The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #64 - Repo Men

Episode Date: July 30, 2010

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme.0:34 - 27:35 - Jude Law and Forrest Whittaker repossess both our will to live and to discuss the movie Repo Men.27:36 - 33:19 - Final judgments, and Elliott Lethal Weapon 2 digression.33:20 - 49:04 - A brimming Flop House Movie Mailbag.49:05 - 58:50 - Instead of recommendations, Elliott gives us a firsthand report on San Diego's ComiCon.58:51 - 59:41 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discuss repo man. Twice the repo man of repo man, one billionth is good a movie. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Flop house. Stewart Welling. It's my new intro. You forgot that you were supposed to say your name there. And now just, whoa, who's talking? Stuart Wellington. That's my new intro. You forgot that you were supposed to say your name there. And now just, whoa, who's talking? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's flopped in interviews. And I'm Elliott K. The voice that sounds like this is Elliott K. Oh good. So for new listeners, fix our voice sounds in your heads. Flop-ho. Flop-ho.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Flop-ho. Flop-ho. Flop-ho. Flop-ho. Itper. Flopper. Flopper. Flopper. Flopper. I was like that scene when the weird guys and dark crystals start moaning at the same pitch. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We were a lot like that, I think. Okay, so what's going on? What are we doing? We don't have six arms.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I kind of wish I did, though. Yeah, there was a woman at Comic Con with a really good skexies costume. That's pretty awesome. Was it like a hot skexies? No. I find that hard to believe. Usually when I think of a skexies costume, I think of a really hot chicken by Keeney. A wrinkly lizard rat birds.
Starting point is 00:01:40 With voluminous robes to cover their hideous bodies. At least it wasn't like a sexy gulfling because that would be like a prepugest. That's like an out-quest comic. It's redundant. They are like the creepy drawings of a pedophile. What do you think we're getting Elliott for his bachelor party? A gulfling stripper? Yeah, a doi.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I was a kid. I was a pro. I don't think it's up in the girlfriend's, because I thought they looked too much like Michael Jackson. Ha, ha, ha. Pressioned. Anyhoo. Anyhoo.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Anyhoo. Anyhoo. We should take this on the road, guys. Oh, man. I'm singing group. Yeah, the new singer that just does one note songs that have one word. Inspired by the three stuages stuages we can jam a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:26 tracks into a set it's true we could and one CD could have about a hundred tracks yeah so we don't want to be like a pink this week do we because I know I don't know we take a little vacation and it did not refresh our batteries it made us angrier that we had to watch a bad move I don't know about angrier but I was at I was in California for two weeks it was veryrier that we had to watch a bad movie. Well, I don't know about angrier, but I was in California for two weeks. It was very pleasant and I had to come back to this. And I was sick and wasn't pleasant and I'm regaining my strength and I had to suffer through this.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And I was on a long sabbatical from life, from having fun. Yep, uh, enough of that. That's a suckbatical. No, man, you didn't lose it. You still got it. Ellie, that's it. Yeah. Professional comedy writer, Ellie of K. Mm-hmm. Okay, so, um, let me refresh our listeners if they've forgotten.
Starting point is 00:03:20 What we do is we, the three of us get together on an evening, usually during the week, because that's what fits best with you guys' schedule. We get a cut a little more information than that. Chill out, okay. Dan and I get some drinks, Elliot gets a shitload of Popeyes. Yeah. We have our, yeah, we have our various, you know, yeah. We watch a movie that is available on either Direct TV watching now or DVD or something like the format really plays in it's on explaining it I think it's important how big do you think the television is? 32 inch it's pretty small to inch. It's like a meager the 42 inch really I think so I think you get a 4 to 42 win, Stan. All right. So we watch, we watch a movie. 5.1 stereo sound. That's true. The sound is pretty incredible. Yeah. So we watch this movie. Usually it's a movie that is made.
Starting point is 00:04:13 With our eyes. Yeah, this is a midage from the TV screen and enters our regnet. There's rods and cones. Yeah. Somehow. Thanks, Merlin, for explaining it to me. somehow thanks merlin for explaining it to me so merlin the eye scientist yeah that's isn't that what he taught him in soren the stone oh maybe did yeah so we watch a movie usually one that Dan picks out and forces the other you know L.A. me to watch at gunpoint yeah and he's like I have to watch this movie I've been waiting to watch it so we watch this movie and and then we talk about watch it. So we watch this movie and And then we talk about it, which is what we're about to do the movie this week unless we can
Starting point is 00:04:51 Procrastinate a little bit longer. What the movie this week is Repo man. Repo man man Okay, so uh So when when you see the title repo man, you usually think of what Ellie go the movie repo man Okay, Dan go the movie repo man Stewart go Rebo the genetic opera. Oh Careful well
Starting point is 00:05:16 But don't worry about this movie combines elements from all of those except for repo man, okay? It is the story of Jew law, a genetic repo guy, the actor, genetic character. Now this is the future where some for some reason, Toronto seems to be part of America.
Starting point is 00:05:38 There was a war of some kind. Now Jew law is a veteran whose job is to retrieve organ machines, like kind of scientifically designed organs, that people have bought to replace their malfunctioning organs and now cannot pay the price for. They can't keep up their payments. So they send out the refunds.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, you're on some kind of like a contract plan. Yes, so they send out the repo men when you're behind payment to cut open your belly and take the organs back. These are these are predatory lenders is what you're saying They are the predatory is to blend similar it's similar to if you get a cell phone contract And you fail to pay and then some dude cuts your ears off I think it's Verizon. Oh, okay. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Totally commentary. Jude Law seems mostly untroubled by this work that he does. His wife hates it. But he and his partner, Forest Whitaker, who were also veterans from the same war together, and were friends as kids. Yeah, it seems like one or the other would have done. Like for the screen right? Apparently they both enlisted.
Starting point is 00:06:47 If apparently it was like a Civil War enlistment or World War I enlistment where you could all go in a group and they put a whole unit together from the same town. They spent all their money on special effects. They couldn't spend their money on additional characters in the story. Yes. The two of them are partners.
Starting point is 00:07:03 They're repo men. Farce Whitaker is a little too overeager, likes cutting people's bellies open. the story. functioned in his own heart got and he got blown up he had to get a new replacement heart now he owes money to the company his life is falling apart his wife has kicked him out of the house yep and he decides that it's time to take action now this involves hanging out in broken-down buildings for about 40 hours but it also involves falling in love with a girl who has like 80 organs that have been replaced. You would think that when they tried to give her a credit check, they would find out that she is unable to pay for the organs she already has.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Well that's the thing. They don't really do much of a credit check because they figure they can cut up those organ default payments and sell them as investments to pension plans and things like that. Then if those things are defaulted, the government will swoop in and pay them. Pay for them. What do I think is interesting? They also point out that there's a number of characters throughout the movie, not to
Starting point is 00:08:19 skip ahead, that have black market organs. Under what right do this other company, how can they swoop in and just cut out black market organs. Under what, under what right do this other company, how can they swoop in and just cut out black market organs? That doesn't make sense to me. It might be that it's their property that's been taken from them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And like jail broken or whatever, when you've, I don't know. You know, that's, to jail break something when you like, with somebody as a knife, you're saying that you want to run third party apps on your heart? Yeah, absolutely. If you want to do that, you wouldn't like to jack it up like the Heart and Crank 2. Yes, precisely.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So anyway, he's on the run with this girl. They have a series of stupid plans that don't help them. Forest Whitaker is sent by their boss, Leif Shriver, to go track Jude Law down and get his heart back. And in the end, they go to the main building where the headquarters of the company is, and they kill like a bazillion people, and then blow it up. And then Jude Law is in on a sunny beach with his girl. He's a famous author now. His friend is there with him. It looks like he's perfectly
Starting point is 00:09:32 content and everything worked out, right? That's what it seems like. Uh oh. Then they stole the end from Brazil and it turns out a fake reality is being fed into his brain while he's in a comatose state and reality everything's bad. In a fight earlier in the film, his brain got damaged and so... He's dain-bramaged. Yeah, forced... well, I'll put what he's nervous though. But forced Whitaker put this like...
Starting point is 00:10:01 I'll imagine he's not as think as he drunk he is. He's with stupid Yeah, no force what are you just talking about haven't you ever been to a county fair come on For sure, they sell seizures For swettaker takes pity on him and the only way he can and puts them into a beautiful dream And his girl I guess gets I think it's a wide screen. They're just gonna take our organs back Yeah, which is exactly again like Brazil. Yes It's just they do a great job kind of like bringing back down to reality. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's more like for Brazil by the way, cuz like I mean we're just always we're always being fed these Hollywood endings Where everything works out right in the end and this movie kind of tells us tells us the real way things are in this world With fake Oregon's Hollywood ending now is the like surprise things are bad Yeah, I think like that's become such a cliche like when Brazil did it, I'm sure it was, you know, frightening. Like in, like in, like in, like in Carrie, where the hand bursts out of the dirt and you're like, whoa! That is a dream.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It's earlier than Brazil. Oh, or Jurassic Park. I don't, there is a twist to having an interesting thing. Another is dinosaur. It just ends with them flying off the, flying like dinosaurs hanging out. Like, still a lot. They are, but they're not, there's not, there's not a twist twist that's they've escaped. Oh, I thought they thought they killed all the dinosaurs
Starting point is 00:11:29 No The helicopter out of there. Yeah, maybe I was thinking of the movie source behind is that the movie Carnot or Carnot or well, they killed the dinosaurs and they go yeah We did it and then the government troops bust in and kill all the heroes because no one can know about it I thought that was returning living dead. returning living dead is similar where we're just spoiling everything. the army decides. Where is dinosaurs in that? I wish it was returning the living dead dinosaurs that would be awesome. I'd love to see a zombie dinosaur movie. I guess the
Starting point is 00:11:58 closest thing to that is Night of the Museum. There's a zombie dinosaur in there. There's a dinosaur skeleton that's running around trying to eat something. Is there a cowboy riding on that? There should be if there isn't. A zombie cowboy or a regular cowboy? No regular cowboy. And Kenny controlled dust devils and the swarm is enemies? I don't think so. I don't think any cowboy could ever do that.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Like an arrowmancer? We'll talk about it later. I do think that I was still a little surprised that the ending of this movie turned out to be so bleak Since the rest of it seemed to be so like incredibly dumb. Well, that's the thing, the movie alternative between really hyper-stupid, like, which I mean not hyper-stupid, like so stupid, but like hyper-active and like very fast and kind of fun but stupid. It all turned between that and super grim and super serious and dark and you know, gritty in a way that was very not good. Well that was the thing like for like the first 15 minutes you're set up to think that
Starting point is 00:12:59 this is going to be like a satire like a dark comedy action film, and then as soon as... As Jude Law gets a conscience. As Jude Law gets a conscience, you know, it starts taking the concept seriously. And the concept is ridiculous on its face. Well just from the beginning, how did this company get permission to run this business? That's a big question. Also, I kept wondering during the movie and I kept saying how do this many people need mechanical organs? Yeah because like at one one Jude log it's as
Starting point is 00:13:33 fake a heart put in it starts like basically malfunctioning right away like why would why would people get these mechanical organs if they don't make them like super power that is explain it at least a little bit. and organ transplants are so maybe there's a line of dialogue somewhere they explained like why everyone needed new organs all of sudden but like organ transplants are not that common a thing there are a lot of them and they're not enough organs to go around but like they drive they have a scanner gun that they can point at someone and it tells them if they're they have a fake organ in them and they're driving on the
Starting point is 00:14:03 street and it seems like everybody has one. Well, that was what was ridiculous to me, not the fact that there was so many. And no one can pay for them. Organs, it was that the way these repo man work is that they don't get like a particular commission like, oh, Jim Bo Jones is he needs Jimbo Jones. Yeah, Jim Simpson. Yeah, he just made that up. I'll just make up a name. We'll talk my head Clark cans has
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, but say it's make up a name. Let's say I named George Washington as whatever all right say a guy Name to Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, Jesus Christ. Let's say that Has an organ still to ethnic for me. Abraham Lincoln is deadbeat on his payments. Which at certain times his life could have been possible he was born into poverty. Yeah. He kind of made it as a lawyer but only after failing as a storekeeper. Yeah. He didn't make enough money splitting rails.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And so you make almost no money splitting rails. Most of the time you can get more money for a rail that has been going to pay the rail company for ruining all the merchandise. But the point is he can pay all that money went to doing rails right up his nose. And so they specifically send out repel manos. Yeah, it's a lot of a lot of coke he needs to fill up that schnauz. But they're just specific. There's a specific guy that they're after. So the repel men are sent out to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to get back.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Just an average of the time I had. But that makes sense to me. Whereas like, they're just like cruising around with their like repo gun. And they're like, OK, let's scan these people. All right, that guy doesn't have an organ. Oh, that guy is an organ. We got to get it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And they have license to at will stop anyone and zap them with an electric dart gun and cut their bellies open and leave them to die, basically. More than anything, this future, the greatest, like, technological advancement is the advancement in scanning technology. Yes, they can scan through thick flesh of human beings. Yeah, which is uncommon. Uncommon nowadays for a scanner to work even when it's pressed up against the barcode alone. And yet cars, phones, everything else is almost exactly the same. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:16:14 These repo guys, they could get more money just like patenting that scanning technology and selling it. I have to go to the organ. And I mean, now granted, we've talked a little bit about this vision of the future that we're presented. Yes. And of course, it's a unique vision of the future where almost everything is Asian influence. Big screens on building. It's raining a lot. I've never seen that before. Blamps flying around. Slightly different clothing
Starting point is 00:16:42 styles, but not enough so that you're actually like, oh that looks weird. I'm like, oh that kind of looks cool. Yeah, there's a lot, yeah, blims, there's a lot of like fancy 3D and stuff. Yeah, what you're saying is it's basically Blade Runner. Yeah, it's Blade Runner. Or bag the future bar too. Yeah. With hoverboards. Except there's no hoverboards in this. You're saying that they went down to the store and they took a feel like I'll take a little blade runner, take a little Brazil, a little bit of minority report. I'm gonna steal a
Starting point is 00:17:14 scene from Old Boy. Poorly and like forget what made that scene interesting. Yeah really poorly steal it but they it does feel like it's a mishmash of design Choices that were made in other movies. Yeah, there are a few parts where things look a little bit different and it's kind of neat Like there's a the they when they break into the headquarters of the organ company, which I don't remember the name of I'm a Collin on the union. Oh the union. That's right. Which doesn't make sense as a name Because when you hear the union you don't think ah, that's the name of company You think oh, they're referring to the union they belong to, which they're not.
Starting point is 00:17:49 That's a code of political message against unions. Really? It's weird. Strike breakers. That's they are. They go into the headquarters and they find the room where the people are actually making the organs. And it's this huge white room of people in, this suits you make when you're aware when you're making computer chips.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Like covers full body, blinding white, blue light, hazmat suits, they're all sitting at individual tables just kind of doing making little movements with screws and things on these artificial organs. And it looks kind of like... Organs grinders, they're called. They're grinding organs, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:25 There's little monkeys everywhere who cups of coins. Wow. That seems like that would not be a sanitary. Well, the monkeys are shaved. Okay. Fair enough. But that like that scene, that set of looks kind of neat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And they don't do anything with it. And they just kind of throw it. I think I was reading entertainment weekly during that scene. Yeah, then you were complaining about the Green Lantern movie at that point. Yeah, looks really stupid. So, something else about repo meant, Dan, what did you think about the choice to have Jude Law as our star? Too much charisma? Well, too much scene chewing. Yeah, his box
Starting point is 00:19:04 off his streak continues unabated. And the streak I'm talking about is the streak of bombs. Is the losing streak? What other bombs has he had recently? Well, I mean, he was recently, I mean, he hasn't been given much chance to do it. He was in an Alfie, of course, and hilarious. Sleuth remake did not do well.
Starting point is 00:19:23 That did do well. Outch. What else? I can't even say that. It's a remake of an average movie. What's that movie where Cameron Diaz goes to England and Kate Winslet goes to America? Oh, the holiday. Yeah, he was in that thing. Did that do well?
Starting point is 00:19:35 I thought it did. It probably did okay, but I think it was like the least successful. He was in Sherlock Holmes. Oh, and I thought he was good in Sherlock Holmes. Yes, he was good in Sherlock Holmes. He was in AI. Well, that was in Sherlock Holmes. Oh, and I thought he was good in Sherlock Holmes. Yes, he was good in Sherlock Holmes. He was in AI. Well, here's a gun. It's a 10-year-old movie.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I think the man is not bad as a supporting actor in a robot. Well, he is good when he's a character that you are not supposed to identify with or necessarily even like. Like, talented Mr. Ripley, he's great in playing an asshole. Well, but I mean, are we supposed to like him here? Like, he's... We are because he is a... Because he is a change of heart and realizes what he did is wrong and we're just supposed to want him to take down the system or some crap. Yeah, I mean, I think part of the problem with this movie is they don't understand that
Starting point is 00:20:22 the viewer does not identify with this guy at all. Yeah. Like I'm gonna refer to another crappy. I told you to go out and kill people. We're not supposed to talk about the place I worked in. Sorry. So, no, I'm thinking about problems with my place of work. So, we're talking about where I work all the time. thinking about problems with my place of work. So, we're talking about where I work all the time. I'd rather not talk about the F-1 imports. Guys, so, what I was going to say though.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So, which Chadiorec? Anyway, you're saying. What I was to compare to say the movie Equilibrium, which is a totally stupid, silly, futuristic movie. Based on a premise that makes no sense. Yes, it makes no sense at all. On some level, at least you can identify with Christian Bales' character, because he's a guy who is like slowly discovering the world.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Like, he's not a sociopathic killer, he's like, I'm a total asshole. Wait a minute. The people I'm hurting are just like me. Like, that's bullshit. No person who's like that will have a change of heart So yeah, I don't really I can't really identify it similar to John DeRoll just character in from Paris with love in that We are supposed to we're supposed to be charmed and fall for a character who is a jerk who kills people for no reason it seems.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And we can never really tell whether we're supposed to like him or whether we're supposed to even trust what he's saying. You know, like, they both movies have set up a character who were supposed to like them, I guess, because they kill people without, in like, cool ways. But really, they don't give us anything to glum on to. So we're left with just a guy running around doing crazy things that we don't approve of. So while you're saying we should like people who kill people in boring ways, I think that was what I don't think that was the moral.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I'm saying that like when you see if you see a movie there are movies about killers with the audience identifies with the killer because the killer. There's the certain style about the movie or about the character or something that makes him charismatic to like the professional Yeah, exactly Like a lot of hitman movies like the movie hitman or like gross point playing. There's not like that. Yeah, or the other movie hitman Like where you're supposed to like the character despite his doing these things or because he can get away with things that the audience can't get away with But has fantasized about doing whereas here we're not given those ropes to cut to hold on to, you know We're given a guy an unlikeable guy doing unlikeable things But I always wanted to electric you to guy until they passed out and then cut their organs out.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I don't know if you should say that on a recording. Oops. Yeah, this has been an elaborate FBI sting, Stuart. I'm busted. Warm, take them out. Warm? Wait, that's a code word? Yes, warm means stay back, don't do anything yet.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Okay, go ahead. And take them out means we're gonna need more time So this movie appealed to me Stewart because it featured one of the members of the Wu Tang claim of rappers the Rizza Mm-hmm Elliott Yeah, what not speaking fuse what's going on with you the jizzah I? it? Yeah what? Not speaking to you. What's going on with you? The jizzah. I don't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to say or what you want from me at this. No, I don't know. I was just changing up the change of the conversation. I know Amro Rizza was the
Starting point is 00:23:53 most likable character in the entire movie and the most charismatic performance in the entire movie. Although I have to admit, Farst Whitaker had his moments. Yep. Although I never quite understood why Farst Whitaker didn't get a replacement eye for his one lazy eye. In a world of replacement, he can't afford it. He doesn't want to be repode. That's true. Although I'd imagine you get some kind of corporate discount. Better, apparently not enough, because Jude Law can't keep up with the payments on his heart. I don't think it was the issue of payments that made him not want to keep up with it. I think it was on the principle, right? You know, I'm going to go out on a limb with your thing about likeability and killing people and say that part of the problem with this movie is actually the fact that Jude
Starting point is 00:24:35 Law did find a conscience because I found Alex doing a comical thing with his glasses. I just re-arranginganging my glasses while you're talking. I found Leav Shriver, maybe not like I would like to hang out with him in life, but more likable and enjoyable on this film because he had no contact. No, but Leav Shriver had no conscious. We also had Panache, where he said things was funny. He had a personality and a style. He seemed to be enjoying himself in the movie. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:04 You can watch him. I like the other actors. And yeah, that's true. I'm like anybody. Well, I think he was just like, this will pay for my time on Broadway. Oh, this is great. This will pay for my time on Wolverine X-Men Origins Part 2. Well, I assume they would pay him for that. Oh, no, that's a labor problem. Small budget role. A tiny little movie like that. It's a tiny movie that's actually about same, same to this broken down. He's old.
Starting point is 00:25:33 He's doing fights and small talks. You realize that Leop Straper. You've got to reconnect with his daughter. You've Straper personally funded all of X-Men Origins Woolver. I didn't realize that. That's the thing. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Because the studio's weren't interested. He saved up all his Broadway money who's this Wolverine character how would America what would a manor you think about this guy that we're going to put the movie I've never heard of it but no but but Leif Shriver is but he's the villain of the movie yeah so it's like you can like him because he's a villain with style. You know that you're not supposed to approve of him even if you like the personality. The man even dies with style. Yeah, he has one of the best deaths in the movie.
Starting point is 00:26:15 But Jude Law, you're supposed to sympathize with in some way. And I don't. You know, same thing with Silence of the Lambs. People like the Hannah Baleckter character because he's got charisma and He's oh it's open that he's a monster. You're not supposed to think of him as a hero You know like any doesn't have any crazy sexual hangups I don't know where that came from. I don't know that's like that's where people draw the line with the serial killer is like They think a serial killer is cool when he's smart and clever.
Starting point is 00:26:47 But as soon as things start getting weird sexually... Buffalo Bill, talking as penis between his legs, is not okay. Yeah, but a Hannibal Lecter eating people is okay. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say. Yeah, I think that's a good point. You know what guys? I'm going to cut this shorter than than usual okay because we've got so much I know I mean this movie is totally capture the heart of the thing I mean what we're all about we don't
Starting point is 00:27:12 have a lot to say but also in lieu of talking about recommendations I would like to get some get a live report or not a live report a much later later. I'm alive. What are you here about the San Diego Comic Con from Elliot? You mean San Diego Comic Con International? Yeah. So in order to give more time to that segment, I think we're going to wrap it up and give our final judgments on this. Okay. It's hoping for a little more debate.
Starting point is 00:27:41 A bad bad movie or a movie that you actually kind of liked. Stuart? I think I'm going to go with Bad Bad Movie on this one. Mainly, more than anything, just because of the length. If it wasn't so long, I might have at least been able to, you know, pay it like reading an entertainment weekly until there was a couple couple people getting shot and then enjoyed. No, that wasn't even good. They even use CGI for all the blood, which is really terrible. Altogether, not a very good movie. Stuart, you know, corn syrup don't come cheap. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:28:18 You're right, it's much more expensive than computers. It's much more expensive to have like, to have somebody squirt blood off screen than to have some guy animate blood properly which they didn't in this movie obviously very fake and bad and they ended into scenes they didn't need it there's one part a person gets hit in the face with the gun butt and they animated like drops of blood flying out of the general area of their nose totally unnecessary I didn't need to see blood in that scene yeah it's not like I mean I was hoping for blood that's not like it's not like it was like
Starting point is 00:28:54 like well that's not realistic like I'm this this scene is in fissure all enough for me are we to believe we live in some sort of universe where no one has any blood? What is this above the Vampire Slayer episode? So bad, bad movie from still Daniel. Yeah, bad, bad movie. I said this as we're watching in the first 15 minutes, I thought, oh, you know, maybe I actually enjoy this movie because it moved along at a good clip. It had jokes, I mean not great jokes, but it was like, okay, this is what it is. It's a black comedy about people who take organs out of people's bodies and that's you know, that's that's not a
Starting point is 00:29:39 bad premise for a movie necessarily and but it didn't forgot that it was an exploitation movie. It got really grim and people just sort of stood around for long periods of time, and then it got violent again at the end, but that was too little too late friends. It was like a less fun version of Babylon AD the last of the lost flop house Oh, you guys wish if you thought this was an unfunny episode of the flop house Flop house listeners you should have heard our Babylon AD episode we thought that was the worst movie we had seen nope I still think white out is worse. No, I missed that one. I'd rather watch repo men than white out
Starting point is 00:30:21 Okay Oh, and I say bad bad bad movie for the above reasons. Too long to boring, badly made, too somber. So, music, how was the music now? The music is a collection of pop standards. So it was actually the soundtrack was fine. Yep, except for every single time a fight scene came on, they like, somebody went to their tape deck
Starting point is 00:30:43 and got like stock actions in music, like fight scene scene music it would be like pretty good standard pop jazz or something like that and then yeah like tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada tada t Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh- So, this is the... Oh, it's Jonathan Richmond and the Danny Glovers. Oh, and interesting. This is the portion of the show where... I thought he was too old for that show. He's still three days from retirement. This is the portion of the show where I...
Starting point is 00:31:37 Let me try and say something. Let me say one thing on the Danny Glover being too old for this shit. I was in San Francisco recently and I was ironing a pair of pants while my fiance went and did something else. Oh, the story's gonna be great. And I turned on the TV because you want to watch TV while you're ironing pants. Sure. And Lito Weapon 2 was on.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I think it was 2. It's whichever one has Danny Glover is sitting on the toilet and there's a bomb strapped to the toilet, too. And so Mel Gibson goes in the house because he thinks there's danger, puts his gun around the corner. Oh, it's just Danny Glover on the toilet, too. And so Mel Gibson goes in the house because he thinks there's danger, puts his gunner on the corner. Oh, it's just Annie Glover on the toilet. Then it turns out there's a bomb on the toilet, and Danny Glover's embarrassed because the bomb squad has to come.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And I remember while watching, I was like, wow, like this is amazing, that this was in a movie. There was a time when this was an acceptable scene for a blockbuster film, is this ridiculous that like the joke is he sitting on the toilet you know and then there's a bomb there oh movies have gotten both better and worse that would never happen in today's world of old dogs but old dogs is a
Starting point is 00:32:34 children's comedy this was an R-rated action film the sequel to you know a pretty major action movie this is the sequel, a sequel to a huge hit that people still kind of like. All right, the key, I guess the key phrase that would be R-rated since, I don't know, I don't think you've, I think you've forgotten a little film called Transformers, where robots are peeing oil in. It's plain, people.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah, but that's different. And dogs are humping things. There's something, that's like, that's a louder type of joke. This was just done in a very like matter of fact way. Here's the joke we do about the guy on the toilet. Transformers is Danny Glover in that? Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Anyway, this is the part of the show where we talk about, he played Mr. Transformer. Let her do that. Blood is our green canyon? Pure luck. And we're out of. This first one is a cute look. It's called response to the response of my email. Wow. Never mind. Is this a dialogue that we've opened?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Was this from Martin Biro? You may have remembered him. Oh oh of the pens and trains for fortune yeah and he left the note for the secretary yes and then she wrote in and she was unimpressed by our cost plain shit right well and he responded I remember that part in a like toilet and cosplay I was saying rest assured we're not in some flop house inspired inter-office war, but you can imagine we are if you wish. I do wish. Already. But he says, just for the record, or perhaps off the record, I would not kick any of you
Starting point is 00:34:17 out of bed, and I would write slash fix to that effect upon request. Please don't. Please do not. But we appreciate this. I'm up good for it this suggests a whole new direction for us guys and that that's we can become gay icons you know we have we have struck out with our family's no I don't know about you Elliot it sounds so hateful when it comes from Dan's Mark. He is a homophobic. I don't want to encourage gaming.
Starting point is 00:34:47 He's literally spitting the words out of disgust. It kind of makes me uncomfortable. Yeah, me too. Continue to. They're called Guy Cons, by the way. That was all I wanted to say from that. Isn't that that like a little lizard on TV? Yeah, yeah, he's gay.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Okay, continue to. Okay, well this is another Message and this is from life was that all that he had to say? Well, yeah, that was that was that was the that was the gist of me. I'm sure he has more to say, but that's all he wrote Well, thank you for Saying that it's very nice. Mm-hmm Blight says I've recently Discovered the treasure that is your podcast but
Starting point is 00:35:26 skimming through the archives of your show I was unable to find the movie Troll 2. If you've not heard of this movie I think the Clubhouse could make an episode out of an early 90s. We've heard of the War 2. And I can say that was such a bitch being a war with if not surprising the good bad ness of brats yes well no we we should address this uh... this will play into the next uh... letters well okay that's what said before
Starting point is 00:35:54 you know the flop house uh... focuses on new movies however the contest that we have continue going on right now yes and to to read it to reiterate if you go to iTunes, I think we should name the contest. You pick the flop Yeah, you pick the flop if you go to iTunes you flop the flop you write a review of the flop house You write a review of the flop house good or bad. We're not braving you go just go to iTunes the writer of you and
Starting point is 00:36:26 good or bad we're not braving you. Go just go to itons and write a review and we will randomly select one who will be able to tell us to watch a particular movie. You get to make the call. You select the movie. Any movie. It's like a movie. It's like a movie. I'm choosing your own adventure books. Choose your own flop adventure. Except you don't get to stick your finger in between the page and then go to check out your various choices and see what you're doing. It's like real life.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Well, you don't get to see it. You don't get to see it. You just make your choice and that's it, man. You don't know if you're going to get devoured by dinosaur. Yeah, continue that. Now, I think that's some of those are sour dinosaurs. Yeah, they're the same thing. Now, before I had said that the deadline for this would be August
Starting point is 00:37:05 1st, but that that podcast actually got a little delayed because of the right July holiday. And so I'm just going to say very patriotic. If you review the flop house before the next episode comes out, you will still be considered. Yes. Okay. I'm not expecting them expecting them yet they're not going to like that psychically know that i've said this i don't know but um... so that's a side note but of course yes to roll to a movie uh... that has gotten a lot of attention uh... there's a documentary out about it uh... best worst movie that just come out
Starting point is 00:37:41 and it is a very enjoyable bed movie is an extremely enjoyable bed movie and i you know i find that it was a movie that like the cult arose totally organically like I showed it at a bad movie night before I knew that there were anyone any other people out there who were also like discovering this movie. Check out this guy over here. Yeah I'll see you started the whole thing. Yeah what the hell. I watched Roll 2 before it was cool to watch Roll 2. I'll see that. Just pointing out.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Oh, Roll 2? Yeah, I watched that a while back. I'm done with that. I'm a trolley. I don't think it's a manufactured cult. But you know, in a way that there's something very pure about that, because it's not like snakes on a plane or something. Where it seems like somebody in an energy drink company came up with the idea that snakes
Starting point is 00:38:29 on a plane would be super hilarious. Exactly. Or like icing bros, which sounds like it came from a marketing meeting. It's just a movie that played on HBO a lot when people were kids. A lot. And they grew up and they I like wait a minute what the fuck was going on with that movie yeah but it's completely overshadowed troll at this point yeah starring um uh bono and uh it's a sunny bono and at both of them over have overshadowed
Starting point is 00:38:59 down boots a troll in central park also and noname norm has been overshadowed. Yeah. And the park is mine, another Central Park movie. And one jeans. So. Encritors. This kind of a do-lease segways into the next email which is from Peter last name withheld. And it says hey you guys have been watching a lot of bad bad movies lately. In fact, I can't remember the last movie that got any other review. I can't either. It's after maybe one Dan kind of liked a while back. Where are the good bad movies? Where are the ones I might actually want to wrench and get a good laugh out of?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Oh God, wish we found one. Me too. I wish to God we would find one. I've listened to all the podcasts many of them twice and a couple of them four or five. I wish to god we would find one. I've listened to all the podcasts many than twice and a couple of them four or five. Holy shit. And while it's probably, I know who killed me. That one's hilarious. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. And while it's fun to hear you guys rip these movies new assholes, it would be a richer experience. Not this week. If I wanted to rip them to the US, you watched and my friends and I can play the home version of the game. Ah, yeah. So, um... We should try to find one that seems like... I mean, every time we pick a movie, we hope it's gonna be a good bad movie.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Well, this is what I'm saying. Like, we are hamstrung by what we've set out, which is to keep it relatively current. If we were pulling from the vast ocean of bad movies out there, there would be good bad movies. Oh, tons of them. And that's the reason. I actually, you know, host like bad movie nights that aren't related to the flop house where like,
Starting point is 00:40:34 there are- Dan basically doesn't watch any movies that aren't bad. Yeah. And I went back and I looked at all my invitations for those bad movie nights and I pulled a list of some of the more popular ones among the crowd so So here's a list of movies that I would recommend as
Starting point is 00:40:52 Good bad movies paparazzi. I move is awesome Shina that's fine stupid movie dream cashier Don't tell her it's me aka the boyfriend Yeah, I'm very is terrible Cobra sure great. That's a good movie though The garbage pale kids movie oh no That's an unpleasant film that is not a pleasant movie to sit through Too well-known bad movies the wicker Man remake and Xanadu
Starting point is 00:41:26 both went over very well. Yeah. Wicker Man remake. Yeah, it's so many punching of women. Hard ticket to Hawaii. Yeah, that's awesome. Any other Andy Cedaris film? Savage Beach. Yeah, have a lot, a lot of bazookas and fresh. No, not not the same thing, no Superman for what's his name for peace Superman for is pretty funny And sleepwalkers those all we're all popular choices. Do you guys have anything? Did you uh, didn't you put it? Did you watch the marine for one ear? I mean now is that was a good one. Oh, yeah, that one's awesome. I mean we watched it
Starting point is 00:42:02 But the happening I will always recommend as one of the funniest bad movies. Everything about it is bad, but it breezes by, and it's so stupid that it's just a lot of fun to watch. Yeah, I agree with that. And of course, we all love tango and cash. Oh, and tango and Cash is brilliant. Tangle and Cash is a movie that's so bad if it comes a great movie. I would agree with that.
Starting point is 00:42:32 It is. It is. Tangle and Cash is like the last great movie before irony stepped in and people realize the movies they're making were bad. And that they could like mitigate that by knowing it was bad. That was back when anyone who there everyone thought it was either gonna be the most kickass movie ever or they knew it was bad and they're just trying to get through it as quickly as possible while making it. Oh god, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's such a bad movie and that's even it's so funny even before for no reason at all the retarded genius inventor comes in and makes them a battle tank. Michael J. Paul. Oh, let a movie featuring Terry Hatcher as the stripper who doesn't take her clothes off. Yeah, a common figure in movies of the late 80s. That's true, yeah. And in my masturbatory fantasies. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:22 You're a gentleman even in those those I like to treat my ladies well I like to give them a treasure bath It's like gold coins and diamonds and shit like uncle uncle scrooge Uncle screw, well, I wouldn't do a dongle scrooge because he's a fucking duck man, but like No, like a hot chick Where like a shoulder-pand sport coat? Treasure yeah, no it feels good sounds like you get rust all over you come on It's treasure I
Starting point is 00:43:58 Clean that shit pretty well You see corroded might be like there might, it might be a little bit of bare degrees. What about amber grays? Probably not. That would be in a separate type of bath. All right, the one that keeps me young. The last email here is titled Get Smurfed. Oh boy, I think I know this is gonna be bad.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And it comes from my favorite flop fan. Wait, speaking of Ashley last name, what the hell? Wait, they're all that speaking of movies that are good bad movies. They're all these movies we wanted to watch that we haven't watched. Like what? Like old dogs.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Oh yeah. Where's that one? All right, what we're looking at? What? They're all these movies that come out and I say, I don't know what's there. I want a flop house that. Or like friends of mine will say,
Starting point is 00:44:42 oh, I saw this trailer in the first, like this new M Night Shyamalan movie, Devil. Right. devil right someone said to me the first thing I thought when I saw that was I can't wait to hear the flop house do something about it we gotta do something about those movies well that movie has not been released yet but I mean those we see movie that we see trailers all the time when we call the M night see if we'll send us an advance screen right when you guys start riding him down I mean come on yeah I you. I'll play your weight I Come here once to read two weeks and talk for an hour Why that's not pulling my weight? So actually writes I had the misfortune of seeing the trailer for the smurfs movie
Starting point is 00:45:14 I hope in front of Toy Story 3 my first thought was Did Elliott write this? It's so hack-tastic. It defies parity. Oh, and I'm a hack, huh? If smurfs can get made. I don't see how Ziggy's trying wall is Sean can't get man oh I forgot about Ziggy yeah you're right smurfs if smurfs is a success I'm going out I'm gonna go to Tom Wilson and give him that Ziggy pitch or I'll buy the rights to Ziggy myself I'll produce this movie it can't be that expensive it can be fairly expensive well I mean like and you but you do have like mountains of, uh, Oh no, I work in television, so I make an annual salary of about $30 billion a year. Sure.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Uh, but the thing about the Smurf's movie is, it does all the stupid things that Ziggy would do in my Ziggy movie, where it's like, for no reason at all, it's like, now they're in the real world, and there's, and they play a wild thing on the side. Yeah, actually, they play wild thing on the side. Yeah, they play wild thing at the end and and get smurfed is get smurf apostrophe D's just like this summer gets big. They still like it is. Yeah. It is very hacked. Is it like a beastmaster 2 through the portal of time or like the he-man movie where he man another master of the universe show up in the real world. Yeah, well that's because masters universe was a Jack Kirby's fourth world.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah, you have to assume that like Gargamel, like does some sort of spell. That sounds like Gargamel. You know, like Matt Hatton. I haven't seen the trailer so... It's just so dumb. It's like, why, how many of these things, like, they're gonna discover pizza and they're just gonna discover rock music and they're gonna have to drive a car. They're gonna discover rock music, like in fact.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Wait, how large are they? Are they like human sounds? They're tiny. But a pizza would be way too much food for a smart. Yeah, that's where the joke comes. They're trying to pick it up and then they're like, oh, this is delicious. At some point, someone's gonna open a pizza box
Starting point is 00:47:01 and see a smurf with a huge distended belly who burps inside it. Sure. I guarantee you. I guarantee you that's gonna happen. And there's gonna be a scene where they learn about modern music and they dance to it. Because every cute character in a movie loves rock and roll as soon as they hear it. But it's always the shittiest rock and roll that that time period can be.
Starting point is 00:47:20 There'll be some kind of sunglasses on that. Oh yeah. Maybe a backwards ballcare. Again, Ziggy would have done all these things. So you're rolling your eyes about that, but I remember a little scene in Remlins 2, where Gizmo dances to a pop song. Yeah, no, Gizmo likes those too.
Starting point is 00:47:39 That's the Hacking Part of Remlins. All right. So. But I also remember part in Remlinslins 2 where they do a busby Berkeley inspired musical number. But there's that other. There's that other. So many Randall sings start New York, New York. Hey, and Gremlins 2, that's the one with the the babe, the babe, the the hot Gremlins chick with the boobs and Robert Picardo and she falls in love
Starting point is 00:48:06 that's pretty awesome well apparently she's redeemable it is there is a movie like you're talking about those sexy duck women that you're talking about just then they want to give a treasure about yeah yeah like the chicken howard the duck in the opening opening scene where he's in sector walls and i'm like holy crap that's a naked duck like that that the end of the movie he is like,
Starting point is 00:48:25 okay, with the idea of having sex with a two-foot-tall monster that has just a head full of hair, red lips, and I guess boobs, no other female characteristics as far as we know. Well, we don't know. I think it's some like it hot, Ellie. It's exactly. It's like they have something like it hot.
Starting point is 00:48:41 They're both human beings. Well, that's why something like a hot is not a funny movie anymore Like large grasping hands would be in love is no longer a laughable proposition She does have large grasping hands I mean I'm not gonna say that like she'd be top of my list like top five or nothing, but okay Well, let's move but okay well let's move on and quickly let's do as a great movie by the way yeah I agree
Starting point is 00:49:09 let's talk to Ellie never had sex with a grandma you are missing out let's talk to Ellie a little bit about Comic Con you mean Comic Con International yes San Diego well Comic books brightest stars came out to shine at San Diego Comic Con International we had people in costumes and stuff and all sorts and I went as a bachelor party weekend, which was a lot of fun. And with a couple people. Stuart and I were, would have been able to go, by the way. If we were invited. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Well, I know that's not true about Dan McCoy. We didn't, you know, we didn't want to put the money in. That's all. Wait, I was invited. I don't want you to feel bad about it. That Elliot went without us. Anyway, go on. Anyway, I only groomsmen were invited.
Starting point is 00:50:13 That's why you weren't invited. Oh, OK. And I'm sure that you could have gone to Comic. Yeah, I mean, if I hadn't been in the haze of alcohol and regret and sadness, I probably would have realized that there's this comic book convention that all these fellows are going to. But the thing is, I didn't see a lot of the movie stuff at Comic Con. They had a lot of big announcements about like, who's going to be in the Avengers and the
Starting point is 00:50:38 Green Lantern stuff and Tron, Lila in the Tron legacy. And I didn't see that much of that. I was really focused on a lot of the comic book things. and They showed 20 minutes of a documentary that these guys are funding the guys who are making the documentary are also funding it themselves as a Like pro as a passion project. That's a documentary about Drew Struz in and he tells the story in it about Painting the poster for the thing where they called him up apparently and they said oh You know that 50s movie the thing what we're gonna remake it and he goes oh, that's great and they go okay Well, we need a poster for it and that's all the information that they gave him. So the reason you can't, and it's an amazing poster,
Starting point is 00:51:28 it's really good. But the reason that there's no details of anything in the posters, because he had no idea who was in the movie, what the movie was gonna be about, you know, any scenes from it. But that was exciting to see him. I also went to a panel featuring the room star director, producer, writer Tommy Wazoo,
Starting point is 00:51:48 who is exactly what you would want him to be, a crazy nut job. Who talks in a nearly incomprehensible accent and refuses to give any information about himself. He was the star of a short movie called The House That Trips Blood on Alex that was written and produced and directed by a sketch comedy team. And he and the, and the movie, and it was a fine short sketch comedy piece. Like there were some okay jokes in it, some jokes that didn't fall so well. Nothing special, but Tommy was O, then managed to completely take control of the panel, which was him, the other
Starting point is 00:52:25 people were in the movie, the sketch comedy group, and Joey Greco, the former host of Cheaters, who was also in the sketch comedy group, who's the moderator, and Tommy was O, just took control of the panel and didn't let go. Rightfully so. Rightfully so. Everyone was there to see him. It was a really rowdy audience, really loud, constantly cheering everything he said. Tom Hueso got so many applause breaks.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And I don't think he ever, and he was like, hey, these people like me. I better do silly things. But I don't think he ever realized like, these people are laughing at me. I am a freak to them, which made me feel kind of bad. But he took out, there was a long question and answer period. Someone would say, when you are making the room, what were you thinking about? And he would say, are you asking me me is this question for me is this for anyone like French all this I can't use that his accent is read I can't do it but he
Starting point is 00:53:13 weird beast European thing but he would always make everyone address him first to make sure that he they he knew it was the questions for him someone came and said uh Mr. Wazoh when he goes don't call me Mr. Wazoo. Call me Tommy or Wazoo. It was and uh, someone asked him where he was from and his answer was, no, move on next question. Every answer he ended up with, move on next question, uh, and the audience would applaud it for, because he was so rude. Someone asked him if there would be a sequel of the room and he said, well, you know, in America, anything is possible. USA. And everyone was chanting USA.
Starting point is 00:53:48 That chant returned over and over again. He, at one point, someone asked him, what do you eat for breakfast? Like what's it Tommy was oh breakfast? And he said, I'm sorry, say again. What, like, what do you eat for breakfast? I don't, and the guy actually said to him, you get up in the morning. You have something to eat. What do you eat? And he said, do a personal question, move on next question. He would not say what he is for breakfast. Other things that I learned, he plans, the room
Starting point is 00:54:16 will appear on Blu-ray and in 3D, Blu-ray will appear either before December or after January. He is still looking for a publisher for his- So wait. He's still- Do not in December or January. No, I think that's the Christmas plans. He's still looking for a publisher for his novel version of the room, which is over 600 pages. According to him, he was asked to recite a Shakespeare's sonics.
Starting point is 00:54:43 This is something he does at public appearances. And he Joey Greco do is okay. Do you give permission and Joey Greco said why don't we end the panel with the son it Which makes sense? It's a good way to end it and time was always actually I say I do give permission I will do it and he did it then he sent some asking heavy birthday, which he doesn't really know the words to so he had Everyone who said it was their birthday line up on the front of the room. Ask their names, saying Happy Birthday, and then said, you go over in that corner. Now I give you t-shirts, and he was throwing t-shirts at them, all well saying, I don't want to, I don't mean to steal the show, I'm not stealing the panel, while throwing t-shirts over his shoulder at these people. It was great. He gave an aspiring artist,
Starting point is 00:55:23 the, the, the, uh, wisdom that, uh, wisdom that she said what do you get say to other people who want to make movie their own movies and he says well you got to give 20% to get 100% you go 20 then 40 then 60 then 80 then 100 but you can't do just 20% has to be 100% that was his advice. I'm trying to think what are their amazing crazy things he said he was ridiculous worse on glasses the entire time even though it was nine o'clock at night indoors uh...
Starting point is 00:55:52 do you ever do you have a weird laugh he does throughout the room oh yes he did a lot of that and ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha He was, it was a beautiful night and he was crazy, you know everything about him was weird That those were the big I think flop-related highlights of the weekend. Okay. I Didn't see any like I didn't get to see the only celebrities I really saw were the kind of lower level ones that were signing at booths I saw Malcolm McDowell who looks very old. I saw John Sachsen who looks extremely old. And Brent Spiner who was doing everything he could to get people to pay attention to him. Michael Dorn was signing at a table and Brent Spiner walked up and went,
Starting point is 00:56:33 Hey, Wurf! Hey, Wurf! I'm a big fan! Hey, Wurf! Um... You know, it felt very comic book conventiony. But overall, the convention is such a big thing It's it's kind of sad because you have the whole convention hall one half of it is movies and toys and video games and the other half is comic books and You walk in on the movies and toys and video games side and it's so crowded It's super crowded and the closer you get to the comic book section the more the crowds thin out until at the time
Starting point is 00:57:02 You get the comic section you you walk around freely take your time Like there's just not as many people there, you know everyone wants to see you know All the all the latest news about the clash of the Titans DVD release, but you know or I JJ Abrams has a facility exactly I did sit through one panel I didn't originally plan to in order to see the venture brothers panel without waiting online I went ahead of time to the panel before it which was for the TV show leverage and I never realized there's so many diehard leverage fans apparently they love Timothy Hutton and all the stars of leverage and I watched 15 minutes of a new episode of leverage that they screened and And I gotta say, that show is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:57:45 It's about- Ridiculously good. It's, well, it was fun in the, this is stupid route way. Oh, it's a dumb show. I actually watch it, you know, it comes on religious numbers. It's fun. It was very fun. It was not part of a religious observance of any kind.
Starting point is 00:57:58 No, it's not a high one. It's not a high one. My DVR. Our first wedding is a very, it's also very dopey show. But that's the other thing about Comic Con is you're constantly bumping into groups of people who are rabid, rabidly in love with something you have never heard of or know nothing about. And they know every detail about this thing, they run their lives by it, they love it,
Starting point is 00:58:17 they can't wait to see more, and you know nothing about it. Like the show leverage, all I knew were the print ads, which showed a giant tied up on the ground while Timothy Hutton kind of smirked at the camera. So I assumed it was about guys who fight giants. But these people they know all the episode titles they know the characters they can't wait to see what's going to happen. They really want to know when the leverage role playing game was coming out and Will Wheaton who was on the panels that he was very excited about that too. That's awesome. Well I was excited going to that. It was, I had so much fun at this panel for a show I don't watch.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Well, we need to wrap it up because the computer can only handle so much for it crashes. Maybe we'll tease out some more comic-con stories in the future. But for now, I didn't even talk about all the slutty costumes. No, me and we'll talk about that. We will talk about that later, but for now I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I think I'm Elliot Kaylen. Good night. Is that the start of his memoir? Memoir? Memoir. Memoir. It's called Memoirs of a Geisha. Memoirs of an invisible wall. Of a Gisha? Yeah, that's a Gisha.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yes, right? I get it. Exactly what that is. Get it? Oh man, I just said I got it. I need to power up. Do you need me here? You're so cute.

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