The Golden Hour - From the Mean Streets of Instagram | The Golden Hour PATREON #55 EXCERPT w/ Brendan Schaub, Erik Griffin & Chris D'Elia

Episode Date: February 12, 2025

I'm From the Mean Streets of Instagram, Eww, it tastes like Salad!, Well Herro, I'm Like Shamu, Jitterbug The boys talk people being too loud in the morning, passive aggressiveness, Erik's wife's conf...using questions, Chris' new weird app recommendation, Robocop vs Total Recall, all new live call-ins including a Greek guy asking how to set boundaries from his mom, contrived situations and much more! Get the full episode plus two extra episodes every month at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're friends that laugh, we're friends that shout Sometimes we don't know what we're talking about But that won't stop us Nothing can stop us It's like a show you used to love, just rebranded enough It's stronger, better, bigger power Cause it is the Golden Hour It's the Golden Hour I'm gonna tell you something right now
Starting point is 00:00:36 2025, I'm on this Keep your negative shit away from me Five. Yeah, yeah, yeah You know what I mean? Yeah I feel like a lot of people are now I'm just on that nestle like you I'm in my game channel, and I see some shit, and I'll just be like bye Anything bye dude. Hey. Oh you didn't mean it like that. I took it the wrong way Podcast channel to my youtube yeah, so much like don't be a coward I'm on that now. I am on that. On my podcast channel too, on my YouTube.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Somebody's like, don't be a coward. It went C-O-D-O. Bye bye. Oh dude, I was just talking about how you mad cow did it. Oh, I take it the wrong way. Cause we're built that way. Like some guy said something, I just lit him up. And he responded, he's like, dude,
Starting point is 00:01:22 I was just asking a simple question. I'm like, you understand where I come from. I come from the streets of Instagram where I assume you're being mean. The streets of Instagram is great and that's the title for sure. The streets of Instagram. I assume you're being mean. I actually know from the streets. I know that street. I know I'm talking about. You gotta look out. You gotta look out for that guy. And that street is dark. Yo, yo, yo. I tell you man, I can't be walking around this street. It's like, it used to be this sentiment
Starting point is 00:01:51 that is kind of like, be the bigger man and like, you know, leave comments up because, and then I was like, nah. Fuck them. This is my street. Yeah. This Griffin Avenue. And we cleaning up.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And I don't want your bullshit on my avenue. We taking the trash out. I'm the mayor in this building. Yeah. And we're cleaning it up. And then you know what I'm like, you know what I hate too, when they get rid of these people think they can talk about like some some like fucking you know backhanded shit about like someone I know. I'm like no you don't get that either. I took it the wrong way. Yeah, I took it my way. I took it my way like that fucking Frank Sinatra song but dude I I I they say something about like you or you brought anyone like oh It's across the board
Starting point is 00:02:34 You say about anybody. I don't like yeah, it's going down. You think I'm gonna let my friend see that Yeah, and I would hope I hate that courtesy sometimes. Do you think yeah? Why do I not do it? I think I don't know Why I don't I don't I don't honestly I don't block people I don't block people I don't either I just Block them I We're from the streets of Instagram. We invite them over. I don't block them. We're from the streets. I go, oh. I thought we were taking out the trash. Nah, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:10 We tricked you, man. Only because why? Nah, I don't do it either. I don't block because then they screen capture that, then they post it. That's the thing, I don't. Who cares? Yeah, you're right, you're right, he's right.
Starting point is 00:03:20 He's right, he's right. What, there's seven photos like you showed him. You start blocking, I'm gonna start blocking Oh, okay. Oh, I'm the Ken Bay my tombo. Yeah I wish they like yeah, this goes on their screen Well, you know what? I don't get is people are like people think wow. It's actually some real dork shit when people are like Look, he blocked me. me what a key such soft skin it's like no hey hey you don't exist you don't exist I don't care if you live or
Starting point is 00:03:53 die you're like DDP I like that I just was DDP Nick get that reference yeah dude this is the troll handbook okay right, so the troll didn't get it We'll put a comment. He said that in the octagon. All right So troll I thought troll handbook they'll write a comment we don't they'll write a comment it'll be not funny Mostly mean. Yeah. All right. They die of cancer But don't you but it's always something like old. Like four years ago, they're like. Okay, but they do that, right?
Starting point is 00:04:27 That's why you bombed, you're like, what? So then you respond with something like witty and biting. Yeah, funny, right. And then they respond with, oh, comedian can't take a joke? That's the handbook. And then you just go, oh, you don't get it. I just demolished you on this comment, and now you think then you just go, oh, you don't get it. I just demolished you on this comment.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And now you think, it's like, oh, you know what the concept I don't understand is? Comics can't take a joke. No, no, no. I don't understand that concept. No, this is the thing. You're not funny just because I'm a comedian. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:04 That's the whole thing. It's like, you still gotta do it right. It'd be like a, you paint, and then Picasso's like, this is trash. They're like, oh, I thought you were a painter. The end. Music

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