The Glass Cannon Podcast - Gatewalkers Episode 75 – The Pig and Pony Show

Episode Date: March 7, 2025

A brief sojourn in Chesed provides the party with more news than they could have ever expected. Watch the video here: This episode was sponsored by Foundry VTT and Norse... Foundry. See why tabletop gamers everywhere have made the switch to Foundry Virtual Tabletop at For all your random number-generating needs, visit Norse Foundry at Start your free online visit today at for your personalized hair loss treatment options. (Results vary. Based on studies of topical and oral minoxidil and finasteride. Prescription products require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if a prescription is appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for full details and important safety information.) Access exclusive podcasts, ad-free episodes, and livestreams with a 30-day free trial with code "GCN30" at For more podcasts and livestreams, visit Watch new episodes when they premiere every Thursday at 8PM ET on Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Glass Cannon Network, the premier source for role-playing game entertainment. Last week on the Glass Cannon Podcast... That's quite far enough there, strangers. We are not accepting new boats in Chesed this evening. And Brother Ramius of Latria, we are peaceful people. All we want is to find food and shelter, and perhaps spend a little bit of our coin in your fair city. I suppose it would be unholy of me to leave you far away from a port. As you're sailing in, Sakawatchi says, may I speak with you, Brother Ramius? I was talking with the others. We feel as if this would be a great opportunity for us to perhaps spend some time apart.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Sakawachi wishes to stay in another inn if possible and I agreed. Oh. I get the sense that Sakawachi believes we are fated to separate. And so you make your way towards an inn. There's a bunch of sailors and old salts in there drinking. It's late. A guy sitting at the table, a little bit drunk, he looks over and he looks at you, Ramius. Oh!
Starting point is 00:01:11 Oh! You've mistaken me for someone. Girls been asking about you. Come by. Where is this place? Yeah, the Pig and Pony, up the street. Yes. Gaius, you spent hours there.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Gaius? And he just, like, stops. Gaius, you spent hours there. Gaius? And he just like, stops. Gaius is my brother's name. The adventure continues... Thank you. Matthew Capitacaza, I am concerned that you're not getting enough protein. Why? Because you don't eat meat. Yeah. And protein is very important. I agree. I'm concerned that you're not getting enough protein. Why? Because you don't eat meat.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah. And protein's very important. I agree. How much protein are you getting on a daily basis? Meat and protein constantly. When? What form? From nature's beautiful bounty, beans.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I was very anti-bean for most of my life. I was like, what's the point? Right. They don't taste good. And then I realized I was just eating too many bad canned beans. And now I make my own. I eat some hummus.
Starting point is 00:02:50 You make your own beans? You make your own beans? I get dried beans and I make them into soup. What are you, God, now? Where's your bean stock? You can grow them, though. Also, I eat dairy and cheese and eggs and all the other things.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Okay, I still don't think it's enough, man. I think you eat too much, Perch. No such thing. As you age- Is that why he's so jacked? No, here's the thing. Too much Perch? He's so angry.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's not about- That's why he's so angry. It's not about being jacked. I'm trying to save you because you are the youngest man at the table and there's still hope for you. And what happens is as you get older, once you get into the 40s, man, the protein starts to drop off, testosterone is going to go down.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You need muscle mass starts to go down. That's why old people are so brittle and frail. You need to get more protein. You're not getting enough from canned beans. No. I'm not eating canned beans. You need to start drinking blood. Human blood.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Human, human, human, human gold is the only way. That's it. We all need to get vampire facials where they prick you with a thousand million needles and then they rub your blood back into your skin. I thought that meant something else. Vampire facial? I don't want to know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:04:01 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I don't wanna know. No, no, no Dracula, no. Barefoot facial. Nevermind, what you said was better. My body is, as you like to talk about, already dying.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I can no longer eat mushrooms. I can no longer eat mushrooms. Really? Yeah. Really? I always thought you were a fun guy. I thought so too. Oh. Boom. Why?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Is it because it's poisonous to you? At my body, apparently it's the things. Sudden onset or adult onset mushroom intolerance. You have AOMI? You did that so fast. AOMI? Adult onset. AOMI.
Starting point is 00:04:43 AOMI. I never thought it would have impacted someone close to a I never met no me a fellow me no uh no all right so you're you've got the beans there's no way you're eating enough beans per day and eggs and cheese but you know the beans are great for fiber that's another thing also they've done these studies of people that live the centenarians one of the main things that they have in common is their fiber intake fiber super important maybe the most important. I read a lot of medical journals. But protein.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Because you're trying to live forever. Is that medical journal called Men's Health Magazine? No. Troy, I just want to point out, sorry. It's called Maxim. Maxim. Male health medical journal, Maxim. Your Honor, I just male health medical journal, Maxum. Your Honor, I just want to point out you mentioned that you read a lot of medical journals.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I'm not a judge. I hear, have here in my paperwork, Harvard Health saying that you should not eat more than two kilograms or grams of ideal, of protein for your ideal body weight. It says that protein is actually bad for you. You should not have too much. It could lead to GI discomfort. How many RCTs went into that medical? You know, sir, I'll have to get back to you on that.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I just want, I don't, I don't want you to spread false information to the people. I'm gonna present some of the anecdote, and the anecdotal evidence of having to share a dressing with you before tour shows. Oh yeah. It's a horror show. She's right about the GI thing,
Starting point is 00:06:02 but also what if you don't want to be 100? Yeah, that's a good point. Well then kill yourself now, but also what if you don't want to be a hundred? Yeah, that's a point Well, then kill yourself now Why well, what if I want 80 years? Francis was like yeah Matthew What do you eat for your protein eggs I eat a lot of eggs I've got a too many eggs but I like eggs I like meat I eat steak and burgers and. I've got too many eggs. But I like eggs. I like meat. I eat steak and burgers and chicken and pork.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Love a good steak. I mean, a meal without meat just seems crazy to me. Yeah. So my dad would always say growing up, if there was ever a meal without meat. It's a snack. He immediately would say, what am I, sick? I'm sick. Gives you some indication of how I was raised. I just want you to be healthy and I want you to live a long, healthy Italian life.
Starting point is 00:06:51 But you can't do it on beans and milk alone. Whole grains also. Eggs. No pruning. And eggs. Joe and skid. Do you eat chia seeds? Farro is a great source of fiber.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, it's a decent source. And fiber. Yeah, fiber's great. I have no questions about your wheat barrier. You're saying no one's good or lost causes, you don't care? It's- Bulgur wheat?
Starting point is 00:07:10 I think they're eating enough meat. Oh, okay. Yeah, Skid text me his meal plan every single day. Yeah, I'm always, I wanna keep you in the loop. You weigh all of your meat before you text her, this is dumb. Yeah, gotta weigh the meat. Obviously, that's part of the plan.
Starting point is 00:07:24 What does your medical journals say about us women? Us women folk. What do they say about us? About our proteins, sir? What do they say about women in maxim? What do they say about women in maxim? They talk about women in maxim? They talk about their hobbies.
Starting point is 00:07:38 You can put up. I can tell you everything about what kind of food Christina Aguilera likes to eat. I now know how to turn them on. Oh. Do you read it for the articles? Yes. No, protein's important for you, too.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But it's different. It's just different for men. OK. Is that why women live so much longer than men, is because they eat way more meat? No, no. I'm reading this book right now called Outlive, which. You're terrifying sometimes.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I can see that. You're parodying yourself. This was going to come back to a book. I knew it. Do you guys, would it surprise you to know that I've gotten into cold plunges recently? No. You told us.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Of course you have. I got a cold plunge tank. Love it. Anyways. You got a cold plunge tank. Tank, yeah. It course you have. I got a coal-plunge tank. Love it. Anyways, this- You got a coal-plunge tank. Tank, yeah. I got one by my- It's like a big fridge.
Starting point is 00:08:28 To our, like- Outside. You're very close to moving back to California again. I don't know if you realize this. No. Your life habits are heading to the West Coast. I am East Coast Me. You say East Coast Me or East Coast Meat?
Starting point is 00:08:38 East Coast Me. Yes. East Coast Meat is the name of my new- You're gonna look at this, East Coast Meat right here. East Coast Meat. I got you. East Coast Meat is the name of my new book. You're going to look at this East Coast meat right here. You got your East Coast meat right here. Oh, so this book, Outlive, it talks about the four horsemen diseases that tend to kill you, cardiovascular disease, metabolic dysfunction like diabetes too, and cancer obviously, and
Starting point is 00:08:58 then like neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and whatnot. Those are the four biggest killers. It looks into what we can do if anything to try and prevent it because medicine 2.0 is all about like, oh, you're sick. Let's treat it. Medicine 3.0 in his estimation is like, how do you start dealing with it when you're 30 and 40 to avoid it from happening because modern medicine is all about treating it once it's too late.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And then like maybe you can live for another couple years. Anyways, they talk, he talks in the early part of the book about centenarians and they've done studies on like people live to 100 or beyond 100. What do they have in common? And like it's so wildly random, the men and women that live past 100 is like some that their secret was drink a bottle of whiskey every day, smoke a pack of cigarettes. I feel like it's mostly genes at that point. Genes carry a big part of it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 But then there's like gene therapy that can perhaps prevent things. There's a lot going on. Anyways. Does it talk about that guy that's trying to like be young again who's 50 and injecting blood or whatever? Oh yeah, that guy. Is this his son's blood? There's something.
Starting point is 00:10:00 He like, and he's like- He doesn't look younger. No, he looks fucked up. He looks his age. It's borderline like, it's weird. He's injecting his son's blood into him? Something like that. Like he puts it on his face.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I don't know. He's a Silicon Valley guy, I can't remember his name. Is it Dave Asprey? He's trying to cellularly aim backwards. He's trying to look to 160. I think his name is Brian something. He looks plastic. Brian Johnson, is that his name?
Starting point is 00:10:19 Well, the image that you're thinking of is for like a magazine, and he's definitely wearing like weird makeup. He just is trying to forever youngify himself, but through medical treatments, like blood infusions and stem cell research, which I think, cool, maybe we'll discover something. But what you're saying is more so preventative care,
Starting point is 00:10:40 which is normal. Yeah. Yeah, anyways, it's very interesting, interesting stuff. But as I read more about this stuff, I read this book on sleep recently that got me changed my whole prospect on sleep. It all comes back to protein. I just think a couple years, when you're ready to come back to meat, let's talk. It doesn't have to be red.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Who said it had to be red? Could be crickets. You could eat crickets. You want some cricket protein? Not right now, but I have had cricket. You have? Yeah. Would you do a bug protein?
Starting point is 00:11:10 There's bug protein powder. No, I wouldn't do bug protein. No, not into it. Anyways. I get plenty of protein. Don't worry about me, sure. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Thanks for your concern. You've reassured me. It's touching that you're so concerned about him and not us. Because I know you guys are eating meat. I know you're eating enough. I know he eats enough. We talk about meat all the time. You have plenty of protein.
Starting point is 00:11:29 He doesn't care. I eat meat. He's just obsessed with Matthew. I like steak. Do you think he? How much meat do you eat, Kate, in a week? Meat every night? You have a steak a week?
Starting point is 00:11:40 I'm not really a meat person. I got a chicken salad in my bag right now. You know your butcher's first name? No. Do you? You don't really like me. Do you walk in and they say, Kate the usual? And the guy just starts slinging meat at you.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Goat legs. I was gonna say, if he's protein deficient on your standards, I definitely am. Let me ask you this, as a Greek, did you eat a lot of lamb growing up and do you still consume lamb? Racist. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I'm still gonna go with it. No? No. Did you have lamb roast at your family's sacrifices? No, we were a bad Greek. We didn't do Greek Easter, we didn't do any of that. I can barely speak it. Mint jelly, your thoughts?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Mint jelly? Yeah. Jelly's weird. Okay. All jelly is weird? Yeah, it's wiggly. You want jam, girl? Depends on the texture. How do you feel about Jell-O? Yeah. Jelly. You're a jam girl.
Starting point is 00:12:30 How do you feel about jello? Oh wow. Wow. There's always a reaction. I love it's a weird texture. I love jello too. I don't like jello. We all love jello except for Kate and have never eaten it in each other's presence before. We should all get jello and watch a movie. That's a great idea. That's great. There's always room for jello. I don't want to watch any of you guys eat jello. Sorry. So even watching other people... It's like watching someone eat yogurt. It's like...
Starting point is 00:12:50 A real bad part of the jello eating is the sound. But if you're all in it together, then... It might be a hospital thing. Maybe you're weird about hospitals, jello's big, and hospitals, maybe that's where it started. No. That sounds like a youth thing. I didn't degrade jello.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Do you like jello? It's thing. I didn't degrade Jell-O. Do you like Jell-O? It's fine. I don't crave Jell-O. I gotta get me some Jell-O in there. I don't know if anyone craves Jell-O. I crave Jell-O. But I do enjoy it. You crave it?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Just the mere mention of it. You want to rush out the door right now. I love making Jell-O at home. I made a full bunt layered Jell-O cake with layers of yogurt and Jell jello in between each other. No, it was good, it was really good. I used to make jello eggs at Easter with an egg mold. Oh, yogurt in it?
Starting point is 00:13:33 It's good. It would be like a solid jello egg. And you would take it out of the bowl, that used to just go, and put the whole fucking egg in my mouth, like swallow it whole like a boa constrictor. Is this a thing or is this a Sydney thing? No, it's a mold.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah, we used to make it as kids. You would do like multiple colors. You'd put it in the fridge, make another layer, put it in the fridge, and then you pop it out and it's like a thick, solid egg of Jell-O. It was really cool. And I think that's what started me on my Jell-O journey. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:13:59 We have the Jell-O molds that make for Easter Jell-O jelly beans. Oh, see, I didn't even know. Put them in the fridge and then boop, boop, boop. They're little jelly beans made of Jell- beans. Oh, see I didn't even know. You pour them into that, put them in the fridge and then boop boop boop, they're little jelly beans made of jello. Oh that's good, I like that. Oh that's fun. I'll send you a link.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Do you like freeze them so they hold their shape a little longer? No, you just put them in the fridge, they're little jello jelly beans, yeah. That's so cute. I could bring some in. It's gonna melt by the time, it's gonna melt. They're not ice cream.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Will they react to being soaked in vodka like gummy bears? Well, now we're talking. Yeah. That's mom and dad's sequence dash. Party in studio. Joe's wife, that was her special. Bacchagello beans. Erin's drunken gummy bears.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yes. Drunken gummy bears, yes. We should have Erin make some. Mm. That is much more likely than Troy making some and bringing them in. That's true. That's never going to happen.
Starting point is 00:14:47 That's true. I don't like to commit. But man, that would be fun. Yeah. Pop a couple jello. Yeah. Or just get like really high in Northrop, that's where you're going with this. That would be bad news. Well, we're going to do something and we'll be back right after this break.
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Starting point is 00:16:49 Restrictions apply. See website for full details and important safety information. Naish, I've got a new video game that I am addicted to that I have to tell you about and as a bonus, they're actually sponsoring the GCP, so this is freaking awesome. The game is Fishing Clash and those of you who are familiar with Legacy of the Ancients and Foley, my gnome summoner, may remember that Foley is a fisherman because I love fishing and I don't get to fish nearly as much as I'd like to but this game scratches that itch for me and so much more. It is a mobile game
Starting point is 00:17:21 that I play while I'm on the move and it's absolutely top tier quality game design. It's beautiful, it is slick, and it has so many features that are honestly easy to pick up and understand, but also allow for a ton of depth and customizability. You can travel to different destinations around the world, find lores to get like specific rare fish, which sort of acts like a deck building mechanic. You can upgrade those cards, upgrade your gear, catch bigger fish and rarer fish. There's even boss fish. That's right. You could try to set up to catch boss fish. The controls are actually so easy that it just kind of lets you focus on actually catching fish. And the chunky
Starting point is 00:18:03 stuff that I like to do do like rod upgrades and real upgrades there's extensive skill trees and like card-collecting mechanics that are just Right up my alley. You can also compete in one-on-one duels. You can compete in tournaments and global championships I'm losing my mind. Honestly guys. It really is so fun It is a must-try game And since they're sponsoring the GCP now, you can use our code and get a $20 bonus to get you started and to see if you like it. Use the gift code GCN in the games menu to get an exclusive $20 bonus.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Just open up fishing clash, head to the menu, enter the code and start reeling in rewards. My name is AWOL in the game. So look for me out there in the wilds and let'seling in rewards. My name is AWOL in the game, so look for me out there in the wilds and let's catch some fish. When you get into an escape plug-in hybrid, you get the perfect mix. You can chill in electric mode, turn it up in gas mode,
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Starting point is 00:19:25 But we are back. Protein. Protein. We just shoved a raw steak in Matthew's mouth during the break. I want to thank, as always, our sponsors, Foundry Virtual Tabletop and good old Norse Foundry. Yeah, Norse! Norse!
Starting point is 00:19:39 I just rolled a three on a D12 on a Norse Foundry split the party glass cannon podcast die. No, it's correct. Not the die. It was cocked, I guess. I also want to mention, I'm going to mention this all the time right now, our subscription service. We're still doing the 30-day free trial. Go to join the naish, N-A-I-S-H dot com, enter code GCN30.
Starting point is 00:20:02 30 days for free of, listen, I'm biased. I know. enter code GCN30, 30 days for free of, listen, I'm biased. I know, but it is the best subscription service in actual play podcasting, hands down, in terms of volume and quality. I don't want to limit to that. It's all of entertainment. There's no better deal in all of entertainment
Starting point is 00:20:20 worldwide than this deal. See, he's allowed to say that. I sound conceited if I say that, not Skid. I'm barely involved. And I can say. You're saying this as a customer. Yeah, as a proud customer. I mean, there's no better deal to be found
Starting point is 00:20:34 in the entirety of human history. It's true. In any field. And Skid is a student of history. I am. It's true. So you're going to say Skid's a liar? Yeah, would you call me a fucking liar?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Speaking of liars, Joe has something. a fucking liar? Speaking of liars Joe has some real nice to speaking of liars to mention this week a new thing. We're gonna be doing Possibly celebrate the 75th episode of Gatewalkers. He believed it's been 75 episodes But make sure to make as much noise as possible. I can't find them! If he had enough protein, he wouldn't need them. Yeah, exactly. I want to see who's talking.
Starting point is 00:21:11 If you had enough... I want to see who's talking. I didn't have enough protein today. My eyes are hurting. No, to celebrate the 75th episode, we thought it would be really fun to, you know, we come back from break and we thank Foundry VTT for making the episode possible and we thank Norse Foundry for making the episode possible. But we don't often enough thank the Niche for making the episode possible, right? Subscription service is the backbone of this entire company. And so supporting us there is obviously huge. I asked Sydney
Starting point is 00:21:42 right before we went live if she supports us on the subscription service. I said yes. And she said yes. So there you go. So follow Sydney's lead here. So as a thank you. She gets a free subscription. As a thank you. I support all of my friends on the network and I love their shows and I listen to all of them so you shut your mouth.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I gave her a free code. Shut your mouth. I gave her a free code. Well. It's not about whether Sydney values us monetarily. I will say, after a few months, she did redeem that code. And that's support. All right, strike what I said about following Sydney's lead.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Go your own way. No, we are, we had an idea for how to thank everybody who subscribes and who has subscribed for so long to help us make this show. We thought we love doing giveaways. We always do them on streams. We always do them on special events and Extra Life and all that kind of stuff. But we don't do it enough on the Glass Cannon Podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:39 So we were like, what if we started doing a giveaway every single episode of the Glass Cannon podcast? And it gets tricky because there's the international stuff and shipping across the pond and everything. So we were like, well, let's make it digital and let's just make it easy and let's just make it money. So we were like, why don't we just do like a hundred dollar Amazon gift card to a subscriber, a random subscriber every episode and and just say thank you. Shout out a name, send a card and just appreciate all that you've done to help support us over
Starting point is 00:23:12 the years. So I pull the entire subscriber list that we have currently. I run it through a random number generator. Every name on a post-it note. And we're going to figure out a hat. We put them at the center of the table and we'll pick one out from here. Bring out the Tumblr. Wait, clarifying question. Yes. Is Sydney on the list?
Starting point is 00:23:30 Sydney is on the list. Am I on the list? And I mentioned this and she was very kind. She said- I said, if you pull my name, just hit it again and don't even say anything. Not me, not me. No, if I pull Kate's name, you get it.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I would love to spend Jeff Bezos' money. Oh, it's our money. I could do an amazing thing get it. Kate needs a new- I would love to spend Jeff Bezos' money. Well, it's our money, but- I could do an amazing thing with it. She needs a new jump rope. Mommy needs a new jump rope. Mama needs a new jump rope. Okay, so without any further ado, we'll get on with it. I pulled a name just before the episode and highlighted it.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And so a big thank you this week to Colleen Mathis. Colleen Mathis. Colleen Mathis. I don't know where you are in the world, but congratulations and thank you so much. We will reach out to you for your prize. So yeah, tune in every week. Let's do this every week. I think it's really fun.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Do this every week until we're out of business. We're just buying $100. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No, I think this is a great idea. We got to thank the nation more often. But how do we thank ourselves? I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I was trying to think of a segue. How do we thank ourselves by talking about what happened last week in last week's Jumbo app? Tension on the boat between the Aritakes and do you guys have like a team name, like a party name? The Gay Walk. The Gay Walk. Oh, I was going to say our boat do you guys have like a team name, like a party name? The Gatewalkers. The Gatewalkers. Oh, I was going to say our boat name.
Starting point is 00:24:48 We have a new boat name. We have the Precious Jubilee. I was going to say the perfect, the Precious Jubilee. I'm sorry, are you talking about the crew of the Precious Jubilee? That's what we're noticing. The crew of the Precious Jubilee. The Gatewalkers and the Aratakis, a lot of tension there after all of these shared visions you've had sailing along
Starting point is 00:25:05 the lake of mists and vales. You finally realize that you're getting closer to the port city of Chesed, which lies in the northern portion of the nation of New Maria, the gun nation. No longer. No longer. No longer. The once and future gun nation. They've elected to prepare for war by giving up their one strategic advantage.
Starting point is 00:25:28 As you get closer to the port, it's nighttime, a boat comes out to you, a guy on the boat, his name is Captain Yodan Dandridge and this explains, we're not accepting any boats. We don't want any ghosts and devils in our town. And you were like, we're not ghosts and devils. You convinced him. He brings you in. The tensions between the Arataki and the Gatewalkers have reached a point where Sakawatche, who's still grieving the loss of Pamak, his possibly betrothed former love interest, he's like, we're going to spend some time apart. Let's see. I'm going to keep reading the stars
Starting point is 00:26:05 and see what I think we should do. Perhaps our quests need to diverge. You guys have taken it very personally. I mean, it wasn't just that we've grown apart. It's not really not feeling it, not really working out. He considers us, you know. Dangerous. Dangerous and evil.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yeah, one battle suddenly. You know what, fair enough, but at the same time, it's just a little bit of a hard pill to swallow. He blames you for the great evil that may destroy the world. I think, you know, we, the end of last week's episode is very shocking to me, very surprising turn. Obviously we have to deal with all that,
Starting point is 00:26:42 but we need to have a conversation. The characters have to have a conversation about whether we want to continue on with them, right? Like it goes two ways. You know, we got to kind of see how we feel because we haven't even had a chance to talk about it yet. You haven't had a chance to talk. So as you get in, they go their way.
Starting point is 00:26:59 You guys go to the not as nice inn called the Wet Mouse, also known as to the locals as nice inn called the Wet Mouse, also known as to the locals as the Wee Mouse. There's an image of a mouse being water boarded. The sign, you go into the bar, barkeep and his halfling wife, they say we have some rooms available. They go to give you some food and then some local drunk recognizes brother Ramious Before you guys even have a chance to talk about Sackawatchee and whatnot the drug is like, hey Well, I haven't seen you forever Ramious know it doesn't have any idea who this guy is. Monty Finch dog I work at the Pig and Pony
Starting point is 00:27:37 Haven't seen you in a while. Just a drink outside of the table and Ramious is like what and he's like, come on guys You know this and Ramious is like, what? And he's like, come on guys, you know what it is. And Ramus's face goes white. He walks away and he's like, yeah, we'll come visit the pig and pony tomorrow. And you guys ask who's Gaius? And he says, my brother. His brother who many people think is dead and that you killed. As a child. That you murdered in cold blood. That we think.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Murdered. So. Everybody can murdered in cold blood. Murdered. Everybody can have their own opinions on that story. You want to talk about it, too? I don't know. Should I talk about it? Should we do it in character? Oh, yeah. Did we all hear this happen?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Because Sir Mortimer's like, hey, everybody, we're driving drinks for Gaius and his friends. And you guys are like, Gaius, Gaius, Gaius. And he said that. And I started going, yeah. And then Brother Ramias turned to you guys and was like that's my brother's name Guys is my brother and now it starts to make sense like how he could be recognized, right? how he could mistake the two at first he just thought he was like a
Starting point is 00:28:37 drunk right moron And now he's like possibly true It's his twin brother Hmm, it sounds like you put on weight compared to guys which makes no sense I know that must have been he must be terribly that was a brother. He was drunk He probably meant you've lost lost a lot of weight. That's what I think The Ramis is a sickly and extremely skinny person Marty Finstock Marn. Marnie.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Marnie. Oh, is it Marnie? I thought it was Marnie too. I wrote Marnie as well. I think it was Marnie. Marnie. Finstock was Galabrissa's original last name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Maybe a distant relative. Maybe, maybe. All right, yeah, so he'll say, it's my brother. I didn't know you had a brother. Your brother lives in New Meria? What's a brother? I don't know how he would have made it this far. You call us brother, what the hell is your problem?
Starting point is 00:29:37 Bit confused. Does Buggles and Zephyr know about your brother being dead? Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, so basically to catch up real quick, what you guys know is that he, and Zephyr know about your brother being dead. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. So basically to catch up real quick, what you guys know is that he, that his brother is believed to be dead. His parents thought his brother was dead because he fell from a cliff and was washed out to
Starting point is 00:29:59 sea and Ramius always had this feeling that he wasn't dead and then he saw him in the mirror in the in the gate. He saw him in the gate and he was I didn't give any details on that but he did see him and that's kind of why he walked through the gate that's why he ends up with this kind of ghostly grasp deviant ability because he was like reaching out for him and it was sort of this combination of seeing his brother groan but then also seeing like and being like I knew it but then also seeing like his brother falling and like trying to reach for him and so you get this his deviant ability manifests as this grasping hand this ghostly grasping hand and And now, as a shoving hand, curious.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Oh, deviant. I didn't even think about it. Devoin towards you, pushing them away. Deviant ability. Pushing him off the cliff. Now that you finally have wind that he might be alive, you have the deviant ability to push. Ooh, must die.
Starting point is 00:31:01 What? There can only be one. Finish the job. There can only be one. Push must die. This time I'll finish the job. But no, in that case, like while Gic and Barnes are kind of like, oh, like, tell us more about your brother. Like, Brother Remus, I thought you said he was dead. No, I never said that, Zephyr. I said that everyone thought that he was. Because you killed him?
Starting point is 00:31:24 No, Bones. Well, perhaps I was at fault in that I left him. But there was nothing I could do. He was so far down. Gic, please sit and I'll let you know what happened. She takes her drink. We sit down at a table, we wait for some food, because that's what was happening.
Starting point is 00:31:43 We were ordering food, waiting for food to come. Plunk! Marnie stumbles out of the bar. He served the food? No, he just like, this is all happening simultaneously. He's been over-served. He leaves. They plunk the food down.
Starting point is 00:31:55 The kitchen closes. I would have asked, I would have asked him more, but he was obviously inebriated. I would not have gotten good information out of him, but he said to go to his bar, his inn, his tavern. So I would very much like to go there and... Gic. Right now? What? No, no, we must rest. My brother fell when we were children off the side of a cliff near where we lived, and he was hurt and unable to stand and walk.
Starting point is 00:32:33 He was at the edge of the shoreline, and there was no way for me to climb down without hurting myself, and so I ran to get help, and when I returned with my parents he wasn't there. Everyone believed he was washed out to sea by the surf and I didn't believe it. I could feel that he, somehow he lived. For years I asked and I would go to the, there were many ports on the Shadow Isle and I would go and ask frequently if anyone had picked up a child from the sea, and there was never a... no one ever did. So eventually I... Well, I ended up at the Abbey at a very young age for reasons I...
Starting point is 00:33:17 I don't really remember. Well, then this is a reason to celebrate. If this is actually your brother, don't you want to meet him? It is, yes, but I always thought that he was beyond the gate. I saw him in the gate. That's why I passed through on the night of the missing moment. I thought perhaps he was existing in some alternate dimension or, well, as we've seen, planet or planet something I didn't know that he was here how could he get to numeria it's halfway across the known world from the shadow aisle I thought the gate just showed you stuff you wanted and it was achievable
Starting point is 00:33:58 isn't this what you want what did you see in the gate talent What did you see in the gate? Talent? Hubert. Hubert. That was quite rude and obviously untrue. He's just trying to convolve. He's been like this all day. Shoes on some muddin'. Just ignore him, Gic. I... no, I... Just ignore him, Gic.
Starting point is 00:34:24, I... What's that mean? Gic, are you suggesting...are you suggesting that that which we see in the gate is... hallucination? I thought it was... I thought that I saw him on the other side. I don't know. I think it was just showing me what I wanted to see. Well, what I saw was what I want,
Starting point is 00:34:46 and that it's achievable. It's something I could do. It's like a, I don't know, like a dream, like a good dream. Did you tell us what this was? Yeah, I think she did. It was like a concert, right? Yeah, it was like people, and they loved her, and like they wanted her, they were cheering for her.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You wanted to be famous. No, no, I just, I don't know how to explain it. It's like a feeling more than what I saw. It was that I was... Feeling of the future, of what was to come. Right. So, maybe this is your...your future. And you're supposed to be here, and he is, and then you meet him, and then...I don't
Starting point is 00:35:21 know. I...I wouldn't know what to say. But I must try. meet him and then I don't know. I wouldn't know what to say. But I must try. Tomorrow can... Can you come with me? Perhaps it's best if one of us goes first. Confirm that someone like that way we don't cause any unnecessary confusion before.
Starting point is 00:35:38 This could be... I don't want to be the pessimist. This could be some kind of trick or a trap. Someone knows you and what's the significance of your brother. Perhaps this is all a ruse somehow to lure you in. I've never told anyone, Buggles. Only you. Only you, Zephyr. Barnes. We'd better get-
Starting point is 00:35:59 Now you- I never even told Riddleson what I saw in the gate. I kept it to myself. It's good you bring up Riddleson what I saw in the gate. I kept it to myself. It's good you bring up Riddleson. We should talk about that, but... We still have not made contact with your doctor, Riddleson. We have to let him know what we've discovered so far, and where we are. We left the findings at this... Yes. Leaving their notes at Skywatch now seem like they'll never reach anyone. No, we have to just...
Starting point is 00:36:25 Perhaps we could send a message from here. Send a rider and a raven. Yes, perhaps they have some system by which we could send word. Where are we sending it again? Where did we start? Where is Riddleson based? We know where it's...
Starting point is 00:36:38 In Stilov and... Oh, it's in... Oh yeah, Lepestad. We went to his... That's not even that far. His mayor. No, all things considered. We could send a bird. It's in a bird.
Starting point is 00:36:45 It's honestly from where you are now, you're probably as close to Lepestadt as you are. It's equidistant to where you were in Skywatch, probably a little bit further. We're like halfway there. Yeah, halfway from Skywatch. Yeah. So we should... we can send a rider and a... That's an excellent idea, Bonds. For we know how dangerous it was on the boat,
Starting point is 00:37:07 and if something should happen to us there, or if something should happen to us before we're able to get this information out, it could be bad. Yes, and we are, we are but mortal. We all could fall. But your Dr. Riddleson, this affects him personally, as you'd explain to me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Well, regardless, tomorrow, whoever goes, we should all go. We got your back. I mean, we'll help you. Thank you, Kik. Thank you. I have trouble believing it could really be him. Perhaps this money has given me just a false sense of hope, but we will check it out.
Starting point is 00:37:47 But tomorrow we were supposed to speak with Sakurachi. Of course we will at some point, but I wonder what you think, Zephyr. If we should take him up on his offer to part ways. He actually did not offer it, I shouldn't say that. It was implied. I feel like he wants to separate from us.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I think I think Zephyr is kind of like a little bit over them, especially since they turned on us saying like, Oh, we're not fated to do this, actually. And we're actually the enemy. And she's just sick of people telling who to other people telling us us who we are and what our purpose is. So she's probably just kind of like, hey, if they want to go their separate ways, I think we should let them. They barely let us over that lake. But are we stuck? I mean, is that can they help us still? I don't know. Can they provide us direction of some side do we know how to take the boat to Sarkoza without them and there are only connection to Sarkoza we have no other lead also are they gonna take our boat that's our but
Starting point is 00:38:55 we named it well we've all named it together is ever right but there I am it is equally as much they're about as it our boat. I always assumed it was mine, but... where we're going in the boat and if they want to come along still they can. And we hope that they do because they've been navigating us. I did learn a bit from Holycook but I'm not very confident that I could navigate the boat myself. We have a mission. We stick to that mission.
Starting point is 00:39:49 If they want to join our mission, I think Zephyr's right. If they see our missions as a lie, then we should work together, but we cannot delay. And do you believe our mission lies in Sarkoris? Is it? I feel as if it's on the way. The fastest path to the crown of the world? That it is Barnes, that it is. I've never held with this living god business, this sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I don't know what they could possibly mean. In my field, you find the different groups of people find ways to tell the same story. Yes, that is very wise. I know what you mean. Perhaps this god is something else by another name. Yes. Well, we shall speak to them tomorrow and see how they feel. Perhaps with some rest and a night apart they will soften in their thoughts. I guess we should get to bed.
Starting point is 00:40:52 It will take us almost 45 minutes to walk to our room. Well, Zephyr, we should head up to ours. We're right here, actually. It's on the main floor. It's a door off of it. It's right off the kitchen. Right off the kitchen. I guess I'll see you in the morning.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yes, good luck with your walk. Oop. Wait. Oh. Goodnight Hubert. I don't care about the walk. God damn it. Alright Hubert. Assuming you need someone to watch over you. Keep you safe.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Of course. Yep. Hubert, why don't you, she like takes a pillow off the bed. Will this do? Squeezes it, holds it up near your face. Yeah, it should do quite nice. Yes, this is just right. I bet Hubert has kind of become our version
Starting point is 00:41:43 of like Chucky or some sort of killer doll. Tiny, cute, but evil. Terrifying. All right, good night, Hubert. Good night. Posted as a guard outside your door or something, Jesus. I go to bed, I go to bed. I don't know if I've ever seen him sleep before, actually.
Starting point is 00:42:01 What? I don't know. He doesn't sleep? I don't know, I guess we'll find out. An hour and a half later, you've reached the two hundreds. Oh my god. I am also anxious. I'm big as a sit.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Like, as we're making our way to the room, however long it takes, Buggles is gonna, like, Vramius is gonna ask us to say, are you sure, are you fain? All right? I know that you Probably need some of your uh You know Narcotics it's funny. You should mention that The whole walk here I kept thinking I I need to ask the innkeeper
Starting point is 00:42:40 or some patron or other how to procure some play leaf and. And I hadn't thought about it since we ran into Marnie. Not once. There's nothing like old trauma to get you off your habits. Yeah. Well, it's certainly not the most important thing to me right now. I wish to go to the inn as soon as possible, but it's too late now.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Well, that's good. Maybe a good night's sleep and you'll see things differently in the morning. Perhaps. Why don't you let me hold what remains of your fire leaf just to help you? Um, no. No. She's well done. She's well done. She's well done. She's well done. She's well done. She's well done. She's well done.
Starting point is 00:43:30 She's well done. She's well done. And I think he's going to really struggle to fall asleep. He's gonna toss and turn and just these memories, and memories, so many childhood memories flashing through his mind and then trying to think how is this possible? That he could be washed away in the sea on the Shadow Isle which is far, I mean,
Starting point is 00:43:59 hundreds of miles off the coast, the west coast of Avastan and then make his way all the way this far east into Avastan. If it's true, it seems unbelievable. Impossible. Then he starts thinking, well, I traveled to another planet. Perhaps he found a gate, passed through a gate. No, couldn't be. Anyway, on and on like that. Colorized, as brother Ramius at Grayish grace so maybe we just
Starting point is 00:44:31 Look from above at you staring at the ceiling We just keep coming in closer and closer until we see your gray eyes and the gray eyes turn into water We see the Sun rising on Chesed. The docks seaman are out getting boats ready. It is now morning of your first day here in Chesed. Sakawatchi, Anuma, Deneji, and... Licklycook are at a nicer end.
Starting point is 00:45:12 You guys have some business you wanna do here? We gotta send the messages to Riddleson. Yeah, Raven or Ryder. We wanted to also go to the library. A library, right? Mm-hmm. And we need to do any shopping? Mm-hmm. Yeah, we should. I think actually out of character,
Starting point is 00:45:27 I think we have some runes to transfer. Do we have anything like big to do or no? Something to think about. We're in a proper town now. I feel like we did, don't you need to transfer, yeah, you need to transfer a striking rune to your hand wraps. We did that. Let me go to the loot sheet and I'll look.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But other than that, Pig and Pony. Pig and Pony. Pig and Pony. And in the morning, Ramius, yeah, before we leave this end, he wants to ask about getting Fleetleaf. Okay. We'll go to the... That was short-lived. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:00 We'll go to the inn keep in the morning. He didn't get any sleep, but he's like kinda, not any sleep, but did not sleep well. And he's kind of out of sorts. And yeah, he'll come down in the morning and say, In the morning, there's somebody else, there's a dwarf behind the bar, just cleaning glasses, cutting fruit. Good morning. I'm Brother Remius. We were tenants at at the 300s last night. We hiked here this morning. We hiked here. It's three in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I'm just wondering if you, it kind of looks around. He's like, you don't even know if he's listening. I was just wondering if there was, if you knew any the within the city to procure any flailief, there was something that was sold here anywhere. Flailief. The flailief, yes. I have a back issue. I have cataracts.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Is there an apothecary in the middle of town. You can try that. But if you're looking for other things. What is it called? Do you know the name? Is it easy to find? No, it's actually quite complicated. Okay, could you describe how to get there? I can draw you a map.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I'll be most generous. Thank you very much. I can. And he just like draws a little hand map. Thank you. What is your name? My name is Joran Rieb. Tumblestone.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Thank you, Mr. Tumblestone. Please call me Joran. Joran it is then. Always wanted to be an artist. Really? The detail is incredible. Yes. I think you'll find it's to be an artist. Really, the detail is incredible. Yes, I think you'll find it's to scale as well. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:50 And what is this? Is this some water fountain? It's a fountain. Ah, well done. Yes. If you hold it in the right light, look as if the water is moving. Oh, look at that.
Starting point is 00:48:02 What? Sorcery. What sorcery is this? Blaze, you flatter. Wow. This is the greatest hastily scrawled map I've ever seen. All my days of adventure. Hell, you have really turned my day around.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And are you mine? Zephyr comes out of her room, which is right off of this. And they're like leaning in for a kiss. Oh, shit. This is what it looks like, Zephyr. Oh, hey, Raph. I was helping him clean the glass. What do you have there?
Starting point is 00:48:38 The piece of paper. Oh, look, would you look at this? This is a map of the town, the center of town, of course, pointing out where the Apothecary is. And look, hold it up to the light and just that way. Okay. Do you see it? We should probably go to the apothecary for you now.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yes. Right? Yes. Okay. It's all above board, so you don't have to act like sort of suspicious. Yes, the waves are moving. What's that? Oh, it's a magical drawing that Ramius has.
Starting point is 00:49:09 It looks magical. I wouldn't say it's magical. This is quite good. Yeah. Oh, you drew that? Drew, I just scribbled. Can you believe it? Barnes wakes up from the nap he's taking.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I'll never understand you. You never went to the 300s? No, I did, right? But walking back took a lot of energy. You didn't know. Oh, oh. Are we ready? Oh, what's that?
Starting point is 00:49:32 It's a map. Oh. Magical map. This is really quite spectacular. Oh, please. I have never felt better in my life. You should sell these. Oh, no, good night, guys.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm gonna sign it. Yes, what'd you mind? Joran Tumblestone. Wow, that is a lovely name, Joran. Thank you I'm gonna sign it. Yes, what'd you write? Joren Tumblestone. Wow, that is a lovely name, Joren. Thank you, my parents gave it to me. As most parents do to their children. Oh, hey. And she looks at Remius.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Do you know a guy? I know several. Name guys? Guys. There was a patron last night, um, a...Mani? Oh, Mani. Yes, he was in his cups of big and pony. He mistook me for a man named Gaius.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Is this a name that rings a bell or...? Sounds familiar if...if Mani knew him, he must have been a bit of a... drinker. The Pig and Ponyony is a much, much seedier establishment than ours. Then the wet mouse? Yes, the wee mouse. What, sorry. Wee mouse.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Wet mouse to an outsider, yes. Okay. I drew the, the mouse getting watered. Oh, that's a logo. Does it make sense? I said from a certain angle, it looks like it's screaming. Yes, they gave me creative freedom It's drinking it or just being hurt. No. It's just being hurt
Starting point is 00:50:52 Thank you, where what was the inspiration for your work? I hate mice You know what it's a bartender at a seedy tavern you probably Tender at a seedy tavern you probably Port town One thing to just trap them and kill them I want to let them know that they should never set foot in this part again would that the world were one great bucket Is this a artwork that was based on a real life experience of yours? Enjoy your time here. I think we've said enough, Barnslet.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Would you like to join us on our adventures? No, no, no. You could use the man of your talents. Yes! Oh, my dumb love. We could use more artists. I can swing a pen, but not a sword. It sounds like you're a serial killer of might.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Well, you're too kind. Where are you off to now? Oh, well, I'm gonna keep cleaning here, and I assume once you leave, I no longer exist. That's managed. That's managed. That's managed. That's managed.
Starting point is 00:51:56 That's managed. That's managed. That's managed. That's managed. That's managed. That's managed. That's managed. Well, we'll leave you two here.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Are you sure you don't want to come? Godspeed. Maybe we'll see you to it. Are you sure you don't want to come? Godspeed. Maybe we'll see you. You can keep living. You want to come with us. No, no. Maybe we'll see you when we re-enter the wee mouse.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Maybe not. You leave and it just disappears. It fades out of existence. One quirk of the wee mouse is that there's only a bartender working if there's someone to see them. That's right. If you're actively thinking about the bartender. That is amazing.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So, where to first? I think... Oh, so... Message to Riddleson. Let's just get that done. Like a post office. How does like... Yeah, I wonder.
Starting point is 00:52:39 How does inter-country... How does the post work? posts? Like, how does that... I mean, I assume there must be some, this is a pretty, a relatively like sort of high tech world, relatively stable, like there's gotta be some. I would presume that there are riders.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, I imagine there's like Pony Express. Courier. And Ravens. I think there's probably Ravens too, because I love the idea of saying that. That's, sure. Pigeon. What's the range on a Raven? Layden or unleaded.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Depends on the quality of a Raven.? Leaden or unladen? Leaden? Unladen? That's a reference to a movie. That's a question of where he grips the message. Because it's like 550 miles away. 30 to 40 miles each day. If you ask, you know, Doran or Joran, he would tell you, there's a post over there.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I'll draw you a map to the post office as well. Oh, what a treat. Yes, it's right in the town square there. Bother Kerry is not too far away. By himself, an extra few moments of existence. Yes, I will surely remember these moments. There you are. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Is there anything you'd like to tell us or confess before you blink into oblivion? No. I'll need some time to think about that. You'll have all the time in the world. Well. Bye. We will do our best to bring you back to life, at some point.
Starting point is 00:53:57 It makes, your disappearance will drive up the value of the artwork we've acquired from you. You flatter me. Bye, Joren. Bye. Goodbye. Let's talk for longer. I have to go.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Goodbye. You guys remember when we were gonna do a quick finish of Gatewalkers? Yeah, yeah. It's a great plan. I went out the door a couple of times. All right, but we've never had more fun. I wanna go to...
Starting point is 00:54:23 I wanna go to... Post want to go to, um... Post. Post. That way if we have to kill Ramius for killing his brother, or go through a whole trial, defend him from, I don't know, some sort of claim, we just make sure we get the mail out first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:38 All right, so you follow, uh, Joran's... unbelievable map. I mean, every little landmark along the way it seems like every house Like every shop is indicated on them Once you see that there's quite there are three pigeons There are three fucking pigeons It's truly remarkable, I'm not sure he's of this world Perhaps he's of this world.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Perhaps he's one of those demons that snuck in. Perhaps he is. Blessed with sight beyond sight and the ability, incredible ability to artistically replicate his visions. And nice. And very nice. He's very nice. He's very polite. Generous.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I like him. Offered to spend his last few minutes, per month on Earth, showing us where the post office was. Do you wanna go to town now, or do you wanna go back to the docks and tell Yoda to hunt Andrage there is a demon? Demon. At the end.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Let's, well, all right, so post first, and we post a message. Yes. Yeah, and then I guess the real question. As succinct as we can, we have to write very tiny. Well, maybe we spent last night when we were recovering from our 30 mile hike to room 319,
Starting point is 00:55:45 we was writing out what we wanted. What is the post? Like, are we going to send a raven or? Rider we said. We said rider? Do you go to the post? Yeah. You go to the post.
Starting point is 00:55:52 We're going to have to send two letters, because the first letter is going to be like, dear Riddleson, stop. Talitha, dead, stop. Lucky, dead, stop. Asta, dead, stop. He didn't know Asta. Asta. Exactly, Asta. Also part didn't know us Asta exactly awesome
Starting point is 00:56:06 Also part of the group now dead stop and then send another one and be like follow up everything else is bad Fate of the world I don't know why we're sending a telegram, but let's keep going Hangs hangs in balance stop we are more confused than ever stop the world question mark Stop have acquired two new members, also Gatewalkers. Went to another planet. We all got that, stop. It's a lot to recount. It really is a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:31 How are we gonna keep it concise? What do we wanna tell them? What's the main information? I think we need to tell them as much as possible about the Soyo and the deaths of Lucky and Talitha. Okay, dude, it's very dangerous. It's a waste of time. Castorville.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Not even joking. We have to tell them about a soil. At Castorville, we should say- The crown of the world, sealed away. And we went to Castorville and talked to the elves. Right. Thelitha and Dr. Wilson were quite close. It's true.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Pain per word, dude. Not that way. Pain per word, dude. Wait, that leaves. You're really edgy when you're not on your flailies Brother amy, so wait outside some whatever message you'd like all right we send it we chesed post you walk in there is a woman We're gonna play the house played up. There's a woman behind the counter and a young boy in the back sorting mail. It's Anakin Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:57:25 What? And this is Shmi. Hello! Hello! We have to send a bus! We have to send a bus to send the rain! We would like to send a letter. Oh, hello. A letter, yes. Send the rain! We would like to send a letter.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Oh hello, a letter, yes. We need to send it to... Did you bring your own paper? Yes, we've written the letter. Pen? Did you bring your own pen? We sell pens? We took care of the writing of the letter. Oh, you've already written the letter? What is your name?
Starting point is 00:57:58 My name is Susan... Letterhead. Send the letter! You have the perfect job. What's wrong with the family? May I ask, was this a name you were born with or is it an honorific? Is it chosen? It stood upon you when you began to work at the post office.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Oh no, it's a family name. There's something letterhead-y-ous. Is that your son over there? Oh, that, no. I don't know whose son he is. He's a good worker. What a strange response. I don't know whose son he is.
Starting point is 00:58:36 He realized what a bizarre thing that is to say. I've never once inquired as to his parent. Are you all in there? Yeah, we were just like- Well now I'm in. Now I'm in for sure. Yeah, we're gonna be here for the rest of the episode. You were in as well.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I don't wanna miss a second of it. You had me at letterhead. You're just like strictly coworkers, you don't ask? I'm new. Do you have anything about- Frankly, I always thought he was just a small man. Is he a- You're right.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Is he a- Is he a small guy? Is he a half one? You there, boy! Raphael! These people want to know more about you for some reason. That's so ridiculous. What? No, that's a guy.
Starting point is 00:59:15 That's a full on guy. What do you want? Never mind. Nothing. Can I go back to work? Okay, yep. Raphael, how do you send posts to all the way to Whistler? It's a few pages.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Horse or bird? Okay. Both. Either. Pegasus. What? What? You don't. That would be something. No, it costs more for bird because it's faster.
Starting point is 00:59:42 We'll do both. One is a backup to the other So you already handle this and she's like, yes Yes, um, but I speak to you Rafael Yes, and she comes over and she's like Mauricio Mauricio another guy up, guy comes out and sees you guys and they're all like whispering. I think they're gonna overcharge us for this parcel. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Sorry. What's going on? What are they doing? They're just like a little pegasus. He said something. Ding ding. And the other guy comes over, presumably. Mauricio. Mauricio. Are you all letterheads?
Starting point is 01:00:34 No, no, no, no, I'm not a letterhead, but. What is your letterhead? My name, Mauricio van Pelt. What? But that's not important right now. Foggles, don't laugh. This is going to sound But that's not important right now. Falkos, don't laugh. This is going to sound...
Starting point is 01:00:50 You'll have to forgive me if this sounds strange, and I don't mean to pry, but are you the Gatewalkers that traveled through seven archers not long ago? Indeed we are. How do you know of this? This is amazing. Oh, I catch you, you're right. You're right, Susan. Raphael is new here, he does not know about this, but this is gonna sound crazy,
Starting point is 01:01:15 but I have a letter for you. We had a bit of a bet going on to whether or not you would ever pick this up. Who won? Well, I'm going to be a few silver pieces richer, as I said you would. No one else believed me. When? When did you get this dispatch?
Starting point is 01:01:34 Two weeks ago, maybe? Was it two weeks, Susan? From where? From where did it come? Give us a letter. Give us a letter. Who just read the letter? It was delivered to us with the specific instructions to give it to people matching,
Starting point is 01:01:46 not all of your descriptions, but I saw the goblin and you looked familiar, and they said there was a female elf. That's why I wasn't sure, but you are the gate walkers that, I don't even know what that means. Please, the letter, please. Yes, I said, Susan, give them the letter.
Starting point is 01:02:03 And she is... here. Snatch. What did you call me? What did you call me? Jesus! She snatches it out of her hand! Snatch. Snatch. Damn you, Lyle!
Starting point is 01:02:20 You almost start calling people snatches. That's pretty funny. You snatch. It sounds... It sounds really awful. It's a bad word. Give me that letter, snatch. I guess an audio only. I guess audio only, it makes sense. The letter snitch.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Down the hatch will snatch. But I'm grabbing at the same time. You were doing a radio play? Is that for snatches? The letter from her hand and looks at the front like, who's it addressed to and from? It says. Skid Cam. Skid is still at a skid cam. it what's it who's addressed to and from it says skid can't take a break
Starting point is 01:02:51 it says something like that she would just say that and like snatched give me that snatch what what did you call me what's wrong with you? Why would you say that? I don't know. I don't know if I want to give it to you.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I'm sorry. Grab the letter on the front. It's addressed to the Gatewalkers of Seven Arches. You open the letter and we'll be back right after the break. Sick of dreaming smaller? Sick of investing but not seeing your money grow? Sick of feeling like you're leaving money on the table, paying high fees, and not knowing if you're even making the right investments? With Questrade, you get the right tools, stock insights, and proper guidance so you can become
Starting point is 01:03:40 a better investor. It's time to get the financial future you deserve. Get yours. Questrade. Open the letter and I will direct you to Foundry Virtual Table Top. You may read said letters. Oh, look at that. Oh. Read the letter. So it says, Gatewalkers, may this missive find you well. Hopefully you have found safety here on the outskirts of Numiria to receive this letter.
Starting point is 01:04:16 I've learned that you have some interesting new companions, including a young seer who bears the same mark of the Gatewalkers as we all do. I have little doubt that this seer will ultimately be useful to our investigation into the meaning of the missing moment. Find attached a blank note with parchment for your own- Banknote. Oh. That's much more valuable.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Way more valuable. Find attached a banknote with payment for your good work so far. Consider it a bonus. When you're ready, please return to Lepestadt. That's how that's spelled. For a full report, you can expect a sizable reward upon your return. I imagine you have many questions, foremost perhaps how I know all of this. Suffice to say, I kept an ear to the ground after Feinara sent me word you disappeared from seven arches. The full story is too complicated as well as too dangerous to tell in a letter. I'll
Starting point is 01:05:10 explain everything when you return to Lepishtat, which you should do in all haste." Oh. From Dr. Riddleson. Interesting. What? And this is for you as well. And he hands you a promissory note for... Snatch. Snatch.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Snatch. Snatch. A promissory note for 400 gold pieces that can be exchanged at any bank of Apple. Wow. Wow. That's a lot of shuttle. Wow, that's awesome. So maybe we do need to go to Lepestadt.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Perhaps we do need to Pot to Lepestadt. Perhaps we do need to part ways. It is customary to tip all people who are working at the post when receiving? Everyone. Isn't that right, Rafael? Yep, so most people do it. When you go to a restaurant for a meal, you tip everyone who works there. You don't pull your tips?
Starting point is 01:06:05 No, no, it would be weird if you didn't give us all gold. We don't have any. It would be weird if you didn't give us all gold. Especially now that you're flush with cash. We don't have any. As we open it up like, holy shit, 400 gold! We're so rich now! I don't even know what to spend it on. I'm okay with being weird. Alright, so if we're gonna go to Lepishet then we don't need to send a letter to Rillson,
Starting point is 01:06:30 which means we don't have to pay these people anything. Oh yeah. So we're gonna leave. We didn't purchase a pen or paper. Perhaps a small tip is in order. 400 gold and you're not even using our services. You took up half our day with this conversation. using our services. It's how doing mail works. You took up half our day with this conversation.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Dr. Wilson probably paid to mail this. No one else has come in. Well, of course not. They saw there was no room in the lobby. There's six of you, including a hedgehog. Well, before we say we're not gonna send a letter... I went by the post office this morning, but it was too full. They weren't waiting that line. There's seven people in there, I'll wait.
Starting point is 01:07:06 I'll come back tomorrow. Before we say we're not gonna send a letter back, so from receiving this letter, we agree we're going to not follow Sakkawatchee now. That seems... We're on... We can talk about it, but I... Explain everything when you return to Lepestadt,
Starting point is 01:07:22 which you should do with all haste. And this whole thing is- And he said there's a lot going on. And he seems to know all about Sakalachi already. And he says there's a lot of dangerous stuff and so like come back to me as soon as possible. So if we're going over the crown of the world, we better go to Lepestadt first.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And I think we need Riddleson to tell us what he has found out. He's been doing this research. Also, he doesn't seem to know that Talitha and Luckier did. Although he does know we have a new companion, so. But that's Sakkawatchee. But he doesn't care enough to put it in a letter. But he addressed it to people who were dead.
Starting point is 01:07:52 He said the Gatewalkers that left Seven Arch. There were descriptions. I described us. Ah. Maybe he didn't know what we looked like. The seer, I think, is Sakkawatchee, and not any of- You're right. So, yeah, if we're gonna go there, we don't need to send one. You see, all he knows about Sakawatchee.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Unless we need to say, hey, we're on our way. Received your letter. How about we do that? We'll send a courtesy letter. Oh, now you're- By horse, please. Using our service. Horse. With your most expensive bird.
Starting point is 01:08:20 The cheaper version. Oh, bird. Are we doing bird or horse? Glad we're all on the same page. We're running a special today. If you do a bird-horse package, it's slightly less expensive. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:36 We're doing the same thing we were gonna fucking do. And that should be, how much is that, Mauricio? 398 gold? Did you say? Yes, that's the special. Snatch. Snatch. Snatch.
Starting point is 01:08:48 That's the Snatch special. Tell you what, we have a bit of business to do, and then we'll, what time are you up until tonight? As long as you need us to be. All right, we'll come back. Yep, all right. Farewell, Mauricio, Susan, and Raphael. Alright, glad we did this.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Miss you most of all Raphael. I hope to see you again someday. Raphael, before we go, one question. Yes? Whose son are you? I am no man's son. The midichlorians, I told you. I see, and he just like nods knowingly.
Starting point is 01:09:25 He walks out and he's like, Raphael may be the living God. We kill him now, we tell him what news we'll be able to tell Riddleson. Yes. I'm like dizzy from laughter. Perhaps we should kill him first. And then present him to Sakawatche.
Starting point is 01:09:42 But it's a sacrifice thing, so. Well, let's talk to Sakkawachi. Wait. My brother. Wait. The Apothecary. The drugs. Wait.
Starting point is 01:09:52 The Apothecary. Wait. The drugs. We have a lot going on. Drugs, brother. Ooh. This is why I can't give a definite ending for this fair game,
Starting point is 01:10:02 because it's taken on a life of its own. The Apothecary is right there. I see it. I see it. You go buy your drugs. We'll go see if anyone looks like you at the Pig and Pony. You mean us there? Will do. Yeah, we'll scope out the Pig and Pony first.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Okay. I'll step in. Oh, here we go. This is the Apothecary of the Peacampani. The apothecary. Good morning. Hello. Good morning.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Are you, do you have any supply of flea leaf? Oh, it's flea leaf you're after? Yes, it's flea leaf I'm after. Just so happens I got a shipment in today. Just today. How much you shipment in today. Just today. How much you want? Fresh. Fresh?
Starting point is 01:10:47 Fresh leaf. Yes, right off the bushel. Right off the bushel. Right straight from the bush to your mouth. Clearly, it's all clearly. What? I just want to tell a quick story. Joe was once explaining to someone
Starting point is 01:11:03 how why we don't get as fancy equipment in our games, even if we can afford it. He's like, because if we go to a town, you're like, all right, I just want to go to the store and buy a new sword. He's like, and Troy will say, good morrow, elf! As soon as he does, I'm like, well, fuck, I guess I don't get that rent.
Starting point is 01:11:23 This is gonna be, it's always some story, and then it's gonna be like, I'll let it go for triple the price. You just good morrow of this twice. Do you like to smoke it, snort it, or put it up your yuha? I prefer smoking it, I'm not aware of these other methods. Oh, the third is quite fun.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Goes straight to the brain. I'll have to try that. And he's just thinking like, please get me out of here. The constable walks in. Evening officer. He will pull out, he's gonna pull out six gold. You get six gold worth. Six gold worth, huh?
Starting point is 01:12:10 Flee leaf, yes. Hey, what? Actually last till evening. That is not six gold worth. Oh, I'm sorry, that's the Taurus price. You're too smart. Here you are. And he hands you a bushel. Does he have the promissory note? Do you have it on you? You think we were, wait, wait. He cashed it and came immediately here.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I'm a little concerned. I was concerned it could be this much. We sent the drug addict. Making up for it. It's in a drug store. All our money. We're gonna call you out. We're gonna call you out.
Starting point is 01:12:42 We're gonna call you out. We're gonna call you out. What do you use the leaf for? Just some pain. It eases my suffering. Where's your pain? All over. Oh, worst kind. Good day.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Alright. And a walk out. Man. Can't believe you. All right, and I'll walk out Believe you I not interested Also, we have plenty of people to meet at the pig in John whatever it's called His name could have been like... Reed Pharmacy Man. Or Dwayne Reed. Dwayne Reed? Dwayne Reed!
Starting point is 01:13:32 Oh man, there's no way I could be that funny in the moment. Dwayne Reed. Dwayne Reed. Damn it. Dwayne Reed. R-E-E-D. Dwayne Reed. Apothecary. R-E-E-D. Wayne Fried. He's gonna stuff it away. He doesn't roll up right away. He just puts it away.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Like a brown paper bag. Just puts it into his robes. And then, um... Whatcha got there son? He runs. He runs. Pfft. The constable starts blowing a whistle. The
Starting point is 01:14:10 Reaches for his holster There's so much going on There's so much going on in this town. We've given this town more life than any campaign setting guy has ever put so many NPCs in chess head. It's so funny to be like, we do this for these tiny towns, but we never do it for the major cities. We have to be serious there. Well, we did it in, whatchamacallit, the Dwarven City. That was a big city. Oh yeah, where we met- Kragadon.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Kragadon, where we met Mary Beardshin. Mary Beardshin. Well, it's not Svelte, yeah, Skelte. Skelte. Skelte. Svelte. Svelte. What is Gic and Zephyr doing during all this? Cut two, we're at the Pig and Pony. Gic is playing music.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I'm gonna keep on dancing at the Pig and Pony. Gigg is playing music. I'm gonna keep on dancing at the Pig and Pony Club. I'm gonna keep on dancing down in Pig, um, where are we? West New Meria. I'm gonna keep on dancing at the Pig and Pony Club. That's very funny. That's very funny. Hey, look at that, there you go. Hey, is that a voice-over show?
Starting point is 01:15:24 Wait, what did we do? Split this? We both contributed to that. All right go. Hey, is that a Voyager's of the Jump? Wait, what do we do? Split this? We both contributed to that. All right, you get one. Yay! Whoa, get your dirty hands off. What a fortunate bounce. Ah!
Starting point is 01:15:36 I think, what? Ah! Did you get a Voyagers of the Jump bottle cap? I did. It's like a fire. You got Blood of the Wild. Blood of the Wild bottle cap? I did. It's like a fire. He got Blood of the Wild. Blood of the Wild bottle cap. I love this show.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I miss this show. Yeah, no, while you're at the apothecary, we're at the evening home club. Yeah, I'm playing. It's karaoke night. Trying to be one of the locals. Yeah, playing a little bit, trying to get the mood up. Can I do a diplomacy to gather information on Gaius?
Starting point is 01:16:00 Yeah, absolutely. Can I do a performance? Yeah. I'm gonna roll my little dice. What's the goal? To aid diplomacy. Oh, maybe your performance is sort of like loosening people's tongues. I've done my musical accompaniment. How about that? I played it along and I literally get a plus to my diplomacy. I get a plus one. Barnes has taken a special interest in brother Ramie s is Long lost brother and starts asking around For his gets there. You couldn't know we're not traveling with a murderer 24 so yeah 24 right so maybe everyone's a little more loosey-goosey
Starting point is 01:16:42 Applied not only by alcohol, but by song so I got a plus one is 24. Oh, yeah Okay, so that's gonna be a 27. Nice. There's a couple of the young female servers that smile when you mention his name. What little information you gather is that he was this sort of mysterious fellow that would frequent the bar for a certain period of time. He was there for about, seemed like he was in town for about a month and was out every night carousing, very popular with the young ladies, always in his cups, but never seemed
Starting point is 01:17:20 out of control. And then at one point he just disappeared. Interesting. And they haven't seen him in... It's been a couple months I think. Is that what Marnie said? I don't remember. Everyone's giving a kind of different answer but it sounded like he hadn't seen guys in a long time. Like he's just someone who passed through. Yeah he said, how you been? You know that probably wouldn't be like two weeks later, okay? Maybe Marty's just like that yeah, maybe he's a golden alright It's been some time, so we'll have it. We'll have a we'll share an ale and
Starting point is 01:17:59 Then maybe a stumbles in so per the yeah per the rules Which I'd never looked up for to II for gather information Generally speaking about two hours. Yeah a couple hours minimum. So yeah, so you would have come say rate Well, I would say Ramias takes his time getting there. I think he's stalling He like walks the town and he's just looking at these warriors these the people have come back Scarred a lot of people maimed, missing arms. Yeah, real sad bunch. You know what?
Starting point is 01:18:33 I think he's gonna stall going to the pig and, what's it, pig and pony? Going to the pig and pony club. Pig pony. Pig pony. Subconsciously, he's just stalling. He's so scared, a little bit nervous about the whole thing. And he is getting a vibe of the town and seeing these people and stuff like that. I think I'm going to do my own gather information. And he's just going to kind of ask around about
Starting point is 01:19:02 Sarkoris, getting to Sarkoris and kind of what's going on over there now in terms of the danger level and you know if it's really bad if anybody's died recently there that kind of thing. So I'll do a diplomacy. Oh natural 20. Oh nice. Alright so while they're spending a couple hours asking about your brother and you're sort of delaying that kind of feeling where you
Starting point is 01:19:25 want to know, but you don't want to know. You're walking around town and distracting yourself by trying to learn more about this town and the people that come through. You learn that there are, this is like a stopping point, one of several along the coastline for people, for caravans that are going into the Sarkoza Scar, going into these wastelands to try and either rebuild the area or perhaps very similar to what was happening in Skywatch like loot whatever's left over or take advantage of these settlements that are starting to rebuild and haven't
Starting point is 01:20:07 built up their defenses yet. It's a real mixed bunch of people coming in, but they'll come in here, restock, resupply and then continue north to this town called Agaday, which is the first port town on the Mendevian border. Supply there, they'll either sail across or go around on foot and then continue deeper into this hardcore waste, waste these just constant caravans. But there isn't any word of like, people coming back,
Starting point is 01:20:34 like the caravan disappeared or like, all the time. A lot of time, a lot of time people be like, oh, we'll be back. And they never come back. Or people join up with the caravan and be like, I wanna go see what this is all about I Need some adventure in my life. I want to do good
Starting point is 01:20:48 Missionaries sometimes and I'll be back. They tell their families they want to come back and they never do I'm sure it's still super dangerous. Like yeah for the world wounds closed I mean cuz like you said there's like there's a lot of demons like kind of didn't make it back And they're still stuck here and and maybe they just started their life anew, you know, they just got out there and was like, you know, I'm just going to be a part of this. But yeah, it's not while it's not a constant that people go and never come back. That is prevalent. Okay. Is that the I'm curious what Skid said, is that like a common thing? Like instead of bandits,
Starting point is 01:21:20 demons prey on the roads of, you know, travelers. Is that a thing or not really? I would think that the whole area is shrouded in this fear. People who live there, living in this epicenter. I imagine being in New York during 9-11 after the terrorist attack, that whole rest of the day in New York, we were just, I remember feeling like, when's it going to happen again? That whole day. Oh, yeah. And so that feeling I imagine is sort of this constant feeling in the world.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Yes, it's been closed, but how long until it reopens and how much has been left behind that has changed this world in dangerous ways? So there are people going out there with good intentions, but I imagine just as many people with ill intentions. Yeah. I mean, and if there's great wealth flowing into the territory, there'd be just as many people trying to take advantage of that that would be bandits too, you know? Sure.. I'm sorry. Did you and did you ask what the road to Lepestadt? No, I
Starting point is 01:22:30 really was just trying to get information for Just you know for Sakawatche and you know what what he might be dealing with there Because if because if all I got the sense I got the sense that all these people were, you know, ex-crusaders and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They weren't from the south that they had come from the north. Maybe one day they were back there, but really they came from Sarcora, so. Right. And then he'll arrive at the Pig and Pony.
Starting point is 01:22:58 So he'll hesitantly, he... Eeeeeh... ...kind of creaks at the door. And you guys are singing in the back. And he nervously scans the room to see if he sees his brother. Ramius! Over here, we have a table.
Starting point is 01:23:15 And he waves, looking around, looking around. We got you some celery sticks. You can see it was once a plate of wings. Yeah. We were to what? You can dip it in some celery sticks. You can see it was once a plate of wings. Yeah. We were just- You can dip it in some red ranch. A plate this big with four celery sticks over here.
Starting point is 01:23:31 The ranch has gone too. The ranch has just died red. It's just bleaching. It's all red, died red. Yeah, he says, what of Gaius, did you hear any word? Yes. He was here for about a month.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Quite popular with the ladies. Um, he was... he caroused every night. But he's been gone for a couple months now. Couple months? Yes. Did they say where he went? No, there's no information about that. No, no one knew what to do.
Starting point is 01:24:01 He disappeared. Did he take a ship? Caravan? No one knew. He could do a wider canvas through town if you wanted. Seems like he kind of just passed through, but people liked him. He seemed very popular. He would be. He would be.
Starting point is 01:24:16 There's a staircase behind the bar and you see Marnie Finstuck, like, stumbling down, clearly hungover. It's like greeting the bartender, talking to people. Monty, excuse me, Mr. Finstock. Oh, I saw you last night, Gaius, didn't I? It's not. Sorry, I'm a little. Monty, no, I- Overdid it last night.
Starting point is 01:24:40 It's okay, Monty, I am the one that owes you an apology. I didn't understand what was happening. I am not Gaius. He is my twin brother. That's a very Gaius thing to say. He was always full of funny stories like that. Is it? Yes. I assure you, I am not Gaius. You could ask me any questions about things he said or did while he was here. I know nothing of it. You're his twin brother. I am and I have not seen him in many years.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I did not know he was here and I desperately wish to know. I know he left some months ago or has not returned. You're serious. You're not Gaius. My name is Ramius. OK, well, this does make a little more sense because while your face is the same it's it's much much more drawn Hasn't been that long. I guess you couldn't have unless you got some sort of wasting sickness at that This is starting to add up. I I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you apology necessary
Starting point is 01:25:43 You see him, please tell that he's always welcome here. He treated everybody well. Did he ever tell you where he was going or where he wanted to go? No. He mentioned anything. He was a mysterious guy. He kind of came in, kept to himself, but tipped well. We always took care of him.
Starting point is 01:25:57 And he would spend nights here from time to time with some of the locals, as it were. You said he was healthy. Oh yes. Strong. Yes, that's why I thought you were dying. His leg, he walked fine, you noticed no limp. Limp or anything, no, he looked strong as an ox. He could jump to the top of the roof. Did he ever speak of where he was from?
Starting point is 01:26:25 Challenged him to do so. Why would I do that? What? Because you are not a typical PC. No, I was thinking of... We never talked about his leg, but he never walked with any limp, no. Did he ever speak of where he came from? No, like I said, he was pretty much kept to himself.
Starting point is 01:26:44 He would tell stories and... Did he ever speak of where he came from? No, like I said, he was pretty much kept to himself. He would tell stories, and I couldn't really tell if they were his stories or things he had read in the book, but he was always entertaining. Was he armed? Did he carry weapons? He did, never used them. I never saw him get into a fight.
Starting point is 01:27:03 He would drink all night long and walk out of here straight as an arrow. Never had a problem, I wish I had, which I could figure that out. I'm not as good as holding more liquor. Is there anyone else in town perhaps that he was close to or that he might've told where he was planning to go? Did he have any close friends
Starting point is 01:27:24 while he was here to go. Did he have any close friends while he was here, besides the ladies? He was a bit of a Lothario. I never saw him come in with another gentleman or woman that he wasn't involved with, but there was one young lady. She used to work for us. He seemed to really take a shine to her
Starting point is 01:27:41 of all the young ladies that he spent time with. She was the one I that he spent time with. She was the one I saw him with the most. Is she still here? What is her name? She doesn't work here anymore. I have her address, but that's strange for me to give you the address of a former waitress. I must speak with her. I'm sorry, I must ask her just a few questions. I don't really feel comfortable giving out that... Perhaps you could come with her. I'm sorry, I must ask her just a few questions. I don't really feel comfortable giving out that time.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Perhaps you could come with me. Perhaps. I'm running this in and I have to drink soon. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:28:21 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm already late, it's 20 minutes now. What about them, one of them? He points to Gic and they're singing up there. Pig and pony class. Would you feel comfortable about just telling them
Starting point is 01:28:31 Menagerie's, they could speak to her perhaps. They're friends of mine and as you can see, they're completely harmless. Even in battle. I would say I find her. You can see they're useless in a fight. I do find their singing, she's been see they're useless in a fight. I do find they're singing. She's been going on for two and a half hours.
Starting point is 01:28:49 I think it's the exact same thing. She picks up her hat, she's got a few coins in there, she shows effort. Ah! They're paying pony class. Pagan Pony. Ah, what do I care? It's fine, you can have the address.
Starting point is 01:29:05 It's fine. It's fine. Please don't kill her or anything weird like that. I'll know. There's nothing I can do, but that'd be whack. Thank you for the address. Did you tell us her name? I'll write it down on a piece of paper.
Starting point is 01:29:18 I've been trying to write it down in my notes. I look at the name and... Can't be. Then he folds it and puts it in my notes. I'll never know her name for the notes, so that's on you guys. Look at this, Bonds. Look at this. He passes you the folded paper with the name on it.
Starting point is 01:29:44 So it's like, it's like a we'll see you next week moment. Put it back. Don't say anything. I won't. Where would I begin? So very dumb. They'll walk up to Buggles. Buggles, when does their fucking set end?
Starting point is 01:30:03 We're wrapping it up. It's hard to tell because it's just one chorus. It keeps happening. I'm singing that for two hours. I'm just singing the big one. I want the Bacala cap stack. We finished, we finished. She's collected in the hat. Donations, donations, tips are appreciated, donations. She's walking around.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Around. I put a 400 gold piece banknote. Why, sir? It's already been cashed. Yeah. Yeah, it's been cashed. Poid. Poid. Poid.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Pramious. Why has this already been cashed? Sure, it's fine. Did you get the information? What information? That you were looking for about your brother, your brother. Yes, our bonds told me that he moved on, but we found a possible woman
Starting point is 01:30:52 that he had spent some time with in town that may know where he left or went to. Perfect, what's her name? Bonds, then. Chor. Oh, right, I still have it. Be careful with that. I don't see why it's... She closes the paper and hands it to Zephyr and just shakes her head.
Starting point is 01:31:25 I saw it. I saw it on your shoulder. She hands it to Buggles. And Buggles goes like white as a sheet, like pale green. And like Ramius gets ready in case the cool-o-con comes up. And he just like turns around and starts vomiting. Like, quiet. No!
Starting point is 01:31:52 No! No! Please, shake it. She gives it back to Remus. Please. I don't want it. Burn it! She puts it in her bag. Cast it into the fire! Riz, stop. Stop.. Are we gonna go see her? What are we gonna do? What choice do we have? We have to, I can't.
Starting point is 01:32:08 I can't leave him behind twice. I have to go. You don't have to come with me, but I'll have to face one way or another. What else do we have to do? Oh yeah, well, I was kinda done here anyway. Then let's go. As you leave.
Starting point is 01:32:25 We have a perfectly drawn map. And then we have Sakawatchi too. Fuck that guy. Yeah. It's night time now. You've spent the whole day. Okay. I'm gonna go. He hasn't been found to us.
Starting point is 01:32:38 No, I would like to go to the port. Like I want to make sure the ship's there. Okay. It's like, let's just make sure that they didn't like we'll say that her address is on the way to the near the harbor yeah near the harbor, so you could pop in and sure enough the What is that the Jubilee the the precious precious Jubilee is still? Sitting there rocking my precious precious
Starting point is 01:33:02 Um oh, that's good. Um you come with me if you like I must speak with thisous. Oh, that's good. Come with me if you like. I must speak with this woman. I hope she's home. And Remus will go to the house. We'll go with knock on the door. We're with him. You hear footsteps approaching. Door opens and it's an older man.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Can I help you? Yes. Good evening. I'm sorry to interrupt. It's very late. Yes, I apologize. I'm... He goes into his robes. He pulls out a paper.
Starting point is 01:33:39 I'm looking for a woman by this name. Does she live here? The name says, Talitha Lucky Osterman. by this name. Does she live here? The name says, Talitha Lucky Osterman. It's like. No, it doesn't. No. No. What a weird name.
Starting point is 01:33:55 What? You said the... That would get that reaction. Yeah, honestly. I kept thinking like, what could that reaction be? What could that reaction be? Talitha Lucky Osterman. Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:14 This is my daughter. What's the problem? Your daughter. There is no problem. Why are you coming to my house this evening? It is merely that... Bad is everything. Talitha! Go sit! Do you know that she...
Starting point is 01:34:30 Do you recognize perhaps my face at all? Do I look like a man that your daughter was seen around town with some months ago? Excuse me, what are you insinuating? I simply heard that a man named Gaius had developed a friendship with a... What did you say? This Talitha. Gaius... Is this name Ringabel?
Starting point is 01:34:53 And he's just kind of like, staring daggers at you. Remus is like, this was a mistake. Father? Father? And you look behind you, and this maybe 20 year old young woman steps up and she's pregnant. Oh! And we'll see you in a minute.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Oh my God! Just got chills! Oh my God. Holy shit! Oh no! Oh no! Well, everybody always knows someone's pregnant before I do.
Starting point is 01:35:24 I know! My boy's like, what? I do it. I do it. Well, everybody always knows someone's pregnant before I do it. I do it. I do it. I do it. I'm always like, what? I get to make sure of time. Characters. Totally pregnant. Bro.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. It's time to make your membership official. Start your 30 day free trial today
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