The Gargle - Paintball security | Salt crystals | Wayne bosses

Episode Date: April 25, 2024

Athena Kugblenu and Tom Neenan join host Alice Fraser for episode 154 of The Gargle. All of the news, with none of the politics. Paintball security Salt crystal clouds Wayne bosses&nbsp...;Internet sleuths ReviewsStory 1: 2: 3: 4: by Alice Fraser, Athena Kugblenu and Tom NeenanProduced by Ped Hunter and Laura Turner, with executive production from Chris Skinner.HOW TO SUPPORT THE GARGLE- Keep The Gargle alive and well by joining Team Bugle with a one-off payment, or become a Team Bugler or Super Bugler to receive extra bonus treats! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's producer Chris from The Bugle here. Did you know that I have a new series of my podcast, Richie Firth Travel Hacker, out now? It's the show where Richie Firth and I talk about how to make travel better in our very special way. In this series, we discuss line bikes, Teslas, the London overground, and a whole bunch of other random stuff that possibly involves wheels
Starting point is 00:00:22 or tracks or engines of some variety. God, what a hot sell this is. I mean, you must be so excited. Listen now. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Every sport has their big, juicy controversy. Boxing has the Mike Tyson ear bite.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Cycling has Lance Armstrong. Baseball has its steroid era. Curling has... Broomgate. It's a story of broken relationships, houses divided, corporate rivalry, and a performance-enhancing broom. It was a year I'd like to forget. Broomgate, available now. Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:20 This is a podcast from The Bugle. Each graduating student approaches the carved mahogany qualifications desk and places both their hands on the table top. The table spews forth a single piece of parchment paper curlicued with the diploma that will direct their life's path henceforth. You shudder nervously as you approach the assignments table and place your hands on the oddly warm wood. What will your future hold? Cackling in a dungeon?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Running yoga retreats? The brutal world of finance? The table bucks once beneath your hands and a single piece of paper slides out of its immaculate surface. You look. In curling writing it reads, The Gargle. Welcome to The Gargle. This is The Gargle, the sonic glossy magazine to the bugle's audio newspaper to a visual world. I am your host, Alice Fraser, and your guest editors for this week's edition of the magazine are Tom Neenan. Welcome. Thank you very much. Lovely to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's lovely to have you. And Athena Kuglenou, how are you? I'm well. Thank you for having me. Well, it's a delight to have you both here. But before we link arms and start the do-si-do that is this week's top story, let's have a look at the front cover. we link arms and start the do-si-do that is this week's top story, let's have a look at the front cover. The front cover of this week's magazine is comedian Arj Barker breastfeeding a baby. I don't know if foreign countries tracked this story, but it was big news in Australia this week.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Comedian Arj Barker kicked a breastfeeding mother out of his comedy show. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? Yeah, I saw the headline. Hey, listen, as the only guy on this call, I'm going in two-footed on this whole story. Why not? And as the only non-parent, I believe as well, I am going in and saying he was distracted, right?
Starting point is 00:03:22 That was what he said. He was distracted by that scenario, which is a case I sort of think like, come on, mate, we've all, if you haven't seen one boob before, then what are you doing in comedy, basically? Are people angry? Is that what I'm,
Starting point is 00:03:38 I'm hearing people that are angry about this. I feel like nobody in this situation covered themselves in glory. I think you are allowed to take a baby to a comedy show if the comedian is your friend, you've asked them in advance and you're standing up the back. I feel like that's the rules for a comedy show, unless it's a comedy show for babies, in which case go wild.
Starting point is 00:03:57 This was not a comedy show for babies, but also he's been doing it for a long time. He should have had the gears to deal with it with grace rather than having what appears to have been a complete breakdown here's the thing though right like when a baby's got a mouth full of breast um they can't laugh and if you if you really care about your craft if somebody is just kind of just sucking away and not paying attention and listening to what you're saying then you know you can't get to the punch line you're not going to laugh on cue um also as people will know let's say the breast slips out
Starting point is 00:04:35 and you get a jet full of breast milk in your eye that's not nice you know it's health and safety because it doesn't just you know if you're not familiar with breastfeeding it doesn't just kind of just like come out like a little slow dripping tap it is a hose pipe like it really is like you're putting out a fire with that milk um and so you know he was just thinking about very those two very important things health and safety and laughter fair enough as a comedian you always focus on the one person in the gig who isn't laughing and that's all that's happening really i feel like he should do an apology tour and just do shows all to babies i think you say all to boobs just like what an
Starting point is 00:05:12 amazing way of sort of gaming the system is like only topless shows from now on i'll be doing and and they should be sponsored by cow and gate because if it wasn't a bottle maybe he might have been happier with it i don't know know, you know. Makes sense. Wait a minute. Are not all straight young men comedy shows essentially performed directly to boobs? Confirmed, confirmed. The comedy to boobs pipeline. I see many aspirational young people moving towards. The satirical cartoon this week is Tesla's earnings call,
Starting point is 00:05:43 which happened this week. If you want to know the brief on that, Tesla's automotive revenues are down double digit, but they increased their, quote, AI compute by 130%, which Musk has declared is a victory because making money out of making cars isn't actually the business model of Tesla. And you'd be stupid to think it was. the business model of Tesla, and you'd be stupid to think it was, he's suggesting that Tesla could use the idle GPUs in parked Teslas as a distributed AI supercomputer, which is nonsense. It is bullshit nonsense.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And it doesn't even sound like good bullshit nonsense. It sounds like deeply dystopian bullshit nonsense. You know, like remember how Uber suggested its drivers weren't liable for legal protection as employees because its primary service was connecting people, essentially the Tinder of geography. So Uber is not a car company. Tesla is a software company that happens to make battery-driven cars as a sort of a weird side effect,
Starting point is 00:06:40 which means that if you are an Uber driver who has a Tesla, I don't know what your job is all indications to the contrary i can assure you that legally speaking your job is definitely not driving a car yeah can we live in a world where companies do the thing they do is that feels like one of those sort of things you never thought you'd have to specify but like it's like finding out that mcdonald's is actually just raising awareness about clowning and actually the food is just like completely a sidebar this is the post jack welsh at uh general electric dystopia of companies just looking at line go up rather than actually making a thing that does a thing for people who want to buy it have you have you sat in a tesla you ever sat in a tesla i Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you sat in a Tesla?
Starting point is 00:07:25 You ever sat in a Tesla? I have sat in a Tesla. I've sat in a Tesla that was an Uber, but it wasn't, was it? It wasn't an Uber. I do that thing where, you know when you go to malls and shopping centres, there'll be like a car that you can sit in and pretend that you can afford to buy it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Sometimes I do that to stay warm. And I sat in a, I sat in I think a model x and model x is a in the uk about 100 grand you can buy a mercedes for that that's a that's a prestige brand you drive around in mercedes people think you've done something well in life right but so you're still spending 100 grand on the mercedes you can spend 100 grand on a tesla model x and you literally sit in there and it feels like you're sitting on a chair in a train waiting room like it's like the most plasticky thing my ass has ever felt in my life and i'm like what is like you spent all this money on the computer it was a bit it's a bit like making a terminator but just making the chip and
Starting point is 00:08:16 then thinking oh it doesn't look like a human anymore and it's just kind of like a mannequin like i'm sure the computer inside this car is lovely but the actual car itself looks like it feels like that plastic car that has you know when you're a kid and it has like it doesn't have a hole in the floor so you make it move by running around that's what a tesla feels like it's not even an actual it doesn't feel like a proper car at all so he doesn't i don't know why it's because he doesn't because it was never meant to be a car yeah it's you might as well go down to toys r us or your local toy store and get yourself a fisher price my first car and that is you know a tesla basically without a microchip that's all it is it's mad and that brings us to our top story uh Speaking of dystopian futures, this is home security news in which a new camera has come on the market, a home security camera that can shoot trespassers.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Athena, you're wicked with a paintball gun. Can you unpack this story for us i can yeah so a company has decided that what security cameras need um is a deterrent uh because people are not being deterred by being filmed they're being deterred by kind of being attacked after being filmed so uh this particular which i guess which kind of makes sense uh because now everyone's taking selfies right so if i'm going to rob you and i get a selfie at the same time that for me that's sort of two birds one stone so now um a company has identified um this new development in in thievery um and decided to add a paintball gun to its security camera um and the idea is that if it detects a trespasser on private property, it will fire paintball pellets at the trespasser. It can also do tear gas rounds.
Starting point is 00:10:10 So that's like the upgrade, I guess. Like the value version is paintball. And you pay a bit extra and you get to gas your intruders. And there's not much more to it, really, except for the fact that I worry about the foxes. Because it's not really they just want to go to get some stuff out your bins they don't deserve a paintball in their ass do they do they deserve a paintball i'm all for this because i don't first of all i don't get sent self-tapes because my agents are garbage but if they were not garbage and i got sent self-tapes
Starting point is 00:10:42 i find it hard to find collaborators who are willing to film me. And if I am, for example, auditioning for a part in like a war movie, what better than a camera that will shoot paintballs at me? Sometimes I'm looking for a tennis partner. Sometimes you're looking for a bit of batting practice, but you haven't got someone who's willing to bowl at you. I feel like this solves a huge range of problems that can all be solved by trespassing on the grounds of somebody who's sufficiently paranoid and bloodthirsty that they would buy one of these f***ing things. Am I the only one imagining like a trespasser is approaching your house.
Starting point is 00:11:24 approaching your house they get hit by the paintballs and then they are identifiable by like the the silhouette like the negative silhouette cast on your wall where basically the paintball hasn't hit them and so you can sort of trace it around and see what they look like i for one endorse the idea that uh home security is entering its bantz era and we are now um deterring people with like they'll be throwing spiders at people. It'll be pantsing them. There'll be lots of ways of sort of deterring people in ways that don't actually work at all. Because, you know, one of the main things you want to do is protect your house.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And part of protecting your house is making sure it looks nice. And throwing a load of paint at your house isn't going to help. I mean, this couldn't have happened before the age of some millennials beginning to own homes because their ownership protection
Starting point is 00:12:04 was just home alone. And I feel like the more home alone your security system is, the bigger buy-in you'll have from the aging millennials. I think it's a shame because we went through all this trouble to kind of like learn how to use DNA
Starting point is 00:12:17 to identify intruders, right? So you kind of, you leave behind a hair and then you get caught and they test your hair and it matches the hair at the crime scene. And now they're like, i was like no no we'll just we'll just fire a paintball at him well i don't find that way there's a poor guy you know in a laboratory going oh but what about this fingerprint no no he's he's got a uv paint paint splash on his shoulder so we don't need you anymore you know there's all these people who are really good with tweezers and they're going to be out of work. What a shame.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I look forward to a lot of home thieves walking around looking like Mikhail Gorbachev with like permanent paintball dents in their head. Yeah, I want one. And that is the problem with millennials owning houses is that, yeah, this will sound, this is why it shouldn't happen. And I've always said it.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah. And that brings us to our ad section for today. Now it's time for your ads. Because you can't be what you can't buy. Can you imagine a better world? A world with less waste, more eco-friendly energy, more renewable resources. Try environmentalism, the new wave intellectual exercise
Starting point is 00:13:27 that puts the power to change the world in your hands. And by in your hands, we mean in your mind. Real ecological change requires huge amounts of buy-in from literally billions of stakeholders, the most powerful of whose economic interests are directly in opposition to making real impactful change. And turning the tide seems a task both vast and dauntingly impossible so why not just think about it imagine a better
Starting point is 00:13:52 future post about what you'd do and then get a good night's sleep with our new 5d nature imaginarium 5d you say yes it's the regular 3d and then two dicks for joysticks leave your eco fantasies lovingly narrated by david attenborough with environmentalism available today and this episode of the podcast is brought to you by midges midges what if pieces of floating dirt were like you what the get off me you evil little sentient fairy shits sometimes i can piece together what your day's been like from the adverts there is like a species of sand flea slash midge in queensland that bites only me like i go to the playground with my children with my brother with cousins and family and i get the shit bitten out of me
Starting point is 00:14:47 and I'm covered in lumps and everyone else is fine and I feel like I'm being gaslighted. Just my nemesis. This is my natural predator. And if you're on the planet Arrakis, as described by Frank Herbert in the book Dune, recently brought to the big screen by Denis Villeneuve, and you're looking to purchase a very nice hat at the markets of capital city Arrakeen, try offering half a glass of water. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Every sport has their big, juicy controversy. Boxing has the Mike Tyson ear bite. Cycling has Lance Armstrong. Baseball has its steroid era. Curling has... Broomgate. It's a story of broken relationships houses divided corporate rivalry and a performance enhancing broom it was a year i'd like to forget broom gate available now a cast helps creators launch grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. And speaking of futuristic geoengineering,
Starting point is 00:16:19 which I was when I mentioned the book Dune, a secretive experiment has released salt crystals over San Francisco's Bay as a way of trying to alter the climate. Tom Neenan, you're salty. Can you unpack this story for us? Certainly. Yeah, we're now at the stage
Starting point is 00:16:38 of kind of dealing with the climate crisis that we're thinking maybe season the planet. Is that ever that help? Make it, it's tast tastier maybe it won't want to burn um so yeah the university of washington uh carried out this secretive experiment as secretive as an experiment can be when it's just in the air and everyone can look up and see it um which is that they release salt crystals into the atmosphere. The idea being that they are reflective, so that it sort of replicates, I guess, a kind of sea fog
Starting point is 00:17:09 that can have a cooling effect because it reflects the sun's light back unless it hits the ground, heating up the planet. Apparently, this can have an effect of cooling the Earth by up to one degree. Hooray! Fahrenheit. Boo. an effect of cooling the earth by up to one degree hooray fahrenheit boo um so that's a real comedown of a you know you get excited and we'll do anything other than reduce uh carbon emissions won't we we will literally do we will literally throw salt in the air like some kind of pagan ritual than do the one thing that we know will 100% help this situation. But, you know, good for people trying to... I think it's terrible.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Think of the witch population in San Francisco. Think of the slugs. Oh, slugs. No, it's both witches and slugs, to be fair. Yeah. It's a terrible thing. And also, like, you know, if you're from a community that's offered some high blood pressure,
Starting point is 00:18:03 you know, that can't be good, having some salt in the air just inhaling it it's ridiculous it's got to the point now where i watch like tv shows where like and films where aliens are coming to like destroy the planet and i side with the aliens go on get them they're idiots just get them you know like we would you're right tom we would do anything it's like would you like to eat a little less meat no let's just spray the clouds with salt. Or you could maybe get, you know, just don't drive today. No, no, no. Let's just throw salt in the air.
Starting point is 00:18:32 How about you don't buy that jacket you don't need? No, no, no, no, no. We're going to fly a plane into the air. We're ridiculous. The aliens just need to go. I don't know if you've seen Three-Body Problem, but in it, I won't spoil it, but basically aliens come and there's a reason that they come. And I would f*** you. I want to send out invites now i want to do i want to send out a google invite
Starting point is 00:18:50 to all the aliens accept or decline just destroy us just say yes i've had enough of us we're ridiculous i mean i guess i'm a bit of a pragmatist so i'm like if it helps it helps but they're plant more trees and reduce and reduce carbon emissions are like very basic i remember elon musk uh the favorite of this um podcast tweeting about like if someone designs the perfect way of reducing carbon emissions like the perfectly designed thing i'll give them like a million dollars and loads of people just sent him the wikipedia article for trees um because they are so efficient. They are so easy to make. So, yeah. But hey, if it helps, it helps.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Right. Like anything that stops us, you know, stops the climate oblivion and, you know, happening sooner. I'm all for it, I guess. I propose sprinkling turmeric on the oceans because why not? Let's see yeah season season season the dolphins because you know we might as well just start a big curry let's just make the oceans into a big a big tea a big salmon tikka masala enjoy ourselves until i don't know how they've distributed these salt crystals but i i do hope it's by a t-shirt cannon while firing them into the sky they scream something like tis the seasoning because even if it doesn't work then it would be fun you know yeah this is proof that nobody who ever used the fahrenheit scale ever contributed anything to society this is the absolute proof the most useless of all the imperial scales you know whenever i see a
Starting point is 00:20:27 temperature in fahrenheit it's always something ridiculous like 7 000 degrees and that's the equivalent of like three cent degrees centigrade i mean it's always completely the opposite of what i think it is it's a stupid scale and if you're a scientist and you use it you have nothing to contribute to humanity and that's a fact and that brings us to our reviews section as you know each week we ask our guest editors to bring in something to review out of five stars uh athena what have you brought in for us this week i've got a fantastic thing you ever in a bar and you get like a cardboard beer mat and then it's like you just tear it up for no reason and that's a waste of a beer mat it's a puzzle beer mat guys so rather than tearing apart the beer mat in because you've got internalized
Starting point is 00:21:11 rage because something happened in your childhood what you can do is you can take apart the beer mat you can put it back together again and it's a genius thing and we should all get this and i swear to god it will add years to our lives because it will remove all this trauma and the stress that we normally put into tearing up this beer mat you just take the puzzle apart and put it back together again wow that's amazing how many out of five five five out of five stars yeah i mean what are they what are they going to think of next it's an amazing thing they're going well they're going to chewing ice they're just going to freeze chewing gum and put it in their drinks incredible incredible uh tom what have you brought in for us um it's a half review half ranking i've done because all the kids are ranking things nowadays with their s tiers and everything else so i've decided to rank uh the very the different ways of um drinking coca-cola um i'm
Starting point is 00:22:03 off caffeine and so i miss it and so i decided to rank them so joint bottom one star if you will uh plastic bottle not good for the environment also too warm doesn't taste nice and the old-fashioned way that that guy uh makes uh coca-cola in america you know he sort of mixes it all up and stuff don't want that not interested i don't want my soft drinks tasting of segregation no thank you uh then under that is can just your standard can under that can from a bucket of ice at a carnival can't beat that so good so refreshing uh and so that's and then second from the top four stars if you will um is from a pub, like a zhuzh from a pub where they fill up the thing. Always tasty, always delicious.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And number one, glass bottle and a straw, five stars. So those again are at the bottom, plastic bottle and the old-fashioned way, can, can from a bucket at a festival or a carnival, from a pub zhuzh, glass bottle with straw. Thank you. The definitive ranking of Coke drinking from Tom Neenan there. And that brings us to our boss Wayne story now.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And that is the news that all bad bosses at Amazon are now called Wayne. Tom, you're called Wayne. Can you unpack this story for us? Undeniably, I am. Yes, we have reached that stage of dystopia where we now have to invent bosses to be angry at. Because these are Amazon workers who are being basically they're sort of sent these routes and things aren't they that they have to follow in order to sort of fulfill their um uh you know the various responsibilities and a lot of the routes that are being sent are generated by ai and a lot of them are are impossible to achieve
Starting point is 00:23:54 they are impossible to sort of do in the time allotted apparently um you can only drive for 10 hours a day um i don't drive so that i'm not trying to sort of say apparently these people who work in sort of manual labor do this thing i don't drive so i don't actually uh i wasn't aware of that but yeah so what's happening is these people are being sent these um uh these sort of tasks and things and they're impossible and they're stupid and they're angry at them but that's the great thing about ai that's what people are realizing is there's nothing to be angry about so they have invented someone to be angry about and that is a fictional boss called wayne um who is they all complain about on reddit and say wayne sent me to do this mad thing the other day wayne isn't doesn't no
Starting point is 00:24:35 one's doing it the machines are doing it the algorithms are doing it have i got this right is that what's been happening and so they're all complaining about wayne basically yes essentially the dystopia of modern kind of uh programmed workforces is that responsibility is distributed so broadly and so mechanically that people have no human face to throw their hate at. And as you know, when things are really shit and impossible, people like to blame someone. I'm glad it's Wayne in this instance and not, for example, the Jews. add it's Wayne in this instance and not for example the Jews but I think it points to the larger problem which is that these people have workloads that are literally impossible to achieve Athena what do you think oh so much let's get let's get this let's start here Wayne could be Jewish so let's let's let's go back to the I. I'm sorry. To anybody listening, there is no Duke called Wayne.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Just in case. But before we clear them of these charges, let's just clarify, please. Okay. But parking that, he might not be, but he might. But parking that, like, so we like to do this thing where AI is doing all this crazy stuff and it's making us do things. Somebody told AI to do that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It didn't just fall from the sky and send you on a mat somebody went into a computer and said hello ai please send these people on mad um journey and errands through the city so have a go at that guy don't absolve that guy from responsibility first of all i think we will we will be very quick to throw the baby out of the bathroom or and blame ai no a human being invented that and press the button that said it's going to do this now so let's chop his hands off is what i'm saying do you know what i mean or do or you know disable him in some way so he doesn't do that anymore secondly like this is what we want we want to go onto amazon and all the things we don't need
Starting point is 00:26:19 to arrive within 90 minutes okay so either you guys want it or you don't because there's only one way that happens and it happens through the exploitation of human labor there's only one way you can go online and buy some shit you don't need and get and literally put your hand out and someone puts it in your hand and now you're like oh my god it's so unfair you know they make these guys drive for 15 hours just to serve the needs that my needs and demands like don't have the needs and demands okay it stops with us uh so it's not wayne it's the consumer and if all the consumers are called wayne then it is wayne but we're not all so i know we're not so we you know we have to we have to start to start to kind
Starting point is 00:26:55 of connect the dots here it's an absolutely ridiculous world that we live in and that i can demand something online electronically from a factory and i can get it right there's only one way that happens and that's through exploitation okay so let's connect the dots it's not Wayne it's the guy who programmed the AI and
Starting point is 00:27:11 it's the person who ordered that shit okay so what I'm saying is let's start throwing bricks through shops and stuff let's start that's the only solution that's it we
Starting point is 00:27:19 just got a riot basically it's all going out it's all getting our hands getting our hands the shops are the good ones the shops are the good ones
Starting point is 00:27:24 oh no no yeah no no let's just throw bricks throw books at the sky yeah okay it might stop climate change if you're going to salty bricks i mean i like the beautiful symmetry of that that in order for amazon to work you need to dehumanize the worker and the worker in turn is humanizing the ai it's crazy that's exactly what's happening though you've actually just put that's exactly what's happening though you've actually just put that is exactly what's happening which is bizarre it's crazy is it just people who really want to pretend they're working for batman so like they're convinced they've got a really cool job
Starting point is 00:27:56 because my my boss with a secretive uh identity is uh is called wayne and we all know what that means yeah well we don't know how Batman funds his Bruce Wayne fortune. It can't just all be bad guano. I bet he just invented Tetra Pak. I bet it was something really boring. You know? Because the family who invented Tetra Pak are really rich.
Starting point is 00:28:17 They just invented this really useful thing. It's like Velcro. Yeah, yeah. His great-grandparents composed Happy Birthday and he's been living off that money ever since. That's why I have to pay a dollar every birthday to the Happy Birthday family. That brings us to our final story of the day. And this is a good news story, question mark, question mark,
Starting point is 00:28:43 or possibly another internet dystopia story. This is the story of a runaway groom who was hunted down by internet sleuths when he ghosted his pregnant wife. Tom Neenan, you've been a ghost. Can you unpack this story? He got, well, this is a case. pack this he got well this is a case i think we should take the term doxing and replace it with um the term baby reindeering because basically if you give the internet anyone to look for they will find that person in 0.4 seconds flat and that is exactly what happened um to ashley mcguire who's uh who whose husband allegedly do we have to say allegedly in this? Because there's real people involved and it's an actual situation.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I don't think anyone is taking their full news from this podcast. This entire podcast is in quote marks. You know, like I feel like if anybody is genuinely feeling like we are libeling anyone, you've got the tone of this podcast wrong. Do do your own research uh charles withers um who is no longer withers in the sense that he ran away uh and she was like can you can you find us can you find him because he's scarpered and the internet spent like 0.2 seconds and was like here he is we found him um because that's what the internet's best at and that's why um yeah that's like i say so you give it a challenge and
Starting point is 00:30:12 it will rise to it hence the baby reindeer situation of going here's him here's uh someone who's real who exists it was a thing on the internet yep found them here they are immediately um did all your research for you god bless the internet i guess is my my conclusion to this well it was within yeah 21 hours she had quote more than enough information to locate him literally hundreds of messages to sort through some with information and some with uh support which is extraordinary she then of course it being the internet said please don't attack him physically Athena your thoughts um lots so I think you like okay you have you he ghosted this woman and they were engaged we do have the right to end relationships though like it's like if I if I don't want to be with someone anymore
Starting point is 00:31:05 i should be allowed to kind of extract myself from that relationship and the way i do that should be um it should be empathetic and it should be respectful and it should be protective of everybody's kind of mental health and respect everybody's kind of humanity but i've got the right to be like oh man it's not for me fam you know what I mean it's not you it's me and like I think other humans on the internet should respect that like this woman was ghosted by someone which is really really unpleasant not much by someone her fiancee and a British chef you know like obviously she's American so she thinks that's a big deal no no no British food is terrible but like you know she's like whatever fancy oh la la fancy no she was they were married oh they were married i mean look it's it's it's a tough one i i yes
Starting point is 00:31:51 and half of me is like yeah like you shouldn't really ghost someone that you went along to a relationship with and i'm glad you've been tracked down now you can explain yourself on the other hand i'm like some you know you should be able to relationships do end then they can end yes yes but i feel i feel like you probably know you should be true relationships do end then they can end yes yes but i feel i feel like you probably shouldn't ghost your wife you probably shouldn't go but if yeah but if you do ghost your wife ghost everyone because you will be found you can't just be like oh i'll go to this one person and then go on instagram and go to wherever he went um fernando's or wherever he went i don't I don't know but Fernando's is a fictional island
Starting point is 00:32:26 but I mean, look, we don't know we don't know the both, there's obviously both sides two sides to every story she could have been an online influencer or some other hideous thing, but she
Starting point is 00:32:41 posted on the are we dating the same guy Texas group that it was hard to divorce someone who's completely unreachable the fact that there is an are we dating the same guy group is a wonderful thing for people to discover if they are dating the same guy as other people but i feel like if you're going on the are we dating the same guy group, you shouldn't be with the guy you're with. Because either you or he have problems. That's blown my mind.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So you put up a photo of a man and be like, are you in a relationship with this man? It's like cats. You know how cats have like seven different owners? Are you feeding this cat too? Because my cat's getting fat. getting fat oh that's your cat i thought it was my cat oi ruffles what the hell are you playing at um i feel like we need that website more is what i'm saying because cats are traitors i say this a lot but that's a cat will do that shit have different dinners like i'm a good cook i'm every confidence of being the only person cooking for my man,
Starting point is 00:33:46 but I'll go on the website still. That's crazy. But yeah, I can't, imagine someone goes missing and you go, and you go to the internet and not the police. You know what I'm saying? Like,
Starting point is 00:33:58 if I haven't seen my husband for five days, I'll go on Instagram. I'm pretty sure you want to call the police i'm just you know call them see if he's been paintballed by someone but everything i think there was this i just think there was gone mad i don't know it is weird how like terminology though can like because if you if i said i've ghosted my wife you'd be like that's not a very nice thing to do if i said you know if what i meant by that was i've killed my wife then you go like well that is actually now what i thought you'd done
Starting point is 00:34:30 is a lot better so uh the first person to ever ghost his wife is obviously um patrick swayze thank you that brings us to the end of this week's episode of the gargle i'm flipping through the ad section at the back. Athena, have you got anything to plug? I do. I've got a children's podcast called Bust or Trust. It's for kids, but grown-ups too. If you will, you can pretend it is if you listen to it as a grown-up. But it's really fun.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I do it with a lovely comedian called Tia Ndiawb and it's great. Bust or Trust podcast. Check it out. Wonderful. Check out that podcast. Tom, have you got anything to plug? I don't to plug I've got a podcast that I do with two people and it's a Doctor Who podcast because if three white men sit in a room
Starting point is 00:35:12 together a Doctor Who podcast sort of just forms around them so that's what we do it's called A Weeding Groaning Sound listen to that and also follow me on Instagram at tpneenan because I'm slowly trying to migrate off Twitter slash X as we all
Starting point is 00:35:27 are and Instagram isn't better but it's not owned by Elon Musk so that's the plan. Yeah I mean if you stay on X for too long you'll realise suddenly that it's meant to be a car You can find me online at slash Alice Fraser it's a it's a one-stop shop for all of
Starting point is 00:35:47 my stand-up specials podcasts and blogs as well as my weekly writers meetings and uh my salons which is where you get in the zoom room and have a chat a lot like this but less pre-written um you can also buy my book in advance sales, though I have submitted my end of the manuscript, at and type in Alice Fraser. It's called The Dancy Lagarde Reader. You can also listen to our big sister podcast, The Bugle Obvs. Your editor for this podcast is Ped Hunter. Your executive producer is Chris Skinner. This is a Bugle podcast and Alice Fraser production,
Starting point is 00:36:22 and I'll talk to you next week. You can listen to other programs from The Bugle podcast and Alice Fraser production, and I'll talk to you next week. You can listen to other programmes from The Bugle, including The Bugle, Catharsis, Tiny Revolutions, Top Stories and The Gargle, wherever you find your podcasts.

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