The Flop House - The Great Switcheroo! Adventure Zone Flop House Takeover

Episode Date: October 10, 2015

As part of the MaxFun Great Switcheroo, Justin, Travis, Griffin, and Merle McElroy of The Adventure Zone have taken on Leprechaun: Origins. Meanwhile, if you want to hear the Original Peaches (plus gu...est star Zhubin Parang) you can find them playing D&D over at The Adventure Zone!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The people that brought you the ultimate warrior beating Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 6 present WWE studios leprechaun origins It's shocked over and I'm not damn a coy. Yeah, that was good Let's all try to be respectful. This is a guest space. We're guest here. Okay. I took my shoes off in the Japanese style before I really made myself
Starting point is 00:00:50 comfortable by I am gonna get deep in those butt divots in the couch. I'm gonna really explore the space. I use the guest towels. Why are you guys doing jokes? This isn't even the show. Okay. I haven't started the show yet. Hey everybody welcome to the floor. My name is Justin McElroy. I'm Travis McElroy I'm Griffin McElroy and I'm Clint McElroy We're not usually here Sometimes we are I mean we're we're always here. We're always as a grim specter hanging out in the background Imagine if for several many years like 18 years
Starting point is 00:01:24 You've been watching the flop house from a single camera. The camera, finally, after all these years, pans to the right, and there's a reveal that we have been sitting on a slightly larger couch this entire time. Recording our own podcast called The Slop House, which was the original name of the adventure zone, which is the podcast that we have switched with this week. Yeah, so if you would rather just hear Dan and Stuart and Elliott, I do not blame you. They were playing D&D to switch the channel on your podcast, Dooner, over to the Adventure Zone,
Starting point is 00:01:58 which is our D&D podcast, you can listen to them play D&D, which I honestly wish I was listening to right now. So I, you know, there's no hard feelings. We are going to do our best. Like let's be clear here. I think you guys might like this episode. It's just hard for me to focus on the episode when I'm worried about what those three are
Starting point is 00:02:16 doing to my intellectual property over there. Oh, yeah, good point. They could be killing all of your characters, though. And then where will we be? I guess that's true. I guess that's true. What movie do we watch? Is there a show, Canon?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Griffin, who is that? I said that I told them to go nuts, go wild. Do what they want to do, explore the space. Hey, let's talk about this movie that we watched. Okay. So we watched Leprechaun origins from WWE Studios. I Read somewhere that it's been 13 years since the last leprechaun movie that this was a reimagining It was in heaven in that was to the leprechaun back to the hood was 2004, right? Yeah, so it's been it's been a crisp 11 years
Starting point is 00:03:03 And it should have stayed dead it should have we should we shouldn't have come back or at least if it was not going to say dead it should have brought the the one that was let per come back to life warwick davis warwick davis yeah i was desperately disappointed that it was not anything like the other leprechaun movies. Well, that's a thing. Dude, the president of WDW Studios did all these interviews back in O-14. Because he was like, we got guys, good news. We got Hornswaggle, and he's finally gonna, he's finally gonna fucking get the respect that he deserves.
Starting point is 00:03:38 And then on the silver screen, we got Hornswaggle. Guys, we got Hornswaggle. We booked him, folks. We did it We did it we booked horn swagger, but this hey, this isn't your dad's leprechaun You remember how the the old leprechauns were a fun murder romp? Yeah, there was a lot of humor. There's a lot of it was it was a weird like you know very B movie horror movie Oh, I think you're being generous with the B. Yeah, it was a J movie horror movie. Oh, I think you're being generous with the B. Yeah, it was a J movie. He fucking Warwick Davis killed somebody with a focus. He jumps on a chest with a focus. That can kill the man. Leprecon takes Japan was a J movie. That's produced there and directed there. And then there was the K drama series. Leprecon Groscher. And that was just about a grocery store and the two clerks loved
Starting point is 00:04:23 each other very much. But also Warwick Davis was there. And he sometimes killed people in fun ways. Well, we got a lot of plot by which, I mean, very, very little to get through. So let's sort of work it out. Yeah, that's right. I'm trying to pad it because we could, guys, we could record this,
Starting point is 00:04:35 this could be a 15 minute record because we could say here's the plot of Leopardcon origins. People walk around slowly and then somebody gets and laughing. And laughing. And then we just, that weird thing, they laugh at every relationship. And then we just gonna, we could just cut and paste that.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Six times over, because that's all this movie is just fuck your people walking slow. I know Travis took notes. Yes. I would like to hear dad synopsis and Travis, you fill in as needed. Okay, because I think it's gonna be pretty general. Okay. Is that okay with you Travis?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yes, but if he starts to diverge too much I'm going to jump in and take over Yes, we don't have a three hour long episode Okay, dad give me the plot overview of the film leprechaun origin starring horn swaggle It starts in Ireland surprise surprise and the first thing we see is an attractive young couple It starts in Ireland, surprise, surprise. And the first thing we see is an attractive young couple and they're running through weeds for some insane reason, nobody in horror movies can run through weeds without falling down.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Or they could be running through a white room. They could be running through a sound stage that is completely featureless and then they would find some some sort of ridge on the atomic level the trip over So we start all my favorite moment and that is they're running through the tall grass is at one point for no reason The female says stop and they stop running the female. What are you a foringy? The female what are you a foringy? The female the species the female of the species she wears clothes Why do you allow this earth man? So then they go running through you'll think it's respected the most Overgrown cemetery in history. Yeah, it doesn't have weeds. It has tree
Starting point is 00:06:22 Well, what are they what are they gonna do? You can't get a fucking lawn guy in there. He'll be devoured by the horn swagger. And then they steal from Jurassic Park. They steal from the raptors in the weeds. I mean, one of, shot for shot. One of maybe 60 movies. That Leopardcon origins just straight up
Starting point is 00:06:42 just lifts from unapologetically. And let me say here just a spoiler alert this 30 second opening tells as much story as the rest of the movie put together and it has nothing to do with the rest of the movie that it it it it also starts a theme that we see continue throughout le the Conorogens, which is a very, very, very overused horror setup that you expect, like, just statistically will be subverted in some way. And then it is not.
Starting point is 00:07:18 It is, it is exactly the biggest rip off plot wise. It's, I made the point to Rachel. It is basically like four high school students saw the first two thirds of Cabin in the woods and then tried to recreate it using props and costumes. There's literally a line in this movie where someone goes, it's a Cabin in the woods. Yeah. I mean, it might as well just like turn towards the camera and stare at it for like five minutes and here's Bradley Shitford. He's the knockoff Bradley Whitford and we got him in this one
Starting point is 00:07:51 So so the two hot kids get dragged into the woods and chomped or whatever that was that was when the that was when the shine came right off The old leprechaun apple for me because you saw a bloody hand with fingers that have been bitten off is like well they were bitten off because he was wearing a gold ring and these fools love gold. Oh yeah as we later learn poorly. Sure. So then we encounter our four main characters. Now you never do learn the names of two Sophie Benjane and one is one is Sophie and I got that 45 minutes in and there's a strong correlation between the Scooby gang just without Scooby if the Scooby gang fucking despised each other Yeah, if the if the Scooby gang had no like Simblance of of care for the well-being of each other. Not even amongst the couples.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Oh my God, they're the worst dysfunctional couples in history. Sophie is the correlation with Velma. She's like a sexy Velma. So a Velma. Yeah, just a Velma, you're being redundant. Oh, that's true. And then Jenny is the Daphne.
Starting point is 00:09:04 She's the rebellious Daphne. Right, and then you have Ben who is the non-roided out Fred. Ben is no but Ben is nothing. Ben is not only a shade of a man. I think his T-levels are real low. Yeah, he seems to fade. If you don't look at him directly,
Starting point is 00:09:19 he becomes translucent. He's a non-present. And then you have Dave who is shaggy. Dave, who is the greatest man alive. Yeah. David, the unkillable. You know who's good. And you know he's cool because he choose gum
Starting point is 00:09:35 and he doesn't like sleeves. Yeah, he's a hard-to-have. Dave has my favorite moment in the whole movie and it comes in the first five seconds. Oh, yeah, what is it? It's, they're riding in the chicken truck truck and at one point Dave just goes chicken and it made me laugh so hard and it was like three seconds of the movie and it was easily my favorite moment. Well, they ride in and all of a sudden the guy who's driving the truck, they're
Starting point is 00:10:03 on this walk about a day trip in Ireland. Which the sales pitch for this fucking walk about is the craziest thing I've ever heard. These are four, like, 20-somethings in Ireland on a trip and this strange Irish man, oh, Sophie is really into getting her, what, her masters in history or something like that. What is sort of into it. Yeah. Of course she can read Celtic languages of course. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:10:29 And it's established when she says, I don't think I'm actually gonna go get my masters for history. And Ginny says, you've wanted to get your masters in history since you were two. What a fucking crazy aspiration. So they hate each other. They hate each other.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Also, they hate everything they're doing. And everything they do is like, oh, we found a tavern. And the sput, they were psyched to go on a seven hour hike to see some cool rocks. This isn't, these aren't human beings. Nobody gets a psych to see, for a seven hour walk to see some dope ass old Irish rocks. The one, the one girl doesn't even have a backpack. They don't have a clothes.
Starting point is 00:11:13 She's got a mess in her bag. Yeah. Uncle Fester pulls the truck over and they jump out of it. This is where he won't go any farther. This is Lauren Bells' air. This is where we meet Sadson. My favorite character of the movie. Well, sad son, the constantly crying Irish boy. Before they even get there, when they get dumped right there in the field, they look over and see this spooky, duck dynasty-looking guy. Yeah. And there's this.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It never, never, never. It never comes off. It never, never comes off. He's just a weird old Santa with a skinny. He looked like Santa when he stopped eating when he barely depressed and Rudolph Redd is reindeer just holding a shotgun and staring at them. And I want you guys to know to dad's point, I also wrote down, oh shit, duck dinosaur.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Okay, I think you guys may have missed out on something. That was not a real man. That was a scare horn swaggle. And you put those out in your fields. You put those out in your fields of oh is it probably barley? A scare swaggle. You put that out in the field and your scare swaggle is going to keep the horn swaggle away. Because otherwise you're some 20-somethings are going to get absolutely made it. We have made it three minutes into this. Okay, alright. So they head into town and this is where we get the first town and and this is where we get the first inkling of the directorial majesty that is Zach Lepovsky. They walk up they walk up to this pub whatever it
Starting point is 00:12:31 is and all four of them do the exact same move. They take two steps forward. They turn back and face the camera and take two steps back. It's all for them to synchronize. It's like choreography or synchronized swimming. They look down. They find their marks on the floor. Right. Oh my gosh. It was horrible. So then they go into this, this tavern, which is full of the creepiest damn people that have ever lived. Yeah. And let me stress here. it is literally in the middle of nowhere. And there's 50, 60 patrons in this bar
Starting point is 00:13:09 at what seems to be two o'clock in the afternoon. Yeah, it is like banging. Like they didn't spend money on anything. They got 60 extra for this one scene. This taboo is popping off. And only two of which we ever see again, the right. But they're in this pub for like 20 seconds and they're already at each other's throats.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah, the Haiti Tethers guts. The band, the non-roided out, see through the guys. Just the fucking worst dude. Just the worst dude. Within 20 seconds, he and Sophia fighting, and so for your fighting. The two couples are pissed at each other and within 30 seconds a complete stranger talks them into heading out into the wilderness with him here. Okay, let me break this scene down super quick. An old, old Irish man, here's their conversation turns around is is like, oh you like old shit, huh?
Starting point is 00:14:05 I know one thing is really old. And she was like, it's not the guy book. He's like, it's the oldest thing. It's the cradle of the Celtic civilization. And he's like, she's like, well, it's not my guy book. He's like, well, you won't find this in any of your books. That's insane. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Do you realize how insane that sounds that this is like the oldest thing in Ireland and like you know it's not any books and then it's not a book because you have to walk seven fucking hours to see that's the cherry that's the cherry said well it's a seven hour hike do you know like if I heard the fray they hear seven hour hike and don't immediately like upturn their table and walk out. Because, okay, logically, he then says, if you spend the night set off in the morning, you could be back by tomorrow evening. That's seven hours there, seven hours back. You got about 10 seconds to enjoy the cradle of Celtic civilization before you have to head back
Starting point is 00:15:01 because it's going to be midnight by the time you get. We have to go for it. They travel to the they travel to this cabin. So they jump back on their drink at beer and get the ice sun. Yeah, crime sun. And he's all unhappy. And the dad has a gold Rolex which gosh, no way that's going to figure into the quote unquote plot. Can we talk about, can we talk about the way that gold is expressed in this movie? Because traditionally leprechauns, watches, earrings, tongue rings, not their game. Usually it's just sort of coins. Yeah, just like mainly to...
Starting point is 00:15:40 Oh, follow the rainbow to my pot of watches. What? Look at the's stud collection. The most, probably the most insane thing about the watch is that let me just flash forward in case you haven't already pieced this together. He's luring them into the woods to let the leprechaun kill them.
Starting point is 00:15:58 The crazy thing about that is he uses the watch as like, an indicator, it's like a sock on the door in your dorm room. I thought of my head. He was chumming the water. He was chumming the water, but here's the crazy part. Before he chums the water by putting a gold watch outside the sacrifice house for these teens,
Starting point is 00:16:15 he wears it on his fucking wrist. In like, he drives it to the heart of Leopard on Country wearing this, okay. Soly so it could be established as something that like is in the plot. Right. You can see it again, but like he's wearing it. But that's sent to the place he knows the leprechaun will. That is sentimentality. They are sacrificing 20-somethings to the leprechaun because they took gold from the leprechaun.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And instead of just giving it back, which was enough to play Kate Warwick Davis, they decide that, no, I love my watch too much. So I'm gonna let these 20-somethings get absolutely murdered. Of course, every time you do this transaction, apparently you lose a piece of gold using it as a charm. So he was wearing the watches like a last memory, like, oh, watch, you've served me well over the years. That's the big, that extra piece of gold.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So they go up to this cabin and they go past the nice cabin and they go to the crummy cabin, which looked exactly the same as the nice cabin, except the crummy cabin has locks on the outside of the door and these four dumbasses do not get on that seat. Well, and you get my favorite Christite moment. You got to prevent break ins. Oh, from who?
Starting point is 00:17:31 No, you have to prevent break outs, because that's not how locks work. They go on the inside doors. So they go into this, this cabin, which apparently to us only has the one door. And immediately being young, vibrant, well, three of them, people, they immediately go to bed. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Where, uh, where, where, wait, don't skip over my second favorite, uh, dude lying, whatever Shaggy's lying was. Dave, we got a queen size. Yeah, that's very, very, very, very, very Very that came in that is that is the button for a very long establishing scene like walking around There's a creepy fucking cabin. No it no Wi-Fi no electricity. Don't even worry about it We got a queen Like full-on like just a vibrato But they have these lanterns that click on immediately. Yeah, he's also no food
Starting point is 00:18:24 They're planning a 14-hour round trip hike the next and the leprechauniverse But they had these lanterns that click on immediately. Yeah, he's also no food. They're planning a 14-hour round trip hike the next day. And the leprechauniverse, the only thing that needs to eat food for nutrients and subsistence is the horn swathele. They literally walk out of the bar and get into a truck and go on a 14-hour hike. The wildest thing about the stupid cabin sequence, well, first off
Starting point is 00:18:45 I should mention for some reason they have a six pack of Guinness in like a wooden milk Yeah, like it's like a wooden or a shoe shell It's my friend. Happy's beer crate. Yeah The so we they're in the in the cabin and night falls and Jennifer is that the one that's not Jennifer Jenny sees a shape moving outside. Oh wait, you skipped over the whole part. Both women want to try to get down. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, one dude falls asleep and the other dudes like he's just not interested. Why does well turn to her and turn said, I hate you. Oh, yeah, I hate you. I hate your history loving guts. Ben is a bin is a cuckold. I'm over talking about him.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And then Jen and Dave who haven't been able to keep their freaking hands off each other for the first 20 minutes of the movie, he's out. Yeah, but then Dave's defense. He did just drink a six pack of Guinness without eating a fucking thing. He might be dead in that. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, Nightfall's Ginny sees the shape moving outside and she gets spooked, right? She goes for Dave.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Dave says, and I wrote this line down for a baton because it was so awesome. He says, that's what they call it. The woods, babe, lions and tigers and chickens and shit. What? Okay. That's not why they can all look the woods. There's tigers in them, they're Irish woods. There's, yeah, and chickens is not... And that's why they call it the woods.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah. What should we call this thing? Well, it's got tiger as a lion's and shit in it. How about the woods? So this is our first leprechaun interaction. He makes his way into the... Oh, they realize that the doors are locked from the outside now they get it thanks all yeah and he has the line
Starting point is 00:20:30 they're gonna sacrifice us to the wake up no that's it that doesn't come to later they don't understand they just see a they just see us uh... a pasty white horn swagger jump into the room a wild horn a wild horn swagger attacks here's the thing they're reestablishing this when when the when the leprechaun runs past the window That's as big a reveal as we're gonna get practically
Starting point is 00:20:54 For the whole very long time. They never let's can we talk? What can we talk about horn swagger? I don't know how familiar you guys are with the wwe studios brand But like the way that this whole fucking thing works. First of all, WWE Studios is like, if people from WWE Studios watched the recent sci-fi originals and said, what if we did that, but not fun? What if we did that, but we took all sort of
Starting point is 00:21:16 acknowledgement of how bad this would be and any sort of fun in the writing out of it. No, my studio is not more fun. I've got for sure. No, dude. That would be a brand associate with fun. I've got for sure. No, dude. That would be a brand associate with fun. It's perplexing, right? But what's more perplexing is typically how it works,
Starting point is 00:21:30 except for there was the call with Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin, neither of which are WWE superstars, unless Abigail Breslin is, I don't know, is Sin Car. Or Swaggle. We don't know what's going on underneath Sin Car's. Math might be Abigail Breslin in there. But typically how it works is like you get you get see no evil starting can you have w w super star and they are the pillar of the
Starting point is 00:21:52 cast of the movie get them you get them are seen up the marine in the marine right on the four of us and the recent ones it's the miss in the marine this time you get horn swagger who's a w w super star I I'm a fairly recent w w convert so I miss most of the hornswaggle dynasty. What's the one pretty crazy, like his top 10 moments, okay? He's awesome. Yeah. He leaps out from under the stage and tackles a wrestler.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I can't remember what's going on. The tadpole splash is a signature move. That's true, it's awesome. He's fucking awesome. But then the announcers, every word out of their mouth is, what is that thing? It's attacking him. What is that thing? Is it that never seen a little person?
Starting point is 00:22:32 It's a little person, right? Exactly. It's a little person. It's mom and I. He also had some of the best WWE plotlines forever. He for a long time. He was sort of the manager of a super big Irish man and he was like a leprechaun and that's sort of how like the WWE works sometimes But then there's a plotline where he was Vince McMahon's illegitimate son. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:22:52 And then there was a plotline where he was the shadow ruler of the WWE and nobody knew his true identity his name is Hornswaggle and he's awesome and in this movie He plays a He's fucking Voldemort. He's Voldemort with a Gordy face if he had to acid thrown on him and then was dipped in Wow, if he's an acid-burned Voldemort it could have been fucking anybody playing the leprechaun You got you got horn swaggle We're just be it could have been Andy circus and I could have been a whole co-good Waffle were just be it could have been Andy circus and I could have been a whole co good It could have been a stack of Well, okay, so if you've ever played a video game and gone into a cave level and you and every video game that has a cave level
Starting point is 00:23:34 Has this you'll hear like skittering around like oh gosh. What is that the first thing that jumps out at you And you hit it with your sword once and it dies That's what the leprechaun is in this movie like you expect like in order for them to be this to be a palpable threat you would need like thousands of them as they in the first the first encounter with leprechaun They throw a bed on him and that's a solid five minutes Yeah, five minutes not a bed. Oh Me what weakness and you're later it can bash in door. Oh, yeah, jumps in a wall. Yeah, for five minutes, not a bed. Oh, you got me one weakness and you're later it can bash in door. Oh, yeah, jumps in your wall. Yeah, well, beds are their
Starting point is 00:24:09 weakness. Leprechaons are afraid of sleep. Well, and so they all come out and at one point, well, now hold on. We get to see our first bit of violence towards one of our four main people. Right. And that is the Leprechaon being a real dick and pulling her, her earring out of her earlobe. Right out of her. For Jenny. Yeah, she gets her rough.
Starting point is 00:24:30 She gets a rough right. The two, the two horny people, her and Shaggy, they get, take all kinds of abuse. Hornswaggle reaches in, plucks her earring out of her ear and her by start screaming. Exactly. Every move, every quote, unquote scare this movie has
Starting point is 00:24:46 is the exact same thing. It's somebody doing something. It's a Mark Kermit of film critic in the UK. I was too, he calls it quiet, quiet, quiet, bang. That's the only scares that this movie has. It's quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. Except in the Leopardon Orchons, they did like a really clever twist on it.
Starting point is 00:25:03 And that is quiet, quiet, quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet it's it this movies people walking around corners at negative two miles an hour it's a fucking it's all the pacing in this movie is a disaster and then there's like a thirty-five of us are just a disaster let's see if we can move along the line the leprechaun starts chasing around the flip a bet on him on him and see. This cam, they throw it, yeah. And then they just, and then of course, smart, smart, smart, Sophie realizes that the secret passage that the monster used to come through the fireplace
Starting point is 00:25:36 is a jar. So they start heading out, how do you think the jar? Oh, it's wide open. They run out, oh, David gets his leg and rig. Now, please, let me have this one. Yeah. The leprechaun rips David's leg open to the bone and beyond. Basically, Rips, the first third of his leg off.
Starting point is 00:26:00 He's got a leg now. And yet, for the next 20 minutes, he's running on it. Yeah, he's the hell. No, he's flying. He's flying a little bit. Yeah, this is going to shock. This is where we start to realize the true nature of this group of quote unquote friends.
Starting point is 00:26:17 First of all, his leg wound is basically a honey ham, jammed up in some jeans. Yeah. So they had some fun with those, those practical then they all start running and nobody's helping david david david david's up and about wishes impressive because his he's he's like permanently just maimed but he's doing okay not as good as the rest of the group who just book it and nobody help nobody helps him and there's a moment where he goes down and it's illustrated like you watch Ben and Jen both go, well, fuck Dave.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Oh, I'm kidding. Yeah, and Ben, Ben looks at him, takes off, and then at least Sophie goes back to helping. Yes. You'd ever listen to the moment where she's like, well, he's kind of a shit. I do hate Dave. So from that point on, you know that she's the last girl.
Starting point is 00:27:07 You know, she's the rippling. She's the rippling, right? Uh, they, they, they, So then they get into the farmhouse. They can, I love how they get in the farmhouse. The big saving grace is they run against the door so many times. The spare key falls out of the jail.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yeah. And then they proceed to do the worst search for a phone. I've ever seen this is live on the lights And they say we need to like let's look for a phone then they just Mill and a little bit for a second. It is the most inset like You know how in movies you have the horror movies with like this you have like the one person who sort of knows What's going on? That has to explain the plot? like this, you have like the one person who sort of knows what's going on, that has to explain the plot. Leprechaun origins didn't have time nor the budget for that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So here's what, here's the literal sequence of events. Remember from, here's what they know, right? They've been attacked by a weird monster. Clearly, they were. They were. I could identify him by cycle. They've been attacked by a weird monster. They have escaped to a second Yeah. David is hacked by Weird Monster. They have escaped to a second house.
Starting point is 00:28:06 That is all they know. From that point, they go to look for a phone somewhere in this house. And in the search for the phone, they find, I'm not, I swear to God, I'm not making this up. They find a book that has a picture of the rock they saw earlier and the symbols on the rock translate to leprechaun and from that. There's also there's a map that shows the stones that they drove by earlier and not the history buff but Jenny says that looks like some sort of ancient warding barrier.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Wow Jenny from downtown and the book is open to the right page. To the page. Well, here we didn't know. Sophie is a history major, but Jenny's deep into the dark arts. Yeah, super. And from that, she just graduated from Hogwarts. From those two pieces of information,
Starting point is 00:28:58 they extrapolate that they're being hunted by a leprechaun that they were supposed to be sacrificed to. And if they can get outside of the stone barrier, then they'll be safe. That is an insane journey to take mentally. That is a crazy, crazy path for them to what I have. An explanation though. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Everybody in this cast, everybody in this cast, all the way down has been on the show Supernatural. Oh, so they have every one of them. And this is not a joke. Every single one of them have played a character on Supernatural. Oh, really? So obviously this is this and either that or the casting director is the same casting director that worked for Supernatural. I know, I know it's for pretty looking people. But it goes like all the way to like impaled Ian and Hamish, the best. Yeah, sure. And every one of them have been on Supernatural.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So maybe that explains it. Throughout this sequence where they're learning about the leprechauns origins, you get a little bit more backstory on dad and crying son. Crying son doesn't want to kill 20 somethings anymore. No, not four of them. Not four of them. Not four of them. Not four of them.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yes, a real issue with the number four. If it was one or two, he'd probably be okay with it. And I call him crying son because he literally cries in every suit. He's sad for the whole week. Sad. Sad. Sad.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Sad. It really does look like Donald. Here is the, here's the, in one of the wilder sort of crazy plot points, the guys who sacrifice the teens come back with another guy in the middle of the night after they kind of guess that he's probably done murdering them. And he looks at his watch and goes, that should go watch it goes that should be enough time that should be enough time he doesn't have this one more because you used it as you know I'm in the other guy's I guess he checks this well that should be enough time that's my favorite line of the movie by the way is how long we've been out
Starting point is 00:30:56 here I seem to miss place my watch that's pretty good it's the closest they get to an actual anyway they show back up like cutting it my friends quite close to when you think here's a thing they're back there to clean up the abandoned cabin that they can lock from the outside and we know because they walk up to the cabin with mobs and cleaning some of the hey dogs that lock that shit locks from the outside it could probably wait, you're fucking Mary Maid's bullshit, could probably wait until the morning, my dudes, when the definite leprechaun will not be there. Their logic is so completely flawed, because the panic when they reach the cabin and find not them dead is it has an eaten. But then we see over the next hour the leprechaun, the horn swagger consume
Starting point is 00:31:45 For people and still want to kill Yeah, so and PS the first person he kills is the guy that they brought with him named Ian The he's the first person he kills and he any leaves him untouched Just murdered and not eaten apparently because he likes to fuck a people's heads. Yeah, he's a yeah, the horn swallows a genuine bastard, but we've we've been informed that it's gold that drives them. Yeah, and maybe eating people. Yeah, it's not established or maybe just sort of tearing tearing the flesh. So the Americans escape. I also want to put weight. I want to point out something when they're in the basement and they find the book and they find the map, they, they're all, this is where they blew all of their props budget.
Starting point is 00:32:30 There's glasses, there's passports, there are cell phones. Yeah. And they never even look at this. Let's find phones. Well, here's a pile of 60 phones. No, not those. Hey, I found out those 60 phones. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:32:44 Data roaming in Ireland? No, and and some of the worst editing ever. And this is the first indication we get. This movie was not sponsored by the Irish shotgun. Or anybody because it got a bit of a here's 60 amazing team opal cell phones. Okay, let's move for we need to start getting some deaths. Okay. Well, I want to hit on one last thing. Yeah, it is very short. In this moment, so crying down, well, comes downstairs hunting for them in the basement. And he points his flashlight and then moves it six inches to the left and it's surprised to see them.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, look at it here. And it's just like, oh, there you are. There they are. Two of them are holding shotguns on them, and there's a standoff because, well, the other four have a pipe. A pipe? Oh, a pick. Absolutely. Father, you have touched on another key point.
Starting point is 00:33:34 No one in this movie, specifically, these 14s have zero respect or fear of guns. Yeah, they're useless. There's two moments where the first one is, the she stands off with a guy pointing a shotgun directly at her with an axe. Like, well, it's a Mexican standoff, I guess. It is not.
Starting point is 00:33:56 No, it is not that man has a shotgun. You are, your work here is done. The neck, like five minutes later, they get caught by, they get caught. Let's just skip ahead of this. Yeah, please. They get caught back up by the guys who are gonna sacrifice them. And at this moment, they have two shotguns pointed at them.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And David Hans, the dipshit boyfriend, covertly hands him a pipe. Yeah. As though now the worm has turned. Like a plumbing pipe. Yeah. Like a worm has turned. Like a plumbing pipe. Like a puff puff pipe. Like a pipe like, here you go. If I would have been the boring guy,
Starting point is 00:34:31 I would have handed that right back to him, my friend. I would have handed it, I would have handed it, I would have handed it to the shotgun people. Here you go. My boy was trying to give me a hint. I respect your power. Yeah, we've had our first death. Ian has been impaled on.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah, he's got got. They get we've had our first death. Ian has been impaled on. Yeah. Ian got got it. They get all tied up to some trees. And they're tied up to four trees with bling all over them. Right. And they come to they've had gold bling put all over them. And so the Libra Khan comes up. The same creature that chased them all through a cabin walks up to them tied to trees and can't close the deal. Just can't just sort of stand it out. And hates Jenny so much. Just really, I can't stress this enough.
Starting point is 00:35:12 The horn spot. And there are people wearing huge gold necklaces and there's like gold all over these people. And he's like, no, what I want is that tongue stuff. Well, you know what I mean? And you have never seen before. Yeah, it's not as nice. No, I think that was less his taste for gold. Is that tongue stuff? Well, you know what I mean? You have never seen before. Yeah, it's not as fast.
Starting point is 00:35:25 No, I think that was less his taste for gold. And more, when he reached into her mouth and then split her tongue into my ankle, pulling up the tongue stud, I think that was him in his horn swaddle head. He was saying, oh, sweetie. Oh, oh, sweetie, it's not 2007 anymore. Nobody's doing. Let me just get this out of here for you. So he bifurcates her tongue and then doesn't eat her, doesn't kill her, but moves over
Starting point is 00:35:54 to Shaggy. And the thing that amazed me about this scene is all four of them are screaming insanely. And that seems to be holding him off. Yeah. Like he's not able to play. of them are screaming insanely. And that seems to be holding him off. Yeah, like he's not able to save it. To keep it down. It's worth explaining super quick because I think it's a bit of salvage at this point.
Starting point is 00:36:13 What happened is the people in this village mind a cave that they found for gold. And by which they mean they stole the leprechaun's gold. So their deal was rather than just returning the gold because they apparently are not going to do that. They have agreed to like put sacrificial teens into a house to feed him. That's a crazy plot, but the crazier thing is exactly how was this treaty reached? I would like to see that fucking... The horror of the yeah right that with that meeting of the minds look like he lays open shaggy. Oh shaggy good Good luck. His gut open which fortunately for shaggy also severs his bonds to the to the tree at this at this point shaggy has
Starting point is 00:37:01 Half a functioning leg. He has been disemboweled and he just gives right up boy he stands right up and I tell you he's the greatest living human he's on because he uses he uses his newfound lack of fear of death to run over and find a machete and somewhere and free the other three and free the other one and free them and then as an American hero he dies on Irish soil fighting for our freedom By I guess I guess the horn swaggle just like what is the horn swaggle to his death is one of the non explicit deaths in the movie He could he could have been tickled that trust me. This movie cannot afford to lose them They don't have like cool death to spare so so they get off the other three take off running That's despair. So, so they get off the other three takeoff running.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Jen's going, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, because I, you know, her tongue. Yeah. And Sophie out of nowhere turns into Buffy. Yeah. Vampire Slayer. 30 seconds. We're not really in confident Buffy.
Starting point is 00:37:56 We're in fire Slayer. We're not gonna run away. We're gonna kill a fucking insane. And so they, the, the, the two of them, they run and Ginny so freaked out. They tell her to hide under the cabin. Yeah, she just, you'll be the only one outside. Yes, she'll be the only one outside. This is seriously, don't watch this fucking movie
Starting point is 00:38:16 for reasons that we'll cover in our final scores. But do watch the five minutes that begins with with her saying we're gonna kill it and the five minutes that follows that are the only good Five minutes in the middle. They really have this insane plot line where Ginny is so scared to be in the house They're gonna kill the leprechaun. She's gonna sit outside like well, it's because she loves she loves the leprechaun at that point By that point she was not a big fan of David. Oh my God, Jenny and Hornswaggle, this whole thing, they were in cooots to get David killed because they wanted to run away with it too, if it wasn't for Sophie and Ben
Starting point is 00:38:55 who holy shit, you're so nice. Okay, so the plan is, they're gonna lure the Hornswaggle back into the fireplace, right? And then Jenny's gonna come up and lock it behind them, but she Apparently can't wait 30 more seconds for some kind of signal or something or the horn swagger I it's also never clear in this movie whether the horn swagger is just like a Mad monster or like a criminal genius, but in this moment, it all becomes clear. Because they're positioned with their axe and their pipe, I guess,
Starting point is 00:39:30 just on the inside of the cabin, on the other side of the secret entrance from the fireplace. And then, Sophie, our brand new branded hero, the one that's now buffy, they're waiting and waiting, and so sure enough, a head pops out from under the fireplace and they bury an axe in it. And it's Ginny. And it's Ginny. Yeah. And I realized it before it happened.
Starting point is 00:39:55 It's not shown exactly how the Hornswaggle manages this. It's not shown exactly how the Hornswaggle's super, it's almost like she was on rollers. Like she was on the house, she'd been working underneath a car you do see you do have an amazing shot after they do this of her with the axe buried in her head and it's sort of in the background as the two surviving leads are still like parsing this situation you see Jenny with the axe just like smoothly scoot back into the fire pit like horn, horn saws was like,
Starting point is 00:40:25 yeah, it worked his next leg job. They bought it, come with me, darling. But Sophie who was a soup was a complete wimp, was a superhero for about two minutes. Yeah, and then she's like, I'm sorry, I've been an idiot. Then she shattered again. She shattered again.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Okay, I do have to set so they escape and they get to a car. Okay, I don't think it has keys. Because I think it's starting to get patchy this way. They get to a car. The first thing out of Sophie's mouth after she and her dipshit boyfriend, Barry and Axe and their dear friends head. Like literally 30 seconds of movie time later, the first thing out of Sophie's mouth is, why did you leave me when we were running away from the leprechaun earlier? Yeah, then she decides to work on the complete issue. Hey, we just snuffed out a human existence.
Starting point is 00:41:20 That's not like, why do I feel so alive? That's not on the conversational I feel so alive? Yeah, that's not a conversational table. They really bounce back quickly. They get in this truck and they have this little confrontation where at least Ben, the only character we see out of Ben is, shut up, what? I came back and then she makes, when they can't find the keys,
Starting point is 00:41:43 she makes this gigantic leap of logic that the keys have to be on Impaled Ian 30 30 feet away in a shed a character that they didn't know was impaled They didn't know was did not know his relationship to the truck They didn't know this is Ian's truck. He'll have the keys and she just says that's he's over there He's a teacher at the local school yeah so they come up with this plan question mark where they were just gonna get out of the car at the same time and just run and just like I guess flip the coin to see who the leprechaun's gonna eviscerate spoiler alert it's been what they they have a huge flaw in their plan which was ban was supposed to
Starting point is 00:42:25 distract the leprechaun except the leprechaun can't see been because he barely exists you know i really bad distraction the leprechaun who can bash in the middle roof of the of the truck but can't break the windshield oh my god there's so many she did there like six or seven shots there's six or seven sequences where the Hornswag was trying to punch in the windshield.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It's a very, very specific activity for the Hornswaggle to continue to attempt to do and mysteriously just fail every single time. Hornswaggles are allergic to beds in windshields. We are missed by the way. Crying son and a mean dad had a run in of sorts where he helped them escape by pulling a gun on his dad. And then his dad sort of like, oh no, this comes later. No, that's later. Yeah. I go ahead and break it down on that we've dipped into it.
Starting point is 00:43:18 But don't we have the, in the adic scene here? Well, we can't skip bin. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, we should, we should fucking skip Ben. We should skip how Ben gets to that. Let me run through it real quick. Okay. So, Sophie does the shitty job of finding the keys. They do not return to the truck because they're surprised to see the horns woggles there.
Starting point is 00:43:37 So they run for the cabin, they get in the cabin, they run through the farmhouse. At one point, the horns woggles just runs in, looks at them and they're like, yeah, and they get inside. And so like they go running and they fail to realize how doors work. So they lock one door, leaving one wide open. Horn swallow grabs Ben and he looks at toping goes, run or go or whatever. Horn swallow drags Ben back into another room, rips his spine out. They're by fulfilling the prophecy that he was spine-less.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah, he was, now literally. You could see the director and the writer being very smug of a fellow man. And he's got the biggest ass spine. Oh my God, he's just like, don't let him. He's like, don't let him. Yeah. He pointed out to me that if you have like a spine like
Starting point is 00:44:22 that you're using to like display, if you have like a model one that it has this metal thing on the end where you use to hang it up. And she in the one scene when they should have been spined out. She pointed there and she said, you see that metal thing at the end of a spine. I was like, yeah, she said, yeah, that's the hook they used to put those on display. They probably That's the hook they use to put those on display. They probably could have heard this. Well, that might answer my question. Maybe the hook was gold because why did he pull bin spy?
Starting point is 00:44:51 I did he do it. Yeah, why is the horsewalk doing it? I thought he was going to do it by gold. OK, so we should touch on the horsewalk. Those number one supernatural ability. He has prided her vision. Right? He's got prided her vision.
Starting point is 00:45:04 But as far as I can tell, everything is gold. So he's saying gold. But he also sees all human outlines this gold. Is it handprints? Handprints? Handprints, handprints, this gold. Is everyone in Ireland just injected with gold? Do they have gold in their blood? Like as soon as you step on Irish soil, you are part gold, and that's how you get tracked. We're at 48 minutes finished. Okay, well that's easy because then they go into the attic and nothing happens for ten fucking minutes happens but once again we see the ineptitude of the shotgun because uh... cryon boy fires off about eight shots in a ten by ten room and can't hit the leprechaun he's using the auto shotgun power weapon from
Starting point is 00:45:42 gold nine double o seven with in the infinite ammo cheat on uh... somehow misses the leprechaun nothing happens in the attic that goes fallen down this that he that finds them and then uh... crying son turns his his gun on its dad and does the most acting it i imagine the other actors in the movie were really pissed off at red head donalogue at this point in the film because he acted a hundred times hard to think anybody else in the movie. And I just used up all the acting.
Starting point is 00:46:06 He used up all the acting. I bet that he is the only person in the movie who is acting. And they talked to him after the shoot and like, hey man, we're all just trying to like get by. We're all just trying to like do a job. We're acting. Hey, did you know that this is a WWE Studios production? And like, I have a douche commercial later
Starting point is 00:46:20 on this afternoon. And I really need to like fucking save my agency. Okay, so Horn swgle looks right at him and then turns and goes and kills dad. Yeah, because he hates his dad. Hates his dad. So while he's eating haymish, he's the Hornswaggle was also outside attacking the truck.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yeah, that's simultaneously. It happens within two seconds of each other in movie time. So she gets to the truck, right? With the keys, starts the truck. What the leprechauns on the back of the truck? No way. Still having trouble with that on windshield, though. Still keeping the train. Having some real windshield trouble. She's driving. She buckles her seatbelt. And it's a P.C. for seatbelt. Yeah. She seems to slam on the brakes or hit a ditch or something. Hornswag goes flying. Well, that would have cost too much
Starting point is 00:47:02 special effects, Travis. She hits the invisible barrier that she keeps tripping over, over and over and over and over and over and over. So she starts running, she runs so hard it becomes daytime. She runs so hard, she rotates the earth to the point of day. And she gets to the cemetery from the opening. What connection? She finds the bag full of gold. The trip's over.
Starting point is 00:47:26 The trip's over. She trips over a bag of gold. That I honestly, guys, if you know the plot, I like remember the plot that I told you that is the reason why they're doing all this shit. The idea that someone would have a bag of gold to bloons is like not even part of the thing in the thing. Like it makes no sense in the context of the plot. Like it wasn't like a key to the mystery this whole time. They're crazy gold coins in this person's bag for no reason, because it was a mining town. Like they just mined the gold out of the thing.
Starting point is 00:48:00 There's no, they were returning those to a museum. Yeah, these were long and amazing. And thank God nobody looked where all the grave markers were yeah so she trips over it all the sun there's horn swagger up in her face she throws the gold the balloons up in the air grabs a conveniently placed machete and kills horn swallot you can't now wait after this whole movie was written around this single line,
Starting point is 00:48:27 they came up with this line and they're like, fuck yeah, we don't need to write anything else guys. This one's gonna, this is it. This is the line we're gonna hang the rest of the movie on. Griffin, I don't mean to take away from you, but that line is actually stolen from the earlier leprechaun movie. And the line is, fuck you lucky charms if it was delivered like that maybe fuck you lucky charm no it was fuck you lucky charms
Starting point is 00:48:52 like it was it was the worst luck fuck you lucky charm like it was the worst it was the worst and then aside from mattresses and windshields apparently the horn swuggles only weakness is a machete to the neck Like all I could think is has nobody just tried killing it Why hasn't anybody tried to kill him in all these years? These guys have a foolproof plan for alluring this piece of shit into a house They have a plan for that they have shotguns they have a plan for lure in their house They can lock it
Starting point is 00:49:25 from the outside. There's no other exit. There is, it is insane to me that they have not burned this fucker to the ground. Instead, they've killed what seems to be hundreds of 20 something. Yeah. So many 20 something. So anyway, she runs, she runs past the barrier stones, then it pans out and then you see a bunch of shapes moving in the wheat. As if to say, there's a whole family of horn swoggles. I'm murder a murder of horn swoggles. And here I don't think you see the shapes. I was looking, you hear the noise and it's definitely
Starting point is 00:49:52 implied here. I didn't see any shape moving. I saw the few trails in the grass. Yeah. We've been recapping this movie for 50 minutes. Okay. The movie itself takes approximately 28 minutes longer. Well, we did a bad job then.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But no, here's the thing, it's a 78 minute movie. I thought it was 90. No, no, my friend, you think it's 90 because they made this credits? It's a 78 minute movie, and then there's 13 minutes of credits. Upcredits. 13 minutes of credits.
Starting point is 00:50:23 You know what I'm talking about? Every card of credits, there's like a five second shot of just like the set. The props table. Yeah, in the basement. Like it's hurt. You remember how we were saying it's so slow and it's all boring?
Starting point is 00:50:36 They were just trying to get to 78 minutes because they were like, listen, I can stretch the credits off for 13 minutes. They're max. I timed it. And there are 13 minutes and they will throw up three cast members or crew members and then this loving, lingering, moving shot
Starting point is 00:50:51 over weapons or something that was in that basement. I totally lit. Yeah. Okay. And I want to stress that the whole time I was watching this movie, it felt like the prologue to another movie. And I guess it is because it's the origins. But this felt like what should have been
Starting point is 00:51:07 that one minute long scene at the beginning of the movie before the interesting characters with dynamic personality showed up. Also, the origin thing is insane because it's not the next movie is like, and then he became fucking super cool and rad. Right. And dressed in sweet shit and said,
Starting point is 00:51:23 it's great, great grandson who immigrated to America. It is super cool and rad right and dressed in sweet shit and said does great great grandson who immigrated to America it is it is the most generic like to take this franchise which is like one of the one of the best like quality horror movies fucking leprechaun four in space is the is the craziest movie and the in the beginning of that movie somebody kills the leprechaun but he becomes a ghost and then somebody pees on his corpse and and he travels up the pee stream, and infects somebody's dick. That's- that's- I've never watched a leprechaun movie, and instantly as soon as I was done, I went and watched trailers for- because I'd sort of like, they'd been on at parties or whatever, but I never sat down and watched one. And I had more fun watching one trailer for one actual leprechaun movie that I did in this entire time
Starting point is 00:52:09 Okay, so let's rate the movie the categories are totally Scarifying totally snorifying or frighteningly funny It's not a spookily good bad Sookily good at it. Okay, that's that's one of the most common one totally scary fine. Tell me scare It's gonna get okay. I'm gonna give this movie, is one war me boner good or bad? I think it's bad. It's so worse, right? It's totally snorfing. Okay, it's terrible.
Starting point is 00:52:34 It's fucking terrible. It's not, it's a joyless, like anything that can be good in a horror movie, because there are lots of ways that a horror movie can be good. That just isn't literally none of that is present. The only thing quality about it is the opening aerial sequence where they go, it looks like one of those PBS specials where they fly over Ireland. Yeah, that's gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:52:56 We actually do need to give ratings now. So my rating is, I'm going to give, I guess it's totally snorfying. Yeah, totally snorfying. I think one of army boner is good bad. Okay, so I'm going to say totally snorfying. It's literally, it's, Iorifying. I guess. I think one army boner is good bad. Okay, so I'm gonna say totally snorifying. It's literally, it's, I don't watch a lot of bad movies because I'm like careful, I guess I read reviews before. So I don't know if a lot of bad movies like this,
Starting point is 00:53:14 it is nothing. There's nothing, there's nothing, there's that one five minute sequence that I mentioned that's worth watching. The rest of it is just, it's really, it's really, there are no reveals. You can, wait, wait dad what's your rating I'm totally scared of buying totally snorfing or one-wormy boner if it's not totally snorfing
Starting point is 00:53:30 yeah let me add one last thing okay the people who wrote this movie the people involved this movie should be burned at the state my god and then have their ashes pissed on okay okay but then they could travel up the piss to infect all that's right it's totally snorfing it's nothing it's bad it's so it's it's nothing it's not even bad except for but then they could travel up the piss to infect the ditch. Oh, yeah, that's right. It's totally horrifying. It's nothing. It's bad. It's so, it's nothing. It's not even bad.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Except for the five minutes of whoops of Daisy Murder. That's fun. That's pretty okay. That's pretty fun. It's the rest of it is. You can tell what the intention was, like almost the entire time, and the intention was, let's rip off. Like, there's the look under the door and see something moving
Starting point is 00:54:00 thing from signs. Like, the intention is so obvious, but they fucking drop the ball. Like, in order for a movie to be truly bad and enjoyable I think it has to be completely inscrutable what they're going for but it's just sort of like it also needs to be sincere and nothing about the movie felt since the time tells you everything you need to know let's just get to the end guys let's just get something for a time for letters going to letters what's the what he sings the song every time, right?
Starting point is 00:54:27 It's different every time. It's not. Oh, we got letters. We get your letters every day. Mail bag, mail bag here. Today, reach right in and pull one out. It's letters today. What was that?
Starting point is 00:54:40 No jingles. That's a fucking rule. I need you to sing to me an answer for what that squish sound was in the middle. That was, I was trying to rip open an envelope sing, sing to me. I need you to sing to me an answer for what that squish sound was in the middle. That was I was trying to rip open an envelope. Sing it to me. Reach right in and pull one out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Adjust in real utter. Smooth as butter. Uh, so, so dancing. Well, what was that? Sorry, that's the flop-out ass cat. I would have been disappointed if we, if we went the whole episode, he didn't stop by. We told him that we were recording and you know it's more accurate to I I can get I can get my cat and just sort of squeeze him into the microphone. See what it says come out. That's not necessary
Starting point is 00:55:14 Ladders. All right. Let's rip them and these are specifically all of these are addressed to the actual hosts of this show So this should be interesting to my three deer flopdeer flop of tronds, on your last episode where much of the discussion was bafflingly focused on Sivet, Sivet, Sive, coffee, and during what appeared to be one of your typically pointless diversions, so the truths of the universe were revealed. I've always wondered by George Clooney when searching for the motivation for his well-grim man
Starting point is 00:55:38 enjoying hot beverage and the Nespresso advertisement, chose the expression acting classes classified as turbo smirk, turbo smirk bordering on douchebag. What is so inherently amusing about hot but not boiling water being forced through roasted beans to create an intense flavor experience? It's also clear to me now. On the cutting room floor must be seen after scene of Clooney expectorating coffee from a small squirrel's anus by vigorously jumping on his tail up and down. So the look Clooney deploys is
Starting point is 00:56:04 clearly, I've just been forcing an espresso out of a squirrel's ass and it's fucking hilarious. Thank you so much for solving a mystery as old as time itself. Lisa, last name with help from Bristol United Kingdom. What? What does any of that mean? I don't know what any of that mean.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I mean, typically RMO is to answer questions. So there's no question in here. That was just sort of a celebration. Yeah. And you knew we were gonna be here and you still wrote that in a scribble email. I just feel like you're not taking advantage of the personalities that you have here in front of you.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Just because you wanted to take advantage of saying squirrels ain't us. Yeah, let's drop this one. Let's drop this one. This one's going to be a club anger. Drop it like it's called. Oh, thanks dad. I have a question. A few months ago, I was at the opening night of Fast in the Furious 7.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I've seen every F and F movie in the theaters, by the way, because I'm winning at life. The typical opening night audience consists of mostly teenage boys laughing and clapping and shouting at the screen, as I believe the movies were intended to be seen. As you know, before the 7th movie is finished filming, Paul Walker died. At the end of the movie, spoiler alert, his character is still alive, but they basically retired him and Vin Diesel narrates a very heartfelt and gravely voice send off to the character by extension the actor. It's actually quite touching. When the credits rolled, I noticed that every boy there who had been
Starting point is 00:57:07 hooting and hollering throughout the movie was getting up and leaving very quickly and manfully wiping their eyes. I've never seen so many teenagers simultaneously trying to hide their tears, and it was awesome. My question is, have any of you experienced a similarly memorable audience moment at a movie? It can be funny, sad, disgusting, or all three, and did your audience affect your enjoyment of the movie? Keep on flopping, Mary, last name withheld. I definitely have movie. It can be funny, sad, disgusting, or all three. And did your audience affect your enjoyment of the movie? Keep on flopping, Mary, last name withheld. I definitely have one. It's one of my favorite movie theater stories to tell.
Starting point is 00:57:32 We went to see the Johnny Depp remake of Willy Wonka. And it is not a good movie. So we were not very interested, but when Johnny Depp offers the candy factory to Charlie Bucket, a little kid about five rows in front of us, jumped to his feet, pointed at the screen and yelled, I knew it! That's one of my favorite moments I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Specifically, Fast and Furious 7. I cried a lot. I cried, I don't have any tears left in me, still to this day because if I'm not sure I cried at the end of that movie. And I was so, I was weirdly excited in that moment where Vin Diesel was giving that monologue and everybody was like saying goodbye to Paul Walker to C.G.I. Paul Walker and I was just crying so hard
Starting point is 00:58:14 because I had this thought, I was there seeing it with friends and I had this thought of like, oh boy, when the lights come up, me and my friends are all gonna look at each other crying in this vulnerable place and we're gonna be so much closer as friends and the lights came up. Dry, perfectly dry, perfectly dry stone faced heartless monsters I I cried I think they channeled all their tears into me because I so
Starting point is 00:58:33 so you're so you're so that you can you carry that crossbone not in a movie theater but I was dating a girl and I watched a film with her family. It was a beloved 80 sitcom classic. And at the end of the film, the credits began to roll and I noticed that her mother had tears in her eyes and she said completely stone-faced to me. I just feel like everybody should have an uncle book. Hahaha. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Hahaha. Hahaha. Fucking the vast. Oh my God, that's very good. Uncle book Fucking the vast oh my god, that's very good. I got one on Justin. It's not that funny We went and saw crank it up my man. We went and saw iron giant. Oh, yeah, God We went and saw iron giant and it got to the end of the movie and he just Superman the end of the movie and he just superman. And Justin and I are, I mean, really, that waterworks are flowing, the lights come up and Justin's, your mom turns to us and went,
Starting point is 00:59:35 it's in effect at all! It's a Cartoon Robot! Sure. I feel that. Okay, we need to start wrapping up. Do you guys have any movie recommendations? Because the only movie I've watched in the last month was Speed.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And I'll go ahead and recommend it because that movie fucking rules. We're doing a Keanu film series with my friends here in Austin. We did Point Break and then Speed. And I think Speed is the superior film out of the two, which may be heresy to say. But it's good.
Starting point is 01:00:00 It's got Keanu Reeves and it's got Sandra Bulk. They have to drive us real fast. I watched an excellent documentary called An Honest Lire about James Randy. It has a really insane arc, like there's an actual, it starts out more of like a career retrospective. And then in the last third, it has like, not just an arc, but like an arc that both sort of challenges
Starting point is 01:00:21 and highlights the themes of like truth and the importance of truth to truly telling that James Randy has been highlighting for the entire if you don't know who he has he's a magician who's also a professional sort of uh... debacle or like almost like who deany but then something happens at the end of the movie that is like you you could not write it i actually had some ethical concerns of that movie because there's explicitly a scene where he says you cannot include this in the documentary you You cannot include this in the documentary and they included it in the documentary. Now they do say in the credits that he gave permission to use all the footage. So, what about you, Trev? I have come to the realization recently that there may be people in the world who have not watched Blasing Saddles,
Starting point is 01:00:58 which is my favorite movie in the world and I just watched it like on Tuesday. So, if you haven't watched Blasing Saddles, it is as far as I'm concerned, the greatest comedy movie ever made. So you should go watch it. Well, I got one. We were flying back from LA and Justin watched the taking of Pellum123, the original version with Robert Shaw and Walter Mathau. And it blew him away. I watched it sitting next to me and the little screen in the seat in front of him. I couldn't hear the dialogue and I watched it and remembered how fantastic a movie it is.
Starting point is 01:01:31 The ironic thing about that is I watched that because Elliot Kalin said that it was the one movie. If you can only watch one movie, that's the movie that he would watch. So that's why I watched it, that movie. So it's a full circle of life. Let's do some, let's get out of here. Let's do some quick promos.
Starting point is 01:01:49 I'm gonna be doing the next one in my screening series at the 92 white shure Becca. I'm showing two for the Bronx. It's a Frank Capra classic. I'm gonna be joined by Al Magical for that. And I hope you all can come out. Being Tim Leigh or kicking off a new film series here at the Alamo Drafthouse, the Ritz, of course on six.
Starting point is 01:02:11 We're going to be streaming and screaming. It's a new series we're calling streaming and screaming. And we're going to be showing some old 88 millimeter reels of just Silent movies, but we dubbed sound into them. So you're really gonna enjoy it. And I just won an Emmy for my writing on the Dicks. Okay, good. Okay, and I have a Chees sandwich with horse radish that's screaming. Oh my god Everybody if you enjoyed this, which you probably didn't because we're different from the other people and you miss the other people You should go listen to the adventure zone our Dungeons didn't, because we're different from the other people, and you miss the other people, you should go listen to the Adventure Zone, our Dungeons and Dragons podcast that we're usually on, that they are currently hosting.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Also, go check out the Adventure Zone. If you did enjoy this, we have another podcast called My Brother, My Brother, made it an advice show that we do without our dad, so it gets blue. You can listen to that as well. I just want to say quickly before we wrap here, it like Flawp house is genuinely one of my favorite favorite podcasts. For sure.
Starting point is 01:03:12 And the planet that I've been like mainlining for the past few months and to get to actually record one and sort of like sit in for those guys is like, I don't use this word loosely it is it has been a genuine honor yeah so I thank you so much for for let us do but what I will say is if we had to do this every two weeks and we had to watch a leprechaun origin style movie every two weeks I would cut my head off and I would throw it in the ocean yeah that's throwing that's fallen on there are sword for
Starting point is 01:03:42 I'm not yeah it was it was miserable. Oh Fuck happy shock tober. I have been Griffith McRoy. I have been Travis McRoy I have been Clint McRoy. You just stared at me like what do I do now? I didn't know the order fuck dude I said I'd go last and you know your name you just said fuck to your father I am and will remain to be for the foreseeable future Justin McAroy Thanks for watching everyone. This is the show. No, it's a part of as you listen fuck. Gotcha Comedy and Culture, Artist-owned. Listener-supported.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Oh hey there everybody, I'm Guy Brannum, and welcome to Pop Rocket, a new weekly show picking over the pop culture we all love to love. With me to talk TV, film, music, and anything else entertaining, our journalist Margaret Wopler, academic, writer, and DJ Oliver Wang, digital strategist, wind, music, and anything else entertaining are journalist Margaret Waupler, academic, writer, and DJ Oliver Wang, digital strategist, winter Mitchell, and comedian, Zantina Mughaw.
Starting point is 01:04:51 It's an intellectual and incredibly snark field discussion about pop culture by five cranky Hollywood 30-somethings. No name calling, no rudeness, just straight talk, and a lot of role play. I'm only 30-something for another year. Me too. And then I'll tell anybody I'm 30-something.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Pawprocket comes out every week from

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