The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #73 - Devil

Episode Date: January 22, 2011

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme0:33 - 36:30- Sure M. Night Shyamalan makes amazing Flop House movies as a director and as a writer, but can he bring that same anti-magic as a producer?36:31 - 38:...18- Final judgments38:19 - 39:25 - Pause for station identification39:26 - 44:55 - The Flop House Movie Mailbag44:56 - 51:02- The sad bastards recommend (Including a very special fantasy recommendation)51:03 - 54:38 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss Devil, the scariest elevator themed horror movie since the lift. Hey everyone and welcome to the Flop House, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And here he comes, your pal and mine, Elliot Caelan. So Elliot, you're back, you were gone last week. I was gone last week. I assume you were overcome with excitement because of NBC's The Cape. Oh, I was so excited. That was why you missed it. I was excited about the show. I was excited about their marketing campaign where they draped capes over statues in New York. Is that true? Yeah. Wow. I was I was living when upon walking past Prospect Park in Brooklynlyn there on the stately statue of mr strana hand the man who
Starting point is 00:01:07 made the park possible was a cape cloaked over him and you you went and you beat christopher to death and i was only later that you discovered that it was not happened yeah that's exactly what happened uh... it's a shame luckily you uh... you went into christos history and you're like you know what he committed some kind of a history and you were like, you know what? He committed some kind of a crime and you deserve being murdered by you. He killed people with umbrellas. He did kill one person with an umbrella.
Starting point is 00:01:34 No, I'm not joking. So, in a way, Christo is the closest the real world has come to the penguin. Because he accidentally killed someone with an umbrella once. Notify the art world and write up thesis about that. Um, Salvador Dolly was obviously the Joker. Um, yeah, the Riddler on the say Jasper Johns, who was Clayface. Clayface was August Rodan. Okay, who was killer crock? Killer crock was Jackson Pollock the ridler the ridler I think Jasper Johns maybe a ring with maybe a rename agree that's what we started with okay boy's night he was George O'Keefe okay Razaogul Razaogul probably that's a tough
Starting point is 00:02:21 one two-face two-face was there's a really hideous looking artist Not really a Batman villain though they did fight All right, okay, so we had some last night. See you later Hold on I'm gonna talk about a movie the G. Smith strike up the closing music So you can all hug each other guys guys, guys, we watched a movie together. Did we? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I mean, it was what? You probably forgotten it already because it was a sleek 80 minutes long. Yeah, less than that if you don't count the credits. Yeah. It was like a, like a Mashes of a horror episode. Except there was no mastery and no horror. It was a movie about a devil on the elevator and it should have been called devil on the elevator It was this was a movie called devil. It should have been called either
Starting point is 00:03:11 Hella Vader or devil Vader or Ella devil or something like devil Vader like Darth Vader. Yeah, but devil Ella devil is like a cartoon character like the daughter of the devil. Yeah, that's good point But it should have been called a elevator. I think that would have let people guess who the identity of which elevator occupant was the devil. But doesn't that imply that the elevator is hell? It's just an elevator's taking them to hell. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah, it's like that movie. The Angel Heart. Yeah, that one. Yeah, exactly. The movie, the elevator to hell. Well, there's elevator to the gallows, the French crime movie. There's exit through the gift shop. There's exit through the gift shop.
Starting point is 00:03:54 If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium, or whatever that movie's called. There's Castle Blanca. All movies with the places in them. There's, let's see, city lights as city. Public enemies. Public enemies. And public enemy. Okay. That's two list making digressions in the first 10 minutes of this episode of the vlog. Obviously we loved the film. So, Ellie, you're back from your vacation. And Let me tell you, let me tell you, I listened to the killers podcast and was horrified at what it take you a half hour to summarize that movie. Well, that's not bad mouth, our fine guest, King Luther Hernandez. I'm not blaming the guest. You guys have been doing
Starting point is 00:04:37 this for years. Okay. Wait, did we do a podcast with that, Elliot? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What was it about? Killer's with Echon Kutcher and Catherine Hagell. I don't know, I think you're making it so. Oh, and also, who was it, Bert Reynolds? Tom Sallie? Tom Sallie, the other one. The other mustache. Yeah. Oh, okay, devil.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Here's the thing. It's a very simple plot, so hopefully this won't take too long. Yeah. Five people get on an elevator. What? It sounds like a hilarious joke. All day. Look, watch him go, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Three men, two women. There's a security guard, a mysterious quiet tough guy man, and an irritating talk-a-mile-a-minute mattress salesman. Of the women, there's an old woman and a young woman. That's the extent of their character. You got a nice mix. You got a mix up people. And the security guards black. So it's a nice
Starting point is 00:05:27 wrong Whitman sampler. It's a cross section of America. Yeah. Oh, well Philadelphia at least. Yeah, it's true. And takes place in Philadelphia. I was hoping for the Philly Phanatic. Ben Franklin. You're such a better movie. An elevator. Rocky, the Philly Phanatic, and Ben Frank, littered Trapped. Ben Frank was trying to invent his way out of it. Rocky's trying to punch his way out.
Starting point is 00:05:53 The Philly Phanatic's is trying to keep them going. And he climbs onto a novelty-sized tractor and rides around. But we know it's Philadelphia because the opening credits show us a city escape of Philadelphia upside down. What is that? It's like, yeah, what doesn't mean Dan? It means that they got tacked Fuji, tacked Fuji Moto to do the cinematography. And that's one thing I have to say for this movie is that it looks much better than the movies we usually watch. That's true, it's a bad movie, but it looks nicer. The cinematography level is crisp and sharp and atmospheric.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And do you think that was helped at all by the fact that M. Night Shyamalan did not direct this movie, but instead produced it, right? It's possible. The length is certainly helped by that. He would have stretched this out to two hours easy. And this was produced by M. Night Shyamalan's company, which is what called what the night chronicles? I don't know whether that's the name of his company or that's
Starting point is 00:06:47 just what he's decided to call this series of movies that he has come up with the stories for. This is apparently the first and like three of them. Well, let me tell you they are off with the bang, starting with the winner, not. Oh, wow. Copyright Wingsworld. So these five people are in an elevator. Yeah, starting with the winner not oh wow copyright wins world So these five people are in an elevator The elevator stops to junk. Oh, no, they're trapped. They immediately lose their shit
Starting point is 00:07:17 Let me tell you a true story Monday morning I was trapped in a subway tunnel for almost two hours. I was on a train My regular ride to work the train left the station got not all the way to the next station stop. Someone must have pulled the emergency brake or the emergency brake went off by accident. Train was knocked a little bit off the tracks, couldn't get pulled back. They had to bring another train in to pull it back into the last station so we could all get out this took almost two hours at no point during that time did anyone scream at anybody else try to kill anyone there were no blows traded nobody revealed any dark secrets about themselves now I'm gonna back you up on the story this Monday was Martin Luther King day so what you're saying is that you are a racist no I'm saying that my bosses are racist and I had to work on Martin Luther King day Okay, well you heard it for you. Well perhaps it was perhaps it was the ghost the daily show
Starting point is 00:08:10 It was the ghost of MLK pushing the train off the tracks anger that you were not honoring him appropriately. Yeah any who So let me just say these wait I'm gonna stop you right here So let me just say these was wait. I'm gonna stop you right here. Okay. Was there a devil on your subway to if there was we never found out because we probably your day because he was trying to get to an elevator somewhere uptown. I've got people I'm supposed to be killing in it because of their sins around about way. So there's five people in this elevator. The elevator stops. They instantly turn on each other. Suddenly the lights go out and one of the and one in this elevator, the elevator stops, they instantly turn on each other.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Suddenly the lights go out and one of the women, the young woman, when the lights go on, her back is all bloody, she thinks something bit her. Oh no, she's been attacked. Which one of the people in the elevator did it? They don't know. Suddenly the people in the elevator start dying one by one. Meanwhile, we saw a person, before the credits, someone jumps to their death out of this very building. And there's a police officer investigating that. He gets pulled into the investigation of this elevator, which the maintenance crew, the building and the security guards, the building one take incredibly not seriously. They're literally watching people
Starting point is 00:09:20 go crazy on the security monitor and a stuck elevator and they're like, huh, I guess they're really going nuts in there. Yeah. Okay, well, that's what happens. People get scared in elevators. Anywho. And they've got one maintenance guy who apparently runs everything for this at least 39 story building. Yeah, well, there's like at least three security guards.
Starting point is 00:09:39 They have two security guards in the front desk, two in the monitor room, and then one maintenance man for a skyscraper. Yeah. A building that literally is scraping the sky. There are bloody and wrong. Yeah, there are a whole floors on this skyscraper that have not been cleaned. Yes. And the computers have been down.
Starting point is 00:10:00 You know, it's a mess. Here's what usually happens, I feel like when an elevator shuts down, they open the doors for the floor above the elevator. Everyone gets out of the top of the elevator and they climb out through those open doors. Yeah, it's hard to tell us anything. Yeah, in this one, that is not, apparently not possible. Apparently, there are no elevator doors
Starting point is 00:10:20 between the 38th floor and like what, the second floor. So the firefighters have to come in and start literally drilling through the walls. And they do address this, it's an express elevator. So there are no entrances apparently. Oh, I missed that part. Yeah. But you were probably talking about the day you had.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I was probably just, I was biting into a Madeline at the time. So I was just remembering things that happened in my past when my family was younger. It is strange however. How they do open the top of the elevator but then like that's abandoned like they could climb out. They decide it's not worth it. Anyway the one of the security guards is Hispanic so that means he's a devout Catholic. And he believes that the devil is...
Starting point is 00:11:08 He believes in LDAPLOW. Yes, he saw on the security monitor, it was a flicker. Is it like a sandwich that gives you heartburn? At participating realtors, yes, or retailers. The participating realtors probably also give you sandwiches. I guess that they're open houses. It's part of our Centri-21 spicy sandwich program. You buy a house and you get a free sandwich. 16, 16 sub. Or you buy a 16 sub and you get a house. Wow. In this, in this housing market, listen. Any, so he saw a flickering image on one of the screens of what appeared to be,
Starting point is 00:11:44 I don't know what a yelling face like a bloody face I don't know. Yeah, it's a face. I think I could say a meal from from event horizon after he rips his eyes out. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Do a movie from 1997 that you're not gonna see. It's not gonna be Bob from Twin Peaks. It's not clear. Yeah, it could be anybody. Bob from Twin Peaks. Yeah, we're mixing universes. Come on. I thought we were doing out of date references. Oh, okay, yeah, that makes sense. Uh, what was it? Oh, so the security guard
Starting point is 00:12:14 assumes the devil is at play. There's been this kind of field of the Lord. This occasional narration from that character, but we don't know it at first explaining that when he was a kid His mom told him the devil would sometimes toy with people before taking their souls to hell and Every choice we make leads us to this moment when the devil takes us and blah blah blah. So anyway Guess what? Yeah, it's the devil in the elevator. That's what happens It turns out everyone in the elevator has a sinister crime they committed. And the police officer who's involved is recovering alcoholic because years ago his mother, his mother, his wife and son were killed in a hit and run accident. And so
Starting point is 00:12:56 he's overcoming that is the guy who committed the hit and run in the elevator. Spoiler alert, yes. And it is H the Beavon the Elevator die one by one, which one of the people in the elevator spoiler alert yes and it is each the beabend the elevator die one by one which one of the people in the elevator is the devil could it be the black security guard could it be the young guy could it be the old woman well which one is it gonna be if you were making a movie I was gonna make the movie legion the devil would be the old woman well also in the movie devil so and At the last minute after much non-scary hard on I'd normally assume it was gonna be
Starting point is 00:13:37 The security guard because that would be a role reversal because he's supposed to be protecting us You know, yeah security guard well Elliot also guess the security guard because he's a racist because he didn't go to Didn't stay home on MLK. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Yep Yikes anyway, this is a good meme to run with that I'm a racist Trying to make me out to be some sort of malicious error I forgot you were an anti-government militia nut with hooks for hands Anyway What sauce for the goose? It's never heard that one.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Okay, so everybody dies. Everyone dies except one guy. The granny? No, the granny is the devil. Okay. Except the guy who killed the cops, the devil would be a better title movie too. The guy who killed the cops family confesses his sins over a walkie-talkie so the devil can't take him anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:28 He's being taken away by the cop who is being taken to police station by the cop who's family killed in the cops' that was my family. And you know all these years I've been thinking of what I was going to say to you, but you know what? I forgive you. And the narration reminds us that if the devil exists that means God also exists. Oh and also we see some of the worst police work in the history of movies. Good night everyone. Good night. That's devil. A trim 78 minutes of crap. So this was this was a horror movie right? Yeah. It's supposed to be but it's not. So it's a horror movie that begins with a Bible quote. Not only a bad sign. If you're watching a movie and you see a Bible quote,
Starting point is 00:15:06 open up the movie, probably a bad sign. Yeah. Especially a horror movie. Oh, it's me. Oh, it's me. Well, I'm also, I mean, something, but I can't think of any. I'm not against.
Starting point is 00:15:16 If it's a Western, it might be okay. Okay, yeah. But if it's a horror movie, automatically gonna be bad. Then there's a whole bunch of this, as you were mentioning, narration narration like you have this narrator telling us all about you know Jesus magic and shit and
Starting point is 00:15:32 Like telling us what we're going to see like why we should be scared of an elevator and it's so irritating and not scary Yeah, sorry. It's not scary when a movie tells you why you should be scared Now I'm just gonna say like I also i don't mind a horror movie ending with uh... some hope like i like it should be hard one hope but i like all our movie where people actually come out on the other side there's like too many nihilistic horror movies i feel like but uh...
Starting point is 00:15:59 but i don't like horror movies where it's kind of like oh well you know you've actually been sort of, yeah, a benevolent force has been looking out for you this entire time, or like something like ghost stories where it's like, oh, you know, what the ghosts are just confused souls who need to be laid to rest. Like anything where it's like- My footprints on the sand, I was carrying you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:23 The horror story of walking out of each with Jesus. Like you shouldn't walk away. I think from a horror story being like, oh, that's a nice, it's a nice Sunday school message for me. Yeah. You made me, I forgot about the part where you're writing me about the, as to help back up his case, the security guard notes that kids fall down all the time and almost hit their heads on tables why don't they hit their heads on tables more often and also he drops a piece of toast on the ground and it lands jam side down so he says oh no i assume it's a part of the there's a mini kitchen
Starting point is 00:16:56 we didn't really find out about that smugglers has an office in the building well that's like the most the most interesting part of the movie for me was the maintenance guy is going through like the tunnels underneath the building and he sees a raccoon for a minute and I was like how did raccoon get in there and I really would have loved to just I wish the camera had then panned over the raccoon and then the next hour was just that raccoon going about his business washing his food, knocking over trash cans, you know, what do you have like a little like a little raccoon style house down there like I would love that like the fantastic Mr. Fox but better yeah, and there's like a little like like a little raccoon style house down there? Like I would love that like the fantastic mr. Fox but better. Yeah, and there's like a little like a little rat that has like a new stand that he sells. And he can be like a he could be his job could be a robber because raccoons are the robbers of the animal. And there's a cranky old possum. Because they wear down his robberies. And they knock and they steal from trash cans. Oh, yeah, I just thought it was a payroll based
Starting point is 00:17:48 It's partly a parallel Not wearing masks for real. No, that's that's not just the coloration around the eyes. Oh, okay. I thought that was a mask They were they can't so I was wondering who's putting those masks Yeah, they don't have opposable thumbs So they did they get them all well hands uh... any who so he said he drops his toast and it falls jelly side down goes oh no
Starting point is 00:18:11 it never falls jelly side down so the movie that's not true the movies prove as to why there is a god and the devil is now in effect is one kids never hit their heads on tables when they fall which is not true happen to me to let's go but the devil is around that i must have well i'm not a believer so that must have been it and to uh... toast never falls with the jam side down
Starting point is 00:18:34 yeah well done that this is just a test this is it looks like uh... you know it's like uh... in ghost busters they have the uh... you pay the k-meter and ghost busters they have the uh... you pay he uh... pk-e meters and so like this similar thing for the devil that's at least you jammed up you dropped this jam that sucker out
Starting point is 00:18:55 this jam shit out of it and it lands jam side down devil at least the pk is the is the thinnest veneer of science like just dropping jam on that but it's also it's based on a fallacy the idea that toast never lands jimside down which does all the time well but that's when the devil's right
Starting point is 00:19:15 where i had a little you should have had some jam and some toast when you were stuck on that train just to test and see the devil's that the devil is probably behind all that there was someone wearing Prada yeah where to get the the whole the jam toast thing is that in the bible I think it's in yeah I think it's in Matthew sure it's Matthew 10 jam it's in it's in it's in it's in condiments to chapter 10 verse jam yeah that's weird but it's it's so it's a dumb movie yeah there's a lot of it's so to done movie.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah, there's a lot of the security guards telling the maintenance guy to go up and down and up and down. It feels so bad for the maintenance guy. It's a movie where his name is Dwight. Dwight, yeah. And I know it is because they calm by his name every time they talk to him. Now, if you were going to tell me that I was going
Starting point is 00:20:04 to watch a movie about a bunch of people stuck in the elevator and the devil haunting them, I would imagine more of the movie would be shot in the elevator. You would try and build up the claustrophobia of being stuck in this space and basically you're getting to know every inch of their confines. But any chance of this claustrophobia is taken out by like, you know, going to see what this police officer is doing outside of the building or what are these security guards doing, watching this amazingly high definition security camera. What's going on the lobby?
Starting point is 00:20:36 You've never felt trapped. Yeah. Which would be the first thing you think you'd do exactly. Yeah. Speaking of the lobby, I was very distressed by the fact that the police officer tells them to evacuate the entire building, but not to let anyone leave. So we are to believe that the entire populace of this skyscraper, again, scraping skies, as you said, fits within the lobby comfortably in the lobby. That's the thing, even if you had like the elevators getting crowded and then you at least moved to the lobby comfortably in the lobby. That's the thing, even if you had like the elevator's getting crowded and then you at least move to the lobby. Oh good. Then the lobby is filled with people and people in the lobby start getting it feeling claustrophobic. You could
Starting point is 00:21:12 have had different kind of levels of claustrophobia moving like no area is safe. You're in close right? I don't know. It breaks down the lobby. Exactly. But everyone's very docile and every it's one of those movies where they're docile until the old security guard who accidentally electrocute himself stumbles in stumbles in like trailing like a smoke cloud but even then they deal with it pretty easily like everyone's like oh my god oh well that's over like well his his smoking body is still there and he's smoking hot but uh well they're excited because they knew that they're going to have a blue out. They're going to pull some meat right off the bone. Wow. Long pig. What?
Starting point is 00:21:50 But it like, it's a movie. It's one of these movies where there's never any complication that's caused by the plot. The only thing that stops everyone from solving the problem is their own incompetence. Over and over again. The devil is the is the antagonist magic. Over and over again. The devil is the antagonist. Magic, and he has magic. And he has magic. But you never get the feeling that this cop is really good at his job, and there's just
Starting point is 00:22:11 too much complication, and it's too much difficulty. It's always like, this is a bad cop. He's not really good at his job. They should have just sent people to get these guys out of the elevator earlier. Also all the scares are of the lights go out and you hear a lot of like smashing sounds and then the lights go on and someone's dead. Yeah, well I want to address that in a moment, but the converse of the bag cop though is like the ridiculousness of this highly religious security guard.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Security guard where he's the character who's there to make huge leaps that no one would. He's like, okay, there's a face on this security tape and people are getting mad at each other. So the devil might must be around and obviously the way to combat the devil is to get these people to face up to their own flaws and maybe become better people. And I don't know, I don't think the I don't think the security guard saw anything to support these wild surmises. Well, again, this is the guy who thinks that the jam toast-money jam side up is a sign that God is watching out for us. I have to say, and if like if God is really looking out for most pieces of toast with jam on them. Just give it, we don't need it that bad.
Starting point is 00:23:26 His eyes on the sparrow. So, I know he watches toast. But there are huge problems like in Haiti or, you know, the Sudan that he could go help with instead of watching out for the toast. It's busy with toast. And kids and tables. And kids and tables. Everyday miracles, Elliot. That's just another ordinary miracle today.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It's like an in-getties calendar. Every day miracles. Kids magically transmuted into fruit and bugs. It's amazing. Yeah. I always imagine them doing it like a TV show about in- Gettys and like it's very mysterious the whole time and then they reveal at the end and Gettys is a giant baby You've learned the horrible secret of Ann Gettys. I would like to see a calendar where the
Starting point is 00:24:22 The insect babies are feeding off of the food babies. It's a scary calendar because the idea that you can just crack open a watermelon and find a sleeping baby inside. That's frightening. Yeah, what are you supposed to do in that situation? I'd throw it out. The first thing you do is get rid of it. Yeah, maybe take it back to the market and ask for a refund.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah, you can't take that baby to the police because they're not gonna, it's gonna be like a devil's situation, they're not gonna buy your story. Yeah, exactly. Sure, you're found in a watermelon. Oh, tell me another one. Who the other one on my left? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Because the guy with the watermelon's also Irish. Then I see the thing. You found the watermelon's also Irish Then I see that the watermelon is very common Irish fruit. Yeah, yeah I got it soon that like the farmer's son was masturbating in the fields And that somehow impregnated the watermelon. Okay. So I got brother's Grimm sort of thing exactly a woman pulled a watermelon she she landed on a watermelon and it jumped on it and egg it somehow made its way into the watermelon. Well the eggs are like one cell and they start to easily slip in through the crack of the shell of a watermelon. And then the baby you just fed on the sweet watermelon. I think I'm like a skull shell. What a you don't call it a water melon shell. Crack that shell open and send some water melon. Oh baby. Some hard boiled water melon.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I think I think the next night Chronicles movie should be about babies watermelons. Yeah baby melon babies. I mean, we've basically described the cabbage patch kids. Yeah, that's right. But that was babies with cabbages on them. Yeah, completely different. Do you think they're legally different? Anyway, no, what I was going to say about the lights going out of them up,
Starting point is 00:26:21 it's I don't know what the like the devil's MO was so strange to me in this movie because it's like it got a struggle he seems to be really keen on killing them he just goes in and like goes into a building and messes things up for the business but it's like killing them all agatha christie ten little Indian style I guess I guess you know like the devil's getting off on sewing discord or he likes to toy with mortals yeah but then at the end, as we pointed out, she really, oh yeah, the devil in the movie is a woman, and there's that movie
Starting point is 00:26:50 the devil is a woman. But at the end, as we pointed out, she reveals herself to the last survivor, giving him a chance to redeem himself by asking the devil to take him instead of the woman, and then confessing his sins and which you know like later gives the sin against a chance to forgive him and I don't know why the devil would do that if the devil was perfectly happy just killing everyone earlier in the film because the devil Realizes the movie is almost over. Okay, and he's got to do something she's got to do something different This is part of the elaborate chess game. Well, they even like, but there's even that voice over point where they're
Starting point is 00:27:29 like, and the last victim is always murdered in front of the person. They love them most. Oh, yeah. So maybe, yeah, yeah, they totally did that. Yeah, to make Sinek's out of us. That's why they explain why that, that, that like the guy's fiance showed up right in the right of the very end. Yeah, right. You know The one with all the tattoos on her neck. Yeah, the girl who played the fire. So what you're saying So what you're saying is um That voiceover was just there to paper over holes in the plot. Yes. I would say yes. Yeah explain arbitrary rules So that the movie could exist. Yeah, I mean, that's the, I'm assuming the main point of the the voiceover is A to cover over any plot holes
Starting point is 00:28:14 and B, try and tell us why we're scared and like try and build up the tension of certain scenes and otherwise would be really boring. And it took explain the rules this universe. I mean, that's papering over the holes, but and a more positive spin to put on that would be just to explain the rules of the game, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I tried to buy you in real life. But they like the, but yeah, it's, I think he's supposed to be, it first, it seemed
Starting point is 00:28:37 like he's just building the tension up like, my mama told me that devil comes for people. And it's like, y'all. And also, it's like the beginning of legion too right uh... their voice over like my mom always said yeah that's right kill me if i'm some day god will decide to get rid of all the people and wipe them out and i said okay and then it didn't then it didn't because movie legion that's another movie that took itself way too seriously this one takes itself very seriously yeah for a silly as silly as it is. It is a movie about the devil killing people in an elevator.
Starting point is 00:29:11 That's the idea. It is a silly premise. It's the gold elevator. At first it seems like it's going to be a movie about how quickly we turn against each other, but it isn't. Yeah. The devil seems pretty powerful, just magic-wise in this movie, and yet it needs to draw people together into a confined space for easy slaughter. Yeah, well he is. He's picked off people. It's just more convenient that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So if I can make an excuse for all these people to come to this one building, my afternoon will be off. Well, if I can- It doesn't have to travel as much. If I, it's like, I can go If I it's like I can go all these stores Or I can go to Target and get all the stuff I need in one stop that'll take less time. Yeah, this is why this is why the mom and pop devils are getting killed off It is a it is a movie that tells you that If the devil needs to trap you before it can get to you, you know, they're very powerful with maybe, there's maybe, okay, maybe I'm reading too much
Starting point is 00:30:07 into mythology of the movie devil. Maybe it's postulating a universe with many different kinds of devils, with powers or controls over different areas. This is a different elements. Exactly, one of those elements, elevators. Or perhaps vertical travel. So that would be a elevator vendor?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yes, he's an elevator vendor exactly, which gives him the power to stop elevators and kill people in elevators. Yeah, right. Elevastopolis. So it's like that book, The God of Small Things, with the reverse. Yeah, the devil of elevators. Yeah. The devil of small spaces, parentheses, particularly elevators. So, and what was the significance of the suicide at the very beginning? That they never really explained. Oh, yeah. I want to talk, I want to talk a moment about this because, so, um, that's also, wait, there's a, the movie opens with someone jumping their death out of this building. They jump through a window. There's a big hole, there's a big the movie opens with someone jumping their death out of this building. They jump through a window. There's a big hole in the window, huge,
Starting point is 00:31:08 size of a person. And the maintenance guy's like, I'm just up here fixing this hole in the window, they don't put two and two together that someone jumped through the window till later, even though there's a suicide note right there that they read later in the movie. Well, speaking of that suicide note, I wanted to say, so there's an actress in this film, Caroline,
Starting point is 00:31:26 Caroline DeVerna, who I have a crush on from the, she was on the show, Wonder Falls. And she has, Iish literally, three lines in the whole film. But she's in, she's in, she does a couple different things. One, she stands around the corner. She walks by, and other times she's standing there drinking coffee. Yeah. And the third time, she finds that letter. Right. I kind of understand
Starting point is 00:31:48 your crush now. But she only gives you little bits. Oh yeah. He's an overstair welcome. Teases you. But her character talks to the main detective about this suicide note. She's like, sure, eyebrows, widows, peek guys. It's weird. This note ends with, I can hear the devil's footsteps behind me. Isn't that strange? Usually, suicide notes are either rational all the way through or crazy all the way through.
Starting point is 00:32:19 But she somehow thinks that ending a suicide note with, I can hear the devil's footsteps behind me is a crazy way to end a suicide note. Someone who's going to kill themselves and presumably feels bad about something in the suicide note in that way and that that that that that peaks her interest somehow. She seems to think that she takes it literally instantly. Yeah, like if you read a suicide note, everyone believes the devil except for our main hero. If you... He starts believing in like halfway through there. He starts picking it up eventually. If you read a note like that, or like even if someone sent you an email and was like, oh, like...
Starting point is 00:32:58 I gotta go, devil, footsteps are behind me. Or like, you know, God willing, this will happen. You're not gonna be like, that's weird. Like, why would she start talking about God in this will happen. You're not gonna be like, that's weird. Like, why would she start talking about God in this email? Like people use metaphorical language all the time, you know? But especially if it's their last words on this earth. Yeah, people never try to be overly flowery
Starting point is 00:33:17 or creative in their final moments. There's more than one way to skin a cat. What are you doing taking the skin off of cats? No, no, no, just, and just. I was he's oh, okay. Oh Never mind. I'm a forensic scientist She has a disease where she takes everything literally is what you're saying. Yes. I think so, but yeah, I don't know that we are Kissing yeah like mono yeah, okay, or tons Toms are communicated through kissing
Starting point is 00:33:41 Yeah, or tons. Tons are communicated through kissing. Gross. Gross. You know what, you're gonna care for kissing. I only do it through a dental dam. He only does it in Eskimo style. Only does it through a Hoover dam. What's that with?
Starting point is 00:33:56 By only eating meat or? Yeah, it's Cennican involved. You have to be very cold. You lay down on a dog's wood. Layin lay down a thick layer of whale blubber. I'm with you. And slide towards the other. And involves using a spear and scrimshawer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:18 These are all stereotypical Eskimoethi. Wait, we're not done. And they have 400 words for it. Yeah. And done. Well, the, yeah, we never find, I don't think we ever found out why that person committed suicide. It was like, they needed a shocking, like a shot to start the movie. So they have someone plummet to their death. But then it was like, it was left over from the happening. Kind of, yeah. They just forget about it. They just got done watching the happening.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And we're like, I'm done with this shit. This is the height of human creativity. I don't need to see anything else. It'll all be downhill from you. Yeah. Have you ever seen the internet video on YouTube where it's that scene from the happening and every time a body falls,
Starting point is 00:35:00 it's rainy man plays for like a couple seconds. That's the good. Thank you, YouTube. Nice work, YouTube. Right up there with the different strokes video where they put scary music over the opening credits. So it looks like Conrad Bane is kidnapping two children. It's the best video on YouTube. I saw this one where... Was there a cute cat involved?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Oh, wait, you already saw that one? Yeah i was there a cute cat involved oh wait you already saw that one yeah okay that was good so guys uh... i think we might have covered what else is there to say about devil i would say and i'd shaman stick to your day job of directing except he makes bad movies as a as a director to
Starting point is 00:35:42 this felt like a night uh... shaman movie yeah it did. I don't know what else to say. There's a twist kind of. Movies where the point of the movie is that everything is part of a larger plan and every choice you make is leading you up
Starting point is 00:35:56 to a predetermined moment. I'm not a big fan of those. Yeah, I don't find them that scary because I don't know. Like, I don't know. Like, the idea of like, I don't find them that scary because I don't know like I don't know like the idea of like I'm only being killed because I did something bad like that's stupid like I'm I didn't do anything bad so I'm not worried about a devil coming in and you know you're blameless and innocent as the newborn driven lambs. Yeah, absolutely. The range you fall upon the the good and bad range of fall upon the uh... the good and bad uh... equally
Starting point is 00:36:24 we're saying yeah yeah and by rain i mean devil elevators devil vaders yeah okay so that's your final judgments a good bad movie a bad bad movie or movie actually hello devil but that was
Starting point is 00:36:38 to have a hell with your final uh... words on this well the movie was really fast uh... now I didn't like this at all. I particularly don't care for horror movies that seem to actively try to make itself not scary, and this movie was that type of movie. So not scary, not good, bad. I'm gonna... We've seen so many bad, bad movies lately. I might be greeting on a curve, but I'm gonna say that for me This was a good bad movie because it did zip along Except for all the boring parts, which there were Legion. Yeah, but it was like except for the movie. It's very short and You know the cinematography was nice. So it wasn't a pain to look at that's true
Starting point is 00:37:23 And you had a crush on that one chick. and she was around on the corners, and there were ridiculous things like the Dremt test for Devils. Yeah, that sounds way funnier than it is in the movie though. Yeah. And there was a raccoon, you thought that was cool. You like that part? That was me. Oh, I got you both wearing glasses to my head.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Sure. I don't know what you have to say. I, yeah, I don't know. It's a yeah it's a bad bad movie but not quite as bad as some of the other ones we've seen recently. I'd rather watch this than the last airbender but it's still a bad bad movie. I had high hopes that it would be a crazy silly movie but it turned out to be kind of boring and like there's a few silly things but not enough of them and maybe we should have done gooby
Starting point is 00:38:08 after all yeah we're talking about doing gooby like up the trailer for that people maybe next time it's a little bit more like a bear with the voice of Robby Coltrane yeah Hi, it's Dan here. If you like listening to the Plot House, why not visit us on the web at where you can find show notes, videos, fan art and links to Wikipedia synopsies of all the Plot House films so you can play along at home. If you're looking for more Flop House stuff, check out our Facebook page where you can
Starting point is 00:38:50 discuss the show with other fans, or subscribe to our Twitter feed at the Flop House Pod. Your support helps us build an audience so if you like the show, why not vote for us at Podcast Alley, or subscribe to the show on iTunes. And while you're there, take a moment to write a review. Links for everything can be found on the webpage. Lastly, we love hearing from you, so if you have thoughts, feedback or suggestions, let us know at the Flothouse Podcast at Now back to the show.
Starting point is 00:39:26 There's a couple of Couple of letters here letters. We get letters Not letters This one is in regard to I believe the Which one is the which one I don't know man you're the one with the letter hold on which we don't read these ahead of time before Killers what did we do oh? There wasn't a vendor was it maybe was it I think this is in response to the airbender episode
Starting point is 00:39:54 Some night Shyamalan again the Swaminam which included the said me things about him that one time. I think he's about From this case night story nom. Yeah, yeah, this is a, I believe in regard to that podcast, which was a one of our crazier. And he's Mark Klasnay withheld says, love this one guys. There've been times I've wanted to send email on many occasions, but the rambling inside Convose were great. I know others probably hate it, but the nutty mind of your friend Mark loved every second.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Great, I don't remember what we did. I think we were all high on life. I think that was the one that involved a long side conversation about Bryce Downes Howard, nude in the back of the board, because you know, that didn't make any sense. I mean, this brings up a good point because I think we enjoy the craziness, the digressions. There's some out there, I've heard from some people who wish we would stay more on target. To me, I've always thought of this as a... Well, we just talked about devil for a half hour or so. I've always thought of this as a podcast that's mainly about stupid comedy, and we watch a movie
Starting point is 00:41:08 to give us an excuse to talk about something. I think people can weigh in on this, maybe, the other questions. I think people can complain about our silly moments, or the same sort of people who need an entire hour and a half of a movie to be convinced that all they need is a little bit of laughter to make their life better. Like a magical fairy has to show up and make that person enjoy life because they're too busy. It's quite a leap. I don't know. It's a, you're saying like, they're like a stodgy account.
Starting point is 00:41:37 The working man who doesn't leave enough time for his family. Yep. Right. You know, he's just got to be silly for once. Not care what his neighbors think. Yeah. But it's really tough for him to get over that like he can't he should not care about his high-powered job that's providing for him and for the wellness of his loved ones and maybe he's involved in his in his organization like maybe because he's so good at his job he's helping these people pay their bills
Starting point is 00:42:00 yeah make sure to go to his child's recital instead. But it's really tough with the schedule. Yeah. Or like help out if they're ball game. Or go to Neverland and fight Captain Hook. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That was a different. That's the same or was it? That's the movie where children are taught that if you have enough imagination, you don't need real food You can imagine food and you won't die of starvation. Yeah terrible lesson. Thank you, Spielberg What have you done for us lately What has he done lately?
Starting point is 00:42:37 I don't know. What is his last move? What I have not kiddo played Rupio Anyway, this one's a this is there's only two letters. They're both very brief. This one's from Jen last name with Held, who has been with us from the beginning. A big fan. Thanks. I hope this is not the letter telling us I've had enough and I'm leaving. No, no. Bang a ring. It is saying for what? another hook reference Jin is saying for what it's worth my favorite Ninja Turtle was Leonardo
Starting point is 00:43:15 He's no one stuff and he wears blue which is the best color so Dan Tell everyone to lay off so lay off guys That's what I said. I don't know. I like blue. But is blue the best color purple? Don't tell I was the color of royalty sure red for fiel's the color of passion yeah orange for Michael info's the color pizza so I know is it the color of this blue is only the best color of night. Okay. What? Oh, orange. So those are what I didn't see banana again. Jen, you have my permission to stop listening now. So thanks for the letters, guys.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Thanks. Send more letters. Keep them pouring in. And weigh in on the. The Flophouse podcast at The Flophouse podcast at Or the flopphouse house cat. No.
Starting point is 00:44:07 podcast.flop. Dot meow. If you want to write to the flopphouse house cat, the not existing character is doing. No, there's a way. He exists in the art of fucking children everywhere, dude. You can also send those. No, there's a few assholes.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And those as well to the flopphouse podcast. Where's the flopphouse house cat bin on this show? He's so tired. also send those assholes and those as well to the flop out five test. Where's the flop out house get bin all this show? It's been working like a dog. One of us is gonna pay the bills, but I'm not doing it. What's, and weigh in on the great silly tangents or not silly tangents debate. Do you like to hear more about the movies or do you like to hear us say, it's crazy things about Teddy Graham's and the poor whole of time.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Shope and Goatables. And Shope and Goatables. So guys, classics, classics all. Let's move on. Let's move on. Okay, what's next? Recommendations. Movies that you may have seen recently.
Starting point is 00:45:02 But not if you haven't seen. And we recommend movies we haven't seen yes in which case I like to recommend it's called rocket crocodile in the world of tomorrow it's a movie that doesn't exist and I'm making it up as I go along it involves a crocodile astronaut he actually falls through a time machine warp and becomes a rock star in the world of the future which also has dinosaurs I don't know I'm gonna link to that on the website oh yeah and you know that i think you know she'll just knew it in like every scene
Starting point is 00:45:29 okay so i have like any jenna gertian uh... you're right uh... also carly gujino is new to never seen like half of her uh... rocky crocodiles fully cloned they have speaking roles are they they just naked in the background? I mean, there's a little bit of that.
Starting point is 00:45:46 There's a little bit of speaking, you know. Okay. Yeah, just to make it not exploitative. And to set up the new they like. Exactly. Oh man, it's so hot in here. I'm going to take a shower now, but I'll just stand around first. Who put all these ants in my clothing?
Starting point is 00:45:59 Yeah, yeah. I would love to get these things. So, right in the crocodile. They just, they just, they run into the, but you know, keep your eyes peeled. It's giving it five out of five amazing. So go to Netflix. There's a lot of things save, go to put save and so that it goes.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Thank you. Whatever, whatever movie comes up on the auto fill. Just take it. I was just do rock and rock. And I own the auto Phil. This is too rocket-crock-a-mill in the world tomorrow. Probably is Dolman. Soundtrack by the via Talking Heads. They got back together to the soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Wow. And Danzig. You got them together. Glenn Danzig and David Byrne finally working together. Well, I'm amazed that Rocket-Crock-a-Tel solve the Byrne way with the riff that is kept talking heads from re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re Where's Nata? Oh, okay. Which you should also watch instead of devil. I thought I was thinking of the invisible maniac again. You have like three movies that you recommend in rotation. I don't know if you've I've mentioned this before, but he kills a guy with a submarine sandwich. You mentioned it many times.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Do you have an actual recommendation or something? I do have a recommendation this time, dude. It's called Castle Freak. It's a little movie called Centurion. Oh, it's Neil Marshall's, uh, uh, uh, follow up to the much maligned Doomsday, which I enjoy, uh, in Centurion, you have a group of Roman soldiers, uh, Centurions, if you will, uh, will. Up in North of Britain and they end up, like they get caught behind enemy lines and they have to make their way back to Roman territory
Starting point is 00:47:54 while a bunch of picks are at it. Yeah, hunted by a bunch of picks. So it's like a remake of the Warriors. A lot like the Warriors, but instead of gangs, you have pickedish tribesmen. And the main reason I want to recommend it is because having recently watched the expendables, which had a ton of bad CGI gore,
Starting point is 00:48:14 Centurion clearly added a much smaller budget. They managed to fill that movie beginning to end with like chopped off limbs, smashed in faces, all kinds of gore. And it never looked super gore and it never looks super fake like it never let's legal there much better at hiding any of the CGI that they used to make some dudes arm get whacked off I saw I saw the realization of your face of the phrase you used so uh, Centurion, if you want to watch a bunch of dudes, uh, get
Starting point is 00:48:49 one, get their arms whacked off. Uh, yeah, it's on Netflix watching. Yeah, yeah, put the go so drag it into your queue, hit the watch button. Okay, so, uh, it's an actual recommendation and it's not one of my, uh,os like that's all for Eaker invisible name I mentioned that rocket crocodile psychic is a wise cracking zebra No, is it animated or a guy in a zebra's mouth? It's a guy in a zebra suit, but the mouth is in it Is zebra afraid that rocket crocodile is gonna eat him or her? No, no, he's wise cracking He's you know like he's cynical. He's seen it all okay And he's a girl.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Okay. Like an Eddie Murphy type? Exactly. Yeah. Like I was most... Like a bromance, but with girls. Yes. Wait.
Starting point is 00:49:34 A bromance. So I saw a couple of movies that I liked recently. I saw Exit Through The Gip Shop, which I referenced earlier, in one of our popular flop house lists earlier in the program. I call them free associates. Yeah. And I call it wasting time. I don't have a lot to say about the movie because I feel like it's been said.
Starting point is 00:49:56 It's a movie that's shown up on a lot of best of the year lists. So it doesn't need me throwing my limited weight behind it But it's also on watch instantly, so you should watch that. It's very enjoyable and And where should you exit through the Gip show? Oh, okay, and I watched the square the Australian thriller That a lot of people compared to blood simple as not as good as good as blood simple but it shares with blood simple the kind of like noir thriller something that should be a very simple plan goes like a simple plan yes it goes wrong early and often and single man yeah yeah solitary man a man for all seasons Yeah, a solitary man.
Starting point is 00:50:43 A man for all seasons. Leslie, man. So, man, I'm not going to keep this up. Me and Dingo. So, uh, man, a man, the character is in the background of the job of the hut casinos in the Jedi. Ray a man. So while we keep this going, I'm just going to sign off. No, no, I got a recommendation to make.
Starting point is 00:51:05 A real one? Sure. It's called Rocket Crocodile. It's called Rocket Crocodile goes to the past. He has to go to the 50s. Rocket to the past. Rocket? No.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Rocket Crocodile has to go to the 50s to get his parents together. Because otherwise, he won't be born. Antwery, Rocket around the clock. I wanted to recommend a very weird Swedish movie called You the Living, which is it's kind of a semi-sequeldo movie called Was It Songs From the Second Floor, and it's kind of dozens of these very short scenes that are alternately kind of funny or just kind of off or don't make any sense at all of interconnected people in different types of situations. It's a little hard to describe, but it's very I liked it a lot and it's shot in a way that is like stylized without feeling very stylized. It just kind of
Starting point is 00:52:02 feels unreal the whole time and there's a sequence on a house that seems to also be a train that I find particularly beautiful. But it's this very good kind of baffling comedy drama, deadpan comedy drama of Swedes being unhappy. So it's exactly like
Starting point is 00:52:20 the girl of the Dragon Tattoo. Exactly. Yeah, if you like the girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Exactly. Yeah, if you like the girl with the dragon tattoo You'll love the deadpan Philosophizing of you the living Also, if you like Dixieland music. There's a fair amount of Dixieland jazz in the movie so So guys, is that a euphemism? It's a euphemism for a style of jazz music from the South
Starting point is 00:52:44 I think we should sign off. Probably a good idea for the devil, a size to murder us. Oh no, which one of us is the devil, Stewart? Nice. I'm guessing, Stewart. Cause you can go ahead and run. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And that's what sparked off your racism. And you are, I don't know. Dan's a counter-fitter. Yeah. Nice. That's pretty cool, okay? But that doesn't mean he needs to get killed, right? I mean, it's just counter-fitting money. Well, his counter-fitting leads you to. I use blood as the ink in my... Oh, it's a delicate essence, I think.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And he's a cannibal, did I mention that? Yeah. I did talk about eating that fried- He's a cannibal? Yeah, all right. What do you say a cannibal? He's a cannolo With a baby inside For the fluff house. I've been Dan McCoy Yeah, it's and I'm me to store wound them and I'm Elliot Kaylin. Good night everyone Worst one ever.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Hahaha. And I found out that the kid who plays his son has a mild case of cerebral palsy and has to play it up for the show. He's oh so he's minstrelied. That's what you're saying. They hit him in the head a couple of times to make it worse. It's okay, get it. It's the part of a lifetime. It's a show on AMC!
Starting point is 00:54:08 You liked that con man bank robber show they did? It was Robert Gone, right? It was like a British shit. Ah, like Kelly Brook. Yes. Yeah. Charming Kelly Brook. Charming, I mean effect. She was, uh, she was married to Billy Zane for a while, yeah. Yep, charming calibre. Charming, I mean effect. She was, uh, she was married to Billy Zane for a while, yeah?
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yep, weird. Oh, he's, uh, real cool dude. He's got that full-headed masculinity. Any new, any new slam evil.

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