The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #81 - The Roommate

Episode Date: May 28, 2011

0:00 - 0:41 - Introduction and theme.0:42 - 8:29 - Stuart helps Dan deliver some big news by setting up a bit at length and then seeming totally uninterested in the payoff.8:30 - 29:35 - We seem to less to say about The Roommate than any prior film.29:36 - 35:22 - Final judgments.35:23 - 54:01 - Recommendations are BUMPED for our longest Movie Mailbag yet.54:02 - 58:40 - The sad bastards recommend58:41 - 59:51 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode, we discuss single white female for tweens, the roommate, and remember to stop by www House, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaelin. We're all back again. Hey guys, I don't mean interrupt you, Dan. But I have I have you did derailed instantly. The penny was on the track apparently under the train when it started. Are we talking about a fucking penny in a dinosaur again? Yeah. We'll get there. We'll get there. Okay. So I just want to share something with you guys and our listeners at home or in their
Starting point is 00:01:14 car going to their boring day jobs. They're listening to this on satellite XM. Yeah. They're going on their daily commute to their growing. They're growing. They're going on their their daily commute to their their growing their Boring jobs I just got I just got a new job guys. Oh wow just wanted to be you know everybody Everybody already seemed excited about their jobs. I just got a job at the daily show
Starting point is 00:01:40 Really, yeah, that's great. That's great. That's great. Stewart. No, yeah. I am an animal wrangler. We needed one. We've needed one for a long time. A lot of dogs. I was mainly scorpions. Oh, really? Yeah. But yeah, they all kinds of animal wrangling bathing. Bathing scorpions. Yeah. We're like using a toothbrush on their shells. Yeah, of course, and you know, a little bit of sanitizer for Lune. I have not been paying attention for the past week or so, but that doesn't seem correct. I don't think that's it's a variety show. You probably see it before it's the daily show. It's a lot of music or variety show. It's got a scorpion act. Son Hulu, I think. Yes, that's a great. Are you sure you're not just taking care of our in-house band, the scorpions? I do that too, but that's because they are.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm not being paid for that. Oh, okay. I just do that. Because I am a Scorpion's mega fan. Mega fan, you can name more than one of their songs. Such as. Rocky like her account. That's the one.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Okay, I think another one. And dust in the wind. I don't. The one thing that's a scorpion song. Yeah, it's it was when they called them. It's wins of change. Is that a wins of chains? It wins of chains.
Starting point is 00:02:54 That must be the most dangerous storm in the world. Wins of chains with around the wind of change. The winds of change. I don't know what we're talking about. So I think three songs. Rock me like a hurricane, scorpions the song, and scorpions too, the other song. And the scorpions the song goes scorpions,
Starting point is 00:03:10 with the scorpions, scorpions, it's like that over and over again. I mean, we have a little more time. We've got one. We have nothing good time on this time. So nothing scheduled. So I just want to bring that up, mainly to get the congratulations.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Congratulations. There is no one out you have taken the thunder. Any other announcement would seem so hit a tune into the daily show. You'll see if you see any animals. It's probably probably a little bit more. You'll see a probably Stuart's hand reaching in from out of the corner holding a peanut butter sandwich up to a member of the band the scorpions Yeah, you'll probably keep playing if if there's a scar on my hand. It's probably the scar. I got playing flag football with scorpions with Well, there's flags are very tiny on their little caribus. Yeah, it's hard to pull them off without getting stung. I like to call the caribus
Starting point is 00:04:03 Okay, well, that's fair. I mean, you know, it's the same thing that it just sounds cool. I mean like it like a garthoms carer I don't think there is there's not a single word cooler than exoskeleton All right, hold on let's take a break for this siren outside Just all imagine where it could be going. It's just more New York realism. Yeah You know it would seem just all imagine where it could be going. It's just more New York realism. Yeah. You know, it would seem... With Searn. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It's probably... And Searn, man. Okay. Good. Keep going. You know, it would seem churlish of me to make an announcement at this point. But, uh... Yeah, do you want to just get right to the meat of the floppy? Well, I just...
Starting point is 00:04:44 The roommate, okay. It seems that... Starring meat of the flat Well, I just made okay, it's the starring Minka I mean Elliot meat and bister Elliot has deliberately won up to me on several occasions cam. Good. Change it. Yes I don't know if I would say I won up to you You would be like oh like I went camping and it was fun I'd be like I was at the Emmys and I won one or you'd be like oh, you know I met this guy, you know, you hadn't heard of him, but i've been a fan of his music and i'd be like well i fist bump the president sure well i
Starting point is 00:05:10 was someone argue that's the definition of one i think i think so it's more like a hundred up in my feel like like a hundred better than you know do work has thrown down a really joke with funnier than yours too i don't mean that's right thank you sir you know let's go well he's been a writer for the daily show for quite some time. Who? The Daily Show. No, who's been a writer for the Daily Show?
Starting point is 00:05:30 He said who, and he said the Daily Show. Which is not a person. LA, it's been a writer. Oh yeah, for the Daily Show for quite some time. The Daily Show was just good at making you up. We were gonna save show. Yeah, you didn't realize that? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I interviewed you for the job. Oh no kidding yeah why do you wear a mustache so they asked me to do that so I can have more on hats later and there will be more on hats later no I just wanted I just want to let you know that I I do it did you get a haircut you're looking really good no I just did just put some water in it when I went to the bathroom mmm here's the thing, bro. Stuart, Stuart sets up a bit, bro, Tim. Stuart really enjoys setting up a bit and then preventing the bit from hanging off. Yes, what is the payoff, Dan?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Make your announcement. The payoff is that I got hired as a writer for that particular television program. And what show is that? That's the Daily Show. Yay! Yay! Muzzle Tuff, today you are a professional comedy writer. Well, technically the Tuesday I have from Memorial Day.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It took a while, but I finally stopped making a liar of the New York Times, which listed me as a comedy writer in my wedding announcement. And what year was that? That was quite some time ago. You've been married for about six years, I think. About six years. So you probably would have won it. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Hold on. I'm not about. You don't remember the year you were married. About six years. That's probably what is what I can't remember. Hold on. I don't remember the year you were married. I was married. I came 2010. You know what? I came last year. I remember to remember what year it was and I forgot what that momotic device was.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Well, one is pronounced mnemonic. OK. No, you can say mnemonic. That sounds funny. OK. You shouldn't correct him when he says it wrong. I'm sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Where did we're talking about the roommates? Movie we watch you got a job as a writer at the Daily Show. I'm very excited and you had a scary roommate Yes, you won't have a scary roommate. I know who your roommates gonna be. Oh, that's good. Make a Kelly Make a make a Kelly or Cam. Good Janent. No, I don't want to I don't want to linger on this either, but I just want to be moving. I just want to be clear that being on the floor. So you're trying to block the fact that I got a job as an animal wrangler? No, I'm just saying that clearly being on the floor is a fast track to being employed at the Daily Show. Yeah, that's what I thought. The fully 66.66% repeating of the floor is a writer for the Daily Yeah, very exciting. You'll have to change your bio on the website. Oh, God. Yeah, that's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So many things to do before Tuesday. You have to change your occupation on Facebook from hateful drone to comedy writer. You know, I told my friends though. I said to them. I was like a television writer. I told them, uh, don't worry. I'll complain just as much as before. You'll just be less sympathetic about it. Oh, yes. That's it. I've learned that. So guys, for a job cast, if listeners,
Starting point is 00:08:12 if the listeners out there, if you've grown to love the hateful sad Dan McCoy, don't worry, he's not going anywhere. Oh, if anything, he will only become more alienated from his own work. Yeah. I'm just kidding. It's a great place.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Anyway, that's not what it's... Jan has deep-seed in the room. This podcast is about the roommate starring... The roommate. ...starring Mika Kelly. ...Kink Mellie. I'm Layton Meister. ...and Cam Gajandet.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I got it. Nobody in this movie has a... And Vamka Janssen. The most reasonable name in this movie is Billy Zane, which sounds like Billy is saying. Or Billy Zane. What's this? This movie is about two ladies that look like each other. They look kind of bad.
Starting point is 00:08:53 What's up with parents' name in their kids silly names nowadays? Like, what do you mean? I mean, all of the people in this movie are in their late 20s, so it's not really nowadays. No, you're like trying to get me to steal your catchphrase. Your famous catchphrase, is this a bit? Yeah, no, I know. It's famous catchphrase. It's not even the most famous of his three or four
Starting point is 00:09:12 dozen catchphrases. Most famous catchphrase is just a noise. What would that noise be? I will not do it on command. Yeah, we have to wait till the house cat wanders into the room. Yep, it's like urinating in public. You have to kind of focus and just be quiet and maybe it'll happen. Well, we watched the roommate with Minkakelli and Layton Meister and Cam Gajandit and Billy Zane.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And Ali Michele. Michele, Michele, Michele, Michele, Michele. Let's just point out that Billie Zane is a reoccurring flop house favorite. Yep, this. And we need a sound effect for that. And just a favorite in my, I like that. It's pretty good, yeah. It's just a favorite in my life. I like it like a fog horn.
Starting point is 00:09:55 It's a Billie Zane horn. Yeah. In honor of his work in Dead Calm. Antitonic. Yeah. It's for when the shrimp boats are coming in and on a foggy night and they need to know where the Billy Zane's at so they don't get raped yeah giant blowing Billy Zane I'm out on the point hey dude Kelly
Starting point is 00:10:13 Brooke liked it yeah wow okay that's what I'm saying do you think this because he kind of looks like a giant penis I mean maybe like that suggests something in a woman's mind I'd like to see the penis is you're looking at Well, they all have stubble that's interesting. You're too thief. They all smash evil Slam evil dad. I'm sorry. He slammed evil as the phantom who smashes evil. I guess the Hulk would smash evil Hulk just smash his face. He literally Hulk smash. He just smashes. Yeah He's leaving it open ended. Yeah, no one smashes evil. So we would explain what this movie is except for it's exactly a single white female. It is the movie single white female but set at a college dorm and all the college students are obviously in their late 20s. We didn't get any closer. Who's the Stephen Weber character then? I get, well, I mean, I guess he's the old, the old-
Starting point is 00:11:09 The ex-boyfriend? Well, that's the thing. In single white female, correct me if I'm wrong. She has a boyfriend and- They broke up, but then they got back together. And then the roommate steals the boyfriend. Wants to steal the boyfriend away. Or tries to seduce him. Well, I mean, she seduces him and then kills him by slamming the heel of a spiked,
Starting point is 00:11:26 a stiletto pomp. So because in this one, there's an old boy friend that the heroine doesn't like anymore, and there's a new boy friend. A heroine? Yeah, the hero who's a girl. Heroine, sorry, the heroette, heroics. That's the heroine.
Starting point is 00:11:39 OK, we call it. Well, that's a drug. It's also the way James is one. I don't think so. The Hawaiian has a new boyfriend, Squinty Mick Cam, Gengit. She was always squinting and making his eyebrows go crazy and it's kind of gay.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And. But he's a drummer. He's a drummer for a band called The Walthers. So he's gonna get a job. He named that Dr. James Bond's gun. Sure. But there's also an ex-boyfriend Jason who keeps calling the heroine and the crazy roommate so pretends to be her and they have sex and then she kills him with a box cutter.
Starting point is 00:12:19 She stabs him twice and he immediately expires. So basically to those of you who haven't seen SWF or single white female, not to be fused with SFW, the movie. Right. I'm trying to just try to remember with that stands for single female white. Yeah, I think that was it. So, Minka Kelly is a college student at the University of Los Angeles. What's your... It's a university for older students, I would imagine. Yes, because they're all not... It's the only college I've seen where everyone has crow's feet and smile lines. So Minka Kelly, let's call her Lila Guarady just to make it easier.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Lila Guarady from the federal... That's her character on the Friday night lights. Friday night, what night is that on? Friday. And what's the light situation like? Do they have them? on the Friday night lights Friday night what night is that on Friday and What's the light situation like do they have them? Yeah, yeah So it's during the day Well, there's lights on the show and then there's lights in the tubes of your Television set no, that's not how television so I'm assuming that her character let's go to the television set
Starting point is 00:13:22 All right, grandpa I use the clicker. Oh, they aren't invented yet. I guess I get up and turn the dial to the UHF station I didn't I mean we're so I want to tell you uh, tubes in your televisions. Oh hold on. I got a walk across the room. You use the telephone And he uses a rotary dial. I'm guy. I didn't want to take I don't want to do this But I have to take my mask off and it's me Fyla P4 Oh no Hey guys, what's up?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Your voice didn't change at all. No, it's not a regular disguise sure So there so my legarity left Friday night lights to go to college So go to college and I'm presuming that she This is a cousin with Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl, okay? Who is Leighton Meister? Mm-hmm. Leighton Meister? I think it is Leighton Meister? Leighton Meister? I think it's Leighton Meister, but I have no idea. They all have crazy names. Yeah. Anyway, she moves in with Leighton, and it turns out Leighton Meister is the artsy smart girl who is
Starting point is 00:14:15 also crazy, of course, wants to be her roommate, is threatening anyone she sees as an obstacle in her way. To be inside her. I mean, inside her skin as her. Climb inside her. No, it's really creepy. We got a twenton. Yeah. Yeah, to keep warm on the steps of Hough after shooting a probe droid. Okay. I'm actually more excited that it was making Caledda smell bad on the outside.
Starting point is 00:14:40 The characters spend a lot of time. The characters spend a lot of time just kind of wandering around and not doing very much. And there's not a lot of other students. It's like, say by the bell, the college years and that there's no one at the college except the main characters. And like a few extras and it gets to the point where by the last third of the movie, any time you see an extra walk by, you're like, where are they going? What's their story about? It creates a real believable world, what I'm saying. And it claustrophobic.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And on some level, it makes the threat seem more genuine because this crazy girl, like there's no, she has the non-crazy girl has no one to turn to because there's only like two other people. Yeah. And she, the non-crazy girl gets a boyfriend who meets her by literally bumping in her and spilling the beer all over her. On purpose. On purpose. He's the drummer in a band. They of course hit it off because he's a jerk. Well their relationship was initially based on her drinking punch that was spiked. Without
Starting point is 00:15:39 her realizing it. Which he was surprised about. She was at a college party whom surprised that the punch was loaded with alcohol. here's the thing what's you you pointed out pretty early on Stewart what is the defining characteristic of the main character uh... hat hat wearing the other one uh... just to her care repeatedly through this movie the character puts things in her mouth that other people hands her without questioning it whether it's like punch pills give him to her by a crazy person, coffee, booze, people buy her boot, like it seems like they make a point of showing other people giving her things.
Starting point is 00:16:12 At one point, she puts a drink down in a bar, walks away, comes back and just picks up a drink and drinks it, and you don't even know for sure that it's her drink. She could just be drinking anything. This is almost porn for potential date rapists. Like the idea of like this is the perfect candidate for them to go after. And what was her other characteristic? Hats and scarves. Yeah she wears a lot of hats and scarves which is contagious Billie Zayn is wearing hats and scarves. Well they're both in the style industry. We have to understand is that hats and scarves mean style. That's right. We didn't mention that Billie Zayn
Starting point is 00:16:43 teaches her fashion design class. He's the 10 gun of this universe. He's the 10 super straight and hits on his students. Anywhere's like Paul Prudome. Yeah, they look kind of like news boycaps. He should be fighting hersts monopoly over the paper industry. But anyway, she has this new roommate the roommate intimidates people But this other girl who she's friends with the roommate
Starting point is 00:17:15 Tracks her down in the showers and beat her up and then pulls her belly button ring out and Not as hard as it sounds by the way. No, it's not very good and But if you ever wanted to see Ali Mitch Mitch color Of televisions hellcat You ever wanted to see Ali Mitch Keala? I have television's Hellcat. Machalca. Machalca. And what was the, oh she was also the friend and easy A? Yeah, you recommended that.
Starting point is 00:17:31 She was in Phil of the future. She's friends with Easy E. If you wanted to see her belly button ring, it pulled out. This is your chance. What is Phil of the future? It was Disney children's like, tween? I don't like that you know that. I'm uncomfortable right now.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah. Anyway, it thinks escalate, or rather they don't, they just kind of keep plotting along until finally they wish they'd escalate. They're sex collated. There would be a reason for this movie to exist. There's very little like, thrills or anything. They did manage to sneak in the crazy roommate masturbation sequence. Yes. I'll be it slightly different than...
Starting point is 00:18:10 The crazy roommate accepts a call on her roommate's phone from the ex boyfriend Jason and they masturbate with each other over their phone. Wow! In another location, Minka is having sex with a new boyfriend the drummer and there's a lot of close-ups of teeth. I love the, and because the Danish director Christian E. Christensen apparently thinks that teeth are very sexy. I mean son of Christian son of Christian right. Something like that yeah. And they've been Christian for at least two generations. And the crazy girl while masturbating is also staring at a childhood picture of her roommate, Minka Kelly and her dead sister.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And her dead sister. Things get the final straw that brings you. I mean, she's not dead in a picture. That'd be really weird. The final straw that breaks Minkikelli's back metaphorically is that she has a tattoo of her sister's name Emily on her boob. The classiest place to get a tattoo of a dead sister
Starting point is 00:18:59 in memoriam. And her crazy roommate goes to get a tattoo and she gets the same tattoo and starts saying, you can consider me your sister, pretend I'm your sister. That is too much for Mika Kelly and things escalate to the point where they have a knock down drag out fight that involves people getting things smashed over their heads and punched and like pointing guns at each other and getting knocked out of windows. Mika Kelly is Lesbian best friend who has been tied to the bed for a panellate day.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Three days. Three days. How does it sound? Yeah. There's a lot of things that in description sound very like titillating or sleazy, but come off as a poor. Like putting a kitten in a, in a dryer. That's right. They pick up a stray kitten named Cuddles. Or they name it Cuddles. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't tell them its name. It's Cuddles or anything.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And so this is Cuddles. A business girl says Cuddles. Cuddles where they name it cut. Yeah, I mean it doesn't tell them its name it's cuddles or anything Business cards as cuddles kitten where do they get business cards? You just get them for free. Oh, okay on the other side of the business card. There's an ad for the business card company I would love to see that now movie We want to do business card to somebody Well, I mean most likely it'd be like a cartoon and it would be an animal detective or something. And that's the animal who solves crimes. Not a detective who looks because there's a pet detective movie already. Uh-huh. What's three of them?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Not really. What's what's the deal there is that a comedy, a thriller. It's a Holocaust drama. Okay. East end were a pet detective. It's a Holocaust drama. Okay. He's been to a pet detective. Surprise you don't. As far as you remember, it was a best picture when you're around. Yeah. I usually don't see those movies. The nudity just makes me sad often.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Wow. I mean, when there's nudity, it makes me sad in those movies. It's not like... Anything else in those movies makes you happy. It's just the nudity that makes you sad. Well, no, I mean... But I don't like being... He's talking about his penis. Yeah. Wait, thing that makes you sad. Well, no, I mean, but I don't like being talking about his penis. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:46 Wait, my penis makes me sad. This is a bigger issue than we have time to deal with on the podcast. Anyway in the end Wait, wait, wait, I want to go back to this. So there's a pet detective Yes, he's not Someone's pet Oh Yes, he's not the detective isn't someone's pet. Oh Detective who works bad pet. Yeah, it's a pet related business. So it's not a pet that's actually detective No, no, it's a detective who finds pets. Okay, it's like pet co is not a company run by pets Why assume not and pets calm, but it is where the pets go right? No people go to get things for their pets. I'm all confused. Let's go back to the roommate
Starting point is 00:21:27 All right, the roommate well they have a stray cat named cuddles and I'm not sure why the roommate decides to kill it But she just puts it in the dryer in the In the canvas Longer room. It was very sad Stuart. Yeah, I remember It was hilarious for like a minute. No, no, I'm not like just for a minute and then it gets sad real quick. I mean the willing that's laughed at comedy. I mean it's funny until somebody actually gets hurt, right? You know like the trustingness of this gitty and then how sad it was for the J.N. Chan movies.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I mean the sad, but I mean I was what I expected was this is like a single white female fatal attraction type movie I expected her to cook the cat try to serve it to the roommate. Yeah, they really wasted the potential The cat like Titus and Drawnicus. Yes, like try to say Drawnicus. They cook the man's the way they cook the women's sons and feed them Sure, it's the same thing. Exactly. Yeah, same thing like a a 420 bike birds based in a pie. Sure. So that was sad. But that's the movie. Like it's the simplest plot in the world and they somehow still fuck it up. Pardon my French. Here's something that I don't care for. Thank you. This movie seems to be anti the anti-roomume mate sensitive already Yeah, if you're sort of intelligent girl with hate if you like to draw and you go to museums Yeah, and if you don't think that the devil wears prod as the greatest movie like make it Kelly does
Starting point is 00:22:54 You're the crazy one if you're the one who doesn't like to go to out to the club and dance then you obviously have something wrong with you This isn't movie where the good friend who gets scared away by the evil roommate gets drunk at a party and flashes a bunch of guys with cameras. Yeah. But the, and you know that's just going to be normal. I mean, I don't think it's really any different than the like country versus city thing
Starting point is 00:23:16 that you see in every other like comedy. You're just like in the same anti-sophistication sort of. Yeah, I mean, it is hard to do a pro, smart people anti-sophistication sort of yeah, I mean it is hard to do a pro Smart people pro sophistication comedy Like I got stupid. Yeah, I mean, they're still all about boobs and getting laid But like if you made a snob versus lobs And the coercing women and to sleeping with them by Putting on the costume of their boyfriend much like in the the room. Sure. And cheating it all the. She's the bad guy. I thought the nerds are the bad guys.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So I think it revenge. And the whole time. And the whole time and revenge of the nerds when they're going through that contest with the other frat, they're like cheat at every single contest that they win. Well, they use their smarts to cheat. But yeah, they're still cheat That's they're still breaking the rules. I think They're not harder not harder. That's because people misunderstood. They're working smarter not harder. They're they're shifting the paradigm Okay, that's because people misunderstand that the nerds are the bad guys in revenge of the nerds. Yeah, who misunderstands that? Everybody So everyone thinks the nerds are the bad guys. No, no, everyone thinks the nerds are good guys when actually they're the bad guys.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Well, I mean, I'm assuming the jocks don't think they're the good guys. The jocks are like over and there's other puns with him in the film. The context. I imagine William Zobke doesn't feel that way. Well, there is it is hard to make like you're never going to see a movie where the snobs beat the slabs were the slabs of the bad guys even though being a snob myself, I find slabs not the heroes. Yeah, you find them just tasteful. Well, it's a reason I'm not a fan of the Seth Rogen guys hanging out in movies. I also don't understand. I mean, I think you
Starting point is 00:25:01 kick them with your spat as you walk, but I hit them with my cane. Yeah, I think that's probably the only time John Goodman's ever gotten to be one of these snobs Is in revenge of the nerds Because he's the he's the evil football coach. Sure. He's probably all from that type cast He's not the snob. He's in the snob. This is the snob is are the nerds. I didn't think that but they're But wait, that's kind of a slabs versus slabs comedy the more I think about it. Well jocks are always slabs. Uh-huh. And there's a bunch of slubby nerds who and the nerds are still cameras in this erority to... Well that's the thing is the nerds in that movie are not there no relationship to real nerds as far as I know.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah. They should have just called it. They should have called it protectors in glasses and stuff. They should have called it revenge of the unattractive jerks Who get a revenge on the slightly more attractive jerks? Okay, we're just called it jerk university Call it jerks you jerk school. Yeah, jerk you and all the all the students are asking It's not on in it jerk you It's like like the French renaming of It sounds like the French renaming of the French release of Revenge. Thank you. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:26:09 It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. see that Matt Carmen are upcoming Flophouse Live co-hosts. He posted on Facebook. There was
Starting point is 00:26:26 a French translation of Children of the Corn and the poster just said, horror child. That's pretty good though. I mean, it's a good summary. Yeah. It's a better name than fourth and Children of the Corn. Yeah, what's the deal there? Damn, I don't know. Look at these guys.
Starting point is 00:26:44 You are. I mean, I thought you were the Stephen King movie expert here. Yeah. Because I haven't been watching him because I thought you knew him all. Max, I'm a mover drive. Okay, now you got it. Okay. Now he's starting with the slow walkers. Wait, are we just having Dan name all the Stephen King movies?
Starting point is 00:27:04 The Meg-Word. I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna hurt his creativity. I'm not gonna stifle there. This is creativity. It's a professional television writer. Just listing things. You can say silverback. Silver. Okay. It's Stephen King silver bull. Sorry. Yeah, it is. The Tommy Knuckers. Anyway, you made that last one up, but let's continue. Maybe let's move. Let's move on back to the roommate. This is a dull movie and everyone wears hats. It's like the freaking adjustment bureau over here.
Starting point is 00:27:39 But yeah, I guess there's not much to say about the roommate. It's not a very good movie. I was hoping this would be like a sorority row Where it turned out to be pretty enjoyable, but instead it wasn't there would have to be an R rated film part of the sorority Row now here's the problem and this is something that has come up in a bunch of things I've read recently It seems like Hollywood is just not comfortable making R rated movies anymore Which baffles me because I feel like in the 80s and 90s the whole thing was that people wouldn't go see a PG-13 movie or PG movie but nowadays it seems like it's the opposite. Well they started I think the part of the problems they started actually enforcing some of this stuff like people like like hang on kids are getting into these movies and now it's like the only thing that's actually already now is comedies.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yes I think like and kids see those anyway. They're still already comedies I don't know why we can't have the old style R rated horror films. I mean like what was the last I guess the song movies are rated R right? Yeah but like that's I don't want I don't want R rated horror movies that are just unpleasant things happening to like like people's bodies like I want. I want a story that will help you feel better about being turned on by seeing I'm sure I want a little goore but I also want a little sleaze. I'm a simple man guys.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Look so hostile is what you want. Hostile that's of those movies like that's certainly the best of that sort of wave of films. Yeah I mean I'll agree with you before really it will. Yeah take that Elliott. I don't feel like I've seen enough of those movies. I hope thanks for that. Well it's instantly undercut his use as an agreement on that. See look at least two or degrees. Me. Brab. Really that's what you're gonna peg your your credibility on death is burpee over here Melchow the perp you see burpee oh man good stuff we have not been funny tonight it's my fault okay do we have more to say about this because uh if we don't I can move on to I mean we could
Starting point is 00:29:39 go into it in more detail but it's not really worth it it's a pretty this is a pro name for the movie yeah it's single white female it's not really worth it. It's a pretty, this is a pro- I mean, more of a movie. Yeah, it's single white female. It's single white female without, but PG-13 and the kind of picture of college life that's very inaccurate, never-eat-a-tail. Less, the acting was boring. Less boring. The script is boring, less weird lesbian subtext. There was a great part where the evil roommate's taking the good roommate
Starting point is 00:30:06 to an art museum and she blocks it. She goes, this is the modern section. And just like big like circles on the wall. It's like, oh, okay. Sure. I mean, this isn't John Singer Sargent's work. Pretty sure. Are they? Wait, which of these is the Bata-Chelli mural? Is it this film that's showing in the background? But and Cam Gagandit Backed it mostly with his furrowed brow I got it. I got it. Yeah, he does like a James Frank on brushing the whole time. Yeah, he's a really bad James eyebrows and smug looks You want to iron his is far ahead? You want to punch him in the face because so wrinkly
Starting point is 00:30:40 He's got a punchable face. He does a very punchable face. Yeah All right, so final judgments, I guess. This is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, or a movie you kind of liked in some way. Elliott, I would say this is a bad bad movie. As I said, while we were watching the film, it is the type of movie that makes swim fan look like Psycho. Put that on a poster.
Starting point is 00:30:59 No, the poster is the thing I like most about it because it said something like every year, a bunch of students get a roommate. could yours could be crazy so it's like don't go to college kids it was a community college advertisement yeah every year a bunch of kids well I paraphrase that way it's assuming you know soon we take me to kids court that way it's suing you know, super, take me to kids court. Well, I would you go to kids court about the adults. Well, I mean, if we all take me to kids court, the judge will say this is outside of my jurisdiction. You need to go to adult court.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Stuart's out of all these activist judges. He believes it's only true, uh, uh, justice, confiscated the child. Yeah. Uh, yeah, no, I would like, you this is a bad bad movie honestly like watching with you guys I don't know whether we haven't been together for a while. I had a really good time watching it with you guys I wouldn't enjoy watching it by myself. Yeah, it's sped by like compared to a lot of it is only 90 movies It's a bad bad movie, but as those movies go it was it was much more painless than most of them. Okay I'll give you that. Yeah this is kind of a turd. There were there's a scene where a keg it's put in a dryer that was
Starting point is 00:32:15 distressing and there was a fight scene in a shower which was not exciting at all. There's a shower scene with no nudity. So that was that really distress to it. Yeah. It's best to pan as close as it can get to a nude body part and then back up again. It's legally close to a butt crack as one can get. And then it just freezes. Without the cops saying, hey, get away from her. Get away from that butt crack. You've reached the terminus's ester, whatever. The fight at the end was okay. Not great. Not enough to save the movie. It was uncomfortable, which was nice, and girls had blood all over their face. I mean, I was glad that that wrinkly face got hit by a candle stick. Yeah, no. I like that. I was sort of satisfying.'t he didn't die like that would have been better. But it was a movie where I was more intrigued by the by the
Starting point is 00:33:08 main character's co-worker at the coffee house she works at who look kind of like one of the cavemen from the Geico ads. Oh, speaking of speaking of this movie by the way like per not per knee rock that was his name. I'm present caveman lawyer Jesus come at for for 99.9% this movie, it was a ripoff of single white female. And then at the very end, it turned into the ripoff of the end of Poltergeist. Because the Poltergeist ends with them wheeling the television out of the hotel room, like not again. And this movie, they wheel the other bed out of the room.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It was like, no more roommates for me. It's just new, need a decision to make. Yeah, housing. Housing, uh, offices gonna have some. Make it a single. Sure. White female. Single white female movie.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah. So, well, if single white female was an amazing financial success in its day, yeah, is that what? It did well. I mean, it was more, I feel like single white female, it was part of this run of movies in the 90s that were somehow controversial because they involved like murder and sex, like basic instinct. Like I'm not sure why that movie was controversial, really. Except, I mean, I guess there's an implication that lesbians are violent.
Starting point is 00:34:19 But like single white female, maybe there was something like, I remember seeing like, they killed the America's sweetheart Stephen Weber in it that Wait a minute, but I remember when single white female coming out just like this this like uncom this discomfort it caused in people and I don't know Quite why and it added something to the national discourse You shouldn't trust single white females Similar to in decent proposal it added single white female as a reference point for movies like this Yep It added single-white female as a reference point for movies like this. Yep. Yeah, like in decent proposal was like this big conversation point when it came out and like I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I totally have sex with Robert Redford for like a hundred dollars. Mm-hmm. I don't remember the movie. And you had a problem with Cam Gajanditz' wrinkly face? Yeah. You'd have sex with leather face, Robert Redford? Yeah, but his is from being really tan, not trying to look cute. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Unless I'm totally underestimating Robert Redford's trying to look cute, and he actually successful. He's through the rabbit hole. Apparently, to be really cute, you have to wrinkle your face up as much as possible. Yeah. That's why the old man in up was such a sex symbol. Yep. So, I do have some letters here in my hand.
Starting point is 00:35:25 From prison inmates? Yes. What could only assume? Dear flop house, season-disused from the flop cast house. The first one is from Kelly Last Name With Hell, and it's simply titled Thank You. And I assume the last name is Kupowski. It says, in the past two weeks, I've made my way
Starting point is 00:35:44 through the entire backlog of your fine program. As says, Oh, shootin' up. In the past two weeks, I've made my way through the entire backlog of your fun program. As a graduate student, I spent a lot of time with a lab and having an iPod and iPod. And iPod full of floppots. I put it on for an iPod, so a guy named Paul just whispers in my ear.
Starting point is 00:36:00 So, snatches of songs, maybe stories he knows, jokes he's heard. This guy named Paul gets transcripts of the flop house And he reads them to me and iPod full of flop house makes staying alone until well into the night much easier to bear Kelly asked us guys. Uh-oh time for us to do some work Are you ever going to run more vaguely defined contests designed to let you watch older movies as a quote prize? Sure, why not? We throw out contest every week. Yeah, and forget about 37 to 98%.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Ali, you wanted to run a contest to encourage Roger Ebert to put us on his television program. Yeah, well, actually, I would if we could get the listeners of the flop house to write the what's to write the, what's it called now, Roger E. Represents at the movies or something like that. If they could write to them and suggest that in droves and suggest we be on that show instead of the people who are currently on it who are not very good. Because all of us were going to TV show now. Yeah, I'm a writer, Danzer writer, you're an animal Wrangler.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Yeah, we get television. So that would be, that would be a big contest, though, that get us on Roger Ebert's show contest. Um, you know, and as a prize, you can pick an old movie for us to watch. If you, if you can prove that you've done something to further the same, then we will put you in the, so ambiguous house random, well, you get tweet about it, right to Roger Ebert's Twitter feed. That's how you communicate with human beings about it You know posted on your blog page any of those things maybe send us some proof
Starting point is 00:37:30 Maybe purchase the television rights Roger Ebert's show and I make a trick millionaire. Yeah, we don't give more A central millionaire. Well, yeah, that's fair. But we don't I'd like an eccentric one Then we got a salesman and I'm the of us we get scared by a go-go-go ghost but he probably have a zeppelin which I would like that be pretty great and I'd probably be the first one killed by the ghost so at least I get to see a ghost before I go away of course Dan will be the first one killed what I'm gonna keep me around I am the I'm the quote final girl no no you're not a final girl what who you're the guy you're the girl who thinks she's the final girl yeah so you die I you are No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, killed while masturbating while watching other people having sex. Yeah, I think I'm you know what I would be the boring boyfriend of the final girl who
Starting point is 00:38:30 gets killed early on. Okay, I'll give you that. Sure, but some reason everybody believes that final girl is Penny and she fights the dinosaur. Wait, it's a ghost dinosaur. Yeah, because think about how many fucking ghost dinosaurs are just wandering here. Probably a shitload, right? And I apologize for my language.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yes, there were millions of dinosaurs. They're all dead. What are their ghosts doing? Just wander around. What would it be like the dinosaurs that got killed in the movie Jurassic Park or like older than that? Old real dinosaurs. Not fake dinosaurs?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Probably not the ghosts of animatronic dinosaurs. Okay. So Kelly, I hope that answers your question. So that's the contest. Make a ghost dinosaur. No, no. Since you have. Lincoln ghost dinosaur.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Okay, here's the Lincoln ghost dinosaur, star of roommate. So there are two contest, seven of those. There's the ongoing publicized the flop house. Spread the word and help us get more listeners. Sure And the other one is the get us on Roger Ebert show contest both of them require you to send us some sort of proof and then we'll put you in the randomizer and I don't know when we when when can we do a drawing maybe in Two months. Yeah, a couple months. Let's give people the summer. Yeah Okay, so two months
Starting point is 00:39:44 So someone's gonna have, someone write in and remind us of this. You should say like four episodes or something like that's defined. OK. You're right. A set amount of time is way less defined than our random schedule of when we can get together
Starting point is 00:39:57 and do this thing. Yeah. OK. All we can do is write. We need to think about it. That's fine. It's cool. So the next one here, the title of this email is Near Death Experiment.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I can't talk. So like flatliners? Near death experience. And it's from Craig last name withheld. And he says, I'm going to guess his last name is Daniel. Like Daniel Craig, the Craig Daniel. Backwards, yeah. I have been listening to the podcast for some time at work now and I've become pretty good at covering my laughter By going into a fake coughing fit. I don't know why I need to cover it up
Starting point is 00:40:33 But sure no one's supposed to laugh at sad core where he works. However We're laughing can get you fired today It's like like a like a very to mumble core right? can get you fired today. Today is like like a like a variant of mumble core, right? Exactly. Yes. There are a lot of budget movies where you can't really hear it because that's why it's sad.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's all our children dying. We're going to bring it down. Yeah, sad core. I brought it down. Yeah, sad core. Yeah, that's not cool to you. Anyway, he said that's why he killed pretty early on. However, today it did not go smoothly flashback nine months
Starting point is 00:41:07 After listening to the original Brad Faddez Well after original release I went out and purchased the Bradst DVD previously viewed from blockbuster for 299 Uh-oh I got a pretty strange look from the clerk being a male shopping alone in my late 20s That was clearly excited about finding the film in the bargain bin That night I convinced a few friends to come over to watch the movie and we were enjoying ourselves immensely, then disaster struck.
Starting point is 00:41:30 The DVD had been occasionally skipping for a few minutes, but it got to a point where it would play no more. We wasted no time and soon there were three slightly drunk people in their late 20s negotiating a replacement for our scratch disc. We were told that they should have one copy left, but we would have to find it in one of the mini-bens. We dispersed and began rummaging through massive piles of DVDs until my friend let out a loud cheer holding the brats DVD high above his head and triumphed.
Starting point is 00:41:56 The most excited anyone's ever been to find the movie brats. The three of us has since watched this movie multiple times, and I've insisted that co-workers and superiors borrow the movie and give it a watch, flash forward to a few hours ago. There I sat, listening, and staring blankly at a spreadsheet while eating lunch. It was all going well until Stuart mentioned the idea of a spell-casting brat. My body attempted to laugh up royously while also swallowing a large bite. And the immediate effect was I began choking. Swallowing a large bite? the immediate effect was I began choking.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Swallowing a large bite? A large bite, sorry. A breath? You was eating a breath. Eating a breath stall. Everything is breached with him now. Listening to breads. The secondary effect was that the food that was not blocking my windpipe fell out of my mouth across my desk and keyboard. The sounds of my struggle resulted in a small crowd forming outside my office that seemed quite concerned for my safety It lasted close to 20 seconds before my weezing and coughing dislodged the contents of my windpipe Present day. Thank you for making my day So that was a story of a near death experience. I'm glad he survived. Yeah, I would I would hate to I would hate
Starting point is 00:43:00 You know the great killed one of our listeners over the movie Brad Craig a Brad sky Daniel I would hate this now that Greg killed one of our listeners over the movie Brad Greg Bratz guy Daniel I Love that it was the idea of a spellcasting Well, there's nothing funny about that. I'm deadly serious about my spellcasting Brad It's just it's such a steward idea to come up with yeah either and it probably is some kind of illusionary magic It does does it have some kind of soul eating ebon sword and like dream blade maybe like Ravens blood. It involves a lot of braditude levels. Okay now you get a role to figure out your braditude level. Mm-hmm, terminal. Terminal braditude level so then we've never seen on this time before they're all from Brad charts or parts so this is from like par brawl mar so that's two letters
Starting point is 00:43:52 down the old brats mall nancy what mall brats mall brats this is from Lucas last name with help mall bread Paul blores mall brats mall brats mall bread words that sound Alright, Paul Blarge's Blarge. Paul Blarge's Blarge. Paul Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Blarge's Bl I don't remember ever mentioning that. Being a young man growing up with a Mr. movie is down the street and USA Network's up all night every weekend. I too have seen a shitload of softcore. My question for you all- I think you mean mumblecore.
Starting point is 00:44:33 What is your favorite softcore movie? I'm looking more from rewatch building and enjoyment levels rather than which turns you on the most because I don't know if I want to hear Stewart talk about how much Nikki Fritz's fake tits got in hard during fast-claimed amalibu. My pick is Buford's Beach Bunny starring Tom Hanks as little-known brother Jim Hanks and the epic role of Jeter. The loser son of Buford who freaks out every time he tries to have sex and includes a YouTube link here. I'm insulted that you think I do not know
Starting point is 00:45:06 what Buford's Beach Bunny is. Come on. I have a VHS copy of Buford's Beach Bunny that was given to me by a friend, but Buford himself. But. And it's inscribed. Thanks for the help with the Beach Bunny.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Thanks for the memories, Buford. Keep on awankin, Buford. I think that there's a, there's a, there's a fine.'s a, there's a, there's a We answering this question. Well, there's a distinction here that has to be made first of all. Wait, are we talking about getting turned on again? No, we're not talking about that.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Specifically, specifically not talking about. I mean, it's cool. I'm pretty comfortable with myself right now. Yeah, we're not. So I think there's a distinction that needs to be made between actual soft core films and TNA comedies, which I think is what he's talking about here. Alright professor. I don't think uh yeah because I mean that's trying to differentiate like my favorite the great bikini off-road adventure. I thought you were going to say that. With say Zalman King's like consequence starring Billy Zayn. Or anything
Starting point is 00:46:01 even a little more explicit that you might find on your on your cinematics or your showtime. The things you mean the movies with with names that are like sinful entry and it's like scenes from other movies like it'll be a breastly breast or sin breast cup or any or any of the ones where it's just a a famous movie with the word breast put in the title. Yes, but they they have those movies that are compilation films where it's it'll be like a bunch of people sitting around and be like here's a are compilation films where it's it'll be like a bunch of people sitting around They'll be like here's a sexy story
Starting point is 00:46:27 I heard and then it'll just cut to a scene from an old cinema And then they'll come back and be like wow that was a hot story It's like it's just a scene of people having sex. How did they tell that story? Yeah, I never I never know how to take that because like I actually really started thinking about the framing advice there I'm like so were they there watching this happen No, they just heard about it. What's interesting about it is they are it's an oral history and those are invaginal. You couldn't see that list. There's a Stuart Wington me actually. That's what did it. But here's the thing about those, there's something fascinating about those movies because they're literally stealing scenes from past movies and then giving them a new fake context.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And like it'll be like, my brother told me about this thing that happened with a girl he worked with. And then they'll show a scene from like, you know, nightcap. We're about sexy women who own a bar. And like, this isn't, that's not what happens there. Yeah. And it's, they're, it's too familiar with the original context. That's the, the repurposing does nothing. But it's almost like the, when you see like movie mash-em-ups online, where they take scenes from one movie and make it look like something else is going on,
Starting point is 00:47:38 like they can only hope to achieve the complete recontextualization that these software compilations have. Yeah. But as, you know, like, all right, but for like, just like goofy TNA comedies, you're saying you like the big, great beginning off where to venture with Willie Tulsalt. I've got, I've got, is that the American shop? I've got, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Well, he always finds that one girls top. Yeah. I've got a certain fondness for Hots or H-O-T-S. Sure, yeah. I would probably say what like, uh, HOTS is like, like, uh, like, uh, if revenge the nerd's was just hot chicks, right? Yeah, basically. I'd say, uh, probably the Bikini Car Wash Company. Sure. More because of its legacy, which is that other Bikini movies have car wash season. Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:22 There's also, there's a movie that used to show on USA up on night all time called Knockouts about a bunch of sorority sisters who of course all are way older than college students. And somehow money gets stolen, I don't remember, but they have to get their money back so they decide they're going to make a calendar of them in bikinis. And then they don't have the money to pay to print up
Starting point is 00:48:43 the calendar so they enter a wrestling match That's lady wrestlers and they win the wrestling match And I always wondered when it was over like because I've seen it I used to see the company's like so they can spend the money on the calendars Or they just get to put it right back into their tuition like I don't know if they've just skipped it like they can they skip the Calender stuff now because that seems unnecessary how much money did they get I don't remember It's rich with incident though. It is rich. Oh yeah, it's like an old silent comedy where it's like, I thought this was about guys who were at a party. Like why are they at
Starting point is 00:49:14 the top of the Empire State Building now trying to fly a glider plane? So, oh wait, I've got one last letter before I'll say that the thing about the bikini coverage company is that at the end, they completely remove all subtext. And the characters, you just hear a voice off screen, go, hey, let's take some pictures. And then it's just them posing in bikinis for like 100 minutes. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Oh, I thought you were talking about like at the end of screwballs when you finally get to see that chick's boobs, right? Sure. I don't know. Oh, I thought you were talking about like at the end of screwballs when you finally get to see that chick's boobs, right? Sure. I don't remember screwballs. I mean that that's what you meant by removing something. I mean they just show people's tops. Yeah. So this last email is from Tom last man with held and it says you guys have been doing the podcast for several years now, especially with the added notoriety of your last mystery guest, White Synac. I think someone gets a Zagnut bar. It's time for you to expand your operation. That was the Zagnut. That was what he's supposed to get. A Zagnut bar. Like Zagnut. That was right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:50:25 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:50:33 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:50:41 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. who are more than willing to work for little to no money to get the experience. Living on the West Coast inhibits me from volunteering to be your podcast lackey, but I'm positive you could find someone in the Brooklyn area willing to invest their time and effort. Flophouse internship responsibilities include feed the Flophouse house cat, pick up fried chicken and Popeyes for Elliott.
Starting point is 00:51:00 That would be very convenient. Make beer runs for Stewart. Provide moral support for Dan when Stewart and Elliot turn against him. Impossible. He burned against him. What are you talking about? Dan, what are you doing? You wrote this fucking letter, didn't you? You added that. Yeah, I see. No one likes Dan enough to want him to have moral support. Keep track of all the vague flop house contests. That would be very helpful. Be the scapegoat for any technical problems. It's a call back to the thing we fuck up all the vague flop house contests. Well, it's a callback. That would be very helpful. Be the scapegoat for any technical problem. It's a callback to the thing we fuck up all the time. So with that said, I hope you consider
Starting point is 00:51:31 a drop on a f-bombs. I apologize. It's OK. You're apologizing for everything. I think we're showing as much as we normally apologize. Yeah. Wait, as we're going to see. What?
Starting point is 00:51:40 We need interns today to get understand what he's saying at any given moment. Sorry. Yeah, flop house intern intern. What do you think guys? I mean we can it's I don't know what the flopphouse intern would do. You're the only person who puts any work into this so I could sit to the side and laugh. I mean that would be helpful That probably come I was good. I don't understand. Yeah, no, he already left that brother come house cat I don't understand yeah no airy left he just he was summoned like candy man the intern candy man like Saul candy man you're saying the intern could cue the house cat whenever the house cat was needed
Starting point is 00:52:17 remind me that the fluff ass ass cat exists your most popular characters I don't remember much of what I was supposed to do here. I think this is we do need an intern probably. But where would they just like live in your apartment? That's a good quote. I mean like what would they do? Like a butler would he be like a toy and Richard Pryor's the toy? Those are two different things.
Starting point is 00:52:39 He wasn't a butler? He was not a butler. He was a toy. Hence the title of the film. He wasn't a toy butler? No, no, he was a toy person. He was a slave. He was like a toy story. He was like a butler who's a toy hence the title of the film he was a toy butler no no he was a toy person He was a slave It was like toys Tory
Starting point is 00:52:51 Wait what Wait what Toys three oh toys three I Don't know I mean until I got this new job. I worked in a closet and And my current position so this this intern could live in my coat closet. I mean that seems like if anything you should have learned a lesson about how much people don't like being closets. I've only had another day has some misery along. Now the day is out of the oh. So to speak. Sure. So do we. So Dan, you would be the one dealing with this
Starting point is 00:53:28 person. So do you want an intern? No. So yeah. Yeah. And okay. Well, but we appreciate the idea. Yeah. We would pay a stipend of nothing. Sure. So send your resumes to Dan McCoy at Dan 123 Dan McCoy Street. Care of the Flop House. Flop House Lane. Flop House New Jersey. 0704 Flop House. All right, so we should mark your envelopes. Attention. We have another we have another letter. Well, you know, we should quickly recommend thing. We should quickly recommend a movie that we actually liked as Post the remade which we did not care for Stewart didn't like it. Do you have a recommendation? You would like to know. Okay, Elliott. I know you have one Queue dub. I do. I would like to recommend the film. I love you Philip Morris, which I just saw a couple days ago after hearing a lot of good things about it from a lot of people
Starting point is 00:54:25 And you may have heard of it. You probably haven't seen it. You've got a very small American release after being delayed for a long time. It was actually the rare American movie that's released overseas before it was released in America, which is too bad. It's a kind of comedy drama about,
Starting point is 00:54:40 it based on a true story, about a con man slash serial prison escapist played by Jim Carrey in probably his best performance ever uh... who falls in love with a fellow prison in mate played by you and mcgregor who also does a pretty good job and it seems like the only thing that kept it from being released is that it is very
Starting point is 00:54:59 open about the main characters being gay and having a sexual relationship and just not it's it's one of those movies where a character is gay, but that's not really a plot point. And it seems like people are uncomfortable with that at the moment. But it was a good movie and I'd recommend it. I have not had a lot of time to watch movies recently. I've got new jobs and stuff. Sure. Just live in large, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah, I'm in charge occasionally Charles but so I'm gonna do my normal thing when I When I haven't had time to see movie which is to stare at my DVD shelf And you can probably think of one while still okay castle freak or Sure, come on guys, don't underestimate me. Like a week or so ago was Friday the 13th. So I rewatched Friday the 13th part 7. My favorite of the Friday the 13th movies.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Which one is that? That's the one where Jason took Manhattan, right? It's right before. That's the one where Jason has been sunk to the bottom of a lake. Did he take Manhattan before or after the Muppets? Who currently has control of Manhattan? The Muppets. Oh no, they split control to time share thing.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yeah, sorry going. It is way better when the Muppets are in the show. Yeah. Jason, it's kind of random. He has, he walks around slowly and kills people when they get too close. But in this movie, he begins. He opens a fashion agency. He wears a product.
Starting point is 00:56:30 He begins a life in Crystal Lake and he is awoken from his eternal slumber by a telekinetic girl who is accidentally rises from the dead when she tries to bring her dead around father back to life. And then he basically spends the rest of the movie battling this telekinetic girl. And then right before he kills her, her zombie dead drags him down to hell. It's pretty awesome. So spoiler alert, but you still watch it because it's hilarious. Thanks for life. Well, I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:57:06 recommend part seven. Part seven. What the subtitle? I don't remember. Jason takes Manhattan. No, that's part eight. From my DVD shelf, I'm gonna recommend Moscow. Talking, talking ahead and stop making sense. It's barely even a movie. What do you mean it's barely? It's the best concert film ever made. It's a concert film. In my opinion, Jonathan Demme, who did Science of the Lambs, something wild, many other great films. And many bad films.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Recently, bad films, but before Science of the Lambs and earlier, all good films. Did he do the conspiracy theory or was it, and that was what your daughter was? Yeah, that's what she did. He did the terrible Shred remake, truth about Charlie. Oh yeah, it's right. But he, but stopped being sensed very good. Stop being sensed is, as I said, I think the best concert film ever made.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Didn't, never seen ever Justin Bieber film. Yeah, it just came out. Yeah. Well, probably better because it's newer New yeah, I've been correct and they don't sing that that Fantasy song sure so I guess you're right. I was in my recommendation No, Dan recommends stop making recommendations for this week You got crawl back into your hermit crawl back into your hermit hole? I'm gonna crawl back into my hermit hole. We really broke, we went too far, I'm sorry, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:29 You were so excited at the beginning of the podcast. I really need an intern. I really need an intern to take my side on this, but moral support. Yeah, if we need an intern. I'm out of beer too, I think. Yeah, all right, let's go for more chicken. Let's get stewards more beer.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Elliot's more chicken, me some moral support. So I'm gonna sign off. My name's Ben Dan McCoy. Oh, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I am Elliot Kaylen and we'll continue to be after this is over. Good night everyone. Living in a box! Swap on your other light razors.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Yep, accidentally catch yourself on a defective lab bracelet. And jump up and down on your LA lights shoes so the lights in the heel can go on and off. Put your hyper color up to a toe store. Sure, yep. Where your British night dime is sells. The down a pizza hut for your back to the future two solar shades. And the dash in all of your bookets points. Speaking of bookets, I was talking to a girl about how when you're in elementary school,
Starting point is 00:59:35 you would get like points for reading books that you could apply to getting a personal paying pizza. And she was like, so I'm eating a lot of pizza because I love to read them. Like that's funny. I had to read because I love eating pizza.

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