The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #86 - The Happiest Millionaire

Episode Date: September 2, 2011

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme.0:35 - 4:17 - We discuss our recent technical difficulties.4:18 - 27:57 - You'd think there would be a lot to talk about in a three hour film, wouldn't you? You wo...uld be wrong.27:58 - 33:00 - We summarily dispense with final judgments, to discuss Stuart's SURPRISE GIFT to Dan and Elliott33:31 - 47:45 - Flop House Movie Mailbag47:46 - 54:44 - The sad bastards recommend / plug.54:45 - 55:52 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Following delays planned and unplanned, we're back with our Flop House Honors The Troops episode where we discuss the happiest millionaire. Hey everyone and welcome back to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Talon. We're back coming at you from Hurricane Ali. Back again. Mm-hmm. Wait, did you just come up with that Dan? Yep. were dwelling done and i'm all you can we're back coming at you from hurricane alley back again uh... we did you just come up with that yep that that's all me okay no one has ever said uh... a natural disaster and then put the word
Starting point is 00:00:54 alley behind it no for never kate and and put the word alley after it sure certainly i had to tell you to show up many years but never hurricane alley and crime alley that exists I know shelly shaling the dilly dallying guys okay yeah we had some technical difficulties yeah yeah I purchased some new cords and they look great on you
Starting point is 00:01:18 uh-huh I put on my new corduroy pants and then I purchased some new wires for the podcast. Okay. And, uh, why? Because we were getting hacked, not hacked, but it was like a pirate radio station, say. Was it a pirate radio station? No, I think it was just a radio station. Radio radio station. Radio radio station.
Starting point is 00:01:40 All-Biting radio station. Radio radio is all this custodian would say. It was the radio station that only plays the soundtrack from the movie radio. That's right, Cuba Gooding Jr. Yeah. But radio flyer? Yeah, radio flyer. Can we get a new guy to play Stewart?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Stewart works for pancakes. I need cakes. The cake's made in the shape of pants. So, I am on the fire today. So, yeah, so we were trying to do a show last time. We were all psyched about beastly. You loved it, Elliot, right? I thought it was one of the top 10 movies of the never.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So, it was never good in any way. Yeah. But, so we watched that, but then it all fucked up, right? Well halfway through, Stuart, who usually pays no attention to such things. I thought it was Ellie. That was me. Oh, okay, well that's him, alright. Stuart, can do it.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Who doesn't pay attention to stuff, damn. Come on, jokes on you. We sound completely different. Ellie had noticed that the levels were going all over the place. Yeah, they were all up in there. And so we started off. Well, the levels were really high, even though we weren't saying anything. Like during pauses, the levels would be really high.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Which I know you're thinking you guys watch Beatsley, you probably couldn't stop talking. But no, there were a lot of pauses. So risingly enough. And not just the kind of pauses you'd find on a beast. Yeah. And yeah. On a history. Totally some of the shielding in the mic cables
Starting point is 00:03:11 was stripped or something. Yeah. I don't need to bore me with the technical details that I'm faster. Well, it's how, like, we're running out of the joke. Remember Stuart, how your braces used to pick up radio signals? My braces? Yeah. How you being a racist, you used to listen up radio signals my racist yeah yeah you being a racist
Starting point is 00:03:26 you used to listen to that white power radio oh my braces yeah okay pans are radio sure it's like that I don't know I had braces for years they never picked up maybe I'm thinking of the kill again and think you're the yeah think of something that never happened But we're back baby and better than ever. Yeah. And this time it's personal. And this time we have the window open. See you might hear that motorcycle and think we were farting. No, that was a motorcycle that's one of those things where I'm sure we can hear it but it doesn't pick up on the recording. Well, I know that motorcycle outside and people listening. Sirens. I've heard sirens actually on recording for but not on the recording. Wait, would it be a fart? Well, I know that motorcycle outside. And people listening.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I've heard sirens actually on recording before, but not our art. But that's because we're so hot. Because it'll be a hot riff. Because the heat is on. It's on the street. And Sam and the kitchen. Oh, we watched a movie there. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Stuart, from once being the slave driver here. Oh, Stuart's saying no chili-challenged, no chilidallying, like the lead character, not really, of the movie. Yeah, let's talk about this. So this was a special request now. So a special request. This is four Lieutenant's last name withheld in Iraq, one of our boys overseas. We made an offer.
Starting point is 00:04:38 He couldn't refuse. We said, give us three movies in 30 minutes or less. We will pick one and we'll do a show about it. He and his wife sent a request email a while ago and you instead of reading the email just ignored it. Ignored it right. I don't care for our listeners. I added them to your spam filter. I said unsubscribe. Which is weird to say to just an email that someone wrote to you. It's not a list. Yeah, do you just say that to your computer or do you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:10 It was like in Star Trek 4. I picked up the mouse. I don't know why I'm using a mouse because I got a trackpad. I picked it up and I said computer. In the computer said... Oh, I'm subscribed. That's not how I work, Dan. Wait, so when you talk to the computer, you're more flamboyant.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Computer! That was my Windows. Yeah, wait, so when you talk to the computer you're more flamboyant Computer Those windows was my impression of James doing and uh and It's like Frank Nelson Hello computer. I crack my knuckles like he does in the movie and I say you really know start point four I got a Class of scene all the movies to know the scenes that well start check four is not It's like I'm just looking for the nuclear vessels in Elmita where they go to whales
Starting point is 00:05:49 Okay, it's a rain. It's called Star Trek 4 the rainy vacation the quest for vowels and they went to the wrong place So instead To last name with help Star Trek 4 irritable vowels syndrome Yeah, man, he's still got it. Yep, just because I'm an o-blake. The jokes don't stop.
Starting point is 00:06:09 They just irritate people more because you're not getting paid for them. They're like, please. I'm not bad at believe it. Could you not make these jokes so you're just a human being in like regular life? That is when I throw the sound bites and the sound bite doesn't play. Yeah. So we were given a couple of options. You asked him if he had a request for movies.
Starting point is 00:06:31 We could watch and we didn't do a couple of them. We said along the third. Well, we'd steward and I, you would see it right. What? I know I had seen splice. Did you see splice? I have seen splice. I have seen splice. And I have to admit, again, did not hate splice. And what was the other choice? The other choice was a
Starting point is 00:06:51 direct DVD thing of recent vintage I can't remember. It just looked like your average romantic comedy. So we settled on the most challenging of the three, which was a 1960s Disney live-action musical, which was a 1960s Disney live-action musical nearly three hours long. So we're like two hours and 53 minutes. That includes intermission and an overture though. Yeah, but the intermission was only like two minutes long. Yeah, the overture is about a minute. So let's say... ...the actual action of the film is two hours and 40 minutes because those are short overtures and intermissions. And what's the name of this movie Dan? It's called the happiest millionaires. So this is one of those classic Disney musicals. Everyone's seen it right up there with Mary Poppins
Starting point is 00:07:32 and Pete Stragon and the 120 days of Salo. I think you remember that. That's the Disney musical version of Salo, the hundred twenty days of Sodom. Sure. No, this is a forgotten piece of Disney lore. Now, is it rightfully forgotten? Oh, God, yes. It despite starring Fred McMurray. Fred McMurray live actions Disney Mainstay. Yeah, Greer Garson. Yon Leslie Ann Warren in her first role.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Lesbian Ann Warren. No. Is she a lesbian? I don't know. Because her name sounds kind of like she is. Like a lesbian. Yeah. They still are,
Starting point is 00:08:14 we're clarifying. But I think you're going to buy back you up on this Dan might agree. I appreciate it. And this was, according to Wikipedia, this is the last movie Walt Disney had any hand in at Disney because he died in the middle of it He died. I assume while watching it because it's about 30 hours long
Starting point is 00:08:31 And it's what's weird is that it's based on a true story A true story that sounds much more interesting than anything that's on screen it turns out there was this man I'm gonna have to resort to a Wikipedia to remind me some of the details. Turns out there was a man named Anthony J Drexel-Biddle who is a Philadelphia millionaire who was obsessed with muscular Christianity and boxing and hand-to-hand combat and he kept alligators as pets and he's kind of this eccentric Philadelphia man. That sounds like that would make a really interesting movie. Yeah he was a boxing enthusiast, he trained the Marines in hand-to-hand fighting during World War One and World War Two.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Really interesting stuff so how much of that was on screen during the three hours running time? Well I mean those elements were there. Yeah he did have alligators and he did occasionally box people. Yeah but most of the film was about his daughter's boring romance with Blandy Blenderson. Yeah it took place in 1916 and his well it opens with an Irish guy played by Timestheal, singing about how great life is basically. He sings a song called Fortuacity. Yeah, how have you made that word up?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Fortuacity. Sometimes things just fall into place. He's made up a word, Fortuacity. But there is a word for that, serendipity. So why bother make up a new word, but that's the size point. He gets a buttling job at the middle of state and then Disappears for long periods of the movie even though he in theory I guess he's supposed to be the narrator and hero
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, I don't know. I mean it's hard to say who the main character of this film is an ensemble work Yeah, I mean an ensemble in the sense that everyone is pretty much equally boring But red Rick Murray is this crazy millionaire and his daughter falls in love with I mean what what makes you think he's crazy though? Well he's got alligators for pets. Okay. He's obsessed with boxing and the Bible. He runs a Bible camp in his house. Okay. He's obsessed with pushing America into the war. Yes and boxing. That is his raison d'etre does need does Neymar will slowly eat chocolate cake or something in the beginning to say he's
Starting point is 00:10:29 on a chocolate cake diet although that goes out the window I don't we never see him eating chocolate cake I don't yeah and his daughter falls in love with the young sion of a New York business family but he dreams name to Angie named Angie is a man Angie is the guy and the girl's name is Steve. Wait, what? No, the girl's name is Cordelia. Oh, yeah. They call her Cordy.
Starting point is 00:10:54 They do. I mean, that's what I call her. Yeah, but anyway. Because she's like a cord of wood. Yeah, I mean, that's the association. Harp willfully saved somebody. But a lozly and one looks lovely and she went on to a great career in other films. What did she do?
Starting point is 00:11:12 She do. Well, I mean, I guess she's most known for she was on the television show Taxi. I actually driver the show. No, the show taxi driver's people killed a different. No, the one taxi with Andy Kaufman and Danny DeVito Judhersh Now is reaperled in No, you're thinking yeah reaperled in the vineyard pearls in yeah, yeah, that's what I said also Leslie Ann Warren was in the movie clue
Starting point is 00:11:40 Miss Scarlett, okay Right right right right right right, right, right, right. Yeah. A pretty lady here, not much. Not much. I mean, there's a lot of singing and dancing. Yeah. She falls in love with a guy who wants to be
Starting point is 00:11:55 going to the automobile business, but his mother says no. Yeah, he sings a song about how he wants to go to Detroit. Yeah, Detroit is where the only song of it's. Yeah, I think he refers to it as the Golden City. The past is hilarious. Yes, but this movie was made in the 60s when Detroit was like riding high, basically. So they had no idea that people would watch this movie again 44 years later and be like, oh, Detroit, that's a shit all. That housecape with this.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Oh my God. later and be like, oh Detroit, that's a shit all. That housecape with this. Oh my God. The place that might be putting up a statue of the robot cop that trot its post-apocalyptic soil, they're not going to put up that statue really stored. I'm sorry to say. I'm still trying to get over that. So was he trying to throw it into the toilet
Starting point is 00:12:40 so he could proud of? Was he going to the Detroit so he could test his metal against an army of chuds and microgames? No, so he could test his metal against an army of chuds and Micah gangs? No, so he could make his his name in the automobile business which at that point was just starting to get really big But the mother of his mother is very condescending to the Bittles and does not approve of the car plan the marriage a million Air, right? Yes, the marriage is briefly broken up Then the butler saves the day by getting the young man into a bar fight
Starting point is 00:13:08 and everything's okay having a rest in the relief town they go to prison everything's okay he gets bailed out and the end yeah oh and i was to defy his mother and go up to the shroyton and be a zone man in the trot and mr. bittle uh... in a last minute day x machina based in true story uh... is asked by the Marines
Starting point is 00:13:26 to become a captain in the Marines and train the Marines in hand-to-hand combat. Yeah, as America is entering the war. Now, that's the end of the movie. So just as the movie got interesting, the movie is over. But that's... Also, a very simple story. Does that story sound like it should be three hours long? No.
Starting point is 00:13:42 No. Not a lot. But I mean, the beautiful, just the beautiful production design, the sterling, just spectacle, the pure spectacle out there, right? It's a three hour Disney musical. They had money, a Disney musical that has maybe three locations for most of its running time, the living room, the other living room, and the boxing room. outroom occasionally go alligator room. Yeah, I was found in a different part of the world Occasionally, I think you've rocket rocket on the world tomorrow There is a whole all-american stuff think about rocket rocket out on the world. When are you in the fit?
Starting point is 00:14:18 Ellie's please. I'm sorry look. I just it's inspiration. It has to come to me. Sure But yeah, there is a he has alligator for pets and they really take a long time before they show you these alligators Yeah, that sounds about them a lot. I'm expecting. Yeah, I expect it was gonna be like like norms wife or something from cheers Like you're never you're gonna hear about them all the time, but you're never gonna see him No, but they actually had alligators. They're just holding out They had a lot of musical number where would like an hour before you see them. Yeah, this is going to sound awesome, but it's not. But the alligators are in tanks that get frozen into ice.
Starting point is 00:14:51 So they have alligators and blocks of ice that they're thawing out in front of a living room fireplace. Alligators get loose and are chasing the maid everywhere, chasing the cook everywhere. There's alligators all over the place. And Tommy Seale has. People are tossing alligators to each other. They're throwing alligators in each other. I think they're like came in or something else. Yeah, they're really small
Starting point is 00:15:07 But uh, but then Tommy steel is dancing around an alligator as he as he pulls along with a leash and the alligator It's edited as if the alligator is supposed to be high stepping with them and this sounds great to describe it like an alligator dance Number yet awesome, but no, it's terrible. I mean, it's better than large other swaths of the movie. Oh by far it's the best in the movie Yeah, if we were going to edit this movie down, that's one of the pieces we would probably keep Yeah, we keep maybe do some slow motion Alligator dancing via as me keep the alligator scene There's a scene where Fred McMurray beats up a marine. That's kind of fun. That's about a minute and a half There's a long bar fight scene that could be cut
Starting point is 00:15:46 by at least two thirds, but. So all you was right out of Pete's drag and eating that in. There's a lot of scenes where characters will just be like, but that's when I do this. What? But with people being shocked at things that are not very shocking, like the idea of boxing.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Well, I mean, we got to put ourselves in a mindset. Apparently he was a. He was a pioneer in terms of we got to put ourselves in the mindset. Apparently he was a... He was a pioneer in terms of getting boxing to be socially acceptable. But then show us that. Like, don't just... Yeah, there was a real... There's a lot of dead air.
Starting point is 00:16:14 A lot of dead air in this movie. As I was saying to Elliot, it's like, you know, there's this idea out there that a story has to have a reason to be told. And this film may have had a reason at the beginning, but it seems to have lost it along the way. This is maybe the most meandering studio movie I've ever seen. Like, if John Sales has made this movie, I'd understand why it was meandering, or like
Starting point is 00:16:38 Wong Kar-Wai. But it's, this is a Walt Disney live-action musical. And it's just kind of like, well, let's sit here for a while. There are several ways you could have approached the story and made it somewhat interesting. I mean, we were talking about how like it could have been interesting. Make a butler cartoon, right? Yeah, making like a cartoon penguin, yeah. Yeah, but if the butler was like the clever immigrant butler who had to save his wacky millionaire employee employers
Starting point is 00:17:06 Like through his they get themselves into trouble and he cleverly gets them out of it That would have been an interesting take if it was a more straight-up Actual historical tape focusing on the friend of murder character that would have been interesting. Yeah Instead they sort of focus on the daughter and her Land romance and then they throw in a bunch of other stuff that doesn't associate with that Yeah, if it was told from the perspective of the alligators, what do you think? Yeah, that would be good He's been most of their time just in a tank in the greenhouse if it was more like There's a really long sequence where he's like running around trying to get the big alligator back in its tank
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah, when he's in the greenhouse and he keeps accidentally walking through the same Pull-o with alligators in it. Yeah. That was pretty great. Yeah. Your enthusiasm just burns out of you. You're saying that you wanted to be more like Badliss Hent Port of Fall New Orleans, with a lot of more like lizard POV shots. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yes, a lot of. But it's weird because the Butler and the Butler's set up as your main character, because you spend the first like 57 minutes is one musical number The Butler just I think you're overestimating. I that's what it felt like the Butler like dancing around town Just interacting with ordinary Phil Delphians singing about how he his philosophy of life and asking directions the same policeman like seven times yeah, and then he in, he's hired as the butler, and then you don't see him for like an hour. We're like every now and then he pops and goes,
Starting point is 00:18:29 oh, hello, oh Mr. Biddle, well, okay then, you know, and off we get off the other side. Well, he doesn't have a very good Irish accent, this is there. He sings that big thing about even if he becomes an American, it'll still be Irish. That's true, yeah. He has a very racist part of that where he's like,
Starting point is 00:18:44 even if I go to China, they'll say, Ching-long-ging-dumping, Irish shit. It's like, all right, that's even in 1967. That was not cool. I pretend I didn't hear that because I want to like somebody in this movie. I mean, it makes sense that this, everything that you read about it behind the scenes, and there's not like a lot. I mean, we just looked at Wikipedia. No, we won't watch. There's the three-hour documentary, the happiest millionaire, behind the happiest millionaire,'s not like a lot. I mean, we just looked at what we could be. We watched, there's the three hour documentary, the happiest millionaire, behind the happiest millionaire. And there was that book,
Starting point is 00:19:09 but not so happiest millionaire. It seems like this must have been a real struggle to put this movie together. Like, they did not know what they were doing at a certain point. They were like, we keep throwing money at this, maybe. It feels like Walt Disney read the book it's based on, which was written by the real-life daughter and said I want to make a movie of this
Starting point is 00:19:26 This is I I'm nostalgic for the time period this movie set in like let's do it and then other people tried to figure out a way to make To aren't to film this unfilmable book that Walt Disney wanted them to film. That's my assumption Then that he died halfway through it. So we're like, oh, let's just throw this thing together Okay, let's just get it out there Because there's a lot of like I'm sure if you grew up in 1916 you'd be like oh those days I remember them oh what a what an enjoyable romp you know people liked cars and boxing and such exactly people wanted to move to Detroit beautiful Detroit yeah get in on the ground floor of
Starting point is 00:20:03 filth sure sure always your favorite musical number from this. Do you remember any of them? The... Because I only remember Portuosity and No Shilly Shally and No Dilly Dallying. Well, No Shilly Shally and No Dilly Dallying is probably the best. That's the song that leads to the bar fight. And, of course, he's Irish no matter where he goes, or the bit where the two girls in the private school are Teaching each other how to flirt with boys. Oh pom pom boy. Yeah, that was a scene that yeah
Starting point is 00:20:33 If this movie was made like even just 10 years later, there would be some sort of making out Result that it seemed like a weird like tension to that Seen words and that scene where it seemed like the girls were about starting to make out. Teach me how to flirt. Teach like another, both get on like the same bed and they're like gazing into each other's eyes. I think you're projecting.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I think we're just a little too versed in lesbian. Yeah, I'm thinking of my own lesbian experiences. Yes, your own college experiences. I think we're a little too versed in. Well, colleges are trying to experiment, Elliot. Yeah, that's true. With science. It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from a software porn movie where it's two girls.
Starting point is 00:21:11 One of them says the other, they say, they say college is a time to experiment. So let's get experimenting and they just start making out. It's the layman. That's when they involve, they invite their web slingers. Yes, exactly. And they invented their web shooters and their spider tracers. Yeah. The utility belts.
Starting point is 00:21:31 But I think we are a little too versed in porn for straight men that involves two women together because so that anytime that two women are sitting on a bed or one says or like even when puts her face a little too close to the other one we're like well of course they'll start making out now. Well there's two women and a bed in the same room. That's the natural point. That's the end game right? That's what happens. Same with the end game yeah. Yeah. So but they were just talking about some sweet musical numbers. Well there are other musical members too. From Tom Tugger.
Starting point is 00:22:07 There's the song. Now, there was the bits where we fast forwarded a little bit, but we were still a little way. No, but we didn't fast. We could still hear it. Yeah, we fast forwarded. You know, like three hours long, Stuart needs to get to work after this. We fast forwarded it on the mode where you can still hear
Starting point is 00:22:25 what they're saying. Yeah, so when Fred McMurtry or whatever, Larry McMurtry, when he was singing that song about when he was done visit writing the last picture show, he started the happiest millionaire. Yeah, when he was singing that song about how we should go to war with Germany or something, for those Marines. That was another song and then he hands ends up beating that dude up And then they sing the Conclusion of it and they also he learns to get the the young the fiance wins him over by showing him a Jiu-Jitsu move so like and that teaches him something he's never seen before about hand-to-hand fighting So this is a movie about a the happiest millionaire his relationships are based on a hand-to-hand combat and yet it was very boring
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah, didn't he have a couple of sons or something at the very beginning? Yeah, they kind of dissolved I think after a while they may have gone into the Marines boxing Alligators To get to you just to still dull still super boring super long These scenes just extended way past their normal, like endpoint. That was the other thing. It's not even like there's so much story here. It's got to be three hours.
Starting point is 00:23:31 It was just scenic blow to everything. Maybe they thought the audience was going to burst into a pause after every line of dialogue. So they needed long pauses between them. Well, yeah, they were expecting people to develop a real deep connection with the movie, see it multiple times, and then create some kind of a culture around it where they are like laughing every line has become part of the American psyche. You have a yell out responses, you wave spoons, they wave alligators over their heads during the alligator scenes, they wave out of their heads.
Starting point is 00:23:59 We have boxing gloves, so you have to pay attention. I remember one thing. I'm in the box. It was there's maybe 35 minutes worth of movie here that they extended to almost three hours. So thank you. Better real-ass name with help. I mean, you know, simple pleasure. There was a real tale of the immigrant experience in America. No, it wasn't. The Irish guy?
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah. Sure. The off just off the boat Irish guy who we first see in a three-piece tweed suit and a hat and a really good little suit. A really nice suit and except for like in a green tie, right? So we know he's Irish. Well just off fresh off the boat. The green lining for his suit.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Just because he's fresh off the boat doesn't mean he's a poor guy in steerage. Like he could have been a driver. But Can you say something about a carnival cruise line or something? Let me say you want to get a lot of his immigrant and immigrant clothes or something. Yeah, but he's wearing like a really nice suit. Yeah, like I want those clothes. Yeah. So you look good in those clothes. Can you guys get those for me? I don't think so. I mean, we get right to Tommy's steel. He's so alive. You can probably get him like an eBay or something. For like my, for my wedding. I mean, we go right to Tommy's steel. He's still alive. You could probably get him like an eBay or something. For like my, for my wedding.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I don't really know what to work. So we might have to stretch him. That's what you'd be doing. Yeah, you stretch clothes. Yeah, you just stretch him out. That's how you get clothes. You steam them and you stretch them. You just tie them to a rack and you pull
Starting point is 00:25:19 until the clothes are your size. OK, so we'll do that. So I feel like we've made the sacrifice that most America hasn't made to support our man overseas by seeing this movie. Yeah, so this is like this is the three out this is a three hour movie and I feel like we've run out of things to say a good 10 minutes before we know It's because it was a movie that didn't have like glaring problems with it except Sloan-ish and dullness the songs were not particularly memorable except for Shilly Shally and Dilly Dallyan
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah, I mean that's gonna stick with me forever. Yeah, even though I've kind of forgotten Shilly Shally Dilly Dally. I'm gonna go to China It was something like that was how it was. It was something like that. But like, it's, there's just not, this was meant to be like a big road show production. That's why it had an overture and an intermission and why it's so long. And they wanted it to do the same business that Mary Poppins did, but like, Mary Poppins has so many memorable moments.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And this, it's like, it's like at every moment, they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We did that, Mary Poppins. Let's try unmemorable this time. Yeah, they just went out of it and make it very bland. I will mention that in my research for it after we saw it. I noticed that the director Norman Norman Tokar who direct a lot of Disney movies. It mentions and we competed that he made the Dean Jones Susanne Plushette slapstick the Ugly Doxand. So if anyone's ever seen the movie, the Ugly Doxand, which sounds amazing, I guess right into the flop house. What's the email address? The flop house at I think it's the flop house podcast at Okay. The longest and most neat was the one. Everything, the email address, the URL, it's always ridiculously over long.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Not memorable. Notorable. Yeah, just like the happiest the other thing is like he wasn't that happy Yeah, what the happiest millionaire we bear we barely touch on his look as we are war is happiness And most of the thing is him being disappointed in people for a reason that we're watching this movie Like you can't just be a happy millionaire. Yes, be the happiest millionaire. It. That's what you learned. You're called an alligator boxer. Oh man. That's a good title. What about like Mr. Marine? Alligator boxer. Put the alligator, put some blackened gloves on him. That's your poster. You got the poster right there. So I'm gonna push right to a green bow tie. Because he's Irish. Yeah. Well you have an alligator in Boston gloves and then a butler standing next to him Like a trade with like a bottle of champagne and a mouse on it
Starting point is 00:27:48 That's the I that tells me all I need to know about this movie. Yeah That's that you have to be disappointed by I'm gonna push Past I'm gonna push right past final judgments because I assume good good movie Everyone's gonna say it's bad I discovered glad that movie everyone everyone I would say it was bad movie. Yeah Just just so we can get in a few more letters. We got a lot of letters cracking the whip over here. I got I got something for you guys by the way. Okay, before we get into the letters
Starting point is 00:28:19 Since I last really saw you guys. I went on a little trip I went to the memory lane lane I went to a place called Jen Con what the world's largest gaming convention in all of the world And I got you guys because I like you guys a lot what yeah, I got you guys something really cool Oh, and I didn't even get you anything when I was in Montana. I see you especially the brats fashion party fever collectible card game What yep? You're seeing it for the first time. Stuart is not lying He's holding it in his hands. This is the fashion party forever. This is the Fashion party fever fever. Well, I like their super styling collectible cards to player starters Yep, and it's where ages eight and up. I assume fashion party feeder fashion party fever is like a contagion style game
Starting point is 00:29:03 Where there's a fashion party bug That is going through the world that you get to the popular game pandemic So the taglines are dress up throw a party and dance all night long in card form in card form So this was a 2003 TOTY winner Property of the Europe Todd Oh, the The Todd That was the toy of the year Or so so the gets its own Because you guys since this
Starting point is 00:29:30 You could just say the T.O. Y awards toy of the year Tody you lose that word toy as the acronym Yeah, wow, I mean that's bad design you should call them that is so I got you guys this because I know you love brats And it's for two people so we love brats like you don't love brats Well, I love friends too, but I thought if I got you guys a two-player game I could watch you to play that guy sit back Okay, that's weird. I turn the lights out in my corner and I'd watch you guys play Any of those super serial killer movies where a stripper is dancing for a guy in in the shadows
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yeah, in a private dance that any strangles or well, we might strike I might say okay guys. I want to I want to watch you play I want to read a little of the ad copy on the back of this though. Okay, that says Dress up throw a party dance all night long. We heard that part. Yeah, I'm sorry Well, did we did you notice the night is spelled in IT? I did not Includes to totally hot 37-card decks. So the decks are hot basil and dance floor play map rock and rule sheet Wait, even the rules sheet is rock Oh, no, I'm a member of rules is being described this cool is rules build the Z please. I'm sorry. It isn't Brad you let me down. I'm not gonna wait. Hold Ooh, Brad, do you let me down? It doesn't sound like it.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Well wait, hold on, listen to this word that has been made up for the next thing. Portuosity? Oversize, die, and funkelish game pieces. Secret question decoder. Tons of super style and Brad's fashions and characters. Funkelish? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Man, so apparently the goal is to swap fashion cards and complete the fashion passion prism and all the brats will be strutted on the dance floor in style. Is that like the triforce? I have no idea. The fashion pattern. It looks like there's gonna be a lot of brats character artwork on these things. No, there's some big glips and big eyes and tight eyes. My only request is you guys referring from masturbating. This was a gift for playing not masturbating. You know that I have a fetish for women whose heads are basically golf balls with features attached. So no no dice, no can do. Well I like breads and Rachel Lee Cook. Wow take that take that star of she's all that. And it's amazing. So oh and there's a super style and spa party sweepstakes. Oh
Starting point is 00:31:49 First of 2004 Yeah, that was a hot commodity at at Jen car. Oh, you said I don't want to send a send a self-adressed in town Look to super style and spa party 5909 sea otter place curls bad California So it is at sea otter place. A carols bad California. So it is a sea otter place. Stuart, I don't want to insult you with this question, but on the other hand, I kind of want to know how much does one pay for the Brent's Card game? It was $2 before tax.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So you want each of us $1. I do have to say the look at the look on on the saleswoman space when I asked for it priceless I got to tell you Data please when follow you around for the rest of the convention no, I was I was not in any way the creepy is guy there so Awesome, so that was personal trying. It was my gift to you guys Readers readers listeners at home. They're reading with their ears. Yeah, that's maybe I'll, uh, you had to put up a picture of it. Yeah, I should take out a picture of this. Maybe even linked to the Amazon. Yeah, like you guys
Starting point is 00:32:55 giving a thumbs up. Well, we'll deal with it in a minute. Yeah, come on. So, uh, before we get the letters on the card game, before he's in letters, I just want to thank T. Coburn and see Simmons for their donations Donations Comberton Simmons So there were couple of there a couple of Mail things that we had to lose because of
Starting point is 00:33:21 Wait, mail things we had to lose like Like, people got their penises cut off. Yeah. Like, keywords removed? Because of the, because of the, What are the mail things are there? Because of the lost episode. Oh. Some of the older emails I'm going to have to skip.
Starting point is 00:33:39 We could always do those at the end of the week time. Well, we'll see. We'll see. All right. Harsh task see. We'll see. But I'm going to move on. Harsh Taskmaster. Harsh Taskmaster. Angie. Angie, last name withheld.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Who has name is List? She is a... Angie, is that the character from that movie we just watched? Yep. He's a successful car executive in Detroit now. He's 100 years old. Her main thrust for email is whether any of us The most remarkable car executive in Detroit now is 100 years old. The main thrust for email is whether any of us have seen the German movie Killer Condom.
Starting point is 00:34:10 That's a German movie? I know that Troma released it years ago. I assumed it was a Troma film, but maybe they were distributing a German film. Maybe it's a remake of the Troma condom. I don't know the me the main thing I wanted to read from her is the Second paragraph where she She talks how much she she laughs she enjoys the show She says the dick popcorn thing I'd be choking. I was trying to keep from laughing I do not even check on dick popcorn
Starting point is 00:34:40 But I might turn into a dithering fan girl and that's not very professional though I have developed a bit of a thing for Elliot's way of saying any who So I just want to get that in there Anyone else like developing anything but irritated Dan you have to understand that things I do that irritate you delights and In chat and in chance the listeners. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Well, thank you very much, writer. I'm a G.M.S. name, well, withheld. This next one's called Heart Ticket to Hawaii, and relates to something that I showed you, gentlemen, before the podcast. Oh, OK. I'm trying to remember back. I like to remember it's Shilly Shally and Tilly Dally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:22 It says, hello, Dan Stewart and Elliot. I'm a big fan of the show, having hopped on post AV Club Manwagon. Thank you. And I've started to listen to every episode for the second time much as a great, she granted my wife who's usually trying to get some work done while I sit in the left myself across the room. Speaking of my wife. I'm Andy Cantstyle figure. Sure. Sorry love, got to listen to podcast. From the podcast from outside pop down the pub sorry speaking my wife she's fries any cap cheese fries
Starting point is 00:35:51 they're hot fries hot but they're cheese fries they're really hot hot fries they come in a blast okay hot fries alright you've bested me a knowledge of
Starting point is 00:36:04 Andy Cap based bar foods. He says, speaking of my wife, I'm allowed to, we're married. On at least one episode of your show, you reference the B.C. question mark, D. question mark, movie classic, hard ticket to Hawaii. One of Dan's favorites. While my wife was working for a now-to-funct current TV show, she and some co-workers did a particularly faithful shot-for-shot remake of the You Got
Starting point is 00:36:27 a Great Aston from the film. I thought you'd appreciate both the attention to detail and the utter pointlessness of the project. It is here and he gives a link. Again, love the podcast. Please continue to have an erratic release schedule. Otherwise, I won't find time to catch up with the Fresh Air podcast. That's from Will, last name with help.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Interesting that you're alternating between this and Fresh Air, which are two very different podcasts. Um, but I think the, what's your name on Fresh Air? Terry Gross, is that her name? Terry Gross, yeah. She talks a lot less about Wormy Bones and, uh, invisible maniac than we do. Oh, then I'm kind of glad I haven't been listening to this Fresh Air. So we watched that, uh, hard ticket to Hawaii. It was very faithful. Yeah, we don't know
Starting point is 00:37:09 Now a keep ease of information that you leave out is whether that was your wife in the who had the titular great-ass I knew Dan was gonna ask this question. Well look Creepers would do I just want to creepers. Oh, it to he needs to put a name with the butt. Yeah, I do Yeah, that seems to be the theme of the day Yeah, I'm saying I I you know we had a conversation about this earlier with Dan. I love my little personalities Stewart I'm just love body parts sure So you like it with personal. I think that a great personality with a great body part. Okay But yeah, no that was a...
Starting point is 00:37:45 So his wife wasn't the guy with the, uh, Frisbee in the neck? Oh, it's true. I mean, like, we don't know. This could be a gay gentleman who, uh, his wife could be the... Why can't he do them the two marquotes or something? Yeah. Well, you know, I've heard that. I've heard, uh, no, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's fair. Come on, Stuart is the 21st century. You gotta expand your definition See it's all I'm trying to redefine marriage for you before you get married It's weird since Dan it's Dan's character on the podcast has been established as a violent homophobe Yeah, he seems as some kind of reversal what Dan what changed your opinion on this issue? This was something that was placed upon me. I've always been very Because I flopped his list.
Starting point is 00:38:25 No. If you've been paying attention to pop-ups continuity, I'm very... He is horribly intolerant. And yet, perhaps over the past week or two, not home-of-home-of-home it's not true. But I mean, you could, you could have a relapse at any moment. Yeah, at any moment. You never know. And he also has a hook for a hand.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yeah. And I'm trying to take down the government also. Really overloaded you with hooks. So I forget what we were talking about, but I'll put that part to get away. You're leering at this man's possibly his wife. Possibly his wife. But not his wife, so he was put on you two.
Starting point is 00:39:10 What else? Yes, somebody's daughter and somebody else. Everyone's somebody. You're fiancee is someone's daughter. I hope not. And I think he does with that. The terrible thing is to her. The point was they went out of their way to do a shot by shot remake of a scene from a terrible movie and all you could focus on was the female body parts.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Well, that was to be fair. That was a terrible movie that all it could focus on was the female body parts in it. You're mixing the medium and the message. The point of the movie was to have things blow up and for body parts to be spared. That was the point of Andy C Sidaris' uvra. The Andy Sidaris is a particular favorite director of Dan's. He did one of the movies, Heart Ticket and All the... Savage Beach, Picasso, Trigger, Do-Word Die. Do-Word Die is the one where there's a mercenary named Hot Dog in it.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah. And it's all... Wait, wait, wait, how do I talk the movie? No, no, no, not talk the guy. I know it's easy. What does he name after the food or the movie? Well, he's not talking the movie. Now, this is like Andy Sideris.
Starting point is 00:40:15 This is a former sports journalist. I think he worked for Sports Illustrated, who then made a career out of making movies, basically where former Playboy models carried bazookas around in tropical climates and blue bags up. Carry them in front of their bazookas. Yeah. Well, okay, wait, now who is objectifying? That's cheeky.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Come on, let's level this up. He said it in my room. The video is cheeky. That's gross. You're making me uncomfortable. Well, it's my remark was very PG. Yours is, I don't know, black. Not so black. Especially the look on his face.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yeah, that's the look of a man in a raincoat in a theater in the middle of the day. Look, just because I'm visibly drooling, and I've removed my pants. Doesn't mean that there's anything on the floor. I don't even know how you did that. I didn't see you do it. What a drool. I'm lubricated, is that. Did they dissolve? These pants made out of sugar?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yep. Sugar pants were supposed to be like this. You see access. Why they call them that? So this is an email titled, dramatic contest results and it's from Stuart last name with held. Wait a minute. Did you get drunken?
Starting point is 00:41:21 The email was spelled differently, but that could be a not-too-clever attempt to conceal. Stewards the best. Can you have more steward on the show? Signed Steward. This says Greetings Floppers. I was listening to the Airwolf Challenge podcast. Went to my pleasant surprise. I heard the dulcet tones of Dan McCoy. He was apparently the guest on a podcast called Beginnings. The Airwolf Challenge involves the reality television style voting off of one of 10 podcast
Starting point is 00:41:48 entries each week based on a challenge they're given. This week's challenge was about the best introduction, a seemingly important challenge, always lead on a strong foot, people say. Beginnings led with the strong foot of Dan McCoy doing his panted silly voices. Well, voting is in and needless to say, beginnings was crushed immediately and without mercy, along with the judges pointing out how confident they were that this was
Starting point is 00:42:10 the perfect choice for expulsion. Oh. There's a moose me to no end that Dan lost to contest he didn't enter. This crushing defeat is sure to elicit a mournful sigh from Dan. It's just another moment from Dan's Charlie Brown-esque life.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Uh, PS, this email seems harsh. I wanted to let you know that the flop has this great, and your challenge is not to keep it up. This bloated Dan was probably just some nefarious plot by their sister podcast, How did this get made. And I, by delivering this news, was merely a pawn in this great game between podcast rivals. The great game, yes.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Yeah, this is the beginnings podcast. Yeah, I thought something was up with Dan. game. Yes. Um, yeah, this is the beginning's podcast. Alex also was podcast in the past. So something was up with with Danny seem kind of down. Yeah, that's unlike normal. Dan seemed like he was saying a lot drinking. Sure. Not didn't have that juad of eve that we know Dan to have. It's all because of this email. Yeah. Uh, beginning says a nice podcast, a good podcast, ran by run by a couple of very good guys.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I'm about people like comedians, how they got their start, I guess. Mark, Mark, uh, Bissy or Bissy, I don't know how to say his last name. I just not a right and Andrew Beckerman. Good guys. Good podcast. I'll tell you something. The earwolf challenge is a runner. I've never heard of that. I don't know what it is. Uh, earwolf is, uh, the Scott Ocarman's podcast empire. He started off with comedy death ray, now comedy bang bang.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And there's a lot of podcasts under that title, including how did this get made? So glad I don't pay attention to podcasts. Yeah. But I'll stick with comic books, a dying meeting. Well, here's what I have to say about this. So the Earwolf challenge was run by one Matt Besser. And this will not be the first time Matt Besser has
Starting point is 00:43:46 shit on something I was involved in. And- I'm Saturday night rewritten. Yeah, and my career has gone fine since then. And so we'll, to the careers of the Beginnings podcast gentleman. You're saying that losing this podcast contest is not the worst thing that will ever-
Starting point is 00:44:03 Exactly. That's going to throw an obstacle into a career. Oh, good. Because I was worried that I lived in a world that was insane. If losing a podcast contest, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm tomorrow or kill myself. Um, luckily you taking your registered to Mars would not kill you. Oh no, I'd get superpowers of some kind. You saw the watchman movie, you go to Mars and you get superpowers. That's what happens, right? Wait, what? And you may. So I'm going to do one last email.
Starting point is 00:44:39 How do we enter a podcast contest so we can win it? Yeah, we should pick something really good at. I mean, rowing. You know, that doesn't have anything to do with How do we enter a podcast contest so we can win it? Yeah, we should pick something really good at. I mean, rowing. You know, that doesn't have anything to do with thinking of podcasts though. Yeah, but I mean, I think it's really good. Throwing stuff than other people who make podcasts.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Sure. So for like a shot put podcast. Yeah. I don't know if I'd be very good on a throwing team though. Okay, then what would you be good at? Well, yeah, what would you be? Because you're the weak one. Karate?
Starting point is 00:45:03 I'll draw cartoons and you can throw something. OK. And Elliot will tell you a real estate US history. There you go. OK. So it's like a relay with you. Yeah. One of those throwing, drawing US history on this.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Well, then speaking of which, I was very unhappy because your wife pointed out to me that while I was out of town, there was the relay race, the Battle of Brooklyn relay race in Brooklyn to commemorate the largest Battle of the Revolutionary War which happened right in our backyard and I was out of town, so the three of us couldn't do it, because I know you guys wanted to do a relay race with me. Well, I mean, I'd be okay at the race part, damn it. I was the three of us, but I do run, I have run, I love the three of us. But I do, but I do run. I have run of the three of us. I think that I don't know how much about the battle.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It was true. It was August 27, 1776. It's not a history. At the edge of what's now, I don't remember, at the edge of what's now greenwood cemetery, a number of British soldiers were farging for watermailing. Listeners, right there. Listeners, get pretty good. And tell how little you're interested in a little about the battle.
Starting point is 00:46:11 The first three. Okay, so what's this last time? I'm going to do a final email before we get into our recommendation. Final email. This is from John last name with hell and it's about the last episode. This is last name Smith, because then I think it's an the last episode. Is it the last name Smith? Because then I think it's an alias. Yeah, it could be.
Starting point is 00:46:27 But this is about the Flop House Bluppers and practical jokes episode. Not a lot of practical jokes from the episode. Or Sergio Aragones, cartoons. It's a shame. If we could have gotten him, man, that would have been awesome. I think we could have gotten him. Well, let's look into it for next time. Get on that story.
Starting point is 00:46:44 He's probably working on Groo. He's probably working on Groo. Yes, probably working on Groo, yeah. That magazine. So, John says, my favorite part was when the radio background no longer content with its current level of distraction decided to drop all pretense and just start playing air horns. Example around 1120. So, yep, I'd listen to it and that is... Acquired. So you're saying maybe this was a pirate blood bride guess that was just trying to get in the way.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I mean, you know, a lot of a lot of the hits are putting air horns in nowadays. Oh yeah, kids love air horns. And the musical quality of an air horn. Yeah, it's jarring. It's got a lot of it's your attention. It's got a nice tomber Tomber what yeah Yeah, it's a timber. No, no, no, when you cut a tree down you talk about it timber the town the the musical tone is it's tone Wait tamber tamber is actually a bram one. Yeah, sorry So starlet tamber Yeah, sorry. So, uh, we'll start it, Tam Bride. So, what do we do next, guys? I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. This is the part of the podcast where we recommend You're not even gonna let me get to learn Sterling's Maryland Regiment and its sacrificial charge Maybe I'll take you out You can at the end of the episode Alright, it's an amazing story So, this is where we recommend something That we actually won't be able to In case you don't want to watch three hours of a story about singing a millionaire
Starting point is 00:48:24 I don't know why you wouldn't. But what, what's something you may be thinking? He didn't like you barely spent money on anything in this movie. It wasn't like you expected to be like Arthur or something like that where the guys just spending the money stupidly on crazy things. Yeah, he's got a salad gold car. Yeah, exactly. Or solid gold hat. You play tennis with a salad ball. Or salad gold hits. with a solid old hat. You placed tennis with a solid ball. Solid ball. Solid ball. We're solid gold hits. Yeah, it's Quincy Jones.
Starting point is 00:48:49 He's the heaviest millionaire. He probably is. I mean, you know, I got married to Peggy Lipton. He's got a little kid. He's the air to the Lipton's I see fortune. Sure. Stewart, he's done one of the successful actress. Yeah, lovely woman in her own right.
Starting point is 00:49:03 But don't get creepy. But I'm just, she's pretty. I'm pretty. I her own right? Don't get creepy. What? She's pretty. Don't be saying it's stopped. She's physically like you can not object. She does not bring her butt up, okay? Right, you can never. See, they might have heard this before. It's kind of fucking creepy, right? Of course, she's a lovely woman. I'm way we sit when she's, she's, I want to be a spark there.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I'm not, and I don't want to see my mom. I'm begging you, the lude suggestions about her. I'm just saying it's all in your accountants. It's in your countenance. Yeah, it's all nude It's in your tom bruh or whatever you said. Yeah, sure. Do you gonna recommend something? I am gonna recommend something Dan first off Steve you know the guy the name Steve. No, no, no, that guy Steve I want to say you were right. I saw the devil was great. Thank you. James was his actual name. Steve was the name that you called. Everyone's name Steve.
Starting point is 00:49:53 No, it's okay. I'm excited. So, so that one's great. Thank you. The movie I'm going to recommend is a movie called The Collector, which is. The Terrence Stamp, that one? No. Well. The premise of this movie is that, you know, there's a character who's like a thief who's been casing this, you know, this nice rich house, and he ends up kind of having to break in while, when he thinks his family is gone, little as he knows, there's also a serial
Starting point is 00:50:22 killer who has been casing this house, and he when the thief goes in to break in the low-cowseps movies we were saying. But it uh... Cinema Verity. It was cool to see it was cool how they made an attempt to actually spend some time on the geography of the house and it's also nice to see a movie where you have like this horrible wacky serial killer who's tracking somebody who actually is skilled at a vision and like not being heard so And it's pretty gory and there's some gross stuff in there. So if you like that stuff called the collector the collector Did you say right it are
Starting point is 00:51:01 Playing at Lowes Union Square three fifteen a lot of players and low union square three fifteen four fifteen four
Starting point is 00:51:11 eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight
Starting point is 00:51:19 eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight I think I will recommend what I haven't seen a lot of movies lately. I was at a town for about a week. I didn't see any movies along that time, but before I left, I finally watched Sugar Land Express, which I never seen before. And I really liked it a lot. And it shows you a different direction Spielberg could have gone in if he hadn't become like kind of this blockbuster director. And I enjoyed it a lot. It was very, and I've overlooked it for a long time because it's one of the forgotten movies in his filmography, but it was really good.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Um, and I went last because I too have been out of town and have not watched any movies and I don't really have any movies. So you desperately, you thought I would give you another 30 seconds to buy time? I saw, uh, I saw Arthur on the plane speaking of Arthur the Arthur remake. Is that the sequel to Snakes on a plane? Arthur on a plane? Which I mean that's a move I would recommend watching on a plane. Like I don't think it was that great in general but there were some parts that were good. Our buddy John Hodgman, not really our buddy but someone that we can talk to. Yeah not my buddy. our buddy John Hodgman, not really our buddy, but someone that we've got to. Yeah, not my buddy. Although he's a lovely man.
Starting point is 00:52:28 He's a very nice person. He is very mean to me, but to the time. But he had a funny couple of scenes in it. He showed up. I was delighted to see that. I don't really have much to say. I did watch it and go and see Avenue Q off Broadway last night. If you're going to recommend a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or movie or a movie or a movie or movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or a movie or movie or a movie or movie or a movie or a movie or. Is it gonna recommend a movie? If you live in New York. I wanna recommend this joke, my friend told me. Like a little bit over about it. I had a good sandwich the other day. Maybe you should eat that.
Starting point is 00:52:52 That's speaking, I... These shoes are comfortable. Now, in lieu of a recommendation, I'd like to do a plug actually for a friend. Oh, I'll do a plug when you're done. My, I went to see Avenue Q in part because my friend Rob Morrison, who I used to be in a sketch group with, is now in Avenue Q off Broadway playing multiple characters and he also has a rock band
Starting point is 00:53:15 called The Hollows and he put out a album recently which was very good. I bought it, Google The Hollows, belong to the earth, I believe is the name of the album and I would recommend it. You can go to the website and listen to a couple of tracks, see if you like it. What, what, Ali, you're rolling your eyes in there. I didn't roll my eyes. I nodded my head in a condescending manner.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Yeah, completely different. What did you want to plug? I wanted to plug my next movie screening. If this is up in time, it's going to be Wednesday 7th of September. Yeah. At 7.30pm at 92.00 TREBECCA, I'm showing Shadow of Adout. One of my favorite movies of all time in my favorite Hitchcock movie. And one that is not given the credit it deserves as his first masterpiece film, I think.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And comedian and daily show producer Rory Albany is with the joining us after the movie to talk about it. He's never seen it and we'll see what he thinks of it. But it's a really great movie. Yeah. Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright, Hume Cronin's film debut, Patricia College, and Rory is very funny. If you were a podcast listener, you would know him as the American from the Bugle podcast. podcast that's right he plays the American on the bugle so your podcast listener
Starting point is 00:54:28 well i'm not saying billion podcasts about that you if you're like i'm saying that if you're listening to this russia fan of the venue does uh... the the medium that's not casting but he does play the american on the view so uh... come on out to that in the meantime it'll be fun
Starting point is 00:54:44 uh... so i'll get ready to uh... keeps on your story So come on out to that in the meantime. It'll be fun So Ellie get ready to keep telling your story, which I will then fade out, but I've been Dan McCoy I've been Stewart Wellingram and this is the Battle of Brooklyn August 27th 1776 America's forces have gathered in the Bureau of Brooklyn then its own city. I guess it was called flatwisher whatever at the time The British soldiers are advancing. I don't remember any of the songs. Do you? There was the one about No Shilishali, No Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile I'm going to go to China right now. Yeah. Fort Chihuaciti, Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile Dile.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Fort Chihuaciti, you got that Fort Chihuaciti. and the portuosity dot it eat it dot it eat us the to us it the got that for to lost the now again you're singing the very necessity that one about uh
Starting point is 00:55:32 chim chimery chim chimery chim chim chameleon mary poppins well what about scuba bop bop
Starting point is 00:55:39 bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop That's just a scat version of a... in the movie. Scooby-bop. Booboo booboo booboo.
Starting point is 00:55:47 That's the nightcourt thing.

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