The Golden Hour - The Deserve-ed Scale | The Golden Hour #122 w/ Brendan Schaub, Erik Griffin & Chris D'Elia
Episode Date: March 7, 2025The guys discuss their favorite viral videos, Karl-Anthony Towns code switching, car enthusiast Doug Demuro, being a funny person vs being a good standup comic, Chris' review of The Nightingale film, ...favorite low brow movies, Oscars 2025 winners, rapper Birdman sleeping on stage, Brendan and Chris' workout routines, a hot version of Nick and much more! Get two extra episodes every month at Factor meals - Get started at and use code golden50off to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. Mint Mobile - If you like your money, Mint Mobile is for you. Shop plans at DraftKings - Download the DraftKings Pick Six app NOW and use code GOLDEN.
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We're friends that laugh, we're friends that shout
Sometimes we don't know what we're talking about
But that won't stop us
Nothing can stop us
As I show you, use the love, just rebrand it enough
It's stronger, better, bigger power Cause it is the Golden Hour
It's the Golden Hour
Alright, yes, hey, hi, woohoo!
Torrance, California.
Finally a place, finally a real city.
Well, well, yeah.
Amarillo, Lubbock what what college is
in Lubbock tactics I don't know Texas Tech boom Red Raiders who went to Texas
Tech Zach Thomas and Patrick Mahomes and Patrick Mahomes yes and Crabtree throwback
Portland Oregon I will be there fake place no well what do you mean oh you
mean just what's going on over there?
Yeah, just in general Island
Casper Wyoming been there. No, I've been to Wyoming never Casper. Yeah, I feel like Denver, you know, you love that New York
Oh my mom and my brother. I know you always say that. Yep
Reserve take I'll get them tickets
Boston Massachusetts check it out and I put up Florida dates for the first time in a long time
So go to Boston, Massachusetts, check it out. And I put up Florida dates for the first time in a long time.
So go to, Huntsville, Alabama.
Where are you at?
And Florida's a huge state, right?
Are you doing all of Florida?
What I mean is South Florida.
I have not done South Florida in years.
And so I'm doing Miami, Dania, right?
Dania, they're changing to Fort Lauderdale.
They're changing the name because Dania confuses everybody.
Yeah, right. Right. Yeah. But right now it's dania.
So I'm doing that. Huntsville, Alabama.
Do you know per square mile? I don't care.
You might. Well, it might help with your bits.
What? They have the most rocket scientists.
Oh, I did know that. Yeah, because of NASA.
NASA. Yeah. Yeah. Nazis. I didn't know that.
I'm sorry. What about? I'm sorry. What? Yes Nazis I did know that well I'm sorry what about I'm sorry what yes I did know that I did know that and that is a beautiful thing
because we love scientists we love rocket scientists big brains big dicks
so anyway go to Chris Leah calm for the tour it's been fun man I was in Appleton
Wisconsin I was in Peoria and Dubuque, which is a-
Dubuque, Iowa.
As a whole, honestly, but what?
It was a nightmare to get there.
Yeah, how do you know?
I just know.
Dubuque is a nightmare to get to.
Thank God I went to Peoria first.
And then you drove in?
Because I had a date at Dubuque, I had to cancel it
because I didn't know you couldn't fly directly into it.
And they're like, go just fly in Chicago and then drive two and a half hours. I'm like
well no. It's more than two and a half hours too I think. Yeah. This uh this band Three Beers
Till Dubuque they played at La Crosse River Fest every year. Three Beers Till I Puke right?
That was good. Thanks. Thank you for saving that because I couldn't care less about this.
Dubuque weird association. Yeah I get it. I get it.
Dude, I can't stop thinking about that guy last week,
his song.
Which one, who?
Oh yeah, I know dude.
I know.
What was the song?
You know, it's the kind of thing where,
first of all, I talked about it on my podcast.
I talked about it on this podcast.
I have been thinking about it every single day since.
Me too, Me too.
And that and the hammer. Now when anyone makes a mistake, I go, do you have a hammer nearby?
Oh wait, yeah. What was that?
Because you're talking about the AI robot.
Oh, right, right, right.
Like, mate, grab a hammer. Grab a hammer.
Grab a hammer. Yeah, that was a good episode last week. But I think that was a Patreon
What was it?
No, it's out.
Oh, right, right, right.
Chen, so good to see you.
Right, right, right.
Hi, guys. Look at chin. This is the first time been late in
The entire years I've known you told Nick earlier though and you're dressed like you robbed a bank. What happened?
Well, that's why he dresses though, right?
No, no way the double chain. Well not you won't wear black chains to rob a bank
You might rob those off somebody at the bank. Oh put them on afterwards
bank you might as you robbed those off somebody at the bank oh put them on afterwards late night chin what's up late night oh man
chin got a good I have a something surprised or someone so it took a little
time but uh okay yeah all right uh chick no is it for my birthday you stinker
it's not till next week dude so what's up with
this Casey just sent this he said another great another good bad singing
okay okay oh that one last that one last week I gotta say the one the reason why
I like that one so much he's so arrogant confidence tell when he goes the
insecurity is right behind all that confidence that's why he's I'm gonna do it for you
That's enough. Yeah
Why is the mic over there?
So drunk Reverend Jones
She speaks like I do
No one cares
Papal or Christ the Lord is risen today and he's gonna do a more I too. Okay, this is great. She's so
I've seen this! I have it.
My name is John Deacon.
Is either guy that sounds like that, is it that one?
Or it is risen today.
Yeah, I've seen this.
No energy.
No stage presence.
Sucks of men.
Say I am who you say.
This guy's gonna grab a hammer.
Your voice ain't triumphed. Changed octaves. For no reason. He get this guy this guy's gonna grab a hammer
Changed octaves for no reason
His eyebrows on top of his eyes dude dude serial killer 100% this guy has fucking bad breath
Dude and bodies in his basement. Yeah
Not Jesus
It's a more medley
animatronic just guys animatronics
Look he forgot the lyrics he forgot the lyrics
He did practice more
It's like what this like when you got a
Fucking speech in French. You don't know how to speak it And you thought that honestly that this woman was gonna be the worst
Yeah, I thought she was gonna be the problem and she and he just came in and was just like this is like
When you're watching them like Shyamalan movie you're like, oh wow, wow, actually it's this. I like they pan over to me.
I love that they titled it.
But you see back in old
that's a more.
I mean, not even like the more povichow dude.
This is guy is that is just how about when you have
is that is just, how about when you have,
when you do that in, you know, 19, who knows, 70 something, right?
So you do that and then in 2025,
you look and it's got five million views.
And obviously that guy's dead,
but like his family is like, wow,
we didn't know then that this guy was gonna be an absolute legend on
YouTube oh he died in 2022 age 82 oh wow so he says thank you for this
unintended gift how fucking old was he in that video 30 people look old back
then you know 68 it says 14 years ago I don't know if it's, it could be obviously older. No, it's way older than 14.
Wait. Oh, 1968. Got it. Okay. So then, yeah, they probably uploaded it recently,
but yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, I know. But I'm saying 1968 is when this was,
no, I'm saying if this was posted when it was recorded 14 years ago.
Oh, it was not. No, it's posted 14 years ago.
This from the 70s.
This was, this was, this was when the first TV came out.
My name is John Daker.
And I am drew.
He's coming to the resort.
Oh, go ahead.
Click that again.
Go to 39.
Oh, it's just when they, she's talking, they pan over to him.
Oh, wow.
That's funny, dude.
Wow. That's so wow. That's funny, dude. Wow.
That's so good.
That's great.
My name is John Baker.
That's a fake name.
Your video, the one you gave us.
And then the, the girl stomping on the grapes are my two favorite.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Girl Stomping on the Grapes is an all-time classic, yeah. That one was early, early on.
I mean, I must have seen that 20 years ago.
But that one, it was, that one is still a classic, yes.
There are many classics, dude.
But that one has to be top three.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
It's pretty damn good.
I think-
Start stomping a lot.
Yeah, yeah. when it comes to I
mean I don't even know if the singing one is in the same category as those
because the singing one is like this long video that's a performance that's
different than just a quick fuck up so like like for instance the latter fails
are great like tonight I talked in place you know that one? No. See, actually I didn't have it locked. We saw it. Yeah, we saw it.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
The cat.
The cat one is fantastic.
Or he grabs his nuts.
It'd be tough to pick top three, bro.
It'd be tough to pick top three.
The grape lady's up there.
I'm not trying to argue this is top three.
I know.
This is the first one I ever show people.
No one ever thinks this is as funny as I do.
Because it's a little vicious.
He goes to dump.
Just boys being boys here. Boom.
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
Oh no.
And the kids are trying not to laugh.
That's the funny part to me.
And they can't get his foot out.
Oh, his foot's fucked.
I think he's too hurt to be too funny.
I think at 11 he tore his ACL and MCL.
Them not doing anything?
Well they're nine, what the fuck they gonna do?
Hey Nick's a bad guy huh?
Yeah Nick's bad, he's got a bad...
Nick's like let me give you guys one, look at this kid, he's paralyzed, that's my favorite part.
The kid's like, just get the fuck out of here.
Just leave him there. That's unbelievable. That's pretty funny they leave him there. paralyzed that's my favorite part look the kids like the fuck out here that's
pretty funny they leave him there there's like I call it the deserved
scale the guy filming hey you know it's us his summers fuck this is first day of
summer summer's over there's something I have. Nick likes even shit.
There's the deserve it scale where it's the funniness.
The funniness has to outweigh what they deserve to get.
He doesn't quite deserve this. his entire summer was so my point is
If he bumped his you know bonked his head to me that's whether yeah, because it evens out
Yeah, this he fucked his whole walking up for life for his ACL MCL
This is clearly the night. He's probably look it was 40. Yeah, it was 40 now that would be now this way
I didn't wait funny Clearly in the 90s probably. Look, if he was 40, if he was 40, now that would be, now this would be funny.
Way funny.
This would be funny because you gotta know better.
But the kids in high school, and he fucked his whole ACL up
and it's not as funny, and Nick's a bad guy.
So that's what we learned.
But there are, the deserved scale is very interesting
because it makes sense.
And it can't be a 10 if the pain is too high for the for how
much it was worth it.
Well like the lady fall in the grape video.
It just a 10.
That's a 10 because it just knocked the wind out of it.
It's a 10.
She going ow ow ow.
She pied and fucked herself up.
She was she was doing the.
She deserved it.
The deserved meter was so high that the funniness
can match. Yes.
You understand?
Yeah. The Deservet scale is really
people constantly send me stuff.
Dude, do this.
What's the Deservet scale?
Deservet scale.
But yeah, dude. I mean, there's
there's great like then
I always bring up one.
It was on nine news.
It's a it's a it's not a funny
video. But talking about it's funny, but it's actually not that funny because I watched it up one it was on nine news. It's a it's a it's not a funny video talking about it's funny
But it's actually not that funny because I watched it live when I was a kid is on nine news and they're
Trying to adopt the dog thing. Yeah, they bring out a straight-up pit bull like a white pit bull
And but he has he looks like the the dog off fucking little rascals or whatever
He has the spot on his eye and the newscaster she's still around there in Denver
She's like look how cute is who wouldn't want this dog and she goes to kiss him and he goes hey bitch
Oh, yeah, we're live. I'm a pit bull. Your lips are looking juicy
Dude rips the top of her lip off live on TV. So I would give that like a four
Oh, I give it a two. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll probably last
Then she comes back like three months later and we just got a pretend you don't have a cleft lip now Simpsons
This is my one of my favorite things about the Deservet scale is it works on all levels of
Pain embarrassment. It can be subtle. It can be huge right? Like here's a great
Here is a great ten on the Deserve It scale that you
wouldn't know. Go to Tech TV Fails. I think that that'll come up. This is a 10 on the
Deserve It scale. Okay, the second one. Right there. Have you seen it?
This is a one of a kind piece. There's no other one like this particular one in the
world. And you can see the tracks go this way.
And it's really cool because it records much more accurately.
Oh my god.
Well, that does happen every once in a while.
That's really good.
Now, check out the skin.
Yeah, I'm done with that. Look at him! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! He's done with that.
Look at him!
Ha ha ha!
Go to him, go to him, go to him!
Because here's why it's a ten.
Bro, I can't watch this one without laughing.
Okay, watch.
No, no, go to the beginning.
This is what makes it a ten.
Look at what he says in the beginning.
This is a one it a 10. Look at what he says in the beginning. Watch. So this is a one of a kind piece.
There's no other one like this particular piece.
And you can see the cracks.
Done deal.
He breaks it.
His hand's shaking.
It's much more accurate.
Why is it breaking pieces?
Just, it's on his busts, bro.
That is what I saw that.
Bro, I was in my early 20s
Oh shit
The way the guy's standing
Uh uh
Oh yeah dude!
Perfect, that is a 10
on the first two
And he sets it up with
This is one of one, only one in the world
And then he broke it up with this is one of one only one in the world. Yeah, so there he broke it
So there can be
So it doesn't need to be this big travesty like the grapes one is a ten
You guys write all time ten that grapes has to be top three. Yeah
You know, it's another high on the deserve it scale is the nun Chuck guy who does the flip and the audition
You know it. Oh no I don't know
Betty all I know is the guy Chuck yeah
You know what makes it so high though? The end when the guy behind the camera says lay down lay down lay down that is what
That is the one that gives it the extra
The sheer The sheer amount of how much you can tell he fucked up by the way he says, I'm okay, is...
Dude, it's chef's kiss.
Listen to the way he says, I'm okay.
Hey, hey.
Listen. Listen. I'm okay
Those two words is unbelievable. Hey, you know what I like to think of you think of him sit in the hotel room
Showing this is it
Yeah, and then this happens and then he's like a fighter who attacks the wrath after he gets knocked down
He's just done know what time he's up like halfway
It's great, dude
It's great
It's great. It might be a 10. That one is great. I can't believe you've never seen that one. Oh, fuck. Stay down. Stay down.
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One of my favorite ones is, and I don't know,
I saw it a long, long time ago.
I love these, man.
Yeah, I know, they're great.
I saw it a long, long time ago on-
Hey, what a gift.
Nick's like, he didn't fucking get paralyzed.
What, this one sucks.
His head's still on.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he didn't get the cap hit.
There's one that I saw on America's Funniest Videos
when I was a kid.
There's two that just sent me-
America's Funniest Videos?
Usually they're not very funny.
No, but bro, every now and then, that show-
Slaps. Bro, I split open, it's so funny. No, but bro, every now and then that show. Slaps.
Bro, I split open.
It's so funny.
There were two.
No, not currently.
No, no, I haven't seen it in years.
But dude, the Bob Saget ones?
The Bob Saget ones were the best.
Now it's the guy from, it's Carlton from Fresh Prince.
So there were two.
And it's on before American Idol, so I watched it.
And I asked my podcast to find them for me because I
could never find them they found one of them really but not the there are two
okay one of them is a guy coming in with his brand new wife to his wedding
reception on bro on a Harley okay in the In the room. And everyone's like, hey!
Roar, roar, and he just holds the handle too long.
Dude, I can't find it.
I haven't found it in fucking 30 years, okay?
They didn't find it for me.
But they did find this one.
I don't know if we'll be able to find it,
but this one is fantastic.
So that's a 10.
This is a 10 too, bro.
I got a Nick 10.
With that story, go ahead. fantastic so that's a 10 this is 10 too bro I got a Nick 10 so this one is a
guy is filming a mountain on the ski slopes okay you see a guy coming down
guys skiing guys coming all the way down oh bro this is so great all the way down
and about 10 feet out he's the guys got the camera he says
oh sorry Chris it smashes into the idea that he couldn't he knew it was gonna
happen but what makes it an ultimate 10 is starting from that far up
Disaster and they don't know it's gonna happen do it. No the back to that wedding one. This one's for you, Nick
You're probably find this one. Yeah, I don't know. I'm laughing. It's so sad
Dave is wedding everyone's out, you know, and he pulls up up he must have just bought it it's not funny it's a brand new Dodge Viper and they're one of the
most trickiest cars of all time because they don't have traction control 500
horsepower right so he's in a fucking manual Dodge Viper his bride gets in the
whole wedding party he's like yeah this is just married this he's like yeah Oh
Randall oh, they died.
No, they didn't.
Yeah, yeah.
Look that up.
Oh, that's not funny then.
Yeah, it's.
I thought Nick would.
Nick, Nick would like that.
Yeah, that was for Nick.
Yeah, Nick 10.
Yeah, Nick would get tattooed on his back.
Nick's like, that's a 10.
Oh no, where'd you see it?
Ah, I don't know.
He's like live.
I was laughing.
I saw him in the car.
Oh man, that's fucking rough.
I don't like, yeah.
The guy in the Hummer's funny though.
The Hummer?
I'm beside the guy with the Harley.
I wish I could find that one.
Dude, me and my kid.
Maybe the Golden Hour crew can help the fans.
The fans.
Me and my kid were at Target.
I wish I had on camera,
they have all the flat screen TVs lined up in boxes.
And this guy's just fucking looking at at him he's like bumps it and
Do we laugh so fun? Oh my god, dude. Oh really? Oh my god. No tiger laughs so hard
Bro, and there's nothing he can do isn't it cool. I know you charge it to the game, bro
Yeah, isn't it? Isn't it funny when cuz I guess probably
So the game bro yeah isn't it isn't it funny when cuz I guess probably so like cuz Calvin's five right and he's at the point now where something funny happens
bro he's he falls to the ground laughs yeah like it's not just it's something
I mean that's what he still loves it that but like he comprehends when
something funny happens and then dude it's my favorite shit yeah like the
other day we were in we were in the what do you call this play plate whatever
it's some malls have like play places yeah you know and Billy and Calvin
diseases we're in there I know yeah well we got to get them you know yeah wear
them out we immune I mean system so
And we were like and we're like, alright Billy we gotta go and Billy didn't want to leave so he just booked it He just left and ran away
And Calvin thought it was the funniest thing he ever saw and it was it was so funny because he's two and just running down
The mall net like fucking always like Julia. He's like, nah man Calvin is just dying and it's so funny because
fucking orange Julius. Yeah, he's like, nah man.
Calvin is just dying.
And it's so funny because Calvin realizes why that's funny
in an intellectual way as well as Billy looks funny running.
But that's the best.
I love that.
Yeah, I don't know if it's this.
Let's play it anyway though.
No, but this is already, see it's,
cause you know it's a deserve it. Oh
I don't know. Did they see play? It's a slick ground. Yeah
I'm not sure some reason that Nick we look up the dodge by her and it was his fault
That's exactly the tech that's now Nick. You're good
With the desert scale cuz that is true and I will say in retelling the ski one,
it's one of the reasons why it might not be a 10 because the guy who is
filming it gets hit. But that's funny. Well, he's funny.
If you have them setting it up. Yeah. But there's a,
but there's like the gender reveal once there's a lot of fuck up.
Like the big fires, like three years ago, gender reveal,
there's a lot of fuck up gender big fires like three years ago gender reveal There's a lot of fucked up gender reveals. Yeah
Are those still cool? I don't know anybody that doesn't yeah, I mean it's fine. You like we did a cupcake
Yeah, I think you feel like but that's fine. We've been in the cupcake and people are like we're gonna blow up a house
Let's see if it's pink or blue. It's wild to me or they get a plane that puts out blue or pink fucking smoke
Or they get a plane that puts out blue or pink fucking smoke. What?
The fuck?
If there are any Golden Hour fans that are expecting, we would love to do the gender
reveal on our show.
Oh cool, yeah that'd be cool.
That'd be cool.
Just fucking.
Okay, we got you guys ready?
Just so bad at it.
There's 30 of them.
Pink, blue, blue.
Um, so yeah, I don't know, man.
I was, I was cold this weekend though.
You were cold?
It was fucking bitter into Buick.
Oh, that's right.
It was cold out here though.
Yeah, it was.
I heard.
Am I fricking truck don't have doors?
Oh, fuck.
There's no window.
It has doors with no windows.
Oh, it's on me.
It's a summer ride. Yeah. Oh, fuck. There's no window. It has doors with no windows. Oh, it's on me. Yeah. It's a summer ride
Yeah, yeah. Yeah
Mmm. Mmm. I got that new x7. Oh, did you get it? Yeah. Yeah, we are engine blow. Just got it. Oh good Thank you for telling me before I got it. No in general. They're good though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's nice
It's spaged more space three row seating, right? This thing? Yes, yes, yes.
I got rid of the bloody guts, bro.
The Mercedes? Yeah.
Oh wow, you have to get rid of yours
because don't you guys already have a QX7 or whatever?
We have an RSQ8, but here's the deal,
that's not big enough for the kids,
and then this thing.
I think it'll fit a whole fucking squad.
Will fit them, and then I'm gonna drive the RSQ8
instead of the Mercedes because the Mercedes lease was up,
otherwise I would have done the other way around.
Okay. You know how we do it. So I
Should have got the Alpina one
Yeah, I thought about it, but I just don't do it. She's gonna it's for her. She'll fuck those wheels. Yeah, so it's like
it's just a waste of money like a straight-up ass wipe of money like
So I just I'm not you know, you know, we can add you can, they're almost as big. You get the XM one.
Have you seen those?
They can't give them away.
You get great deals.
I don't know, people don't, I think they look the best.
They look the best.
We got the M package, but not the...
The XM you can get though, cheap.
No one's buying them.
No one can do.
Hey, how do you even know?
You just know a lot about cars.
Yeah, I love it.
You read about cars and stuff? Oh yeah, I listen to podcasts on cars. Oh wow, oh wow, how boring. even know you just know a lot about cars? Yeah, I love it. Huh you read about cars and stuff
Oh, yeah, listen to podcasts on car. Wow. Yeah. Wow
Yeah, super nerd. What do they say?
Chassis and shit. No some of them if you listen to roaster shop, they have a podcast they talk about chassis, which I like
Yeah, there's some anything you're into there's podcast. Oh, I know anything Anything. I know. There's too much Doug. Doug DeMuro does one. He's like the main guy.
It's weird. Doug DeMuro is so, what is the deal with? He is just,
he used to work for Porsche and then he has his own, like his YouTube's massive,
but he's just in, he knows so much about, he is insanely watchable.
Like he is just agree. What is it about him where you're like,
that I want to watch him because because I don't know what it is like medium probably not too
much in common outside of cars but I watch him and I like them and then also
business-wise like he started his cars and bids his own thing that's worth
hundreds of millions of dollars yes he's He's balling dude. And then like he like they give me test cars like trucks.
Uh, yeah. Ram. I've gotten a bunch of test cars. He gets like Bugatti's McLaren's new Porsche's. I'm not at that level. And then he'll test them. And then I think people fuck with them because just because like like let's say McLaren gave him a car He'll tell you like I hated this guy. I know yeah, I'm McLaren in the next year. Send him another car
I think they fuck with him because he's authentic and it's on yeah
And then what's cool?
Yeah, what's cool about him is his dream car was a Porsche GT since he very very first started made the scene
He's like my dream cars are Porsche Porsche GT. bought one yeah pretty gangster that is gangster yeah pretty cool that Kuntosh bro if I
could have a Kuntosh fuck then if you go get the new Kuntosh only made like 30 of
them yeah but the old one is I mean I understand it's better to have a new
car but that classic though have you hit the classic and then like update it like
a retro on restomod that'd sick. Cause those old Lamborghinis, super unreliable,
handled like shit.
Like the Testa Roses, the Fries.
If I had that, I would just keep it.
I mean, that's such a classic car.
I don't think I would drive it much.
Get a white one.
Forget it.
What's this, Nick?
Have you guys ever heard Carl Anthony Towns talk?
He's on the next season. Oh yeah, yeah. He's played for the Timberwolves. What's this? Have you guys ever heard Carl Anthony Towns talk?
He's on the Knicks.
Oh yeah.
He's playing for the Timberwolves.
So just to set this, Nick Young went viral for doing an impression of him, but here's
just a little cat.
He talks different when he talks on the thing and then on the... It's even closer to the locker room. Yeah. It's better basketball time right now. You can hear the little thingies.
Boom on.
Oh my God!
No way!
Are you serious right now, B-Dawg?
This one wasn't as zesty.
This is what movies is made of.
Four months away I come back, two free throws, don't worry about it.
I got that.
20 is hell.
Did you know I was gonna do it?
Bro, they asked me in media about you.
What? What? What? What? What? free throws don't worry about it. I got that. 20 is hell.
Did you know how I was gonna do it?
Bro they asked me in media about you.
Nah that has to be fake. Is that real?
Oh he has some sugar in his tank huh?
He's sweet and low.
It's total chaos in Minnesota right now.
For sure.
For sure.
Oh he has sugar in his tank.
That's all good this impression
from Nick Young is so who's Nick Young swaggy P used to be engaged to Iggy
Azalea and then his teammate D angel played for the Lakers for long time has
tattoos everywhere
that's my boy Kenyan Martin
Cat watching recent. Yeah, this is just this weekend. I had no idea about. I did. I had no clue. Yeah. You're some sugar in the tank. It's all good.
Cause it's weird.
Cause I saw a video where he was like giving it a post a game interview.
It was like, yeah, you know, what we do in the paper.
And then it cut to a podcast.
It was like, what the fuck?
Hey, what would they call it?
A code switching.
Is that what they call them?
The streets.
Let's take a break.
Listen, Chris, I don't know about you, but I know you're a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy. I'm a good guy. I'm a good guy. I'm a good guy. I'm a good guy. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, what do they call it? Code switching?
Is that what they call it on the streets?
Let's take a break.
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Well, code switching, like the Blake Griffin thing
where he was
like oh yeah I'm gonna yeah yeah yeah when I do their podcast yeah totally
different funny yeah Blake's funny real funny this is hilarious
yeah dude I've been waiting for that all right see you're what half and half yeah
I don't know what the term is like if you're in an interview do you white it up and then if you're in the locker room do you blacken up?
Yeah, I think the term now what the kids are saying is code switching. Yes. That's it. Yeah, I definitely
Yeah, like it. I'm doing mellows podcast
If you want to see a stark contrast
Kobe was dope
That's funny that like he's funny man, it's weird when a when a an athlete is like charismatic like that
Yeah, I mean like it's rare like yeah, it is rare. I guess cuz they don't have to be but I guess they do now
Kind of
Yeah, yeah, yeah, some shit have podcasts. Oh, yeah. No shit. Mm-hmm
Something the it's some of it's like they just play the fucking game you make too much money. Why are you podcasting?
Mm-hmm like who?
Mike of Parsons for the Dallas Cowboys like buddy. Mm-hmm. You're the best defense play in the league
Why do you have a fucking podcast every week?
Speaking of did you see him?
Struggling. Oh, I did see why have I seen this? It's all those sumo guys do though
It's not yeah, I have no assets sumo guy to catch a fucking football or tackle somebody
Yeah, do you think he'd be a good offensive lineman? No, they've tried it before they have they've tried before. Yeah
Yeah, like Peter Berg was on Rogan talking about
tried before. Yeah. Yeah. Like Peter Berg was on Rogan talking about, uh,
New Zealand, like in rugby players. He's like, those are the real athletes.
And you know, Rogan doesn't give a fuck about NFL or anything.
We've taken the very best all blacks player and brought him to the NFL and he got, he didn't make it through camp. It's a different game.
And it's also just our athletes are different.
But like, can you imagine if those guys played football?
I'm like, real quick, do you mind if I intermitted?
It's a different game, yeah.
We've tried it.
Your very best guy came over and you couldn't make the cut.
It's like when somebody who's super funny,
you're like, they could do standup.
It's just, you still have to learn how to do it.
It's just different, yeah.
Yeah, it's not, it's a skill.
It's weird, because I was doing a,
I did a joke lap two nights ago.
There was a part where I was like, I said it.
Oh, there was a part where people laughed.
And then right afterwards,
I could tell that this other part,
even though it usually gets a big laugh. I'm like, it's not going to get a big laugh now,
the way the last thing I said went.
And I have to say it differently.
And I said it differently. I threw it away more.
And it's not even that it worked. It didn't work, but I knew it wasn't going to work.
So I just threw it away, expecting it wasn't going to work.
Because if I went for it, it would have bombed
Yeah, right. So like that's stand-up. That's that's not being a funny guy
No, you know what I mean knowing that's knowing knowing it so that in a way
I you know, I'm trying to say like that's like putting a rugby player in a in a in a football
Yeah, kind of kind of but it's also But it's also just the athleticism's different.
Like even, we were playing this team the other day
and this kid, he's nine, his parents should be in prison.
He's severely obese.
But if he gets a hold of the ball, it's a fucking home run.
And this little fat bitch just went yard like three times
and everyone's jockeling this kid.
I went, his parents should be in prison.
There's also no other sport he can play. Right.
And they're like, he's so athletic. I'm like, name another sport.
That fat kid can play. There's nothing. His footwork's not good. He's not quick.
He just happens to be big and can swing the bat. Right, right, right, right.
Yeah. So what would you do for a kid like that? You work on other shit.
I put him on keto. I understand you'd put them on diet, but would you,
would you, do you make...
It would be just his diet.
All those Cheez-Its at night, all that's out the window.
Like have a little discipline, buddy.
Because right now you're dominating these nine-year-olds
because you're 200 pounds.
But as soon as everyone gets the growth spurt,
you're fucked, dude.
Like your glory years are right now and you're nine.
So I beat up the dad good well, oh what's this
Damn it, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
You'll see some big kids man, so just want to look at the parents. He's a kid but that would be like a six on the deserved scale.
It's not a lot of injury. Does that play into it? Yeah he was fine. He popped up just embarrassed.
He did. I mean he might have fucked his knee up. But yeah, no there's not. Yeah it does play into it.
But like I coach football and if the safeties are fat I'll tell the boys like leave the safeties the chunky
Let's go right we're splitting the seams right right right the kids like Jesus man
Mmm, I know you see the fact kid playing safety mm-hmm can't get around him
And I watched a movie last night that you would fucking hate bro and honestly
It was too much man. What was it some called nightingale?
2018 and it's just it. What was it? It was called Nightingale, 2018.
And it's just...
It was really well made.
And it was just about a woman that is a convict in 18-something.
And they...
Just like...
These soldiers released her and have her now
and they just brutally treat her horribly
and she has a husband and a kid
and they just massacre her family
and then it's all about revenge.
It's just, it's just.
Why would you watch it?
Because I didn't know that that's what it was about.
And then once you're in you gotta mention it.
My friend said it was really good
and then once I was in I was like, I gotta,
I'll tell you, there were parts where I fast forwarded it.
But my God, that guy was, it is really good,
but oh God, dude, do not watch it.
Are you a big documentary guy?
That documentary, Chaos, with Charles Manson,
drops Friday.
Did you read, well you probably didn't read the book,
but the book, Chaos, it goes into how Manson was basically, uh,
he was a victim. It's weird to say victim, but he was part of the CIA,
all that, all the, in the sixties, hate Ashbury. Like he's a victim of that.
They would dope him with acid and LSD and then he would give it to his followers,
but he wouldn't take it. It right. It's the books fucking wild.
Everything you know about Manson is completely nonfiction.
He's saying, oh, this is facts.
This facts.
Well, is did you see red?
What's that new show?
Red Zero Day with De Niro.
No, I'm out.
You're not not into it.
No, no.
He plays two characters.
No, no, no.
I play two characters. Uh-uh. I'm not a professor. No, no, he plays two characters. No, no, no, uh-uh. I play two characters
I'm not a professor. No, no, no, it's it's a TV show like 24
I don't like that shit and it's him like saving the world
Not it's not like Jack Bauer action style
No, when you're like picking a movie Chris did someone tell you about this or you just scrolling and you're like
I'm gonna wait till I find one that no one is watching ever no it's either I
read I read the review if the review looks interesting like not the review
sorry the whatever that you call that synopsis looks interesting I'll watch it
so I'm not a ten ain't bad though and I'm gonna be that's good yeah but my friend
told me that this is really good that's why I watched it and he's right, but my god, it was just I'm rewatching Dexter
I'm on season 5 already. We watched everything about that. I can't get enough of Dexter. Yeah fucking love that
That guy is really good at actor and Dexter know him. Oh
I don't like get his name though. No, you won't like it, but it's it's just like honestly
You just got to be like, I don't know why they made it so... I know, I do know why they made it so hardcore because
they were making a point. And are you just in your basement at like midnight watching this by
yourself eating... I turn it on. I turn it on and I go, I'll watch this. And then as I turned it on...
What time of day is this though? 11 PM. Yeah. You're by yourself. Just watching bad movies.
And here's the other thing too. Like I put this on and I go,
let me put this on cause my friend said it was good. Then I put it on.
And then I read the synopsis. Had I read the synopsis,
I don't know if I would have watched it. Here's the other thing too. It's it,
everywhere you go online, it says this is a horror movie, bro.
It's not a horror movie. It's a sad drama.
I don't like that. Yeah. So I don don't need that had I known it was a sad drama
I wouldn't watch it but here's the deal I didn't even know this but afterwards
the Baba Duke director did it Bob it is fucking awesome you see Bob I do you
like it it's really good about the directors talented I like the title yeah
well no but that's not but it's because that's a thing that already a Baba Duke
is already a thing I don't think they made it in the movie,
is what I'm saying.
All right, well, it's all good, man.
I don't like to say movies.
The movie has to, I get to everything late.
Like I saw Game of Thrones eight years after it came out.
I get it.
Because when I found out there's dragons in it,
I didn't want to watch.
And then I watched it, it's my favorite show ever.
You follow this account?
They just always put these questions.
And for some reason, I feel compelled
to answer them all the time.
But they're fun.
What's the most satisfying defeat of the baguette movie?
Oh, Shawshank.
The Warden.
Yeah, maybe.
I always kind of also scroll to find out and see
if anybody has my answer, I said.
Well, Shawshank's a great.
Shawshank, The Warden's number one.
You think so?
Why did they kill him again. He killed himself
Warden yeah, Andy gets away then submits all the evidence and they come up to arrest him
Oh, he shoots him or something. He kills himself. I don't remember Wow, really. No, I love the movie but I
Don't know any of these movies
Well, all right. Yeah, that's cool. I do like that kind of stuff
What other questions?
It's funny. I didn't even know they post this.
Django is good. Never seen it.
Wow. You gotta, you gotta open up your mind.
Django. Some say DJ go. I say Django.
What is a lowbrow movie you consider to be perfect dumb and dumber you think
Yes, yeah
That's an easy one
I don't know if you trouble in little China
Is that that's a great question though, would that be lowbrow trouble little China? Yeah, well He's moving I think little brow usually comes to I usually comedy comes to mind, but well then I would go stuck on you
Matt David able to breathe even just for one scene
What movie had you laughing on? It'll be just oh dumb and dumber again
What is it called
Saving Silverman. Is that the movie? Yeah, so good. Jack black
Nobody saw that movie and the movie there is said the two of those guys jack black and steve zahn in that movie
Well jack black fight he does takes therapy and finds out he's gay. No, that movie's hilarious. That that part is so funny
So fucking funny, dude
Um, he's like dude you ate all the nachos
and you wiped your hands in the chair.
What's that?
That's in that movie.
Cause Jack Black's his roommate.
Oh, the coach is great.
The coach is so funny, he's gay.
Oh wait, no, I don't know this.
I thought you were talking about something else.
Savings, uh,
Oh, that's this?
Oh, got it, okay, got it.
You see the movie?
Yes, in the theater. Yeah, cause I keep reference and stuff, you're like, which movie? I'm the one, got it. Okay. Got it.
You see the movie?
In the theater.
Yeah, because I keep reference and stuff.
You're like, which movie?
I'm the one who brought it up.
I know.
Then we showed you the main character.
I only remember laughing really hard at this movie.
I saw it when I was 21 in the theaters.
Oh, that movie still holds up.
I wonder if it still holds up.
Fuck yeah.
If it's on, I watch.
I thought you were talking about there's a movie where James Marsden and Jack Black
are in it. And bro bro it is so funny.
Jack Black doesn't miss. The D train?
Yes. Shallow Hal? Yes. Shallow Hal's in the movie.
Oh, I don't like that pairing. No.
Yeah, I don't I wasn't sure about it either bro, but I like both these guys and they I
forget which one is the the gay one, but they're hanging out and
They basically it's about a guy who convinces another guy to let him fuck him
And then he's like what the fuck I'm not gay and and the rest of the movie is
It's just really funny. It's really really funny I think Marsden is gay and
he he convinces Jack Black to fuck him it's just really funny bro really funny
um anyway I don't know now that's not lowbrow yeah my kids are in the movies
that I watched as a kid so they're like dad give us another movie so they're
not they watched in CIT. Yeah. I love that.
And then we drove by the house.
You can find the Encino house.
I took them to see the house.
Oh, cool.
Yeah, they love it.
They freak out.
Like, that's it.
I'm like, yeah, dude.
Chill out.
This guy came into the Adam Carolla show one time
when they were on vacation, and I was the only person
at the studio.
Oh, shit.
Because they like scheduling issue.
And we just sat and talked for like 20 minutes.
Was he awesome?
It was like I had worked there for like a month too. It was really cool.
You know he was an actual lieutenant in the army. That's why he was so good in...
That's why I got the part.
Full male jacket.
Full male jacket. Great movie.
Great movie.
Yeah. Wasn't he just going to train them?
Oh, is that right?
Adrian Brody did it again, huh? His nose is so big. Yeah. He's good though.
It's so distracting when he wins awards. You're like, holy shit. Look at that nose. Front row gotta move back.
I haven't seen any of those movies, but they said that one used AI. Was he like AI? No, they used AI because on one scene
he had to say something. I think it was actually even voiceover,
but he had to say something in a different language and they just used AI
because he didn't know how to speak the language.
Big fucking deal.
It's one of those things where like,
I get it's a slippery slope. Hollywood's upset.
Yeah, I get it's a slippery slope, however,
if you're gonna use AI for movies,
use it for something like that. Yeah, that's not bad.
I'd rather have that than the bullshit graphics.
So what's the other movie you wanna Oscar for,
The Pianist? The Brutalist was this year. Yeah, but yeah. Pian than the bullshit graphics. So what's the other movie you want to Oscar for the pianist?
Brutalist was this year. Yeah, but he in s in the back of the day. I've never seen that
Yeah, I mean same and I like all the Nazi World War two stuff that isn't that what that is
And he plays the piano throughout the war. Oh, yes
His nose though, can we talk about it? You know, it's just you know
It's and then the girl who, I didn't see that movie.
You saw, oh, you have to see it.
I haven't seen it.
Oh, really?
I'm so, no, I figured you'd watch that bullshit.
No, I don't, I'll, maybe I'll watch it, but it's just not the kind of movie I like,
but, to watch, I like to watch, but what do you call it?
Um, the one about the trans, did that win a lot? Not the kind of movie I like, but I like to watch. But what do you call it?
The one about the trans, did that win a lot? Amelia Leah Perez?
Yeah, she won, I think, best supporting, or best actress.
That's how you know Hollywood's famous vlog.
Oh really, is that the best movie?
Is that the best performance?
Or are you just giving a transgender girl a warning?
Yeah, they just wanna make it.
Well. She's not trans?
No, no, no. She just plays one?
The one in, the one I'm talking about is...
This picture...
Enora wanted all right?
Not Enora.
No, Amelia Perez.
Yeah, yeah.
Actress in a supporting role.
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no.
She's not the person in the movie that's trans,
but there is a...
But doesn't Zoe have trans kids or some shit? God, she's no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, What was that about? What's the best doc? I don't know. What one best doc?
I haven't seen any of those.
But no, but.
What was I saying?
What did you see when Zoe Saldana screamed out mommy?
Yeah, hated it.
There's just such theater kid energy, which makes sense.
All of it's bullshit.
The Oscars have fallen off like a motherfucker. That guy's name is Loll.
Hollywood's dying man.
They did that weird thing with the Los Angeles
fire department and they had them like do that joke
about like people's house burning down.
Conan was like, I'm gonna do the jokes that we're
too afraid to say and they had the police chief
and he's like, oh, someone's house burning down
but I get it was the creators of Joker two or something, but
it was just really weird and intense.
And just felt like the guy shouldn't be joking about it.
Oh, no.
That's the fire captain did it.
Let's take a little break here.
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We haven't heard anything on that shit, the fires. Like once it's over, we have such short-term
memories. Unless your house burned down
Yeah, unless you're dealing with it. Yeah, people just move on. You don't see any of the funding for it anymore. Nothing
That chief of police got fired
Oh did yeah
How about how the stock market is just fucking tanking dude? Yeah. it? Yeah. Well, right now, with all the...
Right, right, right, right, right.
But it's like...
It bounce back.
Buy the dip.
Yeah, I know.
Birdman appears to fall asleep during a moment?
No way.
Yeah, yeah, he's just sitting there.
You saw it?
Yeah, and the guy's like hitting him.
Birdman's like 60.
Oh, he's on drugs.
Oh, yeah.
He's also 60.
You don't realize how old Birdman is.
Look at him, they're like, come on, man.
He's trying to play it hot.
He's so fucked up.
That's drugs.
Or it might be like a Biden situation.
He's older, man.
He's not that old, bro.
He's like 55.
At least.
He's on Trank.
He was popping when I was a kid
You know old some these guys are like little Wayne ain't little anymore
No, he was still there's there's still younger than you think. I don't the way older than we think 56 almost 60
Yeah, but I said 55 and you said at least so you would have said yeah at least 55 is 56
I bet he's 40 who low. Yeah, that's exactly
Bro, he's your age. He had an album come out. He's 12. Yeah, that's why I see all these guys are younger than you think
It's the drugs though all that lean like goes straight to their face. But Lewin looks great. Wow, I see I don't
No, he looks fantastic. Mm-hmm
It's cool to wear goggles.
Just out. Yeah, it is.
You don't see it a lot these days.
No, you do in the pool, but.
Goggles in the pool are lit, man.
Let's say I put some goggles on.
I put them on with my kid, and it's fun.
They're show.
And I put them on to have sex with my wife.
Oh, wow. It's just because of what I do. It makes it fucking extremely wet, but um
You ever put these under insects what is that? Oh, oh no, no, no, no, I have heard do it though so I can watch myself
Just you know cuz it's fucking dope I don't get to see me, you know looking in the mirror
Is the same I want POV of me.
I want to know what it's like to make absolute love with me.
Just this big white fucking thing.
What about this, Eddie?
Your turn.
Fucking Mr. Sitting Back Relaxing.
Dude, I'm just enjoying the show baby
I'm doing all the heavy lifting here your turn dude
go what you got bro
I'm over here talking about fucking you know my dates
I will be in uh
go ahead come on we got to the table we gotta bring to the table
we got
no what do you got bro
what do I got
I'm fucking I
Bring up I bring up goggles. I brought up goggles. Well, no, I brought up
Because I fucking true and then it birthed the fucking great thing and
Then my thing is I jump on opportunities. What you're doing now is you're letting me jump on opportunities.
That's what I like to do.
You jump on an opportunity here, bro.
What do you want to talk about, man?
What would you like to talk about?
That's exactly what has been happening.
Yeah, Ambrose.
That's great, man.
Nick, that was, you know what?
That was fast, too.
Nick is getting quicker.
Nick's getting better.
Nick is getting quicker.
And Nick put his gobble in.
I was like, I hope they don't find another topic.
No, no, no, that was good. And I'm realizing I just got to go. I'm like, I'm going to go. I'm was fast too. Nick is getting quicker. He's getting better. Nick is getting quicker. And Nick put his gobble down.
I was like, I hope they don't find another topic.
No, no, no, that was good.
And I'm realizing I need to work out a little harder.
I need to work out a little harder.
Have you stopped working out?
No, no, I work out.
Can you just stop for a while?
I did.
Because I had an injury, but I'm good.
I got an injury, my knee all of a sudden.
Oh, when?
Just running.
And it's like bone on bone.
I'm too big to be running as much as I do.
Why do you run?
I love running.
You do?
Love it.
What do you do?
What kind of running?
Just run two miles every day.
How fast?
Like how, how?
Uh, not that fast.
18, 18 minutes, two miles, 18, nine minute miles.
It's, it's like crazy.
It's still, you're a big guy.
I know it's tough.
It's tough on the knees. You love it love it why can't stop won't stop why I
don't know is it because your head and shit no yeah I guess and you also I've
always ran oh you also work out yeah I always start with two miles and then I
work out weights yeah yeah always yeah I don know. I did sprints the other day at in the hotel. We dying. Oh, dude
just like
It there it's it really is awesome to do sprints, bro. It's awesome. The dopamine it releases. It's awesome
Because you're doing it and you're like, I can do this. And then immediately you're like, Oh, fuck this. I can't do this anymore.
It's there's no like gradual.
My thing is like when people do sprint, like why are you running sprint?
Because, because, because I, I, I,
because you get a fast,
you get a lot of shit done quickly. Yeah. And like, and. And like, it makes you, it also makes you feel strong.
Yeah, and it gives you energy throughout the day.
You gotta use your core.
You gotta use your core.
You gotta do it in the morning?
No, I don't do anything in the morning.
Oh, you should, because then you have energy
for the rest of the day.
I know, I know.
You don't take any supplements or nothing?
No creatine, nothing, peptides, nothing.
I'll get back into it.
But I'm also 44, bro. I just want to be exactly when you should do it.
I just want to be, I want to be like, I don't care about having like a dope body.
I mean, whoops, but, uh, you know, happy little accident there, but I, uh, I want
to be, I want to be fit for throwing my kids around. Yeah. I mean,
yeah, that's what I want to do. So,
and you don't want to be that dad that kids look at and you're out of shape.
Yeah. I don't think I would be or you would be, but like still,
I'll see some of the dads like, buddy, I don't know how you do, bro.
You see somebody my age, your age, you see somebody that sometimes you're like,
Oh bro. Oh, you gave gave up gave up, you know
I always say just cuz there's a snack check doesn't mean you have to eat every meal then
Mm-hmm, and I'll eat too. But man, I just like dude. I keep forgetting bring this up. Here's another thing
I'm bringing to the table, but I found hot Nick. What do you mean? I found hot Nick
Fuck you. Is it Billy Bob Thornton? Nah, go to
Shit what's the show?
Oh, no, see, see, see.
I think I've been, is it kind of old?
Is it like-
Yes, Night Agent.
Night Agent.
You brought lukewarm soup to the table.
It's Hot Nick, how has nobody ever said this?
That's Hot Nick.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Look at me.
How is that not Hot Nick?
Oh it is, yeah it is.
Bro, every time I see the gold hot Nick
Not that Nick's not hot. I mean, he's got some shit going on. But still this guy
Yeah, I can see that even when you see a move in them scenes. You're like fucking dude
Did you watch this terrible show around with one of these microphones fucking?
That could be Nick's younger hotter brother
Yeah, maybe he's yeah. Yeah, I guess he's probably 30. Nick always gives off a Billy Bob Thornton vibe to me.
That's really rude.
I'll take it.
Billy Bob's a legend.
No, no, I'm joking.
Inland Man, oh what?
And fucking Andre the Giant is a legend.
This is me if I got braces as a kid
and worked out every day.
If the cards went a different way,
if you had different parents, that's you.
And I don't mean- Parents in general. I don't mean physically. had different parents, that's you. Yeah, and I don't mean parents in general
No, that's a dope that's dope. That's dope. Is that a big show? That's like yeah, it's on season two of the happy little accident
You know, it's weird is he passed away. Yeah. Yeah, I always felt like he fucked the painting up
He was just too much. Really? I was like, oh come on and
It always works out in the end. Oh, yeah. Well, right, right, but that would he like you're fucking it
Oh, it's like a movie. We're like, how are they gonna get out of this mess? Yeah, and then you go
Oh shit, he came through Bob Ross, right? Yeah, Bob Ross
Take that down. It's
But The hot Nick is cool that I found that.
How did you find it?
It's just on Netflix a lot.
No, I see the cover and I'm always like,
dude, that's hot Nick.
I keep meaning to send it to the group.
But now I don't have to.
Who would be hot Chin?
Well, no, there's always a hot, hotter version of chin keeps cooking.
What are you?
He keeps cooking.
I mean, the meatballs are fantastic.
Is it a new thing?
It's a new thing.
I've been doing a little bit more lately.
You want to try one of my meatballs?
You want to try his balls?
They're so nice.
They're like, you're with you? No, I'll make it for next week
Yeah, yeah for sure. No, you don't have all you don't. Yeah, definitely
Take out of his pocket here. You think my fact I brought one for my saving for myself, but no
Yeah, definitely won't try their fantastic. They're healthy. Oh really? They're keto. So it's you know, you know bread crumbs for regular meatballs
I use keto bread, but the best tasting keto bread I found really parmesan parsley
Oh, they're so nice and Bison meat and Italian sausage.
I ate eight of them.
Yeah, Brendan ate three.
He brought it for everybody at the studio
and I ate all of them.
Oh, that's selfish, but I like that kind of stuff.
Yeah, yeah, I loved it.
I loved it.
And then he came, yes.
They don't need these.
Nah, I was like, I'll take it from here.
But then also, then he brought fried rice.
Kimchi fried rice yesterday.
So good.
Stick with the meatballs.
Oh, really?
Stick with the meatballs. Hey, stick with the meatballs. Yeah. Oh, really? Stick with the meatballs.
Hey, stick with the meatballs.
Well, kimchi is the best.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Stick with the meatballs.
Sometimes something is just too Asian.
It's too Asian.
That's what I've been trying to.
I go, I was trying to be nice about you.
Can you bring out without that weird egg on it, maybe?
Oh, dude, heritage eggs, by the way, which cost even more.
So it's that really golden yolk
They're great. It's like a brown. Yo, it's not Brendan's thing. All right. Yeah, you ever hear about this $19 strawberry at Erewhon? No
Google it is a big strawberry. No
Look what they do look what they do to us everyone. Yes
Look what they do. Look what they do to us
everyone Yes
Night that's a nice looking strawberry. That's a big strawberry Chris. Hey, bro, but $19
Is she at our ear one? No
Well, she a strawberry expert
He said it was. She said it was the best strawberry she's ever had.
Was she a strawberry expert?
I think it's the best strawberry in the world.
That's a good question.
How rare are they?
Doesn't matter.
It's just the best.
If somebody came into the office right now and they had some briefcases.
Good question.
The best strawberry you'll ever taste.
Twenty dollars.
I think I'd pay twenty dollars for that.
Just to try it.
I'll pay twenty.
But if you were like, wow, now I have to buy these. I'm not buying several of them. I tried one big strawberry. Are you a truffle fan? Yeah, I'll pay 20
Like I'm not buying several of them I tried one big strawberry Are you a truffle fan or you a truffle big like big that no, you know, I truffle like truffle. They stink. I
Don't I would not pay
If somebody came up to me and said this is the best strawberry you'll ever taste I go like this fuck that man
I'm in charge of what I know I'd say take all my money
No, I like a fresh I get to decide what the best one is you know
I got a mic close your fucking briefcase get it out of my truffles not on pasta. No Wow Wow your hoe
No, I don't know I would argue that hoes like truffle. No, I'm a truffle pig
Yeah, but $19 for a strawberry is crazy i don't care how
fucking you can only buy just one i would buy i see the 19 would get me i'd
buy it like right when i go to a coffee shop
says best coffee in the world you want to try it because you want it but why
though i want to try because i want to be mad i want to i want to okay show me
what's up i want to try it so i'm addicted to fucked up that's bullshit
wait now you don't want to then you're like a crack feet. Yeah. Yeah
What annoys me is that that that girl the lady girl? Yeah, I don't like that. She's trying like it's the best one
I've ever had in my life and I would go what's your background?
What's your what's your what's your palette like bitch?
That's really rude
What's your palette like bitch?
Wow. That's really rude to say that. What's your pal like, bitch?
I'm all street, man.
Driving by.
Especially when you're talking about fresh fruit.
I got ugly Nick.
Oh, what?
Let's see.
Greg Oden?
I used to be told I look like Greg.
Now that's offensive.
Oh, my God.
Oh, wow.
That's fantastic.
Why are you?
Let me ask you a question.
Why are you so worried?
That's Nick's face though.
Nick has that always.
Yeah, Greg Oden just always looks sad.
I think they make my face look sad around him.
Yeah, Greg Oden was a tough one.
They tried telling us he was a young college player.
It's like, excuse me.
You kind of look like him.
They're similar features. Weird. Yeah. You know what it is? It's like, um, excuse me. You kind of look like a little bit. There's similar features.
You know what it is? It's the nose.
Eyebrows. And nose. And nose.
The nose.
Nick doesn't have a white nose.
Oh, you're right.
That's Nick's problem.
I've been told that for a long time.
But they use alliteration.
Got it. Got it.
Yeah, I know. Nick has a black nose hmm it's
not a bad thing yeah porn star Mary Carey said yeah I mean the first thing I
was met him wow yeah black nose really oh right away first thing I said to Nick
first time I remember him years ago what happens when a porn star gets old oh
buddy it's a sad road probably a movie you watch later probably, it's a sad road. Probably a movie you'll watch later, probably a documentary.
It's super sad. None of them are crushing it.
And then when they have families and shit, like, oh my god. We talked about, I think we talked about this last time.
I'm going to be in Torrance. I want to be in Torrance. So come see me in Torrance.
The place that, the place in Torrance is called The End.
I don't like that. Change.
It's a bar.
Change the name though.
Yeah, I understand, but it's, it's actually a great time.
It's a good room.
It's awesome.
Um, anyway, I don't be in a bunch of different places.
Go to Denver.
I don't see in the Lubbock, Texas crickets theater.
If you're a comic, you don't want crickets.
That's funny.
Maybe you'd. The bomb theater. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Badets theater. If you're a comic, you don't want Brickets. That's true, that's funny.
Maybe you do it.
The bomb theater.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bad comedy theater.
Not funny theater.
Who's that guy?
Hot Chin, I was told.
Oh, that's hilarious.
That's too hot.
Nah, that's too hot.
That guy looks nothing like Chin though.
He's just vaguely Asian.
Yeah, slightly racist name.
That's weird that that guy is a guy and then also like there's people who are so ugly. Yeah, I know
Yes, not fair
Sucks, but but with technology though people you be able to get fixed. So everyone's gonna look like that soon
I'm gonna if I if I give you a pill there's hundred dollars and you could, it would make you way more handsome, right? Would you take it?
What's way more handsome? You know what I mean? No, but I'm saying
forehead down, bring the nose down, give you some pigment in your skin.
No, no, no, no. None of that. I would take it. No. You wouldn't try it.
I don't think so. Is that if it was ozempic, but made you really hot.
I don't think I would take it. I don't think so. Not one, like, I curse looking good these days.
No, I don't know if I would take it.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Would you?
I don't know.
Why do I need to be hotter?
I gotta be careful too,
because I told you when I have sex with my wife.
Yeah, you already watched yourself.
But would you take a now would you take,
would you take a pill if it made you put on like, uh,
15 pounds of lean muscle and you don't have to work out.
As long as it was, as long as it was healthy. Yeah, I guess I would.
But so you take that, but you wouldn't take the hot pill.
No, cause what's hot. What is hot? That's what my question is.
Like, it's...
Who's the hottest actor to you?
The guy who just won the pianist thing?
No, not Nick.
The night agent.
Like, if Nick could take a pill and turn it into that,
would you do it, Nick?
20 bucks?
There's no downside?
No downside.
No, no downside. Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, that's pretty, it's funny though. But you're not, it's weird because you're not you anymore.
No, you are inside. You are just outside the little shining buff. But that changes you.
Maybe not right away. Yeah, it changes you because you're going to be in your
dick sucked all the time. I get it. I get it. Oh, Nick is a girl, so you didn't worry about that,
but still.
I think this is perfect
because I've already developed my personality.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
So you're unstoppable, you're saying.
You know what you are?
You're like the fat chick who lost a ton of weight.
Personality's booming, and now the outside's just as good.
Your engine's always been great.
That's a good question.
I don't know, I don't know if I would, I don't,
I don't think I would take it. I mean, it's hard to say until if a genie was like, this pill will
make you more attractive to everybody. Well, I think the better question is for your wife.
Well, now that's like, Hey, will you buy this pill and force Chris to take it and then make him,
if he's a nine now, I'm being generous. If he's a nine now I'm being generous if he's a nine now it turns them into your ideal ten right you think she would be
like yeah yeah I'll give it no I don't think Kristen would do it no well she
because there's not a real pill she would say he's perfect the way he is and
that's bullshit but I bet no I don't think she say he's perfect the way he is
I bet you look wise no I married you know the perfect man that's what people
say it is weird the women kind of actually think that sometimes.
It's crazy. You know, 56% of women are on fucking pharmaceutical drugs for their mental
And that's the gold now.
Government funded. We're about to get to that guy's rap song. What is it really?
Bitches be crazy, man.
I don't know why guys can't be far off,
but just shows you about half the people
are fucking crazy that you meet, so be careful.
I don't know how we got to this road,
but you take the pill.
Well, at least you brought it up and you know.
I brought some to the table.
Yeah, I brought hot lasagna.
Yeah, all right, cool.
All right, well thanks very much guys.
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Miss you, Eric.
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