The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode One - Stealth

Episode Date: August 14, 2007

In the inaugural episode of The Flop House, the team examines Rob Cohen's fighter-plane-run-amok film Stealth.  Meanwhile, Simon discusses sex toys, Stuart does some video store filing, and Dan mispr...onounces "sentient" a lot. Also, the gang recommends a few things that don't suck.  0:00 - 1:10 - Introductions, themes, and such.1:10 - 21:30 - Stealth.  Fun factory, or snore factory?21:30 - 24:30 - Final Judgments24:30 - 29:10 - The sad bastards recommend.29:10 - 30:28 - It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.  Also to the Flop House.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tonight in the flop house, we discuss the Sinciant Robot film, Stealth. Sinciant, a word I only learned how to pronounce after recording this podcast. Enjoy. Hello and welcome to the first episode of the Flot House. The episode that we will look back on with Shane in the future, this is the show where we examine a fairly recent movie of bad prominence and discuss it. And my name is Dan McCulley. My name is Simon Fisher. I wanted to show it to you all the creature aberration, but we're stuck with Fulabah.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And I on Stewart Wellington and I thought the Fulabah was pretty funny. So the first movie that we watched was a little film about stealth. A combination of short circuits 2001, Top Gun. What is the other robot movies? There was Top Gun with a robot movie. Let's count as a robot movie. Other robot movies. Transformers. Yes, also like Transformers.
Starting point is 00:01:36 There was a combination of Transformers and Stealth also. Josh Lucas, I believe, was our hero. I'm too lazy to look it up. I imagine that any leading man that is too bland. I think it was cool out. I think they're the same two dudes. It's one guy with a numb to goo dirt bass. Yep. There are even chose look. It looks more like a bulture than a bulture. It also looks like a bulture too and Jessica Biel and Rachel the Oscar winner Jamie Foxx the ghost rich or they were all there were three
Starting point is 00:02:12 hot shot hot dogers hot dog boys hot dogers and They were all Anti-terrorism they were they were also friends that's important they were fast friends they weren't only work colleagues they were the best of friends and they were a sentient plane was added to their team later they had been misgivings at the beginning they didn't know if it was gonna work out very well yeah so they didn't take immediately to the robot boy no you were there you remember there were some of them the like the clubs and show no They did not they did however gone to the club a lot a lot of clubs things
Starting point is 00:02:56 Air Force pilots were joined by this plane called Eddie. Yes, I was an extreme Daneerson Sertian Yes, I was an extreme dangerous insertion Extreme deep assertive sex it's either dildo or like a series of movies like Ace anti-terrorism's what yes, I you know planes as far as I have been able to ascertain are the main lining of his terrorism. Yes. They fly in Steelstile and then blow up various strategic locations. And...
Starting point is 00:03:37 That would be by wars. It would be a future. It gets hit by lightning towards circuit style. It becomes evil for time. Well, to be fair, I've been thinking about it a little bit since the movie's been over. He didn't become the evil per se. He just took his programming to literal. Right, he didn't know when he back. Does that make somebody evil?
Starting point is 00:03:59 Not if you're a robot, I don't think. So you're saying that he's the heavily armed air plane equivalent of like a two-year-old? Yes. Yes, I do think that. That's exactly my question. So are you saying part of the original question? Is it possible for a robot to be?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yes, I would. Yes, it is. Because remember how I first, he just is following his program. But later, he learns that he feels remorse. At that point, now that he has a guild mechanism, at that point if he continues to choose to do evil, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:04:33 But I need to be hit by the light. What if you raise it up? Because during his so-called evil period, he directly leads to the death of Jamie Foxx's character. But he doesn't attack. He just is so good at invasive maneuvers. The Jamie Foxx is exploded in his own against the explosion. I don't know if you remember, but the robot did tell him that there was a one-present chance of him being shot down.
Starting point is 00:05:02 That's true. The robot's a really good at calculating probabilities. So playing goes evil. What's the point of doing that? It flies to Germany, now it flies to Russia. Playing flies to Russia. And it's going to try to destroy a bunch of Russia. Or just fly Russian airspace. I don't remember. It's never terribly clear.
Starting point is 00:05:20 One thing that this movie has taught me is that there is little to no penalty for invading a foreign country there is there's not there's there's there's it's it's consqueense for that's what I like about um doesn't just be able to get shot by uh North Korean guys night arrival yes that sounds like a penalty yeah well not on the international theater it's a penalty any leads to the death of Jamie Foxx Yes, directly to Jessica who was the most wise cracking of all yeah, frankly not a big loss See into oh, oh, I hope Jamie Foxx is a listening and Jessica Beale goes down in North Korea all is a result of Eddie And then extreme deep insurban.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Just a little bit of discovery that... Not such a bad guy at this airplane. And they go together and they, you know, save Jessica Beale. Yeah, they figure it out because that robot blows up a shill on a Russian dude. Yeah, well, they work together as a team because the one guy well should we spoil the twist ending? I think it's I think it's all right. It's okay spoil it. All right, all the guy the boss guy that you're gonna see in the beginning the boss guy played by a Pulitzer prize winning
Starting point is 00:06:36 in a nod to his role and the right stuff. Yeah, that's what it was. See he's the boss and at first he's cool but then later on he turns out to be a douchebag and he's just trying to cover his own ass. So we tried to have this doctor assassinate, Cole Houser's character, with like a syringe from a poison. Absolutely, because I'm pretty sure it was Cole Houser. He tried to poison him with a syringe, and that guy doesn't even want to leave Jessica Biel in North Korea or something?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Could be the doctor? No, the doctor at the boss. Oh, okay. Because he tells Cole Hauser's character he's like, yeah, she learned it just fine. It's just fine. But really finds a later from from extreme deconsouration. I'm glad she crashed in. I don't think I've got to be here very early
Starting point is 00:07:26 but we were texting a lot we're doing signifies I don't want to gloss over this because to me the most baffling thing about the movie is that still, I've gone stealth I prefer extreme deep insurge I know, I like stealth it makes me think of a movie type.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, the guy's name is stealth. He thinks stealth is the bad guy. Just because he was in Mario Bros. and Strand's another one over here was in an enemy country. But turned out, stealth is a good guy. It's agribuses himself at the end, to help hold him. And you think, okay, Sam Shepard is the bad guy. But you know what? Sam Shepard commits suicide.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Like a bad guy would. And so basically, our heroes don't have to do anything. Really, to combat any antagonist of the courts. Well, that's the weird thing. It's a weird, it's an antagonist-free movie. It's a movie where these obstacles will pop up from time to time, but in the obstacles, in most cases, resolve themselves.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Like, go ahead and there's a big stealth. Like, stealth pretty much just like, oh, okay, yeah, I'll go along with you. Like, the obstacle resolves itself. Yeah. I don't know that I would say that I actually paid it in tune with this movie, but if I called from the trailer
Starting point is 00:08:46 Stealth was kind of the bad guy Second all no, no, we were talking about that. So it's not the bad guy. Well, also seems that still I just remember that line from the trailer where Jamie Foxx says I'm gonna blast you right out of the sky Yes, but they use the box the characters dead I'm gonna blast you right out of the sky. Yes, but Jimmy's co-fogs the character is dead. The character does. And I don't even remember him saying that line in the movie. I don't remember either. I watched the entire movie
Starting point is 00:09:11 and I don't remember at any point he said. So misadvertising. I'm going to blow you out of the sky. Yes, lies in advertising. Lies and half truths. That's the packaging of the Surround Sisters movie. One of the movies said Rob Cohen, the director of stealth director of the film. I believe the Rob Cohen was director of the Surinces movie. What other movies did Rob Cohen, the director of Stealth Direct Daniel? I believe the Rob Cohen was director of the best,
Starting point is 00:09:29 curious. No, that's a hell of a movie. Yeah, that's a movie I think we can all get by. Well, anyway, I think it's better than Stealth. Stealth Sure. Well, Stealth was a real snorf actor. That's what I like to call it. I like to call it a snorf actor.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Whereas the fighting like a hero. Or that. Because of maybe snore factory. That's what I like to call it a snore factory Whereas the mighty life of yours Because of maybe snorla it produced so many snores Like a factory like an officially run factory Generating snores. Yeah, there are a lot of explosions and a lot of planes flying through like gulches and like valleys I'm taking a look at Rob Cohen's like Bally's. I'm taking a look at Rob Cohen's um, filmography. On the internet. On the, on the internet. I like to point out he's first major film, Dragon Heart. You may remember that one. I remember Dragon Heart. Yeah, no, no, Sean Conrad was a dragon.
Starting point is 00:10:17 That's right. John Conrad, please. Dennis Quaid was it or something, right? Dennis Quaid was a, a dragon. Now, reminding no reminding was there only the one single dragon in that movie? Yes, I think you're right. I'm fine. That's right It was the last dragon Dennis Quaid and Sean Connery's dragon character We're kind of like that's right. There's a lot of it was it was like a bloody comedy if one of the buddies was a dragon and Sean Connery So like it's like tango and cash if one of the buddies was a dragon and Sean Connery. So it's like tango and cash, but one of them is a dragon. But imagine, I don't know if cash was a dragon.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I don't think it's fair to. Why not? Because I don't want a tango and cash requires a dragon. Hold on, hold on. I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to,
Starting point is 00:11:00 I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to moved that. So, Mr. Sloan. Drabber the tunnel. Right. He's in the tunnel, of course. You might have, I believe it had basically the same cover art as Cliff Hanger, who is the best
Starting point is 00:11:14 or slain, Sloan Hanger. He's got something. Right there, I thought you were going to say I had the same poster art as that still. But I was really excited. The skulls? I saw the skulls. Great team Nelson's in there. Right, Josh Kochen. We call him Kochen. I don't know what you're going to look at. The skulls? I saw the skulls.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Great team Nelson's in there. That's right. Josh Jackson. We call them Cote from Dawson Creek. Coach played a sinister guy, if I remember. Joe Jackson? Yes, Joshua Jackson of Pacie. Yes, a Pacie.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Who names her kid Pacie? TV parents name their kid Pacie. And Joe Jackson played Pacie in Dawson. Josh Jackson. Joe Jackson. Joshua Jackson. in the Josh. Josh. Josh would you? Josh. Joe, new wave artist. Joe Jackson starved Dawson's courage.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It was also in the skills with Coach. The vast and future periods are doably the only good film on Rob Cone. And even then, I think we're playing a Lucid Easy with Good. Then he went on to Triple X. Triple X was the new. I did not know that was wrong. That wasn't a really good move. As a side note it's important to that I point out the fact that in triple X Vin Diesel's character as a name tattooed
Starting point is 00:12:16 on a stomach that character that name is Vin Diesel's D&D character of many years. Alright, pretty weird. More disturbing to me though. Well, more to... Wait, let's... Don't segue that into the like. Don't tie them to the like the fact that he has a D&D character. That's a delightful fact. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:35 On a not related... There we go. What bothers me about this film is that the screenwriter, Fredd, is from W.D. Richter, best known for writing big trouble in the little China. That is a good one still. Also the 1978 version of the Bodies natures. And I believe that W.D. Richter did the vision of the Budropanza across the dimensions of the director of that movie. I can't believe that that guy wrote
Starting point is 00:13:07 still. I cannot believe that. Yeah, I can't believe that. And still they must have edited the shit out of that script and the form into production because I can't believe that guy wrote that script. Two of my personal favorites. Well because I mean it's still sucked and yet big trouble in China is really good. Wait wait wait are we already at the final judgment portion in the next session? Wait I mean I haven't decided yet. Don't tip your hand. Sure uh all right what what else is going on with the stuff? What else is going on in this stuff? Let me open up today's stealth news papers. Now I'm just wondering who's still the smart and two Daniel? That's a really good question. Is it a scary movie?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Because the trailers by recall people were frightened of the robot. Because it was a bad guy. I think you're remembering yourself. You're projecting onto the robot. You're projecting on to me. You're probably not. You're projecting. It's called project. Sure. So yeah, I think though who it's Margaret two is an excellent question. What's the target audience for STEM? Well, I have to say is it venture lovers? Well, the one thing that I enjoyed as the movie was I do like movies with dog fights in them. I mean like as far as I was in the third day, one, it's pretty exciting in the movies, which does feel as plain as
Starting point is 00:14:31 going down, get to eject air sheet dog fire. Simon, what was your favorite movie? I really liked the part where the human and the robot grew to understand each other. Okay. It's important. You know, I think I'm, I don't know if I'm gonna make a lot of friends with this comment. Okay. But I would argue my favorite part of the movie was literally any part where you got a good look at Jessica Beale's ass. You know, it's fair.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Because it was really nice to look at and it made me forget that there was a robot fire pilot trying to kill everybody. That's true. The robot, the robot itself was actually a single sphere. It was implanted into the like plug into the plane. That's what you actually look like. He literally had a house boys in 2001. It was really cool. And they lifted nearly exactly the scene where Al read the list. Well maybe it wasn't rip off so much as in no mom. Yeah, like to a screenwriter. It was a rip off, wasn't a rip off so much as they thought. You know what, let's take 2001 and let's remove all sort of like the subtext about human development. Well, let's boil it down to what it's really all about.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Humans versus robots. But yeah, which is why I like the part where they reconcile the most. Let's make it more of a top gun. Something about 2001, robots versus airplane. You know what I was gonna say was, what's pretty serious here? Apples.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Robots, robot apples, airplanes, airplanes that shoot apples. Remember how the bad guy in the movie ate apples? Chris Christophe, see that? Chris Christophe, see what it was not in the film. That's important to that point that I'm. But I think it is important to point out that Sam Shepard did eat Granny Smith apples. Or at the very least, he ate green apples.
Starting point is 00:16:20 The most common kind of green apple. The Granny Smith. Granny Smith apple. The most famous one. I wanted to say, I don't know what I wanted to say, it was this. Going into this movie, I was afraid that it was going to be another anti-Sentient robot film. Weirdly enough now. It wasn't. That was the odd thing. I was about to, I was going to come in and say like, there have been a lot of, where
Starting point is 00:16:44 they tried to talk machines with sent you now basically like any movie where like a robot gets Stuff awareness other than short circuit that robot is bad news. He becomes evil The Terminator series, but terminators good in the second Well the Terminator series. The Terminator is good in the second. Should be the program. It's true. He's not sentient. The robots that are sentient are evil.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I'm sick and tired of a robot. Getting a bad rat. To me, that's like the science fiction equivalent of the movie where a say a young woman comes from a small town to get a good job in the city and then she learns that small town ways are the best. Yeah, that's bullshit. Controversa City. Sometimes, you know, like, in a city way or in a city way or in a city way or in a city way
Starting point is 00:17:36 or you saying that the attitude toward robots is not unlike the slabs versus slabs parable. I'm saying that sweet home Alabama is a dirty lot. That's true. Is that is another movie featuring a cool house or a star of stealth? Yeah, cool house or not. Gosh, Lucas is piercing, piercing, blue light.
Starting point is 00:17:57 They were very blue stars. The diva's the blue is the trailer for that movie features a dog doing a double take. Wait, still? I don't know. We don't know Alabama. Is the trailer for that movie features a dog doing a double take? Wait, still? I don't know what we don't know about. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, there was a dog that doesn't double take in the trailer for us. Yeah, like somebody says some kind of a line or like like Reese Withers Boons like,
Starting point is 00:18:17 I'm never going back to the city or something like that. Yeah, and then the dog like looked like a bloodhound, sitting on the porch and looked up and was like, oh, it's like it's a spit tank. Yeah, a little kind of yeah I believe that like the will help scream you know like the scream has been used over and over again There is one sound for dog doing a double-z egg and it's been used You think a dog can actually make that noise? No, I know. I don't believe that's possible. I think a human made that noise.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I think a human made that noise also. Or it comes from a really weird thing where they're like, they're like, yeah, if we scratch some drumsticks across the trash can to play it backwards, that's how we get the sound. I don't know. Tell sound, man. So it's a fully artist creation. I'll just say the 9 out of 10 time.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Thank you. That's probably fair. And on 10 times, it's not actually a dog. It's all, it's a cat. I don't know. No, I think that instead of it being a complex, you know, sound tech kind of thing, they're like, hey, you make this kind of sound.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And the person makes this sound they record it Flops flop it in the flop as with those three flops Scooby-bop Nice, that was cool. That should be a bumper for all of them Hey, that's about stealth with this guy's Would you call it a thriller no I would call it a killer No, that one either now if I was going to like say then you own a killer, no, that would not. Now, if I was going to say, Dan, you own a video store. Imagine this, OK? You know, it's full of people ready to rent movies that they're going to enjoy.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It's called Dan's videos. Dan's videos. You probably also sell candy and popcorn. You call it film products. Yes, you call it film products. There's candy and popcorn and shit and all kinds of stuff and You organize your DVDs in a certain way according to what you believe to be most appropriate to somebody who would rent a feature Your John what genre area like collection of shells would you play still?
Starting point is 00:20:41 I think I would put it in Actually, okay Simon you own dance videos would you play stealth? I think I would put it in action in this room. Okay, Simon, you own Dan's videos. Hi, Bob. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, Dan's not there, no, no, no. Dan mishandled the whole thing. I bought it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I would, you know what, it is an action movie. You can't put it anywhere else now. Obviously, that doesn't make a mistake. Good action movie. However, it is an action like it's an action movie you can't put it anywhere else now obviously that doesn't make it Good action movie however it is an action movie is not It's not a classical drama. It's cleaning on a comedy. Okay. It's not a horror movie Okay, you know what guys you know what guys I'm sorry. You're both wrong. No in Dan's video Stealth falls under robot and mayhem No serious I went there the other day.
Starting point is 00:21:27 First of all, if I ever did, it's a very specific video store. If I ever get sub-deficience, if I was going to sub-debi, things like that, I don't think I would have any time if it was. If I would be too busy, if I went to a video store that had a category called, what was it, robot, mayhem? I would think the owner of that video store that a category called, what was it, robot maam? Robot maam? I would think the owner of that video store was a hipster ass. No, I have to disagree with you.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I mean, I don't own it. I just went there. Oh, I got it. A mysterious X-benefit, just blown an answer. I ran it out of this. Yeah. Mysterious. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And you said happy to see. This was the way they organized it. I have to say, it, it's your own dance video. And there was a section called Robot and May, and I would have to rent every movie in the robot section. I can't tell you have any, you know, Saturday nights, I'm thinking... Terminator? Robot and May? That's my name. Uh, battery's not included? That's Mayhami. Yeah! Robot battery's not not included. Kind of sucks. I watch it recently.
Starting point is 00:22:28 It is plenty of Mayhami. Okay. We've talked a lot about this movie. Stealth. What's the final judgment of the movie? It's your factory. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Alright, the categories are... The official lock house categories are a bad movie that you wouldn't recommend to anyone,
Starting point is 00:22:50 a bad movie that you would recommend to people because it's kind of fun. Or a movie that you see really kind of alike. So Simon, what's one of those? Well, for me, since the movie was a goddamn snorf actor, I have, for me, movies are either a button factories or snorf factories and If it's a fun person or a sure for the purposes of the show, I would say that since it is a snorf factory
Starting point is 00:23:15 I would not recommend it to any I guess almost no redeeming warm mainly just Just bought one, huh? Do we? Um, wait, what are the... Oh, um, snow- I would recommend it to... I would recommend it to... Oh, wait, he's bold! I don't know, I don't know, I just don't recommend it at all. Which, sometimes, the people would you recommend it to? Like, I would not recommend it to moms, but I would, oh, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:23:43 How about that? I would recommend it to people who but I went on, it's weird. How about that? I would recommend to people who enjoy filming us in TV today. Okay, you're both dicks. Fine, I wouldn't recommend really to anyone. It wasn't really that good. There's no nudity, and there's not really any co-hours. The closer it's good in it, there's no co-hours in that movie. First of all, I thought co-hours would be a really good job
Starting point is 00:24:03 of looking like Josh Lucas. So I would say nobody that movies really crab, you don't want it. Damn. I would not be able to do that. So for the very first episode, it's totally green man. Nice. It feels good. It's weird. It feels really good. Makes me feel a lot uncomfortable. Makes me feel really good. We're this first episode. There's a segment I want to inaugurate. The inaugurate.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I would like to inaugurate. The inaugurate, which is to say, to prove that we're not just sad bastards that hate everything in the world. Is there anything that you, any movie that you've seen a reason that you would recommend in contrast to, uh, this was largely moving. Yeah, what'd you say? What's good?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Um, the other day I watched the, uh, the remake of the hitcher. And I wouldn't actually, you would recommend this because that's the whole substance of this portion of the show. wait hold on take a minute actually I probably wouldn't recommend however it's really weird because Sean being totally kills all these dudes and a helicopter and that makes it not very scary but then I don't think Rucker Howard was that scary and the original guy was not terribly scary What that would you recommend give me a good give me a good movie? I should check out when I go to a kid's video. I recently bought monster squad, but I think that's an easy sell because It's awful. It's really awesome wolfman explodes and he's got nards. So Simon
Starting point is 00:25:40 What else what what do you gonna do? What's your story? What did I see recently? I saw the 10 the other day I know it was really really hilarious However most people are gonna get a chance The 10 is literally and 25 theaters nation well, that's the thing. It's no one's gonna see that's why I feel like I'm only this asshole even mentioning because they're gonna have to wait till it comes on DVD However was really really a layer you know what I? You know what I saw the other day? What did you see? But actually, wasn't that? What's the movie where... Jooff the Rape. No, it wasn't. It's other Rape.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But movie has Julian Moore and here's Brosnan and they both played the Boer's Attorneys, but they ended up getting draws of attraction. Well, it's a attraction. It's a frown of theirs. attraction. It's a lot of things. That's Boogie Nights. That's, yes. Boogie Nights. I recently saw Boogie Nights and Here's Rossin is amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:31 You're gonna make fun of mine. His, uh, the Prophet Will. Now, I'm not gonna say this is a good movie, but you're recommending it to me. But I caught Reddy's dead, the final nightmare. That's weird enough. The only one I've never seen.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And I'll tell you what, not a big fan of the nightmare on stream films, I think that they're overrated. I know that you guys agree. The first one's okay, not really that scary. The third one's kind of fun. Well, they're weirdly homoerotic. Do you know? Number two is, what's the homoerotic home?
Starting point is 00:27:04 A lot of them are like, him like cutting dudes cocks off and shit, I think. Number two is, I'm not gonna recommend it to you as like a movie that you got to go out and see. However, if you get a chance to watch it, it has this great feel of like late 80s, early 90s, green west images, special effects. They totally do away with the idea of this being like really a horror movie or really moving to ask to make any sense. It's just like a weird dream sequence front to back. And you know what Dan? I saw that movie in the fucking theater. Yeah. And I thought it was awesome. Did you like when Breckenmeyer was killed in a
Starting point is 00:28:02 Nintendo game? Breckenmeyer's in that Nintendo game? Brecken Meyer, isn't that lovely? Young Brecken Meyer is being killed by Freddie. First of all, I don't know who that person is, but yes, I like to tell you. I like to tell you. There was that show on where he worked at some news. I just remember that person is like dried across the ceiling by invisible.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I think that's every, that's the pretty much older that I'm on. Yeah, my only real problem with that one is I don't think anybody Freddie's dead that's the one with the 3d glasses. Yes, of course I saw that movie my friend Mike Barnes house when I was in Christ was it would have been like sixth grade It was probably sixth grade. You know because she pulls me in the real world in the end She sticks like a grenade in him and he explodes in his headsheets I think you said like
Starting point is 00:28:47 Cha Cha Cha or some chance to be friends The first kid that dies is the death kid and it's like crazy mom shows like a super long cute tip through his hand Yeah, like I was saying like that was just kind of great because it totally like The idea that this movie is scary it totally dispensable the idea that the movie has to make any sort of sense And it's just like a crazy sequence of things that have true You know what I would take that recommendation So we've had a lot of fun tonight Dan We have nice chill little ass. It's a great blast. Let's do this sign off. All right. This has been the block house
Starting point is 00:29:21 This is a damn point. So I'm Vizier and Stuart Wellington. Are you for listening? Good night. Peace. Peace. Oh. Peace. Peace.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. I like Simicraptacular. Um, the bad film inspectors. I did. I really Um, the bad film inspectors.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Dude, I really do like the bad film inspectors. I think it's a tremendous name for the show. The terrible talkies, I think it's gonna be the terrible talkies. Or the bad film inspectors. What? I like bad film inspectors. You do? Because the idea of being that we inspect them.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I mean, I think the flop house is like if we were actually being like serious and like let's name something something the flop house is really good. Bad film inspectors just makes me wish I had like a pair of really cool sunglasses. Bad film inspectors sounds like it's a really cool comic book idea. The head film and spectre sounds like it's a really cool comic book idea.

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