The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #98 - In Time

Episode Date: March 23, 2012

But there was time! Time enough... at last! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We discuss the movie that doesn't understand Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaelin. Yes, we're all back. Sorry about the a little bit of time. Yeah, there's a delay. Yes, I'm about taking time off It seems I guess it's gonna matter of time since our last time cast Did you have a stroke? I don't understand why he Time I Mean that wasn't even you just said I had a time. That's not time. Okay I mean, that wasn't even, you just said I had a time. That's not a time.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Okay. So yeah, it's been a while since we've done one of these. A lot of time, perhaps? Yeah, I'd probably say that. Would you? I mean, not right now, I'd feel kind of weird. Weird about how much time it's been? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Dan, that recipe you were telling me about, how much time do I need for that a couple of tables of time and how much time should I leave it in the oven for two hours Up time. Oh, okay. Thank you. Oh, it's you lots of time We watched a movie called in time. Did you want to talk about any other stuff? No, okay, I'm probably not what do no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, the people. This is about a dystopian future. Oh, is it ever dystopia? If you want to know kind of topia, it is the answer is dis.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Don't file this one under utopia. That would be the wrong type of topia. This topia type is dystopia. So there's been a lot of repeating things in this podcast so far. If you're trying to sculpt your bushes in your garden to make a dystopiary, this would be the kind of to be a to copy. All right, well, what happened in this book? It is. Guys. What did happen?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah. Well, that's what you do. Yeah. Oh, okay. What? You mean the plot summary? So yeah, I'm going to bounce the ball and then pass it over to you. Okay, I'm holding this imaginary ball. That's the podcast ball. You should see it, be listeners. They are actually miming this. It's good. It's good. It's all object work.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah, let's just like when you had ventriloquists on the radio, they still use the dummy and everything. We're still miming the time ball. Yeah, it adds something to the performance. I said podcast. I mean, listeners can sense it. It'll be time ball later. Time ball. That's the sequel to in time. Yeah, it's also sequel to roller ball. That's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's a double-seagr. It's just like that mash them up that I wanted to do called Terminator 4 Short Circuit 3. Yep. What was that going to be called? Is that's the name? OK. Terminator 4 Slash Short Circuit 3.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It would start. So it's way it's like there's sex in it or what? Well, because you said slash. Terminator 4 slash short circuit three. Okay. And it would start way. It's like like their sex in it or what? Well, because you said slash like so I was just telling you the punctuation like face slash off. Okay. The hit film starring John Travolta and Nicholas mage. But don't they have sex in that movie? No, they don't. I think I watched the wrong movie. In times in time takes place in a dystopian future. I guess, or maybe a parallel universe.
Starting point is 00:03:51 We see a map every once in a while upon a few years. And it does not look like America that we know and love. But also, they all drive 70s muscle cars. Guys dress kind of like it's the 50s sometimes. And sometimes like it's the 90s. I guess what I'm saying is it's very lazy art direction. And the poor people, well in this,
Starting point is 00:04:07 you just wear a little bit fewer suits than the rich people. Yeah, the poor, the people who are, I'm putting some quotes poor and who live in quote, the ghetto because they call it that a lot. All wear like, they dress like hipsters,
Starting point is 00:04:17 like they wear V-neck sweaters and like a D-tis sneakers and things like that. And poor rapins. They're 25 years old. And then unless they're criminals, and then they dress like mod gangsters. Yeah, or like backup. You're gonna break into a dance.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like backup dancers from a stage production of Chicago. Yeah. Anyway, so in time, posits a dystopian world, where instead of money, get this, get this. What, it's okay, in real life, let me explain what money is. We use money as a way to exchange credit or value for goods and services and you're rich the more money you have. And it allows you to buy things. And guys, guys, guys, guys, I'm going to blow you guys
Starting point is 00:04:55 mind because money has no inherent value. It only has the value that we place on it. All right, college sophomore. Let's everyone knows money does have inherent value. God said so in the Bible. Anyway, so in this world though, instead of money, guess what they use for money? I can't possibly. I'll give you a hint. It's in the title. That's right. In the quality of being inside or surrounded by something. So like if you want to buy something, you go into a room. That's what was going on. Yeah, yeah. And if you want to like make an insurance payment, you have to put it in and envelope. Is that why they had numbers on their arms? Oh, the numbers.
Starting point is 00:05:32 That's for a different reason. No, they use time as... It's the same thing. It's a... It's a numbers on your arm fetish. They use time as money in this. Now, in this world, people have somehow been genetically bred to...
Starting point is 00:05:44 You got a timer read out on your arm that glows green so you can see it in the dark. And you, at the age of 25, you stop aging. You're 25 physically forever. But then you get one hour left of life. And that time can be bought or sold or accumulated. And then you live forever if you have the time. But if you don't, you die as soon as your time runs out. And you spend time on everything. Rent, food, coffee, clothes. Just like you'd spend money, except without inherent value. It's like if every time you spent a dollar, you lost a minute off your life. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Now get this in this radically different world where spending time literally means you live less. Mm hmm. Guess what? Amazing social changes. This is created. I imagine that people are really living their life to the fullest, you know, like they're they're they're cutting down just the bare necessities of life. No, no, almost none. Everyone lives almost exactly the same except the very rich sit around in their marble houses and don't do very much, and the very poor go to jobs in factories and pay their rent and dress like hipsters. And sometimes they stand around in mobs that don't really accomplish anything.
Starting point is 00:06:58 They spent for people who, and the word time is used maybe a thousand million billion times in this movie. For people who are constantly gripping about how little time they have left, it's not a lot of time milling around. Like a lot of time just standing around complaining about things. It didn't be one thing if like they had this crazy riot where they revolted and attacked people, but no, like their riot is a bunch of guys standing around. Just kind of looking, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 And if you run out of time and you die, your body just falls down in the gutter and they just leave you there. So there's a lot of times when someone like Justin Timberlake, the star of the film, I forgot to mention, I haven't actually mentioned the plot. I've j-tam. I've only, they should have called this movie Justin Timberlake, that would have been fantastic. But I haven't even mentioned the plot, that's just the setting. But Justin Timberlake is going to work at his job making time bricks.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And he is, he just, there's no other commodities. Well, that's the way he transfers time. Isn't it time brick? They look like old like, like data cassettes or something, right? Yeah, they look like big pieces of little piece of metal with me. Like a beta max. Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:07:57 No, more like an eight track. Yeah, like a silver eight track. The fabled silver eight track. If you find it, then you get a magical tour to Willy Wonka's eight track. The fabled silver eight track. If you find it, then you get a magical tour to Willy Wonka's eight track. To factor. Oh, I thought that was just, you know, if you had a hit record, but not like a huge hit in the summer, you get a silver eight track. Yeah, that's, that's if, uh, if you sell your song, uh, million times just over CB radio. That's okay. That's the good. That's the good. The disco duck. That's the great track.
Starting point is 00:08:22 The disco duck actually is now the I've like duck heat. Like disco duck. So great track. Disco duck actually is now the Aflac duck. Oh wow. Fitzgerald said American lives have no second act. But in the case of disco duck, he is mistaken who is now the Aflac duck. But anyway, so Justin Timberlake is going to work. I'm a duck bird before that. Justin Timberlake. Yeah, what was he doing there?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Well, he probably killed Scrooge McDuck in his money time vault. Sure. Okay. So in example, if this was Ducktail's Uncle Scrooge would have a time vault and he would go swimming in time. And instead of his number one dime, he would have his number one minute. Yeah, I guess in like a little time brick. But uh, so Justin Timberlake is going to work at the time factory and he looks down and
Starting point is 00:09:00 there's just someone dead lying on the ground. No one's phased by this, no one cleans it up, no one does anything. It's just, well, we live in a world where 25-year-olds are just dropping dead on the ground. Well, there's like street sweepers that come up in the morning. Right in the morning. Time sweepers.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So here's the plot, shall we? Justin Timberlake is just your average Joe, or in this case, average Justin. He works at a time-break factory. His girlfriend Olivia Wilde doesn't have enough time. They don't have enough time. They're always late on the time bills. They're gonna die soon probably.
Starting point is 00:09:30 He's in a bar with... And living day to day, literally. Oh, sorry. I'm not sure. Sure, yeah, okay. Thanks. Step us to it. Lost my train of thought, but worth it.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So he's hanging out in the bar with the guy from Big Bang Theory. He's hanging out in the bar. He's hanging out in the bar with Darley's boyfriend from. He's hanging out in the bar with Darleen's boyfriend. He's hanging out in the bar with Darleen's boyfriend from Roseanne. You may know him as Big Bang Theory number two. This guy coaxing with like a hundred years worth of time on his arm and he just keeps going. Looks like the guy from White collar.
Starting point is 00:09:56 He's just going, I'll buy one for everybody. I'll buy around for everybody. Justin Timberlake's like, hey man, if you don't watch it, you're going to get beaten up. There's a gang called the Minute Men who kill people and steal their time. Yeah, it sounds pretty scary. They're not, don't worry. They're led by an English guy and one of the guys wears a hat.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That's pretty much the minute man. I mean, there's snappy dresses though, that in the case. Yeah, they walked out of Quadrophilia. It's like they walked right out of a gap ad. Quadrophilia. Yeah. Not, and not the rocker part of Quadrophilia, the mod part of quadrophyte.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah. So anyway, Justin Timberlake's like, Hey man, stop throwing your time around. You're gonna get beat up for your time. And then this Minuteman group comes in. They're gonna steal from almost like a gypsy. He predicts the future. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And he puts a thinner curse on someone. Because it's time he says slower slower that'd be better though yeah oh I mean faster yeah faster any who's yeah uncle faster he's in this I wish how much better with this have been of Christopher Lloyd just running around this is doing whatever you've got to get more time the piranhas he. He's always. The Libyans. The time Libyans. MONEY. No, no, my name is Justin Timberlake. MONEY.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Anyway, time. He saves the life of this guy who was 100 years. They hang out in a loft space for a while, and the 100 year guy gives Justin Timberlake his time and then commits suicide. And Justin Timberlake decides he's going to use this time. He's going to go into the rich zones because the society is split up into geographic zones and it costs time like a toll to get between zones.
Starting point is 00:11:33 You skip over a very important point, which is that Olivia Wilde. Oh, yeah, I forgot. His girlfriend can't make it to meet Justin because the rates on the buses have gone up. Yeah, the 102 hours. The 100 year old man tells, tells Justin Timberlake that after hilarious question and answer session, 100 year old man, you know, classic Mel Brooks car rider bit. He tells him the people in charge are keeping the control the system and keep everyone down. And they always raise the rates on everything as soon as people get more time, I guess. Like they're constantly raising the rates on things
Starting point is 00:12:10 that people have to work hard. And we've seen this. The price of coffee. I hate this time in competency. Yes, time in competency. Someone's been watching the Daily Show a couple times. They raise the price of coffee from three minutes to four minutes and they raise the cost of the bus from one hour to two hours. That's a significant increase. That is 100% a hundred percent increase. And Olivia
Starting point is 00:12:29 Wilde was she was she was cutting it a bit. She had an hour and a half bet on her arm. Even if she got on the bus. Yeah. Like there's bad traffic. Yeah. Let's say minimum 15 minutes to her. She's got 15 minutes left in her life. What's she plan on doing? I guess just hanging out, yeah, milling around. Maybe, maybe, maybe, I think maybe JT was showing up with a little extra time for her, but, uh, well, JT was, it was her birthday. He was showing up flowers. He up, but he had a hundred years on him. He could have given her more time. If he didn't, I'm just wondering what that original plan was. If only she had given that. Oh, it was a poorly thought out plan. Yeah. Look, there's a reason they're at the bottom. They don't deserve to be rich. They don't think ahead.
Starting point is 00:13:05 They're not educated. Anyway, point is she can't take the bus. So they have to run towards each other and... She runs out of time just to... She's doing the bus driver who does not let her get on the bus. Despite the fact that he knows that he's condemning her to a death sentence. Yes. Yeah, well...
Starting point is 00:13:19 Well, he's a bad guy. Look, it's the pressure of society. It's the pressure of society. That's the only thing that bus driver has ever known, Stuart. Oh, okay. So, really, you can't wait. It's the pressure of society. That's the only thing that bus drivers ever known Stuart. Oh, okay. So really, you can't blame it's society. That's sick. Yeah, it's your time out cultural equivalents. And that's just, I mean, can't blame the guy who invented the green time arm tattoo thing? Oh, John time. Yes, you can blame him. But he's been dead for thousands of years. Okay. Why didn't he just give himself a million years?
Starting point is 00:13:41 Uh, he thought it wouldn't be fair. No one knows. Actually, what happened is he got hit by a car. He gave himself a thousand million years and then he got hit by a car. Yeah, ironic. And that's the thing in this movie is everyone's like, we all know exactly how long we're going to live. But you're still dying for natural causes. Well, from people who die of freak accidents all the time, or things like hit by cars, you fall off a building,
Starting point is 00:14:03 someone shoots you, a shark bites you, maybe a porcupine bomb blows up and the quills shoot, don't just kill you, but the quills grow out to everybody. Maybe someone throws a bob on you. You got a couple seconds to throw it away before it blows up, but you know, a shy guy walks up to you, a gumbah, maybe a kupa trooper. You got to keep a guy, a chel, you got to keep your, you got to look at the guys. There's a guy just throwing spike balls at you. You got to jump a bullet with
Starting point is 00:14:28 a face on it. I don't know what those are called. Bob the bullet. I blew those those hammer brothers that throw a whole. They're called the hammer brothers. You know those brothers throw hammers. Well, they're what they'd called them hammer brothers. Pirona plants. You got fireballs. You got coop himself. got, you could just fall down a hole. Maybe Yoshi eats you, he thinks you're an apple. Yeah, these are all things that could happen to you. To you in real life. Average citizen.
Starting point is 00:14:52 To you, the listener. Yeah. But not if you have a tanuki suit, then you've got a little extra. Oh, don't, that just don't be too, don't be too complacent. The tanuki suit won't save you all the time. It's your turn to statue for like two seconds.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And I mean girls like it. Oh, they love it. Yeah, they go a ship for that. Yeah, it's super cute. And it comes with a little tail and the leers. It's like you're wearing a Japanese hat. Anyway, so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:12 What were we talking about? I don't know. I live here a while. I live here a while dyes in his arms. Which gives, which gives JT some an avenging fury. Yeah, now just him has nothing to lose. So he goes through the different zones to the rich person zone and start setting himself up in style.
Starting point is 00:15:27 He goes to a rich person's casino and he meets Pete Campbell from Mad Men. Who is? Probably not a guy. Who is, I always, he's just like, I guess I assume the worst like the guy who runs everything. They don't quite come out and say it. He's King Cooper. He's a big and say it. But he's King Cooper. Well, he's a big time like banker. Like he's a time banker.
Starting point is 00:15:49 He is a big time banker. Yes, he's a time bank catch. He runs like time credit. Yeah, organization. Oh, that's true. His name is Weiss because of course the movie kind of implies that the Jews are behind the banking. And no one's more Jewish than Pete Campbell.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And he yeah, he, you're right. He runs a chain of like time lending banks with a very steep rates, very steep. And of course, he is, he is like 30 25 years old too. I mean, like, like, he's got the, he's got daughters that are, well, they throw in a good bit where they show his mother-in-law, his wife, and then his daughter, and they're all age, except Amanda C. Fried, his daughter dresses like she's like four years older. Yeah, she's always running like party dresses. Like she dresses like Nancy, basically, or like a little doll. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Uh, she's dressing for the Bonnie part and the Bonnie and Clyde that they're going to become. I mean, she looks more like she's dressing for the Angelica part in Rugrats. Okay. Let's say that. That's a good one. What was the, El Maira from Tiny Toons? Is that her name?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Sure. I mean, either of those work. She has a man to see free the body though. That's, that should not be overlooked. Yeah, like El Maira from Tiny Toons. Okay. Now now got weird. No she does anyway it's slamming but moving on. It's a slamming salmon. It's not at all. It's broken lizards. No please. It's at the very least her body is super droolers.
Starting point is 00:17:20 please. It's at the very least her body is super troopers. But it's way better than that. Anyway, he meets Pete Campbell, who's a big rich muck and he muck. His daughter, Pete Campbell's daughter is a man to see free. And Justin Timberlake and Pete Campbell, you know, high stakes game of Texas Holdham. Just roughly a hundred years in the future, Texas Holdham is still the hottest shit in the world.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah. I mean, I guess maybe it just came back around. It was a retro craze. It hottest shit in the world. Yeah. I mean, I guess maybe it just came back around. It was a retro craze. It's a retro craze. Yeah. The same way that hitting that big hoop with a stick is such a big thing right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And Martin barrels around. Yeah. Pastimes come back every 100 years or so. So Timer Blake and Pete Campbell have a poker game. Timer Blake wins like a thousand years. Now he's super rich and Dan spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to work out the exchange rate. Like between time and I figured it out.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I don't think in the context of the movie, no amount of time is ridiculous. All right. So, I mean, there's like two months paid for like a nice, a nice but not great hotel room in like the fanciest part of town. But he also had a meal that cost him eight and a half weeks. I don't know, but like the two months, that's over, that's almost like two months. It's almost like two months.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It's like that it could cost more than that. That restaurant was not like John George quality. All right, but my point is, he wasn't that per se. Let's say then, now that we've mentioned them, they have to give us free stuff, right? Right, yeah, yes,
Starting point is 00:18:48 because we're so well listened to. Now, but let's say then that two months is $400. So that makes like a year's worth of time is about $2,500 at that point, you know? Like, so to have like a hundred years, you know, all right, you're talking about, uh, $250,000. That's a lot of money. It's a lot of money. But if that's television writers, but if that's all that you have for all of your life, like that is like, like one year salary of like a well off person, it's not, you know, it's a 100% dance, a 100
Starting point is 00:19:22 percent. Yeah. But like a rich person, but that's one year of their salary. There's not like they're set for life after they have 100 years on their time on. And you're also using that time at a regular rate as well. That's true. You also use up money by just living, by just experiencing time. That's a good point. And one that's not really. Time is money, which is really the phrase that was the inspiration for this.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Someone was like, he was stoned. He's like, what if time was money? Yes. Someone said time is money. And he went, whoa, what if it was? Get me my pen. He writes everything on long hand. And then he wrote this script in the evening.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yes. So Jimbo, this is nowhere where time is money, but they don't actually seem to do anything ever really. Well, that's because the rich people are afraid of getting hurt and the poor people are just taking action because it's it would use up well because you do have time cops called timekeepers. Okay, here the main one is Killian Murphy who may know is scarecrow from Batman begins. He looks 20. I'm scarecrow from scarecrow and Mrs. King. And scarecrow from Wizard of Oz. Wizard of Oz, yep. And what's that movie? And the Crow, Cheaper Creepers.
Starting point is 00:20:32 What's that movie with Al Pacino and Gene Hackman? Oh, yeah, scarecrow. Oh, it's just called scarecrow. Yeah, it's called scarecrow. Yeah, anyway. So Killian Murphy from some of those movies is a... Jabers Creepers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Is a timekeeper, which means he's like a cop who enforces the time laws. So you can't, the poor state poor be part of the time laws is, you don't talk about time laws. Okay. Second law of time was also, you don't talk about time laws. And the last law is if it's your first time, you have to time. All right. Well, so killing Murphy's on, on this guy's tail, right? He's on this guy's tail, right?
Starting point is 00:21:06 He's on this guy's tail chasing him. And because they have identified him as possessing a bunch of time, they don't know how he got it. And Jay time has, by this point, kidnapped, a fantasy freed. Well, we haven't gotten to that point. Maybe you kidnapped her heart. Yeah, well, he goes to a big party at Pete Campbell's house.
Starting point is 00:21:23 The killing Murphy comes in and takes away J. Times thousand years leaves over the only two hours and so J. Time takes Amanda Seafried who he's already gone skinny dipping with hostage like suddenly two days at most after his girlfriend's death by the way Powered by vengeance and she's the slam and salmon. I mean, what's the what don't you get? Like if it comes down to Amanda C. Fried versus Olivia Wilde sure I you know, I prefer a man to see for you But we're led to believe that Justin Timberlake had some serious feelings for this woman who died He's like I really enjoy this hamburger, but if this delicious steak is placed in front of me, I'll forget I ever had a hamburger
Starting point is 00:22:02 Okay, I Guess you know, I guess when, you know, you're using up your life by minute, there's no time to mourn. There's no time to mourn. Anyway, they're on the run. Is there any of you just did there? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Okay. I wish you didn't. They are, there's a cart, there's the first of about a billion car chases, they're not very good. They get into a car accident, some Minimane come along and take a man to see Freed's time. Now, they've only got like a couple minutes between them. Yeah, they're broke again. The rest of the movie is basically them on the lamb. They decide to start Robin time banks and give an out time, like a couple of Robin times. Like natural born killer. They become natural born
Starting point is 00:22:40 tires or time bandits. They become time bandits, which should have been the title of the movie, because it would have made me angry. And then it would have felt something about this movie. They become a bunch of time bandits. And it would be awesome if they became dwarves at that point. But they're just going around stealing time from people and giving it out to the masses. And this is going to totally destabilize the system. Would it be like super to form dwarves or like, like, Lord of the Rings to Wars?
Starting point is 00:23:04 You mean hobbits? No like Beards and shit Wait, they might have beards. I don't know why they would they be like super to form like like anime characters You mean with it. Oh, I laid be like that with the huge heads and the huge eyes. The seafood would be an anime character She already pretty much is an anime character. Yeah She if a man to see if he reminds me of anything. It's the hologram bride of that one character in archer. Yeah, creder Well, you should watch the show it's a good show Thanks Stuart for backing me up on that
Starting point is 00:23:46 on that one. No, no, just give me some support. I always tell them to time. Anyway, so they're on their Robin Hood spree, the cops are after them, Pete Campbell's after them, and it just kind of keeps going like that until. And then they do a turnaround and then they go after Pete Campbell and then they take his million. They take his, they take his million, which again, I worked out is one million years Is a couple trillion dollars worth of time. It's one time, right? I don't think that that's enough to destroy the world time economy. Maybe it's just just destroying the time economy of that city, I guess. Which is America.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah. That's the other thing is America in this world, wherever this place is, seems to be consistent of two cities. Well, maybe it's so far in the future that continental drifts has changed the shape of everything again. I see, so it's tiny. It's a new panjaya. Yeah. Yeah, or Nanjia.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Timejia, sir. Panjia. Panjie time. There's two cities. There's super-to-form definitely. There's new Greenwich, which is where all the rich people live, because I assume the cities of Greenwich and Old Greenwich were both atom-bombed, probably in the bad days
Starting point is 00:24:45 or the cataclysm, whatever they call it. And get it guys, get it Greenwich mean time. Pretty clever, huh? Yeah. That's really good. Greenwich. And the poor people live in Dayton. Because Dayton,
Starting point is 00:24:59 ton, date to date, I what I'm saying is it's a well-written date. Also, apparently, these are so fine. These are really well-delineated ghetto to really well-dena-delineated. Well, the different classes are very carefully shunted into their different areas. I guess there's no gentrification or anything or like people living with other people of different classes.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And as you point out, like, are the servants bust in from a different sector? I'm sort of like for Greenwich. Like, are they like rich and they just serve as hotel clerks and waitresses on a whim? Yeah, there's a lot of life. Is it like a co-op and everyone who lives there has to ask it like today? Yeah, today like a million or a day. Yeah, but tomorrow on the janitor, you know, I don't understand. It's a living. So they're dinosaur record players, what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Well, someone has to do it. So they decide to, they give that, they pretend to give themselves ends that they can get into the office of Pete Campbell. Pete Campbell has a million year time block. They take it out and it gets released to the public time destabilize. I got virus. There's a and and and Killian Murphy is just obsessed with taking them down. And there's a chase and Killian Murphy runs out of time and dies. And Justin Timberlake and Amanda C. Fried just kind of they they're saying the showdown, the big chase, where they finally come to face, face to face
Starting point is 00:26:29 with their pursuer. They've been face to face with them before. But like the moment where it's like, this is it, this is the end of the movie. Yeah. The, the, the, this is the main antagonist. This is the main antagonist.
Starting point is 00:26:39 All of a sudden, just falls down dead after looking at his forearm. Yeah. You may end out of time. Well, you're forgetting that the other big conflict was resolved basically with an arm wrestling match. With a very boring arm wrestling match that involves just earlier in the movie,
Starting point is 00:26:54 I mean, doesn't just thing can be pretty great. Yeah, over the top. Let's just say that's a great movie. Yeah. I'll say it. I'll say it. It's no day when catch. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I'll say right now.
Starting point is 00:27:05 You don't know how to say it all day. Because you said you would say it then you didn't say. It's disappointing. I mean, if you're going to push me and do it, I'll say it. It seemed like your body was cash and check. Your ego was right in checks that your body couldn't cash. Yeah, my body and my mouth were both cash and checks. And your body was cash and checks that your toes
Starting point is 00:27:20 didn't have money in the bank to pay for. In the time bank. So your ankles run default and the bank sent the loan collectors to your butt. Right. Is that accurate? Is that accurate? Some real situation.
Starting point is 00:27:33 That is some real, the economic state of your body. Economic. Economic. Yeah, gross. So super grody, Dan. Let's move on. Now, but like these. Super.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Super. These minute men like they're angry at JT in the first place, but then society becomes more destabilized and because Justin Timberlake is handing out free time, like more people are getting hurt because these. Because these minute men are more victims. But there's a scene earlier where Justin J. Tim's shows AC's where how to win an arm wrestling match, which is that you just hold the other arm really tight and you force them to look at your
Starting point is 00:28:11 time. You want to get down to the last piece. You're talking about time. Because here's the thing about time, you can exchange it with people just by holding hands and both people. I can't get to those. I'm just exchanging those. New trance.
Starting point is 00:28:23 New trance trance. New trance trance. both people like Kang and Kodos exchanging those new trends trends, protein strands. Yeah, we're like, what are those, those mutants who have to be holding hands to shoot out laser blasts? Yeah, I don't know. They showed up, Fenris. Anyway, they showed up during the trial of Magneto. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:28:38 It's only pretty lame mutants. Well, they're pretty powerful when they're holding hands. I mean, we're there pretty lucky. They're brother and sister and they have to hold hands, which is weird. Like to hold hands with your grown sister. Everyone also would be making fun of them. Yeah, totally. You're a laser bless.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It means they're all so funny. They're holding their hands. But anyway, you keep your hand on the bottoms. Then the other guy can see your clock. You let your time run super low, like eight seconds left till you die. At that point, he's going to take his eye away and look at your clock And that's when you switch positions and start stealing his time go the switch Aruny But you know how you've got super
Starting point is 00:29:12 Because he's distracted by When you run out of time it gives you a guess of burst of energy But but he is but you can take time from somebody without their permission Like you can it doesn't make sense how you Get time from one person to another. But Justin Timberlake uses this trick on the Minuteman leader, steals his time and shoots the henchmen, but it's like a minute of them just kind of like holding each other's
Starting point is 00:29:36 arms and looking at each other. That sounds like that must have been the big action sequence of the movie. Yeah. Kind of. Kind of the climax. There are a couple of action moments. But so at the- We're while sitting down, he shoots a couple of guys and then wins an arm wrestling. Yeah. Uh, come on Stewart, he wins an
Starting point is 00:29:51 arm wrestling mass, then shoots a couple of guys. No, it stewards right. He's midwinter. He's winning. He's winning. He's even distracted by the fact that he's arm wrestling. Yeah. Well, that's not good. He is at time wrestling. They meet up with Killian Murphy. Chrono wrestling. Yeah, Chrono wrestling.
Starting point is 00:30:10 They meet up with Killian Murphy. Killian Murphy dies of time disease, not having any. And the two of them, it looks like he's a good doctor. Oh, it looks like he's got time disease. They leave his body, he's just having like everyone else does. They leave his body in the street and they're running at a time too. But they get more time from his cop car.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And then they just keep on as time robbers and society is to stabilize and one of the deputies who's working with Murphy quits. And their folk heroes and they start robbing time banks again. And that's the end of the movie. Well, the last shot is the two of, about to rob the biggest bank ever. Yeah, I assume it's time to depriving where two Williams' farm gageants and are about to go into the giant island full of monsters.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And there's just like the two of, I mean, I don't care. I mean, the movie's fucking over at this point. So who cares? But I'm still kind of like, okay, there's just two of you going into this huge bank. Well, it's like the Matrix. So you're probably gonna gunstrap to their who-haz.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Okay. And legs. And they probably know karate like that. Neoghide did. Yeah. And they can control bullets with bullet time. Cause it's time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. I think he's got a time time. So you can hold each other's hands and shoot fucking lasers. I don't know. Like, like, like, shit. Come on. It's a movie. So this is a pretty lazy dystopia. It's incredibly lazy. Talk about that for a second. Everyone drives around dystopian futures, equilibrium's 1984 and that one you can. That one you came back from the future to warn us about. Yeah, I've seen them all. But well, this I mean, like they're all
Starting point is 00:31:38 driving like 70s cars around, but they have like they've got like space noises when they drive. It's regular. It looks like it looks like they shot a move, they made a choice. It's kind of like, you said this was made by the same guy who made Gatica. Yeah. In Gatica, it's like the future, but they all wear old tiny suits. In this one, it's like, it's the future, but they all
Starting point is 00:31:55 drive old cars. But it's like the studio is like, can we future up these cars a little bit? So when they open the door to a 70's muscle car, you hear, psh, like a new manic noise. Yeah. It's ridiculous. And they were driving around. It's like like repo man was kind of the same way, right?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Great. Great pull. I don't remember that well, but repo man was basically the same. No, not at all. No, it was more futuristic. No, less futuristic than repo man. repo man. Oh, I'm starting to think of repo man.
Starting point is 00:32:23 repo man was like that. Yeah. Yeah. Who do you repo man? Didn't Oh, I'm sorry. I think a repo man repo man was like that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, repo man didn't have a lot of space out of that. I mean, at the end that card they glow and go up till then there were not a lot of them. But in repo man. Yeah, it's the future, but they all dress and live in houses that look exactly like nowadays. It's like the movie AI where it's like 200 years in the future, but guys still dress like Steven Spielberg dresses now like khaki isn't a button down plaid shirt. I mean, and that's, look, that's a fine choice to make.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I mean, I, you know, I want to see them wear in space clothes. But, you know, like in Bill and Ted's, Bokeh's journey, we can all acknowledge that things change slower than people imagine they're going to change. Like, people are like, you know, like, we don't want them to wear silver jumps.
Starting point is 00:33:03 1950s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s, you know, like, we don't want them to wear silver jumps. 19, 50 spaces, space cars are like these crazy visions that are you, you know, we're never gonna come true. But you gotta pick one or the other. You can't have just regular cars with space noises on top of them. Because why would they add those? But also like, there's no things,
Starting point is 00:33:20 the things in the ghetto area of Dayton, like don't look. The surroundings look like it's a district made up of warehouses and rundown buildings, but everyone's dressed pretty nicely. And like they don't look, they're all 25. So they don't look malnourished or unhealthy, like they all look really healthy
Starting point is 00:33:38 and like they're having a great time. And do we have any idea how long it's been since there's like time economy was instituted? Yeah, at least 100 years. That's the thing like they don't They don't really address any of the Questions you would want to ask about this which is like has it always been this way or like to start at some point I mean, they say people have been genetically altered to be this way But they don't give like the details details of why the switchover happened.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Or like... What you're saying is they should open with a woman's voiceover in the year 2245 after the great disaster. Exactly. Man. Reemerge from the underground. I like it, but it seems like... Led by the scientist.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Let's watch it. Kroge von Kroger. They designed the time men. If this is going to be a movie about overthrowing the dominant power, then there has to be some indication at some point of like why did this operate this way or how? Well, it's a metaphor. It's all a big allegory. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:36 But it's not set up that way. It's set up like a science fiction action. It's set up like a science fiction action. This is what I was going to say, actually, which is- And then I've got the other thing to say. I could imagine this premise as goofy as it is making an okay movie but they would have to scale it way back and make it like a human scaled much more of like a overt metaphor like allegory picture like I I could see more like
Starting point is 00:35:01 primer. Yeah I could see something like primer or even like more of an art film approaching this material and making it work in some way. But when you turn it, when you like graphed on just a regular sort of action, kind of a buying and client line, you start putting more reactions around action. Okay. When you graphed on like a thriller. Let's call it thriller. It was very thrilling.
Starting point is 00:35:23 A conventional plot line. When you graphed a conventional plot line on top of this, all you can think about are the logic flaws at the point. Here's the thing I couldn't quite understand because they explain a little bit how the time works. It's in your arm, people can steal it from you. When you die, your time gets locked in you. If you die before you've used up your time,
Starting point is 00:35:40 they keep it in time, bricks. All that stuff is totally explainable. In the real world, we have money. People without a lot of money are poor. People with money are rich. But something called credit has evolved to fill the gap so that you can borrow and then pay back. But it's not money. It's a different kind of thing than money. And in this, they have where you can borrow time. And then I guess pay it back at a later date, but like The interest rates are so ridiculously high like credit doesn't really seem to exist in this movie Or like there's no market in this movie. It's just kind of like you would think that there would be some kind of a system in place
Starting point is 00:36:18 So that if you are I don't know just about to die for not having enough time that you could I don't know just about to die for not having enough time that you could borrow someone credit at reason at rates that are not Like it's that this movie seems to be predicated on the idea that if you have a small group of people who control everything They can oppress poor people by constantly forcing poor people to die But the problem is that you don't have enough poor people to run your back Yeah, that was what I was about to say like They seem to be saying, we're going to keep these people down. This is our way of oppressing them. That kind of economy only works if it's a pyramid. The work of the mini is going to create an easy lifestyle for the people at the top.
Starting point is 00:37:01 You can't just kill off all of the people at the bottom. Leave their bodies rotting in the street. We never see the bodies rotting. I wonder if they're just like, they turn into time. Hahaha. Does it feel like either? I mean, ultimately this is not,
Starting point is 00:37:17 like there's a lot of holes with this dystopia, but like, you don't say it. I think the movie, it's almost like the movie holes. But I think the, like, I think the filmmaker would probably say like, you don't say it. I think the movie, it's almost like the movie holes. But I think the like, I think the filmmaker would probably say like, Hey, it's not, it's, it's, you know, it's not literal. Don't get hung up on the details, but it does feel really slapped together.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And like, you never give a shit what happens. Yeah. But like, if it's, if it's sort of this, uh, outrage cry, say about like the class system, then it has to show some basic understanding of how the class system actually works. I guess so. Rather than what this movie sets up, which is completely unwirkable system.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah, and then expect this to worry about the people involved. Yeah. Is Justin Timberlake gonna have enough time to get out of this one? Like, yeah, he is, because there's no movie if he doesn't. And for there to be a satisfying revenge story for Justin Timberlake, you have to put more than maybe 15 minutes worth of setup into his character. Like, he wakes up, he goes to factory. Oh no, he gets a bunch of time. He gets a bunch of time. Oh no, his girlfriend dies,
Starting point is 00:38:19 time to go on a revenge spree. Yeah, one of the thing is like the main motivator for his revenge, his girlfriend dying is sort of hustled onto the rug so he can have a romance. He kind of forgets about it. But then once again, hamburger steak guys. But then he talked about that. We learned that you've managed to figure out a way to compare these two women in a way that denigrates neither of them. And that in no way is offensive to all human beings. So you managed to come up with this analogy comparing two beautiful women to ground up hamburgers or beef or non ground up or non ground up beef that really I think it's
Starting point is 00:39:00 just so not misogynistic at all. It shows a sensitivity. A real egalitarianism. The thing is, L.A. Times money. I don't think that is applied. I don't understand. Are you losing money? I deflected your critique.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Pew. Oh, man. The last thing I'll say about this is it was Lazy Throne together. Like, same thing we were saying. Like, we don't know who Justin Timberlake is. Later on in the movie, Killian Murphy starts saying, you didn't know your dad, but he tried to do the same thing we were saying. Like we don't know who Justin Timberlake is. Later on in the movie, Killian Murphy starts saying, you didn't know your dad,
Starting point is 00:39:26 but he tried to do the same thing. And we never, that never comes to fruition in any way. Because values are genetic. Yes. Exactly, just like time. And it's just a lame, it's a boring movie. Yeah, we're already kind of there, but I guess we should give our final judgments
Starting point is 00:39:45 Okay, um, this is a good bad movie a bad bad movie or a movie you kind of like Stewart what do you have to say? What's a you know, I'll do a bad bad movie this bad bad movie like as if that was a surprise as if we convinced you I agree with you guys know it's It's it's not but it maybe if it was a little more actiony, it's just for a movie that's all about time, it seems to not make very good use of it. It moves very slowly.
Starting point is 00:40:15 The worst thing about it is not that the society it sets up doesn't work, but that it's just super slow and dull. And you talked to that. And as you just did the parody of the director saying, oh, you can't take it too seriously. But one of the problems with movies, it does take itself a little too seriously. Yeah, very seriously, except it uses the word time a lot. Yeah, okay. Within the first three minutes of the movie, I think you hear the word time more times than I've heard it my entire life. Well, and that's a second way is directly into what I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:40:42 which is for the first, you know, minutes i thought oh maybe this this could be a good bad movie because it's so silly with all of the time stuff being set up but all that gets thrown at you quickly at the beginning of the movie and then the rest of the movie is is is is sort of a slog like it does not a call slog ever have that level of with extra meaning sustained goofiness again as you said all you at one point like a coals log ever have that level of with extra man sustained goofiness again. As you said, Elliott, at one point, like, I don't like movies where the hero
Starting point is 00:41:09 has spent a lot of their time hiding out. And that's, uh, that's a lot of the middle section of this movie. It's, yeah, the heroes aren't doing a lot. They're just kind of like waiting around in hotel rooms, repeating to each other what the movie is about. Yeah. If they're not hiding from a terminator, I don't want to see it. Yes. But the, I mean, to be on the run is okay, but to be just sitting in a hotel room for a long time going like, are we stealing?
Starting point is 00:41:36 If you steal something that's already stolen, is that stealing? Or is that blah, blah, blah? Here's how you win time arm wrestling. Time wrestling. So I wasn't going gonna give it a bad, bad movie also because of the storytelling. It's just a, you'd think a movie like this where they're constantly running at a time. They'd be running and it would be super fast.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Like you'd want it to be like crank, but instead it's not like crank. It's just kind of very dull. And that is the worst crime a film can commit to be dull. A time crime. So a time to kill, time. I've got some... Time X takes a time and keeps on timing.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I have a few letters to read. This one letters. Oh yeah, this is my favorite part. Dan, you sound so depressed because we're reading letters no i just i forgot to print them out because while are they all talk about how their favorite movies time uh... wait no in time is then we'd be in trouble uh... i forgot to print them out
Starting point is 00:42:36 also the movie should have been called just in time so i uh... i'm reading the most of my i-pad i can see how that would make the experience so much worse well i just i have invented things in the same way. And this also, this will be a nice, it's rough on the eyes. This will be a nice ad for the Flophouse Wiki, where they talk about Dan's iPad. Oh, yeah. Wait, do they have a thing for Dan's iPad?
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yeah, I do. Oh, okay. Flophouse Wiki. Well, not nearly for porn and surfing for Las Vegas strip. Taking pictures of his own videos. Not true, my friend. So this is, by the way, I'll just want to say the people at the fly pass we're here doing great work. Keep it up, fellas. We really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:43:09 This letter is from Andrew Lesney withheld and it's called some praise for Elliott and then I call him out for being a wrong idiot. Oh, you get that a lot. I do get called out for being a wrong idiot a lot. So I guess. Hello, Dan Elliott and Stuart, it's not a massive part of your broadcast and be honest, it's part broadcast. That's our cattle prod talk podcast. And to be honest, it's the part that sort of signals the fun is over and a slavish adherence to the format
Starting point is 00:43:35 means there's going to be about five minutes of gag free earnest bullshit. Is this a recommendation? But I thought I'd write to say that the recommendations, specifically, Elliott's recommendations, are almost uniformly excellent. Thank you. This praise would never be followed by someone calling me a big wrong idiot. Thanks to the Flop House, I've seen the friends of Eddie Coil and Doug up Los Angeles stars as itself.
Starting point is 00:43:56 It's on YouTube with only part 11 of 12 removed for copyright reasons. So I'm torn. While recommendations is the wiping your dick on a hand towel to the movie's movie reviews, actual full body coitus. If it wasn't there, I never would have heard of Castle Freak. I think so. You've found somehow a worse analogy than Stuart's hamburger steak one. Where ironically, a man cleans his dick by ripping it off. Wait, that's how he was cleaning his dick?
Starting point is 00:44:21 cleanses dick by ripping it off. Wait, that's how he was cleaning his dick. Yeah. Also, sometimes you just overzealous with your cleanliness. You think he was like a paper towel? Who knows? I'm not a fucking freak. That's true. You don't live in a castle.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Also in the red riding episode, self-proclaimed, pedant, Elliot, talked about red riding as being said in North England. In England, we'd say Northern England or the North of England. Oh, what? Pedent Elliott talked about red riding as being said in North England in England We'd say Northern England or the north of England. Oh, no England makes no sense This has been bothering me for about two months now call yourself a pedent you idiot Keep up the good work. Wow. I should have just said Yorkshire So well, thanks for calling me out on that one as you can tell I don't know what I'm talking about when I'm using English geographical terms. Obviously, I also have a hard time reading when I'm not reading on
Starting point is 00:45:10 paper. Yeah, because it's hard. I can see. Yeah. It's like you're just spinning on Steve Jobs grave right now. Exactly. But thanks for your letter. And thanks for the praise. I think it's a movie called Los Angeles plays itself. Yeah. So there you go. So take that. Peter one. That guy. Who on the whole side? I guess we, uh, yes, do it. I just typed five, but it was kind of a tap. Yeah. It was a gentle. Pretty lame high five. Well, now we're caressing each other's hands. Okay. Now our hands are moving farther down. Okay. Let's go. Now we're arm wrestling for time. Stuart's looking at my time clock. Oh, he's that distracted. Oh, that's oh now we're arm wrestling for time. Stewards looking at my time clock. Oh He's that distracted. Oh, it's dead now. This is a guess and I have his time
Starting point is 00:45:50 This one is from Matthew last name with hell and it's titled Dan is the best flopper I'm gonna apply this right now with an email titled no he isn't sure. Okay, go on Dearest by man to coy I could go on. Dearest by man, Decoi. A man, Decoi. Dearest house of flop. I started listening after Dan's guest spot on Readin' Weep and quickly became hooked.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I've run through the whole back catalog several times and have even begun contributing to the wiki. So I think I could be safely be called a flop house mega fan. And I'm writing into address a persistent issue through most of the episodes. So I'm saying it couldn't be done flop house mega fan. And I'm writing into a dress of persistent issue to most of the episode. So I said it couldn't be done, the mega fan. Dan is always undervalued by Stuart and Elliott. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Well, I appreciate all of Elliott's words that sound like other words and Stuart's fondness for talking about boobs, not to mention the house cat. I think if I were one of the floppers, I would be Dan. Really? Oh. I would be Dan. Really? Oh. I would be Dan because I can relate to him better. He's like the big brother of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Wow. Yeah. How's that? Who are we talking about? To deal with two random bucks and siblings. Woo. So don't worry, Dan. You've got fans, too, or one fan, at least. But I didn't write just to play it, praise Dan. We'll say, too, is what't worry, Dan. You've got fans to or one fan at least, but I didn't write just to play it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Praise Dan. We'll say two is why it's probably a face. Nope. She said I'm her favorite. I have some questions for all three of you. What were your two favorite movies of last year? What was your least favorite movie? And if you were shut up in a windalous room with a TV, a DVD player and one DVD of your choice,
Starting point is 00:47:24 what movie from any year would you choose? Stuart, you should assume that Casafrique and Visible Maniac and Head of the Family are already there and you get to pick a fourth movie. Yes, that fair Stuart gets fuller movies. Well, we got a lot of questions. I feel like in our in our flop, tagular flop cast awards flopper, we, we cover the movies and least and maybe least I think our least favorite for me and Stuart was what skyline skyline was my least favorite flop movie your highness was released your highness was really bad but I what about this desert island movie idea
Starting point is 00:47:58 that was one of the oh oh I'm staying on a desert you move you get to choose not not I'm not pitching like a movie idea fucking a remake of the, I think it's a remake of the blue lagoon. It's a remake of a castaway. No, it's a blue lagoon castaway where it gets stuck on the thing. What? The blue lagoon tunes Fane Dazzling Island thing. All right, well, I don't think it's... I don't think it's...
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah, he's not stuck on an island, but he has... I don't think he's stuck on an island. No, it's a, it's a, it's a fantasy island. Parity with Defi Duc as Ricardo Montevon. Yeah. And speedy is a... Parayovon. Yeah, and speedy is uh, her hay velleches. Yeah. Yeah, but it can't be like that. No. Okay. I think maybe it's it might have started off with daffy getting stuck on the island and then realizing that
Starting point is 00:48:34 there was a magic well there. Oh, yeah, maybe. But I don't think that I don't think the main thrust of it was that he made what I'm not spending the whole time bitching about how he can't get off the island. I'm guessing they have a Stuart's movie that he would have on I mean, it's looney tunes. It's fantastic island. That's not the choice I expect you to make. I thought you were going to say like some kind of browser scopulation. There's something with boobs in it.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, what are you gonna pick, Stu? I'll probably say the granny. Interesting. The granny, it's a movie featuring an old granny who becomes a demon and then kills all of her ungrateful children. There's some boobs and a dead granny at the end. Spoiler alert. So you like a movie that has boobs and dead old people. We found what Stewart likes. If you make a movie that has boobs, dead old people. We found what Stewart likes.
Starting point is 00:49:25 If you make a movie that has boobs, dead old people, a guy getting a guy, a guy, you don't get to see those people dead. A guy, a guy, a guy, a guy, a guy ripping his own penis off and someone being killed with a submarine sandwich, it would be Stewart's perfect movie. Box office hit. No, no, no, diminishing of a niche film. What about you, Daniel?
Starting point is 00:49:51 I might go with North by Northwest, which is not my favorite Hitchcock movie, but probably the most entertaining Hitchcock movie. And Alfred Hitchcock is maybe the most entertaining director. So that's not there. There's a case to be made for that. So it's up there just in terms of just sheer joy. I don't know if I would go with that as my favorite movie,
Starting point is 00:50:12 but it's a movie that's easy to watch and it's still easy to watch when she's seen it a couple of times. I would go with the original taking of Palemone 2.3, which is one of my two favorite movies. And it is a movie that you can watch over and over again. Every time I watch it, I kind of want to rewind it and watch it again right away.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And I would go less insane if I had that on my desert island as the only movie. That's a great movie. If you haven't seen it, you need to go see it. Yeah, I just rewatched it actually a couple weekends ago, and man, is that a good movie It's really good and time entertaining oh boy Okay, you don't know entertaining until you've seen the original taking a poem one two three, but probably no dead grannies though, right?
Starting point is 00:50:55 There no dead grannies and like a big fat guy who's kind of old gets killed okay But I'm up for that Doris Roberts is in it when she she was middle aged as opposed to very old as she is now. So you can imagine she's a granny. Okay. She doesn't die, but. Yeah, I mean, spoiler relief. Yeah, thanks. So this one is from Clay last name withheld.
Starting point is 00:51:17 It's titled. A goal. Wow. Wait, what's the title of that one again? Wow. It's close. It's close to the actual one again? Oh, it's close. It's close to the actual property that the love floppers. You patented that.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You copyrighted it. Yeah. I'm from Daleville, Indiana, which is about an hour south of Fort Wayne. No, nice. As I was listening to the latest episode, I was happy to hear that steward had recently been home to Fort Wayne. But as I thought about it, I still went down my spine. I remember that a while ago, as I stood outside at night smoking a cigarette, I heard a chilling
Starting point is 00:51:49 screech. It could only be described as a giant. That's better. The squeal haunted me every night until I heard the episode. I now realize it must have been none other than the Flop House house cat, who I assume must have been with Stewart as he drove north on interstate 69 from Indianapolis toward Fort Wayne. Now I feel so honored to have been only a quarter of a mile from the Flop House house cat. Thank you guys for the laughs and great times. Not me though, obviously. I can't wait to hear from the house cat soon. Yeah, I'll send
Starting point is 00:52:17 you a letter. It's a very prolific letter writer. Yeah, so you and the house cat went together to visit your family. Yeah, my wife wasn't super cool with it because she had to sit in the back. I assume the house cat feed out the window. Yeah. Just toss and beer cans out. Yeah. Listen to Van Halen the whole way. Raisin hell, Megan Trouville, and listening to VH.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Okay, so our final letter tonight. Or whatever time of day you're listening to this time is From Elliott's brother what David last name with help Thanks for withholding the last name of my brother and brother of Elliott Kalan Is he gonna complain about some sports trivia? We got wrong? Let's clarify this Rooney Mara Giants connection That sounds like my brother. Yeah, let's clarify this Rooney Mara Giants connection Since Stewart you are now no Stewart Domis the fortune telling guy robot He's a robot in this scenario
Starting point is 00:53:18 Since this episode was first posted a month ago I predict the fall of humanity I'm sure I'm just what Elliott's brother will talk about since this episode was first posted a month ago. I predict the fall of humanity. I'm sure I'm just what Elliot's brother will talk about. Since it's episode was first posted a month ago, I'm sure I'm well behind on the whole thing, but I was listening to your Dreamhouse podcast today while sitting in my friends apartment in Dallas named dropper. What do you say? I feel the need to explain. Dallas is not the person. Not Bryce Dallas Howard. I feel I need to explain why Rooney Mara is related to the giants and steal the deck. Not Dallas the character from aliens. Rooney Mara is Giant's the giants and Steely back here. Not Dallas the character from Aliens. Rooney Mara is Giant's part owner, John Mara's niece, not his daughter.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Rooney's father, Timothy Mara, not to be confused with Giant's founder, Tim Mara. Rooney's great grandfather, who started the team in 1925, is the Giant's vice president of Player Evaluation. Thanks, Dicapedia. Interestingly. Tire the Mara's wife, that is... That's not interesting. No, that was the wrong word to use to start that sentence, Dave.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Interestingly, Tire DiMaro's wife, that is Rooney's mother, is actually the granddaughter of Pittsburgh Steelers founder, Art Rooney Sr., making Rooney Maro the great granddaughter of both the founder of the Giants and the Steelers. The Steelers current chairman, Dan Rooney, is her great uncle. Dan Rooney is also an ambassador to Ireland. What about Andy Rooney? How is he related? No, no, no. But as a result of these connections, if I'm not mistaken, Rooney Mara and her sister Kate, both regularly have clauses written into their contracts, stating that if the giants or Steelers make the Super Bowl, they do not have to work that day so they can attend the game.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Also, another fun bit of giants movie trivia. Again, fun, not the right answer. Another owner, Steve Tish, a producer for Forest Cump, is the only man to ever win both a Super Bowl and an Oscar for Best Picture. He didn't deserve either. I hope that fully answers the question. None of you are asking. If you actually read this in your next episode, I'm sure Elite will follow up this explanation with some drool mockery of my personality or our relationship. If that happens, you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:55:07 No, I am proud to call you my brother and proud of the vast stores of crap that you have in your brain. Look, it's just different kinds of crap. That's true. Okay, I'll give you that. You just have you covered different areas. No, you would be killer the two of you on a, say a pub trivia team. Yeah, we should team up sometime. I mean, technically the state of New York has barred us from doing that. For the reason that we would destroy all comers. Mm-hmm. Well, I'm glad my,
Starting point is 00:55:34 and all these hearts would be broken when they find out that you're already taken. I will end that my brother, he's single. Yeah, but you guys can't do like a tag team on any girl. Okay, that's why they're hard to be broke Not an image I ever want to think of That I am glad speaking that my brother put a lot of energy into that rather than in dating Wow, so you didn't serve a burger. There's the drill mockery
Starting point is 00:55:58 All spicy no just kidding. Thanks, Dave. JK. Thanks for correcting us on that. I've already forgotten what you told us I think what you're saying was that art Karni is the founder of the Steelers. That's weird when you find the dumb. So let's do some really quick recommendations on movies we've seen recently that we might give these flop houseout steal of approval. Usually the way you say it is, movies we actually liked. Okay. Two real quick ones.
Starting point is 00:56:32 First is, I think you should go see John Carter because it's actually pretty good and it deserves to make some money. Jimmy Carter. John Carter, John Carter Mars. The carpenters go some Mars. Because it's not a fucking Transformers sequel. Like you should go see it please
Starting point is 00:56:45 make give it some money. The other one is a recommendation for Martha Marcy May Marlene. I want to see that I see a psychological thriller and it's exactly like in time. I actually was yeah no it's great John Hawks is good in it and it's the type of thriller that you don't quite know what's real or what's a dream or what's what's going on when and time is kind of crazy it's it's great and it manages to make normal stuff seem very scary which I'm always impressed by. I'm gonna wreck it I was on a on my flight to and from Las Vegas. I saw three movies. I'm going to recommend all of them to varying degrees
Starting point is 00:57:28 starting at the low end. I watched Tower Heist, which I would say probably is a good movie to watch on an airplane. I'm not sure in another situation how much I would have liked it, but I really enjoyed it. It's a it's a surprising attempt to do like in late 60s, early 70s, like New York light thriller, Caper Thriller. It's less of a comedy than it was sold as. It's got kind of an interesting cross section of actors in it. Alan Alden, Matthew Broderick, I think are particularly kind of fun in it. Real steel, I watched, which is much better than any movie about fighting robots should be.
Starting point is 00:58:03 That's a movie that- Why do you know that? Robot Jocks. Yeah, why would you apply that a movie about fighting robots would be bad? Well, I would assume this movie's gonna be great. This movie starts off guys with a robot fighting a bull at a small town country fair. Wait, so the robot is working with his way up through the system?
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah, no, it's not a little junky robot that's fighting a bull. This is the robot of Trump. It sounds awesome, then this is the robot of Trump. That sounds awesome. Then this is the movie for you. Like Hugh Jackman is possibly one of the world's most charming men. He commits to this with total seriousness. I mean, seriousness in the sense that he really commits to it,
Starting point is 00:58:37 but he's got, you know, he's got a winking in the performance. But it's fun. It's a much better movie than I expected. And finally, I finally watched the coveted three. I watched Crazy Stupid Love, which I really enjoyed. It I think that it got probably less attention than it could have gotten based on number one the ads that made it look like love actually to and number two, the terrible title of Crazy Stupid Love.
Starting point is 00:59:02 It is a terrible title. But it's it's those apps guys, am I right? Well, the thing is like, the Gosling, Gosling, Ryan Gosling, I was not, I was not on board with Ryan Gosling until this year, then I saw a drive and this movie and I'm like, now I get it. You didn't see Hef Nelson?
Starting point is 00:59:16 He's okay in that, but I was like, he's good in that. I don't know, this year I'm saying I like him better. What's the big deal? He's on crack. Who cares? You didn't see Make Way for Gosling? In this movie, in this movie, like, I never thought that Ryan
Starting point is 00:59:28 Gosling had a sense of humor before I saw this movie, but he's basically doing like self-parody in this film. Like, he's really like... I don't think he knew it was a comedy. Well, whatever. He's very funny in it. Like, playing the womanizer who is super charming, super like, like, masculine, nose how to get women, but like, there's a wink in his performance. It's really, you know, like, he's just really funny in it. So I like that movie. I'm gonna recommend an old movie. What a surprise, huh? This is a movie. I saw the other day that I enjoyed a lot called the exile. Uh, it's the first movie that, uh, the director, Max Opholes made in the United
Starting point is 01:00:06 States. You may know him from such films as La Raune and the earrings of Madame du. But this is a movie he made with Douglas Fairbanks Jr. about Charles II being an exile in France after Cromwell took control of England and before Charles II returned for the restoration. And it's actually kind of a, it's this really fun, kind of, rollicking adventure where Douglas Fairbanks Jr. is kind of doing a homage to his father, Douglas Fairbanks, playing this very lighthearted, charming, smiling, and there's the story about how he's the King of England. And he's on the run from Cromwell soldiers in Amsterdam or in the Netherlands, I think, but our Holland or wherever.
Starting point is 01:00:48 But it's just like a fun adventure romance. And a lot for a movie that I kind of watched on a lark, it was very enjoyable surprise. And Douglas Fairbank's junior is really charming in it. And it's just a lot of it's the kind of movie that I wish Hollywood made more of and which the first of the Antonio Mandoris And Bender Azora movies it made it seem like there was gonna be return of Just kind of like old-fashioned charming adventure. So I'd recommend that one the exile Well guys gotcha. It looks like we're running out of
Starting point is 01:01:21 Time do I have time for one plug. Yeah, please time. Do I have time for one plug? Yeah, please. Uh, this coming April 5th, the first Thursday in April at 7.30 PM will be the last of my movie screenings at 92. I try back up. I already have my tickets. Do you have yours? No, I was asking the listeners, not. Oh, anyway, so, uh, it's the last of my closely watched film screenings. The screening I've been doing, serious. I've been doing for a little bit less than three years now, I guess It's been a fun series, but time to draw it to a close. We're gonna be showing a movie called the Good Fairy starring Margaret Sullivan and Herbert Marshall and Frank Nelson who you may not
Starting point is 01:01:56 Not Frank Nelson. I'm sorry Frank Morgan who you may know as the wizard from Wizard of Oz and It is one of Preston's surges his early scripts before he started directing his own movies. We're gonna be watching it with special guest John Oliver. I'm not familiar with his work of the Daily Show with John Stewart. Maybe you've still hit him in the love guru. Oh, yes, as Dick Pants. Yes, I do recall that. So John Oliver will be the guest. As always, as we do in this series, he has not seen the movie before and afterwards I'll ask him about what he thought of it. And we're also gonna be showing because it's the last ones they can't tell me I can't show it anymore. My seven and a half minute cut that I've made myself of Capricorn one starring Elliott
Starting point is 01:02:32 Gould and O.J. Simpson among others, the astronaut conspiracy thriller, which I've cut down to really just the Elliott Gould scenes. It's great. It's actually a lot of fun. And we'll be showing that and it's the last one. So April 5th The first Thursday in April 7 30 p.m. 90 twitribeca 200 hudson street. Oh, and I suppose very quickly before we go We should tease that we're gonna have another flop house live. Oh This is a really tease. It's not till June
Starting point is 01:03:00 That's right. You were we're gonna give you a flop house blue balls. Keep listening to this space You were there you missed twin you flop house blue balls. Keep listening to this space. You were there You missed twin sitters and you rude the day you missed 12 rounds and you almost killed yourself But now you've got another chance take the new software neck because there's gonna be another flop house bed I love bad movies bad movie screening in June what movie is it? We're not gonna say No, I'm gonna tell anybody suffice to say it's awesome And you'll love it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:28 You can start speculating if you want. If you want to write in. But you need a point. If you want to write in with your guesses, feel free. But you'll be wrong. But you'll be wrong. Just don't write in any more sports trivia. You hear that, David?
Starting point is 01:03:41 My brother. All right, guys. Well, should we say what the date is for that one? I can't remember. It's in June. I think it might be the eight. Yeah, it's the eight. Okay, June 8th.
Starting point is 01:03:52 It's a Friday. But before that April 5th, which is the Thursday, come see my movie. All right. Well, all that's left to do is to sign off. So for the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. I'm still Stewart. And I'm...
Starting point is 01:04:07 I'm Elliott Kaelin. I love the waves. Goodbye everyone. Is that good? Fine. Can we be doing better? We're doing just fine. Any way to improve. On a scale from 1 to 10 with 5 being fine. Where are we?
Starting point is 01:04:35 You're right at 5. Okay, that's 5. We have 5 more steps of improvement to go. If you give us in 3 words, how we can best improve to get to 6 or higher I would say three words. That's already I would say that's your three words So not very helpful Dan and three words to

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