The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #82 - Drive Angry

Episode Date: June 12, 2011

0:00 - 0:38 - Introduction and theme.0:39 - 31:15- We officially turn this bad movie podcast into a Nic Cagecast, with our discussion of Drive Angry.31:16 - 33:36 - Final judgments.33:35 - 48:15 - Flo...p House Movie Mailbag48:16 - 52:45 - The sad bastards recommend52:46 - 53:53 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we return to the Nicholas Cage Well that never runs dry. We discuss, drive angry, and check us out all this week at as one of their featured podcasts. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I am Elliot Kalim. Yeah, two and. I am Elliot Kaelin. Yeah. Two and a row with all of us here. We did it. We did it. I should stop making a big deal out of the whole thing. Yeah, because it's just a normal thing. I mean, we're the we're the we're the host of this program, right? Yeah. It's not like when the Yankees play a game that they're like today, the whole team is here. Like it's supposed to be a big special occasion. Yankees featuring the Yankees.
Starting point is 00:01:08 No feeling. I guess this broadway show no understudies repeat no understudy. They don't make a big announcement about it. All right. Well, I guess you're still getting from your new job. Yeah, well, you got a new job. We went over this last week, Stuart. Okay, well, listen, I'll listen to the tape. Labor bit, but it's new. We'll be the judge of this. That's yeah, I can yag. I'll listen to the tape, Link.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Okay, so what do we talk about today? What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what do we talk about? Yeah, set a bro back. We talked about the fact that I met a man named Rufio the other day Well, that's probably gonna be the outtake so there's nothing that's been set up so far the five gas to that That's what you're gonna cut that out. Let's go dude. No, it's not
Starting point is 00:01:56 Let's why don't we why don't we Pull out the map and get in the car because we've got some driving to do don't we Dan? Pull out the map and get in the car because we've got some driving to do. Don't we Dan? Click Vroom, vroom, vroom Yeah, I was trying to set you up to say the name of the movie like this and said I don't know what you were doing He's doing it to some foliarist decided to decide to play act. Do you just say doing some sounds? Yes Do some sounds you know just impressing some wizards and nights
Starting point is 00:02:27 you're pronouncing that's true so what movie did we watch Dan it was called drive angry 3D no we are playing at nowhere Blame ads nowhere Dan's television Well, it wasn't 3D was it It was a really bad on dance TV. No, in well all movies are originally in 3D Then they're shot onto 2D celluloid, but they all except for animated cartoons. They all start explainable I guess the plane the more alien I can't complain, no more, Elliot. After this year, what is this thing called love?
Starting point is 00:03:08 I want to know. But as for now, you know, driving R3D, directed by Patrick Lossier, who directed the 3D my bloody Valentine as well. Okay. Really specializing in 3D. Specializing in 3D films with extended full nude scenes of women I mean this is not as extended as in my bloody Valentine some day He hopes to make it to the full nude scenes of man in 3D movies. There's more to 3D with yeah
Starting point is 00:03:40 It's a more exciting 3D experience It's a more exciting 3D experience. I mean, it's a pointy or 3D. Yeah. Wait, what are we talking about? Do shooting guys naked in 3D? That is what happened in this movie. Okay. More questions than usual.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Why don't you do it? How do you agree? Okay, what would you like me to explain with this movie is about? Drive Angry 3D starts on Nicholas Cageworth. Okay. Who starts? He is a flop house favorite.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Flop house favorite. You'll add a sound effect later, right? Sure. Okay. Flop house favorite. I have to assume that he is starting more flop house movies than anyone else. Nick Cage is in the flop house Hall of Fame. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And Nick Cage's hair, results in it. Rahu! Ineligible property theft. Good luck to see that. Good luck to see that. Good luck. It's parody. It's protected for the first amendment.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, yours is the flop house Lousecat. Is he's mad because he's covered in lice. Yeah, I can see what it'd be rowing. Anywho, Nicholas Cage is in hell and he escapes with a muscle car. Yeah, sure. He drives out of hell drives out of hell. He drives out of hell. He's like a bat out of hell. If by bat, it's a man driving a car across a bridge.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, because hell looks like Detroit, but red. There's a lot of crumbling industrial landscapes. So he escapes from hell. And it's because, should I just explain? I don't want to. Yeah, just explain real quick. He is trying to get revenge on the man who killed his daughter and stole his daughter's baby, Nicholas Cage's grandbaby.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And. I don't know, dude, he can play 25. He doesn't need to have a grandbaby. No, he cannot play 20. Like, 26? No, no, I don't think that's okay but i think the guy who did it is a he's blonde in the movie yes he has frosted tips the guy who did it is a lot of jacket only young people were there and sunglasses
Starting point is 00:05:35 but he also smokes a cigar which old people do true but he only smoked it while having sex which young people do but he had sex fully closed because he's afraid of showing his belly which old people do but he had sex fully closed because he's afraid of showing his belly which old people do but he had sex while wearing sunglasses which only young people know which only spuds McKenzie does the original party animal t-ins Nicholas Cage has to stop the guy who committed these crimes who is a cult leader who's kind of like if a Bruce McCullough character from kids in the hall was taken seriously like he's got a tiny little soul patch goatee and a heavy southern accent. And he carries around a walking stick made out of a femur.
Starting point is 00:06:11 One bad he took him seriously. Yeah, like I was so sure to. Anyways, the red silk shirt and he's got a pentagram necklace that he's constantly being stabbed with. It's a problem with one of those cool necklaces. Along the way, Nicholas Cage picks up a sidekick in what's her name Amber herd? Amber herd very attractive young lass Famed Hollywood lesbian Amber herd. That's all I know about Amber. She's right up there with Marlena D. Trink Who was by?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Anyway, thanks for the that's a little classic Hollywood sex knowledge Amber herd is a waitress at a diner. Sure. Called fat lose. She gets in a fight with her boyfriend who she catches having sex with another woman. And he is some kind of like southern white trash guy who really doesn't deserve a woman who looks like Amber herd. He starts hitting her.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Nicholas cages woman in trouble sense flares up. Sure. And he comes over and beats up that guy and They take the boyfriend's car, which has a license plate that says Dr. Vangry. I didn't understand dr. V A N G R Y Dr. Vangry stole it from a dentist You know Anton Vangry with the dentist Anton Q Vangry and Anton V vanery DDS and they go on a car as a bumper sticker that says I break for pussy That's when I realized this movie might be trying too hard. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:34 They go to track down this cult member, but they're also being followed available. It's Spencer's gifts The bumper sticker is yeah, and DVD copies of this movie Really the bumper sticker is yeah and DVD copies of this movie right next to a t-shirt of an angry bootleg Calvin from Calvin and haz Stewart has a lit lucrative Spencer's gifts sponsor So he's mentioned it once in several years He doesn't want to overplay his hand. They only pay him in pornographic reading cards for women. So Not really eager to get paid. Yeah, if he gets up to two mansions, he's one of those electronic things that shoot out beams to your fingers. Yeah, a fan-to-graph generator. I believe they're called, but I could be wrong about that.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And truck nuts. Which were surprisingly absent in a movie called drive angry. Yeah, that's true I'm surprised we didn't see any truck nuts, but we did see so drive angry no truck nuts. I'm not done with the fly I think that we're somewhere on Nicholas cage is also being chased okay by a man known only as the accountant sure play by well William Pike There you may people who are not familiar with them the main home as the guy in the dark night with the beginning
Starting point is 00:08:48 has a shotgun and and tells the joker that he's gonna die because he's stealing mob money sky is the bad guy in armageddon barmageddon are the bad guy in armageddon is a meteor no he's the bad guy in armageddon uh... the guy who like tricycose trouble the
Starting point is 00:09:03 me does or something big forehead stringing stringy hair and let's do it. He looks kind of like, he looks like the robot character from that Jim Henson primetime Muppet show from the 90s. He does look like that. That's what I think of every time I see him. Muppet tonight. That's what's going on. The one that had a Rostofarian baboon,
Starting point is 00:09:20 and I don't think they understood how racist that is. Offensive. Yeah. Anyway, so the accountant is also chasing Nicholas Cage, but not really trying very hard at it. He's almost always on foot, and he'll kind of show up where Nicholas Cage is, watch Nicholas Cage escape,
Starting point is 00:09:37 and then just kind of follow him again. He knows he doesn't need to sweat it too much. I mean, he's not at all. He's lazy. He's not doing it his job. I don't know if he can sweat either. I mean, he's not at all, he's lazy. He's not doing his job. I don't know if he can sweat either. I mean, I think he's a supernatural creature. That's a very good point, and he lives in hell.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So he can't make the... That maybe just wants to take a, I mean, he's wearing a full suit. He lives in hell. He likes to like drag his feet a little bit on his job. Really? Oh, it's like, he doesn't want to come back home yet. Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe he's got a wife in hell.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I mean, it is hell, you know? I don't know. I've been up to that, you know, I mean I'm married yet. And I can see the marriage is going to go great. Sure. My marriage is going to be my My my my concepts of marriage is based primarily off of the sitcoms my wife and kids and still stand. What about yes, dear? Yes, dear, a little bit. I would be the guy with the baseball cap. Isn't that like every guy in the show? No, I thought only one guy is a baseball cap on that show. That's a distinguishing character, isn't it? So, what would go on? Nobody has a baseball cap in this movie.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It's just a bunch of characters chasing each other. No. There's a lot of action, there's a little bit of nudity. There's some really good haircuts. There's nipples, there's a, you know, for a modern modern film there's a fair amount of new to you i would say but if you just have more about uh... yes compared to like trading places sure there's not an elaborate amount of newt in this and in the end
Starting point is 00:10:55 nigglass cage gets his revenge and he in the accountant uh... become pals to a certain extent yeah and amber Hurge has a baby foisted on her. Here you go. And then she goes to you. David Morse. And David Morse, who is Nicholas Cage's old time buddy who runs a demolition service.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Yeah. And then what do you say? Oh, I just, you know, that's the thing that all young women want is a baby. Well, when they get to that age. And Nicholas Cage also has a gun called the God Killer, which can, it's one of those weapons where it's like, once you shoot something with that, they cease to exist.
Starting point is 00:11:32 In the most 3D fashion possible. Yeah, the scene where the villain gets shot with the God Killer, spoiler alert, the villain loses, is, it looks, the scene looks like. It looks like the leading-diminating villain outside of a bad boys move. The effects are like something out of like a Full moon entertainment movie from like the early 90s. They're great in their shotiness
Starting point is 00:11:52 There's a lot of CGI in this a lot of CGI blood CGI bullets CGI glass out of a mirror CGI cars I have expected one of the cars from the movie cars to show And do a barrel roll over Nicholas Kade. There's a scene where the accountant is driving a truck full of hydrogen to break up a roadblock that is stopping Nicholas Kade from getting to the cult leader. This is after the accountant has been working with the police to stop with Nicholas Kade. So I don't know what he kind of explains it later why he changed his mind, but really doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:12:21 But none of this is supernatural being, Ellie. We can't fathom the depths of his appliance. That's right, yeah. But nothing in the scene looks real or like it existed even in the same computer as the other things in the scene. It's also computer. Like somebody was playing like a TurboGraphic 16 and then they were also playing a,
Starting point is 00:12:39 I don't know, whatever our current video game system is and somehow. You have a current video game system. Yeah, one of those Xboxes. So you merged like somehow you match the thermographic 16 came to mind immediately, but something that is advertised on television every day. Stewart just got too lazy to finish. Like, you know what I'm talking?
Starting point is 00:12:57 You know, I'm making video games. Is this a bit someone's virtual boy got mixed up with their links. Yep. They're their Sega CD and their colleague of vision 32X and their seat fill up CDI play against the Neo Geo is this video game talk I guess this is not the video game how color 32X so yeah I would like to talk about uh... what was the county was that yeah uh... who goes around killing people the nicklaus cage forgot to kill
Starting point is 00:13:30 basically and leading and leads to the day that's usually the other thing is that at one point these two policemen team up with the account in the stomachless cage and amber her murder them just shoots them and like they are about to shoot nicklaus cage but and threat throughout the movie They'll make jokes about like you're a wanted woman you killed two policemen. Oh, I guess those police are scared of you You killed two policemen. It's like it's not a joke. Yeah, like they were working with the bad guy
Starting point is 00:13:54 But they didn't know he was from hell. Yeah, they were like to an FBI like it's never okay for the hero to Can't you put something right? He kind of cast a charm on that. Like a glamour. Yeah, he cast a glamour on them. So yeah, it's probably not, it's probably not their fault they were shooting at Nicholas Cage. Yeah, but they're dead now. Anyway, it's like the death star exploding and killing people. Thanks Kevin Smith. I mean, I could have delirial bit but I think those people were all in the imperial army. Okay. So, get it. Skip. So, I don't understand. Stubborn. Fickner's motivation.
Starting point is 00:14:36 His motivation from seeing the scene because as he's he point out he's trying to kill Nicholas Cage and then he swoops in right when the police are expressly going to kill him like the police chief is like shoot him in the head and so he swoops and saves him. Well here's the thing. There's a scene it's implied that the accountant doesn't know that these are Satanists who are going to kill a baby and once there's a scene where he interrogates a man with hilarious hair and once he finds out that there are, he talks that the devil doesn't like Satanists, he finds them offensive. So I guess he decides he's going to let Nicholas Cage get revenge on these Satanists and then take him back to hell.
Starting point is 00:15:17 But he keeps chasing him and delaying him from getting his revenge. He's really at cross purposes. Well, here's the other thing that i found a kind of confusing by the world well-wild with men does he contradict himself very well he contradicts himself he contains multitudes beautiful i paraphrased but uh... leaves a grass
Starting point is 00:15:37 what is the things i uh... i also sort of like thank you for using that was initially i thought it was cool that okay you have this real devilish character, like this real character from hell following Nicholas Cage. Sure. And then, uh, the sake of killers, to, to follow. Yes, yeah. But Nicholas Cage is trying to track down these Satanists who are throughout, like, the early part of the movie, like, made
Starting point is 00:15:59 out to be, like, sort of buffoons, like, they're just, like, a cult. Yeah, and then by the end of it, they're buffoons too. Yeah, but it's, I mean, and it's clear through what William Pekner says, like, okay, these, you know, like Satan doesn't like you guys, like you have no real, but then like at the end, it seemed like they might have some sort of mystical powers. Like, they implied at the end that their ritual
Starting point is 00:16:21 was going to do something and then it'd be like, they left it ambiguous. They were going to kill the baby on the light of a full moon. And that was somehow going to bring hell on earth and make them all live forever and change the world. Well, and then the guy said, I got powers. Nothing on earth can kill me. It's like, I'm not from the earth.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah, I think that was just boasting. I guess, it's just my boasting. The bond with the chance for Nicholas Cage to say something bad asked before killing the guy in the most CGI way possible. Yeah, I think it was, yeah, I think it was a setup for the line. I just don't think there's any reason like muddy it up because it's so much cooler to have like these stupid these idiot hillbilly cultists. Yeah, who like actually have no power and then like they get tangled into something that actually involves someone from hell. See, that would be a more interesting movie, is like a shitty cult that gets caught up accidentally into in a real hell thing,
Starting point is 00:17:10 and they don't know what to do, and they're way over the head. Are we stepping into other podcast territory on how to fix this movie? I'm not saying how to fix it. Okay. I'd say I have a kind of like you were. Is that another podcast? How to fix this movie? Yeah, I thought there was another were. Is that another podcast? How did that fix this movie?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, I thought there was another podcast. It's called Fixed This Movie. Please. Well, somebody should, because it wasn't very good. I mean, spoiler alert for a couple of minutes. Well, this was one that we were holding out hopes that we would like. And I enjoyed parts of it. It's just as it went on, it was clear.
Starting point is 00:17:41 It didn't have a lot of ideas. You're gonna like the slow motion 3D parts, right? Oh, I love those, yeah. Anything with fake blood that is 3D and CGI and it moves slowly and the camera zooms in on someone's face in a really fake way and then zooms out again. Oh, that's just, oh, I could watch that a million times. That's like Orson Wells plus Alfred Hitchcock times a billion.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I mean, that's just the best stuff. Sorry, Kazem. It was a pretty great scene when the totally nude waitress was very enthusiastically thrusting on the fully closed immobile Nicholas Cage. Immobile Nicholas Cage. Fully closed. We're in sunglasses, smoking a cigar, and holding a bottle of, uh, most of the J.A.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Daniels. And a pistol they do what they do this the having sex during a shootout scene from shoot up but nicleous cage is so much less interested in the sex then clive on was in shoot up and there's way more and the nudity is so much more graphic yes
Starting point is 00:18:40 but at the same time something that comes up is that since nicleous cage is dead already can't be killed again He gets shot through the eye he gets shot in the chest all over the place But it means that this poor woman who's as vulnerable as you can be in a shootout naked and in the throws of passion So she doesn't have a basic motor control at the moment. She is a serious danger If you were if you were grinding against Nicholas Cage's big rock. Oh, yeah, I would just be Uncontrolled drive shaft. Yeah. No, that was good. She's just she's just a slurry waitress at the bull by the balls, which is the bar that she works
Starting point is 00:19:17 I mean how often is she gonna meet a guy from out of town let alone out of hell? That's the thing this is the second woman, this is the second waitress in the movie who has hit on Nicholas Cage really hard. The first being... Well, he's the ultimate bad boy. I mean, in the... That's true. I mean, this movie is probably based on the experiences of the screenwriter.
Starting point is 00:19:40 He generally finds when he goes to diners that women throw themselves at. So, he's just throw them at him and he's busy on his health quest The movie should have been called Well, cuz yeah, there's not a lot of angry driving in this. There's It's calm. Yeah, like vanishing point is more angry driving than this Yeah, there is however a lot of driving because one of my favorite things about the climax is You know like there's a big sacrifice going on there's this helpless tiny baby at the at the center of the sacrifice
Starting point is 00:20:10 and uh... nicoleous cage says to a little bit there gimme my keys and he has to save the baby through the use of a car he can't just go down there and like start a shoot at he has a shoot out with a bunch of cultists while driving around in a car which if anything just in person the entire time and like start a shoot out with a bunch of cultists while driving around in a car, which if anything, just impairs him the entire time. I mean, it's not like he needs a protection of the vehicle. Like he seems to be pretty fine. He's immortal. The other, we've mentioned that at no point was Nicholas Cage actually in any kind of danger. In many ways, at no point was the child
Starting point is 00:20:41 in that much danger. I mean, at all times this baby that he's trying to save is being held by a female cultist who, when it comes down to it, they kind of address that she was never going to kill the baby. Yeah. She wouldn't have, like, even if the cult leader demanded it, she probably wouldn't have done it. At the last minute, her maternal instincts are kicking in.
Starting point is 00:20:58 She's reluctant to give the baby to the cult leader. So I mean, she's in more ways kind of protecting the baby from Nicholas Cage's, the. From the Hellman that just came. The Hellman reckless driver. Let's see, I'm going to hold the baby because there's a co-leader and a damn soul. We're both trying to get it. And the damn soul is driving around and randomly spraying gunfire. Yes. But now Amber heard is protecting that baby and she knows how to kick some ass. Yeah, she's she has a fight with the cult leader on an RV Where the RV seems to grow in size in terms of the space inside of it
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm like artist. Yeah, it's like a Dan there's only a certain amount of room inside of a tortoise just enough for the body to pull its legs and it's headed It's not like there's a whole house in there. It's not like Snoopy's dog ass. I apologize. I don't know. What are we talking about turtles again? I knew what Daniel was talking about. He met Dr. Who's Tarot. Should we save this for the turtle cast? Like a doctor. Come on. The doctor who? Dr. Vangry. Dr. Vankman? Yes, Dr. Peter Vankman. So it's unlike say the fight scene in the in the second kill bill where the fight in the RV, which is a fantastic fight. It was a fantastic
Starting point is 00:22:13 fight and they kind of play up the the cramped confines of an RV. This movie they kind of spread them out. They make people start flying outside of wind of flying out of windows and stuff, explode when cars run over them. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of, it's a movie that starts out kind of like purposely going over the top and then as it goes on, it's just like, we don't need to play by the rules anymore. We'll just kind of get loose. We'll get silly.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Let's go all the way to Cool World with this one. I could drive into cool world. Because I have to say when the movie first started it was trying a little too hard for my taste but it wasn't necessarily bad. But there was something about it like it was too high production. Yeah, that's what you were saying. Yeah, it felt like this is a movie where like there's like a woman is in a fist fight with a nude woman and then her boyfriend starts hitting her
Starting point is 00:23:05 And there's all sorts of like a car with a bumper students as I break for pussy and stuff And it's like a movie that has that stuff is less enjoyable when it's shot really well I feel like yeah, you feel like it was no better. Yes Well, I want it I want it to be like a sleazeier movie. Yeah, if you have a little more honesty to it, you know or I mean to compare it to say To for instance kill, which has similar elements, we're talking about a movie where the guy who made it is familiar with trash cinema and is going to like play up those tropes, whereas this guy has probably doesn't have a lot of understanding of it.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I don't know. I don't know if that's the case. But it doesn't, at least, whatever understanding he has does not show the film. He does put it to a shot like that. Yeah. And when, well, this thing, with Tarantino's like a special case because that feels like so much of his DNA, but at the same time, he's combining it with non-trash movies. Yeah. Like, he is, he is doing such a mix-em-up that he makes something new out of it,
Starting point is 00:24:00 whereas here, it felt like it was trying very hard to be like- Like a movie girl talk. talk sure I don't know I don't think it's mashup artist girl talk oh okay sure I explained it all yeah I thought you were about girl talk talking about date line the board game it's not mid to pre-80s hard rock or punk rock Kelly it's not gonna know I don't understand it. If it's not 30s jazz or 80s punk rock, I am not interested. But the, yeah, it was like, it felt like someone trying to do something that they had seen somewhere else, but not quite knowing how to do it. You know, it was in some ways like when we watched that insane clown passing movie where they big money rustlers.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Where it felt like they're trying to throw in jokes and stuff and be kind of raunchy. But they just came off as like- Or they were familiar with the- Or they were familiar with the idea of jokes. But they didn't know how to make jokes. Like this guy was familiar with the idea of sleazy and trashy, but he didn't actually know how to make a sleazy- It seems like I got to make a movie where like there's a lot of fire and boobs and people say
Starting point is 00:25:08 motherfucker a lot and like that's and there's one and like people are you know there's a guy in a suit who says threatening things but in a calm way like we got to have all that stuff in there although he is the best character among Louis. Yeah I mean every time he gets on the screen you're like oh thank god something's gonna happen because he finds something even though plot was nothing the best character among Louis. Yeah, I mean, every time he gets on the screen, you're like, oh, thank God, sometimes it's going to happen. Yeah. Because he finds something, even though plot was nothing happens to do, like he finds something interesting in every scene. He has a take on, like this is a character you've seen a thousand times before.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah. He's like, oh, this is the functionality from hell. It's going to come in and, you know, he's a menacing figure in a suit, but he finds like little like like he acts like he is sort of a civil servant and he's a little bored by what he's doing, but then like there's something off and crazy about the way he goes about it. Yeah, and as the movie goes on, he's getting, you can see he's getting more and more enjoyment
Starting point is 00:25:57 out of what he's doing. He's the only character who really has an arc in the movie and it's a very subtle. And the only actor who seems to be having fun with being in the movie. Yeah, Nicholas Cage, I don't know why he does movies anymore. Yeah, my name's hate all of them. Nicholas Cage could easily have hammed this up a little bit more. Amber heard, I don't know. I've only seen her in like one other movie. And David Morse was in it and he's he's he's definitely had more fun in other movies. Yeah, he's barely in this though.
Starting point is 00:26:21 The cult leader has a fair amount of fun. I don't know the actor's name. He just won a soul patch acting. I call him Joe Coltie. He's got an extravagant accent. Joe Coltie. He's got like a 20-segment. Yeah, I wouldn't say that much of an accent there. I mean, it's just kind of like a extravagant.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I mean, but there's a lot of it. Like he spent a lot on it. Like it was overpriced, I don't understand. And then the bargain. Like it's like you're buying a font. Yeah, I don't get it. Like it was overpriced that understand. And then the bargain. Like it like it's like you're buying a font. I don't get Richard Starkings. He bought he bought the dialogue tapes.
Starting point is 00:26:54 They were like an old high audio quality. Like a gold scene. It's like Rosetta Stone, mobile fidelity. That is not a bad save. Yeah, sorry. As far as the joke, but you know, well, little bit of stretch. You know what, take the next week off. Obviously you strained a joke muscle. Sure. You benched tower. I think you're funny,
Starting point is 00:27:17 bone might have been fractured. You're bringing his replacement. Thanks, child's joke book. Yep, Joyce Child's joke book. Anyway. So are we tapped out on this? No, I don't know. Well, it was not a, this was, I mean, we can go to final judgments, I guess. But I mean, it's tough to make fun of Nicholas Cage, because we've had a lot, I mean, we've made a lot of jokes.
Starting point is 00:27:43 He's like an old friend at this point. Oh, Nick. Yeah, like I feel like he's like part of my family at this point. I wish he would just, you know, like, he would apply some of that bad lieutenant port called New Orleans energy to this. I mean, I know that when you're sending a movie with
Starting point is 00:27:59 the Sorcerer of the Otis energy, you're gonna put a higher level of crazy into it, but I think he does say he is a little too, especially considering his major villain, the accountant is deliberately underplaying scenes. Nicholas Cage doesn't help the movie by underplaying so much. All these things putting on like a growly voice
Starting point is 00:28:20 and a terrible Southern accent. And then it comes to this. And in a movie like this, where it's such like, in many ways a tired idea of like a supernatural guy comes from hell to like get revenge. Yeah. He needs to play it up more like, if you wanna watch the Crow, you can watch the fucking Crow
Starting point is 00:28:38 to see somebody who doesn't really act much. That fucking Facebook. I mean, he doesn't act much now, because he was killed. Well, no, I mean, but like in the movie, I mean, he's basically like, his reasons is career didn't take off after the pro. Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry. To the family brand and like, it's like 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, 20 years young. So, but yeah, the, it is a, it could have used like a little more, a little more church. Yeah, some them, some vigor. And I know he's got an vinegar or piss. Like, it's not like Nicholas Cage has been using it all up, making no wing. No. Like, even the energy brought to that movie where you could see a couple seconds in the future. What was that next? Like, he had a way more energy in that one. Well, he believed in that price. He's got more energy in this though. They needed in Bangkok dangerous. That was that's dangerous. It's like they got the wax music. The wax statue of from out of just so's and like just posed it. So it looked like it was moving. I thought
Starting point is 00:29:37 most of it would they shot it while he was sleeping. They're your thing in the movie while you were sleeping. Bangkok dangerous. The kind of movie where you're like, did Nicholas Cage die on the first day of filming and they just put sunglassis on him and moved him with wires like Bernie? Bernie! From weekend death. Oh!
Starting point is 00:29:56 Bernie's come a weekend death. That's not like violent. I don't know. This is violent in my movie system. Your blue recollection. Because Bernie is coming weekend at, Bernie's two come a weekend at, and then Birds come as a.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Well, that was accurate. And then Beastro, come a bikini. Again, it's crazy. I mean, like, B-words, B-I-words. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. The great, like, there must be words, be I word. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical.
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabet. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabetical. It's alphabet. It's alphabetical. It That's the best way to bring up to bring some life into old crappy movie titles We'll do more this later. Yeah, Tara Kama-ish So it's a movie that could it could it could use a little more real sleeves and it could use a little more energy Yeah, these movies are always helped by energy and frankly Please on HBO and frankly helped by like if there have been I mean this is I feel like this something we hit a lot But if there were practical special effects as opposed to computer special effects even if they looked crappy It would be more fun than all these computer effects, you know Yeah, okay, well, I mean we can we can sort of zip through final judgments
Starting point is 00:31:19 Because I think we've already said it final judgment Good bad movie a bad bad, bad movie, or a movie you kind of liked. Elliot. I will say this is a movie I kind of liked. Okay. Like I wasn't totally satisfied by it, but there was enough in it that it wasn't like out. It wasn't like the one of the movies we've watched
Starting point is 00:31:36 for I've been like, oh God, when will this end? Yeah. This wasn't seven pounds. I'd actually go with that too. I mean, it really dragged in the middle. Like it really dragged me. Just like there are hard to heart conversations between Nicholas Cage and Amber Heard and Amber Heard and David Morrison, David Morrison, Nicholas Cage just did not need to be in this sort of movie. The movie forgot that we're not supposed to care that much. But in a but it was a
Starting point is 00:32:01 movie with a much muscle cars and William Fickner and devil worshippers and naked ladies. So I kind of like this. So all of Dan's favorite things. Yeah, it felt like there were scenes where Amber Heard's character is like, I either have to say what next and then make like a rise mile or be like, have you been lying to me this whole time? Are you really not out of prison?
Starting point is 00:32:21 No, he's a devil man. We all know that. There was a lot for a movie that has such a civil plot. He's devil man. There was a lot of scenes where the characters could win out of their way not to say what the plot was. He's a devil man. Devilman 8 MD.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Dr. Fangry and Devilman MD, he's sharing office. Brock Devilman, Devilman MD, Joe R3. This is, I would rank this between Right around where next is but better than ghost rider Okay, and the Nicholas cage movies you're saying yeah, yeah, I mean all movies Ketorium No, we did there's like a little bit of grass to simulate a natural environment like a hot rock. You have to warm himself on in the cage.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It's a terrarium type thing. Cage, terrarium. Cage, terrarium, sure. The cage, cage. Nice. So, uh, it's because it's named Cage and that's the same thing you put in the animal. So, you unraveled that mystery. So, that riddle. I'll have to give you my magic ring now
Starting point is 00:33:27 Where did you park your squad? I got Dick Tracy. No, I need as an amulet and I'm good to go So um, this is the part of the show where we talk about letters that we received all right that was a slow buildup This first letter is from Eric Glass, name withheld. Yeah. And it says, Elliot, what are you doing over there? Wow, you ruined the... We can edit this part out. I was getting my list of movies I've seen recently so I can look up what I'm going to recommend later. Okay. So this is from Eric Last Name with Held and it says, thought I'd just drop a line that you do a good show. I'm Eric with We Hate Movies, which is another NYC based comedy bad movie podcast. Woo! Awesome but the lightest. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:34:19 We're gonna talk. We're also gonna try and do a live event great selection to my favorite barbarian brothers movie think big wrong your favorite is twin Sitterers so There's your free plug we hate movies look them up online But I mainly read this letter just so we could segue into our own plug The live flat-house event live flop out June 30th Thursday winners winners live I mean we'll be live twin sisters is the movie my good bye Becca Becca Becca 200 Hudson Street Manhattan New York California do you want to hear us ruin a movie by talking over it meet our lives here how
Starting point is 00:35:03 much they dislike the things we do. And look at us irritated while we ask them questions. Also featuring Senya Yerosh and Matt Karmanov, I love bad movies, the Zaheen. Go to for more info. Man, so we did some great voices just then. Yeah, or you can also go to 92w char back at dot org and in their film section They should have it or go to Elliott's Facebook page. I don't think it's listed there. I think the last time I updated my Facebook page was today's Facebook page was to Change my status from single to marries. Look at all the posts on Elliott's wall with none of which are from Elliot. None of which I've ever seen. These books are looking no more. So this next email is from
Starting point is 00:35:54 Kerry last name with help and it is. I'm going to assume it's Kerry Strugg Olympic athlete. Yeah. It's titled Beverage Credit. It's your Fisher. Kerry Fisher. One of the average credits. Beverage credits. One of my favorite aspects of the flop house is the subtle audio cues beneficiation, ice cubes clinking, occasional sipping noises, urination references, slurred speech, etc. It would greatly enhance my enjoyment of the podcast if there was a beverage roll call at the end of each episode preferably with a blood alcohol level posted So well we got I mean I would be disappointed. I would as nearly T total So he I just drink water during the podcast with a little bit of with a little bit of tuna produce
Starting point is 00:36:36 Yeah, but I've been doing reds and yellows all day Stewart has a reputation as the heaviest drinker on the flop house But I don't think that's been true for a while. No, I've kind of cut back. Yeah, I've cut back. The health reasons. I brought it back. Yeah, you brought it back with a vengeance.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah. Tonight, what would the beverage roll call be? I think I had four balls of a core's light. Yeah. And when I was more depressed, I probably drink the heaviest of the three of us, but now that I need to have my wits about me in the mornings, I've had two beers, one drink the movie and one drink the podcast. And what were those beers? They were a long hammer IPA. Was that so public offering?
Starting point is 00:37:22 Long hammer IPO? Yes. Was that so public offering long hammer IPO? Yes So that's what we were drinking yeah All your questions of an answer So that happens when you have a couple of beers and only eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner So so what a an alcoholic child would have. So, this letter is... That's what I'm going to have engraved on my tombstone. An alcoholic child.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Either that or pepperonian cheese. I thought I was going to say Stuart Wellington. Wait, what? What? Is this a bit? This is a bit. That'd be a great epitaph actually. This is a bit. This one is from Sarah last name withheld and it says, probably your wife missing cats question mark. Damn, it's your wife. Is our cat missing? Love your wife.
Starting point is 00:38:31 PSI don't love you. PS. Stop doing that stupid podcast. PSI don't love you. Is the sequel to the original? The sequel to PSI love you. She says, I just started listening to the flop house and quickly fell in love with it.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You should probably find a human being to be in love with. No, stick with the podcast. My job is... Podcast will never leave you. We're inside your head. My job... That was really... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:02 My job is incredibly boring. The flop house is the one thing that has been keeping me from attempting to lay a lobotomy on myself. However, I feel that I should mention that I've noticed lately that the flop house thing of the trying house cat not as much trying. I've noticed lately that you fellows are slipping in the area of trying hard. Anyway, say she's known that the flop house house cat has been largely absent as of late. I took it upon myself to report this to the ASPCA as I'm afraid some tragedy is befallen him or her why not. I informed them that he's a man. All right. They should the flop house house cat making appearance on the podcast by July 31.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I will know that nothing fouls a foot and I'll call them off. I thought yeah, I thought I heard him a little bit of it. He stopped by earlier in the episode, I believe. I don't know. Although we could have a contest, where is the flop house house cat? Sure. Yeah, it was like, I went to go see the... Well, nobody's joined the other contest.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It was like when I was a little kid and I went to go see Sesame Street live and Big Bird just fucked off and like disappeared. Yeah, it really bothered me when I was a kid. I left the theater. Okay. You stormed out. Yeah. And you'll find that guy. Pandit in your theater column in the children's review. Yeah. In your newspaper that you would sell for a nickel to all your neighbors. A nickel. So can you tell me how to get away from Sesame Street by little Stewart Wellington? Little Stewie Wellington. She also asked though, as a cat lover, I must ask exactly what kind of cat he she is.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Contest. His hurl yowl sounds strange to me. I envision a patchy fird peg-legged creature with a patch over one eye. Well, essentially a patchy pirate cat. In a patchy pirate cat. So I'm basically a small good Jack. What? Somehow I feel this might be off-mark, but let me know.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I don't know, that's pretty accurate. I always imagined he was at a beer in his hand, backwards baseball cat, skateboards, some lessons. Yeah, and he wears fucking converse all-stars with the toes fucking ripped out. Yeah, the tongues are all straight. Yeah, he's basically a real life with a patchy junkyard gang. Yeah, he's a fern though, is correct.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yeah, I mean, he's a lot of scrapping. And it's also, it's nerves, like he's nervous. He really cares a lot about what his fans think. Yeah. And that shows a partying. Yeah, and he hears a partying clearly. Yeah. Mange.
Starting point is 00:41:32 So if anyone would like to show us what they think the Flafhouse has got, looks like, you can draw a picture or I'll just show you, I'll actually put a Photoshop picture because he has this contract where we're not allowed to actually show his actual image. Yeah he's like Thomas Pinchin. Yes whoever that person is. Like JD Saladvar. The famous reclusive author slash family restaurant. That was from Mad Magazine's literary concert. That was from Mad Magazine's literary culture. Dan Magazine. Dan Magazine.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Dan Magazine. Dan Magazine. Oh, the 2011 size are here. This one is... No, I got not size of like. Not like the size. I realized there was words that sounded the same. Words that sounded like other words sound like other words if you will well This plays into the next
Starting point is 00:42:31 Next letter. This is from John last name without and I'll read the post I'm gonna read the post grip first because it's a good transition John says PS remind Elliott that the correct alternate URL for the website is John says, P.S. Remind Elliott that the correct alternate URL for the website is word sound like each other. Oh, word sound like each other. Not words that sound the same or any less funny variant. The actual URL ridicules what certain floppers seem to consider a profound comedic realization. I shouldn't have to explain this to Elliott. Professional comedy writer, Kaelin.
Starting point is 00:43:00 If I can remember that he's got two T's at the end of his first name. Whoo! Whoo! Remember the joke URL for his own website. You're probably the only person in the world who remembers I have two T's at the end of his first name. What he's seeking to do is remember the joke URL for his own website. You're probably the only person in the world who remembers I have two T's at the end of my first year. Yeah, do you want to call out your buddy, your famous author buddy? No, I see your the rest of the letter by Dr. Batitude over here. So, so sad.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So man, what do you have to say? Guy, you can't talk back. What Dr. Batitude has to say is I wonder if he in vangry haven't know each other see each other conventions and conferences he says I knew it would happen but I didn't think it would happen so fast Dan's new job has changed him oh the first clue was when Dan cheerfully endured almost seven
Starting point is 00:43:38 minutes seven pounds intentional derailment from his co-hosts at the start of the show with naryem Wornful-Sai and without getting angry once. Then during final judgment Dan was so high on life that he couldn't even bring himself to issue an unequivocal bad bad movie verdict for the roommate. Finally, there was Dan's Clever Segway at 3312 during the discussion of the roommate which begins and I quote oh speaking of speaking of this movie by the way We flop ass audience don't ask for much from our dance a few mournful size a bit of on we with an undercurrent of bit of bitterness And some simple hosting and recording functions, but this new Dan now employed by a major national television program seems almost cheerful Worse, he has apparently lost the ability to execute even the most rudimentary podcast hosting maneuvers.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Like introducing the podcast? Or remembering the name of the movie? Rather just saying the room. The room. Like a child. Please bring me a child. The other child would have done it slightly better, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Please bring back the old man. Plays fade a spade. Or at least find some way to tangt his spirit back down to pre the daily show levels. Well, I'm sure it'll happen in time. So the SAS level from that letter is Oh, the charts off the chart. Sure. My eG meter just read of millions SAS points What's one of those points in gratitude spellcasting Two now. What about where we both? What's the one of those points in gratitude spellcasting To to now what about wormy boat It's ten wormy buildings
Starting point is 00:45:11 These rain systems it's like the it's like the formula Compare the rankings is so elaborate I don't know how you can do your head so quickly You're like a beautiful mind level genius. I am a beautiful worry bowler original title He's a goldsman So the result title be of mine Ten worry boaters So that that letter writer makes a lot of good points though, which is Dan
Starting point is 00:45:42 I think you should sacrifice your own personal happiness for the sake of this podcast. This unpaid podcast. So you what are you trying to say is that reached mainstream popularity. Hey that's not our fault. Yes it is I guess. But what you're trying to say is that Dan's employment is directly related to its happiness. I think that's crazy. Yeah. I think we can find other ways. Maybe. I think there's a happiness bubble. Friendship. That's inflated and I think that's crazy. Yeah. I think we can find other ways. Maybe. I think there's a happiness bubble. Friendship. That's inflated and I think it's going to burst at some point.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Oh. I mean, we can focus on our relationship with Dan. That's true. Well, I take him out to the park. Run him around. Let him run around. We're really going to take him to the vet. But we'll take him to the park.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yeah, Dan, you want to go to the park? Maybe take him to a park. You know, room room. This is supposed to make me sadder. I take you to the park. You said that earlier. It'll be sad when you find out you're actually going to the vet. Okay. That was a callback, Ellie. Just a callback. A callback. A callback.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Back to you. You like comic stuff. My new. Man, you got so serious on the set. Man, damn, broom, broom, a coin. I like that. Yeah, like a tech-save character. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Well, I mean, you know, as soon as Elliot and my relationship dissolves from overseeing sharing, sharing too much not an office space, but down the hall office. Yeah. You know, this podcast we get more contentious. There'll be more sign eventually. I'll force you out. The wall still make you record the podcast. Sure.
Starting point is 00:47:04 When I'm bringing our new co-host who's your enemy? Let's just say Carrotop Carrotop Okay, I think that's a cheap joke you could have gone with I don't know Harlan Williams French Stewart French Stewart you know I think French Stewart I mean that's a pretty good day. Let's try. Well, let's try him. And then we get it's too close to Stewart Wellington French Stewart. That's true. It can be.
Starting point is 00:47:31 It can be. Yeah. French Stewart, then we get the French Stewart Well, yeah. Yeah. Welling Tom. Stewart Welling Tom. Yeah, now funny. Is he a bit.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Yeah. Is he said bit. Wait, what? What? What? What? What? Oh! Is this a bit? Wait, what are we going on? Wait, how? What? Oh, wait!
Starting point is 00:47:48 I'm a little uncomfortable. Let's see how you say, will me bonus? Let's chat just a little bit. No, that's hilarious guys. Let's just keep going. I will have a course like... It would be like Come on dude, that'll speak French come on. Yeah, come on guys. Okay
Starting point is 00:48:12 Well, you got to pick up me. Let's do let's do movie recommendations and then let him then get off this crazy train. Yeah Crazy podcast train It's driving so angry. Yeah. What are you going to recommend, Dan? Oh, OK. I saw a lot of movies this last weekend. I'll single out two quickly.
Starting point is 00:48:35 The aforementioned Cynia Yerosh recommended a movie called Make Out with Violence on Matt Bird's blog, and I watched it and I enjoyed it. It's sort of like Wes Anderson meets Terence Malik film but with the zombie in it. And that was a delight and also had a good soundtrack. I ordered the soundtrack actually after
Starting point is 00:49:06 seeing it and i also for the first time saw the movie the edge which i have the bear yeah which i did movie which i enjoyed like on the one one level just as like a regular action movie and then another level just thing how ridiculous it was that david mammett wrote a movie about aliek bald win and i think hopyn's fighting a bear. And so it's good fun, it's on Netflix watch instantly now. Still a hit, oh me.
Starting point is 00:49:31 All right, I can go if you want. You can go, I'll go last. I like the good one. I didn't see anything recently that I really loved. I did see Kva forgotten dreams the other night and I enjoyed that. But it loses points for repetition and an unnecessary epilogue about our binowalligators, which has nothing to do with the case. It should add points.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Actually, it does add points a little bit. But actually, you know what, I'll recommend that movie. Cave of Forgotten Dreams. We're going to herzog documentary about the oldest cave paintings in the world. A better 3D movie than dry and green 3D, would you say? I actually didn't get to see it in 3D. Oh, wow. But it was a very interesting movie
Starting point is 00:50:10 and the cave paintings were amazing. And it was... And I was like, let's cage in it. Yes. In the role of not in the movie, he does very well. Sure. And it's a fun... It's a good one, or something, it's a little slow at times.
Starting point is 00:50:23 But one of the things that's fun about it is how goofy the scientists are who are studying this cave. They're all kind of weirdos. And then at the end, we're hard to talk. It's like, it's almost like her dog was like, I don't know. I haven't really been enough myself this movie. So he doesn't epilogue all about albino alligators that are we the albino alligators looking into the abyss and it doesn't really make any sense but it's a fun moment but I enjoyed that movie I did like it. So I got two recommendations tonight guys. The first one is a movie called Castle Freak. Let me guess the other one does it have an invisible maniac in it?
Starting point is 00:50:59 No, first off Castle Freak, go watch it. It's got a... What is it? You're a Castle Freak in it. First off castle freak go watch it Family in here to castle guess what guess what that castle has inside it, Dan It's in the title I know it's great a dude rips off his own ding dong. It's awesome. Uh, the second movie I like to- It looks more in a movie. It's true, so I mean, it just defines something new to say about Castlebury over and over again. Oh man. So the second movie I like to recommend is a movie called Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It's a... I can't veto your recommendations, I guess. It is a movie where these aliens who look like clowns come and murder people. The Kyoto brothers. Just anyone who ripped their ding-dong. Nobody rips off any diggongs But they're our killer clowns in it. Yep, and they spell cat clowns with a K space. Yeah, cuz it's like like mortal come You don't recommend the movie gun crazy to balance out those two recommendations
Starting point is 00:52:19 Which is a very good crime movie from the 40s. Yeah, that is a very good movie. It's really good about a doomed relationship. But on the other side of the story, it was a lot to it. There are no killer clowns, and no one's ding dong is rips off. But gun crazy is when I'll recommend. And Castle Freak. Hey guys.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I feel like we have to do a flopp house about Castle Freak some of these days. Well, I would love to give another view. I think we should sign off so we can turn the air conditioner back on. If you freak one castle this summer. Castle Freak 3D. Storing Kiano Reeves and Jeffrey Cove. Which is the castle, which is the free. It'll be awesome. So what are we talking about now? I'm saying good night Okay, for the flop house good night. I've been Dan McCoy. I've been steward Wellington I'll check tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I'll still be Elliott Kalen. See you later buddies
Starting point is 00:53:22 I Don't care man, I'll just talk let's talk for a while remember it. Okay, blah blah blah blah blah Good stuff good stuff funny stuff jokes joke. I'm ups Well, I'm Olympics level of Analytics so once again I like hero now. I met a guest in the game. I met a human being named Rufio, and I don't think it was the character from the movie. It wasn't the character in the movie because he's dead.

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