite really that's your least favorite thing in movies at that I throw my popcorn up in the air and storm out. See, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:30:07 My favorite thing in movies is from... So I stormed out of Batman and Robin like five times. You kept going, Batman. You stormed out of... That's a thing. I stormed out and you stormed out of basketball and archery the movie. I stormed out and... It was called pumped over basketball and archery skills.
Starting point is 00:30:24 So I was leaving the movie theater and my mom Chasing it at me and my mom's like Stuart the Stuart you paid my see this movie Batman is gonna fight Mr. Freeze or something you should totally check it out I was gonna be I see you. Yeah, yeah, I went back to chill Yeah, and I went back and saw it and I kept leaving you said when I bought that ticket I signed a contract with this film that they did not do one thing. They broke that contract. They did.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I was gonna say, when I- I tried to take him to Kid's Court, actually. Ha ha ha. Kid's Court is not- Yeah, it's not Nickelodeon. Not really. I thought I was- I thought I could-
Starting point is 00:31:01 I think it's a money out there. I thought it was more like you broke my toy that kind of case, you know No, it was a case where you let down my hopes and expectations of You know the toy that's what he's got to go after the big Hollywood studios. That's where the money is Oh, I see your kids court is gonna. I love I wish that show had been much more real and it was like Like it was a murder case, but he was under 18s. They descended to kids court and Nickelodeon sent him to clean up his room. You know? You know, Coach Linda LRB sent him to...
Starting point is 00:31:33 Sentence McCulley-Golgan's character from the Good Son. To community service, helping his mom set the table. I was going to say, I didn't want to be so negative. So I was going to say one of my favorite things in movies is when the villain the villain always has a sidekick in a movie and at the end of the movie the hero beats the villain in like a snowboard race or something and they and the friend of the villain goes up to comfort him and the villain pushes his friend away I love that and it happens in so many movies from the 80s like when I was growing up, it was like, up, don't even try to console him. He's too mad. He's just gonna push you away.
Starting point is 00:32:06 That is great. What's really great about it is it's never like a normal, like just shove away. Like, it's like they're pushing him to the ground. Yes. And then folding their arms into fines. Now, the refuse human warmth. The thing I like the most in a movie is when you have a hero
Starting point is 00:32:24 who is clearly conflicted, covered in tattoos, okay, he has access to a lot of machine guns and a trench coat of some kind, and a trench coat of some kind. Yeah, some kind, possibly sleeveless, possibly, it doesn't work it's not required. And all the villains are gonna be like magic or supernatural or something, but they're gonna first appear like something very innocuous, something very innocent. In the case of Legion, they made a shoe accomplished this by having a foul mouth granny. And then later on, a dude in an ice cream dress. Ice cream sales.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Who would have thought that an ice cream salesman could be a demon? What I like also is the ice cream salesman, he starts yelling at them as mouthy long gates and his arms and legs elongate and then he starts looping towards them and they just shoot him instantly. Yeah, it makes him a bigger target. He makes him a bigger target. It's way harder for him to run towards them when his arms and legs are like that.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Ungainly. Yeah. Played by Nerd Favorite, beloved physical actor Doug Jones, who was Abe Sapien and the Hellboy films and did a lot of other- It makes him a Nerd Favorite. No, he's just- I thought like a Nerd Favorite would have been a girl on the chainmail bikini. Yeah, I don't even think the hellboy films and general I think some nerd favorite no he's he's just like a nerd favorite would have been a girl in a chainmail bikini yeah I don't even think the hellboy movies are nerd favorites like
Starting point is 00:33:29 roon of mitro he's known for uh... he's known I can't think of the other things but he's known for like playing his very like the Nickelodeon cartoon he was he was uh... he played the fun yeah he played Doug was he a blue guy? yeah he was
Starting point is 00:33:44 he played the fun and pants labyrinth like and the guy was like eyeballs in his hands He's like known for being a very physical performer. I can do like good costume work Yeah, and he like Ron Perlman given almost nothing to do here and shot almost instantly Well, but there's there's so many characters were yeah, where they overplay the you wouldn't expect to see one of the uses of monster because there's like the old lady Ice cream salesman little girl in a dress with a balloon little boy with a bowl haircut guy with a part with a birthday party had on like they like Priests or like a soccer mom or like a soccer ball like a soccer mom or like a soccer ball. Or like that would have been crazy. You never think a soccer ball was a demon.
Starting point is 00:34:28 No, I would have even attacked you. You'd take you completely off guard. Yeah, I would have to kick it at you. I really like the part where someone in a wheelchair who gets up and runs after them. That would have been a good one. A clown, you know. I like the Japanese tourist idea.
Starting point is 00:34:41 That's a good one. A Japanese tourist. Or like an Eskimo. Frenchman with a baguette an astronaut I wish cop what's all this I think I guess it would be nothing to see here what's all this then is an English cop my favorite part of a dog now yeah I also really like the movie when the when the demons set up like an ambush for our favorite characters by taking
Starting point is 00:35:06 characters which ones are those you know Charles us dot in tv's rock and the ambush involves tying up a character that they captured earlier on an upside-down cross crucifying upside down I don't know if you notice the significance there Dan because they turn the cross which is an image of you know Christ can explain it. Okay, I'll explain. They turn them upside down and then he's like all covered in boils and these huge pulsating
Starting point is 00:35:32 boils that as I described at the time were of Tim and Eric awesome show great job level of special effects. Yes, they looked like they've been Photoshopped on, you know. And so his wife is like, oh my god, he's alive. We should save him. She runs out there. Of course, as soon as she gets out There the guy explodes in like acidic pus and melts Charles us, dutton down to the spine literally burns his back
Starting point is 00:35:52 A waste that you can see the spine and the back of his ribs through it, which was pretty gross and of course Dennis Quaid Is like I can't believe I fell asleep when I was on guard duty if I'd been awake They might not have been able to set up this awesome trap I feel sleep when I was on guard duty if I'd been awake they might not have been able to set up this awesome trap I mean as dumb as that was though I can't help but wish there was more of that in the movie because as I said Yeah, as I said while we're watching it why are you gonna make a movie about angels attacking humanity and then just have a bunch of shooting happen a bunch of shooting in a bunch of like on these like yeah it's like why are you gonna make a vampire movie and then make from dust till dawn world of ampires are basically zombies or so or the underworld movies where it's vampires were the werewolves that they shoot each other you know sure
Starting point is 00:36:35 why is the world gonna shoot a gun exactly where super natural creatures have something crazy and cool happen we're like to move like monster squad and not have a scene at the end were all four monsters do a rap Wait that happened no, it didn't have it. Oh, that would also be it does disappointing like the movie is over There was a rap at the end of monster squad the monsters didn't do it. Yeah. Well, thanks. I want to see the monsters do it No, but it's it definitely it feels like can the mummy rap in that movie? I mean mummy is wrapped Definitely it feels like- Can the mummy wrap in that movie? I mean mummy is wrapped. No!
Starting point is 00:37:05 Zing! Man that's, you know, that's why I do this part. I do a wrap. You want to wrap it as all tied up at the moment. Sure. Ooh! But yeah, it is very disappointing that you have, you are literally, what we are led to believe are,
Starting point is 00:37:19 this legion of angels, little, little represents the wrath of God, the most powerful thing in the universe this is your power on an unimaginable scale there's nothing they can't do and yet the way they choose to fight is by walking around and getting shot at with guns like it's it's ridiculously unambitious and this brings up the one thing that I really wanted to talk about which is like the theological vision of this movie which is uh... you know it's it's firmly in like this judeo christian uh... infallible god tradition except for
Starting point is 00:37:52 this god is apparently foul because he's decided to kill all of humanity and it's up to his one good angel that changes mind by having faith in in human as you pointed out got already promised once according to the Torah that he wouldn't do this again. Like the flood story is like at the end of that is like okay well that was it we clean house. I talk to someone to this again every time you look at a rainbow you remember that.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Just as long as you don't use the rainbow as a symbol for gay marriage. Oh no they did it. And then at the end of the movie you know to compound that um you know they're going off with a bunch of guns to uh you know safeguard against the idea that the god got my changes mine again. Well this is the kind of cool new like twenty percentory theology that is like this is is okay, Christianity with a lot of the matrix thrown in. So there's a lot of like guns and coolness and vague talk and things like that, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah. Like trench coats and tattoos. Cents coats and tattoos. But yeah, the movie is on very thin theological ice in that, but it's also one of those things where it's like, God wants to destroy humanity, so he's sending angels, but your son will be the new Messiah. Are we talking about the Trinity here?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Like is this Messiah related to God? Is this part of the Godhead? Like what is that, you know, is, because this kind of happened once, makers of the movie. I don't know if you realize, but according to the largest religion in the world, this happened, something like this happened
Starting point is 00:39:23 before where Messiah was born. Except for in this version, apparently God wants to kill his own Messiah. For reasons unexplained. And I do not remember any point where they explained why this kid was important, how his birth would change anything. Well, he's immune to car crashes, really. And also one of those things where it's like God doesn't want this baby born. Now he could use one trillionth of one percent of one percent of his omnipotent power and
Starting point is 00:39:53 cause a miscarriage. Or just you know she wakes up and she wasn't pregnant and was never pregnant. Yeah. Or she needs a size seven abortion. She's a bad one about this kid anyway. Yeah. She's already wants to have an abortion when the movie starts So all this news let things she wants to have an adoption and oh an adoption I mean those she is smoking while she's pregnant which Basically the same thing that's a no-no, but it's it I I started to believe by the end of it that God Really wanted to call the ranks of his stupider angels so he gave them this bullshit mission to go stop this, you know, these kids and told Paul Benny like, listen,
Starting point is 00:40:28 can you just like, I mean, we're probably gonna get all the answers in Legion 2. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing, right guys, like with these big action franchises. Legion 2 gave Real's revenge. The first one's to try and get us all pumped and then the second one's gonna try and raise
Starting point is 00:40:42 some more answers, raise some more questions, I mean, and answer a few of those, but mainly set them all up for Legion 3. I think you can answer some questions and ask a whole lot more. Hell yeah. Well, we got some stuff to get through, so let's skip to our final judgments on this movie.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Final judgments. Is this a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, or a movie that you actually sort of liked in some way? Stewart? I'm gonna say, I'm gonna go with a bad bad movie or a movie that you actually sort of liked in some way. Stuart? Um, I'm going to say I'm going to go with a bad bad movie mainly because I was hoping it was going to like for a big action movie. The end sequence was so dark and in like ill conceived. Yeah, it just wasn't, it wasn't a fun and it was, it was super slow for a movie that should have had more explosions and scares.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I'm going to say bad, bad too, because as stupid as it was and how dumb the theology was and how dumb the conception of it was, there was just a bunch of nothing in the middle where we learned about all the characters' backstories, but none of the characters backstories meant anything. I was going to say good bad movie because for a stupid and poorly made as it is, it was like silly, but then you reminded me of all those scenes of characters talking about their backstories that are really dull. So I'm going to say bad bad movie. Those were boring.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I swayed you. And what I love is also like in our normal lives lives I'm sure all three of us would love to watch a well-made movie about characters we care about you know who have real problems they have to overcome them but when you're watching a movie like this it really gets in the way all right so now I'm gonna read a little list your mail got some good letters this time letters we got letters this is just do it one more time. This one's from Alex Last but not held. He has three questions. One is it possible to modify Dan's hook so he actually has to speak the words mournful
Starting point is 00:42:41 sigh in a mournful way. I feel like we get more bang for a buck that way. Oh, maybe. How do you feel about that? I'd have to think about it. Do you want to try it out real quick? mournful sigh. I don't know. I think maybe every now and then just pepper it in. All right, I might just toss it in a little bit. That's not a bad idea. I'm going to switch the order of two and three because I like I like to better. Well, we never would have known so. It's a little behind the scenes. Yeah, no one cares. This is the part that my brain said and my mouth said it too, but it didn't need to.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And number two, would you agree that 2010 will be the floppiest summer blockbuster year ever? Well, we kicked off the summer with Marmaduke. We already had the squeak wall. Smurfs, it's like a story. I thought it was 2009. I think that squeak wall came out in December. Was that long ago? Yeah. I guess it, the 18 came out, that's a big,
Starting point is 00:43:35 that looks like crap. And it hasn't done critically very well. Well, I hadn't done financially very well. Yeah, it was beat by karate kid, which also looks terrible and strange because I don't think there's any karate in it. Well, there must be at some point. No, but I mean, he's in China.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I don't think they think it's kung fu. Technically, they don't have karate in China. Well, that's the thing. And it's Jackie Chan. I mean, he's known for not. He's known for his hatred of karate. They probably should have called it the Kung Fu kid, which frankly is a better title.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah. We have what else is coming out this summer? And then they wouldn't have to pay the makers of karate kid. Yeah. Well, the film that I'm looking forward to, the most is of course, piranha 3D. Piranha 3D, that's right.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Sure, which I will legitimately enjoy. Prince of Persia already came out. That was a flop. That was a huge flop. I'm having trouble remembering what it was. Oh, Jonah Hex is coming out. That looks terrible. That looks awful.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Sex in the city too. That came out. This may be the floppy of summer ever. Yeah, there's been some pretty terrible-looking movies. It's, yeah, and last year was bad, and this year's worse. I'm very excited about it. I mean, I'm vaguely, I'm excited about inception. Yeah that could be okay. Can you move about Dream Crime some down? At this point I'll give Christopher
Starting point is 00:44:52 Nolan the benefit of the doubt ahead of time. And I mean the same thing with Scott Pilgrim. Scott's film Toy Story 3 should be good. Toy Story 3. So there are three good movies. Three possibly good movies. can I have a summer? All right. Toy Story 3, I'm excited about. Just did that come out already? It comes out on Toy Story. Twilight Eclipse comes out as well, guys. Oh, there you go. Glad thing I'll probably go see Toy Story 3.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Hmm, maybe. Lastly, he has, has Elliot seen the newly restored version of the 1927 classic silent film La Tropless with 25 minutes of never before seen footage found in a vault in Buenos Aires. Is it wrong to keep editing classics and if not, when are we finally getting CGI enhanced release of the Magnificent Ambersons? I would say I haven't seen it yet, unfortunately I missed it because there have been some
Starting point is 00:45:39 scared, I won't get into it, but there's been some family hell things that were going on. But I didn't get to see it, but here's the thing. I saw, like, 10 years ago, when they released, when FilmForm had, then the most recent up-to-date metropolis. The problem with saying, shall we keep editing movies is that this is footage that was in the original cut. Yeah, it's not like I've ever been in a movie.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's a long version. Yeah. And the other thing is that the... So wait, there's no, like, job of the hood. No, and the other thing is that the but wait, there's no like job of a hut. No, George didn't go in and put an extra music scene in. We're on first databases now. It's cool. Java doesn't call. Take one trip to Skywalker Ranch. He doesn't call Rotweng the mad scientist my boogie, you know, but I guess the thing is, what's a thing is uh... means boy
Starting point is 00:46:25 yeah just like a banta food means banta fodder the dot and the huddies for jet i mind tricks is jet i mind tricks but i think it's like french you know the blue jeans you know it's a cognate you know it's it's a it's a imported word exactly but the the uh... the thing about like if they found the Lost footage from Magnifson Emerson's they I think would be well within the power to it to put it back in I mean the ending is lost forever probably and most of the other scenes But if they found it go right ahead with the metropolis. It's not a matter
Starting point is 00:46:59 It's not like the Maroder cut where they would literally re-edited the movie added a different soundtrack colorized it This is more in keeping with what German audiences saw at the film's premiere because then it was cut down for American release and international release it wasn't that it was uh... you know that laying had his cut in the studio wanted a different and blah blah blah anyway but that's but i haven't seen it yet right well since Stewart's eyes are glazing or what are we fucking talking about it let's talk about this later i guess you like this one better is this what i will say if you missed metropolis
Starting point is 00:47:33 come see another fritz lying movie human desire july seventh and i need to watch right back up i'll be showing it uh... strut you like this one because it the title of the email is even better than wild things for. This is from Joshua last name withheld. He says, hey guys, the other day I listened to your podcast for the first time and spent the better part of the week listening to every episode because I have no social life and be, I absolutely love your commentary.
Starting point is 00:48:00 That's like 50 hours. Anyone who references big sausage, pizza, rule intentions to, and the Emmanuel and space series, while recommending terror vision for viewing, my favorite movie of all time is a Titan in my book. I have so many questions to ask that will limit myself to just two. Number one, what other resources for bad movies do your gentlemen pursue? Any websites or other podcasts you can recommend for the bad movie lover? And two, could you perhaps spend just a few minutes
Starting point is 00:48:28 talking about my favorite type of bad movie, the Grimlins rip off? I'm thinking Gouli's grunchies. Grunchies, munchies, sure, it's a little. So, yeah, those are some good, uh... I'd recommend the, I love bad movies bad movies zine from friend of the flop house cennia euro sh oh yeah
Starting point is 00:48:48 brother bad movies yeah alia and i have both contributed articles to uh... that zine i love bad movies i'll repeat it again you can uh... you can google that you can fight it on etsy i believe mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm um... you know i uh... you
Starting point is 00:49:03 mistery sinus theaters obviously the classic. It's still a good way to see him. You can get watched instantly on Netflix these days. Yeah, and it's conceptually better than what we do. Yeah, because you can actually watch the movie while listening to commentary rather than having to imagine the movie. I mean, we've done these people of service by keeping them from seeing Legion.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I guess that's true. But I imagine like hearing a synopsis, even when it's when you're like very cogent synopsis, like with all our interruptions, it's like having a five year old tell you the story of the movie they saw last night. Yeah. He gives with one in and takes away all that right there. Oh, just like God. A back-end it compliment.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Okay. That's what like God a back-end it compliment. Okay. That's what they come But the yeah, I mean just look around there's so many bad movies, you know, just look around you It's in it's a whole world to discover and explore and your local library Wait, you can see movies like oh, yeah, most libraries do have movies this too. It's not John Dan's not talking about a you're not talking about like movies in book form right no no it's not like future or some future library I went to libraries and said they have movies there you had to read all the movies yeah it's like I was I was driving cross country and I stopped by a gas station and they
Starting point is 00:50:21 had a books on tape section and the big like the tagline for these books on tape were movies in your mind Yeah, I guess that's I guess that's books Any thoughts on goolees and or munchies guys Goolees and or munchies. I mean, I really enjoyed munchies. I don't remember it that well I was very good. Yeah, I remember month ago i really enjoyed munchies i don't remember that well i was very i remember gulies better than munchies it's uh... coming up the uh... coming up the shit are right that's the one the fit the poster famously has a gulie coming up out of a toilet which i don't
Starting point is 00:50:54 think ever actually happens in the movie right which one i have very little of the little monsters in gulies which one in the on the vc vhs case has one of them uh... you know holding on to a lady's shapely leg. That's munchies. And now which one has Harvey Korman? I think that's what I'm not covering. The cover of the poster is that Gullies are munchies. I don't remember him being in Gullies, but I don't remember munchies that one.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Maybe there's a third one that I'm trying to think of. Puppet Master. Yes. I think that's what I'm talking about. Puppet Master's kind of like Grimm grandma's rip off, but these puppets. Yeah, we're a doll man versus the demonic toys. Sure, we're similar. Yeah, absolutely demonic toys.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I recently bought a, I went to a dollar store in Brooklyn and they had a, they had a action figure for one of the puppet master characters, the leech woman, which is such a poorly conceived toy, because first of all, it's like, it's a female action figure, so no boy's gonna want it. And what girl's gonna want a crazy action figure of a woman with leeches shooting out her mouth? So surprisingly, it was unsurprisingly,
Starting point is 00:52:01 it was still a super sale and covered in dust. I don't think the money is spent on it what did you buy it of course i don't think the money spent even made its way back to form an entertainment which is too bad on at this point that we have that must have been dissolved on you know so i don't know uh... the main great movies like mandroid and invisible
Starting point is 00:52:22 chronicles bobby night what about bobby night yeah like mandroid and invisible, the Chronicles of Bobby Knight. Well, I know. Not Bobby Knight. Yeah, Chronicles of something night. Anyway, you're saying. I talk about, I think that movies. Movies in our minds. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:36 That's like describing radio as books in your ears. Like, like, like, like, books as like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like that is, it's titled, response to an imbeiro email, post it's an assumptions, from Victoria last name with held. And it says, well, well, well, just listen to the podcast today. I am actually the receptionist
Starting point is 00:53:19 that your fellow Flophouse fanatic Martin Bero was talking about. Didn't think I'd write back, huh? Just to clear up some things. Oh, the one where he left a post-it note? Yeah, exactly. And he's seen the receptionist. The receptionist, he assumed, did not listen to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And she says, one, I actually do have your podcast on my computer at home. And my boyfriend and I listen on occasion. You should make that one. Regular. Yeah. This is the first thing to... Why? Boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Why you make that? No longer interested. Berking up the wrong tree, I guess. I left the poster on my desk because I wanted to share the link with other film friends of mine. However, I'm a bit more of a gamer, so I listen to Radio Free Burrito, Will Whedon's podcast most of the time. I mean, come on, it's next generation and Will is cute
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah, he was the most hated character on next next generation. I mean he has become a I think you look a lot like Will Wheaton day. Yeah, you're kind of like the Will Wheaton of the floppos Hmm the most hate what I mean could I be worth and you can be data? I want to be human what is love Here's let's battle and stuff I want to be human. What is love? Oh, let's battle and stuff Here's where the email takes a dip though guys and it's next sentence listen to this Plus I saw the picks of you three not really cutting it for me. Wow. Wow even Stuart
Starting point is 00:54:45 Rowden who insults are parents. Ronan, wow. Whoop! Well, there's a- That's awesome. Actually, do you like your show? I agree with Martin that the ongoing homophobic rant towards short shorts on a werewolf is a big bunch.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Never happened. I'm not happy. Ha ha ha ha. Wait, did you go on some sort of homophobic rant? I never. Yes, it was weird. It was weird. What ever happened. I'm not happy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Those are my mom's favorite magazines. Actually, those would be red book and architectural digest. I study Japanese in my desk when I have two minutes or after effects. No, I don't have personal issues at home, Stuart. I don't even remember this, man. Go ahead. Yeah. She she she she got me at our first flop anime. Flop Nenesis. She goes on to describe herself a little bit more, but I don't understand her references
Starting point is 00:55:48 because they're all game related. So I'll check him out later and tell you whether or not they're valid. A lot of stuff about like Samus Aran. Sure. She's sort of a Samus Aran for the office, I suppose. I don't even know that means. So awesome. We have an anime.
Starting point is 00:56:03 No, we know that. Like, she likes the show, but I think awesome we have an enemy. Now we know that like she likes the show, but I think that Martin has an enemy. I think that we have become the go-between the feud which has played out via the meeting of a podcast. That's kind of weird. Exciting though, huh? Yeah, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I wonder what's gonna happen. I have probably more exciting than the movie which is what I hope. You won't be there to witness it though I would love I would love this this podcast to become a clearinghouse for people's attacks on each other Well, they're all of us politics. Yeah, all people who work with each other use it writing into us to read insults to their co-workers We just very slowly, you know morph into a passive aggressive podcast I think it's more important though is that she also managed to insult us and burn us which to their color. We just very slowly, you know, morph into a passive aggressive podcast. I think it's more important though, is that she also managed to insult us and burn us,
Starting point is 00:56:49 which frankly, not cutting it. We're hit through three handsome guys. Yeah, I mean, you're all, you know, I'm not gross. We all have our lady friends. We all have our audiences, you know. I mean, she does, she does seem to be holding Will Wheaton up as the pinnacle of handsome That's true good point. I don't think I look like will weathen right guys. No none of us. I mean Dan does maybe a little bit You're sort of a young Josh Brolin young Josh Brolin. That's better than Worf to I'm sort of an old Mickey Rooney If she likes next generation so much I people say I look like Dea, which is not an appealing You look kind of like, his name is Brent Spiner.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Ellie, Ellie, it kind of looks like Odo. That's the hard, like Odo got away, who played Odo? Is it a, not for Nate Average or not? Yeah, it is. You get those really weird cheekbones like that guy does. And I do have chalk pales in yeah Wow now that we've had our Now we've had our egos trounced by some yeah semi anonymous
Starting point is 00:57:58 Listener I don't even know what her last name was it was with held I forget what she said actually. I hope it wasn't anything to do with this. As we should sign off to her, go Sarah prayers so that we don't get attacked by angels. Sarah prayers. Was that one of the characters from the movie? They call me Sarah prayers.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I wish they had gotten that, but over the characters' names, like Bob Radeemer, you know sure John T Atlas Atlas Our names are Dan McCoy Stuart Wellington and Elliot Caelen get mad everyone like are like Christian every man John pilgrim. Yeah John Pilgrim, yeah. I thought it was Vampires that couldn't cross running water. Well, it depends on who you talk to.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Really, a number of Supernet, because like the headless horseman, not a vampire. But a goblin. Well, a spirit of some kind. I use goblin and a wide sense. I mean, he's not like a red cap. No, he didn't, doesn't help people get their bags from the curb to the airport. That's not the type of red cat I'm going to go. Oh, what were you talking about then? Like a red cat, it's a type of like goblin or ogre that wears a red hat and devours travelers.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Ah, I see. Why the red hat do you remember the guardian name? I don't quite know. you

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