The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #96 - Dream House

Episode Date: February 18, 2012

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 2:50 - The peaches reacquaint themselves with each other and this thing called "podcasting."2:51 - 30:20 - We discuss Nic Cage's latest Flop House joint, Tr...espass, which approached Delgo levels of failure.30:21- 34:18 - Final judgments34:19 - 50:00  - Flop House Movie Mailbag50:01 - 57:29 - The sad bastards recommend.57:30 - 1:02:04- Plugs, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discussed the TLC Home Makeover Show Dreamhouse. That's what this thing's about, right? Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliott Kalin. Hey it's been a while, it's been a while guys. It has been, we've been living our lives, living it up. We had an excellent guest host in Juven, but we're glad to have Stewart back. Nobody can replace Stewart and except for Zevil twin stew with three-use art. Okay. And using Cootie that one. Yeah, yeah, but you sometimes have a go have a beard. So yeah, I guess I was I guess I was sitting out on
Starting point is 00:01:01 my front porch with my fishing rod on the wrong day, huh, guys? Yeah. Well, you're trying to, well, if you're trying to fish off your front porch, you, it was the wrong day every day. When I was going to come over into a flat house, but I got, I got all scheduled wrong. Yeah. Well, I mean, you were gone.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And then I was gone. Ellie, it was here. Ellie, it was, Ellie, oddly enough, was in my apartment the whole time being like, when are we going to do this, guys? Yeah. Talking to no L.E. was, L.E. oddly enough was in my apartment the whole time being like, when are we going to do this guys? Talking to no one. Talking to the cat. Talking to no one. And the thing is, L.E. also talk. Yeah. So it was a real hardship for me. L.E. hates to talk, but he loves cats. That's the, that's the weird thing. Yep. This is Bizarre O. L.E. it we're talking about. Yep. This is Bizarre Elliott we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I was trying to I couldn't think of the torture syntax that Bizarre Elliott would me am hate cats. That means he likes cats. But um but now we're all back. Me am love Popeyes. That means he hates it. Oh, bad bye. America's a new favorite character, but it's all really it. But, but now we're all back together now.
Starting point is 00:02:12 America's long national nine merers over. Well, some of it. Yeah. The we always could turn out that America is listening to this while and it's underpants about to take a test. It's never studied for. So Dan, your couch is now a warmer from having three boy bottoms on it. I don't like the way you put that. I find that creepy. It smells a little bit like
Starting point is 00:02:34 boyfarts. Yeah. Okay. A little bit. Well, a lot of it. Barts we call them. Why are you putting your headset in? You want to know what the levels are? Yeah, I'm trying to maintain... Well, this is already the most fascinating quad-piles intro ever. Yeah, okay. Should we just get to it? Should we get to it? Yeah, so wait, what do we do here, guys?
Starting point is 00:02:54 We watch a movie and then we discuss it. Okay. Typically a bad movie. Do we watch the movie already? Prejudge. Okay. We did watch it. I'm not surprised that it slipped out of your mind already.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah. Because it is. As opposed to being stuck there and not being able to be removed despite psychiatrists telling you that that movie never happened. Yeah, it sounds like the movie we watch that I don't remember. Yeah, that's a joke that will make more sense. What's Ellie? It's an upside. This is the film.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And what was the film, Daniel? It was called Dreamhouse. I don't think it was pronounced that way. Yep, that's how it was set up in the movie. It was like Daniel Craig. Welcome to your Dream House. His name was Daniel Craig in the movie. What have you won with your Dream House?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Well, you won Rachel Weiss and two adorable children. Names, DVD. Not Dream Houlsl I don't know is that I don't understand or ghost howl sometimes oh shit oh boy dreamcrowsa where they win Peter Crosse it's the best Peter Crosse of all possible Peter Cuz's dream house. So, Ellie, what happened in this movie that we dream house? Dream house. Dream, spouse. Dream, gouse, not a word. Rouse. And anyway, dream house. Let's just do this fucking thing. Okay, dream house. What's this do this fucking thing. Okay dream house
Starting point is 00:04:30 What's this I dare you to figure out what happened? Let's say Clive Owen Daniel Craig Daniel Craig is our It's me Daniel Craig Opened with his famous line L.O. L.O. L.O. It's me Daniel Craig What's all this thing? Oh, run up the apple and die me. It's me. Jimmy Sweep button and pie. Aggie break.
Starting point is 00:04:49 A favorite actor. Daniel Craig. We turn into any invitation you do turns into Michael Cain. Well, close your eyes. You got Clive Owen on the screen. Same guy. Same person. You've never seen him in the same room at the same time, right?
Starting point is 00:05:04 Never. Never. So Daniel Craig is Will attend 10 with the ridiculously stupid name and you'll find out why. He is a book editor who leaves his job in order to write a novel. His dream job. And leaves the city to live in an unnamed New York area suburb with his wife Rachel vice Libby and his daughters uh, who are girls. Trish. Trish and, and T.T. And something and something or other. Anyway, uh, they're in this new house. Everything seems like it's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:05:38 We are reminded that they have a happy marriage for about 25 minutes. And then there's a sinister person who seems to be lurking outside of the house. Strange things are going on. Daniel Craig is not welcome in this town and his family is scared. And you're assuming everybody else is crazy because our hero who we only see the movie through his point of view couldn't be crazy. Yeah, he is surely a reliable narrator. Don't call me Shirley and you're wrong. What? Because it turns out in an amazing twist that their house actually a murder took place there five years before a man named Peter Ward.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Why would that be a twist? Well, it'll be a twist later. It doesn't twist. You don't expect the house. It's called Dreamhouse. He's expected to be a great house. Sure, don't get twist greedy. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Just like when I saw money pit, I expected there to be a giant pit full of money in it. Exactly. In fact, there's a house that falls apart. Yeah. Anytime the title isn't exactly what the movie is, it's a twist. So he find there's a murder that took place. A man killed his whole family and they think this man is trying to come back into the house to kill them.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Should I reveal the twists in this movie? It was a couple of years ago, right? It was five years earlier. Why not reveal the twist? Because it probably gets into later the trailer revealed the twists in this movie. And also there's no reason to see this movie. But it turns out, surprise, surprise, Daniel Craig's character is Peter Ward. Will attend ten is based off of his ID bracelet
Starting point is 00:07:06 at the mental home, which is like W-1-LL-1010. I thought it was just W-1-1-8-10-10. A-10-10, I think. I think it's 8-10-10. It does, it's okay. What do you win? I don't care. That's not worth fighting over.
Starting point is 00:07:21 You listen to a lot of New York radio. You listen to a lot of 10-10 wins 10 when he got his traffic and weather on the Was and that's where I came from a lot of a lot of 10 10 comics and wrote a taunt on Over into town town Which is a town just a town theme no-bound town. It is a snowbound town They write that would what a great movie this would be if If it was the same movie, but they just rode tauntons everywhere instead of cars. And they never explain it.
Starting point is 00:07:50 You're like, I guess this movie's on Hoth. I don't know, but any who. So it turns out Daniel Craig was this man, Peter Ward. He didn't leave his job at a publishing company. He left. Wait, Peter Ward, that's a crazy name. That's no one would have that name. He left, he left a mental hospital. They didn't have enough evidence to convict him of the murders of his family
Starting point is 00:08:08 But everyone thinks he did it and he now has to figure out what's going on whenever he goes to the house It's in perfect condition and his family is there or is it not it turns out the house is is abandoned It's can been condemned and he's imagining his family. Are they ghosts? He goes back and breaks the news to the ghosts that they're dead. The two little girls die and Rachel Vice is not happy. She is not accepting us. The two little girls are a lot,
Starting point is 00:08:35 you know, like they take the news that they're dead. A lot better. Like, I mean, I guess when you're a kid, you know, you have him. You believe in your dad. When your dad tells you. They get sick. Mm-hmm. They take the world as it comes. We have that. I appear they get sick.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I take take the world as it comes. I'm alive. I'm dead. Whatever. Come on kid. I don't know. It's all coming at me. I'm ready for it. All just let's a life. So roll a coast draw on every experience. Luckily for Will attend. Beautiful booted neighbor Naomi was. It's across the street. Yes, she does wear boots.
Starting point is 00:09:04 That's her number one personality. And she cares about Daniel. Wait. Just call me. Daniel Craig. It's fine. Daniel Craig. This. Hello. It's me. Daniel Craig. Hello. Hello. I only want to say hello. Hello. You know, hey, you look like a man who enjoys a pint. Would you like to have a pint with me, Daniel Craig? Oh, damn things, he's Daniel Craig. Quick switch. He's a ghost. Oh, no, but that's not what happens in the movie.
Starting point is 00:09:32 We're standing. Naomi Watson, her daughter live across the street. We know that Naomi Mott Watts and her ex-husband are very angry at each other. They don't like each other. Also, when Daniel Craig took the train back into town, he saw Elias Codius, you may know him as Casey Jones from the Ninja Turtles.
Starting point is 00:09:50 You probably know him as Casey Jones. It is maybe his... It is a signature role, Casey Jones from the Ninja Turtles. It is. Yeah, name the other role that's indelibly linked to Elias Codius. He was in Lost Highway, right? That was him. Yeah, sure. Great.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You obviously remembered everything about the character. Where the date was over that day, Tara. I think that's I think that's that. Any who? Okay. It's probably been a creepo on various like CIS style. He's the guy who looks like Chris Maloney. I know that. yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:10:25 Chris need a buddy cop comedy together with brothers brothers We're signed to the same case to me the only font project I'm working with the only Fonds He's like Might as well just go all the way and say Timothy elephant at that point Timothy oily font Timothy mooma kill
Starting point is 00:10:44 What huh? Oh what? But that we're talking about lower the rings again No, we're nobody was ever talking about that So anyway, okay, well we lost to her and he's walking away from the microphone He's just getting ready for god how we did this podcast He thought that he was out for a round. Oh, there he is so It turns out he's his family is dead. He has to get down to the bottom of who killed them because he didn't kill them. Naomi Watts is trying to help him. Things are incredibly slow. When I've told you, it takes about an hour and
Starting point is 00:11:15 a half, but it should take 30 minutes. Yeah. Now the movie is 90 minutes and it's very slow. The one thing that distinguishes it is the big twist comes halfway through the film. It comes and but I'm not done yet with the twists. Okay. There's another twist. Naomi Watson, Craig teen Elson are in the house together, the abandoned house that he lived in now that he's Burt Ward and not 10, 10 wins. And her ex-husband and Elias Cody has come in. They attack. It turns out Elias Cody was a local hitman. Every town's got one. And Naomi was a drifter, actually. I think that was a thing, but he hasn't drifted that far during the period.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Usually a drifter doesn't hang out for five years in the town. He killed someone in. Exactly. He killed a family in, but it turns out that the ex-husband hired Elias Cody as to kill Naomi Watts. He got the house wrong and killed Daniel Craig's family and Rachel vice accidentally shot Daniel Craig trying to shoot Elias Cody. So put that on his Yelp review. As a hit man.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Exit. Not afraid to kill children. On the facts, not good at reading house numbers. Yeah. Makes you wonder why he didn't check the house number before killing everyone inside. Yeah, it's a big decision. Or just think like, oh, no one mentioned two small children.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And like the father in this is like, presumably, the guy who hired him wasn't like, oh, and kill my kids too. Like that's the other thing about this. Maybe that's why you're not a hitman, Dan. You asked too many questions. Although Hitman Dan is a great name for his show, I guess his radio show about being a hitman.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Woo, it's me, Hitman Dan. Playin' the hits and killing people. Well, double shot of the day looks like two songs back to back. It's who let the dogs out and inform her. You play almost going out music on your show. By the way, your show is only crappy music. This one is going out from Jerry and Astoria to Brenda in Steadin Island.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I'm coming for you, Brenda. And here it is. I got my mind set on you. Oh, that's a good song. Is it better song? Has he been working on this one? Yeah, apparently. So they all confront each other in the abandoned house.
Starting point is 00:13:33 The ex-husband shoots Elias Codius, then takes Daniel Craig. Right in the breadbass. Right in the junk. Yeah, right in the man junk. Then takes Naomi Watts and Daniel Craig downstairs. And he starts to set up an elaborate thing where it looks like he's going to try to make it look like Daniel Craig shot Naomi Watts and then himself. And then he's like, forget it. I'll just burn the house down and start burning the house down the ghost Rachel.
Starting point is 00:13:57 All through the crimes. No, he's really bad. He's terrible. Yeah. They got the wrong family. It's he's not none of them are very good at crime. Rachel vice ghosts, Rachel vice is ghost is still around. She finds Daniel Craig and says wake up, wake up, Daniel Craig wakes up. Saves Naomi Watts, then goes up the house starts burning Elias Cody's traps with his last breath traps the ex-husband in the basement. Daniel Craig goes upstairs, says goodbye to the ghosts of his daughters and of his wife. Then there's an explosion of fire. Here, remember, he's in a fucking burning building. And he goes outside and then... Holy shit, feats don't fail you now. If he had said that, again, it would have been great. And then fade out. Fade up. Daniel Craig is walking down the street of New York. And he looks in the window of a major bookstore and see is the cover of Dreamhouse by Peter Ward.
Starting point is 00:14:47 No way bigger than that. Oh, wow. This is like a Barnes and Noble and Borders and Shakespeare company. No, they have a new official bookstore. I don't think so. They usually don't do displays of bestsellers in the windows. That one could be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Who knows? Hey, I don't know. The Columbia bookstore is a Barnes and Noble. So there may be a hastings. There you go man Man the chance are are running the mom and pop university stores out of business All right guys, maybe of the straight is that what we're talking about maybe of the strength I forgot with this podcast the book cast. Okay. We're recording that tomorrow Point is right after the broadcast turned his tragedy into dollars into chitching
Starting point is 00:15:28 point is right after the car has turned his tragedy into into chitching he is like you hair cut he looks great at the yeah he does the money really makes the dead family go down a little easier although going into the background of the movie it makes a little sense because at that point Daniel Craig the actor has found his wife in the actress Rachel vice if they shot the movie in order which they may not be probably yeah we were really easily be I was looking up the the trivia section of IMDB says like Daniel Craig there's a quote from Daniel Craig where he's like the movie didn't turn out that well but I met my wife so fair trade and like it's sweet Daniel Craig except for we had to watch this movie well we got to imagine Daniel Craig and Rachel V is doing it which is pretty entertaining pretty hot and also it means that this was a fair trade organic movie
Starting point is 00:16:06 Which is great for the bet for the environment and for people call him James Bond the whole time I assume she calls him Craigers or oh Danny boy. Oh Danny. I like that or Michael Cain I assume she would she calls him she calls him spaniel bag and he calls her Gregor mice Pet names why not okay? And they're not about Ellie. It's style of pet naming yeah like my wife. I call her Grangiel because her name is Danielle. Okay, my pet name for Dan is ban and my pet name for Stewart is gluart is ban and my pet name for Stewart is glue word. These are names that sound like other names. It's also your pet name for your horse. Yeah, glue word. Yeah, she's not very good at being a horse.
Starting point is 00:16:56 So there's interesting backstory to this movie. Who was it directed by? Jim Sheridan, who directed in America, a very lovely lovely film my left foot in the name of the father left foot okay it's it's feeling a little weird but thank you for asking brothers that was a movie that was brothers the movie with where Mark Walberg and his brothers to the track down the man who killed their mother that was for brothers that was that was Andre Benjamin that was based on the sons of Katie Elder. Yeah, whatever. This is a brothers was the based on a Swedish film. That was the one that had What's your face from black swan and Natalie Portman and Jake Gyllenhaal?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Oh, yeah, that was terrible. That was a movie that we I got a Toby McGuire. I got a screener of it because I'm a writer's guild member and bragging I got a screener of it because I'm a writer's guild member and Bragging Hill dropper and Daniel and I were watching it and Grand you know we were what Daniel and I were watching it Druthers is what I could my pet name for that movie and and hour into the So he's saying if I have my druthers, he's talking about that movie. Yeah, if I had my copy of brothers about that movie. Yeah, if I had my copy of Brothers,
Starting point is 00:18:03 brothers, it's two hour movie. An hour in the DVD like screwed up, like the DVD was broken and it wouldn't play any farther and Daniel are both like, all right, that's fine. You know what, thanks DVD, you just saved us an hour. That is a very not very good. Well, I haven't seen that movie, but I did quite like in America.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So, no, enamadica. Yeah. So you liked his well received movie. Yeah. Yeah. So you liked his well-received movie. Yeah. Okay. So you don't know why you're... You're just a really popular consensus. I heard you're...
Starting point is 00:18:30 You're not gonna be able to... You're not gonna be able to run it. Really going out of the lab. That was the good movie, so everyone recognized it as a good movie. No, and I'm glad that you liked a good movie that everybody liked. Okay. So, you know, your taste used to be a little more radical. So what's the deal?
Starting point is 00:18:44 This guy, Jim Sheridan, really wanted to make a crappy spoiler alert. Ghost story movie spoiler. No, he already said the whole plot. I don't know why you're bothering with spoilers right now. Apparently, Jim Sheridan, I can't imagine this movie being any better than it was. Not because it's a great movie because it's not very good, but I can't see how the movie would have been made better. But apparently Jim Sheridan, they shot one version of it, a lot of scenes and it didn't test well so they reshot scenes.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And then the company that made it Morgan Creek took the movie from him and re-edited it and then put out a trailer which gave away the twist that Daniel Craig was the one, what turned, was Peter Ward. And so in retaliation, Jim Sheridan, Daniel Craig and Rachel Vice all said they would not do any press or publicity for the movie. So it was aside from Daniel Craig meeting and falling in love with Rachel Vice, it was a very negative experience. It sounds like for every now. I don't know why Jim Sheridan thought that he needed to do such a commercial movie when clearly these are the shared in hotel fortune. needed to do such a commercial movie when clearly he's the heir to the shared in hotel fortune. No, it's spelled totally differently.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Sheraton. Okay. But I know it's very strange. Let's seriously, folks. Let's see if we can talk. It's weird that they would give away the like this movie only exists for the twist and that it was I remember watching the trailer and and watching like watching the trailer was an experience akin to watching the movie. I surprise you remember watching the trailer barely remember watching the trailer and watching, like watching the trailer was an experience a kid
Starting point is 00:20:05 to watching the movie. I surprise you remember watching the trailer. I barely remember watching the movie. No. When I watched the trailer, I remember thinking like, thanks, House Fonzie. As the trailer went on, I'm like, I bet I know what the Twister's movie is.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And then they gave away the twist of the trailer. I'm like, oh, well, they just gave it away. And, but watching the movie, that was the same thing. It was like, you know, you pretty much know 20 minutes in what the movie's about. And then they tell you like 35, 40 minutes in. Yeah. Well, the thing is, the twist is not, they don't have much to the movie besides the twist. And what I mean by this, they don't have much to sell this movie on besides the twist.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Like, it's not exciting. There aren't any good scenes that like are visually arresting. So out of context, they might look neat. Like the buildup before the twist is not interesting or suspenseful. So I can see that people make the trailer being like, we have nothing to work with here. We just have this one twist to sell this thing with. Like the they could have spent a little bit of time leading up to the twist where Daniel Craig is actually like exploring this supposed ghost house and like, or ghost.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And being like having, getting some, if anything, some cheap scares out of it, but they don't really want to do that. Because it's, because Sheridan seems like doesn't want to make like a scary movie, he wants to make, I don't know. He wants to make a psychological exploration of some kind. But the, the thing the other thing is like,
Starting point is 00:21:24 at this late date in history, why... You mean compared to like ancient Rome? But why do we think that having a movie where the twist is, oh, our lead character is actually the guy that he's been investigating the whole time. Like why at this point in filmmaking history is that enough to hang a movie on?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Like when was the last time that was surprised? Why would you even get away with that? Yeah. Well, that was the only thing that actually I guess it right away. The trailer was the fact that the trailer gave that twist away. That I was like, they've got to be holding something bigger up the sleeve. Turns out nothing's up that sleeve. Turns out the sleeve had room for one
Starting point is 00:22:05 grabby arm. We like a tattoo that wasn't done very well. It's all spelled wrong and lived out of proportion with itself. Yeah, it just had Daniel plus Rachel. Yeah, but Daniel is spelled with a Y and Rachel is spelled with an X somehow. Yeah. And the plus is spelled with a minus sign. This doesn't make sense. Instead of being inside of a heart, it's inside of like an octagon.
Starting point is 00:22:28 That's pretty meta. Yeah. Is that because a heart is similar to an octagon in the world of MMA fighting? Is that really what the octagon represents? They're fighting for the heart of the audience. Yeah, exactly. Interesting. Sounds like MMA sounds like mixed martial A motions.
Starting point is 00:22:49 But yeah, there's like this movie is, it's one of these old fashioned movies where it's hung on one twist. And it seems interesting at first that the twist comes 45 minutes in and you're like, but then they have to, like, I see, or like this movie is going to keep going where most movies would end. They're going to take us somewhere we've never been but they don't they have nothing to do their wheels for a while And then they're like oh let's wrap this up in the TV suspense way. Yeah, I mean, and they're like okay What do we got what do you got Daniel Craig wasn't the killer it was some other guy? So that twist was kind of not the right twist I think the real story of this movie is how we inept the neighbor is at killing his wife.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, he is terrible. The movie is because this guy doesn't give the guy the right address or his hitman fucks up the address. Yeah. Like, if you change the actors around, this is like a hitman comedy starring Ben Stiller. Yeah. Ben Stiller and Eugene Levy. In Dreamhouse. Oh, when the Eugene
Starting point is 00:23:47 Levy's broke and New Orleans got flooded, that was so terrible. So sad. There were so many American pie movies that just covered that. Was it real tragedy? It's like that Spike Lee movie. And George S. U.S. just said bye to it. And it's something. Yeah. Really he just flew over Eugene Levy's house in a plane looking down just a bad bad visual. What is he saying to America? Is he is he giving tacit approval to the American pie series? I mean, the whole country was straight trip and boo at that point.
Starting point is 00:24:22 They were straight. point. My movie was that we did that. I was bringing down the house. And my favorite thing about it was like a week or two into the release when they're like this line where he says you got me straight trip. It was the only thing. So the print ads for the movie would have a word balloon going to Eugene Levy's head that say you got me straight trip and boo so people reading the New York Times would see that I'd be like this is them that's hilarious he says that or or like this is the straight trip and boom movie I see it like that you're a void your New York time time for the boys immediately went to Woody Allen's that is hilarious I was straight in boo reading that time if I could only read it in pressure so I could write that today people would forget
Starting point is 00:25:13 cursing the jade scorpion in a second I was I was masturbating to the to the bra ads so like the air in the world right now the luckiest Pierre yeah the gay guy and a gay threason. In the middle. That's the middle. That guy. Is that what that's called? Is the lucky Pierre? Was he the first guy that that ever happened to him? Yeah, it was the first guy named Pierre. So really it's checking his phone. Dan, thoughts on Dreamhouse. We just talked about the inept. Well, it's a fast murder. It's sort of fascinating. Then it's killed by a wise code. You have a solid cast here.
Starting point is 00:25:45 You got Daniel Craig. You've got Rachel Vise. You've got Nicole. Kidman. Sorry. Nami Watts. I like a poor person's Nicole Kidman. Look, they're buddies.
Starting point is 00:25:57 They're buddies. Like the phrase is the poor man's Nicole Kidman. They're buddies and they're all. He's the poor person's Nicole Kidman. It sounds like. I'm trying to keep politically. You got Nami Watts. She's the Nicole Kidman. The government hands out. You got it. He's got four persons. They go get me. It sounds like. I'm trying to keep politically hot. You got naming Watts. She's the go get me the government hands out.
Starting point is 00:26:07 You got to have a job. You got to lie as code is. And but to anybody, man, woman, child, robot. You get a Naomi Watts. It's a solid cast of characters. It's a solid, it's a solid director. And then you just get, you wonder what they saw in the screen play that they're like we we got to sign
Starting point is 00:26:25 on to this project. I assume they all yeah. So this? I don't know. I'm working with you and this entire movie could have been spiced up with a little bit of nudity. Mm-hmm. Or a lot of nudity. Let's not limit it. So shower scenes, beach volleyball, the go wrong and tops come off. I mean it's a little snowy, but that's okay. I think you might not understand We're gonna movie this was maybe they have a ghost car wash where the tops go. It would be a ghost taunt on wash Every guy they all ride taunt on the house is and the taunt on bites their tops off. Yeah, the house is condemned guys So if they got a they got to save it with a ghost car wash Yeah, that's the only way you save condemned properties or properties
Starting point is 00:27:05 They're gonna be re-zoned the next door neighbors pissed off because he had that idea originally and they stole it from it Yeah, snaked it out from under him as we say in the biz The big watch terminology for the bikini car wash biz Yeah, yeah, I've been running a family owned and operated bikini car wash for many years now Really family owned and operated? It's being if sure it's like you and your mom out washing cars in bikinis Speaking of Stewart. What do you say about my mom? I think you'll be interested. I thought we're gonna keep this nice
Starting point is 00:27:36 I'll off of Dreamhouse, but you'll be interested to learn this news. Elliot, you know Working working a couple of offices down from me already heard it, but I, is this about your new shoes? No, no, I know it's cool. Through E-bay, I, today, you know, acquired a DVD copy of the original Bikini Car Wash. So later on this year, I'll be holding a screening in honor of the 20th anniversary. Oh, that's awesome. The release of the bikini car wash.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Very old that bikini car wash company is 20 years old. I also like that you're warning us about your upcoming masturbation episodes. I mean, I didn't expressly say anything about that. Yeah, I mean, it's in the subtext though. Yeah. But that not that there's a problem with that. I think that's cool. I'm sorry, you might enjoy that. No. But that not that there's a problem with that. I think that's cool. I'm telling you might enjoy that. No, I will enjoy that. I'll also borrow it after the screening.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And not and forget and forget to give it back. No, and because the DVD when I return it and you put it into your into your player, it's not going to be a blast play that. Yeah, it won't be immediately queued up to some sequence of naked people. That's really why DVD technology was invented. Yeah. This is a very specific conversation you guys are having. So you could loan pornography to your friend, okay, what are we talking about? That's something about a ghost house.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I don't know why you- It was fucking playing with his phone and then came- I was watching a day auction that I lost at the last second because I was supporting the stupid podcast. I'm sorry. It was for a, it's a long, I'll tell you afterwards. Is it for one of those pub and master action? I've been looking. Yes. Full moon toys. No, it was for at the third, 1939, World's Fair, when most Americans at the time encountered television for the first time They gave out little cards the rc a booth that said this is to attest that I the so-and-so has been televised and you could fill out the name and
Starting point is 00:29:39 Date and there was one on eBay for a lower price than one that I've been looking at and I lost it at the last second Someone snaked me as they say in the bikini car wash biz Thanks for keeping it So if that if the listener this podcast is one who snaked me as they say in the bikini car wash biz. Thanks for keeping it. So if the listener of this podcast is one who snaked me, stop listening right now. Your flopp house license has been revoked. Go watch Dreamhouse. That's why you're on it. Your ears are no good here.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Yeah. So this has been a kind of scatterbrained episode of the flopp house for a little bit. Similar to Daniel Craig's character in Screamhouse. In Screamhouse. It's like Scream, but with mice. So yeah, it's a movie that kind of is a lot of padding, not good twists.
Starting point is 00:30:15 So where's this podcast? Direct correlations. So I guess we should probably just some final judgments on. If it's horrifyingly terrifying or spookily funny. We should give some final judgments on uh, scream mouse or Fible goes crazy. Um, it sounds perfectly done.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Can't wait till Fible goes crazy and Fib head meet up. Uh, the, the, the, the, the, the, the good bad movie, a bad bad movie or a movie you kind of like Stuart. What do you, what do you say about this? Uh, I kind of went into this hoping it was going to or a movie you kind of like Stewart. What do you what do you say about this? I kind of went into this hoping it was going to be a movie I kind of liked but The and I think that I think it could have been a movie I kind of liked if they spent more time actually capitalizing off of the Capitalizing off the fact that they put the twist right in the middle of the movie and actually went in as I think is Ellie put it went in a
Starting point is 00:31:05 different direction. But they really didn't. They went in the most boring way possible. Yeah. For a movie that's been so much time having characters look at each other and talk about stupid shit, they don't actually really develop any characters other than the fact that we know somebody's a ghost and somebody's crazy. So bad bad movie. Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna say bad bad movie too. This movie could have been maybe a little bit of a surprise. I mean, like I said, it's got a good director, it's got a good cast. Maybe it could be like a little bit of a sleeper, but the thing is, there is nothing to this movie other than the twist.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Like this is a movie that is completely set up as a game like, okay, this is a guy who was going back to his family. He's being terrorized by people because there's a murderer on the loose. No way, it's him. And then we're going to, you know, burn old time up. And then we're going to discover that the murder was actually another guy, and then role credits. And that's all there is to it. And the more.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I mean, as soon as you see a lot of codec, you assume he's the murderer. Yeah, there's no other reason to be there. No reason for him to be in the movie. It's like, oh, this is another name actor sort of. So. Like, this would be a good story if it was like a five or six page EC Comics, like story hosted by the Cryptkeeper or the old witch or someone like that. would be a good story if it was like a five or six page easy comics like story hosted by the crypt keeper or the old witch or someone like that.
Starting point is 00:32:28 But it's just trying to set up a crypt keeper impression. You got me. Oh boy. The scream house. Anyway, but the, yeah, there's just like not, there's nothing there and it's a waste of talent. I just think about it. If like the crypt keeper like missed the obvious pun. What is it?
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's like it's a real dream horse. I'm thinking with this little horse. It's a horse in there. Hold on, what do you say? No horse in there, that's not scary at all. I'm sorry, I've been very tired. There's been problems at home. Really giving us a real look into the cryptkeeper's private life. I would say,
Starting point is 00:33:12 look at the cryptkeeper's private. Dan, how old are you? So I'm sorry, Dan just suddenly turned into a seven-year-old. Sorry. I like to say private. I said private life and Dan and Dan in his mind this went to privates. I am a Paul. No, but think about it. What would the cryptieberts private? They've rotted away. There's nothing there. It's just a pelvic bone. Yeah, there's no, there's no, there's not even a bone there. I mean, that's the kind of soft tissue that really goes away almost instantly. Yeah. What if it was perfectly
Starting point is 00:33:44 preserved? Like, one of those bully sticks you feed your dog. Okay. But what if it was perfectly... That's what it was. But what if it was perfectly... I don't know what situation are you hoping that comes out of that? It's like this is like, this is sort of speculative, like, fiction.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Well, we dealt with what what petty petty meta dinosaurs You need to take that idea and run with it. That's what you guys do as writers. Yeah, I'm still dealing with what happens if penny or Tom petty meets a dinosaur We all said we all said good good movie We all said we all said good good movie Give this the rate we all say it was robbed w u z robbed So before you to letters a little bit bit of business a little bib of business. I would like to thank People for some donations to the podcast. They will be retracting those donations after your private joke. Thank you to Dimitri T. Andrew Q.
Starting point is 00:34:51 And James E. for your generous donations to the flop house. Thank you. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm assuming we went to the bikini car wash auction. And now, you're what's keeping this bird going. To move on. We have a
Starting point is 00:35:08 An email from first name with held Maxwell Hmm interesting and the email is titled you know what you did Last summer and he goes on to say you made my night That size was really worried. I had the night off on Friday, January 20th, and rather than attend an opening night, Times Square showing a future flop cast film The Gray. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:35:33 It's been getting good reviews. I, it has not been. I'll watch it on my own. It has been getting good reviews. From where? A lot of places. Harry Nolz on A.N.E. cool news. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I was gonna put it in button on the phone. I mean, I tracked down to the mouth of Jersey, AKA the Holland tunnel, AKA Daylight Starings, the Vestor Stallone. Till listen to your... I forgot to rename that tunnel after the movie. Till listen to your golden gods of podcasting. It was a joy.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I drank fairly heavily throughout the film, and you were perfect gentlemen in allowing me to engage you afterwards and not noticeably scan the room for escape routes. Dan, you got engaged. Congratulations. I mean, I've married for quite some time, but I- Have you told her? Anyway, continue. As much as I'd heard about Stewart being the handsome one, I was still impressed. No, okay. As much as I'd heard about strooping the hands of one, I was still impressed with the jawline on that motherfucker. Matt, I love bad movies.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Even said we were twins, swoon. I really wanted to write a level letter to you three. You made my life better. I listened to old episodes while I'd do housework equals points with girlfriend. Dreamhousework. Elliot's constant references to the old ones and the works of H.B. Lovecraft
Starting point is 00:36:47 have me reading a collected works volume that I'm loving. Oh good. And Stuart gave me his mustache when he was done with it. I can't wait to see Marbardouc's second movement and who in a holler with when flop house brothers comes up as a written by credit. So that's one from first name with El Maxwell. Thanks, Mr. Maxwell. And I want to read a second letter from someone who attended the show titled I Wish All the
Starting point is 00:37:13 Movies I Watch featured commentary by you three. Just was writing in to say my girlfriend and I were fortunate enough to make it for your screening. What's what's in there doing up there, writing the list? Hey, buddy, what you doing? Hey, why is he driving so fast? Hey, drive. Hey, drive. Hey, that horse is in a war.
Starting point is 00:37:32 It's the gun of wars. Anyway, you're saying. It says just writing to say my girlfriend and I were fortunate enough to make it to a screening of 12 rounds. Your screening of 12 rounds. You guys were hilarious. We had a great time from Danny Patrick last name with held. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:37:52 So we went to our screening of 12 rounds, not a different screening of 12 rounds. Yeah, I mean, there aren't that many screenings of 12 rounds going on. Not here, but in New Orleans, I think it's still playing. Oh, man, it's the townown, it's a town movie. Well, thanks everyone for coming to that screening and glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, we love fun doing.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Yeah, and we had a great crowd that night and a lot of great fans there. I don't want to, I don't want to tip anything before we have anything set up. We are in talks for another stop tease. Are we? We are. Yeah, I think we are. I know he tells me anything. Yeah, well, you're just talent Just tell me where to be I mean, we don't I mean, you know, we don't do it that frequently
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah, I mean, Toronto people who were in town who came. Look, I'll take it. I'll take it. Okay. Yeah. Well, no, it's still great. No, I, there was two guys from Boston. Yeah. Who just for the show took a bus down from Boston just to see us. Very. And then I can only imagine listening to this podcast the whole way. There's to psych themselves up. Yeah. So familiar eyes themselves with their favorite characters. Sure, like who?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Stuart. Rocket crocodile, Stuart, etc. Hook Hand in Dan. Oliver Sudden. Yeah, everyone's favorite. Oliver Sudden. Mentioned once, forgotten about this event. And Babylon AD. I forgot about this email. BabyLonAD, the baby character from the Lost Episode.
Starting point is 00:39:47 This is this email is titled Concerns for Dan Safety. And it goes, Dearest Flop House, your podcast has brought me countless hours of entertainment. Elliott's quick wit and charm quickly warmed its way into my heart. Oh, thank you. I would say warmed its way, but whatever. No, warmed is much nicer than warmed. Stuart's love of ding dong ripping and using on the inner structures of Duckburg only brightens days that have already been luminous and warm.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Thanks to me. And Dan, oh, what can we say about Dan? Nothing. The Leonardo of the original peaches. The Cyclops Strue, Strue, Strue, McDuck. Dan's considerable talent in, well, I'll get back to you on that one. I'll write to you.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Ouch. Letterbird. The Bowser's. The Fluff House. And Dan, specifically, because I'm really concerned for your safety. Not only... Not only...
Starting point is 00:40:47 Does this involve you sitting on an exercise ball? Well, let's get to it. Not only does your podcast feature a notorious serial killer, Elliott. No, I've killed nobody and there's no evidence linking me to it. But... And Anne Hathaway will back me up on that. But with the mounting tensions. No.
Starting point is 00:41:03 With the mounting tensions between Dan and Stewart over the film, cool. And the recent revelation that Dan is in fact a giant teddy bear. We got about that. Yeah. I fear for the worst. We've really built such a complicated backstory. It's the myth of our friendship. Yeah. Maybe we can call it friendship at this point. Oh, I thought you could say we called a mythos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Many know of Stuart's wish to kill a bear with a flame thrower. And I can only imagine that the temptation has grown worse after starting a podcast with one. Sure. Every two or three weeks a bear is so close that he could easily burn it alive. Is this where he made out a very flammable plush? Is this where the Stuart and Dan feud began?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Must steward be restrained during the recording of the podcast where I was Dan would no longer be with us? I fear that one day Dan's lovely wife Sarah and his cat will awaken to find nothing but a pile of ash where the great pervazoid number one once stood. Who else will creepily comment on the butts of another man's wife? Who else will repeat song lyrics as if they were making a joke. I hate that. And most importantly, who will Ellie one up
Starting point is 00:42:10 after winning another Emmy? Yes. A world without Dan Everett catch up, Dan. It's not one I wish to imagine. So Dan, I see but one option. You must kill Stuart with a flame thrower before he kills you. Flame thrower is at dawn, as they used to say.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Wait a minute. Hopefully, my fears will be put to bed soon, but I have a feeling that Stewart is a quicker at draw with a Flamethrower than you, no offense, sincerely Matt last name withheld. Or it might give me an opportunity to rise from the ashes like a powerful Phoenix. Yeah, yeah. Or not, I'll just die.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Probably. So it sounds like our listeners are instigating a little bit of a fire few between you two fellows. Sure. Hopefully one of us like Kurt Cameron Cameron. One of us is going to be fireproof probably because one of us doesn't look at internet porno. You know, well, that's neither of you. Yeah. The only the only reason I could think that either of you doesn't look at internet porn now. You know, well, that's neither of you. The only reason I could think that either of you doesn't look at internet porn
Starting point is 00:43:07 was because you have like a real doll or a fleshlight or something that's taking a lot of time. Or maybe it's like the, you know, like the, our wireless network is down. Yeah. And the dialogue takes so long. Ah, man, don't get me started. Come on.
Starting point is 00:43:22 So you've gone to paper only. Yep. Only T-a lot on a bible for this guy This the old-fashioned type of I like to see blondie get a nice broad ring from Old-time gangster Well, dad would look so unhorified They don't do real they don't do modern teal on a bible's anymore. You don't have like Garfield teal on a bible's I mean I'd probably read him. I'm sure I'm sure in some terrifying corner of the internet
Starting point is 00:43:51 you can find Garfield having sex with lasagna. Yeah. Oh, that even happened. Well, Odie chokes himself or something. Wow. It sounds like you made this already or seen it. It just flows out of my mouth. Similar to the novel that Daniel Craig scared her in Dreamhouse's writing. Yeah, because it came out of his mouth. And I'm shit. And I'm the page. I can just see the blurb on Dreamhouse as a chilling thriller. Don't know why the Garfield lasagna sex scene by Dreamhouse, but SkipPage is 400-403.
Starting point is 00:44:21 On the note of me, did you just just leave your body? What was that sound? Well, thinking about Garfield fucking was on you. My soul did leave my body a little bit, but I caught it. I caught it before it came fully escaped. Okay, good. But on the note of me being a giant teddy bear, I'd like to mention that
Starting point is 00:44:43 flop has fanned govind, I hope that I'm saying that right. He has done three delightful pieces of or horrifying, depending on your, but delightful pieces of Flophouse fan art, okay, or that of me as a bear, that will be put up along with this episode at the flop house gallery. Also known as the web page. Also known as www dot the flop house podcast. Or flop house. There should be a section of or the day.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Oh, if you look at it during the day, the gallery is going out of business. No one wants to go to an art gallery at three in the morning. We should have a section of the website just for fan art. There's been a lot of it by this point. If I have to buy a lot. Well, at least four. If I've been a good webmaster. Would you have it? Those pieces should probably be tagged with fan art.
Starting point is 00:45:40 But they may not be. Yeah, well, I mean, it just might be nice to get them all in one place. Probably if you, probably mean, it just be night night. Might be nice to get them all in one place. And probably if you probably if you click on the tab fan art, you'll see them. But what if there was a page? Let's move on with these letters. Well, Stuart is the peacemaker for once. And not just the fresh maker.
Starting point is 00:46:00 So this one, this last, this last letter or letter? It's from Brian last name withheld. I'm assuming it's Brian Austin green. And it's titled Thanks for 2011. It's probably brought us a green there. Hey flop crew. 2011 was a particularly difficult year for me.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Nothing too bad. Just little things like losing my house, like many other people have, and dealing with my wife's unemployment for most of the year, and thus keeping up with far too many bills. It's been a little stressful dealing with such things while raising a young toddler and making sure all these things never really touched her in a way that was too detrimental. So when I hear the deep, mournful size from Dan, I can think, hey, thanks could be worse. Listen to that, Matt. Sorry. Seriously though, I've been listening for years,
Starting point is 00:46:53 and I appreciate the time and effort. All three of you take to consistently make a podcast that's lasted as long as it has. Just even taking the time out of your busy schedules through work changes and everything else to get a podcast out semi-regularly I appreciate that you guys continue to do it I'm not saying you have to do it forever because hopefully someday every piece of cinema will be a masterpiece as Hollywood
Starting point is 00:47:15 Perfects this craft. Oh no entropy goes the other way It's just been nice to have something familiar and funny and enjoyable to listen to and forget about stress every now and then. I wish I could have donated to the podcast more often, but I'm glad to hear that Dan can afford to keep the podcast going easier now. Thanks for 2011 and 2010 and 2009 while I'm at it. Brian last name withheld. Oh, Brian, that was really sweet. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It was very sweet and... Yeah, I mean, all jokes aside, thank you for listening and yeah I mean all jokes aside thank you for listening and that really sucks yeah and also speaking of donations I think you are exempt from ever doing any donations ever again and I feel like we need to refund the donations that you may have made in the past I mean I would say the opposite we gave him a lot emotionally and wow he has to repay us for that wow listen to this I mean my new character a heartless Elliott Dan needs to own a multiple DVD copy of the bikini car was he only has one
Starting point is 00:48:13 yeah only one what if he what if I want to loan one out then I don't have it I don't have it like in the middle of the night if I want to watch speaking car watch company what am I supposed to do you'll be literally shit out of luck why literally I to do? You'll be literally shit out of luck. Why literally? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:48:27 It will be literally shit out of luck. You'll be literally up a river without a paddle. I don't think so. You will be literally dying. Well, thank you, Brian, don't donate anymore. You need that money and we appreciate it. Thank you very much. Yeah, but we did have a pretty good 2011.
Starting point is 00:48:45 We made some jokes, did our first live show. You got married? I got married. You guys came to that thing. Yeah, it was great. Had a bachelor's party. Mm-hmm. It's true.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And Baltimore for some reason. Beautiful Baltimore. Not the Baltimore and Glen Bernie. And I'm kidding. And I just needed to pick at that scale a little bit. And I'm glad that Dan was able to take on his dirty Dan persona. That's true. And go down with us to the story. That's a story for another time on Flop House Chronicles. You'll read that. The young flop house.
Starting point is 00:49:19 The young flop house. Flop House Knights. Our cinematics show. Spelt with a K. Oh wait, so are we crime fighters? Yes. Oh, okay, I missed red, but the show is like. Yeah, that's okay. But yeah, I thought we did some good shows in 2011. We got picked up more listeners.
Starting point is 00:49:37 And we got picked up for the back nine. That was nice. It was nice. The network. We just lost some listeners. Yeah. I hear somehow just lost some listeners. Yeah. I hear somehow the sound of people shutting off the computers and throwing them into the river. Same river.
Starting point is 00:49:52 The river. Well, the river of life. So, I guess this is the point in the podcast where we make some recommendations. Sure. I'm going to be used that people might actually enjoy, when do we plug, when do we plug stuff? At the end, after this. Stuart, you seem raring to go though.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Do you have any recommendations of a movie that listeners might like to see? Well, people that have been listening for a while probably know that I like myself a good dirty dozen E style war movie. Men on a mission, you sure? Exactly. And this week's recommendation is no different. Dirty does an e-style war movie men on a mission you sure exactly and This week's recommendation is no different. I am recommending Invisible maniac
Starting point is 00:50:33 I don't think you've recommended that type of movie before actually Listen, there's no that that's do it loves musicals set in the 30s. So another one of those Castle freak music calls set in the 30s. So another one of those. Castle Freak. So I'm going to recommend a little. I think over four years you've recommended three movies. Anyway, say. I'm going to be recommending a movie called Iron Clad starring James Purfoy as a grouchy dude, as a grouchy night's Templar who leads a ragged hagg bunch of dudes against an evil English king. So if you like watching a movie set in the middle ages where a bunch of dudes hit each other in the head with axes and their heads totally explode and
Starting point is 00:51:15 Brian Cox gets both of his hands chopped off before being thrown against a wall with a trip a shame Go see the movie Ironclad and I'll see you're soliciting. What is that as section in the store or is that an official genre? It's under the Brian Cox section. Excuse me. Can you point me to your nights getting hit in the access and their head explodes section? Yeah, it's right behind it's right behind romance. It's's actually go through the Beated Curtain. That's porno. Then go to the next Beated Curtain. That's the night's getting hit in the head till they're in.
Starting point is 00:51:50 On subset of porno, which is Mexican in the head. Like I won't miss watching the movie. You're not going to be like, oh, wow, this is amazing. I'm looking at movies in a whole new light. On your cellar. There's just, I get a certain pleasure from watching a movie where you know all these awesome Battlers are all gonna die and one dude at the end's gonna be like oh spoiler alert
Starting point is 00:52:09 Oh, we managed to survive somehow, but only one show to still a lot And that dialogue from the movie I've asked you chose from that one But the thing is well young chose will be no match for my army Okay, keep selling Paul Giamatti plays an evil English king. And he's great. He's got at least one or two great speeches. You got Brian Cox. You got Mackenzie Kruck in a non-pirates of the Caribbean or office role. You have James Purfoy for some reason
Starting point is 00:52:41 playing like a grim loner, which James Pierreffo is easily at his best when he plays like kind of a crazy guy like on the TV show, Roam, but whatever. But it's really fucking gory. It's like watching an entire movie that's just the Battle of Helm's Deep, but instead of Orcs, you have dudes who are about to get their heads smashed in.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And it's super gory and they play the same music and it's pretty awesome, so check it out. All right, Dan. Iron Clired You know, I haven't seen a lot of movies, but as it happens I saw a good movie with Daniel Craig in it and that was the The American version of girl the dragon tattoo Which I you know like that's what's good. It's a movie that I was actually sort of surprised. It wasn't a bigger hit. Like it did not do a lot of box office, particularly in the- It wasn't Bofo B.O. was what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:53:36 No, it didn't, didn't do all of it. What you're saying is that Hicks- It did not open- Sticks picks. It's the, are you saying that right before the holidays, people weren't into watching a Swedish movie Send Sweden about rap a Swedish rape conspiracy movie or rape conspiracy movie. It was not a big It was not did not open a huge. She did not open huge
Starting point is 00:53:57 You would think with the success of the New York Giants that New York Giants owner something Mara his daughter in a movie Wait, I'm basically wait, no, I fucked that up. Well, that Rooney Mara is like, weirdly related to the guy who owns the New York Giants. I didn't know that. Fun fact, film fun fact. Wasn't that fun. Well, not that fun.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I know, I messed up. It's okay. Chill out, continue. I'm looking at a really small cat on my phone. So, Chill out. Continue. I'm looking at a really small cat on my phone. But uh, no, I sort of expected a movie that was based on an international bestseller to open larger. But the thing is like, it's had some legs. I saw it, I saw it late in its run. And it was. Stuart, Tudor's word is showing a tiny cat in this film.
Starting point is 00:54:49 It was like a bumblebee in cat form. Layna, it's Ron, we saw it in a completely full theater. And I think that's a testament to the fact that it has legs, like people are talking about it and enjoying it. And it's a movie that takes some of the lessons. It's not as good as Zodiac, but it takes some of the lessons that I think that David Vincent learned making Zodiac and applies it to a fiction movie. Some of the lessons he forgot when he made Benjamin Button. Right. But it's a serial killer film and a mystery film that has a legitimate slow burn.
Starting point is 00:55:21 But the tension mouts very effectively. And it's a movie where there's a fairly complex mystery story that's told at times almost entirely visually, but you still follow exactly what the clues are that Daniel Craig is putting together. And it makes total sense. And Rooney Marra does a great job as Elizabeth Salenter. And it's just a really entertaining movie that I would hate to think is sort of a footnote in David Fincher's career when, for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:55:56 like fucking Benjamin Button was like a big movie for us. So the movie you're recommending is Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Yes. 100%. I'm 100%. recommending is curious case of Benjamin button. Yes 100% I'm 100% curious George of Benjamin button I will recommend another serial killer movie it's serial killer night on the floor except for your movie and the movie we watched This is a movie called the chaser. Oh ironclad. Yeah, the chaser, which is a Korean movie about a former cop who has been kicked off the force and now he's a pimp and he finds that one of the girls in his stable has been kidnapped
Starting point is 00:56:33 by Assyrio Killer and he has to figure out what's going on and find her. He thinks that his girls are being kidnapped and sold by somebody. He doesn't realize that they are being killed by the serial killer. And he and the police are keep coming into cross purposes and running into each other well, trying to catch and contain this guy. And there are a lot of very good suspense scenes. It's a really grim movie and it gets grimmer. But it is a good example of the Korean thriller genre that's been flourishing over the past five or six years or however long. And I also want to touch on if you are a really big fan of the Magna Carta document.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Iron Clad is also good for fans of the Magna Carta. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of limiting the powers of King John. So I'm definitely gonna, you're gonna watch Iron Glad. Can we plug our things now, Dan? Sure, why not? Do you people have things to play? I do. I have ton of shit.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Sure, sure. I just have one thing. First off, let me start. I don't know about you guys, but this weekend I got some big plans. What? I'm gonna crack a couple of brusquies and go see our pal Nick Cage in the hit thriller Ghostwriter Spirit of engines. I thought that's what we do when we play we talk about what we're doing
Starting point is 00:57:59 Money from never leaving Taylor to understand no, I just I wanted to see if you guys want to go see ghost Right, but I'm not a plug it's not a plug, but I thought our flop fast fans would want to go see it Okay, with you. I mean maybe so go to a movie theater And we might show up on a weekend. It's possible that we'll all be there. Cracken beers watch and ghost driving. Well, I have an actual plug for it. I got another one. I will, let me go with this one and then you can go to yours. The next in my rapidly diminishing series of film screenings is coming up.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Diminishing. Why? My series closely watched films is coming to a close due to my over-scheduling of myself. And at some point in the future, I'll show movies again at 92 I try Becca, but I have two months left and then I am going to draw this series to a close. Take a hiatus. Take a very long hiatus. And so on the first Thursday in March, which I think is March 1st, I will be showing the great Northfield, Minnesota raid. A really great 70s Western crime action comedy starring Cliff Robertson and Robert DeVol. It's about the James Younger gang trying to knock off a bank in Minnesota and totally
Starting point is 00:59:22 screwing it up completely. And it's a really good, like kind of this patchy, but in a really interesting fun way, 70s, western that's been overlooked by most people. And that will be 7 30 PM first Thursday in March. And my guest will be Jason Jones, correspondent for the Daily Show with John Stewart. And you may know him. Mr. Samantha B. Miss. Yeah, you may know him. Mr. Samantha B. Miss, yeah, he may know him as Mr. Samantha B. Hollywood K. on over here, calling in the big guns. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Well, I only got two shows left. I got to bring in big guys. He's next Hugh Jackman. Yes, Hugh Jackman. No, not Hugh Jackman. Huge. But so Jason Jones and me will talk the great North field Minnesota rate. A really fun movie.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And I also want to pull up March 8th at Charlene's Bar is going to be a Purim party. For all you non-Jews out there, that's a costume party. It's going to be a lot of fun. They're going to be doing raffles for charity at Charlene's Bar on 353 Flatbush in Brooklyn, New York. Please come down. It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm sure I'll be dressed up as something really cool like Nicholas Cage or something. Yeah, or Drongo Marengi, what's his name from a boyfriend school? Drongo Marengi from boyfriend school. That's cool as it gets. Yeah, Elliot will be, I still all women want. Some kind of an old-timey movie actor and Dan will be a muscle man or something. kind of an old-timey movie actor and Dan will be a muscle man or something. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Not in real life. So. Yeah. This is the part of the show. Where we end the show. You mean the end of the show? Yeah, what's going on here? What's going on here?
Starting point is 01:00:56 Whatever we end the show, you get this look on your face like you're about to pull on over on us. Yeah, like you got your James Franco look. Yeah. Suddenly the Abombe will Dr bum will doctor five is running the show This whole thing has been a trick and you're trapped in my infernal machine. Oh, no even your apartment. Yep So PS I love you and good night And good luck, you know what maybe we should take care of the steward in the show. Hey guys. Thanks for listening again for some reason
Starting point is 01:01:25 My name is Stuart. My name is Elliot. My name is Dan. Thanks for listening. Good night. Good morning. Duce is juicy. What is he saying? Do you move in the microphone like you don't want me to talk in this episode? No, I'm trying to.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Because I'm kind of the meat. Mm-hmm. In the fluffhouse sandwich. What would I be the mayonnaise at that point? Yeah, emphasis on man. Oh, wait. The mayonnaise. Yep.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And Dan is the plate. You're the... And Dan is the plate. You're the... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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