The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #85 - Limitless

Episode Date: July 31, 2011

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme.0:35 - 2:23 - Elliott's public airing of grievances.2:24 - 39:26 - We find a surprising amount to say about the wish-fulfillment fantasy, Limitless.39:27 - 41:30 -... Final judgments.41:31 - 58:07 - Flop House Movie Mailbag58:08 - 59:13 - A speed round of the sad bastards recommend59:14 - 1:00:21 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss a movie based entirely on a misunderstanding about how people's brains work. Limitless. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kalen. Am I close enough? I'm still here. I like Stuart. I like the chimingness of the way you said your name.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Like it was a doorbell. Yeah, I tried to do a pregnant pause. I'm glad you didn't do it like. So when I was a friend too. Locked for Racha. Well, that was okay. How would that go? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Stuart, well, in 10, maybe? Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do that. Okay. So Elliott. How are you doing? I try convincing him to do that, Dan. You failed. Yep. I was burnt to that instance.
Starting point is 00:01:14 So welcome to the flop house. It's a film podcast primarily. And well, for the first 15 minutes, it's usually a nonsense flop. Well, we just talk about whatever. it's a flop sense not guest. So not off to our flops. And sure. Should we talk about movies today though? Why should we talk about what you've been doing?
Starting point is 00:01:36 What do you've been doing lately, Dan? I know. Let's update the listeners. What have you been doing? Comedy. I'm going to try to write comedy. Okay. Elliott knows I've been down to fall for me dance been doing a lot of wandering into my office at different points throughout the day and I'm saying hey what's up and nothing and just him
Starting point is 00:01:55 kind of standing in my office and leaving after a couple minutes well I am trying to do valuable you know I've said many times that if it was, if I was wondering into your office too much just to let me know and apparently that's why I'm making you know. Well, I am. This is it. It's all on the air. I said, let you know as publicly as possible. It makes it very hard for me to look up pornography at work.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Wait. Well, you're in my office. Okay. Now, today guys guys we watched a movie We did watch a movie was this movie a movie was boys Dan it was a limitless movie And why would it be a limitless? Title suggested how limitless it was and what was that title? It was limitless. It was real come down from that Builder and Thai climax. There was a limit to how far we could go with that.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Starring Bradley Cooper. Yep. Bradley Cooper. Who did he do something before the hangover? Like where did he come from? He was the bad guy in the wedding pressures. He was, he played, I forget the name of the character. He was a character on alias for the first couple seasons. Okay. Who is he, Jim Alias? The main character? James Alias. And is he related to Winnie Cooper? Yes. Yeah. I would imagine. What about Winnie Cooper? Their mom? No. Not related to his mom. He was also a bad guy in the Canadian horror movie My Little eye. So there he was this Bradley Cooper fan side. This is the coop cast. Internet's biggest Bradley like our cage cast. Usually it's a cage cast. Yeah or a high cool cast. Hyper
Starting point is 00:03:41 color cast. Don't worry about it. So Bradley Cooper is in this movie, and it's about a magical drug that makes him a super genius. It's called NZT. It's a clear little pill that makes you use 100% of your brain because this movie is not based on science. We thought it was a button initially, but then we're not using 100% of our brains. I don't know. That's true. Now that was like the irritating thing when we watched this trailer It was an eye. I mean like this was what initially sort of when our fans see about this trailer. Our trailer podcast. When it was coming soon house.
Starting point is 00:04:14 When I was like, oh, you know that you know how everyone only uses 20% of their brains and we're all like, no, that's not that's not a true thing. That's a urban legend. But thank you for basic and entire film on that premise it's kind of like if they based an entire movie on how if you mix pop rocks and coke your head explodes and there's like a scientist who's got to stop people's heads from exploding after they drink coke while eating pop rocks
Starting point is 00:04:39 yeah I mean do they spend a it was it mean it was it'd be set in the 80s or 90s Oh, yeah, we said the 90s I guess because then you do 90s fashions a lot of 90s songs on the soundtrack you do cameos from 90s stars I mean I just know hit I was a big hit. What do we call it though? Limited wait I love it. I like it. I mean like I sort of imagine that the like there's like a burst tank down at the Coca-Cola factory Okay, and so all the Coca-Cola runs downhill into the pop rocks factory and just tanks like a batch of pop rocks So poorly placed. Well, but then it would explode instantly. No, but no, it's limited to live It's like saliva is the third element the combination of the two
Starting point is 00:05:23 No, I like dance kind comment, Dan's the, it needs humans to lie to like, they test it on an analyst, doesn't work, no explosions. So we're not gonna get to see a dog's head explode. Well, maybe if the dog's head is right, no, we see it, it's exploding. We see a dog's head explode in earlier trials, but then they're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:05:42 we finally work the kinks out. You know, no one's heads are exploding now. It's cute. It's cute up to human DNA in this life. Yeah. Well, okay, well, we figured out the plot. Great. We have the entire movie right there. We have the characters, the dog, the scientist, the pop rock tank. Star powers.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I think Tobay Hooper is signed on to direct. Tobay Hooper. Yeah. Is that the French story? The picture of the... Oh, Tejas changedainsaw Massacre? That's how Chainsaw and and Summer School are first to him. So I assume that he knows what he's talking about. Oh, yeah, of course Sure, the fictional character by Chainsaw. I'm sure who's so dumb that he is in Summer School
Starting point is 00:06:18 But he knows about Gore movies. Well, it's not that he's Chainsaw movies. Well, it's not that he's just just to apply himself. He knows about the director of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If anyone knows about the director of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's a guy named Chainsaw. I don't know about that. Maybe a guy named Leatherface would
Starting point is 00:06:34 know a little bit about it. It's the star of the movie. It was about him. Leatherface will murder you. He will not tell you the man. Or El Trion. I mean, Elliot is pretty wicked with a pair of mini chainsaws. Yeah, exactly. Too many chainsaws, one any chance. Sure. Yeah. So, actually too many chance. So limitless. So limited. Who are the 90 stars that we get to appear in
Starting point is 00:06:54 this? I assume Chris Cross, the Raptor. So, we're going back to the... I think Nicole Egert. Nicole Egert, great choice. Well, like at least one guaranteed nude scene right? Yeah, right said Fred. Sure. He also contributes to the soundtrack, of course. Oh, the soundtrack. Oh, yes. Okay, let's talk about Liverless.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Let's cut the shit. Let's go to Liverless. So Bradley Cooper is a no name. He's just a guy. His life is in shambles. He lives in a rundown apartment in Chinatown. They would actually be pretty expensive now. He's got a spl his life is in shambles. He lives in a rundown apartment in Chinatown That would actually pretty be pretty expensive now. He's got a splint on his finger He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his finger. He's got a splint on his good for the week and he has his girlfriend is breaking up with him and he owes a novel to a publisher because somehow this guy who's a nobody that is a nothing sold a novel to a publisher
Starting point is 00:07:52 without having written it yet within an with an advance apparently like yeah one would assume that that's what he there's a lot of things this movie feels like it was written by like a teenager who doesn't have a lot of experience about the real world, which is not to say that it's necessarily a terrible thing, but it's just like you have to pretend that the movie doesn't play by reality. So like a nobody can sell a novel to a publishing company with an advance without having written the novel. You only use 20% of your brain, business has mostly made up of like, but it's not true. It's like when I was a kid and they'd be like, here, can you cover your whole face with your hand?
Starting point is 00:08:27 That means you're gonna get cancer. What were the scientists who have established it? Ali, that was just a precursor to someone shoving their hand in your face. I don't know, they never do that. It's like you're on hand against your face. I knew, didn't do that part. They didn't know the punch line.
Starting point is 00:08:40 No, they just thought it was a cancer test. Wow. They were trying to help me. They were concerned about you. But one day Bradley Cooper runs into his ex-brother-in-law, his ex-wife's brother, who gives him a radical new drug called NZT. Radical! And when he takes it, suddenly everything goes fish-eye lens, and brighter colors and he can think faster and he talks faster and he knows everything. He remembers everything. It's weird. At one point he says he's literally, there's a lot of narration and he's literally narrating what's happening.
Starting point is 00:09:15 He goes, I reach back to a memory. I never even recorded. It's just there. You cannot like even there. It's just poorly worded. You can't have a memory without recording You know of all the things about the way a brain works like that's the thing that bothered me the least I can accept the idea like okay There's this memory in his brain. It's totally latent and now that he's reached, you know like total brain capacity He's gonna do it. I have much more. It was just a poor wording of it. I guess I have much more just the poor wording of it for it i guess i have much more trouble believing later on later on when he like is fighting someone like i i'm reaching back into like memories of like kung fu movies i've seen just because you've seen these movies don't doesn't mean you have the muscle memory yeah to fight people with the strength yeah the flexibility sure i forgot i forgot
Starting point is 00:10:00 the opening scene opening scene he is standing on the ledge of a laundry apartment building he's in a nice suit. And the movie begins with everything fucked up. Everything screwed up. People are trying to break in to attack him, you don't know why, he's considering jumping and killing himself. Then zoom down to the ground into a taxi, zoom through the taxi to other taxis, zoom through the city into his own brain, then zoom farther into the brain, keep zooming, blood vessels, synapses, keep zooming farther and you see Manahatton Island and you zoom into Manahatton Island and you eventually find Bradley Cooper again when he's in the past
Starting point is 00:10:34 when he's all, you know, not impressed. So be zoom far enough you go back in time? Apparently, this movie is in love with super long zooms. Okay. So there's got a lot of style. That's a lot of style. I mean, a lot of direction. It has the most direction of a movie.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yep. Top. I mean, it's, it's limitless. There's a lot of movies that begin with everything's fucked up. How did it get this way? You're going to find out in a couple of minutes. That's true. So anyway, we go back.
Starting point is 00:11:01 He meets his ex brother-in-law. His ex brother-in-law gives him a drug. He takes it. Suddenly he's using a hundred percent of his brain. He charms his landlords wife into having sex with him. Yeah, because women above everything else are like a really smart guy. Yeah, we all believe that. We don't stop talking. Yeah, we have that experience. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Smart guys who don't stop talking. Women just fall into bed with them. Need deep. Need deep. Uh, need need deep in bed. Like the bed made out of quicksand. Yep. I've got a very swampy bed, Elliott. Well, did you sleep in that? I guess you don't struggle. You won't sink all the way, but I assume there's a very comfortable. It's it's memory. It's a memory. Memory sand. I assume there's a vine hanging over your bed so you can get out in the morning. So he's super smart He writes his novel in like four days the publisher loves it. You never you never hear about the novel ever again I assume that I don't know the publishing house burns down with the only one what you want you get clear
Starting point is 00:11:56 Elliott once you're using 100% of your brain all of your artistic ambitions go out the window I see you realize that that's a Suckers game all you want to do is make money on on Wall Street go out the window. Like you realize that that's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it Okay, just breaking them up breaking them down breaking them all around all over the all over the land Get involved with Robert De Niro He's he but he brought some money from a Russian gangster to get into the stock market Oh, yeah, okay, then he does so well in the stock market that there's a story about him in the New York post Mm-hmm, and then he's not famous again ever That's kind of picked up and dropped but he's able to arrange a meeting with Robert De Niro
Starting point is 00:12:44 who is apparently the richest man in the world whose last name is Van Loone. And there's a great moment where it's- It's a scruged Macdeck reference, you think? It probably is, man. Isn't that Von Drake? No. I'm just saying, you know, I guess, I mean it sounds like a duck bird name. It does sound like a duck bird name, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. One of the founding families of Duck Birds, the Van Loone. There's a part where he taught his girlfriend gets by it together with him because he's cleaned himself up and he has money now. And he says, I'm meeting with, you know, John Van Loon and she goes, what can you do to for John Van Loon? And it sounds like the Dr. Seuss book, Dr. Seuss never got around to writing. What can you do for John Van Loon? Oh, the places you'll go for John Van Loon. He meets Raj Nero and impresses him with his ability to talk businessy stuff But then does he does he sleep with him? He's strangely enough. He doesn't fall in debate with our adnero
Starting point is 00:13:37 You were kind of expecting that scene. I was This is after there's like a montage of him making money and then becoming a jet setter and flying all over the world and hanging out with beautiful people. And it could take place over a month or it could take place over one afternoon. They're just not like part of the movie becomes he's unable to tell time. And the movie communicates that by being very bad at telling how. I don't know whether like I mean like later on in the movie. Yes, it's about how he can't tell time and how he loses time. telling how much they don't know what they're like. I mean, like, later on in the movie, yes, it's about how he can't tell time and how he loses time. But early in the movie, I kind
Starting point is 00:14:10 of don't know whether that's the movie doing that on purpose or whether it's just the screenwriting, where it's just like, I don't know whether this, like a year has passed. I have no idea. He also seems to get really rich and then he's not as rich again. Like, he's flying all over the world buying sports cars but then he still lives in the same apartment in Chinatown and he, like why doesn't he start his own business? Why does he join up with Van Loon? But anyway, he impresses Van Loon. Van Loons has meet me again tomorrow. But, uh-oh, he runs out of pills. Yep, you would think that being limitless would mean that he would remember not, you know, to stack up on his magic smart pills. Always to count the pills. I mean, at the minimum. As I said, the first thing as soon as
Starting point is 00:14:53 he took it the first one is he would think he would use it to invent more pills. Like that's the first thing on your mind. But the first thing he does is when you get a fucking genie, the first thing you ask for is a million more wishes. I mean, it's just a fool's game if you don't. Yeah, I mean, what are you? Sucker? Come on. Don't be a sucker. Make the genius sucker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I mean, you make that genie work for you. You're not working for him. No, of course not. So all of you listeners, so I'm going to have a monkey spa. You wish for a monkey spa that has a million monkey fingers. I would say I wish for a monkey spa paw where my wishes don't end up hurting me ironically. Yeah. Okay. I mean, that would be my second wish. When you get that monkey's paw, then your second wish is I wish this monkey's paw had a billion fingers so I'd have a
Starting point is 00:15:33 billion wishes. Right. Okay. Yeah. I think you're probably right. Because otherwise it might grow too many fingers. Yeah. Then you then you use the then you use the monkey's paw as a back scratcher just to show it who's boss. Guys, you should probably be taking notes right now. Okay, anyone listening. This is no longer movie podcast. This is a how to get rich through wishes podcast. This is the top selling wishes financial podcast. Don't make the same mistakes we did.
Starting point is 00:15:57 We made a lot of mistakes. Ironic wishes, you bet we got a few of them. That's why we're stuck doing this podcast. Don't ever say what are you talking about? If someone wishes up one of your wishes, wishing for a sandwich, don't ever say, I wish that sandwich was on your nose because it will end up attached to their nose,
Starting point is 00:16:14 you wasted a wish. Yeah. But you will, Yeah, it's careful use of language. You will get the experience. You need to eliminate wish from your vocabulary. I'm gonna tell you. Here's a tip from Verimprobe.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah, don't say wish until you meet it. And if you're making a wish, write it down first. Work out the angles. Thank you for that. Don't freeform it. Don't improv this wish. So maybe you may be. Maybe you've caused accept written wishes?
Starting point is 00:16:38 No, no, you write it down and then you read it aloud when you've worked out the wording. But what I'm saying is like, they can tell the difference between like, spoken aloud and written down. No, I mean, they don't care. It's just you're making sure there's nothing in the wish that you don't want to have happen.
Starting point is 00:16:52 You just plotting out the wish. Has anyone got to say it right? I wish down in front of a monkey. I don't think it doesn't matter. You can't write a letter to a monkey's paw. I could. All right. Do it right.
Starting point is 00:17:02 You're a monkey. I dare you. Give me, uh, give me somebody's blackberry Wait, why you blank? Yeah, you know the monkey you followed blackberry number. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna give him a BBM Whoa on the air. This is a family vibe guest That's it anyway back to the synopsis so limitless I forgot to mention that his brother-in-law ends up murdered
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah, he goes to accept ex-brother laws apartment picks... his brother-in-law ends up murdered it's a good to accept exprother laws in part meant picks up his brother laws dry cleaning when he comes back he's dead bump bump on someone killed in probably for the drugs but they didn't find the drugs he found the drugs he takes him becomes a magician super genius yep i wish he became a magician i use this intelligence to create tricks no one will be able to see it through not even pen and teller illusions. He calls him tricks
Starting point is 00:17:50 He has no illusions No, that's hilarious about it anyway, so he's limitless. He starts working with Robert De Niro He runs out of pills, but then he gets more pills. I got confused around this point He's getting chased by a guy. He doesn't know why his girlfriend He runs out of pills and he's start going through into withdrawal and he makes his girlfriend going to get his stash Which he hid in a shell in her apartment rather than carry like three on him at all times He's for as you said for a guy who's using a hundred percent of his brain He seems to forget a lot how many pills he has on him on any moment or the fact that the pills are the source of his power
Starting point is 00:18:26 I don't use all of my brain all the time But I always know how much money I have on me because I'm neurotic maybe He knows exactly how many pills he's got, but he thinks his life would be more exciting if he forgot sometimes It's possible. Yeah, he's just looking for the thrill at this point. Yeah, it's a thing. It's like a ground brush. He sends his girlfriend to go get them. His girlfriend is chased by this guy who's chasing him. Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And he's chasing him, her with a knife. And she calls him and Bradley Cooper says, use one of the pills. You'll think your way out of it. Now, they're at Womens Ring in Central Park. It's an ice skating rink. Here's how she takes the pill. Suddenly, everything gets all hazy. Everything's
Starting point is 00:19:06 fisheye. That means she's super smart. She zooms in on a bunch of different potential wetter. She's seems to be. She's seems to be. She's seems to be. She's seems to be in on details, like any number of like detective shows you've seen. We're like, Oh, I'm a super detective. I'm going to see like only the important. There's like it's just like it's just like in shoot them up. Whenever he takes a bite of a carrot and suddenly his vision gets much better like that Yeah, he sees she sees a hedge clipper a baseball bat and When running across the ice rink almost about to get stabbed She uses a little girl
Starting point is 00:19:35 Initially we assume as a human shield but nope she swings the girl around who is wearing ice skates and slashes the guys face all up With there with the little girls ice skates. Yeah of the of the advertising a little girl. I would have gone with either the head clippers or the baseball bat. I've been gone with the baseball there. Rather than the pick up a little girl and use her as a weapon. Yeah, swing her around. I mean if the hopes that's gonna in the cheek, in the cheek mind you, and then he just falls down, he's so shocked by what happened. He's like, so appalled. Wow, he's a little girl. Who does that?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Who does that kind of thing? Now he realizes that the people he's dealing with are true monsters. Yes. Like the depths that he's willing to get. The depravity is limitless. Yeah. Limitless. Anywho.
Starting point is 00:20:23 So, it turns out everyone taking this drug, you get sick and if you take it too long you die and if you go into Your balls that you look like skeleton face. Yeah And if you go call it turkey, you also die and everyone gets a limp for some reason. Yeah, it misses with your your feet The Russian mobster is out. Yeah, the rich man. The Russian mobster comes back to get his money. Instead Bradley Cooper gives him pills so the Russian mobster gets smart. That's a good idea. The Bradley Cooper gets a job with Robert De Niro. He impresses him after he gets the pills again. And they're organizing a merger with a company run by a guy that Bradley Cooper realizes is also taking NZT, the Miracle Genius drug, because as it turns out, everyone was taking it, it seems, except for Bradley Cooper.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It's like, it had apparently Robert De Niro. And Robert De Niro, because he is naturally super smart. The guy who was doing, who was heading the other company, he dies. Because he doesn't have enough of the stuff he runs out of the drugs it turns out the guy who is chasing them was working for that guy the Russian mobster still wants more drugs and there's a climax where the Russian mobster is trying to break in where we flash back to the beginning we go back to where we were the Russian mobster is breaking into the apartment Bradley Cooper realizes wait a minute I'd probably have a day of smoxen x-mocking a
Starting point is 00:21:46 pill hidden somewhere well separate isn't as much because he drops it well no but it's one of those moments where it's like oh that box i checked earlier that had no pills in it probably still has one pill in it for a second you thought i was totally fucked but instead i got a get out of jail free card right here that you didn't know about what drops it and what does he do He's got to outsmart everybody with his normal brain and he does it by stabbing a guy and then drinking his blood
Starting point is 00:22:14 Because no matter how smart you are a knife is still gonna totally kill you're never smarter than a knife Yeah, Russian guy Russian guys like you are so stupid like that's not a Russian action No, it's not you're so stupid. I have discovered that you if you inject it very good directly into your bloodstream He's much more powerful and then like when Bradley Cooper stabs I mean he's like what I got to do is I got to drink this guy's blood so he just starts laughing up the blood like What like a like a month what like I know like in cronos like you said when we're watching the movie like in cronos. Yeah, yeah except in cronos He didn't immediately get blue eyes and become super smart. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:53 Because he's a spice user somehow he's gone to a racket this terribly like diluted in his bloodstream Like how many you don't know This man. Yeah, this could be a really powerful drug and he could have very thin blood. Okay, but he like laps up like two tablespoons of this guy's blood and all of a sudden he's like, this is the problem you're having with with the medicine of the movie. This is a movie based on nonsense. Look, I've accepted the basic nonsense. So why can't you accept that if you drink a smart guy's blood, you turn smart? Look, I've accepted the basic nonsense. So why can't you accept that if you drink a smart guy's blood, you turn smart because that's why there's so many things that I will accept a base level of nonsense, but within
Starting point is 00:23:30 the context of the nonsense of the movie, that was more nonsense. That reminds me of a coworker of ours, Rich, told me about screenwriting book he read. We're talking about how you can only have two crazy, you can only have one crazy thing in a movie. You can't have more than one because that ruins it. And he says the example in the book was, you can't have aliens land and only have one crazy thing in a movie. You can't have more than one because that ruins it. And he says the example in the book was, you can't have aliens land and then have one of the aliens be bitten by a vampire.
Starting point is 00:23:50 That's too much. And we both, Rich and I both had the same reaction which was, that sounds like the best movie ever. Why are you putting that in the screenwriting book? You should write that script and sell it. Vampire aliens? That sounds great. Yeah, I would have that vampire react with that sudden injection of alien blood
Starting point is 00:24:05 That's the thing the alien turns into the vampire. What happens to the vampire? I don't know Yeah, he probably becomes dependent on that sweet sweet alien blood. Yeah, it's like green broth. Yeah, I do like that I do like that movie. I but I like that movie we just invented that not real movie You like it more or less than limited the movie about the Pop Rocks Coke explosions. No, I like that. It's pretty easy. I'm going to go with that one.
Starting point is 00:24:31 OK. More than Vampire Aliens? Yeah, yeah, because I named it. I think a better version of that is that. Count Spacila, that's what we call it. Count Spacila. The Steve Martin has talked about writing Roxanne and how his theory on that is like you have to have the craziest thing
Starting point is 00:24:47 Early in the movie and then the the audience will go with it and that's kind of what that's why I'm Roxanne Roxanne you see as a big nose. No, no, that's why I'm Roxanne like I mean it's already crazy and having that sword He's in the nose with He's like using a tennis racket to have a sword fight and it's like all right This is like the base like this is the like the baseline of the city is it's gonna get you know and like if you accept this you're going to go along with the rest of the movie and i think that's kind of the the way that it like i'm not i'm gonna take a movie that has i don't know cuz i like a
Starting point is 00:25:17 movie that has it has a crazy surprise near the end if it doesn't break the tone like kickass which i didn't like anyway but when he comes in at the end with a jet pack with Getling guns mounted on it that is too crazy But I like a movie that at the last minute pulls out something we were like what? Aliens are allergic to water Well, that was that's revealed to the main character by the director halfway through the signs
Starting point is 00:25:41 Halfway through signs the director of the movie tells the main character how to stop the aliens. What a dumb movie. Anyway, limitless. So the meta-committerians still are telling aliens. No, it's not. It's poorly made. So he laps up his villain's blood, thus gaining his strength. It's iconic. I mean, that's... He also takes a photo of it. I mean, that's, he also takes a photo of. I mean, that's Joseph Campbell right there. I mean, that's, yeah, at its most base level, he's ingesting this guy and like, he's becoming him. He's like a win-to-go. Yeah, it's very similar to a win-to-go.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Exactly, like a win-to-go. Where did win-to-go? Oh, that's if the March Brothers ever had a joke about win-to-go. Anyway, for the one March Brothers movie that Algernon Blackwood wrote. Anyway, for the one March Brothers movie that Elginon Blackwood wrote. Anyway, so Bradley Cooper lapsed up his enemies blood, he beats up the other Russian thugs, and then 12 months later, which is literally what the movie says.
Starting point is 00:26:39 The best and most unexpected title card since Brad. Since Brad's when 20 minutes of the movie it said two years later here it's almost the end of the movie it says 12 months later not a year later 12 months what's 12 months in the life of somebody who's limitless it's one year oh yeah well it's enough for Bradley Cooper to come out of nowhere to be the ahead of the pack candidate for senator from New York. All this all the signs of his all the signs Anthony Weiner of this movie. Anthony Weiner worked for years building his career up. He lost it quickly. He didn't gain it quickly.
Starting point is 00:27:13 He is the Anthony Weiner of the movie. Anyway, so in no way. So all the signs this campaign office say his name is Mora, his last name says Mora for New York. But none of the signs say like, for Senate. So you think he's running for the office of city. Like he's going to be the city of New York. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Anyway, so. Anyway, I didn't get that part. That just bugged me. He's running for Senate and who walks into his office, Robert DeNiro, bum bum bum bum, his former boss. And he knows all he seems to know all about his magical NZT drone. It turns out Robert De Niro knows about NZT and he's just bought the company that makes it.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Bump bump bump and he wants Bradley Cooper to be his puppet when he eventually becomes president. What? But Bradley Cooper's got a little ace of his sleeve and what is that ace that he reinvented NZT, made it better, stopped using it and is now has now super powerful perception so that he can predict that a car is about to bump into another car and he touches robert nero's chest and says oh your art and art are apart. You're going to have to replace those. Oh, well, I'm a Superman now, and that Robert and Ero can't
Starting point is 00:28:28 outsmart him because he is limitless. And Robert and Ablai does own the company that makes that drug. Can we just take that drug? Oh, Robert and Ero? Yeah, but he doesn't know the super version that Bradley Cooper used for a while. But once you take that drug, that's the question, really. But once you take that drug... Man or Superman. That's the question, really.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah, but once you take that drug, you're dependent on it. That's the thing. Unlike most drugs where you take it for a little while and then you can just... And you're fine. Right? Cool, whatever. And then the last scene is literally Bradley Cooper goes to lunch with his girlfriend and they're at a Chinese restaurant and the waiter comes over and Bradley Cooper speaks
Starting point is 00:29:02 to him in Chinese, which is kind of racist to assume the waiter doesn't speak English. The New York waiter. New York waiter and then he makes the Chinese guy laugh with his Chinese joke. And when he walks away, Bradley Cooper looks at his girlfriend and goes, what credits roll? That is the last line of the movie. What? It's like the end of a, they live where the guys look, hey, baby, what's wrong? It's wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's right. As she stops having sex. My main problems with this is, because you're an alien face. Look, I mean, like, it's stupid. It's stupid. The idea, like, okay, this 20% of the brain, like, your problem is not enough star power.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Where is the lady? Meester of this movie. It has an abbey, where is Ken?, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman,
Starting point is 00:29:52 the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman,
Starting point is 00:30:00 the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, woman, the woman, the woman, the woman, woman, the woman, the woman, woman, the woman, woman, the woman, woman, woman, the woman,, the woman, the woman, woman And that's what my movie there is. He's not like corn. He's corn-ish. All right. Any food. Not a belabor that. No, but I mean, I'm fine with the premise of the movie
Starting point is 00:30:11 because even though it's based on a stupid urban legend, like whatever, I'll accept that for the purpose of this movie. Yeah. What I'm angry about if anything in this movie is the missteps. Are you going to be okay? I'm not sure. You're a man. No, the misstep. You're gonna be okay, and Marcia, you're a man. No, the misstep. Take it down, you want NZT? The missteps are hero makes, like being the smartest person
Starting point is 00:30:33 in the movie. Well, that's the thing. He does a lot of dumb stuff. This is basically a movie about drugs, where he does everything a drug user does, including make exactly the stupid mistakes that people make in drug movies. But you'd think he's super smart. At one point he says he has a four digit IQ which makes no sense. Like that. And at that point he can read
Starting point is 00:30:53 people's minds I would imagine. He's got some kind of gift for hyperbole at that point. Yeah, his hyperbole is limitless. But yeah, but he makes these dumb mistakes like giving smart pills to a Russian mobster Yeah, like not knowing how many pills he has on him at a given point It takes him forever to decide to hire someone to make new pills for it. Yeah, like I think he's down to like eight pills It's you know Yeah, like Stuart said the first thing you do is synthesize pills you're it like like his rationale for giving it to the Russian mobster is like uh this will get him off my back for a while like yes make your enemy super pack like I'm not even on that shit and I know I have a million more ideas to stop this Russian gangster
Starting point is 00:31:35 yeah call the police for instance frame him for some kind of crime well that's the thing he's like there are ways of getting rid of him I'll give him pills no like hire someone to kill him Yeah, it's not like our hero has a lot of moral compunction I mean he kills several people in the course of this and he also sets a sets up a macabre Practical joke in his safe when he has two security guys who get killed by the Russian mobster and their hands are mailed to him And he sets it up in his safe in his apartments that the disembodied hands are there and one of them is giving the finger to the gangster who just opened the safe and you know he was so he was crouching there like forcing these fingers into place because rigor mortis had yeah had just maybe maybe dip them in tar or something
Starting point is 00:32:16 to for them to hold their position or make a hand of liberty yeah It's okay, you can fuck it up if you want. The other thing is that, so this, like the whole movie... Well, hand of liberty is different. It feels like the entire movie, the biggest problem he has is that he is trying to deal with his dependency on this drug. Yeah. And then the conclusion of the movies, it's like, yeah, you didn't see this, but he was able to give up the drug and now he's even smarter than before.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I kicked it. It's like in a beautiful mind where he's crazy and the solution is for him to stop being crazy. Oh, man. Just to decide to not be crazy anymore. Yeah. I was one of the things I liked about this movie is that it didn't have like a weird like false moralizing ending. It did not glorify having this limitless power for most of the movie. It didn't know i'm saying like it didn't do that and it was like fuck you we're gonna take it away and the true moral is humanity like at the end of the movie is like no he figured out a way to beat humanity and now he's limitless now he is doctor manhattan yeah he's awesome i mean like the only thing that kind of goes against that is rather than a
Starting point is 00:33:24 well actually has a pretty good Speech in the movie where he's like you're a brat who's just throwing it around his power Like you didn't work for this like I worked my way up and now I understand the way human beings work Mm-hmm and and I guess like you know what in the end of the day? Yeah, I guess it's the end of the day like hard work doesn't have a dick So that's true. It is a self-confidence. Well, he's not young and attractive like hard body like Brad Ford Cooper with sure. Bradlin Coopsy. It's true. It's the self-made man. He's just a hard body enough. I think after the movie.
Starting point is 00:33:59 I remember being hard in hard bodies too. It kind of fell out of favor. The same way people stop saying hot dog the movie after hot dog movie came out. Well, there was that confusion. You guys were hot dog the movie came out about whether you wanted a hot dog or you wanted to go see hot dog. Still when you go to Nathan sometimes you'll give me a hot dog and they go the food or the movie. Because we got a bunch of DVDs back here.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Also, we've been trying to get rid of them. No one wants them. But the weird thing is they don't even have a copy of that movie and stuff Just like when people got mixed up which one ton ton it was that one ton ton the dog who saved Hollywood or Is that a different one time? Is that Benji the hunted or a different Benji? Is it oh, haven't we dog or just regular BG? Is that ballistic x versus several or is this a different Benji. Is it, oh, a heavenly dog or just regular Benji? Is that ballistic experts or is this a different X?
Starting point is 00:34:50 Huh. Loobies. But yeah, it's a, in the end, he beats the world. It almost, it feels like... Harder beats the devil. The book, what? I haven't read it. It's pretty good boy meets world So what were you saying before day in interrupted you by being a dude? I don't even remember
Starting point is 00:35:14 Before he brought in what you book club recommendation. Yeah, I guess I don't have I don't have a movie recommendations Week so yeah, we're not even at that part of the podcast yet. Oh my god I'm so turned around anyway. This is the morality of this film is a little weird. It just it looks like it's setting you up for one thing And then it goes for the other which is fine, but the end but the it does make it look like it's really easy to get off drugs and Also, it's just like this is a guy who's cheated his way through everything. Yeah. Which I guess I don't know a problem with him winning in a movie. He does, but there is a moment where he, so he, in one of his drug hazes, because what happens is also he starts blacking out and missing time.
Starting point is 00:35:53 He goes to a party and picks up a model. She takes him to her hotel room. The next day, and then he wakes, he finds himself suddenly on the Brooklyn Bridge. He doesn't know how he got there. There's a news report the next day that says model found murdered in her hotel. This is never tied up. Like he just gets away with murder. I was assuming he was that guy he thought he saw following him in the hotel you know, hallway. The guy who want with who was chasing his girlfriend. Yeah, the knife guy. But why would he kill that model? It doesn't make any? I mean I was in I mean I was in yeah, she knew too much. Yeah, maybe she made fun of his penis
Starting point is 00:36:28 Eyes or something wait, so he came in yes seduced her continue. Yes, she made fun of his penis eyes I mean it happens sometimes I think you're thinking of the first thing I'm given Sure He stormed out said no, I can handle this better storm back in they talked for a little while They couldn't come to agreement stormed out again said I'm just so mad stormed in stabbed her said oh my god What have I done walked out was gonna call the police said I'm gonna be in trouble now walked back in framed limitless framed limitless By like spreading some pills all over the place and a bunch of like I don't know books does he read books He does sometimes and the other thing he doesn't see the head literally no limits
Starting point is 00:37:11 He has no life outside of The things he's doing like you never get a sense that Bradley Cooper's character exists as a character Okay, so he just sits in front of computer screens and reading like seven different monitors We know he yes, we know he owns a basketball. We find that out early on the movie. He cares enough to write a science fiction book that apparently is also a social commentary, but then doesn't care about writing another book after that. Well, he writes it. It's amazing. And then again, we never hear it. There's a lot of dropped. It's almost like this person wrote this screenplay
Starting point is 00:37:46 was written over the course of like five years and it was like, oh, I got 20 pages written. I'll go back to this soon, months pass. I'll write another 10 pages. And so like plot points get picked up and dropped as the movie goes along with not really any logic to it. It's been kind of boring. We didn't action scene here.
Starting point is 00:38:03 How about he remembers movies he's seen and use those maneuvers to defeat his enemies? There is a weird sort of lack of cohesion. Like there is no story unity. You know, it's like, I guess at the end, Robert De Niro is the villain of the piece, essentially, like he's like the last confrontation, but he doesn't really do anything serious to the perpetuation. he's like the last confrontation but he doesn't really do anything serious to threaten to. Bradley Cooper in the movie and the things that do threaten Bradley Cooper in the movie are things that he kind of brought on himself.
Starting point is 00:38:34 He brought all of them on himself. Just by being stupid to threat the film. He's limitless. It's almost like his intelligence and his stupidity are both limitless. Yeah. He spends a lot of time like shopping for things and using like merchandise It's one of the it's there's a lot of movies now where like a lot part of the the joy of the movie I guess is it's seen people live this like outlandishly big lifestyle
Starting point is 00:38:57 So like he's driving a sports car and then he's going shopping for a jacket, you know and things like that That don't really apply to the plot, but it's style stuff, I guess. Yeah. Isn't this the life you would lead if you were limitless? You'd be shopping for jackets all the time. Mm-hmm. And doing crunches. He does do crunches, too.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Sure, you do a lot of crunches. You look good in a jacket. Yeah, I must be limitless. Not. What? It's a joke, guys. Hmm. For. Any who, so should we final judgment? We should judgment it's up. I'm gonna start. Oh wow okay. This is a good bad movie a bad
Starting point is 00:39:35 bad movie a kind of like. I gotta say I kind of like this. I enjoyed it. I thought it had it moved along at a good clip. It had some nice style. It was stupid, but it didn't bore me. And I kind of found its lack of morality refreshing. I kind of enjoyed the fact at the end. It was like, fuck you, I'm limitless. You expected me to learn a lesson? I learned no lesson. I am awesome. So, I mean, you know, if you're back, if you're at home, if you're bored, if this movie comes on, I would say totally watch this shit. You know what, I hate to admit it, but I agree with you, because I hate agreeing with you.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I also kind of liked it. This was a solid two, two and a half star movie. Good for a rainy afternoon, maybe you're sick from work, maybe, I don't know, like a bootleg copy of it fell in your lap accidentally in the subway and nobody noticed then I you know go home if you have a moment watch it while you're doing something else I don't know but it does have like there are a bunch of camera effects in it that are neat that are also stupid but
Starting point is 00:40:39 neat yeah I mean it was for those reasons I was I was gonna classify it as a good bad movie like I can't I can't justify and say that I actually enjoyed it that much, but it was fun to sit around and make jokes about and talk about limitless stuff and how stupid the science of the whole thing is. I mean, that's, I mean, once you get over the fact that it's based on nonsense, like not real science, it's, I mean, if that should be more of a sticking point than it is, I guess. But it goes to show if they have one big stupid thing,
Starting point is 00:41:09 you can buy it, yeah, if it's at the beginning. Yeah. Maybe you're right, maybe Steve Martin is right. Maybe he has something. Unlikely. Yeah, put all your chips on one stupid thing. And then the other stupid things, maybe you should work on a little bit more limitless.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I guess if I can watch the exorcist and suspend my disbelief that the devil exists for two hours, then I can suspend my disbelief about how the brain works. Okay, so letters. I've got some letters from listeners here. Well, letters from listeners. I've got some great ones, so. I think we had doling jingle time.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You've got some great words. We should probably speed through this. Speed through this. A little bit. This one is from Micah by way of the portal of time. Micah. Portal? He says, I am a new listener who heard about you from the AV club and the short amount of time since then I've managed to listen to almost all of your back catalog.
Starting point is 00:42:00 A club. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A community. A. A community. A community. A community. A. A community. A community. A community. A community. A. A community. A community. A community. A. A community. A community. A. A. A. A If you need it, it's a binge, if you will. And it couldn't stop laughing at the inside jokes bit in the I'm number four podcast. And then, you know, bad mouse, how does this get made a while? I've cut it out. I don't need to. I don't need to belabor that. We appreciate that people like us more than how did this get made.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And please do send us letters about how much you like us more than how did this get made. But you understand, we don't want to gloat over it. The fact that we're now blowing up. What's how to this get made? Listen to you guys as a complete 180 your self-awareness and honesty comes through and makes it a joy to listen to it. From Elliot's wonderfully deep esoteric knowledge, Stuart's ability to derail any train of thought and then it's like a penny on the tracks of the mind. It's like a penny on the tracks of the mind. And dance unflavable Leonardo skills with the side of side. You talked to your audience, it's equals inviting us to enjoy camaraderie and
Starting point is 00:42:51 friendship evident between you. It was difficult to listen to how to listen to it made after listening to the flop-ass. I thought you weren't going to read any how to this get made. Well, look, slams. I'm just saying it was thanks to the partial slams and the great congratulations. Partial slams. I'm just saying it was thanks to the partial slams in partial work. Congratulations. Partial slams. He's advocating for a podcast war. Again, that seems crazy. Look, a podcast war that even happens in that. There's no winners in that. Only losers.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Except us if we win. No, no, no, guys. Come on, Dan, be limitless. What would limitless do? It's a funny sort of he would. The only way to win is not to play. All right. If limitless was doing this, he would not be doing it. If he would involve, he would come up with a secret thing that nobody else knew about it. Do that and then win. That's true.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Let's do it like limitless. Okay, let's do it limitless style. Ultimate limitless style. So get some drugs. Now, I just want to read that. I like that. That's, this is a warm-up. That was a nice, nice up. That was a nice
Starting point is 00:43:45 kind of assignment. Thanks very much. Micah, we're glad you like the show so much. So, uh, but now on to the slams. Move on. Ryan last name withheld says, I don't think any of us can predict how we will die. Well, Linna was probably good. But yeah, he'll he'll never die. Nadoi. I'm thinking. I'm thinking for me me it may involve an aggressive badger I say this because frankly I saw a job that's removing badgers from things Frankly my local badger I Know some money to a Russian badger Frankly, I thought the badger would come for me long before I found a podcast like the flop house
Starting point is 00:44:26 The three of you radiate blinding brilliance Like a diamond light bulb over some sink and heaven The most beautiful metaphor I've ever heard before this becomes one of those gushing emails you guys must get so many of nope Not that many I have a serious question for each of you. Unliked. So I'm gonna read all of the questions then we can go back. It says, Dan, what advice would you give to someone who wants to do the things you do besides try something else and sigh? Why would anyone want to do the things you do? Stuart, what? Podcasts, Stephen the Archive seems to suggest you may be a fan of
Starting point is 00:45:03 the incredible fantasy tabletop game Bloodbow. If so please share some information about your team and how awesome they are. Do you think they could beat my team? The dwarf in the Senate subcommittee. Probably. And Elliot, please speak for as long as Dan will allow about your favorite Ninja Turtle as well as the history of who among the brothers has held this position over the course of your life. With their brothers? Yeah, their brothers. Back up, so first of all.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Under the shell. How to do what I do. I'm not sure why you would want to. I've only been arguably successful for the past two months. You've been very successful. Look at you. Nice looking boy, married, living up to him. Yeah, do you and you're totally married to the woman in your dreams.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah, come on. No. Okay. Well, your success has been limitless. It's a call. It's not a callback. Yeah, it is. It's what we're talking about. If you're asking about podcasts, I would say go back in time. I have four or five years to when podcasts were relatively new and Start up a podcast about bad movies What a great instructions how to start a podcast one start a podcast Yeah, no, I don't know you know you clearly felt this one through Yeah, Dan you the only one of us just read these before and you have the worst answer
Starting point is 00:46:22 You hit your star to of the worst answer. You hit your star to a friend of yours with a deep resident voice and another friend of yours who carries all the star power of being a writer on a television show. It's just very little star power. Little bird. Or successes. Yeah, I guess that's how to become like me. Elliot, here's how you become like Dan.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Two steps. You keep your feet on the ground. Step one, step two, you keep reaching for the stars. Yeah, dude. Head in the clouds, wait. And you know who you say? You what you say? Say, I am limitless.
Starting point is 00:46:57 When do you say that? All the time. Well, it's like an affirmation. Yeah. Okay. Sure. The deep armation. The deep armation. Your blood bowl. No, I'll be I'll be happy to answer all that all the that information in a private message
Starting point is 00:47:09 Whoa, yeah, it's just for me and what's his guy's name Ryan last name with held me and Ryan last name without a private message Ladies wouldn't you like to have a private message about blood bowl? I think they would. With stewart. Just send me another letter. Okay, L.A., your one. So, my favorite in interturtles, this is easy. Alright, when I was a kid, obviously Donatello, he was the smartest, he invented things, didn't care for the color purple, not my favorite color.
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's a regal though. It's regal that I didn't know that is a kid. I just thought of it as kind of like a gruely color. And the only color I liked less of the Ninja Tolls was orange. I wish Donatello was blue because blue is the best color, but Leonardo has blue and Leonardo's boring. That's why Dan is the Leonardo of the group. But Donatello is my favorite because he was the smartest.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Then as I got older, Raphael became my favorite. Why? Because he doesn't take notes. Okay, well it says, please make for a long example. Allow you. And that's the longest I've ever laughed. And size are totally cool as an opposed to. Thank you, Ryan. Last name, withheld.
Starting point is 00:48:16 This email is called a ringing endorsement for flop house live events. And this is an epic one. This is directed to Elliot. This is from... And it says, please tell us more about the Ninja Turtles. This is from James Last Name With Held. He says, I'm a relatively new convert to the program, but it has quickly become my go-to antidote for my nine to five office job blues.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yes. I believe I've burned through the entirety of the back catalog and have become well acquainted with such gyms as Rocket Cracket Island, the world of tomorrow. I forgot about that guaranteed short-wire winter pitch. Million dollar getaway, Dan's militia of hook-handed separatists, and of course the flop house house cat living in Brooklyn myself. I got my sorry old bones over to 92 Y Tribeca for the live flop house showing of twin sitters. Rarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararar since becoming a fan of the show. When I spotted Mr. Wellington waiting in line for beer at the concession stand,
Starting point is 00:49:26 I promptly reintroduced myself as James, explaining that we had met briefly once before and that I was a big flop house fan. We traded some small talk about the theater and twin-citters before Stewart looked me very earnestly in the eye and called me Steve. Yes. I look forward to the day. I can tell my future children
Starting point is 00:49:46 that Mr. Stewart Wellington himself called me by name. Not my name of course, but a name nonetheless. Any name. Anyway the movie show I called you chair if you're less lucky. The movie show yourself was a blast. You're all very funny and twin-sitters proved to be everything I hope for in its unabashed insanity. The hilarious slideshow presentation, trivia rounds, and interview session with your wonderful ladies was icing on the cake. I'd like to mention that I also very much appreciate the recommendations portion of the show. I've watched Frozen Black Dreath, Centurion, and Election on your collective recommendation, and look forward to loading up on scene number soon. I think you might be disappointed after all those other movies but different kinds of movies.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Most of those were my recommendations by the way. Steve, there's election next to them. There's nothing quite like Washington's. No, no, no, no, no. A man's head explode like some sort of bizarre meat stuff watermelon, a lot of Centurion or eating fried boys being devoured by the most insanely ravenous wolves in recent film history and frozen keeping with the ridiculously gory theme I stumbled
Starting point is 00:50:53 upon a recent Korean film called I saw the devil on Netflix instant man this guy's got his own podcast it features the lead from all the section oh really as our most as the most disturbing serial killer I've ever seen since Anton Shigerr. The film is shockingly violent and while I typically prefer my violence to be over the top and comical, I've still found myself compelled to finish the film. No ding-dongs are ripped off and no one is insulted with a submarine sandwich. But if you're looking for a violent revenge flick, it might be worth your time. Keep up with the good work. So thank you James. Thanks for that novel James James. I got to apologize
Starting point is 00:51:29 You caught me after a couple of beers and being nervous I've had a couple of beers Yeah, I had like two or three beers Unlike these guys. I don't do comedy stuff. So I was a little nervous. I can understand that. Danielle, my wife was so nervous that she actually drank an entire bottle of Jim Bean. That did not happen, but I would love to see that.
Starting point is 00:51:56 What's Jim Bean? It's just a guy. Oh, OK. She's drinking bottle of some guy. Yes. No, she didn't drink at all. So that was a lovely letter. And that's her recommendation. She's making bottom some guy. Yeah. No, she didn't drink at all. So that was a lovely letter.
Starting point is 00:52:06 And that's her recommendation. I was planning on checking out at some point. So thanks James. Yeah, I remember when that was in the theaters and I missed it. I was unhappy about it. It's on my Netflix watch, instant cue. So you're one step ahead of us. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Why don't we continue? Head to one of us. Does that make you feel like a big man? Limitless? A little bit. The final letter of the evening is from Maggie last name with help. So it's like a girl and it says, dear members of the House of Flop, since you ignored my recent request that you review love and other drugs for my husband,
Starting point is 00:52:45 Lieutenant last name with hell. Was that a request? I remember that one. Look, let me finish this. I think it would have been danded and passed along. That's very likely. Let's play in the message. Let's play in the message.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There are people listening to this podcast, so if you don't interrupt, it'll be easier to follow for those people. Alright. Since you ignored my recent request that you review will love and other drugs for my husband Lieutenant Last Name with Hell. I don't remember that. In Iraq, I decided to scale down my terms. While the awesome if you would review love and other drugs, which both myself and Lieutenant
Starting point is 00:53:19 Last Name with Hell hated, I will be satisfied if he merely gets a shout out at some point during your next review. It would help this tip the scales in favor of, yeah, sorry, if it would help tip the scales. As it, as it be known to the cognizant, uh, L-O-L-A-O-D has an halfway naked like 89% of the movie. That's a huge percentage. That's gonna make Kelly really uncomfortable. They're like BFFs, right? Yeah, I'm sorry. I mean, I've seen her naked because we've changed in front of each other.
Starting point is 00:53:50 So yeah, you guys showered together as kids. I'm sorry, this is my fault that I did not present and have the way for a woman's husband in Iraq. Yeah. Here's the problem. I've seen loving on the drugs, starting in LA's BFF and Halfaway.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah, best friend, briefly married. It's pretty accurate, I'd presume it's a movie. I've seen the movie. It's a movie take place in a nudist colony. Like, are they always in the shower? How does that happen? It just a movie take place at a nudist colony like are they always in the shower? How does that how does that happen? Um it's a new it's it's a movie about Viagra and about ladies and gentlemen fucking and uh I'm I'm here's the thing. It made that sound really weird. Yeah like this never been in a movie before.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah I I got this email from this fine lady. I Red love and other drugs you read it. I Saw that title in the email. Oh, I thought to myself. I've seen this movie. I Did not read further. I admit it's my problem as soon. That's something you should know about Dan as soon as he reads the name of the movie He's seen it before he stops reading what happened was he read the email and was like wait a minute She's naked in this movie I'm gonna go watch it on my own for some private my own I'm gonna have some private my own flop house if you know what I mean I'm private time in that I watched it with my wife Well, hey
Starting point is 00:55:17 I need to know what you guys do in your spare time, but tell me never No, we watch it. I have to admit. I did not hate the movie. I thought it had its problems Didn't hate which well you didn't hate the love but what about the other drugs the other drugs were on great was one of the drugs So what you saying is that not only are you Not going to fulfill her desire by us watching this movie and being fun of it But you're also saying she's wrong and you're not even gonna make it you're not even gonna give her husband Where's the shout out again? You replaced his name with name withheld. All right. No, first of all She called him which in a last name with health. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:55:53 Secondly, um you guys as usual are interrupting me before I get to my point. Are you surprised? Okay, I'm this is my me a culpa. I should have read further and got more into this however the thing is I've seen this movie Mm-hmm. I didn't entirely hate this movie. I thought it has problems, but I thought it was okay But here's what I'm gonna say Because we've had no entries into our last ill-defined flop-house congress contest. I didn't even remember we had a contest. Which one was this? I think that was from both of the flop-house.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And nobody did. Well, I guess the AV Club wins. Yeah. Oh, I mean, if Chris and William want to explain his prize in the end. Is that the guy from the AV Club? I think it is. I mean, he's the guy who I know has listened to the podcasts before, so I assumed that that's the guy.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I assumed it was AV Club, the guy who writes all the articles and a v club and drew the last case the last case the love No, but here's what I'm gonna say Flophouse honors the troops of course we do and Lou of that contest that didn't go anywhere that contest that didn't go anywhere. Lieutenant last name withheld should submit three possible movies for the flop house to cover and like our last contest where we covered teen teen which it shouldn't be necessarily something new. It could be any movie any movie he wants. So what he can do is he can submit three movies and then you will and then we're about to three sets. Well,
Starting point is 00:57:27 that's the guy you're going to be. Well, let's guess the three will come. Suggest one or two that you want to want. One of them will be team with. And then we will, we'll do that film. Yes, sir, Lieutenant last name with held, we will see the movie you recommend.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Give us three or one in honor of your service We will make fun of a terrible film for you. Yes, or or it might be a movie. We actually kind of like that sure I apologize ahead of time if it's a movie we end up actually kind of liking Yeah, but we'll still you know, they'll still be entertainment in it That's true and we still tore it a new hole. A new limitless hole. So guys, so now what do we do? Well, I mean, do you really want to make recommendations or do you want to just call it a night? I watched the relic yesterday and it wasn't very good. So, do you recommend not to watch the relic? I mean, I wouldn't watch that. I watched the first half
Starting point is 00:58:21 hour of fallen idol, the Carol Reed film, and then the Netflix disc, uh, crapped out on me. So it was pretty awesome until then. Recommendation for Netflix. I'll recommend the first 30 minutes of Fallen Idol. Well, I will recommend this is just for a special group out there. I've watched all the last 15 inches of this movie. It's called The Half Naked Truth.
Starting point is 00:58:41 It's from the 30s. If you ever wanted to see Fat Character Actor Eugene Palette with his shirt off, this is the movie to see him in. He played Friar Tuck in the Aero Flynn Robin Hood. You may know him as Barbara Stanwicks' dad in The Lady Eve among other things. Ever wanted to see what he looks like with no shirt on. The Half-Naked Truth, starring Lee Tracey and the Lou Bayveleseles is the movie to see. Wow. So three recommendations. Three great recommendations guys.
Starting point is 00:59:10 We still got a guys that's the thing we still got it. Oh have we ever. We're not letting. Three years has been for years. We're not letting our success ruin our longstanding. It ability to do this. Yeah. Q for its own effect and see you guys later.
Starting point is 00:59:30 So I guess we just off. What do you think? Why are you looking at me? Why don't we get Ellie? Let me check my bracelet. I think WWLD. What would limitless do? Yeah, he'd probably on the five guests here. Okay, guys. In that case, yeah, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been Stewart Wellington. I have been Elliott. Last name withheld. I've been Stewart Wellington. I have been Elliot last name with held the last name's Caitlin Good night everyone Lululu tested out test
Starting point is 01:00:03 Blue-lew. Test it out. Test. Test. Bassmaster. Bassmaster. Somebody stealing all the world's bass. Bass. Bass. Stealing all the world's fish. Beasts. Beasts. Beasts masters. This is a portable of time. Beasts would don't get us started on portholes. Do the normal distance from microphones, I think.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I think.

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