The Flop House - The Flop House Movie Minute #34 - Movie Minute Mailbag: The Squeakquel

Episode Date: December 20, 2009

We answer another letter from a loyal listener. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the Flop House Movie Minute. So guys, from time to time, we get letters. Oh shit. Yeah. That we do. Letters from listeners and from people? I assume so. I don't think there's a spam bot because they're very specific to our podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Okay. Maybe they're highly advanced max headroom spam bots. Do they stutter a lot? Maybe they're going to take over the world in a terminator situation. I'm scared. This podcast. Well, this email is titled flop flop flop flop, flop. Okay. And it's from Jerry last name with held. How do you spell that? It's spelled J-I-R-I but then there are a bunch of accent marks over it. I believe this is our like umar region fan I like that guy and he says Hello flop houses
Starting point is 00:01:01 Congratulations, Cole houses for the 50th episode Slop Housers. Congratulations. Cole Housers. For the 50th episode. Podcasts, I follow, can be scattered on one hand of a distracted lumberjack. But you are number one. That's a very imaginative way of saying very few. Besides the obvious high quality of content, I really like the sound quality. The fact that your voices are very different from each other,
Starting point is 00:01:21 while being understandable to a foreign barbarian like myself. Elliott is very funny and his knowledge can be terrifying. Oh, thank you. And by the way, spoilers. Spoilers. The Stuart waits for a compliment. Spoilers. Stuart sounds very handsome.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Elliott's speed is sounds large. I'm terrified of it. Yeah, Elliott is the only one single out of this email. My new favorite fan wants. I accidentally kicked my sleeping cat off the bed when laughing. Poor cat man. Ellie doesn't care. Like SaberTube. In the film x-men origins wolverine uh... yeah well i have a small suggestion that may suck but i am not afraid on the website if you could write the final judgements plainly on some sort of spoiler tag black text on black background or something i like it i would like
Starting point is 00:02:19 to watch some movies before listening to the flop house but would not want to be tortured by the worst of the bad bad ones ones. That honor I leave to you. They're all gonna be pretty bad. So, I think that's a good idea. Yeah, that is a good idea. And if I remember it, I will implement it. If you don't get shot in the head with an adamantium bullet, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:37 But what are the odds of that? Oh, striker! Well, you wouldn't remember his name. I mean, you've got a very much shot. For somebody! Memory God! Yeah, he signs off all right that is probably all I wanted to say. He's very uncertain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Listen, you know, he's terrified by me. I'm scared. So by... May the flop house prosper for many, many years to come. Oh, that's very nice Yeah, so I like to live there in that flop house. Oh, and the flop house yuck central Well, you sort of do oh, yeah, I guess you mean in Brooklyn Pretty soon in Park Slope Brooklyn for all you listeners. Yeah, right next to it. Do or not gonna be naves Yeah, we're gonna be neighbors. That's your for neighbors. Yeah we're gonna
Starting point is 00:03:27 wear a lot of we're gonna have pajama parties. Yeah. Yeah. No girls allowed. Well mmm maybe not. You have another letter, Dan. Well let me stew for my one about you guys moving close to Wellington if you will. Good one. Also hey good one neighbor. Yeah it's gonna be good. Speaking of Brooklyn, I was thinking that maybe sometime we should have a flop house meetup where we tell listeners that we will be at a certain place. Oh, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Perhaps a specific standard. Oh, a bar. Oh, yeah. That your lane's bar. Yeah, Charlene's. Yeah, people should totally go to Charlene's bar. I'm a lot of luck. And we could set it time. bar and Charlene's yeah people should totally go to Charlene's bar yeah and
Starting point is 00:04:10 We could we could we could set it time and if there any flop house fans in New York City They can drop by I predict we will be saddened by the turnout and Incredibly Look at at the worst we will have a delightful evening with each other. That's true sure So I'll spend the time just looking at my girl. Look for that in the future. We'll talk about it off air, and maybe we'll organize it. We'll run something up.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But so nice, boiler alert, dude. Well, I'm teased. Or is this for sure? No, that's right. It's like a teaser trailer. Yeah, exactly. It's like a black screen with Magneto's voice, and you're like, what's the deal? And then it just says, it's the same as Magneto's.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Summer 2011. So, things will change. Trust no one. This is the end. Yep. Trust your body. Just doing what my body wants. This email is titled, Slash Gordon.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And it's from Matt Lopez, parentheses pseudonym. So that's why you didn't withhold the last name? That's why I didn't withhold it. No, it's clever. He would hold it for me. He replaced it. Is that Slash's real name? From Gunnarosa's Slash Gordon?
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. It says. I never realized that. He doesn't look like a Gordon. Yeah. It says. I never realize that he doesn't look like a Gordon. Dear the Flophouse podcast, you've discussed a lot of things other than movies, but I can't recall you ever talking about Slash fiction. Well, we have talked about it a bit in passing, so. I mean, that's a different podcast that we also do call the Slash House.
Starting point is 00:05:42 We'll read out excerpts from our current work. I mean, it says, in case you aren't familiar, usually Harry Potter think. Well, in your case. We also do call the slash house. We'll read out excerpts from our current work. And he says, in case you aren't familiar, usually Harry Potter theme. It's a subgenre of Panfiction. Guys, I'm reading, I'm reading email. You're supposed to do characters not actual people. Well, they're kind of personas.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I guess the 34 of my Lauer Roker epic. Anyway. Matt Lopez, parentheses, pseudonym says, in case you aren't familiar, it's a subgenre affection, a fanfiction, which focuses on unlikely romantic, slas-sexual pairings. Most famously that of Kirk and Spock. Now come on, all right, Matt Lopez, parentheses pseudonym. Let's be clear, this is a subgenre fanfiction focused on homosexual pairings between male fictional characters.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So I get your creepy internet things straight. And I mean, that would be clear. Although I've heard that referred to as gash before. Yeah, I think that it's probably lesbian flash fiction that you think. No, you're probably right. But oh right. Well, what about, for the thing? What about glass fiction, which is about
Starting point is 00:06:47 Ira Glass and Philip Glass having sex? Also, I want to be on the radio. I want to be working on that one. Just a couple seconds. Wow. I want to be clear, guys. I want to be clear to our listeners, what's creepy about it is not that it's homosexual.
Starting point is 00:07:00 That's fine. What's creepy about it is that it's fan fiction. So, um, but to continue, why? Because fans shouldn't be allowed to write shit. Yeah, come on What about when people start writing flop-ass slash? We're like well, Elliot could I you don't know spoilers could I get a get on? Oh my god Lopez know the same things as an inspiring slash fiction writer struggling to break into the biz I'm always there's that much biz there. It seems like it's mostly pro bono work.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Pro boner? Anyway, I'm always looking for inspiration for these unlikely parings. Angel and Dracula, Simon and Randy, Bob Barker and Drew Kerry, et cetera. That would be, that would be, we can call it how Drew got his job. That's just why Disha said, he said, he said, he said angel and Dracula. Is that angel, etc. That would be that would be it would be called how drew God is job.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I did. He said, right. He said angel and Dracula is that angel angel from the television show angelized? So, oh, not angel stripper by day. No, that's stupid by night. Well, who's the other one? The vampire slash parent. Who's the other one? That's the second one that he mentioned. Simon and Randy. That's an American Idol pairing. Oh, Simon, Cowell and Randy, Johnson, Jackson, not the Diamondbacks picture. Anyway, to finish the game. I guess any pitch for the Yankees a little bit. If someone were to write slash about two members of the flop house, sure. What pair were you choosing?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Why? I'm going to tackle this. I would say that I would not be in this because i i know i know our audience i know i'm the least popular member of the i don't know that that's true you know you know you're the glue that holds it together yeah but uh... you're the cyclops you're the uh... who are there in popular you guys are you the mr. manta characters so i think that i think that anyone writing slash friction would uh to see, you know, Elliot's small body
Starting point is 00:08:51 enveloped in small body enveloped in stewards. I think I mean, I have been in case. Well, I will, I will say only two things. One, there's no reason it can't be three people Yeah, and two Stuart and I were just talking about how excited we are to be neighbors and have for John my party so It's almost we're right. Yeah Well, I mean we'd have of nachos and stuff there
Starting point is 00:09:19 Nachos Nachos, yeah like the nachos no nachos like the thing you get at a like a nachos Belgranti you get a Taco Bell I don't know what you're talking about It's a fast food chain it's pretty popular and That's the flop-out smell bag everyone Okay, thanks for listening well if anyone wants to write their own stories and send them in we will be horrified No, totally do it. Do it though. That'll be the next contest.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And this contest is, please write the stories and then we will burn our own eyeballs. If you can make me barf. Well, they don't have to be slash fiction. We get out the Flop House fan fiction contest. Well, people have to write it. Yeah, please. This is going to have to be slayers. No, no. But that's, you know, that's cool. Yeah, I know I can handle it.
Starting point is 00:10:04 If it's slash fiction, I can, I'm going to yeah, I know I can handle it if it's slash fiction I can I'm gonna grow man I can handle it, but I would prefer just regular fan fiction. Oh, yeah Dan can handle it Dan can take it all and there you go. That's the start of your story So ladies gentlemen, that's a challenge for you. The prize is nothing I imagine I imagine the stories will start with well another great flop house recording said Dan as he switched off his computer slipping out of his jeans time for post-flop has shower Stewart says I've been drinking way too much do you mind if I sleep on your couch?
Starting point is 00:10:39 I need someone to shampoo my mustache Ellie says steward it's dark out there. Could you walk me home? Elliott rubbed Popeye's chicken grease into steward shoulders. Like steward shoulders. But you know where that would really feel good. Where? Ah, side-down with the razzle.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Oh, man. I'm both enjoying this and craving myself out. It just comes so naturally. So thank you for your letters. If you want to write us as always, it's the Flop House podcast at And for the Flop House Mailbag, we'll see you next time. Bye.

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