The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #78 - Gooby

Episode Date: April 10, 2011

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme.0:35 - 4:28 - We introduce guest host Andy Rocco, and challenge him to justify himself.4:29 - 47:22 - We find a surprising amount to talk about in Gooby, almost ma...naging to keep to the topic.47:23 - 50:06 - Final judgments.50:07 - 55:57 - The sad bastards recommend. 57:58 - 58:57 - Plugs, goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discuss the terrifying tale of one boy's descent into madness. We talk about... ...Guby. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, I'm Stuart. Wellington. And I'm Andy Rocco. Yeah, Elliot is out this week. He, as always, he did. Holy Hamco. Yeah, Elliot is out this week.
Starting point is 00:00:45 He as always, he did. He's full of Hamie. Yeah, sure. I was thinking of sports derby, I think. Sure. He's in France, right? No, no, he was in France before. He came back.
Starting point is 00:00:56 This time he pulled one of his classic Elliott's, which was to not tell us exactly why he wasn't available. Just to say he was busy. Mysterious. Yeah. Secret daily show business, I'm sure. Yeah. Probably spying on the Colbert Report.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Okay. Probably going on a cover. That's a principal competition. Yeah. They spy on the Colbert Report to use their material in the daily show. Yeah. It's weird. They really shouldn't fight each other because they're sister shows. Yeah shows and the same network. It's kind of a synergy between them. Like like sister
Starting point is 00:01:30 sister Nickelodeon program. And that's so raven. Yeah. Shows about sisters. So Andy, yes, sir. Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name's Andy Rocco. I'm a big fan of the show, first of all, first of all. Thank you. So this must be a dream come true. I've said that so many times. Yeah. Like you feel like you're in a dream scapegoat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or a nightmare. Or a nightmare. Yeah. A nightmare. Yeah. Definitely a nightmare. And I have a show at the UCB. I do it. That's the upright Citizens Brigade Theater here in New York City. The original.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yes. Not the Los Angeles one. Right. Don't confuse it with the LA. I have a show that I do the first Saturday of the month called Underground Americana. It's a variety show of sorts. I have guests that are musical and comedians and sketch and stuff like that and I like to eat
Starting point is 00:02:33 That's probably why we invite yeah, this is a culinary podcast person foremost according to the your logo banner There's this implied that there's gonna be cheese doodles here, but there is no cheese doodles There's this implied that there's gonna be cheese doodles here, but there is no cheese doodles. I do. I Look, I provided corn chips. No, I know I'm happy to get corn chips, but I had this impression of cheese doodles You was starving himself all week not getting any cheese doodles. Yeah, I was gonna get this entire dairy and Doodle intake. Yeah Tonight I have a good idea for that. It's okay. Where's the doodle on the food pyramids, Stuart? It's right in the bottom. Really? It's the foundation. So you
Starting point is 00:03:10 gotta get a lot of doodles. You gotta get a lot of puff cheese. Yeah. All right. It makes up a balance breakfast. Yeah. Maybe. Well, if you if you enjoy comedy and staying up late, you should certainly go see Andy's show. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Which I've always seen the one time when I actually appeared on it along with the other Flapphousers. Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Yeah. That was Flapphous Super fans, checked back through the archives and there was a actual video footage of it, yeah? Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:03:41 I was doing a really, you guys really funny and I remember doing a really bad interviewing job. But I, yeah, I loved having you guys on. Well, it should have gone on again. Yeah, I'd stay up for that. Yeah, right in. I'll take a night off of work. You probably won't. I probably won't take a night off.
Starting point is 00:04:00 You made the money. Maybe we could do like a thing where we use a wet remote. Yeah, remote from your job. Right. We do a big like cardboard cut out of you that we pull, drag on. You got to do your job though. I mean, does glory holes need to be built? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:04:20 This is my job of like glory hole. I don't know, operator. Is the term an operator? So, speaking of glory holes, we watched a video today. So we're doing our social duty of letting parents know what kids' movies are not to show their kids, I guess. Yeah, we've talked about doing this movie for a while and we haven't with good We haven't we haven't watched it up until now with good reason it was what's do we're against it?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Well, I think it was released and I think 2008 maybe even 2007 okay, wow, too. It's okay. It's more recent than I thought we usually do movies that are fairly new to either DVD or premium cable. Just to have a veneer of currency to what we do. Give us a reason to exist. Because a lot of the movies we review are honestly forgotten about fairly quickly. That's the other reason why it's odd that we did this movie because this movie was not Forgetting about because no one knew about it. It was never a thing I've forgotten about implies that someone remembered it and then kind of the only five reviews for it on run tomatoes
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah, yeah, but Gooby was a minor internet Sensation based on the trailer. Yes I Because you I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you, but like you said, would you like to see some of this? And I was like, ooh, gooby, because that looks horribly bad and funny. Yeah. And that's why I said I would, I would like to see gooby.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And then you're like, okay, gooby, it is. And sure enough, I got to see it. And I can get more than I bargained for Yes, that's a cold mistake We'll make them I thought it was gonna be well I mean when you're gonna be the guest host of the show if you're going to like sub in sure it's tough Yeah, it's tough because I'm not gonna be able to live up to Elliot at all Well, that's the thing you can't be Elliot right so like I was like you know what I'm not gonna be able to live up to Elliot. At all. Well, that's the thing, you can't be Elliot.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Right. So like, I was like, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna make this great by getting a really great crap bad great movie. And I thought, Gooby, that was like, always betting on black. Sure, yep, that's sure. Always bet on Gooby.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yep, that's the star you're gonna ride into the cosmos. I mean, I think your problem, first of all all is that you were taking advice from Wesley Snipes When you were making your selection said some tax problems for Yeah, you shouldn't listen to that guy right now. Yeah But gooby it's a movie about a large bear Or a man in a large bear suit Oh, what's a bear Dan? Well, it's like it's a
Starting point is 00:07:08 gay man. Okay. A larger gay man. Sure. Often Harry. Okay. And they're they're they're liked by a certain subset of the gay community for their fatherly characteristics. Okay. So what was going on with this bear you say and little boy? On this case, the bear was actually a teddy bear. So okay, get everything else that I said voice by Robbie Coltrane from fame of Harry Potter. Yeah, you may know him is hey, hey, he played Harry Potter and the Harry Potter That's a little that's a little podcast bonus for you me yelling at my cat. I'm gonna enjoy that I don't do you normally I don't think I've ever heard you yell at your cat normally she doesn't Claw at the front of sure in the middle of our
Starting point is 00:07:51 podcast, you know has a little o-synth of decorum normally not tonight Yeah, no, Robbie Coltrane in the beast within you may know Robbie Coltrane from Yeah, Hagward and Harry Potter yeah maybe familiar with him from the BBC series Cracker and the movie The Pope Must Diet Sure the Pope must die the film Nunds on the Run where you might remember him in particular from the scene where he sits in the shower room while all the young aspiring nuns are showering around him. He's yeah, he's just ogling them. It's kind of creepy. So that's Robbie Coltrane for you. He's the kind of guy who
Starting point is 00:08:32 spies on non-students. He has a few, he has an appearance in Black Adder, which I always thought was probably one of a big black Adder nut, but. Now he's a talented a he's a good actor and I have no idea why he decided to do the voice for for gooby Yeah, guessing it was money related. Yeah, I think that if you're like you know if you're like maybe the script called to him Sure Hey, if you're a good actor like sometimes you do these like movies Assuming that no one's gonna see them and rightfully so in this case like this is certainly the right shoulder can't do any damage to your career yeah maybe the director disguised himself as a paparazzi and followed him around and like recorded things he said and
Starting point is 00:09:18 spliced it together to make it into his dialogue. I know he's also been working for long. I guess just all these projects just kind of meld together at some point where he's just like, I don't know. Aside from him, there was Eugene Levy's in it and I like Eugene Levy most of the time. Yeah, like SCTV, but I just- Chris, for guest movies. I have like a thing where I don't let American pie. I feel always reluctant to shit on like anything that somebody was in like because it's like
Starting point is 00:09:49 so hard to make a movie or any kind of art. Well you're at the right podcast. But like the respect house. We're just gonna give respect to people's efforts. No, no, but at the same time like like, like, I feel like Eugene Levy has done enough good work. I can crap on this. Yeah. This was pretty nice. Well, it wasn't his fault. I mean, I think we can all look at this movie and recognize that Eugene Levy is not the problem. Yeah. Even with the Eugene Levy scenes, like, you know, Eugene Levy hasn't been given gold to work with. He spun into crap.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I have to admit though, he Stewart pointed out during the movie. He has the best name in the movie, which is he's a teacher and his name is Mr. Nerdlinger. And I feel like how can you go wrong with a name like that? It's so implied. So he's a nerd. Well, it's back up. Let's go through this. I guess I'll try, I'll try to take Elliot's place.
Starting point is 00:10:53 You want to, so he's not here. I want to be the summary. The summary. I could try. Oh, yeah. Why would we let Andy try? Yeah, give it, give it a try. I'm bad at it.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Gooby is a movie about a young boy who moves into a new town. And he doesn't really have friends or Annie's being picked on by a bully. Okay. And he's an Irish looking chap. Yes. He's also scared of imaginary monsters called I think he calls them hoodies. Hoodies are honies or something like that. At one point he said homies and I thought that sounded like a figurines. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:31 So he has no friends. He's being bullied a little bit. His parents are kind of like bullying. Yeah, very like you only really see one scene. And he doesn't actually get bullied. Like they're just like a kid bullied somebody else. And the other kids like, oh, we don't want to get bullied like they're just like a kid bullied somebody else in the other kids like who we don't want to get bullied by that guy
Starting point is 00:11:47 yeah followed by that uh... his parents are just not there a lot and they hired a english nanny who is incredibly creepy yeah well well also not really that connected they don't they don't form like a very good nanny uh... person who's very good nanny uh...
Starting point is 00:12:05 person who's being nanny relationship yeah there's no bond there so his mother like a missus doubt fire sort of thing that movie is about right that you miss a key uh... twist in that film okay so the bridge nanny does does form like that form of work and then the nanny in that movie was a Robin Williams and drag
Starting point is 00:12:25 He was doing it to spend more time with his children wait like like Nathan Lane or something or well, I mean I guess like Nathan Like Nathan Lane could have played that character though. That's what I'm saying. I think the line can play anything Stewart. Okay. Well, I think they when they make Mrs. Debtfire two or 3 or wherever they're at, they should probably try and even line for that role. Okay, I think the Harvey Firestein should try for that role. I think there's a little too. You guys still on the nose? A little too. So at one point, I don't really exactly remember how it was phrased, but his mom was like, you don't need a friend here, use Gooby. You remember Gooby, your teddy bear.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And he's like, I don't want that teddy bear. That teddy bear is for babies. All right, yeah, and then, this is all before they move to the new place. And during the time that they moved in a new place, the bear was left at the old place, kind of transforms into a, I guess, like electricity shoots all over.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, there's no explanation for how he transforms. We just cut back to the old place, Gooby, Gooby in the corner, we see animated electric effects go up or down. Like a tech, the killer tomatoes or something. Or a movie shocker. Sure. Or a movie shocker. And. Or movie sugar. And it's
Starting point is 00:13:45 only Groobie's in the television. Hmm. For what a movie. No, Groobie does not go into television. He comes alive and he's like a I guess five foot six foot tall. No, he's not that tall. He's only like a foot taller than the kid, right? Yeah, he's not that tall, but he's oddly proportioned. Yeah, like he's got a great big, shubby body and a tummy droid. Yeah, he looks roughly kind of like fuzzie bear and Sullivan from, or Sully from Monsters Inc. Sure. And your worst nightmare. And yes, take all the cuteness of fuzzie bear in Sullivan or Sully from Monsters Inc.
Starting point is 00:14:23 and make it as creepy as possible. Imagine if they took one of the country bears and left them in the garbage dump for a few years and they got them out. And the animatronics don't really work that well and the face doesn't move that much but they're like it's okay let's use it. And Hyjinks ensue when he's come to life and is now in Willie, who was the boy, his life, and is invading his life in such. And the movie actually is kind of very convoluted and confusing after the points when Willie comes alive.
Starting point is 00:14:58 There's a lot of... You mean, gooby, because Willie's all at the whole matana. I'm sorry, gooby. No, you missed it. Oh, I missed the spot.... I'm sorry, I'm the main... You missed it, I missed the spot. Well, it was a zombie's tour. It was like this... It was like this, it's like this, it's like this, it's like this, it's like this, it's like this.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And then after doing the amulet, it becomes a real boy again. Mm-hmm. It was very... It was based on... There was a lot of vignettes. Sure. Not... It wasn't like that.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I got it. There was a strong plot thrust.s there was a lot of uh... hiding gooby from the the the nanny and there's a lot of like gooby comes to school and uh... causes some some distraction outside the window and you didn't let it get mad and uh... gooby goes to the store yeah that will before we touch on that there's a lot of scenes where there's like a montage of the little boy and Gooby hang out while like a like a love-ballot plays in the back room. Yeah, yeah, that seems strangely out of place for like a friendship scene. Yeah, they
Starting point is 00:15:56 Whoever the director of this movie, oh the director of this movie, I forgot his name, but his last name is Wilson Coneybear Wilson Coneybear. Wilson Coneybear. His actual name. Yeah, but he, uh, yeah, he doesn't seem to understand music cues. They are all music cues from, like, say, like a late 80s romantic comedy. You know, when they're there. Like if they're just seeing, they're not Mickey Mouse. Yeah. Yeah. Like there's a lot of uh score things where like Gooby's like walking around
Starting point is 00:16:30 like, like sort of like score. But then like, yeah, if there's a pop song, it seems like they're the message is really that there's some sort of love relationship. I can't live without you. I'm just too much. Yeah. I miss this male of your fur on my face. That's my best single voice, by the way. So if it was very impressive, if Carson Daley's out there listening, I'm available. As we all know, that Carson Daley just loves to book people over musical content.
Starting point is 00:16:59 You can reach me at Stuart Wellington at the Bluappaus House House tab on .Internet. So that's my Fluffhouse House Get fan site that I operate. Yeah, but okay, like just to speed it up to give you like just a really rough outline. So, Gooby helps this kid make new friends at his new school, but then that backfires on Gooby because now the kid doesn't have as much time for gooby And so gooby goes away for a while and they're estranged and love ballots play and Then gooby just come back. There's no real like like oh, I got to get gooby back
Starting point is 00:17:39 Gooby just shows up back again and everything's fine. This movie had like no consequences Today the actions that happened to it throughout the movie. Yeah. Nothing like, there's a point where you're like, oh my god, no one's supposed to see Gooby. And there's times where tons of people have seen Gooby and nobody really cares. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Or is it like talked about? The brains don't melt from seeing a giant walking teddy bear, right? Yeah, but basically it's either like, you know, Eugene Lovy is the ineffectual guy saying, Gooby and like, no one's gonna believe him. Like he's basically playing his role from Splash. I pointed out, you know, or is like, I'm gonna prove there's a mermaid, you know? Like it's the same thing here.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Or it's the equivalent of, you know, like one of those movies where someone sees something crazy and then they rub their eyes and then they throw away the bottle of booze that they've been drinking. And then that's all. There's a scene where Gooby has some hijinks because the father in the movie is an architect of some sort and they go to a construction site and somehow Gooby gets hooked on to the
Starting point is 00:18:37 big mechanical crane and is hanging there in the crane operator who says, look, Stone Day. He looks very drunk or high which is makes perfect sense when you're operating such a heavy dangerous piece of equipment and and goobie is just like hey in the crane operators just like hey and this is a good way to see me yeah in the scene ends and we don't understand we don't see how that resolves at all But but anyway to tie it up into a bow QB returns he like he's like trying to wrangle us I just want to get through like the synopsis and then we can go back and pick it apart a little bit more talk about something
Starting point is 00:19:18 Completely different but But at the tails for instance. Yeah, I don't man. I can't wait to get into the duct tails portion of the show. Do worry about. We'll get there later. Okay. Dan. So what were you saying about
Starting point is 00:19:29 now? Once Guobi comes back, he's like, I think that my job here is to take you back to where your dad used to live. Like, sure. I don't know why he's a sort of a shot of
Starting point is 00:19:37 checks. Yeah. But the weird thing is the way you just said it is pretty much how it would said in the movie. Yeah. It's just like, I think I
Starting point is 00:19:44 finally figured out what I did to do. I got claddy. So he takes him back to this old abandoned building basically, and the kid falls through the floor and is dangling off of a pipe, and the dad comes to rescue him. We'll get into the details of how because that's crazy but then they're all back together again and The dad has redeemed himself Mary Poppins style You know, let's all go fly kite and they meet gooby and the mom meets gooby and it seems like I guess gooby is now Gonna live with them, but then
Starting point is 00:20:19 It's not that gooby gets given away to like another needy little girl at the end of the movie. And then a lot of ballot plays with credits. Which is weird. In a weird way, I don't think that little girl really needed a friend. She didn't look like, uh, she's fine. She's fine. This is what you see in board, because somebody took their fucking, yeah, that's a lumber. They're kind of BS.
Starting point is 00:20:40 They're at like a lumber yard. They're at like, uh, you're at like a home Depot sort of. How many relationships have Gooby invaded? Just feel like you look like you need a friend. No, I'm just going to board. I'm waiting around. No, no, you need me. I need to be in your life. Don't you understand? I need to aggressively interpolate myself into your life.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And call the giant bear. I hope you have plenty of marshmallow cookies for me to eat. Oh yes, that is a... You see, made baskets. That is a marshmallow cookie sandwich. That is Goobies Achilles heel in the movies. So, you can't resist marshmallow cookies. I think that are Mellimars. There's enough... There's enough absurd things in this movie that I kind of want to go a little more structured the normal and just be like Like ask each of you which of your what was your like favorite like absurdity in the film? Like that's what you want to do. Is that what we are doing?
Starting point is 00:21:34 That's what I'd like to do and then I'm sure that is not gonna happen. Okay, so Stuart My favorite thing about the movie like what I'd probably say I My favorite thing about the movie. Like what? I'd probably say I loved the fact that when Goobies, oh wait, now Goobies dad, Goobie doesn't have a dad, he's a bear. When Willie's dad comes to rescue him, before he gets there, he had gotten a phone call
Starting point is 00:21:58 that his son was in this abandoned building. And of course, he wrote the directions down on the page of some nice full color photo book that he has and he tore the page out, which is really weird. And then he gets there, finds his son, and he's trying to save his son, and then the police show up, and then, you know, yells at the police. And they, I guess, let him just save his son. It's really weird. And it all turns out that, uh... gooby is the one who who phone call them which for one i didn't know the gooby could manipulate uh... cell phone because it got giant fucking pause
Starting point is 00:22:31 yeah he doesn't have a phone on him you said that will he had a phone on him so we borrowed it now i don't know how to do that like to use the force like it that's right back and pulled out of his pocket and if he had that ability what need to save little kid? Well, I think you're glossing over it even like crazier absurdity in this film, which is like, they go to this abandoned building.
Starting point is 00:22:53 The willy falls through the floor. Makes sense so far. He's dangling from a pipe from the ceiling. Gooby doesn't know what to do. Then we cut to the home and the dad gets a phone call and is like, what? I'll be there right away. And like like we see him like pulling up outside in the car. He comes in and the kid is still dangling from this pipe. So basically the kid is fallen.
Starting point is 00:23:14 He's dangling from this pipe. Gooby makes a phone call. His dad drives up to the titles. Yeah. And this kid has been dangling from this pipe this entire time while the funk was made while the drive was made you would have liked there to be like a scene of the Willie character being really awesome at doing like chin ups or something or the other weird thing I mean he would have gone like on the flexed arm hang in in school he would have been like presidential level for sure yeah
Starting point is 00:23:40 absolutely the other weird thing to about that movie is that two cops drive by and at scene and they're just kind of sitting out there waiting. I don't know what for and they're like something's this something suspicious like they hear someone there beat right? Yeah, the old man in house is on the beat. You know, you gotta go shit out. You don't want squatters or... But they don't, but the thing is they don't actually go into the building until the dad goes into the building. And then they were like... And then like the dad's like, I thought you guys called me to come and say my son.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Like, and the cops were like, We didn't know you were coming, we didn't call. And then like, there's... And then they leave. And then they're like, He's close and give each other high five. Well, let's just let give each other high five. Well, let's just let this guy wander around the abandoned building a little more with his terrified child. But he leaves the kid.
Starting point is 00:24:34 The dad wanders off by himself to find his old apartment and runs into Gooby. And that's why I have their... To find his old room. Okay, here's another thing. He runs into Gooby. Like Gooby was lurking in his dad's old private room, like the secret place that his dad would go to. And that room apparently has not been changed. Everything else in the building is, you know, like to crepe it, everything. It's also taken out.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's where it is. But his dad's old crown drawings are still on the wall in the secret space. He has a view master. And I get this is unchanged by time. Yeah. Also, there's like, there's no payoff for it. But at one point, like, then like this is the first time
Starting point is 00:25:16 Gooby actually talks to the dad and Gooby's like, I you it's like it's like Hamlet's dad's go to the conversation. I I definitely associate that. There's a point where Gooby's like it's like Hamlet's dad's goes and I'm having a conversation right I definitely associate that there's a point where goobies like here I I want you to have these these are your old plans for like a tree house I think or a clubhouse that you're supposed to like build for your son that you drew when you're obviously little that's here and it's just like there's a thing where the father's like,
Starting point is 00:25:47 it's like, no way are these going to be safe. First of all, there's a dragon holding this up. Unless because there's talking, talking teddy bears, I guess there could be dragons. I don't know. And they keep referring to him as a monster. I mean, Granny's pretty horrible looking, but I would assume he's a bear or an actual normal. He's supposed to, so I would assume he's a bear or an actual normal he's supposed to- He's supposed to- So I'm getting so loud. Yeah. I'm getting fice tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Well, it's a crazy movie. But like, he's not really a monster. I would admit, like, he's got a scarf on and he's gross but he's basically like a bear, right? Well, let me, I mean, let me chime in with one of my crazy moments and this is you know, this is not the craziest but I want to leave something for Andy, you know, I don't want to eat up every crazy moment on the plate. But like a crazy moment, hug that you are, you know, it's like, oh, I'm crazy moments.
Starting point is 00:26:38 It's delicious. They're like marshmallow cookies to gooby. Thanks for telling me about something I can relate to. But the audience can't because they have no idea what they're talking about. Because no one's seen goobies. And shouldn't probably. But here's a, you're talking about how he's not scary, but I want to talk about one moment in the film.
Starting point is 00:27:00 So they go to like, on Halloween, you know, like the dad's too busy to take the kid out to do trick or treating I guess except for they don't go trick or treating but anyway we'll get to that in a second But the kid has a brain disorder and I was like oh now's the time I can take goob Yeah, because everyone's just gonna assume that he's a guy in a bar costume Yeah, which honestly if he looks enough like a guy in a bar costume for them to assume that on Halloween They would assume that at any time. You know, like, Gooby is not like such an anthropomorphized, like, realistic bear that everyone's going to be like, holy shit, there's a talking bear walking around.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yes. They're just going to figure out, like, oh, this, look at this fucking plushie over here. Right. But anyway. Sure. So he takes him back. Somebody who gets some kind of sexual gratification from pursuits. Yes. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Exactly. But so on Halloween, instead of going trick or treating, actually they get dressed up in costumes. And apparently every kid gets dressed up in costume and goes to see a movie down at the multiplex. Sure. And saw three. Did we watch that? I'd like to know at that there's a point where a groupieppy was like what do you want to see he's talking to the other kids? He's like what do you guys want to see big adventure and he points to a movie poster of a family friendly movie?
Starting point is 00:28:12 And then the kids are like no way and I'm not joking. I forgot the title of the movie But they're like no way we want to see action death It's death action I believe it's two it It's actually the sequel. And in a sequence where you see them watching the movie, and it's all screaming chainsaws and gunshots. And like squealing tires. Which frankly, I kind of want to see.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I want to see sound effects real 2000. Yeah. But all right, but that's after Gooby has pretended to be his father so they can buy tickets and then later on He said he confesses that he really liked pretending to be his father and then they just another like you another love Ballon well you be seen in the movie. Yeah, I was like being your dad Like I say that all my fucking friends now, but I wanted to get back to like the moment I was really wanting to talk about was with The bully that we talked about before actually finally threatens the kid and
Starting point is 00:29:18 This this kid is ret this big red headed kid in a hot dog costume comes over to menace Willie and and gooby listen You know breaks out like the fucking fangs. Like, he like grows at the kid, and all of a sudden it's like this large, large moment in the movie. It's fair. We're not like large marks. Ruby actually looks genuinely terrifying for a second.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And then the hot dog pees his pants. The hot dog, the bully and the hot dog outfit, pees his pants. Yeah. So do you feel that they like, you escalated it too much or is it like, is it any worse than the scene in Little Monsters where Howie Long? Howie Long. Yeah, I'm just like, you mean, Howie Long?
Starting point is 00:29:56 You mean, is that right? The Howie Long, Terry Hatcher, Cosmin. Yeah. The shot is lighter in the movie. When he, when he, when he peed and that kid's apple, you're just like, I think that's way worse than just scaring the shit out of some kid with your crazy kids.
Starting point is 00:30:10 He scares the piss out of that kid. Yeah, that's okay. Thank you. So, Antics here. I was in a biological waste. I, if I find it more unpleasant, the piss-drinking, but in terms of actual like, like an alarming moment, like Gooby actually looks kind of alarming in the first place.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So for that mask to be pulled back, I'm sure. And him to actually just like really go for it to be terrifying, disturb me. There was a point where I think the scary face that he does looks like it's a little CGI, if I'm not wrong. And I think there's a point where the director had to be fighting this at one point.'s like no, I want it all practical
Starting point is 00:30:46 I want it all to be all these practical bear effects and then he's like no come on It needs to be a scary phase. Let's do a little CGI. He's like all right, I'll do it I'm not gonna see the real weight of the bear though I hope that they had originally like splice in footage of just like a grizzly bear growl place and footage of just like a grizzly bear growl. That would have been awesome. If you want to go for, if you're in the mood for, I mean, I don't know what my recommendation is, I'm going to save it obviously.
Starting point is 00:31:12 But there is a, there is a, there is a, but there is a thought of like, if you're into like movies that look really bad of like just like the mouth sink, sinking to the dialogue that Ruby actually says is notrocious. There's times his mouth does not move at all. Right. In the movie. And that is just like classic 1970s and 80s like. And his dialogue is mixed so low that I could understand how to say. And he's English. So it's all a lot of.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Sure. And he's English so it's all a lot of Works all this in our home program like Daniel Craig that's my favorite impression is this is my impression of Any cop approaching us Sherlock Holmes death scene in the beginning of the story. Oh, what's all this So that guy could have been gooby. Yeah, sorry Robbie Coltrane So, and there's that great great scene in the the supermarket where they're like 20-minute scene. Oh my god That was great like run-around and yeah, there's I Like ended to that scene in any Hannah Barbarra cartoon where people are running in and out of doors in a hallway Sure Well pop song plays because there was a pop song playing like not a pop song that I
Starting point is 00:32:30 Recognized first of all I would like to just define that pop song and applies popular song and then Like we would recognize what this song is yeah this song with every song there is a lot of original songs in this movie and all of them are pretty grating on your nerves. Not original in the sense that they're unique. They're original in the sense that they suck. And just like in any Hanabar Barbaric cartoon, they, you know, in the middle of this sequence, there's a moment where they you know they pause the music. Yeah. And in this case, Gooby sees a stand up of a bear that's advertising, I guess, gummy bears. Yeah. And there's something he he mentions that because it like looks like him. And then he goes over and starts eating the gummy bear.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah. It's really strange. Yeah. That's what you do when you see something like if you were in a store and you're like, oh look these gummy stewards over here Sure, you are then immediately compelled to just shove those into your mouth You're like I bet this is more delicious to me because it looks like me. Yeah, you know like this. I don't find it disturbing To eat something. I mean, I do that. It's an effigy of myself even if they weren't gummies You know like even if they were I don't know like little meat sacks right Monk you a little steward fetus is Fried up Well, I don't know where you're gonna get a frying pan at that part of the grocery store
Starting point is 00:34:07 You can buy it in that situation. You can take it home. You can take it home. Stir fries too. Yeah, exactly. Like the little time. So what we're trying to say is that on your, wait, you're crazy for thinking that or I'm crazy out of it.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't know. Yeah. The weird thing also about that grocery store segment, which is not even my craziest moment Of the movie, but is that gooby goes to the grocery store without willy-knowing and really reproaches I mean, it's like what are you doing in the grocery store? You're not supposed to be here You're doing you can't just eat things off the rack It's just like he was more mad that he was eating things off the rack and then he escaped without it. It is countless people must have seen him throughout the grocery store. Yeah, it's not
Starting point is 00:34:52 like the grocery store. There's like a back door that goes immediately to the woods. Yeah, like you're imagining the non-the-mightily news. They're like a strange bear thing. Wonders down Main Street. Well then, and then imagine 10 minutes of them running back and forth like from Eugene Levy on one side and then elderly stock boy on the other side like. Oh no, someone's gonna see Gooby more than the couple seconds that they've already seen Gooby. The other thing I didn't like is Zany running around. The other thing I didn't like about the store scene is that there's a point where there is a cart full of fruit that you see. And I remember just thinking to myself like I'm like oh obviously that's gonna explode with fruits and just go everywhere and do a fruit take. Yeah it's gonna it's gonna get knocked over and
Starting point is 00:35:36 a big mess is gonna happen and I was just come on and then they did it and it was just not as big as I thought it would be. It was just like a mile pushover. Like the art department's like, I'm not getting all that through. I don't want to go around looking for every single apple. Yep, I think that. Union guys said, two boxes max. This movie has a plethora of bizarre, scenes, I think, that are worth mentioning, probably to a certain degree, probably not worth renting or buying to see them.
Starting point is 00:36:13 But the my craziest moment in the movie, and it makes no sense, and I'm having a hard time figuring out, and like when we saw it, I think we're all going, wait, what? I think we had rewind it because we're like, wait, how did that? So there's a scene where, um, when, uh, Willie becomes friend, more friends with the kids at school, and he abandons Gooby to a certain extent and Gooby's tango in like watching old movies and masturbating or whatever. There's a lot of Gooby's do. Whatever goobies do when they're lonely. He's at school, he's having a good time, he's hanging out with his friends, he's really clicking in.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And at a certain point, he's in the middle of playing a soccer game. And a soccer ball is twirling toward his friend. And you assume it's toward his friend. You don't actually, you can't see it. No, it's toward his friend. And then his friend, Willie, Willie goes, oh no, it's gonna hit my friend. You don't actually, you can't see it. No, it's, it's toward his friend and then his friend, Willie, Willie goes, oh no, it's going to hit my friend. And he pushes Willie out of the way. No, it's like jumping in front of a bullet. Yeah. A soccer ball by the way, which is, as Stuart pointed out, the
Starting point is 00:37:18 main thing that hits your head is a big part of a soccer game is the ball hitting parts of your body. Yeah, so At that point that we cut to home where gooby is staying in the shed and there's a point where Gooby is looking inside and the father's like what there's an emergency Oh, I guess I better get going and gooby hitches a ride with the father Thinking that he that Willie was endangered because he got ride with the father thinking that Willy was endangered because he got hit with the soccer ball. But really it was an emergency at work that the father had to go to. Gooby goes to the construction site. There were some high jinks. We talked about that
Starting point is 00:37:55 earlier. Yeah, but like, but the thing is like, and then later on, he gets hurt. Gooby gets hurt at the construction site. Willy is sowing him up. And then there's a point where gooby's like I thought they did how is your head? Did you get hit by the soccer ball? No way that gooby would have known that right, and then he's like that's why I went to the construction site I thought you were I thought your dad was talking about the injury that you got a soccer That I knew about somehow yeah, and it's just like the whole thing would have made more sense If they just said kubi psychic a little yeah, where he has like a certain telepathic link
Starting point is 00:38:31 Mm-hmm, but they just like you to like you said right? Yeah, you to you like you know like you know They're linked by childhood dreams. Yeah, but there's just like sure, but there's just there's no Players tied together by fate But there's just there's no players tied together by fate It's not as funny as those other moments, but there's just this thought of like oh well They were like no explanation to why it would be new Yeah about is it was the how inexplicable it was I think that made it interesting Every good piece of art contains one one thing that's just unknowable. That's the one thing.
Starting point is 00:39:09 That's the one thing. That's a single thing. Everything else is tied up. It's like that. It's like that sculpture. The thinker. You want to know what he's thinking or why gooby new. But I want to say like at some point director Wilson Katy bear whatever is gonna direct your will like the reason he knew was there was an email One of the kids was tweeting about how this a joke named Willie got hit in the head with a soccer ball That's in the commentary like we had to delete the scene. Yeah, this email scene
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah, because we just figured the audience didn't care And well they figured the audience would put the pieces together They filled in the gaps, but that's a All right, would you safely say that's bad filmmaking right there? I don't know Is maybe occasionally overestimating your audience bad film? I don't think so so I want to Before we move on like I don't talk down to you, you know? Before we get to... they know I don't have to be spoon fed every little bit. Before we move on to the Duck Tales portion of the traditional
Starting point is 00:40:16 Duck Tales portion. Or a bad movie and Duck Tales podcast. Come for the bad movies, David. Dr. Hill's podcast. On iTunes, that's our secondary category. This is Dr. Hill's. But one more thing I want to talk about. What do you need to be interested in? One more thing I want to talk about is the odd usage of the secondary characters in this film. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:43 So we have this nanny slash housekeeper character who is set up to be kind of like an evil an evil baby setter a little bit like she thinks that like you know like gooby steals cookies and she shakes babies and so not that evil. Okay. I don't need like a nanny cam or anything. According to most subway ads I've been informed not to shake any babies. Yeah. I mean, I don't run the subway. If it's, if it's a, I don't watch ads for subway sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:41:12 That's a, if it's a salt, if it's a salt shape or a sugar, sugar is better in the shape. Or if you're putting a baby in a, in a cup with some ice cream and root beer. Sure. Those two times. Anyway, so this character is set up to be like maybe an antagonist.
Starting point is 00:41:31 She thinks that the kids stealing the cookies but it's Gooby. And we got a high Gooby from the nanny. And then she disappears for basically the entire second half of the film. To the degree that we were all kind of like, so is that she was she fired? Did she probably moved on to a secondary career of sweater modeling? Yeah. There are a lot of sweaters in this movie. But then she shows up like a sleep in one scene late in the film.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Oh yeah, that was a character. That the film used and then discarded. It's called an arc game. Okay. There's, there are a lot of red herrings in this movie that is not a mystery. Oh. Well, I also wanted to talk about Eugene Levy, because like Eugene Levy is like sort of an unusual character. I feel he has an unusual hairstyle that looks like the owl from Marvel comics. Well, I was like, like, when Eugene Le Eugene Lovey shows up, he comes in. The snurlinger, he comes in and he talks about his fish, his fish books for young people that
Starting point is 00:42:33 no one has read. That he writes. Yeah. And he is very carefully, like they described as fish books for young people that nobody's read That doesn't mean paint a picture in my mind what he does I Like the fact at one point I pointed it out But it's like during this he's like today. We're going to be studying Alice in Wonderland is the book we're reading and I'm like what school studies Alice in Wonderland like Like as like a as part of the curriculum, you know, like it's usually it's something like,
Starting point is 00:43:09 I don't know, like the Diary Van Frank or something like that. Catcher Nareye, a separate piece. Frigittaribidio. Who wants to, like, what is there to learn out of the pedophilic Alice in Waterland? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I love Alice in Wonderland. Like, I think that the reason that schools don't teach it is it's too good
Starting point is 00:43:28 There's no there's no message in it and that's what's great about it. Yeah Why aren't there all the CGI battles like in the movie? All right back up though. I was what I was going to say was a There there's a scene where when Eugene Levy first comes in, he's very carefully folding and napkin and the kid Willey has some of his ever-useful voiceover, which is always just saying something that we're already seeing on screen. We can connect with him. And he's like, you ever have one of those moments where you just know you're not going to like your teacher?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Like, it's like, it's very specific. He wasn't, he wasn't, he's like, you're ahead those moments where you realize your teachers is really weird and like yeah We got it like he's weird. He's putting a sandwich on top of an advocate. Yeah, which is kind of anything But but that was like the work like but he set up to be this like crazy teacher But he never does anything that bad in the movie. Like, he's failed. He's children's book author who wants to get a picture of Gooby. And as you would, if you see a giant bear, but he's not like doing anything evil at any point.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I'd like to note, for some reason, I thought Gooby, when I first heard the name, I thought the character be with more like slimy, sticky, like Gooby. Or like Gooby implies, I believe at one point gooby himself makes reference to his name sounds like snot. Oh yes he does. He does say that a quite a few times throughout the movie. In another great scene that didn't matter at all. There were a lot of just yeah a lot of the scenes in a movie have very little consequence to do with anything else in the rest of the movie.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Like the one where Goobies is just hanging out looking at child-drawn pictures. Yeah. Well, no, that had a consequence. He saw the picture and then he built a... The car. box-racer-style car. Oh, and then the car jumped over a chasm which went right into traffic and all the people in traffic including Mr. Nerdlinger saw Gooby in the goat cart fly overhead ET style. And everybody was kind of amazed and like it's like Gooby's on a collision course with this nerdlinger fellow.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Like they're two like opposing forces that are being drawn to each other. Sure there must be a magnet. Sure, there must be a big payoff for that eventually, too. Oh, there isn't. Oh, but there's that soon where at the end, he bends, Mr. Nurdlinger bends over and then gets picked up by a fourth lift, which prevents him from using his recently purchased, disposable camera to take a picture of Gooby.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah, he plays that. He's closed. Oh, the loose ends are all. Taking it in the animal house. We know exactly where every character is going. All right. So we've actually talked a fair amount of time on Gooby. So I think we need to wrap it.
Starting point is 00:46:16 All right. Now it's time for the duct tape. We picked its bones clean. So sir, did you ever see the episode of duct tape? Oh, wait, which one? Foot heart, gold, gold and scrooge went for that competition of who has the most money and they had to do it on the two scales. Yeah, of course, that's a good episode. It was a really good one.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I love that. That's my favorite character. The actual enemy of any Irish duck is the Scottish duck. You know it's both characters created by Karl Barks, one of the greatest comics artists of the 20th century. You can read more about Karl Barks on the internet. Thanks, we'll make it less fun. Brilliant Brilliant Precious still not as much fun as it was before What do we know? We want to talk about the good news in Tendo game Just a really good one you can hit diamonds with your game Yep, and it's it's like the confidence the confidence bottle video games because it's kind of easy
Starting point is 00:47:20 He can beat it makes you feel good. No, I just want to quickly do our final judgments I got a leg cramp. This is a good bad movie. I'll link cramp somehow a bad bad movie or movie you actually kind of liked And I'm gonna I'm gonna take it over to you first I said this earlier I feel like there's certain move I I would watch a movie where I'm like, oh this is gonna be bad And I would watch it by myself and there's this thought where I'm like there's certain mood. I would watch a movie where I'm like, oh, this is gonna be bad, and I would watch it by myself. And there's this thought where I'm like, oh, why did I watch this movie by myself?
Starting point is 00:47:50 It's just bad and boring, and I'm gonna fall asleep, kind of thing. This is kind of like, I don't know, I feel a little mixed about it. I think this was a fun movie to watch if you're gonna watch with friends, so it's like kind of a good bad movie in that sense, where if you're gonna watch this with friends
Starting point is 00:48:05 This is pretty ideal because it's so wacky and it has like numerous moments that we mentioned that are worth like seeing And our stupid, but it's ultimately bad bad because it is kind of boring Like without if you're gonna I Think you might get questioned by your friends. You're like, oh, I got a great good bad movie to show you. Yeah. And he pulled this out. So I'm going to have to go. I'm going to have to go with bad bad, I guess, because I just didn't think it was.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I mean, unless you see it with some people and you're ready for an evening of fun. Yeah, I think that's a fairly comprehensive response. I mean, it is pretty terrible. I think I made more of comprehensive response. I mean it is pretty terrible I think I made more of an effort than I have in the past with really shitty movies I tried not to spend too much time Surfing the internet There's only like a 15 minutes ban. There was a point. Yeah, I know. It was a point you did surf the internet a little bit
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, well, I was I have to you know, but to your credit, Dan checked the internet to himself, so. But it was all Gooby related. I was looking to move your reviews of Gooby. Some people said it was great family fun. They're wrong. They are liars. Those people are on dope. So you're saying you're, you kind of liked it a little bit. No, I didn't like it. No thanks. Thanks, Dan, for making me watch Gooby. Skyline and Gooby. What are you going to get this? Punch my mom in the face, maybe. I'm going to give this one a marginal good bad movie.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Because you suggested it. I'm probably grading on a curve at this point. But compared to a lot of movies that we've watched where it's just boring and it's just mediocrity is what makes it bad, This is very ill-conceived. There's still a lot about this movie that is just wrong on all levels. And it's easy to watch because it's on Netflix watch it. You can dial it up tonight. If you're on your Q.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Click on watch it now. Sure. OK. It's more accurate than your previous explanations about Netflix works. All right. So now let's do our final segment, which is what's a good movie that we would like to recommend.
Starting point is 00:50:15 A movie that's not Gooby. But let's let Andy start. Well, I actually have two and a half. Do it. Do it. Make up for me. So because I love bag movies, and this was a ball, by the way. I had a great time.
Starting point is 00:50:35 I had a really great time. Thank you for having me, by the way. No problem. But I'm sorry for laughing so much because this was a lot of fun in peaking. And I'm sorry for the listener who had to take their earbuds Eurotically and be like oh god damn what's with that guy? But so because this is the flop house and you guys do good Good bad movies or you're looking for good bad movies. I'm going to recommend one which is sin bad
Starting point is 00:51:04 The seven Cas or I think it's it's called Sinbad. It has Lou Ferigno in it. That is probably one of my favorite good bad movies of all time. I don't think a lot of people know about it. It is truly awful and I feel like there's a point in the movie where the audio to the movie was lost and they had to supplement it with horrible tedious narration. The acting is bad, the score is bad, the story is bad, it's just so bad all-around and there's so many memorable parts to it. It's really worth watching so if you are a bad movie aficionado, I would say go see this if you haven't seen it already. It is probably really worth seeing. I don't know if anyone's recommended it on the
Starting point is 00:51:50 show, but yeah, no, but it is a good one. It is a really great one. I'm not surprised that it has not reached. It should reach like troll two or the room status, but like it is, it has so many great words. Yeah, but then my second recommendation is just kind of a genuine genuine movie that I didn't enjoy like in an ironic way. And I didn't think it got as much play and if you like Conan brother's movies, I recommend a serious man. I really enjoyed that movie a lot. I thought it was good. Jewish friends of mine have told me they thought it was too Jewish.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Interesting. But I think it's self-hating. A lot of Jewish friends were like, I thought that was too Jewish. But maybe because I didn't grow up Jewish, I thought it was thoroughly entertaining. You converted, is what you're saying. I converted culturally and comedically. Yeah. Because it was just Jew-y enough. I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I really enjoyed it, because I think there's a thing where I was like, oh, I'm learning so much about Jewish culture by watching this movie. But I think it, I was very entertained by it. I really like it, and it's very, I think one of the podcasts you guys were talking about, you're like, I kind of want my co-in-brothers' movies to be more co-in-brothers-is. Ask I kind of want my co-in-brothers movies to be more
Starting point is 00:53:06 co-in-brothers-is-esque. And this is very co-in-brother. It's very co-in-y. Yeah, co-in-y. Unless, unless likely to receive enough critical attention. Yeah, it didn't get a lot of attention when it came out, right? It's, I mean mean it was very well received pretty quickly but it was not like a hit in a way that right you know no
Starting point is 00:53:29 country-foldment before it or true rid after it. I but I really liked it I watched it again I still thought it was pretty entertaining and there's parts that I just think are just like fun just to watch and and it's just the the acting's really well done and and I I saw I's just the acting's really well done. And I just watched the King's speech last night and I thought that was all right too. By the way, I wanna make it clear that I didn't forget the existence of burn after reading
Starting point is 00:53:54 which actually came directly after no country-foldment, but I was just talking about, I have yet to see that. Coen hits. I have yet to see that, but I heard. I love that movie actually. Like I think that movie is a really good... it's actually a good companion piece to the Big Lebowski. It's a more cynical version of that. Like the Lady Killers? No. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:54:17 What are you gonna recommend? You were chopping at the bit. No, no, no. I can't think anything this week. I would probably just, what I would normally do in a situation like this is just fall back on a like a tried and true favorite like telling people they should go watch Dead Heat again or possibly the invisible maniac. Right. Or maybe go watch movie trailers on movie trailers on the man and scoff at them for a while.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Like I like to do. But yeah, I can't think of anything off-hand, since I've been watching a lot of television in some movies, which is pretty lame, I wouldn't it? So what do you have to recommend a day, Dan? Oh, so if you're passing, you've never... I've never been a thing before, but apparently, it's true with passing.
Starting point is 00:55:01 No, I mean, I could... Now, have I recommended Fantasy Mission Force before with J.C. James? No, I mean, I can have I recommended fantasy mission force before with J. C. A. I should recommend fantasy mission force if I haven't, because it's shockingly violent at times. And it rewrites history in a strange way, we're in World War II, I believe. The general for the American forces is Abraham Lincoln. And he gets captured by the Chinese, or maybe the Japanese, and then a team, this awesome team is assembled to save the generals of the Allied powers.
Starting point is 00:55:34 And in the process, they fight hopping vampires, this weird cabal of female warriors who attack you with tennis balls with like strings on them. And then it culminates in a battle against a road warrior style gang. And almost all the good guys get murdered horribly, including a guy getting killed by a spear up his ass. So fantasy mission force. It's awesome. That sounds amazing. You had a great recommendation. I just thought I'd recommend it before. That wasn't mine. I totally recommend it. Yeah, I haven't watched a lot either, so I'm going to recommend something not overlooked at all, because it got a best picture nomination this last year.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Story 3. I recently watched Winter's Bone. That was, I was gonna say had delight from start to finish, but that's not a good way of describing Winter's Bone. I mean it's kind of a bleak movie in some ways. Unless you saw the porn version which is Winter's Bone. Hey that was, I got this guy, it was an other guy. You were sitting on that all night. No, I Wait until you hear the joke. I'm in sitting on all night. Well, we'll close with that but but Now when is bone so you had some laughs enjoyed it. It was good
Starting point is 00:56:57 It was a popcorns. You know like there's there's been a real renaissance in sort of There's been a real renaissance in sort of a hillbilly crime recently between this and the television show justified. This is justified is justified is heavier on the genre elements and this is more of like just a drama about people living in the Ozarks and it's kind of like Just a drama about people living in the Ozarks and it's kind of like It has genre stuff to kind of like make it go down a little easier But ultimately the crime stuff doesn't really matter so much as the character stuff in Winnersbone But it's just a beautiful movie beautifully acted like a like it's like a crime mix them up as what you're saying like a guy richy movie Not at all, okay, so day and recommend a guy richie movie. Not at all. So Dan recommended a guy Richie movie. I recommended an early J. K. Chan feature.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And we got a serious man and what was, like a Sinbad. Sinbad, that's a good name. And a little bit of Roof Rignos. And what's this joke you've been sitting on? Oh, I guess to the end of the podcast, I just wanted to say, it is Tuesday. And we saw Gooby. And I just wanted to say it is Tuesday and we saw Gooby you know I wanted to say is
Starting point is 00:58:07 good bye Gooby Tuesday! Oh! Excellent! On that note I've been Dan McCoy, I've been Stuart Wellington, I am been sitting in for Elliot Kaylen and I am Andy Rocco. Good night everyone. Gooby-toos, uh... Gooby-toos, day! That is a good one. I'm gonna write a fluff house in Cider. Sure, they just feel like an expose. Yeah, just before the show started, McCoy and Wellington quibbled. Sure.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Like, old lovers. Yeah. That's how we quibble,. Sure. Like, old lovers. Yeah? That's how we quibble, I guess. Like, elderly lovers. Where's this hoop? I watch hoop. Okay. And...
Starting point is 00:58:54 Shoot! Shoot! 2.

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